#I can't stoppppppp
smile-files · 5 months
i think the main issue in arguing with zionists is that, well, they believe in zionism! if israel did deserve to exist, then the genocide and injustice in palestine could be argued for (not like it should be, but it certainly could) -- and zionists believe israel deserves to exist.
i, unfortunately, have a large amount of experience interacting (personally) with zionism and zionists. most of those i've talked to feel for the palestinians, and the violence they are facing, but they fail to realize (or they staunchly deny) the very, very active part israel and the IDF have had in that -- and how it's representative of what the nation has always done.
at the same time, they focus more on israeli hostages than palestinian ones -- and i know, of course, that these zionist jews i've interacted with are either israeli or have loved ones in israel, and so have a very personal stake in the safety of israeli hostages (which may very well be friends or family members), but i find it strange how much emphasis they put on hamas' cruelty in taking hostages while the IDF is doing the same thing (in essence; the exact details of who's doing it worse are important to note, but not relevant right now, because folks should realize that their side is being at least as cruel as the enemy's).
recently i was drawn into an argument with an israeli zionist (who, unfortunately, is very close to the action and tragedy by being israeli), and she was incredibly offended by my anti-zionism and my opposition to israel's abject cruelty to palestinian citizens, as it seemed (to her) like i was bypassing the cruelty hamas has enacted on israeli citizens -- which is very telling. i've noticed that we as jews have the tendency, whatever the situation may be, of focusing more on our pain than the pain of others, even if we are the ones hurting them. that person has every reason to be scared and hurt, and i'd be lying if i said her response wasn't at least somewhat sympathetic, but her pain in this horrible, violent conflict does not invalidate the pain on the other side. jews, throughout this recent crisis, have consistently not talked in depth about the constant losses in palestine -- am i suddenly being callous by focusing on those losses, and not our own? (YOUR PAIN AND THEIRS AREN'T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, YOU DOLT! sorry...)
because it all comes down to believing in israel! my mom has always told me about how beautiful it is there, about her time living on a kibbutz... and sure, it might be nice. i can't argue with that. but why is it that our nationalism for israel is so strong, so virulent? i have not seen patriots as loyal for any other country. and when you criticize israel, israelis feel like you're criticizing their entire existence -- and many non-israeli jews do, as well. because zionism has been built so deep into the modern religion! it's made to be a necessary piece! belief in it is the default!
and, from the inside looking in, i can't be surprised that many jews take anti-zionism as being antisemitic -- because, to them, israel and zionism stand as the pinnacle of safety and support for the jewish people. it is impossible to argue with them about anything above that base layer, as the base layer itself serves as a foundation: so long as a jew thinks that israel is right, deserved, and necessary, no proof will sway them into hating israel. it's just impossible, and that's very frustrating.
for me in particular, i find it very frustrating, as this single idea has turned so many people i know to support a genocidal entity. they believe in and support israel, so they stand with it now -- even if they condemn its current actions, they neglect how those actions are just an extension of its inherent existence -- whether they think israel's doing the right thing or wrong thing right now, they don't really care at the end of the day, because israel, to them, is necessary in keeping the jewish people alive. they stand with it, thinking that jews can only stand at all if they do.
but a genocidal crutch is no crutch at all: it only breaks us more. zionist jews make me so mad, and the worst part is that i could never express that to them in a way they'll understand.
#melonposting#anti-zionism#israel#i am so madddd and frustrated and stressed#with the whole camp thing going on my parents will inevitably find out (and soon!) that i'm anti-zionist#and given their age and proximity -- they're so deeply entrenched in zionism that i can't even hope to sway them#it's so sad and scary (i don't want them to be mad at me -- even though that really isn't the important thing here)#but it's also philosophically bizarre... like these people have good principles!#it's just this one tiny stupid thing (believing in israel) that's effectively turned them into bad people!#<- it's weird saying something like that. because i don't think they're bad people. but they're zionist.#part of it is that they're my parents and i love them but also... they're so good otherwise. a single thing went wrong.#(okay well not a single thing but it's generally minute things y'know?)#i don't wanna hate my parents. and i don't want them to hate me. can they please for the love of god stop#(takes every jew i know by the shoulders and shakes them back and forth) PLEAAAASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOPPPPPPP#anyway it's very hard for me to do work because i have this on my mind.#how do i break it to my parents that 1. i won't be working at camp this summer and 2. it's because i hate zionism?#i'm not cut out for situations like these ughhhhh why did i have to post that stupid anti-zionist instagram story in march#i could've just chosen not to take the job on my own accord and have enough time to come up with an excuse for my parents#whatever. too late for that. i dug my grave and now must lie in it#i guess it's character-building?? :')
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ninjigma · 1 year
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RexObi Week Part 4/7 - First / Previous / Next
Day 4: Midnight Picnic Track: 'Constellations' - The Oh Hellos (Spotify / YouTube)
"And which part of the holonet said this was a good idea?"
Obi-Wan nearly tripped over nothing at the question. It wasn't actually for how sudden it was, though it had definitely seemed out of nowhere as they reached their spot, but more for being called out on the real truth. That the cooling bag and large blankets they were carrying to a spot near some of the resort lakes in the middle of the night was yet another thing he had turned to the holonet for guidance on. Sure, they had plenty of small moments just wandering around and there had been a few times staying in that had been much preferred to anything else, but Obi-Wan was really trying to make the trip something special. And knowing that Rex had experienced so little like this, that Obi-Wan's questions were often met with the reminder that Rex really didn't know if he would like something purely because he had never tried it, and that Obi-Wan's actual capabilities with dating were... slim at best, he had done perhaps a tad too much research.
"I- This-" the oh so great negotiator began fumbling almost immediately, despite the attempts to seem unwavering as he laid out a blanket and pointedly avoided Rex's face. "It was um, just an idea to be out and it is a beautiful night cycle here and I..."
Obi-Wan didn't know why he was still fighting it at this point. When had he ever been able to convince Rex of something, especially when the clone had already had the answer before ever asking him the question. It was basically just formality, he realized, another small tease perhaps as he rolled down to sit cross legged with the bag now in his lap.
"I found it on the holonet."
He realized now, as he refused to look up when Rex approached him, that he was ashamed. Embarrassed that he hadn't come up with any original good idea. He had wracked at everything he knew about Rex, had nonchalantly bounced ideas and thoughts off of Cody, had even gone to Anakin a few times for Force sake, and yet had felt inadequate every time. He was trying to fit a little bit of everything he thought Rex might like into this, to make the whole trip memorable, especially considering what he had planned for the end of it. But if it flopped, if he fell short as he often felt he did with certain expectations, he worried he wouldn't feel confident at all in the end. And if he wasn't confident enough in how well he knew Rex to even plan a vacation for him then how could he ever-
A warm hand was suddenly beneath his chin, startling Obi-Wan out of the start of his panic he hadn't even been aware of. He let slim fingers guide his gaze back up, and fought the flicker of his eyes to anything that wasn't the look Rex was giving him.
"Obi-Wan, that's a good thing."
Obi-Wan blinked a moment, then another, not unlike the bird he could hear cooing in the silence. Then one stuttered breath and- "What?"
Rex chuckled, and then sat more properly down, taking the bag gently from Obi-Wan and opening it. It gave Obi-Wan the needed moment to process, to not feel like he was being evaluated or restricted, and Obi-Wan really had to take a small moment to remember how lucky he was. 
"You aren't upset?"
Rex looked up this time, the popping of the cork synced with his deadpanned gaze leveled in the Jedi's direction. "Why should I be upset? What did you do this time?"
Obi-Wan gaped a bit, the attempt at humor not sinking past his nerves still. "Well I... I couldn't come up with ideas for dates or activities on my own. As if I just have been so horribly inattentive that I couldn't come up with things you would like because... because I did not know you well enough or pay attention to what you actually like, and I-"
"Well you got that right, because if you knew me we would be at a winter resort, not an ocean one."
At this Obi-Wan near physically recoiled, sputtering. "What? No that's- you don't like the cold and the ocean-"
"Is something I love." Rex finished for him, tipping a container of chocolate covered strawberries on to a wood platter. "You caught me. But really, seafood this much? And why do I always have to wear this sweater?"
Obi-Wan shook his head like he had been thrown through realities at some point without him even noticing, all his earlier disappointment dashed in the absurdity of what he was hearing now. "No, Rex, I- you have always preferred seafood to other things! You order it so much... and you stole that sweater, you always steal it, I thought you'd, well I thought..."
"You thought I would take this sweater over the others anyways, because I do like the feeling of it more. I have even taken it directly off you before, right?" Rex had poured them champagne and took a sip, gazing lowly at Obi-Wan over the glass. "And I have yet to find seafood I truly can't eat, especially compared to anything else, because I love it."
Obi-Wan felt his heart racing, head near spinning. He was second guessing everything now, the whiplash from feeling like he didn't know Rex to hearing Rex himself tear apart any hope he had of understanding the clone to then suddenly confirming it as truth was staggering. "Rex, what are you saying?"
"I am saying that you, sir, are being cruel to yourself, and I am not going to stand for someone treating you that way, even you." Rex then set aside the drink and moved closer, hands slipping beneath Obi-Wan's folded legs and gently pulling. Obi-Wan flowed with it, still too stunned to do anything other then follow Rex's lead and let his feet be guided forward, crossing his legs over top of Rex's. "You know I don't like to be cold, you know I love the water, you know I enjoy seafood, and you even remember which of the sweaters I prefer to steal. So why exactly are you looking on the holonet for things you think I would like?"
Obi-Wan twisted his fingers around each other more, somehow feeling like a fool ten times over. "Because I... well, I have never gone on dates. Not any that weren't more so set ups or missions or just, ended horribly. So I suppose I simply didn't trust myself to do it right anyhow."
Then Rex's hand was stilling Obi-Wan's. The Jedi had a moment to appreciate the feeling, calloused but smooth, lean and precise. They were hands infinitely capable, that had done a thousand tasks and would do a million more. Hands that had been offered openly as much as swung valiantly. Hands Obi-Wan could feel the phantom touch of on his sides, could sense the Force flowing and ebbing at the tips of his own worn and rough finger's. 
And the words Rex spoke next matched those hands and that feeling of deadly love only a clone seemed so capable of balancing perfectly. "Well good thing the thing I actually love most is you."
And finally, Obi-Wan found he couldn't fight the swell of joy at the words, couldn't resist the slightly warbling smile that broke out on his face as he looked more fully at Rex again, noting the clones own blush nearly hidden in the moonlight. "Should I close all those holo tabs on my datapad then?" Obi-Wan asked.
It was a question made in humor that both of them knew held a lot more truth. "Well, you did all that research," Rex shrugged a shoulder. "So maybe not all of them. But I wouldn't mind there being a lot more water involved in things."
"A bit more spontaneous then?" Obi-Wan asked, gaining the confidence to grab a strawberry and gently hold it up for Rex. "I do at least remember how much you clones seemed to thrive in the more unexpected."
"You know me Kenobi," and Rex hummed as he leaned forward, tongue darting out the briefest moment. "So what you should actually remember is that there is a very specific chaos you should actually look in to."
And as Rex slid his lips over the strawberry and Obi-Wan forgot exactly what he was just told to remember, a few things fell into place. A few more strawberries were shared, their glasses emptied and whispers between kisses given. There was the soft carding of fingers in greying hair, the quiet noises of surrounding night life beneath three moons. There was the taste of the sweets and the dry champagne to balance them. It was soft blankets under socked feet, softer clothing over bodies pressed close. It was quiet and frozen, warmth and thundering hearts. 
It was simply Obi-Wan, one hand gently reaching out to find Rex warm beneath it. And it was uniquely Rex, eyes locked on Obi-Wan without any hesitation or uncertainty.  
It was the plainest of picnics, with all the most wonderful complications a life of love could hide within it.
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challenge-ant · 1 year
oh no I had to stop watching when the guy got four buzzers I can't cope with it. I can't watch these shows!!!!!
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bored-libra · 1 year
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everymlmhybrid · 18 days
Maybe old man celebrity crushes r fine bc I don't have to put up with what I have with my like 20-40 y/o celebrity crushes where they'll like openly thirsttrap
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slutforwholesomeness · 7 months
Mindless Pleasure
CW: CNC, edging, hypnosis, TFxM
Laying on her bed, Erin eagerly waits for her boyfriend to pick up the phone. They've been in a long-distance relationship for a year, but she still gets butterflies at the thought of hearing his voice. The ping of him joining the call makes her smile, as his voice comes through her headphones.
"Well hello, is this the pretty girl hotline?"
She can't help but giggle. It's a line she's already heard a dozen times, but he delivers it so sincerely it almost makes her blush.
"Yeah it is sir, how may I help you today?" she replies, trying to hide the smile in her voice.
"Well, I was hoping to speak to the prettiest girl of them all? I think her name was Erin? She's got a super pretty voice, and she's so cute, and she's got such a hot body..."
Erin squeals a little at the praise, trying to ignore the neediness building between her legs with each compliment. "Tobyyyyyyy, stoppppppp!"
He chuckles on the other end of the phone, his voice a husky purr in her ears
"So adorable... I love you so much, sweetheart~"
Erin bites her lip. Gosh, even his pet names make her heart flutter...
"Yeah well, I love you too!" she declares back, the stress of work today sliding off her shoulders a little. She feels so safe with him, and so beautiful... Something must have changed in her voice, because his next question is dripping with lewd intent.
"Baby, you sound a little stressed... would you like me to hypnotize you?"
She shivers. Hypnosis had always been a more niche kink of hers, but Toby absolutely loved it. He'd sent her a file that helped her sleep, but she suspected that it was also planting triggers deep inside her head. God, she hoped he was planting triggers deep inside her head...
"Yes..." she whispers, rubbing her thighs together.
"Good..." His voice is hushed, whispering seductively. This is the voice he used to hypnotize her, and her body knows it. Her clit twitches and she obeys his commands as he gives them "... now get comfortable for me, and close your eyes... let your breathing slip into a deep, even pattern, whatever is most comfortable..." It's almost instinct at this point. Her head feels light and fuzzy, and he begins to relax her body. "Focus on my voice... just like that..."
It feels so good to obey his commands. It makes her feel owned, in the best way. And he begins to drop her into trance.
"My voice is like a warm, weighted blanket... it wraps around your body, holding you down, so heavy, but comfortable... and while it pins you down, it squeezes alllll the tension out of your muscles... no more tension, no more stress, no more worries... and despite this heavy, warm weighted blanket, letting go of that stress makes your body feel so light and floaty..."
Her head is fuzzy. That means it's working for sure. She listens to his words, drifting away as the warm, comfortable sensation glides up her body, from her toes to her heels, heels to knees, knees to thighs, thighs to... waist... to chest... to shoulders... to... neck... to...
"Drop Deep"
Erin shakes her head sleepily. A glance at her phone tells her it's been twenty minutes. She lets out a soft moan.
"Darling? Are you there?" Toby asks.
Erin nods groggily "Mhm..."
"And how do you feel?"
Erin blinks, waking up more with each passing second. She feels sleepy, but also...
"H-horny" she gasps "horny and n-needy..."
Toby giggles. "Yeah? Needy? Does my needy puppy want her vibe?"
Moaning, Erin almost falls off her bed, scrambling to reach her hush. She grabs it, then slides the vibrator into her panties, positioning it against her clit just right...
"Please, please, I'm ready..." she begs, and he answers her pleas with a steady, pulsing pattern that makes her squirm and pant. For a minute, they both just bask in it, their dominance and submission perfectly intertwined as Erin's gasps get increasingly heated. "M-more, please turn it uppppp Master..." She whines. Toby obliges with a small giggle.
"So desperate... you're a needy slut, aren't you?" Her moan is the only reply he needs, sliding the pattern up from low to medium, the Lovense buzzing louder. Erin has to cover her mouth to stop her loud moans from leaking past her fingers, but GODS why did this feel so good today?
"Now darling, I'm going to say something very important, so it's means a lot if you'd listen to me, okay?"
Erin nods, then moans, then lets out a quiet noise of affirmation. Toby's voice cuts through the pleasure, through the noise in her mind, reaching something deep inside.
"Good Bimbo~"
With those two words, her brain goes blank. Her hips buck into the endless buzzing pleasure, trapped between her panties and her drooling clit, and it's all she knows. Everything is bliss. Everything is pleasure. Her mind is totally empty. She giggles between moans, but it's still not enough. "M-m-moreeeeee~" the Good Bimbo groans. And Master gives her more, forcing her to the brink of orgasm is seconds as the vibrator ramps up.
All she does for a moment is gasp and squirm, before words blurt from her lips. "Close, close, I'm close, Master I'm closeeeeeeee~"
And the vibe shuts off, leaving the pretty bimbo edged and dumb and drooling. Master whispers to her, telling her what a Good Bimbo she is, and how happy she makes him. He asks if she wants to be edged again and she giggles.
"Lyke, yeah! But uhm, only lyke, one more time? Uhm, yes please master!" The uncontrollable bout of giggles that leaves her lips feels so right, as does Master responding in her ear, reminding her what a Good Bimbo she is, before the vibe turns back on, nice and high. She reaches edge in no time, begging and panting for him to turn it down, she's so close, so so close Masterrrrr, and he does as she asks. And he explains something for her.
"Now, you said just one more edge? Are you ready for one more edge?"
Something inside her silly brain didn't think that was right, so she told him, but Master just laughed it off. "You're just a Good Bimbo, remember? Let me be the smart one, you're too pretty to be smart~" He was right, of course, she was sooooo pretty, and that makes her sooooo dumb. She giggles, so glad that Master can tell her what to do, as the vibe starts up again.
Just... just one more time... the bimbo reminds herself, as another edge buries her mind in pleasure. Just... one more edge... Master's voice interrupts all her dumb, bimbo thoughts, and her clit twitches in response.
"You've been such a Good Bimbo for me... I think you deserve your reward... my Good Girl~'
Oh gods, those words... It felt like an electric current of pure pleasure just surged through her body. Her dumb clit spurts out another few drops of pre, expanding the damp spot on her panties. She gasps in mindless bliss. And the vibe starts up again, barely. The speed is slow, weak teasing pulses to really melt her into a messy little pet for Master... All the while, he whispers delicate triggers in her ears, "Good Bimbo, what a Good Girl, you're such a Good Bimbo, my Good Girl~"
The praise and triggers and vibe slowly get louder, and her minds gets messier, one thought slipping into her empty head. Good Girls don't cum... without permission. So as the edge approaches again, she begs and babbles and whimpers, oh PLEASE Master, please let me cum I've been so good, such a Good Bimbo and such a Good Girl and I need to cum I'm so needy I know I'm a slut so just let me cum, let me cum, LET ME CUMMMM, and Master's voice purrs back, that she's right, she's been a VERY Good Girl and so she should cum, cum for me, cum right now, that's it, Good Girl, cum for me, cum for Master, and now the vibe is on full intensity, her legs are shaking and her clit is aching from so much edging but she cums, her dumb clit drooling all over itself as the sensation of finally cumming blanks her mind entirely and...
She comes back to her senses begging him to turn the vibe off, her overstimulated clitty can't take any more, and her sweet, kind, wonderful Master turns it down, then off completely, and the compliments start flooding in, of how well she did, how proud he is. Despite the distance, she can feel his arms around her, snuggling her until her mind is less fuzzy, and she can think for herself again. Master becomes Toby in her thoughts again, as they exchange "I love you"s and kisses in her blissful afterglow. Everything is okay. Everything is alright. Go grab a drink of water sweetheart, we can keep talking when you get back. As she leaves the call to get a drink and clear her fuzzy head, she smiles, and giggles, and knows that she's truly found her soulmate ❤️
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Adore You
10,000 Hours Instagram Au (Joe Burrow)
Requested by: a beautiful anon 💕
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Liked by itsy/n, taylorrooks, lahjay10_, espn, thewomancave, and 1,293,972 others
joeyb_9: They say if it's meant to be, it will be ❤️
taylorrooks: give me my credit where credit is due because if it wasn't for me neither of you would have said anything to each other all night since you thought it would be awkward! lahjay10_: oh lord here she go fashionbynatalie: lahjay10_ but is she lying though? we were tired of them giving each other pitiful looks so bestie taylor had to do what she needed to do itsy/n: I swear that I can't take either of you anywhere. just say we cute and go! taylorrooks: oh, yall are cute. very cute indeed.... all thanks to me. 🥰 lahjay10_: not joe gripping her hand for dear life, my mans is in LOVE joeyb_9: lahjay10_ and what about it? second chances don't always come around and I had a chance so I took it itsy/n: do yall insist on picking on us every time we post a pic? taylorrooks: YES fashionbynatalie: YES lahjay10_: YES sam_hubbard_: YES itsy/n: sam_hubbard_ now where did your ass come from?!
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Liked by itsy/n, fashionbynatalie, thewomancave, theshaderoom, espn, taylorrooks, alanarodriguez, and 2,854,927 others
joeyb_9: how is a human actually this gorgeous? And she's all mine? itsy/n 😜😍
taylorrooks: go best friend, that's my best friend 😍 itsy/n: omg stoppppppp 🙈🙈🙈🙈 fashionbynatalie: still don't understand how you let her go in the first place? itsy/n: natalie! fashionbynatalie: just calling it like I see it! joeyb_9: natalie, I don't know either lahjay10: walk walk, fashion baby! joeyb_: turning heads and breaking necks! alanarodriguez: now only if she could cook as good as she dresses itsy/n: alanarodriguez imma kick your ass joeyb_9: alanarodriguez she's gotten better, but I still get fed either way 🤷‍♂️ taylorrooks: OH alanarodriguez: 😐 fashionbynatalie: Now Joseph........ joeyb_9: 🤭🤭🤭🤭
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Liked by alanarodriguez, sam_hubbard_, thewomancave, fashionbynatalie, thewomancaveupdates, y/nandjoedaily, and 2,935,715 others
itsy/n: who gave him permission to look this cute? Lazy day with my bubs are the best days 💕
y/nandjoedaily: y/n is me because, who gave him the right? lahjay10_ not joeyb_9 cheating on me itsy/n: Now Mr. Chase, act accordingly. You have an interview with me this week lahjay10_: I'll get taylorrooks to do it taylorrooks: I'm doing what now? alanarodriguez: the two of you were supposed to be at my house an HOUR ago joeyb_9: alanarodriguez oh. that was today? and lahjay10_ don't come up in here acting like that alanarodriguez: do the two of you ever come up for air and realize that there are other people in the world? itsy/n: joey, did you hear something? joeyb_9: nope alanarodriguez: Joseph, now you know your girl can't cook and I offered to feed the both of you and this is how you want to act? joeyb_9: be there in 20. itsy/n: trust that big sisters will always throw you under the bus smh and I can cook! fashionbynatalie: itsy/n the burnt toast pic that joe sent me earlier tells me otherwise itsy/n: JOSEPHHHHHHH joeyb_9: natalie made me do it
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Liked by taylorrooks, joeyb_9, hollywoodunlocked, balleralert, joeybdaily, y/nandjoeupdates, thewomancave, and 3,482,018 others
itsy/n: sitting pretty on the sidelines ready to cheer on my boo joeyb_9 😘
lahjay10_: shouldn't your ass be working?! itsy/n: lahjay10 and shouldn't your ass be warming up? WHY ARE YOU ON INSTAGRAM? joeyb_9: yeah, let me get this win so we can celebrate. Just me and you. I got the best good luck charm out there 😍 y/nandjoeupdates: because I was about to say them shorts are NOT work appropriate alanarodriguez: yall just announced that yall are back together and have fan accounts already? itsy/n: alanarodriguez the people adore me unlike my big sister who constantly critiques my cooking skills alanarodriguez: y/n, I don't care if you eat your cooking. I'm concerned for joe and your future children. joeburrowupdates: CHILDREN? itsy/n: now look at what you started smh, I'm going to get mozzarella sticks and watch my man joeyb_9: alanarodriguez, I typically just inhale it. when you do that you really don't have a chance to taste anything itsy/n: joeyb_9 celebrate by yourself joeyb_9: 😭😭😭
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Liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, taylorrooks, cincinattibengals, espn, lsufootball, y/nandjoeupdates, amd 1,274,192 others
itsy/n: still mesmerized every time I watch you play and I am so incredibly proud of you. I knew you were destined for greatness from day one. Love you bubs 💖
lahjay10_: damn idk who is more of a simp, you or joe itsy/n: JA'MARR GO AWAY smh joeyb_9: his ass is always somewhere hating but, thank you baby girl this means more to me than you know and I'm happy to have you by my side again taylorrooks: yall know he is never letting this go because apparently joe cheated on him with y/n even though he knew y/n longer but that's just my two cents lahjay10_: taylorrooks I want my special interview to be able to tell my story. the people will side with me. joeyb_9: 🙄🙄🙄 lahjay10_: you won't be rolling your eyes when I sue you for emotional distress itsy/n: bye Ja'Marr. exit stage left smh lahjay10_: itsy/n joeyb_9 this isn't over fashionbynatalie: joeyb_9 itsy/n wants you to grow the beard back, but you didn't hear it from me itsy/n: fashionbynatalie I.... seriously? fashionbynatalie: closed mouths do not get fed! y/nandjoeupdates: awww high school sweethearts are back together again. excuse me while I go and wedding plan.
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silviakundera · 1 month
Melody of Golden Age ep 1-2 watch comments
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"Even a ghost claiming lives has personal desires."
Empress Dowager ruling behind the curtain
Head of the Imperial Guards!ML is slightly unusual, that's more commonly the role we see in second male leads/supporting character who backs up the ML.
But because they've made him the ML, he's of course Super Respected & Very Serious Business Guy
I appreciate how OTT melodramatic the ML is. His intro is The Double-esque.
I also appreciate that we can actually tell that armor is supposed to be heavy.
Decent costuming & sets - not historically accurate but the story isn't trying to be. It looks decent (not just cheap fabric & props), creates a sense of time & place. You can tell the clothes have a sense of weight, like they should. tbh my expectations were low, so I didn't expect it to look so good.
So the guy over the Inspectorate is a dick. Noted.
ML has the backing of the Empress Dowager. So tons of political players resent him. A bit precarious.
FL is non-descript but that's not necessarily a bad thing. She just acts like a normal person. After just trying 2 dramas where the actress does this thing where she opens her mouth & eyes wide as she talks and constantly looks unsure/startled and almost sounding-out her words, it's refreshing to see an actress just... talking
Assassination attempt! FL is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Inspectorate dude most definitely a dick.
LMAO the slo-mo on the ML and the not-at-all-scary dogs 😂😭
ML was the son of a convicted official, huh? Who rose to captain of the guard? not bad, my dude, but who was his benefactor and will they turn out to be SECRETLY EVIL???
FL knows ML from somewhere but is he pretending not to remember, because he just that dramatic
Young orphan boy wants to become FL's disciple. He's cute and hopefully not Secretly Evil (look, SOMEONE is gonna be secretly evil, let's just face facts)
FL is gonna be sister in law to ML but is that truly all she "remembers" about him? ugh her sister has that cutesy way of speaking that grinds my gears. Please!! don't purse your lips and talk wide-mouthed like a child 😭
FL family are not fans of marrying their fav daughter to the dramatic guard leader. FL's concubine mom: "It's quite good to be ignorant and uneducated!"
so there's a reason ML doesn't want this marriage bestowed: the prime minister can threaten their family, pressuring the married in daughter to spy on ML and share info
but engaged sister has fled with a scholar! 😱 how predictible! Except our ML and FL already met, so she will need ML's participation in the subterfuge
LMAOOOOOOOOO ML cannot move a finger without slow mo and an orchestra. can't even trot his horse down the street 😭 buddy is just going for an evening ride stoppppppp
ML is being so omnious and unnecessarily threatening, he knows that girl fled right?
The way they have ML and FL face off so far isn't bad, compared to other low-grade idol dramas - he is above her in status and the way he speaks to her very much reflects that but it never feels to me like he is treating her like a child, simply a lowly constable (he's just That Bitch). She asserts herself with frustration & anger, but she doesn't throw temper tantrums, stamp her feet and pout.
Bad guys are in masks. 🕵
Oh yeah, I knew it - ML is betting on the bride's family to cancel. He knows that 3rd sister won't show.
FL just like, "I'll be the bride" - girl I know ya'll don't want to die for defying the monarch but he literally knows who u are. Like you've had 3 conversations and he knows your name. What's the plan??
lmao he shows up just to be intimidating and point a sword in her face. I would try to sell him on fake-spying.
Huh. He actually doesn't need any convincing! Doesn't press about deceiving the monarch and lets it go. There's been multiple indications that he's a drama queen who had created this image but he has a soft side underneath. He's given her a way out twice now when it would have been easy & convenient to let her die.
ML is right that this marriage isn't much of a threatening conspiracy when everyone knows what's up. He's ridiculous but also sensible.
I hate her sister-friend, do not stay PLEASE go home. you are on my last nerve.
oh naturally ML and FL met as children and there's a token. there's always a childhood token.
ML can't even walk into a room without dramatics asdgghjkl
tbh I feel like he is actually a lot nicer about things than he could have been. other than some threatening, he's just gonna let her live there as long as she doesn't spy on him.
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farelk · 8 months
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osarina · 2 months
Hiii rinaaaa :3
I haven't finished my analysis for Wasteland yet (because I'm actually dazai irl, and it's just that time (/hj </3)) BUT I saw your post about pm!reader being multilingual AND A LIGHT BULB WENT OFF IN MY HEAD!!
Imagine (I'm just this around 16 or 17) you had just finished one of your language classes/lessons (maybe with an exec, probably Verlaine; I can see him being multi/bilingual probably), and Dazai notices this, maybe from how you've been stressed out about trying to remember different words or phrases, and using the little free time you had to practice. So being the lovesick loser he is, he practices (in secret) to help you!
So one day, you're studying by the coffee table in your apartment, studying a few of the phrases you had learned that day. You hear the elevator ding from the hallway, you already know who it is, but you're busy at the moment so you can go and greet him. When Dazai walks in, he notices your furrowed brows as you study your notes and mumble the words to yourself. His lips part open before he can even think, asking you a question in whatever language you were practicing. (How was your day today?) Once the words left his lips, your head shot up, and all you could do was stare at him, a shocked expression painting your face. After a few moments of you (rudely!) staring, he couldn't help but fluster and turn away from you; a soft smile slowly embraced your face. (It's great now that you're here. Thank you.) You replied as his head shot back to face you; giving you the same look you had given him, before he had smiled back at you while making his way over to you, helping you practice for the rest of the evening <3
(p.s. I hc that 14-16 dazai had braces so he screws up on certain pronunciations and he has to yell at you to stop laughing, he's so silly)
but obviously chuuya needs to have some pretty damn good knowledge of physics to pull off some of the stunts he does w gravity. so i hc that once he joined the pm, he started teaching himself some to fine tune some aspects of his ability. reader started learning it with him to try to help him learn and dazai found out they were having little study sessions and got irritated and taught himself and then just walked around flaunting his knowledge because he was jealous LOL and of course he picked it up faster than either of them did bc he's DAZAI. chuuya actually picked it up really fast but reader struggled so much w it that she just gave up LMAO
BUT UR HEADCANON STOPPPPPPP THIS IS SO PMREADER UNIVERSE CANON I WILL ACTUALLY DIE HE WOULD BE SO EMBARRASSED WAITING FOR HER TO RESPOND, DOUBLE GUESSES EVERYTHING AND ALMOST FLEES BEFORE SHE FINALLY SMILES AND RESPONDS TO HER and then he just gets sooooo happy because every chance he gets, he's going to talk to her in that language because 1) he likes helping her practice but more importantly 2) he can talk to her and CHUUYA can't understand them so it leaves chuuya out LOLLLLL UGH IM SO OBSESSED WITH THIS I MIGHT DIE
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Ooh, a phineas and ferb book! Surely Sunny can't be weird about that!
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Oh, Sunny, you accidentally opened too far in, that's not page 1
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T...That’s not even the same story, you gotta go backwards...
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Sunny I don't understand why are you... WAIT
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tippedarrows · 5 days
Okay, that actually was sad. I mean we can even see some parallels between them? Imagine Fred bieng so kind and cute, caring abt his whole town and spending time with his Golden Retriever bf, making sure everyone have peace and maybe even planning to give up his admin powers just to be with Gabriel till the end and then.. his co-worker, companion, friend betrays him because what? He didn't want to rule the world? Because he wanted some peacfull life with the love of his life? He was hoping it wouldn't end like this, but now he needs to hope Romeo will leave Gabriel alone. Imagine dying thinking your friend can go after your partner-
And Gabriel? Golden Retriever who believed he can save everyone and make everyone happy. He made an Admin, Fred, his partner, who bassicly has everything, happy! But, uh, no, Command Block. Okay, well, it's not that bad- and now Ivor left.. Order broke up.. at least he has Fre- nope. He's dead. Forever. So. What should he do now? He can't pretend forever he's okay and keep his public face, he wants some rest, he needs some time alone- by that he DIDN'T mean his ex-best friend should create a freaking monster who will kill one of his dearest friends and than expose the truth about Order! What is going on with his life?!
Oh no, I've rambled too much- bye! *vanishes in the thin air*
putting this here for all to read because you people are literally tearing me apart./lh
before, I was like, ah.. that's a cute ship! i love odd ships! now I'm sitting here in tears like " omfg Gabriel lost another person stop it stop it stoppppppp"
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cfthesoul · 3 months
i can't go anon with this. Hi hello I love you very much. I know we don't have many threads ( we need to change that ASAP again ily ) but I adore you and adore your muses, first there's naya <3. a strong and independent woman and amazing mother who puts up with LB and his craziness. Then their babies. I love how each kid has a little bit of each parent in them <3. I adore you and your muses so much. I'm so happy to have met you and your muses here <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ALSO all your muses ROCK
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STOPPPPPPP the way i screamed at this? you've been with me since the beginning of naya's creation which was 11 years ago now which is just crazy. i adore you and all your muses. my little lewis family/clan will always be a favorite though. each so broken but beautiful in their own ways. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
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rosalinastan · 8 months
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Subtle Hints
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, danivalentine, 2forwoyne, laflare1017, brysontiller, and 2,974,003 others
y/ninsta: my baby's birthday month is almost hereeeeeee and I cannot waiiiiit!!
and in other news: I have the cutest husband, wouldn't you agree?
jackharlow come here so I can kiss your face
jackharlow: stink, stoppppppp 🙈🙈🙈🙈
jackharlow: I'm on my way though 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
dualipa: he's okay, I guess
jackharlow: dualipa I'm not even going there with you today smh
dualipa: jackharlow because you know you'll lose
jackharlow: dualipa can't lose when my wife is sitting on my face. try again.
danivalentine: oh lord, how are you going to top last year?
y/ninsta: danivalentine I already started planning, I'll let you know
urbanwyatt: uh? did you forget it's someone else's birthday month too?
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt I didn't forget. This post isn't for you tho. get in line.
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta oh oh okay so I'm not helping you plan a got damn thing. do it yourself.
urbanwyatt: y/ninsta you started it and I was only finishing it
saweetie: y/ninsta it's the fact that you already have a closet full of gifts for him in my house
jackharlow: saweetie oh?
saweetie: jackharlow no. I'm not telling you which house or what they are so don't even try it
jackharlow: saweetie one tiny hint?
y/ninsta: JACKMAN!
jackharlow: 👀
2forwoyne: how is y/ninsta about to top the kentucky chain? that's all I wanna know
y/ninsta: 2forwoyne we just have to wait and see. nothing is off limits for my baby 🥰
druski2funny: y/ninsta that's funny because he was just calling me his life partner not too long ago
y/ninsta: druski2funny don't start. been his life partner since 14 and made it official at 19. He isn't going anywhere.
druski2funny: y/ninsta I'll see you in court. consider this now a custody battle. y/ninsta: druski2funny court won't be necessary, this pussy got him in a chokehold. but if we're going that way, prepare to pay for all my legal fees.
lilnasx: druski2funny jackharlow wouldn't want to live with you anyway and he damn sure is not choosing you over y/ninsta. I'm trying to save you from a lifetime of pain even if you get on my nerves
druski2funny: lilnasx he'll fold
jackharlow: druski2funny only person I'm folding for goes by the name of Y/N Harlow. Next. y/ninsta: DAMN DOUBLE HOMICIDE!
dualipa: jackharlow you meant Y/N Lipa, but same concept.
jackharlow: dualipa I do not want to hear a got damn word out of you for the entire month of march
dualipa: jackharlow lemme get a date with the wife and I'll think about it
jackharlow: dualipa won't have to think about nothing because my foot will be up your ass for being outta pocket smh
jackharlow: I already got the best early birthday gift that I could ask for from my baby 🥰
y/ninsta: jackharlow stop before I cry
danivalentine: damn, bitch you always somewhere crying lol
y/ninsta: danivalentine shut up! lmaoooo
jackharlowsource: jackharlow what is it?
jackharlow: we'll reveal what it is soon
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, claybornharlow, popcrave, danivalentine, and 2,890,442 others
y/ninsta: OKAY GLASSES!
my baby did that. so proud of you smush😭😌
allthingsy/n: yes we're proud of him too but WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? WE WANT TO SEE YOU! WE MISS YOU!
y/ninsta: allthingsy/n yall just saw me at the grammy's! lol
jackharlowsource: y/ninsta that was so long ago tho. it seems like you and jack make small appearances to let us know yall are alive and then you go back into hiding
y/ninsta: jackharlowsource all we will be revealed soon as to why 🤭🤭
danivalentine: didn't think you would last on the flight so long
y/ninsta: danivalentine I was fighting it lol, had to lay in Jack's lap for the majority of it which he was very happy about
jackharlow: y/ninsta not you calling me out smh I just like for my wife to be close to me
jackharlowsource: wait, what? she's been on long flights plenty of times 👀
y/ninsta: not a joint album, but something else
jackharlow: y/ninsta thank you for coming with me even though I wanted for you to stay with danivalentine 🙄
danivalentine: jackharlow you know when her mind is made up that there's no changing it
allthingsy/n: what are yall hiding? y/n goes everywhere jack goes anyway when she isn't working on anything
jackharlow: danivalentine after ten years, I'm still not used to it. I just knew it was about to be an emergency landing
urbanwyatt: and I made sure to sit far away, but close enough just in case
urbandjack24: what in the world are yall talking about?
y/ninsta: jackharlow we need to go back when I'm feeling a little better and not carrying so much
allthingsy/n: ARE YOU SICK?! WHAT'S WRONG?!
y/ninsta: allthingsy/n I promise I'm fine, nothing to worry about and nothing that I can't handle
saweetie: 🤭🤭🤭🤭
2forwoyne: y/ninsta you're still cooking this sunday, right?
y/ninsta: 2forwoyne for my baby daddy, yes.
yungskylark: y/ninsta you always cook for him though!
y/ninsta: uh? because he's my husband the last time I checked? lmaoooo
quiiso: y/ninsta has been starving us for 2 weeks
y/ninsta: quiiso I made you something 2 days ago
quiiso: y/ninsta oh. I forgot about that
theestallion: proud of you jack! now y/ninsta yellow or green?
y/ninsta: theestallion definitely yellow!
jackharlowsource: what are these colors for? 👀
y/ninsta: theestallion or do purple for jack
normani: y/ninsta we can do a few different things but I know you two will love it
Liked by jackharlow, danivalentine, softtcurse, urbanwyatt, nemoachida, djdrama, and 2,943,001 others
y/ninsta: WELL DUH 😭😭
okay yall see me? I'm alive. I'm okay. I'm healthy and I'm about to go have sex with my husband soooo byeeeee
jackharlow: BABY! 😭😭😭😭
danivalentine: hmm you've been doing a lot of that lately and it's why your ass can barely walk now
y/ninsta: danivalentine idk what you mean sis, I was doing the cupid shuffle earlier as I came in the room
theestallion: I swear I can't stand your dumbass lol
urbanwyatt: and the video isn't lying. both of yall are. 🙄
y/ninsta: urbanwyatt and imma say it till the day I die that's my muthafuckin husband
jackharlow: y/ninsta 😊😊😊😊😊
2forwoyne: can we talk about how jackharlow was convinced that y/ninsta liked another boy at our school and not him
urbanwyatt: he literally needed a book entitled being in love for dummies. we spelled it out for him and his ass still didn't get it
jackharlow: AHT AHT! my birthday month is about to start and I need for yall to not act outta pocket
yungskylark: following her like a lost puppy
danivalentine: yungskylark he still does
nemoachida: SIMP!
urbanwyatt: still remember that day in cherokee park when I asked her what her type was. she describe Jack to a MOTHERFUCKING T and his ass was still looking around confused
quiiso: that was hilarious lmao
y/ninsta: gotta admit that was hilarious lmao
jackharlow: y/ninsta you not helping mamas 😒
y/ninsta: jackharlow I'll help when I sit on your dick
urbanwyatt: here they asses go smh
jackharlow: y/ninsta say less
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Liked by y/ninsta, urbanwyatt, danivalentine, claybornharlow, dualipa, theestallion, and 3,562,110 others
jackharlow: so proud to call you my wife 💖
y/ninsta: jackharlow now you know I'm sensitive and I cry all the damn time
jackharlow: y/ninsta just calling it like I see it. thank you for marrying me.
y/ninsta: jackharlow and I would do it a trillion more times, you're it for me pookie 💖
jackharlow: five years in
y/ninsta: and a lifetime to go
theestallion: ooh you look cute, where yall at?
y/ninsta: theestallion this was months ago when we were in Florida, I'm still at home in Kentucky
allthingsy/n: we need new music! I know you got a studio in the house!
y/ninsta: allthingsy/n soon. have some things planned, but for now I'm loving that I can get to spend time with my big baby
claybornharlow: little baby has now entered the chat
jackharlow: here his ass goes 🙄
y/ninsta: claybornharlow hi my little baby, we're going to have to give you a new nickname soon
jackharlowsource: wait, WHAT? DOES THIS MEAN WHAT I THINK IT MEANS?
y/ninsta: jackharlowsource he's just old enough to drink now lol been calling him that since I first met him and he's now taller than me. what did you think I meant? lol
jackharlowsource: y/ninsta that baby Harlow was making their debut!
y/ninsta: jackharlowsource I told jackharlow I need ten years, besides, pop a plan b before I let him trap a bitch!
jackharlow: y/ninsta BABY! STOP. WE TALKED ABOUT THAT.
y/ninsta: oops, yeah he wasn't too happy with my verse on FNF, but another story for another day
saweetie: face card never declining!
y/ninsta: saweetie I miss you so much. please come visit and bring snacks.
jackharlow: healthy snacks only smh do not sneak her cheese fries like urbanwyatt did the other day
urbanwyatt: jackharlow look my best friend was hungry so I did what I had to do y/ninsta: love you urby, jack doesn't let us have any fun jackharlow: y/ninsta we have been having plenty of fun with my head between your legs so cut it out saweetie: ew lmaooooo
jackharlowsource: wait a minute.... I'm just going to say it.... I think first lady is pregnant
urbandjack24: OKAY I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME 😭😭😭
allthingsy/n: her and jack are hiding, she's only posting old pics of herself or things from the chest up, being on long flights and laying in Jack's lap which I assume she was nauseous, jack saying he already got the best gift he could ever ask for from her, jack getting on her about only eating healthy snacks, giving clay a new nickname, megan and normani making her choose between different colors which I assume for a party of some sort? gender reveal maybe? OH SHIT BABY HARLOW IS COMING YALL! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! FUCKING FINALLY!!! MY FAVORITE COUPLE ARE BECOMING PARENTS!!!
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
Just angel kissing Harry while she’s on his lap and she missed him so much she’s literally melting into him :( her arms wrapped around his neck keeping his face in place </3 :( and when she pulls away to take a breath her hands trace his features playing with his long hair kissing his nose and cheeks :( <3 🧸
stoppppppp:(((( I love that s much:( like him just basking in her attention w his hands on her hips and "whats all this for my love?" and shes all smiley tracing down his nose and "just missed you today:)" and he ofc has to kiss her then like he can't help it either :(
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