#I am on a journey of self discovery about 15 years too late
quarble · 1 year
Long post is long, and is about sexual identity and shit.
I have had deep, intense, all-encompassing crushes on two women in my life (and attraction to a bunch of others). I have identified as bisexual since high school because of the first of them, who I loved with the sort of pathetic, unrequited adoration you can only have at 17. She later transitioned, and I think he lives in California now and doesn’t do social media.. I never told him how I felt, though now that I’ve read so many steddie fics it’s possible he actually maybe liked me back and tried to tell me with a series of the most 90’s queer mixtapes ever, and my tiny, insecure ADHD brain totally missed it.
I haven’t seen him since before his transition, but I would still come running if he called.
(I mean, not really. It’s somewhat complicated by the husband and kid thing. But I can dream?)
The second one was from my late 20s. She came to my wedding. We lived in each others pockets. We had a terribly unhealthy codependent relationship that ended when she left the city because the other woman who she actually had a crush on did not reciprocate her feelings, which prompted me to shoot my shot before she moved. She did not feel the same way about me, and off she went. This was all complicated by love triangle/I was married/shit was crazy. She came back to visit a couple of times, but I was irritated and a bad friend about everything because things were weird. But that’s not the point.
Today I got an official change of name and pronouns from them. In the mail! Like a baby announcement, except with a FAQ and some very dapper pictures. They came out as non-binary in the most professional way possible, and I’m very proud of them (from across the country).
Not that anyone’s transition or gender identity is about me, but the fact that the greatest loves of my life (aside from the dude I married of course) have both moved from female presenting to male (or both/either) has made me realize that I probably identify as pan more than bi at this point. It’s taken me a hot minute to get comfortable with this, since being bi was such a huge part of my (mostly internal) identity since I was 15, and I really defined myself with the love and attraction and pining I felt for my high school crush, who it turns out was not a girl after all. But here I am. An almost 40 year old suburban mom in a straight relationship, becoming more queer by the goddamn day.
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teacup-tai · 3 years
Hi! You're currently the only HP blog I follow (I've been out of the fandom for several years), but I'm wondering if you have the time/inclination if you could point me in the direction of what might be considered some quintessential drarry fics? I have a craving to jump back in but no idea where to begin!
Hello friendly nonnie. First of all, I'm very curious to know why am I the only HP blog you follow, and very honoured at the same time. Thanks for reaching out, I hope I can help you with it!
So here we go. I have a few favourites and classics that I believe everyone should read. I hope you enjoy them :)
Buckle up and jump back in with our drarry squad!!!
Turn by Saras Girl - 306K, E
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Grounds for Divorce by @tepre - 122K, E
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter. A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Little Compton Street (One Rainy Night in Soho) by @writcraft - 65k, E
Draco is lonely, Harry hates the press and it won’t stop raining in London. Harry discovers a magical street that’s close to disappearing forever and Draco realises he’s one rainy night in Soho away from finding everything he’s been searching for.
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic - 61k, E
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
If an Injury is to be Inflicted by @shealwaysreads - 44k, E
If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.
Here's the Pencil Make it Work by ignatioustrout - 44k, M
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
I bet you look good on the dancefloor by birdsofshore - 27k, M
Harry felt lit up from inside as soon as he entered the bar. There were blokes dancing together, their bodies close to one another, not keeping a wary distance as Harry was always careful to do when he was near another man. God, he wanted this – wanted it so much he could taste it, a metallic tang of heat and desire. He suspected nothing would ever be the same again – especially when he saw who else was in the room.
Running on air by @tinyhistory - 74k, T
Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
Little deaths and how to avoid them by @greaseonmymouth & art by dustmouth - 94
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Shibboleths by @lol-zeitgeistic - 109K, M
Muggle Immersion co-Professor Harry Potter spends his days hanging with his son, reading to his "dog," teaching magical kids about the internet with his cousin Dudley, and irritating Snape’s portrait. He’s understandably annoyed when his cosy life is interrupted by the Headmistress hiring on Draco Malfoy to be Hogwarts’ new Ancient Magical Cultures and Spellcasting professor. But then the explosion happens, and it turns out they'll all need Malfoy's knowledge if they want the magical world to survive.
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake - 146k, M
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter.
Dwelling by aideomai - 83k, M
Curses, James and Lily Potter ride again, several Ministry balls, a teenage Summer of Love, a grim young adult dystopian winter, a few different Draco Malfoys, secrets and the problems re: not having any, alternate lives, impossible lives, real lives, allusions to Dirty Dancing, and just because it's not called the Mirror of Erised doesn't mean you shouldn't know better.
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by @waspabi - 93k, T
'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.
In the Shadow of your Heart by @lqtraintracks - 51k, E
And thus began the very strange circumstance of their fake dating in public and real fucking in absolute secret. It was, with no comparison, the weirdest relationship Draco had ever been in – which was to say, it wasn't one.
Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid - 169k, E
Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. 12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends. Only nothing feels perfect. Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
I believe 15 is a wrap. lol, I'm sorry I went overboard xD I could keep on going forever ;) I'll add here @sitp-recs list of Drarry for beginners. She organised a very nice list of tropes and their classics, it's brilliant!
Welcome back to Drarry, lovely nonnie! :3 Love, tai
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dekusbrokenarms · 4 years
Class 1-A Gender and Sexuality Journey Headcanons
This is mostly just me really liking messy self discovery because I am a messy bitch.
Kyoka Jirou
First off, Kyoka is a trans girl. She socially transitioned when she was really young and began medically transitioning in high school bc her parents are super supportive and great (we stan a supportive parent)
She first thinks she's bi when she's 14 and comes out as such at 15
She dates Kaminari for a while second year and after they break up she's pretty certain she's a lesbian
After high school, she has a couple years where gender is kinda nebulus. For a while thinks she's a nonbinary lesbian but then decides she's just GNC and punk but definitely full girl
She gets more comfortable in her gender after that, but starts questioning her sexuality again
And ends up back at bisexual, but like not attracted to dudes. Girls and nonbinary people only please
Also she and Momo reconnect in their mid twenties and hit it off and get married
Denki Kaminari
Denki is completely comfortable calling himself straight up until he's 17
But don't get it twisted, he definitely was already acutely aware he was into dudes
Because wow boys are pretty
But he also just kind of ignores it because OMFG GIRLS
But after his other friends start coming out, he gets more comfortable thinking about his sexuality but doesn't bother labelling it
Specifically he doesn't want to label it because he gets comfortable with it after her starts dating Kyoka and doesn't want anyone thinking he's calling himself not-straight for dating her
But a couple months after he breaks up with Kyoka, he starts fooling around with Hitoshi and like really he's at the point of no return so he just slaps the bi label on himself and goes about his day
Towards the end of third year, he starts playing around with GNC and really vibes with the genderqueer label, but still uses he pronouns because he's used to them
He and Hitoshi break up after graduation and Denki really throws himself into exploring his gender and sexuality
And starts using he and they pronouns and typically dresses on the masculine side of androgynous but with lots of cool makeup
He gives polyamory a shot, but he keeps finding himself feeling like he's third wheeling other people's relationships and decides its not for them
In their late twenties, he and Hitoshi hook up at a reunion party and hit it off. They keep things casual for several months before suddenly they decide to move in together and in a blink of an eye, they're in a legit committed relationship without knowing how it got there but it feels right to them.
Eijirou Kirishima
No flavor for this one. He figured out he was gay when he was 12 and it stuck. His moms are lesbians and support him wholeheartedly.
Katsuki Bakugou
I think Bakugou also grew up with queer people in his life so he was never really in the closet
He was pretty certain he was asexual and aromantic until Kirishima weedled his way into his heart
At 17, he decides that he's probably demi-pansexual and demiromantic but that feels like too much so he just says queer.
This boy knows all the words though. Keeps very up to date with the local and global state of queer communities but doesn't talk about it unless prompted or provoked
At first he was very private about his relationship with Kirishima because it was no one's fucking business but after seeing the rampant homophobia in the hero business, he became very loud and very proud of his boyfriend very fast
Eijirou and Katsuki probably got married at, like, 21 and did not give one shit when people pointed out they were young. And they're together for the rest of their lives so those fuckers can suck it
Mina Ashido
Mina is your classic bisexual disaster and spends her teens and early twenties going between calling herself straight, bi, and a lebsian depending on who she's currently into because this bitch has zero object permanence
She chills out in her twenties though and is comfortable calling herself bisexual at long last
Hanta Sero
Sero is pretty comfortable being straight right up until all his friends come out
He spends a couple months questioning his sexuality before knowing for certain he's straight
But he's that one straight dude that always ends up dating bi and pan girls by complete happenstance
Hitoshi Shinsou
He really does not know what his sexuality is
Sometimes its yes
Sometimes its no
He says queer because he can't be assed to look into any of the microlabels
He just knows he's not straight and that's good enough for him
Momo Yaoyorozu
This girl is a lesbian but trying to convince herself of that was A PROCESS
She denies it for years and years
Its not until after graduation she thinks, but doesn't dare say, she's bi because she tells herself she's "mostly into guys anyway" so "it doesn't really count"
Slowly her percentage shifts away from guys and to girls
She's 23 before she accepts she's a lesbian
But she doesn't come out until she's 28 because she's scared since her parents expect her to end up with a man
Ochako Uraraka
This girl is mostly into guys. Like she's pretty sure she's straight because all the crushes she had so far have been on boys
When she's 18, she starts to suspect she might like girls too but is really too shy to explore that feeling at first
But when she does? Oh boy she will not stop talking about how wonderful and perfect girls are and how unfortunate her attraction to men is because she feels insecure in her validity as a bisexual woman with a preference for men
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu has known she's a lesbian since she was 15 and was very comfortable with that
She questioned if she might be bi a time or two but always came back to being gay
She does realize she's an ace lesbian at 18 though but she's also okay with that
Her goals in life are to own a house by a lake with a beautiful wife
Tenya Iida
Tenya is pansexual
Literally he just cannot see why gender would be a factor in choosing a potential partner
He never came out because he was 20 before he realized that this was not the default state and others weren't just being picky by having a different sexuality
And by then, every knew because he made no attempts to hide his partners
He was really stressed at first about it, and asked Tensei why no one ever told him he should be more careful with publicly showing his sexuality but Tensei was just like "we just thought you knew what you were doing, dude. And it looks like it worked out"
Izuku Midoroya
Again, Izuku is too swept up in "nghh girls pretty" to think too much about his sexuality when he's younger
When he gets a crush on Shouto, he doesn't recognize it as a crush at first because it felt so natural and comfortable and he was used to being uncomfortable around people he liked
So he has a crush on Shouto for years before it hits him: Oh I'm not straight
He stays in that nebulous not-straight state for months because he does not have time to deal with that
But once he stops procrastinating his sexuality, he cannot decide if he's bisexual or pansexual or polysexual and he gets super wrapped up in researching microlabels and its super overwhelming
He even questions his gender for a little bit but settles on he's a cis man pretty quickly
He does eventually start dating Shouto and just calls himself gay for a while because it's easier than trying to piece together ten microlabels like he's tempted to do
However after Shouto begins exploring his gender identity, Izuku gets more comfortable just calling himself pan because he realizes that gender never really played a part in who he likes.
Shouto Todoroki
He came out as gay at 14 to piss off his father depsite the fact he didn't actually have any feelings about his sexuality at the time
No he decided he didn't care what his sexuality was. He was gonna be gay.
And he forgot he did that until he was 17 and was like, oh- I should probably figure out my actual sexuality, after being questioned due to his close relationship with Izuku
So he thought about it for about 15 seconds to say, well, I do like Izuku so I'll just be actually gay now
That stuck until after graduation and into his twenties when he started questioning his gender
He figured out he wasn't particularly attached to masculinity or femininity and found comfort in the agender label
They started using gender neutral pronouns and grew their hair out long but that's really all that changed
They came back to their sexuality after that and decided it was just "men"
Izuku tried to be helpful and offered terms like androsexual, but Shouto didn't find them very useful so they like to tell people their gender is no and their sexuality is dude
It gets the point across
Yuga Aoyoma
Okay, so we all know he’s gay
But despite how flamboyant he is, this boy is a closet case
He definitely had a crush on Izuku first year, but he couldn’t handle that yet so he definitely lived vicariously through Ochako’s crush on him
I don’t think he came out until after high school
And zero people were surprised
He probably does drag too
And he’d look fabulous doing so
Kouji Koda
I think Kouji is ace 
I don’t think this is a word he had for himself until he was in his mid twenties
He just assumed he was a late bloomer and he’d been told he just had a low self esteem
But he finds the ace community and suddenly everything makes sense and he feels comfortable in his own skin
Once that falls into place, he discovers he’s also aromantic
He ends up having a platonic life partner and they have lots of pets and plants together
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage figured out he’s bisexual when interning under Hawks. Like fuck, he had the most embarrassing crush on this guy who’s aesthetic is so embarrassing
I don’t think he had much trouble accepting that he’s attracted to guys though
Like a demon lives in his head
He’s mostly suffering because he has a crush on his cheerful, friendly mentor
Dark Shadow is very happy about this development because it’s a chance to embarrass him and make him uncomfortable
Fumikage gets renewed interest in being able to control Dark Shadow to shut his whore mouth
Unfortunately Dark Shadows outs him to his mentor
Fortunately Hawks is really cool about it and tells DS to have some chill and doesn’t give Fumikage a hard time about it, but Fumikage doesn’t get invited back for another internship with him and finds himself assigned to do work with sidekicks afterwards
Mezou Shouji
Mezou doesn’t fuck with gender
It’s not that he necessarily feels disconnected from his masculinity but rather that he just feels like gender is archaic and useless
So he’s pan and bigender (male and agender)
Definitely would make jokes about be attracted to frying pans and this is how he comes out to Fumikage in their third year. 
Rikidou Sato
Rikidou doesn’t really date in high school
Soon after graduation he ends up in a relationship with a girl that lasts five years before he realizes he’s gay
One time someone tells him he should have known sooner since he likes baking so much and he punches them in the face (I like to imagine this person was Mineta for face punching purposes)
He ends up good pals with the woman he was dating and she’s his maid of honor at his wedding :’)
Tooru Hagakure, and Mashirao Ojiro
I’m sorry if one of them is your fave. They’re both straight and cis and have never questioned it even once. 
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generallygenderless · 4 years
An AFAB genderqueer adult on JKR
Hey! In case you don’t have any of these tags blocked, I’m going to hide this under a read-more
So as some of us H*rry P*tter fans have been disappointed by recently, Judgy Karen Ranting has explicitly outed herself as a terf/fart recently, as opposed to being “hopefully only terf-adjacent”.
Well, I have some comments about her open letter that I want to address, myself. 
Warning: Not all of yall will relate to this at all. That’s alright. If you do, feel free to chime in.
This is explicitly about one part in which JKR states that previously, the majority of trans people were trans women, whereas now, it seems to be trans men, and the entire concept of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. 
I really don’t know whether to unpack this, or toss the entire suitcase, so let’s examine it: 
We’ve seen that historically, there’ve been people who were likely trans and whose identities were explained away. How many trans men were explained as “just disguised themselves as a man to achieve their goals”? Dr. James Barry, for example, who didn’t start living as a man until probably around 20 years old, and lived his entire adult life as a man, requesting to be buried in his bedsheets and pajamas so no one would discover that he was AFAB.
This is an interesting discovery, in my opinion, because it’s further proof that there have always been trans people. They just either lived very unhappily as their assigned gender, or lived as stealth as they could. 
In my own experience growing up in Miami, where there were a lot of LGB people I could’ve seen, I had a very odd understanding of trans people growing up. Up until I was 12 and started to consider myself LGBT ally, I didn’t know much about “that stuff”. That was also the same time my “hmm why does gender matter and how does it affect me” brain turned into “shitshitshit i don’t like how clothes look on me anymore” brain, and I started refusing the color pink and clothes I found too “girly”. 
I learned a little bit about trans people between 12 and 15 (pre-tumblr era, basically), and while I knew that there were trans guys and trans girls, to some degree, I basically felt that since I wasn’t a trans guy, I must be a cis girl. Then I joined tumblr and my first mutual reblogged a lot of LGBT stuff, and that’s how I learned about more LGBT things. first I found out I was asexual. then I started suspecting I was bi/pan-romantic. Finally, I began to question my gender identity. I started suspecting I was nonbinary. 
Had I know that nonbinary people existed when I was 8 or 9, I would’ve identified as such then. It took coming to terms with it, like, a lot. I had the same amount of friends before this as I had after (like 4, at this point), and there’s definitely a lot to be said on that topic. I knew exactly one trans person at this point. I’d felt weird about gender from the time I was at least 6, if not younger. 
This is definitely an issue I have with the idea of ROGD. In my entire time of identifying as transneutral, I’ve had exactly two people come out to me. One was a camp buddy at the time and we’d both secretly been on gender journeys at the same time. The other is my partner. Everyone else identified as trans before I knew them, and still do. I’ve had two friends revert back to she/her pronouns, and upon asking, they revealed they don’t identify as cis, they’re still nonbinary, but it’s too much of a hassle to deal with transphobes all the time. 
Additionally, of the two people that have come out to me, they both had gender issues starting pretty young. It was by no means late-onset or rapid-onset, but rather they’d repressed it until their options were self-destruct or come to terms with it. 
My friend group has absolutely queered itself up, and I’ve noticed that I attract people who are LGBT+ and mentally ill/neurodivergent (usually both). That connection between trans people and being autistic? Pretty sure that’s caused by the fact that autistic people have to yell so loud to be heard, so they’re more visible when they come out. As far as ADHD people (of which I’m pretty sure I am one), we can hyperfixate on LGBT topics and tend to know way too much about gender and sexuality. 
This queering of the group is not because we’re turning or pushing each other. We’re just drawn to people like us. We tend to like media we’re reflected in to some degree. We escape into similar fandoms. We like similar music. It just happens. 
And besides, JK, lemme ask you this: why in the world would I want to be nonbinary? Why would I think this is easier or more fun than being a girl? It’s really not. I have lost friends over my gender identity, I’ve been told off, and I have one friend who I had to avoid the topic with altogether. I’m not nonbinary because of gender roles; I am just as miserable being a girl as I am being a guy, no matter how gender-nonconforming that image may be. I know that girls can do or be anything, and I know the same is true of guys. If it was just a matter of mental illness or gender roles or sexuality, why would I open myself up to this? Why would I want to see your commenters or comments under people like me being told that we don’t exist or that we deserve to die? I haven’t gotten special attention, and I’m actively scared of being out at school. Why would I take a risk like that if I wasn’t reasonably sure that this is who I am? I have more reasons to not identify as nonbinary, in all honesty. The only reason I use that label is because it is me. It’s who I am, it’s who I’ve always been. 
And for the record, thanks to my PCOS, I only menstruate half the year at best. If I were cis, I would only be a woman half the year anyways.
Endnote: to all yall wonderful ladies, gentlemen, and bees out there, you’re valid. She can’t change your gender identity. No one can. Keep being yourself, and do your best every day. 
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basicbrittiknow · 4 years
Advice To My Younger Self
Hey guys!! I hope everyone had a marvelous week and an even better weekend!!
Last week, I got some homework done, Friday I went to the drive-in with one of my best friends, to see Grease, which was such a cute time, and such an awesome way to get me out of the house!!
Today is Monday, August 17, 2020 and the topic of “things I would tell my younger self” popped into my brain on Friday, so I not only want to share some things I would’ve told myself when I was younger but I want to hear from you!! Please, share with me some things you would have told your younger self. 
I am 25, but I, by no means, know everything!! I have so much life left to live and so much more to learn. But that’s what this blog is all about right? Living, learning and growing together!! 
So let’s dive in, shall we?!
First order of business, school, or specifically, college. I don’t know about you, but college has always been apart of the plan for me. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t include college in my post high school plans. However, the plans I had for myself and the plans life had for me were two different things. When I graduated high school, I did go to college, but it wasn’t the college that I so excitedly looked forward to it was community college. *SIDE NOTE* There is absolutely nothing wrong with community college!! In fact, looking back, I wasn’t ready, in the slightest, to attend a University!! I was right where I needed to be!! And if I could go back in time, I would have done everything the exact same way. Because my time at community college allowed me to grow as a person and student, it gave me the time to become a more independent and responsible young adult, and it showed me that my future really is up to me, whether or not I sink or swim, is up to me 
So what would I tell my younger self about school? I would tell myself to work hard and stay focused, because everything works out the way it’s supposed to and in it’s own time. I would tell my younger self not to worry so much about what comes next, because everything will be just fine!!
Next up, let’s talk about relationships!! Relationships come in all types of forms: familial, platonic, professional, and of course, romantic. While different elements make up the different types of relationships, I have the same message for all of them, and that is, if the relationship doesn’t POSITIVELY affect you, let it go!! I’m not saying that if things aren’t always smooth sailing, never without a problem, walk away, because in that case, you may find yourself alone majority of the time. But I am saying that if a relationship of any kind leaves you upset, emotionally drained, fearful and unsure of yourself, walk away!! You’ll thank yourself later!! Trust me, I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but please!! Find it in yourself to leave alone those people who bring uncertainty, toxicity (yes, family can be toxic too) and unhappiness to you. I promise, there are better days and better people ahead.
I would have told my younger self all of these things regarding relationships, but I would have included “speak up for yourself”, which is something that I still struggle with!!But it is also something that has led to so many fall outs. If someone has a problem with you speaking up for yourself. for defending yourself, for being strong for yourself, for being yourself, those people are not meant to be in your life, and unworthy to do so. LET THEM GO!! You’ll be so much happier in the long run ;)
Next, goals/aspirations. When I was 18 and graduating high school, even beyond that age, well into my early twenties, nothing made me happier, more excited, than the thought of being young, rich and famous!! I wanted to be a super famous singer and tour with One Direction (they were so in at the time), and I was certain that that would be how Harry Styles and I would meet, fall in love and live happily ever after. *SIDE NOTE* If fame and fortune is your dream, YOU GO GIRL/BOY!! Chase that dream and work hard for it, and I know you can achieve it!! However, if you’re like me, and your dreams/goals/ambitions change every day, that’s okay too!! 
Ever heard that saying “A dream is a wish your heart makes.” by the famous Cinderella? That wish that your heart is making could be for the near or even distant future. Meaning between now and the time your wish comes true, it is perfectly fine to have a change of heart, to change up your plans!!
My advice to my younger self, and my advice to you, reading this, is to pursue whatever it is that sets your soul on fire in the best way. Pursue what makes you happy, pursue whatever it is that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning!! 
It is a little scary and unnerving not having every little detail of your life figured out, at least for me it is, but the truth is, nobody has all of the answers, nobody has it all figured out, and that’s okay!!
Now, let’s talk about sex baby!! Freshman, 15 year old Brittany swore up and down she had met the one. I just knew I had met the boy I would marry, have a family with and share all the special firsts everyone experiences. I knew all of this at 15 and I was so wrong at 15!! Fast forward, 10 years later, and there have been at least 3 or 4 or 5 more guys (I’ve been a little less focused on the important stuff in the past) who I thought the same thing of. And guess what, I was wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME!! So here we are, age 25, still single, still waiting to experience all the special things with my very own special person, but I’m okay!!
The thought of being 25 and single with not even ONE prospect, at 15, made me cringe!! There was NO WAY!! It just wasn’t going to be, at least not for 15 year old me. 
While my journey to loving and embracing all the lessons and freedoms of single life hasn’t been smooth, fun, quick or consistent, RIGHT NOW, I’m very clear headed and I view the “single journey” if you will as such a magnificent, at times lonely, but overall wonderful time of self-discovery!! I learn something new about myself, and about life everyday, and I’m having so much fun!!
I say all of this to say, if I could talk t my younger self, knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to embrace every experience you have as a single person, learn all that you can while you can, and as far as sex? Wait until you meet the person that looks at you like you’re the only person in the room, like you’re the most important person in the room. Wait until you meet the person you KNOW will be there in the morning, not the one you HOPE will be there in the morning. Wait until you’ve found the person who is every cheesy but lovely cliche you can think of. WAIT!! It may not be easy, it may not be fun, but 25 year old Brittany promises, it ill be soooooo worth it. I don’t know everything, but the whole point of this blog is to live, learn and grow together, right? So that’s that on that!! MOVING ON!!
FEARS... fears have been something that I’ve come to be extremely familiar with since 2013, the year I graduated high school. From what class to take next, to what job to apply for and accept, to what purchase to make with this week’s paycheck, I live very cautiously, I must admit!! But living cautiously and living fearfully are two different things!! Being afraid is totally normal, everyone has fears. HOWEVER, in the words of the late great Babe Ruth, “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”
My life has been nothing short of beautiful, oozing with small victories, *Humble brag* and I refuse to believe it will be any less beautiful in the years to come. Life hasn’t always dealt me the best cards, but my life has been so amazing and beautiful because I never let fear control me and my decisions; even if I failed, I still took a chance, I didn’t let fear prevent me from at least cracking the door of opportunity. 
So in knowing all that I do not, I would tell my younger self to be afraid, cry and even hesitate if you want, but when you’re done freaking out, do what scares you anyway!! Because you never know what excitement lies on the other side of fear.
And finally, the future!! To sit here and say that the thought of the future, with all of it’s uncertainty and inevitable change, doesn’t cause alarm in me from time to time, would be a lie. It’s August; who would have thought that back in March, I’d still be unemployed, 5 months later, due to the pandemic? Had you told me that this was what would happen I would have started job hunting THEN!! 
My point is, none of us know what the near and/or distant future holds for us. So live for right now, as cheesy, cliche and played out as that sounds!! Putting my own twist on it... “Live for right now, but also live for the person you’ll be in 5, 15, 20 years. Make good, fun decisions and memories that future you will be proud of and even benefit from. I’m only just now learning that, but if I could tell my younger self anything regarding the future, it would be this. Live every day so that in years to come, you can look back and smile proudly!!
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lexthemondo · 5 years
Musical Mondays
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Greetings and Salutations,
It is the first official Musical Monday! Woo-hoo! Cue the confetti and party music (Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus is acceptable). Now, my layout will be a bit odd, so I’m going to take the time to explain it this one time and that’ll be all as far as the actual posts themselves go, however, you are always welcome to message me if you’re confused about anything! 
I will first name and give a brief description (serious Lex mode) of every artist mentioned as well as their social media information in case you would like to see more of them. After that, I will talk about specific songs since a lot of you probably are not looking for complete albums. I will then go into recent album drops, or my absolute favorites, that I loved. This is when I drop the “serious Lex mode” and act a little silly while gushing about the music. I will not be doing this for individual songs, instead, I will be doing a rating system! 
The ratings will range from 1 through 5, with 1 being the most calming and 5 being more upbeat and fun. I think this will be easier when categorizing the individual songs themselves just so I don’t end up writing an essay about every song on the list. Plus, the artist summary should clue you in on their general aesthetic and groove. 
I will note, however, that some artists will either have shorter bios or none at all for the simple fact that I cannot find any information outside of their music. For example, in this post, we have a SoundCloud artist that is very small and does not have the same fanbase as the others on the list do. I just briefly stated that he does not have much information about him, but I know he is releasing an EP soon. Now with all the boring stuff out of the way, lets jam out. 
Some of these artists have completely taken over my playlist, and I have no idea how I survived without them before, while others have held a special place in my heart for years. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and please go send them some love by clicking on the links to their social media accounts.
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Cigarettes After Sex
Cigarettes After Sex is an American Dream Pop band from El Paso, Texas. The group consists of lead singer/ songwriter, Greg Gonzalez who founded the band in 2008. Gonzalez, over the years, has also brought upon the help of keyboard player Josh Marcus, bassist Randy Miller, and drummer Jacob Tomsky. The group is known for its dream-like sound, ethereal vibe, and Gonzalez’s “androgynous” voice. The band’s first EP I. was released in 2012, with their single Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby being a huge commercial hit. In 2015, the band released their single Affection, and two years later their self-titled album dropped. In August of this year, the group then announced their new album Cry was announced as well as the released of their solo song Heavenly. The album was released on October 25, 2019.
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Brent Faiyaz
Christopher Brent Wood, or better known as Brent Faiyaz, is an American singer and producer from Columbia, Maryland. However, Faiyaz moved to Charlotte, South Carolina, and then ultimately to Los Angeles, California to further his music career. January 19, 2015, he released his debut single Allure followed by the release of his song, and lead single on his EP A.M. Paradox released in 2016, Invite Me. In October of 2016, Faiyaz along with producers Dpat and Atu formed a group called Sonder, releasing their debut single Too Fast on October 25, 2016. December 16, 2016, Faiyaz was a featured artist on Goldlink’s song Crew, alongside fellow rapper Sly Grizzly. This is Faiyaz’s most known song and has gained him a lot of success.  
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Kyle Dion
Kyle Dion is an American R&B singer from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Dion began making music back in 2013 with the release of his song Better. After which he released a cover of Frank Ocean’s song Thinking About You which boosted his popularity. His first EP dropped in 2014 gaining over 1.6 million plays, which ultimately gained Dion a loyal fanbase. This only furthered his passion, and in 2016 he dropped his EP Painting Sounds. All of this success has led up to the release of his debut album SUGA dropping in March of this year. According to The Fader, “The funk-infused album takes listeners on a journey of self-discovery, love and timeless nostalgia all through the eyes of Dion's alter ego, Suga, as he grapples with fame and battles his inner demons.”
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Michael Bocanegra, or better known by his stage name, Lilbootycall, or “Call” for short, is an American singer, rapper, and songwriter from San Antonio, Texas. He is most known for his viral 2016 single Sailor Moon, but his first track Aquafina was released earlier that same year. Call’s next song Yugioh was released in January of 2017 along with Butterfly, Cigarettes, 330i, and First Date. In 2018, Honey and Oj in My Gucci Bag were dropped, and Call was featured in songs such as So Pink with Lil Weeb as well as Brokenheart with Cloud123. Earlier this year, his song with Cuco and Kwe$t, 777, dropped and amassed over 200,000 views within the first 2 months. 
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Flower Face
Flower Face is a solo project by Canadian, Ruby McKinnon. McKinnon has been writing and producing music since she was 14, and in 2013 she released her first studio album Every Part of You That’s Left in Me. McKinnon wrote and produced this in her basement within 2 months. In 2014, her next album Homesick followed by the Funeral Kid EP. April 5, 2016, McKinnon released her next album Fever Dreams dropped leading into her next album Baby Teeth dropping in 2018. Flower Face has since released two singles Ruth and Bedhead this year.
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Noire is a “reverb-heavy blues” band from Brisbane, Australia comprised of Billy James, Jessica Mincher, Thom Eagleton, Tom Hogland, and Mashara Wachjudy. They released their first single Baby Blue back in 2015. A couple of years later in 2017, the group dropped their single Real Cool from their album Some Kind of Blue.
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Xavier Gibson
Though I could not find a biography on out dude Xavier, here’s his Spotify biography, “Finding solace through music.” I do know, from his Instagram, however, that he has an EP in the works titled Warm Distortion. A release date has not been disclosed, but it is coming and I am so excited. I apologize for the lack of useful information for Xavier, but hopefully, we can find out more next time he pop-ups on Monday. Again, my apologies. 
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Lolo  Zouaï
Born in Paris, France Lolo Zouaï immigrated to San Francisco, California with her family as a child. She is well known for blending classical styles of French crooners with Arab influence from her father's Algerian roots She’s most known for her debut single High Highs to Low Lows released back in late 2017. She has since followed up her success with various singles and music videos. Lolo released her EP Ocean Beach in 2019, as well as her first studio album High Highs to Low Lows that same year. Her most recent work is a single titled, Money, Diamonds, Roses.
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Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez’s claim to fame from the singing-competition television show The Voice back in 2012. She has since taken over the music industry with her alternative pop music, creative lyrics, and overall aesthetic. She released her first EP Dollhouse, which ultimately leads to her first studio album Crybaby in 2015. The album follows the life of our main protagonist Crybaby and her dysfunctional family life and emotional troubles. Her most recent album/movie K-12 furthers this storyline more, which is highlighted in the movie, by following Crybaby and her troubles in school since she does not fit in. Martinez touches on eating disorders, problems within American school systems, friendships, and first love.
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Olubowale Victor Akintimehin, or Wale, is a Nigerian–American rapper from Washington D.C. He made his initial impact with his number Dig Dug and signed a contract with a local label called Studio 43. Dig Dug was featured on his first mixtape Paint a Picture, which was widely received. This was followed by his second EP Hate is the New Love. In July 2007, he released his third mixtape 100 Miles & Running, as well as his single Good Girls. His fourth EP The Mixtape About Nothing was released in 2008. Wale released his debut album Attention Deficit in November 2009. The album reached the 21st spot on the Billboard 200 list and sold over 28 thousand copies within a week. His sixth mixtape More About Nothing was released in August 2010, and his second album Ambition was released in the fall of 2011. It was followed by a promotional mixtape titled The Eleven One Eleven Theory that went viral. His third album, The Gifted, and his fourth album, The Album About Nothing, were released in 2013 and 2015. He released his fifth album Shine in April 2017. His most recent single, On Chill featuring Jeremiah, has been massively successful.
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Alina Baraz
Alina Baraz is a first-generation Ukranian-American singer/ songwriter from Cleveland, Ohio. She wrote her first song titled Roses Dipped in Gold, released on April 15, 2013, in the Lounge Masters Vibes collection series.After moving to Los Angelas, Baraz discovered Danish producer Galimatias and fell in love with his sound. After posting a song she wrote called Drift in 2013 with Galimatias’ instrumentals, the two came in contact and became good friends. The duo created the EP Urban Flora by sending each other music through Facebook. Though it was originally posted on Soundcloud, it blew up after getting a commercial license through Ultra Music. Baraz's first solo single Electric featuring Khalid was released on January 20, 2017. This song will also be seen on her second EP The Color of You in 2018.  Baraz released two singles titled Lavender and Velvet and Buzzin in 2017. Her latest release is a single titled To Me which dropped in September of this year.
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Samm Henshaw
Iniabasi Samuel Henshaw, or better known by Samm Henshaw, is an English singer/ songwriter from London, England.  Henshaw’s debut EP The Sound Experiment was released back in 2015 with the help of Wayne Hector and Fred Cox.  Henshaw proceeded to follow up on his debut release with his second EP, The Sound Experiment 2 released in the summer of 2016. Henshaw released music videos for Our Love and Night Calls, singles from The Sound Experiment 2.
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Lovely, Brent Faiyaz (1)
          “And I know you love me, cause I think you’re lovely.”
Broke, Samm Henshaw (5)
           “It’s been a week from hell, I lost my job at 5 Guys. My girl just kicked me out, she says I’m lame.”
To Me, Alina Baraz (1)
          “Here’s to good music, great sex, little time to feel alive; little time to get it right.”
777, LilBootyCall (feat. Cuco, KWE$T) (3)
          “I had other girls, but I dropped ‘em all when you kissed me and you held me; now I got it all.”
Challenge, Lolo Zouai (4)
          “When I have it, I’m dramatic, tell me what did you expect?” 
Virgin, Flower Face (1)
           “ You hold my skin so softly, press into my bones. I am the one who found you here when you were alone.”
He’s My Baby, Noire (1)
          “Don’t know if you’ll stay. It’s all good if you do.”
On Chill, Wale (feat. Jeremiah) (2)
           “We’ve been on a tragedy for months. Why can’t you agree with me for once? Maybe we can be on chill tonight. Maybe I can give you chills.”
Starstruck, Xavier Gibson (2)
          “Maybe we could watch a movie and talk about our day.”
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Cry, Cigarettes After Sex
Don’t Let Me Go
          “I was dumb to let you drift away, and though I guess it had to come to an end, no one else could have the love we shared.”
          “'Cause this is where I wanna be, where it's so sweet and heavenly.”  
You’re the Only Good Thing in My Life
            “ Shouldn't have a care left in the world. Naked, tanning by the swimming pool.”
           “ And I watched you do a line that you spread out on the table.”
           “I told you about the night that we first made love about a girl who as soon as she made you cum would show you the future and tell you your fortune.”
          “Wish I was good, wish that I could give you my love now.”
Falling in Love
          “When I hold you close to me I could always see a house by the ocean.”
          “When you walk in the room in a white bodysuit, and I say, ‘Take it off.’”
This album. This. Fucking. Album. It’s heavenly. I always love Cigarettes After Sex, but this album definitely takes the cake. One of my favorite albums that have dropped this year. It sounds like all of their other music, but that’s what I adore about this band. The dreamy, underwater vibe that they give is perfect for when I’m painting or chilling out in my room. It’s so nice. I think my favorites are Hentai, Kiss It Off Me, and Pure. I highly recommend. Make sure to check this one out if you’re looking for something relaxing to jam out to when you’re studying or doing homework. Also really nice for car rides in the middle of the night.
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SUGA, Kyle Dion
On Fire
           “Colombiana, bring my cake up by the pound. Watch the sky with you as it crumbles down.”
Hands to Yourself
           “I got fangs, I got hands, you got plans to put me on my back.”
Spend It
           “My coat white like the '70s gotta keep it clean.”
Not All the Way
          “Sneak in Heaven through the side door.”
Cherry Blossom
          “If you're a tide, I'm the moon. Everything I make's for you.”
          “Dripping chocolate all over the bedroom. Drowning in your softly spoken sounds.”
Fly Little Bird
          “If you want it, you gon' have to let me take care of everything And anything you want's with me.”
Glass House
          “If you want it, you gon' have to let me take care of everything and anything you want's with me.”
69 Camaro
          “'69 Camaro, put it into drive, got it painted red and white.”
Teach Me
          “It's like I keep a tint on my window, 'fraid what you'll see if you ever look inside.”
No Strings
          “I'm all dried out, maybe it's by design.”
          “Showed me how to live and love, 'cause I can't be the shy type.”
Somethings We Can’t Do
          “Kicked out my bed, left me on read; truth is I'm dead to you.”
Bella might be Edward’s “own personal brand of heroin”, but Kyle Dion is mine. This man is so fine, and his voice is gorgeous. I adore this album. Love, love, love. It’s a fresh mix of R&B with some funk influence that just blends together effortlessly. I can’t get enough of it. Honestly, I just can’t get enough of him. He’s walking art, or if I can quote Alina Baraz for a moment, “walking poetry.” SUGA is my favorite album by Kyle, but I would recommend all of his music. My favorites on the album are Brown, 69 Camaro, and White.
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k-12, Melanie Martinez
Wheels on the Bus
           “And I'm trying not to look across the aisle, 'cause Maya's letting Dan put his hand up her skirt, and she’s got her hand down his pants.”
Class Fight
          “Her face was fucked up and my hands were bloody. We were in the playground, things were getting muddy.”
The Principal
          “It’s not just me, it's everybody who thinks that you're fucking ugly when you come and hurt us just so you can get your money.”
Show & Tell
          “Like I'm a product to society art don't sell unless you've fucked every authority.”
Nurse’s Office
          “I'm pale as the loose-leaf paper they grow from hollowing out all my lungs in the snow.”
Drama Club
          “I'ma take a bow so you can kiss my ass.”
Strawberry Shortcake
          “Instead of making me feel bad for the body I got, just teach him to keep it in his pants and tell him to stop.”
Lunchbox Friends
          “Come to my house, let’s die together. Friendship that will last forever.”
Orange Juice
          “I wish I could give you my set of eyes, 'cause I know your eyes ain't working.”
          “Baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension.”
Teacher’s Pet
          “Caught the teacher giving his eyes to a student, pouty, pretty cute, and she bit her lip back to him. Chewing on her nails and her pens while she's dreaming of him, and he's fucking in sin.”
High School Sweetheart
         “Could you be my first time? Eat me up like apple pie. Make me not wanna die.”
          “Don't let them fuck you, honey.”
The queen has returned! I know I’m late on gushing about this masterpiece, but in my defense, I was completely radio silent when it dropped, and I wanted it to be a part of my Musical Mondays’ saga. Putting the movie aside, which is a masterpiece all on its own and if you have not watched it you should. It’s on YouTube. It’s gorgeous, and Melanie looks stunning the entire way through. The music is to die for. The aesthetic is Melanie’s usual, but there’s something about this album that I love more than Crybaby. I like the storyline, and it’s something we can all relate to. If you’ve ever been to school, you know the feelings and emotions that she conveys throughout the album. My favorites are Drama Club, Strawberry Shortcake, Detention, Orange Juice, and High School Sweetheart. All-in-all, K-12 slaps and you should 100% go and listen.
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High Highs to Low Lows, Lolo Zouaï
High Highs to Low Lows
          “Fake gold in my hoops, real rips in my pants, they think it’s all Gucci, but it’s 99 cents, I swear.”
          “Hit ‘em with the bilingual.”
Chevy Impala
          “Everybody lookin’ at my ride. All the boys they wanna come inside.”
          “Shake it on the floor, make it explode. Wanna see that soda pop pop, overflow.”
          “Watch me fuck it up, when I ride.
Here to Stay
          “ Pulls me closer like a siren, and the lows come crashing down.”
Look at Us
          “Big talk, lip gloss; put your mouth on it.”
Desert Rose
          “Love me like a desert rose.”
Summers in Vegas
          “My lucky days were when you would take me to your pizza place in the morning. Pay me in fresh dough and Mexican Coke, or take me home.”
Out the Bottle
          “Look at me now, primadonna. Off the runway like a model.”
          “I dyed my hair blue to fit my mood.”
           “Oui je t'aime beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup.”
Lolo Zouaï is a bad bitch and you can’t kill her. I first discovered her a few years ago when High Highs to Low Lows first dropped, and I was waiting for this to drop ever since. I can honestly say this album is in my top 10, and a few of these songs are some of my favorites. The change in tone, the different styles, the lyrics, the way each song can completely change your mood; just everything is stunning. My favorites are High Highs Low Lows, Chevy Impala, Ride, and Desert Rose. Desert Rose is one of my favorite songs of all time. She’s just phenomenal. Great album, great artist, and you need to listen to this. 
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arnoldjaime13 · 3 years
Blog Tour; GEMS OF FIRE SERIES by @diane_samson With An Excerpt & $25 Amazon GC #Giveaway! @RockstarBkTours
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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the GEMS OF FIRE by Diane E. Samson Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!
  About the Books:
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Title: MOUNTAIN OF FLAME (Gems of Fire #3)
Author: Diane E. Samson
Pub. Date: August 4, 2021
Publisher: Diane E. Samson
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 347
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon
Kindle Unlimited members will be able to read this for FREE!
Reeling from Jack becoming king of Oclen, Princess Anna returns home as Sunderland’s Defender. Earning her title was a hard-fought honor, but Anna can’t escape the guilt of leaving Jack alone in that cursed, starving place.
When Jack comes to Sunderland seeking aid from Anna’s father, she must decide whether to return with him and help defeat the curse plaguing the cold northern land. If she remains Sunderland’s Defender, she knows her heart would never forgive her for abandoning Jack to rebuild a crushed kingdom.
Can Anna leave what she loves to become queen of a people suspicious of her and the gems? Joining Jack would mean battling an evil greater than anything she’s ever faced, for the curse’s roots grow deep. But if she doesn’t, Oclen will likely fall and Anna will lose Jack forever.
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  Title: VALLEY OF BONES (Gems of Fire #2)
Author: Diane E. Samson
Pub. Date: February 15, 2021
Publisher: Diane E. Samson
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 351
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, B&N, TBD, Bookshop.org
Kindle Unlimited members will be able to read this for FREE!
Princess Anna is left to rule Sunderland as regent when her father, brother and her presumed fiancé Jack ride to battle devouring creatures in Jack���s home kingdom of Oclen. She must establish herself as a strong leader with the Sunderland council and a neighboring king who brings along two handsome princes to negotiate an alliance.
Trouble erupts as outlining Sunderland villages are attacked by pillaging marauders and the council loses confidence in Anna’s leadership. As Anna waits in trepidation for word from her father’s army, all she hears is silence. Her scouts never return. When the reports of a coming horror reach Anna, she forges an unlikely alliance and forgoes her father’s long-standing policies against gems of power. She trains Sunderland’s remaining soldiers to fight with gems. She’ll lead them to battle to rescue her family and the one she loves.
But first she must survive the treachery brewing in her own court.
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  Title: GEMS OF FIRE (Gems of Fire #1)
Author: Diane E. Samson
Pub. Date: August 4, 2021
Publisher: Diane E. Samson
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 347
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Audible, B&N, TBD, Bookshop.org
Start reading the series now for .99 or Kindle Unlimited members will be able to read this for FREE!
Palace of Sunderland. Paradise to the peasants. Prison to sixteen-year-old Anna, daughter of the king. She can never escape the castle’s cold walls and scorning disapproval of her father and his brute royal counsel, Seamus. She’ll always live in the shadow of her late mother, the queen. Will they ever see her for who she really is? A riding accident lands Anna in the hands of traders who sell her as a slave in distant Kasdod to none other than her father’s enemy, Lord Anwar. After overhearing a dangerous plot to conquer Sunderland and kill the royal family, Anna must escape and warn her father, even if it means facing her greatest enemy. With the doom looming over her, Anna is approached by a dangerous man in the dark. He claims to want to help her, but can she trust him with her secrets? The perils of the journey ahead will push Anna to the limit and answer the one question that has always plagued her... Will she ever be enough?  
He took a step closer. “Not everything that night was because of the alcohol. You know that. If things don’t work out with Jack, I think I could make you happy. I’ve loved every minute of our time together.”
Anna curled her lips inward. Truth was, she had too.
He tipped her chin up, leaned close, and paused, searching deep into her eyes. He closed his lids and kissed her cheek.
She put her arms around his waist. “It would take me a long time to get over him. It wouldn’t be fair to you.” Being honest with him felt like a weight lifted off her shoulders.
“I never thought I’d have a chance at fair.” His cheek pressed against her forehead. “But I’m confident we would be happy. I know I would be.”
She kept her arms around him while her heart thrummed. You left him.
Zac glanced back toward the stairs. “We need to go.” He squeezed her hand as they started up the steep steps. When Anna needed to catch her breath, they stopped on a landing and looked back at the ocean.
Anna’s gaze landed on several broken gull shells on the beach near the stairs. “See those eggshells?” She pointed. Broken. “That’s what I’m like. You should find someone who’s whole.”
Zac was silent for a moment. “Those shells aren’t smashed. The chicks had to hatch to become who they’re meant to be.”
Anna watched the gulls hovering over the surf, following the ever-changing patterns of the wind and waves. “They do have a serenity about them.” A gull’s cry pierced the air, and the breeze carried it out to sea.
Zac stared into the sky. “They always call me home.” He pulled her close with one arm and kissed the top of her head.
Anna didn’t know what to say as they climbed the last steps. She hadn’t told him everything. How she’d been a slave in Kasdod, how she still saw the faces of the men she’d killed with sword, arrow, and flame. How she’d shed so much blood he’d never understand. Zac reached back and helped her up the last few steps. Perhaps he sensed her aching side. They came to a stop in front of King Darragh.
      About Diane:
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Diane E. Samson grew up on acreage just north of Kansas City, Missouri, with horses and dogs in the backyard. She later pursued her love of words and earned a degree in magazine journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia. After graduation she worked as a reporter, managing editor, freelance writer and in public relations. After moving around the country, she's recently returned to the Kansas City area where she lives with her husband, children and golden retriever.
She's written fiction off and on her whole life. Gems of Fire is her first series about a girl traveling a journey of self-discovery in a world of powerful gems, supernatural forces, epic battles and of course, handsome heroes.
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Giveaway Details:
1 winner will win signed copies of all three books, a purple gem necklace, a $25 Amazon gift card and three bookmarks, US Only.
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
Two Chicks on Books
Instagram Post
Living in a Bookworld
Dream Cast
BookHounds YA
Fave Movies
Writer of Wrongs
Week Two:
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog
Rajiv's Reviews
Reveal + Review
Week Three:
More Books Please blog
Don't Judge, Read
The Momma Spot
Fave Books
Jaime's World
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270: 9 Life Lessons to Learn (and Apply) Before It's Too Late
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"We have the choice to change our life, to be courageous and to live true to our heart, one that will see us die and live without regret." —Bronnie Ware, author of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying
Dying, death and loss has unwantingly been on my mind this past fall. Rest assured, today's episode will uplift, inspire and remind, but the reason I share what has been occupying my mind these past few months is because I likely would not have picked up Bronnie Ware's new book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. But I am very grateful that I did.
Ware's entire book shares her experience working in the palliative care system in New South Wales, Australia, which sprung up from what was originally a blog post. Subsequently, after more than three million people viewed the post, it was thankfully turned into a book which shares detailed five lessons and those special individuals she had the opportunity to spend time with in their final days. Along the way, Ware shares her own journey of self-growth and discovery and how she has applied the lessons she has learned.
It is not lost on me that often the books we need find us, and after the loss of a special woman in my life who was very much akin to a grandmother, who having lived a wonderful life of nearly 95 years reminded me with each visit and time spent together the power of a happy heart, and after a cancer scare with one of my parents (they are in full recovery now), along with my beloved boys (my dogs) each in their double digit years, it quickly becomes apparent that life is short, precious and up to each of us to make it something we are proud to have lived, shared and experienced.
While we will all make mistakes in our lives, that is the gift of being a human :), we do not have to suffer needlessly if we are willing to open our minds to the stories and life experiernces of others. In the past ten years I have come to enjoy reading biographies and autobiographies to soak up as many life lessons as I can that I would have otherwise not known about (Julia Child is one of my favorite teachers, but so are many others). Today what I would like to share with you are nine Life Lessons that caught my attention as I was reading Bronnie Ware's book. While her book focuses on five overarching regrets, interwoven amongst each are smaller, no less important lessons, to understand and apply to our lives moving forward.
As I was reading, I began to celebrate as I discovered that much of what is shared aligns with living a simply luxurious life, and especially if you've read TSLL's 2nd book, you will know that nearly all of these topics are explored in depth. I cannot fully understand the emotional strength Bronnie exercised in each of her experiences, as well, and more importantly, the individuals who shared their stories in their final days, but I am determined to make sure their lessons are learned and applied forward as we go about our daily lives. Let's take a look at the list.
~Reader/Listener Note: Each point shared below is discussed in more detail in the audio version.
1.Extend Kindness and Forgiveness to Yourself as well as Others
"The bravery needed to change your life is easier to find when you are kind to yourself. Good things take time, so patience is also required."
2. Appreciate the Daily Journey - Find Joy in the Everyday
"Things fall into place when happiness is already found."
3. Let Go of the Need for Validation and Share Yourself with the World
"Taking risks requires courage, but we cannot control everything . . . learning and daring to think without limitations, and not trying to control how things will flow to us."
The most common regret: "wishing they had been true to themselves".
~YOU MIGHT ENJOY: Why Not . . . Get to Know Yourself? (3 part series)
~Explore TSLL's 1st book in which a detailed conversation is shared about how to tap into your true self.
4. Simplify to "Untrap" Yourself
"The things we often think we need are sometimes the things that keep us trapped in an unfulfilled life. Simplicity is the key to changing this. Letting go of the need for validation through ownership or the expectations of others also brings freedom."
5. Make the Scary Changes
"Just as [trappings] were created over time . . . they can be undone over time. It is a delicate process of determination, bravery and, at times, letting go. It is having the courage to stop unhealthy relationships in their tracks and say 'Enough'. It is treating yourself with respect and kindness, both of which we deserve."
~YOU MIGHT ENJOY: Your Fear is Speaking
6. Overcome and Become the Master of Your Mind
"It is the heart that guides us to joy, not the mind. Overcoming the mind and letting go of others' opinions allows us to hear our own heart. Having the courage to then follow it is where true happiness lies. In the meantime, keep cultivating the heart while mastering the mind. As the heart grows, life brings more joy and peace. A happy life want us , as much as we want it."
~YOU MIGHT ENJOY: How to be the Master of Your Mind, episode #20
7. Be honest with yourself, and get out of your own way
"My lessons had been in how to allow [fulfillment and pleasure], which was through faith and self-love. I just had to get out of my own way first. That was where the real work lay — learning to own my own thoughts, by clearing away the debris that stopped me [from] letting it all flow."
8. Smile at your humanness, let go of perfectionism
"If occasional blockages now surface, I am patient and loving with myself while working through them. Self-discovery is more joyful. I can smile at my humanness."
~YOU MIGHT ENJOY: Why Not . . . Stop Getting in Your Own Way?
9. Understand Being Yourself Will Require Great Courage
"It takes enormous courage sometimes. But being who we are, whoever that is, sometimes cannot even be articulated at first even to ourself. All we know is there is a yearning within that is not being fulfilled by the life we are currently living."
7 Life Lessons from the Tao of Pooh, episode #237
15 Everyday Habits to Live a Life of Contentment, episode #93
How to Welcome the Magic Into Your Life
Petit Plaisir
~Maison Balzac mini candles
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~Personalized/Customized Holiday Cards from Papier
Tune in to the latest episode of The Simple Sophisticate podcast
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A Picture Of Me
(this is a repeat posting, however our guides encouraged me to re share this in the now, because someone that needs to see it shall and I pray with a deep love in my heart that my share helps you)
Yeshua has asked me to share some of my story in short with you, so that you may see who I am in the now and where I have come from, how human I am and that as much as I have done much work and self healing there is more to be done, which is our journey isn’t it.
Yet if one person is helped by this share, it is worth it! Healing is the intention!
I was born to a woman wanting to keep her husband, at six months old it was over, so the father figure was separated right there and then, years passed and I started school and recall the day I had the download of how to read occur, I was reading the three pigs with a teacher called Mrs Marsh, I was just over five years old and the page went from blurred to clear and then I could read…
I also recall the day they took our fingerprints and were very careful about that… I’ll let you have your own thoughts on that.
So at this point I had 2 older sisters and a depressed mother, who then found herself another man and bought him into our lives, in an instance our lives changed, we were now under a dictatorship unable to freely roam our village, in fear of violence, sexual subjection, intimidation, mental abuse, this in short was to be our childhood from age 7-21…
At school I would converse with my ‘imaginary friend Violet’ and would also find I was able to track and help injured people by following the sound of their heartbeats…
Until the school said how odd I was to them of course.
We were involved within a religion that was a strict Christian religion and our step father hid behind this, my grandmother my mothers mother advised me age 15 what he had done to my older sister, she wished to protect me… I therefore spent years thereafter keeping myself awake at night, reading by moonlight, sometime there after my sister was beaten up and sent to our natural fathers because she was apparently uncontrollable after she had told the religious leaders what he had done to her…
I recall the time our step parent got chucked out of the religion for smoking rather than for all the years he was unkind to us, I had learnt about Satan within the religion, so called out abuse and hate to this being, I experienced a reptilian face that screamed without noise in my face as a warning to respect that the god/creator allowed them to exist here for good reason the scream I know was silent to take into account I was a child. (Yet lesson learnt I was to always respect any energy) what I am thankful for as regards this religion was how it taught me to speak directly with god/creator/source from my heart and how they taught me to see truth and untruths within their Bible book…
In short we held our breath at night as our step father walked about the house, we could not speak for fear of saying the wrong thing, which seemed rather frequent, this is shared to give a picture of my childhood, as this now I accept as part of my chosen life experience and the carving tool that made me who I am today, I chose to forgive yet move on not being connected to my natural mother or father and my step father spent a little while behind bars…
Our mother a lost soul, who sold her soul and ours for money really…she became a victim to his behaviour and although had many opportunities to separate or save herself and us always went trudging back.
These lessons taught me how never to be and help me lay some good boundaries that have lived with me in adulthood.
As a child, within a religious organisation that chose to protect this offender… I lost all respect for that said organisation and left when I left the family home, when a further education college counsellor and I devised a plan to get me out after a further beating for a made up reason.
So at less than 18yrs of age, never having been on a train, or to the cinema, I was told I would have to do all alone to leave for a new life in Surrey from Leicestershire England, kindly a religious member decided to take me and connect me with people who could look out for me.
The few times I did go and report the beatings to doctors they suggested that if I went to them again they would have to report it… Interesting that it came across as a threat to me, rather than them wanting to suggest they could help or protect me.
Moving forwards whilst I did the voluntary work in surrey it was protected freedom living in a nurses hostel with the grounds I worked and having contact with other religious people in that area.
As time moved on I then found other paid work caring and housekeeping for a lady in her own home and then lived as a lodger in a woman’s home whilst working in a departmental store and as I started to begin the healing process and the realisation of all that I lived through I had a break down and it all led to me returning back to that home, I recall when I called my mother and said that I didn’t want life to be how it was before, she suggested I should behave myself, which was interesting as we didn’t dare say boo to anyone.
Regardless he came and collected me and that drive back was uncomfortable, yet I will say that I had grown wiser and living back there was never as bad as it was before, so I had learnt to set boundaries, the worst he did was throw a cat that he had been beating up at me as I had asked him to please stop. I had learnt to ask if anyone needed the toilet before I showered etc…
So at around 21 & 1/2 I was now able to drive, had my own flat, had met a man that didn’t speak hardly a word of English and I was in love with the idea of being in love, so in between work I would drive endless hours back to Surrey to be with this man, this man also helped me sever the ties with the religion and yet again helped me heal whilst being protected, as time went on after being married to him, accepting his children seeing and realising we were on totally different planets and it couldn’t continue we divorced, within this marriage I had taken on four of his children proved it was possible to be a good and caring step parent, learnt another language, had early gestation and late gestation pregnancies, he had many a time attempted to be violent towards me yet the strength I took from my childhood would always reinforce that boundary, even to the extent that I could sense in another room when he was about to hit his child. Many a time throughout my life and the loss of my babies I would then find my belief system evolving always returning back to really what quantified as a spiritual belief, tarot readings, reiki level 1, reading spiritual books like the Celestine prophecies all impacted, yet as each dark corner was approached I would not know what to believe anymore and would just be, until the next awakening came.
Before I decided to leave this husband we went to court to say what had occurred to us as children and we learnt that our step father had a whole history and pattern that weaved a nasty path, so even with all of that he was given four years, yet again I was shown how organisations really protect the ‘wrong doer’…
At this time I worked with in a bank and the support through the years they gave me was awesome, showing that even when the going gets tough that support comes from the most unlikely of places.
So when I left my husband I had a good job and ended up in a woman’s only hostel, hoping that society would finally realise all I had been through and assist me, yet I was the only person in there working and paying my way, funny as the time passed the social workers saw that I had a way with ‘bullies’ and they put all the vulnerables in the wing with me.
I suppose you could say at this point I had my time of self discovery and my wicked way with the world, free and single, met a man who tried to imprison me as I had allowed him to take me to a city I didn’t know, he also aimed a gun at me and I told him he looked pathetic and if he was going to shoot me then he could do it in the back of my head… Amazingly I survived and returned, connected with a man of an old family friend and together we found a landlord who would accept me because I had a job, no deposit and a pet cat. So here was my new beginning, I had felt so happy to have this place that not having a bed etc didn’t matter, I slept on just the duvet for weeks and was so happy, I found time to write what I wished for to the universe, this included what I wished for in a partner… An old family friend of my natural mother moved in with me and she became the mother mine could never be, we had such fun there and a colleague lived at the back of me and I’d often go there for chats, all was going well. I then met through a chat site at my friends house my now husband who is all I asked for and more, bless when he first met me, I believed in nothing religious or spiritual and wanted to ensure he wanted children because time was getting on. Lol
Well within 6months we lived together, 2 months after that he asked me on one knee to be his wife, 1 & 1/2 yrs later we were booking our wedding after my delayed divorce came through, 3yrs after we met we got married.
2 years after that my 8th baby loss, led me down a dark hole of totally disrespecting myself, mind, body and soul… For I would get to 24 weeks pregnant and my body would just eject and the perfect child too small to continue would pass.
I had met a consultant who transfered us to a miscarriage clinic for further investigation, right from meeting him I knew he was an earth angel. He did tests etc and we left it at that, let’s see what happened and go from there. It was leading up to my birthday and months had passed and it wasn’t happening so I decided that I would love a dog, so family clubbed together to get me Betty, imagine this… earlier that spring all the plants were telling me how excited they were and wouldn’t let on why (literally they were so excited it was bursting from them), so I banked it after acknowledging it and I would look out for something, at this time I believed in mother earth and nothing else, because of events…. I was cuddling my puppy in my arms and was reminded of my first daughter that I had given birth to within my first marriage in the year 2000, they felt so similar, I stood in my garden and sobbed, then I became angry and told mother earth that I deserved to be a mother and to prove I could be a good mother, I affirmed that I am a good person… The joy in the heavens its what they had been waiting for, funny thing is I must have already been pregnant because two weeks later we had a positive test, that surgeon moved heaven and earth to give me the very best treatment that I deserved and now my boy is five years old.
We found out that the lady that became like a mother to me had terminal cancer and I had severe fibromyalgia, which had meant I couldn’t work and lost my job due to it almost two years after my son was born, this was to be my final no going back awakening in 2015, I assisted my dear heart adopted mother with a smoother passing using all shamanic healing within me, I had started angel card readings and developed that within a spiritual group this served to distract me from the physical manifestations of pain that was present, plants and trees were talking to me again, as were my guides and I was developing at a fast rate, our guides even fast tracked/jumped my timelines with an unforgettable experience within a meditation, (this was recognition for my efforts within life) where I met my native guide, a star being guide, a shrimplike guide that told me he was an intrinsic part of earth, I also had pleasure of meeting a counsel of many wise beings, such an honour, they even connected me to oneness and allowed me to affect all the energies, weather and more.
Leading up to my dear hearted adoptive mothers passing I knew when she was laying in her bed looking like she was asleep she was also communicating with me just like spirit would and there is no room for doubt within my mind that it was anyone else but she, the experiences I and others had leading up to her passing left no uncertainties this was to be my life, a life in service, being in the right place at the right time, taking items I knew were needed, giving messages of love, nurture, healing, activations, clearings and more.
Many people have gone and come into my life, either to teach or be taught and I’ve had many lessons for which I am truly thankful for.
Delores Cannon, Adama, Nana, Mary, Commander Ashtar, Dragons, Fae, Druids, Griffins, Hatuey(salamander)Yeshua, Hathor, Thor/Thoth, Goddess Isis, Archangel Metatron, Haylel, Haniel, Azrael, Ariel, Sophia, the seraphim collective and more continue to teach me with the connecting of consciousness, channelling, telepathy, animal communication, supporting clearing and smooth transitions at end of life, most of all I’m taught to be limitless, this is who we are, all that I do and am learning to do is possible for you if you wish.
With the help of the physical illness and Archangel Chamuel and Raphael I’m so much better at listening to myself honouring my truth and loving myself.
I am now off all western medicines, have a continuing plan to keep ensuring I improve my diet and have made good advancement on that, stopped smoking and more, always there is a journey on working upon self, we wouldn’t remain humble else, all of us are students and teachers.
Many people ask how has your belief system helped you and I answer this.
It has healed me from depression, insomnia (except upon full moons and energy downloads. Lol), fibromyalgia, diabetes, broken hearts, despair, phobias and or paranoia, self loathing, I could go on…
I am thankful for both difficult and easy experiences and have made my peace with it all and can truly give thanks and draw strength from them.
Because through it all I have love, hope, the desire to help us have a better future, to help others find their truths, to have vision and self love, with empowerment of self and to gift this to others.
I have the inner peace I always wished for and know that together we can all find this.
This is not a boasting, or a competition, or a look at me, its to share that no matter what you can overcome so much and be who you wish to be in the now, with a pure and humble heart and a readiness to be in service. Knowing you can ask for help from the ‘unseen supporters’ and receive it.
Blind faith, trust and belief has taught me much, even that without an income or access to benefits/state payouts, the universe has our back, be open to receiving in whichever way the universe wishes to provide for you.
We are in the age of mastering our life and actualising mastering the embodiment of ourselves in the flesh, hereby bringing heaven upon earth. Look within and you shall find and look beyond and you shall see, all you are meant to be xXx ❤ xXx
If you wish to contact me for any of the above services, our guides have confirmed that my journey is to be in full time service and I too desire to honour this.
I am happy to receive clothes/shoe vouchers, food vouchers or deliveries, monetary exchanges to assist with paying Bill, spiritual healing items such as quartz crystal bowls or a handpan, set at divine 432MHz to aid healing sessions… there are also some decks on my wishlist also
If you have any other ideas I am open to them.
Just message me.
Payments for services or donations are to be sent here:
Thank you for being a part of me and thank you for allowing me to be a part of you.
xXx xXx
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As Grand Canyon National Park turns 100, one man hikes the entire length to save it
Pete McBride is worried about the Grand Canyon, so he decided to hike it — all of it.
A few years ago, the adventure filmmaker, photographer and writer filmed the path of the Colorado River and was amazed to see that the river doesn’t reach the ocean anymore.
The river “flooded the sea for six million years, and it stopped two decades ago,” says McBride, who has traveled to 75 countries for a host of publications and projects over 20 years.
The trip “made me shift my focus, so now I do a lot of photography around conservation, around fresh water and around public lands.”
Having hiked Mount Everest and documented nature in Antarctica, he didn’t think the Grand Canyon needed his images to survive.
“I figured the Grand Canyon was one of the most protected pieces of landscape on the planet, so it didn’t require another photographer to go photograph there.”
Learning about current threats to the canyon changed his mind.
One of the seven natural wonders
One of the seven natural wonders of the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Grand Canyon is one of the most photographed landscapes in the world.
The Grand Canyon is about five or six million years old, but rocks at the canyon bottom date back about 2 billion years. Human artifacts have been found dating back nearly 12,000 years to the Paleo-Indian period, and it’s been continuously occupied into the present day.
The land now known as Grand Canyon National Park, which celebrates its centennial anniversary in February, was first protected by the US government in 1893. When Congress resisted US President Theodore Roosevelt’s effort to make it a national park, which required Congressional approval, he protected it as a national monument in 1908, which he could do without their help. It became Grand Canyon National Park on February 26, 1919.
“In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world,” said Roosevelt at the time. “I hope you will not have a building of any kind, not a summer cottage, a hotel or anything else, to mar the wonderful grandeur, the sublimity, the great loneliness and beauty of the canyon. Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it.”
(Photo courtesy Erin Whittaker/National Park Service)
Given that illustrious history, McBride was surprised to hear from people working inside and around Grand Canyon National Park that the canyon faces multiple threats.
They come from increased helicopter flights, a proposed tram to the canyon floor, proposed tourist developments and possible uranium drilling. (The threat of uranium isn’t a hypothetical issue: Three buckets of uranium ore were stored at the park museum for nearly two decades, according to a park employee who went public in February. Federal officials are investigating his report.)
While some of the developers who want to make money off the park aren’t from the area, some are Native American tribes who have watched others profit for decades.
A park under threat of development
Most visitors spend only a few minutes at the South Rim, experiencing just that famous view of Grand Canyon National Park, unaware of the canyon’s role as home to ancient peoples, animals and plant life or the threats and economic pressures placed on it.
So McBride decided to hike the length of the canyon, a 750-mile journey (give or take a few miles).
There wasn’t any thru-trail for him to follow. And the hike would include an elevation gain and loss of around 100,000 vertical feet, unstable rock and temperatures fluctuating from 8 degrees to 116 degrees Fahrenheit.
“I don’t know why I got the idea to walk it,” since there’s no trail for much of the distance, he says. “I figured it’d be challenging, but I’ve done a lot in the back country and wilderness and I figured it couldn’t be that hard. And oh, how wrong I was.”
When McBride and his friend, writer Kevin Fedarko, first started planning their hike, they convinced experienced Grand Canyon hiker Rich Rudow to let them join his September 2015 hike.
It didn’t go well.
Loaded up with way too much camera gear and not prepared for the impact of the extreme heat on their bodies, the canyon made them sick and disoriented, forcing them out on their sixth day, as Fedarko later wrote in National Geographic.
The Colorado River winds its way along the West Rim of the Grand Canyon in the Hualapai Indian Reservation on January 10, 2019 near Peach Springs, Arizona. The Grand Canyon National Park is preparing to celebrate its centennial in February. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Back in Flagstaff, Arizona, McBride was diagnosed with hyponatremia, a heat-induced imbalance of salts and minerals, which could have killed him.
There would be no thru-hike.
In fact, McBride and Fedarko thought about quitting as they got medical attention and recovered from their first attempt. But the local hiking community and Native American conservationists convinced them to complete the trip in order to draw attention to the magnificent natural wonder.
Hiking in two-week stints
During five weeks in October, they planned a hiking trip that involved hiking the canyon in two- to three-week stints starting in November 2015 going through March 2016, often bringing more experienced Grand Canyon hikers along, traveling about 15 miles per day and 150-200 miles per trip, completing about 600 miles before summer.
They skipped hiking during the deadly hot summer months — but still photographed the park — and finished up their last two-week stint in late October of 2016.
“There’s no trail for 70 to 80 percent of it, so you have to find your way and you have to learn how to find water. You have to make sure you don’t get pinned up on a cliff, just kinda figure out how to stay alive,” McBride said. “it’s a great lesson in humility and self-sufficiency and getting back in tune with our natural world.”
He carried just one camera, a Sony A7 with a wide angle lens 16-35, to shoot the video that became “Into the Grand Canyon,” a movie airing on National Geographic and streaming on NationalGeographic.com, and the pictures that became his book, “The Grand Canyon: Between River and Rim.”
McBride went through eight pairs of shoes over 13 months, hiked through four sprained ankles, two broken fingers, that case of hyponatremia, lost two girlfriends and even threw his heart out of rhythm, requiring heart surgery.
The lessons he learned, the wisdom he gained, the humility he earned — all of that, plus a careful selection of his images, were more than enough to fill his book.
Here are some of his discoveries on the journey, in his own words and adapted from his book:
It can be viewed from space
“Despite my fatigue, I often lay awake at night: sometimes too wired and worried about finding water and sometimes too spellbound by the spray of stars above us. Kevin (Fedarko) describes this celestial sweep as a second river — one that mirrors the main Colorado below us.
An aerial picture taken on January 3, 2019, shows the Grand Canyon covered with snow in Arizona. (Photo by DANIEL SLIM/AFP/Getty Images)
“Being inside the only canyon on the planet that can be seen from space makes you feel miniscule. And when you stare skyward, you realize one of this landscape’s unspoken marvels is the clarity of its night sky — one of the few landscapes in America without a blanket of light pollution. I lose myself in the space above and the idea that Mother Nature is still queen in some parts.
“As I doze, I overhear Kevin taking audio notes (easier than writing when he is tired), remarkably 100 yards from me. It is so quiet I think he is five feet away. He describes these moments ‘below the river of stars’ as if ‘the canyon is holding us in the palm of its hand.’”
A silence so profound
“When you get beyond the roar of the river inside the canyon, the silence is so profound and so ancient that it escapes description. At times it makes my ears ring because I’m trying to listen so hard to something that isn’t there. At other times the void of noise is so profound I wonder if it belongs to another world — a world we have long forgotten.
“In the evenings or early mornings, Kevin and I can converse in relaxed, tired voices even though we are the length of a football field apart.
“The same occurs when we hike, but if a single rib of rock separates us, we can’t hear each other holler at the top of our lungs, as if, at times, our voices can’t pierce the blanket of quiet that envelops us.”
The unfiltered night sky
“The clarity of Kevin’s ‘river of stars’ is hemmed on the edges by the distant glow of Las Vegas and St. George, Utah. Otherwise, looking across the sweep of erosion, rock, and time, there is no sign of civilization before us. Of course, we do see jets blinking above, mostly headed to Los Angeles, but they die down after midnight.
“It’s so silent (that) you can be laying in the morning, and you can hear just the distant brush of the bat wings as they’re going out and looking for bugs, and you could hear the little clatter of sheep hooves on a rock layer that might be 1,000 feet below you.
“We just don’t have a silence that’s that deep … it made me realize just how magical that is and what a noisy world we live in.
“I think that was part of the magic where it changed me to a degree, and I now am very aware of noise and silence. It’s not silence without sounds. It’s a silence without the chaotic noise of human sounds. It’s a silence layered with these rich wildlife sounds that we’ve forgotten or our senses are not used to hearing.”
You, too, can go deeper into the canyon
While many visitors only visit the South Rim or take a short (and noisy) helicopter ride to view the canyon, McBride says there’s a better way to appreciate this magnificent national park without risking one’s life on a year-long adventure.
Pack a hat, good hiking shoes and lots of water and choose to spend the day at the canyon beyond a few minutes at the South Rim. “Experience it away from vehicles. You can do that in a variety of ways.”
A general view of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, on February 13, 2017. (RHONA WISE/AFP/Getty Images)
Visitors can hike into the canyon, just remembering that the hike back up is twice as hard. Visitors can also ride a mule down into the canyon and back up, or ride one way and hike the other way.
Bicycle lovers can rent bicycles and ride the bike path along the South Rim or mountain bike on the trail on the North Rim (open seasonally). Guests using wheelchairs will find some wheelchair-accessible trails, including the Trail of Time and parts of the Rim Trail.
Hardier types can hike two-thirds of the way into the canyon (with all of your gear) and camp at Indian Garden Campground, where there is drinking water. There are also rafting trips for every skill level.
Listen to the sounds
If you take some time to listen to the sounds of the canyon, quietly, McBride says it may change you.
“The silence of this natural wonder starkly contrasts with the noise we make everywhere else, even as the canyon invites us to carry some of that silence within ourselves as we return to the world beyond the rims,” writes McBride.
“As I wonder if any of my images have captured that, I find myself pondering an even deeper question: Is it possible that this journey by foot, along with the photographic record that it has yielded, might help illuminate and underscore what we all share — as well as what we all risk losing — if we fail to protect this vast abyss by foregoing the urge to transform its beauty into cash and simply leaving it as it is?
“While the answer to that question is for others to decide, I do know one thing. After spending so many months drenched in the silence and magic of the seventh natural wonder of the world, I know there is only one place that looks and sounds like this.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/02/25/as-grand-canyon-national-park-turns-100-one-man-hikes-the-entire-length-to-save-it/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/02/26/as-grand-canyon-national-park-turns-100-one-man-hikes-the-entire-length-to-save-it/
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johnhardinsawyer · 7 years
It’s All Part of the Pilgrimage
John Sawyer
Bedford Presbyterian Church
5 / 14 / 17 – Mother’s Day
 John 14:1-14
 “It’s All Part of the Pilgrimage”
(How Can We Know the Way?)
 Three years ago, I was part of a group that went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  A pilgrimage basically has two purposes:  1) to go somewhere and see something meaningful; and 2) to discover something about yourself in the process.  This second part is the more difficult of the two.  Anyone with even a little money can book a trip to go see something meaningful, but being open to self-discovery – or being open to what God reveals to us while we are on a pilgrimage – is far more meaningful in the long-run than anything we might see on a trip somewhere.  
If you were to ask members of our church’s West Virginia Mission Team what the most meaningful part of their recent trip was, they might tell you about something they saw, but chances are they would tell you a story about a time on the trip that they had to be extra-compassionate, or extra-patient, or extra-vulnerable.  Sometimes, being out of our comfort zones – in the wilderness of uncharted emotional and spiritual waters – is where God teaches us something about ourselves, if we’re paying attention. 
As my fellow pilgrims and I learned to say on our trip to Israel:  “It’s all part of the pilgrimage.”  When you are on a pilgrimage, or on a mission trip, or living your everyday life, sometimes the bus is late, or the plane seat doesn’t recline, sometimes it rains or gets too hot, sometimes the supplies you need aren’t there, sometimes you hit a deer and total your car, sometimes other things happen and you can feel like you’re lost or have lost your way.  And it’s all part of the pilgrimage – your pilgrimage – your journey with God, in God, and to God.
The pilgrimage that the disciples had been on with Jesus was about to take a major turn.  Their journey was coming to a cross-roads,[1] at which their friend and teacher, Jesus, would be arrested and killed.  Just prior to today’s passage, Jesus told the disciples that he would soon be leaving them and they would not be able to come with him. (John 13:33)  I imagine that this news was hard for them to hear – even though Jesus had been preparing them for it.  This is why Jesus starts today’s scripture reading with the words “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” (14:1)  He was trying to comfort his friends – trying to tell them that all would be well in the end. Eugene Peterson translates it in this way:
Jesus said:  “Don’t let this throw you.  You trust God, don’t you?  Trust me. There is plenty of room for you in my Father’s home.  If that weren’t so, would I have told you that I’m on my way to get a room ready for you? And if I’m on my way to get your room ready.  I’ll come back and get you so you can live where I live.  And you already know the road I’m taking.”[2]
Thomas, who speaks for anyone who has ever doubted or questioned, asked a great question:  “Lord, we do not know where you are going.  How can we know the road?  How can we know the way?”  (14:5) Jesus responded with these famous words: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  (14:6)
Let’s take some time with this verse, because it has been used and misused over the years.  Some Christians say that it means that Jesus is the only way to God – that anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus is not going to be saved.  This is a common interpretation that seems to make sense to a lot of people – so much so that they print it on t-shirts and bumper stickers and talk about it on the radio and TV.  As Presbyterians, we believe that God determines who is in and who is out. And while God might be grateful for all of the public service announcements on all those bumper stickers, God is really interested in the way, the truth, and the life that are lived right here and right now.
You might remember from last week’s sermon that Jesus was very interested in sharing a message about a special and abundant way of life.  It is this way of life – a God-centered life, life in God and with God – that matters most. Very early in the Gospel of John, we read that in Jesus was “life, and the life was the light of all people.” (1:4)  And throughout the rest of the book, Jesus says things like “. . . that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life,” (3:16)“I am the bread of life,” (6:35) “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly,” (10:10) “I am the resurrection and the life,” (11:25) “. . .this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (17:3)  And then, after Jesus has been raised from the dead, the author of John’s Gospel says, “. . . [This is] written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.” (20:31)
So, if you’re reading the Gospel of John, there is something to this life that Jesus is describing. This is a life that is lived both in the present as well as in the future.  It is almost like the lines between the present and the future get blurred or erased and we can live the abundant and eternal life of God in real time all the time.  This is the kind of life that Jesus lived and we are part of him.[3]  Jesus lived and moved and had his being in God.  So can we.  It is available to all of us and we are called to live it.  But what is the way to this life or the way to live this life?
In the original language, when Jesus says “I am the way,” he is using the word for “road or highway,” but the word can also mean “journey” or the way we live and conduct our lives while we are on a journey[4] – a pilgrimage.  “How can we know the way?” Thomas asked.  “I am the way,” Jesus said.  “I am the road, the journey, the approach to life.  I am – right here and now – all you need to know to know God.”
When John Calvin wrote about this passage, he said that Jesus is “the way because he leads us to the Father, and he is the truth and the life, because in him we perceive the Father.”[5]  In other words, in our journey – our pilgrimage – there are ways that we encounter certain truths about God and our very own humanity and this has a direct impact on the life that we live in God and with God.  Our discovery of who God is and who we are as children of God is all part of the pilgrimage.
This applies to everyday life – not just if or when we travel out of town to see something meaningful.  Because, truth be told, all that we see everyday, can be meaningful – from the new green leaves on the trees, to a baby kicking in the womb, to the smile of a loved-one, to a tear that streams down someone’s cheek.  As we go through our life’s journey, God is always seeking to teach us something – to reveal some of who God is – to those of us with eyes and ears, and minds and hearts that are open.  
But into every pilgrimage – into every life – some rain must fall. There are hard times, times that test us, experiences in which we are changed, encounters from which we do not escape unscathed, times when we get lost or lose our way.  The disciples were afraid of losing their way, so Jesus gave them something to do. He redirected their fear and gave them a new commandment.  Right before and right after today’s passage, Jesus says, “Love one another.”  (13:34)
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments and I will send the Holy Spirit to help you. . .  This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (14:15, 15:12)
The way of Jesus is the way of love – love for God that is seen in our love for one another.  Jesus embodied this love – it was incarnate in the Word that became flesh. As the writer and professor Marcus Borg wrote, “What we see in Jesus is the way – the incarnation, the embodiment, of a life radically centered in God.  This – the way we see in Jesus – is the way.”[6]
In other words, there will be times when we think that this pilgrimage we call life has taken a turn for the worse.  It might be going off the rails to the degree that we feel we have lost our way.  But, love one another as Jesus has loved you.  This is the way. . .  the way forward – one loving step at a time – one extra-compassionate, extra-patient, extra-vulnerable step at a time, that leads us to God.  When we give ourselves over to this way and have it at the center of who we are, the incarnation becomes real in each of us.  This is the way that we come to know God – to see God face to face.  This is why Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through me,” because no one can know God without the kind of selfless, centered-in-God-love that Jesus has.  If we know – and live – the love of Jesus – the way of Jesus – we will know God. (14:7)  Discovering how to live this kind of love – day in and day out, rain or shine, when life is good and life is bad – is all part of the pilgrimage. . .  the way of Christ.
Today is Mother’s Day and on Mother’s Day, I think about mommas. I think about my Momma and how grateful I am for her love.  I think about my wife, Amy, a mother-to-be, who embodies love.  I also think about Amy’s mother, Ellen, who shared so much love in her abundant, but too short, life.  Ellen died while I was on that pilgrimage to Israel three years ago.  Yes, death is a part of our pilgrimage – whether we like it or not.  Jesus’ disciples didn’t like this fact either.  But Jesus has shown us the way and all will be well.
Toward the end of her life, my Granny – my mother’s mother had a major stroke.  My mother rushed to Kentucky be with her mother, to see if she could be helpful as Granny went through physical and occupational therapy, with the hopes that she could recover some of what had been lost in the stroke.  Unfortunately, after several weeks of therapy, it was clear that Granny was not going to bounce back.  Her physical quality of life would not be restored.
So, Granny, ever a practical woman, made the decision to start hospice care for herself.  She decided that no extreme medical measures would be taken to keep her own body alive.  My mother had been devastated by the news of Granny’s stroke, but she was doubly devastated that Granny had made the decision to die.  But when Granny was asked the reason why, she said something like this:  “I have lived a long and full life, I had a wonderful marriage, I raised five wonderful children, I have nine gifted grandchildren, I even have some great-grandchildren.  I am proud of all of you.  I love all of you.  I love God and am at peace with my decision.  I am not afraid.  All will be well.”
Granny knew that the way of God that she had lived in this life was leading her into a new way of life with and in God, where there would be a dwelling place for her.  This was all part of the pilgrimage, for her.  Her pilgrimage – just like it always had – was just taking a turn.  And for the rest of us – especially my mother – our pilgrimages were taking a turn, too, just like they always had, just like they always will.
Do not let your hearts be troubled.  All will be well.  Believe in God.  Believe in the One whom God sent to be our way, our truth, and our life – our journey, our discovery, our abundant and everlasting life.  Jesus has shown us the Way.
Do not let your hearts be troubled.  It’s all part of the pilgrimage.  God is leading us home.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.
[1] If you’ll pardon the pun. . .
[2] Eugene Peterson, The Message – Numbered Edition (Colorado Springs:  NAV Press, 2002) 1479-1480.  John 14:1-4.
[3] See John 14:20 and 15:4.
[4] Walter Bauer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1979) 553.
[5] John Calvin, Calvin’s Commentaries – Vol. XVIII (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2009) 84.
[6] Marcus Borg, Jesus (New York:  HarperCollins, 2006) 222.
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The Inspirational ‘I AM Thriving Now’ Global Movement is Turning Pain into Gain
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=36524&wpwautoposter=1624885276 Peggy Bareh found her way out after enduring what felt like a lifetime of abuse. She suffered from having zero confidence, paralyzing fear of rejection, and debilitating depression, and all while parenting three children which made her battle even more complicated. Peggy attributes her extraordinary courage, which helped her escape her abusive relationship, to her faith. And faith is what ultimately led her to embark on a three-year journey of self-discovery that would change her life forever. A faith of knowing there was a better life out there… that was meant for her!Peggy Bareh earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in law and political science, a Master of Arts in management, a level 5 diploma in Leadership and Management, and in Health and Social Care, as well as a diploma in Life Coaching. She is a mum of three amazing kids, an inspirational award-winning author, empowerment leader, independent domestic abuse advocate and CEO of I AM Thriving Now, the world’s most inspirational global movement intended for one million ambitious abuse survivors to turn their pain into gain. Turning her suffering into a unique recovery toolkit called ‘I AM Thriving Now,’ unlocks the magic of every life that it touches and has been life-changing for Peggy. She has inspired and transformed hundreds of lives already and is on a mission to empower abuse survivors to THRIVE, not just to survive! Peggy’s typical clients include women who are 30+, have been in abusive relationships, and have fled but are struggling to survive while providing a healthy, happy and safe life for their kids. Women who are ambitious, and passionate about becoming an entrepreneur or obtaining their dream job and living their best life. Women who suffer from lost confidence, self-esteem, identity, and motivation to pursue their goals, and are even confused about their purpose. Women who give their best each day, but because of the emotional trauma they’ve suffered, it is often not enough and causes them to feel unworthy. Women who are completely unsatisfied with their situation but are unsure of the necessary next steps to turn things around. Women who realize they deserve more and desperately want to move on to restore a beautiful life of purpose, power, peace, and pleasure. And women who recognize the need to act fast before it’s too late. Although not an easy road, Peggy did learn how to turn her pain into gain and was able to rewrite her story. Her new book, I Am Thriving Now: From a Life of Emotional Pain to a Beautiful Life of Freedom is now available to pre-order from Amazon. Paperbacks will be available on June 30th, 2021.  The Book launch is scheduled for July 31st, 2021, in Stoke-on-Trent, UK. This remarkable book is a step-by-step emotional recovery manual for all survivors of abuse, who are searching for guidance on how to reclaim their lives. The brand promises of I Am Thriving Now include all things empowering and possible! Passion Promise – Passionate about building the world’s most inspirational movement for 1 million ambitious abuse survivors.  Product Promise – Walks individuals step-by-step through turning pain into gain. People Promise – Delivers practical, inspirational, interactive step-by-step methods to use safely from anywhere.Partner Promise – Committed to positively impacting every life engaged we touch and making your brand sparkle whenever you refer to us.Philanthropic Promise – Donates 15% of all profits towards achieving the ‘No Poverty’ UN Sustainable Global Goal. Done by providing skill development for widows and orphans to give them the basics of healthcare, security, and education. Provides the following services: 1-2-1 coaching sessions, workshops and publications/books.Peggy also offers a powerful masterclass called the Mindfulness Kickstarter. This comprehensive program includes a Clarity and Life Control Assessment which gives participants a virtual representation of where they are and where they want to be. By the end of the session, participants receive the following benefits:  Enhanced clarity of life and certainty of a clear path forward Reduced anxiety and despair Gained reassurance and peace of mind Increased motivation to rekindle an inner sparkleThere are many other similar stories of hope and survival, but what makes this one so special is that it comes from a survivor herself! Peggy has lived a life of abuse and understands what other women are suffering through. She also understands where they want to go and knows exactly how to get there. No individual was meant to live a life of pain, and die never fully knowing pure, authentic happiness and freedom. The secret to unlocking true happiness lies within the pain and the time to unlock it is now! www.iamthrivingnow.com "Your life is 10% what you have experienced and 90% what you do with your experiences.” - Peggy Bareh
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The Inspirational ‘I AM Thriving Now’ Global Movement is Turning Pain into Gain
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=36524&wpwautoposter=1624874492 Peggy Bareh found her way out after enduring what felt like a lifetime of abuse. She suffered from having zero confidence, paralyzing fear of rejection, and debilitating depression, and all while parenting three children which made her battle even more complicated. Peggy attributes her extraordinary courage, which helped her escape her abusive relationship, to her faith. And faith is what ultimately led her to embark on a three-year journey of self-discovery that would change her life forever. A faith of knowing there was a better life out there… that was meant for her!Peggy Bareh earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in law and political science, a Master of Arts in management, a level 5 diploma in Leadership and Management, and in Health and Social Care, as well as a diploma in Life Coaching. She is a mum of three amazing kids, an inspirational award-winning author, empowerment leader, independent domestic abuse advocate and CEO of I AM Thriving Now, the world’s most inspirational global movement intended for one million ambitious abuse survivors to turn their pain into gain. Turning her suffering into a unique recovery toolkit called ‘I AM Thriving Now,’ unlocks the magic of every life that it touches and has been life-changing for Peggy. She has inspired and transformed hundreds of lives already and is on a mission to empower abuse survivors to THRIVE, not just to survive! Peggy’s typical clients include women who are 30+, have been in abusive relationships, and have fled but are struggling to survive while providing a healthy, happy and safe life for their kids. Women who are ambitious, and passionate about becoming an entrepreneur or obtaining their dream job and living their best life. Women who suffer from lost confidence, self-esteem, identity, and motivation to pursue their goals, and are even confused about their purpose. Women who give their best each day, but because of the emotional trauma they’ve suffered, it is often not enough and causes them to feel unworthy. Women who are completely unsatisfied with their situation but are unsure of the necessary next steps to turn things around. Women who realize they deserve more and desperately want to move on to restore a beautiful life of purpose, power, peace, and pleasure. And women who recognize the need to act fast before it’s too late. Although not an easy road, Peggy did learn how to turn her pain into gain and was able to rewrite her story. Her new book, I Am Thriving Now: From a Life of Emotional Pain to a Beautiful Life of Freedom is now available to pre-order from Amazon. Paperbacks will be available on June 30th, 2021.  The Book launch is scheduled for July 31st, 2021, in Stoke-on-Trent, UK. This remarkable book is a step-by-step emotional recovery manual for all survivors of abuse, who are searching for guidance on how to reclaim their lives. The brand promises of I Am Thriving Now include all things empowering and possible! Passion Promise – Passionate about building the world’s most inspirational movement for 1 million ambitious abuse survivors.  Product Promise – Walks individuals step-by-step through turning pain into gain. People Promise – Delivers practical, inspirational, interactive step-by-step methods to use safely from anywhere.Partner Promise – Committed to positively impacting every life engaged we touch and making your brand sparkle whenever you refer to us.Philanthropic Promise – Donates 15% of all profits towards achieving the ‘No Poverty’ UN Sustainable Global Goal. Done by providing skill development for widows and orphans to give them the basics of healthcare, security, and education. Provides the following services: 1-2-1 coaching sessions, workshops and publications/books.Peggy also offers a powerful masterclass called the Mindfulness Kickstarter. This comprehensive program includes a Clarity and Life Control Assessment which gives participants a virtual representation of where they are and where they want to be. By the end of the session, participants receive the following benefits:  Enhanced clarity of life and certainty of a clear path forward Reduced anxiety and despair Gained reassurance and peace of mind Increased motivation to rekindle an inner sparkleThere are many other similar stories of hope and survival, but what makes this one so special is that it comes from a survivor herself! Peggy has lived a life of abuse and understands what other women are suffering through. She also understands where they want to go and knows exactly how to get there. No individual was meant to live a life of pain, and die never fully knowing pure, authentic happiness and freedom. The secret to unlocking true happiness lies within the pain and the time to unlock it is now! www.iamthrivingnow.com "Your life is 10% what you have experienced and 90% what you do with your experiences.” - Peggy Bareh
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The Inspirational ‘I AM Thriving Now’ Global Movement is Turning Pain into Gain
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=36524&wpwautoposter=1624867212 Peggy Bareh found her way out after enduring what felt like a lifetime of abuse. She suffered from having zero confidence, paralyzing fear of rejection, and debilitating depression, and all while parenting three children which made her battle even more complicated. Peggy attributes her extraordinary courage, which helped her escape her abusive relationship, to her faith. And faith is what ultimately led her to embark on a three-year journey of self-discovery that would change her life forever. A faith of knowing there was a better life out there… that was meant for her!Peggy Bareh earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in law and political science, a Master of Arts in management, a level 5 diploma in Leadership and Management, and in Health and Social Care, as well as a diploma in Life Coaching. She is a mum of three amazing kids, an inspirational award-winning author, empowerment leader, independent domestic abuse advocate and CEO of I AM Thriving Now, the world’s most inspirational global movement intended for one million ambitious abuse survivors to turn their pain into gain. Turning her suffering into a unique recovery toolkit called ‘I AM Thriving Now,’ unlocks the magic of every life that it touches and has been life-changing for Peggy. She has inspired and transformed hundreds of lives already and is on a mission to empower abuse survivors to THRIVE, not just to survive! Peggy’s typical clients include women who are 30+, have been in abusive relationships, and have fled but are struggling to survive while providing a healthy, happy and safe life for their kids. Women who are ambitious, and passionate about becoming an entrepreneur or obtaining their dream job and living their best life. Women who suffer from lost confidence, self-esteem, identity, and motivation to pursue their goals, and are even confused about their purpose. Women who give their best each day, but because of the emotional trauma they’ve suffered, it is often not enough and causes them to feel unworthy. Women who are completely unsatisfied with their situation but are unsure of the necessary next steps to turn things around. Women who realize they deserve more and desperately want to move on to restore a beautiful life of purpose, power, peace, and pleasure. And women who recognize the need to act fast before it’s too late. Although not an easy road, Peggy did learn how to turn her pain into gain and was able to rewrite her story. Her new book, I Am Thriving Now: From a Life of Emotional Pain to a Beautiful Life of Freedom is now available to pre-order from Amazon. Paperbacks will be available on June 30th, 2021.  The Book launch is scheduled for July 31st, 2021, in Stoke-on-Trent, UK. This remarkable book is a step-by-step emotional recovery manual for all survivors of abuse, who are searching for guidance on how to reclaim their lives. The brand promises of I Am Thriving Now include all things empowering and possible! Passion Promise – Passionate about building the world’s most inspirational movement for 1 million ambitious abuse survivors.  Product Promise – Walks individuals step-by-step through turning pain into gain. People Promise – Delivers practical, inspirational, interactive step-by-step methods to use safely from anywhere.Partner Promise – Committed to positively impacting every life engaged we touch and making your brand sparkle whenever you refer to us.Philanthropic Promise – Donates 15% of all profits towards achieving the ‘No Poverty’ UN Sustainable Global Goal. Done by providing skill development for widows and orphans to give them the basics of healthcare, security, and education. Provides the following services: 1-2-1 coaching sessions, workshops and publications/books.Peggy also offers a powerful masterclass called the Mindfulness Kickstarter. This comprehensive program includes a Clarity and Life Control Assessment which gives participants a virtual representation of where they are and where they want to be. By the end of the session, participants receive the following benefits:  Enhanced clarity of life and certainty of a clear path forward Reduced anxiety and despair Gained reassurance and peace of mind Increased motivation to rekindle an inner sparkleThere are many other similar stories of hope and survival, but what makes this one so special is that it comes from a survivor herself! Peggy has lived a life of abuse and understands what other women are suffering through. She also understands where they want to go and knows exactly how to get there. No individual was meant to live a life of pain, and die never fully knowing pure, authentic happiness and freedom. The secret to unlocking true happiness lies within the pain and the time to unlock it is now! www.iamthrivingnow.com "Your life is 10% what you have experienced and 90% what you do with your experiences.” - Peggy Bareh
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The Inspirational ‘I AM Thriving Now’ Global Movement is Turning Pain into Gain
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=36524&wpwautoposter=1624856493 Peggy Bareh found her way out after enduring what felt like a lifetime of abuse. She suffered from having zero confidence, paralyzing fear of rejection, and debilitating depression, and all while parenting three children which made her battle even more complicated. Peggy attributes her extraordinary courage, which helped her escape her abusive relationship, to her faith. And faith is what ultimately led her to embark on a three-year journey of self-discovery that would change her life forever. A faith of knowing there was a better life out there… that was meant for her!Peggy Bareh earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in law and political science, a Master of Arts in management, a level 5 diploma in Leadership and Management, and in Health and Social Care, as well as a diploma in Life Coaching. She is a mum of three amazing kids, an inspirational award-winning author, empowerment leader, independent domestic abuse advocate and CEO of I AM Thriving Now, the world’s most inspirational global movement intended for one million ambitious abuse survivors to turn their pain into gain. Turning her suffering into a unique recovery toolkit called ‘I AM Thriving Now,’ unlocks the magic of every life that it touches and has been life-changing for Peggy. She has inspired and transformed hundreds of lives already and is on a mission to empower abuse survivors to THRIVE, not just to survive! Peggy’s typical clients include women who are 30+, have been in abusive relationships, and have fled but are struggling to survive while providing a healthy, happy and safe life for their kids. Women who are ambitious, and passionate about becoming an entrepreneur or obtaining their dream job and living their best life. Women who suffer from lost confidence, self-esteem, identity, and motivation to pursue their goals, and are even confused about their purpose. Women who give their best each day, but because of the emotional trauma they’ve suffered, it is often not enough and causes them to feel unworthy. Women who are completely unsatisfied with their situation but are unsure of the necessary next steps to turn things around. Women who realize they deserve more and desperately want to move on to restore a beautiful life of purpose, power, peace, and pleasure. And women who recognize the need to act fast before it’s too late. Although not an easy road, Peggy did learn how to turn her pain into gain and was able to rewrite her story. Her new book, I Am Thriving Now: From a Life of Emotional Pain to a Beautiful Life of Freedom is now available to pre-order from Amazon. Paperbacks will be available on June 30th, 2021.  The Book launch is scheduled for July 31st, 2021, in Stoke-on-Trent, UK. This remarkable book is a step-by-step emotional recovery manual for all survivors of abuse, who are searching for guidance on how to reclaim their lives. The brand promises of I Am Thriving Now include all things empowering and possible! Passion Promise – Passionate about building the world’s most inspirational movement for 1 million ambitious abuse survivors.  Product Promise – Walks individuals step-by-step through turning pain into gain. People Promise – Delivers practical, inspirational, interactive step-by-step methods to use safely from anywhere.Partner Promise – Committed to positively impacting every life engaged we touch and making your brand sparkle whenever you refer to us.Philanthropic Promise – Donates 15% of all profits towards achieving the ‘No Poverty’ UN Sustainable Global Goal. Done by providing skill development for widows and orphans to give them the basics of healthcare, security, and education. Provides the following services: 1-2-1 coaching sessions, workshops and publications/books.Peggy also offers a powerful masterclass called the Mindfulness Kickstarter. This comprehensive program includes a Clarity and Life Control Assessment which gives participants a virtual representation of where they are and where they want to be. By the end of the session, participants receive the following benefits:  Enhanced clarity of life and certainty of a clear path forward Reduced anxiety and despair Gained reassurance and peace of mind Increased motivation to rekindle an inner sparkleThere are many other similar stories of hope and survival, but what makes this one so special is that it comes from a survivor herself! Peggy has lived a life of abuse and understands what other women are suffering through. She also understands where they want to go and knows exactly how to get there. No individual was meant to live a life of pain, and die never fully knowing pure, authentic happiness and freedom. The secret to unlocking true happiness lies within the pain and the time to unlock it is now! www.iamthrivingnow.com "Your life is 10% what you have experienced and 90% what you do with your experiences.” - Peggy Bareh
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