#Good morning I have been awake for an hour
wordsofelie · 3 days
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Chapter 3
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🌅Don’t you dare runaway (A Phoenix and Ashes Sequel)
Miya Osamu x f!reader
Summary: Miya Osamu thinks some things will never change—Atsumu will always be annoying; his Ma’s food will always be the best and you will always be his favourite sunrise.
Content Warnings: Timeskip Setting, Manga Spoilers, ex!Suna, Swearing, Mention of Sex (the word is pronounced once)
Words count: 3.3k
chapter 1 - chapter 2
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It’s 4 a.m. when the alarm rings and the shrill melody is a relief to Osamu’s ears.
The man hasn’t been able to sleep a wink all night. First, he found the futon way too hot to his liking and in an attempt to cool down he tried to slide onto the tatami mat, but it turned out to be way too cold this time (if only he had someone pressed against him, maybe that could help find the perfect balance). Then, he remembered the words he told his brother—sure ‘Tsumu acted like a spoiled brat but ending the year angry at him left a weird bittersweet taste in his mouth (he wished he had someone he could express this feeling to, someone who would listen and reassure him.) And finally, finally, he couldn’t calm the rapid beats of his heart each time he remembered that only a small corridor was separating you from him (and if only that someone he needed was you, he thought dismissively somewhere between dusk and dawn).
So, when the alarm rings, even though it means waking up, driving another hour and a half and opening the restaurant, he is relieved.
Osamu can’t decipher whether you had a good sleep or not when he joins you in the kitchen a few minutes later.
You have a cup in your hands and you’re glancing at the window. He turns his face to where you’re looking. The snow has melted. The world outside is silent, untouched by the morning light.
“Hi.” You tell him calmly; he didn’t realise you had noticed his presence.
He smiles in response as you put your cup of tea away, “should we go?”
“After ya.”
His words make you laugh a little, you cover your mouth with your hand and answer, “It’s way too early but you’re already such a gentleman.”
“Always with ya.”
Osamu doesn’t know if it’s because he’s not fully awake (or asleep) but his voice comes out so seriously that you widen your eyes slightly and a faint red hue creeps across your cheeks, and to the tips of your ears. Your eye contact stops after a few seconds, but it’s more than enough to fill Osamu’s lungs with an air he had never quite breathed before. If it had lasted longer, the man is convinced he would have melted, like the snow, in an unfair way.
You both thank Grandma Yumie for her hospitality. She doesn’t hide her will to welcome you again any time of the year, at any hour of the day.
“Take care of each other.” She ends up saying. A quick glance at Osamu makes it's obvious that she specially addressed those words to him.
It’s so cold inside the car, Osamu doesn’t wait for your arms to shiver to give you his hoodie. A grin slips through your lips when you put it on and notice how big it is for you. Your eyes seem a little bit glassy not because you cried but because of the lack of sleep. You probably found the bed too cold or too hot just like him, Osamu concludes.
“Ya can sleep if ya want. I’ll try not to drive too fast.”
“Nah, I've got to keep you company. What a bad co-pilot I would make if I fell asleep.” You sound a little proud when you say that, he finds you cute.
“Co-pilot? Ya distract me most of the time.”
You straighten suddenly and frown, “What? How dare you-”
“Say bye to Oba-san.” He starts the engine and waves at the old lady who stayed by the door to watch you leave.
You click your tongue, “Shut up.”
The ride is, without surprise, quiet. It’s not the quiet of yesterday due to Osamu’s bad mood—it’s a comfortable quiet. The kind that seems to be in harmony with the nature outside who’s slowly awakening
Osamu drives mostly on instinct. He tries to think about the day coming ahead to keep his focus: first he needs to wash the rice, then he will cut the cucumbers, prepare the sauce… He enumerates the list in his head. It’s gonna be a long day, he realises.
He sighs loudly, the sound filling the otherwise silent car.
You’ve been so calm that Osamu starts to think you might’ve fallen asleep. He risks a glance at you, your head resting lightly against the window. The sight both distracts and grounds him.
Something inside his chest is warm.
Unknowingly, a new rhythm has settled in his heart. When did it start? Maybe it has always been like that with you (peaceful, obvious). It’s so pleasant, Osamu wouldn’t mind feeling it for the rest of his life.
“Osamu, stop.” You suddenly exclaim and in a split second the man, lost in thoughts, is brought down to earth.
He does stop on the roadside, and you get out of the car.
He’s confused, almost worried, at first, so he follows you but soon all his fears disappear.
“Look. The sun is rising. I’ve never seen the sky like that before.” Your amazement is that of a child, your voice is high, and you run to the edge of the cliff to get even closer to the panorama. Osamu sees your chest rise and fall as you take in the air, “It’s beautiful.”
Osamu blinks.
No, you’re beautiful, is the only thought running through his head. But honestly, when are you not? Although, he just notices it now.
A ray of sunlight falls perfectly on your face, and he wants to kiss you.
He really wants to kiss you. Irresistibly. Outrageously. Unconditionally so.
The background seems like a mere white noise to his ears. You’re telling him how pretty the view is again, but he doesn’t care. All seven wonders could stand in front of him but that would not satisfy his eyes compared to that sight of you, bathed in the sun.
Look away, look away, he tries to convince himself. Look at where she’s pointing. But it’s too late now. He’s mesmerised by the moves of your hair, captivated by the features of your face, he suddenly feels like he’s losing all sense of will but still, it feels good. It’s freeing him.
Because everything makes sense now.
The discomfort he feels when you call him “friend”, the desire to live in a house with you, the feeling of protection he constantly shows towards you, the new rhythm that his heart is beating to.
It’s because he is in love with you.
He wants to stop time and never go back to Osaka. He wants to stay there, watching you smile. Gosh, the sunrise looks so good on you, it’s probably becoming his favourite colour.
You catch him looking and smile, “by the way.” You start and he has to pinch his arm to refocus, “Happy New Year.”
On January 1st, at 5 a.m., Miya Osamu realises that the love of his life has been standing before him for a decade.
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Atsumu has been waiting in front of Onigiri Miya for an hour.
The cold bites at his skin and seeps into his bones like a river entering a cave and flooding it. After avoiding death from fratricide, he is now convinced he will succumb to hypothermia.
He sits against the wall, hands deep in his pockets, seeking warmth. He curses himself for not bringing gloves (it’s always Osamy who remembers that kind of stuff). Maybe his fingers are going to freeze and break and fall—his career will be over soon, farewell National Team, goodbye Olympics.
When his brother’s car finally pulls up, he jumps.
“I’ve never been so happy to see ya.” He exclaims, eyes on the verge of tears. “How was yer ride? Ya must be tired. Can I do somethin’ to help?”
His eyes dart toward Osamu, and you can see the guilt written all over his face as he talks. But his twin only glowers at him before walking straight past him and opening the restaurant.
The older brother clears his throat and glances at you, clearly unsure of what to do.
You put your hand on his arm and suggest gently that he should get the rice bags from the car while you start cleaning the counter and getting the tables ready.
Atsumu hesitates for a moment before nodding, scratching the back of his neck. “Yeah... alright.”
Inside the restaurant, Osamu watches you take off your shoes and pick up the broom. “Ya should go home and sleep,” he says quietly before taking a glimpse at the other man still outside, “both of ya.”
You shake your head and smile. “Don’t be stupid, Osamu. Atsumu and I are happy to help. We’ll sleep later. Right?”
Atsumu finally lumbers inside with the first bag of rice slung over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing, his brother remains unusually calm. There’s no yelling or anger—just silence. And for Atsumu, the silence is worse.
“What?- Oh yeah, of course, we’ll help. Ya don’t have to worry, go to yer kitchen and make us some good onigiri. Like always. ‘Cause yer a great chef, ya know. The best I should say. The best of the best.” Each sentence comes out more awkward than the previous and it takes everything in you not to laugh at how he stumbles over his words.
But Osamu only sighs in response before grabbing the rice bag from Atsumu.
Something about his attitude makes the blond twin uneasy. As he passes by you, he leans down and whispers into your ear, “D’ya think he’s still angry at me?”
“Maybe a little bit.” You say back, trying to keep your voice low. “But don’t worry, I’m sure it will be over soon if you help him today.”
Osamu glances over with furrowed brows, his eyes narrowing slightly as he catches you both whispering. “Yer helpin’ or not?” His voice is devoid of his usual teasing tone.
“Yeah, yeah, comin’.”
Atsumu hurriedly runs back outside to finish the job.
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You don’t see each other for the next few days. At first, Osamu thinks it’s for the better. He has been awfully busy since the beginning of the year—which has been a greater success than he had planned. He likes his job because of how different each day is. If a day is calm, the next can be swarming, if sometimes he takes the time to discuss with the workers who come for their lunchtime, another time he will enjoy the silence of the off-peak hour. He tries to innovate in what he makes depending on the seasonal products or fresh fish of the market. It’s never repetitive, always new.
He can say he is content with his job.
So, when the second week of January starts, he thinks he deserves to rest (and he probably needs to).
But he immediately regrets it when he finds himself unable to fall asleep. He closes the restaurant earlier than usual and goes to the konbini to buy that eggs and mayo sandwich he has been craving for months (Osamu prefers homecooked food but a little treat now and then is always welcomed). He gets home, lies down on his couch and turns on the TV. He learns about how Tibetan Sand Foxes like to prey on pikas (why do they look like Suna by the way? Suna, his former teammate, your ex, your first love, the guy who broke your heart, the only boy you ever dated, ever loved, ever had sex with-). His heart misses a beat. He immediately skips to the next channel. There’s a documentary about street food in Hong Kong, but only a few minutes in, he turns the TV off. This reminds him too much of work and tonight is supposed to be about anything but work. His life is dedicated to food now, and he won’t change anything about it, but at the same time, his brain needs a break from the one thing he knows best.
So, he grunts and lies down flat on his back, hands behind his neck.
He looks at the ceiling and tries to clear his mind. He thinks that resting like this will help his head wind down, but the more he tries to relax, the more his thoughts turn chaotic.  
What are you doing right now? He wonders. You are in Aomori with Atsumu and the rest of the team. Perhaps you’re making a video with Bokuto or eating apple pie with Hinata (stop thinking about food ya moron). Is Sakusa near you? Are you talking to him? Looking at him? How does that make you feel? Maybe thinking about food is a better idea because Osamu suddenly feels his muscles tightening and a dull ache settles from his lower abdomen to his chest.
He hasn’t seen you often this week when work took you away, and that was fine—he was busy too. But these past few days, the empty space where your presence used to be felt bigger. It was like a silence he wasn’t used to, one that lingered too long after the noise of the day had died down.
Without realising it, his eyes close. His body, heavy with the fatigue he refuses to acknowledge, finally gives in.
When he wakes up, he is sitting on a chair, it’s stiff and uncomfortable. He blinks a few times to get used to the light.
“We’re going to the cafeteria, you’re coming?”
He doesn’t recognise Suna’s monotonous voice at first, but still, the middle blocker is here, standing in front of him. His hair is long, and he is wearing their high school uniform.
Osamu opens his mouth, once, twice, before looking around him. He is in his second-year classroom. He looks at his hands, there’s dry and bruised, from volleyball ?
“What yer doin’ here?” he says to no one at all.
Suna is gone.
When he turns around, you are with your ex-boyfriend.
“I love you.” He hears Suna say, “Be my girlfriend.”
Osamu wants to get up, but his body doesn’t move.
He knows something is irrational about the whole situation. First, he graduated from high school years ago, and then Suna would never confess in front of everyone.
However, there’s an urge inside of him to stop you from giving an answer. He wants to tell you to say no for you deserve better than Suna. Don’t choose him, choose me, he wants to tell you.
But he is glued to the chair.
“Fuck.” He groans before hitting his forehead on the table.
“Where’s Sakusa-san?” You finally reply.
Your voice is so soft, Osamu thinks you sound like peace in the middle of chaos.
He lifts his face and sees you. You’re taller and your cheeks are thinner, you don’t look like the teenager you once were. Suna has disappeared and you’re in Osaka’s gym.
The boy doesn’t look around this time to understand what he is doing here. Nothing makes sense anyway.
He knows he has to join you before Sakusa does.
“Wait.” He exclaims and starts running towards you. But you don’t hear him.
He shouts your name, perhaps his throat will ripe from screaming too loud. That doesn’t matter because he needs you to listen to him, “Sakusa doesn’t know ya can’t sleep if ya don’t have a cup of tea, black tea, not white, not green, but black. He doesn’t know ya prefer boiled eggs instead of poached and that yer tongue itches if ya eat the skin of peaches.” He has stopped running now and is almost out of breath, “Ya used to love spring, but ya don’t anymore, ‘cause ya have allergies and ya think summer is better because it’s the season of fireworks and festivals and… and-”
He wants to keep going but he is suddenly overwhelmed by all the things he knows about you (everything); and all the things he wants to learn about you (anything).
He sinks on his knees.
“I don’t know where we are and am so tired, but I love ya, I love ya, I love ya.”
There’s a sensation of greatness once the words have come out of his lips. It’s infinite and endless.
His eyes are directed to the polished floor. He sees tears falling on his hands and wetting his fingers.
You don’t answer and when he looks up, the scenery has changed again. He is on top of a mountain, sat on the grass. When he decides to stand up, he wonders where you are. Have you heard him? Or has he lost his chance to tell you how he feels?
A warm hand rests on his shoulder, “Osamu-kun.” It’s the feeble but gentle voice of his grandma, “For yer words to be heard, ya need to face the truth.”
“I should have realised I loved her sooner, in high school, I should have dated her, not Suna, not him, me.” There’s panic not only in his tone but in his heart. His hands start shaking.
“This is not about ya, this is about her.”
He doesn't listen to the old lady, “How am I supposed to forget her now? What should I do? Our friendship will be ruined because of me. Grandma’ I-I’m screwed.”
“Give her yer heart, fully.”
“But what if-”
“Son,” her voice is firmer now, “don’t you dare run away.”
The sun is rising when Osamu looks to his right. How is he supposed to spend a lifetime showing you how he feels when it took him a fraction of a second to fall in love with you ?
Loving you is crushingly beautiful but painfully right.
A loud noise resonates in his ears. Does it sound like keys? Or a door opening? Or footsteps?—
The moment that follows he cracks his eyes open.
“Don’t tell me ya were sleepin’?” Atsumu bursts into the living room. “We came back a day earlier. I'm hungry.”
“We?” Osamu asks. His eyelids are heavy with the weight of sleep and when he tries to sit, he feels his head spin.
“I brought apple pie.”
You appear in his field of vision and lean towards him. His heart beats differently now.
You smile with all your teeth, it’s brighter than the sunrise, and he finally realises that a few minutes ago he was dreaming (about you).
“Do you want to have a bite?” You ask him.
This isn’t supposed to happen, he thinks, his heart isn’t supposed to ache like that, he isn’t supposed to hate the stupid distance between you (a meter? Maybe less? Even a centimetre would be too much anyway). It’s ridiculous but he finds himself wanting to break it. But Osamu is not stupid, he can question everything, and analyse his feelings in every sense, he can’t hide it. Dream or not, whether you’re here or away for days, he’s madly in love with you. He will not need a third realisation to admit it, it’s clear that he wants you now.
“You look exhausted.”
There’s worry on your face as you frown. You’re about to put your hand on his forehead to take his temperature but his instinct orders him to avoid your touch, so he gets on his feet and goes to the kitchen.
“I really want to try that apple pie, I’ll put the oven on to warm it up.” He probably sounds fake but that’s the only escape he can think of. He doesn’t want to turn to you because your arms are probably crossed and lips turned into a pout (you always do that when you’re upset but Osamu finds it cute).
Once he’s far enough from you, his face starts to burn, he puts his hands on his cheeks as if it would make the flush go away.
He feels like a teenager crushing on his classmate.
But he can't run away anymore.
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author notes: not a lot of action but a lot of feeling, what do you guys think?
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taglist: @wolffmaiden, @teyvatsunsets, @obibiwan, @sugacor3, @sunahsvt
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autisticalastor · 3 days
analog black vinyl spinning
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Pairing: Lucifer/Alastor
Rating: G
Tags: Fluff, First Date, Demiromantic Ace Alastor, Lucifer is a nervous wreck fr, Cameos from everyone!
A/N: Finally got out the next piece of my Radioapple series! I have big plans for this now, by the way, with lots more coming! Title for this one comes from Old School Love by Lupe Fiasco!
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Lucifer watches patiently as he waits for Alastor to wake up. He’s already been up himself for about an hour now, and he’d be lying if he said the only reason he was even able to get any sleep at all last night wasn’t because Alastor was there, curling up into Lucifer’s wings and playing jazz through the radio, occasionally even indulging him in a bit of pillow talk. Something about falling into what’s become their usual rhythm for ending the day actually had helped him wind down, despite what he knew was coming in the morning.
As he waits for Alastor to wake up, Lucifer finds his mind whirling through a million possibilities for how this conversation could go. What if he gets upset? What if he shuts off completely? What if I’ve been misreading every sign I think I’ve been seeing? What if he goes back to hating me?
The only thing that manages to pull him from his thoughts is Alastor finally waking. The steady ebb and flow of radio static slowly quieting completely, the little ear twitch that shows he’s alert if nothing else does, one glowing red eye just barely cracking open to see if he can get away with pretending to be asleep for a while. He’s adorable.
Lucifer smiles softly. “Good morning.”
Alastor hides his face in Lucifer’s feathers, grumbling a bit. “What time is it?”
“You don’t have to be up yet if you don’t want to.”
“Uh, if you are gonna be awake, though, there’s… something I wanted to talk to you about.”
One of Alastor’s ears flicks, but he doesn’t say anything back. Lucifer rests a hand next to one of Alastor’s. It’s close enough, he’s sure they’d be touching if one of them so much as breathed too sharply, but still not actually touching. Yet.
Lucifer generally tries his best to let Alastor take the lead on things. He doesn’t ever want to push too far and screw everything up, but sometimes all the waiting feels more like hell than, well, actually being in Hell. If things were fully in Alastor’s hands, Lucifer’s pretty sure they wouldn’t even have made it this far. As is, they still hadn’t progressed to dropping the “hands off” rule, but they’d definitely made progress, seeing as Alastor has recently stopped pulling away when Lucifer does try to get a little more in his space.
Even now, Alastor is looking at Lucifer curiously, ears cocked like a somewhat perplexed animal. But he hasn’t pulled his hand away. Progress.
“What is it? You look like you’re going to ask me something I won’t want to answer.”
“Um, well—” Lucifer’s face flushes golden and he looks away, suddenly feeling too much like he put himself on the spot. Somehow, avoiding eye contact still doesn’t stop him stumbling over his words. “I, uh— It’s just that— I think— Well, I think we’ve gotten fairly, um, close over the past few months and, uh, I just— I wanted to see if maybe you’d um—” his voice lowers, as if saying it more quietly will somehow make this less daunting— “wanna go out with me sometime?”
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My pronouns are he/they because I'm a heatheyan
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warriormoustache · 11 months
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Got my first shrimp goby pair last week and this is my impression of them so far.
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uygfiug · 2 months
oh btw i just got one of those big ass monstera plants today :) shes quite small still but !!! yay !!!
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dawdlecentric · 6 months
Man, this doujin isn't fucking around
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Meanwhile, Seikuri in the background...
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Doujin: Flashbackers by Totobe
#my ramblings#bocchi the rock#no fr tho. please read flashbackers!! it's so good!#it's a ryokita doujin made by one of my fave artist and everything about it is just...so great. I can't express it enough#whether you ship ryokita or not it's still a good read! like really it's well articulated and goes in depth about ryo & kita's relationship#and acknowledges how unhealthy it is but the realization of this makes the both of them understand each other more clearly without-#-seeing through rose colored glasses. I just- ughhh! I'm not good with words and I can't stress it enough so once again please read this!#you can really tell how much this artist is passionate and dedicated about the ship#not only that but how they color the cover page (and their art in general) is JUST SO CATCHING! LITERAL EYE CANDY!#and the pacing and panelling of the story is well thought out plus the equal balance of humor and angst is so entertaining & heart wrenchin#and their art style... fricking adorable and expressive and striking!! Just grrr!! I LOVE THIS ARTIST'S WORK SO MUCH!!!#I'm not that particularly crazy about ryokita but they are very interesting to explore and could have some potential if they worked out-#-their own flaws. I've been meaning to draw them sometime (if only I could start posting decent bnj art-#-tfw hyper fixation so strong it overwhelms you and in turn can't make fanart of it even if you most definitely WANT TO)#ehem. anyways I think it's quite criminal that ryokita was one of the least popular btr ships#in other story. I was woken up by my cat way to early today so I ended up reading this in a half awake state XD#I just found out last night that this doujin was already translated so what better time to read this other than first thing in the morning-#-running on three hours of sleep 😃👍
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machiavellli · 1 month
what’s up with me and plane crashing dreams. perhaps my life long obsession with the show air crash investigations is hitting or smth
#this is the second time in a row#I slept like four hours but i still managed to dream something#and I dreamed all of this between this post and my last reblog.#basically it all started that I was reading a post (idk if it was Twitter) of a woman saying that she had to wait for 3 hours on a airplane#for the bathroom to free and she had to stay awake the entire time#and a moment later I was on that plane too. watching her. I was about to return to my seat (I think). also i was in first class. the only#way I’ll ever experience it) but OUT OF THE NOWHERE my last year surpervisor for an expo and her husband (which I saw once a picture) stand#up. and she starts screaming something about “something sweet coming for women”…? I have no idea what that means. but all the women/girls#on the airplane stand up (they were all sleeping before) and start to crowd in front of me and i start to feel like we are going down. DOWN.#and we were in fact. going down. crashing. and I was scared as hell so while everyone was laughing/celebrating (???) I was screaming of#horror. but just before we crash I wake up and I’m in my bed (but I know I’m still dreaming. because it’s like a slow downloading of the#image). I wake up and I decided I’m late for school (which i don’t have) and I get ready quickly and I march in full force to the bus statio#then I realize there is no school and I’m outside at 5am. I found a supermarket cart and idk why but I take it with me and only when I get#home I realize that the supermarket is nowhere close to my house (like irl) and now I have a freacking shipping cart and I decided to park#it in my garage#and then my mom woke me up as my alarm for 7am went off.#I feel like by brain has been fucked. I’m not used anymore to sleeping poorly because I’ve taken a great interest in better sleeping since#last year and I can’t stand this now ugh.#good morning people tho#dream
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orcelito · 4 months
The upstairs thumping started again around midnight, right when I started trying to sleep. It's even more infuriating when I have to be up at 7 am. I've been getting absolute dogshit sleep this week, and it's largely because of them. It's been 4 nights in a row, and I am So Fucking Tired.
I'm going to leave a note on their door tomorrow asking them to stop. And if they do it again tomorrow, I'm submitting a noise complaint. I don't fucking care.
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ereborne · 9 months
Song of the Day: December 20
"Hard Won" by Lizzie No
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
Shoutout to my IRL friend for responding to the Zero pictures I spilled into our server last night with “RILEY POKÉMON????”
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thethingything · 6 months
our brain really just went "okay it's Taylor's turn to deal with source shit now" and I have to pretend everything's normal while I deal with the most ridiculous bullshit in the innerworld while everything that can go wrong today does go wrong because we can't even get a break from everything else while we deal with the absolutely batshit stuff our brain decides to do for whatever godforsaken fucking reason
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kraviolis · 1 year
anyways i got sidetracked from what i was originally gonna post. now that im off my medication for the foreseeable future (with minor exceptions like whenever my mom shares their adderall with me) ive become more acutely aware than ever before exactly how genetically predisposed to addiction and substance abuse i really am
#krav talks#im actively craving alcohol at any time of the day#and only after i got drunk ONCE#the cravings arent severe but its more of like “man drinking would make me feel so much better rn a drink sounds so good”#sorta the same as basically craving like a donut or something#ive experienced this before with smoking when i was like 15 and stole a pack on my mom's cigarettes#i would have a smoke every morning when everyone was asleep but never developed a full addiction bcus i literally forgot where i put them#but that nicotine craving has never gone away#and ive kept a close eye on it since then bcus FUCK being addicted to nicotine that shit is so expensive#i literally cannot afford to be addicted to anything i can barely buy myself shampoo rn#but if someone offered me a cigarette.... yeah i'd take it#im doin the same thing with alcohol rn. well im being a little more indulgent#bcus alcohol isnt as cancer-inducing as smoking#and its more socially acceptable#but yknow. keeping an eye on it. being self-aware of my own habits.#last night i really wanted to drink but instead i had like 7 coffees so im all good#oh im 100% addicted to caffeine honestly#for a brief moment when i was 18 im pretty sure i was close to an adderall addiction#but then i stayed awake for 72 hours that one time and heard people whispering my name and thought my food was made of maggots & ants#so i cut that shit out for the most part. my brain functions & sleeping habits have never been the same since then :)
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hellfireeddiemunson · 10 months
i should really just go to sleep but i don’t want toooooo i don’t want to wake up and go to work 😭😭😭😭😭
#i wish i could have a month off of work no consequences and i still got money for it i just wanna be able to do whatever i want and have#free time and i don’t want to have to work this kuchhhhh i’m sick of it and i’m SO TIRED IN THE MORNING it makes it absolute HELL to try to#get to work on time i’m late every single day and have been for MONTHS bc my schedule is exhausting for someone who can’t keep a consistent#and GOOD sleep schedule i just wanna stay up late sometimes and sleep early other times but i work the same time all of the time so i’m just#running off not enough sleep EVER and have to take naps if i even CAN and then that in turn fucks up the time i’ll sleep after that#like i literally CANNOT win here i don’t get what i’m supposed to do i don’t want to do it anymore dude#i wish at. LEAST i could go in like a half an hour later i genuinely think i wouldn’t be late everday but waking up between 6-7 is HARD and#the earlier i wake up the more time i need to try to be awake but the later i wake up the more i scramble and fight to try and get ready#fast enough like even THAT i can’t get down right !!!!!! i just want to be able to go to work on time and not have anxiety about it everyday#my boss clearly doesn’t care enough and that’s fine i should be relieved to know she just cares that i show up and do my shift but like i#just don’t know dude i’m just going on and on and i need to shut up#i’m going to smoke and go to bed soon i guess???? idk i’ll be on here til i do tho
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cappurrccino · 1 year
can't wait to go to work and try to be functional later feeling like this
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125storejuice · 2 years
10 notes · View notes
zevrans-remade · 1 year
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