#Hound of Cerberus roar ;; Wriothesley
tempestforged · 1 year
--- LUNAETIS ( THE ABYSSAL PRINCESS ): DAZE [ abyss lumi & wriothesley ! ]
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IT BEGAN LIKE IT ALWAYS DID, a dream of a kingdom ruled by malice and cursed by the gods, creatures with fur as black as midnight and armour made of bones circling around his feet as he walked through ruined streets towards that throne that presided over all. Never would he forget the sight of the woman who sat atop it, that sorrow as no tears fell from her eyes and malice chained her to a throne it felt like she never wanted.
The hound never understood before why he always dreamt of the hounds circling his feet until the night they howled, rushing forward to snap those chains with teeth that felt more like condensed starlight than carapace. They had bowed to their Mistress that night, and so the him that was not him knelt at her feet, her eternal guard that awaited her orders as he always had and always would.
The first time he'd told the Iudex of the dreams, of the constellation imprinted upon his side, he was sworn to secrecy, charges fabricated to send him down into depths where the gateway between Abyss and reality lurked. His friend, his mentor, had warned him to tell no one the origin of his constellation, that his mission was to stand guard over the seal that his Queen had pleaded with them to create before her exodus into that decaying land.
How he'd tried and tried to ask her name, watching her lips move before being violently rejected from the memory, as if some great buffer existed to keep that knowledge from him. Overtime, he rose from the dark, assuming the position of administrator at the Iudex's behest, finally understanding just why he was the sole person fit to assume the role upon seeing the intricate secret that was kept in the deep.
She'd become clearer to him then, her form appearing to stalk the halls like a ghost in the dead of night. Only Once did he follow her, through the winding pipes to a workshop that the exiles claimed to be haunted, watching his Queen move back and forth like she was looking for something that he couldn't attempt to perceive amidst the metals and intricate weaponry that seemingly floated into her hand.
How easily it was to drift to sleep in her presence, dreams like memories showing him companions he'd forgotten somehow. Showing the princess standing above him with a crystal made of starlight and as cold as ice in her hands, beckoning him, beckoning her CERBERUS to take it, to forge a weapon fitting of his station from her blessing. He knew her, he knew her name, so why couldn't he hear it?
By the time he awoke, she was gone, the only indicator of her presence a core for the gauntlets he'd painstakingly created. He knew not to use it, that it was designed to stem the tide of the world's origin. So he hid it, wrapping it in cloth and allowing it to pass from his memory until that dial reached its pinnacle, the clock striking twelve and calling him to fulfil the duty he swore to uphold to his QUEEN so long ago
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The sleight of hand had been far too easy, swapping the cores with each other and invoking that which had once been his. The awareness is almost exhilarating, the familiar howls echoing around his mind as the core integrated itself into the machinery. He was almost tempted to laugh at the hilarity of the situation, of his constellation being so familiar but so wrongly named, he was the Abyssal Queen's loyal guard after all, but for his constellation to be so wrongly named was far too funny for him to not find joy in the situation.
One punch turns to two, two turns to four, in the same way she'd taught him to create that seal so long ago. It was almost as if he was declaring to the world, to her, that the KNIGHT OF CERBERUS had returned to fulfil his oaths to the woman who walked beneath like his reflection.
"To you, I do return my Queen, my LUMINE."
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tempestforged · 1 year
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Hound of Cerberus roar ;; W.riothesley
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NIght after night you paved the way ;; M.akoto Y.uki
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