#Holoship <3
cerpiscool · 3 months
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Dave and Beryl!! I really have to make more art of them
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sad-rod3nt · 1 year
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Favourite Red Dwarf Outfits: Rimmer Edition
DISCLAIMER: These arent; all the outfits you see in Red Dwarf for Rimmer, only my favourites throughout the entire show.
Series 1 & 2
A good outfit. Functional, Kinda cute. Love it!
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Series 3
TAFFETA! I freaking love taffeta, so shiny and changy. Not a huge fan of the boxy hat but do love the outfit all in all. I really like the change in Rimmer's H. The way it got thinner and a lot more natural-looking is a huge plus to the outfit.
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Also, Polymorph Rimmer is such a favourite. It just makes me chuckle every time I see him. (damn you tumblr for only allowing me ten images)
Series 4
Not much had changed, however, we were blessed with a certain Mr. Ace Rimmer who I very much like. Although he sports a rather tacky uniform, you can't say you don't like it.
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Series 5
Revamp time. That means more taffeta. Red taffeta to be exact, and also a really cool-looking quilted coat. 100% would steal that jacket. (Apologies for the blurry image of the coat)
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Also in Series 5, we have Holoship Rimmer, wearing a fantastically 90s sci-fi uniform. The gold boots are actually quite cool too.
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As well as a personal favourite, the red and white gingham dress with Army boots from Quarantine
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Series 6 & 7
Not much of a major change. Except for the switch from red to blue which echoes the change of Rimmer's light bee technology. During Legion, Rimmer changes from Soft-light to Hard-light, which is shown through a colour switch up. I quite like the blue actually, not too harsh. Being made from taffeta still (or some material like that), it changes beautifully in between blue and purple, depending on which way the light hits it. Amazing. *Chef's kiss*
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Back to earth - Series 12
Nothing has changed between these series much. A slight change from a two-tone fabric to a more one-tone fabric and the loss of a belt but that's it. Unfortunately, the coat was lost, which is a shame but it doesn't bring the outfit down at all.
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I will be doing a Lister and cat version soon. I expect the Cat version will be very long as there is a LOT of outfits. It's going to be hard to choose my favourites for him. I don't think I will be doing a Kryten one because there isn't much change but I will think about doing one for him.
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I’m attempting the impossible task of working out the passage of time in Red Dwarf. But like many continuity-type thins in this show, it makes no sense whatsoever.
See the thing is, in the fic I’m writing at the moment, which is set just after Legion, there’s one line where someone makes reference to how long it’s been since Rimmer had a body. But it’s impossible to say how long that actually is.  I mean, in Kryten Rimmer says "Our first contact with intelligent life in three million and two years…” implying that by the first episode of series two they’ve already been alone on the ship for two years.
At least nine months pass between the end of series tow and the beginning of series three, because Lister has the twins and although they aged quickly once they were born there is no mention of the pregnancy going any faster than normal. And of course they find Kryten ‘in pieces' and Lister rebuilt him (which I like to think is something he did obsessively while trying to take his mind off having to give up the twins) that probably took a while, so there’s probably more than nine months between those seasons actually.
But then in Backwards, the first episode of series three, Lister claims to be twenty five, the same age he told Rimmer that he was in Future Echoes. See my problem? In Bodyswap, which is also series three, Rimmer says that he "hasn’t tasted food in three million and two years”, implying that not much time has passed between the first episode of series two and the 4th episode of series 3, when we know that’s not true.
In Holoship. first episode of series five, Rimmer claims to have been “in effective command of Red Dwarf for nearly four years.” and in back to Reality (although obviously you can’t trust anything that happens in the hallucination) they are supposed to have been playing the game for Four years. So the passage of time during series five makes sense, but only within that series.
Then, (although it’s not relevant to the timeline I’m trying to work out because it’s after Legion, in Tikka to Ride, Lister appears to claim to be 28. “Since turning twenty eight, I feel a new maturity about myself…” although that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s still 28 in that scene, technically he could have felt more mature in the years since he turned 28, but it doesn’t sound that way to me.
I could go on there’s a few more things I can think of, but I’ve just spent more time typing this up than I have actually writing the fic, so I should stop
So in conclusion, I think Lister is either very confused or inclined to lie to himself about his own age, (or it’s just hard to keep track of time when you’re alone in space and the days blend into one — I think that’s something a lot of us can probably empathise with after lockdown) and I’m just going to go with ‘One series = one year’, but with an extra year in the middle there for Lister’s pregnancy/finding Kryten/dealing with the trauma of having to give up his kids. So by that logic by Legion (not counting the two hundred or so years that they were in suspended animation while they chased down Red Dwarf) it’s probably been about six years, which makes sense, because that’s series six.
(Ever wished you just hadn’t started trying to think about something…?😂)
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thedukeleto · 4 years
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Red Dwarf 30 Days Challenge - Day 7: Favourite Rimmer outfit
there are so many good ones, especially the ones he only wears once or sporadically, like the Holoship uniform, the admiral’s uniform, the cycling outfit, the (lack of) outfit in Terrorform :333
but i chose to only look at the proper uniforms and then i must say i really only like the early ones. okay, the blue suity one from the later seasons is good too, but the ones i like best are the green one from season 3, can’t really explain why but it’s just really attractive? the sort of half-turtleneck shirt underneath also like Good Okay. and the basic military one from s1-2 bc yeah that’s the “original” (i’m repeating myself ik) and it just looks really good on skinny baby Rimmer :’)) and the tie, i mean who the hell wears a tie 3 million years into deep space. (now when that tie comes off, like that time in Thanks For The Memory, that’s a whole other story *le shifty eyes emoji*)
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alynnl · 5 years
Lister also kept Rimmer Sane (theory)
This is a crosspost of something I wrote on Reddit, but I tought I'd share it here, since I'm sure you guys would be interested and not everyone has a Reddit account.  Some time has passed and I actually have more details to add on to the topic, so this will be a slightly different post than the original!
Rimmer and Lister. No matter how you interpret their dynamic (romantic, platonic, soul mates, family, or anything in between.) - they are closely bonded together without being completely dependent on one another.
While Rimmer was resurrected as a hologram to keep Lister sane, what if it went both ways? It's possible that Lister could have also kept Rimmer sane, even if he didn't know it.
This theory spawned from a deleted scene, which I read about on TV Tropes and the Tongue Tied wiki. In the scene, Rimmer's three brothers all suffered nervous breakdowns and murdered their own crewmates, before (presumably) taking their own lives.
Why didn't Rimmer go postal? He had Lister.
Their relationship is shown as being quite antagonistic in early episodes, and that constant back and forth with Lister is what kept Rimmer's mind grounded in semi-reality. He always had to find ways to get back at Lister for his numerous pranks, answer his taunting remarks and call him out on his dirty, slovenly habits.
It was a great struggle for the two of them to coexist, but they just about managed it.
Along with having a bunk mate he was always butting heads with, Rimmer had a lowly position on the ship, which actually helped him in the long run.  There was no social pressure to be perfect as a Second Technician. He was just there to make sure the vending machines didn’t run out of fun sized Crunchie bars. While his humble beginnings contributed greatly to Rimmer’s own self-loathing, he never felt any urge to snap and take out his rage on the entire crew.  While Rimmer was never fond of anyone and vice versa, he more or less regarded them with quiet contempt, but never malicious hatred.
Rimmer even feels guilty for the accident (for what we know in “Justice”, as he tried and convicted himself for manslaughter.)
From here on I go into pure speculation (not counting any episodes after Back to Earth,) but bear with me!
Compared to Rimmer, perhaps it seemed like his brothers were successful and they were the sons their father always wanted, at first.  Perhaps they did and said all the right things to become officers, and they seemed like prodigies.  They had their own inner circles of officer chums who they had fancy dinners, wine (It’s always wine!) and Mars grown cigars.
But as time went on, they started to make mistakes, caused by their own unresolved mental issues. They’d kept their problems hidden until they were in stressful combat situations where their insecurities, doubts and fears reared their ugly heads.  These mistakes eventually cost the Space Corps a great deal of time, money and even lives.  Over time, their officer chums deserted them, because they couldn’t risk their careers over junior officers who appeared to have lost their minds.
Rimmer’s brothers went on to cause three separate tragedies, each with a high body count and a serious look into how the Space Corps screens their officer candidates.
Rimmer probably didn’t find out about their deaths until he was already resurrected as a hologram himself, but either way, 3 million years into deep space, he figures his family is all gone anyway (and this hits him particularly hard in Better than Life.)
So being brought back by Holly gave Rimmer a new purpose, even if he still carried over his old ambitions of becoming an officer and a leader.  Even though he was never going to be bosom buddies with Lister, he did soften towards him as time went on and they traveled together.  Lister never put pressure on Rimmer to be anyone but himself.  There were a few times Lister thought to replace him (Holoship when it looked like he was leaving, and Quarantine with the “time share” comment), but never went through with it.
When Rimmer left to become Ace, that is when they both felt the emptiness they each left behind.  Ironically, Rimmer actually turned out the best between his siblings, simply because he had someone who would stick by him no matter what.  Lister’s influence changed Rimmer and brought out some of his good traits.  I find it hard to believe that pre-accident Rimmer from “The End” would be selfless enough to throw Kryten his farewell party in “The Last Day” or give Officer Crane back her position on the Enlightenment in “Holoship”, nor would he stand up and try and save the others in “Out of Time.”
So while he didn’t completely switch and become his Saintly self that we see in “Demons and Angels,” Rimmer did change for the better, because he had Lister around to talk to him and understand him.
And the little part of me that wants Wish Fulfillment says this lead Holo-Rimmer to return to his home dimension and his old crew after he grew weary of his dimensional travels, and the hologram in later episodes is actually the Original Rimmer from Series 1.
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red-dwarf-zone · 7 years
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Costumes from the Dwarf
< - Arnold J Rimmer - >
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jacksonsdrumstick · 5 years
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Some cross-gaming stuff. Can I use that term?
I tried to create some of my favourite characters from other games in The Sims. Starting with Jill, the one from the Jungle.
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Then Vinyl, the B-movie star from Mars.
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My attempt to create ambassador Beatrice from some quest game. Couldn't find her a proper suit, so she's dressed as a crewmember of Holoship from "Red Dwarf". What a crossover it could be.
And finally there is Flo and Xavi (though this one is from the fan game, actually), two more gals from that space quest universe. I also made them in The Sims 3, but couldn't find the perfect screenshots.
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fantasysci5 · 8 years
send me a fandom and I’ll tell you...
@cazflibs: Red Dwarf. Thanks for asking! <3
the first character i ever fell in love with: Rimmer, and I realized it in S2E1
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Kill Crazy, I guess. Not that he did anything, I just do not rewatch S8 at all.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I don’t really have any. I still like the ones I liked from the beginning.
my ultimate favorite character™: The original hologram of Rimmer. I know that’s pretty specific, but with so many Rimmers running around, I felt the need to be precise. :P
prettiest character: I’ll go with Cat. I’m most attracted to Rimmer, but the Cat’s outfits are amazing.
my most hated character: Kochanski. No offense to her, I just felt like they were trying to replace Rimmer in S7 and I missed him and those feelings kind of got caught on her.
my OTP: Rimmer/Lister. But Rimmer/Nirvanah gives me all the feels, too.
my NOTP: Lister/Chloe’s Kochanski. I didn’t think they had any chemistry.
favorite episode: Holoship!!! (Or does “Can’t Smeg Won’t Smeg” count? :P)
saddest death: When they’re all dying in “Out of Time” and Rimmer is trying to figure out how to fix it and is left alone.
favorite season: S2. It was the first DVD I bought by chance, and the commentary is one of my absolute favorite things: the camaraderie, the jokes. And all of the episodes were enjoyable and interesting, imho.
least favorite season: Season 8, because it’s Rimmer but not my Rimmer.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I don’t really hate any of the characters, but I don’t really see the Todhunter love?
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Talkie Toaster. <3
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Rimmer, hands down.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I don’t really have anything for this one. Maybe Holly/Hilly since they’re basically the same person?
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Lister/Clare’s Kochanski. They had cute chemistry, like puppy love.
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collectorscorner · 6 years
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MARVEL COMICS America Volume 2 Fast And Fuertona TP, $17.99 Astonishing X-Men #1 (Mark Brooks Variant Cover)(Charles Soule Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR Avengers #688 (Cover A Mark Brooks), $3.99 Avengers #688 (Cover B Chris Sprouse End Of An Era Variant), AR Avengers Epic Collection Volume 7 The Avengers Defenders War TP, $39.99 Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #17, $3.99 Cable Volume 2 The Newer Mutants TP, $15.99 Captain America #700 (Cover A Chris Samnee), $5.99 Captain America #700 (Cover B John Cassaday), AR Captain America #700 (Cover C Alex Ross), AR Captain America #700 (Cover D Jim Steranko Black & White Variant), AR Captain America #700 (Cover E Jim Lee Remastered Variant), AR Captain America #700 (Cover F Jim Lee Remastered Black & White Variant), AR Captain America #700 (Cover G Mark Bagley Venom 30th Anniversary Variant), AR Captain America #700 (Cover H Blank Variant), AR Champions #19, $3.99 Deadpool Vs Old Man Logan TP, $15.99 Despicable Deadpool #298, $3.99 Doctor Strange #388 (Cover A Michael Del Mundo), $3.99 Doctor Strange #388 (Cover B Chris Stevens Venom 30th Anniversary Variant), AR Domino #1 (Cover A Greg Land & Frank D'armata), $3.99 Domino #1 (Cover B J. Scott Campbell), AR Domino #1 (Cover C Elsa Charretier), AR Domino #1 (Cover D Rob Liefeld), AR Domino #1 (Cover E David Baldeon), AR Domino #1 (Cover F John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Eternals By Neil Gaiman TP (New Printing), $24.99 Exiles #1 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Exiles #1 (Cover B Javier Rodriguez), AR Exiles #1 (Cover C Jesus Saiz), AR Exiles #1 (Cover D Mike McKone Character Variant), AR Exiles #1 (Cover E Javier Rodriguez Design Variant), AR Falcon #7, $3.99 Jean Grey Volume 2 Final Fight TP, $15.99 Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 18 HC, $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 18 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 258), $75.00 Old Man Logan #38 (Cover A Mike Deodato Jr.), $3.99 Old Man Logan #38 (Cover B Greg Smallwood Venom 30th Anniversary Variant), AR Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man Volume 2 Most Wanted TP, $17.99 Spider-Man Deadpool #31, $3.99 Spider-Man Deadpool Volume 5 Arms Race TP, $17.99 Star Wars Darth Vader #14 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli & Elia Bonetti), $3.99 Star Wars Darth Vader #14 (Cover B Rod Reis Galactic Icon Variant), AR Star Wars Thrawn #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Paul Renaud), $3.99 Star Wars Thrawn #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Rahzzah), AR Thanos #18 (Cover A Geoff Shaw), $3.99 Thanos #18 (Cover B Mike Perkins Venom 30th Anniversary Variant), AR True Believers Infinity Gauntlet #1, $1.00 True Believers Thanos Rising #1, $1.00 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #31, $3.99 Unbelievable Gwenpool Volume 5 Lost In The Plot TP, $15.99 Venomized #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $3.99 Venomized #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Mark Bagley), AR Venomized #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Mark Bagley Connecting Variant B), AR X-Men Blue #25 (Cover A Jorge Molina), $4.99 X-Men Blue #25 (Cover B Francesco Francavilla Venom 30th Anniversary Variant), AR X-Men Legionquest HC, $75.00 X-Men Red #3 (Cover A Travis Charest), $3.99 X-Men Red #3 (Cover B Travis Charest Headshot Variant), AR X-Men Red #3 (Cover C Javier Garron Young Guns Variant), AR X-Men Red #3 (Cover D Inhyuk Lee Venom 30th Anniversary Variant), AR
MARVEL PRESS Avengers Storybook Collection HC (2nd Edition), $16.99
NOBROW Gamayun Tales Volume 1 The King Of The Birds GN, $16.95
NON-SPORT UPDATE Non-Sport Update Volume 29 #2, $5.99
ONI PRESS Rick And Morty Presents The Vindicators #1 (CJ Cannon & Nick Filardi 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99
RED 5 COMICS Fractured Mind #1, $3.95
RENEGADE ARTS ENTERTAINMENT Bunch Of Jews And Other Stuff, $15.00 Gothic Tales Of Haunted Love SC, $25.00
ROTHIC Ancient Dreams #7, $3.99 Southern Nightgown #6, $3.99 Theory Of Magic #1 (Sabine Rich 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Theory Of Magic #2 (Sabine Rich 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Theory Of Magic #3 (Sabine Rich 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Theory Of Magic #5, $3.99
RUNNING PRESS Harry Potter Talking Dobby And Collectible Book Kit SC, $12.95 Star Trek Light And Sound Borg Cube Kit SC, $12.95
TITAN COMICS Assassin's Creed Origins #2 (Of 4)(Cover A PJ Kaiowa), $3.99 Assassin's Creed Origins #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Toni Infante), $3.99 Atlas And Axis #4 (Of 4), $5.99 Minky Woodcock The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Dean Haspiel), $3.99 Minky Woodcock The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Cynthia Von Buhler), $3.99 Normandy Gold TP, $19.99 Penny Dreadful Volume 2 The Beauteous Evil TP, $16.99 Robotech Archives Omnibus The Macross Saga Volume 1 TP, $24.99 Sea Of Thieves #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Rhoald Marcellius), $3.99 Sea Of Thieves #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Game Variant), $3.99 Season Of The Snake #1 (Cover A Simon Roy), $6.99 Season Of The Snake #1 (Cover B Marie Michaud), $6.99 Supermansion #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Jake Elphick), $5.99 Supermansion #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Photo), $5.99 Supermansion #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Zak Simmonds Hurn), $5.99
TOHAN CORPORATION Hobby Japan #171 (March 2018), $20.00
TOKYOPOP Goldfisch Manga Volume 2 GN, $10.99
TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING Alter Ego #152, $9.95 Back Issue #61 (Longbox Edition), $8.95 BrickJournal #50 (Special Edition), $17.95
UNITED PLANKTON PICTURES SpongeBob Comics #79, $3.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Bloodshot Salvation #8 (Cover A Kenneth Rocafort), $3.99 Bloodshot Salvation #8 (Cover B Renato Guedes Deadside Variant), $3.99 Bloodshot Salvation #8 (Cover C Gerardo Zaffino Battle Damaged Variant), $3.99 Bloodshot Salvation #8 (Cover D David Lafuente Interlocking Variant), AR Bloodshot Salvation #8 (Cover E Trevor Hairsine Bloodshot Icon Variant), AR Bloodshot Salvation #8 (Cover F Ryan Bodenheim Pre-Order Edition Variant), $3.99 Ninja-K #6 (Cover A Tonci Zonjic), $3.99 Ninja-K #6 (Cover B Alan Quah), $3.99 Ninja-K #6 (Cover C Clayton Crain Interlocking Variant), AR Ninja-K #6 (Cover D Neal Adams Ninjak Icon Variant), AR
VERTICAL COMICS My Boy Volume 1 GN, $12.95
VIZ MEDIA Case Closed Volume 66 GN, $9.99 Homestuck Volume 1 Act 1 And Act 2 HC, $24.99 Itsuwaribito Volume 23 GN, $9.99 Magi The Labyrinth Of Magic Volume 29 GN, $9.99 Pokemon Seek And Find Legendary Pokemon HC, $9.99
YEARLING Lucy And Andy Neanderthal Volume 1 GN, $7.99 Lucy And Andy Neanderthal Volume 2 The Stone Cold Age GN, $7.99
YEN PRESS Alice In Murderland Volume 8 HC, $17.00 Angels Of Death Volume 2 GN, $13.00 Betrayal Knows My Name Volume 8 GN, $13.00 Erased Volume 4 HC, $30.00 Goblin Slayer Volume 2 GN, $13.00 Isolator Volume 3 GN, $13.00 Kagerou Daze Volume 9 GN, $13.00 Spirits And Cat Ears Volume 5 GN, $13.00 Your Name Volume 3 GN, $13.00
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Grimm Tales of Terror Volume 4 #1 (Cover A Eric J), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Grimm Tales of Terror Volume 4 #1 (Cover B Renato Rei), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Grimm Tales of Terror Volume 4 #1 (Cover C Tina Valentino), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Grimm Tales of Terror Volume 4 #1 (Cover D Blank Sketch Cover), $10.00
DEVIR AMERICAS Gretchinz Board Game, AR
HASBRO TOY GROUP Stranger Things Monopoly, AR Stranger Things Ouija Game, AR Scrabble Retro Game, AR
IDW GAMES Dragon Ball Z Perfect Cell Game, AR Outpost Amazon Game, AR X-Files Conspiracy Theory Everything Is Connected Game, AR
KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Legendary Duelists Ancient Millennium, AR
PAIZO Dark Eye The Warring Kingdoms Nostria And Andergast HC, AR Pathfinder ACG Ultimate Combat Add-On Deck, AR Pathfinder Adventure Path War For The Crown Part 2 Of 6 Songbird Scion Saboteur, AR Pathfinder Player Companion Merchant's Manifest, AR Pathfinder RPG Flip-Mat Forest Fire, AR Starfinder RPG Flip-Mat Space Station, AR Torg Eternity RPG Core Rules HC, AR Torg Eternity RPG Day One HC, AR Torg Eternity RPG Delphi Missions HC, AR Torg Eternity RPG Dice Pack, AR Torg Eternity RPG Drama Deck, AR Torg Eternity RPG Possibilities Tokens, AR Wrath Of The River King 5th Edition SC, AR
ULTRA PRO INTERNATIONAL Fightin' Words Card Game, AR You Gotta Be Kitten Me Delxue Edition, AR
USAOPOLY Rick And Morty Munchkin, AR
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Ash Vs Evil Dead 7 Inch Series 2 Action Figure Assortment, AR Avengers Legends 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR BB Senshi Sangokuden Dongzhuo Zaku Buduibing SD Model Kit, AR BB Senshi Sangokuden Gongsun Zan EZ-8 And Armor Chariot SD Model Kit, AR BB Senshi Sangokuden Huzhen Gyan And Buduibing SD Model Kit, AR BB Senshi Sangokuden Siege And Six Combining Weapons Set A , AR BB Senshi Sangokuden Yuanshao Bawoo And Yuxi SD Model Kit, AR BB Senshi Sangokuden Yuanshu Zssa And Iankaizhuang SD Model Kit, AR Beatles Titans George Harrison Black And White 4.5 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR Beatles Titans John Lennon Black And White 4.5 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR Beatles Titans Paul Mccartney Black And White 4.5 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR Beatles Titans Ringo Starr Black And White 4.5 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR Beatles Titans Yellow Submarine Black And White 4.5 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR Beatles Titans Yellow Submarine Broaching 6.5 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR Black Panther Movie Claws, AR Black Panther Movie Light Up Claws, AR Black Panther Movie Mask, AR Black Panther Nerf Gauntlet, AR Bungo Stray Dog Niitengomu Volume 2 Rubber Strap, AR Captain America Shield Dad Cap, AR Colossal Movie Giant Monster Maquette Statue, AR Dark Knight Bane Miracle Action Figure EX, AR Fantasy Figure DC Comics Collection Wonder Woman 1/6 Scale PVC Figure, AR Friday The 13th Camp Crystal Lake Accessory Pack, AR Galactic Plush Rick And Morty Snowball 12 Inch Plush With Sound, AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Arryn , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Baratheon , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Bolton, AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Frey, AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Greyjoy , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Lannister , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Martell , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Stannis-Baratheon, AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Stark , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Targaryen , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Tully , AR Game Of Thrones 2.25 Inch Button Tyrell , AR Game Of Thrones Daenerys Targaryen Mother Of Dragons Figure, AR Game Of Thrones Jon Snow Battle Of The Bastards Limited Edition Bust, AR Ghostbusters Dr. Venkman ESP Test Card Game, AR Gudetama Laying Down Chef Hat 5 Inch Plush, AR Gudetama Signature Laying Down 18 Inch Plush, AR Gudetama Signature Sitting Up 10 Inch Plush, AR Gudetama Signature Sitting Up 5 Inch Plush, AR Gudetama Sitting Up Plush Keychain, AR Gudetama Two Eggs And Sausage 17 Inch Plush, AR Gudetama Vertical Egg Shell 5 Inch Plush, AR Gund DC Batman 7 Inch Plush Backpack Clip, AR Gund DC Fuzzy Bear Batman 14 Inch Plush, AR Gund DC Fuzzy Bear Supergirl 14 Inch Plush, AR Gund DC Fuzzy Bear Superman 14 Inch Plush, AR Gund DC Fuzzy Bear Wonder Woman 14 Inch Plush, AR Gund DC Supergirl 7 Inch Plush Backpack Clip, AR Gund DC Superman 7 Inch Plush Backpack Clip, AR Gund DC Wonder Woman 7 Inch Plush Backpack Clip, AR Harley Quinn Red White And Black Statue By By Babs Tarr, AR Hikari XS DC The Joker Purple And Green Figure 2 Pack, AR Hot Wheels Car Culture 1/64 Scale Vehicle Assortment 201801, AR Hulk Vinyl Poster By Mark Brooks , AR Kaifeng Story Miniseries A 2 Pack Set (Lucky Cat Version), AR Kaifeng Story Miniseries B 2 Pack Set (Lucky Cat Version), AR Kikis Delivery Service Jiji Key Holder 4 inch Plush, AR Legend Of Zelda Keychain Back Pack Buddies 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box Series 2, AR Marvel Super Heroes Vintage 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment, AR Mazinger Z Infinity Mazinger Z Metal Build Model Kit, AR McFarlane Toys NBA Series 32 Action Figure Assortment, AR McFarlane Toys NBA Series 32 Demar Derozan Action Figure, AR McFarlane Toys NBA Series 32 Devin Booker Action Figure, AR McFarlane Toys NBA Series 32 Joel Embid Action Figure, AR McFarlane Toys NBA Series 32 Lonzo Ball Action Figure Cs, AR McFarlane Toys NBA Series 32 Stephen Curry Action Figure, AR My Little Pony 5 Inch Small Plush Assortment 201801, AR My Little Pony Friends Figure Assortment 201702, AR My Little Pony Friends Figure Assortment 201801, AR My Little Pony Mystery Pony Bmb Dis 201801, AR Mystery Minis Lord Of The Rings Hobbit 12 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR One Piece Yurayura Pirate Ship Trading Figure, AR Pacific Rim Gipsy Avenger High Grade Model Kit, AR Persona 5 Sakura Futaba 1/8 Scale PVC Figure, AR POP Buddy Ni No Kuni Series 1 Roland With Higgledy Vinyl Figure, AR POP Buddy Ni No Kuni Series 1 Tani With Higgledy Vinyl Figure, AR POP God Of War Atreus Vinyl Figure, AR POP God Of War Draugr Vinyl Figure, AR POP God Of War Fire Troll Vinyl Figure, AR POP Harry Potter Ginny On Broom Vinyl Figure, AR POP Harry Potter Ron On Broom Vinyl Figure, AR POP Jurassic Park Dennis Nedry Vinyl Figure, AR POP Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny Vinyl Figure, AR POP Looney Tunes Daffy Duck Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Contest Of Champions Howard The Duck 6 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Contest Of Champions King Groot Vinyl Figure, AR POP Minecraft Alex Vinyl Figure, AR POP Minecraft Creeper Vinyl Figure, AR POP Minecraft Skeleton Vinyl Figure, AR POP Minecraft Steve Vinyl Figure, AR POP Monster Hunter Hunter Vinyl Figure, AR POP Monster Hunter Rathalos Vinyl Figure, AR POP Monster Hunter Zinogre Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rick And Morty Hemorrhage Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars Episode VIII Vice Admiral Holdo Vinyl Figure, AR POP Stranger Things Dart Demogorgon Vinyl Figure, AR POP Tees Cuphead And Bosses Black T-Shirt XS, AR POP Walking Dead Eugene Vinyl Figure, AR POP Walking Dead Ezekiel Vinyl Figure, AR POP Walking Dead Negan Clean Shaven Vinyl Figure, AR POP Walking Dead Richard Vinyl Figure, AR POP Walking Dead Sasha Vinyl Figure, AR Re:Zero Starting Life In Another World Rem 1/7 Scale PVC Figure Maid, AR Rick And Morty Make C-137 Schwifty Again Lapel Pin, AR Saekano Megumi Kato Nendoroid Figure (Heroine Outfit Version), AR Saga Of Tanya The Evil Tanya Degurechaff Nendoroid, AR Sailor Moon Moon Stick Rod 10 Inch Plush, AR Spider-Man Titan Hero Power FX Web Warriors Assortment 201801, AR Spirited Away Soot Sprite Key Holder 3 Inch Plush, AR Star Wars Black Episode VIII Poe Dameron Electric Helmet, AR Star Wars Black Rey Scavenger Vehicle, AR Star Wars Black Series 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201705, AR Star Wars Episode VIII Hyperdrive BB-8, AR Star Wars Galactic Heroes BB-8 Adventure Base, AR Star Wars Galaxy Episode VIII Class A Vehicle Assortment 201701, AR Star Wars Galaxy Episode VIII Class B Vehicle Assortment 201701, AR Star Wars Galaxy Episode VIII Resistance Ski Speeder, AR Super Cute Cthulhu Dark Green 12 Inch Plush, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Deluxe Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Legends Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Master Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Transformers Robots In Disguise Crash Combiners Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR We Bare Bears Grizz 3 Inch Plush Backpack Clip, AR We Bare Bears Ice Bear 3 Inch Plush Backpack Clip, AR We Bare Bears Panda 3 Inch Plush Backpack Clip, AR We Bare Bears Standing Grizz 11 Inch Plush, AR We Bare Bears Standing Ice Bear 11 Inch Plush, AR We Bare Bears Standing Panda 11 Inch Plush, AR Wonder Woman Classic T-Shirt LG, AR Wonder Woman Classic T-Shirt MED, AR Wonder Woman Classic T-Shirt SM, AR Wonder Woman Classic T-Shirt XL, AR Wonder Woman Classic T-Shirt XXL, AR
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red-dwarf-zone · 8 years
Cyborcat has currently done all 12 seasons, Can’t Smeg Won’t Smeg, BTE, USA and a spotlight on The Cat. Also if you enjoyed them, make sure to check out her other TV, Film and Game reviews.
Series 1 The end Future Echoes Balance of power Waiting for God Confidence & Paranoia Me2
Series 2 Kryten Better than life Thanks for the memory Stasis Leak Queeg Parallel universe
Series 3 Backwards Marooned Polymorph Bodyswap Timeslides The Last Day
Series 4 Camille DNA Justice White hole Dimension Jump Meltdown
Series 5 Holoship The inquisitor Terrorform Quarantine Demons & Angels Back to Reality
Red Dwarf USA
Spotlight: The Cat - Part 1 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 2 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 3 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 4 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 5 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 6  Spotlight: The Cat - Part 7 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 8 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 9 Spotlight: The Cat - Part 10  Spotlight: The Cat - Part 11 
Series 6 Psirens  Legion Gunmen of the Apocalypse Emohawk, Polymorph II RimmerWorld Out of time
Series 7 Tikka to ride Stoke me a Clipper Ouroborus Duct Soup Blue Beyond a joke Epideme Nanarchy
Series 8 Back in the Red 1/2/3 Cassandra Krytie TV Pete 1/2 Only the Good
Back to earth
Series 10 Trojan Fathers & Suns Lemons Entangled Dear Dave The Beginning
Series 11 Twentica Samsara Give & Take Officer Rimmer Krysis Can Of Worms
Series 12 Cured Siliconia Timewave Mechocracy M-Corp Skipper
217 notes · View notes