#Hoping to be able to info dump cause holy moly my mind
I had been watching some videos on deep ocean fact and games that take place in the deep ocean when my brain conjured up the image of a pair of glowing red eyes staring at a manned exploratory vessel. This thought then began to expand on itself, making a sort of eldritch being before having the idea to connect it to the lore of my maladaptive dream world. A story began to form from this thought.
This I shall tell to you now in as short a form as my mind can make it.
Our story begins on a world not unlike our own, with a sky of blue and trees of green. The people of this world were known as Spectralights and had just passed the 1.0 mark on the Kardashev scale, having harnessed all of their worlds power sources. The idea of interstellar travel floated in their world leaders minds all the same, wishing to reach worlds that would take decades to travel too. The scientists of the world had been tasked with figuring out how to shorten the distance, and they soon did. They discovered using an array of quantum computers, that worm holes could be created that reached all they way across the void of space onto other planets, but there was a problem.
Upon the first field test to open a worm hole, two detrimental limitation appeared before them instead. The first problem appeared immediately as a massive pressure wave erupted from the worm hole generator, nearly collapsing the building it was held in. The second problem was found after the dust settled. although the intended exit point was meant to be a spot of desert 3 miles north of them, the other side of the wormhole was instead a research facility located 2 miles southeast. The scientists redid the simulations and immediately realized their mistakes. the pressure wave wasn't predicted due to the quantum computers simulating the machine in a vacuum, and from what the scientists could gather, the wormhole could only connect locations that were at least 70% similar to each other. this left only two viable location types form wormhole construction; the vacuum of space orbiting the planet, and the deep ocean. Space is well... space and you can find a lot of locations that are within the 70% similar range. The deep ocean on the other hand has the location benefit and would solve the pressure wave issue just by the waters shear weight, plus it be accessed easier because you don't need to escape the planets atmosphere just to build there.
The scientists announced their plans to the there world leaders and were met with unwavering support from the leaders along side as well as a offer to test an innovation from another research group. The scientists were given a massive research vessel capable of travelling in even the most extreme environments, allowing for them to begin their trek into the deep sea immediately.
The Spectralights are a people whos creativity and ingenuity reaches far beyond ours, allowing for them to make technological advances in areas we only just stepped foot in. Their physiology is also similar to that of humans with them having mostly humanoid frames. This is needed to understand the design of the deep sea research and construction vessel used by the spectralights to create their doorway to other worlds. Its scale is on par with that of a oceanic oil rig here on earth, allowing it to easily traverse the sea floor due to not needing to be buoyant. Its structuring gives it an eerily living look, mimicking the spectralights, and by proxy, human anatomy. the colossal vessel streamlined hull designs gives off the appearance of a massive metal cloak. it is covered with sensors connected to floodlights that act not only as passive deterrents toward ocean life that would otherwise try to examine and possibly damage the vessel but also a way to allow the vessels operator to observe their surroundings without needing to constantly turn and look. The vessels unorthodox design is actually intended to make the operators job easier, as the operator pilots the vessel like the mechs from Pacific rim.
Three other vessels were sent along side the scientists group to help in construction and so, after many tiring months of work, they had finally built the wormhole generator at the bottom of the ocean. The scientists watched in anticipation as the wormhole generator began to activate. The vessels all sat in kneeling positions as a precaution as the pressure wave very well could topple the vessels if they were to stand straight up. finally, the wormhole opened and for a short moment the pressure wave created a bubble of empty space on both ends before collapsing, creating a wave of energy so strong that the hull of every vessel threatened to fall apart. The hull held though and they scientists celebrated for days on end. meanwhile, on the other side of the wormhole, the pressure wave traveled up out and across the oceans of a strange planet much like the world we saw before. if you could have heard it, you would hear *Bloop*.
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