#I cant wait to see what else comes from you oh raccoon
floydsteeth · 7 months
(gets pet)
Anyhow. What sort of mushrooms are Ciel's favorite? What's her go-to order in restaurants? Is she a sweets person, or a savoury person? What's her favorite deep-sea creature? (🦝) (departs to the trashcan i reside in)
Hello 🦝anon!!!!:D I am happy to see you again :3
*pets you more* heheheh:3 ok! Onto answering the questions!!
favorite mushroom: aestheticaly Rhodotus :3 I dunno which would be her favorite to eat though:P
Restaurant order: probably depends heavily on the restaurant??? Uhm but I think she'd be very fond of Vietnamese food I don't think ikepri has an equivalent for that but yee :3
Sweet or savory: definitely sweet, but less sugar sweet and more fruit kinds sweet!
Favori deep sea creature: no clue, she's phobic of the ocean and probably the things inside it. They scare her and she doesn't want to think about them :3
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Like Lightning After the Thunder: Chapter One: Damned Smile
Fic Summary:
His breath wavered as he stared into Katsuki’s eyes. He knew he could get out if he tried. He could knock Katsuki out, hope that no one else would find them, and run back into the shadows where he belonged. Katsuki may have had him pinned down but he was in Denki’s range now and it would take little effort to send a charge through Katsuki to paralyze him temporarily.
It would take barely any additional effort to kill Katsuki.
As the sparks began to charge, lighting up the air around him, Katsuki refused to back down.
Katsuki always knew he was destined for great things.
He didn’t think he’d have to turn his back on all he’s ever known to get there.
Rating: T
Warnings: Eventual major character death, implied/referenced child abuse, psychological trauma
Other Tags: Bakugou Katsuki/Kaminari Denki, slow burn, alternate universe - canon divergence
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Even years later, that damn smile haunted his dreams.
There was absolutely no reason for him to still think about the event. Everything had been taken care of when it had happened― injuries were treated, authorities alerted, information secured, and a press conference to tie it all up in a big red bow. There were no loose ends, no surprise second coming, no physical reminders of what happened lingering in his daily life. Katsuki would have labeled it as done, dealt with, and no longer relevant, shoving it aside in his memory so he could focus on actual important shit.
Except his mind had different plans.
When he was lucky, he could completely forget about the event for months. Other times, his dreams would be filled with nothing but that damn smile, taunting him with its silence. He could usually predict when the dreams would come― the anniversary of the event for example― but other times, it seemed like anything could trigger the memory. He once saw a bright yellow balloon and for the rest of the day, every time he closed his eyes he saw that damned smile, never wavering despite the curses and insults Katsuki spewed.
He wanted to forget it. He wanted so desperately to forget it. For the image to erase itself from his mind, for it to take the feelings away with it. He could deal with the anger, he could always deal with the anger, but when his memory reminded him of the wave of hurt and betrayal that nearly blinded him…
When his alarm jolted him from his sleep and freed him from the smile, he couldn’t get out of bed fast enough. He woke up drenched in a cold sweat, sheets singed and smoking lightly as he unclenched his hands, and Katsuki was, for once, very relieved that not all of his sweat was explosive. He slapped the singes a few times to ensure that all of the embers were put out before heading for the bathroom, cursing under his breath as he flinched at his own reflection in the mirror.
There was nothing particularly wrong with his appearance, if you didn’t count the dark circles under his eyes from a fitful night’s sleep or his clammy skin, but after being plagued by the smile, Katsuki could barely look at himself. His reaction to the smile made him feel weak, like he couldn’t handle himself and that there was something wrong with him. It was just a smile after all. There was no reason for him to react to it like a nightmare, no reason for him to lose sleep over it or to feel overwhelmed by emotions at the thought of it.
Yet when he saw the smile and saw how the corners of his mouth were tugged a bit too tight, how his eyes were open a bit too wide, how the only shine in his eyes were the reflections of light on tears that refused to fall…
Katsuki cursed.
The icy cold shower did little to help distract him from the memory, nor did his morning run nor the steaming shower he took after. He wasn’t supposed to head into the agency today, so he didn’t have any planned beatdowns for today, and yes he probably shouldn’t be hoping for it, but part of him hoped for a sudden emergency villain so he could distract himself by focusing on beating some villain’s ass into next week.
A few hours later when his phone refused to stop buzzing, Katsuki wondered if throwing his phone across the room until it stopped would be close enough to beating villain ass to work. He reluctantly decided that talking to people so they’d leave him alone was probably less hassle to deal with than having to replace his phone and distribute his new number (even if it would give him an excuse to ghost some of these damn extras).
A few individual texts and a group text were the cause of the buzzing. As the group text’s new message count continued to rise, he figured it would be easier to respond to the individual texts first. Just in case he changed his mind about destroying the phone.
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): Hello Bakugou, this is a reminder about the upcoming Class A reunion. As the head of the reunion committee, it is my duty to ensure an accurate headcount for the event, and I have yet to receive your response about your attendance. Please ensure to respond via the following link by this Friday at 11:59PM. [Class A 10 Year Reunion RSVP]
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): In case you missed the previous messages regarding the reunion, the event is March 28th starting at 7PM at the Shinjuku Hotel in Musutafu. If you need to rent a room for the night or the weekend, please alert the Shinjuku Hotel staff that you are part of the Class A reunion party by next Wednesday for an event discount.
Katsuki frowned. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to the possibility of being surrounded by all of his former classmates and even less at the idea of being socially obligated to spend the entire evening with them. At least when he met up with his friends elsewhere, he could always claim needing to leave early so he could make the last train or that work needed him to come in early the next day.
He closed out of the conversation, figuring he still had a few more days to decide if he really wanted to deal with his classmates for an entire evening.
Midoriya: Hey Katsugou! I was wondering if you’re going to go to the reunion? Tenya said the deadline to RSVP is coming soon and we haven’t heard from you, so I just thought I’d check in!
Katsuki: The fuck is Katsugou?
Midoriya: Oh sorry!! Typo!!
Midoriya: Anyway, are you coming?
Katsuki closed out of the conversation and moved on to the next one.
Shitty Hair: Katsuki! Are you coming to the reunion or not dude????
Katsuki: Fuck off.
Shitty Hair: Aww dude that’s no way to talk to your best friend, you know you love me!!
Katsuki: I’m blocking you.
He did not, in fact, block him. But he did close out of Eijirou’s texts.
Save for the newest text sent directly from Eijirou, all that was left was the backlog of texts in the group text. It had kept going off while he was reading the other conversations, so Katsuki figured it meant that everyone was either off for the day or on their lunch break.
Raccoon Eyes: guys!!!!! the reunion is COMING UPPPPPP!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: i cant wait to s
Raccoon Eyes: ee all of u guys again!!
Tape Face: lmao you saw us last week
Raccoon Eyes: yes
Raccoon Eyes: an eteRNITY ago
Raccoon Eyes: and like
Raccoon Eyes: kats left early so we didnt have everyone
Raccoon Eyes: so it doesnt count
Shitty Hair: Yeah Katsuki don’t leave early next time!!
Raccoon Eyes: we just have to hold him hostage next time
Raccoon Eyes: or like
Raccoon Eyes: AMBUSH him
Tape Face: i can always tape him up
Raccoon Eyes: tape him to the wall
Raccoon Eyes: and then like
Raccoon Eyes: steal his wallet
Raccoon Eyes: cant get on transit w no moneys
Raccoon Eyes: ei and han hold him down
Raccoon Eyes: i run to hide his wallet where he cant fi
Raccoon Eyes: nd it
Raccoon Eyes: probs keeps kats tapped to the wall all night
Raccoon Eyes: free up his arms so he can have a drink????
Tape Face: explosion palms dude
Raccoon Eyes: oh u right
Raccoon Eyes: he can just have a cup w like
Raccoon Eyes: a REALLY REALLY long straw
Raccoon Eyes: make sure u tape him up w his hands behind his back
Tape Face: you got it
Shitty Hair: He’s in this chat guys he’s going to see the plan
Raccoon Eyes: whatevs we can still totally blindside him
Raccoon Eyes: ANYWAYS
Raccoon Eyes: ure all going right?????
Tape Face: ya I rsvpd a while back
Shitty Hair: Yep!! Wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Raccoon Eyes: what about u kats
Raccoon Eyes: kats???
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: a
Shitty Hair: I’ll text him separately
Raccoon Eyes: t
Tape Face: he probably has this muted lmao
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: !!!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: how dare u ignore us
Raccoon Eyes: after everything weve done for u!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: thought we were ur ride or die hoes
Raccoon Eyes: dont tell me ur not going!!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: im so offended
Raccoon Eyes: how could u do this to us kats
Shitty Hair: Maybe he’s at work today?
Raccoon Eyes: boo
Raccoon Eyes: how dare he prioritize wo
Raccoon Eyes: rk over us
Raccoon Eyes: his best friends
Raccoon Eyes: the suns of his life
Raccoon Eyes: the bit of happiness in the cold
Raccoon Eyes: cold
Raccoon Eyes: cold
Tape Face: coooooooooold
Raccoon Eyes: thing he calls a heart
Shitty Hair: Lmao
Tape Face: its got a bit of warmth
Tape Face: most of it is his temper
Raccoon Eyes: boom boom POW
Raccoon Eyes: well while we wait for kats
Raccoon Eyes: help me pick some photos for the slideshow!!
Tape Face: are you doing only UA pics or some stuff since then
Tape Face: somehow iida managed to not specify lmao
Shitty Hair: The info email was like ten pages, how did he miss it
Tape Face: idk
Raccoon Eyes: ive got plenty for both!!
Raccoon Eyes: momo said pref UA pics but some new stuff is good too
Raccoon Eyes: show how far weve come n all that
Tape Face: oh cool let me get some opinions then too
Shitty Hair: Anyone have any pics of the camping trip from second year?
Raccoon Eyes: before or after todoroki and kats’ fight turned it into a icy hot springs
Shitty Hair: Both lmao but probably before it went to hell
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: ofc ive got us chillin in the springs
Raccoon Eyes: well most of us
Raccoon Eyes: kats u never get in the water w us :C
Raccoon Eyes: lets go to the beach next time!!
Tape Face: hed prob boil the water w you in it if you dragged him in lmao
Tape Face: spicy acid time
Raccoon Eyes: id like to see him TRY
Shitty Hair: Don’t tempt him lmao
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: i got like a shit ton more
Raccoon Eyes: should i send some of THE FIGHT
Shitty Hair: Maybe not
Tape Face: yes
Tape Face: well
Tape Face: depends on how many pissed off katsuki pics youre putting in lmao
Raccoon Eyes: OH
Raccoon Eyes: OHHHH
Tape Face: ?
Raccoon Eyes: dude
Raccoon Eyes: do u have the POMERANIAN pic
Tape Face: o shit
Tape Face: image.png
Shitty Hair: I still think Katsuki should’ve taken that pup home
Shitty Hair: They’re matching!
Tape Face: image.png
Tape Face: i also have this one
Tape Face: when she tried to bite his nose off lmao
Raccoon Eyes: kats couldve named her king explosion murder
Raccoon Eyes: or just murder
Raccoon Eyes: p sure she wouldve tried to murder kats at least o
Raccoon Eyes: nce
Tape Face: lmao she basically tried when he found her
Shitty Hair: Maybe it’s for the best that he didn’t keep the pup
Tape Face: look what i found
Tape Face: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: AWWWW YES
Raccoon Eyes: LOOK AT USSSSS
Raccoon Eyes: we look FABBBB
Shitty Hair: Is that from the dance?
Tape Face: ye
Raccoon Eyes: guys what if we recreate that pic at the reunion
Raccoon Eyes: the fits?
Raccoon Eyes: immaculate
Raccoon Eyes: the pose?
Raccoon Eyes: perfection
Tape Face: hotel?
Tape Face: trivago
Shitty Hair: I’m down for recreating some pics!
Raccoon Eyes: yessssss
Raccoon Eyes: u have no choice either kats u gotta do it
Raccoon Eyes: wherever u are
Shitty Hair: Oh he replied!!
Raccoon Eyes: SWEET
Raccoon Eyes: what he say
Shitty Hair: He said fuck off
Tape Face: as expected
Shitty Hair: Lmao he threatened to block me again
Tape Face: thought he said he was blocking you last week
Shitty Hair: Yea exactly
Raccoon Eyes: HOW RUDE
Raccoon Eyes: as punishment for not paying attention to us
Raccoon Eyes: im gonna send this
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Tape Face: LMAO whend you make that
Shitty Hair: Is that Katsuki with a cat face and ears
Shitty Hair: Dude I don’t know if he’s going to kill you for that or for the pink hair first lmao
Raccoon Eyes: lmao made it just now
Raccoon Eyes: well MAYBE if he ANSWERED us
Katsuki: Delete it.
Tape Face: O SHIT
Tape Face: you summoned him
Raccoon Eyes: NO I WILL NOT
Katsuki: Delete it Raccoon Eyes or else I’m coming for you.
Tape Face: are you coming for the left shoes and shittin in them
Raccoon Eyes: NOOOOOOO not my shoes!!!!!!!!
Tape Face: its just the left shoes tho
Katsuki: What the fuck are you two going on about?
Raccoon Eyes: DONT COME FOR M
Katsuki: I’m not coming for your fucking left shoes. Or any of your shoes.
Katsuki: I will be coming for you if you don’t delete that picture, though.
Raccoon Eyes: I BEG
Raccoon Eyes: PLSSSSS
Katsuki: Delete the picture.
Raccoon Eyes: ugh fiiiiiiiiiine
Raccoon Eyes: its deleted
Raccoon Eyes: i wont send it to momo for the slide show
Katsuki: Good.
Katsuki: Fuck off.
Shitty Hair: C’mon Katsuki!! It’ll be fun!!
Tape Face: ya it wouldnt do if we didnt have our exploding star
Raccoon Eyes: ill send momo WORSE if u dont come
Raccoon Eyes: nd u wont know WHAT til AFTER
Raccoon Eyes: so PLSSSSSSSSSS
Raccoon Eyes: ill spam u a lot worse if u dont show us proof of rsvp
Raccoon Eyes: pls kaaaaaaaaats
Raccoon Eyes: kaaaaaaaaats
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: a
Katsuki: Ugh fucking fine, I’ll do the RSVP now then.
Raccoon Eyes: t
Raccoon Eyes: YAY
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): Good afternoon, Bakugou! I just wanted to confirm with you that I have received your RSVP for the Class A reunion. As a reminder, if you need to rent a room for the night or the weekend, please alert the Shinjuku Hotel staff that you are part of the Class A reunion party by next Wednesday for an event discount.
Katsuki: image.png
Katsuki: image.png
Katsuki: Four Eyes is watching the RSVP form like a fucking hawk apparently.
Raccoon Eyes: YAAAAAY URE RSVPD!!!
Shitty Hair: You know him, always dedicated to his work
Tape Face: sweet
Raccoon Eyes: are u guys getting rooms
Tape Face: yea musutafus too far for a round trip
Tape Face: esp since itll prob end late
Shitty Hair: I got one for the weekend!
Tape Face: wbu mina
Raccoon Eyes: booked a room already!!
Raccoon Eyes: kaaaaats wbu
Raccoon Eyes: u should
Raccoon Eyes: we could have a brunch or lunch or s/t thats just us
Raccoon Eyes: plsssssss kats
Katsuki: I’ll think about it.
Tape Face: better than a no lmao
Shitty Hair: If they run out of space or if you decide last second, you can room with me dude
Raccoon Eyes: awww why not a yes
Katsuki: I haven’t asked the other Four Eyes for the time off yet.
Tape Face: is this four eyes no4 or no15
Raccoon Eyes: four eyes no69
Raccoon Eyes: no wait
Raccoon Eyes: no420
Tape Face: haha blaze it
Raccoon Eyes: BLAZE IT
Shitty Hair: It’s number 7
Katsuki: Fuck you, I don’t have that many Four Eyes saved in my phone.
Shitty Hair: I’d be surprised if you had 420 contacts period dude
Raccoon Eyes: would b hilarious tho
Katsuki: Yes, it’s Four Eyes number 7.
Shitty Hair: I was right!!
Katsuki: Why would I ask any of the other Four Eyes for time off? They’re not my fucking bosses.
Tape Face: dunno
Raccoon Eyes: idk maybe ure secretly dating one a
Raccoon Eyes: nd have to confirm that its ok
Tape Face: o shit
Tape Face: scandalous
Katsuki: Shut the fuck up, I’m not dating anyone, secret or not.
Raccoon Eyes: thats what they all say
Katsuki: Whatever. I’m not dating anyone.
Raccoon Eyes: kats n four eyes no420 sittin in a tree
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: i
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: i
Katsuki: I’ll blow up all of your left shoes when you’re not home.
Raccoon Eyes: n
Raccoon Eyes: NO
Shitty Hair: Hey what do you guys think of this photo
Shitty Hair: image.png
Tape Face: dude yes
Katsuki: Do we really need to send them pictures? It’s not like we fucking forgot this stuff already.
Tape Face: you can be a killjoy if you want lmao
Tape Face: im sure mina will send more than enough to cover for you
Raccoon Eyes: U BETCHA
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Tape Face: lmao why do you have a pic of katsuki throwing ei
Shitty Hair: I still can’t believe you did that bro
Katsuki: I gave you plenty of fucking warning.
Shitty Hair: Saying “I’m throwing you” AS YOU’RE THROWING ME is NOT PLENTY OF WARNING DUDE
Raccoon Eyes: im always ready to document golden moments
Katsuki: Shut the fuck up. We won the training exercise so what’s it fucking matter?
Shitty Hair: YOU THREW ME!!
Katsuki: Tape Face caught you before you could get hurt.
Shitty Hair: YOU /THREW/ ME!!!!!!
Tape Face: barely caught
Katsuki: Whatever.
Raccoon Eyes: im still impressed by how eASY u made that look
Katsuki: What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?
Raccoon Eyes: o look conveniently timed distraction photo spam
Katsuki sighed as he continued the conversation, commenting here and there on the photos his friends sent for judgement. In retrospect, he probably should have tried to talk to Shion first, since there was a chance she would have denied the time off for the reunion. Although, knowing her, she would have accepted just to force Katsuki into socializing. He opened up a new text message, figuring that if Shion did decide to deny the time off, he would at least have a screenshot to send to his friends explaining the sudden change in plans.
Katsuki: I need March 28th and 29th off.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Do my eyes deceive me? The great Katsuki Bakugou, asking for time off?
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): I’m amazed! Usually I have to ask you to take the day off!
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Nay, not ask, but force!
Katsuki: Are you going to give it to me or not?
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Depends! What do you need the time off for?
Katsuki: Class reunion.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Oh those are fun!
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Fill out the proper time off paperwork and have it on my desk by Monday. I’ll approve the time off.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Just keep your phone on you in case we need you to come in for an emergency, but I’ll try not to ruin your reunion with work.
Katsuki: Thanks.
Well, so much for an easy way out.
Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose when he noticed that his phone had already accumulated another thirty texts in the past few minutes, no doubt primarily from Mina. He scrolled through the backlog, sending a few mostly empty threats when he saw photos he did not want projected for the entire class to see, freezing when his gaze met a pair of familiar amber eyes.
In his scramble to close out of the photo, to escape the genuine smile that somehow was more haunting than the one in his dreams, he left the group text completely. He briefly thanked his past self; he’d impulse or rage quit the group text plenty of times before that this wasn’t unusual behavior. If he was lucky, his friends wouldn’t have noticed the timing of his departure and would assume he was just fed up with the notifications or the conversation.
Shitty Hair: You okay, Katsuki?
A weak laugh escaped Katsuki’s lips as he read the newest notification. Of course Eijirou noticed.
Katsuki: I’m fine.
Shitty Hair: Okay
Shitty Hair: We don’t have to talk about it
Shitty Hair: But if you want to, I’m here dude
Shitty Hair: I’ll tell the others that you left so your phone would shut up and not to add you back yet
Katsuki: Thanks. Really.
Shitty Hair: No problem dude
Katsuki put his phone down, silently praying for the smile to leave him alone.
When he finally laid down for bed that night, he repeated the short prayer, for a peaceful night’s rest free of the smile, of the hurt, of the pain, of the guilt.
But as always, the smile came.
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chyrstis · 4 years
WIP Saturday (so much for Friday)
Tagged by @shallow-gravy @raisinghellinotherworlds and @fadedjacket! You’re all way too kind (and also patient! <3), and here I am trying not to squeeze this in too late (never mind the fact that it’s Saturday and not even Wednesday)
Tagging: @writerofblocks @sharky-broshaw @amistrio @geronimo-11 @guileandgall @painterofhorizons @redroci @ma-sulevin @narcis-the-monk @teamhawkeye @finefeatheredgamer @fluttyseed @sneaky-apostate @hawkfurze @scarlettkat86 @strafethesesinners @risenlucifer @ofravensandgenesis @marymay-fairgrave @cclkestis and anyone else that’s interested! This is totally a free tag, and I’d love to see what you’re all working on.
Random aside, but I’d definitely post the new WIP I ended up writing earlier today courtesy of @writerofblocks providing some excellent inspiration, but...I think I’m going to hold onto that for later, b/c that might be a little too much spice to slip in here.
First off, a small moment from the Trap fic, which I’m still hoping to finalize most of the outline for soon! Just a friendly car chase, no big deal:
“Go, go, go!”
Her foot hit the gas, and they flew out after it, not wanting to give it a decent chance for a lead. The more time between them, the less of a shot they had to corral it.
It just sucked that of all of the vehicles they had to offer, the van ended up being their pick, because the space it had didn’t do shit to help its max speed.
Coming right up behind the tanker, Hana dug for the radio by her side and put a call through. “H to Shurky, we’re coming up on you two, so you’d better be ready to work your magic!”
“Ten-four on that, pretty lady! Oh, wait. Fuck! Wait, let me just-”
Some arguing filtered through, nothing she could suss out while barreling down the road mid-car chase, until Sharky’s voice came back over the line.
“Yeah, we got you covered, Dep! Got a whole lotta shit just ready to throw and-yo, I see you there!”
Gunfire echoed briefly before cutting off, all while a cold sweat settled on her brow.
Jesus. They weren’t supposed to hit trouble this soon. Did they know?
A bullet clipped the windshield, spidering the glass as she moved back, and she swore under her breath.
Next, how about a little more No-Cult AU? Part 2-ish of the paint saga, which I’d love to finish within the next week or so. *crosses fingers*:
Sharky switched to the earlier photos. Tilted his phone and studied them, and still couldn’t tell jack-shit.
Another image came through in the middle of this, this time of John’s hand holding up what looked to be two separate paint color cards. Both were the kind of red he seriously had no hope of telling apart, and as Sharky focused in on them, he caught two different names.
“…Heart what?” he muttered, reading no joke, Heartthrob as one of the colors.
the fuck man?
Not happy with either?
im over here digging holes covered in dirt n shit and ure asking me to tell u whats better Candy apple or fkin cherry
cant even tell if ones lighter n the other
Taking a picture of where he was, Sharky sent it along, and John didn’t wait long to respond.
Ah, you’re busy. This is a bad time.
its ok Sharky replied, typing fast, just weird to ask
the hells the red for anyway? thought blue was your thng
The boathouse, remember? It was red.
It was?
Thinking back to that night, color didn’t even click for him. Shit, he’d barely had his own feet under him as he slipped into the place, and nearly pitched over the edge of the boat into the river. But after avoiding hitting his head, and losing his balance he’d fired it up and booked it.
Didn’t even stop to question anything, not even the keys left on the workbench nearby. Seriously, how did he end up being the first person to try this shit at all?
Raccoons, or hell, even a wolverine could’ve run off with them, and he didn’t know what was funnier, the idea of a wolverine trying to handle a boat, or John trying to work any of that lawyer mojo against something ready to claw his face off.
But thinking back to the boathouse, red kinda made sense. Well, judging from what he’d seen under the burnt and charred pieces he’d broken down and thrown to the side while taking it apart.
And finally, maybe some Sharky/Hana/John? John drops by their place earlier than anticipated on their calendar, which throws off their groove a bit, but he’s got a few reasons for it.
“Dude, it’s just past four. You check the clock at all ‘fore heading over?”
He hadn’t, admittedly. Just left his room as soon as possible without looking back, and frowned when Boshaw aimed a knowing smirk right at him. “Should I have?”
He shook his head as he plopped down onto a nearby chair. “Nah, it’s cool, man. Cool to see you, and cool to-“ he yawned, the rest of his answer swallowed up by it. “Cool to have you by and shit.”
Groping for his shoes, he pulled at the laces, loosening them enough to put them on, and rubbed at his eyes before lacing them up. Not saying anything else, he’d switched to humming something off-key, and try as he might, John couldn’t recognize a single note of it.
“Can’t really stick around long, ‘cause the first round of shifts are starting, but if you wanted to talk to H, she’ll be up in a bit. She can’t do early. Shit, I can’t do early, but you do what you gotta do, I guess.”
“It’s a small price to pay to keep things as they are.”
“Yeah, I guess. But you’re looking like you just sprang up, ready to fucking go”, Charlemagne groused. John raised an eyebrow at him, watching as he shook his head at him. “You even sleep?”
No. John said nothing, but just as he was considering it, Boshaw snorted.
“Nah, probably don’t much. Well, I’m out. Whoever’s supe this week’ll ride me if I’m late, so just lock up behind me.”
He jogged over to the bed, and dipped down towards the pile of blankets. There wasn’t much of Hana that either of them could see above what she’d wrapped around her, but once Charlemagne found her, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, tenderly brushing her hair back as he did.
Glancing away, John waited until he was back in front of him to make eye contact again.
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
AIN'T NO TIME LIKE 1969 by: be-the-creatue-fan. (Its a long one)
Chapter 1
Its was a quiet day at the Tortuga, ever since self quarantine started things were very quiet in the creature world. The Wild Kratts team were trying to keep busy, Chris and Martin were trading creature power discs again, Koki was making sure there was no Villain activity, Jimmy was playing his video games and Aviva was working on her inventions.
"It's Done!" Aviva said with excitement.
"What is?" asked everyone else.
"The Time Trampoline! Its finally been restored to its former glory."
Chris's face lit up with a tear in his eye, finally after over a year of waiting, the time trampoline was finished.
"So, Chris are you ready to test it out?" Martin asked.
"You don't have to ask me twice! So, Aviva how far back can this time machine go?"
"Well lucky for you Bros, this baby can go all the way back to the Jurracic Time Period!"
"For real!?" The Brothers said.
"Do you know what this means Chris?!" "We can finally see your fossil collection come to life!!!"
Chris was so excited he couldn't speak.
"Well what are you guys waiting for? You guys can visit them right now!"
So the Kratt brothers got ready to go back in time to see the dinosaurs, but little did they know that trouble was lurking close by.
"Uug Finally she finished her time trampoline thingy" Zach said as he walked towards his invisibility cloak. "It's finally time to defeat those Wild Rats once and for all!
Chapter 2
"Are you guys all set" Koki asked
"Ha! I was born ready!" Chris said as he climbed on the trampoline.
Once both Brothers were on the trampoline the countdown started, not just for the Wild Kratts team but for Zach as well.
"5.....4.....3.....2.....1....ze-" just before the team could say zero, Zach came out of nowhere and pushed Martin off the trampoline and destroyed one part of it as Chris made it into the time connection. Martin could only watch in horror as the time connection started to close right behind Chris. As Chris saw the time connection close up, he knew that he had to travel to a time period more recent then what he originally planned or he would be toast. So without thinking Chris threw the other smaller time trampoline just right infront of him and narrowly avoided his ultimate doom.
June 20th 1969 (9:52pm) Warren NJ
Chris found himself in a tree with the trampoline just under him. As Chris jumped on to the trampoline he couldn't help but feel that where ever he was at felt familiar in a way but he still didn't know where or when he was at, so he just packed up the trampoline and started to wander the streets. After walking for about an hour Chris began to feel tried and hungry and the feeling of being lost and alone didn't help. Just then, as he was walking near an alley way he felt a large tug on his arm and with one swift move he found himself on the ground being beaten up by a small gang of thieves. He could feel them snatch the time trampoline away as they ran away. Chris continued to lie on the cement motionless until he found the courage to get up and keep walking. He was still in shock and didn't know how badly he was hurt, and couldn't tell if he was sweating or losing blood but as he kept walking, everything kept becoming more and more familiar. Chris finally found himself infront of his childhood home and because of the pain and exhaustion he had felt, he clasped in the front yard only hidden by a bush.
Chapter 3
"CHRIS!" Martin screamed as he gased up at the time connection which had just closed. "Zach! Look what you have done now!" Martin looked at Zach with a murderous intent in his eyes. In a split second Martin leaped towards Zach and proceeded to put him in a choke hold. The rest of the Wild Kratts gang had to pry Martin off of Zach. But before Zach could escape, Aviva used the robotic arms to keep a hold on Zach.
"So Zach, What in the Creature World was that all about?!?!" Martin angrily asked.
"I don't have to say if I don't want too." Zach responded with a smirk on his face.
"Listen here you little sh-"
"MARTIN, LANGUAGE!!!" Koki said to quickly interrupt Martin.
"Dang, Martin. Sombody please remind me never to mess with Chris." Jimmy said in a kind of joking manner.
"Yes Martin?"
"Shut up."
After a moment of awkward silence.....
"Oh Martin I was able to pick up a signal coming from the other trampoline." said Koki.
"Really? Where at do you know if Chris made it?"
"Well there was activity after the trampoline made it so he was able to escape the closing of the time connection, however I cant pinpoint where he is at but I know when."
"Well when was it?"
(Back with Chris in 1969.....)
It was 8:00 on the 21st day of June and it was a beautiful first day of summer. Linda Kratt who was 8 months pregnant with her 4th kid decided to sit on the porch outside and relax in the summer breeze. That when she noticed something on her front yard. As she walked closer to it thinking that it was probably a possum or a raccoon, to her suprize it was a man who's face was very swollen. At first she thought about calling the authorities, but saw that he had probably had gone through enough and probably needed a proper place to heal back up. So using a little bit of ingenuity she used her eldest son's wagon to put the man in and she pulled the wagon inside and she put him on the couch to rest up.
Chapter 4
Chris finally started to come around and the first thing he noticed was the kid who was staring back at him.
"Martin?" Chris said in a quiet raspy voice.
"Martin! what did I tell you don't disturb the nice young man!" Linda sternly told Martin as she shooed him away. "I'm so sorry about that I hope he didn't wake you."
"Oh, no he didn't wake me Mom" Chris said still a little dazed.
"Mom?" Linda said confused.
"Oh! I meant Mamm sorry."
"Oh that's alright dear, say you look familiar, do I know you from somewhere?"
"Um no I don't think so" Chris stuttered as he tried to get up. "I would like to thank you for your hospitality but I need to be on my way" as Chris stood up he became very light headed and he stumbled as he tried to walk, almost falling again for the 2nd time.
"Oh no I insist you must stay here and rest" she brought Chris back to the couch and it didn't take long for him to fall back asleep.
Linda then tried calling her husband Bill Kratt at his work but there was no answer. A few hour later Chris woke up again and started walking towards the kitchen to get something to drink but he would struggle with trying to stay awake. His head was pounding and he would black out at times but eventually he made it into the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. As he was walking back to the couch, Bill came back from work.
"What the hell are you doing in my house!!!" Bill shouted as he ran towards Chris and tackled him.
Chris was to weak to respond and passed out in fear.
"Bill! Get off of him he's hurt!" Linda screamed.
"Linda you and the kids stay back!" I'll teach him a lesson not to enter the house of Bill Kratt!"
It wasn't easy but eventually Linda calmed Bill down and explained him the whole situation. Chris once again woke up on the couch but this time it late at night.
He could hear Bill and Linda taking in the room next to his.
"I don't trust him Linda, he seems like someone who goes out looking for trouble"
"Well, what makes you say that Bill?"
"You saw how badly beaten up he is, he was probably looking for it. I'm just glad that no son of mine will ever end up like him."
"Bill, what's the real reason why you don't like him?"
"I guess I'm just worried about you,the kids and the baby. when I saw him in our house I thought something terrible happened."
"Oh I'm so sorry Honey, I tried calling your work phone but there was no answer.
"Its ok Love, I'm just glad you're ok."
Chapter 5
(Back in Present day.....)
Martin couldn't sleep that night. All he could think about was how would Chris ever return home. Aviva and Koki spent the whole day trying to figure out a way to fix the time trampoline as quickly and efficiently as possible, Jimmy was keeping a guard on Zach, and Martin was mostly trying to figure out where Chris could be. It was very odd though, Martin started recalling a moment shortly before Chris was born when a man came and visited his house for some reason that he couldn't remember, he didn't know why he was recalling this memory or why it came to mind just then but he tried to not pay attention to it and continued on with his day.
"How's the Time Trampoline Aviva?"
"Well, its coming along, luckily Zach wasn't strong enough to break the main part of the trampoline but its gonna take a while to fix it well enough to get Chris back."
"How long would that be?"
"About 2 weeks"
"2 weeks?! How would we know if he's even still alive in 2 weeks?"
"Ha! Wow most of my plan worked better than expected" Zach yelled out loud.
Martin didn't take that very well and the team had to restrain him as well before there was any bloodshed.
For the next few days The whole Wild Kratts team did their part to fix the time trampoline.
(Back in 1969.....)
Chris continued to slowly get better and even helped Linda out with some of the chores when she was to tired to do them.
"So when is the baby due?" Chris asked even though he knew the answer
"In about another month or so. But sometimes, I wish it would come sooner then later. It's not easy having to be pregnant and also have 3 other little ones, but I love my children and wouldn't want it any other way."
Just then Martin ran up to his Mom.
"Mommy can I go outside?"
"Sure Honey" just make sure when you go outside where stay in the front yard where I can see you."
"Yes Mommy I will. Come on Heidi!" Then a Saint Bernard puppy ran out of Martin's room and went outside with him.
Chris really missed Heidi and was very happy to see her, but he had to contain his excitement in order to not act suspicious.
"Heh, Heidi that's a cute name for a dog"
(Back in present day)
"Martin are you alright?" asked Jimmy
"What's wrong?"
Martin glances at Jimmy with tears in his eyes.
"I let Chris down Jimmy, I'm a terrible brother, I was supposed to protect him, and I failed."
"Martin this is not your fault. We're going find him and get him back."
"Well, if he's not dead by then!" Zach blurted out.
(Dead silence)
Chapter 6
(Back in 1969.....)
Its been one week since Chris went back in time. Chris was still recovering from his injuries but has since gain the trust of Bill.
"So um Chris that your name, right?"
"Um yes sir."
"Where are you from Chris?"
"Oh um I travel a lot but I grew up here and I was supposed to um meet my brother at a um a bus station I waited for a while and so I thought he might of been talking about the other one that's not to far away from here but as I was walking over there I got mugged and the next thing I know it, I wake up on the couch."
Chris knew he couldn't tell the truth, he knew that every action he does could affect the outcome of the future, even his own. All of a sudden Chris had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Linda what is it?!"
"Bill! We have to go to the hospital, it's the baby, something's wrong!"
Chris sinking feeling turned into a pain and then into agony. He felt like throwing up, he wanted to scream, the pain was starting to become unbearable, he didn't know what to do.
"Chris are you ok?"
"Ok, Chris I'm going to take you both to the hospital."
"NO JUST TAKE YOUR WIFE! I'll be fine just take your wife and I'll be fine, ok?"
"Alright, let's go Linda"
A few hours pass the pain was still there.
"Where's Mommy and Daddy?"
Chris looked up to see Martin stareing back at him.
Chris didn't know what to say, he was in so much pain. He didn't know if he would survive. He looked back at Martin.
"Mom and Dad are at the hospital, But don't worry, they're going to be ok."
After saying those words, the pain started to go away.
"Martin, I need you to remember something."
"What is it?"
"When your older, you are going to feel like you have to protect your siblings from danger, and that's good, but sometimes when you can't, don't feel like it's your fault, ok?"
(Back in Present day....)
"Oh my gosh I know where Chis is!"
"Martin it's 4:00 in the morning, where do you possibly think he's at?"
"He's at my house, in 1969, I remember him, but I don't know how, but he possibly can be the same man."
"Unless he's currently changing the past and adding new memories, that would explain why you keep having these new memories from your past!"
After a lot of thought Aviva just released something.
"This isn't good"
"What is it Aviva?"
"If Chris keeps talking or interacts with your family, this could jeopardize our past and present day selves. The Wild Kratts team might not even exist."
"Well there isn't any time to waste!" Koki piped up.
"Koki is right let's get to work."
Chapter 7
(Back in 1969.....)
After a while Linda and Bill came back from the hospital
"How's the baby?" Chris asked
"The baby is fine, thankfully"
"That's good"
"Chris, I would like to thank you for watching the kids for us, I hope there wasn't any trouble."
"Oh no there was no trouble at all"
"Are you sure we don't know you from somewhere?"
"Ummmm not that I'm aware of? But you guys have been so kind to like if I was your own son *cough*"
"I just hope your brother isn't worried about you"
"Oh I'm sure he's not that worried about me."
(Present day)
"Martin, CALM DOWN! We need about a few more days until we're done fixing it."
"Look were trying to do the best we can, but time travel is complicated stuff"
"I know, I know, but I'm just worried about him. I just want to protect him, I want to know if he's safe."
"I think I've got it!"
"What is it Koki?"
"I fix the time trampoline just enough to get Chris back!"
"I took a few short cuts and was able to allow the time trampoline to go back to the year 1969, which we know is the same time where Chris ended up in history. We just need to make sure we have a connection to the other trampoline for the time connection to open which might take about 6 or 7 hours to complete and 2 to 3 hours to locate the signal from the other trampoline."
(A few hours later)
"Alright I was able to track down the other time trampoline and it tells me that it was last used on June 20th 1969. However the time trampoline can only go back as far as July 4th 1969, Chris would most likely still be stuck in the past but it would still be a risky thing to do, considering that every action he make could affect our Present."
"If it's the best we can do so be it!" Martin said
"Ok let's go then"
So Martin went on the time trampoline as the rest of the team stayed behind to make sure absolutely nothing goes wrong. So Martin went through the time connection and went back to Warren NJ July 4th 1969 (9:00)
To Martin's surprise he landed in a junkyard.
"Hey Martin can you hear us?"
"Yea loud and clear, it's a good thing that my Creature Pod still works."
"Listen, you only have 1 hour to find Chris and get back here or else the time connection will close again and it might take a longer time to get you guys back to Present Day."
"Wait today is the 4th of July, right?"
"Yeah why?"
"Oh man I was afraid of that"
"For as long as I remember, my family would drive a half an hour to go watch the fireworks near the beach. If they had already left there's no way I can make it back in an hour."
Chapter 8
"Well, what if they didn't leave yet? Shouldn't it still be still light out?"
The sun was still out but was quickly setting.
"The sun is starting to set, I don't know where I am or how far away I am from where Chris is!"
"Martin, there's no time to lose! You only have one hour to find Chris before the time connection closes"
"I know, I know..... (sigh)"
So after a while of finding a way out of the junkyard he finally made his way onto the street. Martin looked at his watch. (9:05)
As Martin continued to roam the streets his surroundings became more and more familiar. A lot of memories began to flood his mind, some good and some bad. Martin eventually found himself infront of his old school that he, his sisters and Chris would walk to and from. Martin looked at his watch again (9:15). It was a 20 minute walk from his childhood home, if he was going to make it, he would have to make a run for it.
(With Chris 9:00)
Chris found himself looking out the window, something he did often as a kid. It has been just over 2 weeks since he got trapped in 1969, a lot have happened during those weeks. Chris figured that Martin would be here by now, the situation was probably worse than he thought. What if he never returns home.
"Oh um... yes Linda?"
"Is everything alright?"
"(sigh) yea...I just. I've been waiting for my brother for over 2 weeks but I've heard nothing. What if he thinks I'm, um kidnapped or um dead? I'm just worried about him not being able to find me.
"Oh Chris you have been such a wonderful guest, and you can stay for as long as you need to until we can find your brother. What's his name, anyways?"
"Mar....vin, Marvin"
"Well I'm sure we'll find your brother Marvin soon"
"Thanks Mo....Mamm I really appreciate it"
"Linda are you and the kids about ready to go?"
"Almost Bill, I'll be ready in a bit. Chris are you sure you don't want to come with us to the fireworks show?"
"Actually yes I'll go with you guys ot might take a little bit of time to get ready"
"Great, just make sure you're ready by 9:30"
"Ok" Chris said as he looked at a nearby clock. (9:05) "that should be more than enough time to get ready"
(Back with Martin 9:20)
Martin's lungs started to burn after a minute and a half of running but he didn't stop him but after 5 minutes of running it was more than he could take, he was at the half way mark between the school and his house but his lungs felt like they were on fire. Martin slowed to a stop to catch his breath, but the words "Martin there is no time to lose" echoed in his head, he had to keep going. So after a quick break he trudge on.
Chapter 9
(With Chris)
"Ok I'm ready to go"
"Oh good, is everybody ready to go?"
"Um Mommy?" Little Martin said
"Yes Sweetie....Oh Good Heavens!"
While nobody was looking Martin decided to try to pour himself a glass of grape juice and accidentally spilled it all over the floor.
Linda rushed over to where the mess was grabbed a mop and started to clean the mess up as quickly as she could.
"Linda you are in no shape to clean this up" Bill said as he went to where Linda was. "Here, let me clean it up Dear."
"No Bill I got this! I can do this"
"But Linda you know what the doctor said, you need to take it easy during this last month."
After pausing for a while Linda gave the mop to Bill.
After Bill cleaned up the mess and was able to get situated once again, a faint knock was heard at the door.
"I'll get it!" Linda said as she speed walked towards the door.
(With Martin 1 minute before)
Martin could see the house in his sights, but was still very far away maybe even to far away.
"Come on Martin you have to get over there, but how?" Martin said to himself as he started to scan the area.
Alas, Martin finds what seems to be a scooter. "I hope who ever this belongs to won't mind me using it" he rode the scooter until he makes it infront of the house. As he walked up the steps to the door Martin felt a rush of relief as he made it just in time.
Linda opened the door and once Martin and her made eye contact she was utterly speechless.
Martin, also being very weirded out, barely able to collect his thoughts said "Good evening um Mamm, I've been looking for my brother have you se-
"MARTIN!" Chris yelled out as he ran and embraced him.
"Chris I'm so glad you're ok!"
Bill comes to see whose at the door and when he also saw Martin he too had become speechless. Little Martin confused by all of the silence from his parents goes up and introduces himself
"Hi my name is Martin,what's your name?"
"My name is Mar-"
"MARVIN!" Chris blurted out
"Yea Marvin..."
Martin looks at his clock, it was 9:33.
"Oh look at the time! Me and Chris have to go we were supposed to meet with a couple of friends two weeks ago but ever since Chris got lost we spent our time searching for him but we best be on our way."
"I would love to thank you for your hospitality Mr and Mrs. Kratt and I hope we can visit you in the future " Chris said as they headed out the door.
"Bye Chris! I hope you can visit us soon"
"Sooner than you think" Chris thought to himself.
As soon as they were out of sight Martin and Chris had the opportunity to tell there sides of what happened with them.
"Why didn't you tell them my name was something cooler?" Martin asked
"What name would be cooler?"
"Anything but Marvin"
They both laugh and after a while they were able to make it past the halfway point. Martin looked at his watch again and it was 9:45
"Come on Chris we need to pick up the pace if were going to make it to the time trampoline on time" when Martin looked up Chris was nowhere in sight "Chris?"
"Martin.....help me"
The same pain that Chris felt a week ago was back however it felt 10× worse he tried to breathe but it was like he was getting stabbed in the lungs. He became numb and weak, Chris looked up at Martin with terror in his eyes he knew what was going on.
"Martin I'm dying"
Chapter 10
"Chris......Chris........come one stay with me buddy..........Chris!"
Martin knew time was limited, so he lifted Chris and carried him on his back. He could feel Chris struggling to breathe, he didn't know how his brother who seemed healthy just a few minutes ago, to just trying to hang on to life.
"Come on Chris we're almost there just hang on"
They finally made it to the time trampoline. It was 9:55, Chris wasn't looking so well. Martin started to jump on the trampoline with Chris on he back, which made it a lot longer to get through the time connection.
"Martin, Chris, thank goodness your back" Aviva said with excitement.
"Aviva you have to help Chris! I don't know what wrong he was fine when earlier, but when we were on our way here he all of a sudden....."
Martin broke into tears
"Don't worry Martin, we will find out what's going on"
Chris was laying almost motionless barely able to comprehend what was going on around him. He couldn't feel anything as both Aviva and Koki hooked him up with tubes.
"His heart rate is very irregular, I don't know if he's going to make it"
A new memory popped into Martin's head.
"Wait, I think I know what's going on"
"What is it MK?"
"Both past and Present Chris are connected..." (to be continued...) tumblr won't let me finish.
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thassalia · 7 years
Asks for the fanfic author: 18 and 46 if I could
18. Favorite pairing to write
Ever? That’s a tough one. I wrote eighty bazillion words of Farscape fic. So much fic. And I love John Crichton and Aeryn Sun. I love them so much. I love that they were able to negotiate a life together. That we saw them grow together, be unhealthy and healthy together, become better people because of each other’s influence.  And I loved writing that.  Writing the complexity of that pairing made me a better writer.
But there’s something equally glorious about writing Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanoff because while A relationship of some sort is MCU cannon, it’s complicated and tentative, and there’s also so much...space to play with. So there’s also the fantastic meta conversations around them to have, the worlds and scenes to build, the variations on their relationship, on their stories.  It’s freeing. 
Plus, I love them so, so much.
Plus, plus, and more importantly, writing them with @handypolymath is literally the best.
46. Share a scene from an unfinished fic
This is from the 99% finished camping fic I’m completing for WIP Big Bang. It’s mid-story.
Bruce had turned out his reading light once the shuffling began. But it didn’t sound like bears or raccoons, so once he heard the muffled, “Motherfucker,” that signaled Steve tripping over something in the dark, he just waited out the hijinks.
The quiet snick of his own tent unzipping should have been more of a surprise. He lets Natasha get all the way inside before he snags her ankle.
She stays silent, just flicks on her flashlight to shine in his eyes. He shields them with his free hand. 
“Don’t you think it’s a mistake to wake me up in the middle of the night?” His voice is a low rumble, throatier than he’d hoped.  
“You weren’t really asleep.”
Bruce grunts, doesn’t say anything else. She sits on her haunches, leaving him to move his hand or practically fondle her ass. He doesn’t move, waits her out.  It’s the story of the evening. The tent feels close and crowded in the dark, full of the warm scent of her skin. That she’s a few days past a bath just makes her a little muskier. Earthy. The smoke from the fire and the clean scent of dirt and night air are heady perfumes. He’d like to pant with the scent and feel of her, move his hand, slide it up her calf, her thigh.
Fondle her ass on purpose.
He clears his throat instead, and she finally moves the light from his eyes, resting it on the floor of the tent so that they’re mostly in the dark again.  Point, Natasha.
“So, what the hell is happening out there?”
He just catches the edge of her smirk in the ambient light, can hear it in her voice. “Panty raid.”
“Hmm. I don’t know if I want to be involved or just be glad I’m flying solo in here.”
Natasha leans forward so she’s on hands and knees.
“No real panties, I don’t think, unless Stark has wifi wired into his.” She pauses. “I suppose that’s a possibility.”
Bruce hums, all plausible deniability. He’ll never tell.
She crawls closer. “Hill’s on the warpath, determined to find all our little hidden secrets.”
“Oh,” Bruce says.  “Like what?”
“You know. Modern conveniences. Cell phones, radios, tablets, vibrators.” 
“Aren’t those generally battery powered? Plus, I don’t think they transmit...out?” 
Her laugh is low and rich. It goes straight to his dick. Goddammit, he’d made a stand and he wasn’t wrong, but here in the dark where he can’t see her face it feels like a futile gesture.
“Weapons, too.  Hill really wants this to be summer camp, not training camp. Even with all our training.”
As she says this, she pats around next to him and finds the opening of his sleeping bag by feel. She tugs down the zipper, laying her flashlight up by his pillow.
“I’m cold,” she says.  
“I can’t imagine that’s true.”
She reaches forward, unerringly finding his neck, and her fingers are cool enough to send a shiver through him. At least he blames it on the temperature.
“Hill,” he prompts, “Contraband.”
She’s so close now that he could take her by the waist, pull her forward, pull her down.  Her weight would be delicious.
“It’s another game,” she says, “I think.  Cover.  But, I know Maria. She can have multiple agendas.”
 “She’s also trying to get away with something.”
 Bruce smiles in the dark. “Are you?”
 The bag lifts away from his body with a rush of cool air.
“Maybe,” she says. “Plus, I’ve got my own contraband that needs hiding.”  She holds up what looks like a roll of quarters.
"Are you planning to do laundry or break someone's jaw?"
"They're bites."
 "Are you asking me to hold for you?"
 "No," she’s clearly lying, but it’s a play.
 He takes them out of her hand delicately. "Am I going to electrocute myself?"
 "Dunno.  How sweaty are you?"
 "I don't want to answer that."
 “You’ll be fine.”
 “Fine,” he says. “But this is a bad idea.”
 “This is a great idea.”
 Then she wriggles into the sleeping bag with him.  He’s wearing sweatpants and an ancient t-shirt, but they don’t help. He can feel the heat of her thighs through the thin material of her leggings. This really is such a terrible idea.  He puts a hand on the back of her neck to help them adjust to the confined space as she squirms.
Heat is pulsing off her neck, and it’s not just the heat generated between them.
“You’re burning up.” He reaches for the flashlight, but she stops him.
“It’s nothing. Sunburn.  It’ll fade by morning.”
He spreads his hand out, fingers grazing her neck, gentle, not wanting to hurt. Trying to soothe. She rolls onto him a little, angling so that the bag accommodates them both, if barely.
It’s uncomfortable. It’s amazing. He’s stymied. This is an epically bad idea. The roll of bites digs into his back and her breasts pressing against his chest, her hand on his waist.  She breathes against him, a soft puff against his mouth and he’s not sure he can stop himself from kissing her.  
She moves a fraction closer, and he angles his head, and the corner of the tent flap lifts open and a nose peeks in.  
“Can I hide in here?”
“No,” Natasha says.
 “Yes,” Bruce says, and she pinches his side.
 Clint flashes his light onto Bruce, eyebrow shooting to his forehead. “That looks cozy.”
“I’m cold,” Natasha says.
“Maybe you should come out of there,” he says, “I don’t want to be traumatized.”
“I’m not traumatizing anyone,” she says.
“Untrue, I’m already disturbed.”
“I might be traumatized,” Bruce says. “This sleeping bag isn’t meant for two.”
 “Traitor,” she says. “I should call Hill, tell her about your lamp.”
 But she doesn’t go anywhere, and he moves his hand from her neck to the small of her back, fiddling with the hem of her t-shirt, then finally slipping his fingers underneath to span her skin, canting her hips towards him.
 He’s hardening between them. It doesn’t belie what he’d said earlier, not exactly. Bruce knows he’s the definition of mixed signals right now.  His throat is so tight with desire, with loathing, with the effort of holding tight.
 She’s everything he could want, pressed against him, and that’s the problem. He can’t deny the desire anymore. It’s not just for the luscious flesh, but for the bright, sharp, burning presence inside it.  He can’t afford to give in to her playing, not when he wants something more. Something he really can’t ask for. She owes him nothing, and he owes her so very, very much.
 Nat wiggles again, like she’s testing something and he desperately wishes he could just give in, enjoy this glorious gift she seems to be offering.
 “Do it,” the part of him he most hates taunts. “Give in. Let her use you, and leave you longing for more that she has no intention of giving. Leaving you pathetic and needy.” Bruce turns his head, feels the silk of her hair against his cheek, turns away.  She softens against him, a deliberate signal. Oh god.
 It’s Clint, cross-legged and hunched, who keeps him in check. Not his presence, but the look on his face like if they were just fucking he’d lay back and mostly ignore it.  Instead there’s something almost fraternal on his stoic face, and while Bruce knows the two spies are close, he gets the feeling that look is more for him.
 It shames him.
 Bruce curls his fingers into a fist tight as he can. Natasha stills completely, but it’s an exercise. He releases his fist, finger by finger, breathes through it, relaxes again so that he’s palming her spine.
 “Nat,” Clint says. “I think you’re good, if you wanna go back to your tent.”
“Go away Clint,” she says, then runs her nose along Bruce’s neck and that’s too much. Much too much.  He could have talked this out, but now, he’s too far gone. He needs space.  He tenses, stills, painfully aware that any stiffening on his part will signal something bigger for her. Warnings of his monster. They’ve been training for that very thing, after all.
 His limbs are rigid, fingers flat, no longer caressing her back.
 “Natasha,” he says, warning enough.
 “Oh,” she says, and her tone shifts. The softness disappears as her own limbs tense. Her knee angles, a potential weapon.
 “You need to go,” he says. He hates that Clint is seeing this.
 The lullaby protocols have been primarily between the two of them, bringing in the others only to familiarize them with signals and techniques, to test out situations and threats.  
 Clint is her backup. But he’s Bruce’s too.  And now he’s waiting, reading the tension.
 “Sorry,” she says to Bruce, moving off of him in one fluid motion.  He lets his hands fall to his side.  Turns his head.
 He doesn’t say anything, and she crouches at the edge of the tent closure for a moment.
 Clint murmurs her name, but she just slips out of the tent into the cool night air.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
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Chuuya: *looks through peephole* "!!!" *looks around apartment--and levitates trash out of the way and into the closet* hirotsu: chuuya? are you home? Chuuya: "C-Coming!" *apartment is clean...-ish* *opens the door* hirotsu: ....*wipes a glass table with his finger*....hmm. dusty... Chuuya: -_-; "I've been busy." hirotsu: busy with work, or grieving? Chuuya: "Wh-What? I'm...just working." hirotsu: on what exactly? Chuuya: "Things--lots of things!" hirotsu: *raises a brow* care to elaborate? mito: owo~? Chuuya: "...Research. Investigating." hirotsu: oh? Chuuya: *clears his throat* "N-Nothing concrete yet. Will keep you updated...sir." hirotsu:...*glances at the closet* make sure you take the trash out properly. kouyou raised you better than that. Chuuya: >____< "GOD DAMN IT!" hirotsu: *glaaaare* Chuuya: o\\\o "I mean...yes, sir." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Did you put out the trash?" mikami: *nods* ryuuko: yes. Kishiri: *shoved into a garbage can* -_____- ryuuko:...*sly grin* Hibana: "...Ryuuko...You should be rewarded!" ryuuko: thank you...i suppose. 7///7; mikami: ^^; Kishiri: "LET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" Hibana: *hands Ryuuko a gift card* "Buy something nice for yourself." -elsewhere- Anya: -\\\- "So embarrassing..." tsugumi: what happened? Anya: "I ran into Licht--and could barely form a sentence..." tsugumi: ooooh~? Anya: *covers her face* "I wanted to say 'I'm glad to run into you,' but I mumbled so much it sounded like, 'I'm into you.'" ao: oh my~ Anya: *she's turning red all over* "I want to die..." mio: *pap pap* Anya: Q~Q "Maybe I'll switch to homeschooling...again." tsugumi: dont say that! D8> Anya: TT_TT "I just feel foolish." tsugumi: *pats her back* it's alright. we all make mistakes sometimes. Anya: "I-I just want to stop screwing up..." tsugumi: *hug* Anya: >~< *hug* -elsewhere- Jonah: *disguised as Lisa* lisa: *urk* Jonah: *high pitch* "I'm so happy to be back with my friends! I couldn't stand being stuck in that cruddy workshop with that weird furry guy!" lisa:....*grips fist* Jonah: "He was so annoying! Always banging on his equipment--and other things." lisa: *grabs him and throws him into the wall* .... shut up. *her tone is harsh and cold* Jonah: *still wearing her face* "Oh, did I touch a nerve? I swear it's like you actually liked that Vulcan--" lisa: *grabs him by the neck* if you dont shut up....i'll kill you here and now... Jonah: *coughs out a laugh* lisa: *grips tighter* Jonah: *shakes his head, resuming his usual face...but not the body* "Okay, okay, I get it..." -elsewhere- Tool: "Ah, just what I needed!" *at a junkyard, his hand moving to grab a piece--* *Someone else's hand grabs it, too* yu: oh! uh.... ._.;; Tool: "??? What you need this thing for, kid? The scrap metal says it doesn't want to have to chose between us." yu:....eh? o.o~?? Tool: *listening to the metal* "Uh huh...Uh huh...Okay." *hands it to Yu* "It wants to go home with you." yu: oh. um... t-thank you....i think. Tool: "The metal said 'He's so moe!'" yu:....eh? *head tilt* Tool: "Don't ask me--the metal said it. What you need it for, anyway?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *reviewing reports* -THUNDER BOOM- Kunikida: "???" *looks outside* "Rainstorm?" kirako: seems like it. Kyoka: *hiding under a desk* atsushi: it's ok kyouka. *pats her head* Kyoka: Q~Q atsushi:.... Kunikida: *hands Atsushi headphones* atsushi: *nods and hands them to kyouka* Kyoka: *listens...* =_= -the music is soft and relaxing- Kyoka: *sighs* ^^ *leans against Atsushi* atsushi: ^^; Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi:...*picks her up and carries her to one of the bed's in the clinical room* Kyoka: "Zzz..." *curled up* atsushi:... *tucks her in with her doll* Kyoka: *content sigh* =w= "Zzz..." atsushi:.... *exits the room* Kunikida: "Not bad. Good work." atsushi: *small smile* *A drop of water hits Kunikida's head* Kunikida: "...Get a bucket. We have a leak." atsushi: r-right! -after fixing the leak- atsushi: should i go up to the next floor to make sure nothing got damaged? Kunikida: "Please do so--" Dazai: *kicks down the door* "Hey, all!" *he's soaked* atsushi: O-O;; kirako: *shaking water off her umbrella and raincoat* *sigh* Kunikida: "We do have doorknobs. And umbrellas. And don't want a wet floor." Dazai: "Sorry--the rain was just really bad outside. What's up, Atsushi?" atsushi: kyouka got scared by the storm, and kunikida gave her some headphones. she's asleep in the medical room now. yosano: *sigh* the medical room isnt for nap time...but i'll let it slide for now. Dazai: "Ah, good planning!" *wringing his clothes dry* "...So, any update on that thing I told you about?" atsushi: oh! uh...w-what thing? Dazai: "...Someone stopped by my apartment." atsushi: ?? who was it? ranpo: pics or it didnt happen? Dazai: -_-;;;; "Sorry, I didn't ask Q's mom for a photo." atsushi: ??!?!! Dazai: "Weird, right?" ranpo:...that wasnt Q's mom. atsushi: eh? Dazai: "???" ranpo: think about it. why would a woman looking for her child go up to some stranger's door step? if she really wanted to find her child, wouldnt she go to the agency itself? or even the police? Dazai: owo;;; "...Because she thought I would do a good job of finding her son?" -aaand cue mass facepalm- ranpo: ...what exactly did she look like? Dazai: "She wore a hat." ranpo: is that all? im gonna need more details than that. im a detective, not a wizard. Dazai: "Trenchcoat? Glasses? Shoes?" ranpo: hmm. like sunglasses? or regular glasses? Dazai: "Sunglasses." ranpo: on such a gloomy day like this? Dazai: "...Maybe she was hiding from crying?" ranpo: did she seem to be crying? Dazai: "...She was calm, when not yelling." ranpo: how long did she say her child was gone for? Dazai: "A month?" ranpo: and just how long has Q been _in_ the port mafia, hmm? Dazai: owo;;;;; "Um...Well, I was 14 when he joined--" ranpo: so then Q being gone for a month would be impossible. Dazai: owo "...IT'S NOT MY FAULT! I WAS DISTRACTED BY HER SOB STORY!" ranpo: anything else to note? Dazai: *pulls out the photo--from his wet shirt pocket* "Here..." ranpo:....*there is a look of unease on his face* Dazai: "??? What?" ranpo: do you....notice anything unusual about this picture? Dazai: "...It's old?" ranpo: *shakes head* look at Q. -the picture shows Q....as he looks currently, walking along a street....the picture seems to be candid- Dazai: "I'm looking." ranpo: how old does he look? Dazai: "...Not much different than now..." yosano:....that sign... Dazai: "Which sign?" -in the photo, there is a sign advertising a sale- Kunikida: "Hmm...That is a good bargain..." yosano: i saw that same sign just a few days, if not a week, ago. Dazai: "...So, a fake mother." yosano: the question is....who is this person, and why Q? Dazai: "Maybe I could describe her more for an artist's rendering?" -elsewhere- Mori: "Nothing." ???: sir? Mori: "No progress..." ???: i see....that's unfortunate, sir. Mori: "Hmph. I'm going to take a break. Clean up." ???: understood sir. -elsewhere- Belkia: Q~Q *tied to a tree* otogiri: have you learned your lesson? Belkia: "How can I learn a lesson when I did nothing wrong?!!!" -elsewhere- Kid: "And you have no idea who stole your merchandise?" clerk: n-no sir. kirika: *casually chilling in a chair* Kid: "Hmm...Been reading these reports. May be able to find your culprit." clerk: thank you sir. Kid: "Come along, Kirika...We have another lead." kirika: neato. Kid: "What do you think? Magician thief? This just seems...silly." kirika: when we find this bastard, im gonna just beat him up. Kid: "...How...complex." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: TT~TT reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *goes into fox form* "I feel cold..." reimi: *getting the kotatsu out* here you go. Mr. Tsubaki: *crawls underneath QUQ "Thank you..." reimi: ^^ no problem. Mr. Tsubaki: *still shivering, sniffing* reimi: ?? is something wrong Mr. Tsubaki: "Just lonely..." reimi: hmm... Mr. Tsubaki: *curls up in his tail* "I-I just need sleep..." reimi: ok then. good night. Mr. Tsubaki: *whimpers, as he closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *yawn* naho: zzzz lilac: zzzz Sakuya: *puts his arms around Naho and Lilac's shoulders* naho: =w= lilac:...mm... Sakuya: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- kirika: *waiting* *Someone in a black catsuit is sneaking through the skylight of a museum* kirika:...*small grin* Thief: *removes a powder...and traces a symbol onto the jewelry case* kirika: yo. Thief: "?!!" *turns around--and blows powder into Kirika's face* kirika: tch- *The powder's symbol has opened a portal into the case* kirika: huh. well then. *goes in after* *Inside the portal is...a stage* kirika: barrier type magic, eh? not bad. Thief: "I try..." *pulls on their suit--removing it to reveal a woman in a white magician's suit* "And I do put on quite a show!" kirika: suuure ya do. listen. how about i just wreck your shit now and we can call it a night, how about that? Thief: *pouts* "But I was hoping you could be my lovely assistant..." *snaps her fingers* kirika: unyeh? *Kirika is now in a magician's assistant outfit--with cat ears* kirika:....ok. it's murder time now. Thief: *holding up a saw* "Sorry, magicians don't kill--we just cut people in HALF!" *lunges* -CLANG- kirika: *claw blades out* cute. but out of your league. Thief: "D'aw, my assistant wants to go solo?" *lets go of the saw--which is still levitating and pushing against Kirika, as the Thief pulls out...a rainbow-color set of scarves* "So sad..." *blows her nose into a scarf--sending out glitter* kirika:.....*eye twitch* *The Thief is not there--and is going back through the portal with jewels* kirika: *running after....rather quickly i might add* Thief: *leaps through the portal--but her foot is still inside the portal...* -grab- -YOINK- -RIGHT INTO THE WALL- kirika: boom. biatch. Thief: X____X -security steps in soon after- Thief: TT_TT "I just wanted pretty jewels for my new trick..." -later, elsewhere- Arthur: *yawns, sitting in the kitchen* maki: cant sleep? Arthur: *shakes his head* "Just...a bad dream. Hoods." maki:...ah.... Arthur: "If I face them again...I can't wait to knock them down." -elsewhere- Poe: *yawn* karl: zzzz Poe: *tucks Karl into his little raccoon bed* karl: =w= Poe: *lies down in his own bed* -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning~ *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ "Morning..." *smooch* stocking: sleep well? kirika: zzzzzz *crashed out on the couch* Kid: "Yes, I--" *notices Kirika* "???" stocking: *looking at phone* ah. seems she busted our phantom thief. Kid: "Oh? That's a good accomplishment..." *spots the newspaper article* "...What is she wearing?" stocking: yikes. kirika: dont make me....zzz...kick yer ass.... Kid: o_o;;; "...Maybe we should leave this room and let her finish up on sleep." -elsewhere- Relan: *feeding cheese* "Here you goo, buddy." buttons: ^o^ *nom nom nom* Vulcan: owo *whispers to Shinra* "He has a pet rat?" shinra: yeah. Vulcan: "...That is so freaking cool." Relan: *overhearing* "I-I saved him from Giovanni--" shinra: o-o; Vulcan: "...That bastard...was going...to hurt...that...rat?" Relan: owo;;;; -elsewhere- Hibana: *making pancakes* gabriella: morning~ *kiss* Hibana: >\\\w\\\< "Oh, that gets you a special pancake." *smooch* -elsewhere- higuchi:... *with flowers, walking to the graveyard* Gin: "..." higuchi: hey rain. i know it's a day early but....happy birthday. Gin: "..." higuchi:....she didnt deserve what happened to her. Gin: "No, she did not. And what can be done...is to honor her life." higuchi:...yeah. Gin: "...I am sorry for what my brother did to Rain." higuchi:...i talked to him about it...he saw her break her condition. he was...just trying to end her suffering as....that beast. Gin: "...Does not change what has occurred...And what motivated her to take such action..." higuchi:...*grips fist* mori... Gin: "???" higuchi: .... Gin: "I wonder...what Mori did...Hmm...I'll look into this..." -elsewhere- Lucy: *puffed cheeks* atsushi: oh um... hi lucy. ouo; Lucy: "?!!! Oh...You. Hello. Hmph." atsushi: o_o;; um... soooo.... Lucy: "Why haven't you used that coupon I sent you?!" atsushi: oh! right! i'll come by later today! OwO;; Lucy: "You better--because I know where you live!" atsushi: ^^; we...live in the same building. ^^;;; -glint- atsushi: ??!! *looks up*.... Lucy: "???" *looks up* atsushi:....thought i felt something...watching us for a moment... Lucy: "Feel? Like, what kind of feeling?" atsushi:...i-it's probably nothing... -in the air vent, something watches- yana: hmm... FD: *incom* "Update?" yana: seems we got a few lovebirds around... *checks in some other cameras. including kunikida's room. fukuzawa's room. etc.* Kunikida: *reading* yana: *zooms in on a few photo frames* -a few photos. including those of sasaki and rokuzou- yana: hmm... Kunikida: "..." *pats the photos, before exiting the room* yana:.... *typing some stuff up*....hmmm... Kenji: "I don't like this color...Maybe the yellow?" yana: *checks another camera to the tanizaki's room*.... *quickly changes to another camera* yeesh. Dazai: "..." *staring at the ceiling* yana: whats on your mind today, mr former mafia... Dazai: "..." *YAAAAAWN* yana: -_-; -elsewhere- Belkia: "BAM! Told you I was innocent!" *holds up a newspaper* otogiri: ah. so it would seem. my humblest apologies. Belkia: "Hee hee...I'll accept your apology--but it'll cost ya!" -elsewhere- mito: *mew* Chuuya: *wiping the counter* "??? Hungry, kitten?" mito: ^w^ Chuuya: *opens the cupboard, now organized, and removed a tin of cat food, opening it and setting it on a plate* "Dig in." mito: *nom nom nom* Chuuya: "..." *turns on the radio as he washes dishes* -a soft jazz song plays- Chuuya: "..." *continues washing and drying before heading to the bathroom to empty the litter box* -elsewhere- Meme: "Want to head to the arcade?" mio: sure. Meme: *smiles* "Great! I can't want to play you at the fighter games." mio:...*small smile and holds her hand* Meme: "!!!" ^\\^ mio: ... .////. Meme: "Is...this okay?" mio:..y-yeah. of course. Meme: *small hand squeeze* "Thanks..." mio:... *blush* Meme: "I'm glad for...this moment." mio:...m-me too... Meme: "...I really like you, Mio." mio: i like you too...a lot... Meme: "R-Really?" .\\\. mio: *nod* >////< *smooch* Meme: O\\\\\\O "..." >\\\\< *smooch* mio: >/////< so.... um...uh... .////////////////////////. *steam coming off her head* Meme: *steam off her head* o\\\\O "...Yeah..." mio:...arcade? ^///^ Meme: *smiles* "Arcade..." *holds her hand...and kisses her cheek* mio:..thanks. -elsewhere- Yohei: *thumbing through papers* coworker: workin hard there? Yohei: "You know it..." *he has a separate folder of certain Dokeshi...* coworker: glad to hear. tell chie and toru i said hey, alright? Yohei: *smiles* "Will do. Thanks." -elsewhere- Hyde: "One strawberry cone, please!" clerk: coming right up. Hyde: *looks around at other patrons* -elsewhere- kirako: ._____.;;;; Dazai: "Well?" kirako: uugh. mom wants to do a vidchat later tonight. and i just know how that's going to go....*sigh* Dazai: "Because she'll be asking whether you're married yet?" kirako: or at the least in some kind of relationship... Dazai: "...What if you introduced me as your boyfriend?" kirako: e-eh? o///o; Dazai: "Like for pretend? It would get her off your back." kirako: well. it might help. thanks dazai. *smiles* Dazai: "Anytime...So, when should I be around for vidchatting?" kirako: this afternoon or evening most likely. Dazai: "Cool. Should I come back then?" -elsewhere- Medusa: *reading a book* neian: zzzz Medusa: *looks over at Neian* "..." *steps outside* shaula: yo. Medusa: "Hello. Surprised you are awake." -elsewhere- Lucy: *attending to customers* atsushi: *taking a seat, coupon in hand* Lucy: "...Oh. There you are. What will you have?" atsushi: i'll have...chazuke please. and some green tea. ^^; Lucy: "..." *small smile* "Coming up, Tabby." *turns around* atsushi: *small smile* *spots someone outside the window*.... O_o;;;; Akutagawa: o_______o atsushi: *hides behind menu* O-O;;;;;;;; (thinking: i saw nothing i saw nothing i saw nothing i saw nothing) Akutagawa: *suddenly sitting next to him* "What did you order?" atsushi: O_O;;;;; (thinking: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) Lucy: "Food's coming along, Tabby. Here's your WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!" atsushi: O-O;;;;;;;;; he sort of......wandered in? owo;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: "...Hmph. Well, the capitalist in me wants money, so order something or leave--" Akutagawa: "A piece of Atsushi." atsushi: please do not cut off my leg again. that was a dick move. Lucy: o_____o "He did WHAT to you?" atsushi: it was earlier in the summer, but he straight up cut my leg off! i mean i got better, but still! -a few people are staring now- kirika: and here i thought lunch wasnt gonna be entertaining. Lucy: >___< "For cutting off Atsushi's leg, you better order a ton of food from our fine establishment to make up for that!" Akutagawa: *looks around* "Why is everyone staring?" Gopher: *sipping his ice cream soda...with two straws* atsushi:...can we finish lunch then take this elsewhere? OuO;;;;; Lucy: *angry face* "Yeah! Because when I get off work, I'm going to tear off your--" Akutagawa: "Very well. Give me two of everything on the menu." Lucy: *pleasant face* "Coming right up, sir~" atsushi: OuO;;;;;;; -after that- Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: *SWEATING* Akutagawa: "Do you know why I wanted to speak with you?" atsushi: i can only tell it's going to end badly for me. very badly. Lucy: *spying from the bushes* Akutagawa: "It is as I said: I want a piece of you." atsushi: soooo....you want to fight me? is that it? Lucy: *glaring, ready to intervene in this epic forthcoming battle--* Akutagawa: "In a sexual way." Lucy: .\\\. atsushi: .......... *atsushi.exe has stopped working* odasaku:...huh. well i'll be. Akutagawa: "I have been doing a lot of reading, and I think I would do quite well at shoving my rock-hard--" atsushi: WOAH NOW LETS JUST BACK UP THE BUS HERE!! Akutagawa: "??? Is that not the proper way to get you sexually excited?" atsushi: um.... *SWEATS* (thinking: i've gotten myself in some deep shit now, huh? SOMEONE HELP PLZ) Akutagawa: "Now, then, let's go back to my place and--" Lucy: "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" *leaps out of the bushes* atsushi: oh thank god! *hides behind lucy* save me from the crazy man. QuQ Lucy: *pat pat* "Gladly...Now listen here, you stupid dark emo bastard! I am not letting you get anywhere near my man--" Akutagawa: "...What?" atsushi: >/////< *smooches lucy*.... I PANICKED OK?! >///////////< Lucy: o\\\\o "..." *smooch* >\\\\< Akutagawa: !!!! *heartbroken* atsushi: .////////////.;;;; Lucy: "I PANICKED, TOO!" Akutagawa: "..." *glares, hot tears falling down his face, as he raises Rashomon over Lucy...sharp and ready to slice her* atsushi: ... !!!! *TIGER ARM BLOCK* Lucy: "Eep!" Akutagawa: "Move! I'll kill her!" Lucy: "I-I can protect myself!" atsushi: akutagawa. WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! see, this is why you drive me nuts, you try to hurt the people close to me! Akutagawa: "Like how you're hurting me right now?!" Lucy: -__-;;; *summons Anne* atsushi: .... i know you're probably mad at me for rejecting you, but considering everything you've done to me and the others up to this point... Akutagawa: *crying...as he shoves Lucy and Atsushi into a tree--then runs away* atsushi: oof...ow... s-sorry about all that... a-are you ok? Lucy: .\\\. "..." *starts laughing* atsushi: eh? w-what's so funny? Lucy: "Th-This whole thing was so goofy! Ha ha ha..." *inadvertently hugging him as she giggles* "I-I'm just happy he didn't kill us..." atsushi: *blush*...*small hug* -elsewhere- mafioso: *shooting targets* *SLAM* mafioso: ?? oh, hey akutaga- *SLICE* mafioso 2: !!!!! HOLY SHIT! Akutagawa: *covered in blackness* "..." *multiple tendrils appear* mafioso 2: *sending a call* um, akutagawa's gone nuts, GET THE SEDATIVES!!! Akutagawa: *slashing at targets and random people* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" higuchi: *ducks* !!! ryunosuke! Akutagawa: *faces her--and growls* higuchi: !!! *bracing for impact* Akutagawa: *crashes at her feet...sobbing* higuchi: ??? ryu...nosuke? Akutagawa: "He's with...another person!" higuchi:....ryu...*pats his back* rashomon: D8> *sad pap* Akutagawa: *fetal position* higuchi:...*looks at gin with a concerned expression* Gin: "...I'll bring him home." *picks him up* -elsewhere- Dazai: owo atsushi: and that's what happened. Dazai: "..." *clasps Atsushi's hands* "Name your firstborn after me." atsushi: d-DAZAI!! >////< Dazai: "Hee hee...I'm kidding! I know you'll name the baby after Lucy." atsushi: =/////= Dazai: "So...You like her?" atsushi:....i-i guess... ./////. Dazai: "Well, with that kind of...ambivalence, you better take it slow." atsushi: r-right. one baby step at a time.. Dazai: "...You two going to need protection from Akutagawa." atsushi: so i guess more combat practice then? Dazai: *nods* "And maybe a bodyguard." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *washing the Matchbox* tamaki: *humming* Akitaru: "Doing good, Tamaki?" tamaki: yeah, so far. Akitaru: "Well, I hope the training helps. The obstacle course should put that Benimaru training to the test." tamaki: *nods* i'll do my best! Akitaru: "All I can ask for!" *pats her back* -elsewhere- Poe: *sorting books* student: burning the midnight oil, i see? Poe: *smiles to himself* "Well, got to keep these tomes organized." student: ah. Poe: "Speaking of which, are you finding all you need here?" student: *nods* Poe: "Well, if you need anything for tests or studies, let us know." -elsewhere- Kuro: *in mascot uniform* "...Is money really that tight?" mahiru: it wouldnt kill us to pitch in. Kuro: "...Fine. But I get an hour for a nap." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *sorting papers* -evening- mama haruno: hello kirako. kirako: hey mom. ^^; Dazai: *off-screen* owo mama haruno: so how have you been? kirako: same as usual. Dazai: *inches closer but still off-screen* mama haruno: that's good to hear. kirako: yeah. mama haruno: still single? kirako: wellll- Dazai: *pops up* "Hello!" mama haruno: ah! who's this now? kirako: this is dazai, he's my- Dazai: "Boyfriend! How you doing, ma'am?" mama haruno: oh it's such a pleasure to meet you! kirako how come you didnt tell me sooner? kirako: -_-; i wanted it to be a surprise, mom. Dazai: *nod nod* "I am so happy with your daughter, Mrs. Haruno!" mama haruno: im so glad to hear that ^^ Dazai: *holds Kirako's hand* kirako: .///. Dazai: "So, when we going to have you over for dinner, ma'am?" kirako: o///o; -later- kirako: t-thanks for tonight. at least that got her off my case for a little while, hopefully. *small smile* Dazai: "Hey, anytime you need a boyfriend, I'm your man." *smiles* kirako: ^^ Dazai: "...Your mom seems like she really cares about you." kirako: *smiles* she's a good person, if a bit proddy, haha. Dazai: "...Having a parent checking in on your life for good reasons must be pretty awesome." kirako:...*pats his back* Dazai: *holds her hand* kirako: did you need to spend the night? Dazai: *nods* -elsewhere- mito: zzzz Chuuya: *wipes sweat from his brow: the apartment is now cleaned up* *looks over at Mito...carefully picks her up* mito: =w= Chuuya: *sets Mito down into a cat bed, before he crawls into his own* -the calender shows that rain's birthday is tomorrow...- Chuuya: "..." *stares up at the ceiling* {rain: *smiling*} {Chuuya: "You look like you're in a good mood."} {rain: ah! m-mr nakahara! y-yo-you startled me!} {Chuuya: "Heh. Sorry. Just...you're smiling."} {rain: well, my birthday is coming up soon.} {Chuuya: "Oh, happy birthday! Have any plans?"} {rain: i might just get some coffee or something. i-it's probably not that big of a deal for the others.} {Chuuya: "??? Maybe they got a surprise party or something..."} {rain: i kind of doubt that...it's be a waste of resources on someone like me...} {Chuuya: "...That's sad. I mean, a birthday should be a good day..."} {rain: yeah...i guess....} {Chuuya: "Well, I should treat you to a drink."} {rain: *blush* r-really? i-i-i mean i-if you're busy, i wouldnt want to intrude-} {Chuuya: "Hey, it's your birthday--I have to do it!" *smiles* "So, any bar you have in mind?"} Chuuya: *trembling, silently weeping* mito: zzzz.. Chuuya: *turns over* ("What do I do tomorrow...?") -elsewhere- Lucy: *brushing her hair* anne: ^^ Lucy: *finishes, setting down her brush* "One weird day..." *stretches* -early morning- Vulcan: *snoring* karin: *streeetch* up an at-em, kiddo. Vulcan: *pulls up sheets--revealing his walrus-decorated socks* "No." karin:.....*getting an ice cube out* Vulcan *snore* karin: didnt want to do this, but.... -she puts it to his neck- Vulcan: O______o *leaps out of bed* "AAAAAH!" karin: morning. Vulcan: "...That was mean." *pouts* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, muttering in his sleep* "N-No...Let her go..." reimi: mr tsubaki? are you alright? Mr. Tsubaki: "No!" *sits up, awake from his nightmare, panting* "...I-I'm sorry..." reimi: *sad face and pets him* Mr. Tsubaki: TT^TT "Stupid nightmares..." -elsewhere- Kid: *in the shower* stocking: *drying her hair* Kid: *smiles* "Feel more awake?" stocking: yep. Kid: *turns off the water, takes his towel* "And clean?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *yawn* kirako: zzzz.... Dazai: "..." *small hug* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: Q~Q -knocks- gin: ryu? are you doing better? Akutagawa: "...My urge to kill is now an urge to maim." gin: *sweatdrop* Akutagawa: *sniff* *hugs his plushie* gin:...ryu... Akutagawa: "He rejected me..." gin: .... Akutagawa: "All because of...that scrawny doll girl." gin:....*opens the door* Akutagawa: *looks away* gin:....*pats his shoulder* Akutagawa: *gross sob* gin:... Akutagawa: *shudders* "So stupid..." gin: ryu.... Akutagawa: "I-I'm not worth anything for anyone..." gin: dont say that... Akutagawa: "Wh-Who would ever want me?" gin: you have your sister, your friends, you arent alone. Akutagawa: "..." *hug* gin: it's going to be ok... Akutagawa: *crying* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "You. What?" atsushi: .w.;;;;; yeeeeah. Kyoka: *staaaaaaaaaaaaare* "What have you done with the trolope?" atsushi: kyouka! Kyoka: *holding up a switchblade* "Answer." atsushi: we-we just kissed! that's all! we didnt do anything sexual! Kyoka: "Kissing can be sexual--and you better not be doing anything sexual. Not without this." *hands him an unopened box of condoms* atsushi:.... *soul attempting to leave his body* odasaku:....*silent weeping of shock* Kyoka: "Good thing school will have a sexual education seminar next week." -elsewhere- Rin: *looking at a map* izumo: *examining the surroundings* Rin: "So, there used to be a statue over there?" izumo: yeah. madoka: what kind of statue? is it like the fox statues? Rin: "That'd be awesome!" Shima: "Nah, it was more like a bird?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *stretching* -at school- Relan: *passing in his homework* marie: good job, relan. Relan: ^\\\^ "Th-Thanks, ma'am..." Arthur: *hands in his* marie: could use some work, boyle. but still good. Arthur: >_< "O-Okay...Thank you." -elsewhere- Anya: *writing notes* rowena: *writing notes* Stein: "--and weaponizing one's own soul wavelength can release these Soul Force attacks. This is a difficult maneuver..." tsugumi: ... Stein: "It starts by concentrating on one's own soul wavelength...being aware of it...gathering it into one ball inside your body..." *inhales...then lays his hand on his desk and--* *BOOM* mio: O-O;;; rowena: oh! tsugumi: gagantous! rowena:...'gagantous'? Anya: -_-; "We still don't know what she means." Stein: "...Bring in my new desk." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *opens his locker: he has left flowers in there...for later* eijiro: *peeeek* eyyyy ozaki! whats up? Chuuya: o___O *slams his locker shut--right on his thumb* >_____O "...F-Fine..." eijiro: *wince* ouch. Chuuya: Q~Q "..." *starts laughing* eijiro: y-you need the nurse, dude? Chuuya: "Y-Yeah..." *laughs* "I guess I have some bad luck..." TTWTT eijiro: yikes. kohaku: then you and kotatsu will get along great, since she's always getting in lewd scenarios. it's pathetic~! Chuuya: Q___Q "...I only banged my thumb in the locker door. And that's kinda mean to Kotatsu." kohaku: does it look like i care? eijiro: piss off, aanba! *looks at chuuya* just ignore her, she's just rude to everyone for some reason. Chuuya: "Okay...Um, I'll head to the nurse...Ow…fuck..." -elsewhere- FD: "Hmm...That's no good." yana: <whats up?> FD: <I had looked into one location of the book...> yana: <and it wasnt there?> FD: <No. But I did find some other books...> *holds up one with diagrams of devices* yana ... <the fuck is that?> FD: <Something called 'Magic Devices.' Or 'Demon Machines'? The translation is a little hard...> yana: *rolls over in her chair and takes a peek* FD: <Something about 'mind manipulation'?> yana:... hmmm... -elsewhere- Hyde: *rips off a bandage* "Ouch!" licht: -_-; Hyde: "Okay...I can take off the rest." *he is covered in bandages* "THEN I WILL WIN THIS BET!" -elsewhere- Lucy: *organizing her locker* -elsewhere- Kid: *chopping vegetables* stocking: *humming* Kid: *smiles* "I'll sweeten this dish up..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Been a long time. Too long." -no reply- Chuuya: "...Happy birthday, R-Rain..." *holds flowers* "I brought th-these for you..." -silence- Chuuya: "...I never asked enough what your favorites were." -...- Chuuya: "..." *still holding the flowers as he gets on a knee and rests a hand along her gravestone* "...I know you're...not here. Those...those bastards, what they did to you..." -no answer- Chuuya: "...I'm going to make this right, Rain. And they all will pay." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *lying back in the baths* =\\\= -elsewhere- Vulcan: "How're the Iron Owls working out?" maki: great! thanks vulcan! Vulcan: "Excellent! Your little, um, fireballs like them?" maki: pusupusu and meramera like them a lot! ^^ Vulcan: "That's good...Had some difficulty getting their measurements to fit into the Owls." maki: aww, i could always change their size too if it didnt. Vulcan: "Without them losing their power?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Hmm...No, not right..." ryuuko: something wrong, commander? Hibana: *shows a catalog of dresses* "The white one?" -elsewhere- Wes: "Once more, from the top..." liz: *playing notes* Wes: *keeping time, before turning to another performer* -elsewhere- Dazai: *preparing a salad* -something watches through the air vent- FD: -_-;;; "Is he only making dinner?" yana: *yawns and flips to another camera* Kunikida: *flexing in the mirror* yana:... *snerk* Kunikida: *then he looks at his arm* "..." *pulls out a set of tweezers* yana: the fuck is he doin'? Kunikida: *tugs on a small hair on his bicep* yana: *flips to another camera* kirako: ^^ *playing with mii* hehe~ mii: ^w^ FD: "Huh. A cat person." yana: i'll keep the cameras out of reach for this room. FD: "Good plan...So, she likes cats and the boy in the bandages." yana: you mean suicidal trench-coat dude? didnt you meet him once long ago? FD: *nods* "I will say, watching his life unfold has given me new insights." -elsewhere- Meme: *smiles* mio: *asleep next to her* Meme: *hug* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sips tea* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *mutter grumble growl* eijiro: whats up? Bakugo: "...Mom's dog pissed on me." eijiro: yikes. Bakugo: "GRRRR!!! Too adorable fluffy creature!" *shakes his fist impotently* -elsewhere- Iida: *doing leg exercises* tensei: prepping for the sports festival? Iida: "Indeed. I've been waiting so long for this." tensei: you'll do great. *smiles* Iida: "..." *bows* "THANK YOU!" -elsewhere- Victor: *setting rocks out along his table* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *tapping a finger along his book* "...Damn it." -silence- Kunikida: *leans back in char* ("How long has it been?") {sasaki:....*uneasy*} {Kunikida: "...We are doing all we can."} {sasaki:...t-thank you. sorry...this whole thing still has me shook up....im too afraid to go back to my own apartment...} {Kunikida: "...It is likely not a good idea to go back."} {sasaki:....would you mind if i stayed with you at your place for the time being? a-at least until this all blows over?} {Kunikida: "...That would be acceptable. Will the couch be acceptable?"} {sasaki: i suppose...i'll try not to impose too much.} {Kunikida: *nods* "There's the bathroom. There's the kitchen. Do you have any food allergies?"} -some wind rustles outside the window- Kunikida: "???" *looks* -just some wind...seems it's getting dark outside- Kunikida: "...It's late." -no one else answers- Kunikida: *sighs...* *opens his book, pulls out...* {sasaki: it's nice...being able to share an apartment with someone...} {Kunikida: "Hm. You frequently lived alone?"} {sasaki: i did live with my fiancé before he died....*sad smile* you sort of remind me of him...} {Kunikida: "Oh? How so?"} {sasaki: you both have a strong sense of ideals...and you kind of look like him a bit. *smiles*} {Kunikida: -\\\- "Hm. I do hold to my ideals...} {sasaki: ^^ it's an admirable trait, for sure.} {Kunikida: "Thank you. Few appreciate it."} {sasaki:...*holds his hand* i miss him...} {Kunikida: "..." *pats her hand* "I understand."} {sasaki:....*hug*} {Kunikida: "!!! ..." *pat pat*} {sasaki:...could i...sleep in your bed tonight?} {Kunikida: "...What?"} {sasaki: !! .///. s-sorry, i just...sort of spoke without thinking...} {Kunikida: "...Would it put your mind at ease?"} {sasaki:...i suppose. 7///7} {Kunikida: "...Very well."} {sasaki:...*smiles* thank you, doppo} Kunikida: *sits there, silently weeping* -elsewhere- ???: im surprised you even visited her grave today, mori. Mori: "It seemed appropriate to." ???: and here i thought you didnt even like her, given how you treated her. Mori: "...Do you know what she was like when I first met her?" ???: i cant say, i wasnt there. Mori: "Self-loathing. Insulated." ???:.... Mori: "Because of who she was--what she was--she saw so little of herself and could not move forward." ???: so then why did you- Mori: "So she could direct that loathing to someone else: me." ???: but why you? Mori: *smiles* "Because perhaps I am self-loathing, too." ???: ??? i wouldnt have been able to tell. Mori: "I know how to hide it...I learned from the best." ???: ....do you regret it? what all you did to her? if higuchi's accusations are true, then you're the reason she- Mori: "I do not focus on the past. Just the future." ???:.... i see. Mori: *lays down a black rose at the grave* ???:...... are you going to visit _her_ grave as well?? Mori: "...Yes." ???: very well. i'll just wait outside the gates for you then. Mori: *approaches her grave* "...Hello." -no answer- Mori: "...God, I miss you." -silence- Mori: "You were certainly different from other people who work for me." -...- Mori: "...I suppose I felt something for you that I did not for many other people." -....- Mori: "Devotion. Companionship...It was nice." -nothing- Mori: "..." *pats her tombstone* "I...I..." elise: ...you know she isnt buried here. why are you pretending she is? *she looks confused* Mori: "Dramatic effect." elise: -3-; riiiight. Mori: *pats the tombstone* "...I think I'm ready to return." -elsewhere- yana: *checking cameras, turning up music to drown out the sounds from the other room* *Camera shows Kyoka holding a jar...* *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on the room next door to yana’s* yana: -_-; (thinking: i seriously dont wanna go in there...) zoey: *moan* FD: *lightly prodding the tip of his boot against her entrance* "You like that, yes?" zoey: y-yes! FD: "Who's a naughty girl?" zoey: i-i am, master! FD: "Indeed you are...Should I go deeper?" zoey: p-please! FD: *presses* zoey: *moan* FD: "Your voice is melodic..." *he leans down--and puts his hand along her throat* zoey: *blush* FD: *presses a bit more on her throat* "Sing for me..." zoey: ahh~<3 FD: "Good...What do you want?" zoey: i-i want you, master! d-do with me as you please~ FD: *smirks, as he turns her over and pats her behind* -elsewhere- mito: zzzz =w= Chuuya: "..." *strokes Mito* mito: *nuzzles into his hand* Chuuya: *small smile* "Sure are affectionate..." mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "Hee hee...I'll have to get you a treat." mito: ^o^ Chuuya: "Maybe something with a lot of flavor." -elsewhere- Relan: "...Do I need a weapon?" maki: when all else fails, a crowbar works. Relan: "...'Kay." *takes up a crowbar* "So, I just--" *swings--and falls* maki: woah, easy there! shinra: *nice catch* Relan: @~@ "...I'm not cut out for the field like this..." shinra:... *pats his back* yu: it's ok, mr relan. if you dont feel comfortable going underground, you can help me and mr licht look after the base. Relan: "N-No...I-I want to go..." Victor: D: "I'm not going?!" -elsewhere- Poe: "...I think I'm going to be sick." karl: O^O~? *Someone has pulled down his books, leaving them disorganized* Poe: "...Karl, did you see who did this?" *looks serious* karl: *points to a random student* kirika: you lil shit. Poe: "And why, young lady..." *seeming to grow taller, darker, more fearsome* "...did you do that to my books?" kirika: 'cuz i have a problem with authority. Poe: "...I can fix that..." *opens a book* rowena: still working, brother? Poe: owo;;; "...Yes? Just disciplining a misbehaving student by shoving her into a book of unimaginable torment where her nightmares will gain physical form and destroy her mind, body, and soul--" kirika: yeesh. rowena:...*sweatdrop* *tiny chop* dont be so petty. -3-; Poe: Q~Q "B-But she messed up the books!" rowena: *chop to kirika's head* kirika: *grumbles* -elsewhere- Patty: "MARGARITAS!!!" stocking: HELL YEAH! liz: ^^; Patty: *sets out the glasses--and a large crazy straw* -elsewhere- Black Star: "What're we doing tonight, gentlemen? And Soul." soul: motherfuckin battle of the ages. aka. mario party 2 drinking game. sayaka: *has out the orange juice* lets do this shit. kilik: ^^; Black Star: "...So, non-alcoholic?" -elsewhere- Konro: *passes out the plates* fang-hua: thanks for the meal. Tsukiyo: *excited* owo "Smells so good!" Konro: "You're very welcome." *sits down* -elsewhere- Dazai: *takes out a jump rope* -phone rings- Dazai: "???" *answers* "Yo." atsushi: you arent trying another suicide attempt are you? Dazai: OWO;;; "...No? I was just...baking a...water." atsushi:....'baking a water'? Dazai: "Getting a glass of cake!" atsushi:....dazai... Dazai: OWO;;; "...I was going to jump rope." atsushi: were you really?...*he seems concerned* Dazai: OWO;;;;;;;; *along the carpet are nails* "Over a floor of rusty nails..." atsushi: dazai! that just sounds painful!.....are you having one of your depressive moods? Dazai: "My feelings breed creative ways of suicide that I can add to the list of what does and does not work!" atsushi:....do you want to talk about it? it might help... Dazai: "...I'm lonely." atsushi:...did you want someone to come over? Dazai: "..." *nod nod* "Yes." atsushi: ok. -ultimately, atsushi, kirako, and kyouka went over- kirako: *letting him rest his head on her lap* Dazai: Q___Q Kyoka: "...So many nails." atsushi: *helping to pick them up* (thinking: he probably would have gotten tittinus from this...) odasaku:...*smiles* good job, kiddo. Dazai: "I just want to die..." kirako:.....*stroking his head* it's ok...you're going to be ok... Dazai: "H-How..." atsushi: you got us, right? *smiles and sits next to them* Dazai: *whimper* "Y-Yeah?" atsushi: we'll help you one step at a time. *smiles* Dazai: *grabs Atsushi's hand* atsushi: !!...*small smile* Dazai: "Thank you, friend..." *weak smile* atsushi: not a problem buddy-erm, dazai. kirako: ?? Dazai: owo; -elsewhere- Patty: *passed out* liz: *carrying her to bed* Patty: *small groan* "Salty drinks..." -elsewhere- Patty: *small groan* "Salty drinks..." -elsewhere- mii: =w= *snoozing* kirako: ^^ *pet pet* Dazai: "..." *pet* mii: ^w^ Dazai: *smile* "Really affectionate." kirako: do you want anything to eat, dazai? Dazai: "N-Noodles?" kirako: alright then. mii:... *spots something, and walks over to a vent, batting at it with a paw* D8< Dazai: "??? You got mice in here?" kirako: i sure hope not. Dazai: *looks at the vent* yana: o-o;;; *cough* -a small glint can be seen- Dazai: "??? What was that?" kirako: what's what? yana: shit. shit shit shit shit shit. Dazai: "Something in here?" -the mouse is veering back- Dazai: "I think I see some mouse's eyes?" kirako: D8 ew! i should call the exterminator. yana: *SWEATS* o-o;;; Dazai: "Better do that. Just hope Mii is a good mouse catcher." mii: *glaaaaares at the mouse* yana: *flips the cat off* fuck you tom. fuck you. Dazai: "..." *tries to pull off vent cover* -the mouse vanishes deeper into the vents- Dazai: "Darn...Got away." yana: *sigh of relief* i should avoid at apartment for a while...hmmm... let's see what the neighboors are up to... -elsewhere- Junichiro: *locking himself in his room* O_O takuto: zzzzz yumikage: O-O;;;; tsurugi: OuO;;; mitsuba: GET OUT HERE COWARDS!!!! shinoa: oh dear. -elsewhere- Black Star: *banging on the door* "Stop hogging it! I need to go!" -elsewhere- higuchi:....gin? is everything ok? you look uneasy... Gin: *shaking* "Wh-What the hell..." higuchi: gin?! *grabs her shoulder* what is it? Gin: "H-Head..." higuchi: ??? Gin: "He kept her head..." higuchi: ??? w-who's head? Gin: "H-H-His previous...I don't know!" higuchi: breathe gin, breathe! Gin: *clutches Higuchi* "His old secretary...Her head...He kept her head..." higuchi:....*her heart drops into her stomach in horrified shock* no...t-then...the blood.... Gin: "Wh-What? What blood?" higuchi: the blood in her diary... *she gets it out*....mori...wrote something in her blood...it still makes me nauseous reading it.... Gin: "...Higuchi...What is that?" higuchi: some time ago, someone gave me shizuka's diary. i think it might have been naoya... Gin: "...So, he beheads her...while she was, what, writing?" higuchi: i think she wrote her last entry before she-.... *examines the bloody text* Gin: "...What does it say?" higuchi: ...i dont...want to say it... *she hands the diary to gin* god damn... Gin: *glances...* "...He gets pleasure from this...this madness." higuchi: he...he's insane.... Gin: "...Why have you been looking into this? Why now?" higuchi:....rain.....when she died.....she was pregnant with his child. Gin: "...God." higuchi:....*grips fist* i wont forgive him for what he's done to her... Gin: "...What now?" higuchi: ......i just dont know..... Gin: *shivers* "...We need help. He can't stay in control here..." -elsewhere- Kid: *flips a pancake* stocking: *humming* Kid: *smiles* "You didn't over-do it on the alcohol, did you?" stocking: not tooooo much~<3 Kid: "Hee hee..." *small kiss on her cheek* "I wouldn't know too much about that..." -elsewhere- elise: zzzz Mori: "..." *sips a drink* ???: she almost looks peaceful... Mori: *puts a finger over his lips* "Shh...Let her rest." ???: very well. Mori: "I thought so...I will retire now." ???: understood. i'll call it a night as well. -she walks over to the wall, and puts herself back onto her charger- miura: good night, sir. Mori: "Good night..." *walks to the closet* -yep, shizuka's head is still there- Mori: *small smile* "Hello." shizuka: ... *she cant reply, she's a head* Mori: "I would like to tell you about my day..." -silence- Mori: "I visited your grave. Quite nice." -...- Mori: "The words on your tombstone...They were emotional...The font was...was..." -....- Mori: *wipes his eyes* "I think...there will be a child that I wish you were mother to..." -....- Mori: "You remain in my thoughts. I will let you rest now. Good night." -elsewhere- FD: *lying, naked, in bed, staring at the ceiling* zoey: *lying next to him, naked and panting, love juices still dripping out of her* FD: "D-Damn...You came. Hard." zoey: ah...<3 -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Good test run, everyone. Hope the tools work for you." -early morning- Meme: *yawns, turns over* mio: *nuzzle* zzzz.... Meme: .\\\. "..." *small hug* mio: =///w///= Meme: *closes her eyes, holds Mio a bit more closely* -elsewhere- rowena: *brushing her hair* lenore: zzzz.... Poe: *fast asleep* rowena:... *puts blanket over him* Poe: =w= karl: ^^ rowena:... *pet pet* karl: =w= lenore: *in human form, stretching* you sure take care of him, huh? rowena: *nods* he....has a lot of darkness that surrounds him. i just want to see him be ok. Poe: "Mmm..." lenore:...i see... Poe: *yawn* "Huh? Wha--?" rowena: oh. good morning, brother. ^^ Poe: "Morning..." *stretches, gets out of bed* "Sleep okay?" -elsewhere Sakuya: "Wake up..." naho: *yawn* Sakuya: *smiles* "Sleep okay?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *sneezes* -elsewhere- Kuro: *playing 3DS* -elsewhere- tsugumi: *taking notes in class* Anya: *searching for her pen* yana: *glancing around* Meme: *asleep* -elsewhere at school- atsushi: *taking notes* Kyoka: *looking around them* atsushi:... *glances at lucy...small smile* Lucy: *looks up--blushes deep, looks back down to her notes* .\\\\\\\. Kyoka: "..." *sharpening her pencil* rowena:... *noticing akutagawa* o-o; Akutagawa: *gaunt, pale, somehow has a small rain cloud over his head* Q~Q rowena: *sweatdrop* um... mr araragi? Akutagawa: *growls at her* rowena: OwO;;; Sid: *chops Akutagawa's head* "No." Akutagawa: TT~TT rowena: ^^; Kyoka: *whispers to Atsushi* "I got my pencil ready..." *it's dangerously sharp* atsushi: kyouka no. Kyoka: "He is a threat to neutralize before he hurts you." atsushi: *sweatdrop* Kyoka: "...Oh, and before he hurts the trollop." Lucy: D:< -elsewhere- Patty: -~- "My head..." julie: *pap pap* Patty: "Thank you, sweetie..." *yawns* julie: ^^ roxanne: rough night? Patty: "Margaritas are eeeeeeeevil..." roxanne: ^^; Patty: "May I have some medicine?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Don't get distracted! Or you'll fall into the trap!" shinra: *focused and running* Vulcan: "..." *smirks, as he pulls a lever* -rockets with shark like features are shot at them- tamaki: O-O;;; Relan: "WHAT THE ACTUAL FRICK?!" Maki: "Ah, they have little cute shark faces on them!" iris: ._.; Vulcan: "Run faster! They pack quite a bite!" Relan: *running* "Faster faster fast--" -amazingly, nobody died from that- -elsewhere- Tool: *repairing a guitar* io: *watching* Tool: "Then, Io, I'll have to replace the strings, sand down the back to get rid of some water damage...Amazing what you find in landfills." io: *shiny eyes* saki: ^^ Tool: "Wait 'til you hear it! Sure to be melodic..." *thumbs along one string--which snaps in two* o_o; io: uh-oh. Tool: "I-I can fix this..." -elsewhere- Kid: *reviewing a mission form* "..." maid: hard at work, sir? Kid: "Trying to be...Just curious about this destination." maid: oh? Kid: "Father suggested meeting Fire Brigades..." maid: like the 1st? Kid: *nods* maid: i see. Kid: "There are...certain investigations worth considering." maid: hmm... Kid: "The 1st has been involved in some surprising developments, whether members accused of crimes or worse..." maid: yikes. Kid: "Will you make sure our home is protected while I am out?" maid: of course sir. Kid: "Then I will depart..." maid: best of luck, sir! Kid: *nods, exits* stocking: do your best honey~ *kiss* Kid: =\\\\= "I try, my sweet. I will return..." *kisses her hand* stocking: hehe~ ^///^ Kid: ^\\\^ "Good luck today..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Someone left trash on our front step." fang-hua: ??... ._.; um....is that a person? Benimaru: "Yes. They look worse for wear." hinata: *poke* is he dead? ???: "Not..." hikage: EEK! ???: "..." *stomach growls* fang-hua: sir? are you ok? Johannes: -~- *groan* fang-hua: sir? Johannes: "I'd like warm milk, please..." fang-hua: r-right... kabuki, get him inside. kabuki: *already on it* Tsukiyo: "Weird looking guy...What's your name?" Johannes: "Jo...Zzz..." hinata: jojo? hikage: what a bizarre adventure. Johannes: "Faust...Zzz..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Any plans after school?" atsushi: maybe check the arcade out? what do you think, kyouka? Kyoka: "I think I will defeat this interloper at all games of combat." Lucy: ^^# atsushi: ^^; odasaku: baby steps kiddo. baby steps. Lucy: "..." *takes his hand* atsushi: o///o Lucy: "...What?" -\\\- "I-I can do this..." atsushi: .//////. Kyoka: "...You hurt his hand, I'll smash your face." Lucy: "?!! Hey!" atsushi: ^^;; -a few meters behind- Akutagawa: *clawing the corner of a building* naoya: ._.; akuta, dude, chill. Akutagawa: *thunderous growl* naoya: OwO;; Akutagawa: "I will end them all..." naoya: woah, you are verging dangerously into yandere territory there. Akutagawa: "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!" naoya: ...go ask kajii. Akutagawa: "...You ask Kajii, while I end them..." naoya: *sweatdrop* Akutagawa: *follows* Lucy: "Bet I can win you a prize." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sets out a box of wine* Mori: owo; "...I thought you would bring the good stuff?" Chuuya: "Not a time for celebration." *pours out a glass* kouyou: ?? miura: ....*small glare at chuuya* Mori: "Well, I _did_ call this meeting, so...Um...Updates?" kouyou: from what we've gathered, the girl from special department was most likely a victim of the rats. Mori: "And any hint where the murder was committed? Location?" kouyou: from the information from the autopsy, she was likely killed in the old subway tunnels. Mori: "So, hiding in dark, dank places." Chuuya: "Sounds familiar." Mori: "???" kouyou: chuuya? Chuuya: "...I meant the last time something like this happened, it was in a tunnel." ("And Mori would know about hiding in the dark...") Mori: ^^; "I'm sure you did..." ("...Is he...?") miura: ?? Mori: "I want analysis for a clue as to which tunnel she died in..." miura: right. Mori: "Any other pressing business?" Chuuya: "..." *sips more wine* -elsewhere- Kid: "Hello. I am here as a representative of the DWMA." dia:...*nod* the commander's office is this way... Kid: "Thank you...I am Death the Kid." dia: *nod* company commander dia volkov. Kid: "Where is your role in the chain of command?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *in his school uniform* "I-I think my muscles got bigger." ^\\\^ eijiro: nice! Iida: "Yes! The exercise program here will have you prepared for the upcoming competition!" Bakugo: "...Like your hand motions are building up your arm muscles, spaz." momo: *chop* behave. ochako: im totes pumped! how about you, todoroki? Todoroki: "...I just want this over with." ochako: hmm... Izuku: "??? Um...M-Maybe we just need a bit of a break? I could get some sports drinks..." tsuyu: seems like a good idea. Izuku: "I'll go get them!" Bakugo: "And pick good flavors!" yuuji: *getting some big city cola* hitoshi: .... yuuji: *notices izuku* oh hey....you're....midorino, was it? Izuku: "??? Oh...Um, hello. And it's, um, Midoriya..." yuuji: ah. one of mr aizawa's students, then? Izuku: *nod nod* "Y-Yes? You know him well?" yuuji: yeah, he's kind of been my life coach of sorts since starting here...one of the few people who actually bothers with talking to me... Izuku: "Wow...I mean, that's great! It's surprising he is so attentive, but then again he is really focused on his students' development. Furthermore--" yuuji: *sweatdrop* y-yeah... 7_7; Izuku: "...I'm rambling, aren't I?" yuuji: do you want an honest answer or a nice answer? Izuku: ^^;; "I'll just take that as a yes. Heh." yuuji:...*small smile* seems he's got an interesting bunch to work with, eh? Izuku: "We're definitely eclectic....Lot of abilities, personalities..." yuuji: *nod* must be nice...having friends. Izuku: "??? You...aren't friends with teachers here?" yuuji: other than aizawa, no one else really talks to me....probably has something to do with me being...you know, an ex-villain? Izuku: "..." *nods* "D-Didn't want to bring that up..." *hides his notebook behinds his back* "...Do teachers have social gatherings?" yuuji: i guess they do? hitoshi: *already walking away with his soda* Izuku: *feels shiver up his spine, looks around* "???" yuuji: oh, seems that other guy from the general department left already... Izuku: " 'General department'?" yuuji: for those that arent in the hero department. mainly just learning how to control their quirks and what not. there's also the support department too. Izuku: "Ah...It's all helpful." yuuji: i guess. -elsewhere- Lucy: "Here's your order." liz: thanks. Lucy: "You're welcome. If you need anyt--" Patty: *already gobbling fries* Lucy: o___o; liz: ^^; Patty: "Seconds, please!" *holds up empty plate* Lucy: "..." *smiles* "Coming right up!" -elsewhere- miura: any updates, kajii? Kajii: *has a black eye* "I wish..." miura: im still somewhat bitter that those rats got the jump on me back then. and that brat elise ripped my head off. im just lucky my CPU wasnt affected. Kajii: "So am I..." *head pat* miura: -_-;; hopefully keek will have results on that machine sometime this week. Kajii: *pouts* "I could figure it out..." miura: and risk me getting taken over again and attacking people? best not to risk it. Kajii: "Hmph..." *goes back to fiddling with device* -elsewhere- Karim: "..." foien: *listening in* Kid: "--regarding some affiliations your Brigade has had with...undesirables." Burns: "..." dia: ... Kid: "Tell me a bit about Rekka Hoshimiya." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Yummy~" felisia: ^^ *rubs her stomach* hard to believe im having a second child... Mephisto: *offers a fork-full of cake* "And I'm delighted~" felisia: ^^ ...i'll be honest, im nervous. after what happened with stocking....will i even be a good mother? Mephisto: "..." *forehead kiss* "You already are." felisia:....*blushing with tear filled eyes* Mephisto: "..." *hug* "Stocking loves you, and you are good to her. And you will be good to our future child." felisia: t-thank you, mephisto. that...means a lot. Mephisto: *smiles* "I love you...and I will be with you." felisia: *hugs and crying tears of happiness* Mephisto: "Hee hee..." *pats her back* -elsewhere- Johannes: *slurping noodles* "So gooooooood!" Benimaru: -_____- reimi: ^^; Johannens: *holds up bowl* "Seconds, please!" -elsewhere- Jeje: "...The universe feels at peace." metsu: ^^; Jeje: *lies back, sighs* "So quiet..." metsu: *leaning against him* u///u Jeje: *puts an arm around her, lets her rest her head against his chest* metsu: =///= Jeje: *soft sigh, holding her close* metsu: .... zzzz Jeje: *pulls up sheet over them, closes his eyes* =\\\= *small snake-like sound as he sleeps* -elsewhere- mito: *asleep, purring* Chuuya: *staring up at the ceiling, blank expression, but tears falling* mito: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *small pet* mito: =w= Chuuya: "...I miss her. So much." mito: zzz.... Chuuya: "Why didn't I...How could I not know..." -silence- Chuuya: "I loved her..." -...- Chuuya: "...and I will avenge her." rain?: *sniffle* i-it hurts... Chuuya: "???" *looks around* -no one there- mito: *yaaawn* zzzzz Chuuya: "...What is wrong with me?" -...- {Q: zzzz....} {Chuuya: "...At least he's resting."} {Q:.....*yaaaawn* mama?} {Chuuya: "...Hey, Q..."} {Q: mmmn? *yaaawn* hey chuuya....*rubbing his eyes* i had a scary dream....but then you and big bro dazai saved me, and rainy kissed you. dreams are weird, huh?} {Chuuya: o\\\o "Y-Yeah...Weird."} {Q: *yaaawn* im still tired and im sore everywhere....wait, why am i in a car?} {Chuuya: "J-Just...going for a ride."} {Q: oh....ok....zzzz...} {Chuuya: *sigh of relief*} {-the car is now approaching its destination to drop Q off-} {Chuuya: "..." *picks up Q carefully*} {Q: zzzzz.....} {Chuuya: "..." *carries Q up to his room...*} {Q: mama....zzzzz} {Chuuya: "..." ("Poor kid...")} {mafioso: is errand girl parking the car then?} {Chuuya: "...Rain, and no, she went home."} {mafioso: did anything happen while you two were out?} {Chuuya: "Nothing we couldn't handle..."} {mafioso 2: did she have one of her sexy slip ups?} {*CRASH*} {Chuuya: *holding #2 against the wall by their throat*} {mafioso: woah! chuuya what the hell's gotten into you?!} {Chuuya: "If I hear you talk about Rain like that again, you'll be in the hospital, for two weeks, without pay."} {mafioso: what the heck man, what are you, in love with her or something?} {Chuuya: *tightens grip on his throat* "Shut up..."} {mafioso 2: grk-} {mafioso: chuuya! dude! chill!} {Chuuya: "..." *drops him* "Stay out of my way."} {mafioso: ....man, what got into him all the sudden?...} {Chuuya: *carries Q to his room...*} {Q: zzzz...} {Chuuya: *sets Q down in his bed* "..."} {Q: *clutching his doll* =w=} {Chuuya: *sits by his bed, watching* "..."} {Q: zzzz... mama....} {Chuuya: *tucks him in*} {Q: =w=} {Chuuya: *passes hand along Q's forehead to brush away his hair*} {Q: zzzz...} {Chuuya: *exits*} {-on the drive home-} {Chuuya: "...Maybe coffee to start?"} {-'please....dont scare me like that anymore...'-} {Chuuya: "...I won't. I promise."} {-upon arriving home-} {Chuuya: *looks around* ("Kind of empty here...")} {-silence-} {Chuuya: "Maybe...she and I could..."} {-...-} {Chuuya: "I'll ask her, tomorrow."} Chuuya: *sobbing* mito: ?? Chuuya: "R-Rain..." mito:...*crawls up to his head on the pillow, softly licking away the tears* Chuuya: *hugs Mito* mito: ^w^ Chuuya: *ugly sobs* mito: *nuzzle* Chuuya: *keeps crying, shaking* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *cries until exhausted...* mito: *still purring and laying on his chest* Chuuya: *sob...breathes in...* "Zzz..." -morning- Johannes: *snoring* fang-hua: seems his friend called saying they'll pick him up. Benimaru: "About. Time." kirei: ^^; *A snake slithers through the room* hikage: WAAAH!! hinata: EEK! kirei: !! reimi: O-O;;; Mikuni: "Howdy howdy!" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* can we...help you? Mikuni: "We're here to pick up a loser." Benimaru: "..." *points at Johannes* reimi:.... *looks at jeje.....her blood runs cold* Jeje: "...Oh." reimi:...... fang-hua: sir? your friends are here to pick you up. Johannes: "Great!" *stands up, shakes Benimaru and Kirei's hands--hard* "It was a pleasure staying here, Kirami and Bunbunmaru!" Tsukiyo: o____o ("IS NO ONE GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE FUCKING SNAKE TALKED?!!!") kirei: ^^; Benimaru: -____- "Get out, or I'll burn you and bury the ashes." Johannes: owo;;; *steps back slowly and hides behind Mikuni* Jeje: *stares at Reimi* "..." reimi: i'll just....return to the shrine *walking away* Tsukiyo: "???" Jeje: *slithers after Mikuni* Mikuni: "Thanks, y'all! And don't be a stranger at my fine shopping establishment!" Johannes: "Send me skin samples! I love comparing humans and vampires' DNA!" Tsukiyo: o____________o Benimaru: -_-;;; "I don't know how I will do it, but somehow I will blame the 8th for this." fang-hua:..... kabuki:...that was.....interesting. Benimaru: *looks around* "...Perhaps you should speak with Reimi, Kirei." kirei: perhaps... -elsewhere- Arthur: *staring at microwave* "...Finish already." shinra: *getting his school supplies ready for the day* Relan: *tying his shoes* iris: need help? Relan: ^^; "I-I'm fine...Done this enough..." -elsewhere- Kid: *crosses "1" off his list* stocking: busy day today? Kid: *nods* "Now I visit the 2nd Br--" Patty: "TAKE ME WITH YOU!" liz: *sweatdrop* Patty: "Takeru! Takeru! Take--" Kid: -___- "Fine. You may come along." Patty: "YAY!" -elsewhere- Lucy: *groans* anne: o.o~? Lucy: "This work all takes too long...I want a break." anne: *pap pap* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *growls* hirotsu: still bitter? naoya: yeeeeeep. Akutagawa: "Kill..." naoya: owo; Akutagawa: "I will not be denied..." hirotsu: *backing away slowly* Akutagawa: "...Hmph." *sulks into the shadows* naoya:....damn. hirotsu: ...*takes a long drag on his cig* to say he isnt good with rejection...would be an understatement. *The shadows seem to be shivering* naoya:.....*looks at gin* ... Gin: "...Very well. I can speak with him..." naoya:...*pats her back and nods* Gin: "...Ryu?" Akutagawa: *growls from the shadows* higuchi:...ryunosuke? come on, talk to us. Akutagawa: "I don't wanna..." higuchi:.... Gin: "...Get out here, or I will not make you any dinner." Akutagawa: "..." Q~Q *steps out* higuchi:.....*awkward pap* Akutagawa: TT~TT "I want to kill him...and her..." naoya:.... Akutagawa: *his stomach growls* TTT~TTT -elsewhere- Patty: *glomp* takeru: >//////< hito: *sweatdrop* Kid: -_-; "I'll let you two..whatever, while I meet with the Commander. Please direct me to their office." -elsewhere- lana: *walking home* *siiigh* what a day... -she's coming up past poe's house, seems the window is open...huh...- ???: *singing* "How did I live? I taste every wasted minute..." lana: ?? *looking around* *The music comes from inside* ???: "...From the things that might have healed me...How long have I been sleeping?" lana: *peaks into the window* *Poe is inside, singing to himself as he shelves books* lana: ..... *a small blush creeps along her face* Poe: *not noticing* "How did I live? Was I kind enough and good enough? Did I love enough? Did I ever look up and see the moon and the stars and the sky?" lana: ....*ducks under the window, listening* .... ./////. Poe: " All of my life I spent searching the words of poets and saints and prophets and kings..." *approaches the window to set a book on the windowsill* lana: *hiding* O-O;; Poe: "Life and love, I don't deserve..." *sweeps dust off the sill outside* lana: ...... (thinking: edgar...) Poe: *hums the last part...* lana: ..... *as soon as the coast is clear, she continues on her way, a small blush still on her face* Poe: *looks around* "??? That's odd..." karl: ?? Poe: "I thought I...I thought someone was nearby." -later- lana: i'm home! Mr. Shephard: "Welcome back! How was today?" lana: busy. but i managed to get by. *smiles* Mr Shephard: "That's good. I'm almost done with dinner." lana: ah. -later- Mr Shephard: "...Honey? You don't like the meal?" lana: it's good, dad. thanks. ^^ Mr Shephard: "Something on your mind?" lana: eh? just...thinking about stuff... -that night, after her father went to sleep- lana:.....*staring up at the ceiling* .... (thinking: still cant stop thinking about it... cant believe i didnt notice how smooth his voice is...) o///o >///< (thinking: what am i thinking?! i mean, yes, he has a nice voice, and he always is looking out for me...sending me letters....and a gentle personality deep down….} ….. o/////////////////////o oh. oh my god. *pulls the blanket over her* oh my god im in love with him. *Text message alert* lana: !!! *scrambles to get her phone and checks it* Poe: [THIS DEVICE KEEPS MAKING NOISES!] lana: ^^; [that's to let you know when you have a call or a message] Poe: [...Oh. How do I stop the noises? I asked Karl to fetch me the mallet.] lana:...*small smile* [not sure. but on a different topic, how has your evening been?] Poe: [Quite alright. Made dinner, Rowena brought dessert.] lana: [ah. i had dinner with my dad too. ^^] Poe: [He cooks?] lana: [sometimes, yeah.] Poe: [Is he good?] lana: [as good as any i guess, haha] *laying down, hugging her pillow close to her* Poe: [Maybe he could teach me a lesson...] *knees pulled up as he sits in bed, petting Karl* lana: [maybe.] ... [you probably have an early start tomorrow, huh?] Poe: [Libraries always have early days, yes. And you?] lana: [same here. i'll call it a night here. get some rest, edgar. ^^] *almost types 'i love you', but decides to send it as is*.... .///. Poe: [Sweet dreams] *send* "..." .\\\. "Too schmaltzy?" karl: =w= zzzzz Poe: "..." *pets Karl before putting on his nightcap and lying down in bed* lana:....*laying down and closing her eyes, imagining him gently singing into her ear*.... u///u {Poe: "Stars shining bright above you...Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you'..."} lana: =//////= .....zzzz {Poe: "Dream...a little dream of me..."} -elsewhere- Patty: >\\\\\< liz: how was the visit? Patty: "HE'S SO TALL AND CUTE AND I WANT TO BRING HIM HOME TO MEET LORD DEATH!" Kid: -____-;;; "I barely recognized anyone in that Brigade." stocking: *pats his back* Patty: "I brought back souvenirs, though!" *holds up a firefighter's helmet--and a pair of boxers* liz:... -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "...You recognized the snake?" reimi: .....just a hunch Mr. Tsubaki: "...Not like others don't know I'm here...Did you get a sense of dread facing Jeje?" reimi:....yeah. a bit. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Then we'll be on our guard." *pats her shoulder* reimi:....right. -elsewhere- FD: *reviewing dossiers* yana: *playing some games on her phone* cant wait to get this plan going already... FD: "Don't we all. But reviewing these materials takes time." yana: feels like it's been months. FD: "Well, you have been gathering research for us..." yana: *nod* i figured out a few...interesting things... but seems im not the only one doing some digging.... *she has two addresses written down* FD: *frowns* "What are those addresses?" yana: some pests who have been giving us trouble and are trying to find us....should we deal with them? FD: "Please. But find what valuables they have..." yana: *grins* alright. with any luck, they could make useful recruits. FD: *small chuckle* yana: so who's gonna be our first visit? FD: "Hmm...Who is 'Keek'?" yana: not sure. but we'll find out soon enough. *grin* -elsewhere- yuuji: *kicking rocks on his way to his dorm room* Izuku: "Hey there!" yuuji: oh hey...midoriya, was it? Izuku: *nods* "Heading back to the dorms?" yuuji: yeah, i kind of live there. dont really have anywhere else to go. you? Izuku: "I live with my family right now..." yuuji:.....must be nice. Izuku: owo;;; "...Want to have dinner?" yuuji: me? you sure about that kid? i mean...given my rep- Izuku: "I-I-I insist! My mom is a great cook!" yuuji:...well...ok then. you seem persistent. Izuku: *nod nod* "It-It's just this way, not too far..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "Now, what have we learned~?" mikami: o-o; poor rino... Rino: *wearing a 'Hibana is always right' shirt* >\\\\< "THIS IS HUMILIATING!" Hibana: "Smile." *holds up her phone* Rino: "..." *gives Hibana the finger* gabriella: *glares at rino* Rino: o____o;;; *stops, puts on a fake smile* Hibana: *smiles at Gabriella as she snaps the picture* "That's better..." -elsewhere- chie: *washing toru* toru: ^o^ Yohei: *filming* "He takes to water like a duck..." chie: ^^ toru: *splash* XD chie: ah! haha! Yohei: "Careful, kiddo--you'll get more water on the floor than in the bath." chie: ^^ Yohei: *holds up baby towel--blue with a whale on it* toru: waio! waio! Yohei: " 'Whowl'! Look at the whale on here, Toru." *smiles* toru: ^w^ chie: ^^ Yohei: *dries Toru* -elsewhere- {Rekka: "Forgot about me?"} {pearl: father hoshimiya?} {Rekka: "What's up? Been a long time, Pearl..."} {pearl:.....why?} {Rekka: "Why? Why what? Can't I say hello to you? It's not like I've been dead or anything..."} {pearl: w-we saw you die.....you were impaled right in front of them.... why did you join the hoods? WHY? why would you do that? betraying karim, father li, the whole 1st!} {Rekka: *smiles peacefully, closes his eyes* "To give you a better world~"} {pearl: by hurting innocent people? *tears falling* you hurt people, children even!} {Rekka: *approaches her* "They were not those to be saved...God's light was not on them."} {pearl: .....*noticing figures appearing around them* !!!!} {-flame humans, screaming out in pain-} {Rekka: *half of his face is on fire* "We are blessed..."} {pearl: *screaming*} ???:....rl...pearl! pearl: *her eyes snap open* AH! dia:.... ruby: are you ok? pearl:.... Karim: "?!" pearl:....*shaking* Karim: "Hey...It's okay...You're safe." pearl: *tears falling as she hugs him tightly* dia: .... Karim: "!!! ..." *pat pat* "It's okay...Just a bad dream..." pearl: *trembling* Karim: *pats her back* "Let it out..." pearl: *holding him, crying* Karim: "I'm sorry...But it’s ok, it's over now." dia:...... *looking away* Karim: "Dia, get some water. Please." dia:.....right.... *exits* -elsewhere- yuuji: *sitting at the table, awkwardly staring at his plate* Izuku: "??? Something wrong?" yuuji: eh? n-nothing just....feels surreal, i guess. Izuku: "...Well, I hope this hot meal fills you up." *smiles* yuuji:...y-yeah... thanks...i guess.... Izuku: "Mom, need any help?" inko: when you kids are done, i could use help with washing dishes. ^^ yuuji: *small wince* Izuku: "I-I can do that, Mom!" *looks at Yuuji* "??? Okay?" yuuji: y-yeah...i'll...head out after that. Izuku: "Oh...Y-You should come back soon. I got video games..." yuuji: noted. -elsewhere- Jonah: *giggling* guruna: kurukurukuru ^^ irina: and just what are you two whelps snickering at? guruna: it's a secret! >Xp Jonah: *now wearing Irina's face* irina: ...the braid is on the wrong side. guruna: then wouldnt it be a perfect mirror, kuru? Jonah: *smushes his own face--resembling Nozomi* irina: .....how disgusting. Jonah: "I see resemblance!!!" irina: *grabs him by the neck* *glaaare* was that insult directed at me? ^^# Jonah: *coughing* "I-I though it was cute...?" irina: ..... -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Sushi!" shinra: alright! tamaki: yeah! Takehisa: *passing the plate* "Arthur, stop sneaking off others' plates." -elsewhere- lana: *working night shift* .///.; Bellhop: "??? Feeling sick?" lana: AH! oh. wha? o-oh! im fine! just....i-im fine, really! Bellhop: "...Well, you just looked distracted. Guest giving you trouble again?" lana: no. just...i-im fine. manager:...*feeling her head* you feel warm... lana: -n-; Bellhop: "I can take over. Want to take a break?" lana: you sure about that? Bellhop: "Right on! Go lie down a bit." lana:... manager: go home today, get some rest. -on the walk home- lana:....*sigh* what's gotten into me? (thinking: do i really feel that way about him? all because of his singing? im being so silly....i mean, there's so much more than just that. he's sweet, poetic, always glad to see me...) .//////. (thinking: AHHH! THERE I GO AGAIN! ah jeez...) ???: "Wh-Wh-What?!" lana: O-O NYEEEEEE!!! ?!?! *turns* Dazai: "What'd you mean by that?!" lana:....can i....help you sir? Dazai: *looks up--then smiles widely* "Hey! I know you!" lana: uh....*reaching for mace in her purse* Dazai: "You're the girlfriend of Ranpo's boyfriend!" lana:....eh? ^^; Dazai: *takes Lana's hand, shakes energetically* "I'm Dazai!" lana: i got mace! Dazai: "Oooooh! Is it lethal?" lana:.... *quickly running up to poe's door* edgar. your friend's weird coworker is pestering me -_-; Poe: *opens the door a crack* .\\\. "L-L-La-La--" Dazai: "Oh, you know where he lives?" lana: may i come in please? this weird guy is bothering me. Poe: O\\\\\\O "W-W-W-ell--Well--Welcome!" *throws open the door, gesturing* lana:... .///. ok then. *goes inside* Dazai: "Yay! Let's have some drinks and--" *Poe slams the door in Dazai's face* *Dazai is stunned--then falls backwards down the stairs* lana:...thanks edgar. *smiles* Poe: o\\\\o "I-I-I'm happy to help." *holds up a plate of cookies* "I was baking!" lana: oh. thanks. *nom*. this is really good, thanks edgar. ^///^ Poe: >\\\< "I tried really hard with these. Mother used to make them. I just never get the right amount of cinnamon..." lana: *smiles* Poe: "H-H-How was work? I thought you were working today..." lana: um...i guess im a bit under the weather? ^///^; Poe: "Oh. I'm sorry. Tea?" lana: s-sure. .///. Poe: *heats up water on stove* "...Which do you prefer? Green? Black? Fruity?" -later- Poe: *sips* lana:.... .///. soooo anything new happen recently? Poe: "I trained Karl to check back in books!" lana: wow. *smiles* that's great! Poe: *nod nod* *goofy smile* "H-He's quite smart! People don't appreciate how smart raccoons are. Very crafty." lana: yeah... .///. *shuffling a bit in her seat* Poe: "??? Is...there something wrong with that chair? I meant to reupholster it..." lana: i-it's fine, really! ^///^;; Poe: "...You look red." lana: *squeaks out* must be the hay fever! i mean the weather! i mean-... i may need to lay down. .///////////.;;; Poe: !!! "Oh no! Why didn't you say so earlier?! Please, let's take you to the couch..." lana: um... .//////. Poe: *takes her hand, rests another hand on her shoulder as he guides her* "I have you...I won't let you fall." lana:....*gulp* ./////////////////////////////////////////. Poe: *leads her to the couch* "Now lie down..." lana:....*laying down, bright pink in the face* t-th-thank you...edgar.... .///////////////. Poe: ^\\\\^ "An-An-Any time, Lana...I-I'll get you a compress?" lana:...s-sure... .///////. Poe: "Coming right up!" *departs for the kitchen...he left his coat next to the couch* lana:....*shivering* c-chilly.... *pulls his coat over her like a blanket*.... u/////u Poe: *returns with the compress* "I'm back!" *sees her* o\\\w\\\o;;;; lana:...... *bright pink in the face and steam coming of her head*......uuuum......i can explain? Poe: "...I'd like to hear it." lana: w-well, i got a bit chilly, w-with the autumn weather and y-your coat was there so...um... .///////////. Poe: "..." *nod nod* "I...could get you a blanket?" lana:...i-if you want.... 7///7 (thinking: i cant just say 'no, i like the way it smells' I'LL SOUND WEIRD!) Poe: *removes one from the closet* "...I was thinking..." lana: hmm? Poe: "I...feel cold." owo;;;; ("WHY ARE WORDS ESCAPING MY MOUTH?!") lana:....did you want to sit next to me then and keep each other warm? OwO;;; (thinking: OH GOD KILL ME NOW) Poe: "And share the blanket?" owo;;;;;;;;;; ("ARG!!!! ASDKLJASDFLKJASOIUSLAJDG!!!") lana: sounds gre-ah-*COUGHING*....*squeak* yeah Poe: "..." *sits beside her, awkwardly holding part of the blanket to her* lana:....*softly leaning against him* .////////. Poe: .\\\\. "..." *pats her shoulder--the one nearest him* lana:....so.... Poe: o\\\\o "Y-Yeah?" lana:....you ok? Poe: "Better now!" lana:..y-yeah....me too....*small smile* 7///7 Poe: "I-I-I'm glad you visited." lana: y-yeah...me too.....you know....your hands may be freezing.....but the rest of you is nice and warm.... Poe: o\\\\o "No one has ever said that before." lana: w-was that weird? ^^;;; Poe: "...It felt...comforting." ^^ lana:... *blush and leans into his chest*... .//////. Poe: o\\\\o "Wh-What are you...?" lana:......*listening to his heartbeats*....mmmm... Poe: "Wh-what is it?" lana:...just...comfortable. Poe: o\\\o "...Did you hear my heartbeat?" lana:... 7////7 y-yeah... Poe: "...It's really fast isn't it?" lana: yeah...s-same here. Poe: "...I-I-I like being with you, Lana." lana:...i-i like...being with you too.... Poe: "..." *smiles* "Thank you..." lana:.... ^^ *laying against him, content* (thinking: baby steps lana, just take it a day at a time...) Poe: o\\\\o *holds her carefully* ("SCREAMING INTERNALLY") -elsewhere- Akitaru: *tossing sound-orb up in the air* karin: *working on her mech* Akitaru: Comin' along good, doc." karin: ^^ Akitaru: "How tall can this robot get?" -elsewhere- Meme: "SMASH THEM!" mio: UWOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *pressing buttons like crazy* tsugumi: woah, she's really getting into it! Anya: "She's...certainly energetic." ._.; Meme: *Mio! Mio! Mio!" ao: my my. mio: *fire in her eyes* layla: this is probably the most effort i've ever seen from her. chidori: so intense. rowena: hmm? Meme: "She'll get the top score--just watch!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...Boo." mahiru: WOAH! sakuya jeez... naho: OuO kuro: oh look, it's the green yandere and the fujoshi-pire Sakuya: "what? it's hilarious watching you get the crap scared out of you, Mahiru." mahiru: =n=; naho: *not even watching the movie, she's totally focused on mahiru and sakuya* o///w///o Sakuya: "So, Mahiru, you got any soda left?" *takes Mahiru's and sips from it* mahiru: yes, but that doesnt mean you can mooch. bad sakuya. naho: OwO (thinking: INDIRECT KISS OH MY GOOOOOSH >w<) Sakuya: "D'aw, what's wrong? Don't want to share?" *takes another sip* mahiru: cant you buy your own? naho: O///////////w///////////O Sakuya: "I could...but this is hilarious!" *sips more* mahiru: =n= naho, could you keep your boyfriend on a shorter leash? naho: ^^ mahiru:....*remembering who he is asking*.....*looks at sakuya* are you messing with me just because or for your girlfriend? Sakuya: -_-; "I'm behaved. Mostly." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, playing with a squeaky toy* reimi: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *shakes the toy before tossing it* "...Did you want to play with it?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *curled up in a ball* eibon: *making some medicine* inori: are you feeling any better? Gopher: TT^TT "Tummy ache persists..." kotone: D8> dont....die brother.... Gopher: Q^Q *reaches for Kotone's hand* kotone: *holding it tightly* Gopher: "I-I'll be fine." *weak smile* "Just a tummy ache..." -elsewhere- Kid: *writing notes down* stocking:.....*grin* Kid: *not noticing* stocking: *waiting for him to pause.....then nibbles on his earlobe* Kid: *shudders, sits up* >\\\\\\o "A-Ah~" stocking: *whispers* so cute~ Kid: >\\\\< "Stocking..." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *blushes* "You only get more affectionate each day..." *holds her hand* "And I fall in love with you more and more." stocking: same here kiddo~<3 Kid: *small smooch* stocking: ^^ Kid: *holds her hands* "I'm done for now..." stocking: *smile* Kid: "How was your day?" -elsewhere- keek:...*coming to* nngh....nghuh? what the.....w-where the fuck... barkova: *snarling* keek: AH!! *backing up to the wall* FD: "I do apologize. Barkova gets agitated around strangers." keek: w-w-WHERE AM I AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! WHY AM I NOT IN MY ROOM!? FD: "I wanted to recruit you. Isn't that lovely?" keek: w-what? I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE!...what's beeping? -there is a collar around her neck- keek:....what is that? FD: "A bomb." keek: w-w-what?!?! FD: "I will need your services." keek: WHY ME?! WHY A BOMB?! Q_Q FD: "So that you don't tell..." keek: *trembling, tears falling* FD: "Now...What do you know about me?" keek:..... FD: "What have you heard about Rats?" keek: ....the rats in the house of the dead. lead by a man known as 'fyodor dostoevsky'. a group of notorious thieves and killers. their leader's ability, crime and punishment, can- FD: "Shhh...Don't say another word. Please." keek:........ FD: "I can't have you naming this ability...and you won't." keek:....*gulp* o-o;;;;;; FD: "Or else you’ll… lose your head~." keek: w-w-what do you want out of me? do you want me to beg for my life? FD: "To start." keek:....*on her hands and knees with her face on the ground* PLEASE DONT KILL ME! I DONT WANT TO DIE! I'LL DO WHAT YOU WANT OF ME JUST DONT BLOW MY HEAD OFF! *KICK* keek: GRK- *collapses* ow...w-what the heck....im begging for my life! what more do you want out of me? do you want me to give you some title? fyodor the great? master fyodor?.....fyo-daddy? zoey: *glares at keek* IM THE ONLY ONE WHO GETS TO CALL HIM MASTER FYODOR YOU WRETCH! keek: w-who the fuck? FD: "It is alright..." *pats Zoey's shoulder, before looking at Keek* "Names are not necessary, for now. I simply demand your obedience until my plans for you conclude." keek: o-ok! i'll comply! FD: *smiles* "Very good. My associate will debrief to learn what you know..." keek:....... yana: *pats her shoulder* welcome to hell, kid. keek: Q____Q FD: "Get what you need, Yana--and leave them in condition to return." zoey: ...... FD: "...Oh, don't be jealous." zoey: *hugs his arm* ...... FD: "..." *pats her head* zoey: *blush* FD: "You can play with the new toy soon. But right now we need something from them..." zoey: of course, master fyodor~ FD: "Good. And if you behave, you will be rewarded." zoey: ah~<3 FD: "Now, did you finish the tasks I gave you?" zoey: *nod* FD: "Very good. You may take a break now..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "Rude!" licht: -_-; Hyde: "Taking the last soda....Meanie." licht: kranz went to the store to get more, you arent going to die. Hyde: "...Well, I'm already a vampire, so--" julian: i can offer you canned coffee. Hyde: "...I was hoping for something sweeter." romina: ya'll want some fruit punch? Hyde: owO "Yes!" licht: melon punch. Hyde: "...Okay, sure." -elsewhere- lana: *streeetch* that was a good nap... Poe: "Zzz..." lana:....(thinking: holy shit. im in love with him. i havent felt this way about anyone since junior year of high school...)..... *blush and leans against him* Poe: *small stirring* lana:....*pretending to be asleep* Poe: *yawns, grunts slightly, eyes barely opened* lana: ... Poe: =_= *looks around...then spots Lana* ._. lana: zzzzz.... Poe: D: *barely audible squeak* lana: *softly breathing* Poe: ("She's so cute when she sleeps and her breathing is like a gentle breeze along the ocean--but I am totally mad right now with the fiery passions of lovey-dovey-love-stuff and scared half-to-death!!!") lana: *listening to his heart beating* (thinking: is he that flustered? i guess its comforting im not the only one who’s nervous, haha...) Poe: ("Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!") *suave, soft voice* "Lana?" lana: O////O IM UP IM UP I WASNT SLEEPING ON THE JOB!....oh.. *AHEM* ^^;; Poe: D: "I-I-I just...Sleeping. You. Here. Sorry." lana i-i-it's fine, really. Poe: o\\\\o "...Do you feel rested?" lana:.... *blush* yeah. Poe: "...So...Muffins!" lana: sure. sounds nice. *sitting up, her hand brushing against his for a moment* Poe: *happy shiver* o\\\\w\\\\o;;;;;;;;; lana:..... .//////. Poe: "...CRANBERRIES!" *falls off the couch* lana: edgar are you ok? *helping him up* Poe: "J-Just overwhelmed...with muffin recipes on my mind." owo;;; "Blueberry. Pumpkin. Carrot..." lana:...i see. *looking at one of his eyes that is peaking through his bangs*... .///. Poe: *blink blink* "???" lana:... *blink* w-was i saying something just now? Poe: "...Not that I noticed." lana: ah...right... *leaning in, unaware of what she's doing* Poe: o\\\\\\\o *frozen* -their lips are only an inch apart- lana:.... O//////O oh! um.... .//////. er.... Poe: "L-Lana...?" lana: hmm? y-yes? o///w///o;; Poe: "Your lips are near mine." lana: *sitting back up* *AHEM* .... >////> oh. s-sorry. Poe: >\\\\\< "N-No need to ap-apo-apologize..." -later- lana: see you later then? Poe: owo "Not if I see you first. Ha ha ha ha!!" o\\\w\\\o lana: *small chuckle*....hey edgar? Poe: "Y-Yes?" lana: 7////7 im not sure how often you hear this, but....*kisses his cheek* you're quite handsome. Poe: o\\\\\\\\o "Wh-What you just do? Wait, who's handsome? Wha-What?!" lana:... ^^ *hug and kisses the other cheek* s-see ya! *runs, bright red in the face* >////////< Poe: o\\\\\\\\\\\o "...Karl, please hold all of my calls. I have to collapse now." *falls back rigidly onto the ground* karl: O-O; Poe: xwx -elsewhere- Anya: *sorting mail* rowena: *reading letters* ^^ Anya: "??? You seem pleased." rowena: seems my parents and brother are doing well. Anya: "Oh. But you see your brother all the time..." rowena: oh, i mean our other brother back home. Anya: "??? You have another one?" rowena: *nods* edgar is actually the middle sibling. Anya: "Oh. An older brother?" rowena: *nods* Anya: "Hmm. What does he do?" -elsewhere- Higan: "Food ready yet?" tsubaki: just about. Belkia: "Starving..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "You don't have to go on this mission. I mean, Tamaki, if you don't feel comfortable--" tamaki: i want to go. im a soldier too, darn it! Akitaru: "..." *smiles* "Then follow this order: you're joining us in the Nether." tamaki:...right. (thinking: i'll make up for all my follies here. for me, for the others....) *remembering amber and rekka* (thinking:...for them.) Akitaru: *salutes* "Dismissed." tamaki: ....*inhales* ....*sighs* ok. starting now. im not gonna be the same ditz i used to be! *slips and faceplants onto the floor*.... ok. starting _now_. Takehisa: "...I was mopping there. Did you not see the sign?" shinra: on the bright side, she isnt losing her clothes this time. tamaki: I WILL END YOU, KUSAKABE! -elsewhere- Giovanni: "Approach." guruna: kurukuru~ lisa:.... irina: ... Giovanni: "..." *takes Lisa's chin in his hand* lisa: *tenses* Giovanni: "Will you follow my orders?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *sipping her wine* "...This chair is uncomfortable." man: TT_TT hanako: *in her play pen, coloring* gabriella: ^^; Rino: o_o;;; "...What the--" *spots Hanako* "...What on earth is with her and that 'chair'?" man: save me TT_TT mikami: ^^; the 5th sure is interesting... ryuuko: *holding mikami close* i'll protect you from this lechery. Hibana: ^^# " 'Lechery'...?" ryuuko:... 7-7;;; mikami: ^^;;; -elsewhere- Lucy: *sighs, sits down at table* "Can finally have a meal..." *has a plate of fries* anne: ^u^ Lucy: *smiles back at Anne, as she puts some ketchup on them* "Not the healthiest choice..." *bites into burger* "But so good..." -knocks- Lucy: *mouth full of burger* "???" *wipes her mouth, looks through peephole* atsushi: *waves* Lucy: o\\\\o *opens the door a crack* "H-Hey, Tabby..." atsushi: sorry to interrupt your lunch. just checking to see how you were doing. Lucy: *still wiping ketchup from her mouth* "F-Fine..." -///- *opens the door, gestures* "Come in, or whatever..." atsushi: *smiles and enters* Lucy: "...You, um, want something to drink or eat? I got fries..." atsushi: sure. ^^ Lucy: *gets a can of soda* "...I'm...glad you stopped by." atsushi: ..... soooo, the death bazaar is coming up soon. Lucy: "??? That flea market?" atsushi: yeah. i was wondering. i-if you have the free time, maybe we could...go? Lucy: "..." .\\\. "A date?" atsushi: ....yyyeeeesss? O///w///O;; Lucy: "..." *pouts, blushing* "Y-You better buy me something good while we're there..." atsushi: sure thing! ^////^; Lucy: ^\\\^ "Then it's a date...Atsushi." atsushi: O/////////////o s-s-see you then lucy! yana: oho, seems the weretiger scored himself a date....but that's none of my business~ Lucy: "..." *smooch* atsushi: O//////////////////////////////////////////O *steam coming off his head* yana:...huh, well that escalated. Lucy: "...Don't make me pour that soda over your head." -_-; -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *reading a book* Q_____Q fang-hua: tsukiyo? is everything ok? Tsukiyo: "I found this book about...the Nether..." fang-hua: ?? i've heard the commander mention something about it once... Tsukiyo: "It's scary...Like, one of the stories is about how there is no light..." fang-hua: *listening* Tsukiyo: "They sent an expedition...only one returned...blind." Q~Q fang-hua:....*hug* Tsukiyo: *shudder...pat pat* -elsewhere- Karim: "How you feeling?" pearl:...b-better now...thank you, father fulham. Karim: *nods* "Want more tea?" pearl:...i would like that. Karim: *pours some* "...I can't imagine what it was like..." pearl:....im trying my best, to be strong. but it's hard some days... Karim: "We all go through that...and it's just about persistence." pearl:...r-right. Karim: "Need some time off?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "Pogo stick!" yosano: i have concerns. ranpo:...bruh kenji: ooooh, neato! Dazai: "Who wants to try it first?" ranpo: hey kunikida, i'll pay you 5 dollars to- Kunikida: "No. Not for less than $10." ranpo: $15? Kunikida: "Give me the stick for pogoing." yosano: i'll be on standby. Kunikida: *gets on the pogo stick and--* -elsewhere- Patty: "I DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THAT!" lord death: >///-///> liz: well now we're all even… Yumi: "CAN NO ONE KNOCK?!" liz: so sorry. -elsewhere- Emine: *sitting in the trash can* lin: D8 Emine: "I feel comfortable." -elsewhere- Meme: *playing a video game* -elsewhere- Izuku: *walking to corner store* satsuki: *staaare* Izuku: "???" *looks around* satsuki: *blink* Izuku: *spots her* "?!!! Wait...Are you Tsu's sister?" satsuki: *nod* are you tsu's boyfriend? Izuku: o\\\\\\o "Um...I'm a boy, and a friend." tsuyu: oh, hey izuku. *wave* Izuku: "H-H-Hi...I was just surprised to see your sister here." tsuyu: we're just out running errands. you? Izuku: "Same...and I wanted a snack." ^^; -elsewhere- Chuuya: *showering* “…..” *tears streaming* -knock- Chuuya: "???" *turns off the water, puts on his towel, looks at the peephole* kouyou: ... Chuuya: *calls through* "Hang on--I just got out of the shower..." *steps back to his room, dries off, puts on a shirt and pajama pants before opening the door* kouyou: feeling better? Chuuya: "...No." kouyou:.... naoya: eeeeyyy we came over too! *waves* Akutagawa: "..." Chuuya: *glares at Akutagawa* naoya: i brought booze! *holding up a beer can* Akutagawa: owo; *hides behind orange juice* kouyou: *sweatdrop* Chuuya: "...I'll get glasses..." -and so- naoya: *plastered* hoo yeah that's good shit! >///u///< kouyou: *asleep on the couch* Chuuya: Q~Q "It hurts so much..." Akutagawa: TT____TT naoya: aww c'mon chuuchuu, ya had one shot'a bourbon. Chuuya: "It's not the bourbon that hurts!" T~T naoya: nyeh? Chuuya: *sniff* "This bastard killed her..." Akutagawa: "?!!" naoya:.....oh.....*looks at akutagawa* you want to talk to him or should i? Akutagawa: "...I think he'll kill the next person who speaks to him. You talk to him." naoya: jeez akuta, where's the trust? Akutagawa: "...Fine...Chuuya, do you know why Rain was there?" Chuuya: *cringes* ("H-He knows?!") Akutagawa: "To take down Fitzgerald." Chuuya: "...Eh?" naoya: *already got up to give them a moment* Akutagawa: "She came onto that ship, intending to be the one to sacrifice herself to drag Fitzgerald down with her, pulling him to the ground..." {rain: my name is.......mito kosaka} Akutagawa: "I remember before she leapt from the ship, she said a name..." Chuuya: "...What name?" Akutagawa: "...Mito Kosaka." Chuuya: "..." *falls back in his seat* *tears falling* naoya:.... Akutagawa: "I don't know why she would--" Chuuya: "She...was killing herself..." Akutagawa: "???" Chuuya: "..." *ugly sobbing* Akutagawa: "...I made things worse." {bakeneko:.... i t...... h u r t s.....} Chuuya: "Why did she have to suffer?!" *slams his fist on the table* naoya: woah there, easy now... Chuuya: "Everything! Everything!" kouyou:..... chuuya... *The glass is starting to rise from the table* naoya: chuuya calm the fuck down! Chuuya: *flips the table* -SLAP- kouyou:....*serious face, tears streaming* Chuuya: *knocked to the floor* "..." *curls up into a ball* kouyou:....*soft hug*...... Chuuya: *shaking, sobbing--holds onto her* Akutagawa: "..." naoya: ...... kouyou: *humming* Chuuya: *closes his eyes, still shaking* -later- Chuuya: *asleep* Akutagawa: "...I'm sorry." kouyou: ...... naoya: did you know it was her? that beast? Akutagawa: "...I had a feeling." naoya:....maybe when he gets up, you can talk to him about it. before this whole incident, he considered you a friend. i think part of him still wants to... Akutagawa: "...'Friend'?" naoya: *she nods*.....i consider you a friend too. Akutagawa: "...Why?" naoya: me or chuu? Akutagawa: "Well, you, since I can't ask him--he's asleep." naoya: well, we do work together, dont we? plus you seem lonely. just thought i'd help you get out more. Akutagawa: "...I am just...rejected." naoya:.....is this about the weretiger? Akutagawa: TT~TT *nod nod* naoya:....that's rough, buddy. Akutagawa: "He's with some string bean with a bad attitude..." naoya: ?? Akutagawa: "I want to destroy her..." naoya: woah ok lets back it up a bit there. Akutagawa: "I will keep her head on my mantle..." naoya: O-O;;; Akutagawa: "Then I will stand over that tiger..." naoya: *backing up slightly* Akutagawa: "And I will be his lord..." *sneers* -elsewhere- atsushi: O.O why do i have this sudden feeling of dread? Lucy: -_-;; "What, you don't enjoy my company?" atsushi: t-that's not what i meant at all! it's just...n-nevermind, it was just a sudden chill. ^^;; Lucy: "...Maybe put on a sweater?" atsushi: good call. -elsewhere- ???:....oe......hey poe buddy? you ok? Poe: owo ranpo: oh hey, you're up. Poe: O_______O "HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" ranpo: one of your ghost roomies told me you clonked out. im just makin sure you arent dead or something. Poe: ._.;;; "...Are you an angel, then?" ranpo: you arent dead, dude. otherwise your sis would kill me. i think. Poe: .______. "How long was I unconscious?" ghost maid: about 2 hours after miss lana left. ranpo: oh, so your girlfriend visited? *puts on glasses*.... ooooooooh i see. 7w7 Poe: D:< "THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED?!" *looks at the clock* "...I hope I didn't miss anything I was supposed to do in those two hours..." ranpo: i wasnt implying sex, but i do know she smooched ya on the cheek, i can see the lip balm on your cheek. im not gonna judge, dont worry. Poe: O\\\\\o "IT WASN'T A DREAM?! OR A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM?!" ghost child: nope. ghost child 2: she even called you handsome, hehe. Poe: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O *head gets hotter* ranpo:....*squints*..... eh, 4/10. Poe: "I NEED TO BE ALONE!" *runs* ranpo:....eh, he'll be fine....ish. -in his room- Poe: *hugging a pillow* o\\\\\\o {lana: 7////7 im not sure how often you hear this, but....*kisses his cheek* you're quite handsome.} {Poe: o\\\\\\o "...Almost no one has ever said that because they just say I look creepy--" *slaps his face* "...I was rambling. Sorry. I-I-I have long thought you were...beautiful."} {lana: *blushes and brushes his bangs back and leans in to kiss him*} {Poe: "!!!!" *pulls back...as her lips touch his* >\\\\\< } -elsewhere- Bakugo: *collapsed on the sidewalk, holding his knee* hanta: yeesh, what happened? Bakugo: "I fell off my bike!" hanta: you alright man? Bakugo: "I DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT THIS IS DEKU'S FAULT!!!" -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *chuckling* stocking: what? Kid: "Just...how embarrassed Mother and Father were." stocking: yeah. Kid: *holds her hand* "And I'm happy you're here." stocking: hehe~ im happy you're here too~ *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ "My wife..." stocking: ^////^ Kid: *small smooch* stocking: mmmm~ my cute hubby~<3 Kid: .\\\\. "Am I really 'cute'?" stocking: *nods* cute, handsome.....*licks his earlobe* sexy~ Kid: O\\\\\O *shivers* "Oh man..." *pats her side* stocking: *smirks and pins him to the bed* Kid: *mouth hung open* "Oh my..." .\\\. stocking: *traces a finger up his chest and to his chin* your move, honey~<3 Kid: "Oh~?" *his legs intertwined with hers, as he puts his lips to hers* stocking: mmm~<3 Kid: *kisses from her lips to her cheek, pulling her legs down with his* -elsewhere- kirako: aaah... u////u *small shudder* Dazai: *smiles* "More?" kirako: oh fuck, yes. Dazai: *one hand massages her wrist* "My, my, such language...Do I have to punish you?" *he brings her hand down to her sex* kirako: *moan* Dazai: *whispers in her ear* "Slide it in..." *he guides one of her fingers along her folds* kirako: *already doing so* nnngh~ u///T Dazai: "You're a naughty girl, aren't you?" *let's her play with herself, before he licks one of her nipples* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *stare* atsushi: *wide awake* o-o;;;; Kyoka: "Has the doll girl corrupted you yet?" atsushi: no, lucy isnt 'corrupting' me. ^^; although i get the feeling of being watched. yana: ohoho you have no idea. keek: Q-Q Kyoka: "Yes. I know. I am staring at you right now." atsushi: not like that...like someone is stalking me...watching me without me knowing where they are.... Kyoka: "...That just sounds like Akutagawa." atsushi: Q-Q;; Kyoka: "...Maybe invest in black-out curtains?" *it is shadowy and dark outside* atsushi: probably. Kyoka: *closes the curtains* Akutagawa: Q____Q kirako: AHHH~! Akutagawa: "?!!!! What the devil was that?" *sends his Rashamon up to that window--* Akutagawa: “…………..” Dazai: "So good!" kirako: *moans* yana:... as if i dont hear enough of that as it is. zoey: AHHHHH~!<3 keek: O_O;;; w-what was- yana: you dont wanna know. FD: "Take it deeper…" keek: O____o ?!?! Q~Q (thinking: god save me)
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
a new school year has started, and lots of craziness happens
Maka: "Soul..." (puts her arms around him) "There was nothing you could have done." soul: i dont think i could ever move on.........but all i can do is keep living...right? Maka: (nods, strokes his head) "You have to. For yourself, Soul. Please?" soul:...i'm trying my hardest... Maka: "I know...Can you keep living, for my sake?" soul:.....ok.... Maka: (smiles, kisses his forehead) -the next morning- Patty: "Ugh...What a messed up dream." soul:............... Patty: "You okay, buddy?" soul: .........been better.... Patty: "..." *hug* soul: *tenses* Patty: (lets go) "S-Sorry. You just looked like you needed one..." soul:............................. Patty: "Do you want me to...get you a drink?" soul:.......i'm good..... Patty: "...Okay..." (exits but leaves the door open) soul:...................... *Wind blows by his face* soul:......*weak smile* *Wind shuts the door* -elsewhere- Hibana: (chuckles) iris: hmm? Hibana: "Oh, nothing. :3 " iris:......*shrug* Arthur: (inhales) "At least I can breathe again." shinra: zzzzzz............. Hibana: "Is Shinra still snoozing? Iris, please go wake him." iris: *gulp* um...o-ok.... Hibana: (laughing to herself) iris: 0-0;; Hibana: "Go on, little lamb. Go on." shinra: zzzzzzzzz mmn?...........ack!- *WHUMP* ow..... Hibana: (stifling her laughs) shina: um....h-hi? *sweats* iris: are you ok? Hibana: *sparkling eyes* -elsewhere- Wes: (smiles at Liz) liz: thanks for last night...it was really nice. *blush* Wes: (nods) "Thank you as well for a great night." (kisses her cheek) liz: that....that was the farthest we've gone.... Wes: "Was it too fast?" liz: it was....it was nice. Wes: "But...too fast? You want to go slower?" liz: y-yeah. Wes: (smiles, nods) "Whatever you want." (takes her hand, kisses it) liz: *she smiles* Wes: "So...What next? We could head out for brunch, or stay in and have something to eat." liz: maybe help with breakfast? Wes: ^_^; "I'd like that...Just...be aware my cooking sucks." -at school- Black Star: "Soul, buddy, you don't look so good." soul: rough night...i'll just walk it off.... Black Star: "Maybe it was how you slept?" soul:.....maybe.... Black Star: "Hmm...Oh! I know!" *pulls out a box from his backpack* "Bam! Sleepy-time tea!" soul: um, thanks. Black Star: "Hee hee...You're welcome. So, what's on the agenda today?" soul: classes as usual i guess.... Black Star: "I hope it's something exciting, like training, or fighting, or gym, or home ec--" *blushes* "I mean...Um...Gym." soul: sure dude. -at lunch- Kid: "Now, keep your eyes closed, and tell me which dessert this is." stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: (passes the fork gently past her lips to take the cake) stocking: mmm~ chocolate gateau? Kid: (smiles) "Correct! Two more desserts to try...Let this one coat your taste buds..." (brings another fork to her mouth) stocking: mmmmn~ cherry pie, right? Kid: "Excellent! Last one..." (brings the fork to her mouth) stocking: cinnamon rolls! Kid: "Yes, my little cinnamon roll!" (kisses her cheek gently) stocking: hehehe, you dork. Kid: "You dork's angel..." (kisses her other cheek) stocking: hehe~ kirika: bleeeegh! some of us want to eat dammit! Kid: -_-; "Then finish your meal before lunch period ends..." Patty: "Or else I'll gobble up your lunch, Ki-Ki!  " kirika: *grumble+nom* Patty: "Hee hee..." (bites into slice of pizza--then tenses) "Ow!"
liz: patti? Patty: "I think that pizza hurt my tooth--" (pulls out a piece of metal) "...What the fuck?!" liz: !!! Patty: "Wait...It has writing on it...Sis, I can't make it out..." (holds it up to her) liz: ???? *she examines it closely*....... liz: *squiiiiint* stonebrook, minnesota....???? Kid: "That's odd...I will have to file a complaint with our food distributor out there. Wait...I didn't even think we had food coming in from Minnesota..." liz: well, we have it coming in from other parts of the world, so why not? Kid: "I suppose..." Patty: "I WANT TO GO UP TO THAT PLACE, GO TO ITS FRONT OFFICE, AND PUNCH ITS BOSS IN THE MOUTH! Owie owie owie..." liz: let's take it easy now... Kid: "I'll request that Father contact the office." -and so- kirika: i cant believe dad made me go on this stupid mission with you losers of all people... liz: .... Kid: -_-; "He is also my father, ergo you are the sister of a loser, which therein makes you a loser as well." justin: *he's driving them up* kirika: you just confirmed you're a loser, so case in point. liz: *shivering* stupid cold.... Kid: "NO, IT IS YOU WHO ARE THE LO--" Patty: "Sigh...I love the cold..." :3 justin: JUST A FEW MILES TILL OUR DESTINATION! *smile* Kid: "Hmph. Sooner the better..." (shoves Kirika) kirika: YOU WANNA GO MOTH- liz: come on you two, c-c-cant you just g-get along for one m-mission? Kid: "Stay out of this, Liz! This is between her and--" *something is heard shuffling in the back* Kid: "...What was that?" kirika: *peeeeak* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have got to be shitting me right now. -_-#; Kid: "???" liz: ack! Kid: o\\\\o Gopher: (meek wave) "H-Hello..." justin: ah, it appears that we've arrived. -it's a small, snowy town surrounded by a large forest- Gopher: (smiles at Kirika) "It looks lovely here~" kirika: eh, it's alright i guess... Gopher: "Maybe we can walk through the snow later?" kirika: kinda reminds me when we snuck in on that cabin trip, remember that kiddo? haha! Kid: -_-; Gopher: "Ha ha ha! That was enjoyable!" Kid: >.< kirika: remember when we wore those masks and freaked out all out? i think boyle tagged along too... Kid: "Yes, thank you for the walk down memory lane..." liz: it was fun. a lot of new experiences were shared there.... Kid: o\\\\\\\o liz: ?? Kid: "NOTHING! I'M FINE! HOW ARE YOU?" (Shinra-levels of nervous smiling) liz: i...i didnt even say anything... *sweatdrop* Kid: "YES, THANK YOU. THIS WEATHER SURE IS SOMETHING, ISN'T IT?!" Patty: "...Why is he yelling louder than Justin?" justin: HMM? DID YOU SAY SOMETHING? -and so, they arrive at the motel- Gopher: o^o "Rather creepy." Kid: -_-; "Rather asymmetrical." liz: it's....quaint...i guess....homey-ish... Patty: "I wonder whether it has ghosts--" ???: oh hello there! liz: *SCREAM* Patty: "?!" clerk: oh, sorry there, i didnt mean to startle ya, hun. *she seems nice enough* Kid: "Excuse me, we are on an investigation with the DWMA." clerk: ah, you're that fancy group from out west, ya? come along, i'll get your rooms set up. Kid: "..." (follows) -and so- Gopher: T_T "I wanted to be in Kirika's room..." justin: *he's reading his bible and listening to his music* Kid: (re-arranging furniture) "Don't even get me started on the dust in here..." (looks at his phone) stocking: [hey cutie <3 how's minnesota?] Kid: [cold--because you aren't here <:( ] stocking: [aw. *hug emoticon*] Kid: [and u, love? how are u?] stocking: [lonely.] -she sends a pic of herself laying in his bed- Kid: o\\\\o [that bed needs someone else in it] stocking: [U B safe, ok? < : ) ] Kid: [i will. i love you] justin: ...... stocking: [love U too kiddo~ *kissy emoji*] Kid: (smiles...Then sees Justin) "Oh! Um..." justin: ?? Kid: "J-Just a text from Stocking!" justin: ah, i see... Kid: "So...Tomorrow, we'll investigate." justin: *he nods* try to get some rest, young lord. we hae a busy day ahead of us. Kid: "Okay..." Gopher: "I can't sleep without some milk!" justin: i'll go and get you some then. *he smiles and exits* Gopher: (smiles) "Thank you..." (glares at Kid) Kid: "?!" -the next morning- justin: RISE AND SHINE EVERYONE! Gopher: (pawing like a kitten) "Five more minutes..." Kid: *grouchy* "Is the sun even up yet?" -at breakfast- kirika: *yaaaawn* morning assbutts. Patty: "Morning, butthead!" :D kirika: *mumbles and eats her pancakes* 's good. Kid: (slowly sipping orange juice, then stops) "Liz? You okay?" liz: *yaawn* yeah, i'm good. why do you ask? Kid: "You seemed quiet, and tired." liz: i'm fine, dont worry. *she smiles* justin: so, what did you want to do today? *he puts down a map of the town on the table* -seems there is a library, a park, a restaraunt, a campground, a lake, a school building, the sheriff's office, some residential homes, a diner, a pizzaria, and a few stores- Patty: "Ugh, pizzeria? After that awful pizza, no thanks." Kid: "Perhaps check with the sheriff's office?" justin: perhaps. Gopher: "I was thinking the lake...it may look pretty." kirika:.........uuuugh there's like...nothing to do here! Gopher: "The lake may have fishing? Or boat rides? Oh! Or maybe a romantic walk?" Kid: -_-; liz: the library might be fun...it even doubles as the town hall and a museum. Patty: "Let's go to the library! The museum could be fun!" liz: alrighty then. Patty: "Yay!" Kid: (smiles) Gopher: -^- -and so, justin and kid head to the sheriff, while the others head to the library- Kid: "Hmm...Sheriff, is this all the evidence you have?" sheriff: all we have to go on are weird noises in that old barn...could just be raccoons or somethin' but who knows... Kid: "It may be beneficial for Justin and me to sense the spiritual energy around that barn, however." sheriff: well if you think that's best, sure then... Kid: (nods) "Please stay back from the barn: if you already investigated, no point in having non-empowered persons nearby." sheriff: er....right. Kid: "Justin, come with me. We'll see what is happening." justin: of course. -at the library- liz: fancy place. Patty: "So many 'Do Not Touch' signs..." (moves finger close to one...) ???: i suggest you not do that. Patty: "???" -a woman in a nun's habbit and glasses smiles- ???: i dont believe i've seen you lot around town. Patty: "Nah, we're visiting!" (looks at her habit) "Hey, can I wear that?" liz: down girl. but yeah, we're visiting. ???: ah, i see. *she nods* Gopher: "What kind of volumes do you have here?" ???: hmm? what are you looking at, child? Gopher: "J-Just curious about what reading you have! I'm kind of an apprentice to someone who does a lot of reading." -seems to be just some local history books and textbooks- Gopher: "Oooooh, a local almanac! Neat!" liz: you're a sister for a church? i didnt see a church on the map... Patty: (still staring at the habit) Gopher: (trying to show Kirika a book) ???: oh the church is out in the woods, but it's only open to locals. however, i could schedule a private sermon here at the library if you like. liz: no no, it's fine. Gopher: (looks back..."Private"? What church is only open to locals?") ???: i see.....well, for now i'll allow you to continue on your way.....also, the hotel you're staying at....there's a 10:00 PM curfew....keep that in mind... Patty: "Why? Does something happen after 10?" -she already left- kirika:.....weird-ass bitch. Gopher: "That's not a nice thing to say about a nun..." liz: she was acting kind of unusual though....something about her....it doesnt sit well with me... Patty: "Hey...Maybe two of us should follow her?" kirika: maybe..... Gopher: (shiny eyes) "Kirika and I can follow her!" -later, at the barn- Kid: "Hmmm....I'm sensing something, and it's not raccoon droppings." justin: hmmm.... *he looks around* Kid: (scratches his arm) "The cold is making me itch..." justin:.....i dont feel any presences here...aside from our own, anyway... Kid: "Hmmm...Let me try something..." (removes a UV light) "Maybe we see something else this way..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Stocking, could you hold Shiori for a moment?" stocking: sure thing. Yumi: (hands Shiori) "I'll get some snacks. Back in a moment." (walks to the kitchen...) stocking:.....*she holds onto shiori* ...... shiori: muugu? stocking:....*small smile* Yumi: "Aw, that's adorable." stocking: thanks... Yumi: "She seems happy with you. Must be your winning personality." (offers a glass of water to Stocking) stocking: it's a stretch... *she takes it* Yumi: (small laugh) "I appreciate the help. It's going to get harder soon: before I know it, Shiori will be running everywhere." stocking: *she nods and thinks about something* Yumi: "Something wrong?" stocking: no, just...just thinking.... Yumi: "Something close to home...or about Kid's mission?" stocking: i'm just....i worry about him....will he be ok? Yumi: "I don't know...I'm sorry to say it that way, but in our line of work, in the fact of uncertainty, all we have is faith and our will to face the worse..." (she looks at Shiori) stocking: .............. Yumi: "..." (takes Stocking's hand) "Kid will be fine. He's far too stubborn to let something happen to him." stocking:......*she nods* Yumi: (smiles) "I think you need a break. Up for a walk?" stocking: sure......mind if i invite someone along? Yumi: "Of course." -and so- Yumi: "It's good to have you here for this walk." (Shiori in baby chest strap) felisia: *she smiles* i'm glad you decided to invite me. it'll be nice to spend some time with my daughter and her future mother-in-law. stocking: m-mom! .////. Yumi: "Yes." (smiles) "We have a lot to discuss, don't we? Such as wedding plans." stocking: YUMI!! O////O Yumi: "Kidding!" (laughs) "Felisia, how has this week been for you?" felisia: i've been doing well. i got to work on my sewing. i even made some new dresses, this one included~ Yumi: "That's your own?! It's lovely!" felisia: well, i know my way around a needle and thread. i even made stocking's little doll. stocking: she sure did.... (thinking: in more way than one ^^; ) Yumi: "Maybe you could make one for Shiori!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Darn. No luck." shinra: we're hoooome! Hibana: (tenses, smiles nervously) "W-Welcome home!" maki: we got to meet some of the new students in the NOT class! Hibana: "Really?" (hides some papers) "Fascinating. Any good prospects in the new litter?" shinra: well, there's a few, but a good deal stand out, for better or worse...that one guy, Katsuki Bakugou.....in laymans terms....he's a d*ck. Hibana: "Ah..." (she has hidden the papers she had) "That stinks. But I'm sure they'll grow out of that, once the upperclassmen knock it out of them." (nervous laughter) shinra: *sighs* that weirdo with the navel lazer is no better.....he's just....weird. like an even more annoying version of arthur. Arthur: "Yeah, except he was French--HEY!" shinra: *whistles* maki: shinra seemed to get along with that one other kid...i think his name was deku or something? shinra: yeah! we're gonna be brothers in arms! *shiny eyes* Arthur: -_-; "Dork." shinra: shut up, you can be brothers in arms with sir sparklepants! Arthur: "Why would I?! He knows nothing of chivalry! A knight does not showboat!" shinra: ...... *sweatdrop* Arthur: "I just want some peace and quiet, and no more--" (spots Hibana) "What is with you?" Hibana: o\\\\\\o "N-Nothing!" shinra: ????? Hibana: (behind her is a file, within Maki's reach) maki: *grab* hmm??? Hibana: *gasps* "No! Don't--" *Inside the file is something called OPERATION: MATCHMAKER* maki: oh. OH! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!! *shiny eyes* shinra: ?!?! *Inside are photographs, a flowchart, and a calendar with set goals* Hibana: o\\\\\\\\o maki: *hands it back and grins* shinra: ???????????? Hibana: "...IT'S CONFIDENTIAL WORK I AM DOING WITH VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THIS BRIGADE'S MORALE! GOOD-BYE!" (tries to run away) shinra:...........that just happened. Arthur: "What was in the file, Maki?" maki: oh nothing~<3 Arthur: "???" -elsewhere- Ponera: "How much longer...?" grimoire: she's due some time next month... Ponera: "Ugh...It's been rough trying to deal with her...I can't imagine what it's going to be like with a baby in here." -BLEARGH- shaula: grooooooss! Ponera: "???" -back in stonebrook- Kid: "Did you hear something?" justin: !!!!! -an elk charges out at them- Kid: o____o "Run!" -after running back to town- Kid: (panting) "Wh-What?" justin: *pant pant* goodness...that was quite alarming....*sigh* young lord! are you injured? Kid: "My leg hurts..." (rubs it) justin: *lifts him up* i'll bring you back to the hotel then. Kid: o\\\\\o "I...I'm sure I can walk, sir..." justin: *he's already carrying him back* Kid: "How mortifying..." (trying to cover his face) "Why did an elk even attack us there?" justin: we'll speculate once we've returned... Kid: "I just hope no one sees me like this--" kirika: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Kid: >\\\\\\\< "I hate today..." kirika: all _we_ did was go to a library and then go ice fishing... Gopher: (shivering) "I-I-I was the bait..." kirika: it's called 'building character'. you're still alive, arent you? Gopher: "I can't feel below the waist..." kirika: well, tough it up kiddo. how do you expect to get any stronger if you keep expecting life to hold your hand through it? sometimes you just got to suck it up and get on with it. just keep pushing on forwards! Gopher: "..." (blushes hard, shiny eyes) "Marry me!" -tiny chop- kirika: too forward. Gopher: -^- "Ouchie..." Kid: -\\\\- "Please set me down, Justin." justin: oh. *he does so* -after getting dinner and explaining the situation- Kid: "We get attacked by an elk, and the most you find is a suspicious nun?" liz: i'lbe honest...this town...it makes me uneasy... Kid: "I feel the same, but I can't pin it down to any spiritual energy yet." -that night- Kid: "No sign of her..." kirika:.......hmm? *she sees someone going into the woods outside* Kid: "See someone?" kirika: ...say, want to do something actually fun? Kid: "What did you have in mind?" kirika: huehuehuehuehue~ *she sneaks down to the back door* Kid: "???" ("This can't end well...") kirika: *she pulls something out from her pocket and picks the lock* motherucking touchdown. Kid: "Hmph. Can you get us inside?" -the door leads to the backyard...- kirika: we got to be real fucking quiet, step where the footprints are.... Kid: "..." (follows the footprints) -they lead out into the woods- kirika: stick to the woods....and be quiet.... Kid: (nods..."How often has she snuck out from home?") -someone is walking up to a chapel- Kid: (whispers) "Who is that? The nun you saw earlier?" -the woman opens the door, looks around, and closes the door- kirika:.....yyyeeeeep. just about. Kid: "Nothing suspicious about going to a chapel...but why is she so furtive about it?" kirika: *sneaking up to the windows*.....................????????????? empty? Kid: "What?" (looks as well) "Where is she?" kirika:.......*shrug* -lots of people can be sensed underground- Kid: "...There are people downstairs...No...underground?" -the next morning- Kid: (shaking) liz: everything ok? Kid: "I got a bad feeling from that chapel..." justin: oh? Kid: (nods) "It was unsettling...So many people underground..." liz: did you see them? Kid: "I could sense their souls only...but..." liz: ?? Kid: "Those were not normal human souls. They weren't normal weapon souls. They were...terrifying." liz:....... justin: should we investigate? Kid: (nods) "I don't know how--the nun won't let us in..." kirika: *smirk* who said anything about her letting us in~? Kid: "...Can you get us in? We don't even know what to expect once we're inside." kirika: can i get you in? does a bear take a shit in the woods? Gopher: (raises hand, ready to answer the question with a bright, enthusiastic smile) -and so- Kid: (following Kirika) Gopher: (giddy to be involved) kirika: just turn here aaaand... babies first...kid you go on in. justin: *peeeek inside* Kid: -_-; "Jerk..." (enters) -the building appears to be very dusty- Kid: o_o; "Disgusting dust..." kirika: *cough* geh...ok, check everything... Kid: (looks around the room, including at paintings) Patty: "Wish there was a nun's outfit to put on..." justin: *at the front*.... ??? oh? Patty: "See something, Justin?" justin: it appears to be a trap door. Kid: "..." (inhales) "Perhaps best if we have two teams, one to stay here just in case..." -justin lifts it up, and a red light shines from inside- liz: iiiiii'll just wait up here. Kid: "Since I won't be able to use only one demon pistol, I guess Patty will stay here with you, Liz." liz: *gulp* kirika: gopher, keep an eye on them ok? Gopher: -^- "But who will protect you if I am not there?" kirika: *magical girl mode+claw blades* dis bitch. Gopher: oWo "So cool..." liz: *sweatdrop* Patty: "Be safe out there, you guys." -and so they head downstairs- Kid: "Hmm..." (hears something) "What was that?" kirika: *she heads down furthur* ooooohhhh.....this doesnt look good... Kid: "...My God..." -it appears to be a kishin worship room- justin: !!!! Kid: "..." (pulls out his mirror to call...) lord death: m'yello~ Kid: "Shhh...! Kishin worship room!" lord death: !!! where is this? Kid: "Underneath a chapel..." lord death: which one? Kid: "I think it's the only one in this small town..." -someone could be heard whimpering in the corner- Kid: "Justin...What was that?" justin:... !!!! i-it's ok young one... child: *sniffling* i-i dont want to die..... Kid: "...I think we need to get this child out of here first..." -justin proceeds to break the lock off- Kid: (watches...senses something...) "Please hurry, Justin..." -upstairs- Patty: "...They've been down there a long time." liz:.....i have a bad feeling about this.... Gopher: "What do we do? If we go in, we can't send someone back to let them know we d-d-died...But if we stay here, they could die..." ???: i'm afraid you wont be having much choice in the matter~ liz: !!!!!!! Patty: "Eeek!" (transforms into a gun into Liz's hands) Gopher: (throws a feather bullet attack at the voice) -it's the woman from the library- ???: didnt your mother tell you it's not nice to attack nuns? *she tears the side of her dress to get to a knife holster on her leg* liz: oh shit! *shoots* Patty: (focuses to let the soul wavelength bullet hit the target) Gopher: (aims another bullet at the nun) ???: ah! *scratched* fufufufu... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *she charges at them* -CLANG- Gopher: "?!" kirika: hey. Gopher: "My Angel!" kirika: says the one with a grigori soul! justin: kid, take this girl and run, we'll handle this one. Gopher: "Hee hee..." (blushes--then realizes) "Where are Kid and Justin?" Gopher: "Oh!" Kid: (grabs the girl) "Come on!" girl: o-ok! Kid: "Liz! Cover us!" liz: roger! Patty: " 'Kay!" Gopher: "How much trouble can a nun with a knife be?" -SLASH SLASH- kirika: *grips her cheek* FUCK! Gopher: "Kirika!" (glares at the Nun) "You bitch!" (dashes at her) "Bullet Wing!" (flaps two wings of feather bullets at the Nun) ???: *she's bloody, but still going* kirika: HYEEAAAH! *KICKS HER OUT THE WINDOW* y'know, i've never been much of a religious person... Gopher: (approaches Kirika) "You're cut...Here, let me bandage you up..." kirika: meh, i've had way worse... Gopher: (pulls out bandages...touches her cheek) kirika: 7//////7; Gopher: (applies bandage) "Your skin is soft..." -chokehold- kirika: aaaand you just made it weird. Gopher: (eyes bulging) "I'm just being honest!" -drop- kirika: w-whatever, let's just find sister psychobitch and finish her off. Gopher: *cough* *cough* Gopher: "R-Right..." -outside- justin: *battling against the woman* Gopher: (throws bullets at the woman) "Did Kid escape?" ???: you should really just kill me and get it over with...someone like me is far to much trouble to keep alive... kirika: not sure, but frankly i dont give a fuck. Gopher: (proud smile) ???: fufu....AHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! you fools, do you really think i care what happens to me or the people of this town? Gopher: "...Yes? I mean, there are a lot of people in this town--" ???: hehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHA! you really dont get it do you? do you honestly think human lives have any value? this world is filled to the brim with scum... human beings are truly cruel to each other... i've seen humanity at it's worst; bigotry, greed, obsession, the only salvation those people deserve is through damnation, and the rest? they will ascend that level and find new salvation; salvation through madness. justin:.... kirika: you're fucked up.... Gopher: "Y-Yeah..." (rubs his arm) "Let's get her out of here...Who knows who else in this city is this crazy." kirika:........!!!!! something's going on in town! Gopher: (turns--and his face turns white) "Oh no..." justin: *he starts running* -at the inn- liz: OH THIS IS NOT GOOD! -towns people are trying to break down the door- Patty: (tossing furniture at the door) "There's no one here! Go home! Leave us alone! We left ice cream in the fridge--go eat that!" girl: *crying* Kid: (holds her) "It's going to be okay..." (taps his mirror) "Damn...I can't get the signal to go through, so I don't know that we can escape through the mirror." liz: check upstairs! Kid: (still holding the child, he runs upstairs) "I see another mirror..." (taps it) "Damn...I can't get it to turn on..." girl: i-i'm scared....i-i want to go home... Kid: (stares at the mirror..."Damn." Turns to the girl, leans down to be at eye level) "Hey. You are going to get home: I promise. Now, what is your name?" girl: *sniff* Cynthia... Kid: (smiles) "Hi, Cynthia. I'm Kid." (keeps tapping the mirror, but he still can't get a signal. Looks around for other exits or weapons but keeps talking to her) "Do you like candy, Cynthia?" cynthia:...*she nods a bit* Kid: (smiles) "My girlfriend loves candy. When we get you out of here, I'll get you as much candy as you want..." (pushes a piece of furniture--and finds a secret door) "...Huh...Could this let us get out of here?" -seems to lead to a garage underground- Kid: "...Cynthia? We're getting my friends and getting out of here..." cynthia: o-ok.... -after the others made their way in, barricaded the door, and got their stuff- Kid: "Stay close, hurry, and don't trip: who knows when they will catch up..." -they make it into the garage where justin's van was parked- Kid: (lifts Cynthia and puts her into the van) Patty: "I'll get her buckled in..." cynthia:.... Kid: "Justin, are we all here?" justin: *doing a head count* yes, everyone is here and accounted for. Kid: "Good--let's get out of here!" justin: *revs it up and drives outta there* Kid: "Hang on to something!" (grabs the seat) -and so- Kid: "They stopped following us..." liz: death city ho? Kid: "Y-Yeah..." (pulls up his mirror) "Signal is back. I'm alerting Father--" lord death: kid? Kid: "Father! We just escaped the city! It was full of Kishin worshippers!" lord death: hmmm...we'll send a squad of DWMA out there. Kid: "We careful: it's a small town, but the numbers and abilities can be overwhelming. I suggest the goal should be to contain, not kill--not until information can be learned from them..." lord death: right. -soon- Patty: "Ugh...I just wanted to know why there was metal in my pizza--I didn't expect Kishin worshippers..." liz: well, we're home now... stocking: *playing with shiori* Kid: "...Stocking..." stocking: ??!!!! kid! *she hugs him tightly* Kid: T_T "I missed you!" stocking: i'm so happy you're alright... Kid: "I'm happy you are here!" (hugs tightly) "Are you okay?" stocking: yeah. shiori: kid! kid! *reaching up* Kid: "Shiori!" (giggles as he picks her up) "It's great to see you, too!" (kisses her forehead) shiori: hehe~ Kid: "You're happy, aren't you, Shiori? I trust that you enjoyed being with Stocking?" (looks at her while holding Shiori) stocking: yeah...i think i'm getting the hang of it... Kid: (smiles) "I'm sure you are..." (bounces Shiori on his knee) "When I was on the mission...we rescued a child..." stocking: *she listens* Kid: "She...likely lost all of her family, based on what we saw that those worshippers did with so many people in the town..." stocking:....where is she now? Kid: "Until she can be placed with a family, at the Law Church Orphanage...*Sigh* I...don't like this plan. A child like that..." stocking: ?? Kid: (shakes his head) "I promised when we get back..." (tearing up a bit) "I asked whether she likes candy, and I told her you did, and that when we got back I'd get her as much as she wanted...Now she's in an orphanage and I--I--" stocking: ......mind if we pay a visit? Kid: "I-I would like to." stocking: ok then. -and so- Kid: (points to her) "There she is...You have the chocolates?" stocking: *she nods and goes up to her, giving the chocolate bar to her....cynthia seems happy* cynthia: thank you miss. stocking: it's ok, i know it's scary...but i know what it's like to grow up in a place like this.... Kid: (smiles at Cynthia) "How have the nuns been?" cynthia: sister christina is really nice. Kid: "That's good to hear...Cynthia, do you like stuffed animals?" cynthia:...i guess so. Kid: "Maybe we can bring you one?" cynthia: that's ok. i'm alright. Kid: "...Do you mind if we visit you tomorrow? Maybe for lunch?" -later- Kid: "Thank you for coming with me, Stocking." stocking: no problem. call it maternal instinct or whatever. *shrug* Kid: (smiles, holds her hand) " 'Maternal,' eh?" stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I like the sound of that..." (kisses her cheek) "I missed you..." stocking:... want to go anywhere else~? Kid: "Where were you thinking? Perhaps to pick up more candy since we depleted some giving it to Cynthia?" stocking: yeah, maybe get dinner, hit up a movie? Kid: (smiles) "Nothing would make me happier." (offers his arm) "Shall we?" stocking: indeed~ Kid: (walks arm-in-arm with her) "Any particular craving? Perhaps narrow down our list to the restaurants with the best dessert menus?" stocking: maybe someplace new tonight? Kid: "Perhaps Cafe du Monde? I heard its desserts are to die for." stocking: ooooh~ *shiny eyes* Kid: "Hee hee...So cute. It's just a few blocks from here..." -elsewhere- Asura: (shivering) heibito: zzzzzz...... mikan: is everything alright? Asura: "I sense something...off." mikan: oh? Asura: "One location...someone intruded...a Shinigami..." mikan: ........ *she holds his hands* Asura: "I think they're getting closer..." mikan: ..............*she hugs him* Asura: "I'm afraid...What if they find us..." mikan: it's ok....i know we will be able to fend them off.... Asura: (nods) "I want Heibito protected...I'm not letting them take our child." mikan: *she nods and holds them close* Asura: "I love you..." mikan: i love you too, so, so much... Asura: (trembling in her arms) mikan: *humming and running her fingers through his hair* Asura: (slowly stops shaking...sighs) -elsewhere- Arthur: (scowling) iris: i-is something wrong? Arthur: "Fake knights are the worst." iris: *confused* shinra: *grumble* stupid bakugou....i want to kick him in his stupid face... Arthur: "That showboating French brat--I COULD FIRE SOMETHING OUT OF MY NAVEL TOO!" shinra: i think you'd probably get hurt. Arthur: >8( *intense glare* iris: hey come on now, let's try to get along, ok? shinra: *blush* y-yeah... Arthur: (crosses his arms) "My kingdom for reliable knights..." shinra: but on the bright side, there's some pretty cool kids in the new class too... maki: that girl ochako seems pretty cool, and that izuku kid. shinra: we are brothers in arms after all. *grin* Arthur: "I have yet to find a worthy warrior in the set. Who needs superpowers when all you should need is a sword?" shinra: (thinking: isnt your sword and extention of your abilities?) Arthur: "In any case, I have other tasks to complete. I think I will wash off this outrage, then proceed with homework and--um...contact someone." shinra: alright. -a few days later- Kid: (taps his pencil against the notebook) -at lunch- liz: KID WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Kid: "What?! What's wrong?!" -BOOOOM- liz: that. -a few students are crowding outside- Kid: "?! An explosion?! Is someone attacking the school?!" kirika: tch- IS THAT THE BEST YOU GOT, KATSUDICK?! stocking: ooooh no.... Katsuki: "Tch..." (wipes a bit of blood off his mouth, smirks) "Just holding back--didn't want you to cry too badly." kirika: aw whats wrong, afraid i might laugh so hard i cry? Katsuki: (twitch) "Oh, you think you're tough shit?! Fine! Wait until I light you up so much people will think you're a goddamn Christmas tree!" *uses Explosion to leap up and fling down explosives onto Kirika* kirika: heh... *dodging* student: she's going so fast! Katsuki: "Fast or not, I'll just blow her ass up with an even bigger explosion! Watch out below!" (throws down bigger explosions onto the ground) tsubaki: shouldnt someone stop them? Black Star: "Yeah! That maniac is going to wreck my stage! Come on, Tsubaki!" tsubaki: *sigh* Jacqueline: "Professor Stein! Miss Marie! Someone!" liz: *she goes to get stein* Patty: "There he is!" Stein: "What the hell is going on?!" liz: kirika- Stein: "...Say no more. I'm going to knock her to the floor..." -outside- kirika: tch- try this one on for size. ~STEPPING FANG~ *she throws her claw blades at katsuki* Katsuki: (sweeps his leg at Kirika--to hit her with an explosion upon impact) *As he sweeps his leg, the claws do scratch him* kirika: !!!! fuck! Katsuki: "Ah! Bitch! That stings!" kirika: heh. Katsuki: "I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face!" (propels his punch with an explosion to increase impact of the punch...) kirika: !! Stein: "..." (leaps between them, slaps his hands along their faces--and sends them flying back with Twin Soul Menace blasts) kirika: *cough cough* fuck.... Katsuki: (lands on his head) "What the hell?! I was winning!" marie: ok everyone, settle down. student: i think it's a draw! Katsuki: (back on his feet) "Fuck a draw--I'm going to win this now!" (tries to explode forward--and slams face-first onto the floor) "...Ow..." kirika: *snerk* Stein: (takes Kirika and Katsuki by the ears) "No faculty referees? Fine. Enjoy detention..." (sneers) "I have a delicious punishment in mind..." -later- Kid: "So, how bad was Stein's punishment?" kirika: eh, i've had worse. but mr 'hotstuff' screamed like a little bitch. Katsuki: T_T "I DID NOT!" (sparks shooting around him) kirika: you're right, it was more like crying. Katsuki: (grabs her wrist) "We're not finished!" (pulls back his fist--) -DOUBLE CHOP- kirika: X-X *steam coming off her head* Katsuki: X_X "..." Kid: o_o (backs away) marie: right, anyway..... -after school- Kid: "Maybe we should pursue an activity that doesn't lend itself easily to fistfights..." kirika: ..... Kid: "Perhaps something that isn't violent...like get Mocha some new cat toys?" kirika: .///. ..........sounds good. Gopher: (pops out of a nearby garbage can) "Yes, it does sound fun!" (he has a banana peel on his head) kirika: i know i should be shocked and confused why you're in there....but im just not. Gopher: "Yay! You know me so well, my love--" liz: easy there puppy. Gopher: "Woof! Woof!" :3 Patty: "...Huh. So that's what does it for Kirika." kirika: oh shush. -_-; -At the Pet Supply Shop- Kid: (studying the fishes in the tanks) "Calming..." Patty: "Which aisle has the giraffe repellent?" clerk: i-i beg your pardon? Patty: "Giraffe repellent. If you don't have it in mace form, I'll take it in axe form." clerk: O-O;;;; Patty: "And do you have camouflage? And do you have human-size hamster balls? Where are your balls?" -elsewhere- Spirit: (mapping) "And that's the latest Kishin worship location..." (taps the map) "They're spreading, Sir." lord death: hmmm.... this is all very troubling. Spirit: "I wish we could just wipe those cities off the map..." (trembling) justin: unfortunatly, there's not much we can do at the moment... Stein: "Hmm...Food...Why was this all the start of just finding a piece of metal in pizza sauce? Is it just coincidence?" justin: or maybe someone was sending a message? a cry for help? Stein: "Perhaps...Odd coincidence, but a good one if it meant we learned about this city now rather than later. But all those people..." justin:...... Stein: (sighs) "Okay. Justin, you said there was an underground. What can you tell me about it?" -one analysis and explanation later- Stein: "No tunnels leading to another location or city?" justin: unfortunately, we didn’t have the luxury of time on our hands to investigate further... Stein: "Did you see anything familiar in the underground? Words? Symbols? Objects?" justin: *he draws a diagram of how the room looked with some notes* Stein: "Hmm...Secret entrances? A prison cell...What else?" -later that night- Gopher: "Does Mocha like it?" .W. mocha: *she seems quite happy* Gopher: "Yay!" (small claps) -in another room- stocking: cute jammies. *she is wearing white pajamas with black trim+details and a skull on the pockets* -kid's is the same, only the colors are inverted, IE black pajamas with white trim and details- Kid: (smiles widely) "Likewise. You look so huggable in them--" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (hugs her, sways with her) "I like these. Thank you." stocking: i thought they looked cute~
Death the Kid: Kid: (kisses her cheek) "They do~" stocking: *she smiles and nuzzles into him* Kid: (holds her) "I missed you so much when I was on that mission..." stocking: *listening* Kid: "I was scared that I...wouldn't be back." stocking: but you are... Kid: *sniff* (smiles) "And I'm so happy that I am..." -and so, one love making session later- Kid: (panting) "God...W-We broke in those new pajamas all right..." stocking: aahhh.. y-yeah.. *blush* Kid: (giggles) "Your body looked amazing when I unbuttoned the top..." stocking: *blush* hehe~ Kid: (smirks) "Did you think I looked good in the pajamas?" (kisses her neck) stocking: oh hell yeah~ Kid: "That's what I wanted to hear..." (small bite on her shoulder) stocking: ahh~ Kid: "Stocking..." (massages her breast) "I love you..." stocking: i love you too, kiddo~ Kid: (kisses on her breast--then licks her nipple) stocking: ahhh~! Kid: "You like that?" -the next morning- Kid: "Ah...What's today?" -at school- Patty: "Is Loud-Mouth McBoom Face still enrolled, or did Kirika scare him away?" liz: still here, but i think they're going to be avoiding each other a looong while. Patty: "Maybe he needs a hug...or a punch in the teeth." liz: ....... Kid: (looking through books) "Hmm..." -in another place in the school- Shotaro: "Um...Why is math relevant to me again?" -after class- Shotaro: "My head hurts..." ????: oh! you're the guys from the robot tournament a while back, right? Shotaro: (looks around, then at Mana) "Are they talking to us?" mana: i think so. yeah, that would be us. ????: that was so cool! i'll admit i was a little scared when that rubble fell but then shinra kicked it away and it was so awesome! Shotaro: "..." (quiet, sullen) mana: yeah.... ????: ah! sorry, i guess i was rambling again...a-anyway, im Izuku. i just started the NOT classes this year. Shotaro: "...Hi." (weak smile) mana: nice to meet you. I'm Mana Hinoki, and this is Showtaro. Shotaro: "Yeah...Um, Izuku? How are you doing in your classes?" izuku: i've been doing my best. -at lunch- Kid: (spots Izuku) "Hmmm...Looks like our new students are getting along." liz: *she nods* Kid: "That's good. Don't need more fights around here..." Black Star: "Yeah! I can't have anyone taking my spotlight!" (dramatic pose) tsubaki: *sweatdrop* Patty: (shining a spotlight onto Black Star) "Testify, brother!" Black Star: (microphone now in his hand) "I am the only star of this Academy! And don't none of your newbies forget it!" izuku: *sweatdrop* tsuyu: o~o ??? kero? ochako: ^^; Katsuki: "...I want to punch him in his shitty head." -elsewhere- Akitaru: (fixing lights in the Brigade) "Everything is so old in here..." maki: we should do a fundraiser or something. Akitaru: "That could work. Not sure what we can offer to funds raised, though, aside from our usual pleasant demeanor--" Hibana: (heard falling down the stairs) "Goddamn it! Where are the fucking lights?!" Akitaru: "...Our super, duper, pleasant demeanor..." -_- maki: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- grunt: m-mr shinoda, you have a skype call. Shinoda: "Very good. I'll take the call..." (taps the screen) -the room on the screen looks like a young girl's playroom. there is a girl sitting in a chair with an older lady on the side of her- ???: greetings Shinoda. how's everything in the toykyo branch going? Shinoda: "A bit slow, unfortunately: it is so hard to attract talented people..." (sneers) "...unless you can convince them otherwise." ???: myogyogyogyo~ i think with my puppet ability, that shouldnt be too hard~ ????: miss Marisa, you do have to know their names first before you can do anything to them... Shinoda: "I have had my team find the names of some particularly talented people..." marisa: oooh, mind faxing them over~? pretty pleeeeease~? Shinoda: (smiles) "Gladly..." (hands it to Grunt to fax) ????: any updates on kepuri or akaderu? we lost contact with them after the death city tournament. marisa: jeez, Naoka. you're so impatient sometimes. *pout* Shinoda: "Our contacts continue to monitor her...Amazing the in-roads 'Happy Factory' can make thanks to our philanthropic donations to hospitals and neuroscience research facilities. Her brain is firing all neurons at blinding speeds, but that in effect makes her brain-dead." marisa: and akaderu? Shinoda: "In prison." (smirks) "And collecting a few more allies from within." naoka: what ever happened to that guy with the long nosehairs? Shinoda: "I...think he's dead? It was really unclear." naoka: hmmmm.... Shinoda: "His body was removed by another former employee, Assi...He disappeared after making contact with the Kyokotsu." marisa: oooooh~? speeeeeaking of, how's that emone doing? Shinoda: "He is increasing his number of bad deeds per day...At this rate, he will have fully empowered the Bai Ze." marisa: neat. Shinoda: (smiles) "Quite. I'll let 'Emone' know you said hi." ((Okay--get some sleep.)) naoka: -_-; Shinoda: "Oh, and send more apples. Red ones--not the green ones." naoka: we'll send the order asap. Shinoda: "And I'll look forward to it. Until then..." -the skype feed cuts out- Shinoda: "Hmm..." (bites into an apple) -knock knock- lin: shinoda, it's that time again. Shinoda: (sighs) "Okay." (stands) "Let's begin." -elsewhere- Spirit: (fixes his tie) "I hope I look decent..." blair: i think you look great. *she smiles* Spirit: (blushes) "Thanks...I appreciate your help with this." -later- Kid: -_-; "How can a baby make such a mess...?" shiori: guu! Kid: *sigh* "Well, I bathed you, changed your diaper, and cleaned up your toys..." (picks up Shiori) "What would you like to do now, Little Sister?" shiori: *stomach growls* Kid: "Well, that answers that question..." (smiles) "Let's get you something to eat!" shiori: ^w^ Kid: (places Shiori in her crib and brings food out of the fridge) shiori: *watching* Kid: (warms the milk and places it into the bottle) Kid: (picks up Shiori and brings the bottle to her mouth) stocking:.....*she smiles* Kid: "Okay, Shiori, drink slowly..." -one feeding later- Kid: (patting Shiori's back to help her burp) stocking: you're getting good at this, kid. Kid: (blushes) "Thank you. I've been trying...Do you want to hold her?" stocking: sure *she does so* hey shiori. shiori: ^^ Kid: (smiles at Shiori and Stocking) "She's so loving..." -later- Yumi: "We're home." lord death: hey there kiddos~ *he hugs shiori* Kid: (waves) "It's good to see you home safe. How was your evening?" lord death: it went quite well. spirit and his date we're doing well too. *muttering* but yumi still looked way cuter... Yumi: -\\\\\\- Kid: (chuckles) "I'm sure." (pats Shiori's head) "Little Sister was no trouble." shiori: mamu! mamu! Yumi: "Shiori!" (smiles, picks her up) "Hello, Little One." *snuggles* shiori: hehe~ Kid: "We enjoyed getting to babysit. We would like to again in the future..." -later- Yumi: (kisses Death) "I was happy for the night out..." lord death: yes, it was nice to get out and enjoy some time together. Yumi: (sighs) "Shiori will be running around soon..." lord death: i know.....she looks so much like you. Yumi: (laughs lightly) "Yes...It's uncanny..." (kisses his nose) "But she will have your hair..." lord death: *blush* hehe~ Yumi: (slides a hand along his hip) "Thank you." -the next day at school- Kid: (doodling) teacher: now, who can tell me who the first death scythe was? Kid: (looks up..."I know this...") tsubaki: it was Sakagi Nakatsukasa, wasnt it? teacher: very good. at least, that she was the first death scythe recorded in history... Kid: (waits to see whether someone will answer) -at lunch- Patty: "RAWR!" (chops into chicken nuggets) liz: so what do you want to do after school today? Kid: "I'm not sure...I was hoping to get Yumi something for her garden." liz: sounds good. *she smiles* Patty: "Oh, we should get her something, too! Mother's Day!" (opens her wallet--and pulls out $200) "...Huh. Didn't realize I kept that much on me." -at the mall- Kid: "Hmm..." (picks up a trowel) "Good weight..." stocking: *snerk* look at these garden gnomes! Kid: o_o (holds one up) "So...symmetrical..." liz: .... Patty: "Sis?" -the gnomes have lord death's mask on it- Patty: "Ooooooh...I didn't know Kid's daddy was a gnome." Kid: o_o; stocking: *laughing her butt off* Kid: o\\\\\\o "So embarrassing..." stocking: haaaa.... *ahem* s-sorry about that....it just looked so silly. Kid: "...How do you think Father would react if we bought him one?" -later- lord death:.................i should have 'gnome'. Kid: -_-; Patty: "Ha ha ha ha ha!" stocking: -_-; kirika: boooo! Yumi: "..." (tiny chop) "That corny joke earns you a love tap..." lord death: XP hehe~ Yumi: "Are we actually putting this into the garden?" lord death: if you want to. Yumi: (kisses his forehead, smiles) "I think it's cute." -elsewhere- Shotaro: (looking at a photo) chie: *she takes a peek* hmm? *It's of him, Chie, and Yohei* chie: that was a fun day at the amusement park, huh? mana isnt too bad with a camera. Shotaro: (nods) *sniff* chie:....hmm? showtaro? is everything ok? Shotaro: "...Emine and I...were orphaned..." chie: .......oh.... Shotaro: *sniff* "And now..." (smiles lightly at Chie) chie: .......*small smile* Shotaro: (glomp) chie: ...*she sighs and ruffles his hair* did you make sure to do your good deed today, kiddo? Shotaro: (small smile) "Isn't a hug a good deed?" chie: ^^; -elsewhere- Kid: "How was shopping for your mother, Love?" stocking: well, i decided to get her some new fabrics to work with. i also got her some shampoos. Kid: (smiles) "That sounds good." -meanwhile- lin:........*knock knock* emine? Emine: "...What?" lin: are you alright in there?.... (thinking: i know this time of year is discomforting for him....) Emine: (narrows his eyes) "I'm fine. Leave me alone." lin:....well....i-if you want to talk- Emine: "I don't. Leave." lin:....of course sir.......*sigh* (thinking: i wish i was able to make his suffering go away....) *A crash is heard in the room* lin: !!!!!! Emine: (wall demolished, his hands bloody) "...Clean this. Now." lin:...yes sir. Emine: "..." (collapses) lin: !!!! EMINE! Emine: (he's barely conscious) "M-Mama..." lin:....(thinking: at least he already did his bad deed today....) *sigh* *she carries him to his bed* Emine: (clutches Lin, shaking...) lin:.....*she holds him close* it's ok.... Emine: "Wh-why did you leave me?" lin: n-no! i would never leave you, emine. \useless kid....and a monster to boot. i should have just killed you as soon as you were born\ Emine: "M-Ma..." (cries) lin:...........*she strokes his head* Emine: (wailing, shuddering) grunt: h-hey, is he alright? Emine: (eyes break open) "AAAAAH!" *Dark Slice--through Lin's arm* lin: AH! *wince* grunt: O-O;;;;; *backs up and runs* Emine: "Leave me alone! All of you!" lin: ...... *she nods and takes her arm, exiting* Emine: (crying alone) -elsewhere- Wes: "How are you feeling?" (takes Liz's hand) liz: doing alright....you? Wes: (rubs the back of his neck) "Mother is not...easy to speak with." liz: yeah........... Wes: "...Sorry." liz: it's fine. i'm used to it. Wes: "You and Yumi..." liz:.....*she nods* -elsewhere- Kid: (hugs Stocking) stocking: oh~? whats this for? Kid: "I want to snuggle~" stocking: ..........>/////< oh my gosh you are the cutest dork ever. Kid: (whispers in her ear) "I know..." stocking: *smooch* ~<3 Kid: >\\\\\\< "I love you, too..." (kiss) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (holds her) "Stocking...You looked like such a natural with Shiori..." stocking: i've been practicing. Kid: "That means a lot to me, as well as to Mother and Father." stocking: *she smiles* i wanted to prepare for whenever we.....*blush* whenever we have kids of our own someday. Kid: (blushes as well) "Y-Yeah...I was thinking about that..." stocking: *she smiles* do you think they'll look like you or me? Kid: "Like you..." (rubs her hand) "Beauty is a dominant gene." stocking: *blush* Kid: "Hee hee...So cute..." stocking: oh shuuuush~! >.< Kid: "..." (kisses her lips lightly) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Whatever our children would look like, I know they will have a loving mother..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...I only hope I could be a good father..." stocking: i'm sure you will... Kid: (smiles) "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- chie: it was nice to talk to my parents again. Yohei: "I'm glad you did." chie: and your parents? Yohei: "...I haven't." chie: would you like to? Yohei: "...Might as well." chie: hopefully they dont react as.....intensly, as my parents did { [mr kagehime: if you do anything to hurt my baby girl, we're comin' after you buddy *brandishing a hammer*] [mrs kagehime: really dear? a hammer? if he does anything i say we pull out a katana on his ass ^^ ] } Yohei: T_T "Yeah...Your parents are...passionate." chie: i wouldnt say i blame them....after what happened with saki... Yohei: "Yeah...I understand that." chie:....soooo...? Yohei: "...Okay. But I have one favor to ask..." chie: yeah? Yohei: "I'm going to need a drink after that talk with the 'rents." chie: rents? Yohei: "Short for 'parents.'" (sweats) "Do young people not say that anymore?" chie: oh. sorry about that. ^^; Yohei: -_-; "Talking with Mom will be...interesting." chie: *she nods* Yohei: (rubs back of his neck) "Hope she will listen." chie: .....and your dad? Yohei: "...He'll probably not say much." chie: ah. Yohei: "Yeah...Uh, family reunions." chie:...you want to start off? Yohei: "Yeah..." (pulls up Skype call to his family's home) chie: *waits* ???: "Who's there? What do you want?" ???: *adjusts the screen+squints* yohei? is that you? Yohei: "Yeah, it's me. How you doing, Mom?" mrs nanami: how am i doing? how are you doing sweetie? Yohei: "Um...Okay. Great?" (glances at Chie) "I'm here with Chie..." mrs nanami: chie? chie: *waves* hi mrs nanam- mrs nanami: YOHEI, DID YOU FINALLY GET HITCHED?! Yohei: "...No." (SCREAMING INTERNALLY) mrs nanami: *slightly disappointed* oh. Yohei: "...We're happy right now, though, Mom. Very happy." mrs nanami: that's good to hear, so how did you two meet? -later- Yohei: "..." (sighs) mana: how did it go? Yohei: "Mom is the usual..." (glances at chie) chie: it went well i think. Yohei: "Hmm...She's looking better since..." chie: ?? Yohei: "...Mom has had some health scares..." chie: yohei.... Yohei: "Just...She's dealt with a lot, so I'm happy..." ("I was no help to her...") chie: *she nods and holds his hand* Yohei: "..." (small squeeze of her hand) chie: *she smiles* Yohei: "...Maybe I should take a trip to see her and Dad..." chie: sounds good. Yohei: "Maybe in the next week? How's your schedule look?" chie: free for the most part Yohei: "Too soon to try visiting Mom and Dad this weekend?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "I feel like something is missing..." shinra: hmm? Arthur: "Maybe a new piece of furniture?" shinra: .......what? Arthur: "The feng shui is off. Maybe we need something new..." (looks at Shinra's bed) "Maybe we can get rid of your bed and replace it with something else. Like a TV?" shinra: I NEED THAT! D:< Arthur: "We could set aside a cot for you. Maybe throw in a pillow, too." shinra:.......................*grumble* i'm going for a walk. Arthur: "Can you pick some new wallpaper, too?" shinra: GRAAAAAHHH!!!! *SLAMS THE DOOR* Arthur: "Hmph." (picks up an oyster shell) "Why do we even have this as furniture?" -elsewhere- ???: this should be the place....come on you two, lets hurry. Boy 1: "Where are we?" ???: *she looks up at an abandoned factory building* the place where you'll be saved.... Boy 1: "...'Saved'? From what?" ???: *she smiles* saved from the flames. Boy 1: "!!! I-I don't feel comfortable with this. I think I'm going--" Boy 2: i-i think we should listen to her...remember what happened to yuu-chan? Boy 1: "Th-This just seems different. And creepy." -inside- ????: .............(thinking: 5 people...?) Boy 1: "Why are there so many people here?" ???:............*grips the hood of her hoodie* (thinking: he should be here by now.....) girl: (whimpering) woman: shh, it's ok Nao, sweetie. Nao: "I-I don't like this! I want to go home!" ???:...... (thinking: captain.....will this really work?) Nao: "Please!" (tries to pull away) -footsteps could be heard- Nao: (shakes) "Wh-Who is that?" ???: !!! *she pulls her hood down to cover her face* Nao: "Wh-Why are you covering up?" ???:......... *she looks at the person entering* Rekka: "Welcome, children." Nao’s Mother: ah, a father of the 1st brigade...*sigh* that's quite a relief. Rekka: (pats a child on the head) "It is okay, child. You are safe here..." (he has his hand in his pocket) ????: ............ *she smiles weakly* (thinking: hopefully he doesnt see my face...) boy: t-thank you mr. Rekka: "Are you afraid of fire, child?" boy: a kid in our class was burned by the flames....i didnt think it could happen to kids but.... Rekka: "Yes, I can imagine. But fear not...I will cure your fear. And the way you cure fear is to face it bravely, yes?" boy:....*he nods* Rekka: "And that means...you have to face a trial by fire." *Presses something to the boy's neck* ????: !!!!!!!!!! boy: ah-... *Something bites into the boy* boy: ow! ????: *throwing her voice* h-hey man! what are you doing? Rekka: (looks around) "Just...Just trying to let this child face his fears!" (frowning, then growling as he pushes the boy to the floor) "Well?!" -flames surround the boy, who then faints- Nao: "No!!" (crying) Nao’s mother: oh god! ????: !!!!!!!! *she lunges in and tackles rekka* Rekka: "What?!" (grabs at the cloak and tries to rip it off) -the hood tears off- Rekka: "?! You?!" tamaki: !!!!!!!!!! *she looks at the others* WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! TAKE THE KIDS AND GET OUT OF HERE! nao's mother:....*she grabs the boy and runs with the others* come along now! Nao: "Tatsu!" (holds out a hand) "We have to save them!" Rekka: (fire-punch forward at the exit to block it) "No one...is leaving..." (sneers at Tamaki) tamaki: *she bites her lip* why are you doing this captain?! what did you do to that kid? Rekka: (chuckles) "I simply wanted to see how far we can take this...sharing the light of our power..." (holds up a flame in his open palm) "...to all people..." (brings the flame slowly to Tamaki's face) tamaki: !!! *she's knocked back, but manages to get up, spitting out some blood* geh... this...this isnt right! what did you do rekka? what caused those flames?! Rekka: "Just a little bug bite, courtesy of a bit of research from my predecessor, and your new BFF Hibana." tamaki: !!! w-what?! those bugs....what are they?! -she jumps and flame slashes at him- Rekka: (sleeve sliced, cutting his skin) "Ah!" (blasts flame at the ceiling above her, to send it down onto her) "Just a little something to fire these kids up! To infect them! Change them! Improve them! I am trying to unleash as many fire people as I can!" tamaki: !!!! *she roll dodges out of the way* you....you're using them as experiments?! this....this is unforgivable! i looked up to you... but i see now....you're just plain sick! and sister pearl....she admired you more than anyone, what would she think if she saw this?! Rekka: "..." (smiles) "I think she'd be proud...After all, I'm just giving us more company..." (uses the flames to propel himself forward--and seizes Tamaki by the neck, holding her up) "Give us a smile, Tamaki. You always looked better when you were smiling." tamaki: !!!!!!!!!! *she closes her eyes tightly* (thinking: arthur.....kana......amber......what do i do?.....i dont....i cant die like this!) Rekka: "...I said smile! Smile, damn you!" tamaki: ........ *she looks up and smirks* Rekka: "There. That's how I want my girl to look..." (charges his hand) "Let's keep that smile frozen on that face for a bit..." tamaki:.....*muttering* psycho getting kicked in the face say what? Rekka: (stops smiling, raises eyebrow) "...What?" shinra: HIYAAAAAAAAAA! Rekka: (foot collides with face) "Aaaaaah!" *knocked to the floor, panting* shinra: hey tamaki. tamaki: I ALMOST DIED AND YOU JUST SAY 'HEY'?! WHAT THE FUCK KUSAKABE?! shinra: i could see that, thought i'd.....drop in. tamaki:................*facepalm* really? *Fireball at Shinra's shoulder* shinra: !!! *turns and takes stance* captain hoshimiya, correct? sorry, but i'm afraid taking tamaki back to the first isnt in our schedule today. Rekka: (panting, but chuckling) "No problem...because neither of you is leaving here alive!" (propels himself forward with flames out of both fists, tackling Shinra to the floor) shinra: GAH! tamaki: !!! *she looks around* Rekka: (slamming his fist at Shinra's head, but he keeps dodging) "Aw, what a friendly smile! A gift from our Lord, Shinra, that you are bestowing upon me with your pleasant face! Let me show you the light, child..." (flares up his hand, ready to smash it into Shinra's face) tamaki: *TACKLES REKKA+HEADBUTTS HIM* Rekka: "..." (fuming, glaring) "You...have not seen the Light of our God...I'll make sure to change that, child..." shinra: *double footed kick* HAH! Rekka: (his knees buckle) "Ah!" (collapses...but he is slamming his fists along the floor, trying to burn the floor) shinra: *Picks up tamaki and jumps up to one of the rafters* tamaki: thanks, i guess. Rekka: "No!" (still can't stand, but he is surrounded by flames) "Get back here!" (blasts fire at nearby metal beams) shinra: !!!!! *he kicks back* (thinking: let this work, please let this work!) Rekka: (crawling, until he can grab the burning metal beams and, despite them burning his skin, shakes them) "Fall down! Fall down to this Hellfire, you demon!" tamaki: we need to get out of here. shinra: *fire kicks at rekka's face* GET OFF! Rekka: "AAAAH!" (clutches his face, lets go of the beams) shinra: come on. *he and tamaki begin running to the exit* Rekka: (lowers his hands, still struggling to crawl away...) shinra: *looking around until he spots the exit* *whispering* there! tamaki: *picks up shinra and leaps down* Rekka: "Get back here!" (collapses) "Ow..." (wailing) shinra:.........*run over to rekka* TAMAKI! GET THEM OUT OF HERE! i'll handle him. tamaki: shinra-...*sigh* damn....ok everyone, stand back. *cat tails to fan away the flames* GO GO! Rekka: "...This is my own Hell..." shinra: *kicks him across the face* alright. START TALKING! what's going on here? Rekka: "Ah! What the hell?! How is that supposed to get me to talk, you demon?!" shinra: *fire foot* .........*trying to remain calm, but he is tearing up* GAHHHHHHHHHH!! *he kicks away an empty barrel.....very hard....* Rekka: "Heh...Okay...Get me out of here, and I'll talk...I can't very well talk if I'm dead..." shinra:........*he looks around* *Chains are behind Rekka* shinra:.....*he takes the chains and ties him down, dragging him out* dont....move..... Rekka: "Heh...You like it kinky, huh?" shinra: shut up. *he seems tense..... tamaki:......i got them out...told them to head for safety.... shinra:..good call. Rekka: "Should've known you'd side with the Demon, Kitten..." tamaki: .........*she looks away* you dont have any right to call me that.... Rekka: "That's not what you said before..." (smirks at her) tamaki:....lets go. -later, after rekka is secured someplace safe and tamaki explains what happened- shinra: what?! Rekka: (still giggling to himself) shinra:.........*kicks him in the stomach* you shut up. start talking... NOW! *aaaand now he's straight up pissed* Rekka: (laughs, coughs) "You talking to me? How can I shut up _and_ start talking?" shinra: *clenches fist* start giving answers, stop bullshitting around! Rekka: "...I just wanted more like us, Shinra..." shinra: what do you mean? Rekka: "That word they called you, 'Demon.' Haven't you thought how lonely it feels for us? We're not even seen as human: we're seen as monsters." shinra: ........*thinking back* { [man: t-thank you..thank you mr fire officer] [izuku: you saved my life, i cant thank you enough for that.] [iris: you arent a bad person shinra, please understand that] } Rekka: "But God knows you are no Demon, Shinra. He knows you are one of his chosen..." (smiles) "Like me. Why else would He bless us with these abilities? This light we have inside of us?" shinra: ??? tamaki? what does he mean? tamaki: wha- why are you asking me? as if i'd know! Rekka: (sing-songy) "Tamaki...You're forgetting your catechism...The nuns taught you better than that..." tamaki:.............*she looks away* Rekka: "I'm saying is that, if we are God's chosen people...why should mere humans tell us how to behave? And why should we not share our gift with them? That's why I have the bugs...so that we can create new flame beings..." shinra: !!!!!! you.....you're fucked up. Rekka: "No...I am God's emissary! Just ask Commander Burns!" shinra:................ *thinking back to what hibana said about herself being a demon* .............. Rekka: "What they call a demon...I call a saint! I just wanted to spread our power to others! What is wrong with sharing that, Shinra? What is wrong with that?" shinra: but by turning people into flame humans?? Rekka: (shrugs) "Some conversions needs to be forced...A baptism by fire..." shinra: *kicks him across the face*....how many.....how many more have to die? Rekka: (coughs blood) "Damn...Do you know how many can be saved, Shinra? I'm not God...I'm just a human...I'm not perfect...There are going to be mistakes." shinra: *flames build up around him* tamaki: !!! Rekka: (laughing...and crying) "So, Shinra...You will be my fiery angel of death?" shinra:...........give me one reason why i shouldnt kick your head in until your skull breaks..... Rekka: "...Because you know I'm right. You know that if we don't convert them...they'll kill us." shinra:......(thinking: what can i even do?...........mom.......sho..........i said i'd become a hero but.......what do i do? i...im scared.....) Rekka: "...What will you do, Shinra?" shinra:....................... shinra:................*slaps him across the face* Rekka: "..." (shocked...crying...giggling) shinra:...... tamaki:....*worried* Rekka: "Shinra...Without your help, how will I find the Adora Burst?!" shinra: ??? tamaki: adora burst? Rekka: "The essence of fire itself...Blessed to those touched by the Sun God. It is given to a few and will guide humanity...That is what I want to give this world..." shinra: ......what do we do? tamaki:..... tamaki:......we should keep him at the 8th. taking him back to the first risks me getting caught, and i'm not the best at making a prison cell... shinra:...*weak smile* that makes two of us....*he calls in* y-you should head back. tamaki: good call..... Akitaru: (calling from afar) "Shinra!" tamaki: that's my cue....*She sneaks away* shinra:....yeah! i'm up here! Akitaru: (approaches Shinra) "What happened here?" -shinra explains the situation, only mentioning tamaki as 'a friend'- Akitaru: " 'A friend'? Where did they go?" shinra:.....(thinking: i shouldnt rat her out....) i dunno, they vanished as soon as they appeared... Akitaru: "Darn...I would've thanked them had I got here earlier..." (sees Rekka) "Hey, how's it hanging?" shinra:....what now? Akitaru: "We don't have much of a prison at the 8th...And we can't hand him over to Burns...I think Takehisa can whip up a prison ASAP." shinra:....alright....sounds good.... Akitaru: "Great! We better get Takehisa coffee--he'll be up for a few hours..." -and so- Takehisa: -_-; "It's finished. I am going to sleep for two days. The first person who interrupts my sleep dies." (glares at Shinra) "It better not be you..." shinra:............*cough*....excuse me....i need to lay down.... Akitaru: "You earned it, Shinra. I'm proud of you." (pat on the back) shinra: a.....dora....bur......*he collapses and faints* Akitaru: (catches him) "Wow, there! Let's get you in bed..." (cradles him like a baby as he brings him to his bed) Akitaru: "Huh...I wonder why he said 'adorable'... shinra:............. *he opens his eyes* ............. -something seemed off...familiar-...........(thinking: this.....my old room?) ???: "He's waking up..." ???: big bwo! big bwo! shinra:.....m-mom? Mom: (smiles) "Hello, sweetie. How did you sleep?" shinra: mom....y-you....and sho.... Mom: "You were out like a light! You must have been exhausted." shinra:....yeah.....long day.....mom, i- Mom: "Well, I'm happy you're up. Come on! I'm almost finished with dinner, so I could use another pair of eyes to watch Sho while I set the table." shinra: o-ok........ sho: why big brother? shinra: ??? sho: *grin* you let us die. Mom: "Sho..." -a large flame human begins to manifest behind shinra's mom- shinra: MOM! *he reaches out but.....* Mom: (ignites) "Aaaaaaaah! Shinra! Why?!!" shinra: MOM! NO! ???:....nra? shinra! shinra: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! -thud- shinra: *grips his head* AH! d-damn!! *pounding the floor with his fist* GOD! DAMMIT! Akitaru: "Shinra? Shinra!" (goes to the floor) "Get a hold of your, son!" iris: shinra...... shinra:....*panting..........he then buries his face in iris' chest and cries* m-mama......mama....... iris:...............*she hugs him* i-it's ok..... Akitaru: "..." (leaves to get some tissues and water) iris:........*humming and rubbing his back* Akitaru: (returns with water and tissues...leaves the water on a table, stays near the door to listen) shinra: *coughing*.....s-sorry.....just....had a rough day today..... Akitaru: (returns with water and tissues...leaves the water on a table, stays near the door to listen) shinra: *coughing*.....s-sorry.....just....had a rough day today..... -at the girl's dorms- tamaki:...................................(thinking: shinra........if he hadnt been there i-.........maybe next time i wont be as lucky......that's why.....i have to get stronger.....for me....kana....amber.....everyone....) Kana: "Tamaki?" *yawns* "I can't sleep..." tamaki:....hey kana.....*she smiles a bit*....i cant sleep either....rough day..... Kana: "...Want to have milk and cookies?" tamaki:.....sure. Kana: (small smile, takes Tamaki's hand to lead her to the kitchen) tamaki:.....(thinking: kana....she lost her family to the flames......) Kana: (opens the pantry...pulls out cat-shaped cookies) tamaki:..... -the next morning, at school- soul:................ Black Star: "You okay? You look exhausted." soul:.........maka's birthday is in two days....... Black Star: "..." (kicks himself) "Sorry..." soul: it's fine.......we should do something.....to celebrate her memory. it's the least we could do. Black Star: "Maybe...something phil-er-thrope-ic?" [philanthropic] soul:....maybe....*he smiles* Black Star: (smiles) "Library fundraiser?” soul: sounds good. Black Star: "Maybe a birthday party where kids get free books? People reading to visitors?" soul: maybe a book trade? Black Star: "Cool!" -later- Kid: "Here are a few other volumes to donate..." librarian: why thank you. Kid: (smiles) "You're welcome. Doing it...for a friend." librarian:.....*he glances over at a plaque above the door* -Maka Albarn Memorial Library- Kid: "..." (sad smile) "I hope someone will get good use of these...I did." -outside- liz: how did it go? Kid: "The donation was...a challenge." (smiles) "But I think it is for a good cause." liz: ....*she smiles* Kid: "How about you?" liz: i'm good. Kid: "...Liz? I...got you something..." liz: oh? Kid: "A little something because...you are a maternal presence in my life..." (hands her a wrapped boxed present) liz: ah....thanks. i'll open it at home then. Kid: (smiles) "Sounds good..." -after school- Kid: (looks around the entrance...) stocking: *covers kid's eyes* guess who~ Kid: (smiles) "An angel?" stocking: that's one way of putting it~ Kid: (chuckles) "Is it...Stocking?" stocking: ding ding ding~ we have a winner. your prize is this~ *she turns him around and smooches him on the lips* Kid: "Hmmm~" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (hugs her) "How was your day?" stocking: it was good. you? Kid: "...We donated books today..." stocking: ah... Kid: (sad smile) "I hope they are valuable to someone..." stocking: i'm sure they will. Kid: (nods) "Any plans this afternoon?" stocking: not sure yet. Kid: "...Would you be interested in perhaps a small dinner, in private?" stocking: i would like that. Kid: (smiles) "6 work for you?" stocking: perfect. Kid: (kisses her cheek) "Very good. I'll finish preparations..." -later- stocking: wow, kid this is amazing. Kid: (smiles) "It means a lot to hear that...I was trying to find a dish that would be a bit special." [(Menu: honey garlic chicken with sweet dinner rolls, maybe a sweet wine to go with the more sweet/sugary dinner] stocking: it's great. and it means a lot that you did all this. you didnt have to if you didnt want to though. Kid: (small smile) "Stocking...I want to...I would give the world to you. There's something I want to say..." stocking: hmm? Kid: (inhales) "I don't say it enough, and I'm sorry for how many times I forget to..." (reaches out for her hand) "I love you. And I cannot imagine living without you. You make every day like heaven for me, and I can never adequately repay you for that." stocking:......*she holds his hands* i love you too kid.....*she smiles* i feel the same way. Kid: (smiles, holds her hands silently for a few moments...then laughs) "I guess we're letting the dinner get cold..." stocking: ah! right...bon appetit~ Kid: (small laugh, as he cuts into the food and eats...) -elsewhere- Yohei: "Is this tie too much?" chie: it's fine. it's actually a good look for you. Yohei: (blushes) "Thanks...You ready?" chie: yeah. Yohei: (pulls seat out for Chie) "Here you are." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How's he holding up?" maki: he's resting right now...but he seems to be doing better... Akitaru: "Okay. Let him catch up on sleep. And how is our prisoner?" maki: he's not saying much.....i have a bad feeling about this. Akitaru: "Yeah...Not long before Burns starts sniffing around here, ostensibly to find Tamaki...And there is already a missing person's report out for Rekka...I don't know where to move him next." maki:...we need to get more allies Akitaru: "Been looking at that..." (pulls out a portfolio of options) "Within the Brigades, outside the Brigades..." (names of people in Squad 0, DWMA, and faraway) maki: the DWMA sounds like a good option, but i fear it might raise some questions. same thing with squad 0, seeing as they work with the 1st on occasion. Akitaru: "I know some people from my old firefighter platoon, but this may be beyond their skill set..." maki: or maybe.....*she glances at hibana* Hibana: "??? What? You want me to interview the captive?" -in shinra's room- shinra:............... Arthur: "I brought you some more water. Drink up." shinra:....thanks....*weak smile* Arthur: "Yeah...You sure you don't want me to stop by the bakery or somewhere? Maybe get you chicken soup?" shinra: it might help...maybe some PB n Js....those help. Arthur: "Okay...I'll get the chicken soup and make you some sandwiches..." (looks around furtively, whispers) "Stay away from Hibana! We know what her 'bedside manner' is like!" shinra: *gulps* (thinking: i dont know which is scarier, interpreting that with innuendo or without....NO! stop it hormones! ugh, now i need brain bleach...ech.) Arthur: (seizes Shinra's hands) "It is dangerous to be alone..." shinra: ah .////.;; Arthur: (removes one hand and brings out a sword...) "Take this." shinra: um....thank you? Arthur: (nods, disappears like a ninja into the hallway) shinra:...............................what just happened? Hibana: "Oh, Shinra, you're awake!" (enters) "Do you need anything?" shinra: arthur's got it covered. -elsewhere- Yumi: *yawn* lord death: aw, you tired? Yumi: (nods) "Shiori had me up five times last night..." lord death: ah.... Yumi: "...ZZZZZZzzzzzz..." *snore* lord death:..........(thinking: so cute!) Yumi: (nuzzles against him) -elsewhere- Wes: (on the phone) "Thank you for checking...Yes, that would help. Thank you. Goodbye." (hangs up) soul: who was that? Wes: o_o; "N-Nothing!" (nervous laughter) "J-Just something I'm looking into..." soul:.......oooook? Wes: (sweating nervously) "So...Hungry? Maybe we can get something to eat?" soul:....pizza? Wes: (nods) "Sure! Head out or order in?" soul: order in. Wes: "Okay--" (calls up pizza place) "What do you want on your side of the pizza? Any sides? Drinks?" -later- Wes: "I thought that was tasty..." (still nervous as he's cleaning up...) soul: yeah, it was pretty good. Wes: "G-Good...Soul? I...What do you want to do Sunday? Maybe we could take in a movie?" soul: maybe stay in and play games.... Wes: "Th-That works too..." (weak smile) "Here or your place?" soul: the apartment. Wes: (smiles) "Cool." -later- Kid: (sighs contently) stocking: mmmmm~ so cute~ Kid: (small laugh) "So are you..." (kisses her cheek) stocking:.........*she's still thinking about an incident a few days ago* kid...........i love you. don't doubt it, ok? Kid: "..." (frowns, nods) "R-Right..." stocking:.......*she pulls him in closer and snuggles him* Kid: (smiles) "Thank you..." stocking: *she nods and kisses his forehead* Kid: (lies in her arms) "Heh...You're so soft." stocking: (thinking: he does so much for me.....i should do something special for him too...) Kid: (nuzzles against her neck, purrs) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (kisses her cheek) stocking:....hey kid? thanks.. for being with me...i know i dont say it a lot but, you mean a lot to me. i feel a lot happier around you. Kid: "..." (kisses her other cheek) "That's all I need to hear. I love you, too, Stocking. You make me...feel whole." stocking: *she smiles* hard to believe i was so cold back then...*frowns* after what happened in my old school......i was scared of getting close to people again... Kid: "..." (sad frown, pats her hand and holds it) stocking: but....i think i've begun to overcome that now.. Kid: "Stocking..." (rubs her hand) "I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I never want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I have to listen to you, and...If anything is not right, please, tell me." stocking: ok. Kid: (kisses her cheek, returns to the cuddling) "You're so strong...I feel safe in your arms." stocking: *humming* Kid: (sighs) "And you have a heavenly voice..." *small kitten yawn* -a few days later- Patty: (wrapping a gift) liz: whats that? Patty: "One of our gifts for Yumi!" (the gift's wrapping...leaves much to be desired) liz: ah. its....its nice. Patty: "Yeah! Wait until she sees what it is!" (whispers) "I got her a year-long supply of the best perfume ever!" (The perfume smells...really strong) liz: *gag* how....nice. liz: (thinking: it's probably just one spray and it lasts all year....) Patty: "Oh! And I got Yumi something new for the garden--" (holds up a venus fly trap--which starts chewing on Patty's hair) liz: o-o; Patty: "I named her Trudy!" (the fly trap is now covering half of Patty's scalp) Yumi: "Liz, Patty, I'm almost done with brunch and--" o_o "WHAT THE FUCK?!" liz: *trying to get 'trudy' off patti's head* help? Yumi: (transforms forearm into a muzzle, aims) "Let go of the girl, Fly Trap." Trudy: o_____o (lets go of Patty with a loud BURP) liz: ^^; Patty: (covered in plant drool) "Aw, now we ruined the surprise for you, Yumi." <:( Yumi: "Well, it's the...thought that counts." (picks up Trudy) "And you will behave!!!" Trudy: O______O liz: *sigh* say, do we have classes today? Patty: "I, um, lost track of time. Is it Mother's Day today?" liz: i think it was about a week or two ago. Patty: "Ooooooh...Trudy must have given me short-term memory problems." (looks at Yumi) "Hi, who are you?" Yumi: -_-; "You do have classes. Get your butts in gear and go to class." -in school- Kid: (smiles at Stocking) "Looking forward to today?" stocking: yep. i hear we have special classes today involving the old facility outside of town. Kid: "...'Old'? Um...Will it be...dusty? Disordered? Asymmetrical?" liz: easy there kiddo. from what yumi told us, we're going to be helping out the new NOT students. Kid: *loud sigh of relief* "Okay, that is doable..." liz: apparently it's a 'search and recover' lesson. Kid: "Ah, that will be good training!" -at the facility- izuku: (thinking: it looks pretty new....) student: it's so hot out here! why are we in a desert? student 2: well it _is_ nevada... Bakugou: "Why don't you babies shut up and deal with it? If you're too hot, quit now and just crawl back inside--I'm sure you can sip on ice cold water while the adults here actually show what they got!" nygus: -as for the lesson, it will be a simple search and rescue exercise. 4 students, 2 NOT and 2 EAT, will be selected. one person from each group will hide someplace deep within the facility. the remaining two will infiltrate and locate the hiding students and escort them back outside. ochako: oh, so it's basically like hide and seek then. Bakugou: (smirks..."Easy.") Kid: (watching as Nygus explains) nygus: the facility behind me is an old laboratory that was abandoned by it's former residents sometime during the late 80s and has since been reworked into our search and rescue training facility, however some of it's 'abandoned' aesthetic still remains… Sid: "Therefore, this is not some easy course you can cakewalk through: be aware that hallways will have debris, some passages blocked, and other architectural damage. Be alert, be safe." maruru: maybe i could squeeze through it? student 3: but you're kinda on the chubby side though... maruru: worst case scenario, i could just use my rolling quirk! Sid: "There may be other...surprises inside. Be aware of your surroundings once you're inside." izuku: *gulp* Bakugou: "Tch. Deku'll probaby shit himself." ochako: *she smiles at izuku* hey, you got this deku! izuku:...right. Bakugou: *glares at Ochako* Sid: "Let's get the students chosen..." stocking: ....... Kid: "...Stocking?" stocking: nothing, just thinking about stuff. Kid: "??? Something you want to talk about?" stocking: just...watching the new students. Kid: "..." (holds her hand, smiles gently) Sid: "Uraraka and Bakugou, front and center. Du Pre and Pheles, too." stocking: *she nods* ochako: *she follows* Kid: "Good luck, Love..." Bakugou: "Hmph..." stocking: so who's going to hide? Sid: "Bakugou and Stocking, go hide." Bakugou: (looks at Stocking) "What's your gimmick? Gothic lolita?" stocking: right. *she enters the building* it's called 'fashion'. Bakugou: "Some fashion. How is that even helpful in combat?" stocking: you'd be surprised. Bakugou: "???" Kid: (hands clasped) "I hope Stocking makes it out of this okay..." (frown) "And that she doesn't rip that punk apart..." -inside- stocking: this place is like a maze... Bakugou: "Weren't you listening? That's the point of a search and rescue mission. Duh." stocking: so find a good place to hide then. Bakugou: "...Fine. Don't get lost, or maybe they won't find you." -outside- Jacqueline: "Ochako, is it? How are you acclimating to the Academy?" ochako: it's a really cool place. pretty fancy too. are the classes here usually hard? Jacqueline: (shrugs) "Some more than others. It really depends on the teacher." ochako: ah. i see. Jacqueline: *demonstrating her lantern ability* "What are your abilities?" ochako: well i can touch things and make them have 0 gravity, but i get sick if i overdo it ^^ Jacqueline: "Zero gravity? That's amazing!" ochako: i guess so. but being able to turn into a lanturn, what's that like? Jacqueline: "...Kinda hot." (smirks) ochako:....*she laughs a bit* kim: booo! that was awful! Jacqueline: -_-; "And that would be my meister over there...Ignore her. I do." kim: aw come on, you know you love me! Jacqueline: o\\\\\\\o "I-I-I..." (looks at Ochako) "M-Maybe we can start the mission?" nygus: and...begin! Jacqueline: "Ochako, we can separate to cover more ground more quickly--can you get to the roof?" ochako: got it! -inside- Bakugou: (crouching behind debris) stocking: *hiding in a closet* ..... Jacqueline: (finds one hallway caved in) "Darn...I can't get through this way..." (heads the other way) ochako:.....*uses zero gravity to lift some debris and move it* release. *it drops* Bakugou: (hears Ochako's work..."Damn...I didn't hide well enough..." Spots a hole into the floor below... "No rules saying I can't _keep_ hiding...") stocking:........*hears something* ?? Jacqueline: (blasts some debris away) "Stocking! Bakugou? Ochako?" ochako: i heard it too....*She looks around* Jacqueline: "..." ("Is that someone's voice? Or is that the building settling?") ochako: ...... *BOOM* Kid: "?!" stocking: WHAT THE FUCK?! Sid: "!!! Azusa! What do you see?!" Yumi: "Hope that one boy doesn't mind..." Bakugou: "Damn it! What the hell was that explosion? Who was--" (seized by Yumi, who tracks the path of the building...) Bakugou: "What the hell?! Who's in my head?!" Yumi: (inside Bakugou's head) "Quiet. I'm looking for the problem--" *Yumi spots it...it's an Assassin* Yumi: "?! Someone infiltrated the building!" ochako: what was that? *Someone taps Ochako on the shoulder* ochako: eh? Assassin: (lifts Ochako under her arms and--) "Going up!" (tosses her towards the ceiling) ochako: eek! stocking: *sneaking out and looking around* Bakugou: (slapping the side of his head until Yumi's eyes are out of it) "Freaking teachers here! Going into people's heads. That's not--" *Assassin spots Bakugou* Bakugou: "...You?! Who the hell said you could come here?!" Assassin: (tosses kunai at Bakugou's head) Bakugou: "Jeez!" (dodges, sends explosive at Assassin--knocking the floor down and trapping Ochako with the Assassin) "Shit!" ochako: *elbows them in the stomach* let GO! Assassin: "Can't. I need a hostage for the actual prize--" stocking: *looks around* Assassin: (clutches Ochako's wrist, squeezing it) "I just need something from a little angel..." ???: aero....... Assassin: "Huh?" stocking: PUNCH!! *she punches the assassin away from ochako.* you ok? ochako: r-release. *she falls down* *cough* yeah..thanks... Assassin: (stumbles, but is crouching back on their feet) "And there's the target..." (tosses a kunai at Stocking's waist) stocking: ?! *she dodges* what the hell?? Assassin: (already near her, as he tries to knock her onto her back) stocking: !!!!! ochako: *she runs to the person and zero gravities them into a wall* stocking: *smile* thanks for returning the favor. ochako: hehe~ Assassin: *coughing blood* "Damn..." *plants something against the wall...and it is beeping* stocking: !!!!! *she grabs ochako and flies through an opening in the floor* THIS PLACE IS ABOUT TO BLOW! Assassin: "..." (small chuckle) "I'm not going that easily--" *BOOM!* Kid: "Stocking!" Bakugou: *hears the explosion* "Shit!" *runs the other way--but is hit by debris as he leaps out a window* "Ugh!" stocking: *knocked out, but is levitating* ochako:....*levitating herself and stocking outside* release! *the land safely, but ochako throws up* kim: JACKIE! Kid: "..." (runs towards Stocking and Ochako) "Stocking!" (holding her) "Oh God..." *No sign of Jacqueline* Sid: "EMTs, now!" kim: *she rushes in* Bakugou: (passed out on the ground) stocking: ..... *Inside is smoke and debris...and someone lying on the floor* Kid: "Stocking, please wake up...Please..." kim: *she shoves the debris off* jackie? stocking:..........ngh..... Jacqueline: *bruised, cut, looks like an arm broken, but breathing and heart beating* Kid: (looks to Ochako, then behind him) "Where are the EMTS...?" kim: *she drags her out and heals her wounds* stocking: *cough cough* o-ow... Kid: "Stocking...You're okay...You're okay..." Jacqueline: "K-Ki..." kim: easy now. *she picks up jackie and runs out* Jacqueline: "..." (muttering something into Kim's shoulder) *Medical teams are arriving* Bakugou: (still passed out) x_x kim: made it! izuku: *trying to get katsuki to safety* Bakugou: "D-Deku? Uh...Figures...Your stench..." izuku: dont worry kacchan, i got ya. Bakugou: (temper twitch) "Don't call me that, i-idiot..." EMT #1: "Kid, please stand aside...We'll tend to Stocking." Kid: "..." (steps back, quivering) stocking: it'll be ok kid. Kid: "..." (smiles) "Y-You're going to be okay..." Jacqueline: (still muttering) kim: hey we got another person who needs help! Jacqueline: "Kim...I didn't--" EMT #2: "This way, people! Over here!" (runs to Kim and Jacqueline) *BOOM* (Another explosion as the facility is on fire) kim: !!!! nygus: everyone stay back! -the 8th brigade arrives Akitaru: "Nygus!" (waves to her, with the 8th Brigade and Hibana present) "Man, what the hell happened?!" shinra: is everyone out? nygus: *doing a headcount* yes...everyone is out. Akitaru: "We'll put out the flames. Get everyone further away..." -after everyone is escorted back to the school- Kid: (pacing) liz: kid- Kid: "I know, I know! I'm just worried." ???: WHERE THE HELL IS MY BABY GIRL?! Kid: "...Oh boy..." Patty: "Mrs. Stocking's Mother?" ???: eek! m-mephisto you cant just go barging in like that! wait up! DX> Kid: o_____o (whispering) "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away..." -DOOR SLAM- -and by that it got broken off it's hinges- mephitso: STOCKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugging aggressively* MY BABY!!! Q~Q Kid and Patty: (peek around corner into the room) o_o; -later- stocking: sorry about that. Kid: "..." (holds her hand) "I'm just happy you are here. I was so scared..." stocking:..........that assassin......... Kid: "...Who were they?" stocking: i dont know...who they were or what they wanted from me... Kid: "...Stocking...I have some...difficult news to give...That assassin..." stocking: ?? Kid: "There was no sign of them in the ruins...Only their outfit." stocking:.....*she holds his hand* Kid: "..." (light squeeze on her hand) "I'm sorry..." stocking:...im scared...what if they come here? Kid: "..." (small smile) "Then it's a good thing we have such capable new students here...I know this is scary, but we can have faith in others here at the Academy." stocking:.....am i able to go home? i just want to curl up in bed and be near you... Kid: "The doctors want to keep you overnight for observation, so you should be out tomorrow...I'm sorry." (holds her hand) "I had intended to stay sitting here by your side tonight..." stocking:...*smile* i would like that... Kid: (smiles...lets go of her hand, hugs her) -later, after it was decided that stocking would temporarily stay at pheles mansion until the situation blows over- stocking: kid, it's only for a little while, it wont be forever. Kid: T_T "I know...I'm just...I want you to be safe...So please be safe." stocking: i will. and you can come over and visit whenever you need, ok? Kid: (smiles) "O-Okay...I-I would like that...I don't want to overstay my welcome at your father's, though." stocking: on the contrary, he wishes you could come over more often. Kid: "...Really? I thought...I mean, does he feel uncomfortable with me visiting?" stocking: errrr..... (mephisto: say stocking, when are you and kid gonna get married and have a baby?) Kid: "??? I guess I could stop by...for a meal?" ("Why is she sweating?") stocking: sure. that'd be great. Kid: (smiles) "Dinner tomorrow?" stocking: sounds great. Kid: (kisses her cheek) "I'll bring dessert." stocking: sometimes you are too cute for words. Kid: (blush) "If I only had words to adequately describe how great you are...I love you, Stocking." (hugs her) "Please, be safe." stocking: i will. Kid: (waves goodbye to her...) liz: you gonna be ok? Kid: (wiping tears) "Y-Yeah..." (smiles) liz:...... kirika: i bet by tonight he's gonna be crying his eyes out in his room. Kid: (annoyed twitch) Patty: -_-; (drags Kirika by the ear) "Come on. You have to feed Mocha..." -and so- Kid: (looking at dessert recipes for dinner...) "Hmm..." -elsewhere- ???: "So much for that: the idiot let the Angel escape." ???: ooooh~? how boring. ???: "You should've let me gone! I would have ripped those socks off of her--legs included!" ???: now now, i know you're excited, but we need her alive for this. her mama too. ???: *grumbling* "I don't see why we need both. We just need the mother to know how to get the tech..." ???: it's bad enough she escaped her little holding cell... ???: "Then let me go! I could get what you need!" -the phone rings- ????: *she picks up* helloooo~............hmm? oh is that so now?.......wait how did you get this number?............sure......thanks~ *she hangs up* seems an anonymous tip came in. ???: "Anonymous tip? About what?" ???: the girl and her mother's location.... ???: "..." (sneers) "Excellent news." ???: they're hiding out in Pheles Mansion... ???: "I can be there shortly..." -later- Servant: "Miss Pheles, may I bring you anything else?" stocking: some tea would be nice. felisia: some tea for me as well, please. Servant: (nods, departs) Servant: (walks through hall to kitchen) felisia: so that's what happened since last time? stocking: more or less, yeah. Servant: (brewing tea...and adds something else) stocking:........ Servant: (smiles as she brings in the tea) "Here you are..." stocking: thank you....*sniff sniff* ??? Servant: "I blended some fresh berries to the tea for added flavor." stocking: really?....what kind? Servant: "Wild raspberries and a little blueberry." stocking: really? *sniffs again* smells like there's something else... Servant: "..." (nervous smile) "Maybe I should have skipped the berry honey? Maybe a bit too much of that? But I know how much you like sweet flavors..." (nervous laughter) stocking: say mom, what do you think? felisia: ?? stocking: the smell makes me kinda drowsy... Servant: "This is a sleepytime tea. It's probably just the intoxicating smell..." stocking:....say, come to think of it, you're a new face around here....when did you start working here? Servant: "A month ago." (bows) "I am Janice." stocking: is that right?....how 'bout i ask dad, just to verify? Servant: (nods) "Very well..." (removes bell, jingles it) ???: (outside the mansion) "Shit..." mephisto: myeeeeees? stocking: say, how long has janice been working here? mephisto:...janice? i dont recall any 'janice's on payroll... Janice: "..." (sighs) "Of course this couldn't be simple..." (throws the tray at Mephisto, then howls as she lunges at Felisia) -SLASH- stocking: i dont think so... mephisto: *TRAY SMACK ATTACK* stocking: you just got _served_. Janice: (knocked to the floor, stumbling) "Ha ha ha...Cute...It'll take more than that to keep me down..." (her sleeves start to rip...) stocking: ?!?! felisia:...stocking...mind lending me one of your swords? mama wants to show you a few tricks. Janice: (howling again, as she transforms into a werewolf) "Aw..." (stands...a werewolf in a maid's outfit) "Immortal Clan, you little creatures..." stocking: well. fuck. *armed with a blade* how about we escort this mutt out of the mansion? felisia: right behind you. Janice: "Take out the little one first! Your legs will be enough to start!" (barks as she tries to tackle Stocking) stocking: *jumps up* stocking: *dodge* Janice: (one claw scratches at her ankle) stocking: erk! *wince* felisia: *blade slashes* Feather Storm Dance! Janice: "Urk!" (collapses but with a claw around Stocking's neck) stocking: !!!!! Janice: "I just need one leg!" (tries to latch onto Stocking's leg--) felisia: -SLASH- NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH! Janice: "AAAAAH!" (stares at stump) "My hand! My fucking hand!" mephisto: oh goodness. seems you could use a hand~ stocking: -_-; are you serious? Janice: (blood coming out of stump) o_o "I LOST MY FREAKING HAND! I may be a werewolf and can regenerate it, but that's going to take time and--" (looks at the carpet) "Damn it! Now you're going to make me clean up the blood, too, aren't you?!" (reverts to human form) "Fine...I'm still your maid, so I'll get the cleaning solution..." ???: (watching from outside) "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KILL THEM! NOT CLEAN UP AFTER THEM!" felisia: *opens up the window* ???: (spotted by Felisia) "...Crap!" (tries to hide) Janice: "Okay, I'm back with the seltzer water to get the blood out of the carpet..." felisia: WHIRLWIND DANCE! *seveal small slashes assault the mysterious being* ???: (the slices knock them out of the tree and onto the ground) "Ugh! Shit! I'm compromised--" (tries to crawl away) maid: *holds a scythe blade to their neck* and where do you think you're going~? ???: "...Son of a bitch." (removes mask--revealing a woman) "Stupid werewolf maid..." mephisto: and just who are you missy? attempting to harm my daughter and her mama? ???: "...Like it matters. I'm dead anyway once they get to me...Why should I talk to you?" stocking: come on in. we have some....important matters to discuss. *aims blade at their neck* ok~? *sinisterly sweet smile* ???: "...Shit. I should've brought a suicide tablet..." Janice: (still cleaning) "Shall I serve drinks?" -later- Kid: (banging on the door of Pheles Mansion) "Stocking! Stocking! Stocking!" maid: can i help you? Kid: "What is going on?! I heard police reports about an attack on the mansion--and--and--" (spots Janice) "...Why is that maid in an asymmetrically ripped outfit and missing a hand?" maid: it's a long story, now if you could please calm down- Kid: (shakes his head to focus) "R-Right! Stocking! Her parents! Is everyone okay?!" maid: they're all right, if a bit shook up. Kid: (bows) "Thank you..." (stares at Janice...who sheepishly waves) Kid: "St-Stocking? Are you here?" stocking: kid! *she hugs him* Kid: T_T (hugs tightly) "I was so worried. Are you okay?" stocking: for the most part, yeah.... Kid: (sees scratches) "Oh, Stocking...I'm sorry. I should have been here." stocking: it's fine. could have been worse, right? Kid: "..." (hugs her...then spots Felisia and Mephisto) "Oh!" o\\\\\o (lets go of Stocking slightly) "Um...A-Are you two okay?" felisia: yes. mephisto: amazingly, yes. just so damn proud of my girls~! stocking: d-dad.... -_-; Kid: (nervous chuckling at Mephisto's remark...then spots the ???) "Um...Who is she?" ???: "Here to capture the Angels." stocking: *glaaaaare* you know that isnt going to happen.... Banda: "Tch." Banda: "You know more will be coming. They won't stop." stocking:........ Kid: (pats Stocking's shoulder) "She's too strong for that." mephisto; well we'll just have to amp up security then... Kid: "I would like to offer whatever assistance my family and I can provide, too." mephisto: say, why dont you spend the night tonight? Kid: o\\\\\o "O-Okay..." mephisto: i believe there is a spare room for you...follow me~ stocking you come too. Kid: "Y-Yes, sir..." -the room they are led to is large, with a big heart shaped bed and looks like it would fit in a love hotel- stocking: O////////////////////////O DADDY WHAT THE FUCK?! Kid: -\\\\\\\\- "Typical." -mephisto already left- stocking:....i am so sorry about this... Kid: "...It's...odd. But..." stocking: hmm? Kid: (blushing intently) "A heart-shaped bed is...hoaky but romantic..." stocking: y-yeah....well you know how my dad can be.....(thinking: what if he used this room for-.....EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!) mephisto: *from down the hall* NOT TO WORRY! THE SHEETS ARE FRESH! Kid: o______o "Um...I'm going to check something..." (opens the door to the bathroom--and the tub is also in a heart shape, with a jacuzzi option) "Typical." stocking: -_-;;;; thaaaaaaaaaaaaanks.......... Kid: "...Stocking? The hot tub is..." stocking: shaped like a heart? im not surprised...what even is this, a romantic comedy show? Kid: "Yeah, but..." (scratches his cheek) "You don't think it's...romantic?" stocking: i guess it is...in a cheesy way. Kid: "...Are your muscles sore?" stocking: i'll live....maybe a quick dip? Kid: (blushes, smiles) "I-I'd like that..." -later- Kid: *yawn* stocking: say, since you dont come by this place often, want a tour? Kid: (nods) "I'd like that." -a few rooms later- stocking: and this is my room. well, my old room anyway. Kid: (smiles) "It suits you..." stocking: i guess.... -the room is quite large, and very ornate in a cute, rococo style- Kid: "It's cute...it feels warm and full of love..." (looks at a photo of Mephisto with Stocking) stocking: yeah... *she smiles and lays on the bed* still as soft as always... Kid: (smiles at her) "How soft is it?" stocking: want to find out~? Kid: "Thought you'd never ask..." (sits on the bed, then lies beside her) stocking: how is it? Kid: "Like Heaven...Ah~" stocking: hehe~...........*thinking back to when she first came to the mansion.* you know....when i first came here....i was scared....it was a new home, and.....i guess it was new family jitters, haha. Kid: "..." (frowns sadly) "It took a long time, didn't it?" stocking: yeah....but i'm happy.... Kid: (smiles) "You have a loving family..." stocking: as do you. Kid: (smiles at her, then notices Bulletin Board) "Oh, you kept notes for yourself?" stocking: yeah. they're probably kind of outdated. -there are a few pictures and other things- Kid: (small laugh) "You look so young in some of those photographs." stocking: yeah. Kid: (sees her desk) "That desk looks like a good work setting. -there is some stationary and plastic drawers, even a space for her laptop. there's also a little bobblehead- Kid: "??? Who's the bobblehead of?" stocking: just a pumpkin i thought was cute... Kid: (looks at her dresser) "..." -there are a few drawers. the dresser has a few plushies, and memorabilia. oddly there is a pink poo ring with a note 'from my dear uncle astaroth <3’- Kid: o_o; "A poo ring? Have I met Astaroth?" stocking: i dont think so, i think he's possessing some guy, but you'll know him when you see him....and that ring is his 'attempt' of being 'funny'....just looking at it pisses me of so much....it fills me with so much rage and disgust, yet i dont know why. Kid: O_____O " 'Possessing'?" stocking: to be fair, he _is_ a demon....that's just the norm for some of them... he's a lot more tolerable as 'astaroth' than the guy who's body he is using........_he_ tried to hit on me..........so i hit on him.....literally. Kid: o_o; "You wouldn't...have someone possess me, would you?" stocking: i doubt they could, even if they tried. Kid: "That is oddly comforting." (hugs her gently) "How about the closet?" -there are so many dresses and shelves for accessories. there is also two doors in the very back- Kid: "Doors? Where do those lead?" stocking: one of them is to a personal reading area with christmas lights and beanbag chairs. the other...... well. you'd have to look and see~ Kid: "Oh?" (grips handle to the door that is not the reading room...) stocking: o///w///o; Kid: (opens the door slowly and--) -[TOO KINKY FOR U]- Kid: (peeks in, sees a bit) o__________O (quickly shuts the door) stocking: yeeeeeah. Kid: "...But...Were you...doing that to yourself? You haven't tried that room with another person?" (taps his fingers together) "Maybe with me?" stocking: havent gotten a chance to....unless you want to change that~? Kid: "..." (approaches, and kisses her cheek lightly) "Yes..." stocking: do you have....y-you know....*blush* Kid: (nods) "S-Sorry...I guess I...had some ideas..." (gestures to his overnight bag, before he plucks at one button of the top of her pajamas) stocking: *blush* think you can handle whats in there? Kid: (unbuttons the top button, then the second, as he kisses along her neck) "With you there, I can handle anything..." (licks slowly along her neck) -later, after MUCH lewdness- Kid: (panting, blushing all over) "God!" stocking: *panting and shuddering, sweating* ahhhh......f-fuck.... Kid: (panting, as his mouth collides with her neck again) "God, that was incredible...You're so hot..." stocking: OH~! t-thanks....fuck that was intense...you're getting a lot better at doing that stuff. Kid: (giggles, as he hugs her) "Thanks...How are your nipples?" stocking: sore, but i'll live....as is everything else... *rubs her butt, which has a firm handprint on each cheek* Kid: (rubs his backside as well...) "I know the feeling..." (then he touches his penis...) "...all over...And yet...God, Stocking, you were phenomenal. I never felt so..." (he is obviously pleased with what happened...) stocking: .///////. *she's staring at _it_*.... Kid: o\\\\\\o "Sorry...I guess I'm still..." (he is staring at her breasts) "...God, Stocking..." -later, after MORE lewdness- -they are now in kid's guest bed....the heart shaped one- Kid: (purring in her arms--then winces) "Ow! Heh...Guess I'll be sore for a bit." stocking: yeah, haha *cough* same here.....was that the first time you did me in the butt or....? Kid: o\\\\\o "First...Definitely. I'm sorry--I was too rough, wasn't I?" stocking: i-it's fine...and you? i maaaay have gotten carried away using...*ahem* certain _things_ in that room on you... Kid: "...I was afraid...But I knew who was with me..." (holds her hand) "I trust you with my life." stocking: *she smiles* you're expressions were cute though~ as were those noises you made~ Kid: (moves up a bit, so he can face her...he smirks) "Your voice was musical...and your body divine...God, Stocking, you are the most attractive woman..." stocking: *she smiles and blushes* i love you, you handsome dork. Kid: "I love you..." (places his hand along her face) "...you beautiful angel..." (kisses her forehead) -the next day, at school- Kid: (holding hands with Stocking) liz: i'm surprised they let her come to school today. stocking: as am i. Kid: (sighs) "One of the most difficult things in life...is facing fear..." stocking:....right. *she holds his hand* Kid: (smiles) "I'm sure the interrogation will turn up helpful information. For now, one day at a time..." stocking:...*she nods* *Spirit enters the classroom* *Spirit is whistling and looks jovial* liz: *she looks at the chalkboard* Spirit: (smiling to the class) "It's a great day, students! So let's make this class a good one!" Patty: (looks at the chalkboard--then bursts out laughing) Spirit: "???" (looks behind him--and there is an arrow pointing down where he stands) soul: ??? CHALKBOARD: "SPIRIT ALBARN HAS A TINY THINGIE" Spirit: D: soul: *almost chokes* Kid: o\\\\\o kyouko: -_-; woooooooow.... Spirit: "Th-That's not true!" (flips the chalkboard over--) Chalkboard (other side): "It's true!" Spirit: "It's not relevant!" Spirit: (flips the chalkboard again) Chalkboard: (other side) "It's very relevant." kirika: how the fuck? Spirit: (twitch) "AAAAAAH!" (slice the chalkboard apart with his blades) *Stein is behind the chalkboard* *Stein is holding chalk* homura: this is the last time i assist you in such childish matters -_-; Stein: "Makes me smile..." Spirit: (furious face...) homura: *already in her seat* Spirit: "I was having a good day...and then y-y-you have to ruin it!" Stein: "Have a good date last night, then?" Spirit: -\\\\\\- "Leave." students: ooooooooh! Stein: *whistles as he leaves* Spirit: "ALL OF YOU ARE GETTING DETENTION!" sayaka: HEY! Spirit: "Double detention for Sayaka!" yukari: WE DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT SCENARIO AND YOU'RE JUST PUNISHING US? THAT'S ABUSING AUTHORITY AS A TEACHER! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! mizuki: *muttering* for once sis, i actually agree with you. Spirit: "Triple detention! And you know what else?! Run a lap around the Academy! And another thing! I'll--" *CLUNK* *Spirit collapses onto the desk* Spirit: x_x sayaka: O-O Patty: "..." (looks up) "Where did that book come from?" *Spirit has book buried into his head* -some students look to the doorway- *No one is there* Patty: "It's like a gift from Heaven." Black Star: o_o; (glances at Soul) student: *SCREEEEEEEEEEAM* GHOSTS! soul: .....?? Kid: -_-; "Everyone calm down. It's probably not a ghost. Let's just..." (stands, approaches front of the class) "I might as well handle today's lesson. Nothing too difficult for me to address..." Kid: (opens the book and proceeds with the day's lesson) -later- Kid: (exhales) "I never realized the challenge of teaching...and the thrill of it." kyouko: you didnt do half bad. i mean, yukio's an instructer, and he's younger than you, amazingly enough. Kid: (small smile) "I have a way to go, then, but at least it's progress." liz: soon you'll be on your way to running the school.... Kid: (blushes) "Aw...Well..." stocking: i'm proud of you kiddo~ Kid: "Th-Thanks...I really did enjoy it..." (leans, whispers to her) "Would you be my 'teacher's pet'?" stocking: o//////o perhaps~ kyouko: aaaand you ruined it. Kid: o\\\\\o "I-I was whispering to her!" -later- Patty: "What's up now?" stocking: lunch time~! Kid: (returns with his meal and a plate full of cupcakes) "A little treat..." stocking: aw~ *she smooches him* Kid: (smiles, blushes) "I hope they're tasty..." stocking: delicious~ Kid: (smiles) "I'm glad..." stocking: hehe! Kid: (just looks at her..."She's so...perfect.") -at another table- Shotaro: "...I can eat way more than you." Black Star: "Bullshit!" kilik: who's up to take bets? Harvar: "30 bucks on Black Star." Patty: "20 on Shotaro!" -later- Black Star: (passed out on floor) "Ugh..." soul: dude. Shotaro: *BURP* "Could I get a ginger ale? Maybe some saltines?" -later- Patty: (counting her money) "Sweet deal..." iris: s-should we take him to the nurse? Patty: "Might as well." (hauls him up over her shoulders) -later that night- Kid: (holding dessert for dinner...) -elsewhere- shinra: *brushing his teeth* damn that kishiri....him and his fake apple juice.... Hibana: "Shinra? Sweetie? Did something happen at school today?" shinra: nothing, just felt a bit sick at lunch today. (thinking: i'm doomed to a life of awkward moments...) Hibana: -_- "Who hurt you? I will smash them into the floor." shinra: i-it's fine, really! Hibana: "Give me a name, and I will make their life a living hell..." (flames crackling around her) shinra: IBLAMEKISHIRI! Hibana: "Ib Lame Kishiri? What kind of a name is that? Did his parents hate him?" maki: i think he means that weirdo with the bubble gum....*cringe* Hibana: "...One of mine did something to you?!" (hugs Shinra tightly) "This will not be allowed!" shinra: *screaming internally* (thinking: cant breathe....hug too tight!) Hibana: "Gabriella! Bring Kishiri to the 8th immediately! He will apologize!" gabriella: right away. Hibana: "Oh, poor Shinra. Let me hold you to my bosom..." -PANCH- maki: easy there princess. shinra: *cough cough* i didnt die. Hibana: T_T "It's just my desire to protect my new brigade..." -later, elsewhere- Yohei: (stretches) chie: you ready? Yohei: (nods) chie: *she knocks on he door* mama nanami: yes?... ah! yohei! *she hugs him* Yohei: (small laugh) "Hi, Mom." chie: a pleasure to meet you in person, mrs nanami. mama nanami: please, come on in dears. Yohei: (gestures for Chie to go in first, as he closes the door behind them) "You're looking well, Mom." mama nanami: as are you. -elsewhere- Kid: "I hope the dessert was tasty..." -elsewhere- grunt: mr shinoda, we have some unfortunate news... the head of our Nagoya branch, Mr Mikazaki, has perished. Shinoda: "Really? How did they die?" grunt:.....he befell the dokeshi curse. Shinoda: (sighs) "Our best scientists still haven't figured out how to cure it..." grunt: if we really mess up....are we going to become one of those...those things?! Shinoda: "Indeed: all the more reason to practice a healthy diet..." (bites into apple) lin: at least you dont have to worry about that, right mr ragey? ^^ Ragey: X_X Shinoda: "...Could you please get rid of that carcass? It's attracting flies." lin: i'll just fix him back up then~ Shinoda: "..." (eyeroll) "Yes, well, if only it was so easy with Dokeshi..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Here we are..." (hands drink to Liz) liz: thanks. Wes: "How are you holding up?" liz: it's been crazy, but i'll live. Wes: "...I'm sorry." liz: it's fine... Wes: "..." (holds her hand) -elsewhere- Kishiri: o\\\\\\o "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Alright!" shinra: that was terrifying.....i almost feel sorry for him....almost. vivian: ~<3 Kishiri: "Just put her away! I can't stand being near that bitch!" -elsewhere- girl: *walking along the road with groceries* ???: "That looks like a lot to carry..." girl: mind your own buisness. ???: "I'm just trying to be polite--jeez." girl: tch-.... ???: (follows) "So, why you carrying groceries at this hour? This place isn't very accommodating..." (reaches to grab at their groceries) girl: back off! *SHE SMACKS HIM WITH THE BAG* honestly, creepy guys like you are the 3rd worst kind of person. ???: (grabs her wrist) "I was asking nicely...Now I'm mad..." (reaches for her groceries) "I better set these down, so they don't break..." girl: *knees him in the groin and pulls out a kunai* i dont want to waste effort on you. i'd rather be using this thing on those dokeshi bastards. ???: "Omph!" (collapses to his knees, coughs) "Jeez!" (higher pitch) "That fucking hurt!" girl: now buzz off loser. ???: (double over, groaning) "What the hell is a Dokeshi...?" girl: ...........monsters.....they're nothing but monsters..... ('i'll get stronger! then we can fight dokeshi together, promise senpai?').......... ???: "Funny...You look rather monstrous yourself, you violent-ass bitch." girl: fuck off! *KICK* *mumbling*.....*she looks around* ???: "Ah! Police! Help! She's fucking insane!" girl: !!! *she takes off running until she loses them* *pant pant*...damn...may as well head back to the base... *Someone is following her, watching from above on the rooftops* girl:........*enters though a back door* dokeshi hunt member: oi, mono, you're late. mono: i had to deal with a 3 just now. Dokeshi Hunt Member #2: "A '3'?" dokeshi hun member: so some creep? a flasher? mono: just some guy who tried to mug me. i kicked him in the dick and he tried to call the cops on me! Dokeshi Hunt Member #2: "...Oh..." (watches Mono) Member #3: "That sucks..." mono: i'm gonna be in the training room. gotta vent my annoyance out somehow. Member #2: "O-Okay..." ("I hate when she trains...I always get stuck cleaning up the mess...") member 4: guess we're gonna have to replace another training bag, eh? Member #2: "Yeah...And patch more walls." member: it's amazing how she can decimate mannequins, but as soon as she's pit up against a living being, she runs away... why do we even keep her around? Member #2: "...Maybe she's too intimidated to actually hurt someone?" member: maybe....maybe she acts like a little brat cause nanami left....she really looked up to him. Member #2: (nods) "Never got to know much about Nanami. He really as impressive as everyone said?" member: beats me.... -elsewhere- Yohei: (looks at photo with him and his family) chie: *examines the photo* you looked adorable as a little kid. Yohei: (small smile) "Y-Yeah." chie:....was this a camping trip? Yohei: "Yeah...Dad really likes his fishing...This was taken before I accidentally knocked down a beehive." chie: ouch, haha.... we didnt do much camping, though mom did take saki and i on a hiking trip when we were kids... Yohei: "When's the last time you been hiking?" chie: i think a few years ago, i was 11 and saki was 13. Yohei: "Hmm...Up for doing a hiking trip some time soon?" chie: sounds good. Yohei: "Cool. I think I know a good spot, too. A lake is nearby." -the next morning- Kid: (looking through cereals) stocking: cinnamon rolls? Kid: "Oh, that would be tasty~" (pulls some out of the freezer) -elsewhere- mono:...........('mama...papa....please get up....') ('i'll take down every last dokeshi!’) Dokeshi Hunt Member (Dokeshi Hunter) #2: "Hey. Wake up. Practice starts in--" mono: i hear ya i hear ya.... Dokeshi Hunter #2: "Then get up already! I don't need crap from the supervisor because you're busy dreaming." -later, mono went for a walk- mono:.......!!!!!!! *she sees someone up ahead* Yohei: (looking at a fruit stand) "Shotaro needs more fruit...The guy eats so much meat--" mono:........*shaking with anger and rage* y-you....... chie: i just hope tuhl is taking care of them and making sure they stay out of trouble. Yohei: "Tuhl'll be fine. He's got Mana to keep an eye on Shotaro." (checks the blueberries) mono: *she follows them* Yohei: (chuckles) "I could always just tell Shotaro that Mana's underwear are fancy hats...again." chie: *tiny chop* you're such a butt. a cute butt, but still a bu-.......*facepalms at her pun* damn! Yohei: (chuckles) "Hey, you got a cute butt, you might as well show it off. One reason I have these jeans." chie: *chuckles* ............??? do you feel hateful eyes staring at you, or is it just me? Yohei: "???" (looks around) mono: *hiding behind a bush* ...... Yohei: "..." (pats Chie on the shoulder) "Let's finish our purchase and head out...Maybe somewhere more crowded..." mono:.......*steps out and tries to slash at them with her kunai* Yohei: "Shit!" (pushes Chie and himself away, the kunai slicing along his jeans) "Damn it!" mono: dammit! STAND STILL! Yohei: "Hell no! Why would--" (sees her) "...Mono?" chie: friend of yours? mono: HELL NO! *tries to slash at him again* Yohei: "!!!" (dodges) "Damn it! Chie, I'm gonna need a shield and an exit, now!" chie: right! ~dark restraint~ *dark restrain holds mono to the ground* mono: w-what?! Yohei: "Thanks, babe. Now let's run!" (shouts to the fruit stand owner) "Bill us later!" mono: HEY! *struggling* I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!! Yohei: "Unfortunately, Mono, you are..." *tosses a smoke bomb* mono: *cough cough* yo-.......(thinking: that girl...was.....was she dokeshi?!) Yohei: "Keep running, Chie--we're going to have to ditch her, then get our family to safety." chie: right. Yohei: (while running, taps his watch, sending signal to Mana) mana: yeah? Yohei: "Emergency. Chased by assassin. Get Shotaro and Saki to safe room." mana: on it! chie: -_- (thinking: he's oddly calm about this!) Yohei: "Keep running. We want as much distance between us and her. Mono is obsessive when she spots a target." chie:....is she- Yohei: "Dokeshi Hunt..." chie:.....we should keep running... Yohei: "...Yeah. Need to shake her off our path so she can't find our home...But I worry she can still track us..." -later, mono had no luck finding them- Yohei: "Get inside, Chie. Then I can initiate security protocols." chie: right. *she goes in* Tuhl: "The hell is going on? You two were supposed to be getting groceries." chie: yeah, but we sort of ran into trouble. Tuhl: "Well, I doubt Yohei would be barricading the house if the 'trouble' was just shoplifting." Yohei: "...Shit. Did I forget to pay for these blueberries?" -after the situation was explained- Shotaro: "Wow..." Yohei: "..." mana: for some reason she bothers me just hearing about her. Yohei: "She's tenacious, but I usually could get away from her." saki: so what now? Yohei: "Either lay low for a bit until Mono gets distracted, or relocate." mana: what about your parents? Yohei: "That is an option...I'm just scared putting them at risk." saki:....maybe we could move them to death city? Yohei: "...Could work. Maybe. Although Dad'll be pissed: the fishing here sucks." mana: there are some great national parks near there though. Yohei: (nods) "Okay, that would convince him...I wonder where there's a bigger house for all of us..." -elsewhere- Gopher: .W. "I think it looks lovely on you~" kirika: *in a cat suit* stupid punishment game... Gopher: (happy claps) "Yay!" Patty: (struggling to hold in laughter) stocking: not a bad look for you kiddo~ Kid: (grumbling) "I hate this. The skirt hardly matches my eyes." stocking: it's cute though. should i be your tuxedo mask~? Kid: o\\\\o "You in a suit? Hell yes." stocking: ok then~ Kid: (small laugh) "I look forward to it..." -later- Kid: (jawdrop) "Damn." stocking: not bad i dont think. Kid: (admires how she looks in the suit...including behind) "You should wear suits more often." stocking: i guess. *she also has her hair in a low ponytail* Kid: "The mask also looks good on you. Very mysterious." -elsewhere- Dokeshi Hunter #2: "What the hell, Mono?!" mono: yeah. he was running off with that dokeshi bitch! Dokeshi Hunter #2: "What?! He's fraternizing with those abominations?" mono: he's a runaway _and_ a traitor.... people like that....are the second worst kind of person! Dokeshi Hunter #2: "...Second? Who's the first worst kind?" mono: the absolute worst....are those damned dokeshi!! Dokeshi Hunter #2: "Oh...That makes sense. So, you lost track of him. Now what? You kind of screwed up majorly." mono: i'll find him again...i'll make him pay for what he did... Dokeshi Hunter #2: "Until then, the commander will probably have a lot to say to you." -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." (looking at a photograph) iris: *also looking* *It's a photo of Tamaki with the 8th* iris: ..... Arthur: "...I still don't know where she is..." -elsewhere- Anya: (dusting the dorm) tsugumi: cant wait for the summer season! yeah! Anya: *shiny eyes* "So many new Death Bazaars!" tamaki: *in her room, asleep* Meme: "Tamaki still asleep? Did she get in late?" mio: maybe it's just a summer cold? Meme: "Hmmm...Better make sure we have some cold medicine, then." -at gallow's manor- Kid: "Perhaps I should avoid punishment games in the future..." stocking: it was still fun though. Kid: (blushing but smiling) "Maybe for you..." stocking: you looked cute though~ Kid: (bashful) "Thank you...You as well..." -elsewhere- mono:......*still looking around* Dokehi Hunter #2: (on radio earpiece) "What do you see?" mono: nothing yet, just busy city streets... Hunter #2: "No odd signatures on your equipment...Can't sense a Dokeshi nearby...A lot of electricity in that area, though..." mono: *examines a sign* Hunter #2: "What do you see?" mono:..... mono: seems an electrical plant is nearby.... Hunter #2: "It has higher than expected releases of electricity...That's odd. The plant had a break-in a few weeks ago, but no culprit found." mono: oh? what happened with that? Hunter #2: "No clue...So go look. Duh." mono: *grumbles and begins walking* Power Plant Security Guard: "Excuse me, may I help you?" mono: yeah, i'm from the detective agency here to investigate the break in. (thinking: please let this guy be an idiot...) mono: could i speak with your supervisor? i'm sure they'd let me in. Security: "Um...She's...kinda busy and doesn't like interruptions...G-Go on ahead. We can do the visitor paperwork later..." mono: thank you. *she smiles* Security: (opens the gate, lets her through) mono: *lookin around* *There seems to be a footprint...burned into the floor* mono:...*inspects the footprint* *Another one is further away...leading into a wall* mono: ???? *The lights go out* mono: !!!!!!! ???: "ha ha ha ha ha ha..." mono: who's there?! *A light turns on--then explodes from a surge of electricity* *The electricity seems to jump to another bulb* mono: *sweats* um.....hello? ???: "Little girl...Scared little piglet..." mono: *gulp* ???: "You murderous...Dokeshit Hunter!" *Electricity blasts towards Mono* mono: EEEEK! mono: NOOOOO!!! *she bolts.* *The electricity sails past Mono and into the wall* ???: "Damn it! Stand still, you little speck of bacon!" mono: I DONT WANNA DIIIIIE! Security: "Hey! What the hell is going on here?!" mono: GHOST!!! Security: "...Are you kidding me? There are no such things as--" *The electricity swirls into the form of a human* Security: o_O "GHOST!" (hides behind Mono) mono: *running* NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *Electricity blasts at Mono, ensnaring around her ankles* mono: *screaming* s-someone help me!! i dont wanna die!! Security: "..." (tries to run) ???: "No..." *Electricity wraps around the Guard's neck, pulling him up to the ceiling* mono: *screams* *WHOOSH!* ???: "What--?!" *The electricity is encased...in ice?* mono: e-eh? Karim: (aims his Fridge Tuba--and repeats at the Security Guard, also creating an ice slide for him to fall down safely) Guard: "Omph!" mono: are you dokeshi?! Karim: "No. I'm Fire Brigade." (offers hand to help her stand up) mono: *she stands up* i was doing just fine. Karim: "...You're shaking. You're not fine. I don't blame you: this was a frightening situation." Security: (getting up) "No kidding! I'm getting out of here!" *runs away* mono: *also runs* -elsewhere, in brooklyn- luka: HE DID WHAT?!?! Solence: (shivering) "It went on all night...The smells..." NoFix: (shrugs) "Just want to make my lady happy. Not my fault you'll are prudes." luka: YOU CRASHED A CAR, covered i blood might i add, INTO THE SIDE OF A MCDONALDS!! NoFix: "You should've seen what we did to the ice cream machine." (offers a cone to Luka) luka: that's not ice cream, is it.... NoFix: :3 "Nope." kinuta: i'll take it. luka: *hurk* oh mother of god.... NoFix: "Oh, yeah..." Solence: (knocking his head against the wall) scientist: I JUST WENT STERILE! NoFix: (smiling at Kinuta) "Jesus, you're fucking hot...You're up for anything, aren't you, you sweet piece of ass." luka: STOP! NO! PLEASE TAKE THAT ELSEWHERE! I FEEL LIKE I WANT TO DIE 50 TIMES OVER! NoFix: (still to Kinuta, ignoring the others) "I want to make hot, steamy love to you right here in front of all these emotionally stunted fuckwads..." -in another room- mikan: *covering heibito's ears* 0-0; Asura: "...Should I just snap their necks and feed upon them?" -elsewhere- Burns: (looking over a file...on Rekka) "Damn...Now two of my soldiers are missing." pearl: i just hope he's ok.... Burns: "Find him. Had he told you why he was leaving on his own without clearing his departure with me?" pearl: he said he had been called in for something... Burns: "Who called him in?" pearl: i-i dont know. Burns: (studies Pearl) "Then find out. When you do, report to me immediately." (locks his files up) "Two of ours missing...Hibana's crimes...I think a meeting of the Brigades is in order, to discuss all of this." pearl: *she nods* dia: even squad zero? Burns: (flames crackle under his eyepatch) "Might as well..." -elsewhere- Kid: (folding laundry) liz: need any help? Kid: (sheepish nod) "Y-Yes...I've been struggling for five minutes to get the pants folded just right..." liz: *rolls eyes* here. let me help you out there. Kid: "Thanks..." (sighs) "I wish I had one of those flat boards that just folds everything uniformly..." liz: maybe we could put that on the shopping list then? Kid: (nods) "I appreciate your help with this, Liz." liz: no problem. Kid: "How is today treating you? You look a little tired." liz: i'm fine for the most part. Kid: (nods) "Course work going okay?" liz: i guess... Kid: "But something troubling you? Perhaps on a particular subject? Or something else?" liz: i'm fine, just......thinking.... *she was thinking about the news story on the incident in brooklyn* Kid: "...Have you been following the news?" liz:......*she bites her lip* Kid: "..." (pats her shoulder) "You know the DWMA is looking into this, right?" liz:....*she nods* Kid: "Have some faith...We have some of the best investigators finding the culprits." liz: ok... Kid: "...Want to talk about it? Maybe get involved in the investigation yourself?" -elsewhere- shaula: HEY PONERA! I THINK SOMETHING WENT WRONG! Ponera: "What is it? Medusa?" shaula: no, but something seems to be wrong with the book of eibon....a whole 'chapter' is just....missing....ish. Ponera: "Missing? A chapter can't just go missing. It's not like it got up and walked away..." (looks at Grimoire) "...Right?" grimoire:....let me see.... Ponera: (wringing her hands, glancing around the throne room) "...I don't see anything or anyone around here...Maybe nothing escaped the Book..." -somewhere, in the woods- *Someone is giggling madly* ???: i'm amazed that we havent been located yet... Mad!Kid: "I made sure to cover my path..." pandora: by killing those hikers...? Mad!Kid: "What? I didn't want someone to follow us. Besides, hikers are stupid. Those shorts are ridiculous." pandora: human fashion these days is very....unusual....at least they looked comfy and easy to wear. Mad!Kid: "Easier to kill, too. So soft." pandora: any luck finding that girl? Mad!Kid: "You mean...Angel?" pandora: yeah, her. Mad!Kid: *sniffs long* "I can smell her...Such a sweet scent..." (he points) "Long way to my destination, though." pandora: should i fly us there? Mad!Kid: "Please." -black, inky bat-like wings burst out of the fragment's back- Mad!Kid: "I'm coming for you, Angel. Soon, you will be mine." -later- Patty: *shivers* "Who left the window open?" stocking: not sure... Patty: "Hmph." (closes window, then pats Stocking's head) "Glad to have you back home!" stocking: same here. Yumi: (holding Shiori) "Someone else missed you..." (holds up Shiori) shiori: sokky! sokky! stocking: hey there, shiorin! Yumi: (smiles at Shiori as she hands her to Stocking) lord death: but i know who missed you most of all...*he looks at kid* Kid: (small blush, but laughing) "Of course..." stocking: *she smiles as she snuggles up to him* i'm just glad that mess is done with now.... Kid: (hugs her) "I'm glad you are here." -elsewhere- Rekka: "Oh Lord...Don't forsake me..." shinra:..... i really dont want to go down there again...... -elsewhere- tv reporter: -reports of a vampire sighting over london has the city in panic. ???: "Vampires? In London? What's next, werewolves?" ???: ugh, not funny man... -the one person eats some red gummies- ???: "I thought it was a bit funny...What about you, Red Guy?" akaderu: why should i care? right now i just want to find that kyokotsu.... ???: "Still? What's the benefit of getting the Kyokotsu?" akaderu: i want to eliminate that monster.....i'll make him pay for what he did to her.... ???: (derisive laugh) "Aw, you want to honor the memory of your girlfriend?" akaderu: *tenses up* want to end up being choked to death? ???: o_o; "...Not my thing, s-sir..." akaderu:..thought so... ???: "Um...Any leads on this Kyokotsu?" akaderu: nothing yet, but maybe we should lure him out....ever heard of the 'bai ze'? -elsewhere- Emine: (sipping his drink) grunt: *visibly creeped out by the fact he is drinking human blood* Emine: (a bit of blood is on the corner of his mouth) "Lin?" lin: *wipes it off* grunt: *cringe* Emine: "Thank you. Now, I must complete my bad deed...The phone, please." -elsewhere- Power Plant CEO: "I don't appreciate the Dokeshi Hunt and the Fire Brigade getting involved in affairs that are none of their business." brigade member: once again, we wish to apologize for the incident... Power Plant CEO: "What was your brigadier even doing here? Don't you have fires to put out instead? Maybe that explosion at the DWMA that got out of hand a few weeks ago? Where were you then?!" brigade member: the 8th was there! Power Plant CEO: "And we see how reliable that pack of misfits is! I have already had my dealings with a derelict commander like Obi, so I shouldn't be surprised that his group couldn't handle a fire!" Akitaru: -_- "I'm right here..." Burns: "You called us here to simply rattle off complaints to the commanders? What a waste of time..." Hibana: (glaring at the CEO) miwa: in oubi's defence, he and his brigade do manage to get the job done. CEO: "..." (crosses her arms) "The next time one of your members wants to investigate, use the front door and make an appointment. If this happens again, I will take it up directly with Lord Death himself." foien:....karim- Karim: "Yeah?" -outside- shinra:...... Arthur: "What's taking them so long?" fang-hua: beats me... Kishiri: "Tch. Just a bunch of old farts--and Hibana--talkin' about boring stuff." ryuuko: to be fair, commander tsurumaki doesnt appear all that old. sayu: she's older than i am, and thats good enough for me ^^ *Doors fly open--and hit Kishiri in the face* Hibana: "What an ass!" shinra: *snerk* Burns: "It is odd to have one of my soldiers here...Foien, why didn't you tell me Karim was here?" Karim: "..." -later- Akitaru: (sets out drinks for the 8th members) "Okay...So, we moving forward with the plan on Rekka or not?" maki: turning him over? Akitaru: "I don't know what else we can do, short of having an illegal prison. I don't know how Burns is going to take the news, or how we use this as leverage to find out what is really going on." Hibana: "I was thinking about this...and I noticed something odd about Rekka's rambling..." maki: oh? Hibana: " 'The priest'...I'm starting to wonder whether even Burns doesn't know about Rekka...If we dangle him in front of Burns, maybe we can out this priest and figure out who took my Fire Transformation research for such nefarious means..." (clenches her fists) "And maybe I can learn something else about...about..." (looks at Iris) iris:........*she doesnt say anything.* Akitaru: *sigh* "If we give Rekka to the authorities, maybe that will preoccupy Burns and keep his attention away from Tamaki..." shinra: it might work.... Akitaru: "...Takehisa? Make the call. Let's get ready for the police's arrival. Shinra, have your testimony ready to give to the cops." Takehisa: "On it..." shinra: r-right.....am i going to have to go to court for this? Takehisa: "Likely. I sure hope you are not having to face a particularly strong defense attorney...They will probably delve into every detail of your private life since birth..." Arthur: "Yeah, real shame to be you." Akitaru: (nods) Hibana: "Sure hope they don't ask embarrassing questions that go on public record." shinra: Q-Q;;;; i dont even own a suit.... Akitaru and Hibana: (eyes flash) "CLOTHES SHOPPING!" shinra:.... *nervous smile* (thinking: this is how i die...) -elsewhere- Rekka: "Oh, holy light of God...Bless me with your purifying gaze...Let me rise to see you...Lift my spirit and my body to you, where the flame removes all flaws and unites us all as one." -elsewhere- Patty: (crying) liz: *PROTECTIVE BIG SISTER MODE GO* PATTI?! Patty: "What's happening back home, Sis? I don't understand it..." liz:......*she hugs her* it's going to be ok, i promise.... Patty: (crying into Liz) "What is going on there? Why can't we do anything?" liz:...i'll see if we can help in some way.... Patty: (nods) "O-Okay." -later- Kid: "How is she holding up?" lord death: hmm? Kid: "Patty, I mean..." lord dearth: she's napping right now.....i do worry though... Kid: (nods) "There is something...off about this news out of Brooklyn...When I see the reports, it makes my skin crawl..." lord death:..... Kid: "...Father? I'm afraid." lord death:...*he hugs him* i know... Kid: "It just feels like...before. When...Maka..." lord death:...*rubs his back and hums* Kid: (calms down, cries a bit) lord death:..... Kid: "...What have you learned is happening in Brooklyn?" lord death: so far, this incident with the car is all we know... Kid: (nods) "I wonder..." lord death: hmm? Kid: "What are our options? Maybe someone needs to be there..." -later- Yumi: (reviewing news and reports) marie: what do we have to work with so far? Yumi: "It's New York--not much. Most accounts seem more like people desperately desiring attention, making up stories...But these three are odd standouts." marie: oh? Yumi: "This one is about a mummy...This one is about succubi...And this one...is about a McDonald's..." *shudders* marie: *examines the papers* Yumi: "I can't spot the connection, but it seems...familiar. And dangerous." marie:....we should send someone to investigate. Yumi: "Exactly what I was thinking...I know Patty and Liz are interested, but I worry this may be too close to home (so to speak) for them." marie:..... Yumi: "Any recommendations? Perhaps other members from Kid's usual team? Stocking? Black Star?" -the usual group went, plus nygus- Kid: (steadying his breath...) stocking: you ok? Kid: "I just sense something...disturbing. I'm trying to calm myself. Re-achieve balance." stocking:...*she nods* Kid: "..." (holds her hand) "We have to watch out for everyone out there..." stocking: right... Kid: "..." (inhales again, tries to focus) -soon, they arrive- liz:.............*all the memories come flooding back* (kid: if you want to kill me, go ahead....my life doesnt matter anyway....) (thinking: kid......back then.....) Patty: "...It all looks so different..." liz: yet still the same old brooklyn..... Patty: "..." (hugs Liz's arm) liz:.....*she nods* Black Star: (looking around, sniffs the air) tsubaki:.....*shivering* it's only june....why is it so chilly out? Kid: "This kind of abnormality..." (pulls out his mirror, taps the screen) "I'll report this immediately. Let's keep the updates going into the DWMA as we get them..." liz: right. stocking: *she nods* Patty: "I usually like the cold...This just feels wrong." Black Star: (looks around) "And people look...dead inside." liz: *looks around* weird....usually there is at least two people around this area.....but there's nothing...not even a rat... Kid: "...Any police reports on this location?" liz: this is, or at least used to be, the red light district..... stocking: *tenses*....... Kid: "..." (looks around) "So why haven't police said much about people disappearing here?" -clink- Kid: "?!" -a door creaks open- Kid: (watching the door...) -the building is empty, as if everyone left in a hurry- Kid: "I don't sense anyone inside...but something..." -something skitters onto a wall, it looks like a large spider.....with a human head- tsubaki: w-what the fuck?! Patty: o____O Kid: (covering his mouth, as he looks like he is about to vomit) thing: *it's eyes roll back and it screeches loudly* Patty: "..." (moving as if ready to squish it...) Kid: (to the Thing) "Wh-What happened to you?! Who did this to you?!" -something is heard in the back room- -a large figure, a human, female body, with no arms, with 4 large spider legs potruding from its back, with spidery looking hands, a bloated stomach, and a rotted face with a black tongue hanging from the mouth, comes out of the room- liz: O-O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; that.........just......ew..... Kid: (tapping his mirror, filing report to send immediately to the DWMA) "Obvious laboratory for...mutating humans. Likely done to people kidnapped from this part of Brooklyn..." -the larger thing lunges at them- Kid: "Liz! Patty!" Black Star: "Tsubaki!" tsubaki: right! liz: on it! Patty: "Yeah!" Kid: (aims Liz and Patty) "Put their soul at rest!" (fires) -after a few minutes, stocking manages to kill it, getting some black ooze on her blade- stocking: eeeew! *shaking it off* gross... Kid: "We need to collect that sample, then disinfect your blade..." (looks at it) "Black...blood?" stocking: mayb- *she falls to her knees and trembles* a-AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Kid: "Stocking! What's wrong?!" stocking: p-please.....stop it! i-i'll be good from now on, just please- *she's crying* Kid: "I think she's hallucinating..." (tries to take her by her arms, trying to reach her soul) "Stocking, please..." stocking: *she looks up at kid, her eyes seem....different....* Kid: "...Stocking?" stocking: k-ki-..... Kid: "Please, hang on...Nygus, we need medical and to put a quarantine on this neighborhood--evacuate five blocks from here." nygus: on it! stocking: i-i...i think....i'll be ok.... Kid: "...Still, a check-up will be good..." (hugs her) "What happened?" stocking: i-i dont know....i just....lost control for a moment.....we should keep going, i dont want to be a burden on the mission. Kid: "Are you sure?" ("Should we have the quarantine put in first before going deeper in this building...?") stocking: yeah..e-even if its scary, we just have to move forward, right? Kid: (nods) "Right, okay...Let's be careful out there..." stocking: *she nods* Black Star: (looking suspiciously at Stocking as they keep moving through the building) -a few floors later- Kid: (examining the walls, paying attention to corners and shadows for threats...) -something is heard from the end of the hall- Kid: "Someone watch our back, clear an exit in case there is a threat at the end of this hall." tsubaki: *nods* Kid: (proceeds to the end of the hall) ???: *in a static, gravley voice* iiiiizzz......ttiiii....... Kid: (approaches) "We are from the DWMA...We are here to help." -the figure appears female......but its arms are mangled, and it walks like a wounded animal....the top half of its face is gone.- ????: lii.....iizz.....mmyyy....chi....ldreeenn.... liz:...........*her heart practically drops to her stomach* Patty: "...Sis? Please..." (starts shaking her head) "No. No." liz:.....*she's frozen in place, staring at the monstrosity that used to be her mother* Kid: "My God..." ????: liii......iiizzz? *it stares, slackjawed at them* Patty: (crying, shaking) liz:........*stepping toward it* we should.... Kid: "???" liz: *gulps and wipes her eyes* w-we should...put her out of her misery....its....its the least we could to for her.... Patty: "But she is...W-We can't! There has to be a way to fix her, right? Kid, you know how to fix her! Fix her!" Kid: "..." stocking:....*she hugs patti* liz: patti....you dont have to watch.... Patty: "Let go of me! Help her! You can't do it! Liz, you can't! You can't!" Kid: (pulling Patty away) liz: what do you suggest, letting her suffer like...like that?! Patty: "There has to be another way! Kid, save her! Save her!" Kid: "I can't! She's gone, Patty! You have to accept that!" Patty: "..." (starts punching Kid in the chest, screaming) stocking: patti! please....i know you're upset but.... Kid: "Get her out of here!" (dragging Patty out of the room, leaving Liz alone) Patty: (still shouting as she is being pulled away) liz:.....patti's probably going to hate me.... stocking:...if it helps...i'll do it... Patty: (inconsolable in the hallway, crying, hitting Kid in the chest as he keeps holding onto her in a hug) stocking:...hey now....it's going to be ok....O, pitiful shadow lost in the darkness... O, evil spirit born of those drifting between heaven and earth... May the thunderous power from the garments of the holy, delicate maidens strike down upon you with great mercy and light, shattering your impurity and ending your suffering... Repent....and rest in peace... *SLICE* Patty: (hears the sound, stops crying...just falls apart, silent, motionless) liz:.....*silent, weeping* Kid: (holds onto Patty) stocking:.......liz i- liz: i know..... Kid: "...Nygus, please evacuate, now." stocking:.....patti....she's at peace now.... Patty: "..." (she's silent, not moving...her eyes are dead) stocking:....come on....we should go for now.... liz:....patti- Patty: (turns away from Liz, pushes away from Kid, walks ahead on her own) liz:......... Kid: "Give her time...It's not easy to lose someone..." Kid: (catches himself) "S-Sorry...I'm sorry, Liz." liz:................ -a few days later- Patty: "..." soul: are you sure you're ok? this isnt like you..... kohaku: yeah, usually it's emo the kid and dead man evans being like this~ kirika: FUCK OFF AANBA! cant you see she's gone through enough? Patty: "..." (approaches Kohaku within an inch) "You back off now, or I will kill you." kohaku: oh, you expect me to be nice cause she 'wost her mawmee'? tch- i lost my mother too, but no one ever gave _me_ sympathy... Patty: "..." (turns around, her back to Kohaku--then starts to turn back, ready to punch) -claws aimed at kohaku- kirika: bitch you have some goddamn nerve.... kohaku: go ahead and punch me, thats not gonna bring your mom back....or the useless little albarn.... soul: !!!!!!! *fist clentch* stocking: hey kohaku, how about you pay my grandad a visit? Patty: (stops herself...just stares at Kirika and Soul...then looks at Kohaku) "You aren't worth it. I hope you never go through what we have..." kohaku: ....... Patty: (turns and leaves...then starts running down the hall) liz: patti wait! Patty: (throws open janitor's closet door, shuts it behind her) liz: patti....patti come on....please? Patty: "Go away." kirika: *opens the door* fuckin-..hey, i dont usually get sentimental and whatever, but....*sigh* i kinda know what its like...losing family, i mean... Patty: "...We never should have left Brooklyn." kirika: if you stayed on the streets, you and liz might have ended up like that too...i heard her talking to kid about it.... liz: >:C Patty: "But if we hadn't left, then maybe--maybe we could have saved M-Mom!" kirika: even after she abandoned you? Patty: "...We left Brooklyn...We left her...and now she's..." liz:.......... kirika: was there anything you could have done? moping about it isnt going to change shit, all you can do is brush yourself off and get on with everything, you still have your sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins, dont you? and everyone else too... Patty: "..." (starts crying) "Mom..." liz: *opens the door and hugs patti* it's going to be ok sis....we're still here.... Patty: "Sis...I'm sorry..." (hugs her) liz: *humming* -later- Patty: (exhausted, asleep, eyes red) kirika:..... Kid: "How long has she been asleep?" kirika: good hour and a half now.....she gonna be ok? Kid: "It's going to take time...but I think so. I hope so." kirika:...hey, i said all i could, alright? i'll admit, it was hard for me to open up like that but.....w-whatever... Kid: "I know. You did great. I'm proud of you." kirika: ......y-yeah... Kid: "..." (awkward pat on the back) kirika: 7-7 Kid: "Thank you...Sister." kirika: y-yeah....sure....b...bro....buttmunch. >-<; Kid: -_-; "Close enough..." kirika: hehe~ Kid: "In any case, let's be there for Patty, okay?" kirika:...yeah... roxanne:..... Kid: "Roxanne, I'm sorry..." roxanne: *she nods* i know, Sheryl and i didnt really get along, but this.... Kid: (nods) "Have you given consideration to the offer to hold a memorial service?" roxanne: it would be for the best... Kid: (nods) "We can handle most of the organizing...Just let us know whatever you want included, such as any particular religious official you would like, if any." roxanne: i just wanted to thank you, for all your family has done for us... Kid: (small smile) "You're welcome. I've considered Liz and Patty family for a long time...and I would like to consider you part of that family..." roxanne: *she smiles* maybe i could reach out to them more....i should have taken them in sooner....
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