#I didn't make very much progress in the playlist today because I was listening to so much Turnpike Troubadours and then the family arrived!
ereborne · 9 months
Song of the Day: December 28
"Give Me All Night" by Carly Simon
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the---hermit · 1 year
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13/50 days of productivity
Rainy day, still feeling sick. I didn't sleep that well, but this morning I was more energeting which gave me hopes. In the afternoon I got super tired so I did the bare minimum. Especially because my eyes are burning a lot today. Hopefully I'll start to have some progress with how I am feeling tho, cause I need to get over this week.
updated my reading journal
watched and annotated the history of religions lecture I missed yesterday
finished highlighting my history of religions notes
practiced my protohistory presentation twice once by myself and once with my dad to see if I was making sense (I am starting to feel more comfortable with what I'll have to say so yaay)
highlighted all my protohistory notes
Self care:
read first thing in the morning
again completed my tasks according to how I was feeling and how much energy I have since I am still very much sick
chilled in my room in the dark while listening to a podcast because of a headache + eyes burning combo (and it really helped!)
📖:The Lottery and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson
🎵:this playlist has been the background of my last couple of study session
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fairytaleinagem · 2 months
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview!
Say @saturnine-saturneight do this and thought it was fun, so here's @davycoquette's template of the interview! This thing is long, woof...
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Couple a months, I think? One or two, maybe three? I had this account for much longer though, and I've only recently come to it because I wanted to post my stuff on here!
What led you to create it?
I was looking through a tag to see what I should include in an intro post (in general) and saw that there was a list for Writeblr intros! So I made the intro for my blog and then for The Aetherium a bit after that!
What's your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
I get to see a lot of cool art and writing from other people! I especially love it when people make moodboards or similar, because even though I love writing and reading, sometimes the words get a lil' blurry.
What's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
Hope you like Isekai, because boy do I have PLENTY of stories in mind for it! Even if you don't, at the very least expect one story to have some sort of reincarnation in it haha!
Is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Oh definitely more art. Playlists, moodboards, character portraits, all of it!! Words can only illustrate so much for me!!!
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Forget shyness, and get on out there! You're not really guaranteed eyes on your work if you don't interact with others. It may be scary, but you won't regret socializing much!
What Works-In-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Of course we have The Aetherium, which is the main WIP in my head. But there's also a Doubl(iv)ing and a few other WIPs that are listed on my blog intro post!
How long have you been working on them?
Oouf, The Aetherium technically has been going on for about 4 years now! The characters at least, and they didn't even have a home yet! It's only recently that I've settled down to actually write for them.
Do you remember what inspired them/got you started?
YESSS!!!! It was just another day on Youtube, and I was listening to some song that was about to end, so I was scrolling on the sidebar to find something else to listen to. Then, one thumbnail caught my eye. Bright colors, purple, women??? It was also Kpop, a genre I listen to often, so that drew me further in! I clicked on it, and behold, a concrete idea for my characters was born! Ever since then, everything that The Aetherium was based on was from a Kpop girl group named aespa. I recommend listening to them if you want something sort of futuristic and experimental to hear, especially Black Mamba, their debut song!
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Depending on how inspired I am for them, it tends to be a couple of hours. 3 or 4, perhaps? Per day, but sometimes there are droughts.
When someone asks the dreaded, "What do you write about," question, what do you usually say?
People don't usually ask me all that much, but for writing in general it would probably just be "fantasy", since that's what the majority of my works tend to be.
Name any characters you created.
If you wanna hop onto the train to get off The Aetherium Station for a second, a character who I will refer to as God's Only Puppet is spinning pretty rapidly in my head right now. Their """friend""", A Demon's Eternal Servant is spinning right next to 'em, just at a less frequent pace. Other than that, it's the usual Akina (except on Earth now) and a new challenger, Jaxsun!
Who's the most unhinged?
That'd have to be God's Only Puppet, currently! When you're an asshat jerk who cannot be killed (except by the God you're literally being puppeted by), you kind of go off the rails and do a lot of wack things. Like making a death game based on the game Werewolf.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
That'd have to be Akina, because fun fact! Pretty much every character in The Aetherium (with the exception of Zenith and a few others) are based of real people I used to know! And since Akina is based off of me, well... I think you can guess why she's so easy to write for me lmao
Do you ever cringe at them?
Not typically, but maybe that's because I haven't really put them in any embarrassing situations yet? Or make them fumble badly, who knows.
How much control do you feel over your characters?
A decent amount? Recently I've been stuck in the garbage because I'm unsure of what/how to write the scene, so currently we're all just standing there like "so who broke it" around a double of me dead over my chromebook. I'm trying to get back into it so here's to hoping!!
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Hell yeah I do, especially about the ones I think about the least/not at all! Because then it helps me get a grasp on their characters better, so I can give them some good ol' depth.
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
I generally don't follow that many people, but if you have good tips/writing advice, or follow me as well, or interact with me a decent amount then I'll follow back!
What makes you decide against following?
There's nothing in particular that I have in mind, since I don't follow many people in the first place, unless they do any of the listed reasons in the above question. It'd probably be based off vibes, I guess?
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
No, not really. I'll usually like things or use the reply button rarely, but not reblog.
Do your mutuals' characters occupy space in your noodle?
They have yet to enter and register the overcrowded apartment that is my brain, so no, sorry! I wish they would but they have yet to cross the city street my friends :(
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DAY 143
I feel like shit and it keeps getting progressively worse somehow.
These past few days I've just been in bed, trying to get at least one or two things done a day, meaning I really haven't progressed as much on preparing my US trip as I'd wished, although there isn't THAT MUCH stuff left to prepare. I genuinely haven't been this miserable since the winter of 2020-2021 when I first got depressed and had no medication. Yesterday I slept til 4PM, and that's only because I'd set an alarm to wake me up "just in case". It's not that I'm physicially exhausted, it's just that my thoughts consume me so much that the only peace I can find is in taking big amounts of medication or sleeping. So I do both.
The day before yesterday, I got the worst of lucks. Was going to the cinema with a friend to see Oppenheimer and got like 5 unplanned events on my journey to get there (closed metro lines, bus being late, etc.) so I arrived RIGHT on time for the movie. Then I went to do some shopping and my card declined and I had to run to get some cash instead but it took me so much time that by the time I was done all other stores I needed to go to were closed. Then I wanted to some very quick grocery shopping near my flat but when I got to paying for my items the cashier told me the cash register was closed and I could only use the machines, which don't accept cash. He must have seen my utter despair because he kindly called me back and told me we could use the automatic machines to check out, he would pay with his card, and I'd just give him the cash. And the sweetest part is that the total was 15.50 but I didn't have the .50 so I wanted to give him a coin of 2 instead but he declined and lost the .50 – and he did all of that for a STRANGER! I'm forever greatful. Made me believe there is at least a little bit of good in humanity.
But still, overall I feel miserable. I've been more suicidal and in pain lately. My emotions can't really get out of my system because of the antidepressants. Yesterday they did though. I was on a call with my mom and I hadn't cried this much in a long, long time. We were basically talking about the fact she has a... partner? Boyfriend? I'm not sure how they define their relationship because she never clearly stated it. It's a tad difficult for me since my dad passed away. It all hurts so much.
I wish I could have stayed in bed and slept all day but I'm going home to see my family very quickly, my mom, my grandparents, and also my cousin because it's her birthday.
Today I'm really upset because the first reviews for season 2 of one of my favorite shows dropped and many fans are twisting the words or making speculations and spitting at the screenwriter, whom I love so dearly. It breaks my fucking heart and I hope they see none of the negativity.
I think for this train ride, I'll just listen to my "Breathe." playlist and try to empty my mind as much as I can.
Talk to you later, I guess.
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tomorrow-human · 4 years
So I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME have just released RAZZMATAZZ today and heres what I think...
A bombastic opening track. Was released in the beginning of August...? Probably? This song just SCREAMS at you with retro futuristic funkiness. It has 8-bity flourishes in the instrumentation and seems to be maybe talking to the same person as Choke (from 1981 E.P.) and the title track Razzmatazz have been (or maybe a separate entity as suggested by the vinyl booklet and Indoctoration?).
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Anyway, fantastic track, great opener, and nice mood-setter.
It's... eerie. It's not a song in the same sense as Leave Me Alone, despite having a wobbly backing track. It's a spoken interlude that seems to be initiating you into Tellex maybe? It yet again mentions the White Shadows that will be overseeing your progress with Tellex. It seems oddly nostalgic for some reason. That's strange. Overall, solid little piece of lore building that really reinforces the concept aspects.
It's the first song from this album that wasn't released as a single and it made my jaw literally drop. It has a similar lyrical and vocal structure to the opener and New Invention, but what I like is how much they were able to do with it, though it makes you wonder about how far apart these songs were written; but In the context of the albums concept and the Tellex stuff however, it could be interpreted as a corporate decision, this repetition. The minimal instrumentation in the verses with Ryan's sturdy drumming and Dallon's bassline makes me go fucking bananas. It's so fucking great and full of this punchy energy. And the HARMONIES. YES. "Voluntary victim~" "I'm burning~ in your mad IQs" SIR STOP BEING SO VOCALLY TALENTED. Also I think i heard him shriek right before the bridge which? Snazzy. So Mad IQs, energetic track, filled with more of iDKHOWs signature darkness.
Ah yes, Opening Band. Ironic considering how often iDKHOW are the opening band, but I'm sure that's obvious, seeing how they usually sing this one at the start of their gigs. It was actually (I think) the first or second song I didn't know how but found through youtube so I might be pretty biased here. It's a sweet sounding change of pace with the instrumentation being made up of only the piano and tambourine that tells of a typical opening band, that no ones ever heard before and likely will never hear again, via a sympathetic narrator with a hint of the typical iDKHOW teasing. In all honesty, it would've worked better as the album opener, which then could've been followed by Leave Me Alone, but it's a nice change of pace overall.
I already reviewed this song on my other blog right here so imma keep this brief. It shares similar aspects to Leave Me Alone, with the music video concept and song structure, but It manages to darken the narrative, and the choir-esq harmonies sound like ultra bright neon lights that only push this mood further. It still is a magnificent song and by far one of my favourites in the album.
MASSIVE SHIFT IN STYLE HOLY FUCKOLY-. The track opens with a very cutesy old timey little piano intro and starts the verse with a little funny beat. If you don't listen to the lyrics, it sounds like a silly little oldie song. But as we all know, iDKHOW doesn't do silly. The lines "For you, I'd die▪︎Or kill myself▪︎which ever makes you smile," From just the first verse are a prime example of this. The narrators murderous and suicidal intentions have clouded the romantic attraction into obsession- And I kinda like that, in a poetic way. The chorus is a standout, with the calm start to the explosion in the line "I'd swing from the gallows and wave" that just swings at you with a baseball bat to the chest. Oh, and the sax solo? Magnificent. This whole song is a chefs kiss from me.
I love the lyrics of this song the most of it all. It sounds like a rebellious teenager wrote it after thinking about how shit their hometown is and wanting to get out. It also incorporates how much the narrator would want to do all this with their crush, adding that slightly goofy and pretend-aloof chorus of "only if you'd like me to I could fall in love with you" as if they weren't already in love or at least that's how I see it. The vibe of this song is more pop-y than the rest of the album, but that's more likely because it was repurposed for Razzmatazz after being originally written for The Brobecks, their older band. It's a nice little tune :).
This. Will. Get. Stuck. In. Your. Head- and. You. Will. Like. It. Basically, just seems like a song about drugs that, for some reason, reminds me of Gorillaz (who I dont even listen to). But the BASSLINE AGAIN- Jesus help me live. It has more of that energy we saw with the first few tracks and adds even more electronic elements. It's probably my second favourite song from this album that's not a single because of how fun the chorus sounds. What else can I say? I can just imagine myself bopping to this in the car screaming 'SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR PILLS' On a hot day.
It's so sweet 🥺. It's one of those songs I could imagine a character in a movie singing to someone from a stage. If you want pretty song vibes just listen to it. Because it is a pretty song. And that's all I have to say on it. Now allow me to take a moment and shove it into my pretty song playlist that acts like my personal lullaby machine.
Yes. F u n k y. Give me that sweet sweet disco energy, thank you. It's just filled with all these *☆~blingy and sparkly~☆* effects, and, combined with the drumming, the result is just glorious. The best part of this song is in my opinion the bridge where it goes darker lyrically and in sound that just naturally slides into another funky-ass sax solo. I can definitely see myself dancing to this at a party and then in later years growing nostalgic for those days.
It's supposed to be happy in tone and hopeful slightly but it just makes me sad. It's a song about how, because Dallon has to tour because it's his job, he has to be away from his family often. And he had nO RIGHT ADDING HIS DAUGHTERS VOCALS AND RECORDINGS INTO THE MIX ITS LIKE HE WANTS US TO CRY. It's not my favourite of the album, not going to lie here, but it's also such a sweet song with nice instrumentals and vibe 🥺 so that's all I'll say.
It seems like this one was written around the time sad ukulele music was really at its peak but am I complaining? Fuck no because this song is great. It just gives it to you straight, that if the narrator ever does anything that the recipient doesn't like, they can always cut them out of their life. It's nice in that regard- you don't usually get songs that don't try to deflect the pain or gain pity. We need more of these kinds of songs. The shortness of it really adds to the effect of this being more like a regularly said thing, even though I'm always a bit sad that it ends so fast. It does, however, nicely close the near end of the album before Razzmatazz.
Creepy Tellex thank-you note. You're welcome..? I want no part in your conspiracy tho. Go away weird American corporate man voice.
And there it is. The title track. Like new inventions, I have already reviewed it here on that same blog so this will be brief also and more just thoughts. It's a great closer and is more old timey than most of the songs here as well. And with the last instrumental and sax solo, we come to the albums inevitable end... until next time.
Overall, this was a fantastic little debut for iDKHOW and I loved it. So worth the pre-order. The songs were great and the lyrics were just excellent. My only real criticism is that the song order on Side A was a bit strange. I feel a way to fix this would be to throw Nobody Likes The Opening Band into the beginning, then have Leave Me Alone as a second track, and maybe even switch one of the songs on this side with one from Side B (either Mad IQs or New Invention with something else but then that would be kind of stretching it). Or maybe even switching Clusterhug with Mad IQs or New Invention could work. So in general? Razzmatazz good album. Next question.
Thank you for reading, anyone who happens to see this and have read this. Hope you've enjoyed some of my thoughts on the debut and agreed with at least 2 points I made. See y'all on another review (or shitpost)!
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devilgod247 · 3 years
This is exactly true, it's why it's been hard emotionally to just let go when I let her in. I truly believed her when she said she liked me and the things we talked about In depth. Nothing she told me made me want to run away, was I scared, of course but I thought we would work on those things that scared us together as a team.
I didn't say the things that I did to play or use her. I've never been that guy, and asshats who have hurt women have turned them into very defensive people that in turn hurt good guys who really do want to be all he can be for her.
The accusations that I anon messaged her, I wouldve liked to have seen these messages that I supposedly sent her and if possible the times too as for the past few weeks I've been out daily on my walks, taking photos/videos and just working on myself. I have my own demons and challenges to work on. I don't need a relationship, I want a relationship that grows into something meaningful, long lasting and solid.
The 2 gifts I bought her were around 30-40 mins before she messaged me out of the blue on a Tuesday. She said she knows I've messaged her.. but I hadn't. I'm sorry for whoever messaged her , from what I'm guessing to be bad messages but they weren't from me. As much as I cared for her, I didn't reply to the accusation as I didn't want any arguments as I hate being accused or people assuming of me, drives me up the wall. When she deserted again that night it was too late to cancel to which I have the email to show this. They werent to cause any fear but a way to write a final message of goodbye and it took time for me to be able to say that. Not because of someone else but purely because I respected her wishes to not know me. No matter how much she blamed me for things, I can only take so much blame and even moreso things I didn't do.
The playlist I was making for her was a work in progress and I'm sorry that I like to be open and romantic, but I never ever get like this as quickly as I had if there wasn't things we talked about and thought about when we did. I'm not going to apologise for being me and I'm not a love bomber or a fuck boy as you stated, and I'm sorry if things that happened made you think this but I'm far from that.
The Friday night you left voice messages, yes I listened to you berating Me but I had already made plans to stream with my friend and entertain our viewers on twitch. Sorry that I couldn't alter my plans whilst in the middle of it, but I wasn't going to cancel to get shouted at. You also stated we should talk but then tell me if I respect you to not talk but then in same clip tell me to call if I have the balls? See the confusion in that? Did I want to give my rebuttal,sure but at midnight nope. If she had agreed a mutual time to talk , then sure but giving me an ultimatum of an hour,nope . Sure,if it was family or a close loved one then I'd drop things in a heartbeat but you gave me no option.
You also say I want to move on, technically I'd rather fix or get closure but I don't get a say, your mind is set on whatever I am at this point to which I didn't cause. I've tried really hard to manage this the best I can whilst dealing with my own issues and if you were to ever see this, you'd look thoroughly through my page and see I'm actually pushing hard to be a better me. I meant what I sent to you, even though your hate for me is massive I still genuinely give a F about you no matter what title it is.
Enough of this part of my head today , time to get some breakfast ,stretches then go on my walkies in the rain.. yuck but it's got to be done. Take it easy everyone, Xmas is almost here , relax before the turn of the new year. New chapter, new challenges and plenty of opportunities to change the narrative in your life.2022 we're coming for you
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alissamargaret · 4 years
day 21
today i woke up around 11am. i didn't have a class this morning so i was able to sleep in later than usual. i got up, did my morning routine, and ate a pink lady apple for breakfast.
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i sat at my desk and worked on homework for an insane amount of time while listening to my "february" playlist. i made a good amount of progress on my third research paper.
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this is pretty much all i did today. i didn't leave the apartment or spend any money. i snacked on some cheez its for lunch because i wasn't really that hungry.
after working on my paper for long enough to make my head spin, i spent some time working on my final business cards for gdes 3351.
soon after being tired of working on those, i had the zoom for this class, which i attended as always because i am a good student (or try to be).
after class i decided to have some chicken breast and pineapple for dinner, along with some pillsbury rolls that refused to crack on my countertop. very frustrating.
my roommate sarah had a friend over and they were watching a movie so for the remainder of the night, i let ollie run around and watched some teen wolf, which i now only have a few episodes left of. i took my meds and went to bed around 1am.
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