#I couldn’t fight the homestuck
yaoirotic · 1 year
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stupid whiteboard doodles of the alpha kids
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sorry in advance to all the people following this blog for jjk content….
unfortunately yes the homestuck reposts on your dashboard are my doing-
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cyber-corp · 1 year
I don't believe you've been here a full year and yet you have already been consumed by homestuck
Wrong! I’ve only been here for 2 months and have already been absolutely engulfed in Homestuck!
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furresquid · 1 year
god whenever I think and go back and look at how much I’ve read and gotten into homestuck it freaks me out. it’s no longer just an edit of tally hall as homestuck sprites or a color theory post it’s this huge mass of time traveling, alternate dimensions, and just a few kids who wanted to play a game that have taken over my life. and I’m not even done with it yet it’s like holy cow I swear when I started it I thought it was gonna be a fun and quick read and then it wasn’t (it’s still fun tho)
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danysaurbutnot · 1 month
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I couldn’t fight the homestuck
Or the bill either
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temporalgeek413 · 18 days
rose city photos!
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chat we couldn’t fight the homestuck 😔. fr tho this was so so fun! i was kanaya/rose and my friend was karkat
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akslz · 1 year
"You must be an angel"
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---- Hello!! this is my first post here so apoligies if its not formatted well. Regardless; here is a mediocre ( orignally written on a03 by me, linked here) story I wrote on a whim, about a broken family put back together once they move to Nockfell after an incident with Knives (our main character) and her mother. She and her brother meet the gang and silliness ensues. AKA a shitty modern day SF fanfic because head full, this is a self-insert character so sorry no y/n. she is loosely based off of me so blah blah ok here backstory time & yes there is homestuck refences and NO I do not care ☹ let me do what I do #autism !! English is a poor language for me so apologies for mistakes!! None of the fanart/ images used are mine, credits to owners!-----
End of the Beginning
what seem like decades ago, Knives lived with her semi put together family in the ever so urban Houston Texas. With her twin brother Vinnie (or Vin) and her eldest brother Silas everything was just peachy. That was until their father had died of heart complications when Knives was just 11.
After that sad excuse of a day the widowed Miki became a pathetic shell of a mother. She lived by her ever empty bottle of wine or shitty canned beer. To the point where she became more of a roommate than a mother. Knives had to do something about this.
She wasn’t going to sit back and watch as her older brother work his senior year of high school away at some mediocre grocery store just so Miki could blow most of his minimal paycheck on alcohol. On April 14th, just days away from knives & Vins’ birthdays, knives decided to confront her mother. Here’s how the interaction went down. (First person pov)
“You crazy bitch who do you think you are?!” you mother slurred as she quickly tried to grab the bottle of wine that you started to pour down the drain.
“Me? Crazy? Please.” You said in a monotone voice as you finished dumping out the bottle and swiftly moved out of the way of your monstrous mothers’ grasp. Your brothers used to go onto the roof when things were easier, they taught you how to fight, or ‘strife’ they called it. You had gotten well at defending yourself over those couple of months. even being able to use your newfound skills against a creep at the mall.
“Please don’t do this, I just want to help you momma I promise!” you said grabbing her hands and looking up into her glazed eyes.
“Let go of me! You brat! I’m an adult and I can do as I want! Do not tell ME what I can and can’t do!” she said as she pushed you forward; causing your smaller body to hit the counter behind you.
As brush your long hair out of your face and you steady yourself you look back to your mother to see her lunge at you. You could never hurt your mother. Not ever. She’s just a little girl who’s distraught over her husband and best friend of 16 years dying. You couldn’t punish her for lashing out. She’s just scared.
 You feel warm now, you have a stinging spot on your head so instinctually you went to scratch it. Then comes the pain, it’s almost everywhere; you groggily open your eyes to look at your hand as it feels wet, blood. It was blood. You jolt up, now realizing you’re on the dining room floor. Your full vision slowly comes back, and you’re horrified at the sight. Chunks of your beautiful hair is sprawled around you.
 Your hair that held the last memory of your father. You used to crawl into bed with him and your mother in the mornings that you woke up before them. He used to always tuck your hair behind you bejeweled ears and hum you back into a light sleep. You grasp a chunk of the mangled hair and spread it between your fingers. Slowly beginning to cry. The pain on your extremities was nothing compared to this. You just slowly lowered yourself back onto the fake hardwood floor and cried, cried because you didn’t know what else to do.
 You wanted nothing but for everything to go back to the way it was. You starred at the entrance to your apartment, watching the very minimal light from the peep hole shine in, casting light on the dust particles in the air. It felt like the world was spinning in slow motion. You were dreading the time Silas and Vin come back from the music store. You cried for what felt like hours. You eventually sat up and noticed the keys to one of the two cars your family had owned was missing. You weakly stood up and hobbled to your mothers’ room, seeing drawers strewn over the already messy room.
“Great. Pansy ass bitch.” You said as your voice cracked. Crying again as you realized your mother had fled.
 You didn’t care though as you heard your brothers obnoxiously loud keys jiggle the lock open. You shuffled into the dining room, quickly observing the scene left behind. A broken wine bottle, small spots of blood with of course your white hair scattering the room. You dropped to your knees and touched your head for the first time since you woke up. You began sobbing again. The rest was a haze. You vaguely remember your older brother cupping your head; asking what happened. The only thing you could mutter was ‘’ Momma”. That’s all he needed to hear.
After that it’s a blur. Due to your mothers fleeing and your brother being freshly 19, he gains custody of you and your twin.
Beginning of the End
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~Time skip: 3 years after incident, age:15~
You innocently lean against your bed, plucking mindlessly at your well-loved bass. The vibrations running through your fingers.
“yo“ Vinnie says as he comes into your shared room, pushing up the shades he always adorned and swooping his platinum hair out of his face. You found it funny, you rarely see him without the sunglasses.
“Hey man, did Bro mention anything about what school we’ll be goin’ to after we move?’’ you questioned as you shut off your amplifier and faced him fully. He sat down at his desk and kicked his feet up on the nearby bedpost.
“Yeah, actually he did, it’s near the shithole surprisingly, so we could probably skate to & from the hellhole instead of riding in the bus” He referred to the apartments we planned to live in as the ‘shithole’ because in all honesty, it wasn’t lavish. On the website it looked quite old, but it’ll do for the three of you. The real name of your new crib was ‘Addison Apartments’.
You set your bass down as you glanced at your mostly packed room. The stacks of cardboard boxes occupying most of the free space.
‘’I can’t believe this our last weekend in Texas...” Vinnie sighed and got up to stand next to you as you turned to glance out the window of your Highrise apartment. You’re not going to miss the hustle and bustle of urban Texas; the constant traffic and shouting kept you up frequently. You leaned onto your brother as he comfortingly wrapped an arm around you and sighing.
“I know, it’ll be a nice change though, Nockfell looks chill.” He said rubbing circles onto your arm.
Later on you go into the bathroom to take off your makeup, when your mother defaced you she gladly didn’t do as much damage as you initially thought. Your long hair now was medium length with layers. You honestly loved the change of appearance. You also decided to dye the tips of your hair a dusty rose because you’ve always liked the idea of a colorful head of hair, even if its just a little.
“Finally, I finished packing the moving van with my and my brothers’ shit’’, you thought, never understood why they needed so many electronics, turntables, keypads, electric pianos, they had it all. They sure did love their pop music. You, Knives, on the other hand liked all music types, but you really loved heavy metal. The way that Sanity’s Falls bass shook your head every time you listened to it just make your love for metal grow. You laughed at how ironic it was that your name was Knives, AND you liked heavy music, how metal is a name like that?
Vin stumbled out of the entrance to the apartment building, his headphones sitting heavily on his shoulders as he chucks his skateboard and your roller skates in the back of bros’ pickup. You had all finished getting ready for the drive, you and your twin glances at each other and then to your guardian.
Bro wiped sweat from his forehead and adjusted his pointy shades “Alright y’all let’s get this show on the road, its a long drive so let’s get started. I wanna make it at least halfway by tonight.”
You and Vin were going to drive the pickup while Bro drove the chunky U-Haul. Although you both couldn't legally drive, your brother decided on a whim to teach the both of you a couple months ago so you had a general idea of what you were doing. You were nervous to make the lengthy drive because you had a fear that if you got pulled over that you and your brother would both be sent to juvey.
Regardless, you made the drive. The 48 hour journey was taxing but when you stepped out of the car in Nockfell you realized that this place was way different than Texas and you had no clue what was to come.
After reconnecting with your eldest brother after the long drive you made your way into the lobby as your brothers unlocked the moving van. You realize that there was no receptionist desk only a small mail cubby area. you remembered that Bro mentioned you would be staying in unit 403. So you made your way over to that cubby and you realized that you needed a key to unlock. \
You did not know where to obtain such key so being the genius you are you stuck your smallest fingers' nail into the key slot and tugged & wiggled out a little bit to see if it was unlocked and thankfully it was! you grabbed the few pieces of junk mail that had already gathered and threw them away, then picked up the thin envelope that contained the apartment keys and gently opening it and removing the keys
you made your way to the elevator and hit the button for your floor you jogged quickly to your apartment and unlocked it. You push open the door to see a glum looking room with a green-gray carpet that held a few stains.
You scrunch your nose due to you smelling heavy cleaner and bleach, but at least it was clean, you quickly set down the keys and make your way out leaving the door open so you and your siblings can easily go in and out without having to worry about the door.
After you brought up all the boxes with your name on it and set them in your room you put your hands on your hips, sighing, and glancing around the room. You were excited to finally have your own room away from your brother, but it would be a change because you had been bunking with him since you two were little. Reminiscing about all the times you had spent together was making you feel nostalgic.
Vin and Bro had made a quick run to the grocery store so they could stock up on some essentials for the fridge. You sat down and sliced open one of the cardboard boxes that was labeled “CDs” you were rummaging through it when you heard some mumbling coming from outside your room and heavy footsteps. You were surprised because you thought it would take your brothers a longer time to arrive back home, so you brushed yourself off and pushed the door open.
Your eyes widened in shock when you realize that the two people you heard in your apartment were in fact not your brothers but two strangers. One being a tall male with tanned skin and long brown hair having deep set eyes that carried bags heavier than anything. This person wore a cannibal corpse shirt with a beat-up flannel and gray jeans. The other person that you couldn't assume the gender of had electric blue pigtails hanging from each side of their head & wore red ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, combat boots along with a black crew neck, you also noticed that this person wearing what looked like a mask, you didn't think twice though because a lot of people these days were very expressive. It looks quite cool.
“uh…. hi...” you said sweetly but quietly, slightly hiding behind the door frame because you didn't know if these people were a threat or not. Just in case you reached over to your desk and put your hidden hand on it to feel for the box cutter you had laying on it.
“Oh! Hey man” the tall one with long hair said as he lifted his ringed hand and waved “sorry to intrude like this dude just wanted to give an introduction because we were told that a new tenant would be moving in, I’m Larry, Larry Johnson.” He took a step closer to you holding out his dominant hand for to shake.
“Hi... I’m Knives, yeah me and my brothers just moved here, nice to meet you” you reluctantly grabbed his hand your long nails accidentally brushing against him.
“Knives? Like the utensil? That's a cool ass nickname!” He said smiling noticing the gap in between his two front teeth. It kind of made him look like a Bunny.
“Thank you! But that's my real name.” You said awkwardly smiling leaning your head fully against the door frame of your room.
“Oh, and uh this is my friend Sal, but you can just call him Sally face! It's kind of like his nickname.” Larry said elbowing his shorter friend getting a low toned laugh out of Sal.
So, the mystery person is a guy, good to know. You could tell that you and Ben would get along well with them both.
“So, you said you had brothers, right? Where are they?” The bluenette questioned while stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“They went to the store I think but they should be back soon. How old are you guys?” you questioned. Quickly stuffing the box cutter into the backside waistband of your shorts and quickly tucking your Motley-Crue band shirt over it. You swiftly moved away from the door frame and took a step right outside the door and leaned against the wall, kicking one of your ankles over the other while withholding eye contact with Sal.
"we're both fifteen, how about you?" Larry questioned eyeing you 
"same. My twin is fifteen too, His name is Vin, I think you two would get along well. He likes cannibal corpse." you lied straight through your teeth, not knowing why. Vinnie never really liked metal. Hopefully he'll lie as well to cover your white lie. You were never good with people.... safe to say you're nervous for what's to come.
Every story starts somewhere
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Hi hi I somehow forgot to mention that this story is NOT following canon events, i.e. no cult, just some vague paranormal activity   !All original characters belong to me, none of the canon characters mentioned are mine and do not have the rights to them!
You had spoken with the two for about 15 minutes before they saw themselves out. After they’d left you had mentally slapped yourself for being so socially inept, Vin and Silas would definitely make fun of you for this one.
“Hey hey Knives! We’re back with some food!” Silas said as he loudly slammed the door with his foot.
“And we bought apple juice! So come get some before I finish it all.” Vinnie barked as you made your way out of your now unpacked room.
“Thanks bro!” you said smiling widely at your older brother as he messed up your hair
The three of you lingered in the kitchen as you unloaded the groceries and unpacked the kitchen essentials.
“Something really weird happened earlier-“you said turning to face them both, you were met with darkened plastic sunglasses awaiting you to continue speaking
“These two guys from the apartments came to introduce themselves, Larry and Sal, surprisingly they were very chill. I kinda lied about you liking cannibal corpse to Larry though vin...” you said sheepishly smiling and covering your face with your hands.
“ Man what the hell why? I don’t dig metal that much” Your twin asked jokingly.
“They were just so… intriguing! I got embarrassed and it just slipped out!”
“Chillax sis its alright, don’t sweat it. So, these guys are what? Hardcore church burners?” Vin said making the demon horn motion with both of his hands.
You and Silas laughed as he obnoxiously headbanged.
“No not really, at least not from what I could tell. They were very nice. I’m pretty sure they go to our school since we’re all the same age. “Vin nodded for you to continue.
“Larry is a tall dude with what I have to say is the most beautiful hair I’ve ever seen on a man” you said throwing your hands up in defeat. Both of your brothers scoffing sarcastically.
“Then there’s Sal- “you began to remember the sight of the boy, something about him captivated you. Whether it was his unique hair, His killer style, the tone of his voice…...or the way his hands looked with all those rings on them… and the way you thought they’d look on you…
Girl, what the hell are you thinking?! You just met him? Stop being weird. You seriously needed to stop letting your hormones take control of you like this.
You’d realized your brother was looking at you strangely.
“Hellooooo? Anyone in there?” Vin said waving a hand in front of your face.
“Is she having another episode?” Silas asked, setting down the box he was moving and walking over to you.
“What? Oh sorry, No I’m fine, I just got lost in thought you guys don’t worry” you nervously laughed as they back away from you, relaxing their attention.
“Shit man you really worried me for a second…Anyways continue with what you were telling me about this Sal girl” Vinnie sighed now sitting on the counter across from you.
“Sal is a guy- “you said rolling your eyes “– but anyways. He’s sweet, he has this bright blue hair that’s really dope. He also wears this mask? I’m not sure what its about but it fits him, he has the same style of Larry he’s just a liiitttlllleee short…” you said making a “small” motion with your index and thumb.
“Hey, it’s not like the little guy can control it!” Vinnie said getting off the counter and poking at you.
You and he laughed as you made your way to his room to help him unpack his belongings.
The next day was Saturday. You were making your way down to the lobby with your brother to explore the area when on your way out of the dingy elevator you bumped into someone, accidently knocking something out of their hands.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” you apologized quickly kneeling to pick up papers and a purple school folder off the ground.
“It’s okay! I should’ve been looking where I was going” the feminine voice said giggling.
You handed the girl what you assumed was her schoolwork.
“Hey…are you new around here? I’ve never seen you before? And I think I’d remember someone this pretty” the girl said.
This girl was also quite pretty. With long brown hair and piercing green eyes, she wore a long purple shirtdress with purposely torn black tights. Along with a chunky black choker and heavier makeup, you started to really like this girl already.
“Thank you so much! You’re pretty too, and uhm yeah! Me and my brother just moved here recently, My names Knives. This is my brother Vinnie.” You said gesturing to Vinnie who threw up a weak wave to her as he seemed in awe.
“Knives?! That’s so awesome! My name’s Ashley but everyone just calls me Ash. Do you have insta or anything like that? You seem realllyyyy cool and I’d love to get to know you-“she said as she pulled out a lavender iPhone from her sleeve “- but I’m supposed to be tutoring with my friends right now and I’m already late, I’m afraid they’ll think I’m dead if I’m any more late” she said holding her phone out to you.
“Yeah, I do! Also, no problem I understand, you seem pretty chill as well!” you said slightly smiling as you typed your username into the search bar and then clicked on your profile as it came up. You handed Ash her phone back, she waved goodbye and jogged into the elevator.
“she seems nice, It seems like everyone here has awesome hair…” you said looking to Vinnie
“DID SHE FOLLOW YOU YET? LET ME SEE YOUR PHONE NOW, GIVE IT GIVE IT GIVE IT” he said reaching for your phone which was in your hand.
“Jesus man here fine, have a look god!” You laughed handing it to him. Vinnie snatched it out of your hand and flying to Ash’s’ profile.
You looked over his shoulder as he looked through her pictures, she had about 15 posts. Most were landscape but there were some of her and her friends. She was friends with Sal and Larry! That’s convenient! Vinnie swiped through the post of her and the guys on the 4th of July, there was also a pair of boys you hadn’t recognized yet. Safe to say you were excited to meet them both as well.
“Yo are these the guys you were talking about yesterday?” Vinnie said clicking on the profile mention on the picture, pulling up Sals’ account.
“Yeah! That’s cool that they’re friends. Makes me excited to hangout with them.”
Your brother finally handed your phone back after sending Ashley’s account to himself, you internally laughed at how eager he was to swoop this girl off her feet. You somehow made your way back to those pictures of Sal and everyone else on the 4th. You admired Sal, eventually tapping onto his profile, your thumb hovered over the ‘Follow’ button and you hesitated.
What if he thinks I’m a stalker? He didn’t even mention his socials so what if he thinks negatively of me just following him out of the blue? What if-
Then your eyes glance up at the notification you’d just received,
“New follower: @TheOG_SF – Sal Fisher”
CHAPTER 5 (4 was an update on the story):
Why is everything different now?
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Heyyyy, finally got this damn story updated, my apologies, im learning more English now so they should be more frequent!
Holy shit, you thought, quickly swiping up the notification to dismiss it.
Were you hallucinating? You truly hoped you weren’t.
“ Yo are you alive?” you glanced up to Vinnie with a wide eyed expression
“ah yeah sorry…don’t know what washed over me, lets go” you said walking past him to the main doors to exit
You and your brother had eventually made your way into a nearby resale/music store. The both of you going to see if you could replace some of the CDs you’d had before you moved.
Unfortunately for you and him some of the discs were snapped or scratched up during transit from Houston to Nockfell. The two of you slowly made it outside; you rummage through your cluttered tote to get the keys to the truck. You eventually find them and toss them to vin.
Once we pulled into the parking lot of the music store vin took the keys out of the ignition and glanced to you. You were chewing on your fingernails again, that’s something you did when you were nervous. Or in deeeeeepppppp thought.
You just kept starring at the follower request, not knowing what to do. You’ve combed through all of ash’s’ friends’ profiles except sals. You were just…too nervous. You were never this nervous.
“Dude just follow him back, it’s been like 20 minutes.” Vin said leaning over to watch your phone. “Absolutely not! What if he thinks I’m weird? Or what if he just did it on accident, or what if-“ you kept talking as your brother slothed his arm over and gingerly accepted the follow request. You sat silently in shock as he shrugged. “Well alright... ill just leave my phone in the car I think” you said hooking your purse over your shoulder. Overthinking everything that could happen if he didn’t accept your request.
You rummaged through CDs, you only had a couple stuffed in your hands; Bring Me The Horizons’ “Suicide Season”, Pierce The Veils “Misadventures”, Madonna’s ‘’like a virgin’’, and finally Dark Thrones “Transvilaian Hunger”. Quite opposites if you ask me, you thought to yourself as you maneuvered through the thin isles of the shop. As your sifting through discounted vinyl’s you hear the chime of the electric doorbell, the one that annoyingly chimes every time someone enters or exits. You decide to ignore it and continue looking.
“Speak of the devil” Vinnie breathed out quietly and smirked as he gestured to who entered the store; Of course, it was Ash and her group of friends. One of those friends being Sal. You swiftly turn back to the vinyl bin. Pretending to be interested in its contents to seem busy.
“Oh hey! Look who it is” you heard the deep grungy voice of who you assumed was Larry. You still didn’t look up, frozen from anxiety. You never really felt like this… you didn’t understand why everything was changing so suddenly. You reluctantly turned around and smiled. “Hey knives! Looks like you discovered our best kept secret” you heard ash giggle as she threw her hands up in defeat.
“yeah” Sal laughed “This record store is one of the only good things in Nockfell” he continued. “Oh yeah? Well, I’d have to say its awesome, glad I found out yall’s ‘little secret’ “you said making air quotations.
“Believe me, we have better secrets than this.” Said an unfamiliar voice. “Well its nice to finally meet you, only today had they mentioned meeting you and trust me, they were all eager for me to meet you, I’m Todd” A shorter ginger boy with rounded glasses appeared from behind the other three. “Well, it’s nice to meet you too, Todd” you smiled; “Also, this is my partner, Neil” Another guy emerged, the same height as Todd. He waved sweetly and grinned.
“You having a party without me? Unbelievable.” Your brother jokingly scoffed as he finally came to take some of the spotlight off you. “Yo, nice to see you guys in person, I’m Vinnie, but I just go by vin.” He said as he shoved his rap CDs into your arms to go fist bump your new friends. “Nice to meet you man! I heard you liked cannibal corpse, right?” Larry said enthusiastically as he looked at vin.
“Yeah man...I love them…!” Vin said side eyeing you through his shades. Making you giggle
“Oh word? That’s sick, I love them too.” You heard Sal say to your twin. You caught yourself starring at Sally. He was just a lot to look at to be fair, not in a bad way. In a way you’d look at a renaissance painting, just taking in the intricacy. The guys were all conversating about what-not, you noticed how Sal spoke with his hands a lot. That’s funny, you do that too….
“Knives? You alright?” Ashley said waving a hand in front of your face, Todd furrowing his eyebrows confused while waiting for your response. “Huh? Oh yeah sorry I was just starring off into space.” You said as your eyes widened. You catch Todd exchanging a look to Ashley, and she returned that look; you had no clue what language they were speaking with their eyes.
You and your group checked out with your minimal items, you and Vinnie ended up leaving with the group. The five of them somehow walked to the record store? They must really like this place. The six of you have to somehow fit into Silas’s truck. Vinnie and Larry in the front seats, Ashley, Todd, and Neil in the back seats… Where were you going to sit? Where was Sal going to sit?! They definitely did this on purpose. 
Chapter 6 coming soon, thank you!!!
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chnt-confessions · 5 months
(I would send this off anon but idk if this will be taken as as good of an idea as I think it is)
In true ex-homestuck fashion, I’m writing a parody of The Tango Maureen. The basic premise is that Sydney got lost and Jedidiah had to VERY begrudgingly ask Elijah for help because he’s the only other one there (this happens during the off season) who cares enough about Sydney to assist in finding him. Jedidiah and Elijah have a fight about who loves Sydney more, along with their own personal grudges, ending when they (again, very begrudgingly) admit that they can both love Sydney differently and that competing about it is a waste of time. They then make a promise to be more civil to each other, at least until they find Sydney.
I’m like. Really proud of it. If you couldn’t tell. It’s so good.
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gothiitron · 1 year
I couldn’t fight the homestuck guys. My blog was supposed to be ANGEL themed. Now what? ALIENS???
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welloes · 5 months
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i couldn’t fight the homestuck
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1.) Pretty cool character in the comic proper, the alpha kid’s whole thing is just taking a break from the cool plot to have a teenage drama break but she has some quite interesting moments and a personality. Then in Homestuck 2 and the Epilogues she out of nowhere becomes an actual fascist girlboss(/neg) who abuses her gay husband (cause she can’t handle that he isn’t into her despite getting over that already) and puts shock collars w/leashes on her niece who she keeps in a cage and gives dog food. She also suddenly gets super xenophobic towards trolls (despite being very good friends with Calliope who is an alien). All of this to make her an actual fascist dictator. They couldn’t think of a more interesting way to make a follow up story to the most convoluted and lore dense piece of media this side of the afton criticality other than giving one of the less popular a fascism bomb and going “oh shit they’re gonna do the bad and racisms (but it’s against aliens so it’s smart commentary)”
2.) its clear shes supposed to be an inversion of the typical american housewife but she got so caught up in the bullshit going on in act 6 and some stupid romantic drama with her sort-of brother (she didnt know at the time) that any character development was completely sidelined and thus she just stayed at "housewife" without any inversion or character development which just looped back around to being misogynistic
3.) Caliborn (other character in Homestuck) called her an "IDIOT WOMAN." and "STUPID EARTH COW." and a "DUMB BITCH." :(
JADE (DRAGON QUEST 11) (CW: Mind Control)
1.) Despite being a calm and collected big sister protector to the party as well as a warrior princess, Dragon Quest is basically required to have one sexy female party member and with the other two being a girl who looks like a child and the other basically being a nun that left Jade, so despite it not being in her character at all she gets attacks that make her attack enemies with her butt and get the classic bunny girl costume. The worst of it is that there's a timeskip in the game and a lot of the party members get a little side adventure during it to flesh them out more, well instead of that Jade just get's captured by a monster and brainwashed into being a sexy demon for him, and said demon form/her vamp form is just get in the bunny girl outfit but with paler skin and red eyes. And once she's rescued she can go back into that form somehow and get's access to all the charm skills because 'of course'
2.) She's a cool martial artist but she also has skills like Blow kiss and sexy beam that do not fit the no-nonsense fighter she's introduced as. I haven't even finished the game yet but there's a sidestory where you get to walk around as her but a monster puts her in a cursed sexy bunny costume and you can't change her out of it even though the game has a system for cosmetic changes and doesn't restrict it anywhere else so far, also the monster's wife blames her for trying to 'seduce' her husband the monster, the same monster that put her in a bunny costume and keeps being creepy and flirting with her and also captured her and enslaved her. She fights back and beats them both but Booga activates the curse on the bunny suit, and makes her faint. I haven't gotten to the point where she comes back to the party yet.
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dragongirldg · 1 year
Hellooo there how are you
anyways if you want you can use this post to infodump on whatever you want
Info dumping huh? Well then.
I have been the biggest fan of this one ship for as long as I remember. Back in high school, I developed an interest in Homestuck. I obsessed over John Egbert specifically.
As I read fanfiction and looked at fanart, no ship sparked. I didn’t really care. I would read and yeah it’s cute and blah blah blah not my OTP.
Then the worst thing could have happened.
I looked at a crack ship and then I was fxcked. The more I thought about it, the more I loved it. Karkat who? Dave who? Dirk who? Sollex and Eridan who? Literally everyone that’s a common ship WHO?
It didn’t stick with me.
Want to know what stuck?
I had this idea of Calliope getting to John first and then breaking up for one reason or another.
Then Caliborn and John date or live together for other reasons.
Calliope doesn’t really come into the equation anymore or show up in my daydreams.
I don’t why, but I thought it was adorable if John just got bothered by Caliborn at every turn. They’d bother and fight and just it was cute how much they antagonized.
Then I started developing my trans Headcanon and June eventually makes her first appearance without her being June. It’s only recently (late 2022? - 2023) that I heard the name June and went from there.
I would draw and write fanfiction after fanfiction adding and subtracting details.
June stays 8ft tall and Caliborn is slightly shorter by a few feet or inches.
Caliborn gets rid of the half shaved hair look for short curly hair.
I couldn’t stop doodling John all over my school work to the point my science teacher recognized him when I gave her a little quiz. She had a bearded dragon in the classroom and I loved holding them during class :3
(Don’t ask about the things I did in highschool)
I had a ton of ideas and a lot of them were problematic tbh so I’m still curving them out of my head for far better ideas.
No matter what fandom I became a part of John/ June x Caliborn never left me. I didn’t want to really read fics anymore since no one writes my ship.
Does anyone actually do pixies and Crocker and Harley and Egbert family dynamics? Do they ever have them interacting like a big extended family?
If I had the urge, I’d write my AU ideas more. (I’m kinda stuck at the moment, work burns me out to much and too often that I don’t have motivation to get through the one? Shot I have)
I am going to attempt to redraw this political romance fancomic I drew a long time ago to update it with my newest version of John/ June. That means she will be June. If I could find the notebooks I had.
With my inability to write I’m stuck with lackluster chapters and get nothing done. I need some form of energy boost for my creativity. It’s at an all time low at the moment, being used for other fandoms.
Like this Transformers AU that got me in a chokehold.
Optimom AU (I have a whole blog on it if you want to send asks and stuff)
Optimus becomes the mother of Soundwave, Sari, and Bumblebee. The seeker teens think of Optimus as their mother and there are like 9 of them. Not to mention the others that kind of sees Optimus as a mother figure.
Basically Found Family Trope :3
It’s more complicated than that and I have several fanfics and fanart (which is now found in the Blog)
The messy Age thing with Sari, it’s because I plan of having her die at some point (trauma) and I can’t in good conscience do that to a 3-5 year old (it’s by electrocution).
Yeah it’s messed up, but the world of Transformers is equally if not more messed up and morally grey :3
At least Ariel (Black Arachnia) and Sari get to become extensions of Unicron and Primus!
Sentinel redemption and Ultra Magnus retiring to become Optimus’ father.
There’s a lot to the AU I’m not going in to in this post but yeah!!! That’s it!!!
Honestly I could go on, but then the post will never end.
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phecdasolar · 8 months
After several days of analysis and brainstorming I have successfully classpected the dragon riders from HTTYD :DDDDD
Hiccup - Page of Blood, Prospit Dreamer
Astrid - Prince of Rage, Derse Dreamer
Snotlout - Thief of Hope, Derse Dreamer
Fishlegs - Rogue of Heart, Derse Dreamer
Ruffnut - Witch of Time, Prospit Dreamer
Tuffnut - Sylph of Space, Prospit Dreamer
If anyone wants to know my reasonings it was a combination of Dahni Witch of Light’s classpect analysis and bouncing ideas off of my friends
Fun facts:
Hiccup was a tough choice between Blood and Breath, and I decided if he had indeed left before the fight with the Monstrous Nightmare and went to live with the dragons he would absolutely be Breath.
Another fun thing was Maid of Rage Hiccup if he was, well, angrier. Read Dahni’s description for the classpect and think of Hiccup going on his villain arc and you get the picture lol
My friend brought up the fact that Valka is Breath tho and I ABSOLUTELY agree with her
Tuffnut was originally Sylph of Breath! But after reading the description for Sylph of Space I thought it fit a lot more
Fishlegs I was initially gunning to be Mind, but it was the existence of one Thor Bonecrusher that made me realize omg, no, he’s Heart
Snotlout was a tie between Thief of Hope or Heart but after figuring out Fishlegs, and looking closer, Hope fit way more
Astrid was. A process. Hope, Time, Rage, Space, Knight, Heir, Prince, Bard, it took A WHILE but Prince of Rage seemed to fit the best (if you can think of something better I’m all ears, actually she’s the only one I’m still not entirely confident on 👀)
We have four!! Homestuck kinnies here lol Fishlegs the Nepeta kinnie, Astrid the Kurloz kinnie (it was SO CLOSE to being Eridan or Cronus I’m DYING-), Tuffnut the Kanaya kinnie, and Ruffnut the Damara kinnie
Final fun fact, I wanted to see what castes they’d be on the hemospectrum and Hiccup is the only one with a canon birthday but the FUNNIEST THING TO ME OKAY, is that he’s Fuchsia, aka the highest caste, literal royalty, and I find that funny because of his whole being the chief/son of the chief thing oml it’s just perfect it was meant to be
For the others, Astrid was Rust, Fishlegs Lime, the Twins Gold (duh), and Snotlout was so confusing bc like so many people couldn’t decide if he was Taurus or Scorpio, but then I thought since he’s Hiccup’s cousin what if he was Violet and I like that but it would’ve made him a True Aquarius.
Bronze would’ve been funny bc it would’ve been all the other riders at the very bottom of the spectrum (in order to boot!) and Hiccup all the way up top, I ended up going Cerulean as it was a nice halfway point but tbh I’m still kinda fond of Violetblood Snotlout so idk
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furresquid · 1 year
you see my friend coming back to see that my small tiny homestuck hyperfixation from april to becoming a not so small homestuck obsession in june is something I really did not think that would happen and you know what I am happy
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toxicflammable · 1 year
Many years ago I was playing this game called Guns of Icarus where you fly airships around and fight other airships naval battle style.
The games sick But anyways I was the captain of one ship and I named it “The Vriska” because I liked homestuck a lot at the time.
I was in a lobby and a gruff voiced Eastern European accented man on the opposing team turned on his mic and said “toxicflame, I am madly in love with the name of your ship, ‘Vriska,’ it sounds like a name of very sexy woman.” I couldn’t fückign take it.
That interactions been living in my head for years now you have to know about it too.
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burn-the-retcon · 1 year
This is also reminding me of a complaint I've had about how the characters' financial situations are portrayed since Dave's first appearance. Dave lives in a shitty apartment where Bro doesn't even have a separate bedroom and Dave doesn't even have a bedframe (his bed is two mattresses stacked together), but has money to casually blow on movie memorabilia which cost thousands in real life. On Alternia, the lowbloods are supposed to be horribly downtrodden by artificial scarcity, and Hiveswap particularly goes on about how Xefros is "legally required to be poor", but their houses are bigger and nicer than those of most people I know in real life, they have no shortage of shiny toys and books and magazines and computer equipment and gigantic storage safes with electronic locks, they have fully-stocked fridges and even spice racks, their clothes look fine (Aradia's skirt only rips up in the explosion which kills her), and their homes are in perfect repair, even Tavros' when he was paralysed and physically couldn't do maintenance work. It's just... very obvious Hussie is painfully out of touch with what it actually means to be poor. Different places have different lifestyle standards and a post-scarcity society could work like that, but going on and on about how poor the characters are while showing them living comfortably middle-class lives by the audience's standards, especially during a time when half the audience are fighting to keep roofs over their heads at all... It's a bit, pardon the phrasing, rich.
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