#Honestly I bet the reason I haven’t pinned this down for Finn is because he’s a pirate and doesn’t exactly have the luxury of choosing
I'm Bored and Want to Talk About My Characters
Gonna ramble about Stained Integrity characters because I've been working on the revision draft a lot lately.
The theme(?) this time around is "What do these characters like to eat?"
Clover: Like most Elmalians, she’s a fan of really strong flavors—especially spicy foods. But her favorite thing to eat is probably raspberry pie.
LeRoy: Give this man a slice of buttered toast and he'll be happy. Sandwiches are okay, too—but there can't be too many things in it. Literally just put a slice of cheese between some bread. It doesn’t even have to be toasted.
Laurie: Apples are his go-to snack, core and all.
Mirak: Well-seasoned rice is his favorite thing to eat, but it can't have any other textures mixed into it. (Just let him have a bowl of nothing but rice!!!)
Myrna: Lemon poppy seed muffins are her true weakness. She also really likes granola.
Hunter: Enjoys a good baked potato. He also likes soup, but only if it’s thick soup.
Francis: Depends on the day and his mood, but he’s a big fan of anything with crabs.
Finnigan: This man is an enigma. I'm the author and have no idea what his favorite food is. I do know that his favorite drink is cranberry wine, though.
Malina: Her sweet tooth might be the end of her someday. She’ll dump an entire cup of sugar into her oatmeal for it to be "edible." Sweet breads (specifically cinnamon flavors) are her favorite.
Blaine: He's a sucker for tomato basil soup.
Karic: The least picky eater you will ever meet. If you gave him a handful of grass and told him it was food he would 100% just eat it. (He's also way too lazy for cooking so. Yeah.)
Nigel: He's a bit of a pasta/noodle fiend—especially garlic noodles. He actually likes cooking (and he's good at it) so the other knights usually try everything to get him to share.
Qa'loë: (This is going to sound weird without context of lore/the world but anyways--) They like sour citrus wisp flavors the most but also will spring for mint with lavender every once in a while.
...That took more brain power than I thought it was going to HAHA--
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