revolutionaryant · 11 months
7:30 a.m.: The alarm clock brings S. back from the pleasures of unconsciousness. Usually she cannot remember her dreams, but the warm and comforting feelings tell her that she dreamt of indescribable wonders again. 
Next to her, her husband snores slightly. Fortunately, the sound of the alarm didn’t wake him up. S. would love to stay in bed for a little bit longer; however, it is not possible. H. is a light sleeper and it would be better to let him be for now.
S. takes her phone, moves the sheets aside and, as quietly as possible, leaves the room carefully closing the door behind her. Then, goes to the living room and a faint rotting smell welcomes her. She decides to ignore the source: a pile of dirty dishes begging to be washed in the kitchen sink. She goes and lies on the sofa, after a while she starts trying to organize her day, knowing that past 10:00 a.m. her schedule is subject to change. 
7:46 a.m.: After 10 minutes of planning S. decides to make herself a coffee to properly start her day, but the mountain or dirty plates and pots tells her that a plain glass of water would be a better idea.
7:56 a.m.: Finally, S. turns her computer on and readies herself for another workday. After checking the accumulated emails from her agent and some editorials she opens the document where her novel awaits some sort of progress. 18 months and 3 movings later, no more than 5 chapters had been completed. 
Checking the outline of the story, S. decided to work on the 2nd act, the climax of the story. Today, continuing where she left off in chapter 6 wouldn’t work anyways, she was out of ideas. 
While she is spilling some incoherent ideas on the document a low volume growl comes floating through the bedroom door shattering S.’s fragile focus. No other sound breaks the heavy silence of the house, so, after 5 minutes S. relaxes and starts the slow process of reorganizing her ideas to put them “to paper”. 
9:49 a.m.: S. notices the time. She is still stuck on this meeting and her agent, along with the owner of an important editorial won’t have a problem on keeping her here for at least 30 more minutes. Her right leg starts jumping up and down in a nervous rage but her upper body maintains the stern and professional mask the situation requires. Her hands are tense and sweaty, it would be better to keep them off the camera’s field of view. 
10:23 a.m.:  A scream interrupts S. halfway through her sentence. The door of the bedroom opens violently. H. stabs her with a hateful stare as he storms into the bathroom. S. forces herself to keep her composure, and after a deep and resigned sigh, she mutters an apology, mostly directed to her agent. After all, S. had promised this wouldn’t happen again. She tries to finish her thought, but the kicks on the walls and the doors slamming make it impossible to continue the meeting.
10:36 a.m.: H. runs all over the apartment searching for his working clothes, his keys, his wallet, and countless other objects, all while he scolds his wife for not waking him up earlier. He will be late and it is HER fault. He shrieks for her to at least prepare him a coffee while he finds his black trousers. She obliges and apologizes profusely for her fault. It was not her intention, her meeting went longer than expected. H. only answers with more insults. 
11:29 a.m.: The sound of a notification catches her attention. It is a message from H. lamenting the scene and asking how he can be forgiven. S. runs her fingers across her lips, still sore from the slap she received, takes a deep breath and simply answers: “Don’t worry about it, I know you are very stressed lately. Everything is fine”.  
5:35 p.m.: S. is exhausted after a whole afternoon cleaning the house and falls asleep on the couch. Now that she doesn’t have a job anymore, at least, she can pay more attention to her chores. 
9:54 p.m.: A sudden shake wakes her up. Half asleep S. can barely understand what H. is saying. He is livid, going on about how absolutely selfish she is. Why would she clean the house alone and rob him of the opportunity of contributing to the keeping of his own home!?
1:11 a.m.: After her afternoon nap, S. cannot fall asleep. She is uncomfortable, but doesn’t move much, trying not to disturb H.  2:32 a.m.: Finally, exhaustion overcomes S. as her eyelids grow heavy she smiles. She hopes that, this time, her morning alarm will fail its mission of waking her up and her unconsciousness will last forever.
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hormigarevolucionaria · 11 months
Nuevamente G. sintió esa presión en el pecho. 
A medida que caminaba hacia su lugar de tortura su mente divagaba sobre pensamientos nocivos, tóxicos que llenaban su cerebro con visiones de cuartos vacíos, camas estériles y brazos entrecruzados. 
Esta misma calle la recorre todos los días en sus rutinarios vaivenes, pero esta inquietud que le genera un nudo en la garganta solo le asedia cuando se dirige allí.
A medida que sus pies le dirigen hacia el área de parqueo del establecimiento, G. comienza a sentir que sus manos pierden sensibilidad. Un leve hormigueo recorre sus brazos y una fuerte punzada hace acto de presencia en su costado derecho. En su intento de ignorar las sensaciones que asedian su cuerpo, aumenta el volumen de la música que retumba a través de los audífonos. Los desafinados instrumentos y rasposas voces lastiman sus oídos. 
Murmurando las canciones trata de ahuyentar cualquier otra voz de su cabeza que no le hable de los delirios de grandeza de un joven anarquista. Es un esfuerzo inútil. 
Pero la sensación empeora. Su frente se perla con un sudor nervioso, el nudo en su garganta se tensa, una corriente imparable de lágrimas se acumula en la parte inferior de sus ojos. 
G. se detiene por un segundo, considerando volver sobre sus pasos. Refugiarse en  la seguridad de su morada, esperar que sus sentidos le devuelvan la cordura e intentarlo nuevamente, tal vez mañana.
Es necesario. Las carencias en su hogar le obligan a seguir este camino semanalmente y enfrentarse a este mismo sentimiento. Una y otra vez. En un momento pensó que sería más fácil con el paso del tiempo, pero en dos meses de verse obligado a la solitaria labor, poco ha cambiado. 
Retomó su camino.
Cada paso le aprieta más el corazón. La vista se le nubla, tantas son las lágrimas que llenan sus ojos. El nudo en su garganta se materializa en la forma de un dolor en la parte posterior de su boca y cada vez que respira hondo, como tratando de animarse a continuar, el proceso lento y doloroso le brinda poco o ningún consuelo. 
Sus piernas tiemblan, apenas tienen suficiente fuerza para arrastrar sus pies hacia la puerta doble que se abre ante él como la boca de un lobo gigante dispuesto a devorarlo. Un último respiro profundo le raspa la garganta, sus uñas se clavan en las palmas de las manos. La música desaparece y solo puede escuchar los latidos de su corazón y la sangre como un torrente a través de sus venas. 
Poco hace falta para que se desvanezca frente al hueco de la puerta. Pero logra mantener la compostura y poco a poco cruza el umbral del establecimiento con la vista clavada al suelo.
—Bienvenido a P. señor G. —le saluda una joven efusivamente a la entrada del supermercado mientras añadía—: Es un gusto atenderle.
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f0xyfate · 5 years
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I missed you ladies! ❤❤❤#hroriginals #teamleepuh (at Lipa, Batangas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9F-A3VhgIs/?igshid=gfkljx5daa10
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machinedalal · 2 years
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Bobst - SP 102 BMA https://dl.machinedalal.com/11Df
Manufacturer: #Bobst Year: 1994 Machine Availability: Immediately Price: On Request Location: India
#SP102 #BMA #Diecutting #diecuttermachine #machinedalal
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f0xyfate · 5 years
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Ngiti ng kaibigan mong nakilala si @ivanaalawi dahil sayo, priceless. You're welcome Rammy.hahahha #starstruck #instafan #hroriginals #friendsforkeeps (at SM City Lipa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6TIbpABHGMWCjkKwllPc573D_kF2ve1Gk95280/?igshid=rkq12llzxup
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f0xyfate · 7 years
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Catching up with friends is always better with dessert. #catchingup #friends #icecream #dessert #shakeys #hroriginals
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f0xyfate · 7 years
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5 years ago... Happiness! 😄😅😆😍😘😋#foodislove #happiness #hroriginals #friendshipgoals💕 (at Lipa, Batangas)
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f0xyfate · 7 years
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The #HRoriginals are on a very strict no rice 🍚 diet policy. But everything else was fair game.😂😇😘💕 We are missing you, folks! Reunion n uli soon🍷💋😍 #lamon #norice #carbs #catchingup
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f0xyfate · 8 years
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Hugot lines with the gang. Fate: Lamig tlaga sa Lipa. Ganito rin ba kalamig sa Cuenca? Gina: Naku mas malamig pa Paola: Pero pinakamalamig sa puso niya. Hahaah! #hugot #teamhugot #hroriginals #wheninlipa #katAmes
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