#Hero stats
isleofair · 2 years
Hero Stats from the Museum of Tiger & Bunny 2
The T&B2 museum that's currently open in Japan has physical versions of all the in-universe hero cards (both the Single and Buddy cards). We'd previously seen Keith and Nathan's cards and stats in the show (and most of Kotetsu and Barnaby's), but now we have them all! @kazuko_01 on Twitter took some lovely pictures of them and has very kindly given me permission to use them for this post. どうもありがとうございました! 💙
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I'll put all the stats and a some analysis of them under a cut, because the post will get quite long.
Every individual hero card has scores out of 6 for Experience, Speed, Power, Intelligence, and Spirit, plus a special stat that is unique to each hero and is always maxed out. The scores are:
Wild Tiger: Experience 6, Speed 3, Power 5, Intelligence 3, Spirit 5, Passion 6 Barnaby Brooks Jr.: Experience 4, Speed 6, Power 5, Intelligence 6, Spirit 5, Cool 6 Blue Rose: Experience 4, Speed 4, Power 3, Intelligence 4, Spirit 5, Singer 6 Golden Ryan: Experience 5, Speed 4, Power 5, Intelligence 4, Spirit 4, Gravity 6 Fire Emblem: Experience 5, Speed 4, Power 5, Intelligence 5, Spirit 5, Love 6 Sky High: Experience 5, Speed 6, Power 4, Intelligence 4, Spirit 6, Loyalty 6 Origami Cyclone: Experience 4, Speed 5, Power 4, Intelligence 4, Spirit 5, Traditional 6 Rock Bison: Experience 5, Speed 2, Power 6, Intelligence 3, Spirit 5, Pure 6 Dragon Kid: Experience 4, Speed 6, Power 4, Intelligence 4, Spirit 5, Healthy 6 Magical Cat: Experience 2, Speed 4, Power 3, Intelligence 4, Spirit 4, Cute 6 Mr. Black: Experience 2, Speed 3, Power 4, Intelligence 3, Spirit 4, Honest 6 He Is Thomas: Experience 2, Speed 6, Power 5, Intelligence 6, Spirit 5, Smart 6
Kotetsu, the veteran hero, is the only one with max Experience (6); Ryan, Nathan, Keith and Antonio have 5 (Ryan evidently worked a fair bit overseas before coming to Stern Bild). The new kids (on the block) all have 2, which might mean it's the minimum possible score, or that the cards were updated after the start of the season; beating Fugan and Mugan, for example, should certainly count as experience! And Bunny has the same score as Karina, Ivan and Pao-Lin, despite having become a hero at least one season after them and having taken a year off, so this is most likely not strictly how much time they've spent on the job (Bunny was the one who beat Jake, so they might have counted that as extra experience, for example).
Bunny, Keith, Pao-Lin and Thomas all have max Speed, and the lowest stat of any card except for the kids' Experience is here, for Antonio (2). Evidently this counts something other than just the top speed a hero can reach, because Kotetsu only has a 4 even though he also has Hundred Power (although the way he runs might have something to do with it 🤣), and I don't see how Thomas could move as fast as Keith does when he flies, or even as fast as Pao-Lin, Queen of the Quick Flips. Maybe it's just how fast they can run without using their power (or a combination of that and their reflexes)?
The only hero with max Power is... Antonio! This stat honestly seems to just indicate everyone's physical strength, again without accounting for their power, since Kotetsu and Bunny aren't first and the lowest score goes to Karina and Lara. (This might imply that tiny Pao-Lin can deadlift as much as Keith, King of Training, which I adore.)
The heroes with max Intelligence are Bunny and Thomas (who also has Smart as his unique stat, so that's evidently his thing). The only runner-up at 5 is my clever girl Nathan 💖; everyone else is at 4 (yes, Keith too! He's not dumb, he's just... an airhead 😅), except for Kotetsu, Antonio and Subaru, who have a 3. Oh, you disaster boys. 😅
Perhaps predictably, only Keith reaches a perfect score in Spirit, which seems to indicate conviction. Everyone else has a 5... except for Ryan, Lara and Subaru, whom I want to hug while I tell them they can believe in themselves and in being heroes a little bit more. 🥺
As for the unique stats... excuse me while I melt even more at FireSky's being Love and Loyalty! Because yes, we already new, but in the context of the others they're just so... UGH. My heart. They're literally a relationship. 🥺❤️💜
Kotetsu and Bunny's Passion and Cool are very interesting because they illustrate their contrasting approaches and personalities perfectly, but they work so well as Buddies! 💛
And of course, very honorable mention for Antonio's being freaking Pure. Bless him. 🥹 Everyone give the man a hug right now.
(I want to know what poor Ryan did to the person who wrote the cards, though. Like... seriously? Just Gravity? At least I know Thomas's just says Smart because he doesn't really give you anything else you can use, lol.)
If you sum up all the stats you get the following individual rankings:
1st: Barnaby Brooks Jr. (32) 2nd: Sky High (31) 3rd (tied): Fire Emblem and He Is Thomas (30) 5th: Dragon Kid (29) 6th (tied): Wild Tiger, Golden Ryan, Origami Cyclone (28) 9th: Rock Bison (27) 10th: Blue Rose (26) 11th: Magical Cat (23) 12th: Mr. Black (22)
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The Buddy cards show the individual stats again, and then a sum of each score for the pair as a whole. The unique stats for each hero are added together here to make a Buddy stat, which is, therefore, also always maxed out... and to be honest I personally have qualms with that (Subaru and Thomas, for example, certainly don't work together as well as the others), but I that's what we get. 😅 I suppose it could represent how well their personal characteristics go together, potentially.
The stats for the Buddy pairs are:
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Tiger & Barnaby: Experience 10, Speed 9, Power 10, Intelligence 9, Spirit 10, Buddy 12
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BlueGolden: Experience 9, Speed 8, Power 8, Intelligence 8, Spirit 9, Buddy 12
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FireSky: Experience 10, Speed 10, Power 9, Intelligence 9, Spirit 11, Buddy 12
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OrigamiRock: Experience 9, Speed 7, Power 10, Intelligence 7, Spirit 10, Buddy 12
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KidCat: Experience 6, Speed 10, Power 7, Intelligence 8, Spirit 9, Buddy 12
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Mr. Black: Experience 4, Speed 9, Power 9, Intelligence 9, Spirit 9, Buddy 12
The highest combined non-Buddy stat is FireSky's Spirit at 11 (🥺🥹💕); the lowest is Mr. Black's Experience at 4 (fair).
Adding everything together gives us these rankings for the Buddy pairs:
1st: FireSky (61) (❤️💜) 2nd: Tiger & Barnaby (60) 3rd: OrigamiRock (55) 4th: BlueGolden (54) 5th (tied): KidCat and Mr. Black (52)
In conclusion: I need a copy of that FireSky card like I need air. 🥺
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rrat-king · 6 months
can’t stop thinking about the garlic and the wolfsbane in nightmare mordred that brennan clearly meant for them to use against zara and jawbone but instead they just. beat them to death and dipped. intrepid hero’s insane players that you are
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stargazer333 · 2 years
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championsandheroes · 1 year
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Ten? TEN?! Larian, please. You can't let everyone and their mom go on about how beefy and strong Halsin is when he's got a measly 10 in strength. I understand if the men are impressed, but every single one of the ladies are stronger than him!
Over at Patreon and society6 we appreciate the strong women though. Respectfully.
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amaranthdahlia · 11 months
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their types are cute girls !!!!
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*ochacos definition of cute
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theyre so real 4 this
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thisisnotthenerd · 9 months
as the fhjy premiere is upon us, i'm back with another edition of thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats. it's just the updates that are relevant, since relationship tracking is taking so long to do and i got sidetracked by polls for a few months. this will be sorted by the categories i have data for--you can look at the spreadsheet to find data for all d20 seasons. or you can read it on ao3. anyway:
player data:
runtime and episode data:
before the start of junior year, we have spent 88 hours, 40 minutes, and 14 seconds with the bad kids on-screen, including in oneshots. this is about 3 days, 16 hours, 40 minutes, and 14 seconds.
that's 41/221 d20 episodes, 22 of which were battle episodes.
we've spent 125 hours, 37 minutes, and 32 seconds in spyre as a whole, or 5 days, 5 hours, 37 minutes, and 32 seconds.
that's 57/221 d20 episodes, 32 of which were battle episodes.
cast appearances:
brennan at the top of the list, with 19 d20 appearances, 15 of those as a gm/dm.
next is lou, with 11 seasons as a player; 8 intrepid heroes seasons, 3 sidequests.
followed by ally, zac and siobhan, each with 2 different sidequests under their belts
second to last is emily, with 9, with acofaf
and in last is murph, with only 8. if aabria is in 2 of the 2024 d20 seasons, she's in the running to beat him.
seating preferences:
junior year tipped a lot of the intrepid heroes into a distinct preference, simply by setting them on one side of the table.
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emily axford: strong left side preference (6/8), most commonly in L1 and L2. paired next to zac 5/8 seasons, and across from murph 5/8 seasons. fig sits in L1.
zac oyama: strong left side preference (6/8), most commonly in L2 and L1. paired next to emily 5/8 seasons, and across from ally 7/8 seasons. gorgug sits in L2.
siobhan thompson: weak left side preference (5/8), most commonly in L3 and R3. paired next to lou 7/8 seasons [doubled across 5/8], and across from emily 3/8 seasons. adaine sits in L3
lou wilson: even split preference, most commonly in R3 and L3. paired next to siobhan 7/8 seasons [doubled across 5/8], and across from murph 2/8 seasons. fabian sits in R3.
ally beardsley: strong right side preference, most commonly in R2 and R1. paired next to murph 6/8 seasons, and across from zac 7/8 seasons. kristen sits in R2.
brian ‘murph’ murphy: strong right side preference (7/8), the strongest of the intrepid heroes, most commonly in R1 and R2. paired next to ally 6/8 seasons, and across from emily 5/8 seasons. riz sits in R1.
character data:
given what the bts's have shown, there might be some changes to these that i'll update during the premiere, but as of now, this is a quick summary of the bad kids' data, including dnd race, class, level, highest stat, feats, and age. you can go through the thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats tag for my previous commentary on this data, or check out the spreadsheet.
i'm putting them at level 9 for now because that's what we left off with, but more than likely they're starting at level 10 or higher. we know about riz's respec, but there may be others that crop up during the season.
fig faeth: tiefling. lore bard 8, hexblade warlock 1. CHA. actor, lucky. 17-18
gorgug thistlespring: half-orc. berserker barbarian 8, artificer 1. STR. orcish aggression/fury. 18
adaine abernant: high elf. divination wizard 9. INT. spell sniper, war caster. 16-17
fabian seacaster: half-elf. battlemaster fighter 6, swords bard 3. DEX. sentinel. 18-19
kristen applebees: variant human. twilight cleric 9. WIS. human determination, inspiring leader. 17-18
riz gukgak: goblin. arcane trickster rogue 9. DEX. healer. 17
all of the bad kids have some magic now--the ladies are all full casters, while fabian is a split multiclass, gorgug is a 1/2 caster multiclass, and riz re-subclassed into a 1/3rd casting progression. still an even split of multiclasses and pure classes, though that may change. riz's re-spec has bumped arcane trickster up to the most common rogue subclass, with 6 arcane trickster characters, 4 of whom sit in R1.
and that's it! all of the intrepid heroes/bad kids data that i have updates for! see you all at the premiere of fantasy high: junior year tomorrow!
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ao3-anonymous · 6 months
Fastest Growing Fandoms on AO3 This Week (03/18/2024)
Every week I pull data on how many fics are in each fandom and compare to the previous week, then calculate the percentage increase to determine fastest growing fandoms.  Since this naturally skews towards smaller fandoms, I have included the same data filtered to Over 1k, 5k, & 10k fics.
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Over 1,000 Fics:
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Over 5,000 Fics:
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Over 10,000 Fics:
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Source: AO3 Fandom Dashboard
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camels-pen · 9 months
ponder for a moment, zosanuso with Zoro realizing he likes pet names
Sanji and Usopp get together first. They are very lovey dovey and sappy because Sanji is lovey dovey and sappy and Usopp loves it, gets very swept away with it, and does his best to reciprocate. This shit is practically the bane of Zoro's existence. And that's not even getting into the pet names.
Some time later, he's got the realization that oh, huh, he likes Usopp. And oh, ugh, he likes the Cook too. And he might lament his own feelings about it, but eventually he tells them and then Zoro has two boyfriends.
And then one morning, Usopp comes to breakfast looking incredibly sleepy, and casually gives a "Morning, babe" to Zoro before taking his seat.
And Zoro finds he likes that. He really really likes it. And he's definitely showing it on his face somehow because soon after Sanji is ranting and raving about Zoro being an absolute hypocrite, because how dare he complain all this time about Sanji and Usopp calling each other honey and cher and darling, when he was just as bad as them-
Usopp is more awake now and trying not to laugh, for Zoro's sake. Zoro is very red and keeps trying to interrupt Sanji, but Sanji just talks louder over him. Zoro would start a fight, but Sanji hadn't finished serving breakfast yet and his arms are full of plates so he's forced to suffer.
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All Lore from the Dragon Age: Official Cookbook: Taste of Thedas
This is going to be a long post with all the lore from the cookbook collected in one post. This is only going to be counting the lore in the "blurbs" so to speak as the actual recipes themselves, which are not meant to be set in-world.
Additionally, it should be noted that I am unable to say one way or the other if the props used in the photos or the etching art shown on some recipes are to be taken as reflecting the canon the cookbook narrator is in. For the sake of completeness, I have included the less conclusive elements.
Shoving everything below the cut for length as well as to help people avoid spoilers. Think I got everything... There is a lot in this book honestly.
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Cookbook Lore
World State
Cassandra is Divine.
The Hero of Ferelden is a Cousland Warden.
The Warden gave Leliana Schmooples.
Hawke is a non-mage, as Varric knows Bethany.
Hawke is diplomatic in personality.
Bull's Chargers, Krem, and Bull are all alive.
Cullen stayed off lyrium.
Celene is empress; Briala and Gaspard are still alive.
Alistair is king.
Varric is viscount.
Uncertain aspects of the world state:
The suggested lore based on the art, props used in photos, and vague wording in blurbs. These are not for certain this is the canon.
Briala is described as a spymaster and lover, implying she was possibly reunited with Celene.
Celene, Briala, and Gaspard are possibly working together in the truce. But the wording is vague it could simply be Celene ruling alone while Briala and Gaspard live.
Cole was encouraged to be more human and is traveling with Maryden Halewell.
Cullen got his mabari.
Josephine was romanced by the Inquisitor.
Morrigan has Keiran.
The Hero of Ferelden romanced King Alistair.
Food Lore
Lentils and onions are common ingredients to find in pantries across Thedas.
Ferelden has reliable access to tomatoes that allows them to use them regularly in their food.
Fereldans are known for their love of soups, stews, pickled eggs, and turnips that it is regularly joked about and seen as a stereotype. Devon regularly comments on the known expectations.
Turnip and Mutton Pie is a classic Fereldan dish served in taverns across the nation.
Nevarra food culture holds that food is suppose to be a feast for the eyes and mouth. Leading to their plating to be dazzling and seen as works of art.
The Jade Ham, is a smoked Anderfels ham with a particular glaze made from wildflowers and turns the ham as hard as jade.
The Anderfels are hostile and often considered inhospitible in certain areas. But despite the harsh environment, pigs farm well there and as a result are much larger than elsewhere in Thedas.
There are custard connoisseurs across Thedas.
Lichen ale is toxic, though most dwarves are able to handle it. However, non-dwarves can only tolerate a few sips of the drink.
Isabela has a drinking game based on how many enemies you have, it has killed at least one person.
The Rivaini tea blend is said to have healing properties such as helping alleviate headaches.
Dwarves underground raise giant spiders like people on the surface raise cattle and goats.
Orzammar has a contest where one is crowned as Orzammar's Best Sauce, the competition is so fierce people get underhanded in their attempts to acquire recipes. This has led to eateries, and in general people of Orzammar, to guard their recipes from others.
Orzammar also farms various mushrooms for eating.
Rice is commonly found in Antiva and Rivain, however it is not a large export for Antiva so it is a rare grain for folks in Ferelden. Due to it not being exported, rice is a cheap food item in Antiva and is very common in the more mundane foods of commoners.
Wyvern, like phoenix, can become deadly poisonous if eaten when they aren't prepared properly.
A jam maker lives in Orzammar, importing individual ingredients so they can make the jam themselves and hopefully sell it cheaper than imported jam.
Mentioned through out the cookbook, not necessarily as ingredients themselves but sources for other food items.
Ayesleigh gulabi goat - Rivain
Cave Beetles - Underground
Giant Spider
Additional Lore
The golden nug statues do exist in Thedas, Devon mentions seeing one in Haven and hearing rumors of there being more.
Fereldans who worked for the Inquisition would leave Commander Cullen pickled eggs on his desk while he was going through the worst of his lyrium withdrawal symptoms.
Spring time is gurgut mating season, and travelers are advised to keep their distance.
Starkhaven is oval in shape, shaped by rings of tall, grey stone walls, is filled with lavish estates, fountains, and sits on the Minanter River.
Makes reference to the ambient events of where Cole dumped a bushel of turnips onto a fire.
Food: Dishes, Ingredients, and More
These are mentioned, referenced, and/or introduced in the cookbook description of the food, these aren't including the ingredients or foods mentioned in the recipes.
If the item is marked with **, it means there are multiple cultures with the same dish but the cookbook is offering specifically that as the reference point.
Apple Grenade - Antiva
Bark Bread - suggested alternative to black lichen
Biscuit, sweets
Black Lichen Bread - Orzammar
Blancmange - a white pudding dish from Orlais
Blood Orange Salad - Nevarra
Boiled Turnip
Bun, sweet - a pastry served as dessert
Cabbage Soup - Ferelden
Cacio e Pepe
Cherry Sauce
Cherry Cupcakes - Tevinter
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Cream
Cinnamon Rolls
Couscous Salad - Rivain
Crab Cakes - Kirkwall
Croissant - Orlais
Crow Feed - Antiva
Dark Bread
Eggs à la Val Foret - Orlais
Fish Chowder - Antiva
Fish Wraps/Fish Pockets - Seheron
Flat Bread - Nevarra
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding - Ferelden
Forest Fruit Cobbler - Dalish
Found Cake - Ferelden
Fried Crab Legs - a substitute version of fried young giant spiders
Fried Young Giant Spiders - Orzammar
Gnocchi - Antiva
Goat Custard - Rivain **
Grilled Poussin - Chasind
Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce - Avvar
Hearth Cakes - Dalish
Hearty Scones - Ferelden
Honey Carrots - Orlais **
Jade Ham - More suited for a weapon, stated to not be suited for eating.
Lamprey Cake - not made of real lamprey, just a cake modeled after it.
Lentil Soup - City Elf **
Llomerryn Red - Rivain
Mashed Turnip
Merrill's Blood Soup - Dalish
Mushroom Sauce
Nettle Soup - origins unclear
Nug Bacon and Egg Pie - Ferelden
Paella - Antiva
Pastry Pockets - recipe originates with the Grey Wardens, cookbook provides the Orlesian Grey Warden variation **
Peasant Bread - Orlais
Pickled Eggs - Ferelden
Pickled Lamprey - Free Marches
Poached Egg
Poison Stings - Chocolate-coated orange peels from Tevinter
Potato and Leek Soup - Ferelden
Pumpkin Bread - Tevinter
Red Grape Compote
Rice Pudding - Tevinter
Roasted Fig
Roasted Cave Beetles - Orzammar
Roasted Prawns - a substitute prawns for cave beetles
Roasted Turnip
Roll, pastry
Snail and Watercress Salad - Avvar
Sour Cherries in Cream - Orlais
Spiced Jerky - Dalish
Steamed Turnip
Stir-fried Turnip
Strawberry and Rhubarb Cobbler - Ferelden
Stuffed Cabbage - Ferelden
Stuffed Deep Mushrooms - Orzammar
Stuffed Vine Leaves - Tevinter
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup - Ferelden
Toasted Almonds
Traviso Energy Balls - Antiva
Tzatziki - Tevinter
Turnip and Mutton Pie - Ferelden
Unidentified Meat - a common tavern food in Tevinter
Yogurt Dip - Nevarra
Chasind Sack Mead
Chasind Wildwine
The Emerald Valley
The Golden Nug
The Hissing Drake
Hot Chocolate
Lichen Ale
Pomegranate Juice
Rivaini Tea Blend
West Hill Brandy
White Seleney wine
These are only listed in the lore entries and not the actual recipes themselves as whether or not they are canon is questionable as the recipes recommend store bought items as well as ingredients that have unique Thedosian counterpart names.
Antivan Pasta
Bacon, Nug
Bell Pepper, red
Bitter Greens - this is a class of salad greens known for their bitter flavor.
Black Lichen - Underground
Blood Orange - Nevarra
Butter, Halla
Cave Beetles
Cherry, black
Cherry, sweet
Chickpea - Rivain
Cocoa Powder
Corn, yellow
Corn, checkered
Couscous - Rivain
Deep Mushroom, various varieties
Dracolisk - The narrator suggests it being a potential meat in a recipe in Tevinter.
Dried Fruit
Flour, semolina - Rivain
Giant - Suggested that Tevinter might serve giant
Giant Spiders - Underground
Grape, red
Grape Leaves/Vine Leaves
Guimauves - Orlesian
Gurgut - Avvar
Heavy Cream
Lemon Juice
Lemon Verbena
Licorice Root
Lurker - Avvar
Pastry Dough
Peanut Butter
Peppers, Hot
Prawn - said to have the same texture and flavor as cave beetles.
Puff Pastry - Orlais
Rice - Antiva and Rivain
Semolina Flour - Rivain
Snail - Avvar
Watercress - Avvar
Whipped Cream
White Chocolate
Wyvern - Avvar, Orlais
Charts and Stats
Because I love a good visual rep of data, I collected some stats of the types of food, how many recipes are from where, and the amount of time a character was mentioned.
Types of Food
I did percentages for the course of food as well as the portion of options that are vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free, meat based, and alcoholic.
Food Types Stats
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These charts show the ingredient percentage in the actual recipes and not the lore blurbs themselves. This is out of 72 recipes with the amount they were used in (-) after their percentage.
Left Hand Chart
Alcohol: 14.6% (27)
Dairy-free: 15.7% (29)
Egg-free: 25.4% (47)
Meat based: 16.2% (30)
Nuts: 3.1% (6)
Shellfish: 2.6% (5)
Vegan: 4.2% (8)
Vegetarian: 20.4% (39)
Top Right Chart
Alcohol: 37.5% (27)
Alcohol-free: 62.5% (45)
Bottom Right Chart
Beef: 11.4% (4)
Chicken: 17.1% (6)
Fish: 17.1% (6)
Lamb: 5.7% (2)
Pork: 28.6% (10)
Shellfish: 14.3% (5)
Turkey: 5.7% (2)
Percentage of Recipe Origins
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Anderfels: 1.4%
Antiva: 11%
Avvar: 6.8%
Chasind: 2.7%
City Elves: 2.7%
Dalish: 6.8%
Ferelden: 15.1%
Free Marches: 5.5% Kirkwall: 2.7% Starkhaven: 2.7%
Grey Wardens: 1.4%
Nevarra: 2.7%
Orlais: 13.7%
Orzammar: 9.6%
Rivain: 4.1%
Seheron: 1.4%
Tevinter: 9.6%
Character Mentions
I organized the chart by game and the characters in alphabetical order.
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DAO Alistair: 2 Dog: 2 Hero of Ferelden (Cousland): 6 Leliana: 1 Loghain: 1 Morrigan: 1 Sten: 1 Zevran Arainai: 2
DA2 Anders: 2 Bethany: 1 Fenris: 3 Hawke: 1 Isabela: 1 Merrill: 2 Sebastian Vael: 1 Varric: 3
DAI Briala: 1 Bull's Chargers: 2 Cassandra: 2 Celene Valmont: 1 Cole: 2 Cullen: 3 Dorian: 2 Friends of Red Jenny: 1 Gaspard: 1 Josephine: 3 Krem: 2 Sera: 1 Solas: 4 The Iron Bull: 4 Vivienne: 2
Food Courses
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I thought it would be interesting to see how the recipe groups totaled out in how much of the book they made.
Drinks: 12.5%
Baked Goods: 13.9%
Sweets: 11.1%
Sides: 5.6%
Starters and Refreshments: 12.5%
Travel Food: 13.9%
Soup and Stew: 11.1%
Main Course: 19.4%
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
I was gonna make a post at some point questioning if Kuroiro had a crush on Komori, with proof, since his wiki page never confirmed it in his Trivia
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But nah, it's canon
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(And now I also know his Relationships page says he seems to have a small crush on Komori- but this page is not "seems". This is definitive)
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idlenight-art · 4 months
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What are you looking at? River is a normal patient guy that drinks his coffee normally. Totally. Normal.
(he just doesn't do his dishes smh)
(referencing/inspired by the Hawkeye comic run by Matt Fraction.)
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clegfly · 10 days
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I had a vision…
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museaway · 14 days
AO3 Fic Meme
I was tagged by @onthewaytosomewhere, tysm!!
Rules: Go to your AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
Teen & Up (113)
What are your top three fandoms?
Supernatural (48)
Smallville (33)
Star Trek AOS (28)
Nu: Carnival (currently at 24) will be taking over the #3 spot next week and will probably take #2 by the end of the year! At the rate I'm going, because hyuge said daster week is already scheduled for next year, Nu:C will unseat Supernatural. A year ago, I would have said nothing ever could.
What is the top character you write about?
Dean Winchester (47 48!)
What are your top three pairings?
Castiel/Dean (45)
Clark/Lex (33)
Kirk/Spock (30)
What are the top three additional tags?
Established Relationship (72)
Future Fic (27)
Canon Divergent (26)
Does any of this surprise you?
Not in the least. I am so predictable.
Tagging friends @carcrash429, @belovedstill, @poindexterwesleys, @haasegawa, @ursae-minoris-world, and anyone else who would like to play
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theeeveetamer · 2 years
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Hey uh guys Alfred is lookin’ a little gay…
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thisisnotthenerd · 8 months
do you ever give yourself ideas that seem like they shouldn't take much time in execution and then end up taking up way too much time?
anyway we're back with the first real entry for thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats of 2024. this time we're talking:
cast appearances by episode count
season count is one thing; there's only 21 of those so far. by contrast, we've had 222 episodes of d20 as of 1/16/2024. by may 2024 we'll have finished fhjy and hit 241.
by the current count, the intrepid heroes' full seasons account for 128 episodes of the total 222, or around 57.6% of the total episode count. if you add the fantasy high oneshots, it bumps up to 59.4%, and if you consider that we're adding 20 to the count with fhjy, by may 2024, intrepid heroes episodes will make up 62.6% of the dimension 20 catalog.
anyway here's the cast list:
the uncontested winner is brennan lee mulligan with 211/222 episodes. 95% attendance. the only times he hasn't been there are: the 4 episodes of shriek week, the 6 episodes of coffin run, and the gencon mismag oneshot.
in second place is lou wilson, with 151/222 episodes. this is every intrepid heroes season (128/222), plus 3 sidequests (4+10+6) and 3 oneshots.
in third, sweeping her way with the most recent season, is siobhan thompson with 147/222, after the ih seasons, 3 oneshots and 2 sidequests (6+10)
in fourth, we have ally beardsley with 144/222, after the ih seasons, 2 oneshots, and 2 sidequests (10+4)
very close in fifth, we have zac oyama, with 143/222, after the ih seasons, 4 oneshots, and 2 sidequests (6+6).
in sixth is emily axford, with 138/222, from 126 ih episodes, 2 oneshots, and one sidequest (10)
and in seventh is brian murphy, with 130 episodes, from the ih seasons and 3 oneshots.
after this we have a steep drop off, since the ih episodes make up 57% of the total count, and will make up 61% by the end of junior year. anyway next is aabria iyengar, with 48 episodes, a little over half which she gm'd (26).
next is erika ishii, with 37 episodes. they've been in 5 sidequests (6+4+10+6+10) and one oneshot.
to finish off the top ten, rekha shankar and izzy roland are tied with 26, since both have been in three sidequests [(6+10+10) and (10+6+10) respectively]
the last of the three cree, in 11th place, is matthew mercer, with 18 (6+6+6) episodes, 6 of which he gm'd
after which is carlos luna and mike trapp with 12, though carlos has been behind the scenes as crew in many more.
13th is taken up with another tie, this time between danielle radford and becca scott, who each have 11, though their splits are different, since danielle has been in 2 sidequests and a oneshot (4+6+1), while becca has been in 1 sidequest and 1 oneshot (10+1)
after this we get into the mass groups:
with 10 episodes there's a couple of options for how they got to that point, but less options for 6 and 4
10 episodes: ify nwadiwe (6+4), lily du (6+4), katie marovitch (10), sam reich (10), raphael chestang (10), grant o'brien (10), persephone valentine (10), omar najam (10), oscar montoya (10), surena marie (10), rashawn nadine scott (10), and jasper william cartwright (10)
next is griffin mcelroy, with 7 episodes, because he did the RTX oneshot along with tiny heist.
6 episodes: amy vorpahl, justin mcelroy, travis mcelroy, clint mcelroy, jessica ross, marisha ray, krystina arielle, b. dave walters, jasmine bhullar (GM), anjali bhimani, alex song-xia, freddie wong, hank green
4 episodes: gabe hicks (GM), dani fernandez, monét x change, alaska thunderfuck, bob the drag queen, jujubee
and last but not least, our oneshot only friends: brian david gilbert, michelle nguyen bradley, noxweiler berf, and markeia mccarty
and that's all for this time! check out the spreadsheet to see where the data comes from and every individual checkbox that i had to click for this to be fully accurate.
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leviiackrman · 1 month
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"I mostly think about killing and sex. Both apply to you, match stick - consider yourself lucky"
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