#I always see posts like ‘you don’t have to choose a specific path’
rose-colored-tarot · 1 year
I think that a lot of people here, especially beginners, think you HAVE to choose a specific path to take. And that is not necessarily true. You don’t have to only learn one thing or stay within a single tradition. The variety let’s you try out different things, learn what interests you, learn what you’re good at and learn what you want to pursue.
But a path is a path for a reason. A well worn trail through the woods is so because it is used so often. Similarly, picking and sticking to a specific path means there are others with whom you can communicate, some degree of resources out there and, the ability to excel in certain domains. When you do things on your own, sometimes it results in just treading water and not doing the deep dive that would be beneficial (I really shouldn’t mix metaphors like that).
This is not me saying “you must pick a path” or “advanced witchcraft is when you specialize” or even “paths are inherently good”. But I think there has been (especially on tumblr) a shift away from following specific traditions. You pick and choose what interests you and add it to your craft like a magical magpie. Which is fine if you want to be a Jack of all trades. I cannot stress that enough, there is nothing wrong with being eclectic.
But there is merit to finding and sticking to a specific tradition.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Your true colors - (6/7) Indigo"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a message for you from the color indigo, the sixth of the 7 rainbow's colors. in this serie of readings about the rainbow's colors, I will try to channel about your true colors, so to help you look inside and see your most beautiful self, appreciate yourself more and hopefully provide some type of guidance if necessary. as cindy lauper would say: "your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow", so let's look at them and hear what they have to say to you and how they (you) can help you look at things in a more positive way.
indigo is the color of wisdom, intuition, spirituality, inner awareness, planning, fairness, power, vision, insight, dreams, perception (third eye chakra)... in this reading, I'll try to analyze this side of your character.
you can find the other colors' readings in the pacs list in my pinned post
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
You have a target, or you are moving towards a specific point in your life. You're not someone who gives up easily and honestly I think you're totally climbing up towards a higher knowledge, or your dreams, or an higher/more stable connection with your spirituality/above. I think it has mostly to do with your intuition not always being on point (or you feel/fear so). You may feel this path you're going through is filled with ups and downs but it's all part of the process, so try to stay balanced and accept all this. Accept that it won't always be smooth and there can be times in which you'll feel like you made no progress ever, even if you did. And there may be times in which your intuition may not be 100% and that's okay too. Understand that our energy may fluctuate for the most various reasons, and that's fine. Take a break and get back at it once you feel in touch with yourself again. Honestly, you have all the power you need to make your reality, you can get where you want, you can have a better connection with above too (for some of you, you may struggle getting in touch directly with your Guides or you want to get in touch with someone now in the 5d: you can. You can also ask for suggestions to readers if you need). Take time to look inside of you first. I do feel you can do it, even if you may have some doubts here and there or insecurities about what you're doing and even more if you can make it or it's possible for real. Honestly yes, it is possible for real. Practice more and also try more ways to connect with your inner self, so to be able to have better and clearer downloads in your life. Find ways to connect with the 5d/your Guides by experimenting: tarot/oracle cards (you can make your own decks at home with paper+pen), pendants (you can use one you own as a pendulum), one word notes you can pick through intuition, ask for angel numbers or specific signs/comfirmations (just don't overdo: learn to trust yourself too even if you fear your intuition being wrong... if it comes from within and you have no control over it, it's for a reason; it may carry another type of message, maybe even a message about healing a certain side of you so to be able to be more in tune with yourself and your inner guidance, but also with the guidance from above). Let go of the control (it just biases/blocks your intuition) and don't be afraid. Maybe you're trying to move fast somewhere, to reach an "ending point" or a result, as said in the beginning, but right now it's time to stand still and get better at listening (your Guides may be talking with you a lot, try to listen to them; you may get messages through words or music too, not just hear words in your mind). When we learn something (whatever it is), when we realize we can do something "easily", we try to rush it all to the end to owning that something asap, but that's not always the way to do things properly, the way to learn well. We need to stop here and there on our path and get better at something specific, we need to go slower and to really take time to understand even a little insignificant topic (you never know what is its importance in the future). Not stopping when it's time, not taking time to learn something (even if it takes us longer cause it's a tougher topic or subject, or it takes patience cause we feel like we're losing time on something "useless" like testing your intuition daily or something) may mean our result won't be as perfect as we'd like to. While at times, if you stop and enjoy the present, if you stop and focus on that little thing, you can even get a greater result. Do not rush things, go at your pace, respect yourself. You'll get where you want. Your intuition is part of you and you can get in touch with it anytime, just give yourself time to make it. You're pretty gifted, but gifts/talents at times also need to get polished through a bit of effort and patience.
song: freeze tag | terrace martin, robert glasper, 9th wonder, kamasi washintong, dinner party, phoelix; moonchild | rm
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pile 2
Some of may be very aware of the spiritual world and all that's hidden, even of your spirituality in general. But I think there may be something you're not analysing (or learning) on purpose or you're getting away from it: not sure if it "scares" you (maybe also cause of some type of trauma) or you feel like you don't need that or just need a break. You're just putting a wall here anyway. Honestly for some, you may be even entirely blocking your spirituality: maybe you got told that you need to follow a certain dogma and you fear abandoning it or that you cannot leave it or mix it with other practices; or you fear certain subjects (e.g. "witchy" stuff -it's okay to fear what we don't know, but you can know more of it if you want... unless it triggers certain sides of you. If so, take care of you and heal those triggers if you can, even ask for help); or maybe you find it hard to believe, which is okay (it could be that you tried once but you felt like you got let down or something, and now trusting again has gotten tougher; it could be a religious trauma tbh). Still, you know you have a very good intuition, and it's like... it's telling you to move in a certain direction, to still live and move around spirituality (in fact you're also here reading, hi). Maybe you want to learn more, to trust, to dig more, but something is blocking you, like your mind, your past, your fears... Try healing this emotional wound you have. Try to talk about why you felt let down or why you feel like you cannot surpass this point you reached in your spirituality (I think whatever is your situation atm you can get further and you may feel it too). You can talk with others into spirituality or you can find online all the knowledge you need. Try to be more open about the chances, about different reasons of why something happened or not (it wasn't because of you), about what can go well despite all that has been. Spirituality is a very personal endeavour and ofc I cannot tell you exactly what to do. It needs to be natural, it needs to come from within you. But if you feel even a little push from inside that is willing to move you further into it, to discover something new, even just for pure knowledge/fun, listen to it. You never know what you can find. And it won't be something scary nor something you will regret. Time used for personal development (and learning about anything you want) is always time well used, even if you won't find an answer or what you're searching for. It may come to you another time anyway, when you're ready for it. For those who are already into spirituality but are needing to get away, get a pause: if you feel used and abused because of your abilities, learn to build boundaries. Sure, you are here to share your abilities but you need to take care of yourself too also in order to be able to give properly. You need to receive too, and give from the abundance you got. You're not needy for wanting to receive.
Close away from all the noise inside and outside. Find yourself again, focus on you. If someone is annoying you or draining you, tell them off: and if they get angry, it's their trauma speaking. It's not you. If it's a belief blocking you, try to understand why and maybe move away from it if you need or try to look at it in a different way. Find your peace, find your balance, find yourself again and listen to yourself and your intuition. You need to be more fair with yourself, regain and reassert your power. Find some peace of mind, stay in a silent/dark environment if you need and for as long as you need (I do feel you need as you may be stressed by too many words and emotions around, by what others expect you to do or you fear they want you to do -but your life is yours, and especially your inner world is only yours, you get to decide its rules), and focus on your breathing. It's okay. Sometimes we may get carried away, but it's important to be aware of that, take a break and regain control. You don't have to go (back) to spirituality/religion asap, it will always be there, no matter how many pauses you'll need to take. You get to decide everything here, you can, you have that power.
(if you are called also by pile 3, feel free to take a look)
song: go! | santigold ft. karen o; nights like this | kehlani ft. ty dolla $ign
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pile 3
Pile 3, I think you may be able to get (and be more or less aware of this) important downloads from the 5d through your dreams. I think you may see stuff, get guidance, occasionally even get prophetic dreams (that you may consciously forget but live anyway irl -similar sensation of deja vus). I think you may be pretty connected with the spiritual world anyway. You probably can use clairs and are very intuitive especially at your best. I keep hearing "grounded" and I am not sure if you are already or you need to ground more, especially when it comes to your intuitive side. Maybe you lack some trust? (Reminds me me the Blue color reading tbh). Or maybe you fear something. Do these downloads kinda make you uncomfortable cause you feel like you cannot control them or are losing control onto something? It's okay, when you go through some spiritual awakening and it's sudden, it does get uncomfortable and scary. Take your time to grow acquainted with all this, and ask for suggestions to those who you think have been there already and can guide you through. I do think you can envision a lot, especially during meditation. And ofc maybe not all of you can really meditate for long or at all, but it may be worth to try and slowly get to it. You don't have to meditate for 10-20 mins from the start, you can start for 3 minutes and try daily, and once it gets easier you can move onto 5 mins and so on. It can be a slow process, we don't have to always rush things as we're taught since when we're born (honestly it's so toxic). But I do believe it could help you a lot in envisioning and planning better also your life and manifestations. And it could help you ground too, if you need. If you feel overwhelmed by infos/downloads and need some time off. Or if some of them aren't so clear at first. At times you may forget about the light you carry within or you would want to dim it out of fear, but you have it and it's a gift. Ofc I'm not here to tell you what to do: it's your life and if you feel like it's not something you can afford now (or at all), take your time/get away from it (if you'll ever want to get back, it will be there still). But one thing I can surely tell you is: do not be scared of it. It won't hurt you ever. Meditating could also help you find your inner light anytime you lose contact with it, and learn to use it to deal better and more boldly with all the darkness inside and what you cannot see (which at times may kinda block you and your intuition/connection to the spiritual world too -for those who actually would want to get more in touch but may feel kinda lost. But if not, use it for yourself at least, to help yourself dealing with your problems and fears). Meditating, could also mean doing some yoga exercises for example. If it's hard for you to stand still and envision stuff for a while without having your mind wandering around, you can start by focusing on slow movements of your body: it may help you focus on you again and be more aware or your inner side (inner awareness), and it may help you calm down and reconnect with your intuition too. Bring more love to you, also for all you've endured so far. There are many meditations and yoga series online, you can search for some (just go slow and let yourself guide you through which movements can be good for you and which not).
If you feel stuck in a rut, despite your soul is calling for you to move somewhere else, again meditating or finding any other way to ground yourself could totally help you re-balance any excess of emotions that may cloud your visions and also your downloads (or your understanding of those downloads: at times we may not fully grab them cause of our fears not letting us get the real meaning of what we're hearing or seeing, or not listening to any message to start with). You're powerful and strong btw, never forget it. Not even when things seem to be too crazy.
(if you're called also by pile 2, feel free to take a look)
song: my body is a cage | peter gabriel; amygdala | agust d
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
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༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ 1. ] just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
[ 2. ] please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
[ 3. ] third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore. however, we have different type of being hot, it's not all about being sexy or having muscles and abs.
[ 4. ] lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
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for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : all of the pictures are collected and downloaded from twice instagram account, i don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owner however edits goes and belong to yours truly. i use the editor tool ibispaint for the header, divider and piles pictures.
color code : #BC728D
sizes : piles pictures 768x768 | dividers 4096x50 | header 4096x550
(?) deck used : the light seer's tarot.
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You felt overburdened and muted from your past and now you are trying and learning to stand and speak up for yourself and for others whom you think reticent to themselves. In your past you are a people pleaser and tend to say 'yes' at everything they wanted you to be, you'd finally realized that we only live once so, you think what you can do and what is good for yourself because you think in this lifetime that the only matters is only you and not how do others perceive you, you are doing this in a healthy and good way. You are seeing the light while you walking through your own path now. The pressure that your past given to you makes you who you are today where people find amazingly about you. With the ace of swords, I think you wanted to widened your throat chakra more, where you will able to communicate and speak well to other people.
You may good at least in choosing right words when communicating to other's and if not, in singing! You are aiming to speak up for yourself and loved ones with the truth and holding it as if it's already possession into your inner voice. I see people find incredibly hot about the most is the quality of you being so intellectual individual, you are this type of person who can truthfully says "don't judge a book by it's cover", you wanted to study, read and get to know more about that specific book before giving and leaving your judgement, i mean sometimes you can kept this principle of yours frequently but you tend to tried your best to atleast have that inside your mind. I also think that there's someone here that always saying to you that you are intellectual but yet you don't even believe to them, you are doubting this capability of yours but you know inside yourself, you can do everything and you know you are creative and talented person.
Somehow, you vision all of this. You already have a clue about this, you are continuously completing your healing and improvement. You are making a progress now, expect a reward coming at your way throughout this journey. Overall, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are intelligent, creative, brave and talented.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
People who chose this pile are jolly where if they'll enter a dark room, you are the light and center of attraction there. You liked to show this traits of yours, where you are very childish and happy to others but somehow they're curious to know you, they found you incredibly mysterious and sometimes may act as a cold person perhaps you have this jolly side that you always show to others. This mysterious side of yours where these people often notice about you is the most attractive part of you. They're curious to know you more and maybe you are very private individual, which makes their curiosity to activate and somehow check and stalk your socials and backgrounds. They wanted to know you more but you tend to cut them off of what they can get know about you.
Well, i can't blame you though, you have a high intuition and tend to know what is their intentions and want to you and maybe you have a psychic abilities. I also see here that you are kind, generous and gentle but somehow you may have or might experiencing sadness. It's also hard for you to trust others, it make a lot of time to trust and rely yourself to others so you tend to always make it alone or all by yourself. I also think that you have a long curly hair regardless in what gender you are.
Furthermore about you is that you are fond and big fan of galaxies, stars, planets, forest and night so it makes also sense that you might be an astrologer. This last part may not resonate with everyone but for some, you might have a new buy crystals or new collection of crystal and decks.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Okay, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are very sexy and attractive. You have a lot of admirers pile three, I also think that you like to wear the color of red and black which makes you stand out with your circle. You are very friendly, you have a big social circle; a social butterfly indeed. I also see here that you've the prettiest smile or eyes. You value your family, you are someone who is a family oriented. If you literally have a current they see you as husband or wife material or if you are single, you consider yourself as husband/wife material.
I also here that you have a problem right now where you wanted to tell and discuss with others but fear and insecurity comes in. I think you are perfectionist individual. Some of this people fantasties you being tied on their bed or you might into BDSM kind of things. Are you good at dancing? Maybe this is one of the reason why people find you attractive. You are very confident about your talent. While, if you love kids like hanging out with them, playing with them. They find this cute and lovely about you.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
567 notes · View notes
kelseytheballerina · 1 year
Heyy so Starting by being straight up and admitting that envy is an ugly habit I have. I see people who grew up with money living their best life and I get hurt and mad because I'm working my ass off just trying to get by, or I see an attractive woman and feel like crap. Its something I'm recognizing as a problem and I want to stop. I saw a post where you said something about being inspired and motivated by women who are better off/more successful/prettier/etc instead of comparing and getting jealous. How do you actually put that into practice and acheive that mindset?
totally, so basically I would just look at it as inspiration and proof of an outcome. a lot of our desires can be based on theory. the possibility of having this or going there or excelling in this way. but we don’t technically know if we could pull it off or if it’s ever been done before with a specific set of conditions, so our goals and desires are just a theory. for example, maybe you desire to be a mom-model-actress-ceo under 25 and you see a woman literally become just that. I wouldn’t be like “grrrr how dare she have what I want” I would be happy that I now have proof that what I want is in the realm of possibility and there is a path that has been laid out should I choose to use hers as a blueprint. people will likely be more accepting of me doing the same thing since there’s already been someone who has come before me and been successful. plus, now you could have a potential peer who becomes a potential friend when you are in the same circle. when it comes to beauty, there’s so many girls out there being unapologetically into beauty care so now people won’t be weirded out when I start showing up with nails and hair and cute clothes because they have helped break down the taboo. so it’s more of an appreciation for them trailblazing a path or showing time and time again that something is possible and here’s what it looks like for a 35 year old and a 60 year old and a 19 year old and a white American and a black American and a Nigerian Brit and so on and so forth. it’s inspirational data.
it’s like, I now know I’m not crazy and my aspirations are attainable at least to a degree (factoring in variables like where you’re born and parents you’re born to, etc) so all I have to do is stay on track and I’ll be there too some day. when I’m studying over and over and wondering if this is even real and then I see a classmate got an A, I feel better knowing that I’m not screaming into the void and that the outcome I seek is actually a reality. I no longer feel like I’m rowing in open water of uncharted territory. this land has been conquered before and that’s great! so maybe I won’t get skin exactly like hers but I’ll get close. maybe I won’t get her salary at the same age she did but even if I have to work an extra 5 years I’ll be glad I was inspired by her to keep going. maybe you didn’t consider the possibility of having certain things until you saw that woman with it and now your mindset has been expanded to have more out of life.
I feel like when you’re envious, there’s a part of you deep down that will secretly wish for someone’s downfall, even if you’re friends with them because it’s a “me vs you and there can only be one” mentality. which means you’ll be likely to think everyone else is secretly out to get you too or the world is conspiring against you when it’s nothing of the sort. but when you have an “I’m happy for you and patiently waiting my turn” mentality, you’re more likely to see the blessings happening to you in action, you’re more likely to be a positive person around such women and they’d more likely want to be around you and help you come up with them rather than feeling some sort of repressed hater energy.
I always just remember that none of us are on the same timeline and not everyone peaks at the same age. some are late bloomers, some have more barriers in the way, but that just means you will end up being someone else’s inspiration one day when they find interest in your variables and outcome. let your journey be what it will be and keep your mind open to the wisdom you’re collecting along the way. if it took you 3 years to clear your skin up, you’ll have waaaay more insight on the topic than someone who’s only ever experienced the occasional breakout and let’s say you wanted to turn that into a skincare YouTube channel or something, you’d have more success than someone with nothing to say. what I mean by that is, sometimes the ones with the long journeys that feel unfavorable in the moment end up blooming into an unforeseen opportunity in the future.
envy is never worth it. it just makes the journey more miserable than it needs to be and pushes people away.
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aphrostarot · 7 months
What Unexpected Blessings Are Headed Your Way?
What blessings do you not see coming your way and what are some messages from your spirit guides to help you better prepare for them?
As this is a general collective reading, some things may not resonate with you or your situation. DO NOT try forcing it to fit. If you would like to book a personalized reading with me go to my profile and follow the instructions on my pinned post.
If you enjoyed this reading and wanted to support me further you can do so by tipping me in the link in my bio or by booking a personal reading with me.
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Pile One:
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Who are you currently?
The Devil and Two of Swords:
You are currently at a point in your life where you have been indulging in temptations, maybe a bit too much. You are obsessed with the material world and obtaining things that you may have struggled to receive in the past. However, with the Two of Swords coming out to represent you as well, this tells me that you find yourself at a crossroads in your life currently. There is a difficult decision that needs to be made in your life and you don’t know which path to choose. One or both of these decisions may deal with your career or a hobby of some sort.
I am getting strong Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces energy from this pile. So, some of you may have significant placements in these signs.
What is a blessing you don’t see coming into your life?
Ace of Pentacles and The Lovers:
There is a new cycle coming into your life, specifically in your career or a hobby. Now, I don’t want you to get your hopes up with The Lovers coming out. The Lovers doesn’t always mean a romantic relationship, it can signify a platonic relationship, or even just your relationship with yourself. In your case, I believe it is talking about a business partnership of some sort. Someone is coming into your life soon that will bring blessings in your career. I believe that this will be a new person because Ace’s always signify new beginnings, sometimes however they can signify a new beginning with someone you already know but, in your case, I do not believe you know this person.
Any messages or warnings from Spirit before this blessing comes into your life?
King of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, and Eight of Pentacles Reversed:
You may tend to rush into things and then once you get there you lose your focus, get lazy, and quit before you finish. To that, your guides are saying that you will embody the King of Pentacles energy with this blessing entering your life. You will be a whole new person with this blessing. You will be much more responsible and reliable. It is worth noting that this person that is coming into your life will help bring this side of you out, so, they may also embody some of the King of Pentacles energy too. This blessing will bring with it a great deal of abundance for you. All you need to do is be patient, which may be hard for you, especially in your current state.
Bottom of the Deck Energy:
The Moon Reversed:
The bottom of the deck tells you the underlying energy throughout this whole reading and having The Moon come out reversed tells me that most of you may be feeling quite anxious in your life or paranoid but, you are hiding this from the rest of the world. I say you are hiding this because The Moon in Tarot deals with deception and all things hidden and because when I was doing this reading I was feeling very optimistic and energetic. So, I believe that many of you are putting up this facade of optimism and excitement for your future when you are not at all feeling that way, or, many of you may have been feeling down for quite a bit now but you are starting to get out of that funk recently, and now you are starting to have much more optimism in your life.
Extended Reading (what is specifically coming and how can you prepare?)
Pile Two:
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Who are you currently?
Three of Water and The Star Reversed:
Pile two, you have been feeling lost and in a daze/brain fog for quite sometime now. You are normally a very sociable and joyful person who loves to hang out with people and have fun. However, something changed in your life that caused you to retreat within yourself and because of this, you have been feeling very down and anxious. Your self-image has been depleted, you no longer feel like you are worthy of anything, you think that people in your life no longer like you, and because of this, you no longer go out and have fun, instead, you stay by yourself most of the time now, preferring solitude. I was getting some major hot flashes while I was doing this reading so, many of you may also experience this or may just be a person who is always hot. Also, your guides had a lot to say during this reading so, many of you may not have been reaching out as much.
I was getting strong Virgo and Scorpio energy from this pile. So, some of you may have significant placements in these signs.
What is a blessing you don’t see coming into your life?
Seven of Air Reversed and Council of All Beings:
There is a much-needed change coming into your life soon. As I said above, I believe that many of you have been stuck in a funk for quite some time now and because of this you have not been reaching out to Spirit as much or have been ignoring their messages and warnings. Your guides may be forcing a change in your life but, this is not a bad thing. They see that you are stuck in a rut and they know that a change can be so good for you at this moment, so they are forcing it to happen. This change is going to be within you, not around you. It will bring out a more mature and kind energy within you, a loving energy that you have not felt in quite some time, if ever. This blessing is you learning how to love yourself the right way.
Any messages or warnings from Spirit before this blessing comes into your life?
Craftsman of Air, Messenger of Fire, and Ten of Air:
Your guides want you to prepare before this blessing comes in. Now that you know what it is, you can better prepare yourself by learning the proper ways to implement this loving and kind energy into your life. Make sure you are educating yourself in this time leading up to this blessing coming in because this will allow it to not only come in more quickly but also come in more seamlessly. You may be someone who wants an explanation for everything, reasons for why things are happening, just so you can understand why things are the way they are. But, your guides are telling you that it is time to let this need go. There is wisdom in your heart that is longing to be free whether you are aware of it or not. You’re on a journey to awareness beyond the self, inspired by something mysterious and beautiful that is part of you and greater than you. Let go of your need for control and open yourself up to the messages and wisdom from the universe and your guides. Learn the signs and symbols that your guides use to communicate with you so you can understand them better when they come in. You are just about ready for this blessing to come into your life but the only thing that is holding you back is you not being able to recognize when your guides are speaking to you. Start to pay attention to the synchronicities around you and slowly try and understand what your guides are trying to tell you by sending them your way.
Bottom of the Deck Energy:
Initiation Reversed:
Initiation is the card that handles the unknown, diving into the past, and going within yourself for answers. So, having it come out reversed as the bottom of the deck energy tells me that you are struggling to do all these things. You ignore your feelings as they come and do not like to remember your past because it may hurt you. However, by not dealing with the trauma you have in your past and ignoring it, you are making your present life much harder because you have so much underlying stress and triggers that your system is constantly overstimulated trying to protect you from all these things you don’t deal with. This blessing will allow you to release these things holding you back and make it so you know how to navigate these feelings as they come up. Again, however, educating yourself on how you can do this healthily is needed. If you need help doing this, make sure you reach out to a professional.
Extended Reading (what is specifically coming and how can you prepare?)
Pile Three:
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Who are you currently?
Page of Swords, Nine of Swords, and The Empress:
At your core, you are a very nurturing and creative person. You are someone who is constantly educating yourself, driven by your curiosity. You fully embody femininity at its finest, you are very warm, comforting, and inspiring to the people around you. However, all of this being said, you are currently in a place rippled by anxiety, worry, and guilt. You are struggling with some great internal battles. You are in a time of great emotional turmoil at the moment, which is quite different from who you are at your core, so, you may be feeling very lost and confused at the moment because of this.
There is a lot of suppressing emotions with this pile, you are not allowing yourself to feel your emotions as they come. Because of this, I am getting strong Capricorn energy with this pile, specifically Capricorn Moons. This does not mean that everyone who chose this pile has to have these placements. If you were drawn to this pile then it is meant for you.
I am also getting a strong reserve of energy with this pile. It’s almost like you are currently blinded right now and not seeing your life for what it is, however, you may not be aware of this.
There is a lot of contradicting energy with this pile and contradicting emotions. There may also be some fear of change or even a fear of allowing yourself to feel, with this pile.
Many of you could be or have significant Capricorn, Aquarius, or Gemini placements.
What is a blessing you don’t see coming into your life?
Two of Pentacles, Ten of Wands, and The Hermit:
You have been stretching yourself thin for quite some time now and because of this, you are on the brink of burnout. You are at a significant crossroads right now, one path (the one you’re on) leads you to burnout and a very dark place, and the other path (the path your guides want you to take) leads you to a place of rest and rejuvenation. This blessing coming your way is your guides forcing you to take the other path. They know the outcome of the path you are on right now, so they are going to force you to deter. This blessing will force you into solitude, and force you to seek answers from within. It will force you to do some self-reflection, asking yourself who you really are, and who you have been acting like. How do you bring yourself out of these bad habits, and allow yourself to feel again? This solitude will bring along with it much-needed balance in your life that will lead you back to your true self.
Any messages or warnings from Spirit before this blessing comes into your life?
Ten of Swords, The World, and Nine of Pentacles:
Your guide’s message to you here is exactly what I said above. You are currently on a path that leads to a dead end, a destination that is nothing but despair. They are urging you desperately to make this blessing they are sending your way come in seamlessly. Don’t fight this change that's coming in, it is a blessing, but since you fear change your automatic reaction to this change will be to reject it, however, they do not want you to do this. Know that by accepting this blessing into your life, you will be allowing a completion to the cycle of constant suppression of emotions and the cycle of negativity that comes along with that. The journey to a pure self, a self-set on a solid foundation, and one who lives in a healthy mindset is long and very very unpleasant. It brings up a lot of suppressed and long-forgotten emotions and memories. But, this has to happen for you to build a better foundation to live on. As long as you can remember, the foundation you have lived on has been made up of the negative memories and emotions that are going to come up as you start to change, as you start to heal. Do not give up, the negative things have to come up for you to get rid of them and replace them with good. Whether that be them leaving completely, or just reconditioning your brain to view them in a different, more positive light. Either way, your guide's message here is to not fear this blessing, don’t reject it as it comes in, and don’t quit along the journey, for the destination is one of great success and self-sufficiency.
Bottom of the Deck Energy:
Page of Pentacles:
You are at your core, a star student, someone who is consistent in their path to true discovery. However, the negative place you have lived in for some time now has clouded this side of you. Your guides want you to know this side of you is not gone forever, it is simply suppressed. All you need to do is listen to their advice and you will find this side of yourself again, for it has always been there.
Extended Reading (what is specifically coming and how can you prepare?)
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tokkiiecloud · 2 months
hi it’s me again lol ! responding to ur post u didn’t reply slow dw lol u actually replied fast at least for me lol 😭 and in my opinion, i don’t think you were romanticizing sh at all, i was wondering if you could do the same prompt with levi and satan and maybe another character of your choosing? ^^
Hey hey again!! I’m happy it doesn’t feel like i romanticised sh! This will maybe be the last one, since it kinda feels like I’m milking SH for likes and attention- but if it is a request then I’ll think about it! Anyways let’s get into it
Characters : Leviathan ; Satan and Foras
Tw/Cw : Self harm mentions and blood.
Satan :
The moment he found out about your SH..he felt angry
Angry at himself to not be able to help you
He could only think about the blood going down your arm which made his sleep even more horrible than before
He hugs you and buries his head into your shoulder
He knows he’s not the one who made you feel like this but he can’t help but feel extremely guilty
He tried his best to always bandage you
And always kisses your cheek and shows his affection to make you feel loved
Like you did after finding out he had depression
You both are each other’s comfort
You make him feel better when he’s having a depressive episode
And he takes cares of you when you SH because you needed to calm down…
He takes it very seriously after all he knows what that feels like
Just like all the others, the discovery was…shocking and hurtful.
He wanted to make you feel better but he’s not the most open about his feelings so why would you open up to him?
But, he does small gestures to reassure you and make you feel comfortable about talking to him about how you feel.
For exemple kissing you’re cheek gently when you cry, always there when you have a moment when you’re so close to relapsing
He stops you every time he can.
He feels horrible when he sees you hurt, that’s the first time he saw himself in someone else
He promises himself to only bring you happiness even though he is quite difficult and the literal sin of envy himself
After all, he hates seeing you..like this not your usual cheerful self.
He’ll protect you from whatever could hurt you. Even god. Even the other devils
After that promise he sends foras almost every single day to watch over you. He gets extremely worried.
He was on a mission to watch over you when he saw you hurting yourself
He couldn’t just watch from the sidelines and revealed himself as he ran to you to drop the sharp object tainted with your blood.
He looks at you, shocked to see him appearing out of thin air.
After that whole ordeal, he always checks on you whether it is an order from Leviathan or just his own free will.
He has specific time he knows you could potentially hurt yourself and always goes to check
He cares for you and loves you a lot.
Leaving encouraging and supportive notes everywhere you can see them
He just wants you to get better
And will fight every thing that hurt you.
Just like his king he also made a promise to himself
To destroy everything that could possibly hurt you or that has hurt you.
Ah honestly I feel better just thinking about them acting like this it always feels nice having someone who cares
Anyways this is the end I know that I repeat it a lot but , if you are struggling with sh you should go talk to a professional able to help you it is hard to stop this addiction, I want everyone that is struggling through it know that they are loved and appreciated and that someone believes in them to overcome this addiction and are able to go on the path of recovery!
Love you all have a nice day<3
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nayatarot777 · 2 years
*Spirit The Bounty Hunter* What Karma Do Your Spirit Guides Hand Out To Your Enemies? 🤺🧿🚑
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*photos from pinterest
if you’d like a private reading, check out my pinned post :)
• pile one •
who are your enemies?
a lot of your enemies are extremely immature, and i feel like the conflict that they cause is through being passive aggressive or petty in some way. they don’t think before they speak and they also try to cover up the way that they truly feel about things, while showing how they actually feel about something in a very roundabout way. a lot of your enemies have higher levels of narcissistic traits. maybe they’re even diagnosed with a personality disorder or a mental illness that narcissistic behaviour can be a symptom of, for a small number of you - or they would be if they actually self reflected and realised that they think and behave far from normally 🙃. i feel like the karma for a lot of these people is actually you. the universe made you guys cross paths because you were the one who was supposed to shatter their illusion of themselves. these people could continuously be surrounded by people who praise them or condone them. “yes men”, i’m hearing. i’m seeing that you guys are the types to call people out on their shit. because why shouldn’t you when they’re negatively affecting you and/or other people with their bullshit that you shouldn’t have to put up with? and they try to punish you for that. i feel like they’re usually met with a side to you that they haven’t seen before though, and that intimidates them to a very high degree. they don’t expect the switch up in personality or behaviour from you.
their karma for their bs
these enemies’ karma is that they experience major endings in life. usually in an extremely painful way - mentally painful most of all. a lot of them face a betrayal that they never saw coming. betrayal from people who they could have chosen or prioritised over you. it’s impossible for them to get out of this tower moment unless they face the truth like they need to and unless they choose to make a complete change in their life. that’s why so many of them are plagued with this karma for such a long time. because they refuse to acknowledge that they’ve manipulated the truth enough, causing nothing but harm and the continuation of bad behaviour. I’m hearing that for a lot of them they’re actually forced into starting life as they know it completely over in terms of what they think, what they value, what they say, etc. But this is like literal torture to them. They could feel oppressed after fucking with you. It’s like your guides are wrapping strong binds around their crown chakra, throat chakra, and root chakra specifically. The breaking of their family’s generational curses are significant in the ending of this karma too, as an aspect of shadow work. The realisation that they can’t “win” whatever conflict they’re in with you also forces them to realise that they’re having to “flee” or avoid this situation in some type of way, doing a lot of damage to their ego. i heard that they realise that they’re not untouchable.
• pile two •
who are your enemies?
your enemies could be people who are really disillusioned by money and the material world. i’m seeing someone having tunnel vision when it comes to making money and gaining materialism, to the point where they’re actually extremely lonely. they see the physical world as the most important aspect of life and they could even use people for some type of physical gain. these people could also prioritise their external image and/or appearance to cover up their internal, emotional, and mental issues. they could also be quite naive and gullible when it comes to new relationships and friendships. i feel like these people could also put others on a pedestal for some reason. they’re also very judgemental - especially of what others look like as well as other people’s relationships and connections (which is so fucking ironic because their’s is always a damn mess 😂). they focus more energy into creating judgement about others instead of making judgements on who THEY truly are. these people project all the time. they ignore the truth and reality of what’s presented to them if it’s not a truth that they like. i’m picking up on a lot of emotional manipulation from these people.
their karma for their bs
their karma always begins with people losing interest in them. i’m seeing someone competing for attention but all of their efforts being futile. someone else who’s much more respected and cared for comes along and knocks these people off of their “throne” and their high horse. i’m hearing “permanent damage to reputation”. i feel like things that they keep hidden or even a secret eventually come out, and they have to answer to many different people for their actions. maybe even give out many apologies. i’m seeing them being overwhelmed with judgement from others funnily enough. and i’m also hearing “societal judgement”. i’m picking up on community shame. you know how people used to throw tomatoes and shit at someone who was shamed in public, centuries ago? 😂 they’re forced to realise that they had people fucked up with the way that they judged and treated people before. i feel like a lot of these people are exposed for being hypocrites too. they feel defeated by the end of all of this and there’s nothing that they can do about it. especially from all of the connections that they permanently lose - particularly with authority figures or people who just have a high status. their reputation is thoroughly ruined. they shouldn’t have fucked with you, pile 2 👀.
• pile three •
who are your enemies?
hi, pile three! your enemies are those who made you feel as though you weren’t a priority for them. they didn’t value you as much as they did other people because you were different to them. this could be in terms of something to do with your identity (gender, age, race, sexuality, etc.). so this could have been someone who you had a different gender, race, nationality, religion, or sexuality to. discriminatory beliefs held on their part could have played a part in any behaviours of devaluation from this person. overall, they just didn’t value you as much as they did other people in their life. or as much as they did themselves in a situation. you ended up protecting yourself because these people were blocking your blessings in many ways. they could have been draining energetically, and i’m feeling like they were always looking for you to bring balance to their life whenever they needed it. giving very much user energy. you stopped letting them use you though and they got angry and upset like the energy vampires they are 😂. these people also cling onto their egos as a way to avoid having to hear and acknowledge the truth about themselves. they try to control things too much. these people don’t like internally changing and becoming self aware because they don’t like admitting that they’re wrong for doing something. they have very fragile egos and can’t handle anything that brings them out of their comfort zone. they could feel chronic shame and low self esteem which they use their egos to cover up. these people are extremely emotionally immature and emotionally dysregulated, considering the extents that they’ll go to to not admit “defeat” (in their minds).
their karma for their bs
their karma is that they eventually reach a point in their lives where people don’t show them love as much as they did before. if you resonate with the message above about having them use you for balance in their lives, the lack of balance that ensues after you leave their lives really affects their other relationships and connections with people. they feel neglected from care and nurture. they also feel like they’re restricted in expressing how they feel to others too, perhaps because they surround themselves with much more surface level friendships and connections, unlike whatever type of connection that they had with you - yet they still prioritised these people over you like fucking dummies. i’m seeing them wanting to send a message to you but knowing that they’d face rejection. they could even start facing rejection from everyone else because them trying to replace you as their emotional nurturer or free therapist by forcing emotional offloading onto the same people that they chose over you never works out well for them. serves them right. they’re forced to be more dedicated to logic than emotions, and as a result of this, their pent up emotions come out in the form of harsh communication. they don’t think before they speak with the people around them anymore because they’re forced to hold onto their own emotional burdens now. this comes out in passive aggressive communication for them. maybe this is why people stop giving them as much love as before. they’re forced to learn self control and i’m hearing “more respect”. maybe they used their feelings about things as an excuse to disrespect people in the past, but they’re forced to actually focus on self accountability and self responsibility now. they’re forced to control how they speak to people and how they treat people. also to focus on making connections with others much more balanced. and i feel like these people don’t like balance. they like to take and not give much in return.
• pile four •
who are your enemies?
your enemies are people who seem to be reserved with most of what they actually think about you, but i feel like these are people who are surprised at your ability to still recognise what they actually think of you or what they have planned. they could have dealt with “foot in mouth” syndrome and accidentally exposed themselves when they didn’t mean to. they fear you and what you know - specifically what you know that you don’t speak of. probably about them. they feel caught up in a bind with something. they’re very cowardly and they could have tried to actively flee a situation and escape from having to answer for something. i’m also hearing that they could also be an opportunist. these are the types of people to not like you but still stick around for the opportunities or benefits that you bring. whatever they tried to get away with, you saw it clearly and they ran from the consequences (or tried to). they tried to gain control over whatever situation they felt exposed in. i’m even seeing that they tried to control your growth in some way, or whatever you were doing in life in an unsuspecting, sneaky, sabotaging way. they’re people in daily life who struggle to keep themselves balanced and in control of their basic responsibilities.
their karma for their bs
i’m hearing “capped”. their stability and comfort is capped in some way. they have to slow down with whatever they’re trying to build or attain in their own lives which leaves them feeling extremely behind in life. i’m also hearing that they’re weighed down by other people’s expectations - particularly by their family. perhaps their father or a masculine/bossy/father figure in their lives. they’re forced to settle for building something with someone who they’re not entirely happy with. they’re forced to commit to something that they feel holds them back and slows them down in life. and i’m even hearing “faking happiness”. it’s like they have to wear a mask and cover up every aspect of their genuine self for the sake of a partnership with someone else that they’re having to invest into something with. and i’m hearing that they “get in over their heads” with something or someone. idk if this is some type of contract, or living situation, or relationship that they find themselves in - but they don’t even feel mature or ready enough for this situation. they want their freedom with something but they feel like they’re having to live their lives more maturely than they’re ready for because of their rash decisions.
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white-fatalis · 2 months
Here's my meta on why the interpretation of "Grimm is an evil asshole who enslaves and/or mind controls the troupe" is literally my beloathed!
This was originally written for a hot takes meme on my rp blog, but I ended up liking the analysis enough to want to post it in the public tag. Had to edit my salt out a bit because I was venting over people in the past coming into an rp server I mod for and insisting Grimm is canonically some abusive slave driver LOL
There is canonical evidence to the contrary. Imo, it feels like taking the game's propaganda from the townsfolk and WL and not looking past surface level. And a lot of the game's plot has "things aren't what they seem on the surface and what is stated is often false" (like 'guys fr the valiant knight saved the kingdom').
Most people get this take from Brumm's dialogue. However, this interpretation is directly contradicted by Brumm's actions and Nymm's dialogue. The entire banishment ending is about Brumm questioning Grimm and the troupe. Mind controlled people... obviously... don't have the capacity to do that. Sure, you could say "well, maybe Grimm trusts Brumm enough to let him be free, the rest of them aren't" but - what, Grimm isn't smart enough to keep all of his "slaves" on a leash? He wouldn't see Brumm's general self changing on a downward path and feel a need to do something about it lest it threaten his plans? This would require Grimm to be making classic generic movie villain errors, and also be not very observant, which he does not come across as at all. I don’t buy that.
Furthermore, Brumm is not an impartial voice here. He's an old and tired mortal trapped in a cycle of immortality led by what's essentially a fae-like deity, who has been doing and seeing the same things for probably centuries. He is sufficiently Done at this point in his life. He's depressed. Mortals were never meant to live that long, even in lives that they may have previously enjoyed. He did not always feel this way, and there's proof, which I read as a mix of that and Grimm's power essentially carving his passion for life out:
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He's seen this play out over and over, over and over, endlessly to his eyes. He begins to feel like it's enslavement.
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However, even despite these feelings? He still highly respects Grimm and is concerned for his well being.
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In his thoughts, he's questioning whether Grimm is a slave. He doesn't know, which implies to me that Grimm has never shared specifics. (Also, Grimm's dream nail dialogue contradicts the idea of Grimm being a slave.) These are all the opinion statements of a depressed mortal, and while he has every right to feel the way he does, that doesn't make his words necessarily fact - especially if information was hidden from him. And then, if you do choose to banish the troupe... We see Brumm again, as his original self Nymm, who gives what I feel is one of the strongest pieces of evidence for the troupe not being slaves. He gives you his old mask in the form of a charm, and he states:
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If Brumm was truly a slave, if the game wanted you to take the troupe members as actual slaves, this is not how it would be described. I do not think "Stockholm syndrome" is what they were going for here, which is the only explanation for this if they were supposed to be read as slaves. You don't long for and have nostalgia for being a slave (mind controlled or not).
Not just that, but the charm is literally called Carefree Melody, and its ability spawns a flame that occasionally protects its wearer from taking damage. The fear cast by the nightmare magic is still there, yes, but the charm is essentially Grimm's protection left over. If the troupe members were being held against their will by some evil overlord, this symbol would not be such a sweet memento. The charm's very name evokes the image of carefree days where he enjoyed playing music with the troupe.
As far as Grimm being a complete domineering asshole that some interpret him to be, I feel like there's a decent amount of evidence that he isn't, even though we don't get to see how he interacts with his followers. Everyone in the troupe seems to respect and adore him. Brumm being concerned for him, saying that it's painful of all things to defy him, and this is how he thinks at his absolute lowest opinion of the troupe. Divine stays to do her own thing if you don't complete her quest before the Ritual, which Grimm is apparently cool with because she was just allowed to do that. She's also eager to follow him when her business is done. One of the Grimmsteeds, in thought, says that Grimm's light is guiding. Grimm himself doesn't force you as the player to partake in the Ritual or fight him. The troupe related charm, of all effects it could have, is one of protection.
I don't think any of them would feel this way if he was just, you know, a controlling dick.
Now Grimm being manipulative - yeah, I think he is. The point of this post isn't to say Grimm is a saint, he definitely isn't. That's an entire other post. But he 100% isn't the "blatantly evil mind controlling jerk" type. He's morally gray. And I firmly believe he's meant to be a foil to the Radiance;
The Radiance is Light, normally seen as a good and positive force in media. But she is smothering, forces others into her unity, and reduces bugs to instinct. She sends everyone in her thrall out for blood. Grimm is still a light, but nightmares are associated with darkness and seen as evil and negative. Yet his light is not blinding, but guiding to those under him. He clearly possesses mind altering magic when it comes to personality changes and memory stealing, but he doesn't use it to steal the free will of his followers - Brumm successfully leaves because he wanted to, and he isn't left scarred and broken when that power is vacated from him. Again, Grimm doesn't force you to do the Ritual or even battle him. That's your choice to put on the Grimmchild charm. He simply urges you to do so. He's a vulture who feeds off of the natural life cycle of civilizations, not a violent kingdom toppler like the Radiance is.
These two are the only ones in the entire game to have pre-battle title cards. Even the Pure Vessel, who is higher than Grimm in the boss pantheon, doesn't get one. Only them.
So like. Yeah, you can make an AU where Grimm is evil, but it feels like... I don't know... missing the point of the character? It wipes out all of the nuance that I feel makes him interesting and endearing.
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
Ok so I can’t find the post about how Nene was always destined to meet Hanako san in the books. But that brings up how the Stacks works. I don’t believe they have all the future students and staff until they step into the school. Also I think it’s important that Tsuchigomori is a Curator and not librarian or archivist, which covers the acquisitions, sorting, and categorizing of the materials curated but that’s something for later.
Nene was destined to meet Hanako san because Hanako was already there to be met. Amane had already changed his fate. The new books would reflect the new path taken as the books come into being! Also the books are technically ever changing as long as they’re white, since where the past and future meet is always changing and the delineation of the red pages would have to as well.
Does that make sense?
Yes, it makes sense.
The books change according to the owner's choices. The question is, what if the book manages to predict all possible choices? No matter which path she chooses, the book will know the ending.
Or, no matter what she does, the paths she chooses, they will all lead to the same ending. You know, like in interactive games where you have to make choices throughout the story.
That's where unalterable destiny comes in. You can venture down different paths, but the end will be the same. It's like a maze.
And, if we're going to talk specifically about Nene and Hanako, we have to add one more factor, the mermaid's scales. She necessarily connects the two people who consume her, a connection of destiny, this explains why Nene is able to travel into Hanako's past, we have never seen her return to her past, it is only his (until now)
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This connection with the mermaid can cause a new connection to be made. Imagine that a book is a maze, so when Nene intertwines hers with Hanako's, his book connects with hers. Two mazes that can lead to two different paths.
Or will it be just one?
Talking about books is talking about the flow of time, temporal paradox, butterfly effect. Destiny. According to Amane, destiny is unchangeable, but Tsuchigomori, who is the curator of the books, says that Amane was the only one he saw do this.
In other words, two mazes, two different paths. When did his future change? When Nene spoke to little Tsukasa, who came back under her and Kou's influence? If that was the case, she changed the twins' fate, because her and Amane's fates are tied.
He can change her future the same way she changed his. Of course, assuming that's the case.
In other words, if before Nene only had one final destination, when she linked up with Hanako, she now has two, just like him. Amane would be a teacher in the first destination, but in the second he would die at the age of thirteen.
Once again, two books, two destinies.
It's worth remembering that we often see them intertwined with the red string of destiny.
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I don't know if it makes sense to you, I just thought about it, and it made sense to me XD
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cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
Namekian Culture (Headcanons)
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Posting my random world-building headcanons here once again.
Sign Language
It’s mandatory for Namekians to learn sign languages and code-like ways of communication (like morse code) that makes use of their keen hearing.
The current Namekians in New Namek were taught a lot of Namekian languages that existed before the climate crisis and each of them were made to be fluent in at least one more than their universal language (the one Porunga knows) and their equivalent sign languages (yes, of course you can wish to Porunga with the Namekian SL). The Namek also see even just a hearing that's average for most of the universe's people (like the Earthlings') as a disability and they accommodate this as they do all of their people.
Dragons & Warriors ≠ Their Careers
Much like any civilization, Namekians do not see being a Dragon and a Warrior as a hindrance to a path that they wish to have and have a wide range of careers they can choose from (they at least had engineers, scientists, teachers, cultivators, and all varieties of artists judging from the spaceship and the things they had in their villages). Namekians are known migrants in the universes they are in. However, due to the climate diminishing, they had to start from scratch and had to focus on survival.
They also don’t usually give birth as much as Guru did and used to have a better ratio of Dragons and Warriors in their planet. Since giving birth to Warriors needs more energy (headcanon), Guru decided to have one sole warrior (Nail) to train the willing Dragons.
Life Partnerships / Relationships
Even before Guru repopulated the planet with his children alone, their society already did not comply with amatonormativity. Namekians, with their long lives, rarely settle for monogamous relationships. Some Namekians preferred to have multiple separate partners, some preferred a polycule and all the different types of ethical non-monogamy, while some preferred none at all. Queerplatonic relationships are the most common.
Each kind of relationship was as ordinary as breathing and Namekians were also even known to espouse outside their race due to the long-encouraged migration of their people. Now, however, most Namekians who long for partners in New Namek are encouraged to wish to Porunga for the opportunity to travel in space and find intimate companions, and some had already left the nest.
[Headcanons beyond this point have less than zero canon foundation (it came out of my a– you know what I mean)]
Namekians give great importance to their vows of love and find it unacceptable to violate them. They also have their own ritual for marriage (I haven’t thought of one) that can be done between two or more people.
Before the nuptials, the Namekians are supposed to use their Materialization (famously known in the fandom as Clothes Beam ™️) technique to create an accessory to give their partner/s at the ceremony. The purpose is to create an object tough enough to last their long lifetime.
I've long since headcanon that the longer one stays using the technique, the better quality the material is. Unlike the kais who can create even the hardest metal in the universe in a snap of a finger, mortals make better use of Materialization with how long they pour their ki on them.
This object may be given back or kept after divorce and must always have the name of the one who created them. (I think some polycules create all of theirs at the same time or even create separate pendants for one necklace or bracelet but I think it’s better if they give each other different kinds of accessories like bangles, earrings, noserings, pins or something for their clothes, or even hats.)
This is just the vows I created specifically for Namekians that I plan to use in my every fanfic if I ever finish/post any:
(After receiving the accessory the person will say:)
“The gift of your embedded soul shall bring with it your comfort, your pain, your thoughts, your worries, your warmth, your memories, and your hopes and dreams; as long as a piece of you resides with my person, so will you.
"I, who have accepted the you who stands before myself, accept you as my companion beyond the end of my life or the day we find ourselves unable to respect and trust one another; as you would do the same.”
Vows are spoken in the language of one's heart, to which most of the time is the person’s native language. (If you're bilingual then the combination of the two MAY be your native language; then if you're multilingual, more variations like that etc.)
Extra: I invented a Namekian Equivalent to "I love you"
Pikkaro apakuto = My love/respect/adoration/admiration of you knows no bounds.
Apakuto = the word that can mean love, adoration, admiration, respect, or all of it at the same time.
Extra Extra HC: If Dende would have his own dragon, he'd probably name them Apakuruto (Dragon of Love/admiration/etc 😌) maybe following his father's dragon of dreams, Porunga.
[To see my first HC dump, check out this post!]
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blindbeta · 2 years
Hi! I first wanted to say that I love your blog. As someone who wants to write and represent people who aren’t me I always appreciate the help.
I was reading your posts and I was wondering what you thought about my idea for magic I was going to give to my blind character (blind POV character it’s a growing up story and part of his arc is finding some community with other blind people and branching out from his childhood friends)
His power, as it stands, is the ability to communicate to animals and he gets a bird who becomes his sort of familiar and acts as his guide animal. This power was given to him by a spell book mysteriously created for him and written in Braille. His friends have their own books and magic gifts.
Just wondering what you think!
Magic and a Bird Guide Animal
Again, loving the Braille spell books. The idea of everyone having special books and magic gifts is nice, too. The arc you have for him is a refreshing one, as stories so rarely feature more than one blind character, let alone a blind community.
Communicating with animals is a nice power with lots of potential. It doesn’t seem to negate his blindness here.
When it comes to guide animals, I am not opposed to fantasy animals or fantasy versions of guide animals. According to research, these are some of the characteristics guide animals should have:
1) able to learn commands
2) trained to avoid obstacles
3) it should have designated working time and non-working time. For dogs and horses, this is signaled by a harness
4) should not be touched or distracted by others
5) should have good eyesight, hearing, and memory
6) should be able to go anywhere
7) should be docile and not dangerous or aggressive
However, I am wondering about the tactile part of working with a guide animal. For example, this video of using stairs with a guide dog shows the importance of feeling the movements of the guide animal. In the video, YouTuber Lucy Edward’s ascends stairs outside with her guide dog. As they approach the steps, the guide dog places her front paws on the bottom step. The change in elevation signals to Lucy that she is approaching steps. Text reads: ‘The command for guide dog Olga is “step stand” and she places her two front paws on the steps. I then find the step with my foot. When my foot hits the first step, she knows to start climbing. When I feel the harness level off, I know we’re on flat ground.’
For your character, while the bird can help him avoid obstacles, as guide animals should do, the bird will not be on the ground with him. He will miss out on some of the tactile cues. I don’t know how much verbal communication from the bird will make up for this.
Instead, I think giving him a cane will allow him to have tactile experiences and allow him to be aware of changes in the ground. The bird could instead, offer the part of guide animal use that acts as an obstacle avoider.
To elaborate, a cane is usually said to be an obstacle finder, while a guide animal is an obstacle avoider. A guide animal will take a person around objects or find a different path altogether. The handler may not even know the obstacle was there or that a more difficult path existed, depending their level of vision and if they were familiar with the area before. In contrast, a cane user will interact with obstacles. They will need to search around paths and choose the best one for them.
I wonder if using a cane would allow him to navigate his environment while being guided around obstacles and to more suitable paths by his guide animal. This is just a thought I had.
I am not a guide animal handler myself. Therefore, I would like to suggest consulting with guide animal handlers, such as this sensitivity reader who is open for consultation. This can help you write specific details with more ease.
I hope this helps. As always, I am happy to see blind characters using magic, especially when it doesn’t erase their blindness.
This has been cross-posted on WordPress.
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ariparri · 1 year
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The fate of your life changes after you get an invite to a dinner party hosted by a couple old friends, Diego and Veruca Caplan. Despite the reports saying it’s going to be a storm that night, the hosts, you and all the other guests are enjoying a night full of fun dancing, laughter, food and music when lightning strikes. The power suddenly goes out and chaos ensues. Someone comes back with a light and to everyone’s horror, one of the guests is found dead by your feet.
My dear guest, you are now part of a murder investigation and might be the number one suspect.
With no power or reception, the police or any other help cannot be called. The storm is still raging outside, and it is starting to look like there will be a flood. Distrustful of both this situation and of everyone around you, you try to figure out what truly happened when the power went out. Look for clues and find out if anyone knows more than what they’re sharing.
This whole situation may be both exciting and terrifying at the same time, but surely you’ll pull through this horrifying night and discover the truth.
But what if this whole thing was planned? Would your friends really frame you for murder? Or what if the wrong person was picked for this? How could an ordinary person be needed for a situation like this. Only time will tell.
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► For this event, the materials for your entry (place of setting, characters, evidence) will be provided down below. You must take the starter plot (Intro) and come up with your own line of events. Create the clues and evidence to find out who your suspect is!
► The characters are given specific roles in the event for the sake of drama and to show that every character has a motive if they were the suspects. Remember that just because the character is nice, does not always mean they are innocent.
► Out of the characters provided you may choose who the victim(s) and suspect(s) are. Do not tell us! It is meant to be a mystery until the crime has been solved! (the link for Veruca's bio has been provided if you need her information)
► Not all of the evidence and clues have to be used. You are free to select the ones you want. Just don’t tell us! It’s supposed to be a mystery ψ(`∇´)ψ
► Tag me so I can see the post. And include the hashtags #hphm murder mystery party & #hphm: murder at rose point manor
► Share your thought process! We love reading about how you all use your creativity
► DEADLINE - October 31st!
► If you have any questions or concerns please let me know!!
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There will be a prize offered for the winner of this event! The winner or winners (2 max) will be chosen randomly through a spin the wheel!
Prizes will be any kind of drawing from me. A portrait, full body, chibi, icon, sketch art, etc. Examples of my art can be found through the #ariparri tag.
I will draw up to two characters max if you want a pairing drawn.
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Caplan Residence - Rose Point Manor
The setting for this story takes place in a secluded area away from town. The Caplan Residence is located in a rural area, surrounded by trees with a wonderful view of the sea.
From the outside the manor looks luxurious. It has been built with white bricks and has blue stone decorations. Tall, wide windows add to the overall look of the house and have been added to the house in a very asymmetric way.
The house is equipped with a big kitchen and dining room, four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a comfortable sitting room. There's even a study, an entertainment room with its own home bar, and a grand storage room.
The building is shaped like an L. The extension extends into a garden path reaching until the end of that side of the house.
The second floor is the same size as the first, but part of it hangs over the edge of the floor below, creating an overhang on one side and a balcony on the other. This floor has a slightly different style than the floor below.
The roof is high and slanted to one side and is covered with grey wood shingles. A large chimney sits at the side of the house. Large, skylight windows let in plenty of light to the rooms below the roof.
The house itself is surrounded by a gorgeous garden, with a patio, including various trees, bushes, flowers and a small pond. The stone path leads to a rustic greenhouse, the architecture simple in comparison to the manor.
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You/Your Character - A close friend of Diego and Veruca Caplan. You were invited by your friends for a dinner party and have unfortunately been caught in the middle of a murder. Let’s hope that you are a good detective, because it is up to you to solve the mystery and uncover the crime.
Diego Caplan - Diego Caplan is an old friend of yours and one of the hosts for tonight’s dinner party. A fencing champion, having an entire shelf of trophies and medals on display. He adores his wife and enjoys the simple moments with her, like dancing together after dinner. He’s a bit miffed that his rival was invited to the party, but he puts aside his personal grudge for the sake of his friend, Victor. However, Diego isn’t sure how much of Kazuhiro’s snide remarks he can take. Or the way he sucks up to his wife.
Veruca Caplan - Diego’s wife and the lady of the house. Like her husband, she's an old friend of yours and was happy to have you join them for dinner. A former enforcer of the law, she now focuses her career in dancing teaching ballet to young teens and children. She can be a bit closed off, especially regarding her personal belongings. You noticed how she sneakily observes people either leaving the room or looking around her home. She’s not too fond of seeing Merula in her home, especially after arresting her at one of her gigs, or seeing her try to get close with Diego.
Merula Snyde - An indie singer with a fierce and prideful attitude. Though as talented as she may be, Merula’s hostile attitude has caused her to get in trouble with the law. During one of her gigs at a bar, she assaulted someone for hating her song and performance, resulting in her getting arrested by Veruca. The tension between her, Penny and Veruca is hostile, and you noticed that Merula seems to be getting uncomfortably close to Diego.
Penny Haywood - The upcoming actress for Phantasmedia, possessing an overpowering beauty. She also works as a model. She was an old friend of Merula, but had a falling out during their college years after dealing with Merula’s unsupportive and insensitive comments to pursue her career. While she is kind and passionate, she struggles keeping a pleasant and friendly attitude around her ex friend. During a confrontation against Merula before dinner, Penny accidentally knocked over a shelf with a couple of Diego’s fencing trophies. She appears to be sweet, but only a couple few know that she has a trick up her sleeve when it comes to getting signed by producers.
Victor Ketsueki - Diego’s old friend from fencing class and Kazuhiro's cousin. Victor gets along well with Diego as they both have a habit of speaking in an overly theatrical fashion that most find tiresome and some find endearing. His over the top theatrics suggest a need to stand out. Always eager to engage in a duel with Diego, due to his desire to prove himself and improve his skills. After meeting Chiara, Victor raises the antics and desperately tries to impress her with his own charm, leaving her far from impressed by Victor.
Kazuhiro Shiratori - Victor's cousin and Diego's old fencing competitor. A capable and perceptive individual of his profession of fencing. Diego doesn’t seem to like him very much, especially after his loss at one of the fencing competitions. Kazuhiro doesn’t take Diego very seriously, and occasionally lets his feelings emerge through quick jabs and snide remarks, revealing shreds of self-confidence and cockiness. His interactions with Veruca are questionable as if he truly appreciates her hospitality or he’s doing so to spite Diego. Either way, Diego isn’t too happy Kazuhiro is getting close to his wife.
Ismelda Murk - Diego’s ex from high school. The two ended things on bad terms after Diego got tired of the lack of commitment and affection from Ismelda. Despite that, Diego had remained civil with Ismelda before losing contact with her over college. Believing that Ismelda had changed from the last time he saw her, Diego had invited her to the dinner party. Ismelda still remains bitter over the way things ended between her and Diego, and only attended the party to get back at him.
Andre Egwu - An aspiring fashion designer, and a friend of Penny’s. He has an eye for fashion and interior design. You see him going through all the rooms, touching and moving stuff out of its place and giving his critiques and suggestions on what to do with their home, despite Veruca and Diego stating the home is fine the way it is. He was invited as Penny’s plus one to the party. Though he considers her a friend, Andre hates when Penny takes credit for the outfits he designs for her to wear in photo shoots.
Talbott Winger - Veruca’s friend from creative writing in college. Talbott is a bookworm entertained by idioms and poetry. He is content with being alone and has shown to be witty and sarcastic. Due to his reserved personality, Talbott often talked to himself. He’s also perceptive and intuitive, implying that certain things are going to happen just before they do.
Skye Parkin - Veruca’s friend from college rugby. Skye pursued a sports career, following in her family’s path. A bit of a hot head and quick to jump to accusations. Her and Veruca are good friends, though Skye is still upset over Veruca quitting the sport during the championships.
Chiara Lobosca - A nurse for the local hospital. Chiara used to be on standby during the fencing competitions to treat competitors if they ever sustained serious injuries. Out of appreciation, Diego invited her to join them for dinner. Chiara also seems to be keeping a secret. She’s always excusing herself to go to the bathroom, and under certain lighting you noticed she looks pale and feverish.
Felix Rosier - An officer, friend and mentor of Veruca. He was Veruca’s mentor during her time at the police academy and when she became an officer. He was with her when Merula assaulted a patron at the bar her gig was hosted in, and was the one who made the call to arrest Merula. He still works within the force and although he claims Veruca leaving was a sad event, he encourages her to continue her own career.
These extra characters are available to be added or to swap out the characters listed above so long as it is not the player character (you), Veruca and Diego.
Beatrice Haywood - The younger sister of Penny. Beatrice is not at all too happy with Penny's handling of her life. She is frustrated with how Penny controls the way she dresses, the way she acts and the way she styles her hair. Beatrice is sick and tired of constantly being a mini version of Penny and has resorted to going against her sister’s wishes.
Ben Copper - A young man who used to be afraid of everything and was the target of Merula and Ismelda’s bullying when they were in school. He’s no longer the scared little boy from school, he’s now more impulsive and brash, and holds a grudge against the people who bullied him.
Erika Wrath - A star rugby player, Skye’s rival from another team. The two got into a fight on the field after Skye accused her of stealing Veruca’s medals and equipment. Veruca sided with Erika, causing Skye to lash out and give both of them back handed comments. While Erika is on good enough terms with Veruca, she still has an issue with Skye and her actions.
Tulip Karasu - An acquaintance of Veruca but a close friend of Penny’s. Her friendship with Penny is mostly superficial as they both hate Merula after their own fallouts with the singer. Tulip and Merula originally planned to work together for their music, with Merula being the singer and Tulip being the songwriter. However neither of them could agree to the genre of music or the lyrics and quit before they could even start. When she heard of Merula’s failed gig and her getting arrested, Tulip visited her in jail and made fun of her situation.
Rowan Khanna - An old friend of Veruca from high school. Their nose is always stuck in a book and they more often than not, run off on tangents when the topic of interest is something they are passionate about. They used to be very close to Veruca before she started focusing more on her plans for the future. Plans to hang out were always canceled or postponed due to both never having any free time. Upon finding out that Veruca became friends with Penny, Rowan was surprised knowing fully well that Veruca can’t really stand Penny’s overly expressive behavior.
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Fancy Knife - Upon closer inspection, this fancy looking knife is actually a letter opener. Its handle has been designed with such detail; it features an amazing Celtic design with a green stone for a dash of color.
Compact Mirror - Vintage butterfly cosmetic pocket mirror. The mirror is cracked, a couple shards are missing.
Snake Chain Bracelet - Snake ring, hand harness chain bracelet. The chain connected to the tail is broken and a strand of black hair is caught within the chain.
Rope - A decorative thin rope. Inspecting it closely, you noticed that the rope matched the ones used to tie the curtains back in the lounge.
Candlestick - A candlestick from the dining room. Originally on the dining table but was found at the other end of the room by the window.
Fencing Sabre - A fencing sword. The sabre weapon is for thrusting and cutting with both the cutting edge and the back of the blade unlike the épée and foil where a touch is only scored using the point of the blade. It appears that the tip of the sword is broken, making it sharper than it's supposed to be.
Fencing Trophy - One of Diego's trophies that was knocked over by Penny in the lounge. The illustrious trophy gleams in the light, considering it's made of 18-carat gold. It weighs 13.54 pounds and is 14.5 inches tall.
A Torn Piece of Cloth - Upon inspecting the fabric, you noticed it has a similar pattern to a handkerchief one of the guests own.
Hand Trowel - A small garden shovel from the greenhouse. At least, it was supposed to be from the greenhouse. But instead it was found inside the manor.
Stretch Band & Foot Stretcher - Veruca’s leg stretcher she uses when she’s warming up for ballet. The foot stretcher is made out of pine wood.
Handgun - A Glock 17, most commonly used by police forces.
Taser - A self defense tool that uses an electrical current to temporarily incapacitate a person.
Pepper Spray/Mace - Self defense tool that sprays an irritant similar to tear gas (mace) or an inflammatory agent that will immediately incapacitate an assailant.
And so we come to the end of this event post! Tell me dear guest, do you have what it takes to solve the mystery and murder that has taken place? Are you able to discover the truth and bring this suspect to justice?
I wish you luck in your endeavors.
I do hope you have the chance to take part in this event, and enjoy it.
Good luck everyone! We cannot wait to see your posts! 😈
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I have discovered you through fatal rewrites (HI FATAL IF YOU SEE THIS IT'S SNOWKIT ANON AHAHFHHSHD) and now I am SUPER intrigued by this rewrite!! I must ask (and apologies if this has been asked before): Ableism runs pretty rampant in warriors, and I was wondering, will they be fixed in your rewrite? Like, Snowkit living, Cinderpaw/pelt not being forced into being a medicine cat, Longtail not being forced to retire, etc?
I’ve discussed this a bit in prior posts, but I’m always happy to go through it again! ^^ Let me start off by saying that I, myself, am disabled (I have POTS and debilitating chronic pain) and have to handle casual ableism in my everyday life as I live with my parents who are determined to “fix” me. As such, I try to veer away from ableism in my work unless it is relevant to the story or to a character, in which the ableism is treated very seriously and is warned - but that doesn’t come up very often, both due the very world of OFND in addition to my own comfort and ability to express such topics.
OFND’s whole basis is radiation - I discuss the effects of radiation often, especially when it comes to the physical traits that are expressed in various characters. Due to this, there are also tons of characters who are technically disabled/don’t function as an able bodied member of their species typically would. Some examples would be Laurelstorm’s talons, Minktail’s longer tail, and Sunningstrike’s scale-lined throat. The disabled characters far outweigh the able bodied, though I acknowledge that this is definitely due to my own starvation for casual representation in addition to the intrigue I have of how animals with these radiation traits might actually be handled.
Due to the abundance of these traits, the fealty also in turn has become far more accommodating to other disabilities, especially physical. Our protagonist, Rust, for example, suffers an infection that leaves his left hind leg wracked with constant pain and essentially useless. The Woodruffians don’t even bat an eye when he wakes up; they focus on his recovery more than his injury. Spottedleaf even uses his survival as a sign of his strength, something to pad her claim of him being the flame that will guide them to greatness.
Disabled characters are offered accommodations as easily as breathing. For mobility aids, see Fritillaryheart and Laurelstorm’s braces. For Cherrystorm’s PTSD surrounding combat, she became a pursuer. Fealty Gesture is an entire new language that is fully nonverbal. The character Privetnose is deaf and a highly exalted member of her community. Etc etc etc.
In addition to the general treatment of disabled characters just on their own, there is also more jobs readily available within each faction! This is to ensure that the functioning within each faction is as smooth as possible, and to offer a place to everyone. Alongside this, the role that many retire to (the historians) is not restricted solely to senior or disabled cats; it is a role of history keeping and storytelling, the tales of the fealty’s past. It is moreso a job that implies wisdom and knowledge than age or a lack of ability.
But, at the end of the day, these jobs are also fully optional. There might be some social pressure from peers (friends wanting to go into the same job, family wanting to keep their lineage strictly to one function, etc) but it is entirely their choice.
The only “forced” role found within the fealty is that of an augur, but that’s a whole different story that is in no way linked to physical capability.
In regards to the three specific characters listed:
Snowkit lives! I have big plans for Snowkit.
Cinderpaw/pelt does not become a healer-figure in the same way she does canon - not at all. Her deal is very complicated, but she’s similar to Firefall in that she formed a keen interest in healing while in recovery; she chooses the path for herself.
Longtail (Minktail) is not forced to retire! I also have big plans for Minktail.
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shamelessrabbithole · 1 month
i was reading your previous asks and wanted to add something to them! okay so, the hotel thing being the same he ‘shared’ with other partners is something that i find a bit uncalled for! i have noticed he has a ‘path’ of doing things with his partners (bringing them to the same places, doing certain instagram posts, travels etc.) which imo is what makes it hard for him to keep the relationship going, it always ends up in a break up and he never changes ways of doing things so at some point he should realise that everyone is different so he should focus on the person, creating new memories, experiences (in different places and such) and also change something about him or the way things are dealt. i also think he’s very pretentious, im not saying that you can’t like art or be into things that make you ‘profound’ (does it make sense?) but the way he shows it and acts about it gives it off as him trying to fit into that category cause he knows it’s cool. he knows he good looking and that + being into those things make people fall for him over and over. he kinda knows how to make people fall all over him and to me that feels like he might be lacking a bit of proper identity (which can happen when you are a child actor) i think about this one post he made in the past. it was post-work out. he was naked and took a picture that hinted he had nothing below but still wouldn’t show it all (thankfully) and commented how it seemed like he was a fuck boy but he isn’t. to me, he really is that but knows it’s not a good look to be so direct about it but still wants to show off (maybe back then he tried to get someone’s attention like that. who knows!) he seems pretty immature when it comes to that, trying to get girls attention in specific ways. he never looked genuine to me, maybe when he was younger (around s1/2 of shameless) but he probably noticed people were all over him and the ‘power’ his looks had and never looked back from it. which is also why i think noel is the type of person people want to be ‘serious’ with (to reference the other ask!) he seems more serious about his life and relationships. he doesn’t seem to enjoy ‘chaos’ or the need to show off to people. it might be because he’s older or because he grew up in a different setting/family, who knows! i feel like if i had to choose which one of them i would rather spend a day with in a room, it would be noel cause i definitely feel safer when i think of him/see his interviews. he’s genuine, comforting and i don’t sense him being a try hard. i think the fact that frenny’s actress adores him and sees him as a proper uncle shows how lovable and ‘safe’ it feels to be with him. i also started to notice how cameron’s smile started looking less genuine as he grew up, i look back at pictures he took with the casts or even with noel in season 3/5, those looked very soft and charming. from there on i just got the ick from it because it looks like he always has to impress someone and show off.
The hotel thing is definitely something that feels repetitive in a way that would upset a new girlfriend if she was blindsided by it. I agree.
I think some of the pretentiousness you see in Cam makes him off-putting, so I'm not sure I'd agree that he "uses" it to make people fall for him over and over.
Being an actor from a young age and the way he was raised have a lot to do with the kind of person he is today, for sure. It's different from how Noel grew up in significant ways, that's also true.
And I've noticed Cam's smile having a disingenuous look to it often, as well. Especially with fans.
As for how serious he is about his life and his relationships, I don't know. I think he's outgrown that "fuckboi" desire for attention, but not entirely. He strikes me as a guy who's recently entered his thirties and is career-focused and financially savvy; not so much looking to settle down, but is quietly enjoying his life to the fullest while he can.
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maluceh · 1 year
how long have u been drawing? i scrolled ur blog (great stuff btw) and your art has improved sooo much over the past like year or so it motivated me a lot hehe so im just asking out of curiosity as someone who's been thinking about picking up the hobby! and maybe if u could share what exactly made u improve thar would be fantastic <3
hi! I have been drawing since i was a toddler, but my art stayed pretty much the same cause i made the same drawings over and over. Even when I picked up digital art, I did it on my phone and with my finger so it wasn’t… great. (to anyone seeing this i beg you to let my 2017-18 art DIE).
I started to get serious about it like four years ago, i stopped doing just profiles and hiding hands and I started looking at different references and art videos which helped a lot. I also started studying graphic design and they had a class on traditional drawing and human anatomy and it helped me A LOT. not saying you have to join a class or anything, there’s a lot of online free classes or videos that can help you, what I did in those classes you can do it for free for sure. But having a routine, or an specific time where you set to just learn and take the time can help you (the class was 4 hours a week and all we did was draw and draw and draw, but with direction)
i don’t like to say “don’t do this, do that”, because every artist chooses their own path and they end up using things that others don’t and it works for them. so this is what i did:
doing the basics, studying the human figure (if that’s what you want to draw), studying scale and contrasts, etc. This is for traditional art
applying that knowledge and drawing A LOT of dynamic poses
it gets repetitive having to draw different poses again and again but it helps a lot
timing it to do 20 or 30 second drawings so you find the quickest way to recreate a pose or to at least get the basics of the subject (how long the arm goes, how the leg bends, how the hand sits on different poses etc) it doesn’t have to be great, it’s practice :)
then learning about color theory and how colors works and combinations, etc.
applying that to digital art, learning more things from other artists online.
finding new things about the program i use and taking advantage of them.
never stop learning, there’s always something else you haven’t tried, something you didn’t know, a new hack another artists teaches you, a new discovery you make yourself that changes the way you did things…
a lot of artists will tell you “oh you need to draw and draw a lot” but i find that advice unhelpful. You do need to draw a lot, but you need to work your way up and KNOW what you draw.
this is for later but, for coming up with your own style:
looking at and taking from other artists helps too! (i recommend this FOR PRACTICE not for posting and claiming it’s yours after copying one artist)
if there are more experienced artists you like, you can learn a lot from them and take little things from their art but it has to be multiple artists you shouldn’t take from just one. Try to resemble the way one of them draws bodies, the way that other one does hair, this one has a fun palette, the line art on this one, etc. Even if it’s things from other artists, you will end up with your own style, and it will help you find things that you like or don’t like and discard them (maybe cause they don’t work for you, maybe cause you want your style to look different).
and that’s basically what i did, i hope it helps you!! and i’m honored my art journey inspired you :)
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
Pt. 1: My apologies in advance for the essay this is gonna be but I've been rewatching Loki s1 and. On a first watch I resigned myself to what seemed the inevitable heterosexuality of Marvel's choices, but rewatching now it's wild how much a Lokius reading of s1 sticks the landing, despite the apparent Sylkie triumph??
See. Okay for starters. Taking as read the adorable speedrun at which Loki and Mobius start revolving around one another and Mobius sticks his neck out for Loki and Loki lights up like the sun under Mobius’ attention. I don't think Loki's betrayal was inevitable. Sure he’s telling himself it is, grasping for a sense of continuity with himself, but when he chooses to run after Sylvie there’s real hesitation. (I don’t think he’d ever just go ‘yeah TVA fascism seems cool!’ but I think part of him was starting to wonder whether there was a way forward with Mobius instead of against him).
Specifically in this watch it hit me so hard that right before he runs after Sylvie he has this exchange with B-15 and Mobius:
Loki: “You can trust me. I understand I have to earn that, so, I will.”
Mobius: “Why is it the people you can’t trust are always saying ‘trust me’?”
And it lingers on Loki after that. Mobius walks away, and Loki watches him go.
Then I think about the fight with Sylvie at the end of time, Loki referring to himself as someone who categorically cannot be trusted even though he has no intent to betray her—because even though he knows he's changed, he’s lied too many times for anyone to reasonably put faith in him. So I just imagine him in this exchange with Mobius being on the cusp of meaning it, of really truly considering earning trust and then honest to goodness being trustworthy, only to think—if even Mobius can’t believe him. Where is the good in being trustworthy if he nevertheless cannot be trusted?
And so he regresses. In ep1 he says “you can trust no one but yourself”, which Mobius hand-waves as a cynical platitude. But in the very moment it seems there is no path forward with Mobius, Loki is in a position to make that platitude reality. Sylvie—a person he currently thinks of as himself—is there. Perhaps Loki could have trusted Mobius; but surly he can trust this other himself more? And, perhaps even more crucially, it may be that he himself is the only creature in the universe who can trust him back. Perhaps he himself is thereby the only one it is possible to build a relationship with.
And so when the moment comes, he runs after Sylvie. But even so, he hesitates. Is torn. And I wonder truly if, had that exchange with Mobius not just occurred, he might have made a different choice. Even so early as that.
But the really interesting stuff is when you properly get into ‘Sylkie’.
(Continued in Pt2. Once more. I am sorry)
Wanted to post your messages in opposite order so part 1 is above 2 and hopefully makes the entire thing a bit easier for anyone who wants to read through all of it at once, so I hope it's all right that I kept the bulk of my reply to part 2!
It honestly means so much that you'd think of me when wanting to discuss the show or be excited about new thoughts or theories running through your mind so please don't think of apologizing for a moment 💖
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