#Hollis let me out.
ottosbigtop · 3 months
Picking up psychonauts 2 once again and immediately just feeling infinitely better after a weird day. Game of all time.
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hellinhawkins · 1 month
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crazy-lazy-elder-sims · 3 months
for the first time in my entire life someone actually respected my desires and how i choose to live ( and ofc its non other than my brother)
i got asked by my dad why dont i go to the gym so i can become slim fit and healthier? i get this alot it doesn't phase me so i said " i do not have time i work alot" he pressed on and said you do have time!!! your days off!!! and he proceeded to count all the days i stay at home (including the days i work from home and he wouldn't accept that work from home days are not vacation days) and i answered " 1- i AM busy and 2- i prefer to fill the few hours i have off with things i like like my hobbies and gaming and reading" my dad scoffed but my brother looked at me nodded and said "that's fair actually!" and then decided to engage me in a conversation about my hobbies (video games and art) which led to him suggesting that i take my time to develop my art so i eventually could work in the game industry with my portfolio.
that's it !! that's all i ever wanted from people all i ever asked to be respected this way... sigh
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righteous-pines · 6 months
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The last living relative of the great Pinestar. As his granddaughter, and as an extremely talented young warrior, in her own right, great things are expected of Alpineknoll. Only time will tell if she will fulfill this presumed destiny, but thanks to the careful rearing and training of her grandmother, Graypelt, she shows great promise towards her destiny.
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lovehollyberry · 1 year
FE Oc Week: Day 2
Part I
It was during a training session one day that Felix began to take interest in Holly. They were paired up for a sparring match, and that’s when he noticed. The way she held her sword was different from other people he’d battled before, her entire technique was. Felix might have lost the match if it wasn’t for his constant training. Holly was already on her way out of the training grounds when he stopped her.  “Teach me.” He said to her flatly. She looked at him confused. This was one of, if not the first time he actually said something to her. Normally when she would attempt to talk to him he would just grunt or mumble something before walking away. Then again, her repeated pleas of “Please go to tea with me!” probably annoyed him greatly.  “Teach me to wield a sword like you do.” Felix explained, noticing her look of confusion. She stared up at him in shock. “You want me to teach you how to use a sword?” She asked, bewildered. Felix is already a master at the sword, she thought to herself. What could he possibly learn from me? If anything I should be asking him that! He looked at her, annoyed, “I want you to teach me your sword technique. It’s different from the ones used in Fodlan.”  Holly thought for a moment before responding. “Okay,” she chirped, a devilish grin spreading onto her face. “If…” she paused, “You agree to go on a date with me!”  Felix couldn’t believe what she just said, yet at the same time he could. Of course she would try to get a date out of it, she had been begging him ever since they met. Even though it would be pain in the moment, Felix was willing to endure it for new sword knowledge.  She giggled to herself, a triumphant look on her face knowing he couldn’t say no. “Well, do we have a deal?” She asked. After letting out a harsh sigh, he gave his response. “Deal.” It was through that interaction that Felix found himself spending more time with Holly. Slowly warming up towards her, and eventually, even catching romantic feelings for her. Though it may have started out as bothersome, her constant company became reassuring to him. When the time came and Edelgard declared war against the church, Holly found herself accompanying Felix to Fraldarius territory. She would continue to stay by his side until the end of the war.
Despite Hubert’s unapproachable personality and appearance, Holly continued to try and weasel her way into his heart. She had found his intellect impressive along with his skill with magic, begging him to teach her Fodlan magic. After a lot of pleading, puppy dog eyes, and crying fits, Hubert begrudgingly accepted.  It’s over the time they spent together, reading in the library and practicing at the training ground, that Hubert began to soften up towards her. One day, after a study session, Holly invited Hubert to tea. To her great surprise, he accepted. After learning of Hubert’s preference for coffee she made sure to prepare some for their next teatime along with her usual treats. On the other hand, Hubert found himself intrigued with Holly’s own magic capabilities, seeing her perform magic unlike that of Fodlan’s. That coupled with her odd behavior and lack of knowledge about Fodlan, made Hubert believe there may be more to her than meets the eye. No matter the case, her unusual magic would make her a useful ally in the Empire’s war against the church. In spite of their bonds with one another, when the time came for Edelgard to declare war against the church Holly was unwilling to follow Hubert and join the Empire. Though they both attempted to reason with one another, neither would falter in their beliefs. They’re forced to go their separate ways, leaving the lingering thoughts of “what if” on their minds.
With cold, icy attitudes the two of them didn’t get along very well at first. They would constantly argue, finding the smallest details to criticize. Words would be exchanged and they would storm off in opposite directions. Their ceaseless fighting became quite the ordeal for the Blue Lions and staff to deal with, eventually they had enough of it. It had gotten to the point where their inability to work together disrupted class. That’s when Byleth enlisted the help of the students to figure out a way to resolve the problem. Sylvain, who knew Felix best, immediately came up with a devilish idea to stop the fighting. Setting the plan in motion, he enlisted the help of Dimitri and Ingrid. Then the fun began. “Are you sure that it’s true?” Felix was walking into the training ground when he overheard Dimitri, Ingrid, and Sylvain talking. “I can only think so, after all why would she lie about such a thing?” It would seem they hadn’t noticed him enter. Felix didn’t mind, he wasn’t in the mood to stop and chat anyway. “You said you overheard her in the library right?” Felix continued walking towards the training weapons, but as he was reaching for a training sword he stopped. “Yes, she was speaking to Linhardt,” Ingrid clarified, “about Felix.” “Even despite his attitude, she likes him?” Sylvain remarked, shocked. “I know Felix means well, but he can be rather prickly at times.” “I find it hard to believe Rosella has fallen in love with Felix,” Dimitri mused. “Afterall, they are always arguing over something. It would seem more likely she despises him. Or, at the least, he dislikes her.” Felix found himself listening to their words, Rosella liked him? He tried to shrug it off. Whatever, why should I care about how she feels about me? It’s her problem. He picked up his sword. Ingrid continued, “That’s the thing though, she said she felt she needed to keep up the act between them because if she told him now he’d just scorn her.”  “That’s Felix for you, he can be pretty cruel at times. He’d probably have her running away in tears.” Sylvain said. I’m not cruel, Felix thought angrily. Sure he could be a little harsh sometimes, but he wasn’t cruel. Or at least, he didn’t think so. Trying to ignore them, Felix continued training. Dimitri let out a sigh, “If only Felix wasn’t so stubborn in his ways. Then maybe he’d be willing to give her a chance.” “Why don’t we just tell him about it?” Sylvain interjected. If only he realized, Felix mused, finding himself eavesdropping again. “Really Sylvain?” Ingrid said, stopping Sylvain. “ If we told him she’d only suffer more. We know Felix isn’t interested in a relationship. He would just mock her for her feelings.” Sympathizing Dimitri commented, “I can only imagine how miserable she must be keeping her feelings bottled up.” “Ah, the woes of unrequited love.” Sylvain joked. “I guess there’s nothing we can do huh?” The three of them started making their way to the doors, leaving Felix alone in the training grounds. “It would seem so.” Dimitri lamented. “Hey, maybe I could get her to fall for me instead?” Sylvain said, lightening the mood. “Sylvain!” Felix could hear Ingrid smack him in the distance. Left with his thoughts, Felix found himself thinking back on their conversation. For some reason it had stuck with him. Rosella liked him. Even as he continued to train, Felix kept thinking back to what they had said. Despite how he treated her, she had fallen in love with him. Him and all his faults. His thoughts were becoming consumed by it, the notion that Rosella was in love with him. I mean she’s not the worst person it could have been. He reasoned to himself. She’s not half bad when it comes to magic. She’s strong-willed, and intelligent, and… Felix groaned. Damn it, He had fallen in love with her.
With a shared interest in sleep, it’s no mystery why Rosella and Linhardt are great friends. As napping buddies, they’ll often be found asleep somewhere around the monastery. On the occasion they are awake, the two of them can often be found in the library. There they spend countless hours researching their interests and sharing whatever information of note they come across. Despite what others feel, they find each other’s blunt attitude and rational outlook much easier to be around.
When Rosella first arrived at the monastery Seteth did not pay much attention to her. It was only after he found out about her major crest of Macuil and mysterious circumstances that he began to take interest. She had told him she was a noble of the Holy Kingdom Faerghus, claiming to be the daughter of Marquis Hiver. The strange thing was, the bloodline of House Hiver had long since perished and their territory no longer existed. The area where it had once existed had since become the Itha Plains, a part of House Blaiddyd’s domain.  Seteth began to suspect that something, or more accurately, someone was involved in the odd events surrounding the girl. In hope to find answers, Rosella and Seteth decide to work together. 
The saint whose crest Rosella now bears. Originally born crestless, the oddity of suddenly having the crest of Macuil was frightening to her. Not only that, her memories leading until now were faint. She could only recall the moments before what she presumed was to be her death. Her consciousness had faded, and when she awoke everything around her was different. Years had passed, and yet she was still the same. Somehow her wounds had healed, and though a little sore, she was alive. Alive and unaging.
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Sometimes I will pretend that the twins are soft just as a little treat
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 11 months
age regresses you (respond whenever you want. i saw a free mess with someone with magic anons and i took it)
[...and you're sure it'll be alright? i know you and whatshisname know what you're doing but---]
[I hope. You can see the cracks getting deeper every day. She's overextending herself, she needs a reinforced foundation.]
[okay. and will she know any of us? 'cause if not she might run off---]
[Though the age and memories will be... fuzzy, indistinct - she will remember you from school at the very least.]
[that's. not as positive as i expected---i'll trust you on this one. just. ceasefire on the pranks, okay?]
[Agreed. ... Maybe I should never have given her access to that world.......]
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//picrew link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2058617
hey i guess? simon said this network was safe to use so uh---
they say don't reveal your real name on the internet but i don't have a real name. i'm just me. i guess call me holly. that's what everyone else calls me. it's not me but i'm used to it so.
i was running away and it hurt and i tripped over and hit my head on something and now i'm here. dude from school says i got a concussion or something. i guess 'dude from school' is sorta rude given he's one of the only ones who was actually nice to me. he's. taller than i remember but that's probably the concussion....... he keeps calling me blackthorn though. sounds like some edgy hacker name. or, well, the city in johto but i'm not a city
there's a lot of people in this house. it's scary. at least the house pokemon are nice even if the beldum won't leave me alone
//ooc under cut
so yeah we knew this was coming eventually. thanks anon for being patient :)
this is a prelude to something that happens to coincide with 100 followers (??? how) so i'm calling it an event for that even though the actual goal is to help me brain through something :v
despite the technical deadname, she's still she/her. she just hasn't chucked gender out of the window yet, it still sucks though in terms of medical conditions, all she's acutely aware of is autism/anxiety/depression, not that she'll admit to any of them.
the time period is very hazy and may be inconsistent because she repressed the majority of this time. she also thinks she's in and native to pokeworld (specifically some version of galar), due to the games being one of the only things keeping her going during this time. the 'concussion' will make her see demons as pokemon if needed.
pelipper mail etc is on, though magic anons are a lot more limited. in particular simon has negotiated immunity for the duration :v if i can't deal with something i'll filter it out, but otherwise same as anyone else
these posts will be tagged with 'holly kidthorn' if i remember.
(guess who simon is talking to and win absolutely nothing :D)
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deathbind · 6 months
I think in Act One Serot has had his bond with Refhremmit pinged by the tadpole situation, and they're trying to reach out. Serot's memories start coming back, though they're difficult to parse. The problem is probably that the memories from multiple lifetimes are trying to resurface / getting all jumbled together. I think this results in once or twice a memory coming back in full and slamming him so hard that he accidentally tadpole connects with whoever's nearby and drags them into it. Presumably this can be resisted by passing a wisdom check.
Encountering the sussur blooms in the Underdark really knocks him on his ass. He suddenly gets slammed back into his lifetime as Neheb. He needs the rest of the journey through the Underdark to sit with everything, but by the end, his lifetime as Serot has also come back into clarity. His bond with Refhremmit gets tuned up, too. Now they can communicate clearly. Well, the distance probably poses a problem, but [hand waves]
Act Two I think is very difficult for him. It's not just contending with his memories resurfacing or learning Meresankh wasn't destroyed almost 2,000 years ago or that the shadow-cursed lands were tailor made to piss him off. I think, because the Negative Energy Plane went into creating the Shadowfell and he draws on / is especially attuned to that plane, he is thus doubly susceptible to the shadow-curse. Selune's Blessing + the Moonlantern do work for him, but he is looking physically ill the longer they stay there. His HP actually drops over time and can't be healed until the curse is lifted. He begins to look dead / undead over time as well. I think we're looking at constant migraines and increasing lethargy as well. Again, this heals up when the curse is lifted and they have time away from the shadow-cursed lands on the way to Baldur's Gate, but it's not a fun time while they're there.
On the plus side, he found a lead on an agent of Meresankh: Mystic Carrion. Balthazar was probably in communication with him, idk. I think . . . Carrion has some important relic of Meresankh's. Serot can consume it, which strengthens his bond to them. He can destroy it, which dampens their bond (and consequently his bond with Refhremmit; the two began to twine together after Neheb's death). Or he can simply take it, which will allow him to research how to dissolve the bond.
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
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i'll just go chow down on holly berries then, if Test-sama says I won't get sick I definitely won't experience nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting!!!
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: March 25
"Groovy Little Summer Song" by James Otto
#song of the day#it's not at all summer yet but it is spring!!#it's chilly when the wind blows and the dew-damp sticks around until noon but the sun is out and the sky is maybe not clear but close!#spring!!!!#I put my first early plantings in the garden today#I had planned for a bunch of marigolds but I got a different batch of flowers instead#so now what's down is rootings for a bunch of perennial flowers#sea holly and red-hot pokers and butterfly weed and hollyhocks#and then my little pea plants#I told Kelly I'd share pictures but for today it only looks like a square of dirt--I'll definitely share pics when my sprouts come in!!#beautiful beautiful garden times#summer of 2010 when this song came out was the first time in three-ish years I'd spent much continuous time with my family#my littlest siblings were old enough to be away from Mom for a while and still young enough to be lulled to sleep by the car#and Mom was very eager to be left home alone to sleep (and play this weird chicken bowling game she was briefly addicted to)#and so we went on a lot of long leisurely pointless car rides and we listed to a lot of#(I will never not hear this in my head) 96.9 The Kat! country music radio#and this got added to the short list of songs I sang to myself#it's so catchy!! cute fun moderately-bouncy little earworm and my voice cruises up and down it so easy#'when the days start gettin warmer / the sun starts sinkin slower / weekends go by faster / and beer starts tastin colder#wanna tune into a station / takes me on a soul vacation / hey there mister dj / come on won't you please play'#and crucially Dad did not mind this song--which could not be said for 'There Is No Arizona' by Jamie O'Neal#or (after I sang it approximately ninety million times) 'Just What I Do' by Trick Pony#we also had--this was very fun for me--we had exactly one CD we could play in the car (because it was stuck in the disk player)#and that was Joe Diffie's 'Third Rock From The Sun'#so many songs of absolute joy on that album. lucky as hell that Dad agreed because it meant we'd crank it up so loud#close my eyes and let the sun shine all red through my eyelids#sing some real dumbass enjoyable-as-all-getout songs at the top of my absolute voice#Dad laughing and singing along and the littles sleeping through the all of it like the precious babies they were#these are the songs of sunshine and pointless happiness! it's not summer but it will be! my garden doesn't have plants yet but it will!#sing a song!!
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rachiller · 6 months
I love stereotypes about dogs so much because of how funny it is when they get disproved. My giant Rottweiler who looks like he might have eaten several children in the past and is looking for his next victim giving big sad eyes when he lays his head in your lap 3 seconds after meeting him versus my tiny Jack Russell who until she sees a stranger looks like an innocent little baby then immediately becomes 90% teeth 10% dog, why sir, they are simply doing god’s work
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hollypies · 11 months
In my totk swap au when Zelda finds all the Poe Collocters and gets the Tunic of Memories she's like. Woaagg my girlfriends shirt...
And then she uses it as pajamas .
I also replayed the Lucky Gazette quest line and in this au I'm. Not sure how people would describe link? Like for Zelda they say they saw a blonde haired lady . Would Link have some other descriptor??? Bright blue eyes maybe? Either way Ganon's Link puppet would def be a . Mini boss fight. That'd be sooo cool omg.
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cleaningbones · 1 year
the good omens and weezer fans under the buddy holly tag annoy me
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thetimelordbatgirl · 9 months
Ngl would have honestly preferred if Holly's and Poppy's debuts in the Ever After High episodes had been similar to their doll diaries versus what we ended up getting.
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kits-ships · 11 months
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olive - seraphina holly - wren briar - delilah maple - eden [p]
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annastylepie · 1 year
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I made my first avocado bread today =D
It's very tasty I had the recepie from dylan hollis avocado bread from 1973
The result is very tasty it is a little sweeter than I am used to (from germany) but I still quite enjoy it! It tastes as the name suggests like avocados and is texture wise bread throu and throu!
The recipe is
2 very ripe avocados
150g/ 3/4cups sugar
3 eggs
260g/2cups flour
1,5 teaspoons/7.5g of baking powder
Baking 176°C/350°F for 45-50minutes
It is overall very tasty and ideal for breakfast with tomatos or eggs, cheese, omletts, well pretty much whatever you could possibly eat with avocado or bread to be honest.
And all in all it didn't take too much time to make so if you are bored and have access to avocados this is a tasty option! :D
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