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man, they really do just name super saiyan forms anything now, huh?
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WIBTA for Asking a Friend to Change Their Laugh? (I know the title sounds super assholish but I elaborate!!!)
Recently, a friend (19X) of mine (21X) invited one of xyr partners into a server for our friend group. I'll call xyr partner Dime (20X). Dime and I hit it off pretty well, we both have the same interests and senses of humor and I almost immediately started considering them a friend. However, them joining the server means they occasionally join the voice chat. Which is good! I enjoy talking to them. However. Often, when they laugh, they often end it by like... closing their mouth but still forcing air through it, like a raspberry. So like "PPPFBT". I have misophonia and the sound of raspberries is like my one trigger, and it's bad enough that it makes me seize up in discomfort. I don't want to make Dime self conscious for my own comfort, I know telling someone their laugh is annoying is one of THE worst things you can do. But I genuinely don't mean it out of any ill will, the sound just drives me mad. If I say something, WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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beevean · 10 months
I saw the post about Shadow having NPD and your comment on it, and I gotta say, it does somewhat bother me how fans will shove multiple neurodivergencies, personality disorders, mental disorders, etc on characters as if those are just funny quirks and not highly serious afflictions that influence entirely how you can live life and how others treat you. Autism and ADHD are the ones I see most commonly used, but there's certainly more. And it's treated as just a goofy little personality trait, thrown onto characters in the way that you would say they don't like raisins in their apple pie or are fond of the colour red because they wear red clothing at times. It truly feels as if there is zero regard for how such a divergency would actually influence character behaviour, nor how it fits in canon, and any "proof" often is cherrypicked or plain incorrect (e.g. "Sonic can never sit still, ADHD icon!!!" What, Sonic who likes taking naps and reading books in the games, and Sonic X as well? Even in Boom he lazed around endlessly!). I'm all for letting people write ND characters, but it does get irking to see every single character be characterised with Fun Buzzwords™️ like that, no matter how unfitting or stereotyping.
To be fair, NPD is not one of those "silly disorders" like autism/ADHD (they aren't silly either but I hope you know what I mean), which yes are assigned like candy to characters who dare to be quirky or a little naive. I do understand why people with it would want to destigmatize it.
It's the concept of "I am/have X so my fave is just like me fr fr" that makes me raise my eyebrow.
Do you really believe Shadow is a narcissist? Where? What symptoms does he display? Saying stuff like "I am the Ultimate Life Form" is not synonymous with having such an unstable ego that you crave praise like air.
But if your reasoning is not based on canon interpretations at all, but it's just projecting... that's not a headcanon to me. That's just you inserting yourself in the character you like. And, to be very blunt, I am not interested in this game, because I don't know you, and you haven't given me any reason to even consider your proposal seriously.
Saying "Shadow has low empathy but a solid moral code" is very different already. I can compare your statement with canon and agree. I don't know if this means he has a disorder, and I wouldn't assign one to him (I mean, my man is already Traumatized and recovering, I think it's enough), but at least you are making something that resembles an argument and invites engagement.
I'd even take absurd statements like "Sonic has low empathy", something I read once. At least it comes from an interpretation of canon, one I heavily disagree with, but it still has more thought put into it than "he's just like me fr fr"
I probably sound like a bitch, I'm aware. I'm not preventing anyone from doing what they want (although please put more thought into assigning autism to characters because enough of you seem to think that any kind of personality means autism and ND people are just empty shells of assholishness). I just personally am very, very bored of this approach to canon that can be boiled down to "I want my faves to be like me", when for me the fun is reading canon and extrapolating from it.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
can i sit-in, and get a black coffee, question mark shaped nuggies (i just want one of the snarky assholish ones, i couldn't decide >_<), with a side of sweet potato fries and mini dogs? i am male, amab :') kinda short, medium length hair, also a lil snarky and rude? but less intelligent xP
capullo!riddler x male!reader, word count: 300 content (warnings): rough sex, kinda mean eddie the kitchen is now closed! 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie1500 (to follow or to block) a/n: anon FINALLY some more capullo riddler for my health!💚
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"It's kind of argh unfair... heh that you... are the one hng who gets to... walk free..."
You bit your lip to the point of tears, trying to force down each groan as Eddie pushed himself further into your tight hole. With his free hand poised, fingers tented against your lower back, he forced himself deeper into you, watching your body writhe in pleasure as he fucked his anger out, using you as a tool.
Only when he removed his hand from your hip in order to tug at your hair did you finally let out a sound. A pathetic whimper of ecstasy, unable to keep it back, no longer able to contain the secret of how much you enjoyed being used by Eddie. And quick to act on any excuse to chastise you, you felt him lean over your back, his cock still buried in you, his lips grazing over your shoulder as he whispered.
"Keep quiet, I don't want to get my visitation rights taken away because you couldn't be a good boy."
It was impossible to resist the urge to get a jab in, to retaliate in the face of his irritating tone.
"If you'd been a good boy then you wouldn't have to wait until I visited you in this dump to get some."
His palm was quick to find your cheek, the strike instantly stinging, making you squeal out in surprise. He pulled himself out of you, a brief moment of respite, before he quickly slid back in, leaving no room to take a breath before he stole the air from your lungs. Hissing through your gritted teeth, you fought back against the desire to scream out his name, to beg for more, only letting out a soft chuckle when Edward piped up again.
"That's more like it."
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
hand on rbing prev post as circling back around on sts thought apparently gave me enough to say it needed to escape the tags and be its own post. um! the emh from voy: my wife is a bitch and i love her so much
i think the emh is like. the exact definition of "the soul first shows itself by a gnashing of teeth" as its all well add good to appreciate the aliveness of nice and polite data who follows all the rules and is like. even MORE real than a flesh and blood person.
(in sense of his tangibility... his mechanical complexity and physical and mental competencies. are MORE than that of a traditionally recognized person. you know? not that that is an accurate summation of how the show acts about him. the only person who thinks that is julian bashir lmao. more often its like the. oh you disrespect him? well disrespect THIS! [he does a feat unmatched by any of the biological life forms around him] which... isnt exactly useful as principled, ideological and philosophic statement, about who gains the right of person-hood. OR RATHER! it is literally and precisely that, its conclusions sucks shit)
[Cam K podcast voice] when someone reaches for abstractions to doubt data's existent, the show throws materialist egg on their face.
The lynchpin in the proof of Data artificiality. Is that he has a PHYSICAL SWITCH, that can turn him OFF. This counters his otherwise uninterrupted verisimilitude of humanity. He looks like a toy. A thing. (Teenage wifi would like to point out if i had a big enough rock i could also turn riker off, but alas)
BUT the thing about the Doc, is that this guy ISNT "REAL". Getting shut down is not grand solemn act to the doc. It happens to him. ALOT. "Computer: End Program"... Hes so much more dependent on those around him. He isnt nearly the same as them. AND HES AN ANNOYING LITTLE BITCH about it. please turn him off when you done! please turn him ON to tell him things, and u could visit sometime... Turn your emergency holographic medical channel! cause this is a SENIOR STAFF MEETING. and hes the God Damn CMO.
AND. its not just mistreatment he gets (RIGHTFULLY!) angry about. Its that (as joelle correctly pointed out, ofc) when confused, or when things are wrong, when he has no control, he default right to agression! He is not a sad kicked puppy that goes 'oh' and 'i do not understand the meaning of ur behaviour' like data does. (again that sounds like data slander its NOT! i love data and wish ppl would stop laughing at him for having questions)
Whereas the biggest actual impediment of data's full recognition of personhood is his feelings, and suppose lack there of. He doesn't react to social stimulus the way people expect him too. If you try to goad him into a response he might say he 'is not capable of experiencing emotions such as you do' cause hes lacking the magic part in his brain that will do that. (to which... every neurodivergent person ever said: data, bestie, baby girl, they say that about a lot of people. you have clearly expressed internal experiences that are just... you baselines for emotion)
But to compare. When people say the doc isnt acting socially normal, which is an assholish thing to do, btw. HES READY TO BE AN ASSHOLE RIGHT BACK. His is INFACT, gnashing those holographic teeth! I don't think anyone has ever accused the doc of a LACK OF FEELING. Like, he has horrible beside manner, he "isn't programed for small talk"... but thats cause he's RUDE! He's too obviously prideful, snide, needling and just general, self involved for it to not seem like a DELIBERATE CHOICE that he is making.
And even when these traits are regarded to simple programing (which makes them... less real? 🤨) Examine the moments that are definitively about him claiming autonomy, engaging in recreation and becoming more self actualized. And find that a lot of them are angled to make him LESS likable. His hobbies, which he WILL speak about, AT LENGTH, include being a tropy writer, a photographer who makes hour long presentations, and a uncompromising operatic tenor diva.
(love when opera singer is used as insult, media wise, oh noooo ur TOO good at singing. your voice is TOO powerful, ur vocal control and ability to perform complex pieces in multiple languages is TOO impressive. lol. mr picardo ur so cool and u looked good doing it. frankly)
In the moments that serve to mark specific advancement in control he gains over himself, he gets to make himself MORE OBNOXIOUS! You do not, infact, get to recognize a someones full personhood without running the risk that you, specifically, might not like them! As a person!
And in dramtic turns. His true psyche breaking, foundation shaking experiences are acted to hell! It's uncomfortable to behold someone so emotional. Confusion and denial not expressed quietly, but belligerently. Meeting of sadness fear that can only be expressed as anger. Unlike the picturesq Adam and Eve figures from the end of R.U.R. (spoilers? i suppose). His awareness of the true personal impact and price of mortality is not signaled by a noble self-sacrifice, gentle weeping and pleading to not have someone taken away. It's a choice he made to save a close friend, instead of a distant coworker, when forced to choose between the two.
And then, his complete and total inability to comprehend, internalized and accept that fact. A person would be dead, truly and utterly gone from this world. Cause he wanted to save his friend instead. And the only way to ingrate this horrible fact of reality, the capital A, Absurd, was to do it as any human might.
Have a very public and loud mental breakdown, spend prolonged period of in which you cannot be left alone because your darkest thoughts will loop forever into themselves as you become more and more upset, and yet, neither can you simply avoid thinking about it, has the only way to come to terms with it is though a mire subjects that cause revulsion. The desert of thought the mind shrink from, and the truth that lies in it. Which. Is very inconvenient for all your friends who would really just rather be having a normal one.
In conclusion? The doc shows autonomy and sentience by being loud, opinionated and embarrassing. Rude, precocious, and easily offended. Self obsessed, high-mined, and anguished. Dependent, vulnerable and inconvenient. Which is to say he possible the most real anyone could ever be. That he has a much of a soul as any of us. That he is a bitch and i love him SO MUCH.
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goingrampant · 1 year
The Boys #1 notes: cover to page 2
Alright, so The Boys was written by Garth Ennis, a man who hates genres and tries to end them with satirical fiction. The Boys is his attempt to end superhero comics. Alan Moore previously attempted that with Watchmen by portraying everything with deadly seriousness. Obviously, he failed and Watchmen was ultimately subsumed into the DC universe, but his effort shows genuine human empathy as comes from understanding the genre, recognizing how people actually behave, and presenting something people would develop a real emotional response to. Garth Ennis basically shits all over that and that's what The Boys is: Watchmen covered in shit. I don't usually get so graphic, but the sheer repugnance of The Boys demands a bit of rhetorical oomph.
Darick Robertson does the illustration. He also deserves some of the blame for making everything look like a fascist's satirical representation of degenerate art.
The first issue, released in October 2006, is given the appropriate title "This Is Going to Hurt".
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Cover: Oooh, we're so edgy! Look at these tough guys and one girl ready to beat up the viewer in a bit of gangland violence. You'd have to be a reeeaaal tough guy to read it, right?!
Title page: A parody of Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia's depiction of Wonder Woman stepping on Batman's head, here distorted into a gross image of a boot (Butcher) stamping down on the face of a Captain America knockoff (Soldier Boy) and seriously mashing up his face in horrific gore. Like, this is completely unnecessary, just "Oooh, we're edgy!" to start off the edgelord book and let you know you're in for an edgy time.
Thematically, it nods to the communist idea of the working class rebelling against the oppressive capitalist class. Butcher's boot is the working class leather lace-up used as a symbol of the hard-working common man often seen in communist propaganda. However, it's also consistent with fascist art about a Volkish uprising against Jewish elites (national socialism borrowing various actual socialist concepts and grafting them to far-right antisemitism). A lot of stuff in The Boys feels fascist-friendly, if not centering them as the target demographic.
The title card tells us this arc is called "The Name of the Game: Part One".
Pages 1-2: We're introduced to Billy Butcher, an assholish looking black leather-clad man on a park bench with his bulldog named Terror. For some reason, female The Boys fans love this dog. Like, they love this dog. I guess he's kind of cute before Butcher reveals how he's trained him, but... I don't get it.
Butcher looks up at some superheroes flying overhead and pledges to get revenge on one of them (Homelander), calling him a "cunt". Now, the word "cunt" has different levels of obscenity in the U.S. vs. the U.K. In the U.K., it means something like "asshole" and is regularly used against men, while in the U.S., it's a misogynistic slur exclusively used against women with the connotation that they're only valuable for sex and shouldn't be considered real people. I think if a man were to call another man a "cunt" in the U.S., it might be taken as a rape threat because the concept of being used for penetration is bound up in it.
Butcher is a working class man from England, so he can use "cunt" in the freer way, but I really get the sense that Ennis (from the U.K. himself) specifically included a character from this demographic so that he could get away with plastering the pages with what American readers would read as a misogynistic slur. It's set in America and marketed to Americans. Ooh, edgy!
Now, what Butcher says is "I'm gonna fuckin' have you, you cunt." With the American connotation, that sounds like a rape threat. Our hero, everyone, starting things off with a rape threat.
Something I'm going to be saying a lot is "The show spins this progressively." The show is genius, finding the good parts in the dung heap. The "cunt" thing is spun in an interesting way commentating on American culture, challenging notions of obscenity, and fits into a pattern of musing on gender roles. Thank you, Rebecca Sonnenshine.
Next time... page 3!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
If we want you to read our fic, what must we do? I love your work, so I'd love if you could appreciate mine as well :))
I'm trying to think of a way to answer this that doesn't sound assholish, but honestly, the answer is "write something that I want to read."
I'm not saying that to be mean! I'm just saying that unless we're already GOOD friends, I'm not going to read something wildly outside of my interest-zone for someone, and there are people on this site who I've been BFF-tier friends with for over a decade for whom I won't read fic outside of my fandoms (hi, @catboynickjackson and @fille-lioncelle, I love you so much but I cannot wrestling).
I'm much more of a writer than a reader. I don't read a ton of fic, and when I do, I'm extremely picky and there aren't really any "things" that I look for except for a summary that piques my interest and a writing style that keeps me engaged. There are way more pairings/moresomes that I'll write for than that I routinely read, although I'm not OPPOSED to reading for like, 99.9% of things if the summary and writing seem like they'll pull the story off well.
Almost everything that I'm currently reading is stucky (Steve/Bucky), and otherwise I tend to find one-off interesting recs from The Rec Center, or I read things that my friends write and put across my dash. But truly, I would say that I'm a 10/1 writer/reader ratio. I go through phases of reading a ton of fic or reading a ton of books, and right now I'm reading books more than fic. Obviously I love fic! If something crosses my dash or pops up scrolling a tag that piques my interest, I'll 100% read it.
But I can't give you, like, a prescriptive list of how to get me, or anyone, to read your work. I'm more likely to read it if we're friends? And I'm more likely to be friends with you if I feel like we have things in common, particularly fandoms or perspectives within fandom? Talking about those kinds of things is much more appealing to starting a friendship with someone than just messaging them with links to fic to read out of the blue, or something like that. Tell me how you feel about a character we both love or a fandom we share, and see if we do have things in common from there!
I have a very strong suspicion that I know who sent this ask, and I know that you've been trying really hard to get me to read all of your work, and I'm sorry that it's a source of stress for you. It's nothing against you or against your work; it does not mean that your work is bad or that I dislike you or your work. I'm just very picky, and I'm old. If the person who sent this is who I think it is, then honey, you are way too young to be this stressed out about wanting someone my age to approve of you. I'm OLD. And I'm a stranger on the internet!!!
tl;dr, there is no shortcut to getting me, or anyone, to love your writing. You just have to make fandom friends and write stuff that interests your fandom friends because it's about a thing that you know they love, I guess.
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shadowiie · 2 years
sprinting at u full speed shadow hedgehog
Oh this is going to be very fun to compare and contrast from my answer months ago
One aspect I adore about Shadow is his independent and aloof attitude. Sonic has the same traits, but the specific ways in which it manifests within Shadow I find particularly interesting.
Combined with his selfish tendencies, it often leads to him going off on his own without consulting the rest of his teammates. In 06 after Mephiles phase 1, where he takes off right after returning to the past because he now needs to find out who Mephiles is, In Sonic Forces: Episode Shadow, when he refuses Omega's help, stating "I'll handle things my way." In SA2 when he dips after the Finalhazard fight
He's so focused on whatever his goal is that he doesn't even think about how it affects others. It's a very interesting choice
One aspect i wish others understood about him (aside from his overall assholishness) is his bluntness. Chances are, if he says something, he means it. Literally.
It's great analysis-wise because sometimes you don't even have to guess why he's doing the things he's doing, but I think a lot of people (myself included!) underestimate how often something that sounds like it's an exaggeration or contains subtext is actually him being completely, 100% direct.
In SA2, when he says after saving Rouge "I didn't do it for you, I simply needed the chaos emeralds for my goal", he literally means that if he didn't need the chaos emeralds for his goal, he wouldn't have saved Rouge.
It's also a good example of canon evidence the hog is autistic :)
One uncommon(?) headcanon I have for Shadow is the idea that he likes to sleep outside in nature, like up in a tree or something. I got it from Jib Candyypirate and I think its neat :)
I like to think at one point he and Sonic slept in the same tree at one point bc neither saw the tree was occupied.
One person I love seeing him interact with, surprise surprise, is Sonic. Now, I get extremely squicked out when I see the two in a romantic context (which was the primary reason I had to mass unfollow even people I'm friends with), but their canon dynamic is absolutely up my alley.
Their competitive rivalry and contrasting yet fundamentally similar personalities are endlessly entertaining, and their scenes together in SA2 are so memorable I'm able to recite most of them at will.
They're something about their dynamic that's so compelling, and while I don't like seeing it I can understand why they're the most popular slash ship in the series.
One character that I wish they would interact with more in the series is Gerald Robotnik. I recently went on a deep dive into both Gerald and Maria, and discovered the Sonic Battle diary entries and hooooooooly shit.
Those last few diary entries really moved me.
It isn't even my headcanon that Gerald was forced by GUN to turn all of his creations into weapons, it's just fucken canon.
They literally state somewhere (I forget where) that Gerald was initially hesitant to accept GUN's proposal for creating an immortal creature, he eventually agreed in order to develop a cure for Maria's illness.
From Chaos Drives, Space Colony ARK, to the Gizoid, to Project Shadow, literally every single one of Gerald's projects were taken by GUN and turned into weapons.
I don't necessarily want Shadow to interact with Gerald himself, but I'd love to see his reaction to Gerald's diaries. I kinda just used this question to go on a tangent about Gerald himself because I find his descent into revenge (and GUN's massive hand in it that's downplayed in later games) to be immensely cathartic to piece together.
One headcanon I have that involves Sonic and Shadow that I've previously mentioned before but still hold onto is the hc that blue chaos cola tastes like ramune, red chaos cola tastes like cola, and Sonic and Shadow have this massive petty argument about which one is better. You bring this Convo up you will never get them to shut up about it.
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inkomingasks · 10 months
you wanna know what my favorite part of big runs is?
it is not my problem to deal with
that sounded super assholish, hang on let me explain
i mean that i'm not the one who has to organize search and rescue parties and keep everyone alive and stuff
i do like, help and stuff, but i'm not the one in charge of the operation
not that i dislike being in charge, it's just stressful and i don't do very well under pressure
it's nice being able to let someone else even if they are shady take the lead for once and just be in the background helping
that's where i'm more comfortable anyway, where no one's looking to me for instructions, i'm just... doing my own thing
i've been talking too long, i'll shut up now
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i feel bad that i'm not more excited about nmt2
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((Runya was, before he escaped, a Hyur (specifically a Midlander) born under the Garlean occupation by the name of Aeglius aan Asaamir
...and I finally sat down and made him in the character creator))
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
could i req headcanons of the boys with an MC who gets easily frightened by shouting/fighting/loud sounds? it's been A Week™ and your fics are really nice and comforting ;;w;;
getting overwhelmed by yelling/fighting
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includes: mammon x/& gn!reader, the brothers & gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated t | m.list | alt ending - beel
warnings: yelling, fighting, and general assholish behavior (not towards you), crying, you getting overwhelmed, panic attack like symptoms/breakdown, one curse word
a/n: hello! this became a little mammon-centric, hope you don't mind too much, and i hope you're feeling better. thank you and thank you for requesting! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback!! as always, lmk if warnings need to be updated
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the brothers have devolved into another one of their fights, and it’s really stressing you out. exam week is right around the corner, so tensions are running high, and their poor attitudes is helping no one
“can’t you just shut up?” belphie groans, interrupting levi, who’s excitedly describing his new game. to who, you’re not sure, but belphie’s harsh words make you look over.
“what?” levi asks, frowning.
“just- be quiet for once, you know? some of us are trying to sleep here.”
this makes levi scowl. “if you wanted to sleep, you should be in your room. not down here. and anyway, you didn’t seem to have a problem with beel’s long-ass explanation of the restaurant he went to last week.”
“hey,” beel says, “don’t bring me into this.”
“oh, levi.” belphie’s tone is acidic. “always diverting whenever someone criticizes you. you really are just a pathetic otaku.”
“guys,” asmo tries futilely. “can we like, not?”
“stay out of this, asmo,” levi snaps. “you’re always putting your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
their voices are loud, and the room’s acoustics are making them magnified to an even higher level. you’re just as tired and stressed as they are, and you’re about at the end of your rope.
“don’t talk to asmo like that!” satan interjects, and soon, the room devolves into squabbling and yelling, everyone’s words mixing together into one, giant mess. it hurts, and you want out of there, but you’re afraid moving will draw their attention onto you.
covering your ears and squeezing your eyes closed, you pray for someone to help you.
“what is the meaning of this?” lucifer booms, his voice cutting over everyone else's. you wince and squeeze your palms tighter against your head. you lose track of what’s going on for a moment, the voices in your head pleading for it to stop drowning out everything else. your breath is shallow, and you know you need to calm down, but you just can’t.
“whoah, mc, are you alright?” someone hesitantly touches your wrists, making you flinch. your eyes open and mammon is there, crouched in front of you, eyes filled with concern. “what’s going on?”
you register it’s finally quiet- everyone is staring at you, a range of expressions and emotions present.
“loud,” you gasp out, and mammon shoots a glare behind him.
“i know,” he says soothingly. “but it’s not anymore, okay. everyone’s stopped.”
relief courses through you, swift and overwhelming. without your permission your eys fill up, tears sliding down your face.
“do you want a hug?” mammon asks, and as soon as you nod, his arms are around you, shielding you. it takes a few minutes, but you manage to calm your racing heart, pulling your hands away from our ears.
“i’m really sorry, mc,” asmo says quietly. “we didn’t mean to upset you.”
“yeah,” beel agrees. “we should have noticed it was bothering you.”
“it’s alright,” you say shakily. “you guys didn’t mean to.”
“can you tell us what made you react like that?” lucifer asks gently. “just so we can avoid it in the future.”
“i don’t really like yelling, or fighting. and this week has just been pretty rough and i got overwhelmed,” you explain. “it was just a lot.”
“i’m really, really sorry,” levi says sincerely.
“i as well,” satan steps forward, wiping your cheeks off gently. “i wish it hadn’t gotten to this point.”
“me too.” belphie bites his lip. “i started this, so it’s my fault you got overwhelmed. i shouldn’t have been starting stuff for no reason.”
“it’s okay,” you manage. “i’m just wrung out right now. and i kind of want to take a nap.”
“do you want to be alone?” satan asks, and you shake your head.
“cuddle pile in the observatory?” beel suggests, and everyone nods. you’re exhausted, and unsteady, but mostly you’re just grateful no one’s yelling anymore. mammon slings an arm around you and leads you to the observatory, while everyone else splits up, presumably to gather blankets and stuff.
“thanks,” you say to mammon, who squeezes your waist.
“of course. i’m glade i came in when i did. and that you’re okay.”
“me too,” you say. “can you stay right next to me when we cuddle?”
“already plannin’ on it,” mammon says, and you lean into his touch, smiling slightly.
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leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
More On English Cake Decorations or: Kev Calls His Man A Drunk Bastard and I LOL
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Okay so Kev called X first I guess because he then called me a few hours ago and he goes like KFI: Why, pray tell, would you seriously listen to anything he tells you after the third drink? You know Baby's a right bastard when he's drunk. So I go: Uh, muscle relaxers and opiates? Whyyyy? KFI: Okay, history lesson. You know how when we're having a lesson and you say things like 'but ice cream is also ice cream in English'? Me: WELL IT IS OPPA GET OFF ME DAMN (it is. I am not lying. It sounds like ice-a-cream-eu.)
KFI: And remember how I told you that post WWII a lot of English got kind of sucked into Korean culture and language? Me: Yes, oppa (he did in fact say that.)
KFI: So basically every Korean school child can read basic romanization. They may not be able to pronounce "happy birthday" exactly but they know what it means. Me: Yes, oppa. (When Kev is without his X he becomes a professor, I don't know how else to describe this phenomenon of superior assholishness that consumes him but suffice it to say he needs to get laid and X has been over here for weeks.) KFI: So I saw your blog and I need to tell you that it has nothing to do with the cost of the cake. We gays are not superior cake buyers. Me: Yes you are. Remember that one time when [insert amazing cake story from college here] KFI: X is fucking with you, honey.
Me: Oh I KNOW THIS he won't even stream me decent video tonight and we all know he is going to BE AT THAT CONCERT PROBABLY. KFI: Believe me, girl, I have the same problem. But what I'm saying is that the reason for the English decorations is the same reason you see Merry Christmas signs in December in Seoul. It's cultural, it's not special, and everyone does it - like, almost everyone can write Happy Whatever Day on a cake if you hand them an icing gun, so next time my boyfriend tells you some elitist bullshit, tell him to suck it.
Me: Any it in particular? So that's why, I stand kind of semi corrected, and we don't base blog entries on X unless he's sober, is the lesson here. And Kev thinks icing is shot out of a weapon and I'm too scared to correct him. It's a good thing he's coming this way in a couple weeks, man needs to GET SOME I HOPE YOU'RE READING THIS IT'S JUST REVISION DAY AT THE JAYA HOUSE I GUESS DAMN.
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Now I want cake for no good reason.
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dgsfufu · 3 years
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign, minor fluff lost in translation
I've fallen into a Guilty Gear rabbit hole lately and I can't help but notice some minor things lost in translation. Being bugged by how no one seems to be pointing it out, I've decided to make a post about it.
3 tidbits about Sol, Ky, and their relationship conversation bits that didn't clear the translation barrier in one piece.
PS. Things get lost in translation all the time since no two languages are completely the same, which is perfectly ok! I will also try not to nitpick too much, no point in it.
Come one come all it's canonical SolKy or KySol food.
1. Overall tone. This portion has a good sprinkling of my opinion so keep it in mind as you read through.
Overall there's a difference in JP Sol and EN Sol in Xrd Sign and to some extent Xrd Rev2. Sol doesn't snark in JP as much, EN plays this up slightly. JP Sol is largely sarcastic and dismissive (lesser extent towards Ky and Sin), mostly similar to EN. I suspect the extra snark is to play up his assholish American traits since he's clearly written to be that way originally, lol.
Ky is well handled in comparison in EN. I don't have much to say about his character. His speech is very much in keigo and overall not too much was added nor taken away.
2. Example of extra snark and... Sol having high blood pressure.
Chapter 2, Struggle A (Link to transcript)
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[EN] Sol: Ky, you know what high blood pressure is, right? If this conversation doesn't end, oh, I don't know, RIGHT NOW, mine's gonna give me an aneurysm.
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[JP] Sol: Ky, you know I DO have high blood pressure? If this conversation doesn't end in 5 minutes I'm going to drop dead from being pissed off.
In JP, this line is phrased as カイ、テメェは俺が高血圧だと知っているな?, where it implies more that Ky should know Sol actually has hypertension... And while the English has retained it somewhat, the way it's worded makes it sound more like something a person would lie about just to be extra mean.
So I guess Sol has hypertension in canon.
3. Ky cares a great deal about Sol. +Sol doesn't call Ky a kid and does not treat him like one, but rather a familiar stranger in the start of Xrd Sign.
In Chapter 4 Part B (Link to transcript)
[EN] Ky: It is not! Yes, he took away some of what makes you human, but that doesn't mean he altered your mind or your soul.
[EN] Sol: So what?
[EN] Ky: I want to believe that you'll fight for the people of this world.
[EN] Sol: Are we seriously having this conversation?
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[EN] Sol: Look, kid. I'm a monster. I'm here to do two things: Destroy That Man, and kill all the other Gears.
This is a slight nitpick because in context Sol isn't talking down to Ky, but putting his view into place juxtaposed to his. The EN isn't wrong to use “kid”, but messes up a potentially important bit -- that Sol does not see Ky as a naive boy anymore.
At no point in JP does he call Ky "boy" 坊や or "kid" 小僧, it seems like Ky has officially graduated from that nickname as of Overture. I've ran through a disgusting amount of lines (not all! so busy and idk how to find the short stories from the artbooks. T_T) and could not find any trace of that nickname in JP anywhere from Xrd onwards. Plus, Sol doesn't talk down to Ky in JP - in fact he seems to regard Ky as a familiar stranger more than anything else.
Sol: Not too different from the Valentines in that sense. Now if you've got it in your head that we're gonna be best pals, rethink that. I've got my own shit to take care of.
The conversation goes on a little, until this part which would make anyone's heart melt a bit.
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[EN] Ky: If tomorrow promises to be cold and dark, I cannot stand idly by...even if I know my efforts will come to nothing.
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[JP] Ky: If your tomorrow promises to be cold and dark, then I cannot remain a bystander and watch.
In JP Ky explicitly says "your tomorrow". Not everyone's, not humanity's, but Sol's tomorrow. Humanity's tomorrow is important, yes, but right now in this scene, Ky cares a great deal about Sol.
Sol, shocked for a moment, returns this.
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[EN] Sol: ...The self-righteous apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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[JP] Sol: .... Jeez. Both the father and his son...
I think the localized result is more viable, since you can't really chuck a line like mine into a localized game. It's awkward English. But I do think it's kind of a missed opportunity when Sol says it softly and doesn't rag on their sense of justice, but rather their attachment towards him that he can't shake off.
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This softness appears later in the convo as well however.
[EN] Ky: I don't expect the world to change tomorrow, but I do hope that, today, perhaps my words will reach you.
Sol... I'll be waiting for you. We'll all be waiting for you. Sin, Dizzy... Once all this is over...come home.
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[JP] Ky: I'm not so foolish to think I can change anything overnight. So for now... I hope at least my words will reach you.
Listen, Sol. I'll be waiting for you. Sin and Dizzy too... We will all wait together. Once this is all over, come back to us.
Note again the lack of the world or humanity's tomorrow in the undertone. The meaning is largely retained, and the slight stretch to change "come back to us", to "come home" is valid with the sentiment of a home established back in Overture. I like it. (Also see the OST, Coming Home for the extra emphasis.)
Sol reacts to this with a surprisingly soft laugh.
[EN/JP] Sol: ... You're making me sick. Sure you didn't hit your head or something?
That's the end for now.
I’ve done another Lost In Translation for Revelator/Rev2! Takes a good time to gather materials and put them together lol. There's a sloppily translated bookstart and bookend plot point in that one, and a semi lost foreshadowing for Strive. There’s not much SolKy/KySol on this.
Feel free to take a look!
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gertstarlight · 3 years
1st kiss definitely has to be during or immediately after battle. I think we'll see them getting to that point over a few episodes but danger will push them both to just go for it. Also weirdly, I always see Rick falling first. I don't know why but I see Rick making the move. That said, Ricks comment about Beth staring at him back in season one sometimes leads me to believe that Beth had a crush for years and Rick knew about it which makes his comment a bit assholish lol but shows he's aware.
OOOOH THATS INTERESTING 👀 first kiss after battle sounds v cool especially since they are reevaluations their lives a bit and appreciating each other for always standing by each other.... a kiss after the heat of battle might actually happen (idk just a guess)
i see what u mean however i think hournite is one of those ships where person A falls first but person B falls harder and i always saw beth falling first!! the way she looked at him when he leaves the lunch table?? she looked back and smiled so... i think she falls first but rick? he FALLS SO HARD FOR HER!! he takes a bit to realize his feelings but when he does he REALLY falls for her 🥰🥰
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vampish-glamour · 3 years
Do you have any advice on how I can make my boundaries regarding MOGAI and neopronouns clear without sounding like an asshole? I don't like conflict, but there are people I just don't wanna associate with.
Okay, so the way I’m going to answer this is by giving some personal experience, and talking about what I’ve done before. I’m also going to put a shorthand list of advice at the end, so if you can’t read through my ramblings hopefully you’ll get something out of that! Also it’ll just be able to summarize what I’m trying to say better.
I’m guessing you mean in person? As in, somebody asks you to use neo pronouns or is MOGAI, and you want your boundaries respected?
It’s kinda difficult, I’ll be honest. Personally I find myself to be too nice, it’s really hard for me to have strict boundaries without feeling like an asshole. And with things like MOGAI/neopronouns, people are extremely sensitive because they view it as their whole identity, so they take it personally when you have boundaries. However, you still have the right to your boundaries. And my first piece of advice, as hard of a pill it is to swallow, is that people who don’t respect your boundaries are not worth your time. If you make it clear that you’re not comfortable with stuff and they get mad, they’re not worth the trouble.
Anyways. I’ll use a personal example. I have a friend who calls themselves panromantic gray-asexual. Anybody who’s ever glanced at my blog would know that I’d have many problems with this, and I do. But I don’t think it’s appropriate to just randomly tell them “actually pan is biphobic, the ace spectrum doesn’t exist, and the split attraction model is bullshit”.
But, there was a time where a group of us were having a conversation about this sort of thing. I made it clear that I believe these things, and why. I also made it clear that that’s my opinion, and that I’m not trying to tell anybody what to call themselves. This is more gentle and nice than I’d like to have been (because I would have liked to be much more firm), I also know that being firm is just going to have me seen as a bigot, and is going to make both myself and others feel bad.
If somebody were to ask me to use neo pronouns (hasn’t happened to me yet, luckily. I think it’s much more common online than irl), I think I would just politely say that I don’t agree with using pronouns as self expression/accessories, and either not refer to the person with pronouns or use they/them.
If you’re talking about leaving people behind altogether because they’re using MOGAI or neopronouns, I think you have every right to just say something like “I respect you as a person, but I personally don’t want to be associated with [X]”. Maybe even open up a conversation about it so you can actually explain why you feel the way you do.
At the end of the day, people will still see you as an asshole. People see anybody who doesn’t follow this stuff blindly as an asshole. So you’re best off to just be kind about it, and know in your heart that you have no malicious intent, and let others think what they want.
Okay, here’s a TL;DR/short version:
Don’t bring it up unprovoked if people are just minding their own business.
I don’t believe in just immediately shutting somebody down out of nowhere. I do think it’s a bit assholish to blurt out “that’s not real”, as much as you may want to. Wait for an appropriate time to share your thoughts. That way you can actually have a conversation about it instead of just saying something for the sake of saying it.
Explain yourself
I’ve found that people are less defensive and/or upset when you actually try to have a conversation and explain why you hold the beliefs that you do. Don’t just say “I think MOGAI is harmful”, explain why you think that. Don’t just say “I can’t use neopronouns”, but explain why you can’t. This also prevents you from looking ignorant, since you can show you’ve actually thought this through.
Be nice
I know that it’s super tempting to be as harsh and blunt as we are online, or discussing these things with people who we know won’t be upset by what we say. I know. But the truth is that being harsh and blunt won’t get you anywhere, it’ll only make people see you as an ass. I’ve had to bite my tongue lots because I know that what I have to say can easily be interpreted as terrible and horrible, even if it’s something as simple as “pan sexuality is biphobic”. This ties in with the last point, because a way to be nice about it is to explain yourself.
Know when to speak and when to hold back
As I said in the last point, I’ve had to bite my tongue lots. Honestly a lot of the time I regret it, but I also know that I would’ve regretted speaking out. There was a time when I was in a group of people and they started talking about how horrible it is that “some people don’t even think asexuals are lgbt!”. And went on to talk about how the lgbt community is supposed to be a huge inclusive umbrella. I was outnumbered, I knew the people I was dealing with. If I had voiced my opinion I would’ve been shut right down and likely seen as awful. There’s been times where people say “[X] came out as nonbinary, they go by they/them” and I didn’t feel it was appropriate to voice my opinion.
I would say the times that are appropriate are when there’s clearly an open dialogue, or there’s space to create one. You’ll know, honestly. And even in the situations I mentioned, I’m sure there would have been ways for me to make my stance clear and create that open dialogue. But at the time I didn’t feel comfortable doing so.
I’m not sure if this is clear, or if it’s even good advice. Basically, it’s okay to have boundaries. When it comes to this topic though, if you want your social life to stay in tact you do have to tread carefully. But as long as you’re able to find opportunities to have a conversation, you’ll be fine.
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