#Godzilla anthro AU
startheskelaton · 6 months
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In class day dreams 💙🦋
I’m not sure how I got the idea of Goji being into storytelling/writing… but I like it 💛
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lilpuffyart · 5 months
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Coffee shop kongzilla AU lmaoo
This AU exists for like 3 days and I've been thinking a lot about it
Also silly doodle i thought was funny (and yes, i did indeed look up what was the most complicated coffee order just for a silly joke)
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xdghidiyrahah1 · 4 months
Random Doodles
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Some of the drawings in here are inspired by these people @dacrackerz @awkwarddork-0 @fallssong @startheskelaton and @kaiju-krew
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kaliido-s · 1 year
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Dude what the hell are these guys
Still working out the kinks and fleshing the world out, but here’s these guys as anthro and whatnot
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meku95 · 4 months
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YOUNG ERA PT. 2 Here I bring other great kaijus in the lore of Spines AU
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blueshirezz-2 · 4 months
Making new AU soon
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gojixfan23 · 5 months
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I got inspired by @dacrackerz drawings of Chubbyzilla and decided to put my own take on it.
Here's close ups
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graspingremlinhands · 9 months
Happy 1st day of the year!!!
Mutuals, friends, people of the fandom and lovely Ghidzilla shippers( to anyone is accepted and cherished)
Here your Gremlin, at my 1.200 post to say hello to you and wish for you all the best things to come.
As for me my wish is that this would be the year I would finally start putting myself at work and share with whoever will be, my works (and the mind and heart, mostly heart behind them).
I have to thank the fandom for being the safe harbor during the pandemic. The wonderful people that inspired me and still does and the ones I feel I can call friends (@1giulia4 @the-fallen-starr love you guys)
Now it's time I give something back. While also grow as a writer to be always better.
Under the cut a little one-shot I wrote during the holidays.
Tw: The content gets a little suggestive, but not much. It's more implied that outright explicit.
So procede with caution, listen to your level of tolerance.
And Enjoy!!!
- We need to find a new story to tell people when they ask us how we got together- announced Ichi.
It was late in the morning, the sun was at peaking, its light pouring generously into their apartment's kitchen through the window.
Ghidorah sat right below it, in the breakfast nook adjiacent to the sink area. On the table, was a magazine that had only been skimmed through while the hydra waited for his interlocutor’s answer.
No answer followed, the only noises in the air was the chop-chop of the knife on the cutting board and the oil sizzling in the pan.
 Slicing onions, peppers and celery was no one but Godzilla, their sweetheart of three years, of which one they’re been living together.
The saurus gave no indication of having heard them; he took the cutting board that now ,looked more like the palette of a painter and throw the contents in the boiling pan, the high splashes of oil captured by the warm light that came from the cooker hood.
All under their 3 pairs of eyes they observed, delighting in the sinuous line that Goji’s tail drew in the air.
Ghidorah stretched on the heated surface of the table, until the tension cracked away from his back. Uh, maybe it was time to get back to do stretching in the morning.
Godzilla kept ignoring them and cooking, now stirring the sizzling vegetables with a wooden spoon.
He then opened the fridge and took out a transparent plastic bag, containing large pieces of rosy meat, chicken probably as San pointed out through their telepathic link.
Now he was rummaging through the tool drawer, filling the air with the rattle of the steel cuterly- What happened to the meat tenderizer? - he asked them.
- We’re holding him hostage until you give us your answer- replied San jokingly.
He turned toward them and looked at them deadpan; shooking his head and mumbling something; then he lowered the flame under the vegetables and approached the sink, looking over it.
- I don’t see why we should. It’s a funny story, and it's true.-
He paused for a moment, as if he wanted to create suspense, or give sacredness to the thing- I’m fond of that story, you know. We wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for that. So, do you really want to give it up? - he concluded before returning to the stove.
The brothers looked at each other; it was not easy to associate Godzilla with something romantic, nor he looked the part.
And yet, one how the many things that has surprised them, the more they knew each other, was that Goji actually cares. For the most banal, small, easy-to ignore things. He hold those things to the highest regard and he gets protective over them.
Just like he was doing now.  
Ghidorah put a hand to their heart.
They had read, not long ago, about a research, which estabilished that when in a relationship, the partners' hearts begin to beat at the same frequency, almost tuning in.
 A belonging without compulsion, natural. A bit like the course of their and Goji’s relationship.
It had developed in a way so natural, like dominoes falling into place.
But the kick-off have been... awkward.
They slipped out of the breakfast nook, turn around the sink and placed themselves behind Godzilla. He was pounding the meat with a ladle wrapped in a cloth. He was ignoring them again. This wouldn’t do.
They stretched their arms behind their back, as if they were to start a set of weights before threw them around Godzilla, enveloping him in a strong embrace; operation a little complicated because of the spikes on his back, but they have grown accustomed to them in time.
Which rose is without thorns after all?
Godzilla found himself stuck, his arms pinned down, while the ladle still in his hand. There was no risk he was going to hit them with it, but never say never. Better act fast.
- We love that story, don’t misunderstand us- said Ichi nuzzling his cheek. -But in short-
- We make ourselves look like totally idiots - echoed Ni.
- And it’s not great when you introduce yourself to someone new. Remember the Christmas party at Anguirus? People were refraining themselves from laughing in our faces- concluded San.
- I don’t see the problem- argued Godzilla, trying to loosen the grip of Ghidorah- My vegetables are gonna burn, we can talk about it, like never again? -
In response, Ghidorah loosened his grip, sliding a hand to caress his side. Under their touch they felt Godzilla shrudder gently, the hand holding the ladle trembling slightly.
- The problem is that, as we have already told you, it does not make us look good. And it seems to us that this makes you look bad in return- continued Ichi, their hand now moving down, to play with the elastic waistband of the shorts  Godzilla was wearing.
San and Ni, instead, in perfect synchrony, had started to nuzzle and kiss his exposed gills.
Now Godzilla was panting, resting his weight completely on Ghidorah’s chest;  the vegetables in the pan had turned brown.
Too bad he suffered from a severe case of stubbornness- Don’t be immature- he tried to reprimend them despite his shaking voice, - it’s just a story. If you let that stop you from winning the audience then... shit!!! -
Ichi’s hand had slipped a lot further down and was poking at something very sensitive, while with the other one they busied themselves with caressing and groping alla round his body.
At the nuzzling, they had replaced more lascivious kisses and bites (courtesy of Ni), on the throat and shoulders.
An orchestra of need, between groaning and sighing, Godzilla who moaned heartfely , holding with both hands at Ghidorah’s hips while they purred. The ladle had falled with a loud clank, completely ignored
Their hand, not the one busy ravaging in his underwear, now squeezed his throat, lifting his head, forcing Godzilla to look into Ichi’s eyes, darkened with desire.
- You’re really sexy when you’re stubborn- he whispered seductely- but I’m sure that once you listen to all our motivations, you’ll be much more open to our proposition- in the meantime they continued to touch him, making his body grow hotter and hotter.
Godzilla, for his part, had little intention of listening to anyone; he had far more urgent needs to be meet with at the time.
He could only mutter a faint- Pan- pointing to the stove where the vegetables were now blackened.
With  a very quick movement for someone of their size, they pulled Godzilla up in their arms to carry him bridal-style and turned off the stove with a sharp movement.
And with the with their beloved they went into their bedroom, where they would plead their cause.
If you are seeing this, thank you so much for reading this.
If you like, please consider leave a like or a comment. If you even reblog Thank you in advance. It would means a lot!!! To me, to keep the (digital) ink FLOWING!!!
If you don't, that's ok. I wrote this most catered around what I like.
But inappropiately mean or offensive comments will not be tolerated.
Nobody wins for having the best ship.
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problematic-kyubi · 3 months
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Pfp I Made A Longtime Ago.
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nihilityart · 1 month
Anthro Kaiju AU x TenSura
I saw a few good Anthro Kaiju AU's on this site so I decided to make one of my own. Kaiju in this AU are known as Monster People or Monster Men, or 'Kaibutsujin' in japanese. They are an older species than humans but have lived side by side with them, some cultures worshipped them as gods, or feared them as demons.
The Monsters follow a polytheistic religion that worships many different gods. With the Supreme God being referred to as Asur-Vel.
This takes place an alternate version of modern day Japan.
The Gojira Clan:
The Gojira clan has been the ruling family of Japan since basically it's inception in this AU. The humans treated them as Gods and the Monsters followed them as rulers. Their species can live for a long time.
Now let's go over some characters.
Emperor Setsu Gojira (Legendary Godzilla):
The current reigning emperor of Japan. Despite being emperor, he is actually quite young for his kind (150 years old) and is kind of a hot headed punk. He ditches his duties all the time and goes to bars and nightclubs under the alias 'Godzilla'. But despite the tough guy act he puts on, he is actually rather insecure and isn't sure that he is worthy of ruling Japan.
His friends jokingly call him a tsundere since he doesn't like to show his feelings simply out of fear that they make him look weak.
Anguirus Akihiko:
He is one of Godzilla's drinking buddies/best friends that he frequently runs into during his 'excursions' into town. He has no idea that his best buddy is actually royalty. He works as a small time news reporter for the national news.
Rodan Ryoichi:
A half Japanese and half Mexican kaibutsujin who lives and works as a bartender in a bar called 'El Volcán'. After a few drinking sessions and some shenanigans involving some of the local gangs, he and Godzilla became pretty close.
Mosura Hikari:
She is a boss of a yakuza that secretly works with the japanese government. And therefore is the only friend in the group who knows who Godzilla really is. She's quite motherly and kind, but can be terrifying at times too. Godzilla refers to her as Mothra most of the time.
They are an alien who have fled their violent home world in order to find a place to live. So now they blend into society as supposed conjoined triplets, trying to keep the fact that they are aliens a secret. He was secretly given the ability to split apart by Rimuru. However, this ability cuts their power into three so they are weaker separately than when they are together.
Ichi Ghidorah:
The Eldest of the brothers and the most responsible out of the three. He is the one that mostly makes the plans and figures out how to avoid problems.
Ni Ghidorah:
The hot head of the group, constantly gets into fights with Ichi about who is right and wrong. But at heart he is actually just a giant tsundere who doesn't like to admit that he cares about his brothers.
San Ghidorah:
The innocent and charming youngest of the brothers. He is so innocent is actually kind of scary, he openly speaks about how much he loves his siblings and only desires familial affection from them. He adjusted really well to Earth life and loves it. The people who meet him often call him by the nickname; "Kevin".
Satoru Mikami:
Satoru Mikami is Godzilla's doctor, the only other person who know who Godzilla truly is. He is also secretly the God Asur-Vel (An avatar of the ZS) who likes messing around in the mortal realm, this makes it super awkward when he is invited to the holiday that was created to celebrate and worship him. Nobody knows that he is the God Asur-Vel. He is also called by the nickname; "Rimuru". He also serves as a sort of second father figure to Godzilla.
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startheskelaton · 2 months
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user180316709 · 2 years
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@dacrackerz anthro version (villain mothra) also voice claims🧍‍♀️
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lmky-n · 10 months
calm kid and his crazy bestie
Me (dragon kaiju): heh, big bro Goji*, Do you think leaving Ann and Ganji for their pijama party is such a good idea?
Godzilla: of course i do, lil sis Vasilisa*, They're the two most calm and obedient kids to be leaved for pijama party
soon we see two kaiju kids, the dragon kauju girl with Battra wings, that shaking in fierce 'cause she already imagined pijama party, and Kaiju boy that look like hybrid of Godzilla and king ghidora, that smiling nervously
*anthro kaiju me and anthro Godzilla see each other as siblings that's why anthro kaiju me calls Goji "big bro" and anthro Godzilla calls anthro kaiju me "lil sis"
anthro Godzilla and his son, anthro Ganji, belongs to @dacrackerz
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krypion · 1 year
Anthro AU.
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Godzilla y sus "hermanos" se quedaron en una tendencia más antigua tanto en vestir como de vida. En pocas palabras: son unos boomers que piden a sus sobrinos u hijos que les instale whatsapp.
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Biollante es más alta que sus hermanos y también es la que más músculo tiene, hijos de su-
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Rodan es de Tepito.
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Megalon es un chico de casa (caprichoso y malcriado cuando pierde la paciencia) que arrojaron al mundo real y Gigan es un compañero (no muy bueno) para guiarlo por el mundo.
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lilpuffyart · 6 months
Hmm I might cave in and draw some more anthro godzilla au based on... My au kinda djdjdjdm
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blueshirezz-2 · 26 days
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Taigo:"He's not going to sleep yet?"
Mirei:"Your son keeps staring at you tho that's probably why He couldn't sleep yet"
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