#I DO very much like the fencing hc! Though I never put much thought to it in my au sadly but it is very cool when I see it done! ^^
kurov1864 · 4 months
Alice courting/dating hcs!!
- I'm going to be honest here, Asmodeus would never fully devote his soul to you. You're going to have to share it with your brother, Iruma. That's just something you're going to have to accept, no matter how much you want him to love you with his whole being. Speaking from a story standpoint, Iruma has pushed him so much, it wouldn't be fair to just erase Iruma from his heart just for love.
- Whew, now that the hard part's out of the way.
- He honestly seems like a very attentive and devoted type of lover. He would want to please you to the best of his abilities, and with his mother being the head of lust you better bet your ass that he can fulfil any material need you require. (Not that you would have any - your grandpa and Opera would take care of it before Alice can even offer)
- He's also traditional, so while he's a bit hesitant to do things more casually, that's just because he isn't used to it. He's been raised in a noble household after all, with strict manners and social protocols and whatnot.
- But let's talk about the past first. And by that I mean when he didn't know he had developed feelings for you.
- When he got close to you, his heart pounds. Blood rushes through his ears and he can physically feel his face heating up. His conclusion? He subconsciously hates you.
- Like, you might yell at me for this, saying "omg Alice is intelligent! He's not that oblivious!" and yeah well true, it's been shown and proven multiple times that he's smart asf, I do feel like he has his brain dead moments, especially when it comes to things like girls and feelings in general.
- So of course, he feels immense guilt. You guys have gone through so much as classmates and friends, and yet his body and mind chose to betray him like this. Conflicted, he'll probably confess to Iruma first, apologising on his hands and knees. Iruma, being a good friend and even better brother, would most definitely try his best to guide him through his emotions, trying to make sense of them with him. Pretty sure once he hears the symptoms, he would recognize it as love because of the time he spent working on that manga.
- Once Alice realizes his feelings, he'll stay on the fence for a bit longer, wondering if it was really okay to like you like this, or if you even wanted a relationship. You wouldn't need to wait for a very long time though, he's quite a decisive person.
- By the way, in case you didn't know, I am in fact, not royalty, nor am I from a noble family. Because of this, I have no clue what courting actually entails and it's 1:34 in the morning and I am way too tired to do actual research. Thus, I'll just be making shit up as I go.
- First step to courting: asking for your family's permission. It's very important that he receives approval BEFORE asking you, just to avoid any political messes that could happen in the future. Sitting at the dining table with Suvillian and Opera continuously grilling him for details and reassurance that he would treat you right was quite stressful, to say the least. (Opera wanted to reject since he was still young and inexperienced, but Suvillian said that was the charm of young love)
- Second step to courting: asking for YOUR permission. Alice would most definitely try to go all out on this one, while still keeping your boundaries in mind. Probably somewhere on school grounds, away the prying eyes of the general school population and your classmates. A garden perhaps? He may ask a few teachers for help, and would even suck up his pride/fear of his mom to ask for advice.
- Once preparations are completed, he would personally escort you there, saying that he needed to talk. Then, he would get down on one knee, and pour out his entire heart to you. (From the way he was speaking you would've thought he was proposing a marriage, but no. This is just the first stage of asking permission to court. Makes you wonder how much effort he would put in when celebrating stuff like your birthday or actually asking for your hand in marriage)
- You accept? Perfect! Next comes gifts. It'll start off simple first. Small things like pens when you need them, a hairclip, notes from a class you slept through, very minuscule but thoughtful gifts, just to see how comfortable you are with receiving it.
- When you get used to those? Oh boy. Then the gifts would *really* start to rain. Earrings, necklaces, brooches, sometimes even whole outfits for your dates (I am very convinced that Alice is the type that would want to take care of everything if you allow him to, and that he's also very fixated on the type of clothes you wear). But also more sweet things, like bouquets, handwritten love letters, homemade sweet treats, those sorts of things.
- In fact, sometimes it gets so bad that Opera has to scold Alice to slow down, at this rate the entire mansion is going to run out of storage space for all the stuff you keep buying her (That isn't true, but it is annoying to have to keep reorganizing a new pile of gifts that's the size of a mountain every morning. If he keeps buying so much stuff, he'll just end up creating more waste because you couldn't possibly need to replace your entire closet every damn day)
- I like to think that his love language is acts of service and physical touch though. Stuff like helping you with subjects, planning thoughtful surprises, those kinds of things.
- Hand kisses!! Did I mention hand kisses? It's a great way of expressing his affection in a way that's totally within his comfort zone, plus it's not too flashy or over the top, which means that you two can't get scolded by Kalego!! (Huzzah) He'll probably be more touchy in private though, especially because of his bloodline.
- How comfortable he is asking for your touch is entirely dependent on how long this relationship has been going on for and how well you two know each other. I honestly can't see Alice trying to initiate contact with you before asking for your consent like 10 times if you two are fresh into the relationship, but once he gets to know you and your signs better, he'll become more confident just touching you whenever he likes.
- After a long tiring day, would plop his head onto your lap and just stay there. He needs time to recharge, after all, being a perfect student takes its toll. When this happens, make sure to be ready with his favourite tea and probably a book or two, since he's gonna be there for a while. Alice would love it even more if you run your fingers through his hair, messaging his scalp to prevent an oncoming headache. Honestly, your techniques should be illegal with how much it makes him melt.
- If he doesn't have enough time to enjoy that, he'll settle for a quick backhug, burying his nose into the crook of your neck and just enjoying your natural scent, before reluctantly pulling away to go do whatever he has to do.
- When he gets jealous, it'll depend on how far into the relationship you guys are. If you're both fresh, he'll be totally possessive and all up into that demon's face, before doing a 180 and apologizing to you for interrupting your conversation and not being able to control his emotions. But, if you both have been together for a while, he would definitely trust you more and have a better reign on his feelings, so while he may still get jealous, he'll show it in a more elegant manner, like casually sliding his arm around your waist, or kissing your lips when greeting you. If the demon still tries to strike conversation the next day, well, you might wanna stock up on some bandages for your neck.
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hornystiel · 6 months
hiii again gen z mutual from the other day here, i wanted to let you know that yes i did read everything and enjoyed too!
regarding the issue of using "old" too loosely and using it to make weird ageist comments, i understand your concern and i agree. although i haven't seen that much towards other people in the spn fandom but more towards actors like to wish a happy birthday to them i saw people saying "grandpa" and that was very odd (wasn't on tumblr though). also about your point about how busy adults have time for fandom, the way you wrote that was quite moving and very real.
regarding destiel you had a super insightful answer, which i was not expecting but was super appreciated i'm gonna try to reply slightly more in depth, sorry i don't remember the order but several points were made:
- 40 is absolutely canon dean age and in no way old and dying at any age below like 80 is quite young so yeah absolutely dean is not old
- regarding them getting old and being put in a heteronormative box, i agree on that so much and i hate those stereotypes with a passion too. i will say i get the appeal of the more white picket fence life, the suburban lifestyle or baby jack in art, it's downright delusional but it's the kind of dream that leads to seeing them happy which is heart-warming. thankfully there are wonderful exceptions that are realistic enough to want to indulge in them especially for AUs. i'm not immune to high quality fluff is all
- i LOVED the super realistic headcanons you had for dean and cas and i need you to know how incredibly interesting and CORRECT they are (the cas being too frustrated to garden too real)
long story short: no offense taken i appreciated your in-depth reply and if you read all this you're the hero ;)
(re this convo)
i am genuinely so happy my thoughts didn't look smth like 'old woman yelling at cloud' :') your answer is very sweet, thank you
the 'old' thing i mostly see on twt because here i follow those who'd never say smth like this in an ageist way but well even here some posts like this can still reach my blog through the vine but usually it's people already rightfully grumbling at the op so <3
about destiel - thank you again, usually people don't really like my way of thinking about them or are simply not interested in that (no offense to each their own) and i'm just doing my thing with a close circle of weirdos but sometimes it do be lonely. so you saying you find my thoughts interesting means a lot 💜 and of course, there are works (fics, art etc) that nail even the happy-fluffy-white-fence concepts and i enjoy them despite me not being a fluff loving person really. and sure, aus are literally for this - discovering different paths for the characters and if it's done in a compelling way - cheers
i can talk for a long ass time about all my hcs (hashtag just girl things) it's just i usually don't receive a lot of feedback on them so i keep them to one on one chats mostly, but you're always welcome to ask me stuff or just chat, i love chatting (even tho i guess i can be seen as an angry intimidating person sometimes because...well. i am angry at a lot of things sighhh)
anyway thank you again, i really enjoyed both answering your asks and reading your reply 🌷
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Does the prince have any special hobbies? (Singing, playing the violin, fencing, that kinda stuff)
yes! to sum it up I think he likes books + law, painting, astronomy and by extension astrology, probably dipped his toes into sewing seeing as Snatcher made the minion bodys, plays piano and violin etc etc I have a lot of hcs lol
I tried to show these ideas with snatch and mj, mj getting more of the artsy hobbies while snatcher getting more of the law based hobbies
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dittomander · 2 years
Do you have any hcs about the Flores cousins
prior to Esteban's parents' deaths, he and Elena only ever really saw each other for big family gatherings and vacations
when Isa was still a baby, Elena and Esteban would fight over who got to play with her first
"She's my sister so I get to play with her first!" "That's not fair! You always get to play with her first!"
the adults, meanwhile, always had to remind them that "she's a baby, not a toy, you two"
(Elena's the one that taught Isa the tortillitas game that she teaches the baby jaquins in Three Jaquins and a Princess)
once Isa was mobile, then, she'd follow her cousins around like a duckling and try to "help" them with different games, mostly by just imitating whatever they were doing off to the side
Elena and Esteban thought it was cute at first, but as they started getting older and more independent, they wanted to spend more time with their own friends, without her, and they weren't always the most tactful in telling her to go away. Inevitably she'd end up sulking in her room and the other two would have to go coax her back out (or else end up in trouble with the adults)
the older two would absolutely weaponize Isa's cuteness when she was little to get extra sweets
the adults knew exactly what the three were up to, but would usually end up caving and doling out an extra pastelito to everyone anyway
there was definitely some bitterness and jealousy between Elena and Esteban, especially as they got older. Elena tended to get a lot of unintentional favoritism since she was the heir, and so Esteban threw himself into his studies to try and out-perform her and get attention that way. He did not hesitate to hold his better grades over her head, which she found aggravating.
the studies still only did so much, though, and Esteban eventually turned to trouble-making for attention instead, learning how to pickpocket alongside Victor
Esteban was definitely closer to his abuelos than his tíos, but he did used to practice chess with Raúl while Elena had her fencing lessons with Lucía, and those are some of his fonder memories of Raúl since he actually had him to himself for that window
Esteban was a massive tattle-tale as a kid
Isa picked up tattle-tale tendencies from him, which he thought was great at first (he considered her his little assistant in telling on Elena), but his opinion of it soured very quickly when Isa started tattling on him, too
the "I'm your only cousin" thing is actually an in-joke Elena and Esteban had as kids. Cristóbal had done something to upset Elena while the whole family was together and she'd basically responded with "wow I can't believe that Esteban is my only cousin!", and had carried on pretending that for the rest of the trip
she brought the joke back in full force after Song of the Sirenas, in a "haha wow I can't believe you really were my only cousin all along! :) I know you would never betray the family like this" kind of way and Esteban internally was like "*chuckles* I'm in danger"
post-series, Esteban pretty much commandeers Isabel's quinceañera. or at least, he tries to. Elena puts a valiant effort in keeping him from going too overboard with the ruffles. a mortified 15-yo Isa then is just like "why are you guys like this"
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imma-potatoo · 4 years
Im not sure if you take requests but if you do can I please have some angsty janus HC? if not im sorry for bothering you. have a nice day!
First of all, you aren't bothering me, I love it when people ask about my headcanons. And secondly, *shocked* I'm being ASKED to share my angst?!
We're gonna be here for a while
He picks/scratches at his skin,
he doesn't really know why he does it, but he often spends full nights scratching his arms, chest, and legs. But NEVER at his neck or face, the other sides can see that. It's normally targeted at his scaled half, but he does scratch at the human side too
The scratches typically run very deep, there's a lot of blood, and Janus doesn't always have access to a medkit
Janus is the youngest out of all the sides, around 21-24, but he never really got to have the full childhood that he was supposed to
Virgil is the oldest of the sides, and when they were younger he was around a lot, basically playing mother hen. But once Janus turned 10 or so, Virgil stopped spending as much time with him and Remus
So Janus had to grow up quick. He learned how to cook (not very well, but food is food), spent most of his time reeling Remus in (who is around 15 at this time), and delivering food to Virgil's door, trying to get him to come out
At the end of the day, Janus was too tired to play, read, or do anything really. He just went to bed.
So young Janus' schedule was;
wake up, make Remus/Virgil food, force Remus to eat the food, attempt to keep the house from a disaster fire from Remus, make lunch, talk to Virgil through his door, more babysitting of Remus, make dinner, send Remus to bed, clean up, go to sleep
Hardly time for playing in there
To this day, if you hand him a toy, he'll simply stare at you with wide eyes
Janus can tell when people tell lies
They don't taste nice or anything, he can't even taste them at all. The lies are revealed with a sharp stabbing pain to his chest
Similar to a heart attack.. But worse.. So much worse.
Imagine if you took a long knife, and stabbed it repeatedly, over and over for hours, breathing faulting, and the entire room starts to spin. It hurts
Now imagine that you have to keep a straight face during this pain or get strange looks and get told you're faking
Janus has gotten a little too used to that stabbing pain
Everytime that Janus stumbled in SvS? That was him trying to hide the pain
The dark side is cold, really cold, like Canadian winter cold. But the darks don't have central heating
It's sadly very common for Remus to find Janus passed out, near hypothermic, in random places in their own home
The dark sides home is... a lot less pleasant then someone would prefer. It looks like a prison with concrete walls and floors, bars cover the windows, and the backyard is completely fenced in with 15ft+ high fences.
The sides rooms move when Thomas is willing to accept that they're a part of him and that he needs to work with them
Remus' room moved back in DWIT, because Thomas accepted that he's there and that he can't get rid of him
Janus is still stuck in the dark. Thomas has given him a chance, but he's not completely accepted that he's needed yet
Janus can often be found passed out on the light side's couch, simply because his room is far too cold
Virgil almost always finds him first, he doesn't like Janus by any means, but he knows first hand that the dark half is cold, so he normally just throws a heated blanket over him and calls it a day
Janus is always gone before Virgil can talk to him
His shepards crook is actually a cane
He had to start using it right after Virgil left, Remus ran off to the imagination and Janus chased after him. He ended up getting cornered by a monster, and it punctured his knee almost clean through
Remus only found him because he was screaming so loud. Roman could hear it from his half of the imagination, but thought it was an animal and didn't bother to investigate
Even as an adult, his sleep schedule is horrible
He's coldblooded, makes the dark half so much worse
The closest thing that he's ever had for a friend (when he was younger) was Logan. They would watch documentaries together and talk about them for a bit
Those stopped when Janus had to take care of Remus
Remus is his friend now, but he still spends most of his time looking after him and making sure that he's eating (he tends to forget that he needs to eat)
Remus goes back to the dark half everyday to spend time with Janus
Janus is a really bad cook, he can make half burnt grilled cheese and pasta. Thats about it. It's not from lack of effort really
The other sides are genuinely concerned for his health and well-being. Everytime he shows up he seems paler, his eye bags are larger, and his clothes hang off of him
Janus doesn't actually believe them when they say that they want to help though
Janus gets maybe two hours of sleep daily
He spends the entirety of his free time trying to help Thomas
He would drink coffee to help him stay awake and productive, but he hates the taste of it
The others grow more and more concerned everytime he passes out. Which is a lot. Janus always brushes it off though
Logan is the only one who doesn't believe him
He remembers what Janus was like when they were younger, and it was NOTHING like how Janus acts now. They're completely different.
The Orange side made him show up and impersonate the other sides. The only time that he showed up willingly was in POF
He honestly doesn't know what he did to make Virgil hate him, nor does he know why Virgil locked himself away when he was 10
Janus is angry, he's angry that he had to grow up quickly, he's angry that Virgil abandoned him, he's angry that Remus needs to be constantly supervised, he's angry at Orange, he's angry at himself. He's angry. But doesn't have the energy to do anything
He cries himself to sleep a lot more then you would think
Touch starved. Completely touch starved. He breaks down completely when someone touches his wrist
You would think that self preservation would have better self care, but no. He's really bad at it. The closest he gets is getting 4 hours of sleep instead of the normal 2
Even after Remus left, he spends all of his time trying to help Thomas... Only to get pushed to the side
He normally completely forgets to eat food and only remembers when he's on the verge of passing out
He's gotten super good at makeup to hide the red streaks from crying so much
He loves snakes, but can't own one in the dark half because the temperature would put them in extreme pain or even kill it. Janus doesn't want to put the poor creature in suffering
The only toy he still has from childhood is a stuffed snake, but even that has had extreme mending
He sewed his entire outfit himself, and he was quite proud of it! Every time another side insults it, he withers a bit inside
The other sides have tried to stage an intervention so many times, but Janus can somehow avoid them everytime
He doesn't want their pity, because thats what he thinks it is, pity.
T r u s t I s s u e s
Lots of trust and abandonment issues
He has talked to Emile, but he has a hard time trusting him
Completely avoids Patton. Completely.
You can occasionally see him out of the corner of your eye in the common rooms, but the second you turn around he's gone
He's short as hell
His hair is like curly fries. Complete ringlets. But he hates them, hense the hat
He hates it when the others steal the hat
Everytime they insult his scales, he dies a little inside
Let me know if you want more :)
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hellonoblesky · 3 years
Happy Saturday it’s past 2am here’s Harbinger Angst. Because I’m up late and I’m havinggg thoughts.
So here’s my hcs about the Harbingers reacting to/dealing with the news of Signora‘s death :)
(CW For like. Mental breakdowns and guilt and general emotional instability because no one is having a good time here. Oh also cussing, anddd some familial angst in Childe’s bit? Also I am so sorry about any misspellings n whatever it is. Very late and I already have two other posts in my drafts collecting dust that are also HCs so.)
So if you don’t follow my art blog or haven’t seen my Harbinger hcs (which are under the process of some change with new info being released and whatnot), you don’t know this but I HC Dot and Signora to be like sorta just evil siblings
Now because death is such a commodity in Dot’s uh… specific line of work, he doesn’t register that Signora is dead until like two days after he hears the news
He picked up the phone (rotary perhaps?) to go call up Signora‘a office to see if she has any good gossip and then stopped halfway through dialing because it hit him that she’s never going to be there to pick up the phone on the other end. Ever.
He usually listens to music when he’s working but with the absence of Signora ranting he has to take up listening to the radio on top of the music
Problem is: the radio doesn’t have the same charm and cadence to it that Signora’s rants did, because normal people are boring and it’s going to drive Dot up the walls if he has to listen to one more commercial or one more anxious ramble about how cool and great the Fatui are from some stupid radio host trying not to overstep the Tasritsa’s favor like she listens to some boring ass radio station in her spare time!!!
HE HATES IT. But is forced to make do because if he shows weakness he will be torn apart (or so he thinks)
So this leads to him locking himself away in his office even more than he already did
Because he was already intrigued by the traveller after their actions in Mond and their victory against Childe, but them beating Signora in a duel before the Shogun? Oh now that kickstarted a whole new line of study
Especially because his only coping mechanisms are Be Destructive and Dive So Far Into Work You Don’t Think so within about three days he has a comprehensive analysis of everything he can possibly get his hands on regarding the Traveler (without interacting with other people) and is about to pass out because he hasn’t slept
Oh and the funeral was absolute hell for him.
Mainly because while he was barely conscious he agreed to play violin at the service and then promptly passed out and forgot about it so he woke up and was hit with the consequences of his own actions in the form of sheet notes
He endured, obviously, he’s not going to back down from playing something at the funeral of one of the few interesting people in the organization, that’s what tools and cowards do and this might be the Fatui but if he’d survived the wrath of dead gods he would make it through this
Went right back to locking himself away after that though
He actually got bad enough that the other Harbingers took notice of his state and MADE him come out of his labs and eat (mainly at demand of the Tsaritsa because she just lost the Crimson Witch as an asset, she wants the rest of her Harbingers in good health god dammit, the Traveler is becoming a genuine threat)
Broke down at dinner a week after the funeral
Swears that if any of the other Harbingers bring it up ever ever again he will kill their bodies and keep their consciousnesses trapped in a machine that he controls forevermore
Really he’s just glad that no one immediately pounced on one of his few shows of weakness
Maybe he’ll risk it again if it means he can cry it out for another hour but he wouldn’t dare say that out loud, won’t even finish the thought
But you know what he will do?
What he does best, of course
Look at an oddity in the world (in this case the traveller) and seek to pick it apart until he can put it back together without looking and still have it work
The only way he can actually get through his grieving is by finding something to take the edge off
And it just so happens that the traveller is a perfect candidate
By no means has he ever liked Signora, in regards to personality or method, but her death still hit him
He had to travel back to Snezhnaya for the funeral, and it did absolutely cheer him up to see his family again and get to spoil them all silly, but with a mind whirling with thoughts it was genuinely hard for him to keep a smile up
Mainly thoughts about battle, because that’s really the only way he can interpret the world at this point
Like he keeps thinking about weather the Traveler was holding back with him, or if they had gained the strength to fight off yet another Fatui plot just in the month or so since Liyue? And if they had gained strength, how had they done it so fast? If they’d been holding back against him had he not shown himself to be a fighter worthy of their strength? Had Signora even faced the Traveler‘s full strength?
Overall his head is much too full of too many things, and it wears him out to the point that he ends up sleeping in late enough for his family to actually worry because usually he’s up before dawn training and they don’t see him until the afternoon
But he’s back on track as soon as he can, because the training helps him think, and once he can resolve most of his thoughts (or repress them so they don’t bother him too often) he’s absolutely alright and fine and ready to go! Totally. Fine. It’s fine.
The thoughts were very much There during the funeral, especially as the first harbinger read a (somewhat summarized version) of Signora’s life to the assembly of Fatui
(Oh and Pierro didn’t really care weather or not Signor wanted people to know her life after she died because she was dead now what was she going to do??)
The reveal that Signora had been fighting for the Fatui because her lover had been killed by the actions of the Anemo Archon, and she desired nothing more than to see him again… it got to Childe. It got to Childe more than he’d like to admit
Because suddenly the woman who he had always known as the embodiment of frostbite and frozen barbed wire fencing had someone she had cared about, genuinely cared about, to the point where she had become the Mondstadt legend, the Crimson Witch herself
And she had lost that lover to the actions of a fool of a God
He swore silently to himself that when the Tsaritsa‘s future came to pass he would make a little monument for Signora. Nothing big, probably a plaque on a nice stone where Mondstadt would have been before the Tsaritsa’s success, but a monument nonetheless
This promise was a spur of the moment thing, and later he would be like “Man she was a jerk, lost love or not why did I promise her that?“ but he doesn’t go back on promises
Besides, actually watching Dottore break down in a grief and sleep-depravation induced haze was also something that got to him because of course the two people he happened to simply Hate The Most in the organization were close that makes perfect sense but also wow it is weird to see Dottore cry and it feels Wrong because after murdering and tormenting so many people… Signora is gone and he breaks then??? What the fuck
Avoids most of the Harbingers after that, just heads home to Morepesok to spoil his siblings silly before going back to Liyue
Oh and his siblings can tell something is up, Teucer especially because when his brilliant big brother, the greatest toy salesman in all of Snezhnaya, is suddenly struggling to keep a smile even though they’re at home… he notices
Childe’s other siblings are all avoiding the subject, they heard about the death of Signora and all, they just assume the organization is going through it tight now and frankly most of them are a little afraid of him weather they‘ll admit it or not
Not Teucer though, he’s confused just because he still has grasped how Snezhnaya works yet, so he goes ahead and asks anyway
Childe just says he’s sad because he has to leave again so soon! And he hasn’t even been able to take Teucer fishing this time, isn’t that sad?
Teucer can tell that he’s lying
But Teucer is also beginning to sense the danger that lies behind Childe’s eyes, so for the first time? He doesn’t push it or say that they could go fishing now if they hurry
Just a grin and a “Next time!! Promise?” Makes it all better and he doesn’t have to think about why his big brother feels unnerving to look at sometimes
Childe is oblivious to Teucer’s growing awareness
He heads back to Liyue and makes himself focus on work
Now he didn’t particularly like Signora either, and didn’t really care about her life’s story, because blah blah blah we get it lady you lost someone, we all did, cry about it or whatever
But he does feel… he feels guilty for leaving her to face the Shogun
He had the Gnosis, he had finished Signora’s mission for her without even meaning to, and he had thought it would be funny to just let her face the Shogun without knowing that
To some extent, it’s his fault she’s dead
And it’s not the fact that she died because he didn’t go get her that weighs on him, it’s that he left her to the Shogun of all things
I don’t know if puppets like Scara can feel things like people and such do, but considering how the Shogun expressed frustration and stress when Ei disabled the majority of her functions, I’m going to assume they can
And because of the meddling of ‘some eccentric scientists’ his emotions are probably toned down a tad but he can still feel guilt all the same
And leaving Signora to the Shogun makes him feel guilty because he and the Shogun are essentially kin
Disowned and disavowed kin, but you know
He may have been able to easily counter the Shogun, or even help Signora prevail in her duel, but he. Ran. Off.
He happens to think that that was very cowardly of him
It causes a spike in his aggression which everyone unfortunately has to notice every time he walks by because the sheer static electricity that snaps in the air when he’s in the room now? Haha. Ouchie
Fun fact: he has no idea how to cope with guilt
He channels ALL of it into SHEER RAGE
Ever seen a couple hundred year old man go absolutely apeshit in the Harbinger‘s shared training arena? Well now you have!! It’s not a pretty sight!!
He’s crying and can’t tell why, which fuels his anger, which fuels stress as a fun side effect which just makes more tears and now he has to snap someone in half because he needs it to stop he hates it here he hates it here he hates it here
And in the beginning the guilt wasn’t even that severe for him, it was just so immensely magnified by his lack of coping skills that he very nearly broke himself down
He tried going to Dottore to get it disabled but Dottore had his doors all locked so Scara couldn’t even get a word through to him
Oh and the funeral was fine with him he just left early because he didn’t want to deal with looking people in the eye at the time because, again, his lack of coping skills with guilt magnified the whole feeling so it was almost unbearable
It’s a lot of fighting and breaking things before he’s able to resign himself to some semblance of how he was
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parvulous-writings · 4 years
David Stephens x Reader // SFW alphabet
Requested by: @peter-hughes-harmonies
Warnings: Insinuations of murder
Summary: SFW alphabet for David Stephens, from Shallow Grave. 
Notes: I enjoyed working on this very much! I know some sections are a little on the short side, but I didn’t want to make it seem like I was babbling on with everything! Enjoy! 
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Not my gif
A - Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
Typically, in front of others, David is not an affectionate guy. He’s practical, not sentimental.That is not to say of course, he doesn’t show affection at all. He just shows it in a different way to most. He’ll sit with you and watch some tv shows- though with him it’s more like critiquing sometimes.  In terms of physical affection, he’ll occasionally give brief kisses, and on rare occasions he’ll give you a warm hug. If he knows you’ve had a bad day at work, he’ll find you a little trinket to keep you amused or cheer you up, but he’d leave it on your nightstand rather than give it to you face to face. 
B - Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)
He can very much be the stereotypical quiet friend sometimes. There of course are many occasions where he will pipe up with his own opinion on a subject- whether he agrees, disagrees, or sits on the fence. He’s actually got quite a knack for debating, which can lead to some very enlightening conversations about subjects you’d often think as incredibly boring.
C - Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He isn’t really that fussed on cuddles, in all honesty. He’ll give you one if you’ve had a hard day, but in a usual situation, it’s not really likely. He’s not exactly one for frequent physical contact. 
D - Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking, cleaning, ect?)
This man does do very well in the cleaning department, let’s give credit where credit is due. Cooking, however, that’s more left to Alex and occasionally Juliet. Settling down? Well, in his mind he sort of already has settled down. He’s got a steady job, a nice home, and you. Boom, he’s settled. 
E - Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh boy, would David be a little too blunt about it. He does not see the point in trying to sugar coat anything in a situation like this, so he’ll just say it how it is. If it’s a problem with him, an issue with you, whatever it may be that caused the break up, he’d be the kind of man to say it outright to you. 
F - Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? Do they wanna get married?)
Once he’s entirely sure he can trust you with every little detail of his life, and he knows you can do the same for him, then yes. He’d love to marry you. He’s not fearful of commitment, after he warms up to the concept a little bit of course. 
G - Gentle (How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
Whilst he can be very closed off emotionally, during brief moments where he opens up, he can be incredibly gentle. It’s the same with the physical side of things too, unless he is angry or upset and becomes aggressive towards others.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
Like cuddles, he isn’t that fussed on them. He’ll give them if you’ve had a bad day or are quite clearly down in the dumps. There has been one or two occasions where he’s asked you for a hug, but he has never revealed the reason behind it to you. 
I - I Love You (How fast do they say the “love” word?)
Not fast at all. (I mean faster than Alex probably would, but still, the man’s pretty closed off.) Though, when he does finally utter those words to you, quiet as they may be, he means them with every fibre of his heart. 
J - Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What are they like when jealous?)
Not that he’d ever admit it to you even when you ask, but he does get jealous. Very jealous. Remarkably jealous. Horrendously jealous, in fact. He’ll become completely and utterly silent for the next few days, not bringing it up, not even speaking to his flatmates or you.  Once, you saw someone reported missing, one who had spoken to you a few days prior, sparking David’s jealousy. 
K - Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Brief. Almost always brief and fleeting. The corner of your mouth or you temple are his favourite places to kiss you, and his favourite place to be kissed is the cheek- simple, yet endearing. 
L - Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
He’s largely indifferent towards children, neither liking them or disliking them. There’s not much else to say on this side of things. 
M - Morning (What are mornings like with them?)
Largely uneventful. Like every other morning, in a way. He’ll make you a cup of your favourite beverage for you, offer you a slice or two of toast, before he heads off to work. 
N - Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
Also, like the mornings, largely uneventful. You may all sit with Juliet and Alex, around the tv or playing a game with them on game night. Once you go to bed, he may read for a little while, but apart from that, nothing too much happens. It may seem boring to some, but David is honestly really happy with this part of his life. 
O - Open (When do they open up about themselves?)
Almost never. He is not an open person.  However, there is one way you can get him to open up, if only for a few minutes. It usually only works in the early hours of the morning though, and you have to hold him incredibly close, and almost coax him to speak to you. 
P - Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Inwardly he can be very easily angered, but, as mentioned many times, he’s closed off- good at masking his emotions. Outwardly, it takes a lot of annoyance or stress to make him snap. If he does snap though, he snaps hard. Just look at how he was with both Alex and Juliet at different points after Hugo’s passing- mental state aside. 
Q - Quizzes (How much do they remember about you?)
He remembers almost everything you tell him. You mention something off-handedly one night when you think he’s too focused on a book, and he’ll bring up or purchase something related to that thing a few weeks later. 
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
He read one of his favourite books to you once, after you had pestered him about it for a solid three days. Though you found it boring and eventually fell asleep on his shoulder, he admired that you cared enough to bother him about it. 
S - Security (How protective are they?)
Super damn protective, even if you don’t realise it. He keeps a watchful eye on you almost every second of the day- through various methods, some darker than others. You’ve not brought it up with him yet, though. 
T - Try (How much effort do they put in?)
A fair amount- even though you yourself do not reap the benefits of said effort, nor are you aware that half of it is going on. But he does indeed try, Mr Stephens is not entirely heartless. 
U - Ugly (What are their bad habits?)
David has a nasty tendency to jump to conclusions sometimes. He doesn’t always mean to- and it has caused a couple of arguments- but it has happened on more than one occasion. Him and Juliet are trying to work on that to help your relationship, and cause less fights. 
V - Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
No, I wouldn’t say that he’s a particularly vain man. He does dress well and keep himself groomed for the most part, though I would put that down more to profession and habit, rather than vanity. 
W - Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would definitely feel something amiss without you around. Like his reaction to most negative things, he’d be eerily silent, retreating only to his thoughts and letting them slowly start to consume him in the process. 
X - Xtra (Random HC)
He likes to watch you sleep when he can’t find rest. Sometimes it helps him to sleep, he finds it very soothing to see you in such a peaceful, almost perfect state of bliss, completely worry free and shielded from the horrors and stresses of day to day life. 
Y - Yuck (Things they don’t like either in general or a partner?)
Someone who pries too much into his life or his mind. He’ll open up to you or someone else on his own, constant badgering about certain topics makes him clam up. 
Z - Zzz (Sleep habits)
David does not have a good sleeping pattern, and is often very restless. Though he goes to bed and switches out the light at the same time every night- like clockwork- it doesn’t seem to help. He’ll lie on his back for hours, his mind running rampant and torturing him with intrusive, and sometimes very concerning thoughts. 
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
001 - Tales of Zestiria?
Favorite character: It's a tough call between Maltran and Symonne, and Lunarre is trailing right behind both. I tend to call them the "Heldalf Squad," but make no mistake, Heldalf himself isn't part of it. I just like his swagalicious minions. The dry and sarcastic political manipulator, the sadistic and wordy theater nerd, and the flamboyant cannibal who hates everything. Yes. LOVE. But I have to give a shout to my boy Dezel on the hero side! Angsty/stoic characters are very hit-or-miss with me, but Dezel is the flavor I love - obvious soft spots and quirks, and slowly he builds from being antisocial to showing how big his heart is. When he stops the woman from leaping off the Guinevere tower...that's one of my favorite scenes in the entire game, because you can see when the switch flips, when he realizes that he CANNOT stay aloof any longer when there's a stranger's life on the line. He's still a grump about it but a compassionate grump.
Least Favorite character: Heldalf. His backstory is really clever, and I like the curse on him. But he himself just feels like Ganondorf but more boring. I kinda hate that he's so vanilla when his three lieutenants are in my arsenal of pet villains from the vastness of fiction. Also shout-out to Chancellor BART in the opening Ladylake act, because I distinctly remember liveblogging this to a friend, and I played Zestiria *after* Berseria (I'd loved Berseria and that's why I eventually sought out Zestiria) so here I am just comparing up the corrupt church in Ladylake to the Abbey's suave rogues gallery like "Yeah no BART has nothing on Lady Teresa Linares." Thankfully BART was never seen again.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): DezeRose, SorMik, Symonne x Coco Atarashi (The World Ends With You), Alisha Diphda x Sergei Strelka, and...I swear you have to bear with me here...Zaveid x Anna (Frozen). I also kinda wanna note a couple ships I'm on the fence about for my other favies - those being Maltran x Ebony Maw (Marvel Cinematic Universe or Marvel Ultimate Alliance) and Lunarre x Arkham (Devil May Cry).
Character I find most attractive: Dezel. It is a scientific fact that guys with pointy teeth are just hotter.
Character I would marry: Maybe Dezel, maybe Sergei. I wouldn't want to take them from those I see as their wifeys, but at the same time, they are husband goals, both of them.
Character I would be best friends with: Catch me clinging to Maltran's train and she drags me along annoyedly as I yell "PLEEEEAAASE LET ME HANG OUT WITH YOU GUYS" and Lunarre is losing it laughing while Symonne rolls her eyes
a random thought: So I toyed around with basically every accessory I picked up, and I decided to put the sideburns on Rose because fuck gender roles. Well then I just got used to seeing her with facial hair in every cutscene where her 3D model was used, and now I headcanon that she does get it. Maybe nonclassical CAH intersex? Like, I don't necessarily see her as trans (but I support everyone who hc's her as such) but moreso "a cis woman, but I grow this stupid damn facial hair like a dude and I don't get why." And this is why you shouldn't let me play with customizable accessories on RPG characters because I can and will abuse my privilege to headcanon.
An unpopular opinion: That this is actually a very good game. Listen, I think I get it - the initial marketing promised something far different. And that's disappointing. But coming back to it several years after its release, after the release of its PREQUEL, when I never had that hype building up...it actually exceeded my expectations. I held off from it for a while because I thought Eizen's fate would make me too sad, but that didn't end up the case at all. I actually had just come off playing a more recently-released triple-A game that was hyped up for years, and I completed it to my satisfaction in 20 hours. $80 for 20 hours. Zestiria gave me my money's worth in comparison; it took me about 60, and I loved just how MUCH story it had to offer me. I honestly like Rose better than Alisha anyway (Rose was one of the biggest aspects that interested me about playing it in the first place). I've also seen complaints that the characters weren't well-developed enough? Which I just kinda take to mean "They didn't angst enough." Listen. There are PLENTY of games out there if you want angst and sad stories. I don't really like sad stories in my games. I like adventures where the party is a goofy foundfam that jokes around with each other and helps each other work through shitty situations, and that's EXACTLY what I got. (And Berseria really worked on me too because it kinda started at the bottom of the angst barrel, then worked its way up through "The edgy and tortured protag has gained a party of idiots and oh noooooo she's learning friendship and happiness.") Dezel's death is one of the few game deaths that just made me SATISFIED to watch instead of depressed because of the closure he got and the themes tied into his final moments and sacrifice. I loved going on this adventure, I loved the idiots who I went on it with, and I loved seeing what Glenwood had to offer me in world design the further I explored.
my canon OTP: There's not much for canon romance in this game, come to think of it. Just subtext and some flirting. So I'm blanking on if there actually were any canon couples at all.
Non-canon OTP: DezeRose! Which maybe can be considered almost-canon based on the amount of subtext, but still. It's adorable. (And it's the exact same dynamic as EiRoku except M/F and a thousand years later. I need these four to double date...the dual-wielding goofs with their edgy, grumpy Reapers...)
most badass character: Rose! Not only able to wield the Shepherd's Armatization powers, but also to be a dang good assassin on her own, able to hold her own against Heldalf before she even had her eyes opened to seraphim! Though a shout-out goes to Edna because her armatization was my favorite to play with. There's something just satisfying about bashing the enemy in front of you with a pair of GIANT FISTS
pairing I am not a fan of: RoseAli. To be honest, it was at one point something I kinda enjoyed as a third-tier ship for Rose (Dezel first, then Lailah in second). But then...Alisha's Story. I didn't actually purchase it, thank goodness, just watched it on YouTube, and it was the most grating addition that anyone could've made to this game. First of all, I can sum up the issues with Alisha's Story by reminding everyone that it canonized a secret entrance to Camlann that was much easier to get to and wasn't protected by Muse's sacrifice. But the real thing that hurt to watch was how far down they had to knock Rose and Alisha's friendship to get them to rebuild from scratch. Rose claiming she was never Alisha's friend because she's grieving Sorey? The two of them getting into a PHYSICAL FISTFIGHT over it? Nope nope nope. That's not my Rose. Even less my Rose is that whole scene where she...you know...pounces on Alisha to dress her in the silly noblewoman's dress, and it's framed like...let's just say it's really uncomfortable to watch if you don't know the punchline is just a silly outfit. Even though Alisha's Story isn't canon in my head, it still really killed any buzz I had for RoseAli. I will also say I'm not a big fan of Eizavie - first of all, EiRoku or bust in this house, and second, I have a little bit of a hard time seeing Zaveid as mlm due to how much he goes on and on about The Ladies(TM). (Though I could see Eizen as having a tiny crush on him, though. Just like "Oh no he's hot but he's connected to Aifread's disappearance help")
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Mostly just in Alisha's Story. I was mad about the aforementioned Rose stuff, but also...like...they undid Lunarre's original cathartic death, they did so to team him back up with Symonne and then do a whole fakeout that they had Maltran with them too, but Maltran is just an illusion and immediately after this, Lunarre and Symonne just decide "Yeah, we're not gonna work together anymore, have a nice life." Why does Maltran need to stay dead if LUNARRE somehow survived EXPLODING? And just...look to next question for more clarification:
favourite friendship: I just want to imagine that Maltran, Lunarre, and Symonne were weird evil friends. The kind who'd take artistic selfies and caption them "Murder and mayhem with my besties!". Maybe they even had a sibling dynamic. They were all pretty dang jaded, so I like to think they sat around sometimes talking about the things in this world that did them wrong. The reasons they were drawn to Heldalf. Heldalf himself wouldn't have cared, he would've kicked them around like disposable tools, but the three of them were too entrenched in his dogma to see it. Maybe if they met up again after he was off the board...then they'd sing a different tune. Realize they're all three better than this, and now they're gonna do things THEIR way, because remember when they made a three-point attack on Glenwood and Sorey was barely able to keep up with them wrecking Lastonbell AND Pendrago AND Glaivend? Remember when Lunarre and Symonne had each other's backs the night Dezel died? Now they can do what they want on their terms! And I just - I have many MANY feelings about these three.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Okay silly self-insert time but the thing is, Archibald Snatcher (The Boxtrolls) and Roman Torchwick (RWBY) are my two favorite parental f/o's (and also my OTP to end all OTPs), and I have this thing about how they'd be PERFECT crime dads to Symonne in particular because she's like a little, more theatrical Neopolitan. So there's a universe in my head where Symonne is basically already my little sister, and I look out for her - well, okay, she's a seraph with powerful Artes and I am a powerless mortal so really she looks out for me because "I suppose SOMEONE has to make sure you don't die" and I am grateful to her for it.
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uwua3 · 4 years
yoohoo!! may i ask for some soft hcs of tenma and his s/o on a summer night? thank u n ily 🥺💕
MELELELELELEL 🥺 i,,, i Love You. of course i will write this for you because i Love You ♡ I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU 🥺🥺🥺
summary: school’s out! that means a beach day with your boyfriend, tenma!
author’s note: everyone go check out nervwrecked right now she’s the Funniest Person on the Planet i promise you!!! she is the best i love her so much ♡ this turned more into a beach day into night hc so i hope you don’t mind, mel !!!
Tenma Tenma Tenma Tenma Tenma. that was my entire thought process, i just love beach!tenma so much and i went a little crazy. sorry about that~ tenma has such a specific, chaotic energy to me and i had to write about it
word count: 3,632
music: lightning in a bottle – the summer set (please mel this is the most perfect song ever, you’d love it!)
summer nights.
🌻☀️ sumeragi tenma
school was out and life never felt so good!
the moment that last bell rang, tenma sprinted outside of the academy with his emerald green uniform blazer flying behind him
“freedom! no more school!” tenma shouted into the horizon, ignoring the judgemental looks he got from students who were, you know, leaving normally
“tenma! wait up!” you sprinted after him, jumping onto his back as tenma instinctually caught you with his arms supporting your legs around his waist
(you did this so much, he started purposely turning his back towards you so he could catch you)
looking over his shoulder, tenma grinned as he adjusted his grip and started heading out to the sidewalk to walk home
“how was your day?” tenma asked, feeling you hum as you rested your head against his shoulder. tenma almost tripped over nothing, his cheeks burning as he averted his eyes to the clear, sunny blue sky
“okay, better now i have my boyfriend to carry me wherever i want.” you held onto his dress shirt loosely, your nose fitting perfectly with the curve of his neck. he smelled sweaty, he obviously tried way too hard in gym and it showed
tenma grinned, pretending to yawn as he lightly loosened his hold, making you slip down out of no where as you squeaked, tightly holding onto his shoulders
“my bad, sunshine. seems like i’m a bit rusty at piggyback rides.” tenma nonchalantly teased, but tensed when he felt you freeze against his back. did he say something wrong?
tenma puffed out one cheek, wondering if he should push aside his pride and apologize before you reached over and pinched his cheek, smiling sweetly
“sunshine?” you watched as tenma’s face turned red and he nudged your hands off. tenma huffed, wanting to die and fall into a black hole on the street so bad. he could say he didn’t mean it—
“i like it.” you whispered, returning your head on his shoulder. you couldn’t stop smiling; tenma was so precious even if he acted like he was some hotshot. tenma was just so cute when he acted like he didn’t care about romance (he did, very much. he tried very hard)
“it’s been so sunny recently, too. i miss going to the beach.” you mumbled, absentmindedly playing with his tie. you two reached the part of town with plenty of trees, providing shadows to cool down from the summer heat
tenma slowed down by the vending machine, popping in a coin to pass you your favorite drink. you couldn’t see his face, but you knew it was blushing as his hand slightly shook passing you the can
(he remembered, how cute)
“let’s go then.” tenma coughed into his arm, rushing the words so they were hard to hear. you tilted your head, staring at his face as he stared directly ahead of him. tenma pressed a button at the crosswalk, waiting for the walkimg light to let him pass
“what?” you asked, pretending like you didn’t hear him the first time just to poke fun at his shyness. tenma kicked at a stone beneath his shoe, rolling his eyes as he looked at your shit–eating grin
“you heard me the first time. we can go now if you want.” tenma raised his eyebrow, knowing he had you hook, line, and sinker. the predicament was perfect: there was no more homework to keep you both up stressed, no more finals to cram for, and certainly no more classes keeping you guys apart. it was time to catch up on all those dates you missed from school events
“have i told you you’re the most perfect man ever?” you teased, but genuinely laughed when his face got even redder. of course, child star tenma, who got compliments and praise everyday couldn’t handle it when you said something nice. it was endearing to see what an effect you had on him
“shut up.” he muttered, letting you down gently as he phoned his private driver an update to his plans
you sat down on the bench, innocently drinking your drink as you glanced around at the sunlight streaming through the leaves
(tenma mid–conversation blanked, turning to see you completely at peace. he softly smiled, admiring the way you glowed in the summer sun before his driver called his name, making him jump slightly before stammering back a quick response)
(you caught his eye and you both tried your hardest not to laugh like two crazy teens in love)
you arrived at the beach with excitement to match your beloved boyfriend’s rare enthusiasm
(tenma kept asking if they were there yet, backing down when he noticed his driver send him a sharp glare. he leaned on you for reassurance, pouting like a little kid)
tenma wore his classic pair of oversized sunglasses that did nothing to hide his identity, passing you your own, from the trunk
(yes, you even had matching ones! he had bought them one day after throwing a whole tantrum about losing them. when they arrived, tenma acted like he just found his “lost” pair when in reality, he just liked matching with you)
(he’d never admit it, though. no matter how much evidence you had against him, he was a stubborn soul)
in case of long rides, you two liked singing your heart out to the top 50 songs on the radio. the driver always turned it up so he could block out tenma’s terrible attempts at hitting the high notes as you hyped him up
(yes, it hurt your ears. but you were just as bad just to make him hold his stomach, hunched over laughing and wheezing)
this time, you two fought to see who would get out of the car the fastest just because. you made a rule to wait until the driver completely stopped the vehicle at the beach’s frontier
“i don’t want you to die on our beach date, tenma!” you reasoned, seeing him internally malfunction from realizing it was really a date
(he agreed, like immediately)
(“you’re so right.” tenma said, like he wasn’t aware of his own actions and nodded very, very seriously)
“alright kids, we’re here—” the driver started before both of you immediately lunged for the car handle like 5–year–olds. screw the rules!
“last one to get out is a loser!” you yelled, trying to open the door before you felt your window hit something very tenma–like
“why?!” tenma yelled as he fell back onto the fence, pretending to pass away as he stuck his tongue out, laying his arm across his forehead
“leave me here... don’t look back... even though you’re a loser for getting out last.” he choked out, coughing for the dramatic effect. all he got was a kick in the shin
(“ow! will you do this when i get best lead actor?!”)
“come on winner, time to not embarrass me in public.” you joked, pulling him up by his jacket collar and—oh. you frowned, looking down at your own uniform
“tenma.” you said carefully, watching as he owlishly blinked up at you. this kid was seriously the embodiment of “no thoughts, head empty”
“we’re still in our school clothes.”
tenma quickly grimanced, letting out a very loud “ew!” as he shook off his blazer and threw it behind him without thinking. it tumbled into the sand dunes, rolling away
“and that’s for making me feel stupid, school!” tenma yelled, standing proudly on top of the stone ledge as you slapped your forehead. this kid...
“tenma... you still need that for next year.”
(you two had to spend five minutes running after a blazer that seemed to have a mind of its own. tenma winced when he pulled it out of the ocean and it dripped with sea water. his parents weren’t gonna be happy)
(you didn’t have the heart to point out his wet pants as well)
you two came to an overpriced beach shack as you thumbed through hawaiian–themed dad shirts and revealing swimwear. you decided to choose something for tenma, finding the most questionable denim jacket that would fit tenma’s taste perfectly
you snuck behind him, about to give him the biggest scare of his life before you saw a flashy shirt in his hand. tenma seemed to have the most oblivious face ever, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked over the design
(he was holding two shirts and you realized it was in the couples’ section)
“would they like this? maybe i’m being gross...” tenma sighed, about to put the shirt back before you tapped his arm, holding the denim jacket in front of your face
“ta–da! we can match!” you cheered, knowing you would wear this very peculiar jacket if it meant tenma would be happy
(it did. his entire face lit up like it was christmas in july)
“yeah! i mean, yeah.” tenma lowered his voice, clearing his throat as he debated between showing the shirts before tossing one to you like it was the most coincidental thing in the world
“i mean, only because you want to.” tenma pretended like he didn’t care, but only looked away when you didn’t buy it
you shrugged, tucking the clothes under your arm as you gestured towards the mannequins wearing snapbacks
(tenma loved snapbacks)
“oh? you don’t want to? i thought maybe we could’ve gotten matching snapbacks but...” you were about to head to another display before he grabbed your shoulder, his eyes wide and face about to have a breakdown from admitting his own feelings
“don’t make me say it...” tenma begged, but you weren’t backing down, just smiled as he dramatically refused to say what he wanted and went to go retrieve two snapbacks without another word
you two went in opposite changing rooms and he came out first, smacking the beach hut door against the wall loudly as he struck a runway–worthy pose
he looked ridiculous. the denim jacket was luckily thin so it was breathable, the patches were just too loud and had so many out of date slang terms that were only popular in 60s america. the shirt was white with a neon rainbow palm tree with a wave and the snapback had a rim around it like a hula skirt. it was very fun in the sun
tenma was about to complain about how much he looked like an idiot and you had no fashion sense before you stepped out, and he was breathless
you looked just as dumb, maybe even more, but the fact you two were matching was enough for tenma
(tenma didn’t even say anything. he just stared, came back to his senses, and quickly shuffled to the cashier)
(he paid willingly. your jaw dropped. he didn’t even flinch when he heard the price)
you two strode out onto the sand confidently. seconds later tenma started hopping up and down
“why is the sand so hot?!” tenma yelped, forgetting he was wearing sandals in deep sand as repeated, “ouch. ouch. ouch.”
you sighed. he was such a big baby
you moved closer until you swept him over your shoulder, carrying him fireman–style with ease as you marched through the sand to an available umbrella the driver reserved in advance
tenma recovered from his moment of shock before he started smacking your back lightly, kicking his legs wildly
“let me down!!! i can walk!” tenma tried to roll off, but you just laughed. better this than hear him complain the entire walk over
you suddenly noticed the ocean that wasn’t very far away
you tried to walk normally to avoid suspicion, but tenma started connecting the dots when he saw the umbrella and towels in his view
why were you were going further away?
“hey, isn’t that—” tenma got cut off by a loud splash! as he quickly resurfaced, a defiant determination to his face for a split second before he faked a convincing frown
(you were doubled over losing your mind, unable to believe he fell for it)
“sunshine~ it’s so cold, help me!” tenma whined, reaching his arm out as he pretended to shiver. you paused, considering your options before you sighed (you definitely didn’t do it because of the endearment). you swam out a little more, putting your hand out. tenma grabbed your wrist with vengence
now both of you were in the ocean as you gasped in air, about to accuse him of tricking you before more water splashed in your face
tenma swam across from you, his snapback at the coast and denim jacket very heavy now
“tenma. stop.” you warned but more water hit your face, again
he watched you with a mischevious grin, you wanted to wipe the smirk right off his face
you smiled, moving in closer as tenma’s breath hitched, your lips just inches away before you dunked his head underwater
he pulled you with him, laughing even though he was supposed to use as little oxygen as possible
his hair floated around his head, the bright orange resembling coral and vivid purple eyes gleaming with childish euphoria
(you finally gave him the kiss he deserved when he made a heart with his hands)
(he made a surprised sound and bubbles floated out of his mouth when you pulled away)
(you literally made him speechless)
when you two came back to land, you insisted on drying tenma’s hair as he spluttered, unable to form intelligent words for the life of him
(you dried his hair with a crab towel, liking the way he sighed comfortably and leaned into your touch)
after settling down, you chilled out on the beach chairs with fresh coconuts
(tenma insisted he could crack one open. you didn’t bother telling him they already had holes in them)
lazing about on the beach, you two talked about how awful school was as you ate tropical fruit that came in the bag the driver took out from the back
(tenma denied ever planning a beach date, but you gave him the “really?” face when you held a beach ball up to him)
(he just shrugged, looking at his nails. “i love playing volleyball anywhere, what can i say?”)
it was so relaxing to spend the whole day on the beach! you went looking for seashells and tenma trailed behind you obediently, holding your pail out every time you excitedly yelled “look!” when you found something
(tenma didn’t get the hype, but he tried to match your energy)
tenma liked the sea glass though, proudly showing it off unprompted and believing 100% it came from a secret, undiscovered civilization like atlantis
(tenma must really not pay attention in school if he didn’t know about littering)
you two even had a sandcastle collecting competition! it was clear tenma didn’t know how to make one for the life of him, so you two worked together to create one
(he fantasized about mermaids. when you wrote your name and his at the base of the castle, he swore sirens were real when you sang off–tune a random melody while putting seashells on the sand)
later on in the day, you two were chatting about your plans for the summer as a seagull came up, staring at the bag of chips in your hand
tenma was about to point out the bird (he never noticed them before) before it snatched your chips, happily waddling away with its newfound treasure
before you could even react (or tell tenma this was normal), tenma used his athletic skill to absolutely outrun the seagull, yelling nonsense about rights to food as he nearly jumped onto the seagull
“tenma!” you called his name, wide–eyed as you watched tenma chase a singular seagull around the beach shouting profanities about giving back your chips. yep, that was your boyfriend
(at the end, tenma got them back even though most of them fell out when the seagull tried flying away. tenma caught the seagull with his two hands, holding it tightly as he shook it, demanding it released your chips)
(it didn’t, and tenma had to yank them from the seagull’s beak)
everything after that, went smoothly. definitely a lot more relaxing after witnessing your boyfriend almost fight a seagull in your honor
you guys even had a friendly game of volleyball at the beach’s public net, forcing his driver to be the referee that seemed to be in your favor
(“the ball was totally out!” tenma protested [it was] as you scored the point, leaping up to high–five the driver. stick it to the man!)
(you won with a landslide. you got a double popsicle as a prize, and you split it to offer tenma the other side. it made you smile seeing your favorite orange–haired boy with a popsicle that looked exactly like him)
time passes when you’re having fun! night began to settle in, as you yawned and rubbed your eyes tiredly. you were dozing off in the beach chair, trying your best to stay awake after a long day at school
“tenma, maybe we should go home?” you suggested before you heard two sticks being scraped together. oh no, tenma was up to something again
you weakly opened your eyes, seeing a very frustrated tenma trying to create a fire
“tenma?” you questioned, sitting up from the chair to see a bunch of sticks surrounding your boyfriend who looked just as confused as you were
“uh... i don’t know how to start a bonfire.” tenma admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as he stood up, kicking the sticks with no remorse
“that’s okay! we can just head back—” you started but tenma furiously shook his head, very opposed to the idea
“no! i mean... let’s stay a little longer, okay?” he offered no explanation as he tried again, but to no avail. you didn’t know what to do when he kept glancing at his watch and up at the sky
“ok, you know what.” tenma held your hand as he pulled you to the coastline, stopping as the water surrounded your ankles
you were about to ask if he was okay, before a boom! electrified the sky
it was summer, alright. colorful fireworks exploded before you out of no where as you couldn’t help but gape at the sight
(the timing was too convenient)
“you planned this... for me? why?” you were amazed by the fireworks show, wondering how many contacts tenma had to reach out to
your face was illuminated by every color possible, the fireworks reflected in your eyes as tenma stared, wondering how he got so lucky to share his first summer day with you
(tenma would have gotten you fireworks everyday if it meant you were this excited)
you were about to say something, anything to remember the moment before tenma squeezed your hand
“i like you so much.” tenma whispered, staring at the way you impulsively blushed, turning to look back into his eyes
tenma got on one knee
“oh my god...” you were shell–shocked. was tenma proposing? you guys were both still in high school, how would this affect his career? you were about to pull him up before he popped back up with a seashell between his fingers
“look! it’s a big one, too!” tenma shoved the sand dollar in your face. you blinked. and took it out of his hand, flabbergasted
“thank you.” you slowly said, trying to wrap your head around his denseness as he proudly rambled about how he was able to find such a cool seashell
“kidding.” tenma teased, giving you a thin ring with your birthstone in the middle. you froze, staring at the jewelery as he looked up at the sky, listening to the distant booms and wondered how many people were staring up at the same sky
(tenma sneaked a peek at your face. he knew he had the best view, though)
“i saw this and thought of you. maybe it can be our promise ring, to be together.” tenma’s words left his lips hesitantly, ignoring the one thing he wanted to finish with. he wanted to promise to be together, forever
you were about to respond, speechless from the romantic gesture before a rather large wave almost knocked you off balance
you let go of the ring and heard it drop into the ocean as you and tema stared at each other
“um. the promise is still on right?” you asked, nervously laughing as he looked back down at the ocean and up at you
“uh... this kinda ruined the moment, didn’t it?”
(you two bent down immediately, digging through the sand for the ring as the fireworks began to die down. as a firework blew up, tenma breathed a sigh of relief as the ring glinted in the orange light)
(he wouldn’t admit it, but it was very expensive)
he slipped it onto your pointer finger, admiring how your hands perfectly fit his. it was like he was born to be in the ocean with you, watching the summer night sky
tenma was about to say something about how he actually got the ring size right before you pulled him towards you, grabbing his god awful neon palm tree tee shirt. you kissed him under the glow of the last firework of the night
tenma squeezed your hand again, smiling into the kiss as you ran your thumb over the palm of his hand
(if mermaids weren’t real, they were super jealous of him right now, they had to)
(the most beautiful person alive had two legs and was walking on land, and was kissing him! out of all the people!)
you leaned back, savoring the moment as the stars shined above you in the deep blue sky
(tenma looked like he was having flashbacks)
“i really like you, but no.”
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moonythesly · 5 years
HC Character study #1
Random character study to get some interactions down since certain characters aren’t behaving as expected D<!!! This has no beta, it’s just a study after all. But, I figured it would be better to post it here than let it rot away in my folders.
The sun was steadily rising in the sky, the day stretched out before him as he bounced around the camp gathering saplings, leaves and bits of bone meal. Area 77 was getting serious in their (Doc’s) attempts to spy on the Hippies and Grian was happy to take up the challenge. 
Not that Doc has outright issued a challenge but the point simply stood; Grian was being told no and he was adamant about yes.
But spying was an advantage that the HIB did not need, and a nice forest and cliff side would be sufficient enough to make things difficult. And spruce up the camp a bit more.
It took most of the morning to set up the base of the natural fence, saplings were always unpredictable in their growth and Grian was p a r t i c u l a r about how things shaped out. Very particular as this was possibly the third time within the quarter hour that he had flown up into the air to get a look at how things were going.
Third time’s the charm, as it went.
“Something is missing…” 
He gently circled in the air, taking in every angle he could think of, as he stared at the outline of his fence. Another rocket for height and he floating upside down a bit with little less luck than before.
Facing up at the blue sky for a moment his attention was pulled away by a shape, small and distant, making its way straight down towards the strange portal Doc was in the process of making. Grian waited a few moments before realizing that the shape was getting closer to the ground and he could make out flailing limbs and a very, very human appearance. 
Not thinking beyond instincts he fired three rockets and swooped closer, circling around before firing another rocket to pitch himself downwards. He pulled up short and with a grunt caught whomever in his arms and let their momentum carry both of them towards the river just beyond Scar’s cliff. The splash was impressive, managing to even startle a few cows out of the way.
“Ow, ow, ow!” Splash down or not, catching a plummeting object still left sore shoulders. He was going to need something for that once he got back to camp. “I thought the glitches were done with.” Hermits respawning in mid-air was not the usual and Grian made a mental note to pester Xisuma about it later on. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah...geez, that sucked.”
“....” The voice was painfully familiar. “Uhm…” There was no way the voice could really be who Grian knew it to be. This was a private server and Xisuma always consulted the other Hermits before bringing someone new in.
Quickly rubbing the water off his face and pushing his wet hair out of his eyes he stared at the slowly, clearing sight before him.
A man, slightly younger than him, sat absolutely soaked before him. Brown curls hung tight against his forehead and...and the stark white rabbit ears that dripped water. The hoodie was gone but reddish eyes blinked at him. Surprise came into them as well and all Grian could do, was stare.
“G-gree-an!? It...wait.” The slighter man rubbed his head, then his eyes, then stared at Grian again before glaring. “Dude, what the hell! What did you do?”
It was him.
“Hi, Sam.”
They’d managed to sloosh out of the water, drying off a bit and Sam wiggling out of his wet over shirt. Shoes, socks and shirts laid on the grass to dry but Grian had refused to unhitch his scabbard.
“I seriously feel like you’re gonna stab me. Can you put it away or I dunno throw it in the river?”
“Me stab you? Oh that would be rich all things considered.” 
Sam rolled his eyes. That had been so long ago! Worlds away! Literally!
At least Grian was a familiar face. Everything else about the day was strange and concerning and made that constant buzz in his head even worse. He was wet and lost and the only help he had was the man he once called a friend and who now hated his very guts.
“Okay, okay, fine. But really, where am I? This isn’t Tokyo and for once nothing weird happened.” He paused, furrowing his brow in thought. No, he was pretty sure nothing strange had happened to him that morning. It had...actually been kind of boring.
Grian rolled his eyes again but at least his arms were crossed, which made Sam feel like he’d get away with minimal stabbing.
“You’re in Hermitcraft. In the latest world we’re colonizing for the Mains.” Sam wrinkled his nose at that. He knew Grian loved building (and he was good at it too, even Sam would admit) but colonizing worlds was sooo much work.
“So why am I here? I’m not a colonizer- wait, you didn’t do this right?”
“No! Why would I want you here anyways?”
That was rough, honest, but rough. But that had always been Grian. “Come on, you know you miss me!” He was scared and lost, the teasing was familiar. Old and covered with a strange ache he always pushed away, but it was familiar. And he clung to that.
“As if. If I’d known it was you falling, I would have pulled out popcorn, not more rockets.” 
Sam grinned, snickering a bit before sighing and sitting on the grass.
“Sam?” Grian’s tone was way more curious than concerned, but Sam pretended it wasn’t. 
“Sorry, dude. I kinda got used to there not being so much weirdness around since we, you know. The whole reset thing?” He flinched at that. If anything had been traumatic it had been the realization that they were absolutely alone. Just them. And then he’d lost Them too. He shook his head, ignoring the high pitched giggle that suddenly came from his throat.
“Sam, calm down. I can not have you going ape right now.” Grian’s hand had gone back to the fancy sword at his hip but Sam could feel that he was at least closer. He nodded though, picking his head up to look up at Grian.
The Brit looked...different. Not in the ‘oh, you dyed your hair!’ sort of way. It was more...subtle. He looked, relaxed- open and stood straighter and definitely not as scrawny as he’d been in high school.
“You’re staring. Stop it.” Grian thwacked him.
“Ow!” He rubbed his shoulder, glaring up at Grian before smirking, “Sorry! I just can’t look away from the stupid. I mean, really man? Flowers?”
“I’m a hippie!”
Something snapped at that- the tension, fear and panic bubbling over and Sam fell over into a laughing fit. Tears streamed down his face and he sobbed through the laughter. Hysterics, hysteria? Something like that but he couldn’t figure it out right now. Because right now he was fighting to pull himself back in- just like he’d had to for years now- pull back, hold back….don’t say the wrong thing and just breathe. Breathing was good. Breathing helped.
But so did the slightly awkward hand rubbing between his shoulder blades and the pained voice whispering his name.
He never knew how long these attacks lasted but this one felt shorter and soon he was just sobbing. That helped with the breathing, which helped to bring the buzz back down until he was hiccupping and trying not to cling to Grian who looked absolutely terrified but wasn’t going after that sword. No, his hands were on Sam’s shoulders and he was trying.
“T-thanks.” He snorted, pushing Grian away and letting his head fall forward a bit before shaking it and looking up.
“Just, keeping you sane. I’m serious when I said I can not have you going ape right now.”
Sam nodded. That was easier said than done but he could keep it cool. At least long enough to figure a way back out of here.
He opened his mouth to ask if there was a place for them to stay- but the words never got a chance to be said. Not when a splash caught their attention. Turning towards it, Sam could see a figure bobbing up and down. His heart sped up and he was seriously going to lose it now. First Grian and now this? Was today just deciding to gang up on him and send into those weird black outs? 
The buzz started to get louder and he felt the air harsh in his lungs. Faster and faster, breath coming short as his eyes refused to move away from the figure bobbing just feet from him. Grian was shaking him again but he roughly pushed the older man away, then reached out and grabbed him back.
“Sam! He still doesn’t know how to swim!!!”
Grian growled and pushed Sam away. The rabbit could only watch as the Brit dove into the water towards the bobbing figure. At least the figure stopped bobbing, Grian’s arms secure around him.
“Sam!” Now Grian was bobbing, “H-help! He’s out cold!” 
Panic. That was panic in Grian’s voice! High pitched but still gruff. It brought back memories he’d long ago hidden away.
The buzz snapped into silence, the world rushing back to his senses. He grunted and pushed himself forward, reaching out and taking hold of the banded wrist. “Keep his head up, I...still can’t swim to good either.”
Grian nodded and between them they managed to get the black haired man on to the shore.
“I-is he.”
“I….I don’t know.”
They waited, breathes held as the figure before them remained still-before letting out a rather long and loud snore.
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obeymematches · 4 years
Hello! I hope you're not swarmed in all the matchup requests lol, but I have to say - they're great! I love how detailed they are and how much work and thought you put into them! It's admirable, to be honest.
But of course I came here for my own matchup lmao. I'm polyamorous so I'm okay with multiple matches (if you want to, ofc).
So, I'm an INTP, aesthetically edgy, nonbinary.... something, ig. I'm a retired weeb that became a kpop stannie and an e-girl/e-boy but I'm still very much a nerd when it comes to entertainment, like video games and stuff.
I've been told that I look intimidating ever since I was a kid and people tend to be lowkey scared of me at first - add to that the fact that I don't talk much with strangers and have a permanent murderous gaze. But once you force your way into befriending me I become a very loyal and chaotic middle school boy with a negative amount of braincells.
I used to be known as a cryptid - never took pictures, never left my room, so quiet you'd never know if I'm currently in the same room as you or not (my friends would call me irl Kuroko - yes, that even applied to when we played basketball in school). But then, one day I decided that I'm bored of being boring and turned into the loud, vulgar, hot friend (according to my friends, again) that you'd book a room with in a closed off apartment complex but then decided to get some kebabs at midnight and then had to climb over the fence once you got back because the gate man has already left for the night. That was not oddly specific at all.
I know that what I'm doing is usually dumb and dangerous and that's exactly why I do it. I'm dumb but I'm not an idiot, y'know? I also have problems with authority lmao. And while I love doing all the dumb stuff with my friends I'm extremely protective and always take the blow or make sure no one gets actually hurt. Self-sacrifice is a personality trait 😌💅✨ Also, I still have a crippling social anxiety but after mastering the art of dissociating I can go out in public!
I'm not a very affectionate person - I don't really like physical affection all that much. I'm cool with hugging, hand holding and cuddling but in moderation. I express my love towards those close to me by doing favours and helping them. You'll also know I like you and am comfortable when I stop with all the "uwu i love u ur so amazing" and start throwing (not genuine) insults around or bully you (affectionately). I'm also straight up emotionally constipated.
There's very few things in life that I take seriously and even less things that I care about in general. Because of that I can seem very apathetic and dishonest. That being said, I *do* have hobbies and interests (hyperfixations, actually), I don't have an artistic soul but I do a lot of different art (drawing, dancing, singing, rapping, makeup, fashion, etc.) - but my heart belongs to the world of linguistics.
I'm quiet pessimistic on the inside but I just implement it into the typical Gen-Z humor and ignore all my (often serious) problems. I prefer keeping a happy, funny, loud persona in front of others - I'm the distraction and mood maker!
I'd want my partner(s) to first and foremost - be my best friend(s). Someone who isn't very emotional and can solve problems with logic and in a calm manner. Someone who'll be happy with us just existing and vibing next to each other.
Also someone who'd wrestle with me. Or at least would let me throw them around a little, lol.
My faves are Levi, Belphie, Beel and Monie but I think I match with the first two better, imo.
Thank you in advance! Hope you're having a great day/night!
Ahhh thank you for your kind words!!! >w
Okay so I think you are in fact a great match to each of your favourites for a different reason!
So in canon I don’t think there much info about their take on mono/poly relationships. Sure, besides Beel all of the other candidates are known to get jealous easily but like being poly is not cheating lol. I’m not sure if someone already made HCs about this but I think it would take so much time to convince Levi that theres not one, but two (or more) people who actually love him oh god. But I think the others mentioned above would be ok. 
So I decided to match you with Mammon! 
 Okay so when it comes to aes I think you and Mammon would make a matching couple! 
Mammon also plays games from time to time, so you could spend some time gaming together. He is surprisingly good at them! Obviously Levi could relate to your otaku past, but that is the past. 
I think your intimidating exterior would probably give off Lucifer vibes to Mammon at first. This is not something to worry about though - Mammon has a tendency of stealing or using people (he’s not crushing on) + he also looks down on humans. (these are sometimes ignored in the fandom but it’s all canon) So sure he is definitely stronger than you, but I think he would be less likely to pick on you like that if you have a pretty but intimidating face. 
He is also one of the more loyal demons, so you have a priority on the same spot! 
I think he would definitely support your chaotic ideas and steal kebab with you at night. You would annoy his brothers a lot and he would get you into trouble very often! So be prepared for some lectures by Lucifer. 
The fact that you self-sacrafice might end up getting you in danger but Mammon is also protective so it’s just the two of you protecting the other while doing someting silly.
Mamon definitely has many favors to ask for, so it’s nice that you don’t think of that as a turn-off! However make sure he doesn’t use you
 His love language is giving gifts so in return you can expect him to get you something! 
I think he likes affection but definitely not in public and he will deny wanting a hug from you with his life
Okay so the fact that you actually call out your friends when they are being unreasonable is something that comes in handy! Mammon gets bullied a lot by his brothers - sometimes there is no reason, but other times he is not innocent at all. So it would be nice if you could shape his personality a bit! 
I definitely see him with a partner who cares about appearance, so you being into makeup and fashion is a good bonus! He wants to set you off on being a model after all
He is definitely outgoing so you being able to sing and dance are great additional points! He will definitely show you off at some bars so be prepared!
I don’t think he is very fond of linguistics as really the only thing that gets him going is cash. He would probably look up how to make the most out of being a linguistic and he will definitely have a conversation with you about his findings
You two could definitely hit it off as best friends first! I mean he will not confess early, being a tsundere and all.
 Okay so Levi would be better at solving difficult situations logically as he is an admiral at the navy. However there is a reason why Mammon is the second strongest that gets overlooked sometimes! If an issue arises he has ideas to solve them! These are not always very great ideas and they might sound silly but most of the time they work! 
Mammon is definitely the best candidate to play-fight out of the potential candidates!! I imagine him being much stronger than you and giving you a hard time but he is not a sadist at all so he will let you win at the end 
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Hi. Can u do a hc to CP reaction to their s/o taking a bullet for them. Sorry I just need some sweetness in my life ( Jeff the killer, Ej, Lj, hoodie, masky u could do as much as u like. TY
SWEETNESS?!… ;_; THIS REALLY HURTS…. but i’ll do it…for the fans…
under the cut in case anyone doesnt want to read my sads…..
warning for. angst. probably pretty gorey/violent.  and reader death. IM SORRY..
Jeff the killer: 
he hated when you insisted on going killing with him, but he had once again given in, even though it always put him extra on edge. he worried so much for you. for good reason
things were going fine, you had been assigned to a particularly big house so you were both being extra careful. watching each other backs best you could while walking through it as calmly as possible
you had a funny feeling in your stomach, so you took a moment to freeze and scan the area around you, when you noticed the person crouched behind a table aiming at you two,
you screamed and roughly shoved jeff out of the way as a shot went off, right into your side,
jeff was unfazed, having gone through this before, he expertly dashes over to the person and butchers them before they can fire off another one, not even realizing you’ve been hit
he wipes the fresh blood off on the front of his hoodie, laughing lowly to himself and turning around, “good. let’s get the fuck out of-” he sees you flat on the ground bleeding out and wheezing,
he runs over and kneels beside you, even though by then you’re unresponsive he frantically tries to talk you through it, trying to help you up and walk you out of the house, and when you’re completely limp he just carries you out into the nearby woods
he has a horrible feeling in his gut. he’s been shot before, he tells himself, you’ll be ok you’ll be ok, you’ll get home and you’ll be okay.
but, deep down, soon enough he knows. your bloods everywhere. you’re already getting cold. but he can’t just leave you there. he can’t let you just become evidence at a murder scene. he wont let you die there.
he carries you half way home before he has to stop from exhaustion and just complete numbing grief. he sits there holding you and sobbing over you for hours. 
he knows this is the last time he’ll see you, and once he gets home he’s not going to let himself be in pain in front of anyone else. so he cries for you there, and holds you as long as he can.
when he arrives home by himself, it’s already getting light out. he’s completely silent. no one knows what happened to you for a long time. he’s lost so many people he cares about already, it’s a fresh wound on top of all the old ones. he never stops missing you.
You two are running away from the latest house, just finished with a kill. blood still wet on your hands, when the barking of police dogs and sirens fill the air
he’s a much faster runner than you but is trying to pace himself so not to leave you behind. you both climb over a fence quickly and continue on into the woods. you look behind you and see you’re about to loose them, you smirk to yourself before the gun shots start
you yell for jack to watch out and pick up the pace directly behind him when you’re got several times in the back and collapse
“NO- NO FUCK!!!” Jack screams, scooping you up in his arms and running top speed deep into the forest, getting a few bullets himself but completely unfocused on it
he doesn’t stop running , working out in his head what happened and what he’s going to need to do to fix you up when you’re home before he starts to slow his run.
your breathing is very weak, you’re limp and cold. his arms and body are covered in your lost blood, despite his efforts to keep you still
he’s still walking when he chokes out your name and tries to get a response out of you, which he never gets.
his walk slows to a stop. you’re a really good distance away from where it happened, but it feels like everything just happened moments ago. it’s replaying in his head as he sits down, still cradling you in his arms. he takes his mask off and just holds you. he knows you’re not going to make it, but the thought refuses to process fully.
he still tries to talk to you, but now just trying to comfort you. he refuses to lie to you while you die. he tells you he loves you. he holds your hand and waits. not letting himself start crying or sobbing loudly till he knows you won’t hear it. doesn’t want you to be scared 
after that, he carries you home. feeling completely broken, because he is. the pain of losing you never goes away 
you two were just doing some work collecting materials at a private scrap yard of sorts, with warning and “NO TRESPASSING” signs everywhere, but that was nothing new.
you two were holding arm fulls of materials , joking around with each other and chatting. no one was around right? no need to worry
suddenly a bunch of flood lights came on at once, and gun shots started ringing out. you two dropped your materials and started running off as fast as possible straight towards the exit gate, the dirt around you flying up as bullets hit it
you two almost make it without a scratch, but you get hit once in the shoulder and then in the side. you scream in pain and crumble to your knees, and hoodie wordlessly grabs you and drags you away as fast as he can out of danger
you can still half run a small bit, but the pain is unbearable, and you’re bleeding profusely, and after a while of running you can’t keep it up and fall to the ground
he urges you panickedly to keep running, that it’s not that much farther, please please please. he’s begging you to keep walking even just a little more, but you can’t. being light headed from the blood loss and stress kicks in and you can barely talk.
he gets you to wrap your arms around his neck and he carries you on his back for as long as he can, but you get too weak and fall off, he cries out your name and sits next to you, kneeling over you, tears starting to flow
he pulls off his mask, still pleading with you to get up, please, please, once you’re home everything will be ok. you’re so weak though…so weak…you gently run your hand across his wet cheek and tell him it’s ok. it’s ok. but his whole world just ends right there in front of him.
so the pleading and sniffling and choking from him and the weak barely whispering from you taper off into silence.
he feels completely empty and dead . he sits there in complete shock for a long time, unable to comprehend what’s even happening. what’s already happened.
he never recovers from that . he’s never the same. his thoughts become disjointed and distorted . he misses you so badly
You’re both doing rounds in the forest around the edge of your territory, standard stuff, make sure enemy proxies aren’t poking around. but unfortunately for you two, today they were.
he spots them first and puts an arm out in front of you to get you to stop walking forward. There’s about three against the two of you, and he’s smart so he wants to go back and just alert everyone else. instead of trying to take them on, but then they spot you two. 
and he’s no coward so he draws his own pistol and tells them to back the fuck off, they appear to be pretty startled themselves and it looks like they’ll just run off, but then one of them takes out their gun also and fires at you two.
it hits you in the chest and you fall over, masky attacks the one who fired off and the other two they were with run off quickly, soon followed by the third, now considerably bloodier in the face.
 he knows you were hit, unlike jeff, but he doesn’t know just how bad until he rushes over to you, trying to help you up when he sees just how hard youre bleeding and from where
his whole body feels cold from dread and a pit of suffocating fear forms in his stomach. he keeps his voice under control as he urges you forward and starts walking you back to the mansion, but you’re in too much pain to move
your cries of pain are like stabs to the gut for him, he settles you down against a tree and tells you not to move, he’ll run back and get help and everything will be ok, but you’re getting weak. and dizzy. and sicker and sicker. youre starting to realize whats going to happen
you softly beg him not to leave you. your voice and hands are so shaky now. he  kisses your forehead, tells you he loves you and promises to be back soon. he leaves you with his gun and after squeezing your hand for comfort, runs home faster than he’s ever run…and everything goes dark
he’s torn up about it forever basically…blames himself entirely. and will always always regret leaving you there. he wanted so horribly, desperately for you to be ok. he thought he could make it in time. he really did…he just wants to take it all back
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terranatior · 4 years
@paperthinrevolutionary asked ☆~(ゝ。∂), ❤️ , † 
For the hc meme here and tumblr broke the ask SO. I’m moving it to a new post thanks 
☆~(ゝ。∂)= How the character greets people
Scott tends to default to his ‘Hello, Hello!’ like in his phone calls haha. He tends to be more hesitant when greeting people outside of his work environment. The Manager Persona is strong tm but don’t expect him to make first contact if you see him grocery shopping or something when he’s off work.
Scott also tends to give small sheepish little waves if his hand isn’t occupied with something else.
Jeremy’s not the most talkative of fellas, so he generally just grunts in the person’s general direction and lifts his head to show he’s seen them.
Maverick has his stupid HEY HEY! like on his phone calls. He tends to shout it and rolls it into a rhyme with the person’s name (Tan the Man; Van(ny) with the Plan(y)) even if the rhyme doesn’t really make sense. If he’s got something to say he immediately launches into it without giving the other person much of a chance to respond to anything. He’s also very touchy, and enjoys clasping shoulders or throwing his arms around people.
♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, type of person, etc.)
Scott is gay; but closeted due to stigma in the time period. He has a tendency to fall for those that aren’t the best for him…idk man idk he’s a hopeless man who falls for terrible terrible men who give him a smidge of positive attention. He falls hard when he gets caught catching feelings. 
Jeremy is straight; probably somewhere on the ace spectrum if he knew what it was. He tried to do the whole white picket fence lifestyle and shacked up with his highschool sweetheart but once they actually had a kid and started a life together he struggled to keep being the breadwinner of the family while she stayed home with their daughter. The divorce came hard and though he doesn’t miss his ex-wife, the thought of losing his daughter keeps him from rolling over and giving up.
He doesn’t have another romantic relationship after his divorce.
Maverick is pan and genuinely just here to have a good time. He knows he’s a lot to take in and long lasting relationships are not his strong suit. Most people aren’t going to stick around while he sinks his entire being into his newest Fright Scheme.
† = How the character feels about murder
I mean……..is this. A question that needs answering? LMFAO.
Scott is…morally against it and learning the truth behind the missing children incident genuinely broke his spirit and trust in the one person he’d given his heart away to.  
But on the other hand? Working at Freddy’s involves a lot of denial and grey areas when it comes to murder? I guess? Like he’s aware that the Night Guards end up getting murdered by the animatronics but he’s also like???? What am I supposed to do???? How can I help? Does this count as a natural cause? Is it really murder? It’s more like an accident? The Fredbear incident with his brother when he was younger also painted him as a murderer? So he’s. He’s just having a bad time all in all and knows his hands will never truly be clean. 
Jeremy is also against it but understands that self defense is a very much real thing. Much more open about the idea of a grey area but he isn’t about to go...chopping anyone up. 
Though Fazbear’s gets some very choice words and he earns a police escort away after the bite that claims his daughter. 
Maverick is very desensitized to the concept due to his fascination with gore but he does know when to put that on the back burner and realize that hey. Shit’s fucked up. 
If he learns the truth about what Isaac and Vanny are doing in the Fright he would immediately try and turn them in after processing that they are really hurting people. Whether he’d be successful or not....well. Hm. 
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casually-inlove · 5 years
Hello, I thoroughly enjoy your in depth analysis on 19 days and wanted your opinion. If you had to classify each character as a personality trait what would it be? It doesn't have to be their best or worse. Thank you!
‘Lo! Anon-san, I’m sorry, I know you asked this question yesterday, but I didn’t have time, so I’m kinda late with replying. Ofc it’s always a pleasure to know that people find shorts bits I write entertaining/interesting.
Concerning your question, it’s very thought-provoking (somehow it made me think of Tarot cards hmm) even though I doubt I’ll tell you anything ground-breaking. 
To me, one of the most notable qualities that define him as a character is his ability to persevere. Let’s face it: life hasn’t been kind to him. He’d faced prejudices based on people’s ignorance regarding his father, he’d faced having everything taken away from him — people theorize that the restaurant where everything went south belonged to the Mo’s, meaning that they were relatively well-off and thus had lost both their status and money. We can also gather that Mo had been ostracised and isolated by his peers, which supposedly led him to fall in with the wrong gang — that one of She Li — where he had been treated like shit and ostensibly made to participate in questionable things. Even now he has to deal with his family debts and debts collectors that go hand in hand with that. Despite all that nasty stuff he doesn’t break down, doesn’t become a completely embittered ball of hatred. Doesn’t stoop to debasing himself either — that’s something commendable. The thing is that his perseverance often takes a form of withdrawing into his own shell. While it’s a perfectly understandable defence mechanism, it’s also a double-edged sword: Mo doesn’t trust easily, doesn’t see the need to let anyone into his life. His views of others are skewed and tinted by his often tragic experiences. Moreover, he’s obstinate in doing so. Once his views are set in stone, he’s reluctant to change them. With that said, I do believe that he represents tenacity mixed with obstinacy. 
He Tian / He Cheng
With He Tian, I’m a bit on a fence, ahaha. I’d say that one of the key traits that define him for me is his self-will, his streak to do things as he sees fit. Given his history of acting haughty (bossing Mo around), it’s both a flaw and a boon. Nevertheless, I do consider it to be his strong suit. He had a spine to see that his family (father presumably) is up to no good. He had a spine to break away from them, to realize he’s his own person. He had a spine to start living on his own — again presumably at a very young age. While some may say that he’s always had everything handed to him on a silver platter, it still takes a LOT of balls to start living on your own when you are fifteen or younger, and it takes much more to rebel when your family dabbles in criminal activities. I should also point out that despite being headstrong and willful He Tian’s also selfless and kind, even though it may take on twisted forms. There’s also something else that defines He Tian for me, and that is his ability to put on a facade, to grin and bear it. OX has shown several times that he’s lonely and suffering deeply from his past traumas, yet when he’s out there, he never shows the world his pain. Nobody knows how much hurt is hidden behind those eyes. Again, it’s neither good or bad; still, it takes a strong character to keep on smiling despite feeling dead inside. This stoicism is a trait he shares with He Cheng, though HC takes it up to eleven.
Zhan Zheng Xi
We see so little of his inner world which is definitely a shame. For me ZZX embodies moderation. He always seems to be reserved in things he says, things he does, in things he wears — and he’s completely fine with that. Also, he gives me an impression of someone committed to being organized and punctual. He’s the one to keep his head cool whenever the duo encountered Mo, to the point when he de facto refused to twist Momo’s balls. In general, he seems to think a bit before acting — but that is not to say that he’s always the mature one. However more often than not it was ZZX who prevented (or tried to prevent) Jian Yi from doing foolish stuff. So I think that moderation suits him well, as banal as it may sound. 
Jian Yi 
He’s the one that is most amiable and open among the other boys. I believe it stems from him having a lonely childhood — we saw that other children often bullied him too, and unlike Momo, he didn’t have his mom there for him most of the time. We also know that Jian Yi longed to have a company — to have physical proof that he’s not alone. And this is partly what drives him to ultimately forgive his wrongdoers and to hold no grudges against them to the point of becoming buddies. We see it happen with Momo and that girl who had a crush on ZZX. So he could definitely embody amicability. However, there’s another trait that he seems to represent, at least to my mind. And that is giddiness. He’s effervescent, very lively, always in motion, nearly always acting on his whims. His mood is very protean too — you could argue that his ability to change his attitude towards those who wronged him is also a part of his mutability. Again, this is neither a good nor a bad trait, yet it makes Jian Yi very flexible when needed. In that regard, he’s the opposite of Momo, who’s slow/reluctant to change. So yeah, for me Jian Yi represents the ability to change and adapt. 
Regarding other characters, like She Li or brother Qiu, I think I’d like to have more input data before assessing them. I’m sure that both of them are fascinating and simply didn’t get the chance to steal the spotlight yet. Again all of it is just my opinion. It goes without saying that OX has put an incredible effort into creating multifaceted characters that are so much more than they appear to be at a glance, and they simply cannot be described with just one trait. 
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thorne93 · 6 years
Stan Lee University
Prompt: What would the Avengers be like in college, more importantly, what would they be like if Y/N existed around them?
Word Count: 2559
Warnings: drama, language, betrayal 
Notes: This is based on a HC from @carryonmyswansong. They helped brainstorm and write part of this series. In this AU, no one will have powers, everyone is a normal human. Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong
It’s Monday.
It’s busy.
It’s hectic.
It’s nerve wracking.
It’s college.
Your junior year to be exact, the beginning of fall semester. You shouldn’t be daunted by this though, you were only nineteen, whereas most of your peers were twenty-one. Thanks to your desire to learn, and some strings pulled at your small-town high school, you’d had advanced through the grades, and when the seniors graduated at eighteen, so did you at sixteen.
From there, you joined them at college. A lot of people have to deal with saying goodbye to their friends in high school. Friends that most of the time were people they literally grew up with. But in your case, in your small city, pretty much everyone you ran around with in high school came to the same college.
It was a quaint, small college with roughly twelve-hundred enrolled students on a rather green campus, and sixteen of your friends had come over to join you.
Now, all you had to do was get to your morning class -- Physics 3000.
You skated into the classroom and located Tony and Bruce quickly, already sitting on one side of the four-chaired black top lab tables.
“Hey, hey!” Tony greeted happily. He stood up to give you a quick hug before you slid into your seat, five minutes to spare before class.
“Hey, thought I’d never make it here. Four freshman needed help, decided to pick me to be their tour guide,” you explained.
“You could’ve said no,” Bruce retorted.
“Yeah, I’m not sure I know that word,” you teased with a half smile.
Tony and Bruce were very good friends of yours. The three of you shared a strong love of science, known each other since freshman year of high school… well, your freshman year. Tony was double majoring in engineering and computer science. Bruce decided to double major in chemistry and biology, while minoring in engineering.
Meanwhile, you were a psychology major - pre med. Everyone called you crazy for wanting to do pre-med, and especially for putting time into a major like psychology. Nearly everyone said it would just be easier to major in chemistry, and minor in psychology, since you had to have so many chem courses for pre-med. But you didn’t want that. Psychology was your life, it was your driving force. Nothing got you more excited than the idea of finding out what makes people tick.
Just then, a student sat down beside you. You’d never seen him before, and on this campus, with this population size, that was nearly impossible. He began pulling out his notebooks while you and The Science Bros (the nickname nearly everyone had given Tony and Bruce long ago) stared at him. The three of you shared a quick look before the new student glanced up at you all.
“Uh, hi,” he greeted with confusion, his eyes touching on all of you. “I’m sorry, do I have something on my face or…?”
“Sorry,” you began, blinking quickly. “We’ve just never seen you before,” you remarked, taking in his appearance. He had dark, short hair. He was tall. Blue eyes that seem to cut anything they looked at. His presence alone was intimidating, even before he opened his mouth.
“That’s probably because I just transferred over. Went to Bransford University before this,” he explained matter-of-factly. Bransford was a huge college about two hours east of your university.
“Oh, why the switch?” you inquired, leaning a little more towards him, your body involuntarily shivering at his voice, and his piercing eyes.
“Wanted a smaller school,” he answered. “Got tired of the faculty treating us like cattle at BU.” He scoffed slightly and rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I’m Stephen.” He held out his hand and you took it, giving your name. After that, the others introduced themselves.
“Nice to meet you,” you said.
“Yeah, you too.”
“Good morning, everyone,” the professor said, standing up in front of the class. “Say hello to everyone at your table. They will be your new lecture and lab partners for the rest of the semester.”
Stephen looked back to you briefly, his expression unreadable until he put his eyes back on the professor. He tried to hide it, but you saw a small smirk on his face and you were curious if he had felt a spark like you did.
As soon as lecture let out, Stephen went on his own way while you and the science bros began making your way to your next class. Tony had some robotics engineering class, while Bruce had biochem coming up. As for you, it was off to Ethics in Mental Health.
The three of you diverged around the middle of campus, where Tony had to go to the business building, Bruce to the science, and you to the social science building. It was there, that your best friend had started walking across the courtyard and you nearly exploded from excitement.
“Clint!” you called, waving at him to get his attention before running full force at him. You slammed into him, wrapping your entire body around him. Your legs went around his waist, your arms around his neck, while he wrapped you in a tight embrace, spinning you around before sitting you down.
“Hey! How was your first class? I’m headed to mine now,” he informed.
“Interesting. We’re going to go into centrifugal force first, and I’m really excited because--”
Clint held up his hand. “Too many big words for this early in the morning,” he remarked.
You laughed at him. “It’s like… ten-thirty in the morning, Clint,” you teased, nudging his elbow.
“I’m not changing what I said,” he confidently responded. “Where are you off to?”
“Ethics in mental health.”
He nodded. “Yeah, you really need that class. Bad.”
You punched him playfully. “Hey, fuck off, Barton.”
“See! You just hit me. That needs anger management. When you’re a psychiatrist you can’t just go off the handle like that, Y/N. You need to reel it in,” he said, laying into you, teasing you.
“Oh, don’t worry, if anyone gives me a hard time, I’ll just lobotomize them.”
“You’re a scary person.”
“It’s always the most unassuming,” you said with a shrug before bidding him a goodbye and skipping off to class where you ran into Wanda. She was another psych major, but she wasn’t pre-med. She planned on getting her Masters in counseling. She wasn’t sure if she was going for children, marriage, school, or general. She was still on the fence and constantly grilled you about how you just knew you wanted to be a psychiatrist, when she was always so uncertain.
“Hey,” you greeted with a smile as you plopped beside her in the medium sized lecture hall.
“Hey. You ready for this?”
“Of course,” you said confidently. You pulled out your folder. “Already printed the syllabus, the schedule, and the first homework assignments. I do have some questions about it though…”
“Oh my god,” she groaned. “You’re the biggest nerd on campus, you realize this, right? Why are you like this? Why can’t you just let the professor hand you this crap? They all do it every time.”
“They don’t always do it,” you corrected. “I’ve had several not do it, and then I’m stuck without a plan. And you know how much I hate being without a plan.”
“Don’t we all?” she muttered, but it was so low you missed it.
After your psych class you had a sociology class, where you met up with Scott and Sam. Scott was a total goofball, but you loved him. He was constantly cracking jokes, and while he seemed like an idiot and not serious about his work, he rivaled Tony and Bruce in his intelligence and skill. His area of expertise and interest lied in microbiology. Whenever you, or anyone else asked about it, he always said he loved small things. He just thought things on a microscopic level had the capability to kill, and he found it fascinating. It sort of creeped everyone out, but hey, he was a good guy so who cared?
Sam, on the other hand, was in aerodynamics. He majored in the aerospace program, with a minor in robotics. Sam was the chillest dude around, and you adored him. He was a wise cracker, but just like Scott, he wasn’t one to be underestimated.
“Hey boys!” you said happily as you sat with them in a small room.
“How are you so cheery?” Sam asked, not moving anything except an eyebrow and his eyes to glance at you. “It’s almost the end of the day and after all my classes I’m already ready to leave.”
“Because I’m doing what I love?” you asked as if it were obvious. “Come on, you aren’t thrilled knowing we’re about to embark on some sociology?”
“Aren’t you a psychology student? Why do you care about this?” Scott asked, gesturing to the front of the class before crossing his arms again.
You shrugged. “I can still appreciate a sociologists point of view. Without knowing how society affects my future patients, I can’t properly treat them.”
“Does every class get you excited or is it just the boring ones?” Scott wondered.
You laughed. “I love all knowledge, Scott,” you reminded sweetly.
“Oh yeah, I forgot she’s Einstein-incarnate,” Sam said, thrusting a thumb at you and rolling his eyes.
You giggled and blushed before the class started.
And thus ended your first day of classes. It was a lot to keep track of, but you would spend all night in your dorm alone creating a nice color coded schedule and reading over the syllabus for each class twice. Towards the end of the night, you thought you’d head out to grab a coffee and a late night meal when you ran into another friendly face.
He came out of his room just as you were locking your room behind you.
“Oh, hey, Steve. I didn’t know you were across from me this year,” you said, glancing over your shoulder at the tall muscular blonde.
Steve was a really great guy. He was the football captain back in high school, but he wasn’t the typical stereotype. He was actually like the perfect, all-american kid. He kept up his grades, he was really sweet to everyone. He never acted better than anyone else, and he was a great leader. He got a full ride football scholarship at college and he was a great student here as well. Lots of people thought he would go into sport science, but he actually chose business. He claimed that his body would deteriorate one day, especially if he went pro; but with business, he had a real career to fall back on, one he could retire with, and one that wouldn’t cause physical damage down the line.
Steve and you weren’t close, well, not exactly. You dated his best friend… a lot… on and off… since freshman year of high school.
Freshman year you met Bucky, who was just a sweetheart. He was a bit of a flirt, but he was a nerd like you, but hid it, for fear of being made fun of. So he put on this air of being a total player. He had a prosthetic left arm, something he got from a bad accident when he was a kid. Steve was there, saw the whole thing, seeing as they were neighbors. They grew up together, like brothers. Neighbors until they moved out and came to college, but here they had different housing.
The prosthetic arm had left Bucky a little insecure which is why he always tried a little harder at everything he did. He felt he had to prove himself constantly.
As for you, you had no problem with his arm. You honestly never noticed it. Hell your best friend was technically deaf. Without his hearing aids, he couldn’t hear jackshit. You’d picked up a good bit of sign language to make it easier for Clint.
But you and Bucky… god… it was complicated. You dated throughout most of freshman year, broke up in the summer, got back together in the winter of sophomore year, then broke up again before the end of the sophomore year… The cycle went on like that for several years. Each time you dated got shorter and shorter, and it seemed you had more dates in between your time with Bucky.
The first time you broke up, you didn’t see anyone at all. You got back together with Bucky, and that was that. But then you broke up a second time, and then you started dating another kid in your class. That didn’t last long, he was just more of someone to hang out and study with.
You lost your virginity to Bucky junior year of high school, and he to you. You would’ve thought that would’ve helped things, maybe make you closer. And it did, for a while. But eventually, you broke up again.
Throughout college, it was basically a friends-with-exclusive benefits when you two got together. There was no real relationship. It was pretty much physical except for the occasional movie or dinner date, but the romantic connection seemed to die a long time ago for you.
The two of you had broken up yet again earlier this year, early June. You started dating in the end of April, but by the beginning of June you were restless. You wanted a real relationship, not just random, casual sex with meaningless hangout sessions.
Bucky was still a really good guy, and you two were still friends. The breakups never affected that and most of the time it was as simple as a text stating, “I’m ready to take a break.” Sometimes he initiated them, sometimes you did. Most of the time it was either life was too busy for the whole FWB thing, or one of you was interested in someone else.
But, it was because of your odd relationship with Bucky that you weren’t exactly close with Steve. Steve thought it was weird that you two couldn’t just decide to be together or not. He didn’t want to get close to you in case one of these times the breakup wasn’t so amicable. He didn’t want to feel like he was caught between you two or something, so he just stayed close to Bucky and polite to you.
“Oh, yeah, moved in about a week ago,” he informed. “I don’t think I was here when you moved in so…” he explained with a casual shrug.
“Oh, gotcha. Okay, cool. Well it’ll be nice to have you across the hall!” you exclaimed. “Did you have a good first day?”
“Uh, as good as it can be. A little stressful, but I’m sure nothing like what you’re dealing with,” he offered.
“Oh, that’s no big deal,” you waved off. “Just classes. I’ve done tons of them before, they won’t be any different now.”
“That’s true. Well, hey, I’m off to go meet someone. I’ll see you around, okay?” he kindly said and you nodded, waving a goodbye to him. He went right down the hallway while you went left.
All in all, you had a rather happy good first day. Now it was time to celebrate with some food and time to think about the handsome lab partner you’d met earlier today.
Forever Tag List
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
@howling-at-that-moon @sneakygitsune @whiw0lf
Loki Odinson
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cat-vase · 5 years
u said u had more child tim hcs and id like to read them and let you gush about your au!! If thats okay with you.
This took ages because apparently I can’t think of stuff about my own AU! I’m so so sorry!!! (I need to stop procrastinating so people will ask me stuff hhh-)
Trigger warning for: self harm, lots of abuse, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, vomit mentions
Edit: These don’t all show up on mobile! Only 2 show up after you click the read more! You can see all of them on desktop! I don’t know why this happens, I’m so sorry!!!
His window didn’t originally have bars on it, but once he used it to escape they put bars on it and welded it shut to make it unopenable in the first place. Of course he still managed to escape after that, but it’s the thought that counts. 
Whenever a black squiggly line floats across the room he has to follow it with his eyes. He gets hit a lot to pay attention.
Sometimes he feels like his room is freezing cold. It’s not. He lives in the South, there’s no way it could be cold. Hallucinations are fun!
He was supposed to be his mother’s miracle child. The best thing that would ever happen to her. But he didn’t get the best grades. He was mentally ill. And he slowly became her disappointment. She couldn’t see past those parts of him, so she abandoned him. The thought that if he had been a better son she would have been proud of him, and kept him, is always in the back of his mind.
There are no clocks where the patients can see them. Only the staff ever know the time.
He’s able to take himself out of and put himself back into a straitjacket. 
He doesn’t like baths anymore. He convinced himself it was ok the first couple of times, but now it’s not.
The smell of oranges makes him puke. The only cleaning supplies they use smell like oranges, and it’s used constantly. 
He likes to sit on the floor and rock his body back and forth. He likes to hum while he does it. It’s calming. 
In the bathrooms, where the mirrors above the sink are supposed to be, there just… aren’t. The frames are still there, but the actual mirrors aren’t.
Due to the amount of blood work done on him, he feels needles on his skin even when they aren’t actually there.
One of the only things he still has from when he lived with his mom is a small, white, stuffed cat. He sleeps with it, and hides it under the loose floor tiles during the day so that it isn’t stolen or ripped apart by the other patients. 
He is afraid of every footstep that passes by his room at night. He is consumed by pure fear every time his door opens and he has to stay still underneath his blankets with his head peeking out and his eyes closed so it doesn’t look like he is still awake. He never knows if pills are going to be shoved down his throat, or if he’s going to be abused and left to fend for himself while he’s covered in blood, vomit, and tangled in his blankets on the cold, dirty floor.
There are constantly marks on his throat from being choked and on his wrists and ankles from rope and twisted up fabric. His face is always bruised from being hit (he almost always has a black eye) and his neck is always scratched up and bitten. 
Unless you force him to, he’ll never wear anything that covers less of his skin than a T-shirt and jeans. 
Even though he ran off quite a few times, and there are no fences to keep patients in, there is a measure in place to make sure patients don’t run away forever. There’s dogs. The times he’s ran off he’s had to outrun wild, hungry dogs. He got bit once, but only once. He still ran after that, but less and less as he got older and his hope thinned until there was none.
He’s very light on his feet (due to him being so underweight. sometimes he likes to see how skinny he can get before it starts to hurt a lot and he starts to blackout) and so it’s easy for him to sneak around. He’s barefoot a lot of the time as well, which helps. He sneaks down to the maintenance tunnels a lot because he feels unsafe everywhere else.
He doesn’t like family orientated holidays. When he’s older, everyone likes to question why. He just doesn’t, alright? Leave it alone!
Because he trades weapons and razors to people for food and water, people beat him up a lot for not getting it to them fast enough. Or if someone else beats him up and takes what was supposed to go to another person for themself. Or if he uses it in self defense beforehand. Even though they get stuff from him, they still don’t like him, and don’t give him much in return. It’s better than nothing.
He has to convince himself a lot that getting through this is what he needs to do, and that killing himself is weak. That he shouldn’t kill himself because being alive is good. It’s hard a lot of the time, but he’s managed. He’s still here, isn’t he? That’s good.
During these periods, lots of new cuts and scars are added to his legs and stomach. They don’t check there, and he’s a disgusting human being, he deserves it. Might as well make something as gross and worthless as himself worse, right? Not like it’ll make much difference.
The only scars on his arms are deep ones, and he didn’t put them there. 
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