#I call this a reverse promo post
dick-meister · 3 months
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Shout out to all the Adam’s that go through a daily torture session of writing this goober! For real some very good content coming from these guys! Check em out! They all have very interesting takes on your boy!
@lettherebemonsters @metaladam @originemesis @micsmasmuses @angelichooves @rocxyoulikeahurricane @meansman
Yall make the RPC a lot more interesting!
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The thing about that post-match promo is that it's absolutely brilliant but kind of hilarious too
1001% a fantastic angle to take on Swerve's character as a whole as well as the Wembley match, I was talking about how Hangman's arc as the only one to call out that the emperor has no clothes is great, where MJF had a bit of the same thing when he had his heel turn again but Swerve? Swerve is on another level. Generational Champ level. Make the crowd chant Swerve's House as you break into someone else's house. Make the crowd chant 'Yes' for you while you beat the snot out of Wheeler Yuta when there was a famous Ramp up of people screaming for Yuta as the fan fave almost overnight as the underdog. Beat fan fave Ospreay. Snap arms as a finisher. Drive the OG beloved mascot of the Franchise to Insanity, obsession, and near heel status. Swervemania just grows by the day. They just love you more.
Is it the song? Nana and the dance? The athletic skills and variety in the ring? Attention to character detail? Just the killer swag and (let's be real we see it) massive dick with accompanying BDE? Whatever the star power we have The Derangement and they're playing with it.
MJF and Hangman and others have made the audience the villain this season. It's great. We've ruined things, but they need us and our approval so they're stuck. But where does that leave Swerve?
I have this thought, this recurring quote from Rick and Morty actually: "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer." I'm thinking about the inverse of that effect. How if nothing you do is now tied to any threat of social failure or success... You start building your own metrics for success, or you have a meltdown when you realize that the void is meaningless.
Jericho and the Young Bucks are having the time of their lives revamping themselves as Heels doing whatever they want as often as they want pretty much. Swerve has spoken about how he came in and identified Hangman as the main character of AEW, now living without conflict after resolving his arcs, happy and loved by all at the Top. Bryan is at the end of his career as possibly the GOAT, preaching his 'i'm just here having a good time, so mentally healthy, proud of my kids and #grateful for every moment' philosophy.
If Swerve understands he can do no harm, or cannot fail / be killed in any way that truly matters... That's boring. There's no fight, no challenge, no real opposition no matter who steps up that week.
So if there aren't any storebought, make your own.
Breaking Hangman psychologically until he becomes as mutually obsessed as Swerve was, then more so when Swerve reverses on him to ignore him when he comes back, desperately screaming that he lost Everything to Swerve for no reason, and we love Swerve for it... Yeah. He's right.
Now we're taking another legend that can't be bothered with more than just phoning it in despite what he says, whom the audience can't turn against in any way that really matters, absolutely just fumbling around until we finally flick that switch in Bryan's brain from '#blessed' to 'i am no longer having a Good Time, call PETA and have them revoke my lifetime membership already because I'm going to beat you up and down this road like the 4H cow placing last at the country fair on the way to the slaughterhouse'. He's been full on Vibing all night, and suddenly the pale blue shirt isn't just Dadcore for cheering Yuta on but doing that thing where his Icicle Eyes are full blast.
And I'm recognizing this switch is hot AF and intense and I am Much more hype for Wembley, but also I'm just thinking about everything from Swerve's POV and laughing because so many things about this evening and promo are just a little ridiculous:
Yuta just being Jobber for the stars but man he isn't allowed to do much more than be pathetic
Hey babe I heard you and your gang like complicated intense submission holds that hurt like a motherfucker and you're still pretending not to notice me when I stand in the corner and flex my tits at you every 15 seconds so I invented one that's so complicated and cool looking the announcers are flabbergasted into stopping interrupting the match with exhausted repetitions of the PPV card at the bottom of the screen. You like it?
'And you know Yuta's tough he's no Punk' Tony I can't tell if that was a CM Punk joke or a genuine comment lmao
The walk back to medical taking so long
Claudio is in the building and Swerve said he wanted to feast on the rest of the BCC but he's already booked with Okada for Cardiff so they locked him in that same room Will Ospreay was in and he couldn't come out and watch or help carry Yuta
Yuta isn't allowed to say things he's 100% in dead cat mode and you can see him fighting it in the promo while they walk down 8 halls or something which is supposed to build tension but is like two aisles too many
Danielson shooting the cameraman the dirtiest look before he starts talking and ending with 'now get the fuck out out of here' like damn what did the cameraman do
Yuta slowly crawling off the cot on hands and knees as soon as Bryan is talking exit stage left
Actually I'mma headcanon the cameraman was Prince Nana sent to get a statement that's funny
Once again 'he's like a son to me' yes ok Bryan you were cheering enthusiastically and encouraging Swerve to beat the crap out of your 27 year old son at ringside you're sending mixed signals here
'CHECK. What happened to the last person who broke into my house.'
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Love it. So we're still in the 50/50 space but it's been escalated to 'Retain / Peak Insane Automatic Violence.'
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I don't have a comment here I just love that this is how he has always spoken and that he followed through.
Imagine being the other guy. You get back to your gang of likely other felony warrant holding criminals, and they say 'Where's the loot? And where's Sosa?
And you have to turn to them and deadly serious say 'I think Daniel Bryan killed him. I wasn't stopping but I could swear I hear him whispering something about cowardice, his kid, and cardiovascular health into his ear before Sosa's eyes closed.
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thedude3445 · 1 year
I got my Reddit promo posts going for Systemless and noticed, uh, LOTS of downvotes on these posts, which is not normal for the subreddits I posted to.
And some guy helpfully explained the reason why:
Not your fault you would probably get the same ratio had the book been pro nazi. People are tired of rainbow culture worming it's way into everything. Just saying not trying to be hateful.
When I called him rude for it...
Why is a statement of fact considered rude? Look to bud light target and disney all losing millions for pushing the rainbow ideology people are tired of it seeping into every corner of society trying to turn and corrupt kids. And was the pastel bright pink colors on the cover necessary is the book targeted at adults or kids?
What do I even do at this point? Accept that this book is going to be a culture war battleground and not the fun reverse-isekai comedy I desperately want it to be? What do I even do in response to all this negativity?
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etxrnaleclipse · 2 months
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Lets get some NaCl-y on Munday! @theweredrifter said: What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community?
((Ho boy there's a few things here so I'm gonna put these below the cut lol))
People who think that they can get around other people's rules or limits. I've had quite a few instances lately (and many over the years but literally one in the last twenty four hours alone) where people have either made it clear that they didn't read my rules or my muse bios, or they did and just think they'll be the exception. I wish everyone would start showing that basic respect. I'm very tired of the lack of it.
Mutuals only blogs posting their open starters/starter calls in the indie tags and then getting pissed off when people who aren't their mutuals respond to them.
Those annoying af groups who spam the tags with their promos three times a day lol I've blocked so many of those.
People who scream about their female muses being ignored while simultaneously ignoring other female muses - buddy the call is coming from inside the house.
Muses who are just full to the brim of trauma and every possible bad thing that could ever happen to anyone. Your muses can be layered and interesting without needing an encyclopedia of trauma in their backstory. Worse still when they proceed to make everything about their muse and their trauma and never let anyone elses muses have some time in the spotlight.
Memes that have an option for a 'reverse' in them. Don't get me wrong, the people who make memes are amazing, but I find that as soon as there's a meme that has the option to reverse it (so the sender is the one in danger/trouble/hurt etc) that is all people are willing to send. I don't mind getting those, but when it's every time, I get exhausted.
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Ruin photoshoot appreciation day
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Source : a bit of everywhere (TAD, Joey and Madeleine Insta, TAD site and @amazingdevilfanpage [x] for the top image)
There is always a game with light and darkness between those two. I wonder if there are hidden meanings in their photoshoots (from every album by the way). I have a very strong call from That Unwanted Animal in the set up of the clip, for example.
And noticed that Joey moves backwards while Madeleine moves forwards in reality. The video is reversed. My movie analytics part is hitching when I see this ☺️. Even the positions can hold meaning. Well well well... Let's not get into that.
If I have to add a little something. I love the photoshoot and the clip also, but my favorite promo is this :
** both giggle ** Joey whispering : Why am I so shitty at this ? ** both giggle **
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savingthrcw · 5 months
CANON DIVERGENT multimuse rp blog, for 21+ rpers, written by Ele (30+). High activity and enthusiasm, but I don't rush rp partners, so if you don't see recent threads it's because I don't have drafts.
MUTUALS ONLY! People who ignore this first rule will be blocked.
I also write @smiletimeisrunningout and take commissions.
My navi with the wanted interactions/verses (not everyone is open to every character and fandom), and a link to rules and about pages. In case that doesn't work, you can find everything here (but I'd suggest checking the navi asap if you want to filter and pick by fandom of origin/crossover/orientation and so on)
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General links: memes, thread tracker, permanent call, 'permission to ship' call, reverse meme calls, self promos!, all interest checker posts
Highest muses at the moment: Bonnie&Cressida (Bridgerton), Janey&Lucy&Terra (Fallout), Jenny (Doctor Who)
Under read more you can find a few individual links including the super important interest checkers. Tags (except for headcanons) usually end with a semicolon like sarah wishlist; kate open rp; about janey;
Kate Austen (Lost) [open to: canon and canon div. characters I know // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Stella the conwoman (fandomless oc) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Sarah Walker (Chuck) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Jenny II, Doctor's daughter (Doctor Who) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Janey Howard (Fallout Prime) [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens / like if interested
Lucy MacLean (Fallout Prime) [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Rose MacLean (Fallout Prime AU) [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Steph Harper (Fallout Prime) [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested.
Terra Branford (ff6) [open to: canon, canon div. characters and ocs // crossovers: yes, particularly fallout] starter calls // opens - like if interested
Eloise Bridgerton (Bridgerton) [test] [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested.
John, the Footman (Bridgerton AU) [open to canon, canon div. characters and ocs // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens - like if interested.
Cressida Cowper (Bridgerton) [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: maybe]: starter calls / opens - like if interested.
Bonnie Gillanders (Bridgerton ic) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes]: starter calls / opens - like if interested.
Sophie Beckett (Bridgerton) [test] [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Rosa Santiago Appleton (Bridgerton/Fallout oc) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Posy Reiling (Bridgerton) [test] [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Alien Jemma Simmons (AoS, s1-s4) [open to: some canon and canon div. characters, some ocs // crossovers: yes (selectively)] starter calls / opens - like if interested [written also on @whydoyouthinkileft @shewassoferal @sosadandyetsoamazing and more]
Alex McHugh (Chuck) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: maybe] starter calls / opens / - like if interested [formerly written at @namedafterhim]
Neria Surana, elf mage Hero of Ferelden / potential follower (Dragon Age) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Lily Tabris, elf warrior Hero of Ferelden / potential follower (Dragon Age) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens / like if interested
Lex (Baldur's Gate 3 act 1 and act 2, the Tav) [open to: a few canon and canon div characters, some ocs // crossovers no] starter calls / opens - like if interested
HIATUS Book!Alina Starkov (Grishaverse) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
HIATUS Show!Alina Starkov (Shadow and Bone) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: not yet]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Ana Lucia Cortez (Lost) [open to: a few canon Lost characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls // opens - like if interested
Ellie Bartowski (Chuck) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: maybe]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Tauriel (The Hobbit) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: not yet]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Clarke Griffin (the 100, s1-s6) [open to: a few canon and canon div. characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens - like if interested [formerly written also at wearesostupid and @stilltryingallthetime]
Ellana Lavellan, dalish elf mage / inquisitor, never follower (DAI) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no] - starter calls /- like if interested
Emma Swan (OUAT) [open to: Killian, David, Snow // crossovers: no] starter calls - like if interested [written on too many blogs to name because I started 12 years ago, but: @askemmaswan @imtiredoflivinginthepast @butweareafamily]
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heartsoulrocknroll · 5 months
AEW Dynamite 4/3/24
Copeland comes out with a mic. Here he goes addressing Punk's recent shit talking. He says there has been a lot of negativity recently. He watched all wrestling as a child, because he loved it. And he has loved everywhere he has wrestled, but he has never had more fun than he has in AEW. He says they are fans, including Tony Khan, and that is not a bad thing. AEW has made wrestling fun and has given more people a chance to do what they love for a living. He says AEW is where the best wrestle.
Will Ospreay vs. Powerhouse Hobbs -- Hobbs lands a vertical suplex on Ospreay on the steps, slams him back- first repeatedly on the apron, then just hurls him backwards over his own head/shoulders onto the announce table!!!!! Damn! Ospreay comes off the ropes with a nice corckscrew kick. Hobbs lands a big belly to belly suplex, then catches Ospreay with a powerslam for two! Hobbs blocks an OsCutter attempt, but then Ospreay lands the OsCutter! Hobbs kicks out at two! Ospreay goes for the Hidden Blade, Hobbs catches him, but Ospreay reverses into an inside cradle for two. Ospreay lands two hook kicks, Hobbs lands a huge lariat that turns Ospreay inside out! Hobbs lands a huge avalanche powerslam for two! Hobbs goes for another slam, but Ospreay reverses into a DDT! Ospreay lands a sky twister press off the top, followed by a Hidden Blade for the pinfall!!
Very good match here. Great contrast of styles. Awesome finish. Rating: 3.5
Hobbs tries to go at Ospreay after the match, but Callis stops him.
Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Archer -- Archer lands a big suplex! Danielson with dragon screws, alternating chops and round kicks, the Romero special stomp to the back of the knees, round kicks to the knees, and a running corner dropkick to the knee!! Danielson goes for a topé, but Archer catches him and chokeslams him on the apron, then body slams a crew member from ringside onto Danielson on the floor!! Danielson runs the ropes, but Archer stops him with a running cross body. Danielson lands multiple running corner dropkicks! Danielson runs for something, Archer pops him up, Danielson reverses into a guillotine then transitions into the LeBell lock, but Archer escapes to the outside! Danielson lands a knee off the apron, then a shotgun dropkick off the top, then vicious round kicks!! Archer stops him with a chokeslam for two! Danielson goes to the top, but Archer stops him with a running knee lift and gets Danielson on his shoulders, but Danielson reverses into a sleeper! Archer flips him over to escape. Danielson takes him down with a Busaiku knee! Danielson goes for another, but Archer stops him with a hand around the throat! Danielson escapes and lands three round kicks to the head!!!!! Busaiku knee again! Cover! 1, 2, 3!!!!
That rocked, wtf!!!! Incredible work on the knees/legs by Danielson to take the big man down. Just a great match. Best match Archer has ever been involved in, that I have seen. He should tell Danielson thanks for making him look the best he ever has. Rating: 3.75
Renee is with Jericho. He calls for Hook. He talks about Hook not trusting him, and says he understands that. He knows he has pushed everyone away. He says when you play the game at the highest level like him, that's what happens. And when Hook understands that, he will understand what Jericho is trying to teach him. Hook says he believes in Jericho so much that he got them a match on Collision. He will be keeping his eye on Jericho. Jericho says Hook is learning already.
Next, Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty do a promo about their intent to beat Jericho and Hook's asses this Saturday on Collision.
Jay White vs. Billy Gunn -- Billy jumps Jay before the bell. Billy throws Jay around into the barricades, and throws him out of the ring repeatedly. Jay finally rallies with a running uppercut in the corner and a dropkick to the knee, then slams Billy's face into the ring post outside. Jay goes for Bladerunner, but Billy blocks it and lands some kind of strange looking move. Billy lands a Fameasser. The Gunns eventually come out to get involved after beating up the Acclaimed backstage. This ends with Jay landing a low blow on Billy for the DQ.
This was absolutely terrible. It can hardly even be called a match, as there was almost no wrestling involved. I can't even begin to understand the logic of this booking, as Jay comes out of this looking awful. Rating: 1
There is a brawl between all six guys after the match. Who cares.
Willow is interviewed. She says she is feeling great. She talks about her history of wrestling in Worster, MA, and how this crowd always reassured her and gave her confidence when she wondered if a freak like her belonged in wrestling. She is confident that she is going to beat Julia and become the smiling face of TBS. Mercedes comes out to interrupt. She says whoever wins the TBS title at Dynasty, she gets next at Double or Nothing! Nice!!!
Trent Beretta and Orange Cassidy vs. The Young Bucks (AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament Match) -- Snap vertical suplex by Orange, then a double suplex by Orange and Trent. Series of Northern Lights suplexes by Matt, then a corner tornado DDT by Trent. The Bucks land a double team powerbomb on Orange on the apron, then another one on Trent!! Trent lands a nice Saito suplex on Nick. Orange lands an elbow off the top and goes for a double rana, but the Bucks block it. Nick fakes a superkick and Matt lands a DDT instead on Orange. Nick lands a corner enziguri. Orange with tornado DDTs for both Bucks, then a diving tornado DDT off the top on Nick for two! Orange comes off the second rope to assist a Tombstone by Trent on Matt, then Sole Food by Orange into a half and half suplex by Trent combo on Nick! Nice. The Bucks land a superkick into a Code Red combo on Trent! Orange lands an Orange Punch on Nick outside! Running knee inside by Trent, then a double stomp off the top by Orange into Strong Zero by Trent on Matt, but Nick breaks up the pin! Orange lands an Orange Punch on Nick to send him outside! Matt catapults Trent into an exposed turnbuckle and rolls him up for three. Wtf.
This was a good match until the absolutely steaming hot garbage finish. Wtf was that. Why do the Bucks need this win?? Someone please tell me. Rating: 3.25
Trent lays Orange out with a running knee after the match and walks out, leaving Orange, Chuck, and his mom Sue behind. Not to sound like a broken record, but wtf?????????????????? Why do we need to break up Best Friends?? This company needs tag teams! Trent is probably not going to have any sort of big singles run, and Chuck certainly isn't. I don't see how this can possibly benefit anyone.
Thunder Rosa vs. Mariah May (Number One Contender Match for the AEW Women's World Championship) -- Mariah with a hip attack, then a nice double leg dropkick. Rosa lands a sliding forearm to the back, then a sliding dropkick. Mariah lands a huge right hand on the apron!!! Damn!! She follows up with a huge boot, then goes for a sunset flip off the apron, but Rosa reverses into a rana on the floor! Rosa lands a diving cross body into the barricade outside. Hook kick by Mariah inside for two! Vicious elbow exchange! Rosa with overhand chops! German by Rosa for two! Saito suplex by Mariah! Rosa misses a stomp off the top, and Mariah lands a running knee for two! Mariah lands a huge headbutt!! Rosa reverses a Mayday attempt into a Tijuana bomb for the pinfall!
Very solid match here, with Mariah looking better than Rosa. Good intensity, good back and forth. I enjoyed it, there just wasn't much to it with the commercial breaks. Rating: 2.75
Toni says on commentary that Mariah reminds her of a younger Toni Storm, and Thunder Rosa reminds her of an older Thunder Rosa. Lmao.
Alex and Penta promo. Penta announces that he will challenge Copleland for TNT Championship next week, because what the people need is a champion with cero miedo.
Swerve and Joe contract signing. Here we goooo!!! Joe signs the contract. Schiavone starts to talk. Joe tells him to shut up!! 🔥🔥 Joe tells Swerve that he has watched him, from his blood feud with Hangman Page to his meteoric rise to not one, but two championship opportunities. How else could this fairytale end, but with everyone happy and celebrating a new champion? That's the bad information Swerve has been working on, but Joe is about to tell him the truth. The truth is that signing this contract and stepping into the ring with Joe right now is a career-defining mistake. Joe says he will put it in terms that maybe a rapper can barely understand. He says, "I am going to beat you down so severely, it is going to leave you mentally scarred like you left Diddy's party too late." Joe says now that Swerve has the right information, why doesn't he do the right thing?
Swerve says he has wanted this moment all his life. This championship is bigger than both of them, and he understands the danger of facing Joe for it. Joe is the definition of a killer, but so is he. At Dynasty, he will show Joe that he is every bit of that man. Swerve lands a right hand to Joe's face, then wraps the steel chain around Joe's neck!!! Joe headbutts Swerve to escape, wraps the chain around his hand, and nails Swerve repeatedly with right hands to the face in the corner!! The refs pull Joe off of Swerve. Joe starts to leave. Swerve grabs a mic and says that he loves this shit, and if that is all Joe has got, he is taking the championship. Swerve wipes the pen in the blood on his forehead and signs the contract in blood!! Hell yeah!!!! Joe comes back into the ring with a low blow and puts Swerve through the table with a huge urange!!!!
Aaahhhh!!!! What a great segment. Joe was phenomenal here, and Swerve signing the contract in his own blood is a great babyface moment. I am excited for their match.
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[the locked tomb. role reversal au; the lyctors are now the house heirs. 25k.]
In the myriadic year of our Lord—the ten thousandth year of the King Undying, the kindly Prince of Death!—the Emperor calls for aid! Sixteen new hopeful necromancers and cavaliers arrive at Canaan House, seeking to earn a place as one of God’s own fists and gestures, his immortal bodyguards, his Lyctors!
Well...most of them are here to seek eternal life.
Cytherea's here to die.
anyway whoever wrote this isn't allowed to promo it for like a week so i'm promoting it for them bc it's so fucked up (complimentary, affectionate, in awe). i am going to be thinking about this fic forever actually <333 if u like the locked tomb please read this fic it's incredible
EDIT: i forgot i made this post but this fic was written by @rnanqo go praise her for it <333333
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solarsonicsoda · 7 months
Rebbie's Wrestling Reviews - Shows Reviews
AEW Revolution 2024
Sunday 3rd March 2024, it's AEW, it's Sting’s final match, this is AEW Revolution 2024! This show was built very well, and absolutely loaded up as a card without breaching Too Many Matches territory. Needless to say I’ve been hyped to watch this one! Sadly, I had a university class test worth 25% of a module on Monday, and I was woefully underprepared, so I couldn't justify staying up until 5am! I was able to catch the first hour before bed, plus the pre-show though! So without further ado, let's get into that pre-show!
Bang Bang Scissor Gang (Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, Billy Gunn, Jay White, Austin Gunn, & Colten Gunn def. Total Nonstop Arseholes (Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, & Satnam Singh w/ Karen Jarrett & Sonjay Dutt), Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen), & Willie Mack in 12:25
The signature Big Multi-Man Tag to Keep a Low Stakes Storyline Bubbling and Get Them on the Card match is on the pre-show on this night! Man, these TV Trope names are getting long… The Bang Bang Scissor Gang are the main focus here, the supergroup of The Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold. This act is extremely frustrating for me, because their styles are just not blending, they have both been going nowhere, and most importantly: this group formed to take out the Undisputed Kingdom, which it has taken no steps to do! Why?! Anyways, Max Caster is at this point definitely doing a rap-failing gimmick, as he flubs his rap for the third time. I can’t say that's entralling but anyway. Let’s just focus on the match.
This was a fun mess of a match. It's your average big tag match, with a great moment as everyone in Team Jarrett does a Fargo Strut in unison. Love that. Why is Willie Mack on his team though? He’s a lovable guy! Billy Gunn gets a massive pop for his hot tag, and Jay White doesn't get a half bad one too. Our finish comes when there's all sorts of chaos, and out of it White is able to hit the Blade Runner on Willie Mack. 
Post-match, White then cuts a promo hyping up the show and suggests he’ll appear at Dynamite: Big Business to get himself back on track. This will go on to be confirmed as Darby Allin vs Jay White, which Darby will hilariously struggle to find about at the post-show presser. Should be good!
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We have a couple segments here, first with Orange Cassidy! OC is having to tape his ribs at Doc Samson’s request, and the champ tells the Best Friends to stay in the back, because he’s sick of his friends getting hurt. They oblige, and we have the all-for-one hands in, including Lexy and Samson. 
In our other segment: PAC is back! The Bastard cuts a great promo in one of his awesome stylised packages, promising he’s back soon. He even says he nearly “popped his clogs”, i.e DIED. I don't know what's gone on but all the best to Pac following that, and excited to see him
Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway def. Julia Hart & Skye Blue in 13:30
Time for these teams to finally put their feud to bed, as Willow & Stat take on Julia Hart and her cronie Skye Blue. I love both Willow and Stat, so I’m ready for this one!
This is decent, and it's really great how julia looks so at home now. Her improvement has been something else! There’s some small awkwardness in this one but also fun stuff from great wrestlers. We also have Stokely on commentary, which is a plus for just about anything. This one comes to an end when Williw reverses a Code Blue into a pounce and then hits the Babe With The Powerbomb for the win.
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In between all these segments, I have to say I love RJ City and Renee Paquette, they're so fun. RJ keeps referencing eggs when talking about the scramble match, and Renee accidentally calls Danielson “Daniel Bryan” at one point. Haha, that was his name in the other place! What a goof! I make truly transcendent commentary on these shows. Let's just get to the main show. 
Christian Cage (c) w/ Killswitch, Nick Wayne, & Mother Wayne def. Daniel Garcia for the TNT Championship in 16:52
Opening the show is our TNT Title match! Christian Cage has been killing it as the despicable Father Figure of AEW, whilst Garcia has been finally getting the sort of push he deserves, earning this shot after his great run in the Continental Classic. Cage has taken potshots at Garcia’s family, but Danny G has been unflappable in the face of it. I’m hyped for him and I hoped this would be his night! Let's see…
Garcia makes absolutely everything he does look so so so good, from his sells to his strikes to his slams. I am so invested in him right now. He targets the leg very well here, even though Christian gets some damage done. Danny brought the fight to Cage, and Killswitch interference is neutralised by “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard, Garcia’s mentor and friend who The Patriarchy took out. We had annearfall off a piledriver that I thought was it. However, a Nick Wayne stunner while the referee is distracted allows for a Killswitch from Cage and the win. A bit of a weak finish to be honest, but a good match! I honestly expected to see Adam Copeland getting involved to help Daniel
Garcia, potentially for the win which I hoped for. Oh well, great showing for Danny and I can't be unhappy that Christian’s great reign is carrying on! 
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Eddie Kingston (c) def. Bryan Danielson for the AEW Continental Championship, ROH World Championship, & NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion in 19:45
Next is the big Continental Crown match! Eddie Kingston wants Danielson to finally respect him, and if Eddie wins, Bryan has to shake his hand. Danielson wants that title though, and he wants to prove Eddie isn't good enough. C’mon Eddie! 
God, Eddie is so over. The atmosphere is amazing. This match would be awesome to see live. This was a great match that you’d expect from these two. I was getting ready for bed at the time that I first saw this, so maybe not at my most attentive. Hence, I gave it a rewatch and it did not disappoint. Great match. A strike exchange unwisely instigated by Danielson gives way to two powerbomb attempts from Eddie, and he finally lands it after countering a Busaiku Knee with a lariat, stacking the American Dragon for the win! 
Post-match, Dragon has to shake the hand of Eddie, but doesn't seem like he will, causing Eddie to back off. Bryan calls him back though, but then snubs him. He was only joking though, and calls Eddie back to shake his hand! He even raises his hand, having to switch to the uninjured left though! Great stuff!
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Wardlow (w/ Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) def. Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana), Lance Archer (w/ Jake Roberts), Powerhouse Hobbs, Chris Jericho, Dante Martin, Hook, & Magnus in an All-Star Scramble for the No. 1 Contendership for the AEW World Championship in 16:22
We have the remnants of Meat Madness, the All-Star Scramble! Wardlow is on the war path, Archer & Hobbs are bringing some meat, as is Cage! Hook wants that rematch with Samoa Joe, Magnus & Dante Martin won qualifiers earlier in the week, and Jericho is here too. 
This one was a bit awkward in places but it had those “meat” chants, which I love, and some fun spots! I saw someone saying the “meat” chant is preventing unironic love of big men clashes, and I couldn't disagree more! I love the “meat” chant and what it signifies completely unironically. Don't get me wrong, I fully see how this is a chant that might get out of control, I fear the meat, but as of right now I love it. It's just an extra wrinkle of fun to help big up those giant clashes. Maybe that's just me though. In the end, a  big powerbomb from Wardlow to Dante wins it for the Undisputed Kingdom man. 
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Roderick Strong (w/ Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) def. Orange Cassidy (c) for the AEW International Championship in 12:43
International Title on the line here, as the Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong takes on Orange Cassidy! Roddy has been on a mission to claim this title since the group’s inception, but he faces a challenge in the workhorse champion Orange Cassidy. Cassidy’s second reign has definitely been underwhelming though, as that first reign was so brilliant and his loss was such a great story. Him winning it back obviously came from somewhat of a comedy of injuries, but he really should have moved on. Him beating Moxley was great though. I just would have put the belt on an underutilised great to raise their stock. I don't know. OC is battered though, especially that back! Match time! 
I wanna start by stating that the Messiah of the Backbreaker ring style is so so so good. Everything is setting up so nicely, he hits so many great backbreakers, and I always forget how good he is before seeing a big match of his! Just so many cool uses of Strong’s offence, that End of Heartache countered into a Stundog Millionaire was awesome! Really fun match here, with an End of Heartache getting the win for Strong! New champion! 
Then post match, coming up from behind, IT’S KYLE O’REILLY! The Violent Artist has been out for nearly two years but he’s back! He looks absolutely crazed behind Strong, but he takes him in for a hug. Strong invites him to the Undisputed Kingdom, but he rejects an invite, placing the t-shirt back on Roddy’s shoulder, before heading back up the ramp. Bit awkward but I think we’re all too happy to see Kyle! He’s welling up and saying thank you to the crowd, and it's all very nice.
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Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli) def. FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) in 21:47
This one oughta be good! FTR and the BCC have been tussling recently after Moxley and Castagnoli staked their claim as a top tag tema in AEW. They fought on Dynamite, but that ended in a time limit draw just as FTR had them beat. Now it’s time we get a final winner. 
Coming to the ring, BCC have LOD-style shoulder pads! That’s awesome! This one was an awesome fight. Nice striking, cool tag action, and it gets so so good as it goes on! Claudio's mid-Doomsday Device counter, Dax’s battle scars, the uppercut Doomsday Device, the uppercut from Cash’s dive, Claudio's frantic sleeper to ensure Mox got the win: so many amazing moments and this one was absolutely great stuff!
Post-match, there's clear respect but no shaking of hands. They don't need it, they did it in the ring.
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Toni Storm (c) (w/ Mariah May & Luther) def. Deonna Purrazzo for the AEW Women's World Championship in 12:17
Old friends clash as Toni Storm must defend against Deonna Purrazzo, who isn't a fan of the new delusional persona of the Timeless One. It seems Toni Storm is reverting to her classic look though, but after a good few takes, everybody realises it’s really Mariah May! Genuinely uncanny, I really thought it was for her for a minute. 
This match was decent enough, I wish it had a little bit more to it though. There was some nice technical work from Deonna, which I’m a big fan of, but I feel like this one just needed some extra meat on the bones. Our finish comes when Toni is tapping to the Venus de Milo but Toni’s beloved butler Luther. distracts the ref, allowing for Mariah to provide a distraction. Henceforth, Toni hits Storm Zero and wins! Smashing! Thinking back though, did she actually even attempt the Break a Leg which I assumed was introduced for this clash? Not sure, maybe worth a rewatch.
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Will Ospreay def. Konosuke Takeshita in 21:57
The Don Callis Family implodes!... but in a friendly way. Ospreay is debuting, Takeshita gets a big PPV match, yippee!
This was a clash definitely reminiscent of Ospreay’s back catalog of indie main events. Both he and Takeshita bring plenty of extra style from both men’s time in Japan too though. But it was definitely more about awesome moves and counters than story and selling in places. It was pretty awesome though! Takeshita is simply amazing in my opinion. Everything he does has such an impact. He did so well, and is offence is so great: the Takeshita Line, the big knee, the sheer brainbuster, it's all so good. The Oscutter counter with the Blue Thunder Bomb was simply amazing too! As was the counter into the Package Tombstone/German combo! I do wish that one in particular wasn't the spot where Ospreay did a fighting spirit Hidden Blade, and I especially wish he didn't immediately have the strength to cover, but Takeshita got to kick out at one so I’m mostly appeased there. Ospreay is obviously getting a lot of plaudits for this one, not undeservedly, but I just think that Takeshita deserves so much more. He’s maybe my favourite in-ring wrestler right now. His style, personality, and skill are just perfect for me. I want this faction to stop being about Don and start being about Takeshita. He’s incredible. Anyway, back to the match. It was definitely great, I think! I do wish Ospreay sold everything as he went a bit more though. Definitely moved a tad fast for my taste, I wish he had just given everything a smidge more breathing room. I know it was the type of match where it's all action, and I loved it for that, but I feel like you can do the same match in the same style just truly ticking over into an all-timer with a little bit more of it, as well as a proper story. There’s a story to the match forming, but it's definitely sparser than expected. This was pretty awesome though. Ospreay is able to hit the hidden blade for the win. I do wish Takeshita got put away with something more but I’m just a big Takeshita fan, and this is just match one for Ospreay in AEW.
Kyle Fletcher vs Will Ospreay is announced for Wednesday Night Dynamite, which will go on to main event the show! 
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Samoa Joe def. "Hangman" Adam Page & Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) in a triple threat for the AEW World Championship in 19:41
This is one of my favourite AEW builds in a while! Slightly odd injury angle for Page aside, it's been cool. The hottest feud of 2023 is heading into the AEW World Championship scene! Hangman Adam Page is rightly mad after everything Swerve put him through, and is determined to stop him winning the title. Swerve Strickland is extremely popular despite his unhinged tendencies, and is determined to become champion. Samoa Joe is a big nasty champion and he does not care for their squabbling. When Page doesn't seek to find a winner when they draw in a Number One Contendership match, thinking Swerve will now lose his championship shot, but instead they're both getting one! How does this one play out? 
There’s so much story here in an awesome triple threat. Hangman absolutely loses it here, and it’s brilliantly done. Seeing his treatment of the referees and more really cemented this unraveled character. I see a lot of people saying this is a heel turn for Page, and I do agree, but I really hope it remains consistent and he is only a heel because of Swerve. If I see him being a heel without it being because he is obsessed with stopping Swerve, or because he’s losing his mind about Swerve, or he thinks someone is a fan of Swerve, I will be unhappy. Please. I think the whole character remains much more interesting that way, and true to his character and the type of arcs he serves best, y’know? Swerve should be a tweener I think, because the crowd reaction is ramping up, but he will lose so much of his charm if he doesn't remain a cocky, cold worldbeater. I want him feuding with faces once he wins the belt. I want him to remain the Swerve we love, and maybe build to Page finally getting that singles win over Swerve. 
Anyway, back to the match. Swerve looked so awesome and did everything so well here, he’s on the top of his game. Joe, as always, is a beast. The Swerve Buckshot Lariat from the corner was an electric moment, super cool and a great story detail. Hangman was also awesome, as per. Swerve is on top, looks to be putting Hangman away, but Joe comes in with the Coquina Clutch on Hangman! It’s not on for too long when Page taps, with Swerve’s dreams crushed. He definitely did this to deny Swerve, which they speculate about on commentary. I would have loved it if they were facing each other for that moment and we saw Hangman choose to do it, but it seems they want some ambiguity. 
Swerve looks so heartbroken post-match, as if he knows this man should have more after everything they’ve been through. I would honestly love if this develops into a story about Swerve fighting Hangman into refinding his way, perhaps with a title change or two! It looks like we’re getting Swerve vs. Joe at Dynasty, the new PPV announced on this night, and I do hope this is where Swerve wins the big one. I did kind of want a title change here, but Joe has been so awesome I’m totally happy he gets a longer reign. I was not convinced at first but he's been a great champion and has definitely shown in the last year or so that he can still go at a high level, which I think some of us might have questioned. Great match though!
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Sting & Darby Allin (w/ Steven Borden Jr. & Garrett Borden) def. The Young Bucks (Matthew & Nicholas Jackson)
In 1985, the man called Sting wrestler his first match, and in 2024, aged 64, he wrestled his last. Sting and his biggest ally in recent years, Darby Allin, became the Tag Team Champions in the build to this one, making this final match a title match against The Young Bucks. The Bucks are now touting their EVP positions, playing corporate nightmares who took issue with Sting, leading to a brutal beatdown. They want to retire Sting here with a blemish on his perfect record. 
This is an awesome hardcore spotfest with real heart given the occasion. Sting’s sons get involved early on after an emotionally charged promo video, and an emotionally charged entrance to Seek and Destroy with the Borden Boys dressed as the surfer and Wolfpac variants of Sting. Them hitting Stinger Splashes was a great moment. Glass is also brought in early on! Go cry me a river! It’s set up very nicely for Darby to do the scariest dumbest spot ever! I loved it! He flips off a ladder in the ring, through this glass pane set up on chairs on the outside, after one of the EVPs moves. The look of his back is something else. Shortly after, Sting goes through a pane of glass! He is 64! Darby is a terrible influence on him! This was also awesome though. Another fun spot is when duel superkicks are preceded by an emotional sentiment of “we’re not sorry, we hate you” from the EVPs. Sting doesn't take that though, even if he is two-on-one. This was just a great time from start to finish! Sting and Darby retain when they dump Nicholas through a table, Scorpion Death Drop on Matthew, kick out, but a Coffin Drop into a Scorpion Deathlock combo wins it! Fuck you, this was the right decision. It was much more fun to just have him win and silence the heels, just like he always has. A Tag Team Title tournament could really help refresh that division too! 
Sting thanks the fans, and Darby, and it's all very emotional on the mic post-show. He's getting “you still got it” chants and Darby is whispering time cues. Sting says “Hold on, I’m getting cues” and the ppv ends… uhhhh
Sting goes on to say his goodbyes to the live crowd, as Darby takes his leave to go to the hospital. There’s people crying in the audience, but Sting is keeping it pretty jovial. Tony Khan says a few words and the roster gathers at the top of the ramp to see off The Icon. Dax Harwood appears to be bawling his eyes out. Sting heads up the ramp and thus ends a legendary career. 
I have no idea how to rate this one to be honest. It's a very subjective match to be honest, at least for how brilliant it is for you. I don't think you can deny it was a touching send-off for Sting, it was a good time. Some say it's instantly five stars, and I could definitely see it. Sting was always someone I never really grew up with: WCW ended before I was born, he was an elder statesman of TNA when I got into that, and I wasn't watching WWE very faithfully when he had his short run. For this reason, maybe this match doesn't hit me perfectly like it does everyone well but I can't help but love it for everything it was. My favourite Sting may be Joker Sting, but I appreciate the brilliance of The Stinger. 
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Final Thoughts
Overall, this was an awesome show. Not a bad match on it for my money, and up and down the card it was different but brilliant matches. AEW are known for great PPVs, but this is definitely one of their best in recent memory! I think summing all up, this one has to be 4.5 stars out of 5.
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3-aem · 2 years
im so sorry you got hate :(
sending you free hugs if that’s okay! your art is the most fascinating I’ve seen, I’m serious. the strokes? the colours? i am deeply in love. you are amazing.
Thank you. This means a lot to hear rn.
EDIT 3. Since I felt peeved that someone was asking me to delete an old piece i actually did reach out to one of the artists (cannot currently figure out a way to contact the other). Permission was granted to keep it up.
I'm going to use this as an informal address of the issue if you do not mind. And i may delete it later.
Firstly i want it all to slide. I'm not a person who handles drama very well and I think I've already been made out to be some villain for some folks. I think there's already too much stink in the air but I'm here only to defend myself up to a line. This is long because I want to try and leave no stone unturned and cover all spots.
Skip to the bolded HERE for my direct address to that artist (skip my defense)
I do art for enjoyment. I enjoy when I learn. A crucial step for me has been learning from other artists. When I enjoy an artist or heavily reference their work I will call them out, credit them to the best of my ability. This is a track record you can observe. When I do not it's often because the reference is not exact, there reference was some generic pinterest pose/stock image esque/magazine esque photo, reverse image search and saucenao returned no hits (usually this means I am forced to link the pinterest instead).
I don't believe pose theft, pallette theft, concept theft is a thing, I think it's a form of gatekeeping and elitism but I will concede it can be a courtesy to call it out at will. Yet there are people who literally draw mannequin poses for share. If it inspires it inspires. I will not heavily debate this as I understand every artist feels differently about it but anyone in art understands implicitly the value of studying other art. Which is why I found that artist to be acting rather maliciously (*).
I know everything I've said thus far gets bungled when I start selling pieces and suddenly it appears I have a monetary incentive. Art does not pay my bills. The store is more so people who kept asking for those prints can get them. And I feel silly admitting this, but I only use the store promos on twitter to promo my piece (like on the timeline). It's a tactic I saw other artists using and i was like oh don't mind if i do too. It hurts my pride to admit. I do not make as much as anyone thinks I make and many Many prints do not sell. Inprnt takes half the earnings.
I personally upload almost every single piece so that I may purchase them or give them to friends. You will notice I do not have every single piece for public sale on store. There was an incident where a piece i did not intend to sell publicly was not rearchived and I failed to notice. I have a number of pieces up. The color schemes in a couple are very similar. Things get overlooked when you are not deliberately looking. Only two copies were sold during this time and if I had the option of knowing who bought it and how to issue a refund I would. I don't. I am sorry. This should not happen again.
HERE(*) I now want to address the way that artist framed their post and follow up discussions. First i take tremendous issue with the "big g*jo artist" lingo. My numbers do not dictate where i am as an artist and it is Absurdly infantile to think that bigger numbers means more mature, more seasoned, peak performance artist. I have worked years to get to where i am, and I am still working. I've complained about this. I've talked about this at length here on tumblr, how I get frustrated when I find myself stagnating skill wise, regressing. I don't understand how the thread could be so lost that this artist thinks I have made myself as an artist solely on a select few referenced pieces and that my goal is purely socmed growth.
Next, there's an impression that I blocked the artist on first contact. I did not. There was a full discussion where I brought up many similar arguments and when it reached the point where I no longer felt like any meaningful discussion could be had i made it clear I would be blocking but no hard feelings. It became clear at the end that the artist was truly just pressuring me to delete a couple Old pieces for what I assume was their own pleasure and to satisfy their righteous indignation. I did not and do not want to play that game.
Now the credit issue. There is a belief that I chose to issue credit on two pieces using a burner acct because i did not want that credit to be seen. As I mentioned these posts were old, specifically by 2 months. I post a lot. I have grown a lot in that time. There's a belief I don't feel shame for doing a poor credit job. I do. I feel tremendous guilt. I did not want those Pieces Themselves to be seen even if I refuse to delete (out of spite) If I had used my main art acct to reply there would be no doubt that those pieces would have be replaced onto the timeline and seen new traction, which would very much Not be the desired outcome. Was this the perfect solution, No. The perfect solution would be for me to have gotten the credit right the first time or update my standards for crediting to include the exceptions i listed at the start. The first part which I suspect is what is really being asked, is simply not possible though.
I apologize for those who may feel hurt re those two pieces. I mentioned this in my conversation with the artist that it was Not my intention to discredit, profit or hurt anyone. Obviously they left this out when they plainly said I blocked them and then liked a follow up comment that called me a coward.
This has been long. Thank you if you read all this. I will work to ensure nothing like this happens again.
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millsburycomicupdates · 9 months
🐻🐼Another short from HIRO da Black Panda🐼🐻
So I am very excited for this project I am working on called “Hiro Da Black Panda”. This is the second quick animated Promo for the project titled “Bad Movie Choice”
If you read other descriptions then you will know what I will say next… Hiro Da Black Panda is a series of Animated shorts, comics, and drawings feating Hiro who is a reverse colored panda and his life with his friends and family. While Hiro is a pretty chill, often dazed, and relaxed individual. He attracts other colorful individuals that brings out the spark that, in my opinion, people loves about the panda.
I hope this ends up being a fun experience for me and you and that this goes well. I’m excited to be doing this 😊😊😊
Starting off the year I’m gonna start posting a series of comic, quick animated shorts/reels and other stuff pretaining this Reverse colored Panda named Hiro (Pronounced Hero).
Yes Hiro is an Asexual animal personification of myself and his adventures with the people he hang and/or care about ❤️🥰.
Hopefully this lil guy will see some light and invite yall to follow as well. I will be posting em mostly on my @millsburymedia account, Deviantart, my website and sometimes @millsburyarts2go and @millsburyafterdark … until I get enough content I will make a focused page staring the lil guy. I hope you guys follow and enjoy! 😉. With this being the second animated short. Im pretty excited about the consistency and outcome of it all. Thank you 🙏🏾💙
Also I’m an artist. Please support if you ever get the chance…
#idrawthings #artwork #indieartist
#blackart #blackartist #supportblackartist #millsburymedia #neonlights #burgers #colors #idrawstuff #supportblackart #newart #webcomic #anime #fyp #bear #panda #cartoon #originalcharacter
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infamousmonkey-cat · 1 year
I guess the mental illness wants me to do ofmd reaction posts now so here we go
called it on the rabbit :( all the world will be your enemy, prince with a thousand enemies... rip
last week i was like "wow i was way off" but now i'm kind of feeling like my fic actually did a pretty good job of capturing the general vibe of these last two episodes
speaking of which i have two separate wips in my draft folder from weeks/months ago (before any s2 promo). one has ed bonding with a rabbit and one has ed being scared of spiders (which i'm PRETTY sure is new information, right?). spooky
dang that crew's getting whittled down! ivan (what did guz do??), the swede and now buttons. i have mixed feelings about this. it kind of feels like it's leading towards everyone going their own ways--not necessarily one by one, but certainly not staying together as a crew. which is probably necessary growth and shit but also feels quite bittersweet
idk what the general fandom reaction has been to buttons turning into a bird yet but i'm on board with any and all magical realism this show wants to give me
1x05 and 2x04 both end with ed and stede leaving a party that is on fire, having hit a major turning point in their relationship. i like symmetry
maybe it's just because i've been catching up on wwdits but izzy's arc this season feels "baby colin robinson" to me. i'm genuinely enjoying the stupid disaster that he is this season
i've been SAYING (to myself inside my own mind) that stede is the service top in this relationship and i feel like that is basically textually confirmed at this point
"pop WHAT magnitude? pop WHAT?"
stede risking a curse for that gay little outfit might be my favourite thing he has ever done
i wonder if that suit could possibly be a metaphor for anything
so weird that ofmd and iasip both independently did nut-allergy-being-mistaken-for-a-curse episodes
for ep 5 part of me was like "oh wow they're really gonna keep them apart for basically the whole episode??" but i actually love them having their own little adventures and then reporting back to each other at the end of the night so w/e
waxing moon <3 <3 <3
eta actually i want to say a bit more about this scene: FIRST of all the role reversal is very Something, second of all the fact that ed got to kiss stede like he wanted to the first time around. kind of rewriting history, but in a good way. very Shark
i miss zheng. girl where ARE you
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shojoboy · 1 year
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My name is Lucca but ppl call me Leo. I remade this year and have been kinda lost as to new blogs to follow so I am making this...reverse promo...
I'm really lookin for some animanga fans 2 follow!! I miss that scene!! If you are LGBT (cishets...u just aren't as cool im sorry) and post about any of the following shit:
Heavenly Delusion
Don't Call It Mystery + 7 Seeds
Skip and Loafer
Blue Period
Witch Hat Atelier
Dungeon Meshi
Hunter X Hunter
Chainsaw Man
Lupin III
Death Note (i STILL ship mattmello...)
CLAMP manga (unfortunately)
Seinen manga in general! I read a lot! Especially weird manga I love weird manga I'm always lookin for more Weird Manga
"Classic" anime and manga in general...I'm always hyped to check out more stuff from the 90s on down
BL and Yuri
ANd especially if u also like any of This shit:
My Chemical Romance
Orville Peck
Batman (99% only a villain liker tho lol)
weird old movies (Horror fans...hello)
comics in general! all genres all forms! I love when art is Sequential
ur local Library (please support. I work at one and I get bored if no one comes in)
Then follow me or like this post an I'll check u out! Thank u!
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
NOTE: Eagle-eyed viewers might recognize this post from a couple nights ago. That’s because I fucked up and wrote up the wrong episode by mistake. So I’m reposting it as to not disgrace the continuity of my blog. Please scroll down for a brand new Ephemera Corner and a slightly larger-sized Mail Bag.
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #8: “Hamburger” | April 7, 2007 - 11:45PM | S01E08
A serious contender for favorite Awesome Show episode ever, a near-flawless show that is actually weirdly cohesive; almost “one thing”; like Ice Haven by Daniel Clowes or something like that.
The plot of this episode is basically that Tim & Eric haven’t turned the episode of the show in yet, and we’re watching a live feed of them trying to rush the episode to Adult Swim. This begins with a fake bumper. Not since Sealab 2021 have we been treated to the fake bumper shtick. I think. I don’t know how to check this. Sorry. The “live feed” is very obviously not actually live, because we see obvious edits and even a little bit of reversed footage of Neil Hamburger being disgusting.
Neil Hamburger! I love Neil Hamburger so much. I first got into Neil Hamburger… I forget how. I think one of the VERY VERY VERY few cool people in Redding, CA told me about him. I have two of his early albums, and a couple of DVDs of his. I have that first one where he’s not doing the voice. I got to see him live circa 2005 in San Francisco. He told a joke where he exhaustively described Ronald McDonald coming home and murdering his entire family, including his wife, his son, and his dog. Q. Why did Ronald McDonald murder his family [told in lengthy beat-by-beat detail]? A. Because he found some of the Colonel’s secret herbs and spices in his wife’s panties. A pathetic punchline, but the entire room was howling at the set-up for what felt like forever. Maybe the best comedy show I’ve ever been to?
Tim & Eric call a cab, and it’s Neil Hamburger, who is announced with an extended title card during the opening. They must rush to Adult Swim headquarters to deliver their tape. But Neil is surly and uses bad manners on them. There are lots of wonderful moments between them, like when Neil calls them rapists unprompted. When they protest to being called rapists he shoots back “then don’t rape.” I literally think about this maybe once a day in traffic. If I get mad at a fellow driver and I’m feeling jocular, I’ll shout “you rapist!” in a Neil Hamburger voice. But thaaaat’s my life.
There are typical Awesome Show skits and bits, but nearly all of them fold back into the ending or set something up that happens later. Example: a promo for the Uncle Muscles Grand Championships is very funny on it’s own (Channel 5 logo in flames with the subtitle “on Five’r” is so hilarious), and it also sets up the ending of the episode.
Tim and Eric wind up caught in a traffic jam, caused by a car crash. Two men argue with each other over who caused the accident, and decide to settle it by having their little pocket monsters fight each other; one has a Tim and one has an Eric, both in red jumpsuits. They have a dance off and Tim is declared the winner (the footage of them dancing in these red jumpsuits is repurposed for the opening of Awesome show). Eric’s male owner punishes Eric by squashing him to death with his foot. Tim is allowed to climb up into his owner’s breast pocket and do an insane dance while making disgusting noises.
Then we cut to Michael Q. Schmidt and his companion (an actor that I don’t think ever recurred on the show, even though he has a great look and voice). Michael Q. is looking through his yoo-hoo stick (or “telescope” to those of you who aren’t stateside) at Tim’s dance. We soon learn through dialogue Michael Q. is dancing in the Uncle Muscles Grand Championships, and may be underprepared. Michael Q. teases that he’s got an idea, heavily implied that he’s going to use Tim’s dance. This bit of set-up completely eluded me in the first few viewings of this episode. I remember exclaiming this revelation to my friend who was watching it with me, as he often did. He too never realized this, and we had ourselves a little mitzvah over it.
Finally Tim & Eric Make it to Adult Swim headquarters (with a very fun miniature or computer-generated building or some combination of) and toss the tape inside. As it slowly makes its way into the tape machine, they lament that they forgot to rewind it. So it plays the ending of the show: the tail end of Casey and his brother performing “Chop Suey” (using footage from an old promo they shot). Uncle Muscles (Weird Al) throws to Michael Q. Schmidt, completely nude, performing “Raise My Roof”, clearly inspired by Tim’s little goblin/pocket dance. Cut to Uncle Muscles, Casey, and his Brother, all speechless. CUE CREDITS: which is inexplicably the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme. I remember crying laughing at this when it happened. I’m a casual admirer of Curb and not quite a devotee, so the fact that they were using Curb-style music cues throughout the whole episode sorta eluded me.
Another great thing worth mentioning is that Tim & Eric’s stupid little songs in this are so fun. They love to take little moments to themselves to celebrate minor accomplishments and it’s very charming. A very good idea for a kind of guy to be. When in a hurry to make a flight or other appointment I’ve been known to keep my spirits up by singing the little “we’re gonna make it” song.
There are roughly three bits in the entire show that don’t really have to do with this throughline, and they are:
A quick “Where’s my Chippy” bit, set at a claw machine being operated by a small boy. This is my favorite one of these, I think. Doug Lussenhop plays the boy and he has a Chippy-esque pube-stache. He’s so weird-looking in this. It’s… unforgettable.
A prank phone call where Tim calls a tech support company because a uke fell on his laptop and now he can’t check his sites. There’s some very funny turns of phrase in this, and the cut away from the animated call to actual camera footage of Tim performing the call is so fun. It is, dare I say it? Irresistible. Tim notes on the commentary (recorded shortly after this season was completed, if memory serves) that this is probably the final prank phone call of the series. This is a good one to go out on. These can be funny, and have funny things in them, but making them be prank phone calls is pointless, because it’s almost never really about the reaction.
A very strong, very funny Steve Brule segment where he presents his investigative report about diarrhea. He has a chart showing every day he got the runs, and really says nothing of use about the topic. When Jan and Wayne notice a different color square on one of the days that month, Steve sheepishly admits that it was his birthday. Jan and Wayne rib him for not letting them know it was his birthday and go into a spirited birthday song while steve basks in the love with a dumb little smile. The sketch ends with what’s assumed to be a stock photo that in-universe Channel 5 graphics department scrambled to find: Jan and Wayne holding a birthday cake that has Wayne’s name on it. It’s such a hilarious detail, making this maybe my favorite Awesome Show Brule bit of all time.
I’m almost certain this is my favorite episode of season one. For Goddamn sure.
Poolside Chats with Neil Hamburger (Interview with Tim & Eric, January 15, 2007)
You remember Tom Green? Ottawa public-access host turned Canadian basic cable host turned MTV host turned filmmaker turned internet television pioneer? His online show was a nightly talk show that broadcast live out of his house, where he’d built a swanky late night set. There we some seriously wonderful and experimental moments on that show, as well as some very memorable trainwrecks. I was really into it for a short period of time, but would check in from time to time after that. Tom would have Neil Hamburger on frequently and eventually gave him his own spin-off show. The first episode, if I remember correctly, was an unmitigated disaster, with Neil breaking character several times.
This episode features Tim & Eric taking calls from racist teens. This is also the first appearance of rascals anywhere, which we’ll see next episode. Great fucking internet television. Needs to be in a museum.
Okay, to make up for the fact that by mixing up Tim & Eric episodes I’ve basically weaseled my way into *sorta* taking a night off, I’m gonna just answer every mail I have in my bag. Which may or may not result in a super-sized Mail Bag. I don’t wanna advertise that I’m doing this to the three people who are clearly my friends anonymously sending me stuff to mock me for doing a thing “for readers”, because they might go TOO nuts and make a point to send a lot to punish me.
You wrote Simpsons Night, right? Great blog, sad to see it end so abruptly because you had a fight with Disney+. Anywhoozle, how does your favorite Tim and Eric bit stack up against your favorite Simpsons bit (which I believe from reading the blog you said it was the Robotic Richard Simmons).
Thanks Nick. Anyway: That blog is not quite dead (lol Monty Python so funny... a bit UN-PC THOUGH!!!! AM I RIGHT?????). How dare you. Lotta Christmases have been happening lately so I’ve not had time to luxuriate in my various blogs. I’ll do another Simpsons soon.
I think the sad truth is that The Simpsons’ effects are waning on me, and I tend to see those great, incredible, ingenious jokes as a soothing balm. Tim & Eric are sorta the same way, but I’ve watched these episodes a fraction of the amount of time I’ve watched The Simpsons. But I’ve already begun thinking up more inane “watching the Simpsons” projects. I can’t get enough of those funny families.
I think Tim & Eric taps into a vein of humor that I ultimately prefer, which is stuff that is funny for reasons you can’t fully comprehend at first. You know what I mean? Anyway, my idea is that this time I watch the episodes by production code, but I alphabetize the production codes, so I actually start with season 10
neil hamburger must have freaked some people out in 2007
Okay: see, I already talked about the episode mix-up, otherwise I would have not used this Mail Bag on this post. If I were being truty deceitful, I would have pretended this Mail Bag came in later, and attach it to tomorrow’s post instead. Anyway: I cherish Neil Hamburger and we all should cherish him. Let’s get all his television appearances together in a bittorrent, stat!
Which Jackass parody do you like better: Tim and Eric's Dumbellz or PodcastAboutList's Prankass?
I’m assuming you left out Kenny Rogers’ Jackass because it’s too clear of a winner. Anyway, I know nothing about Prankass and am in fact a very casual fan of those guys. I’ve only heard a couple episodes of that show and watched the Jollibee video a few times. I gotta get with it. Prankass is probably much better.
You couldn't do the jokes Neil Hamburger did today
Yeah you can
What do you think of this: cheese sticks coated in italian breadcrumbs, fried until they are hot and melty on the inside, dunked into your favorite marinara or spaghetti sauce. It's an appetizer. Interested?
The idea of dipping these guys in marinara has never appealed to me. I have a weird thing against mixing tomato and cheese. Something about it seems sinful. I avoid pizza for this reason. Denny’s cheese sticks are perfect, and their chicken fingers used to be perfect, but then they changed them, and they are merely “alright”. I can’t find anything that compares.
Will we ever have another funny comedy duo like Tim and Eric again? Hayes and Sean? Those two guys who fucked off to work for Jimmy Fallon? Jeremy and Rajat? Daniels? Please don't say Daniels I hate that fucking movie.
I remember one time, Jimmy Kimmel had on a duo named like Ant and Dek, and I was like “huh, okay, who are theeeeeese guys” (getting ready to laugh because duos are tried and true) and then they get to talkin’, right, and it turns out they were just like normal-ass British television presenters that are hugely famous in England but not here, and Jimmy kept having to remind the audience that they were big stars, and they didn’t say anything funny because they weren’t really comedians at all. (not sure what my point was so...) anyway, all that stuff I said should be illegal.
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anti-benophie · 24 days
I thought this would be a fun space but “reverse racism”???? Jfc, educate yourself.
how would you call when people mock and saying the most nasty things about a character/actor for being white???? what is that???? you really don`t know how many comments, posts making hateful comments about their whiteness.
is that not reserve racism?? if you said an actress doesntp deserve to have a promo because she is white, what is that?
i am not a racist and i will never be
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srs-titties · 4 months
[ERROR: Malformed Message Header]
PT: Error: Malformed Message Header. End of PT.
Hello! You may call me Suns! I post edits and reblogs of mostly cripple related stuffs! Especially memes. I try to sit and make IDs, but if I ever do one that's unclear or incorrect. let me know! I may also try and do IDs for images here!
Here's a bit about me!
Suns, They/It, Adult, Queer, ND, Disabled, Plural, Vet ACAB, BLM, Stop Asian Hate, Anti-Zionist Also an angry cripple punk. Posts about edits of disabilities and brain weird stuffs. Icon is by @eldritch-collective, Header is from Rain World Promo Art.
Ask to tag if something is missed! My RBYF (Read Before You Follow) and Tags is included under the cut. (Also an ID for the Icon and another for the header image.)
Read Before You Follow; AKA read this so you're not confused why I blocked you: are Anti-kinfolk/Anti-fictionkin are Anti-MOGAI and LIOM are Anti non-traumagenic systems are Exclusionists (of any kind) are Fujoshi are MAP/NOMAP/AAM are Transmed/Truscum are T(W)ERF/SWERF Known to harass users or make false accusations practice DDLG/CCLG Ship unsafe and/or illegal ships support Thinspo/Proana Think reverse oppression is real. (example. All Lives Matter, MAGA, and a lot more so this will be liberal) Think Amatopunk includes Incest/Consang
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Icon ID: The sprite of Seven Red suns is the icon used in-game by Overseers and other in-game scenes in Rain World. They are looking forward with wide eyes, a sun on their forehead, and long upright sensors on the sides of their head. The flag is an Epilepsy flag without an associated symbol. The flag is comprised of two halves and fifteen stripe in total, with two stripes being larger than the rest. The left half, top to bottom, is a simple white to black gradient that starts with a large stripe of white and ends with a large stripe of black. The right half is a colored gradient that, from top to bottom, goes from a large stripe of unsaturated purple, dark red-purple, red-purple, violet, desaturated blue, mint green, lime green, yellow, goldenrod, red-orange, red, dark red, and a large stripe of maroon. End of Icon ID.
Header ID: A looping gif of a white slugcat, to the left, in a grassy area while holding a spear, shifting, and blinking in a defensive position while a cyan lizard, to the right, is hissing with an opening and closing mouth with its tongue curling out. End of Header ID.
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