beyondplusultra · 1 year
Bro you're 100% right, even fuckin Morgana says "You don't really hate Joker, do you?" Right in the middle of kicking Akechis ass like??? Literally the only person who thinks they hate Akira is Akechi and thats probably just because Akechi feels like he SHOULD hate him, and kinda forces himself to, y'know?? Like, if Morgana can call you out on your emotional bullshit then its pretty obvious at that point.
There's nuance to Akechi's hate. I definitely think he resents Akira (cue the entire "Teammates?! Friends?!" monologue) and that contributes to him feeling like he hates him. The guy outdoes him at every turn! But there's respect there, no matter how begrudging it may be ("You're the one person I refuse to lose to.") Akechi can gripe all he wants about how unfair his hand is, but he sees Akira as an equal— and more importantly, he trusts him to make choices that literally mean life or death, because he believes that the two of them are so in tune that he knows, without having to ask, what decision Akira will make. ("You won't say no, will you?")
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radfemkiranerys · 1 year
I understand the fear of being judged for not shaving your legs/armpits as a woman, I haven't shaved in a long time and when I wear a shorter skirt sometimes I'm self conscious about it but the thing I've noticed is that when I mention I don't shave to my female friends, even the ones that do are very supportive and positive about it. And I really think that we just gotta embrace body hair even if its uncomfortable at first. It's a great first "feminist inaction" and while it's easy in that it literally is stopping doing something, it is a big deal emotionally to some extent if you are used to being hairless,but just think how much more confident women would be about going hairy if they aren't the only ones? But someone's gotta take the first step. Yes some people will judge you but, as my mom likes to say, "what other people think of me is none of my business!"
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krukel · 5 months
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Hij is zo'n kleine pissbaby, fuck deze guy echt volledig. Misschien zijn je plannen gwn volledig onmenselijk en onredelijk??? Fucker
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dulcevenganzaa · 7 months
apropos of nothing but bruce springsteen is sooo handsome
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falmerbrook · 17 days
One of the most annoying things you see from tes fans is seeing each race as a unified collective in ways that the games don’t even do. They act like the ways some members of a race act in some places represents all of them everywhere. The biggest and most frustrating version of this is when talking about the way Dunmer are treated in Windhelm, people bring up the in-universe racism in Morrowind. Like, that doesn’t justify the way they're treated in Windhelm at all. You really think Ulfric is doing this for justice for the Khajiit and Argonians (who he won't let in the city)? Even if he was, do you think it's right to enact that "justice" on random refugees and their descendants? We’re talking about different groups of Dunmer. They aren’t a monolith. IN MORROWIND they aren’t a monolith. The head of the anti-slavery organization in Morrowind (the game) is a Dunmer. Every province and race had different cultures and subcultures with folks with different opinions that people like this like to ignore.
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These people act like it's clever to bring this up when in reality it reflects an even shallower interpretation of the worldbuilding imo.
(and that's not even touching on how comments like these reflect the language used in real life discussions of refugee asylum and immigration)
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diamondcitydarlin · 17 days
'time for round two of making teenagers uncomfortable on the internet'
Listen. No one is shipping beetlebabes for the sole purpose of 'making teenagers uncomfortable on the internet'. Unless the adults in question are your parents/guardians, none of them are responsible for the stuff you might see while being 'on the internet'. None of them are responsible for your discomfort from what you might see. None of them are obligated to stop having fun in their own fandom spaces simply because a teenager exists 'on the internet' who doesn't like it (who is also perfectly capable of staying out of places they don't want to see, I PRESUME) no more than adults at a bar are obligated to not drink because there are people under the age who can't (fittingly, most bars in the US don't admit people under the age at all). You know who is responsible? Depending on your age of teenagedom, it's either to some extent your parents/guardians, but also you. Yeah, sweetie, you. I've been on the internet since the late 90's when I was NINE and I'm here to tell you right now that learning how to cultivate your own experience online is an extremely important tool. If you don't learn now how to keep your nose out of things that you don't like, you're going to have a very hard time filled with round-about arguments and constant drama and maybe worse when you could just be having fun with the things you do like and ignoring the stuff you don't. You see, my sweet summer child, feeling 'discomfort' about something benign does not inherently give you the right to shit all over whatever it is that made you uncomfortable or make up insinuations about the consenting adults participating in it. Unless there are people dropping shipping art into your inbox against your will or something (there aren't) it actually is none of your business at all, and doesn't concern you in the least. Like my goodness, you kids have ALL kinds of protections you can use to weed out things you don't want to see that we didn't have back when I was a 'teenager on the internet', blocking, blacklisting, browser extensions that can help with that, etc, and yet somehow we seem to have better understood back then how to mind our own business and stay out of fandom spaces we didn't want to be in. Nowadays all I see are children running into the devil's sacrament uninvited and claiming to be personally affected by said sacrament when all of us are wondering what the fuck they're doing there in the first place when there are clear signs denoting what sacrament this is. You don't have to see the movie, you don't have to see shipping content, you don't have to be 'exposed' to any of this at all; in this day and age, you choose to be, which makes any discomfort you feel as a result of that your own responsibility. The only person making 'teenagers uncomfortable on the internet' in this specific instance are the teens themselves.
And again, a little crash course in history here since the education system probably failed you, but using simply the existence of children as an excuse for why adults can't do consenting adult activities with each other has historically been used as a way to demonize and weaponize violence against marginalized groups. Yall are literally just stealing pages from homophobic/misogynistic/racist/transphobic conservative playbooks. That may not be your ultimate goal in coming after fandom spaces, but it's where that kind of behavior and thinking always ends up in the end. If you think alt-right entities won't harness that sense of youthful moral outrage for their own ends then I have a bridge to sell you.
Anyway, point being, no random adult on the internet or IRL is responsible for you. Random adults on the internet or IRL are not your parents/guardians. They have no obligation to eschew their own interests just because kids are wandering into places where they shouldn't. I honestly worry for any child on the internet who thinks this way, because there are absolutely predators out there that will abuse this sense of 'every adult is responsible for my comfort'. They aren't, and I'm sorry the adults in your life that actually are responsible for you failed you so much as to not teach you otherwise. Unlearn this now before you get hurt, please.
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funsize-cenobites · 1 year
Im so utterly taken with Wolfwood's eyes in Trimax, y'all. I cannot explain to you how much I love that part of his characterization. So much of him is right there, plain as day.
The way they give him away so completely. Truly windows into the soul he fears he doesn't have.
I can't handle the various themes and meanings in how he tries to keep them hidden. Chapel never could quite beat the humanity out of him no matter how much Wolfwood worries he's become a monster.
That sweet, compassionate, courageous, protective, and so so so terrified little boy is still right there behind those eyes.
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omgzephyrsims · 13 days
10 Reasons Why I Still Play The Sims 2 in 2024
This video is basically my love letter to The Sims 2. Happy 20th birthday to my favorite game of all time. 🎂
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“KH should have ended with KH2″
What you (subconsciously) expected:
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What’s actually happening:
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(Not spurred by anything in particular, I’m just thinking about @violethowler​ ‘s KH and the heroine’s journey essays again like i always am)
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its-not-a-pen · 2 years
holy shit guys i finally watched andor. it's not as good as everyone says it is; it's better. 
this is the kind of star wars i use to dream about but could never imagine happening. it's painful. it's thought-provoking. it's complex. I could not look away even if I wanted to. Andor is not something you comsume passively, it demands your attention, if you're sick of modern cinema with it's superheros, emptiness and cynicism, this is for you. this is not assembly line whimsy that pays lipservice to higher ideals only to uphold the status quo. this is film made with passion and a burning desire to tell a story. 
 i think the thing that made me realise that this was actual, good cinema was how subtle the goodness is. i was on ep 3 and thought to myself; "hmm this show is really interesting but it's kind of annoying that they only made each episode 20 mins long." each episode was 40 mins long.
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callmecadian · 5 months
we as a society need to be sexualizing bellies more
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parab0mb · 1 year
Just found out that EA rejected the proposed 3rd Mcgee's Alice game, which at this point isn't surprising but still disappointing since I really liked the franchise (call it a comfort series/guilty pleasure/nostalgic, etc.), not to mention the creator seemed genuinely passionate about telling this story about a character that was near and dear to him despite the franchise never being a money-printing powerhouse.
Like, I know I'm not saying anything profound here, but it just reminds how wretched it is that it's still considered the norm for artist/writers/etc. to have to literally sell away the rights to their own stories, a part of them that they've poured their soul and experiences into, to a publisher (that has no passion for the project beyond the monetary returns) just for the POSSIBILITY that the story will maaaaybe reach it's intended audience and have the original vision/message be left intact.
As if it isn't bad enough that an IP that does end up succeeding will most likely be bastardized and milked to creative bankruptcy even after the creator dies, the alternative is that if the IP isn't "marketable" enough the publisher just holds the IP hostage from it's own creator (usually having no intent of doing anything with it).
Like, especially as of late it seems like publishers/studios are all too eager to do the latter, and it deserves to be straight-up illegal.
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Ok so uh just to clear up my tags from yesterday bc i overthink everything & don't want ppl to get the wrong idea fjhdhg; when i say "liking/hating things the wrong way" i mostly mean having bigoted reasons for opinions or being a dick about them or being weirdly performative with/invested in fictional activism (and those same ppl tend to be the ones who make dragon age opinions a morality race smh).
And overall of course everyone is entitled to simply Not Like a character! And there is lots of valid criticism that i might even agree with! But i am also entitled to blocking ppl who are being overly negative about them; not because you're not allowed to do that or because you're wrong, but bc i like to curate my fandom experience and not going insane bc of constant discourse. Highly recommend doing that btw; blacklists are there for a reason and your mental health is important✌
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textualviolence · 1 year
Sorry im talking about "the work" as if its not shotacon manga sensation black butler but i had a class on the gothic this morning and the theory blunt is hitting me hard rn. Whether toboso is doing this for purposes of actual gothic experience (which given the aesthetic of the manga is a very plausible theory), aka the position that declares black butler (and the gothic as a genre) is actually good and worth reading and that it doesn't merely aim to titillate the reader with its themes but actually takes them seriously on a narrative level, or toboso is doing this perfectly accidentally and this innate tension between "judgement states", (and the resulting inability to offer a coherent judgement and thus have to leave judgement behind and experience "the anxiety of the morally unclear"), is just the result of a narrative that wants to have its cake and eat it too wrt titillating sexual violence that also romanticizes said violence at the same time, necessitating both moments of pure taboo excess (to satisfy the "sexually deviant" appetite) and moments of appeasement and calm (to allow for the story to continue beyond the climax of the taboo image and be repeated endlessly without narrative disbelief (how is ciel survivng this/why does he not try to escape) or simple erotic/sadomasochistic exhaustion); aka the position that declares black butler is bad and trash literature for insane perverts, and probably so is at least some of the staples of gothic literature.
Tbh both positions have their appeal cause in either case its undeniable that the work is successful and coherent, and the term "trash literature for perverts" does allow us to do away with both the moral discomfort and the general aesthetic annoyance that comes with "rescuing" a piece of art from the trash river of refuse that the culture has placed it in by declaring it to be high art cause it has complex themes and functions. maybe i like the trash river of refuse, and maybe i think the work is good and still think it belongs there.
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nightospheresims · 1 year
no the fact that they're making people wait to fix something they broke??? it's getting to be almost a week now and the game is unplayable considering that cas slider glitch and OH YEAH that one growing together glitch that will literally corrupt your entire game and all it's saves
I've literally never heard of this happening in any other game ever?? a patch that doesn't patch AND taking away a paid feature because it doesn't work? at this point if you're aware of what's going on and you still choose to purchase the packs I'm questioning your intelligence and your sanity lol
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batgirlfangs · 4 months
it's so awesome when jobs immediately reject your application even if you're sure you could get it
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