#I can't believe this is the first time my highschool education has been useful
seelestia · 4 months
Since I'll be taking it(spm) this year with so little amount of time for preparation, I don't know anymore, especially a lot of things in life have been.. hueh.. I don't know if I'm ready for it, my first exam results for this year, yes good, but I am still not sure of everything, myself mainly.
Sorry for rambling, huwa, I'm so nervous it makes me want to escape school but in order to do that I need to go through that big thing first..! And I'm really sorry, but do you have any study tips? Preparation tips or any other tips for spm? I'd really appreciate them!
(and it's so nice I can have someone to talk about this, thank youuuu!!)
(oh and sorry if I talk too much about it, maybe I'm bringing some bad memories, I'm sorry)
THANK U !!! graduating from highschool has been the biggest relief i've ever felt... i still have more in store for me in the future but at least, that's one gone :') can't wait for u to get thru it too! just hold on a little longer T_T
also, it's ok to worry abt the future! i do that too and it's inevitable - but make sure it doesn't prevent u from staying stagnant in the present. ur future is a result of ur present and luckily, we are all in control of our present so u still have time. make the most of it, i believe in u! 🤍
this feels a little funny to write, but i do have tips! here are some of em:
identify, maintain & improve. in order to get a good grip over all ur subjects, u need to identify which subjects u do well / excel at and which ones u struggle with. evidently, u'll have to direct more efforts towards the latter - but make sure to keep maintaining subjects u do good/average at! as an example, i struggled with math so i focused more on doing more math exercises (which thank god, paid off 😵‍💫).
write ur own notes and by that, i mean: write notes in ur own way! there is no 'correct' way to make notes imo. don't pressure urself to make ur notes look 'pretty' or 'aesthetic' (but ofc if u want to or it makes writing notes fun for u, go ahead!). after all, we make notes to help us understand and simplify complicated stuff (it's giving catabolism /j) !! extra tip: i always add commentary to my notes so i laugh & rmbr them better. e.g. i was making notes abt the types of white blood cells once and i scribbled “we owe it all to u queens" LOL.
use ur free time well. if ur someone who already has a set schedule, all the better! but if ur like me and prefer a more 'free' style, i suggest allocate a tiny bit of ur free time like 15-30 minutes a day to do exercises for one subject. just a little smth to keep ur brain gears turning amidst it all!
ur efforts have to be more than ur teachers. if u really want to excel, u have to do beyond what ur teachers give bcs they only provide u the tools to success. if u want to get there, then u gotta pave the way urself! to put it practically, u can finish the hw ur teacher gave u and do more exercises after that to help sharpen ur understanding more. so, it's kinda like voluntarily giving urself more hw! i'd tie this to the point above bcs that one technically counts as giving urself hw but in a chill way ^^^
lastly, this is less general and more applicable to just spm (i think? i've yet to do my research on education systems in other countries) so i'll use some native language here - tgk soalan exam tahun yg lepas² !!! so u'll familiarize urself with how those yg menggubal soalan make the real deal. doing trial papers & more is the way to go ><
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Megatronus Robespierre
I know Megatron was likely largely based off the stories of Spartacus: the Gladiatorial slave starting a revolt against the rich nobles is definitely apparent but did anyone else think of Maximilien Robespierre in the French Revolution?
Please note I'm not an educated historian and most of my knowledge is from high school and from my uni art history classes and me also checking what I remember against Wikipedia. History can often be misrepresented by biases clouding information and contexts. Plus high school education is often bare bones and rough generalizations of topics. So feel free to correct me and take my rambling with a grain of salt.
The reason I liken him to Robespierre was that even though he was a key player against the unfair wealth and class gap he eventually got caught up in his own ego and ended up becoming the very thing he had fought so hard against.
He stood to help bring down the three tiered system and French monarchy. He campaigned for the abolition of slavery and for universal manhood suffrage. He tried to give those who were considered lesser more power and equal standing. Then came the Storming of Versailles. (basically a giant riot on this really big manor that was RIDICULOUSLY costly to make. Partly the architecture but also because the monarchy were stubborn morons who demanded it be built on ground that was basically a swamp despite a ton of warnings by those responsible for its constructions that it'd be very costly to reinforce. I'm serious. Monarchy demanded they make it happen anyways and lost a ton of money constantly maintaining, repairing, and supporting the damn thing instead of just.... Building it on stable ground... Listen if I've learned anything from art history it's that the exorbitantly rich are stubborn morons who think that because they have a lot of money they can outstubborn even mother nature itself.)
So once claimed and the monarchy beheaded by guillotine it seemed to be in the public's favour. Monarchy, Nobles, and Clergy being the higher classes. But Robespierre got caught up in his vision of perfection no matter the cost of other's lives.
And so began the Reign of Terror. He and a few allies turned against even their own people and became caught up in killing anyone who posed any risk to his position and rule so much that it was a massacre. A large number of his own allies and followers eventually turned on him and had to fight back calling his habit of silencing any protest through murder frighteningly fascist .
If I remember correctly, he ended up being sentenced to death by the public when they saw his bloodshed and thirst for power for what it was and so ended the massacres.
Honestly it was the first thing I thought of when the explanation of Megatron's fall from grace and Optimus Prime's turning against him happened. And following a similar narrative makes sense to me for when Prime, I believe, says they once fought beside each other as brothers. If Megs mentored Prime about fighting it would explain too why they fight so well together in Unicron.
Anywho just thought it interesting.
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jelly-fried-rice · 3 years
hey hey, welcome to hell, can I get some uhhh- headcanons for Edd and Tord as I'm slowly being dragged back into my old fandoms
Hey hi hello! Sure, some headcanons of mine. I think I can do that. I'm not sure if you mean Edd and Tord as the ship or as in them separately, so I'll just do them separately!
Edd Headcanons
Has constant sleep paralysis, and absolutely refuses to see a doctor about it
Refuses to see doctors in general, he is paranoid and only trusts Tord with his health even though Tord dropped out of medical school half a year in
Has, can, and will kill a person if they mess with his friends. This should be a given
On the other hand, he would definitely sell his friends to Satan for a mint worth 15 cents at Costco
Tallest of the group, 6'2 to be exact. Built like a soft brick, if that makes sense
Learned Norwegian for Tord throughout highschool. Luckily it counted towards his second langauge credit
The only one out of the group to finish college. Brags about it often because he was also first in his family to seek higher education and go through with it
My Edd has the personality type of pre legacy and the looks of post "The End"
He is British and Hispanic, though he didn't grow up speaking Spanish. He tried to learn because he finds his culture important but just can't seem to find the spare time to do so
He was the one who giften Susan to Tom all those years ago
His favorite band of all time is the Beatles, which is a reason why he named his cat Ringo
He is bisexual with a lean towards women, but has had multiple thoughts about his best friends (Tom, Matt, Tord)
But that's just what homies, do. Right guys?
Tord Headcanons
As stated, he tried to study medical school but flunked half way through first year. Instead went to trade school for mechanics
Didn't stop him from learning on his own time of medicine and human biology, hes always had a knack for science
Tord was the edgy kid in school that thought he was so cool in believing in conspiracy theories
He no longer believes in the theories because he was a man based on scientific beliefs of logic and reason, but the gang tease him every once in a while with a snide remark about the earth's curvature
He is the third tallest, at 5'10 and he doesn't care as long as he's taller than Tom
He gifted Tommie Bear to Tom as an anonymous gift as a child, and he still gets a warm feeling when he sees how nice Tommie has been kept throughout the years
Tord never left for the Army, but actually went to the big city for better job opportunities
The Army however, was a tradition that he tried to break from the cycle. His father being alive is what keeps him from not joining, and he hopes to God that it stays that way for a good while longer
Only smokes vanilla cigars, he cant stand the smell of regualr cigarettes or the taste for that matter. Even then, he doesn't smoke as often as he used to
He's sort of a health nut, the kind of guy to critique other's eating habits- as rude as it is he just worries about his friends. Especially if it doesn't seem like it, with him insulting Tom directly rather than his drinking habits
He is Norwegian and Welsh, Norwegian through his father and Welsh through his mother.
Always preferd to learn Welsh but his father insisted Norwegain would be more important. Surprisingly, neither seemed to be important, but Norwegian was always handy when he visited family there
He is very much bisexual, and with no particular preference. And shockingly enough, he doesn't date around too frequently
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belovvved · 3 years
!!Emergency!! Unsafe Housing Situation/No Transportation!!!!Help a Non-Binary Artist achieve relative comfort!!!
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I wish that none of this was real, and that I don't need help. I don't even know where to begin. But I'm trying to open up, I can't keep trying to do everything alone.
PLEASE BOOST... if you cannot donate or help me find resources in my city (San Antonio, Texas)
CASHAPP: $citrinebat ZELLE: [email protected]
Any advice or resources will be much appreciated.
I grew up never speaking out because I would always get silenced, my parents are good at manipulating others to believe that they are decent people. I am not welcomed or safe at home.
Basically, I was born to two teenage parents that weren't ready to have children or mature enough to be with each other.
I grew up seeing my mom get abused by my dad verbally, physically, and emotionally. I would always stick up for her, and so the relationship between my father and I has never existed... In fact he hates me for being outspoken, and protective. My mother takes out her stress and abuse on me too. She's tried drowning me when I was 8 and I found out later from my aunt. My mother has Stockholm syndrome, she even went so far as to take a felony for him and has not had a job in years.
It has been my whole life, and I'm the oldest out of 5 including myself. Many times I've tried helping my mom, only to have her hurt me again in some sort of way- by going back to my dad, borrowing money, gambling, drinking etc. She never admits her faults, and plays victim which is something I am not trying to do.
I still cannot believe that this is what has become of the family I romanticized. I've discovered that my parents, and brother are severely mentally ill- my parents take prescription pills that aren't theirs... some of which I do not know completely. My brother has become psychotic and has black-out rages where he hurts someone in the family or breaks things around the house.
In the past I always had to lean on other relatives (now passed) for support or past partners- (which I do not want to do anymore).
I left as soon as I graduated from school in 2018 (Summa Cum Laude). I wanted to pursue going to art school or architecture. But I couldn't due to the fact that my dad sold drugs and his taxes weren't accepted in FASFA. I had to wait until I turn 21 to file independently but even when this came around (Oct.2020) I wasn't prepared in anyway possible to pursue higher education.
-Things in the past were manageable, because I had my Grandma who supported me in everyway possible while she worked two jobs. She took me and my 4 siblings to and from school. While my parents stayed at home sleeping. She did everything she could for us, and then in 2019 she was diagnosed with cancer and died within 3 weeks, inside of the home I am currently living in.
She bought me a car before right before she died- which my mom used whenever she wanted to in order to escape from my dad momentarily. It had 56k miles at first and I never got to drive it until 100k+ miles. By the time I got it back, my mom cracked the windshield and stained the interior. It got repoed after 3 months of me using it because my grandfather left the country in 2020 to pursue his new wife (in her 20's) and his new family. He stopped paying on the car without telling me, and didn't transfer the title to me, so I had no way of preventing anything.
My only source of transportation was taken from me in March 2021. So I lost my job, my car... and I need help because I have to start all over.
I currently live at my Grandma's house where she passed away inside of the living room. The a/c has been broken since last summer (2020) and there is no heat or hot water and I just endured that during the Texas Winter Storm.
Whenever my Grandfather returns from out of the country I will have to find a place to stay but that means making 2-3x the rent and having a job for at least six months. I cannot return home because my brother is a reflection of my abusive father and I DO NOT FEEL SAFE being around him.
My brother has broken a window on me, physically has hurt me more than once. My dad calls me a whore + so many other worse things. My mom borrows money from me and gambles, and drinks. Just uses me to babysit and has made me quit my art internships in Highschool to babysit while she goes out with friends at the bar
I have been trying to sell art, and nudes in order to get a car... so that way I can try having a job. I have facial piercings and tattoos on my hands so everything is difficult.
The only thing I am at fault for is my way of coping. It's hard to foresee a future for yourself when you're living with trauma...
I didn't want to believe that my parent's don't care but after losing my job and car in March 2021, my mom has not since checked up on me or asked if I was okay. In fact has asked me to borrow money, (she usually doesn't pay back) My dad fixes A/C for a living, and has not fixed the A/C for me since last year.
My mental health is starting to take a toll on me lately and I don't want to end up in the Psych ward again..... Luckily I have a few really amazing, supportive, loving friends. But everyone has their own lives and I can't depend on anyone. I wish I could be the person helping them.
I don't want to take from others who cannot give. I want to be able to have transportation, pursue school, and also feel comfortable and safe where I am living. Past partners know where I stay, and so does my abusive brother and I live in fear of them coming over uninvited.
Please help me get to a place where I can truly grow, and flourish. Please help me feel unashamed about speaking up and asking for help. My dreams are to start a nonprofit for domestic violence victims, foster animals, and start or be apart of a printing press for creatives.
I sell art and make music in my freetime. I lost my only support system a little over a year ago and since then it has been super difficult trying to do things on my own, and I'm tired of depending on sexual partners for help (+ experiencing rape/sexual trauma), as a NONBINARY person being perceived as anything less than a soul is painful.
You can support me by commissioning or purchasing art here. Or donating anything will help- everything goes to my phone bill, food. I am on my last $500. I am really worried because lyfts and ubers add up, and I am uncertain of when I can find a job that will hire me due to my self expression.
Thank you for reading.
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evilbeanghost · 4 years
Idk completely why, no matter how many times I read the books, I always feel that the notes in Snape's book were actually written by Lily, and not Severus. I have some minor supporting theories but other than that no real reason to think this way. For starters, a lot of the tips do look like they are written to someone and not just notes for the self. The larger reason is that the handwriting is mentioned several times to be effeminate. The handwriting is described in a way to make me think it's very distinctive and should be identifiable. It wouldn't be unreasonable at all to expect the golden trio to recognize Snape's handwriting, given they've now had 5 years of the man marking their essays, leaving notes on homework, and writing on the board. Even at approximately 15 years from the time of writing, Snape's handwriting wouldn't have changed so much that it's indistinguishable. Especially for Hermione who just kinda Does That. But as no one has any idea of Lily's handwriting at the time, that makes more sense to me that they wouldn't recognize it at all. It also makes more sense to me for why Snape would keep the book after all these years. If it was full of Lily's notes and advice, he'd be more likely to want to hold onto it, whereas I can't really see someone holding onto their old textbook for fifteen years, unless it's something lost in like an attic, but in this instance Snape would have had to have held onto it deliberately for it to end up out of his home and into his office six years later.(I believe he started working at hogwarts at 21, right?) He would have had to deliberately pack it into his belongings, and why would someone carry along an old textbook? Oh! And Slughorn calls Lily a potions prodigy, doesn't he? He commends snape for his skill but Lily was the natural at potions. If snape was the one correcting the book, it would stand to reason that he would be the prodigy!(I may be mixed up at this point, I haven't read HPB in years) Regardless, it just makes more sense to me for the notes to have been written to Severus from Lily, even if sectumsempra was created by Snape.
I believe this one is also from you Nonny:
Oh this is the HBP anon I just wanna make clear that I feel Snape's feelings towards Lily are 100% platonic, but didn't initially feel that was relevant to what I was saying.
Hey Nonny, 
Sorry for being so late in answering you - not been around much these last few days. I hope you will forgive me :)
There are a lot of theories about Snape’s Potions book (the dumbest being that this was James’ book *facepalm*), I personally I’m 100% convinced that those are indeed Snape’s notes. To address your clues about them being from Lily, here are my thoughts:
- have you ever written a journal? We do tend to write to someone in them, it’s the same here since it seems that the notes are way more than just potions tips and corrections going by Harry’s attachment to the Prince;
- handwriting has no gender, it’s a silly notion (this is coming from someone who was a little girl with a horribly messy handwriting). Also, I don’t know about you but if you compare my highschool notes to anything I handwrite today you wouldn’t be able to recognize it either. In particular if you were to compare notes cramped in the margin of a book and intended only for myself to something where I would put up way more effort like writing on a board for other people;
- About him keeping the book for that long, it does make sense since it’s full of experimental notes. I still have some chemistry notes from my Uni days that I kept even after my PhD because it was useful. It’s the same for Snape here I think, especially since we never hear about any post highschool education in the wizarding world. There is also the possibility, since it was found among other old potions books, that Hogwarts keep old books to lend to students in need and Snapes’s happened to be among these old books;
- Now, about Slughorn, you need to take some things into account. First, when we see him talking about Lily’s potions skills, it’s always to Harry. It makes sense that for an orphan hearing about his mother is way more relevant in that context than his hated potion professor, even if the latter was equally good or even better. Add to this that Lily was pretty and popular while Snape was dirty poor and an oddball and it’s not difficult to imagine old Sluggy preferring Lily to Severus even if their skills were equals. Since I already did some dig up in the books about that specific topic, allow me to quote myself here:
I dug up my old copy of HBP in order to see exactly what Slughorn had to say about Snape’s abilities at Potions and it is cementing my first take that Severus was indeed the exceptional student while Lily was “just” very good.
This is from the chapter “The Unbreakable Vow” in HBP, the scene during the Slug Club where Slughorn is praising Harry’s skills to Trelawney just before Snape appears:
‘But I don’t think I’ve ever known such a natural at Potions!’ said Slughorn, regarding Harry with a fond, if bloodshot, eye. ‘Instinctive, you know — like his mother! I’ve only ever taught a few with this kind of ability, I can tell you that , Sybill — why, even Severus –’
That last bit clearly illustrate for me that for Slughorn, there were a handful of very good instinctive students – Like Lily –, and then Severus Snape above them.
And a little bit further, while raving about Harry’s Draught of the Living Death to Snape himself:
‘You should have seen what he gave me, first lesson, the Draught of the Living Death – never had a student produce finer on a first attempt, I don’t think even you, Severus –’
Again, it sounds as if Severus Snape was, until Harry, the unchallenged best student Slughorn ever had.
So you see, for me, it’s Snape’s book, it’s Snape’s nickname (I would pay to see his adult self cringe hard at his ridiculous teenage nickname tbh) and it’s definitely Snape’s notes. 
It’s also very important that those are indeed from Severus Snape from a narrative point of view. The connection Harry felt, his deep empathy for the Prince coupled with how good he suddenly was in Potions under his tutelage is so important:
- it shows how similar Harry and Snape are despite their unfortunate hatred, a parallel (along with Voldemort), that is pointed out several times in the books (the lost boys who call Hogwarts “home”);
- it shows that Harry, while looking like James, is indeed more like Lily in nature and felt instantly deeply connected with young Severus, they could have been best friends;
- Harry’s relationship with the Prince indeed parallels Lily’s relationship with Severus: a deep connection of true kinship, a fascination deep fried in a thirst for knowledge, a visceral feeling of closeness, and then: betrayal.
- it shows that, despite the mean professor persona, Snape could have been an excellent teacher to Harry, if only he could have let go of his bitterness;
- it’s important because it’s a rare window into the true Severus Snape, not an act he’s putting up for the world to see. It was the first clue about his true nature and it’s very interesting that it was given to us just before Snape killed Dumbledore, apparently casting him as evil in the eyes of Harry and by extension the reader. 
Here it is friend, I hope I could convince you and if not, it’s ok, it was a fun discussion. Thank you for the ask.
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fureliselost · 3 years
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#danny: *remembering that dash shoved him inside lockers three times today and pushed him down tbe stairs on the way to class*
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The biggest irony in Danny Phantom is that it's a show about death but never once is death actually spoken about closely nor is the main character ever indicated to have dealt with death/loss (not even his own).
572 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 23:25:59 GMT
Yo, I've been thinking about Danny's grades. Because, like, most of the DP fandom writes ff with Danny being one bad grade from flunking out 'cause he can't fight ghosts and keep up with the school work.
But, like, is that really accurate tho? (And let me make it clear that I've only watched DP once and that was in Feb, so I could have some information missing here)
Cuz on the very first ep Lancer tells Danny he has basically nothing bad on his record (whereas Tucker had some transgressions).
And I can only remember Danny's grades being mentioned 5 times in the entire show (on One Of A Kind, Teacher Of The Year, What You Want (?), TUE, and, obviously, Mystery Meat — there is Vlad's mentions of Danny's grades and Danny's dream in Frightmare, but I'm not considering those).
On One of a Kind, he gets a D in his biology — which, from the way he said it, it sounded like he never got a grade that low — but he managed to raise his grade.
On Teacher of the Year, he fails his English (?) exam — not because he was occupied with a ghost, but because he was obsessed with playing Doom (let's also remember that, on One of a Kind, Tucker literally says Danny's problem was time management) — but then he was able to retake the test and got a 91%.
On What You Want, he mentions he's a C student.
And, well, everyone knows what happened in TUE: Danny says he isn't prepared for the CAT 'cuz he didn't get to study throughout the year because of ghost fighting (which IG is where the whole fanfic thing comes from).
But, like, was Danny actually not able to study because of ghosts? Because I can't actually think of a time where he was actually stopped from getting his homework done by a ghost fight.
But you know what does come up in my mind when I think of all of that? "Poor time management skills"... Oh, wait, that's already Canon!
Before I get into the time management skills, lemme bring up again Vlad's comments, Danny's A grade on his dream on Frightmare, and Danny's comment on What You Want (as well as what he said in TUE).
Guys, the educational system sucks. In 2004 it was worse. Teachers also suck in that respect (do I need to explain that I don't hate all teachers, only the sucky ones?).
There are teachers who humiliate you in front of the class for having a question they believe you shouldn't have, I'm pretty sure everyone has been in that situation or knows someone who has. Some teachers shame you every time you get a bad grade instead of offering solutions — that affects people, it doesn't even have to be that explicit.
I spent 'till my senior year of highschool thinking I was a terrible student (because teachers told me I was every time I got a bad grade). That only changed when I was calculating my GPA to see which colleges I had a shot at: my GPA was 3.6/4
Now, take Mr Daniel Fenton. Youngest son of a family of geniuses. His older sister got the highest ever CAT grade and writes Theses for funsies. His parents not only where accepted to appear on genius magazine (Jazz may have done the application for Maddie, but she wouldn't lie on it knowing that they would do at least some fact chacking — meaning that she probably picked accomplishments of Maddie's and used only the ones she approved of, meaning that they had accomplishments other than the ghost related ones) but they also built a freaking portal to another dimension.
Not to mention that Tucker is a top notch hacker and doesn't get good grades because he doesn't want to (which doesn't matter because he changes them anyway) and that Sam never shows any concern towards her grades and, being from a rich family, she probably has to get good grades.
Take Danny, who wants to be an astronaut — the literal hardest job to get on the face of the Earth, which also requires a degree in the STEM area (which Danny is admittedly not the best at). Now put him in a place where his grades dropped a little — Maddie, his mother, literally told him he had to get good grades because "Fentons get As" or whatever.
Is it that hard to think that a lot of Danny saying his grades are so terrible and he's not prepared for the tests is because that's just how low he thinks of himself academically?
Lemme get back to the time management skills.
So I've already established that the educational system sucks and it wasn't any better in 2004.
It was even worse at recognizing and dealing with neurodivergent kids.
And I'm pretty sure that, like, 70% of the fandom sees Danny as Neurodivergent-coded — autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, etc.
The thing with being neurodivergent is that sometimes ND people suck at some executive functions/have executive dysfunctions.
Do you know what is an executive function? Time management skills.
When it comes to studying, I personally have a lot of trouble with distractions and getting myself to start the assignment. That problem is usually solved if I have someone to do it with me — and by that I mean that the person usually just sits nearby and sometimes helps me with processing an information, which tends to consist in just me talking.
Which is basically what Lancer did with Danny in Teacher of the Year. Which,,, Lancer, my beloved, yes! When he found the problem, he tried to find a solution and his frickin solution worked!
Anyway, this is all I wanted to say: the educational system sucks, Danny has a warped view of himself, Danny is neurodivergent, and Lancer should've been portrayed as an awesome teacher since the start because he was awesome.
700 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 09:10:12 GMT
Mr Lancer: Where is your homework?
Danny, absolutely exhausted out of his mind after an all-nighter chasing a ghost and had no time to do said homework: A ghost ate it.
Lancer, realizing that's a plausible excuse: *sighs*
The rest of Casper High's student body, also realizing it's a plausible excuse: It's free real estate.
837 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 02:47:00 GMT
Someone explain to me why Wes' immediate reaction to finding out the truth about Danny is "imma expose that mf".
Like, 1) not only is that a jerk move (and none of Wes' fucking business), but it's also basically outing him; 2) is he stupid? 'cause Danny can literally lift a bus and he could, like, kill Wes v easy; 3) if he's really so adamant about posting it online because he's an amateur reporter or "the truth must be heard" or whatever other shit, why does he never think about talking to Danny to get the whole truth? Like, is he that incompetent?
1067 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 07:06:39 GMT
Valerie: Where is Danny?
Sam: Not that it's any of your business, Valerie, but he's busy.
*Danny crashes on their table as Phantom*
1068 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 03:02:09 GMT
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mouseblob · 4 years
I know I haven't posted for about 4 months even when I said Id be posting more. Sometimes I just can't find the moviation or time to do it but I hope that will change. I do have a couple big announcements to make!
#1. February 1st, 2020 I came out to my mom offically about my sexuality ( about being bisexual) and told her about my relationship with my boyfriend. I had never told her about me being in a relationship before and I'm pretty sure before this point as far as my sexuality goes, she thought I only liked girls. Around Christmas was when I decided coming out to her about my relationship is something I wanted to do, it was Christmas break so me and my boyfriend were both out of school so we spent alot of time gaming and on the phone and honestly it was my best Christmas break ever. I realized how truly in love i was with him and how I actually wanted a future with him so telling atleast part of my family sooner or later would be a good idea. My boyfriend was a great supporter thoughout the whole process, he understood how anxious it was making me since I don't like talking about my feelings especially with my family and he stuck by me through it all. I definitely don't regret, there's sometimes my mom will make a snide comment but she does that with alot of things and even though I don't want to, I've lived to live with it. I think when I first told her it was hard for her to grasp since me and my boyfriend are long distance and dont blame on meeting for awhile, around 1-2 more years, since he has some of his own personal issues to deal with first but she has come a long way and I'm thankful for her for trying. All my siblings know and they all handle it in their own way but are also most of the time supportive.
#2 After 12 years of being homeschooled I have finally graduated! ( June 26,2020) It's feels surreal but I'm glad the day finally came. When I first began school I faced some difficulties that made me believe I wouldn't graduate at the age of 18, there's nothing wrong with being an older graduate but this was just a personal goal of mine. So after a lot of hard work and doing a dual year of junior/senior highschool I can say I graduated 1 month before I turned 18! I'm glad I can now further my education in ways that are specific to my future and what I want to do with it! I'm so grateful for all my family and friends that believed in me and my abilities to get to this point!
( here's some pictures of me in my cap and gown!)
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#3. This is personally the most exciting to me all. I mean I'm grateful for all of them, but this is something I've been waiting for, for the longest time. I have started the process of getting on testosterone! Yes that's right, ya boy is finally getting the T! It honestly feels amazing to type it out cause I never thought I would make it to this point of starting my medical transition. I'm going through my local planned parenthood, I had my first appointment which was a phone call consultant ( due to covid) two days ago, July 8,2020. This consultant was basically just a lot of questions. It was questions about my mental health, my sexual activity, what I want from HRT, some of the changes Im looking forward to, what helps my dysphoria and what makes it worse, if I was in a safe environment, family health history etc. Alot of the questions were focused around the services they provide and the resources they know of, they asked these questions just to see what else they could help me with besides hrt, I thought it was really considerate. Even though some of the questions revolving the monthly cycle were uncomfortable they were very kind about it and didn't make it awkward. One of the things I felt was really nice is when they asked me if I had any terms I liked to use for my body or if medical terms were okay. It showed they really do care and were coming from a place where they just wanted to make sure I'm comfortable and felt like I could open up if needed. Before we ended the call I was able to set up my next appointment which is my official intial appointment since I'll be able to go to the office. My appointment is July 20,2020. Before I go to my appointment my prescription for testosterone will be sent to my pharmacy and I have to pick it up, so when I go to the appointment I have it with me. I believe they said I'm starting out on 1ml or some type of standard dosage, my phone was cutting out so I didn't hear the number clearly. To my understanding what is gonna happen at the appointment is, me and my mom will fill out consent forums, i'm starting literally 1 day before I turn 18 so my mom still has to sign off but it's not a biggie to me, I will get some blood drawn for lab work ( just to check for some of my levels due to past family health concerns), I will get training on how to do an injection and I will be getting my first injection of testosterone. The consultant alone took an hour so I'm assuming this appointment will be around the same time or an hour more. I need to talk to my doctor about it but I'm pretty sure I will be taking the testosterone via intermuscular injections. There's definitely a lot that's gonna be happening but the fact I'm this close to starting Testosterone is amazing.
I will definitely be posting updates about my transitions more frequently so if that's something you're interested in, feel free to give this account a follow.
I believe that's covers everything for now, thank you for reading!- Cyrus
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razzleberryjam · 2 years
Neurotypicals are weird, they think everyone is just like me, but at the same time, they are also above everyone else.
I say "you get paid way more because you are a physically fit large male, you have a high labor value" and he says
"Anyone can do it, you just have to be willing to sit here for 12 hours a day, 72 hours a week" which first of all, literally being able to be at work for 72 hours a week is not something anyone can do, I would say that is actually something very little people are capable of doing and honestly, but I know he also works with heavy materials and in high temperatures, so I say
"I throw up and pass out from standing in the sun in summer too long, I could not do that work" so he says
"Women work in the lab, and they get paid more" which again, they undoubtedly have education to be doing that work, he's only in line for that promotion because he has education to be doing thay work. No one else on the factory floor is being promoted to lab work without a biology degree like you are, like can you not accept that there are things that have helped you? You HAVE to believe you are the same as everyone else. But because you're stronger, smarter and work harder, thats why YOU are doing better, nothing else. I think that's really why people can't examine their privilege, because you can have privileges in a shitty life.
I had a hard time with it myself as a child, because all around me was abuse, neglect, trauma, and suffering. We were dirt poor, Appalachian poverty, hungry, parents are divorced but they won't work together, mama's at work and my older sisters flew the coop at 18, so I'm 8 and left to care for myself and my 6 year old brother. I doubt it's an uncommon story, knowing how easy it is for families to be ground up in the system.
You know, it was genuinely stressful, in highschool we learned about privilege through the lens of an AP English curriculum, they don't teach progressive stuff like that in standard courses - I remember my ap history teacher complaining about how whitewashed even her honors course curriculum was, despite the fact that standard and honors courses, in a school that was 85% minority students and 15% asian and white, were largely made up of black and Hispanic students while in AP courses there were a handful of black students and a single Pakistani girl. (Also I know that Asian people are minorities but when comparing racial demographics to economic status, it was often American Asians who mingled with upper-class white students while first generation Filipino-Americans/other Asian people who were more recently migrated mingled with lower-class white students and other races. (Class is used in economic terms. Also this is all my anecdotal perspective from my community which I grew up in taking into account both school cliques as well as bus route/neighborhood information to determine affluence of family and mingling)
I forget my point, but I think it was something like, it was upsetting because I would have to read about privilege from privileged liberals who can't take any accountability in their perspective of any of their own privilege. From my perspective, I was a child. A tiny, white child, who was in a basement, fighting and shouting above me while I'm doing homework. I have no clothes to wear to school tomorrow because it had been raining for 2 weeks and we couldn't do laundry without sun to dry our clothes. We had no dryer, we had never had a dryer. So here I am, reading an article I'm trying to understand, written by an adult who is telling me that I have an undoubtedly more privileged life than him because of one aspect of our lives. It made me angry, and I think that anger is fair, and it's what a lot of working class people feel. I think I could have easily been swept into the alt right pipeline had I less critical thinking skills. I used to really enjoy watching sargon of akkad, I haven't watched him since 2016. I enjoyed his news segments at first because he sounded intelligent, he used articles and studies to say things that were fair. I didn't like that being gay was so politicized, I just wanted to be gay and for it to just be all everyone's own personal business - not in a don't ask don't tell way, but in a bearded lady walks down the street holding hands with a pregnant man and no one bats an eye. So when I watched his videos, he seemed to have a stoic perspective on everything, which I enjoyed.
I mentioned a Pakistani girl, she was my best friend from 7th through 12th grade. I loved her very much, she was the oldest sibling and the first born in America to her parents who immigrated from Pakistan. I thought she was the most beautiful woman when we we grew up but she was, not devout, but devoted to Islam. They had a prayer clock in their home, which was beautiful btw. I loved going over there, her dad had painted her bedroom pink and she had beautiful traditional dresses and tons of makeup. Her family actually had a decent amount of money due to her father's work. Her mother would cook delicious meals and call me habibi, she said I was beautiful and she was very sweet. I loved them all honestly, it was upsetting that my parents didn't like them because they were Islamic. When I watched Sargon of akkad, it would eventually become a time when England, where he lives, was under pressure to take in a large influx of refugees while conservatives lashed out with Islamophobia. When I listened to him talk about Islam, I thought this sounds terrible. I was raised Southern Baptist, and quite interested in biblical mythology. My friend and I would take long walks through her neighborhood, I could walk there from my neighborhood, they were nearby but hers was much nicer due to the fact that I lived in an older section 8 neighborhood. We would walk and talk about religion, exchanging ideas about Islam and Christianity. It was then that I realized that Islam is no different than Christianity, save for the fact that Christians stopped with Jesus for the belief that he is the son of God, whereas Muslims see Jesus as a prophet of God and continue their mythology in abrahamic fashion. I'm sure it's not just that simple, but that's as far as we got as highschoolers when comparing our two religions. And she wasn't incompatible with western culture as he says, not anymore than Christians raised with homophobia or sexism. She wasn't fundamentally different from me. She didn't not want to be my friend because I believed Jesus was the son of God, though she did jokingly tell me I could be a perfect Muslim if I just stopped believing that and read the Qur'an lol
I dont remember what the point was again, but I remember just shutting my laptop, straight up. I was like this guy sucks. He was basically saying my friend and her family shouldn't live here because of their religion. Which is bullshit. This community is ultra religious, and this is America- where you should be allowed to believe whatever religion you want. I never watched his videos again, and honestly I think that if you grew up in a similar state of abject poverty, but in a more intensely white area, it would probably be extremely easy to fall into that pipeline. You have so much anger and discomfort and frustration growing up, you know that the system is broken but you're uneducated - by that system - so you don't know what's causing it. And if you don't have experiences with people of other perspectives growing up - like I was blessed enough to experience growing up in a diverse community - its probably really easy to just believe what they're saying to you, and once it's ingrained, it's probably really hard to sand out.
I'm thankful that as a child I got to play and dance and sing with Mercedez, Vandreece, Martin, Fabian, Gracie, Daniella, Abraham, Joe, and Stephen. I'm thankful that I grew up with my sister and her husband's family, Maria, Cindy, Jennifer, Odilon, and the tios and the cousins and the tias and the babies. I'm thankful for all my friends who shaped who I am, James and Hefer. Isra and Andy, My first loves. Ceasar, and Stephen, and TJay and Joey, Owen, Tyric, and Diana and Tommy and Sadiq. I'm thankful for everyone I met, Martin (a different one lol), and Marcus and Sam, and Chris, Riki, Brandon, Val, Faustino, Chloe, Christian, Cameron and Derek. I always remember my childhood as having no friends, because a lot of my life has been colored by loneliness and emptiness. But my life has been filled with people, who come and go, who have given me so much to take with me. When I look at where everyone who I knew as children have gone as adults, I can clearly see how privilege has affected us all.
Take 3 people, Mercedez, myself, and my long time partner. We all grew up in the same neighborhood, the neighborhood had 4 sections, 2 sections were largely made up of section 8 housing, and as we got older that would expand into sections 3 and 4. I lived in what we'll call section 2. Section 1 is where all of my best friends lived, including mercedez who I was closest to. We were both wild and crazy kids. Fabian actually lived in section 1 though. But anyways I wasn't allowed to ride my bike into "section 1" because my parents knew that's where I was going to visit my black friends who they did not approve of. So I used to sneak across the woods to get to section 1 therefore "not riding my bike into section 1" so not technically breaking a rule.
Anyways, I dont remember the point, but I graduated next to mercedez because of our last names. I hadn't really talked to her since we were in elementary school. As we got older, I was pushed (or pulled) into honors and ap classes whereas, not uncommonly Mercedez ended up taking mostly standard or honors courses (I can't explain it now but it's basically like my parents used to use the demographics of the school to say that black kids were dumber but its like no white kids are systematically enrolled into higher level courses of education because they're perceived as smarter, thereby given more education to the point where they're only "smarter" on test scores because the education system has funneled all of its resources into exclusively educating students who's parents have the time/etc. To educate their children at home, push them into harder courses, etc. That is more common in Asian and upper class white households)
So its like, for my husband, who is a white male from a fairly low trauma household with moderate affluence, and has struggled with mental illness - he has a 2 year degree and makes 32+ an hour
I am a white autistic genderless female from a high abuse/high neglect household in poverty, I have multiple disabilities which would end up combining with low family support and abysmal levels of poverty to ultimately end my time at college very short. I had the raw intelligence and determination to blast through primary school despite hardships caused by autism/etc. But when it came down to college, I ultimately couldn't afford it. I had almost a full ride, I didn't owe them any money but I only had 300$ in my bank account for the entire semester without a meal plan. So I would ultimately slowly starve and begin failing classes as i spiraled into intense anxiety and depression. I lost 60 lbs from august-may when I dropped out a week before finals.
I dont remember the point of the story but I landed on my feet, on the edge of my cliff, I have a place to live, I rent a trailer by myself, I work and make 14$ an hour, and I love month to month and often have to borrow money from my husband.
I dont know what mercedez is doing now, but at graduation I remember she wasn't going to college, and granted I didn't finish college, but I doubt she's anywhere better than me, and if she is I'm honestly thankful and happy for her to be blessed like that.
I don't know that the point of any of this was, I know it was long, but well I guess I've just been thinking about life and human beings lately and it's making me, not sad but maybe melancholic. I just feel that there is so much wrong in the world, and I want to change it I want to show people who are distraught something in this world that I find beautiful, that maybe they might find beautiful too. I want to find joy and wonder, and I want to share it and experience it with other people. I want people to see each other and recognize the hardships we all share. I want to come together as a community, to rebuild and reform a stronger society. I want to share and to give and to celebrate. I want to be able to live without stress, I want others to be able to do that to. I want to partake in the arts, in song and dance. I know every human finds wonder and joy in something. Even nazis were moved by symphonies. Even Conservatives will turn their head at a sketch, in awe of the talent that could create such simple beauty as black ink sketched on white paper to reveal a woman's face. We are human beings, and human beings are animals. Technology does not remove us from animals, technology does not advance us beyond them, or take us farther than this Earth's crust, the dust from which we were all born.
We are not a blight on this planet, we are of it.
We need to care for the beauty and miracles of this nature as well as eachother,
to nurture is in our nature and it is only propaganda which has polarized our people apart and propagated this culture war of selfishness and rugged individuality to the point of the destruction of our nation and all civilization. And if this is my manifesto I hope that it can manifest some civil unrest amongst the working class so that we can rise past our prejudices and push by all the lies that they gaslit us to believe into leaving eachother behind so we can stop all of the infighting and rise to the size of an unstoppable high tide to wash away the grand banks and redistribute the sand back into the pockets of the everyman, call me Dale throwing pocket sand in your eyes and im running up on the times, don't need to carry a 9 cause I lunge for the thighs and use my power-hungry bite to take a chunk out of Elon musk, don't even let up as I grit my teeth into his artery, don't mind me I'm just giving him a taste of his own medicine, sucking on the blood of the lower men, now who's lower then? I've been starved for too long and I don't even know if this is a song and I dont care if it's wrong cause now I'm running up on Bezos on the phone cause his neck is unprotected with his hand holding his iPhone 11 up to the side of his Bald head and I headbutt him but he doesn't go down as easy, he's been training for this since he got queasy when he heard me say I eat meat, now he's been in the dojo learning Tai kwon do to self defend himself from his reckless selfish actions but im feral Jeffy I don't fight with style I just fuckin bite down on the neck of a nasty rich prick and rip his jugular out for dinner then I lick the blood off my lips and take a sip of water to wash down the taste of your vile body its like bile don't know how anybody could be so damn evil, but here we are you little weasel im a bobcat and it's hunting season.
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tova-onova · 4 years
the school system in Bulgaria is broken. i felt underdeveloped in my school. i wanted to be in what i later discovered is a japanese type of school - where i did sports, arts, and a lot of studying simultaneously. i didn't receive any structured education and any direction for further development from the local education system. in fact the opposite - i was moved from school to school, breaking bonds with teachers and classmates, and falling into communion with delinquent people that were in the classroom with no reason other than breaking order. in bulgaria everything is corrupted and people are placed in every institution deliberately, based on records of services that track information. so you can't end up in any dream place. you are always mushed together with people who are not near your level and they make competition between students and general advancement for the class impossible. i received my best education experiences at The British Council, while studying English when I decided to apply for University at the U.K. Another aspect of education that was beneficial for me was a form of apprenticeship in craft - photography - that my stepfather provided me with, because he was working in that industry. he gave me a way forward and a career i want to develop further into - a photographer. i was very angry and insulted by the education system. because i was set back by everybody who didn't want to study but came from families that believe you have to work from an early age, and not study, because studies are irrelevant. this is the ruling class in bulgaria - people with no education who are acting brutally and vulgarly . and they operate through aggression and terror. so we don't have intelligence. this is just a cattle-upbringing, into a real education system. i was happy with my experience with the UK system because i advanced and developed many skills, apart from my language skills, very fast. i believe my CAE course gave me a structure to follow in my University studied to become better than my average classmates at making academic research and structuring my analysis. i wanted to study in Wales ad continue my development as a photographer professionally, but my family didn't support me financially and emotionally and i became frightened to take the loan, after being accepted in Newport. in my opinion the world is in this state exactly because of lack of structure. People with the most potential have to be selected and trained deliberately. I am gifted in the arts - especially singing. But i have a mindset of a professional in the classical scene. i need very long and personalized training. what music has been marketed as and turned into today by popular media, is outrageous. in my opinion there should be branches of education systems that look for talents and assess every student's capacities for further development. what i experienced was a lack of any mentorship and a sensation of being abandoned and thrown at the wolves to find my way amidst ruins in a desert. children need guidance. not to be ordered what to do and chose, but to know what options there are, and what consequences there are if they chose certain things or fail to chose certain things in the right moment. because bodies change, and so abilities decreace further with age. at least that is the general concept about it. now many people try to break those stereotypes proving that you can become a proffessional in a different area eve t an advanced age with continuous training and re-training. but ecoomies shoudl be structured in a supportive way for that. i cant afford to even pay my rent, let alone to cntinuemy studies. because i'm not in the right place - i made a mistake not following my passion fr photography to wales and i have been devastated nad lost in the last ten years. 'making ends meet' isn't what my standards look like. so i cant be happy with mediocrity. but becaus ethere is not free access to everything, people fight over resources, lie and cheat to get their children ahead and leave you in the dirt even though you are talented and the others are not. we don't exist in an educated reality in eastern europe. its like a madhouse jungle and i have been depressed because of this lack of structure and the sensation of lack of future because of it ever since i was i highschool. to be honest in today's world education is only for wealthy people. because to truly be educated you nee to invest a lot of time and you need to be financially supported throughout that entire time. i have been so i developed a lot of skills beyond my social circle. but i lacked financial education and strategic thinking and planning so i was scared to become an adult ad take a loan to go to university which i regret. i still hold undeveloped potential and this drives me unstable because i don't fit anywhere currently because i am no one i want to be. so i started engaging in activism instead of a career because it seems pointless to strive for money when i feel so isolated and alone. and the isolatio came exactly form breakignthe trust i had in my parents and school that they will discover my abilities and direct their efforts into helping me grow into sucessful humn beig. nobody wants that. the system wants to produce machine replicas who make repetitive tasks. and i cant. i need change and reinventig, since i didnt receive the career i wanted but it seemed so unbearaly expensive to me. i order for childre to get a feel of their capabilities they have to be engaged in a variety of ways - non stp changing - first beig listeners and followers, then eing the teacher and lader, etc. only a dynamic type fo education environment ca crete actual intelligece. nothin static can. you end up in abox if you chose the unilaterl approach to develping self. the self is very complex. so we need open schools and uiversities. which are very hard to manage and a lot of peopel are lazy to do that,this si why they havent still been implemented everywhere. in bulgaria, for example, oly droputs becoem teachers.there is no dignity in that poffession. and it feels shmeful to be a student in this environment. you fel lie second hand citize, eve though you aer supposed to just begin t lear bout the world ad feel fresh and enthusiastic. i honestly dont know by now if there is ny system that helps people into becoming more educated ot its ony a matter fo personal iteersts and desire to ler deeply. my expereice is ot consistent as i have been moved about and didnt receive contiuing support from my family, so i had to reinvent mysef and my choices so many times, i was so stressed at the end, i developed diabetes of the sesation of not being accepted, and not beign good enough, ot fitting in. not because i didnt have capacities, ut becaus ei ddint have uidance nad mentor.i m the kind of person who needs a very profound connection with teachers - based on trut and values. and my etachers were just doing a job. so i didnt connect with any of them. and i still feel empty of that expeeice in education. it was pointless from many sapects. ecause it gave me tons of information, but no sustace. and i dont want that. i was to be directed and given real value. not only used as a recycling bin for someone's handouts on stuff they had to read i uiversity to write a paper. i need personalized approach as a student - lecturer who thinks about their lesson and their audience personally. not mechanically. this demonstrates respect to the listener - and invites them to be a part of discussions and to continue the learning process further than the classroom. it really is an invitation (respect for your audience/students).
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