#I choose to believe I’m actually top 500 but just haven’t been ranked
Lifeweaver in Total Mayhem is…interesting. I basically had a tug-o-war with the enemy Hog because we both had our grab/hook abilities up most of the time and whenever he hooked one of my team I would yoink them back. Only problem is when he hooks me and then I’m scrambling for dear life and sometimes just say fuck it, yoink whatever nearby tank is playing and hope they fight for me lol.
In normal QP, he’s not so bad. I do think the comments I’ve heard on how his controls should be fixed are necessary. There’s just too many individual abilities that I often end up just not using one for a long period of time because I forget it exists. His right click should be his damage (or honestly vice versa), and then they should move his dash ability to just double jump. As it is right now, it’s just too awkward to use.
Haven’t noticed any trolling Lifeweavers yet, but I’m sure they’re out there in limited quantity. There have been the occasional times where I’ve been yoinked when I wasn’t really low HP that had me going “What? Oh, okay, sure I guess” but a part of me wonders if they were having a similar issue that I had when I played him which is that the targeting of the ability is a bit over-sensitive so when you’re in the middle of a clusterfuck sometimes it’s hard to grab the one you want. I’m sure that’s probably a setting, similar to Kiriko’s teleport. Also I noticed some weirdness when trying to grab Tracer, understandably. I ended up grabbing my Tracer as she was blinking and it looked like all that it did was stop her in her tracks momentarily and then let her blink, without actually bringing her to me. Seems like that might be a major issue in more serious games if it really just stopped her altogether.
The weirdest thing I noticed with him though, and perhaps more testing is necessary because I can’t say definitively what caused this, but I think his ult actually caused me to perform an involuntary 180. I was playing Sym at the time and our LW used his ult on point right next to me, and I think because the tree sort of grows from the ground in a spiral, I was like caught in the spiral so it made me completely turn around without moving my mouse. It was incredibly weird and kind of jarring.
All in all, he’s just OK. I don’t think he’s crazy OP, but I’m also dogshit with him still so that might just be a massive skill diff. The buff to his healing was much needed, though I’d argue he might need a smidge more.
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Women's March- not written by me
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -MLK 1. Please stop posting things about the Women's March if you have not educated yourself on the mission of the March and instead choose to make your decisions on what the march means based on a news clip. 2. The Women's March was about EQUALITY for everyone. Feminism is intersectional- it is the belief that we should also have the same respect and rights in this country and across the world. That all people of all races, religions and regardless of sexuality are treated with basic respect and dignity. And I would suggest you stay woke if you think that this perceived equality you speak of in black in white is ACTUAL equality in practice. It is not. 3. This article is just infuriating for so many reasons we GET to have jobs?; we GET to drive? I cannot believe those words were even uttered. 4. The march was not an anti- Trump rally. I was there I ACTUALLY know. The march's purpose was to get people talking about the issues MILLIONS of Americans and millions of citizens all over the world are concerned about (sister marches occurred on all 7 continents). 5. Maybe most important... Yes- women have come A LONG way to achieving equality thanks to marchers before us. That doesn't mean we're done and it also means we need to remind an administration and Congress that we would like to KEEP these rights. Just so you know executive orders have already been signed limiting rights of women and their body. ALREADY. Also I'm not sure if you've heard of this thing called VAWA. Well, republicans have been working (expect for the republicans in PA- yay PA- who have voted outside of party lines) to NOT reauthorize this act. Would you like to know what the act does? It provides funding to programs that help victims of domestic violence seek shelter and aid when fleeing their abusers and supports prosecution of rapists and douchebags who think it's okay to slap around people who can't defend themselves. Please educate yourself. To that point, I would also like to point out that our immigration laws allow for refugees to apply for asylum if they have been persecuted for race, religion, social group or politics. As of now, there's no stipulation for gender or sexuality, that means if you flee your country for fear of rape, domestic violence, or because of your sexuality you will have to have a lawyer who can find a way to argue your case in different legal terms- how many can afford that? Speaking of affordability. Some people are blessed enough to receive family support or insurance from their jobs. Other women and even men work HARD but work for a restaurant who have found a way to work out of providing their employees health insurance options. For women attempting to be smart about their sex life and obtain protection from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases- Planned Parenthood offers affordable healthcare and birth control. In fact Planned Parenthood provides over 4.2 million STI tests and treatments every year. Let's talk about the hundreds of thousands of Pap tests and mammograms they perform to screen for cancer to save people's lives. Less than 3% of their operations are even abortions so let's please understand what an organization does before you attack it. But gee, there is a movement in Congress by mostly men that want to take away funding for Planned Parenthood, putting millions of young and low income women at risk of missing out on catching cancer early, or maintaining reproductive health, or controlling family size. But all the pro lifers aren't quality of life. They also want to take away funding for welfare programs including WIC which is for women and infants. But there's not an attack on women in this country right? We're equal right? Girls in PA who get kicked out of their high schools for being pregnant or sent to alternative schools with kids with behavioral problems- meanwhile the guy who knocked her up stays in school and gets his diploma as planned. Sure we all "get" to go to school. Doesn't mean we're treated equally. Sure women can go to ivy leagues (because they work hard to EARN it) but even with equal education and experience women only earn 80 cents to the dollar that men earn. On that note women enrollment in higher education as of 2008 outnumbered men by more than 2 million but for some reason women only hold 14% of executive positions and only 4% of those are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. What does that tell you? Bias in the way people are hired for top ranking positions. (I'm not even going to get started on disparities in positions for women of color). Men don't believe women can lead even though we carry their children, work, take care of the home and all with the pressure of looking good. Rape cases overwhelming end in he said she said leading in case dismissal or acquittals- remember Brock Turner? But if you want to settle with women are fine because "we GET to drive, we GET to work, and GET to vote" fine. But don't hate on the rest of us who want real equality. Also, try having some empathy just because you haven't experienced injustice yourself doesn't mean other women haven't repeatedly, it just means you've been blessed. I believe in sticking up for my fellow woman and fellow person for that fact- immigrants, men, women, gay, straight- everyone deserves equal dignity not just want those in Power will have you believe is equality. P.S.- the irresponsible actions of a former president does NOT excuse the actions of our current president. men do not get carte blanche to disrespect women because someone else did. Plus I don't remember Clinton calling women pigs, disgusting, and reducing women who have an opinion to somehow just talking "because they are bleeding from their you know what". Sorry but I demand respect. I can acknowledge he's president but I also have a right in a representative democracy to remind the government they represent me and millions of other people and we demand respect, dignity and equal rights.
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Custom Application Engineer for SEO
Throughout the last Couple decades computer software features merged easily into almost all circles of the lifestyle. Early in the morning we’re being awoken when a smart alarm clock that is tracking the sleeping periods and stages to ensure best wake-up time.
Just before all of us get right up, most of us should already pick up their tablet pc to check on Online social networks and email's. Tooth brush software programs will certainly select the most suitable setting for brushing and flossing your tooth. Your car’s navigation system would pick the best route to get you to work avoiding traffic jams.
Many people reading this blog spend 90% of their own time by their computers working together with a large number of apps. And also the moment they have a spare minute, they would download a casino game, which is also software.
Hundreds of thousands of apps have been developed up to now.
It’ll be considered a marathon filled up with good and the bad, with acceptance accompanied by occasions of despair.
It's very frequently that, being users of a few app, we see its weak points and want to change the app, allow it to be better.
Nonetheless at times the various tools can be extremely poor that you see there are no option apart from expanding it out of scratch.
Wonderful items would often show up as a result. A lot more frequently , products won’t be created, or, previously being created neglect to obtain popular, and die.
Just how would you tell if you're approximately growing the best software merchandise in the world?
The tips listed below includes 8 things I believe enables you to find out if you’re all set for your software advancement trip.
When you understand that the planet is far more diverse than you could imagine, it is for the very first time that you begin becoming more specific about your target users.
If perhaps asked what I would like to do without even staying payed for it, I would say, “develop items.
Development of an incredible method a marathon rather than a sprint. First you go with the first idea to the first line of code, moving to the first consumer and first of all income. Not all of these will be perfect, which really is a positive thing, seeing that it creates industry opportunities for individuals who've custom software development expertise. And you’ll have the ability to “run” this convention only when you really like “ running. ”
I really like creating products. Im excited when I have the ability to help to make a product even slightly handier or smarter than it used to be. Are you really thinking about software program creation?
In any case, you’ll have to experiment with the price and observe how it modifies the demand.
If Im tired of developing my own products, I switch to developing a few open-source goods, which will I’m not being paid for. Do you have experience dealing with big data?
I believe you should have 3+ many years of experience in the field you create your software in.
installment payments on your Have you got enough knowledge in the field?
It really is frequently that when you look at fitness computer software, it may be obvious the developer has never been to a fitness center. Or when you use a cooking food software, you start to see the guys behind it haven't cooked in their lives. The thing is this mainly because these kinds of apps are unpractical, annoying and are only a make-belief they provide a remedy for some problem. In the end, you’ll make sure to find the price that’ll make both your customers and you happy. Still, the more challenging the convention is definitely, the more happy you’ll become once crossing the final line.
I’ve seen it often when newcomers just going into an industry see multiple errors with other products at once.
At times this means that a newbie offers a genuine vision and perspective which allows them to generate honestly discovery products. A lot more frequently , yet , it would imply that the newcomer doesn’t see each of the industry peculiarities.
I’ve experienced online marketing and SEO business for nearly 10 years. And the even more I uncover, the greater I know how much is left to explore. At times a means out is to email the programmers, who may find you’re right and improve their work. Just how well do you know your customers?
The most unsatisfactory matter that can occur to a software designer is whenever they develop a product nobody, recognize them, requires.
It’s a general inclination for programmers to check themselves as focus on users. Back 2005, when we were developing our first program merchandise, LinkAssistant, we pictured our user since a great English-fluent tech-savvy man in his middle -20s, who is promoting his own site. That was the man all of us created each of our merchandise for.
This may sound basic, and this gets more interesting (and more difficult, in ways ) afterwards.
1 .
Creating a product that could be of big use for experts and easy-to-understand for beginners can be an extremely challenging, yet next to impossible, task.
Making a computer software item today isn’t enough.
If your goal is usually developing best software items, expect an exhausting convention.
Present-day internet marketing and big info are almost synonyms.
I personally don’t trust totally free products much as Im uncertain that the programmer provides enthusiasm to support that.
Day-to-day storing of top 32 ranks for 1, 500 keywords in 3 or more se's creates space of data in relational data source every year, and perhaps 10 times more if you choose to retailer snippets.
Or take creating back-link index, for example. Creating one requires holding and control a huge selection of terabytes of information. This kind of, in its change, needs dozens of servers and a huge selection of hard drives. Hundreds of search engines available require considerable effort to support viability of databases that extract data from them.
It is the couple of former when a solitary developer could develop a powerful product. To create a person today, you will need a custom software developers.
Often whenever your product just gets into the marketplace, creating such an expensive program to aid data analysis is certainly too expensive to afford.
Now additionally you need to hire staff to handle your email responses, tech professionals to help you develop the product and full-time accountants to control your income.
The majority of providers offer simply part of data a great affiliate marketer really needs. For instance, some can supply only search rankings. Others can provide you only with backlinks. Even now, some, like WebMeUp API provide a well-rounded solution, which in turn enables you to get more assorted types of internet marketing data.
Actually insignificant outages in info source may have a negative effect on your product’s reputation, so when choosing the data provider, give consideration not only to the retail price, but additionally to the company’s background and testimonials.
5. Just how interesting is your UI/UX?
With that in mind, I’d recommend you starting with a small portion of your market, consequently expanding to bigger sections unless you cover the complete market. You will need to allow it to be pleasurable to work with. This means that you need to pay great focus on the way the software appears and interacts with the user.
If users don’t observe how they could work with your tool, they will not read guides or watch video tutorials. They’ll close your program to check out a different one that’ll solve all their problem.
Even though we pay huge focus on UI/UX assessment, there’s a secret check I work each time a significant revise is put into our software.
It’s referred to as Mom’s Test and We carry out it on the person, who has very little technology and website marketing knowledge whenever we started out eight years ago. Unfortunately, this person is becoming quite savvy in SEO and online marketing, gives her such a head start on the rest of our users that I believe I should keep an eye out for another top secret tester.
6. Are you proficient at marketing?
You need to find one unique offering idea (USP) of your product as early as practical. On top of that, you should know your USP before you start developing the product.
eight. If you don’t know how your product is preferable to others, you should not have developed it in any way.
Now matter how amazing your product is, it won't sell by itself. Just few products and the superstars that have the ball rolling immediatly. In most cases, you'll need to work hard day after day to get your content consumers and influencers discussing you in their own space.
Be ready to operate person-to-person jointly user at the first levels, helping them about and listening to them - to finally put word of mouth to work.
And you can visualize each of our surprose to get emails from women and men, young and older, Americans and Asians, tech nerds and people who also had no idea how to restart their laptop, minds of SEO businesses and people who didn’t know what was about. Nevertheless I believe we more than likely get anywhere with our products without both of these basic things: UTP and private connection with just about every paying or non-paying customer.
7. What pricing model carry out you utilize?
One morning you wake up to viewing your inbox jam-packed with thank-you records, questions and show requests, while it was merely your day ahead of that you just considered abandoning your product. Will you offer it or perhaps give away at no cost? If you do sell, how much would you charge: $20, $100 or $1, 500?
You can find multiple approaches to charges, nonetheless both basic types are (1) viewing competitors and (2) examining how much your focus on users are ready to shell out. ”
And that is what I do.
To generate software program that resonates with your market, you should be an expert in your subject. To investigate and forecast users’ behavior, billions of lines in fire wood data files have to be refined.
On the contrary, if the creator fees a charge for their particular program, I just notice as their commitment to compliment the software in the long run. Then you need to present it - with an extremely strong focus - to your audience. Are you set to achieve your goals?
Often accomplishment comes fully unforeseen.
So , your software product is ready.
Suddenly, a simple server becomes no longer enough to your app, and you also build an extended cloud commercial infrastructure.
Fortunately, there are multiple providers at this moment whom can offer all the necessary data to your software program.
In addition, you see that Yahoo seek out your item name introduces even more results every day, and factors around you start off occurring faster than you can custom seo software expect.
Still… it’s a part of another believe it or not interesting story I am hoping everyone of you'll be living through.
Create services, make the world around better and achievement won’t take longer to come!
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