#Hugs for you
moonstruckdraws · 2 months
Meet the Birb: Zephyr!
first drafts
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and sketchbook sketches (I did these while in the car so ignore my shittier than usual handwriting)
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@hellishgayliath back when you sent that ask of the lil sparrow, I honestly wanted to just make her a mutant, nothing serious. But then, after hearing her passing, I felt like I HAD to
Sparrows aren't usually this red, but I liked the picture of her in your hand and how red she looked, so I went based off that. She's a little bolt of energy that zips around like the most hyper child you've ever met.
I think she’d just show up at Todd’s place and become Clem’s friend immediately
I don't have much in mind for her, and I consider her to be your child than mine, Helli
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paperstorm · 3 months
Andie I just appreciate you so much. I appreciate that you’re willing to have the hard conversations. I appreciate that you call things out when you see them. I appreciate that you are so polite and fair even when people are disagreeing with you and/or being asshats to you or completely misstating your words. I think this fandom is better off with you in it and I hope the people having an identity crisis because they just learned racism is bad don’t drive you away from us.
Thank you sweet person 💛💛
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joelsbloodyhands · 2 months
Just want to say a little thank you if you’ve ever liked what I’ve posted and read my little fics I’ve got on this page ❤️ currently feeling a little lost in my personal life with people around me telling me a lot about their issues but feeling like no one wants to actually listen to me when I want to talk. I haven’t had this Tumblr page long and it’s already become my safe space so if we’ve ever interacted, thank you. Know that it makes my day if we’ve ever shared our happiness over likeminded interests.
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stalkerofstuff · 29 days
Give hugs -🦝
Of course Stripes
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sofiiel · 11 months
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I've been seeing a lot of folks feeling a little down on my dash lately ~ So I'm sending hugs out to everyone out there who needs one ❤
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statichvm · 6 months
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚
RI 💜🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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tasteracha · 7 months
so glad you'll be back soon~ i started going through my bookmarks and your fics are always incredibly well written and fucking hot tbh. just wanted to share<3
hi :) thank you so much. this was the sweetest thing to come back to and i’m going to cry
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skyward-floored · 8 months
Oof, sickness :(
I am now even more determined to get that fic done! In the meantime, do you have any requests that I may be able to fulfill? Writing, art? (If not that is entirely fine!)
Sick 😔 it’s nearing the end of the day too so I feel worse rn
And I can’t think of anything specific , but I appreciate the offer! Thank yoy ladye :)
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grimweaver · 1 year
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
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rachalixie · 11 months
hi! it's alright that you haven't been posting recently, please don't apologize for that. what's more important is that you're doing okay, and seeing that things aren't, i hope things get better.
remember to at least do the basic things for yourself, like drinking water. stay safe 🙏these're just words but i hope they help? i'm not very good at these kinds of things, haha. just wanted to offer some little reassurance if not comfort to one of the blogs i've followed for a while ^^
; 🌂
your words mean more than you know. thank you so much <3
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
oh fuck off chapter 5 was perfection a perfect end i’m gonna go lay in bed and hold my own damn hand now
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Dear Mimble.
I think you're something awesome! I want to take this time to thank you for all your contributions and for the time you take to interact with people, and me, even when you don't feel at your best.
I really wish for good and enjoyable periods of time for you.
This game is something amazing, and it's so... heartening to watch how it brings people together. To ask questions and to have little conversations, a delight in creativity that we get to see and take part in.
I hope that you've been having fun, and hope you will continue to have fun!
Thank you for sending such a kind and lovely message.
I do have lots of fun asking questions and (hopefully) helping people to explore their ideas and express their creativity, but I sometimes worry about getting things wrong or offending someone, so thank you for the confidence boost :)
I hope you have a lovely holiday period, if you are celebrating, and as good a time as possible, even if you're not.
Mimble thinks you're amazing!
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kkyos · 2 years
Hey, please don't discourage yourself!!! They most likely saw everyone's art but just couldn't show all of them. Your art is absolutely great, it makes me really happy every time you post, it's just so cool (I love how you draw P's hair I'll be honest here🥺). And not only your Lies of P art, but your DMC art is equally amazing as well (fellow V enjoyer😭💗) You are still a part of the community and people love your art, please remember that 😄 (Also your P cosplay was amazing, I literally could never do smth like that, gotta say that the details were spot on😔👌)
Gonna save this ask forever cause it actually made me tear up a bit
BUT YOU ARE TOO SWEET, i tend to get pretty discouraged when my works are not noticed, Especially after so much dedication ive put into this media, but thats just my low self esteem playing games 😤,
even if i wanted, i could never stop to draw or gush about P for time to time, and ill do my best to make yall happy with my art as much as i am while making it 💕💕💕
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
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wow, that’s quite the secret! but thank you, sweetheart. i love you too! you’re the very best. 🥺🥺
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stopiteatpopcorn · 1 year
Squeeeeeeeeeze!!! You've been given a hug! Send this to all the people who deserve a hug. See how many you get back 😊 Now let the hugging begin! 💜
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