#I DJ'd the majority of the ones that happened when I was a student because I'd been working as a DJ for four years by that time
imaginarycircus · 7 years
I had a long day, begun by waking up entirely too early for last class of the semester. But then I got to hang out with friendwholivesfaraway. We went and window shopped; I got a delightful pair of light blue plaid Keds. I tried a Southern Democrat cocktail at dinner (tasty - bourbon and tea and peach) and spent most of the evening at dance helping people with the routine we're performing in two weeks. Also, it rained a lot.
I love hearing about all your dancing. David and I can’t figure out how to swing dance together. He learned with a rock step and I learned the faster kind (is it a Lindy? IDK. You would know.) and we could probably figure it out if we were patient. I think that might be one of the most southern sounding cocktails I’ve ever heard of.
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