#God of Earthquakes
webcrawler3000 · 1 year
Roman Reigns is Poseidon
In the realm of Greek mythology, Poseidon, the powerful God of the Sea, reigns supreme over the vast, turbulent waters. Imagining Roman Reigns as Poseidon in a thrilling standoff is a concept that merges the epic strength and agility of a fierce wrestler with the godly attributes of the supreme water deity.
As the doors of your room swung open, the atmosphere suddenly transformed into an electrifying arena where the forces of land and sea collided. With a mighty presence, Roman Reigns, now embodying the divine power of Poseidon, stood tall amidst crashing waves that towered over your room, their immense strength shaking the very foundation.
The gates, intricately carved with mythical sea creatures, were suddenly thrust shut at the bottom of the ocean, sealing off all escape routes from your room. The deafening sound of their closure echoed through the water, signaling the beginning of a showdown unlike any other.
In this extraordinary encounter, the environment around you became a wild and undulating masterpiece of the ocean's might. The air was thick with a salty mist as waves danced unpredictably, their rhythmic motions intertwining with the wrestler's every movement. The room echoed with the roar of crashing waves, their magnificent force shaking the walls and swirling around in a symphony of power.
With every step Roman Reigns took, the ground beneath your feet quivered, as if bowing down to the mighty Poseidon himself. The room's once still and mundane surroundings became a realm of captivating chaos, the currents of the open sea now flowing through the very core of your being.
As Poseidon, Roman Reigns unleashed his might, showcasing breathtaking agility and raw power. His every move mimicked the surge and crash of ocean waves, his muscular physique exuding an aura of command over the turbulent waters that surrounded him.
In this exhilarating standoff, Roman Reigns proved to be the perfect embodiment of Poseidon, the formidable God of the Sea. The sheer excitement and intensity of this divine encounter left you both in awe and caught up in the thrilling merging of wrestling and mythical lore. And as the deafening sound of waves filled your ears, you couldn't help but marvel at the majestic spectacle that unfolded right within the confines of your humble abode.
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demigods-posts · 5 months
if i could ask poseidon one question. i'd ask him to explain the logistics behind storms. because hurricane season exists. so is the mass destruction and deaths caused by storms on a schedule? like, do you have schedule crying sessions in the atlantic ocean? or are these storms tantrums? in which case. do you feel remorseful for the lives you end in the midst of said tantrum? or are these deaths calculated? is this a quid pro quo for your brother? an act of power to feed your ego in exchange for hades to have more souls in the underworld? what's going on my guy
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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Earthquake Reveals Aztec Snakehead Beneath Mexico City
Researchers are conserving a rare snakehead from the Aztecs that still retains its painted colors from hundreds of years ago.
An earthquake last year revealed a big surprise beneath a law school in modern-day Mexico City: a giant, colorful snakehead from the Aztec Empire.
The snakehead dates back more than 500 years, to when the Aztecs controlled the area, which at the time was part of the flourishing capital of Tenochtitlan. The sculpture was discovered after a magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck Mexico City on Sept. 19, 2022; the seismic event caused damage and changes in the topography, revealing the snakehead beneath a building that was part of a law school at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) said in a Spanish-language statement.
The Aztecs built temples and pyramids and worshipped a number of deities, including Quetzalcoatl, who was often depicted as a snake. However, it's unclear if this sculpture depicts him, the archaeologists said.
The sculpted snake is 5.9 feet (1.8 meters) long, 2.8 feet (0.85 m) wide and 3.3 feet (1 m) high, and it weighs about 1.3 tons (1.2 metric tons), the INAH said. Several colors — including red, blue, black and white — are preserved on the sculpture.
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Color was preserved on about 80% of the sculpture's surface. To keep it preserved, an INAH team lifted the snakehead out of the ground with a crane and constructed a humidity chamber around the sculpture. This chamber allows the sculpture to lose humidity gradually, with its color being preserved, María Barajas Rocha, a conservationist with the INAH who worked extensively on the sculpture, said in the statement.
While other snakehead sculptures have been found at Tenochtitlan, this one is particularly important for its preserved colors, said Erika Robles Cortés, an archaeologist with the INAH.
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"Thanks to the context in which this piece was discovered, but above all, thanks to the stupendous intervention of the restorers-conservators led by Maria Barajas, it has been possible to stabilize the colors for its preservation in almost all the sculpture, which is extremely important, because the colors have helped us to conceive pre-Hispanic art from another perspective," Robles Cortés told Live Science in an email.
The sculpture's "sheer size is impressive, as well as its artistry," but the survival of the colors is remarkable, said Frances Berdan, a professor emeritus of anthropology at California State University, San Bernardino who was not involved with the excavation. "The survival of black, white, red, yellow, and blue paints is particularly interesting — one gains a good image of the visual impact of such sculptures as they were arrayed about the city center," Berdan said in an email.
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In addition to its preserved colors, the snakehead's size is notable, said Bertrand Lobjois, an associate professor of humanities at the University of Monterrey in Mexico who is not involved in the excavation. The "first time I saw this serpent head, I was dazzled by its dimensions," he said in an email.
Lobjois also praised the conservation work that allowed the colors to survive, noting that "the conservation process allows us to appreciate the naturalistic approach of figuration" the Aztec artists used.
This work is ongoing and will continue at the site into next year.
By Owen Jarus.
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ramagerslatteart · 10 months
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applin line has my whole heart always
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yukipri · 9 months
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Only a few hours into 2024 (in my time zone), and Japan has experienced tons of earthquakes followed by the most urgent tsunami warning since 3/11.
I am terrifed.
I hate 2024 already. Please take it back.
For those concerned (and know Japanese), here's the livestream I'm watching. Rn it's essentially, "flee for your lives, while you still can!"
If you for whatever reason are living along the affected areas of the west coast of Japan rn and are bumming on tumblr instead of listening to the news, evacuate, NOW.
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jeeyuns · 9 months
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hen wilson in every episode 2.02 -> 7.1 (24SEP2018)
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dykedivorce · 2 months
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The Auditors | Episode 8
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slaygentford · 2 months
atmosphere above midtown manhattan when she disintegrated a meteor today that would've hit and instantly killed us all with absolutely no warning
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tai-janai · 3 months
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i love outside context problem
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littlespoonevan · 3 months
actually i think the reason the tsunami is the best opening disaster is bc no other opening disaster has the same level of tension?????
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kratos canonically fought in the trojan war (1194-1184 BC) and the battle of thermopylae (480 BC).
this is yknow a 700 year gap so im gonna say it's implied that kratos was actually fighting in wars in the guise of a mortal soldier while being the god of war for those 700 years, which is pretty cool and an implication that it took a Lot longer for zeus to finally kill him than was previously believed.
alsp bc itd be funny, im thinking the entirety of kratos swearing his life to ares, killing his family, GOW ascension and GOW I happened during the odyssey bc can you fucking imagine being odysseus, getting lost for ten years and by the time you get back you find out that young spartan general you met one time who also thought agamemnon was a bitch Killed Ares and is now the god of war
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The first time Buck meets Chris being after driving Eddie to Chris’s school post-earthquake, watching them reunite from the jeep through the school’s glass doors - knowing Eddie had been so worried about the son he adores
the potential of the final being an earthquake, the boys all worn out; recovering together on Eddie’s couch in their little respective areas of the cushions they’ve chosen over the years, Chris between them - no glass doors, no barriers now - truly realising they’re a family
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 6 months
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🪷 After big earthquake that peacefully in Kaohsiung Taiwan on the way home. 🕊️ Thanks God! 🙏🏼🤓
I am fine. alive! 😂😁 returned back to studio doing my leather jobs. Thanks for Tumblr's friends all caring about me the messages. xoxo
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ahalliance · 10 months
pomme literally has memory problems im gonna . she asked aypierre how long it’s been since they disappeared and he noted how she’d already asked him that question and he’d already told her . fml fml it’s so joever ma petite pominette :((( ma chère :((( nonnnn
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moonlitattic · 4 months
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