mangostar · 1 year
I need to continue watching mlp soo bad I miss them. ..
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The Sides Are Dorks, Part 389534
I was wondering why the Sanders Sides tag was trending earlier, and then I saw. the Video. Anyway, here's my thoughts while watching the new vid (in list format) bc I haven't done this in a while.
[it's gonna be LONG knowing me]
"I would never be caught dead in a bowtie" *cuts to when Janus literally wore a bowtie in canon*
"yeah and I deserve it" -> ha mood
"Wrong, I ate an entire bottle of melatonin gummies" -> Patton. Patton, no.
"I could switch to green tea, and I'll still be a bitch!" -> also mood
hey. hey why you do that. why would you say that. (aka: Roman is offended by the mustache comparison)
"Where is my ruler" -> PLEASE it'd be so fucking funny
Virgil really be like "WRONG! I use the tildas you faker" (/j) (/lh)
Patton starts listing off every appliance that has heat stuff and I cannot. I CANNOT--
^and then there's the fridge. what did Fridge ever do to you? where's the lorreee
"wholesome friendship" // "how many holes we talkin'" -> yeah that makes sense
"No, he's just not worth an attack" -> Logan sounds like he's thought about this before
Roman Unscrews Imaginary Lightbulb, reaction is a family-friendly version of "Listen here, you little shit"
"get him" -> Virgil hates that Anxiety so much
Emile Picani Joins the Ranks of Rat Man by Sleeping in the Buff. it's canon now.
"It's no one's business what bites me" -> Janus. Janus, the implications. Janus--
Patton reveals Logan's secret: Love for Donuts, feat. wiggly fingers
"Which is rude...because I am not young" -> also Sheldon is missing The Tie, which is essential for Serious Smart People (I guess)
Roman likes My Little Pony
"No, I didn't--" // "He did!" // "He definitely did." -> LMAO the Others confirming that Virgil had a meme phase
Ah yes: The Sponsor Section
Patton being like "some cookies are bad??" is funny to me lol
"--vaccuums" // "No" // "ignore that last one" -> goddamnit Patton (/pos)
"There sneaky people out there" *cuts to Janus*
Roman loves Barbie movies. Barbie Movie? whatever, he likes Barbie
"war against the evil cookies" // "wait--" -> haha. this is why I believe in Intruality so much
"I dropped another laptop in the toliet" -> another one?
conclusion: Patton and Remus are both accident-prone. an Intruality win. also they interacted for like, 2 seconds. another Intruality win
Sponsor Ends!
"ACTUALLY it was four times. bitch." (Sleep, basically)
okay but like. when the glasses are on the head, it's like they're invisible. I say as someone who loses their glasses, only to find them in stupidly obvious places. also mood
Virgil DEFINITELTY watched Patton do this for five minutes before he said anything
Roman is in love with his sword, Exhibit D
^(D is for--)
Logititties. that's all
Janus really said "wanna go, bitch?"
also: "I wouldn't be caught dead in a fish fight. I would poison you" -> ah, of course, a snake with style (/j)
"calculator is computer" // "that's technically correct, actually" -> where's the Logicality enjoyers when you need them
Roman Rage Quits at Roblox. also Insecurity
"bitch, I'm not that out there" -> this helps deduce the scale of What The Fuck Is Remus's Normal At
"True...or is it false?" -> he loves fucking with people, doesn't he?
"yeah" -> he sounds so resigned, nooo :(
Endcard Moment: Logan loves jelly-filled donuts
and that's it, folks! This was lovely. Silly gay personality traits.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 16
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 15
part 17
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr @mama-m1na @aceywaceyboobybear @nenggie @wicked-binch
If you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
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(Name) opened her door, a smile on her face. “Poks, Poni! Welcome!”
The two walked in, looking around her less than impressive apartment. “Oh, wow… it’s certainly an apartment.”
Pokkle elbowed the blue haired girl, who coughed before speaking up. “What I mean is, this place is lovely.”
“Thanks Poni, but I know it… average? I mean at East there’s no pests. My last apartment had a bad rat problem.”
They both grimaced.
“Yeah, they were like the size of my arm. Thought of keeping one as a pet. I mean, they were dog sized.”
“Dog s- never mind. We brought some gifts.”
(Name) gasped when they pulled out a gift basket and pot of flowers. “Guys, you shouldn’t have!”
She placed the basket on her counter, before looking at the pot of flowers. “What are these?”
Ponzu smiled, her bees flying around the small red flowers. “They’re poppies, Poppy!”
The two smiled at her. “Yeah, it’s your nickname. You call us Poks and Poni, so we’re gonna call you poppy!”
(Name) laughed. “Oh really? Is there a reason for that name specifically?”
(Name) packed her suitcase yet again after seeing off her two friends. ‘I’m going to miss them…’
She pulled her suitcase towards the airport, where she’d be meeting Gon and Killua.
It was early July, and the two had asked her to join them on whale island to catch up and train.
She gasped when she felt someone jump onto her back. “G-Gon?”
He laughed, hugging her from behind as she tried not to fall over. “Hey, did you miss me?”
The weight on her back disappeared as she heard yelling from behind her. “Gon, you idiot you can’t just jump on people!”
She turned around and pulled the two boys into a hug. “I missed you both so much. My sweet boys!”
Gon laughed, Killua halfheartedly swatting her away. “Let’s get boarded, and we can talk then!”
(Name) nodded slowly as they explained what happened in Heavens Arena. “You fought Hisoka? Gon…”
She patted his cheek, the boy leaning into her touch. “I’m okay, (Name). It was a… learning experience.”
(Name) sighed before leaning back in her seat. “I understand you want to get stronger, Gon, but please be careful.”
Gon nodded. “I promise I’ll be careful!”
They arrived on whale island after around 2-4 days of travel.
“Wow, it’s been such a long time since I’ve stood on my home ground! Ahh, the air smells so good!”
The two sniffed the air as (Name) pulled her suitcase behind them. “So, where’s your house?”
“We gotta take a bus to your house, right?”
“There aren’t any buses!”
(Name) hummed as she walked around, stopping by a market stall. She bought some bread and cheese, walking back to the two boys as they continued talking.
“It’ll take all night to get there? What are we going to eat?”
Gon held up his apple, and (Name) laughed. “Well good thing I grabbed extra.”
The three walked along the river, eating the food (Name) got along with the apples the captain gave them.
Early the next morning, the three spotted Gon’s house. (Name) trailed behind them, Gon pulling her suitcase.
“Aunt Mito, I’m back!”
Aunt Mito waved at them from the porch, (Name) sighing in relief. ‘Oh thank god.’
Killua and (Name) blinked when Gon sprinted off to hug Aunt Mito. They watched as they chatted for a moment, then Aunt Mito looked up.
“Oh, are these two friends of yours?”
“Yeah, we met during the Hunter Exam! She’s (Name), and he’s Killua!”
Aunt Mito smiled at the two. “Oh right, the ones your wrote about in your letter!”
(Name) gave them a polite greeting. “Hello, thank you so much for allowing us to stay.” she elbowed killua to get him to give a greeting as well.
“Gon this is the first time you’ve ever brought home some friends to visit! (Name), Killua, right? I’m Gon’s Aunt Mito, I hope you two feel right at home!”
They followed her inside, (Name) setting her suitcase by the door. The two peeked inside it, both having places their extra clothes in as well.
“I really wish you would have let me know before hand you were coming home, I could of prepared something.” Aunt Mito said with a sigh, taking out ingredients.
(Name) hovered around the kitchen, feeling a bit useless.
“Whatever you’ve got is fine!” Gon said, grabbing (Name)’s hand and pulling her towards the living room.
“Well you knows it’s not every day we have guests in the house!”
“No, really, it’s fine.” Killua replied to Aunt Mito.
“I could help if you need it, I promise!” (Name) said, peeking into the kitchen again. Aunt Mito waves her off.
“You’re a guest dear, you just relax, I’m sure the journey here was tough on you.”
(Name) twiddled her thumbs, the two boys standing on either side of her.
“Now that you mention it we are kind of hungry. We’ve been walking since last night, so yeah!” Gon said, leaning his head against (Name)’s arm.
“Well I guess that explains why you three are so dirty. (Name) why don’t you go take a bath in my room? Gon, Killua, you two can use the big bathroom down the hall.”
“Wait right now?”
“Yes, just leave me your clothes. I’ll wash them later.”
(Name) gave her a polite nod before walking towards the room she pointed to.
After a nice shower, she walked back to the kitchen, sitting at the table. “Miss Mito, are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help?”
“Just Mito is fine, and it’s almost ready. You could help set the table, though!”
(Name) jumped up at this. “On it!”
Killua and Gon walked into the room, both now clean and wearing different clothes. The girl couldn’t help but squeeze their cheeks. “Aww, I think this is the first time I’ve seen you both all nice and clean.”
She gave them a hug before continuing her work. Killua followed behind her like a lost puppy, occasionally jumping back when she’d turn around.
‘Haha, he doesn’t want her to know he’s following her!’ Gon thought, snickering.
(Name) helped Mito set the table, patting Killua’s head as she took her seat. “Hungry?”
He nodded slowly, (Name) giggling at his excited face.
“This tastes great!” Killua said, happily munching on an omelette. (Name) nodded in agreement.
“You think so?”
“I told you Aunt Mito’s cooking is the best in the world!”
“Mito, you’ve got to show me how you got these omelettes to be so fluffy!”
The red haired woman laughed, basking in the compliments. “Of course!”
As they ate, Mito passed out more food,
“Here, try these.”
Killua stared at the red peppers, picking them off his plate and placing them on another.
“Killua! You really shouldn’t pick at your food like that. Don’t you know red peppers are good for you? You should at least try it.”
“Ahaha, actually I’m not really a big fan of these. Sorry.”
“Oh good, at least you’re not allergic to them! They’re delicious. Go ahead and take a bite, you’ll know what I mean.”
“She’s right Killua. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Ahh! Mom, quick, get a towel!”
The two left to go play in the forest nearby, leaving (Name) with Aunt Mito.
“So, how was your experience with the Hunter Exam?”
(Name) sighed, sitting down in front of her. “Exhausting, but…”
She glanced down at her phone’s Home Screen, smiling to herself. “I met a lot of important people there. Gon and Killua included. You raised a really sweet boy, Mito.”
Mito laughed, handing her a cup of tea. “I would hope so. Tell me, what was he like during the exam? He wouldn’t tell me everything, and I would like to know more.”
(Name) told her as much information as she could without potentially getting her younger friend in trouble. Mito nodded along, giggling when she saw how hot (Name)’s face got when she talked about Kurapika.
“So, this Kurapika… you like him, don’t you?”
(Name) sighed, hiding her flushed face. “Is it that easy to tell?”
Mito laughed. “Yes, it is. He must be quite special to have caught the attention of a sweet girl like you.”
They talked into the evening, and this time Mito allowed (Name) in the kitchen to help her cook. She taught her several tips and tricks, (Name) writing each one down.
The two boys got back all dirty again, being scolded and told to go take another bath. After that, they all ate dinner together.
“Time for bed, you two. I’ll be up in a moment, okay?”
Mito blinked when the two immediately listened to (Name)’s words. After the two were out of sight, (Name) realized what she’d done. “Oh, sorry Mito! I’ve just gotten used to taking care of them.”
“No, please don’t be sorry for that. I can’t tell you how thankful I am knowing Gon had someone like you by his side during the Hunter Exam.”
They shared a smile, before (Name) got up and stretched. “I should be getting to bed too. First I need to go say goodnight to both of them.”
She waved to Mito before walking to their shared room.
Gon was about to leap out of bed to greet her, but stopped when she shook her head. “Wait there, I’m coming.”
(Name) sat down beside him and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Goodnight, Gon. Sweet dreams.”
“Goodnight, (Name)!”
She move on to Killua, who was impatiently waiting for her. She gave him a peck on the forehead. “Goodnight, Killua. Sweet dreams…”
She gave him another forehead kiss when he pouted at her. “And one more for good luck!”
The white haired boy swatted her away halfheartedly again, (Name) laughing. “Oh, I get it, you want me to go, huh?”
She stood up, about to leave before Killua grabbed her arm. She glanced back at him inquisitively, the boy unsure why he’d done that himself.
“… could you stay a little longer? Just until we fall asleep?”
(Name) took a second to register this request. ‘Where did this come from?’
Nevertheless, she sat back down, the boy snuggling up onto her lap. She hummed quietly as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Unbeknownst to them, Mito watched the scene from outside the door. ‘How cute…’
(Name) woke up when she felt someone kick her. “Ow…”
She blinked her eyes open to see killua snuggled up against her, having kicked her in his sleep. ‘Did I fall asleep in the boys room?’
She attempted to get up, but the boy clinging to her grumbled at that. She glanced at the window to see it was still night time, maybe early morning. (Name) settled back into bed, making herself comfortable before going back to sleep.
“Alright boys, (Name), it’s time to get up!”
“Yes, Aunt Mito!”
Killua and (Name) groaned when the boy shook them. “Wake up!”
The sun peaked in through the window, shining down on the pair. Night was over, and (Name) had to use the bathroom.
“Okay, Killua, you gotta let go of me now.”
The boy didn’t answer, only cuddling into her closer. “Gon, can I get some help here?”
Gon ran over and grabbed Killua, pulling him away so (Name) could escape. She watched in amusement as the boy searched for her in his sleep, handing him a pillow to be her substitute.
After using the bathroom, she returned to the boys room to make sure Killua was up. He was, but barely. (Name) opened up her suitcase and laid out a pair of clothes for him to change into before going to her own room to unpack.
She unlocked her phone, scrolling to Kurapika’s contact and attempting to call him.
‘Oh, no service…’
For some reason, this made her… nervous. She would be alright going a few days without speaking to him because she knew it was because she didn’t have any service.
But he wouldn’t know.
Kurapika paced, his nen master raising an eyebrow an eyebrow at his unusual behavior. “What’s up with you, Kurapika? You’re acting strange.”
The blonde huffed, pulling his phone out and glancing at the time. On whale island, it should be around 10 am, and they usually called at 8 am her time every morning.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
His pacing continued. “Are you thinking of that girl again?”
Kurapika paused, shooting his master a look. “Tansy none of your business.”
“It is when it’s affecting your training.”
He sighed, sitting down in front of his master. ‘Is she really affecting my training?’
(Name) sighed. The day had passed by quickly, Gon and Killua watching a movie she downloaded on her phone as she folded laundry before bed.
“We’re gonna get the internet set up in two days, then you’ll be able to contact Kurapika again.”
Gon was trying to reassure her, but she could only continue holding to keep her mind off of it.
Kurapika tossed and turned again that night. He struggled to sleep without the sound of her sleeping on the phone. He slid open his phone and listened to a voice message she sent.
‘Hey, Pika, I just found the cutest dress! I’ll send you a picture in a minute. But before that, let me tell you about the crazy day I had!’
He chuckled as the message continued, eyes getting heavy as she explained her day. Kurapika clutched his blanket, chest feeling heavy.
‘Have I gotten so used to her that sleeping without her is impossible?’
Kurapika was able to drift off, but not peacefully. The weight of this knowledge weighed heavy on his heart.
‘Can’t… can’t keep going on like this.’
“Once you got that cable hooked up, we should be able to access the internet!” Killua said, directing Gon.
(Name) eat near them, occasionally handing Gon tools.
The boy leaped up to peer over the roof at Mito. “Yes?”
“I’m going out for a little while, could you watch the place?”
“Yeah, okay!”
“Thanks, I appreciate it!”
Gon glanced at (Name) and Killua, giggling to himself. The two ended up watching Mito’s bar.
Killua sat behind the counter, looking sleepy as (Name) swept the floors. When she heard him yawn, she made sure to finish up so she could carry him home to nap.
Unfortunately, he fell asleep before she was finished. (Name) shook her head at the boy, picking him up carrying him to his room so he could sleep peacefully.
When she tried to untangle the boy and lay him down, he grumbled again and refused to let go. ‘Oh, Killua…’ she thought, lying down with him. ‘Good thing Mito’s mother saw us leave…’
She attempted to keep herself awake, humming to the boy as he slept, but couldn’t help dozing off with him.
(Name) rubbed her eyes as she woke up, glancing out the window to see Mito cutting Gon’s hair.
“Oh, you two are awake! You both fell asleep on the job.” Gon said, Mito moving his head to trim the other side.
“Gon! Are you getting your hair cut?” Killua asked, climbing off of the bed.
“Yeah, it was getting kind of long.”
“Okay, now how about you? Do you want a haircut? Looks like you can use a trim.” Mito asked.
Killua glanced between the scissors and Mito, (Name) picking up on his anxieties.
“I can cut your hair, Killua.”
This made him sigh in relief. “Yes, that sounds good.”
(Name) sat him down in a chair outside, wrapping a towel around the white haired boy. “Wow, Killua, your hair is so soft…”
She ruffled his hair, causing Killua to huff. “Hey, I said you could cut it, not play with it.”
(Name) laughed, beginning to trim it. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just…”
She ran her fingers through his hair, humming. “You’re kind of like a dandelion. Hmm…”
She closed her eyes, then blew on his hair. The boy laughed, swatting at her half heartedly. “Hey, what was that for?”
“I just made a wish! They say if you blow on a dandelion and make a wish, it comes true!”
Gon nodded, sitting on the ground next to them. “Oh, I heard of that too! Aunt Mito said you gotta close your eyes and wish with all of your heart!”
Killua tilted his head. “Really? I never heard of that… so, (Name), what did you wish for?”
She giggled, continuing with his haircut. “Can’t tell you that, silly, then it won’t come true!”
Killua closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hair being cut. ‘Hmm… this is nice.’
Kurapika jumped when he heard his phone ring. He scrambled over to it, heart soaring when he saw (Name)’s contact.
He melted when he heard her giggle on the other end of the line. “Pika! Sorry for the wait, whale island has like no signal! Gon and Killua just got the Wi-Fi set up here, so I can at least call.”
Several situations of why she hadn’t called had gone through his mind. They ranged from her forgetting, to purposefully not calling him, to her being injured or even dead. Not once did he stop to think there may be a simpler explanation like not having service.
“I’m having so much fun though! Toady Mito, or well Gon’s Aunt Mito taught me how to make the fluffiest omelettes! I can’t wait to make one for you, Pika!”
Although his tummy filled with butterflies at the thought of making something specifically for him, he couldn’t let those fuzzy feelings linger. “(Name), I need to… ask something of you.”
She went quiet, before nodding. “Go ahead, Pika.”
He inhaled, hand shaking as he looked down at her contact photo. It was the picture of her kissing his cheek, something he would never be able to forget.
“… never mind, it’s nothing. Please, tell me more about your time on Whale Island so far.”
Although she could tell he wanted to say something, she didn’t want to push him. After all, if it was something important, he’d tell her when he was ready.
After a few hours of mindless chatting, Kurapika ended the call. He bit his lip, swiping through the pictures (Name) had sent him.
He stared down at the pair of earrings she’d sent him for his birthday, holding them up to the light. They were rubies that dangled on silver chains, and he had been meaning to wear them.
Kurapika took the first one out of the box, eyes softening. They were beautiful, and he didn’t want to think about how much she spent on them. He put the first one on, using a stream as a mirror.
Kurapika might not look like it, but he was a fan of jewelry. He tried to hide this little interest of his, not wanting to come across as greedy. After all, Kurapika was after people that collected disgusting things, he didn’t want to be associated with them in the slightest.
But right now, he allowed himself to stare at the dangling jewel, turning his head in different directions to watch it glitter in the setting sun.
He put the other one in before standing up. With a final look at himself in the stream, he knew what he had to do.
When the awful thought of (Name) possibly being hurt or kidnapped because of her ties to him crossed his mind, his immediate reaction was to do anything to get her back. And that… scared him. How had he let himself grow so attached to a person, let himself get so… soft?
Was he really willing to not only put her in danger, but jeopardize his mission because of her? If it came down between her and defeating the Phantom Troupe or collecting the scarlet eyes, what would he choose?
Kurapika scrolled to her contact, sliding to the left and pressing mute. ‘I can’t… I can’t allow myself to grow soft. She’s… she’s becoming a liability.’
He opened up his satchel, pulling out the small postcard she had sent along with the earrings.
“Though they dull in comparison to your scarlet eyes, I thought rubies would be the closest to complimenting them. Happy 18th birthday Pika, I hope I can celebrate it with you next year!”
-Love, (Name)
He felt tears well up in his eyes. Kurapika was really about to go through with it.
‘I’m such a coward, couldn’t even tell her that I could never see her again…’
He stuffed the note back into his satchel, throwing it over his shoulder.
“Master, I’m ready.”
(Name) hummed to herself, taking a picture of her new pajamas and sending it to Kurapika and Leorio before leaving the bathroom.
Like usual, Leorio was quick to respond.
Oreo: looks great, sunshine!
She giggled, sending him a quick text back.
(Name): thanks, Leorio! Can’t wait to see you this September!!
(Name) waited for Kurapika to respond, eyebrows furrowing when five minutes passed without a response. ‘Hmm, he must be busy…’
“(Name), help!”
The girl looked up to see the boys rushing into the bathroom past her, Gon carrying something in his arms.
“(Name) knows medical stuff, she should be able to help!”
Gon pulled her into the bathroom, showing her some type of small cub. “Oh, Gon…”
The poor thing was panting, barely hanging on to life. They moved out of her way, allowing her to badge its wounds and place it on a towel.
“Gon, sweetheart…”
She was trying to think of how to deliver the new that the little cub wouldn’t make it when they began fighting.
“No way, I’m not gonna let you do that!” Gon exclaimed, pushing his friend away.
“Get out of the way, it’s too late! Listen to his breathing, he can’t be saved so I’m putting him out of his misery!” Killua said.
“No, you can’t kill him!”
“He’s not going to survive!”
“No, he will okay, because (Name) and I are gonna help him!”
“Ugh! That’s it, out of my way!”
(Name) stepped forward, pushing the two apart. “Hey, this isn’t a time to be fighting!”
“That cub is dying, so I just want to put an end to its suffering! Isn’t that obvious? It’s not going to survive, so it’s stupid to try and save it.”
She grunted when she felt his sharpened nails pierce her skin. “I know you just want to end its suffering, but right now it’s alive, and I won’t let you be responsible for another living beings death!”
He stepped back a little, retracting his claws as his eyes bore into his hands. Blood, HER blood was coating his fingertips.
“Killua, let me shoulder this burden, okay? You’re a child, you shouldn’t be responsible for this.”
He sat down, bringing his knees to his chest. “But… killing is all I know.”
The room was silent for a moment, only the sound of the small animal panting able to be heard.
“Wait, we do know a way Killua! Our nen, we can use our nen to save the cub! Like when Wing transmitted his aura into us! Remember? He taught us that every living thing has its own aura!”
(Name) watched at the white haired boy perked up. ‘Nen?’
“You’re right… if we can enhance the aura of that cub, he could make it. It’s worth a try!”
The two approached the cub, their hands hovering over it. The air felt strange, like there was static surrounding her.
“Watch this, (Name). It’s something we learned in Heavens Arena.” Gon said, beckoning her forward.
“Let’s take it slow at first, we don’t want to risk hurting it.” Killua replied, glancing at (Name)’s bleeding arm.
For the next hour, the two kept their hands over the cub. (Name) gasped when she noticed it’s condition stabling, laughing. “It’s working, oh my god!”
The next morning, the three watched as the cub joined its father by the lake. (Name) stood behind the two, smiling.
“That was a very important thing you did, Killua.”
He turned, lip quivering. “Uh, thanks… ya know…”
His fingers ghosted over the bandage on her arm, eyes beading with tears. “I’m sorry.”
She waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t be. It was an accident.”
Gon ran over to them. “Okay, they’re gone! Let’s go home.”
“Alright then, it’s best we do before Mito gets worried.”
She kneeled down and brought to two into a hug, giving each a kiss on the forehead. “I’m so proud of you two.”
Killua closed his eyes contentedly, holding onto the back of her shirt and Gon giggled.
(Name) waved to the two boys from the boat as she left whale island. “I’ll see you two in August! Be safe, boys!”
“We’ll miss you, (Name)!” Gon yelled as Killua waved to her shyly by his side.
The three made plans for them to stay at (Name)’s apartment to save money while they were in York New. It was a good idea, considering how expensive the housing could be there.
After their night of saving the cub, the two taught her about nen, though she still didn’t understand it. Apparently a teacher was supposed to come and train her soon.
(Name) began planning for their arrival as soon as she got home. She had two Hunter missions she needed to go on before September 1st, both simple body guarding jobs. After that, she’d have enough money to put a good amount into savings, and the rest could be used for rent and groceries.
Every day until September 1st, (Name) called Kurapika. He didn’t answer her calls, her texts, nothing. She was always left on delivered.
(Name) knew it was probably because he was busy with work, but she couldn’t help but worry for her dear friend.
‘I miss him…’
She held a hand over her heart, feeling it thump against her chest painfully. Her heart was aching, yearning for him. All (Name) wanted was to hear his voice again, to know he still thought about her.
That he still cared.
She set down her phone after calling him again, sighing. ‘It’s only one more week, then I’ll see him again. I’m sure he’s just been too busy with training and his new job…’
Ever the optimistic woman, (Name) continued working on getting her apartment ready for guests.
(Name) yawned, waiting at the airport on an early August morning.
Yes again, Gon jumped onto (Name), this time she was waiting with open arms. He laughed as she spun him around, squeezing him out. “Hey, Gon!”
Killua walked up, scolding his friend for being so tough with her. “Killua!”
She pulled him into a hug, the boy relaxing. “It’s nice to see you again, (Name).”
She their hair before leading them to her van. “Let’s get going, we’ll drop your bags off at my place and then you two can explore to your hearts content.”
The two grabbed a snack from her fridge before leaving to do some research. “Be back before dinner time, okay? I promised your Aunt Mito that I’d take care of you, and that means not letting you two only eat junk food!”
“Yes, (Name)!”
They waved as they raced out of her apartment.
‘With those two’s appetites, I’ll have to go grocery shopping to have enough for dinner…’
(Name) pulled on her shoes on, leaving her key under the rug. She sent Killua a quick text before leaving.
(Name): Headed into town, if you two come back before I get home, my keys are under the rug! There’s snacks and drinks in the fridge!
Dandelion: thanks, (Name). Gon says be safe
She giggled to herself, placing her phone in her pocket.
Later that night, the two returned home grumpy, butting heads with each other as they entered the door.
“What happened with you two?” (Name) asked as she pulled off her apron. They relaxed slightly when the scent of dinner hit their noses.
“Killua lost all our money!”
“Hey, you gotta lose money to make money!”
(Name) sighed. “Boys, sit down. We can talk about it after dinner.”
They were quiet as they ate, (Name) smiling as they inhaled their food. It was obvious they were starving after running around the city all day.
“Okay, you two start talking and I’ll get the table cleaned up.”
They began explaining what happened, (Name) nodding along as she cleared the plates and started washing dishes. “Hmm, well I see both of your points. Killua did take a big risk and lost a lot of money, but Gon’s method was too slow and wouldn’t have made enough money by the time the auction started.”
She place a piece of cake in front of both of them. “You can think about what to do in the morning, rest and have some cake.”
Gon sighed, giving her a smile. “Sorry for troubling you, (Name).”
She shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. You’re my friends, I’ll do everything I can to help you accomplish your goals, Gon.”
After dessert, (Name) tucked the two into bed, glad she had a spare bedroom. “Goodnight, boys. My room is right down the hall if you need me.”
She smiled before closing the door behind her.
A week passed by, September 1st finally arriving. (Name) woke up early, making a big breakfast and calling Kurapika yet again.
‘Still no answer…’
Now that was strange. They were supposed to be meeting September 1st, so it didn’t make sense for him not answer. ‘He… he’s probably still busy with his job.’
That excuse was getting harder to believe, but she shook the frown from her face and smiled. “Boys, breakfast is ready!”
The two came racing into the kitchen, making their plates before sitting at the table to eat. “Thanks, (Name)!”
As they finished their food, Gon looked up. “Are you coming with us today? Leorio supposed to be meeting us in the market.”
(Name) nodded, taking their cleared plates. “Yeah, give me 15 minutes to get dressed.”
She threw on a pair of jeans and a warm cardigan and followed the Gon and Killua to the market.
(Name) trailed behind the two as they walked, occasionally stopping at stalls to browse their wares. She wanted to get everyone a little gift to give them when they all met up. So far she had something for Gon and Leorio, only needing to shop for Kurapika and Killua.
She considered getting Kurapika more jewelry, after all he’d been incredibly happy with the earrings she’d gifted him, but decided against it. She didn’t want to give him a similar gift twice in a row, so it would have to be something else.
“A cellphone?”
“Yeah! Kurapika was planning on getting here yesterday, and Leorio will be meeting us here, so a cellphone will come in handy.”
(Name) perked up at Gon’s words, the girl drifting closer to listen.
“Kurapika said he has an assignment, so he might not have time to see us…”
She blinked. ‘He told Gon that but not… me?’
“An assignment?”
“Mhm. He said if he has free time he’ll call, and who knows when that could be. So that’s why I want a cellphone.”
Her heart sank at the thought of not being able to see Kurapika. She’d been so excited, and the thought of seeing him again had been the only reason she kept going at times. Gon sensed this, quickly waving his hands. “Oh, but I’m sure he’ll at least want to see you, (Name)! You know he has a soft spot for you!”
She sighed, ruffling the boys hair. “Yeah…”
She pushed her worry away, rubbing her arm as the salesman spoke.
“You want a deal? Here you go! This phone is the latest thing. It’s small, thin, and light and it comes with a GPS system to help you find your way around.”
“What do you think?” Killua asked Gon as he absentmindedly patted (Name)’s arm in an attempt to comfort her.
“Well, the price is right and it would fit in my pocket… yeah I think I’ll take it.”
“You don’t want that one.”
The three started to slowly turn around, (Name)’s eyes brimming with tears.
“You can’t roam with it and it’s not even waterproof. I’d go with this one over here if I were you.”
(Name) jumped into his arms, the man spinning her around as they both laughed. “Leoriooo! I missed you!”
“Right back at you, sunshine.”
He kissed her forehead, causing her to break out into giggles. The two boys glanced at each other.
“Is it just me, or do they seem a lot closer now?” Killua whispered to Gon.
“Well, living together for nearly four months will do that.”
Leorio got them their phones, and began walking back to (Name)’s apartment. “Are you staying with me too, Leorio?”
“Nah, I got my own hotel. Don’t wanna make your apartment too crowded.”
“Aww, but I slept in your bed with you for months! I promise I don’t mind.”
Leorio blushed at that, the two boys laughing at his reaction. "Hey, don't say that in front of them."
"Why? It's not like we did anything."
She giggled, the taller man's face going red. "Hey!Quiet down.”
They say in (Name's apartment, using her computer to look up information as she prepared some snacks.
"Hey, sunshine, can you grab me a beer?"
"Coming up!”
Killua scoffed, flicking the man on the back of head.
"Why are you acting like she's your little housewife? You can get it yourself.”
"Hey! (Name), Killua is picking on me!"
'What is he, a kid?'
(Name) came back carrying a tray of snacks in her hands and a beer under her arm. "Here, Leorio." She set down the tray before kissing his cheek. "Find anything yet?"
He sighed, cheeks turning pink. "A few things."
‘What the hell is their relationship!?' Killua thought, eyebrow twitching.
Before the three left to start a conditional auctioning, (Name) stopped Leorio.
She held onto his sleeve, staring down at the floor. “Has Pika talked to you recently?”
Leorio raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, a few days ago he informed me he had a new job. Has he not been in contact with you?”
(Name) seemed to deflate slightly. “He… hasn’t talked to me in a month…”
This seemed to genuinely surprise Leorio, the man taking a step back. “What?! A month? But the two of you were calling every day, even falling asleep on the phone together!”
She groaned. “I know! It’s so weird. I’ve been telling myself it’s because he’s just busy but…”
Now it was hard to hang onto that excuse. “Hey, I’m sure there’s some reason he hasn’t called. To be fair, he’s only texted me a handful of times this month.”
She nodded slowly, looking up. “Yeah…”
Gon held her hand. “I’m sure he wouldn’t ignore you on purpose. Kurapika cares about you a whole lot! There has to be a reason! I bet his new job has been suuuper time consuming!”
(Name) smiled, the boy grinning back. “There we are! I love your smile, (Name)!”
She giggled, ruffling his hair. “You little charmer. You boys go on, I’ll have dinner ready when you all get back.”
She waved them off and closed the door behind them.
“Oh, Pika…”
She sank to the floor, holding her phone in her hand. Her finger hovered over the call button, but before she could call him again, she stopped.
‘He won’t answer, anyway.’ she thought bitterly, picking herself up.
(Name) brushed her pants off before lightly smacking her cheeks. ‘I can’t think like that. I gotta trust him. He said he’d always be there for me! I just have to… I just have to believe in him!’
She grabbed her purse, throwing it over her shoulder before running out the front door. ‘I’ll get some grocery shopping done. Maybe I’ll even find presents for them!’
(Name) finished her shopping, having secured a gift for both Kurapika and Killua. She hummed to herself, glancing down at her grocery list.
“Need more celery, milk, eggs… ouch!”
(Name) tumbled to the ground, quickly gathering her things. “Watch it, girl.”
(Name) looked up to see a man glaring daggers at her. This didn’t bother her, though. No, (Name) jumped up and began frantically checking over the stranger. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry! Are you okay? I wasn’t paying attention. Did you get hurt? I have bandaids in my ba-“
The man stepped out of her way before he continued walking. “Tch, annoying.”
She blinked, crouching back down to pick up the rest of her things when she spotted it.
A wallet. There was nothing to identify the man with inside of it, only a few unmarked bills and a picture of a group of children. She tilted her head. “Sir, sir you dropped your-“
But he was gone. (Name) smacked a hand over her forehead. ‘Maybe I’ll bump into him again. Can’t leave it here…’
She stuffed the wallet into her backpack, sighing. (Name) pouted at her scraped elbow, taking out a bandaid and slapping it onto her wound before walking away.
As the sun began to set, (Name) started cooking dinner. The boys would be out late, meaning she could really take her time.
After hours of arm wrestling, Gon walked into her apartment, the other two trailing behind him.
“Just in time, dinner is ready!”
Leorio nodded sleepily, sitting down at the kitchen table to eat dinner. “Leorio, why don’t you stay here tonight? York New is dangerous during the day, it’s suicide to be walking around at night.”
Leorio munched on his dinner as he thought this over. “Alright. Hope your bed is big enough for the both us of.”
(Name) attempted to untangle herself from her tall friend the next morning, whining. “Leorio, gotta pee!”
“Five more minutes…”
He turned over, pulling her along with him. ‘Now I remember why I moved.’
The two came rushing in, Gon slipping and falling on Leorio’s pants he’d thrown off in the middle of the night. “You pervert, I should have known!”
Killua bonked him on the head, pulling him off the bed and throwing him at the hall. “Woah- MY BACK!”
(Name) was too busy wobbling to the bathroom to notice the two laying into the taller man, rubbing her sleepy eyes.
When she got back, she had to separate the three as they rolled on the floor. “Okay, okay, let him go.”
The four ate breakfast in silence, poor Leorio having a swollen cheek and several bruises. “Sorry, Leorio. You kind of have a reputation…”
Leorio sighed. “It’s alright. You two coming to protect (Name) like that is what you should do.”
But Leorio still tripped Killua when they walked out the door that morning, muttering something about payback. “Don’t wait up on us, sunshine. We’ll be out until the early morning.”
(Name) lingered by the door. “Are you sure you don’t want me to pack you some lunches, then? I-“
He silenced her with a peck on the forehead. “You’re too sweet. You just sit nice and pretty, and I’ll bring you home something nice, alright?”
(Name) felt her face heat up at his words, and to get him back, she fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Leorio, baby, not in front of the kids…”
He attempted to stutter out a response, only for his tongue to be tied. (Name) laughed and pushed him out of the door. “Byee! Don’t get into too much trouble!”
The entire day was spent doing chores, cleaning the house, making premade meals, and standing around waiting for Kurapika to call.
She stared at her phone that sat on the table, tilting her head one way then the other. “Hmmmmm…… okay I’m going to call him again.”
“You gonna answer that?”
Kurapika didn’t answer the brute in front of him, only glancing at his phone to see (Name)’s smiling contact photo lighting up the screen. His heart thumped against his chest for just a moment before he steadied himself.
“Where do you want to die?”
“Some place where we won’t cause a disturbance, because you’ll be making a lot of noise when I kill you.”
Uvogin allowed the blonde to leave and grab something.
A shovel, but not just any shovel.
Kurapika stood in front of the storing shed in the back of (Name)’s apartment building. He glanced up to her window, a faint smile on his face when he spotted her silhouette twirling around in what he assumed was her kitchen.
‘That’s how it should be. Her unaware and happy while I carry this heavy burden.’
He put in the combination to the lock around the shed, remembering she told him it was her birthday 2 months ago.
‘Still the same combination? That’s not safe…’
He scolded himself for thinking this. ‘I shouldn’t care, I have more important things to worry about.’
Kurapika searched the shed until he spotted what he was after. ‘There it is…’
It wasn’t perfect, but would do in this situation. It was a large snow shovel, one she’d bought when she moved to York New and found out the snow was heavy in the winter. He didn’t have the heart to tell her at the time that the snow was shoveled by volunteers, meaning it would be useless to her.
But now it would be useful to him.
Kurapika closed the shed and carefully clicked the lock closed, attempting to make it seem like it hadn’t been open in the first.
Kurapika shoveled dirt onto Uvogin’s corpse, eye blank. He glanced down at his dear friends snow shovel, only feeling slightly guilty as the evident dents in the metal.
‘She would forgive me. She always does.’
He made the long journey back to York New, slipping into the back of (Name)’s apartment building. Gone was the careful Kurapika who had been there a few hours before, now he shoved the dirty, bloody shovel into the shed, kicking the door when it caught on the ground.
He didn’t even both to make it seem like it hadn’t been tampered with, he was much too tired, much too emotionally and physically spent to care.
Kurapika lingered near (Name)’s apartment, feeling his legs nearly buckle as he attempted to walk away.
‘Have to… have to go. Can’t stay or…’
He’d subconsciously arrived at her doorstep, hand already reaching out to knock. Before he could stop himself, he knocked on the door twice.
“Be there in a second!”
His lip trembled at the sound of her voice. More than anything, he wanted to be with her right now. Kurapika had just gone through so much, he’d taken his first life.
The door opened slowly, and he pushed himself in, collapsing in her arms. “P-Pika?”
(Name) wasn’t sure how to feel in the moment. Her Pika had returned to her, but not in the way she had expected.
He was covered in blood, face pale and dirty. His clothes were torn, and she wasn’t sure what he’d been through.
“Pika? Are you hurt anywhere?”
Kurapika shook his head slowly, his grip on her tightening when she attempted to set him down. “Okay, okay… let’s try breathing in and out, okay?”
She sat down on the floor, allowing him to bury his head into her shoulder as he caught his breath. It was like standing on his own was impossible then, and he needed her support.
“Alright… there you go.”
She brushed his hair back to get a good look at his face. His eyes were a faint red, face covered in dirt and dried blood. She cupped his cheek, not caring a single bit about the mess collecting on her hand.
“Pika… what can I do? Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head, leaning into her touch. “Okay… let’s try some yes or no questions. Shake your head for no, nod for yes.”
He patiently waited for her to continue, eyes fluttering closed. “Do you want to take a bath?”
He nodded, head leaning forward to nuzzle against her shoulder. Although the circumstances weren’t perfect, it still felt nice to have her Pika with her again, especially when he was pulling her closer to him. It reminded her of the Hunter Exam, when they never went long without another.
“Okay, let’s get to the bathroom sweetheart.”
She struggled under his weight as she guided him to the bathroom. He didn’t talk the entire time, silent as she set him on the edge of the tub.
(Name) drew him a bath, occasionally having to struggle out of his grip. He kept a hand on her shirt the entire time, and when she strayed too far he pulled her into his arms, whimpering against her hair. “Pika, I’m not leaving, I’m just grabbing a towel…”
After his bath was ready, she attempted to walk out of the bathroom to give him some privacy.
He was stopping her from leaving again, pulling her back by her hips. “Pika, what do you want?”
He gave her no answer, only pawing at her form like a sad puppy. Thinking he just wanted her near, she turned her head so he could get undressed. After five minutes, she turned to see he hadn’t made any moves to undress at all.
She shook her head in exasperation. “Okay, lift up your arms.”
He did so without question, (Name) pulling his shirt and undershirt off of him. When she moved to hook her thumbs under his pants, it was like he snapped awake from a dream.
Kuraoika shooed her hands away, face a light pink. She raised an eyebrow, then turned around so he could get undressed and sink into the warm water.
She turned back around and sighed. He was just sitting, knees pulled to his chest. “Pika…”
She sat at the edge of the tub, using a cup to wet his hair. Again, he leaned against her, soaking her shirt. “Aww, Pika…”
(Name) didn’t mind that much, though. She knew he wasn’t in the best headspace right now, and wanted to do whatever she could to help.
She washed his hair, giggling when he smiled at the feeling of her fingers massaging soap into his scalp. “That feel nice, Pika?”
He nodded against her, attempting to nuzzle into her soft tummy against but she pushed him back a little. “Hey, mister, you’re still wet. Wait until after your bath!”
He grumbled at that, but listened. She washed his upper half as much as possible, looking away as she washed his chest.
“Okay, Pika. I’m not going any further than that, you’ll have to take over sweetheart.”
She grabbed his hand and placed the rag in it. He stared at the rag, unmoving.
“Pika you’ve gotta wash yourself.”
She took in a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I love you, so much. So much.”
She grabbed the rag and turned her head as she washed his legs, the blonde lifting his leg slightly. (Name) wanted to laugh. Usually Kurapika was very independent and easily embarrassed, but now he was completely naked, allowing her to see him at his most vulnerable and leaning into her touch.
But she didn’t laugh. That wouldn’t be right in her mind. Her friend had been through something traumatizing enough to the point he had gone nonverbal. And she couldn’t laugh at that.
“Okay, Pika, you’re all clean.”
She drained the tub, wrapping a fluffy towel around his form and helping him out of the tub. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
She sat him down, the blonde yet again attempting to pull her into his embrace again. “Pika, no! I’ve gotta get you some clothes, okay?”
The blonde tugged at her sleeve, looking up at her with watery eyes. “Pika…”
She cupped his cheeks, leaning down to peck his lips. “It’s just for a second, Pika. I’ll be right back.”
He seemed to melt under her touch, eyes fluttering shut as she planted kisses all over his face. “That better?”
He nodded, nuzzling against her palm. “Okay. I’ll give you more kisses in just a minute, just let me go.”
Kurapika considered this, glancing between her and the door before letting her go. (Name) made true on her word, returning only a minute later carrying a pair of pajama pants and a tshirt. “Sorry, it’s Leorio’s clothes, b-“
Kurapika seemed visibly disgusted when she attempted to dress him. He pushed the shirt away, shaking his head. “What… what’s wrong? These are the only clothes that’ll fit you, sweetheart.”
He kept pushing and shaking his head until (Name) sighed. “Well, I guess you can wear my clothes…”
He went still at this, relaxing when she walked over to her closet and pulled out some pajamas again. It was the ugliest t-shirt she owned. It had a screaming possum on the front, the text saying ‘LETS EAT TRASH AND GET HIT BY A CAR” in bright red comic sans font, along with a pair of hello kitty pajama pants.
This time he offered no resistance when she asked him to raise his arms. She slipped the shirt onto him, wincing at the sight of his thin frame. ‘He lost weight…’
He was able to put his pants on himself, following behind her like a lost puppy when she walked into the kitchen. She sat him down and took out one of the premade meals she made that day. ‘I’m so glad I made these…’
She heated it up, watching as Kurapika swayed at the table. He was exhausted, she needed to hurry so he didn’t pass out at her dinner table.
“Here, Pika, it’s hot.”
She set the plate of food in front of him, scolding herself. ‘Of course he can’t feed himself.’
“I’ve got it, sweetheart.”
She blew on a spoonful of food before bringing it to his lips. He took a bite, perking up a little. She continued, but apparently was too slow, because the blonde snatched the spoon from her hand and began to shovel his meal into his mouth.
“Woah, slow down, you’re gonna choke.”
He didn’t listen. Kurapika had trouble eating recently. Nothing tasted good, everything bland after he decided to cut his beloved (Name) out of his life, but right now the food in front of him tasted like heaven.
He finished his plate, sipping on the drink she’d offered him moments before. After that, he rubbed at his eyes, swaying again.
He nodded slowly, allowing her to guide him to her bedroom. “Let’s get you tucked in.”
She tucked him into one side of her bed, making sure he was comfortable before climbing into the other side. “Goodnight, Pika.”
He said nothing as he scooted closer to her, burying his face in her chest. She sighed, running her fingers through his pretty blonde hair.
“Thank you…”
It was so quiet that (Name) wasn’t sure she’d heard anything at all, but he continued to mutter thanks and apologies against her shirt. “Sorry… so sorry, (Name).”
“What are you sorry for, Pika? You didn’t do anything wrong?”
He didn’t answer her, and when she felt her shirt grow wet with tears, she could only sigh. “I love you, Pika. You’re not a burden to me at all, so don’t apologize for this.”
If only she knew that he was apologizing for who he’s become in the future, what he’d do to her to further his cause. Maybe she would have been less forgiving.
Just maybe.
(Name) kissed the top of his head, beginning to him as he clung to her. His body wracked with sobs, his hands clawing at her back as he broke down. “Please… please… don’t hate me, (Name). Please…”
She was quiet, not knowing how to respond. (Name) could never hate him. In the morning, she could attempt to ease his fears, let him know just how much he meant to her.
“Shh, shh…” she cooed, giving him kisses all over his face. He accepted those kisses, sighing in contentment. Kurapika peered up at her with those pretty brown eyes, leaning into her touch.
“Lets rest, okay?”
He didn’t want to rest. In the morning, he would become a stranger to her, but his heavy eyelids wouldn’t allow him to stay awake. “… okay…”
She pulled him into her embrace, the feeling of her warm hands on his back allowing him to relax and sleep.
Kurapika pulled on his clothes, glancing at the sleeping girl with half lidded eyes.
He bent down, brushing her hair out of her face so he could take a good look at her sleeping face. ‘So pretty…’
Kurapika stared at her for a while, feeling himself being drawn towards her. He shook his head, pressing a lingering kiss to her forehand before standing up.
“Goodbye, (Name). I wish you the best, truly.”
He lingered in the doorway, glancing down to the shirt he discarded on the floor, the one she dressed him in the night before.
‘She won’t miss this…’
He picked it up, placing it in his satchel before pulling on his tabard. He looked over himself in the mirror. Thanks to her help, he looked… passable. Clean, but nothing would help in hiding the dark circles under his eyes and slight hollowness in his cheeks.
Kurapika spared her one last glance before leaving her apartment.
‘I’ll miss you, angel.’
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moon-thyme · 2 months
Glass Animals songs and NBR
I am so very ill for these pathetic gay men, so here are all of the Glass Animals songs that my friend @taurosrider13 and I feel fit the BITB guys. This is very NBR romantic coded, so be aware. NBR (All 3 of them): Creatures in Heaven, White Roses, I Can't Make You Fall in Love Again, On The Run.
All I'm gonna say is that they fit. Trust (just listen to them and think about NBR) Rand: Agnes, Pork Soda, Life Itself, Season 2 Episode 3, Wonderful Nothing, A Tear in Space, Lost in the Ocean, Helium.
Rolan: Youth, Flip, and Exxus. He certainly has the least out of the three, but they make me equally as ill.
Kian: Take A Slice, The Other Side Of Paradise, Poplar St., Helium, Heat Waves, A Tear in Space, Wonderful Nothing, Show Pony, I Don't Wanna Talk (I Just Wanna Dance).
Let me know if I missed any, and also let me know if you want me to explain any of these song choices because I want to talk about them so so bad
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russilton · 3 months
"George is never going to be asked to apologise for those fans is he?"
You HAVE to be joking…………. Those few George fans who don't like Lewis are one of the most marginal groups with no online presence, and you never see such a level of nastiness and hate from them, while TeamLH are the biggest and most aggressive fanbase in the sport. Big enough to bully Mercedes into making apology posts for nothing.
And the fact Lewis faced abuse does not excuse him of making remarks that fuel the conspiracy theories and homophobic comments against George, his TEAMMATE. But I'm not surprised you're once again making excuses for him. Lewis knows, George knows, and everybody knows what's been going on because it's impossible to miss. Lewis never respected George and he continues to show that. You'd be better off following the opposite of those you mentioned. Quit pretending you care about George, and just rep Lewis.
“Shitty George fans are a marginal fan base you never hear from” bullshit, proven by the fact you’re still here. You are so pathologically obsessed with making yourself angry to prove a point you FOLLOW me, and you’re going to choke on your own tongue.
I love George, his fans actions are not his fault— but you know who I’ve received the most inter fan abuse from? It’s George’s.
Lewis fans who disagree with me don’t give a shit what I think and they move on, it’s the George Fans who have come back to my inbox, misgendered me, called me slurs, told me I need to take my gay little hands elsewhere and that George would never support the causes I did. More than once I’ve been told that these people are glad George will never care about those issues and they’re glad he didn’t go woke. Go back and look at the past wanky anons I’ve had I can count the amount of bad Lewis ones on one hand (becuse they just block me like adults) vs George fans desperate to make themselves seem better than it
People who call themselves george fans who are just “Lewis critical” will openly parrot racist adjacent dog whistles here without blinking. I once watched one of the biggest George blogs on this website say they were glad Lewis was leaving and some brand were leaving with him because George would bring “classy” brands back to Merc instead. The subtext there was anything but fucking subtle and it’s directly out of the playbooks of white pundits who said that any things Lewis did off the track were “unprofessional”
Your high horse is a fuckin Shetland pony dude, and you’re ankle high in horse shit trying to pretend it’s not there. Don’t try to piss on my boots and tell me no one you know can pee, George is as responsible for his fans shit behaviour as Lewis is for his, and the odds of him being asked about it are slim to none
One groups shitty behaviour may be louder but it doesn’t mean you aren’t shouting worse shit behind them.
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Are there any more songs submitted so far that look like they're gonna be a guaranteed inclusion?
Here's the full list as of right now
Multiple submissions:
"There! Right there!" (Gay or European) - The legally blonde musical
"Therefore you and me" - Hatsune Miku (Or the E ve version)
"Soldier, poet, king" - The Oh Hellos
"How far we've come" - Matchbox twenty
"The other side" - The greatest showman
"Rät" - Penelope Scott
"Little Miss Perfect" - Written by Joriah Kwamé
"My whole family..." - Bo Burnham
"The Mind Electric" - Miracle Musical
"Ready as I'll ever be" - Tangled the series
Could use more propaganda (one or two submissions, or submissions with close to no propaganda):
If an animatic song you really like is in this category there is no need for you to submit it again if you have no propaganda, it will most likely be in. You can use the form to submit propaganda for them or you can wait until the bracket is revealed to submit propaganda for the specific poll it's in on the ask box (preferable for me ahah).
If the bracket isn't symmetrical on all sides there's a small possibility some of the lesser-known songs of this category could get chopped lol.
"Blue lips" - Regina Spektor
"Honey, I'm home" - Ghost and pals
"Brave as a Noun" - AJJ the band
"This is Home" - Cavetown
"No children" - The mountain goats (This one has multiple submissions but all the propaganda is a variation of 'I'ts no children, come on' or 'you'll probably have too much propaganda by now so I'm not writing any' and I find that extremely funny)
"My ordinary life" - The Living Tombstone
"Ordinary" - Written by Joriah Kwamé
"Villain" - Stella Jang
"I wish you liked girls" - Abbey Glover / "I wish you liked boys" - Cover by Jasper Isaac
"A Crow's Trial" (A [blank]'s trial) - Vane
"Hey brother" - Avicii
"OrderMade" - RADWIMPS
"Rewrite the Stars" - The greatest showman
"Allies or Enemies" - The Crane Wives
"Stronger than you" - Steven Universe
"Anything you can do" - Annie get your Gun
"Love like you" - Steven Universe
"Fish in a birdcage (Rule #4)" - Fish in a birdcage
"Tongues & Teeth" - The Crane Wives
"Open up your eyes" - My little Pony
"Everything stays" - Adventure time
"Curses" - The Crane Wives
"Escapism" - Steven Universe
"Devil's Train" - The Lab Rats
"Lemon Boy" - Cavetown
"How bad can I be?" - The lorax
"Oh No!" - Marina & The Diamonds
"My R" - KurageP / cover by Rachie
"Emperor's New Clothes" - Panic! at the disco
"Father" - The front bottoms
"Little lion man" (Not your fault) - Mumford & Sons
"Under my Skin" - Jukebox the Ghost
"Saint Bernard" - Lincoln
"Evelyn Evelyn" - Evelyn Evelyn
"No matter what" - Steven Universe
"W.I.T.C.H." - Devon Cole
"Cabinet man" - Lemon Demon
"When you're evil" - Voltaire
"Touch Tone Telephone" - Lemon Demon
"Left Brain, Right Brain" - Bo Burnham
"I won't say (I'm in love)" - Hercules
"You're gonna go far, kid" - The Offspring
"Ikanaide" - Mafumafu
"Turn the lights off" - Tally Hall
"Crush" - Tessa Violet
"oo is a receiver" ([blank] is a receiver) - Hatsune Miku
"I do adore" - Mindy Gledhill
"Self-inflicted Achromantic" - Hatsune Miku / Cover by JubyPhonic
"I'm the bad guy" - Wonder Over Yonder / Caleb Hyles cover
"Line without a hook" - Ricky Montgomery
"You'll be back" - Hamilton
"Promiseland" - MIKA
"Runs in the family" - Amanda Palmer
"Boys will be bugs" - Cavetown
"Who are you, really?" - Mikky Ekko
"Feelings are fatal" - mxmtoon
"I Know Those Eyes / This Man is Dead" - Thomas Borchert
"Once Upon a December" - Anastasia
"Achilles Come Down" ([blank] Come Down) - Gang of Youths
"Charlie's Inferno" ([Blank]'s Inferno) - That Handsome Devil
"I cut myself" (Shaving) - Talkshow Boy
"Goodbye" (Look who's inside again) - Bo Burnham
"Kiss me, Son of God" - They Might Be Giants
"Your stupid face" - Kayden Makay
"Nowhere King" - Centaurworld
"Sincerely, Me" - Dear Evan Hansen
"Wine Red" - The Hush Sound
"Everything At Once" - Lenka
"Good for you" - Dear Evan Hansen
"The Bro Duet" - Moment by moment musical (by Alexander Sage Oyen)
"Cupid" - Jack Stauber
"Eight Wonder" - Lemon demon
"It's tough to be a god" - Road to El Dorado
"Are You Satisfied?" - Marina and the Diamonds
"My time" - Bo en
"Pad Thai" - Jack Stauber
"Poison" - Cavetown
"Butch 4 Butch" (My sweetheart's piano) - Rio Romeo
"It Took Me By Surprise" (The anger in his eyes) - Maria Mena
"You, Me and Steve" (You, Me and [Blank] / Your best friend Steve / Your best friend [Blank]) - Garfunkel And Oates
"This guy is in love with you, pare" - Chito Miranda (and my friend is incredibly offended nobody submitted this one)
"Hayloft II" - Mother mother
"I know I'm a Wolf" - Young Heretics
"Hurts Like Hell" - Fleurie
"Poor unfortunate souls" - The little Mermaid
"When He Sees Me" - Waitress the Musical
"Christmas Kids" - Roar
"The dismemberment song" - Blue Kid
"The Moon Will Sing" - The Crane Wives
"Never love an anchor" - The Crane Wives
"Ghosting" - Mother Mother
"Two Birds" - Regina Spektor
"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" - Set It Off
"A Sadness Runs Through Him" - The Hoosiers
I can't decide" ([Blank] can't decide) - Scissor Sisters
I'll hold preliminary polls for them to see if they get in if I need spaces to make the bracket have the same amount of matches on every side. The amount of how many will get in will be decided by how many songs are needed once the submissions close. If too many songs are needed I'll chop some of the least popular songs from the "could use more propaganda" category instead.
You can submit propaganda for why they should get in if you want, but have in mind there's a small possibility it might not be used at all
"Don't you dare forget the sun" - Get Scared
"Lover boy" (Good old fashioned lover boy) - Queen
"Blonde Boyz" - Cyndago
"Seventeen" - Heathers the Musical
"Drop pop Candy" - REOL / English cover by Kuraiinu and JubyPhonic
"Rolling girl" - Hatsune Miku
"The Ballad of Sara Berry" - 35mm: A Musical Exhibition
"Painted smile" - Madame Macabre
"Willow Tree March" - The Paper Kites
"This is war" - Thirty seconds to Mars
"Say my name" - The Beetlejuice musical
"Sugar Song to Bitter Step" - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Blood Blockade Battlefront ending)
"Nobody" - Mitski
"Beautiful" - Heathers the Musical
"Again" - Araki
"Baby Hotline" - Jack Stauber
"REVIVED" - Derivakat
"Jubilee Line" - Wilbur Soot
"Pork Soda" - Glass Animals
"Mr. Blue Sky" - ELO
"A thousand years" - Christina Perri
"Mamma Mia" - ABBA
"Best Worst Mistake" - If/then: A New Musical
"Sk8er Boi" - Avril Lavigne
"The Phoenix" - Fall Out Boy
"Why is my song not anywhere?"
Either it was an animation meme/AMV Edit/MAP instead of an actual animatic thing, most animatics are vents / not fandom or OC-related, the song is literally 20 seconds long, or it didn't have enough animatics for me to count it. With this in mind, if you think there's been a mistake or that I accidentally skipped it (or that a song is in the wrong category) feel free to tell me so in the ask box.
The songs in limbo are exceptions because of any of these reasons:
there's a specific animatic/animation with the song that is so iconic for a fandom that it could get in even if it doesn't have the animatic amount required
The song reaches the amount required, and it has never been properly referred to as an animation meme, but a lot of the animatics are the exact same format (like an animation meme)
The song has a lot of animatics, but I could barely find any that were not animatics of the source material
The song is more popular as an animation meme, but also has some animatics
The propaganda provided was just good enough for me to give it a chance, even if they don't have the animatic amount required
I'm including all songs that check the criteria I have not had time to check the lyrics of all the songs I don't know, I've only checked that they have enough animatics; so just in case: I'll check everything when submissions close, don't worry. Feel free to tell me in the ask box, but have in mind that I'm only taking the song itself into account, not the artist, so please don't flood my inbox with the artist's entire crime list.
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zeeposting · 4 months
tired eepy rambler wamring very long and not good spelling I'm tired how do I add this in why isn't it working :( YAY I DID IT :D I'm so tired.
eaipugapbjnlkwe43uo3thfqww; keyboard= asmh
im tired
typing feels weird like my fingers feel heavier or something idk how to explain It
oh my golly gosh every time I blink like. not manually it feels sliike the lights fligkcerd like huh why do my eyes do that
im so tired yet hardly tired at the same time
my typing is so bad (sign of eepy) Im tearing up a bit I think (either sign of eepy or I got an eyelash in my eye) but also I don't really feel all that tired. but I am tireed
i wanna go home but I KNOW my parents are gonna be talking for SO LONG so I'll probably go home at 10 or something
i wish more of m friends were open to talk I want to annoy multiple of my friends like I wanna talk
im rambling but ioh well
irihhherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pok uhhh what happening idk
maybe its home time? no I don't think so :(
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I just wanna hold my finger on one key I'm eepy
dude I forgot to write. LAC is postponed again, sorry gator you and the actual characters are going back to the "I always forget them" side of my brain oh my golly I coulda written more camp of keys!! except I have no idea where I'm going with that. uhh think think thinks what is this Pepsi ad??? anyways uhh.... what could hppen that would make sense.... maybe uhh... maybe wait is Ella going with them?? I don't think so. yeah no. okay so maybe storme says something and Clarissa basically goes back to depression mode?? but what would bring her back there. maybe Leah just starts getting all sad. and that makes clarissa sad. dude what if like I had an eepy story that I wrote more of every time I was eepy. like. no typing corrections, no thinking about it in the day, just every night when I think "oh I'm kinda eepy" I continue the story suighs I don't like having praces
bee Kay have it your way. you rule!
i want to write scroll and Quill lore but I don't at the same time. like I want to write it all out but also I have like no idea how that would work I have like half of it figured out what happened on that day I dunn!!! i love scroll and Quill sm like dude I justwant to hold them and talk to them and idk I just love those little gay freaks so much I love them and their lore and everyone involved in their story
when someone tells me they like one of my characters I have to draw thme nore tlike especially one o y friends like ryu ryu likes floe and that's why I'm gdaing globe so much more fonten because I want to make ryu happy like I just want to make my friends happy I don't really care about myself I just want them to be happy. i tell my friend that she can spam me jer worries int he private chat of this ma and her because I want her to feel btert, I don't really care I just want her to feel better.
m yypung is so bad because I'm so tired I guess but I don't really feel like fixing it. sorry I can translate in the morning but no ones gonna read this because who actuallycareas
i mean maybe ryu but like.why idk. maybe Milly. man idk
this is gonna turn into an acicnela vent or something but idrc I'm just tired ok??
tbh I don't feel like a good friend lately. idk o don't feel like elaborating but I do
in science we got to play jeopardy and the team names were so stupid
Jackie Likes Pencils, TikTok Rizz Party, Skibidy Stephen, The Billy Bus, Team Chicken Leg
(yes all of those are spelt properly I made sure of it. yes it was spelt skiidy ask inki.)
guess what team was me, inki, Ezra and ratthew comet? haha. team chicken leg. SOWA CREWMA!!!!!
man I'm tired. like eepy. super epy.
i love rue so much shes just a cute lotel pony and like she sjst so cute and I love her so much shes oh my gosh I miss Chico he's so cute and silly and goofy and funnyand I miss him.
i love my friends sm thank you
friend I wont name #1, bubblez, inki, Ezra, ryu, Milly, kit (asktrianglesblog rn), Abb, rabbit, friend I wont name #2, sapp, Ollie, zoe/fishy (I don't remember sorry) I love you all so so much
i want to cry a bit. so lets yap about something happier
should I make another character. yes
im thinking TANA melatonin for some reason. no not them stop it. dude I love TANA so much especially mug and battery and valentine they're so cool I cant wait for the actual thing to come out. or for it to come across my path idk if its actually gonna be a thing okay hmm what objects are around.
what abotu a gouwer. no that's basic plus I already have night. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why si this kids bday party football themed dude you don't like football at least uve never said anything about it at least around me???
what aib0ut uhh.. random object generator help
yk I don't have a lot of characters with names that end in uy! so. hmm jammy. like a jar of ja,. what jams are there I don't think iev ever had jam
plum han!! jammy!! !rhehe silly. any pronouns. just a silly guy.
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look at her shes so silly and so funny I love her already I don't want to give her lore she's just a silly farmer that makes jam and she gets soopu eepy like me when she doesn't have his jam beucae I said so. he's my eepy character. my ltiel eepy friend. I love him already just a silly farmer wait should he have a love interest? NO. aroace jammy. #aroacejammyforpresident2024
im rambling so much but I don't want to put on a keep on reading because do I care no. read to learn about jammy. lol what if someone read it as jimmy. Jimmy jammy. hheh,o orphan in black?? tv what are you talking about who is that.
oh no someone approaching AAA!! haha other side of the couch they are. why is my batter on re dnoo oh yeah hour 54 left
dude I knew I was gonna leave at 10 its 941 nd I'm still here.
jammy is so cute I love them so much. I should draw them more
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hegegehe happy jammy
i don't like that noise :( loud
dude in so tired I'm fighting the urge to say dude in every sentance
what is arm lasseration? dhters a guy and he's a police guy or something familyy friend and he just got a call thing on the walkie talkie II and uhh he said "ooh lovely!{" "what" "arm lasseratioin" what does that mean.
ohh its like a cut. it breaks the skin. okayyy!!!
im gonna draw sad jammy because I feel like it :(
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i love drawing on my d=touch screen computer its so fun
i fee like jammy should be my comfort character like I love them somuhc they're just my eepy gal
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jammy no your half filled with juice jammy you need more jam your gonna die!!1 of EEPYJNES!!
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aww look eeping jammy I love them so much I keep saying that but I love jammy they are a part of me I drew eepy jammy because I want to go jhome and sleep and think about scroll and Quill I don't think I'm gonna read tonight because I'm so tired and its interesting but dude I'm so tired I wanna go to sleep :(
i know I'm talking way too much but I don't care I'm eepy. there you get your keep on reading because I guess its too much
jammy I love you
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i just wanna hug jammy and go to sleep in a /p kinda way I love them so much
dude jammy is just so cute I love them they look so huggable
pleas draw jammy guys I love them.
dude I'm gonna look a this tomorrow and be so concerned
honk mimiii honk mimiii goodnight
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goddamn I see why the queers(tm) like this girl from Missouri
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⭐⭐⭐⭐(4 out of 5 stars)
This week I listened to Chappell Roan's album "The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess" and I think this counts as midwest emo because she is from the midwest and many of these songs are quite emotional/j.
I will be keeping this week's post quite short because I forgot to write this and now it is late Monday and here we are... "After Midnight"...
...yeah I apologize for that one...
One funny thing listening to this album was that I realized that I already knew all of the songs just by the people I follow online and my irls.
I do think this will be staying in my consistent rotation, I guess I like pop music...
Anyways, opinion time! (as always, not opinion order, just album order)
"After Midnight" is a fun song I found the chorus very catchy it's a gay song (shocking). Chappell Roan just has incredible vocals on catchy beats, the songs work amazingly, and there is lots of fun vocal layering toward the end of this song. It is early on in the album and follows two very quirky songs so it feels more agreeable (not saying "Femininomenon" and "Red Wine Supernova" are bad AT ALL).
"Pink Pony Club" what a beautiful song, the opening with the raw vocals and just the piano; augh. Beautiful. Very catchy, I can't even imagine seeing this live. I will say, although I know it is not, this song feels like transgender allegory/pos. I also relate a lot to the whole disapproving mother. relatable in the best way. The guitar is also amazing on this song, it just adds such a great layer to the song.
"California" what a beautiful ballad for her hometown. I feel this a lot since I've grown up moving a lot, missing seasons, missing where you're from is painful. And also I'm from the Midwest, I'm obligated to hate CA/hj. I love the muted trumpet on this song, it compliments her voice amazingly. In my mind, this song ends the album emotionally while "Guilty Pleasure" stands as an encore. Both sum up the album beautifully, I love a proper ballad though.
Honorable Mentions!!! 🥳🥳🥳
"Red Wine Supernova", this song grew on me, I LOVE the final chorus, that is how you use vocals, mwah, amazing
"Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl" I think this is just fun storytelling and is a catchy song
"HOT TO GO!"... I mean... it's the tiktok song... Lots of fun!
"Guilty Pleasure" great ending to the album, gorgeous vocals and? yodeling? still fun. Really fun final chorus, great way to end an album. I also might be dumb when it comes to pop music but this one does remind me a lot of Conan Gray...
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scheodingers-muppet · 6 months
The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess
Stranger Things Album Time Stranger Things Album Time Stranger Things Album Time
Femininomenon - Nancy. Guy trouble, for one. "Stuck in the suburbs" The duality of what she thinks she wants versus if that would actually make her happy.
Red Wine Supernova - Robin. It's slightly dorky but still smooth. "Fell in love with the thought of you" "I just want you to make a move" I also love the idea of the "roommates" just being Steve.
After Midnight: Either Chrissy or Nancy. They both kinda fit the "good girl" trope but have a lot under the service, Chrissy with going to Eddie for drugs, Nancy and her monster hunting. We also see Nancy "rebelling" in season one before everything starts. "My mother said...it's not attractive wearing that dress and red lipstick" "I've been a good, good girl for a long time" "I like flirting, a lover by my side" They both deserve to just have fun at the club.
Coffee: Jopper, when Joyce is with Bob. "If I didn't love you, it would be fine" "We've done this before" "Every place leads back to you"
Casual: Robin. She would likely settle for someone who hides her, based off the way she's talked about Vickie. "My friend's call me a loser" compared to Steve trying to get her to ask her out. "I love being stupid" "I try to be the chill girl but honestly, I'm not."
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl: Max, honestly. Or El! Elmax. But like, early 20s Elmax. "Not overdramatic, I know what I want" "I'm through with all these super mega bummer boys" "Telling secrets, there on the mattress" compared to their sleepovers.
HOT TO GO!: I... have no clue. El is the closest, just in terms of the fun, energetic vibes. It feels very teen girl, in the same way she does to me
My Kink Is Karma: I want it to be Joyce so bad. Or Karen. Joyce about her ex, when he first starts to go downhill. Karen just matches the energy to me.
Picture You: Jancy, but college-Jancy. "Am I doing research in a mini skirt at the library in your hometown?" "Counting lipstick stains where you should be" "Am I in the frame for your point of view?"
Kaleidoscope: Byler. "It will all be fine, just go back to being friends" "Even all the change, it's somehow all the same" "Even upside down, it's beautiful somehow" Both as the Upside Down joke, but also how Will still sees being gay as scary and wrong, something away from what he "should" be, like it's upside down. "I will never understand"
Pink Pony Club: This really doesn't fit anyone super well. I do love the idea of it being the older teens finally getting out and just getting to have fun. Maybe Robin finally goes to a gay club!
Naked In Manhattan: Ronance. "The rush of slumber party kissing" "An inch away from more than just friends" Just so Ronance.
California: El and Will. "I was never told that I wasn't gonna get the things I want the most" being peace. "Come get me out of California, no leaves are brown" I think Will would miss the environment. "Thought I'd be cool in California, I'd make you proud" El talking about Hopper. "My dying town"
Guilty Pleasure: Nancy, just for the line "Some good girls do bad things too"
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alectology-archive · 2 years
This covers chapters 6, 7 & 20 mostly, and in a very small measure chapter 5, too:
I lightly skimmed the egwene pov - I definitely remember why I got such gay vibes from her and avi.
also I was definitely not misremembering why I enjoyed the series so much for all its flaws - I really didn’t vibe at all with sanderson’s writing style and his priorities - which are on the opposite spectrum of RJ’s priorities (and my priorities!). every dialogue exchange is purposeful and pulls its weight with characterisation and character development; RJ also manages to do a shit ton of worldbuilding in every other passage, and does such a great job of immersing you in the setting and the culture he’s currently writing about. I really missed his writing style - but the joy the books brought definitely wavered while I was reading CoT, I think, because you could tell that the series was starting to really drag at that point. I was thinking of rereading the series only up to book 8* next year, maybe, but I’ll probably try to extend it up to book 11 because I don’t remember those last 2 books very well.
*in another post I said I’d advice people to stop reading the series at book 12 - but that’s still a very long way to go so I think book 8 feels like the better stopping point since it’s midway through the series. I mostly say that because it ends on a high point for every character except mat, but mat doesn’t have any high points after book 8 until book 9/11 anyway. rand understandably faces the consequences for ignoring the black tower at the end of the book and I feel kind of bad about negating his accomplishment at the ending of book 9, but getting into book 9 would mean immersing yourself in new plot angles for elayne, egwene (off-screen) and mat. (book 7 is also a valid cutting off point but TPOD is short, so. you could as well read it anyway, tbh.)
anyway. back to the book.
Striding to the center of the room, he planted himself atop the mosaic there, the ancient symbol of the Aes Sedai, ten feet across. It was an apt place. “Under this sign will he conquer.” That was what the Prophecy of Rhuidean said of him. He stood straddling the sinuous dividing line, one boot on the black teardrop that was now called the Dragon’s Fang and used to represent evil, the other on the white now called the Flame of Tar Valon. Some men said it stood for the Light. An appropriate place to meet this attack, between Light and darkness.
rand fully has a thing for theatre and performance and silly little symbolisms that matter to him alone - we also see it when he picks jeade’en’s name, puts callandor back in the stone of tear, starts carrying around the seanchan spear to remind himself of the threat they pose, etc. his middle name is drama, and I love it that he chooses to do some of these things purely for himself. it’s such an interesting character thing. he’s also a nerd (affectionate).
darkhounds are as big as ponies???
oh he’s channeled balefire before? I’ve forgotten the details, but I somehow thought he first used the weave in TFOH - was it in TSR/TDR then? Hm, I don’t think so - I’m inclined to believe it was lews therin’s memory making him misremember stuff because I remember rand using balefire and its consequence and benefits being a major theme in TFOH.
from rand’s POV there’s definitely a lot more affection and concern for mat than it seemed like there was in mat’s POV! he also seems a lot more boyish than he did from mat’s perspective, obviously - and once again I’m delighted by how RJ does POVs so well. the problem is, rand is growing colder & more distant and mat is increasingly finding it difficult to parse out his friend in the midst of everything - mat’s question to rand, constantly, in this book is, “Won’t you stop me from leaving? Won’t you ask me to stay? Will you just be sorry to see me go and not do anything about it?” and rand’s answer is, “I want you to have a chance at not being trapped by fate like I am so I’m not going to stop you from doing what you want.” He doesn’t realise just how subtle and reserved mat is with his affections. I think mat is generally very embarrassed by the thought of being affectionate with people he actually really cares for - but he doesn’t mind being easygoing with random strangers - and I relate to that, lol. I get it. But rand has very demi vibes for a reason - he needs people to be more communicative because he never makes the first move + he also has that “I’m the dragon reborn and it’s better for everyone if they don’t want to be friends with me even if I’ll miss them” thing going on.
I was also maybe wrong about rand seeming cold and distant in mat’s POV because he probably mostly sees the leader in him, the more I think about it. I think rand seems cold because he’s consciously choosing to front an emotionless part of him even in front of mat. the same thing happened with moiraine and egwene - and I’m honestly blown away by the number of times we see rand try to maintain an expressionless face/remain cool/look calm and composed/try to give away as few emotions as a rock etc. it’s a lot!
Not only a friend. Another ta’veren, and perhaps a key to victory in Tarmon Gai’don; anyone who wanted to strike at Rand had reason to strike at Mat, as well. But Mat always tried to deny both things.
so…. yeahhh. the loops and holes mat jumps through to hide his personality and feelings really does a number on the people around him.
“You watch your tongue with me,” Moiraine told Mat, getting up, “or I will find Nynaeve and put her in charge of you.” But her heart was not in it; she could have been talking in her sleep. She was trying not to stare at the foxhead as Mat hung it back around his neck. “You will need rest,” she said absently. “Stay in bed tomorrow, if you feel like it.”
Mom! antagonistic mom-son relationship! also further confirmation that moiraine likes nynaeve even if the latter dislikes her - I just really hated nynaeve’s weirdness around lan and her trying to get him to choose between her and moiraine while reading the books? a platonic warder relationship shouldn’t count as competition with a romantic relationship. I’ll see how I feel when I reread those stuff next year - as much as I love the wondergirls, I think egwene’s character suffered because of her romance-heavy plot & nynaeve’s hate of moiraine seemed to descend into caricature levels of weird in the first few books. I’m not sure how RJ went from writing such a great platonic relationship between moiraine and lan to feeling the need to insist that romantic relationships should necessarily involve warder bonds.
rand asks the maidens to give mat some space and also admonishes them about essentially not respecting their boundaries - fair! but also he’s fully referring to how the baby him indirectly. let them baby you, rand.
“Maybe I’ll ask if I can borrow it from him.” He turned away from her. There was still one he had to check on, though one way or another the urgency was gone; the Darkhounds would have done what they intended by now.
I didn’t get it then, and I don’t get it now - if I were rand I’d be anxious to figure out if the only person capable of teaching me to channel was dead! maybe the logic here is that rand doesn’t mind if one of the forsaken dies, but also… this passage just goes such a long way in showing us rand’s true priorities - he really, really cares for mat. I miss the road trip and I hate that I didn’t finish rereading it before I stop my teotw reread.
(like obviously, a best friend is always a greater priority than a useful enemy, but that shouldn’t have stopped him from immediately checking on asmodean anyway)
[Moiraine to Rand] “I have given my entire life to the search for you, to find you and help you.”
Yeah, this was the line that fucked me up while reading the books! moiraine really did sell her life away to finding and guiding the dragon reborn, at great personal risk. in the end, siuan paid the price for their scheming. plus moiraine didn’t hesitate at all to sacrifice herself to kill lanfear to save rand even if she had good reason to suspect that 1. he was consorting with at least one of the forsaken behind her back 2. he was starting to go mad. at the end of the day, for all her complaints, I think she trusts his heart and for him to do the right thing.
this is unrelated but moiraine is the one who approves of balefire, rand using asmodean as a teacher and generally utilising questionable methods of achieving your goals that would horrify other aes sedai - cadsuane is notably stuck up about such stuff, and therefore, in my view, doesn’t make a good advisor, tbh. I think RJ even knew that - I don’t get what he was trying to do when he was criticising how old-fashioned she was while simultaneously worshipping the ground she walked on.
The White Tower forbids us even to learn it. In the War of Power, the Forsaken and the Shadowsworn themselves used it only reluctantly.
#ReasonsIHateAMOL - the forsaken are tossing around balefire everywhere for some reason! what the fuck. This is why I don’t vibe with egwene’s death or that stupid flame of tar valon weave - it’s lacking any sort of creativity or nuance and tears up established canon.
“That sounds just fine to me,” he told her. “Mat’s alive because of it.”
it means SO much to me that rand listens to moiraine list out all the reasons why balefire is dangerous and then follows it up with that response.
rand makes sure to protect mat here - he makes moiraine promise he won’t take mat’s ter’angreal away. I really like that, but I also think RJ sometimes went too far with making aes sedai so territorial about ter’angreal to the point where they act like they naturally have a claim over another person’s belongings? anyway.
Moving close to the bead curtain, he peered through the doorway. Moonshadows filled the room, but one of them was Asmodean, tossing in his blankets. Wrapped in the Void, Rand could hear his heartbeat, smell the sweat of troubled dreams.
this is what I meant about their relationship being so sensual - there’s something so illicit about the whole thing. rand visits him in the night, looks at him through a curtain, and notes that he’s sweating and having troubled dreams! these are all very intimate details to note about another person. somebody really needed to introduce him to the concept of queerness.
The male figure could link him to a huge replica of itself, the most powerful male sa’angreal ever made, even if he were on the other side of the Aryth Ocean from it. It had only been finished after the Dark One’s prison was resealed—How do I know that?—and hidden before any of the male Aes Sedai going mad could find it. The female figure could do the same for a woman, joining her to the female equivalent of the great statue he hoped was still almost completely buried in Cairhien.
huh, the strike at shayol ghul said that the access keys were located in a territory controlled by one of the forsaken at one point during the war and couldn’t be retrieved? Oh! and the wiki says that these are just two access keys among several others and that egwene discovered a damaged one in tanchico when she went dreamwalking! obsessed. maybe the access keys were unfinished at that point? or rj maybe forgot what he’d written, lol.
rand is still thinking of impractical things like healing death with sa’angreal. some arrogance, there, maybe, but at its heart it’s a very pure kind of desire. he does get to reverse death at the end of the book though - mat and avi with balefire! - I suppose rj manages to wrap up that particular plot point by giving him a workaround for healing death. I love it.
I love that rand admits that he can’t be trusted with the vast amount of power various sa’angreal grant him. I love him, and I love egwene for trying to poke at the boundaries of what’s considered abuse of power and what is not - they’re both such fascinating characters to read about. they’ve both come into power having never expected such a thing, grapple with what it means to be responsible for so many people, and slowly come to realise that even if it’s a burden, it allows them to do good things.
also as a random thought, elayne haters don’t deserve rand because rand would hate them for hating elayne. and so would mat, actually.
I just remembered how annoying lanfear could be with her nonsense about loving lews therin. I love the idea of one of the forsaken being a very close friend/lover/companion of lews therin’s and having complex feelings about killing and/or allying with rand but lanfear was not it.
anyway, it didn’t make sense to me in the beginning that she would try to ally with rand when she knew he’d potentially betray her (although right now, I do think it’s very stupid of lanfear to believe that rand is allied with her and dreams of achieving power with her when he hasn’t ever done anything to prove he’d like that) but I think it’s a good idea that she’s a renegade and doesn’t really care about the dark one - she did create the bore. of course she’d try to replace him.
He dreams of you triumphing over the Great Lord and putting him up beside you on high.
yeah, even asmodean is weirdly obsessed with rand!
[Rand] He pushed away a sudden memory of this woman [Lanfear] in his arms, both of them young and just learning what they could do with the Power.
help, did lanfear and lews therin use the one power during sex? is that what this is implying?
sex jokes aside rand is struggling SO hard with lews therin’s memories. I didn’t remember it being this bad. I think him sort of growing used to lews therin later is what makes this really go hard? his only safe space is his head - he had to eventually ward his dreams to keep the wise ones out - so the fact that he isn’t allowed even that to himself is very tragic! in general, rand is just continuously having his body violated in several different ways. and because I can’t help paralleling rand and egwene, it’s interesting how loss of agency marks such a major point in both their arcs - it’s being made a damane for egwene, and dumai’s wells for rand. it doesn’t make them stronger people, and it leads them to commit questionable acts sometimes and act irrationally but that’s okay. that’s how trauma works. unfortunately, rand learns zero coping mechanisms while egwene has a healthier arc because of her training sequence with the wise ones.
speaking of rand and egwene, I don’t know exactly what I feel about the relationship they have. I didn’t see it before, but I do understand why people were saying they’re like siblings - and I don’t know if I ship them exactly (I mean, it could have been incredibly romantic if they’d sort of fallen apart and fallen in love again at the end of everything - I think that idea just really stuck with me while I was still reading the early books - egwene choosing rand over the aes sedai in the early TGH chapters made me very weepy) but a sort of soulmate bond that transcends romance and friendship is something I probably vibe more with. the latra/egwene parallels have me in a chokehold - and now that I think of it… it would’ve been thematically such a great thing if egwene had joined rand in shayol ghul? or if she’d at least broken the seals herself? insert obligatory AMOL hate post, I guess. I’ve read very few books in my life that managed to make me as angry as it did - I think it even manages to beat ACOSF for the Bad Books title (I think I made 160 posts when I was live-blogging it and had zero complimentary things to say about it).
I don’t get criticisms about mat struggling to come to terms with rand’s ability to channel? even egwene has a very hard time reconciling the two. it’s natural and expected - it’s a common legend and belief in the westlands that TDR and male channelers are people you should fear! the belief is as instinctual as the need to breathe. how can RJ say it more blatantly than with this line:
Growing up, she had been taught that only the Dark One was more to be feared than a man who could channel.
moiraine is just *obligatory siuan mention* whenever we get her POVs. she is so gay.
on a cliff at jangai pass there seems to be a symbol of a snake curled around a staff carved onto it - this brings to mind the rod of asclepius? I don’t know if it’s not meant to be analysed a lot - I don’t think it is. but on the other side of the pass there’s a dock and a couple of ships. this makes me wonder if it was a hospital? would a hospital from the age of legend use the same sort of symbols used in the first age? if not a hospital, I’d guess that it’s some outpost of sorts. rand is guessing that the waste could have been under the ocean before.
there was a ‘silk path’ from shara to taien! yeah, I get why I thought shara was an asia analogue even silks and elephants aside. I can’t say anything about how race was handled - we don’t nearly see enough of the sharans to pass judgement on RJ’s handling of them, and from what I recall they’re not really any better or worse than the seanchan. the seanchan are probably slightly worse because of the slavery culture they have going on, but shara also treats its channelers like animals to be put in a pen so, uh. they also have this weird practice of killing their rulers every cycle or something too? anyway, I don’t like that vibe. I also don’t like the vibe of “asian culture analogue being brainwashed by a forsaken so that he can use them as fodder to fight alongside literal monsters against the side of the Light”. I blame that on sanderson, though - I think he didn’t think through the implications of how he introduced and handled sharans. I still wouldn’t have been opposed to seeing more of them if we’d had characters like Egeanin (and I did kind of like that one sharan guy we met in KoD).
rand is now reminding himself of the prophecy that says he’d conquer under the ancient sign of the aes sedai and is making asmodean carry it. I love it when he purposely tries to make prophecies work in his favour, and I love all of RJ’s interesting takes on prophecy - I need to find that post I’d compiled and rb it again. I think I last updated it with rand asking cadsuane if the pattern would kill her if he willed it in book 12 - not exactly prophecy, but prophecy adjacent and that counts to me.
rand is being very protective of egwene and avi right now, as of chapter 20.
How long now had he been doing what was necessary instead of what was right? In a fair world, they would be one and the same. That made him laugh, a hoarse wheeze. He was far from the village boy he had been, but sometimes that boy sneaked up on him.
Nothing to note about this, really, but I remember reading and rereading this specific passage when I first read TFOH - I think it definitely makes a point of highlighting how rand’s motivations work in the latter half of the series, especially maybe his choice to treat with the seanchan instead of defeating them on the battlefield because he needs their support in defeating the dark one.
as a parting note, I think mat should stop sleeping in his fine clothes. it sounds very uncomfortable.
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edgeofpanic · 3 years
 @yangsbandana​ ranked her top 10 bees moments and then i got in my feelings about them so fuck it!! here's my top 10 after the cut
10. that little eyeroll and smile blake does in v1 when yang picks up the chess piece in the emerald forest and says "how about a cute little pony?" they've only been partners for about for 30 minutes at this point, and blake has spent multiple episodes practically screaming "I DON'T WANT TO GET CLOSE TO ANYONE, I AM A BAD PERSON WHO DOESN’T DESERVE HAPPINESS." and still yang gets the prickly ex-terrorist to smile. gay.
9. yang's reply to blake at mountain glenn. blake is still so torn up about running away from home, her actions while with the white fang, running from adam, her present, her future. and all yang says is that she knows she won't run away from a challenge. that she's strong enough to face it and come out on the other side better than she was. the utter faith of it all!!
8. all of v4 lmao. but i have narrow that down so it's when yang looks at the pile of books in her very first scene in that volume and then turns away with the saddest look on her face. she misses just blake so much even though she left!!! and she doesn't want to because missing someone has never brought back the people she cares about, but she is anyway! bees angst is usually not my favorite but when it hits it hits and v4 and v5 were it
7. the dummied out cherry stem yang ties with her tongue while staring directly at blake in v2. she is extremely gay and she is trying so, so hard to show the girl she likes that she's interested. bless her. crwby, yall are cowards for taking this away from us
6. nora at the rally going "friends? just friends? i think they have more going on". nora is easily one of the most emotionally intelligent characters on the show so when she says two people wanna kiss i believe her. it's also notable that this is the first time anyone in-show has acknowledged blake and yang have something happening, even if they aren't necessarily together. praying that there's a followup to this in v10 where she outright asks what the deal is now that they're back from survivor island in the Time Pit
top 5...god i suffered for ages over this and i still think i forgot something
5. "i'll destroy everything you love...starting with her." cw for this vid: dismemberment, abusive relationships
i'm a relatively new fan having only picked up rwby in late 2019. my friends who were into it kept telling me it was pretty gay and one friend routinely sent bumbleby fanart because she knew it would entice me to start the show faster. and sure i thought they were cute, but i was still unsure if this was for real or not. but this scene. this one right here is the one where i went, "oh. oh, we're actually doing this.” there is no real way to read this as other than romantic. the framing, the timing, like.... man.
i’m also a sucker for devotion in ships and if sacrificing an arm to save the one you love and not even blaming them for running away isn’t devotion, i don’t know what it is.
4. burning the candle.
if number 5 convinced me, burning the candle was the one that got me on the train. here was my reaction from a friend sending gifs of this without too much context
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and then i finally watched and got hella emotional. it’s a lot of firsts: yang opening up about her past, disagreement, blake allowing herself comfort. but they still manage to talk, work through how they feel, and leave better than they were. and i think it’s what i love about them the most? regardless of what happens, they have each others backs and always work toward a compromise. ugh. god.
also that stupid flirty wink is fooling no one, just say you’ll meet her under the bleachers
3. "what if I needed her there for me"/"yang was strength"
yes it’s kind of cheating to put two different scenes in one spot but they share real estate in my brain. these are the pinnacle of v5 bees angst, for me. there’s a lot left unsaid and literal continents between them, but they’re both saying the same thing. “i miss her a lot. i really wish she was here.” and at this point they haven’t been in the same room for almost 2 seasons. they have a lot of emotional ground to cover when they see each other and even more healing to do.
regardless of it all, they can’t stop thinking about each other. someway, somehow, they want to make their more-than-friendship work.
speaking of seeing each other again
2. beeunion 2.0
blake walks into the battle at haven at the most bizarre time. weiss has a big giant wasp summon (and it looks like she’s been stabbed???? but she’s fine???????), her friends are here, all the bad guys are also here, there’s some random kid fighting a juiced up dude with a cane. everything is fucking happening at once. and all blake can say is "yang?" In that little scared, hopeful voice
and like. the look on yang’s face as she sees blake for the first time is of utter awe. this person she never thought she’d see again singled her out in a room of utter chaos looking just as amazed to see her.
also there’s this gay little moment after yang comes out of the vault
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1. “we’re protecting each other.”
to this day, this is the only scene in rwby that has almost brought me to tears. it really is all about both of them realizing they don’t have to face their ordeals alone ever again. they’ll be each others’ pillar with unwavering faith.
just! fuck me up!!!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP
quick honorable mentions:
blake's gay little skip in v6
sun saying that yang would never blame blake for what happened with adam
bumblebee the bike ramming into adam at high speed
yangs gay meltdown over the haircut
“do you think...she thinks less of me?”/”you could always try calling yang...”
beeunion 3.0
actually all their moments in v7 (the talk in the truck, the moment in the airship, getting ready for their totally a date but not a date before the election)
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lilvirgoprince · 4 years
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Robin, Aqualad and Artemis redesign from the Young Justice animated series! Im thinking about doing all of them also Artemis and Robin are a little messier bc I did them a couple months ago when I just finished my rewatch. Notes about each under the cut! 
Robin:  - first choice: I got rid of the toe shoes, Im sorry who thought it was a good idea to give him toe shoes?? I have him with shoes that elude more to an acrobat  - thats a general note too: I tried to keep the elements that felt acrobat-y and also the more “boyish” elements- like the short sleeves those are cute - overall the original look I didnt feel I needed to change much? I just wanted to make it look more sleek? I love the clunky gloves in the original though! also the cape!!   - weird choice but I removed the little R which didnt really have much purpose other then making things less crowded but I could probably put it back   - Im trans so I say hes trans, there isnt much I changed for that except I figured I’d shift to be an outfit that would make the body more masculine? basically thinking about what I think when Im getting dressed   - idk I also made the cape “sharper” or gave it more of a distinct cape? this is in part to contrast my Miss Martian redesign but also to allude to the bat of course    - his gloves still have the same function as they did before with being able to project his little screen thing bc that was cool!   - I gave him messier hair then I would’ve otherwise to give that contrast between Robin- Robin out of unifrom- and Dick Grayson (I have a Masks ttrpg character that is a Janus so that was just on my mind)   - gotta keep the mischievous grin (peter pan ass looking motherfucker) and the domino mask!  Aqualad:  - did yall know that electric eels dont have gills! yeah thought in his original design he is kind of supposed to have an eel vibe to it? I tried to lean into that more (also for eel facts I was like rapidly texting my roommate whose majoring in Ocean Science about how confusing and strange they are, he was helpful lol) - the eel shifts can be seen in the way I made his look more “stripe-y” (with the chest part) and adding in the blue to contrast  - he didnt have a mask before and I get that isnt too important but I thought giving him like a “paint” mask might be fun and look cool, SPEAKING OF PAINT... - with the eel choice I decided that it might be cool for his arm marking to be like electroconducive paint or whatever idk Im majoring in ecology not majoring in engineering or physics (im also looking at his original design and feeling like a dumbass for him no longer having eels on his hands :’()  - im mlm and so I think he should be mlm from the start, just a cool older gay for robin to look up too, that isnt important to his design but I think its important in my heart - I gave him shoes, I took on seminar on parasitology this semester and his bare feet just make me so worried about him getting an infection- they are shoes for swimming though! (or he can just pop them off if he wants to use his... toe fins- hes running around on land though he needs shoes)  - w/ the hair I get his atlantian but I know that giving a darker skinned character light eyes and hair to imply “magic” or whatever isn’t a great trope so I wanted to give him a different hair style but I also thought the idea that he bleached them just cause he wanted to might be cool. He also has brown eyes (whoops noticing I left the rest of the eye blue though)   - he gets little earrings  - I didnt like that he has the U shape as like a little belt so I decided to encorporate it into the rest of the outfit- his look is also based off a wet suit!!  - trying to think if Im forgetting anything.... OH I gave him a swimmers body too!! so broader shoulders from swimming!!  Artemis:  - like Aqualad she bleaches her hair too, I like to think she does it in like a rebellious teen way? idk maybe her and Aqualad can bond by them doing it together  - I took away the completely low wasted pants... idk they just felt a little weird if that makes sense...   - I also made her top more of a sports bra, then instead of just slapping and arrow on there I made it apart of the top  - her old mask lowkey felt strange to me??? I was talking w a friend and she pointed at that it feels like a cheesy bank robber mask? (like ski cap with holes) which maybe was intentional to like... ellude to her family and that “untrustwothy”ness??? idk I decided to make it cover her mouth instead to lean into that- it also connected to how both Cheshire and Sportsmaster have full face masks (I havent finished my KF and SB redesign but I dont think theyll have masks that cover the mouths so it singles her out)  - also the part of her mask that pulls her hair back is now like traditional art of the Goddess Artemis which I feel was under utilized in her original design? thats also why I gave her a cool braid instead of a pony tail! (I also feel like its a little more practical idk does it make her seem horse girl-ish)- I also made her boots distantly resemble thoughs  -shes also trans, bc like Robin I say she is- also it’d be funny for her and robin to bond over being “the team non-metahumans, who are both trans and both love Wally West”   - On that note thought I tried to make her look different from Robin and I also gave her nice abs bc she has cropped clothing which nicely show it off  - body type wise shes a little lean and lanky  - I got rid of her weird belt replacing it with a belt that repeats the overall triangle/arrow motif repeating throughout her fit    - gloves function as those little arm guard things you have if you are doing archery- I tried to make those look more functioning also cooler bc they kind of just gave me a strange vibe in the original  I think thats all I have! idk I feel like this might flop but TBH Im having alot of fun w it and Ive been talking to an old friend whose watching it for the first time which makes me really happy! Also these arent to say the original designs are bad I just wanted to take my own crack at reworking them!- OH wait- heres my height chart for these three, Aqualad and Artemis are the same height around 5′10″-6′0″ and robin is around 5′3″-5′5″ he was originally taller then I looked at my line up and was like “shoot everyone is too tall” so I adjusted him so I could bump down Meghan, Wally, and Zantanna a little without making everyone too short (if that makes sense) 
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Star Vs: Stump Day Review or The Why Are You Booing Tom He’s Right Holiday Special
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Before we start a special credit to @jess-the-vampire​ who I discussed the episode with during the writing process and brought up a LOT of good points that ended up going into this review. She clearly hates it as much as I do and had even more good reasons for it.  Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everybody! And today we got a big, fat, grotesque lump of coal to smash to pieces. And after a long, draining, if worth the effort scrooge review, and with this being something I needed to cross off my to do list this holiday season, I put this one here as I could use the cathariss of giving this steaming bowl of elephant piss a good thrashing. As you can tell unlike my usual reviews, I do not like this episode. This isn’t the FIRST i’ve not liked i’ve covered, but it is the first rather infamous one to me i’ve covered and not just a dead possum of an episode I ran into while reguarly covering an otherwise good show like “Quaraller’s Pass” or “Strife of the Party”. This one’s had it coming, making my top 8 worst christmas specials list last year, and while not the series worst outing, that’s a toss up between the finale and marco jr, it’s easily one of them. So while usually I like diving deeply into something good and picking apart while it’s good, if not ignoring any bad aspects, here i’m just going to take a hammer to this thing to explain why it dosen’t work and why it sucks dirty ass in thunderstorms. I might be overstating it a bit but probably not.  Nothing really new has happened since the last episode so the only new thing to cover is why i’m doing the episode here instead of after Monster Bash. And the simple reason is that like the Ducktales Halloween and Christmas specials, this episode clearly does not take place in the same time frame of the episode before or after it, with the next episode, The Bog Beast of Bogabah, taking place the day after Monster Bash. It’s most likely they simply held this episode over till Christmas and it dosen’t really fit in AFTER the huge game changer that is monster bash, especailly since the next three episodes after this all take place in rapid sucession, two on the same day one the day after them. So yeah i’m doing this one first and putting it ahead of monster bash on my episode guide for clarity’s sake. 
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Good, so with all that settled, let’s unwrap this complete works of pauly shore shall we? We open on the titular Stump Day, essentially mewni’s christmas complete with Cocoa, carols and a gay couple and their equally adorable child. And Star, unsuprisingly is giddy for it as the actual chlidren, and wearing an adorable santaesque dress complete with horns on her santa hat. Seriously you cannot tell me tom didn’t get that for her. Fucking precious. Marco is more just confused and has his hood up and one of Star’s cousins asks uncle river to tell him the origin of stump day. River’s response.. is easily the best joke of the episode. 
“(in a jolly tone) ha ha, you don’t tell me what to do”
He does so anyway though: Basically when settlers arrived on Mewni they found themselves cold and griping with each other, and soon found a blizzard had struck.. but by huddling together under a magic stump, they all learned to get along or something like that and now once a year everyone gathers in warmth and camraderie.. or else. Before Marco can understandably question what “or else” means in this context, Star butts in when one of her cousins chastises the younger one who asked river the question for beliviing and says he’s real. It’s a nice touch as it fits star perfectly to still belivie in mewni’s horrifying version of santa. I forgot just how adorable and likeable the character was before the final season shot that to hell. How her energy could be infectious and how Eden Sher really brought her all to the performance, which is still the performance of her career and hopefully like Rider Strong she’ll do more voice acting eventually.  So that night as Star tucks in after wonderful  night of sleep, and to avoid her dad’s usual drunken chorus of Tom Jones “Sex Bomb”, and gets woken up by Marco who leads her to the dining hall because a windows broken to fix it with magic. Star entirely buys this flimsy story.. but as Jess pointed out, and as I missed hence the credit up top... she dosen’t bring her wand. She.. dosen’t bring her wand.. to go fix something with magic. Now i’ll grant next season shows she CAN fully do magic without it, and while not as powerful like her mom still has plenty of punch behind it.. especially when she does the rainbow fist thing. But it’s still.. weird she dosen’t think to grab it and feels out of character. While Star’s learned by this point not to rely on it, and as we’ll see gives it up entirely, one of the few bits of her character development that actually sticks, it still seems resonable she’d take it with her wherever she goes.. and usually SHE DOES. And her jammies, which are also adorable, seem to have pockets so the animators had no reason to not just stuff it in one. It would’ve made their job harder yes.. but then don’t have marco use an excuse that directly requires it then and draws attention to the fact the wand is missing, and the fact you blatantly just hoped we’d forget about it as it’d ruin the climax. 
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It’s far from the worst thing in this episode..trust me we’re almost there. But this does bring me to a point.. so far the episode is GOOD. The comedy’s good, the setup for what’s about to happen is good, the holdiay setting is warm and inviting but weird enough to perfectly fit mewni, and River, much like his VA and homosexual talking boat portrayer Alan Tudyuk, is a national treasure as always. Whelp it’s all down hill from here bitches! Giddyup. 
So Marco announces a SUPRISE PARTY! And everyone’s there: Tom, Kelly, Ponyhead, Starfan14... oh yeah this is the first ep i’ve coverd with Starfan14 isn’t it? Starfan14 is star’s insane fangirl, voiced by series creator Derfron Nercy herself, who star happily tolerates despite clearly wanting to wear her skin. We’ve all been there. Also Jackie is transparently missing, though at least it’s SOMEWHAT reasonable as she and marco broke up a few .. months ago? I mean it is winter on mewni for this episode but the end of season 4 and the series is set at the start of summer, yet months still pass..... 
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Confusing timeline aside, Jackie has every reason not to attend a party thrown by her ex for the girl who confesed she had feelings for said ex and it’s probably the only good decision Marco makes this entire episode that he wisely decided to give Jackie some space. And it says something a decision made entirely off screen that was probably because the creators genuinely forgot Jackie once she was out of the way so they could shift the love triangle stuff to Tom, Star and Marco instead of you know.. not doing that because most love triangles are annoying at best and utterly insufferable at worst. Case in point this episode but I can give out more about this aspect of things in a bit with more context. 
And to his credit, and as Jess backed me up on, Marco’s gesture is genuinely throughtful.. at least to start with. He got her a choclate fountain, brought all of her friends, and geninely just thought Star never celebrated her birthday on her birthday because it was you know the same day as christmas. As someone whose birthday is a week before christmas, December 16th if you were curious, I understand the pain of having your birthday in the same month as christmas. Of having all your presents clustered at once and of having to manuver around a very stressful season, though it does sometimes have perks like getting to celebrate your birthday and christmas, it also means your birthday is secondary and always will be to most people due to proximity. And Star has hers ON mewman christmas, so it’s even worse. So from Marco’s perspective, TO START, his best friend constantly had to share her birthday with her faviorite holiday and just wanted to do something nice. SO FAR, he’s done nothing wrong and just means well. That’s... about to end.  Star.. instead of being greatful.. starts muttering no before going on an manic rampage and destroying everything including hte band’s insturments. And apparnetly star’s gotten some flack for her behavior.. but I understand it. To her the stump is VERY real, and will be very angry if someone else celebrates so to her all she’s doing is saving her best friend from the holiday equilvent of the trees from evil dead, and when Marco asks about it she GENUINELY is sorry, getting he meant well, that he was being sweet, and that he did a lot of nice stuff for her.. she just can’t celebrate not because she loves the holiday but because again, from her persepctive, the stump will kill them all if they don’t support it. She is genuinly affraid for her friends lives and given she could go grab her wand and fight it, clearly thinks she, with all her CONSIDERABLE powers, cannot win this, and neither can tom whose powers are almost entirely fire based. Star is just trying to protect her friends from being horribly murdered. And she turns out to be entirely right about it so no, star was not a jerk here. A bit over the top, but she was not insensitive, she was not mean, she just didn’t want a party for understandable reasons.
So let’s get to actually insensitive shall we?! Marco’s reaction to this is at first confusion as he didn’t realize the stump was real, though Tom, Kelly and Pony are convinced it’s not. Also this episode implies Kelly is from mewni, but she turns out not to be so why she knows about the stump I genuinely don’t know. They think it’s just a baby thing.. though in Tom’s defense he dosen’t phrase it that way, thinks star still beliving is cute, which for a teenage boy finding out his girlfriend belivies in santa is very sweet and mature of him, and is trying to be nice about it even if he doesn’t believe.  But Marco.. his response to his friend having a good reason for not wanting to have the party.. is to complain about how much effort he put into it and try to guilt and bribe her into having it by mentoining he got her faviorite cake flavor, rainbow. Just.. WOW. I’ve seen some bad turns from characters, but WOWWWWWW. Holy shit.. I mean at least other jerkass marco episodes before this had SOME reasoning to them. Sophmore Slump had him clearly sublimating his feelings for star combined with the usual obnoxiousness of someone having gone abroard for the first time, which as Letterkenny recently went into, the only thing worse is Stillborn Puppies. Nothing else. 
And with Lint Catcher while he was presumptive and not blameless.. river still outright lied to him. Here? It’s clear star dosen’t want this, cake can be refigirated, he only takes a loss on the choclate fountain and he could still just let everyone have some and say it’s for stump day to appease her. He dosen’t have to take a loss on this finacially or morally and there would be no harm done. But that’s.. not what HE wanted, not waht HE set up and he wants what HE wanted, which was to impress star with a thoughtful gesture. But that’s the thing bud: Gestures aren’t about you or what you get. Their about doint something nice for another fucking person. It’s the whole point of christmas and birthdays: To just give someone something to be ncie and to celebrate the day and them respectively. If she dosen’t WANT your gift for understandable reasons and isn’t being rude about it you don’t have any leg to stand on you seflish twatwaffle. 
So already Marco is not coming off well.. and if you know this episode you know it gets worse. Oh god it gets worse. So first PONYHEAD of all people calls out Marco.. and for once, PONYHEAD, the most selfish, most unresonable and a character whose tolerablity varies on the episode, tells him he’s being selfish and is only pressing on because of his need to control things. So not only is Ponyhead right but the episode LIKELY wants you to feel she’s wrong because she’s pony which is not how this work as she knows star well and thus, while unaware she still belivied in the stump, which tracks as while it’s obvious she does Pony is so up her own whatever she has that functions as an ass, it’s understandable she’d miss some details. So no Pony’s right, and the fact PONY is one of the more resonable people in this episode is both a sign of the apocalypse, which is thankfully starting to recede, and a clear marker of just how bad Marco’s being if someone who torments him and disagrees with him out of principal is entirely right. 
Oh but it gets worse as next up, Tom steps in and tries to get Marco to back out, admitting he told him this was a bad idea. Now granted Tom did mess up by not stepping in to stop this a bit.. but he A) didn’t know how much his girlfriend genuinely belivied in the stump and B) Probably assumed Marco meant well, as would I before he whined about not getting his way, and decided it was worth a try. So he’s not that bad, and while it is a bit ehhh to try and take back credit for this when he participated, it’s still minor and Marco is still being a huge dick who refuses to help shut things down when it’s clear the party is only causing star to have a panic attack and assault some humble marachi players. He sees nothing good is coming from this and just wants what star wants. Also it paints Marco in a worse light as he was warned about this, and was so obssed with making it a suprise party because that’s how his plan went, he refused to just.. talk to her about it. Hell he could’ve just casually asked “Why do you never celebrate your birthday on your birthday”. It’s an easy question, dosen’t give the game away and allows him to gage if this is a good idea or not BEFORE baking a cake , hiring a band and getting a chocolate fountain. Instead he just went ahead with it.  And he did so.. because this ISN’T about making Star happy. This is abotu HIM making star happy. Him showing her how thoughtful, and considerate and sweet he is and how he’s always been there for her and how maybe she should be with him instead of Tom. I mean it just comes off that way.. he made it a suprise party because in his head that’s how it worked and she was super impresed and left tom that day to be with him in some elaborate fantasy. Granted the episode dosen’t say this.. but it sure as hell acccidently implies hte hell out of it by having marco act like a selfish ass who refuses to take what STAR wants into consideration, and just wants to get his fantasy back on track. What supports this to me is how he treats tom, you know one of his best friends: He, again, accuses him of forgetting.. then calls him a bad boyfriend.. a bad boyfriend for NOT wanting to force a celebration on his girlfriend she does not want, and for not forcing it on her. For you know GROWING AS A PERSON.  Beacuse here’s the pickle pumpernickle: This thing Marco’s doing? Is exactly the kind of thing a pre-character development TOM did, that was rightfully framed as bad. Being controlling, wanting things to go JUST a certain way instead of letting them flow naturally, not getting the hint star isn’t intrested, and not caring about what she wants and only what you want. Marco is doing the same thing Tom used to do. And for starters i’ts already bad because you know MARCO WAS THE ONE WHO FINALLY GOT IT THROUGH TO TOM THAT THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR WAS TOXIC AND SELFISH. But apparently when it’s Marco himself doing it it’s fine. If there was ever any clear evidence Marco regressed as a character, there it is.  Him actively unelarning a lesson he taught someone else and then getting combative when that person rightly tries to call him out. Marco is just insufferable in this episode: He’s being selfish, creepy and posseive and he’s apparenlty supposed to, at least on some level BE RIGHT.  But.. we will get to that. Consider a pin put in this rant. 
So Tom overreacts, and throws some fire at marco, which is genuinely wrong and Kelly’s right to call him out, and then headlocks him asking marco to say he’s a good boyfriend. Marco screams out ‘NEVVVEEEERRRR”
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I just made this, by hapinstance, while watching the video I put up there. I.. I did not think i’d get to use this so soon but my god. Just my god that’s a terrible thing to say.  So the party soon breaks down elsewhere as Kelly is mad at tom for.. understandable reasons again the guy she has a crush on was just nearly set on fire, even if i’m still on Tom’s side overall here, it’s still not right. Janna points out it’s probably because she has a crush on marco, which while acurate dosen’t mean she was wrong and Tad pops out to be upset about that. Even though you know you two are broken up and as Kelly points out he needs to move out. Pony is mad she’s not getting any attention and Starfan is mad because star’s mad. Star results to desperate measures, opening the windows to try and repeate the act of the settlers.  She didn’t however count on the Janna factor as she throws the stump in the fire, which is in chracter. What’s not, and again I give Jess full credit for this one, is that everyone just starts.. warming around the stump and not caring like a bunch of jackasses not caring about their close friend, and in tom’s case, girlfriend’s feelings. Also tom and marco apparently stopped fighting just to be this stupid. 
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But naturally burning the symbolic stump is a bad idea and the real one attacks. Protip: If you live in a world of magical nonsense, maybe don’t discount the magic stump. Everyone’s captured, including moon and river, with River also being suprised and replying to Star’s annoyance at him not beliving with “Sweetie it’s a stump!”. Alan Tudyk is a god and I feel you all should acknowleddge that. But yeah everything seemsm to be bad but everyone apologizes, if not for the right things in Marco’s case, and Tom says “I’m sorry i’m a bad boyfriend!”. You .. you aren’t. You did nothing wrong. I feel like this is tom for the last agrivating 6 minutes of the episode
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He did SOME THINGS wrong but he is NOT a bad boyfriend. He is throughtful, kind and while he has flaws, SO DOES STAR. He is not a bad boyfriend for not wanting to repeat past abusive actions! GAH. Let’s just get on with it. They all hold hands, they thiunk this is what made the stump go away but Star is sure it was just going to kill them, Moon and River have a thousand yard stare as they realize they both have to get repairs for this room now and do an extra big stump day next year to make sure it dosen’t come back. And Marco apologizes to star.. for not beliving her. Not for forcing this on her, not for causing all of this, not at all to tom, but for not beliving her while star FUCKING APOLOGIZES TO HIM.  Pin removed, bullshit falling to the floor... Trunks if you would. 
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Thank you. Star DID NOTHING WRONG. Tom DID LESS WRONG THAN MARCO. WHY ARE THEY APOLOGIZING. Why is this little shithead getting everything he wants as the party happens after all, if a day later, and he gets to dance with star, while everyone else is painted as being in the wrong? That’s what makes this special so putrid: that MARCO is apparently in the right for doing the same , if on a smaller scale, manipulative shit tom used to do before he grew as a person, yet the episode sides with him, props him up and teases Starco. If it’s Starco it’s okay apparently and that’s.. not okay. You can’t .. build a ship on a character acting like a jackass. That’s not how this works. Marco was wrong, he was bad and he should FEEL bad. Instead he’s just a creepy jerk this entire episode, being entitled, manipulating star, screaming at tom.. and gets REWARDED FOR IT. Fuck this episode. 
FINAL THOUGHTS: I believe I said Fuck this episode.  This is easily one of star vs’ worst episode and much like the season after this episode it gets worse the more you think about it. I put it on my worst holiday episodes list for a reason.. and frankly even with the decent first 4 mintues it should be higher. It’s an unplesant mess that throughly ruins Marco’s character and takes him from a kind, upstanding, polite and bright young man to a creepy manpiulative jackasss. Fuck this episode and have a happy holidays. 
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: Past Aizawa/Mandalay
Word Count: 1,921 Words
Summary: Hitoshi and Katsuki's birthday.
Warnings: Period Mention, Menstruation Mention, Food Mention, Nightmare Mention, Death Mention, Cursing, Caps, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Usernames: Existence Is A Prison   Aizawa: feral cat dad, Aoyama: gay salt, Hagakure: ranch flavored jello, Tokoyami: foil-mecha, Shinsou: farmer toshi, Kuroiro: life is a nightmare, Shiozaki: saviour, Tsunotori: schrodinger better run, Honenuki: pure, Monoma: nat20, Yamada: President Megaphone, Bakugou: deku-deck-you
Aizawa, We Agreed No More Cats: Chapter 7
6:25 AM
Existence Is A Prison
pure: It's a birthday! That means birthday breakfasts are in order!
life is a nightmare: Kiyo made everyone yakisoba buns with enoki and I made soup dumplings to celebrate.
farmer toshi: You two are so sweet, thank you.
deku deck-you: Thanks, girls.
pure: No problem!
saviour: I will not be attending class today. I will not be leaving my room today.
feral cat dad: What's wrong?
saviour: Painful period. Dysphoria. Hate living.
feral cat dad: I'm sorry, kid. I'll tell Vlad you're dehydrated and have Nemuri take care of you, she'll know more than me, but I'll bring a hot water bottle, food, and some company for you in the meantime.
saviour: Thank you, Mr. Aizawa.
feral cat dad: I am the father collective here, it's only fair I parent my child.
8:30  AM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20: I'm recording the classes for you so you don't miss anything, Ibara, dear.
saviour: Thank you, Seiko.
nat20: Not a problem, love. I don't want to see you falling behind when you don't deserve to. I mean, it's surely not your fault uterus' exist.
saviour: You're amazing.
nat20: I know.
12:45 PM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: I'm bringing over lunch, Ibara.
saviour: You're all too nice to me. I shouldn't even be in bed still.
schrodinger better run: Ibara, honey, we're nice because we care about you. You deserve to rest this off and see when you feel better. There's no rushing yourself. I'm sure that, once you rest up a bit, Recovery Girl can help 'heal' the cramps or at least tone them down a bit.
saviour: Still, thank you. All of you.
2:04 PM
Existence Is A Prison
gay salt: I think this is hilarious, personally.
nat20: What's even happening over in 1-A, you guys have been yelling and all for like ten minutes.
gay salt: birthdayboysinbirthdayhats.jpg
gay salt: Shinsou had to come deliver something to Mr. Aizawa from Mr. Snipe's class and now everyone is questioning Kats and Hito if they're twins and Midoriya's trying to chill everyone out. Really, you should be here, Seiko.
nat20: They are twins. I mean, practically, yes, they are.
ranch flavored jello: I know, it's great. The best part is that everyone is in such a heated debate about it.
feral cat dad: I have no clue what's even happening but I'm not gonna stop this unless Katsuki or Hitoshi says something.
foil-mecha: ourclassrightnow.jpg
schrodinger better run: Todoroki, please. It's not that deep, man.
foil-mecha: I don't think he cares, honestly.
nat20: I heard more screaming. Vlad King is starting to get concerned.
foil-mecha: They said they are twins and Midoriya's trying to ask why Katsuki's mother cheated on his father. This is the funniest thing, honestly.
3:15 PM
Existence Is A Prison
gay salt: Okay, I found the 2006 First Year Sports Festival and I just need you all to see Mr. Aizawa as our age.
gay salt: younglankyaizawamidbattlewithtensei.jpg
foil-mecha: Mr. Aizawa, you were tiny.
feral cat dad: To be fair, I was an idiot kid and didn't eat well until like a week prior to that Sports Festival.
ranch flavored jello: I'll punt kick you, Dad.
feral cat dad: Yeah, yeah, I know. I started eating better after that, I promise.
gay salt: lankyaizawatakingdowntensei.jpg
nat20: Mr. Aizawa was a strong little stringbean.
feral cat dad: If you call me a stringbean again, I'll make you do garbage duty for a month.
nat20: That's normal, Father Collective.
feral cat dad: Curse these children being functional human beings.
President Megaphone: At least we know they clean up after each other and themselves.
President Megaphone: Plus, you were a stringbean, Shouta, so it's a fair statement.
deku deck-you: Wait, I just realized Mr. Aizawa told us he was divorced.
gay salt: Oh yeah, he did and nobody even questioned it!
ranch flavored jello: To be fair, we were busy introducing ourselves.
feral cat dad: Yeah, I was married for a while after high school. Maybe a year, I think.
President Megaphone: 10 months and 17 days from December 2010 to October 2011. I still think it's funny you didn't even spend one birthday married.
farmer toshi: Dad, what happened!?
feral cat dad: Well, you see, I had pressure put on me to get married to a girl I knew because we both weren't out yet as gay and lesbian, respectively, and we both realized during our marriage that it wasn't working so we went through a mutual divorce and are still friends.
President Megaphone: Yeah, Shouta and Sosaki are friends.
life is a nightmare: Shino Sosaki? Mandalay from the Wild Wild Pussycats?
feral cat dad: The one and only.
life is a nightmare; Wow.
9:52 PM
Existence Is A Prison
schrodinger better run: Dating sucks.
feral cat dad: Why, what's up, Pony?
schrodinger better run: My gf broke up with me because she realized I'm actually in Japan. I mean, I told her a hundred times but she never believed me that I was going international. for high school.
deku deck-you: Eh, the trash got rid of itself from what it sounds like.
schrodinger better run: I mean, I'm kind of happy because she never really liked me for more than just saying she was dating a cute girl but I also feel bad about being happy that we're broken up.
ranch flavored jello: Ice cream and cry?
schrodinger better run: Thank you, Toru, it's much appreciated.
2:26 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Hey, dad?
feral cat dad: Yes?
farmer toshi: Can I sleep in your room?
feral cat dad: Yeah, sure, come on. Don't let the cats out.
farmer toshi: You're not even gonna ask me why?
feral cat dad: Should it matter?
farmer toshi: Well, I don't think so. I just don't want to have another nightmare but usually the caregivers at the orphanage would ask for a good reason.
feral cat dad: Well, you don't need one with me. Just don't let the cats out is my only request. Ai has figured out how to open the kitchen door and will get lost on UA grounds again.
farmer toshi: Kumo is staring at me while I open the door.
feral cat dad: Yeah, he's like that. Just ignore him, focus more of keeping Ai from making a break for it.
farmer toshi: Alright.
11:04 AM
Existence Is A Prison
feral cat dad: Alright, I was going through you kids' files during my free period and Tsunotori, your birthday is today.
schrodinger better run: Oh, I don't like celebrating my birthday. I haven't celebrated it since I was six.
feral cat dad: Why, what happened?
schrodinger better run: My cousin from my biological family made fun of my feet, we got in a fight, and I couldn't explain to defend myself so I got grounded and wasn't allowed to celebrate my birthday so I just haven't celebrated it since then.
feral cat dad: Is there still a day we can celebrate with you that isn't today?
schrodinger better run: I like celebrating my adoption date as my new birthday. October 7th.
feral cat dad: I'll put a reminder for that.
saviour: Wait, are you putting all of our birthdays as reminders?
feral cat dad: Perhaps.
7:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
foil-mecha: I'm going to the convenience store before school for breakfast in class because I want sandos and energy drinks. Anyone else want? Say yes.
feral  cat dad: YES.
foil-mecha: Are you okay? You responded in like one second.
feral cat dad: I'm just realizing I like someone and I'm suffering.
gay salt: Please.
nat20: Yes.
farmer toshi: Two redbulls and anything with egg, please.
saviour: Fruit if it's there.
pure: Yes.
schrodinger better run: Yes, I'm so hungry.
life is a nightmare: Ham is preferred, please and thank you.
ranch flavored jello: Yes, food.
deku deck-you: Yes, please.
foil-mecha: Everyone will receive redbulls and sandos.
8:15 AM
Existence Is A Prison
foil-mecha: I got held up, there was a villain attack right outside the store when I got there. I'm with food and drink and on my way back.
feral cat dad: I've already written you a pass, it's taped to the wall just inside the gate, have fun delivering food to Hitoshi.
8:25 AM
Existence Is A Prison
farmer toshi: Tokoyami is a god.
farmer toshi: tworedbullsandthreesandos.jpg
nat20: Wow, he likes you.
foil-mecha: Oh, I got three for everyone. I just grabbed a bunch so everyone can pick.
nat20: Be careful at 1b, Mr. Kan is one of those 'bring something for yourself, share it with everyone' type of teachers.
foil-mecha: And I'll tell him to fuck off because us dorm kids didn't eat breakfast this morning.
deku deck-you: Yeah, our poor stove is dead.
ranch flavored jello: It wasn't my fault! I promise! I was just cooking and it died!
feral cat dad: To be fair, it is old. I think that thing's been there since I was in UA.
8:35 AM
Existence Is A Prison
nat20 has started a video chat
[Tokoyami opening door and Vlad King stops teaching and stares at him]
Kid, you're not my student. Your class is down the hall, are you lost? -Unknown
Hey, Pony, Kiyo. Here, pick three each and a drink or two. -foil-mecha
Young man, you can't just waltz into my classroom and hand unsolicited food to only two students. -Unknown
[Kiyomi and Pony are shown grabbing their sandos and redbulls from the large bag Tokoyami came in with]
You're right, I'm not. Ibara, Kageya, Seiko, come get yours too. I found a cool one I think you'll like, Ibara. -foil-mecha
Oh? What is it? -saviour
Well, I heard you say you like apples and melon. I found you a sando with both. -foil-mecha
I'm in love with you. -saviour
Sure, yeah Get your food, I need to get to 1-A. -foil-mecha
You should be in there now! This isn't your class! -Unknown
Sir? Sir. I really don't care. I have a pass from Mr. Aizawa and I'm literally about to leave. Our oven broke in the dorms so none of us ate breakfast this morning. I went to get us all breakfast and got held up with a villain attack. Kindly, sir, I think even Nezu would be unhappy if even a single one of us hero course students weren't eating breakfast this close to the Sports Festival. So, you feel free to carry on your lesson. Let just the five of your students  eat their breakfast. I promise, it won't disrupt you further than  it has. -foil-mecha
Fine. -Unknown
nat20 has ended the video chat
gay salt: I love Tokoyami. I do.
foil-mecha: My mothers and fathers didn't raise a carpet, I don't exist to be stepped on by authority figures.
nat20: Thanks, Fumi. I'm starving.
foil-mecha: Anything for my friends.
feral cat dad: Bringer of Energy Drink, Keeper of the Sando.
gay salt: We all love you, Fumi.
foil-mecha: What a time to be alive, being adored by my peers and teacher AND getting to tell off an annoying teacher?
feral cat dad: God, yes, sando time. Gimme.
gay salt: aizawaeatingasandolikeaferalcat.jpg
nat20: Thanks, I'm scarred for life having witnessed Feralzawa.
farmer toshi: I love you, Fumi.
foil-mecha: Seems that's everyone's sentiment this morning.
farmer toshi: I'll get a crush, fucker, don't tempt me.
foil-mecha: Alright, alright.
Taglist: @everythingisstardust 
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therealsehinton · 4 years
Sad gang hc's?
nice to see you around here!!!! lemme start:
Sad Gang Headcannons!!
▪︎he and his father always had this strained relationship, they loved each other very much and Darrel saw a lot of himself in him, and he wanted him to shape up and become a man. But Pony was always a sensitive little sap who took it personally and they tended to butt heads. They fought the night his parents died, Ponyboy wasn't able to say sorry. He sees his father everytime he looks at Darry and it makes him so sad and so angry.
▪︎Darry, on the other hand, had a strained relationship with their mother. He had this big phase where he was ashamed that he, basically, wasn't white or rich or popular. He had always been such a mama's boy and that really made him mad during his teenage years, and he made an effort to avoid her. He was thankfully able to finally make amends with her before she died, and they were just starting to get close again. He had gone off to college and realized how much he missed her. And then he had to drop out.
▪︎Soda always felt unseen by his parents. He tried his best to do everything to impress them and remind him that he was still there, but it seemed sometimes like they were too busy to care. When he started getting bad grades it really messed him up and his self worth plummeted, his dad got so angry and he started crying in front of everyone. It was really embarrassing but at least everyone kind of calmed down and tried to comfort him.
▪︎Johnny genuinely thinks he's like a monster. Other than the fact that he's gay and that makes him feel, like, satanic, he also gets really bad intrusive thoughts. He prays to God all the time to make the thoughts of murder and sleeping with men go away and he cries himself to sleep at night. And his dreams are even worse.
▪︎he absolutely loved his mother. She was a wonderful woman and always there for him. His father was awful, he'd cheat all the time and hit her and get angry with both of them. Dallas cried a lot as a child but she was always there to comfort him. She had a real bad drug problem that got worse every manic episode, and as time went on she didn't bother hiding it. One day he found his mother collapsed in the living room, when his dad came by he screamed and yelled and asked why Dallas didn't call the cops--Dally didn't even know she was dead.
▪︎Steve was always emotionally neglected as a child. He learned how to take care of himself and figure things out, and he could hardly muster that much emotion for his parents--even when he was younger. His mom walked out on them when he was a teenager, and he felt like shit for barely caring. His relationship with his dad got even worse when she left, the old man used to never notice him and now he did--and it always led to a fight, sometimes physical ones. He barely stays at his house and that's why he's at the Curtis's so often.
▪︎I headcanon Two-Bit as latino. Cuz of that, he gets a lot of shit. He's darker skinned and he definitely doesn't look white, and he has this little accent he picked up from his mom. He had always been bullied ever since he started school, Darry was his first friend--and really his only friend beyond the gang. When Darey went through his "I hate not being white" phase, Two-Bit was left in the dark and it really fucked him up.
sorry y'all I think about sad things a lot. sad stuff is so sexy
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Malex Week Day 4: Free Day
Michael was on the couch huddled under Alex’s favorite fleece blanket when Alex walked in the door. They hadn’t had plans and Alex technically wasn’t expecting to see Michael tonight but he wasn’t upset to find him making himself at home in Alex’s house.
“Hey,” Michael greeted. He turned his face up as Alex walked past to the bedroom and Alex obligingly stopped and kissed him hello.
“Hey,” he greeted warmly. He heard the TV unpause as he changed but he paid it no mind. Michael had a varied taste in movies and TV shows that Alex didn’t always agree with but it never bothered him to sit and watch with him. Especially after a day like the one he’d had. 
No, after today, curling up under a blanket with Michael was exactly what he needed. 
Alex took his prosthetic and uniform off before taking a quick shower and changing into sweats. Michael paused the TV again as he came out of the room and a quick glance at the screen gave Alex no hints as to what he was watching. 
“You want something to eat?” Michael asked just as Alex was dropping onto the couch next to him.
“Mm. Maybe later.” Alex untucked one end of the blanket from around Michael and shuffled so they were pressed together, the blanket over both of them. Michael looked over at him, amusement on his face. This time it was Alex who turned his face up for a kiss and Michael who willingly obliged. “So. What are we watching?” Michael didn’t answer. When Alex looked at him, he saw a flush creeping up the back of his neck. “What is it?”
Instead of saying anything, Michael clicked play. A moment later, Alex’s “is that Reese Witherspoon?” had him pausing it again. Alex turned on him. “Are you watching a romcom?”
Michael squirmed. “Maybe?”
Alex looked at the screen. He didn’t recognize anything else about the movie but he wasn’t exactly an expert in the actress’ filmography. “Huh, okay.” He waved at the remote. “Play on.”
Michael sagged in apparent relief. 
“Wait,” Alex said, with Michael’s finger perched over the button. “You know I don’t care if you like romcoms, right? I’m just surprised.”
“Yeah, I know,” Michael replied. “It’s not usually my thing but it was on so I figured why not.”
Alex nodded. “Good a reason as any. What’s it called?”
“Sweet Home Alabama.”
“Okay, okay, okay!” Rosa yelled. She spread her hands wide across the table. “It is my birthday and I can finally, according to whichever calendar you prefer to use, drink legally. However! We all know that’s a bad idea. So. I am nominating all of you to drink for me.”
“Isn’t that why we’re here?” Michael smirked.
Rosa balled up a wet napkin and threw it at him. “21 shots. Tonight. Figure out how without killing yourselves.”
Alex raised his eyebrows. “That’s a lot, Rosa.”
“I’ll be counting.”
“Rosa,” Liz cautioned. “We love you and we are happy to celebrate with you but I’d really like it if we didn’t end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning tonight.”
“Well someone should since I can’t.”
“Alright, pod squad, with me,” Isobel decided. “We’re splitting it up. 7 each.”
“Hey no-” Rosa protested.
Isobel stared her down. “You said to figure out how. We’re sharing. Deal.”
“Hmph, fine.”
Liz immediately grabbed Alex and Maria. “We’re sharing!” She looked around and grabbed Kyle’s arm. “Him too.”
Everyone laughed and Maria started divvying up the shots. Rosa watched as they all tossed them back, urging them on when they took too long for her liking. After that, Alex sort of lost the plot a bit. All he knew was that Michael was warm and his arm was comfortably heavy around Alex’s back. 
Michael and Maria got into a friendly argument at one point, something about one of them being an idiot? Alex wasn’t really paying attention, if he was being honest.
Then suddenly Michael said, “Honey, just because I talk slow, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” 
Alex blinked and looked over at him in surprise. First, because Michael had never called anyone ‘honey’ in his life and now was an odd time to start giving Maria pet names. Second, because the words sounded awfully familiar. 
Maria immediately started protesting the pet name, loudly and repeatedly, but Michael ignored her in favor of turning to Alex with a shit eating grin and a wink. Alex blinked, confused, before it hit him.
He groaned and dropped his head onto Michael’s shoulder. “You’re quoting the damn movie now?”
Michael pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head. “It’s a good movie.”
Alex didn’t disagree but that didn’t mean he was about to start quoting it. As he looked at Michael’s face, he could only hope that this would be the only time it happened.
It wasn’t the only time it happened. Since Rosa’s birthday, Michael had found no less than eight occasions to slip in Sweet Home Alabama references.  It hadn’t even been two weeks yet.
No one else seemed to get any of them, if the strange glances Michael got when he let out one of the more obscure ones was any indication, and Alex wasn’t sure if that made him more annoyed or happy. On the one hand he was absolutely suffering alone here but on the other hand, Michael always gave him a conspiratorial look and a wink after one of his references and Alex might actually punch someone if he had to share that. 
Then again, he might just punch Michael if he didn’t stop.
“Alex Manes!” 
Alex stood up slowly and looked out the small window over the sink. Kyle’s mom, the Sheriff, stood outside, hands on her hips and a completely fed up expression on her face. Michael stood next to her, an all to familiar grin on his face. “He just won’t leave, Sheriff!”
Alex dried his hands on the semi-clean rag Michael kept next to the sink and slowly left the Airstream, stepping carefully on those damn steps he hated. “Sheriff,” he greeted. “What seems to be the problem?”
Sheriff Valenti sighed heavily, like she knew this was a waste of her precious time. “Mr. Guerin here says that you’re trespassing and refusing to leave.”
“...he gave me a key. And he hasn’t asked me to leave.” Alex glared at Michael. Michael grinned back.
“Well,” she sighed. “Guess there’s not much I can do then.” She tipped her hat to Michael with a look that could freeze hell. “Have a good day, gentlemen.”
“Wait!” Michael called. “Isn’t there some law against vandalism?” The Sheriff stopped and half turned back to them with a raised eyebrow. “The lyrics spray painted on the side of the UFO Emporium a couple of years back?”
“For fuck’s sake, Guerin!” Alex yelled. He’d been drunk and maudlin on one of his trips home. So not his fault.
The Sheriff closed her eyes. “Too long ago.” Didn’t stop her from giving Alex an evil eye. Alex shivered, not used to Kyle’s mom not loving him.
“Guerin stole Kyle’s hubcaps after graduation!” He shouted as she tried to walk away again.
Michael cursed when she froze. “Too long ago!” He tried. 
She turned around. “Anything else?”
“Alex dropped the water balloons off the roof of the Crashdown last year! Weren’t there like three car accidents that day?” 
Alex gaped. He’d been channeling his inner Peyton Sawyer that day and Michael was not allowed to use it against him. 
“Boys,” the Sheriff pinched her nose. 
“Is there still a warrant out for whoever stole the Sheriff’s truck about ten years ago? Took it for a joyride and brought it back missing both mirrors and a dented wheel well?”
Michael froze. “Oh please. Like I could tip a cow by myself.” He only smirked when Alex stared at him as the full realization of what was happening hit him. “Or steal the Sheriff’s, aka my godfather’s, keys from his desk.”
The Sheriff sighed and pulled out her cuffs.
Later, when they were sitting next to each other in the one cell of the station, Max looking in at them with his disappointed face while Jenna took pictures, Alex muttered, “really?”
“Worth it,” Michael smiled.
Alex was not expecting to walk into the Wild Pony and find his brother standing at the bar. He hadn’t even known he was in Roswell. “Greg?”
Greg turned around. “Alex! Hey!”
Alex stared at him. Or rather, at the small child strapped to his chest. “You have a baby. In a bar.” He immediately closed his eyes when he realized what he’d said.
Michael whooped and kissed him soundly. “I love you.”
“Ugh,” Isobel groaned loudly when the hot woman walked away from her. She turned to Michael and Alex. “Am I doing it wrong?” She shook her head. “No, of course not. Something’s wrong with her.”
“Yes,” Alex nodded sagely. “Clearly the problem is her.”
Isobel glared at him. “I am choosing to ignore your sarcasm.”
“Choose away,” Alex smirked. “Why are you trying to pick up women anyway?”
Isobel slid into the booth opposite them. “Have you heard of a little thing called same-sex sexual attraction? It’s when women want to have sex with other women.”
Michael snorted into his drink. Alex only rolled his eyes. “Yes, thank you Isobel for that enlightenment. I only meant, why are you trying to pick up women here?” Isobel glanced around the familiar walls of the Wild Pony.
“You think I can’t pick up a woman here?” She scoffed. “Watch me.”
And they did. Michael and Alex sat back and watched as Isobel crashed and burned three straight times. Every time, the woman walked back to her very male date, though Alex did note that two of them continued to shoot curious glances Isobel’s way. 
Isobel slunk back to their table and sat down with a heavy sigh. “I’m not doing it wrong,” she defended immediately.
“Oh, why don’t you go to a gay bar?” Alex and Michael exchanged a look when they spoke in unison. 
“Alex…” Michael said, wonder in his voice. 
Alex rolled his eyes. “Whatever. We’re not talking about it.” Michael laughed and kissed him firmly.
“Ugh, you two are so weird.”
“So. Alex.” Liz and Rosa turned eerily identical looks on him that made him take an actual step back.
“What?” He asked warily.
They exchanged a look. “When are you gonna put a ring on it?” Rosa nodded to where Michael was fixing Isobel’s car. He’d lost his shirt at some point but Alex wasn’t mad about it.
“It’s only been a few months,” Alex replied. Really, it was a month shy of a year. Or, twelve years depending on how you looked at it, he supposed.
Maria scoffed. “So? We all know it’s gonna happen. Just a matter of when.”
“She’s not wrong,” Kyle added.
Alex gave him his best betrayed look. “You too?”
Kyle shrugged, unrepentant. “Just saying.”
Alex looked at his friends' faces and sighed. He drained the last of his beer and stood up, fishing the box out of his pocket as he did. 
“Oh my god!” Rosa whisper yelled. “Are you serious?”
Alex grinned and shrugged. “Might as well, right?” He turned around. “Guerin!”
Michael looked over. He was a mess, sweat dripping off of him and matting his hair together, oil streaks on his face and chest. Alex looked at him and his heart nearly burst out of his chest. “Yeah?”
There were some frantic noises from behind him followed by equally frantic shushing. Michael looked at their friends in confusion but quickly shifted his gaze back to Alex when he stepped closer. 
Carefully, Alex crouched down. He couldn’t get all the way down to one knee but he could get close enough. Michael stared at him wide-eyed as he held out the box. “Marry me?” He opened the box to show the ring.
Michael stared at it then at him then again at the ring. He reached out and took it from Alex, one hand helping him stand up. “Michael?” Alex asked, when Michael didn’t say anything.
Michael looked at him, a familiar look in his eyes. “Why would you want to be married to me for, anyhow?”
There was a strangled gasp from behind him but Alex ignored it. Part of him wanted to roll his eyes at Michael’s ridiculousness but more of him was just plain fond so he smiled and said his line. “So I can kiss you anytime I want.”
Michael beamed and kissed him.
“You fucking nerds!” Isobel yelled. “Fucking Sweet Home Alabama quotes in your proposal. I don’t even know you anymore Michael.”
Michael closed his eyes and gently nuzzled Alex's hair. He was half asleep, tired from their busy day and the night's activities, and he was pretty sure Alex was actually asleep, but the thought that had been niggling at him all day would not go away.
Alex hmm'd sleepily but otherwise didn't react. Michael poked him in the hip. 
"What?" Alex cracked open one eye to glare at him. The effect was utterly ruined by the pure fondness in the look. 
"Did you know," Michael started off, trying vainly to hold the grin back. "I gave my heart away a long time ago." Alex groaned loudly and buried his face in Michael's chest. He didn't let it deter him for a moment. "My whole heart. And I never really got it back."
Alex glowered privately for a moment before rolling off of Michael with a heavy sigh. With his head on the pillow next to him, Alex turned to look at him. "Good," he said. "I'm keeping it."
"You better." Michael rolled over and braced his hands on either side of Alex's shoulders, hovering just slightly over him before Alex grabbed his hips and pulled him down. "Because you're the first boy I ever kissed, Alex. And I want you to be the last."
"I will be," Alex promised. He cupped Michael's face in his left hand, the feeling of Alex's ring on his skin causing his eyes to fall closed, and pulled him down into a kiss. 
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