#I didn't think so bc this form isn't really gendered?
icechippies · 29 days
My drawing for the prompt
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trans-leek-cookie · 2 years
Do you think that the little mermaid would be jealous of Gerard? She gave up her tail and her voice (we can assume) to live on land and it's likely she, because of the original myth, is in pain A Lot because of her transformation. And Gerard may hate being a frog (which like Yeah. It does suck and there a lot of trauma and powerlessness he associates with his current transformation I'd bet) but he gets to go on land and walk around while she can't go home and even if she can live on land it's Hard. Y'know?
#I think there's a lot of interesting potential bc she Chose to do this (which tbh I don't hold against her bc she's probably a kid and didn#Realize or didn't have the proper understanding of what she signed up for with the transformation) vs Gerard and Ylfa because like their#Transformations are horrible and out of their control but also seem to make them stronger and better at surviving and it's just so...#“Neverafter”#Which again this isn't ''which character has it worse'' just the idea of choosing to change in a way that hurts you so badly but you#Thought you wanted vs again something out of your control that makes you feel inhuman and worse and scared but that makes you stronger#Like I think shes like... On a scale Gerard and Ylfa are on one end Little Mermaid is on the other and Pinocchio is kinda in the middle#Like - okay order is Ylfa -> Gerard -> Pinnochio -> Little Mermaid#Ylfa: had no choice and transformation was a result of random chance but is VERY STRONG thanks to the change#Gerard: transformed as a result of his actions (unfairly) and his transformation at This Point gives him more abilities#Pinocchio: also transformed as a result of his actions (in this case transforming back to his original state (also unfair)) and it doesn't#Seems to really give him an edge (the magic powers are separate from the transformation) and likes the initial transformation (where he is#A ''real boy'' and not a puppet)#Little Mermaid: (presumably) chose to transform and didn't like her original form as much but the transformation likely Cost Her and she is#Now at a disadvantage in the Neverafter#In general it's not a hard and fast pattern but it seems transforming into a non human can be helpful for surviving in the neverafter#“Anyway I don't think this is spoilers bc this is a mostly stuff that was covered before or stuff from the original Little Mermaid”#Snow white pls pls ask our intrepid heros to go meet the little mermaid I want to see the her#Y'know what I'll add it. I was also thinking gender envy. Make of that what u will
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gatorpond · 4 days
"transandrophobia isn't real bc men aren't oppressed for being men, only for other marginalizations they face"
okay well i am a brown disabled trans masc person and i'm telling you i DO experience oppression on the basic of being what ppl perceive as me "being a man."
what is it when Black men are treated like violent, scary criminals? it's racism, yes, but it's also a specific form of racism that applies especially to Black MEN.
what is it when Indigenous men are expected to be "noble s*vages" in a way that is distinct from the way Indigenous women and nonbinary ppl are categorized?
what is it when disabled men are explicitly harmed for being weak or "not real men?" what is it called? is it JUST ableism? if so, why does gender continuously play a part in the harm?
what is it when trans men are assaulted or killed for not being "man enough?" what do we get to call transphobia that we, specifically, face for being masculine?
what about my fellow Black and brown trans dudes who hesitated to transition for fear of being fucking killed by cops? or are they just imagining it too?
why is it that when WE acknowledge our pain and oppression, we're suddenly just men and apparently aren't smart enough to know our own experiences? why do you get to tell me these things aren't real?
y'all will really talk about how patriarchy hurts everyone and then turn around and tell afab ppl whose genders you think are too privileged to sit down and be quiet. as if we didn't hear that from everyone else in our lives since birth. as if this isn't aimed at us SPECIFICALLY bc we're not the group YOU think deserves safety and respect. fuck you.
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yknow we do a lot of like stevie realising she's transfem bc of a dare or like robin telling her about queer stuff and having a 'you can do that?' moment, but now im thinking of stevie who figures it out entirely on her own and doesn't know how to tell anyone. like she doesn't fully have the words and even with robin it's like. one thing to be gay but gender stuff is a whole other level and she has no idea where she stands on that
but like, stevie who used to play with his mothers makeup as a child, whose parents would laugh at his antics until he got too old to be so childish, time to act like a Real Boy. and every time he's supposed to act like One Of The Boys he thinks of how it felt when his mom would do his hair for him and comment on how alike they looked, and how much better that felt, and he knows that isn't normal, and he has to be normal
but after the upside down that really seems to matter less. nothings fucking normal anymore, why should steve be? so she starts branching out a little. breaks into her mothers closet again, tries on all the clothes she left behind when she went on her latest trip. slowly amasses a decent collection of makeup by going to several different stores over the course of months with the excuse of 'oh my mom/girlfriend sent me to pick up x'. she doesn't do the Whole Deal often, in case nancy comes over or later in case the kids suddenly ask her to drive them somewhere. doesn't do anything that can't be removed in like three seconds. and she's definitely never telling anyone about this. she doesn't know anyone who would understand.
after starcourt, she wonders about telling robin sometimes. like sure, stevie doesn't like men but she's still like. some kind of queer. robins the only other queer person she knows (and yeah, robin turning her down bc she was only into girls did sort of hurt, but it wasn't robins fault bc she didn't know, and also it turned out stevie just didn't understand what actual friendship felt like so it was for the best anyway), so if she can't tell robin who can she tell?
but something always stops her. robins technically never done anything that makes stevie think she'd be mean about it, but there's something like imposter syndrome keeping her mouth closed. like she's not the right kind of queer. like robins being queer the good and honest way and stevies just being some kind of freak. and yeah, she knows it's dumb to think like that and robin would call her a dingus if she said it out loud, but it sits pretty heavy in her heart
so it's not until after vecna, when stevies on the eddie shift in the hospital and eddie says, while high on possibly every drug in the world, 'man i spent all that time trying to grow my tits and bats ate an entire boob in under five minutes' and stevie goes ??? what???? and eddie, still too high to self-censor, makes some comment like yeah they weren't huge but that black market estrogen i got was finally working its magic, definitely had like an a-cup. rest in peace. and stevies like why were you growing boobs?? 'bc girls are supposed to have boobs, man, keep up'
and eddie passes out again like five seconds later, but stevie just sits there watching her snore with her heart about to beat out of her chest because. holy shit. she's not the only one. eddie might understand, might be able to help her, if she was able to grow her own boobs. stevie would love to grow her own boobs. she'd stuffed some socks down a bra once and they looked lumpy as hell but even just the suggestion of a bust had almost brought her to tears.
and suddenly, looking at the sleeping form of the first person stevie has ever met that she's ever had this so intrinsic thing in common with, everything doesn't seem so scary
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radrage · 1 year
Hello goobers. Have some Hancock headcanons that refuse to leave my brain. (I spent far too long condensing this I have so many hcs for this man)
pansexual he/they king. I refuse to believe this ghoul has made a decision ever. Like, look at him. He screams "I DO NOT CARE. IF IT HAS A HOLE AND CAN CONSENT, GIVE IT TO ME." Same goes with pronouns. He prefers he/him, but they/them is also a-okay. I reckon he picked it up from KLE0, who introduced him to the concept of ~gender identity~. I don't rlly like the poly hc that some people have bc I feel after what happened with McDonough, he's scared of betrayal, and having more than one (serious) partner at a time feels eerily similar to the feeling he got when he realised his own brother went against him.
Hes only in his late 20s/VERY early 30's. Maybe like, 29? I like to think he was only 18 or so when McDonough pulled his stunt, and that's why he turned to drugs. Being young and stupid, he didn't know what else to do.
Daisy is like a second mother to him. After his mum died, Hancock fell into a deep depression, which Daisy helped pull him out of. She also raised him when Martha was working, and would teach him and McDonough how to read, write, etc. Probably made him play an instrument at one point. Because of her, Hancock has just about the neatest handwriting you'll ever see. His f's and t's have little flicks and his i's are dotted with little x's.
He had an obsession with photography for a while. When he'd black out on chems, Hancock would forget most of his nights. This was a good thing for a while; it helped him escape his reality, but after waking up with a Deathclaw egg in his hands, buck naked and in a tree, he decided to start recording everything he did. If you look under the couch in his office, there's several albums from previous benders. Whenever you come across a camera he gets all excited and starts spewing facts about the make, model, and specs. Probably used the entirety of the Commonwealths film supply.
He's a sucker for compliments. Like, he'd probably die if you called him handsome. Being a ghoul, its pretty uncommon for him to be called anything other than an irradiated freakshow. So, even if its just an offhand "You look nice today", the chance of him melting would be pretty damn high. One time, Sole called him a work of art and he didn't stop smiling for an entire month. He still thinks about it. If romanced, Sole leaves little notes with compliments around their house for him to find. Before meeting Sole, Hancock would often brush off any form of positivity by going "They're being ironic." and on several occasions has admitted to regretting his choice of becoming a ghoul. This isn't true in the end, because, in his words "If I hadn't done everything I did, you wouldn't be in my life." Bonus: Hancock's really smart. This is actually canon as he has the second highest intelligence stat of any companions, but he acts like an absolute dumbass. Like, sometimes he'll ask Sole what 2 + 5 is, and then sometimes he'll write an entire thesis on the etymology of his name in an afternoon. The dumbest, smartest ass on this side of the seaboard.
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apollos-olives · 11 months
Hi sorry Israeli Canadian anon from earlier. White gays are saying that Palestinians are homophobic??
(Admittedly, i am a white gay. I say that in the sense of "didn't realize ppl were doing this" and not in a distancing way to exempt myself from the shitty things us white gays do. I'm not perfect.)
Okay, putting aside how bullshit it is to label an entire ethnic group as being homophobic - do ppl think that Israel *isn't* homophobic?? Or transphobic for that matter? I actually happen to be trans and when I was changing my name and gender marker on my legal documents, I learned that I can't change my Israeli birth certificate bc to do so requires bottom surgery. Which I personally don't want or plan to get. To put that into perspective, canada (with all its bullshit facade of being such an ~accepting~ place) doesn't require that. Requiring bottom surgery to change gender marker is so fucking antiquated and transphobic.
Also, to be honest, even though I was born in Israel, I'm not super educated on all of the history. Part of that being because for so long I saw the discussion surrounding it being portrayed as oh so complicated. And then I realized that it really isn't. At its very core what it boils down to is: do you support genocide? If your answer is yes, then you support Israel. If your answer is no, then you support Palestine.
(Very much want to learn more about Palestinian history and Israeli occupation/apartheid. Do you have recommendations for articles/documentaries/etc on it?)
hi anon. and yeah. white gays, especially libs, constantly use the belief that all palestinians are homophobic (which also leads to islamophobic sentiments) and that people should not support palestine because of that. unfortunately that is a very overly used belief in arguments, especially in north america. the belief that palestine is homophobic and that israel is very open and supportive is due to pinkwashing, which can be explained very thoroughly on the website decolonizepalestine. this website also has TONS of information all about palestine, the occupation, and the various forms of questions people often ask, while also debunking a lot of myths and falsehoods that are produced from israeli propaganda. very good site to scroll through, and i'm sure many of your questions will be answered just by taking a read through it.
i'm not going to waste time and repeat what thousands of others have already said about pinkwashing, but i do want to mention that pinkwashing does play a huge role in the dehumanization of palestinians and also plays a role in how western propaganda continues to split oppressed minorities constantly, making them against each other rather than uplifting each other.
the belief that all palestinians are homophobic is. honestly. well. it's islamophobic. i'm queer, trans, muslim, and palestinian. i exist. queer palestinians exist everywhere. western and zionist propaganda makes people think that all palestinians are muslim, and therefore against queer people. this is simply not true, since palestinians are very VERY diverse. palestinians are christian, jewish, muslim, atheist, and whatever else as well. it's not a religious thing, it's an ethnic and racial thing. palestine simply has not had the time to unlearn homophobia or had the time to try to advocate for queer and women's rights because we are too busy trying not to die. we don't have time to fight for queer liberation because we're too busy fighting for our HUMAN liberation. we are trying to exist first, then we can worry about the discrimination against queers.
israel also claims to be a safe space for queers, but it is literally the opposite. it's just as discriminatory as other countries, and hurts queer jews, as well as blackmails queer palestinians into submission. like you said, israel does have transphobic regulations, like the whole "need bottom surgery in order to legally get a sex change" and other things like that.
i've been recommending this masterlist of palestinian resources for everyone, but please look through this if you want to learn more about the occupation in palestine. the website i mentioned earlier is very helpful as well.
inshallah we will see a free palestine in our lifetimes.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hi cas!! How are you?
I have been wondering something about myself for a lot of time, like since back then when all the asks on your blog were about sexuality and genders and i have been wanting to ask you this since then bc I don't know with who else i could talk about this, and you're always so heplful.
Is it possible that someone who would like to date and fall in love to be aromantic? Because I've never liked a boy in my life or at least I haven't realised it except for like one time that I had a "crush" on this boy that i had met like two times and then he left and after like four days I stopped liking him. But I don't know if i did like him or if it was just that i liked the conversations we were having or the fact that he was giving me his full attention when he was talking to seven other people. But I'm always socially awkward and I usually don't talk to the 'new' people when I'm in a large group with people I'm comfortable with so it took me by surprise that I could talk to him that easily and i didn't even feel awkward or uncomfortable. And maybe my feelings could have been developed to a crush if we had more time together, but we hung out only two times and then he had to go back to his hometown. I don't know if I'm making a lot of sense with the whole story...
Anyway, so I don't want to be aromantic, not bc i have a problem with people of this sexuality, i just really want to date someone and find someone that i love and they love me so much and actually grow old together. But I'm turning seventeen in august and isn't it a little weird that i haven't felt attracted to someone until now?
But then i think that since i want a romantic relationship, then I can't be aromantic, right?
And i had a talk with one of my friends that I really trust and she used the facts that i probably liked that boy and that i do want to have a relationship as arguments as to why I'm probably not aromantic and she said that maybe I haven't felt that way about any boy because we live in a small area and believe me, it's really rare to have an actual relationship with the local boys rather than a situationship and because i have a very specific type when most boys are the same here.
I really don't know why I'm sending this. Like i don't know how you could help me when I don't know how i feel but maybe you know something that i don't?
Anyway I'm sorry for your time and it's okay if you can't answer or you don't have the time
Also I'm really thankful that you help everyone that comes here to tell you a problem of theirs and you make them feel better. People like you actually matter to the world and they make it a better place <3
I'm sending lots of love and i hope you have a nice day!!
Hi! <3
Okay so...first, do you know the difference between aromantic and asexual? Meaning do you want romance, but you feel little to no actual attraction? because if so, you could be asexual. Remember that sexual and romantic attraction are different- some people experience both, one, or neither.
Adding on to that, there are demiromantic and demisexual people. Meaning they usually have to form a connection with someone before feeling that connection. I'm demisexual, and I have to get to know people before I even think about actual intimacy with them.
Maybe these terms will help you with your confusion?
Let me know what you think! Naming you guava anon!
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6okuto · 1 year
Hi!!! If your still taking requests can I ask abt mhin (from touchstarved) with a siren s/o?
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gn!reader | ok. some gender stuff i had to work around here. since i couldn't 100% confirm if sirens affected only men or Everyone (yknow. w women Not Being Sailors) i went w the assumption Everyone is affected. "First you will come to the Sirens who enchant all who come near them" is GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME!
and tho sirens are usually half-women i still used gender neutral terms! found depictions of male sirens which disappeared around the 5th century bce so. yknow. mythology.
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! a Little difficult to safely prove your problem (especially if you run with the idea that sirens die if someone survives hearing their song) to mhin unless you're capable of transforming into the usual mermaid appearance, or perhaps the half-person half-bird version, etc. in which case,, it's pretty easy to tell. lol. to be fair you point out that mhin transforming isn't exactly safe either.
^ if it's the half-bird version i think they would exhibit a Certain kind of Shock since their form is also some sort of bird creature. like okayyy twinning ?! you'd get to compare your forms and they're like ? there's some major differences between us but i see what you mean
it intrigues them about how good your voice could be, and they wonder how long they could listen or if there's some sort of work around. like would it affect them the same if They were in their monster form, and do either of you really want to test that theory
^ specifically a solution that doesn't involve others bc there Is already 2 solutions,, but neither of you are very excited by this experiment Or involving anyone else.
one big (good!) difference is the fact that you both know you aren't alone, if ykwim. like, it isn't being a siren that's important to mhin, it's that you guys can relate to each other's problems and can face them Together
there is definitely. a conversation you have about whether you enjoy being a siren or if you would try to get rid of that part of you if given the chance. how your thoughts compare to mhin's, and reassuring them that even if You didn't want a 'cure', you understand why they do and support them. or that you Would choose to be something else,, and mhin keeping that info in the back of their mind for later
anyway. on a more lighthearted note.
in general, mhin doesn't really treat you differently than they would if you weren't a siren. other than maybe making sure you aren't picked for karaoke and—depending on how often you sing while alone—making sure it's safe to come into your room, it doesn't affect day-to-day life very much!
being a siren doesn't stop any date ideas, walking around, physical affection, etc. What about a good singing voice means you can't tease them or help them clean up after a mission or trying new sweets together. LOVE WINS!
imagine if it was like,, you had to have the intent of luring someone in + you don't Die if your 'target' survives,, so you could hum or sing without someone being in danger. and Mhin knows that. but the others don't. Idk i think we should let them be a menace. support it, even. play along, if you will
^ ! if this was the case they would at least be very interested in hearing you sing while you're one-on-one. like as a siren Out of the water Not leading sailors into a rocky death,, if you're in a safe enough environment, there's really less risk of...death. and they trust you!
but seriously,, ais and vere say something irritating and mhin is shooting you a look. and you have to tell them No you will Not sing to fuck with them right now
mhin asking if there's specific songs you have to sing or if you could technically sing something dumb + silly. not because they secretly think it'd be amusing to watch someone fall under your control but solely because of curiosity /sarc
! being a siren could potentially pull off different jobs which means you can work as a Team :) no longer alone!
are you a siren with a mermaid form? if given the chance mhin would take you to...a lake...the ocean... a body of water so you can show them what you look like, and they're just. in awe. they understand how sailors would've fallen for you and others like you
Something to be said of how mhin wishes their curse was more like yours in this case (alluring, control over your power, not intrinsically horrific, etc) but Let's not think about that too much
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
I am a Persona 5 enthusiast above all else and a Persona 3 Portable lover directly after that, but fuck if the MC x Yosuke relationship doesn’t own my entire life
I should prob wait until I'm fully done bc I think I'm at the final dungeon now (or, there's a bonus one later i guess that's optional?) but
jesus fucking christ can i please just talk about Yosuke finally because I feel like i'm gonna explode
I don't think I see Yosuke as bisexual is the thing that I have settled on. I feel like Yosuke is a badly closeted scared shitty teenager who is simmering with so much repressed anger and resignation, he doesn't know how to adequately handle it (and frankly he's slowly getting better over the course of the game). But all of his worst moments in the story feel like he's acting from a script, namely the CompHet Script From Hell.
(Also, I would say that I think of Kanji as The Bisexual One while Yosuke is just attracted to dudes, which isn't what I anticipated from the start.)
But Yosuke mostly makes me sad. I feel like the expectations on him, the ones that he has wrapped around himself like a shield in an attempt to ward off people hurting him. Because he's so isolated and desperate for affection, he's willing to do stupid shit to get the attention he wants. All of his bad antics always feel like.... they come from less of a place of horny lust and more from a place of....... fear?
Like when he does the shit around the camping trip and his other sketchy actions, it always feels like a way to say "please be with me in this thing, this is what guys do, right?" like if he hits his mark well enough, he'll unlock some happiness he hasn't figured out yet.
but it's all so SCRIPTED! like when does Yosuke go off the deep end? when there's a script he thinks he has to hit. oh, the spring camping trip can't just be a school trip, it has to be a chance to score with the ladies. oh, you can't just want to get motorcycles and hang out with your best friend, it has to be for laaaaaadies.
but as soon as you separate him from those scripts and he goes back to being him, he's.... such a fucking decent, empathetic guy. he takes in teddie and outright fights to keep him living with him. he takes the lead in the case alongside naoto. he is the first person to rope in Nanako into the group and consistently keeps her involved. and once he gets over his homophobic panic over kanji, he keeps fukcing trying to wingman for kanji, even if kanji would prefer he didn't. and that feels genuine! kanji reacts to it like a cat in a bath, but more than once, yosuke prodding kanji for his taste in boys (and girls and naoto) feels like real interest, not a set up for a punchline. and I've remarked before that he's REALLY decent to naoto re: gender, esp in comparison to the rest of the game, which was STUNNING.
and then he's like "OH SHIT i need to be more of a Dude's Dude" and he morphs into an asshole for a day. then he snaps right back.
the out of universe explanations are clear, i'm not a dumbass. but I am choosing to kill the fucking author and examine what all this genuinely means for the character.
and the guy who attaches himself the MC's hip, and who's growth thru his bullshit is linked to the MC, and who cries around the MC and who accepts a long lingering hug and lets not forget if you roleplay wanting to date him, he's happy.
Maybe in the future this will change, but for the Yosuke of now, in the moment, it feels like his expectations of what Guys And Girls are supposed to be gets in his way of forming stronger relationships (which, again, is why the Naoto thing intrigues me). It feels like he thinks he's supposed to want to date Chie, but when he seeks out intimacy that veers into the romantic, it's not with girls.
ANYWAY I THINK YOSUKE'S GAY, but his closet is sadly made of knives, and it cuts him as he tries to keep himself contorted into the correct shape to keep hidden.
best case scenario is him hanging around the MC until he trips happily into the relationship he wants, built brick by brick until the plausible deniability is left out in the cold
worst case is he's going to get married at 20 and make some poor woman abjectly fucking miserable until they're divorced.
phew okay, all that felt like an exorcism, i feel better now
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readreactrant · 3 months
Hi, just want to say, thanks for your blog. Before I found your blog, I thought I was the weird one for loving "problematic ship". But now, I can be proud of myself (as shipper of Goyuu, Bakudeku, Sebaciel, Ereri, Mobrei, etc)
Can't belive some great Sebaciel blog got reported and now they're gone. Bet if either Sebastian or Ciel were female then it's 'okay' and seen as less problematic.
First things first, excellent taste keep it up dear and don't let wet napkin antis dictate what you should and shouldn't read, LIVE!!!
Seconds, omfg I didn't even hear of that since I'm not on Tumblr much, I'd love to ask for the tea but I'm trying avoid drama rrn lolol. There really should be a special place in hell for antis who take pleasure in bullying ppl just minding their business off the internet.
In regards to the gender bending thing, I'd like to agree that while yes, het relationships do get more of a pass jn regards to large age gaps situations, BUT Sebastian and Ciel's case is just one of the very extreme age gaps antis will still harp on. Ciel is 14 looking a bit younger and Sebastian is old enough to mention historical figures that are centuries dead, its pretty hard to overlook and if them together isn't your thing (which is valid, no one is forcing you just step away from the screen or swipe) it will literally be the thing glaring you in the face when you come across someone shipping them.
It's not like Goyuu which some will excuse bc "oh fem teacher Gojo is hot Yuuji's so lucky, it should have been me" or "fem Yuuji is is just a girl and it's hot to crush on her sensei."
I don't like m/f relationships of any kind so none of these will appeal to me thank fucking god but any way I look at it SebastCiel in any form will always take heat because there's no way you can play down a predatory demon exploiting an emotional child that isn't entirely vulnerable bit is to some degree.
Thing is, at the end of the day it's all fiction, antis need to live a little, touch grass and stop being unhinged freaks threatening sa and murder (Literally why do they think they're the "good guys"??? I'm weak 😭)
Parting words: Ciel is THE shota and if you debate me we will do battle!!
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Round 1; Dandelions 1 Vs A bouquet of willows and chives
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If you know who they are, or are pretty sure of it, please don't tell until this poll has ended!
First, let's talk about the Dandelions 1
Why this flower was chosen: Dandelions, bc they 1) are not native to where this character creator is from. This character grew up in a kingdom that wasn't too fond of half-elves, and never quite belonged with the rest bc of that. 2) Survive and thrive in extreme + hostile environments- again, she grew up with a lot of things stacked against her, but manages to stay happy and optimistic despite it all. 3) are really cute, and she is also really cute. 4) she's dandelion coded. Description: in another world, where she'd been born in a happier place, she would've been a scholar, studying ancient religions and magic. if she'd been born in a modern world, she'd be a gamer. unfortunately, neither of these are true, and instead she's a half-elf wizard who grew up in a very oppressive kingdom that hates pretty much everyone who isn't a high elf or a drow. she's bought fully into her country's propaganda, and struggles to be seen as "good enough." because she grew up an outsider due to being a half-elf, she didn't really have any friends, (especially since the wizard training school she went to was like. i cant even think of a fictional example bad enough. it had a fucking mortality rate, schools shouldnt really have those), other than her sentient spellbook (whose sentience she had to keep a secret from everyone for fear he'd be taken away and she'd be alone). she's an unpaid intern for one of the ruling council of the kingdom. she was sent on her current mission with the expectation that she wouldn't be coming back. she's sweet and helpful but doesn't really trust anybody except her spellbook. i love her
Check their post here
Now, let's talk about the bouquet of willows and chives:
Meaning: Willows for Sadness (because hes an emo lil man) and Chives for usefulness (*) Description: – (*)This bouquet is OBSESSED with being useful to others – Hes the trans aroace ghost of an overworked programmer 80s dudebro. – Hes also in a queerplatonic Poly relationship with ANOTHER 80s dudebro, a shadow guy who looks like Krobus and an evil ass robot whos only screen face is ':D' – Also hes also trying to get all these shapeshifting masks so that he can ascend into godhood and... idk form a cybercult maybe. – Hes PERSONAL enemies with the Council (and it was good) – His gender is 'whatever's funnyest' – He watches Soap Carving Videos to fall asleep to.
Check their post here
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gayforminatozaki · 18 days
list of irrational things in religion (according to academic scholar gayforminatozaki bsc msc phd bpd):
god has no gender and yet is called a he. god is above humans and yet is still affected by the misogny created by human society. god is the CREATOR, and isn't called a she? even if god had to choose one pronoun being called she would make more sense since yk females quite literally create life
god creates ALL creations, and decides to make humans the "main" ones bc we're special and above other creatures. this is clearly due to supernatural interference and not just the fact that we're the only animals with high levels of communciation (making survival a shit ton easier)
"how does anything exist without a creator!!!" u are under the assumption that for smth to exist there must be a creator, and this is cliche but then who created the creator? "no one created the creator, the creator is eternal". so why can't the creation of the "creator" be eternal? why say "every creation has a creator" if u simply explain god as having no creator and being eternal?
"then how does the universe exist? how can we be observers of the miracle of life itself and claim there's no god". this universe isn't a "miracle". you're under the assumption that only one universe was ever created. there may have been many many other universes created, but have no observers- so we cant measure it or it's existence. the reason we're even able to observe this universe is BC it's so complex, not the opposite.
(cont from above) "miracle of life" is so stupid imo. yes it's very impressive we can live but really, once u put into perspective how long this universe has existed u realise it's not that surprising. it took ages for simple life to form, then over time we just got to more complex life. and reached a form of life with incredible communication skills which allowed for even better survival and blah blah evolution and stuff. a lot of ppl still can't put it into perspective so think of it like this: a million years ago u wouldn't imagine that AI or computers or anything would exist. it's too complicated, it must've been by a "higher power". in reality we worked in steps, going from simple inventions to more complex ones. honestly? imo life and consciousness is literally just complex biological code (with chemicals added to it to make people feel emotions and stuff).
even if god existed, it's NOT an abrahamic god. it's not even a god concerned with humans. if a god really existed, it would've created the big bang and nothing else. ur telling me god made all this fucking shit and space in the universe and he wants to focus on these tiny creatures on a random planet? and that they need to believe and pray to him or he'll get sad? or that we're really that important that he's "testing" us? sure. that's definitely not arrogant.
sorry if this didn't make sense I'm half asleep and hate religion (and no i dont hate u if ur religious why did u read this far down anyway if u are)
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bells-and-intestines · 4 months
ok so, more eldritch!Ash? ye
I think the entire Serena incident didn't happen bc Serena is kinda.. obsessive? a guy gives you a bandage after you scrape your knee bc that's the nice thing to do?? and you just. imprint on him like a duck?? so in this au, Ash (who's a few centuries old but hasn't contacted human civilization that much and only knows the basics of human contact and is still cautious about it) comes out as a mildly humanoid thing. he (they? bc the eldritch don't rlly have gender)'s still a baby in eldritch terms and isn't good at the entire shape shifting thing so the human form is kinda blurry and he vaguely resembles beta Arceus.
he pretty much heals Serena's Smol scratch and brings her back to where she's supposed to be bc that's what humans do right?? and Serena's terrified, rightfully so. she then goes and tells her friends about the strange pokemon(?) that helped her and bc shes a little child and little children tend to overexagerate, so now the healing power (which was originally just to help the scab form and prevent infection) now instantly heals any wound, no matter how deep or serious. also, it's blue.
at some point, the eldritch stop being effected by ideas less and thus become more stable. ash starts his journey when he feels that he's stable enough to interact with the humans because he loves!! the humans!! they're so sweet!! they left offerings for him at one point, but they don't do that anymore, not that he really liked it.
ash also doesn't really understand the concept of aging, so that's why he's 10.
Arceus discovers this rouge eldritch and immediately thinks: hey it can deal with our problems and be the knight in shining armour when we get kidnapped and proceeds to sic ho oh on him
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racfoam · 4 months
You’re might enjoy these polls but Doflamingo doesn’t have a good track record 😖
Oooh, polls! I think I saw these!
(smashes Doflamingo button)
Rosinante is beating him by a mile hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 honestly, I'm happy for Rosinante, he deserves it after everything he went through. And they choose an absolutely precious picture of him, while Doflamingo is about to crush someone's head with his foot 🤣🤣
Yeah, it's probably because he went from slaying fashionably to slaying... people. While still slaying fashionably, mind you!
Also, most people think his fashion is over the top but I love that sorta fashion on a guy! I like flamboyant men!
People just don't appreciate fashion these days, I'm telling you 😔
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This look SLAYS. Orange pants? Orange pants! Fckn awesome. I adore orange! Amazing. And the shirt being halfway buttoned? 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
And that's not even his final form!
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This is what he wears post timeskip. Shirt open. That shirt doesn't even have buttons to close it. Letting everyone see what he's packing. Absolute confidence.
They say he isn't hot bcs they are too scared of him (I mean, fair) or think his outfit is corny (also fair, not all people like such clothing attires)
I watched a video of a fashion designer rating One Piece warlord outfits. They put Doflamingo into an A-rank, just a rank below S-rank. They know what's up.
The civilian ladies in One Piece canonically like him. Like, suuuuure, uh-huh, he isn't hot 🙄 though, fine, civilian ladies in One Piece can have questionable standards 🤣. Civilians in One Piece overall are... really dumb. Overall, Doflamingo has a pretty handsome face shape, too.
I think most people don't like him cus of Law's backstory which, fair, I had cursed him in English and my own language for the next hour after Law's flashback, so I get that part.
My friends were like "How can you still like him after Law's flashback?"
And I was like...
"You want me to hate a villain for... doing villainous things?"
Other of my friends were like, "Ha, told you! Pay up! Ten euros!"
And then we all had a great discussion of how Doflamingo was definitely hurting during that scene and how he doesn't know how to handle emotions so the only way he shows those high passion emotions is by anger bcs it's the only way he knows how to react.
Yeah, I am of a much tougher material. He can kill Luffy and sure, I'd bawl like a baby and curse him to hell and back, but after an hour I just love him again! 🤣 Yeah, he's evil, he's an asshole, but he's my evil asshole.
He makes me laugh. He is so fckn funny. I laughed for a good 10 minutes after one of his lines I had to pause the ep because I was crying how much I was laughing.
There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, better and more attractive for me than when a man is funny and makes me laugh. He is already attractive and then he can make me laugh, too? Attractiveness SKYROCKETS into space.
Fun headcanon I have is that he saw the sunglasses he wears on the women's aisle (because when did you EVER see a man sunglasses be white with this cool frame design? Exactly.) and they just slayed and he bought them and now the design is considered to be for both genders and it's all thanks to Doflamingo making the design his.
Plus, polls can cometimes be unfair. They once put him against his younger brother who is LOVED by the fandom, of course Rosinante would win. Hell, I didn't vote on that poll bcs I couldn't choose! 🤣
Sorry for going into detail, anon, thanks for the ask.
This has been my daily Doflamingo Appreciation Post. 🦩🩷
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kisiselintihar · 5 months
UUNMMMMMM uuuuuhhhhhhhhh Saihara . OR. raskolnikov. OR. idk. ranpo
you can't possibly expect me to be normal at the mention of saihara shuichi himself (_ _ ;)
My first impression
i'm gonna be fr the only thing i knew abt drv3 before playing it was the kokichi hate so the first time i saw him was. in the game. regrettably (bc i didn't get to form an opinion based off of the fandom but that might've been for the best. come to think of it) anyway i vividly remember tweeting a picture of him (during ch1. with the hat and all) captioned w something like "i want you" . so i think that explains it🚶
My impression now
I'm not as ill about him as i was before (mostly bc my dr hyperfix died and got replaced with chscr <\3) but he does things to me occasionally still. i guess it's fairly similar to my impression of him at the start? i mean obviously as the game progressed he changed in ways big or small but nothing much changed for me specifically. aside from not expecting the hyperfixation post introduction i kind of knew i would like him lots.. i've always liked detective characters i fear and his personality Not being a stuck up arrogant little shit as usually seen in popular detective media (coughs ******** ****** and his variants) surprised me but it did intrigue me further. anyway. tldr i fw him heavily
Favorite thing about that character
ohhh hm. i can't really choose but i think i would have to say his voice/VA (← gay ass thing to say) or his personality (← even gayer thing to say) joke answer: eyelashes 🤤
Least favorite thing
can i say nothing. like to be completely honest i don't. dislike anything about him? Aside from if kodaka wrote anything dogshit abt him (like the Imagery of kokichi's costume and whatnot. bc i genuinely cannot remember rn) there isn't anything probably orz
Favorite line/scene
CHAPTER SIX TRIAL i actually didn't play that far. i got spoiled halfway through ch3 and the disease got me etc BUT THE TRIAL ^_^ also the ch4 kokichi thing. smiles
Favorite interaction that character has with another
oughgh.. i really like this scene it lowkey made me cry 👍
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also. yeah. mistranslation or not it's stuck in my brain forever srry
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A character that I wish that character would interact with more
RYOMA!!!!!!!!!!! there's. not actually a deep thought behind this i just think they should be friends. also ryoma makes me ill. <\3 (if you thought i was gonna say kokichi, WRONG! they interacted enough. even more and i will kill myself on national television)
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
. now if i say xiao from gnshn i think you will actually find me and kill me in my sleep so i'm not saying him (but i am also not Not saying him. srry) sunny omori maybe. or charles eyler helchar. TRANSGENDERISM fire font among. other things.
A headcanon about that character
gayyyyy 🫵 in all seriousness i cannot see him liking men or women depending on yuor gender hc (i know you fw transfem shuichi i agree with that. i also agree w tmasc shuichi so my point is i don't rlly think he's bi. lesbianism be upon ye idiot)
A song that reminds me of that character
:^) this one
An unpopular opinion about that character
ummm okay i think. i see all that stuff abt him loving coffee and. like okaaaay Sure he'll drink it to stay awake & whatever but i don't think he actually enjoys the taste of it. he's more of a tea person to me☝️obviously he doesn't have a sweet tooth but i don't think he's gonna enjoy six black coffees at fuckass o'clock in the morning ☠️ also i don't think he would be alt. both his music taste and clothing style he's just Not i fear
Favorite picture
you get two! bcoz of Reasons
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no, trust me, I know that the id I had before that wasn't valid; it was a whole Thing that I had an invalid military id, and that we had to change a bunch of shit. and this is just what I understand, we don't actually know how this happened other than daisy-chaining records every time we moved.
but when you get an id for a dependent (whcih was my first id and the one i had until i was 12), there's a form your parent/sponsor fills out for you that has all the information on it to go on the child's id, and you do NEED a birth certificate, but even though theyre supposed to, they don't really have to look at it for anything other than proof that you're related to your sponsor bc the legitimacy of your sponsor is the most important thing. all the actual id information is filled out on the form. this is the same process when a sponsor registers a new dependent, and it makes the record for that dependent.
idk, I was a kid, and what I mostly remember is getting called to the principals office bc I said my birthday was written wrong on an EOG testing form, and my mom was there looking really embarrassed. all the reasoning for it is what we figured happened later.
ok, now i do finally understand - this stuff does happen pretty often
this is government bureaucracy we're talking about, so fuck-ups are pretty much expected
but i will say that i don't believe for a second that they just 'didn't notice' the mistake when they were checking the certificate
if it was a mispelling of a name, that would be one thing - anyone could miss that; but an error like the date of birth or the child's gender is a lot harder to justify
there really isn't that much information on a birth certificate - it's one page, and i'm pretty sure the date of birth is literally the first thing on it
not to mention, they spell out the date on the certificate to avoid this specific thing from happening -
It would be written 'Thirtieth' in huge letters - there's no way you would miss it or mistake it for 'Twenty-Ninth'
it doesn't matter if you skimmed it, or even just glanced at the form, you'd almost certainly do a double take and notice that discrepancy
i would normally give them the benefit of the doubt like you did, but the fact that the person checking the birth certificate didn't clock the error genuinely makes me think that they just didn't bother to look at it at all
it doesn't matter now, so... take that for what you will, i guess
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