#Hogwarts Verse ;; a FANTASTIC magical AU timeline.
moreofachaser · 4 months
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Owls posed under Veritaserum will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Newt Scamander is a canon character from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and his portrayal is a mix of headcanons and movie lore. Unless writing with a Tina muse, that relationship was purely platonic. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write him into crossovers or AUs.
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default verses:
post!hogwarts: Following his graduation from Hogwarts, Newt travels, studying and protecting magical creatures, and writes his book. May or may not include canon divergences from the films.
hogwarts is home: A future AU where Newt returns to Hogwarts after the publication of his book to teach Care of Magical Creatures in the Golden Trio timeline. For the ease of writing with more muses, he could have been part of the Marauders generation or the eldest Weasley kids' generation.
Note: Newt and the writer would like to register their protest against She Who Must Not Be Named and her notably transphobic ideology by injecting as much queerness and diversity as possible into this fandom.
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NAME: Dr. Reed Theodore Richards HOUSE:  Hufflepuff POSITION:  Charge Nurse, Healer at Hogwarts AREA OF STUDY:  Anatomy & Medicine WAND:  16 inches long, made of reed wood (ironically), flexible, Thunderbird tail feather core.  Reed wood is associated with scholarship and knowledge. Reed wood people are good with words, and steadfast in their beliefs. They are deeply rooted and extremely flexible. Reed wood people should trust in their ability to adapt to new situations without ever losing sense of who they are. Wands with Thunderbird tail feather core’s are difficult to master, like the bird’s their tail feather’s are from. However once bonded with the witch or wizard they have chosen, wands like these have a unique attribute like Thunderbird’s to pre-emptively sense danger. They have been known to fire curses on their own in protection of the wizard or witch they are bonded to when sensing other dark wizards and other malicious supernatural dangers nearby.  PATRONUS:  Sea Lion. A symbol of  imagination and creativity that may be hidden to the castor. Sea Lion patronuses were thought to mean the wizard or witch should pay more attention to their talents and see their own self worth. Sea Lion’s in some cultures were also thought of as innately happy animal spirits that showed trust and integrity. That the person has an inner strength and compassion that was often overlooked at first.
Reed was the son of a great American Wizard (Nathaniel Richards) and British witch (Evelyn Richards) both of whom worked for the Magical Congress of the United States of America’s and Ministry of Magic (respectively) in the Department of Unidentifiable Magical Objects. However both of them were involved in a national government classified incident where they came into contact with a series of objects they were unable to both properly identify and/or contain. Evelyn lost her life in the incident which led to Reed’s father, Nathaniel, researching the magical properties and sciences of time that eventually had him accused of malpractice and endangering/exposing a minor wizard to forbidden spells and wares. When Reed was 5 years old his father was sent and committed to Azkaban prison for his madness and reckless endangerment of both muggle and magical people’s lives. 
Taken under wing as a child then by close family friends, from Manchester, the Grimms, Ben and Reed became fast friends and practically brothers. At 9 years old Reed wrote and published a best selling book at Flourish and Blott’s called The Uses and Limits of Science in the Magical World which applied muggle based theories with magical equations and earned him quite the reputation among the wizard academic society in Britain.  
 The two both received their Hogwarts letters and attended school together.  Because of how intelligent Reed was, everyone automatically assumed he’d be sorted into Ravenclaw when miraculously, the Sorting Hat’s voice rang out
           “ HUFFLEPUFF! ”
As Ben was sorted into Gryffindor and he and Reed slowly began to drift apart, not entirely but enough for Reed to feel lonely...he found himself then alienated by the other Hufflepuffs. He wasn’t....particularly touchy feeling or enjoyed talking to others about....what was going on inside his head and so he spent most of his days in the library, reading, by himself. He’d never had any other friends except for Ben, and with how busy he was with Quidditch these days, he just spent a lot of time with his books.
Until he met another boy, by himself, in the library. Victor von Doom, a Slytherin student and pureblood like Reed, was from a family dedicated to the Dark Arts. While he wasn’t particularly fond of Reed he found the other boy always popping up, where ever he went. And talking to him and studying together soon became routine. 
At the end of third year, Ben and Reed clear the air and the two reconnect. Fast forward, by the start of Fourth year oddly, Reed is confused as to why Victor now doesn’t talk to him and why he’s been avoiding him. Ben introduces him to fellow students and friends of his Susan and Johnny Storm (even if Johnny annoys the heck outta Ben sometimes) and the four of them seemed to become a tight knit group that everyone admired for their camaraderie and closeness. There wasn’t anything Reed wouldn’t do for them, especially Susan, who he admittedly had feelings for at the time. 
During his education at Hogwarts he took an interest in helping out in the hospital wing, alongside another boy Stephen Strange. The two ultimately seemed to be neck in neck for an apprenticeship after school, however Stephen’s fascination with the flow of Time and it’s studies took him elsewhere academically and Reed quickly found he had a knack for mending bones, limbs and tissue. 
In his seventh year he received a letter from Victor, saying he wouldn’t be returning to school. Thoroughly confused, Reed travelled to his family’s estate in Latveria where the entire mansion furniture was covered and empty, as if not a soul had ever lived there. The only remaining resident, it seemed, was a black cat with green eyes, that wore a collar with the name “Omen” engraved into the tag. A word of foreshadowing impending good fortune or doom. 
 After graduation, Reed went on to take an apprenticeship with the school physician and then spread his wings becoming a nurse/intern with St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. There he worked his way up to a Senior Healer and spent many years working with those that suffered severe mental trauma at the hands of the dark arts and other forbidden spells. He was recently offered a permanent position at Hogwarts as the Charge Nurse, taking over for the Matron that used to teach him and thus, full circle, returned to the school he spent so many years and good memories in to help children, like him, that were just looking to find their way.
Reed once performed a spell in a duel that turned all his bones and skin tissue to a plasticity, stretchy type texture. This was his first visit to the infirmary ward in school and ultimately what got him interested in magic and medicine in the first place. Because of this he got the nickname “Stretch” in school.
Reed’s a private person, for the most part. He’ll talk your ear off about just about anything but if he talks to you about his memories of his family or any particular one ‘feeling’ he has -- you’re someone very special to him.
He visits his father once a year in Azkaban. He’s tried to make him as comfortable as possible in the past but his father has repeatedly said the only thing that would make him happy is if Reed continued his alchemy experiments, something Reed won’t do. 
Reed’s pansexual. He’s had feelings and dated both men and women over the years. Still second on Rita Skeeter’s list of the Wizarding World’s most eligible bachelor’s. She’s dubbed him “Mr. Fantastic”.
Since his first book he’s gone on to publish many others and give seminars about the mind and magic, science, astrology and biochemistry.
He’s comfortable financially and gives to charities like St. Mungo’s Fund for those victimized by the Cruciatus Curse.
He started a small private school in London for wizards and witches called The Future Foundation of Magic
Reed’s favorite muggle show is Star Trek. Also anything space related is an easy way to get his eyes to light up and interest piqued.
He drives an enchanted 1957 red chevy bel air coupe to and from work. During the school year Hogwarts puts him up as he has to be available on site for any emergencies. Omen can be found on his desk or on the beds with a patient if they scratch him behind the ears and worship him enough.
It doesn’t matter who you are or your parents were, if you’re hurting he’ll try to help.
Prior (but not yet claimed): Benjamin Grimm, Susan Storm, Johnny Storm, Victor von Doom, Stephen Strange.
open for plotting - if you’d like to be a part of this group too go see @astrobrave‘s page for details!!!!
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V: Cunning Rose
AU Set in the Wizarding World of the Harry Potter series and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Timeline is Verse Dependent, as is age.
Though she was born in Paris, her family had special interest in Margaery and her siblings attending Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons. Thus when her oldest brother reached ten, they relocated to London. Her father Mace is in the Ministry of Magic, in the department of International Magical Cooperation. Her mother Alerie works at Saint Mungo’s, and she’s rumored to have an aunt in the department of Mysteries.
Margaery surprised her family when she was sorted into Slytherin. The reason the Sorting Hat decided as it did was because of Margaery’s cunning. She’s prospered both academically and socially, an upstanding student who has ease making friends.
After graduating, Margaery speaks with her Grandmother, and begins work setting up a new school for magical students-one less divided.
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ofrosesandash · 5 years
V: Cunning Rose
AU Set in the Wizarding World of the Harry Potter series and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Timeline is Verse Dependent, as is age.
Though she was born in Paris, her family had special interest in Margaery and her siblings attending Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons. Thus when her oldest brother reached ten, they relocated to London. Her father Mace is in the Ministry of Magic, in the department of International Magical Cooperation. Her mother Alerie works at Saint Mungo's, and she's rumored to have an aunt in the department of Mysteries. 
Margaery surprised her family when she was sorted into Slytherin. The reason the Sorting Hat decided as it did was because of Margaery's cunning. She's prospered both academically and socially, an upstanding student who has ease making friends.
After graduating, Margaery speaks with her Grandmother, and begins work setting up a new school for magical students-one less divided.
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NOTE: This is not just subject to the timeline of the Harry Potter movies but can vary from Pre-series of the series, also can take place during the era that is within Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them ( this variation will be AU to the more current timelines of the universes ).  VARIATION ONE: Lawrence grew up in a Pureblood family based out of France, his family is world-renown for being housed Slytherin for each generation. This exact expectation arose when Lawrence reached the age of 12 and got his letter for Hogwarts. Upon the day of sorting, an unexpected result took place and the young wizard was placed into Hufflepuff - this shocked even some of the student’s who know of the Crowley name. Some say that the family are descendants to the infamous Aleister Crowley, who some say was an infamous wizard who had a knack for the dark arts. This created a lot of tension among his housemates for the first year as many knew of the Crowley’s aiding in Voldemort’s reign by being in the ranks of the Death Eaters, this caused the boy to be a bit ashamed for having such connection to his name yet decided he must make everyone realize that not everyone of his family line is ‘evil’. While he did get ridicule from his family for not upholding the family name, it was destined for him to break the cycle and erase the bad name connected to his family. As the years progress and his younger brothers reached of age, they too, were housed into other houses that were not of Slytherin. Augustine was placed into Ravenclaw while his youngest brother Ambroise was placed into Gryffindor. This in itself destroyed the rumors surrounding his name, making his years to come at Hogwarts pleasant.  BEST SUBJECTS: Defense against the Dark Arts, Potions, Care for Magical Creatures VARIATION TWO: Details will be added at a later time.
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