#Glad to finally have at least something new for kinktober!
chimchiri · 10 days
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One done!
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helplesslypurple77 · 1 year
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Day 5 Atsushi/Dazai w/ forced Proximity(stuck in a closet)
Notes: shut up ik that i already used a closet in the Fyodor one, but in this one the closet is more heavily featured, so there. Slowly but surely “Kinktober” has turned into “AtsushiFuckTober”. Maybe I should do that next year too.
Atsushi was grateful to Dazai, he owed the man his comfortable life, and that was a debt he would never be able to pay.
“Um Mr. Nakajima, please come this way.” A soft, feminine voice at his side, and Dazai was missing again.
He idolized the man of course, and recently, new feelings had been popping up, but for the love of god, he wished the man would quit trying to throw himself into every single body of water they came across. Be it a sink, or a bathtub, as soon as he spotted it, Osamu Dazai would make a break for the water, shouting gleefully about suicide, and Atsushi was rapidly loosing the little amounts of patience he had left.
It didn't help that their companion, a pretty woman by the name of Akari, who had graciously volunteered to lead them to their destination, had to also deal with the fallout. She smiled patiently, even as Atsushi dragged Dazai away from a fucking bathtub, for the hundreth time this evening.
He didnt know what was happening, and why Dazai had suddenly doubled his suicide efforts, and in the middle of a mission of gods sake, but as he dragged Dazai away from the barrely filled bathtub and down the carpeted hall, he bemouned his circumstances.
“I apologize, Miss Akari. He usually isn't this bad.” Miss Akari had to be an angel in disguise, because she just laughed a little, and gripped his arm leading him down the hallway. Dazai trailed behind them, rattling off suicide facts.
“At~su~shiiii~” Atsushi wonders if Dazai has been eating poisonous mushrooms again. “What, Dazai?”
Dazai giggles as they make their way down the chandelier lit hallway. “Did you know that on average, 1 person dies by suicide every 11 minutes in the US?”
“Dazai, we live in Japan.” Dazai ignores him, opening his arms dramatically, his bandages catching the light. “Oh how I long for the sweet embrace of death, how I crave the kiss of the underworld king, summoning me to my final embrace…”
Its weird actually, given how pretty Miss Akari was, Atsushi would have expected at least one invitation for double suicide, or at least a bad pickup line, but nothing, the whole night. It was strange, but Atsushi is just glad he doesn't have to apologize to Miss Akari for anything other than minor inconveniences. Dazai is talking again, but Atsushi tunes him out, instead focusing on the beautiful scenery surrounding them. They walk down a long hallway, lined with gold framed portraits of families. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and the floor is carpeted in red velvet. The entire place screams money. Atsushi supposes that makes sense, their target is a very rich man after all.
Miss Akari is still clutching his arm, her gloved hands shaking slightly. She's very pretty, with long black hair and big, doe eyes with long lashes, dressed prettily in a pink dress with white gloves. And, given how she's just Dazai’s type, Atsushi seriously would have expected an invitation for double suicide.
‘Your skin is lily white, your eyes captivatingly beautiful, your long dark hair reminds me of the night sky, you would make me a happy man if you joined me on a double suicide.’ or something like that.
And then Atsushi would have to apologize to the poor woman, and she would probably run away screaming, and their mission would be ruined—
“Mr. Nakajima?” Atsushi startled, and sent her a small smile of apology. She continued, her voice as soft as a spring breeze. “I was just wondering about you. I hear you work for the Armed Detective Agency?” It's odd that she's asking about him, but Atsushi guesses she's just curious. He smiles, ignoring Dazai yet again. “Yes, as well as the bandaged idiot behind me.” She laughs, the sound like bells. Atsushi wonders yet again about the strange absence of double suicide invitations. “That must be hard work. You really are amazing!” She pressed close to him, her body pressed against his side, her hands still clutching his arm. She must be scared. Atsushi tries his best to send her a reassuring smile.
“It's not too hard, I'm lucky that I get to work with such amazing people.” She lets out a little giggle, her eyelashes fluttering as she looks up at him. “So, what's your ability? I'm sure it's amazing.” Atsushi laughs a little, she really is a kind person. “It's called Beast Beneath the Moonlight. I can transform into a giant white tiger.” She giggles again, clutching his arm. “Wow you're so strong, I feel so reassured now that i'm next to you.”
Atsushi is glad she feels safe, but then the suspicious lack of loud Dazai noises gets to him and he turns, and of course, Dazai is gone. He turns again, Miss Akari still on his arm. “I'm sorry, I have to find my colleague. Could you wait here for a minute?” She nods, her eyelashes fluttering again and Atsushi sends her a grateful smile. “Thanks, you're an angel.” When he leaves, he sees her leaning against the wall, her hands over her cheeks, smiling.
When he finds Dazai around the corner, once again trying to drown himself in a bathtub, Atsushi lets out a long, suffering sigh. “Dazai, that bathtub has no water in it.”
“Alas, i am simply imagining what it would feel like, the sweet embrace of the water—”
When Atsushi drags him back, Miss Akari is still waiting, like the patient person she is. Atsushi smiles at her as she takes his arm again, clutching it tightly as they walk through the gilded corridors, looking for their target. The faint sounds of music and laughter echo from upstairs, the occasional clink of glassware and silverware barely heard under the cacophony of noise downstairs. It's a dinner party, a family reuniting for a will reading and Atsushi can hear the arguments all the way up here. Miss Akari, a daughter of the dead woman, had requested they come, because she suspected someone would break in and attempt to kill the family, while they were all in one place. The family was an old money family with dealings with the port mafia, and Atsushi had asked why they didn't help but Akari had informed him that they didn't do that sort of thing. It made sense, he supposed.
Right now, they're supposed to be patrolling the upper hallways while the family ate, because Miss Akari was sure the person wouldn't strike until after dinner, when the family gathered for the will reading. She had informed them that she would rather not let the others know, because in her words; ‘there was sure to be a riot!’. And so, they were sneaking around the upper floors of a rich person's house(scratch that, it was basically a castle, Atsushi had never seen so much wealth in his life.) Dodging the occasional stray family member had been easy, but they were becoming more and more frequent as the night went on, the partygoers tiring of the endless arguments and retreating upstairs to the many different entertainment rooms.
“Atsushi?” Miss Akari is speaking again, pulling him out of his brain and back to reality. She leans up, whispering in his ear. She smells faintly of rose petals. “I think someone in my family might be responsible for moms death.” Atsushi feels this isn't something she should tell just anyone, even if she feels they are trustworthy, but he nods along with her anyway.
“You think so?”
☘ ☘ ☘
Miss Akari is the most suspiciously suspicious person Dazai has ever met. I mean it's obvious. Why else would she be hanging off Atsushi like that, stealing Dazai’s rightfully deserved attention. The wench. She was obviously an enemy spy or something like that, hellbent on pulling Atsushi to the dark side! Dazai scowled as they walked down the hall. They were obviously leaving him out like this, whispering and flirting like that, and right in front of his salad(I'm sorry). How dare that Harlot, steal his Atsushi from him.
Dazai scoffed. She wasn't even that pretty. Ok, maybe he was being a tad dramatic. Miss Akari was actually very pretty. She had long straight black hair and dark black eyes, and she was clothed prettily in a nice sunday dress and small kitten heels. And honestly a long time ago she would have been Dazai’s type, but recently he had found himself into people less like Miss Akari, and more like Atsushi. Or rather, he had discovered he was in love with Atsushi.
It was embarrassing and dumb and humiliating and entirely too hard to deny, and if he was being truthful, he was just jealous of that wench. Jealous that Atsushi would let her hang all over him like that. Probably smashing her plentiful bosom and ladylike charms all against him and stealing him from right under Dazai’s nose. And it was highly unlikely she was an enemy spy, she was just an admittedly kind and pretty young woman who was interested in Atsushi, and Dazai hated her for it. There were times, times when his darker days came back to haunt him, times when he got unhealthy ideas like keeping Atsushi locked away, for if he was locked away only Dazai could have the privilege to gaze upon his form. But most of all he wanted Atsushi to be happy, and no one would be happy caged like a decorative bird.
And so, he simply stood back and allowed that Harlot to hang all over Atsushi. But of course, not without the occasional ploy to steal his attention back. But alas, it had seemed Atsushi had tired of his antics, and Dazai had been threatened, in no uncertain terms, to be left behind with the old ladies. And so, he had to be content with watching. For once he was thankful for Atsushi’s dense personality, because although it had screwed him over, it had also screwed everyone else who had approached him too.
Dazai’s love for his subordinate had snuck up on him like a tiger hunting its prey, and then jumped him from behind and completely overwhelmed him. It was even beginning to overtake his desire for a double suicide, wich was a terifying thought. It had been a slow, but steady process but subconsciously he knew he was doomed from the moment he met Atsushi. When he had first opened his eyes, soaking wet on the riverbank, he was sure he had succeeded in his suicidal endevors. For why else would there be an angel hovering above him, highlighted by the setting sun.
Their relationship had been a series of devastating blows delivered under the sunset. For it had been sunset when they had first met, and Dazai had found out that Atsushi was not, in fact, an angel, but a poor orphan boy. He was sure Oda was laughing at him from behind the grave, when he took him in, purely with hidden selfish reasons. Reasons he himself didn't even see when he did it.
The second sunset, on the way back from Ranpo’s case with Atsushi. He had refused to admit he got himself caught in the net to be in Atsushi’s proximity. He had justified it with ‘i just want to watch his progress, and kunikida wont let me,’ but it was obvious to an older and wiser Dazai that he just wanted to be around him. It was embarrassing, but all Dazai could feel was the heat of his body, the close proximity, only a few measly inches between their shoulders. He had longed, subconsciously as he prattle on, to pull the boy close, maybe wind an arm around his thin shoulders.
The third sunset, the one that graced them as they sat on that parkbench, on the day Atsushi figured out the orphanage headmaster had died. And although Dazai had appeared calm and rational, like he always pretended, the mere mention of the man's death had filled him with glee. The extent of the abuse he had subjected Atsushi two filled him with an indescribable amount of rage, that he had always chalked up to protectiveness as a friend. It was apparent that it was not, that the extent of the protectiveness he felt was far and beyond. That was the second sunset, and perhaps maybe the tipping point.
But the third sunset, the sunset on the ship after the defeat of the guild, was the breaking point. As he had nonshalontly raised a glass, and as Atsushi had smiled at him, his eyes mirroring the color of the sunset, his heart had stopped. And then it had resumed, beating triple time against his chest, threatening to leap out completely. He had been overwhelmed by how beautiful the boy across from him was and how desperately Dazai wanted to embrace him, to hold his thin frame close and press kisses to his lips and he had just stopped functioning for a moment.
And that was when he knew, that he was well and truly gone, that he was unequivocally, irreversibly, deeply and truly in love. And then, he had kind of accepted his fate. It was obvious that the affection Atsushi held for him was purely platonic, and even if he had other feelings the boy himself was unaware of them, at least for now. And truly, the boy was terribly, annoying, incredibly dense. Even outright flirting was just brushed off with a laugh and an eye roll, and any physical affection(aside from outright just kissing him) was just attributed to platonic feelings, and Dazai had been about three second from pulling all his hair out and jumping out a second story window, so he essentially gave up. Not completely, he just bided his time and would have to make do with fantasies and daydreams, until the day he decided to take a leap of faith.
But, this harlot was testing his last nerve. She was far too conventionally attractive and although Atsushi didn't seem to notice how hard she was flirting, Dazai was sure that at some point she would give up on subtlety and just ask him out. And then Atsuhsi would blush adorably and accept and then they would start going out and it would be all suffocatingly cute and cuddly and then one day they would get married and Atsushi would of course ask Dazai to be the best man and Dazai’s heart would break into tiny little pieces but he would do it because he would do anything for Atsushi and then they would have little kids who looked like Atsushi and Dazai would grow old alone and sad and have to watch their happily ever after—
“…zai. Dazai. Earth to Dazai!” Dazai pulls himself out of his depressing fantasies and back to reality with a jolt. Atsushi is standing in front of him, noticeably missing the evil harlot Miss Akari, his hands on his hips. Dazai almost skips to meet him, grabbing his arm as they make their way down the hallway. “So, where did Miss Akari go?”
“She had to entertain her guests, remember?” Atsushi regrettably pulls away from Dazai, crossing his arm and coming to a stop. “Really Dazai, she's a really nice woman. You should pay attention to her.” Dazai really will throw himself out a second story window. Watch him, he’ll actually do it, just watch. “Do you like her or something?” He sounds like a middle school boy. Embarrassing. Atsushi smiles. “Yes actually.” Dazai’s heart drops into the pit of his stomach. The boy continues to drive knives into his poor heart. “She’s a very kind woman. And she’s very pretty too. I was sure you would have invited her to do a double suicide with you by now.”
If it were, perhaps, a few months earlier, Dazai definitely would have. But now he’s down bad for his subordinate, who apparently ‘loves’ Miss Akari. He forces a smile, almost choking on actual tears. Embarrassing. “So, when's the wedding?” Atsushi just looks confused. “Wedding?” Dazai might actually cry. “Yeah, Wedding. She’s obviously into you and if you love her back you might as well just get married then.” Atsushi blushes pretty, his pale cheeks turning a dark pink. Dazai wishes he were the cause of that. “What are you talking about! I don't like her like that, I thought you meant if i thought she was nice.” Dazai’s tears are suddenly gone, done choking up his throat and clogging his stomach. “And she’s not into me anyway. People usually aren't ‘into me’.”
‘Me!’ Dazai wants to scream. ‘I'm into you and you are worth it and I want to kiss you please let me kiss you please—’ but he holds it in. He doesn't, however, hold in his gleeful smile. Atsushi gives him a baleful glare. “You could have been nicer to her, and did you really have to try to throw yourself into any bathtub–, no, anything that holds water?” Mood restored, Dazai swings his arms by his side. “Really Atsushi. You’ll never understand the joys of suicide.”
And the rest of the evening is going just wonderfully, it's all just wonderful and sunshine and rainbows really until suddenly Atsushi is grabbing his collar and he's being yanked backward and shoved not so nicely into a closet. Really, he's about to complain, but Atsushi makes an adorable little shushing noise and crowds inside as well, and Dazai hears the sound of footsteps and conversation. And he remembers the only part of the conversation he had listened to, where Miss Akari had told them she didn't want the rest of the family to know she had invited agents. And really, he should be concentrating on what the people walking by the small closet they're in are talking about but the only thing he can concentrate on is Atsushi’s proximity.
It's a small closet, made for sheets and towels, and the lack of space forced Atsushi to press in tight, his back shoving Dazai against the wall. Dazai’s senses are asaulted by the clean scent of green tea and cheap soap and the heat radiating from Atsushi’s back and Dazai is simultaniasly cursing and praising whatever fucked up god got him into this position because his pretty subordinate is pressed against him and all his fantasies are coming back to haunt him.
Atsushi is shorter than him, about two or three inches, and his frame is smaller. Dazai’s body almost cages him in, even with his arms pinned to his sides in what little space they have, and it's frighteningly arousing. Dazai’s nose is shoved in his hair, Atsushi’s back lines up with his chest and most damning of all, his but presses directly on Dazai’s dick. People are walking by the room, and Dazai knows it definitely isn't the time to get hard, so he puts all impure thoughts to the back of his mind for now.
Really, he should take advantage of this opportunity, and he does. He wraps his arms around Atsushi’s frame pulling him closer even still, and allowing himself to hug the boy their warmth blending together. And it feels wonderful and comforting and like all is right in the world, until Atsushi squirms, grinding his ass back directly on Dazai’s clothed dick. Dazai’s hands drop like a hot stone, shooting to his side as he tries to separate himself from Atsushi, to no avail. Because now all those times he had arrived after a fight to see Atsushi laying face down on the ground, his cute little ass on display for Dazai(and the world). And he didn't know why the boy insisted on landing in this position every chance he got, but it was truly a strange(sexy) position. For every time he did that all Dazai could think about was that position in a different context, maybe something with one hundred percent less clothes and it was all coming back to haunt him.
For some reason the people outside the closet have insisted on talking like three feet away from the closet doors, and not moving and now Dazai knew his dick was at least semi hard and he was never going to recover from this one—
“Dazai?” Atsushi has turned around to whisper, and now it's almost worse because their faces are a two measly inches away from each other, breaths tangling together and Atsushi’s eyes are breathtakingly beautiful. “Dazai, do you have something in your pocket, its poking against me.” Oh now this is just lovely. He's taking to long to respond and Atsushi’s going to get suspicious. “Yes actually. A gun.” Atsushi rolls his eyes. “It's not a gun, that's not what a gun feels like.” Fuck. “Jesus Dazai, what is it? Is it something your not supposed to have?” He’s still whispering, but now he looks slightly panicked. “Did you bring a random knife or prescription pills on missions again? You know Kunikida’s going to kill you.” This conversation should be killing him hard on but it's still there, and harder than ever. Dazai hates himself.
His lack of response seems to be worrying Atsushi because now, to his horror, Dazai feels his hand trying to get in between their bodies. He grabs it, trying to hold him away from his overeager dick. Atsushi frowns, whisper yelling at him. “Dazai, lemme see it!”
“Don't worry about it, Atsushi!” This, obviously, does not deter him.
“Now I'm even more worried!”
As much as he would like Atsushi’s hands all over his dick, he really would prefer different circumstances and so he thoughtlessly grabs the boy's wrist, pinning them above his head. It's almost worse this way. Their faces are close together, breaths intermingling again, and to Dazai’s satisfaction, he sees the blush spreading across Atsushi’s cheeks. It's visible even in the dark closet as the boy evades his eyes, blush furious across his pale skin. Dazai can't resist the urge to tease him.
“My Atsushi, what’s got you so flustered?” The boy glares, all while that cute little blush is still plastered across his face. “Shut up Dazai.” And so, Dazai seels his lips with a kiss.
End Notes: I always headcanoned that Atsushi is oblivious to flirting because of his low self esteem lol. A pretty girl could be hanging off his arm, telling him how amazing he is and stuff and he would go ‘haha lol she's so kind.’ or ‘haha lol she must be scared.’ also i'm tired of writing full smut so here you go, half smut
Taglist: @mulit05ho3st4n
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fettuccin-e · 2 years
The Metal Under My Skin
okay so im not participating in kinktober BUT this idea came to me when I saw someone addressing a "body modification" prompt and I wanted to write something for Eddie so here we go! (Tags: Eddie Munson x Reader, body modification, nipple piercings, unprotected piv, fem!reader)
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You love your friends, you really do. You love the kids, Steve, Robin, Nancy; they’re all like family to you, utterly irreplaceable and unconditionally loving.
But you are so fucking glad they are finally vacating yours and Eddie’s shared apartment, finally declaring his birthday party over.
You’re cleaning up cake-smeared paper plates and soda-filled plastic cups from the tables, not wanting to deal with it in the morning. And, if all goes according to plan, you and Eddie won’t be getting out of bed for at least the next few days. You’ve already changed the sheets, made sure your room is beautiful and clean just so you and Eddie can enjoy his present.
The present that is currently rubbing maddeningly against the coarse material of your shirt, keeping you throbbing and soaked in your panties.
You’re so lost in thought that you jump a little bit when Eddie wraps his long arms around you from behind, pressing kisses into the side of your neck.
“Thank you for such a great birthday, baby,” he murmurs into your skin, his plush lips warm and soft. “Haven’t had a day like this in so long.”
You turn in his arms, beaming up at him and brushing his hair out of his pretty eyes. “I have one more present for you, Eddie,” you whisper to him, even though you both are the only people in the room. 
You feel him tug you just a little closer as he smirks. “You do?”
“Mhm,” you nod, “but you’ve got to go lay down in bed.”
You chuckle at his little whine as he complains, “I don’t wanna let you go though, sweetness.”
You lean forward, lips brushing against his ear as you whisper, “I promise it’ll be worth it, baby. Go lay down for me?”
Your boyfriend is dramatic as ever in pretending to pry his arms from around your waist, but still obeys your wishes, sending you one last longing look as he goes into your bedroom. You wait a few moments, trying to take a deep breath. What if he doesn’t like it? What if he thinks it’s weird? The little insecurities roll around in your mind, but you also know that Eddie will love your body no matter what. Especially if it has to do with your boobs. Eddie always loves your boobs.
He’s laying in the middle of the bed when you finally walk through the door, looking the same as when he left you. He had half-expected new lingerie, which you had gotten him last year for his birthday, but you’re still in your tight jeans and loose button down. The shirt is a little looser than what you might usually wear, but it’s not totally out of the blue. But you’re smirking at Eddie like you know something he doesn’t, and his dick is already hardening in his jeans.
“Baby,” you say, voice low and lilting, “would you take my clothes off for me?”
You almost laugh at how fast Eddie sits up and off the bed and goes to your clothes, but your nerves are making it a little hard. You quickly stop Eddie’s hands when they go to the buttons of your shirt first. “Jeans first, please baby?” you ask, and Eddie nods quickly, unquestioning, dropping to his knees in front of you so his long fingers can work open the button of your pants. He yanks them down without a hint of finesse, and nearly chokes on his spit when he sees that you’re not wearing any panties, pretty pussy bared to him. 
He doesn’t take his eyes away from your cunt, already wet for him, as he asks, “Baby, this is a fucking amazing birthday present already.”
You giggle softly at him. “Take them off the rest of the way and I’ll show you the real present.”
Eddie quickly shoves your jeans the rest of the way off your legs, taking your hand to help you step out of him. “Baby, can I eat you out? Please?” he whines, blinking up at you with his big brown eyes. And you almost give in. 
“Why don’t you take my shirt off instead, Eds?” you say, cupping his jaw gently. Eddie nods and stands to his feet again, going straight to the buttons of your shirt. You smile at his enthusiasm, murmuring, “Go slow about it though, baby.”
And Eddie does, unbuttoning the shirt until it hangs open on your body, tits still covered by the fabric. You hold your breath as he shoves it off your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, and watch as his eyes go wide.
“Holy fucking shit, baby,” Eddie chokes out, staring at the shiny silver piercings going through your nipples, perked up and hard beneath his stare. You gasp as Eddie raises a hand, brushing a calloused thumb over one of the piercings. “Happy fucking birthday to me, baby. You look too fucking hot, holy shit.”
“It’s- It’s really sensitive, Eds,” you moan softly as his other hand raises to tweak the other nipple, playing with both of them at once. He towers over you, dark eyed and mesmerized by you as your knees start to buckle, pussy flooding with your arousal. “You, ah, you like them?”
“Like them?” Eddie grunts, finally looking up from your chest into your eyes. He takes one of his palms off your tits to grab your hand, pressing it to the prominent bulge in his jeans. “Baby, fuck, I love them. God, you’re so gorgeous.” His eyes flick between your eyes and your chest. “What did I do to deserve you, you goddamn vixen?”
You want to respond, you truly do; you want to tell Eddie that he’s so perfect, that he’s everything to you, that you wanted to do something he’s always fantasized about, but he’s already capturing your soft lips with his, licking into you, tasting like birthday cake and cigarettes. It’s intoxicating.
“Now, listen to me princess,” he murmurs into your mouth. “I’m going to get undressed, okay? And I’m gonna sit on this beautiful bed you spent all day cleaning, like you thought I wouldn’t notice,” you gasp softly at his words. “You thought you were so sneaky, baby, but I noticed,” he says, and you can feel his smirk against your mouth. “And then, my sweet girl, you’re gonna sit on my cock while I play with these pretty tits, all done up for me.” He pulls away, and you almost whine at the loss of him. “That sound good, baby?” He asks, and you’re nodding frantically, desperately.
Eddie pulls away to strip himself bare, and you stare indulgently at the ink and scars scattered across his skin, at his thick cock when he frees it from his dark jeans. “You like what you see, angel?” he says, spreading his arms out to show himself off, and your eyes snap up to his face again, cheeks flaming red.
“You know I do,” you say, “You’re always so fucking sexy Eds, And you don’t even fucking try.”
“Why, thank you sweetheart,” Eddie says, all bravado, but you see his cheeks flush at your words. He’s never gotten used to you see him, how absolutely beautiful you find him. You make a note to tell him more in the future. Eddie breaks you out of your reverie with a soft smack to your ass as he crosses to sit on the bed, cock standing hard and red into the air. “Think you can sit on me without prep, baby?”
You answer him by swinging your leg over his lap, aiming his cock toward your dripping pussy.
"You know I can, Eds," you murmur, and then you're sinking down slowly, so fucking slowly, savoring every inch of him as he stuffs you full. “Eddie,” you whine, needy and high pitched. “Been so wet, so empty all day. The-The fucking piercings kept rubbing against my shirt, made me all soaked and gaping for you baby.”
“Oh, baby, you did so good,” Eddie says, bringing his hands up to your tits, pressing on the pretty metal piercings going through your perky nipples. “Love my present, sweet girl. Your tits look so pretty, all shiny while you sit on my cock, sweetheart.”
You whine while you rock your hips in his lap, grinding deep so his cock grinds hard into the sweet spot so deep inside. Your nipples are so fucking sensitive now, sending shocks up your spine as Eddie tweaks and rubs and fucking licks at them with his long tongue. “Fuck, Eddie, it’s s’good, ‘m so fucking full.”
“Come on baby, keep going, you’re doing so good, fuck,” Eddie murmurs, moving forward to capture a nipple in his mouth, running a tongue over and sucking on the metal, and you nearly scream with the pleasure of it.
You’re shifting your hips back and forth over his cock, lifting and dropping your hips over and over just a little to keep him deep inside, slamming into the spots only Eddie can reach. His dark eyes meet yours, pupils blown wide with his plump lips wrapped around your nipple, and you know that you won’t be able to hold back for long at all.
“Eddie, Eddie, it’s- it’s too much, I gotta cum, baby, y’gotta let me cum,” you keen in his lap. He snaps his hips up to meet one of your thrusts, and you choke on a gasp, an overwhelmed tear escaping your eye. He starts to meet you, thrust for thrust, and it’s too much, it’s too much.
Eddie unlatches from your tit to mutter up at you, “go ahead and cum, baby,” and you’re fucking gone.
Your mouth opens in a silent scream as your pussy clenches around Eddie’s cock, gushing around him and dripping onto his sticky thighs.
Eddie isn’t far behind, snapping his hips up again and again to work you through your orgasm before he’s grunting, “Jesus fucking Christ, baby, you’re so fucking hot, look at those pretty tits, just for me. God, can’t believe you’re fucking mine, sweet baby,” as he floods your little cunt with his cum.
You tilt his chin up from your chest to kiss him softly, almost chaste, as you come down, breathing hard into each other’s mouths.
“Damn, baby,” Eddie eventually says, grinning wide at you, eyes alight with the mischief that made you fall in love with him in the first place. “Don’t know how you’re gonna top this next year.”
You scoff lightly, but you can’t hold back your own smile even as you smack him lightly on the back of the head. He chuckles at you before kissing you softly again, chest warm and tight with overwhelming love.
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seanfalco · 2 years
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† word count: 2.4k † tags/warnings: nathan x f!reader, jealousy, sex pollen, rough sex † a/n: ofc leave it to me to turn a trope like sex pollen into something fluffy;;
[ kinktober masterlist ]
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“Does anyone else feel… weird?” Nathan asked out of the blue, breaking the silence while the six of you worked, painting over the new batch of graffiti that had appeared on the Community Centre wall overnight.
“What do you mean, weird?” Simon asked, frowning as he looked over at Nathan.
“Like… hornier than usual.”
With a soft snort, you rolled your eyes and Nathan’s head whipped toward the sound.  
“I thought you were always horny,” Alisha snickered.
“No, c’mon, I’m serious!” he cried, his voice cracking slightly.  “I’ve had a boner since last night!”
“Ew!” Alisha squealed as Nathan gestured to his crotch, calling attention to the rather noticeable outline of his cock through the orange fabric of his jumpsuit.
“Sounds like a you problem,” you muttered, dipping your brush back into the paint can at your feet.
“Go have a wank or somethin’,” Kelly suggested with a shrug.
“Don’t y’think I haven’t tried that already?” Nathan hissed.  “Every time I knock one out, it just comes back.  I’ve practically flogged myself raw with how many times I’ve tried.”
“Maybe you should get that looked at,” Curtis said, wincing, unconsciously reaching for his own crotch at the thought.  “It could be serious…”
“Yeah, like if y’take a viagra and then have an erection for too long, your dick could explode,” Alisha exclaimed, clearly amused with the whole situation.
“WHAT?” Nathan cried in alarm and you couldn’t help but snort a laugh, quickly pressing your lips together to stifle the noise.
“That won’t happen… probably.  She’s just pullin’ your leg,” Kelly said, shaking her head ruefully.
“When did it start?  The… erections?” Simon suddenly asked, as usual, trying to get to the bottom of the mystery.
“Last night,” Nathan answered quickly.  “It was after I pissed off this bird at th’pub,” he explained.  
“Wow, what a coincidence,” you gasped in mock surprise.  “Y’seem to have that effect on women.  Glad t’know it’s not just me.”
“Hey, I said I was sorry, alright!”
“Yeah, and you were laughin’ as you said it!” you snapped back, still hurt that he would betray your trust like he had and not even seem the least bit remorseful about it.
“What exactly happened last night?” Simon asked, redirecting the subject.
Nathan sighed, scrunching up his face as he tried to remember the details.  “I was at the bar, havin’ a drink—or three—and this bird in th’corner booth bought me a drink, so I went over t’thank her, thinkin’ maybe afterwards I could convince her t’come home with me—”
“To the Community Centre?” Alisha interrupted, laughter in her tone.
“Yes, to th’Community Centre.  Where I live,” Nathan replied dryly, shooting her a flat look before continuing with his story.  “So anyway, when I finally get a good look at th’girl, I change my mind.  I mean, I’m not picky, but there was no way I could put my cock in that!” he exclaimed in disgust, making a face just thinking about it.
“Like there are women that you can shag and just turn ‘em around and hit it from th’back so y’don’t have t’look at ‘em, but this one—” he shivered, shaking his head— “I wouldn’t shag her even if she had a bag over her head.”
“And did yeh tell her that?” Kelly asked, already guessing the answer.
“Well, not exactly,” Nathan answered, carefully avoiding your eyes.  “But I think she got th’jist of it when she tried t’kiss me and I ran away screaming.”
“Nathan,” Kelly groaned, aiming a swat at his head that he barely dodged.
“Real smooth,” you muttered.
“She probably had some sort of power and used it on you.  Thinking maybe if you were… aroused enough that you’d sleep with her,” Simon reasoned, making Nathan grimace.
“Yeah, y’think?”
“Well, maybe it’ll just… go away?” Simon said, though he sounded doubtful.
“Oh yeah, real fuckin’ likely!” Nathan spat, throwing his hands up.  “It’s only gettin’ worse!” he cried, cradling his balls.
“Maybe y’just need to shag someone,” Alisha suggested, smacking her gum and blowing a large bubble.
“Maybe you have t’shag the girl from the bar,” Curtis added, his lips twitching in amusement before he went back to work.
“I’d rather die!” Nathan cried dramatically before he looked between you, Kelly, and Alisha, his eyebrows raising.  “So, which one of you lovely ladies wants t’help a fella out?”
“As if,” Alisha scoffed as Kelly shook her head, her long ponytail swinging behind her. 
“No way, sorry mate.”
“y/n?” he asked hopefully, turning his big green puppy dog eyes at you.
Drawing your bottom lip between your teeth, you deliberated.  Despite your (rightful) anger, you did still have feelings for the obnoxious wanker, and you hated to see him in pain, even if he’d brought it on himself.
“Alright,” you finally answered and the others all turned to look at you incredulously while Nathan’s face, on the other hand, lit up.
“But!” you exclaimed, cutting him off as he opened his mouth to argue.  “After you apologize—”
“I did!”
“ —and admit you’re an ass,” you finished, waiting for him to make his choice.
Conflicted, Nathan closed and opened his mouth several times, his finger raising as if ready to point at you before his entire face scrunched up stubbornly and his shoulders tensed.  “No deal!” he exclaimed.  “Besides, there are loads of women out there who’re just dyin’ to have sex with me.  I don’t need you!”
Turning on his heel, he stomped away, albeit somewhat awkwardly, with his erection tucked up into the waistband of his boxers.
“Fine!” you called after him, your anger flaring back to life, and you threw down your paintbrush before sulking off in the other direction.
It was a little past midnight when an insistent pounding rattled your door.  Jolted from your half slumber, you wearily stumbled through your flat to see who the fuck was at your door at this hour.  Peering out the peephole, you reared back in surprise, not expecting to see Nathan Young standing outside.
“Y/n, let me in, please?” he called, desperation thick in his voice, and you took your time in unlatching the locks and unhoooking the chain, just to spite him.
“Yes?” you answered, cracking the door enough to stick our face out.
“I-I need your help,” Nathan gasped, his eyes dilated and his curls half plastered to his sweat dampened forehead.
“What happened to all th’women you were gunna pull?  The ones who were just waiting t’throw themselves at you?” you taunted, raising a wry eyebrow.
“I was wrong, okay?” he replied, a vulnerability to his expression that sobered you, and you opened the door wider to let him in, concern flashing through you.  
“Nathan, are you okay?”
“It hurts so fuckin’ bad,” he whimpered, entreating you with his eyes; he was in so much pain that he’d even seemed to have lost his trademark snark.  “I’m burnin’ up and my cock’s throbbin’ harder than ever!”
He paused to work moisture back into his mouth.  “You’re right, I was a proper arse,” he exclaimed his eyes looking everywhere but your face, the words dragged from him as if even thinking past the pulse of desire that coursed through him was difficult.
“I shouldn’t have taken that unflattering photo of you while you were drunk off your tits and then sent it to everyone.  I’m so sorry, y/n!  Please, will y’help me?” he asked, finally looking up at you, tears of pain welling in his eyes.
The sincerity of his apology moved you, but really, at the moment you couldn’t bear the sight of him practically doubled over in pain any longer.
“C’mon,” you said, taking his wrist to lead him to the bedroom.
“Oh, thank fuck,” Nathan breathed in relief, following you eagerly.  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted t’do you–I mean this,” he exclaimed hastily, ripping his shirt over his head as soon as you let go of his arm.
“What was that?” you asked, only half hearing as you rummaged in your bedside table for a rubber.
“Nothin’!” Nathan replied quickly, tossing his shirt on the floor before dropping his jeans and stepping out of them.  “Just sayin’ sorry this ain’t more romantic or if I cum too soon or somethin’.  I just really need t’get this done.”
“Oh.  Right, yeah,” you replied, your stomach sinking a bit, though what were you expecting?  You were merely his last choice, a means to an end.  
“Here, put this on.”  Handing him the condom packet you tried not to stare at the very obvious tent straining the fabric of his boxers.
“Admirin’ the beast, were yeh?” he asked, peeling his underwear down to let his cock spring free and you quickly turned away to give him some privacy while you hastily undressed as well.
“Glad t’see you still have some cheek even in this condition,” you muttered dryly, taking a deep breath before turning back around.  
Nathan had fallen silent, too busy fumbling with the slippery rubber to think of a snarky comeback, and when your eyes fell to his erection your breath hitched.  Every time he tried to roll it over his angry weeping cockhead, he gave a shudder, whimpering softly.
“D’yeh need some help with that?” you asked hesitantly as he swore under his breath.
“It’s just so…swollen!” he cried, biting his lip.  “Any chance you’d wanna forgo th’rubber and just let me hit it raw?” he asked, glancing up at you hopefully.  “I’ll do my best t’pull out in time.”
“Uh, no, I don’t really fancy takin’ that chance and gettin’ knocked up,” you huffed, taking the condom from him while you gave him a couple strokes with your free hand before rolling the rubber on.
Swallowing thickly, you looked up to meet Nathan’s desperate gaze and you froze as it finally sank in how close to him you were, and that you were both naked.  You’d touched him without even thinking, and you were surprised to find the insides of your thighs slick with want, heat thrumming through you and pooling low in your gut.
Before you could speak, Nathan surged forward, his mouth colliding with yours.  Kissing you fervently, his teeth clashed with yours in his haste as you stumbled backward toward the bed.  When the back of your legs hit the edge, you fell back atop the covers with a gasp and Nathan practically jumped atop you.
On the third try, he finally managed to get his cock lined up, sliding inside you with a relieved groann that reverberated through you, and you echoed him, whining softly.  For a moment, you thought he’d actually came just from sheathing you.  His eyelids fluttered while his mouth fell open in ecstasy, but then with a shudder he began to move, his hips crashing into yours with abandon, rutting into you like some wild desperate animal.
Soon the room was filled with the lewd sound of skin slapping together and the rhythmic creak of your bed.  Though admittedly, Nathan’s frantic pace wasn’t doing much for you at first, his thrusts fast and sloppy, but you were lost in the sounds he made and the look of complete and utter bliss on his face.  No one had ever looked like that while inside you before. 
“F-fuck, you feel so good, y/n!” Nathan managed to groan, sweat rolling down his temple and you couldn’t help but grin at him.
Rolling your hips to meet his, a gasp ripped from your lips when his cock suddenly found your g-spot and you hastened to repeat the movement, your hands sliding down to grab his cute little arse, guiding him there.
“Oh!” he yelped, his concentration breaking for a moment and he let out a breathy giggle before leaning over you, his lips seeking yours blindly as his pleasure built to a breaking point.
Kissing you sloppily, he nearly had you bent double as he pounded into you even more fervently, abusing your tight hole and swallowing your rising moans as if they could nourish him.  He fucked you like you’d never been fucked before—as if he’d die without your cunt wrapped around him.
Just as you felt your climax building, hovering on the plateau, the coiled spring of pleasure in your stomach ready to snap, Nathan’s hips stuttered, burying himself deeper inside you and staying there as he came.  
Letting out a high pitched whine that turned into a groan, Nathan’s eyes rolled back into his head as his eyelids fluttered and his whole body trembled before going limp.  Pressing his face into the crook of your neck, he caught his breath, panting heavily against your skin.
“Oh fuck, that did th’trick.  I feel so much better,” he breathed in relief.
“Good, glad I could be of help,” you murmured, trying not to let your frustration leech into your voice.
If only he could’ve held out just a minute longer…
Finally, Nathan lifted his face sheepishly.  “You didn’t cum, did yeh?”
“No, I was close, though,” you admitted and his expression brightened somewhat.
“Well,” he began, clearing his throat and trailing his fingertips lightly over the slope of your shoulder, his gaze not quite meeting yours.”Now that I’m thinkin’ clearer and my cock’s not on fire anymore, and I’m naked, and you’re still naked… Well, we could always have another go as soon as I’m at full mast again, which honestly won’t be too much longer,” he suggested almost hesitantly, as if he hand’ tjust fucked your brains out (well, almost).
“I’d like that.”
“Yeah?” Nathan asked, gaping at you.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, your face warming.  “You owe me an orgasm.”
Nathan let out a relieved chuckle, snuggling closer to you, his chin propped against your shoulder as he gazed up at you.  
“This wasn’t exactly how I’d wanted our first time t’go,” he admitted and you froze, your breath catching in your throat.  “I wanted t’make it at least a little more romantic and shit.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, warmth filling you at the thought that he’d been thinking about this for a while.
“What?” he exclaimed defensively and you shook your head through your laughter.
“Nothin’, just kiss me.”
Nathan didn’t need to be told twice, pressing his lips to yours eagerly.
“Hey, y/n.”
“Yeah?” you asked between kisses, Nathan’s hand finding their way down your body.
“I think I’m ready t’go again.”
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taglist: @super-unpredictable98 @salvador-daley @firstpersonnarrator @vonkimmeren @love-is-dirty-baby
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lazysimp · 3 years
Kinktober Day 10 - Stockholm Syndrome feat. Shigaraki x Male!Reader
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tags/warnings: Dubcon, fingering, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, reader gets called a whore, creampie, forced exhibitionism, He/Him pronouns
word count: 1.5k
Kinktober Masterlist
summary: After another failed escape attempt Shigaraki has had enough and decides it's time for a new method to keep you from escaping.
“Why does it always come to this?” Shigaraki’s voice was harsh as he lifted you off the ground and into his arms.
You had tried again to escape while he was sleeping only to have your plans foiled when you could not get the last lock open in time. Now he had you in his grip once more, already using his quirk to decay away your clothes as he walked to his room.
You were unsure how long you had been under his thumb, one minute you were at work and the next you were surrounded by a swirling blue mist. When you finally came to you were greet with a pair of red eyes staring down at you.
Now those same red eyes trialed down your body taking in your trembling form before he tossed you onto the makeshift bed. “I give you everything you need, food, shelter, clothes.” He sneered, “And yet you still try and escape?”
He leans over the bed, placing his hands on either side of you, his mouth right next to your ear, “I am going to make sure you never try to leave me again.”
“W-What are you going to do?” You try to shimmy up the bed and put some distance between the two of you but he just follows you.
His fingers latched onto the side of your underwear, his quirk easily stripping them from your body, “Oh you will find out soon enough, but for now don’t even think about disobeying me, I am already more than angry at you.”
You could hardly breathe as he drags one finger up the length of your cock, paying extra attention to the precum that had accumulated on the tip, “At least your cock knows who it belongs to.”
He uses his mouth to clean off his fingers, twirling his tongue around each digit. “You are lucky you taste so good, otherwise I would not bother keeping you around.”
He reaches over your head pulling the handcuffs attached to the headboard down to hook them around your wrists. When that was secured he lifted a small thin piece of cloth off of the bed, wrapping it around your head and cutting off your vision. Your chest started to rise and fall rapidly, now unable to see or react to what was going on around you.
“Like a lamb to the slaughter,” He laughed, dragging one finger up your midline, taking the time to swirl over one nipple before his hand rests over your neck, “I could kill you so easily and no one would even know you are gone.”
His four fingers tighten around your neck, “You would become dust under me in the blink of an eye before you could even cry out for mercy.”
Your shoulders begin to shake, maybe he had grown tired of you and decided you were not worth the trouble. “I am sorry Shigraki when I saw the open door I panicked and moved without thinking. I swear I will never do something like that again.”
He gives your neck an even tighter squeeze, “Oh I know you won’t try something like that again, I am going to make sure of that.”
You test your restaurants knowing it was useless, there was nothing for you to do but lie there and accept your punishment.
His hand leaves your neck and two fingers begin to circle at your entrance. He gives no warning before they plunge into you.
“Fuck,” You hiss, turning your head to the side as he starting to pump his fingers. He does not bother touching your sex, after all, he was just getting you ready for his cock. He scissors his fingers inside you, stretching the tender tissue to accept his girth, he did not like having to slow down because you were whining.
He brushes past the sweet spot onside you, teasing it with a few well-placed thrusts. He was glad you were blinded so he did not have to hide his smile as you whined, your hips now rising to meet his fingers.
No matter how much you wanted to resist him he always managed to drag you right back down next to him. You could not even bring yourself to hide the soft whines leaving your lips at his touch, god why did someone so terrible make you feel things no one else ever could.
He withdrew his fingers and lined up the head of his cock at your entrance, spreading open your ass with the head as his hips move forward. Your backed arched off the bed as he plunged inside, giving you no time to adjust to his thickness. You nearly sob as the burning pain of the stretch overwhelmed you.
Only when your hips prevented him from moving forward did he finally stop, giving you only a second to adjust to the intrusion before he withdrew, only the head of his cock sitting inside.
“Your ass is so fucking tight around my cock.” He growled, thrusting his hips forward again, “You can try and escape me all you want, I will just drag you right back to this bed to fuck some sense into you.”
His hand slips down in between your bodies to wrap around your throbbing length, “Only a few pumps of my cock and you are already about to cum. What a little whore, so fucking eager to receive pleasure from someone you despise.”
You could not even deny what he was saying because the more his cock filled you the less you cared about anything but the pleasure you felt.
The fingers on your cock begin to tingle, a side effect of his quirk creating a unique sensation in between a tingle and vibration. Your head starts to thrash from side to side, your chest growing tight. You did not bother to hold in your moans as his hips increased their speed, now slamming into you violently, only making you go higher.
“Are you going to cum around my cock like a good whore?” He laughs, flicking your cock with his fingers, “Already so close to the fucking edge. God, where is your dignity, don’t you care a mass murder is going to fill you with his cum?”
Only small mindless groans leave your lips as the ball of pleasure in your stomach begins to grow.
“You don’t care do you,” He grabs your throat, squeezing down, “You love getting fucked by a villain don’t you? You love my thick cock stretching you open and filling you up until everyone knows you are mine.”
“Shiggy,” You cry, bring your hips up to meet his thrusts.
“What, does the whore want to come?” He pinches your cock, “Then beg.”
You don’t even have it in you to hesitate, “Shiggy please make me cum.”
He slowed his thrusts, “Do you swear to never try a stunt like that again?”
“Yes! Yes, I swear to never try an escape again, please just let me cum,” You beg, your voice a broken mess. The tingle from his quirk began to grow even stronger, building the pleasure tenfold.
“I guess that will have to do,” He groans, his cock pulsing inside you.
With one flick of his wrist, you were gone. Brutal waves of pleasure overtook every cell in your body, making you convulse. Your mouth was open in a silent scream as the pleasure-filled your mind making it impossible to think about anything except his fingers working to drive you even higher, giving you no time to rest.
You could hardly breathe, only small gasps of air as before you could even come down from your last high another slammed into you, drowning you in ecstasy.
Shigaraki could not resist the clenching of your ass around him and with a final thrust began to empty inside you, his cock pulsing with each spurt of cum. Only when every drop was inside you did he collapse on top of you, his hair tickling your cheeks.
His hand slips behind your head, untying the piece of cloth letting your see once more. As your eyes adjust you freeze, sitting right above you was his phone with the flash on.
Shigaraki pushes a button on the home screen, “Well, I think that will do. The look on your face is priceless, I will definitely have you watch this with me later.”
“Wait, what did you do,” Your voice trembles as your mind starts to piece together your punishment.
A crude smile spreads across his face, “Just took a little video of you cumming on my cock, don’t worry I won’t show anyone, well that is as long as you don’t try to escape me again.” He flips the phone around and hits play on the video, filling the room with the lewd sounds of sex.
“You would not want the world to see you like this would you?” he taunts already knowing the answer.
Your arms slump in defeat, even if you did escape your life would be ruined if that video was released, he effectively owns you now and judging by the look on his face he knew that too.
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on sharing it unless you try to leave me,” He drags his fingers through your messy ass, “And you would never try something like that again would you?”
And with nothing left to do but agree you nod your head yes, sealing yourself the devil.
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Kinktober Day 1
Somno/Sleepy Sex with Argbur/Editor Wilbur
warnings for somnophilia, dubcon, unsafe sex
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say you’re used to sharing a bed with your roommate, at this point. Between the failing electricity your landlord never got around to replacing and the below zero temperatures the winter brought, you’re both desensitized to grabbing your blankets and crawling into the other’s bed for warmth. Maybe for comfort sometimes, too. 
He’s been gone more, lately. Out for days at a time, working on a project of his. You’re happy for him, in many ways, glad he has something to be passionate about, like this. But god, you wish he’d at least text you back and let you know he’s okay, especially on days like these when the already frigid temperature drops into the kind of cold that feels unreal. You check your phone as you double check the locks before bed, sighing at the lack of new notifications, and resign yourself to getting extra blankets out of storage to block out the cold.
You don’t really know when you fell asleep, your phone slipping out of your hand and falling under your pillows, but you become aware of it when you’re ripped from it by a loud noise. The room is pitch black, making you blink hard as your brain stutters, thinking you hadn’t opened your eyes yet, the absence of the lights of your electronics gone. Another blackout. 
You startle when your bedroom door opens, but you feel only relief when you see Wilbur, buried in blankets, his phone flashlight on as he staggers into the room. You scoot over in bed automatically, letting him collapse next to you. He groans dramatically as he does, burrowing closer to where you were asleep, leeching off the warmth there, and you huff a laugh. He’s always craved warmth, almost desperately.
You move his phone so it’s lighting up the room, and start helping him bundle in, frowning when you realize he’s still wearing his coat and shoes. It takes some convincing to pull his face out of your blankets, but you manage to bully him into taking off his outerwear, pulling him back into bed the moment he’s done.
His phone light turns off as the battery dies, and you’re left lying together in darkness, face to face, blankets pulled up over your heads to keep in the warmth.
There’s a moment of silence.
“I’m home, by the way.”
You hide your laugh in your pillow, “I never would have guessed! Welcome home, Wil.”
You ask him how his project is going, listening to him ramble about it as you doze off. He never goes into the details, tries to be vague about it in a way that tips you off that it’s probably more than a little creepy, but you’re long used to him. You let his voice lull you back into sleep, sighing contently as you register the smell of some kind of cologne, and your last amused thought is that he must have put some on before coming home.
When you wake up again, it’s still dark, and you’re unwilling to spend enough time outside the blankets to check the power. In your sleep, you’ve changed positions. Wilbur’s arms tight around your waist, dragging you back into his chest, his face tucked into the nape of your neck. It’s endearing, the way he always ends up clinging to you.
You almost slip back into sleep, your eyes heavy and your roommate comfortable, when he shifts in his sleep, the hot breath of a sigh against your skin making you shiver. Then you feel the press of his hips, and your cheeks flush hot. God, he’s so hard, his hips rocking gently into yours as his grip tightens momentarily. You breathe out shakily, a hand fisting in the sheets as you hide your hot face in the pillow. 
Your relationship with Wilbur has never gone there, before. He’s always been gorgeous, even when he’s a mess, and you can’t deny you’ve thought about it before, but you’ve never been brave enough to say something. You should pull away now, pretend it never happened, that you never guiltily basked in the way he pulled you close to grind against you in his sleep. 
But you don’t.
You don’t, instead taking a shaking breath and experimentally rocking back against him, savoring in the way his hands fist in your sleep shirt, in the quiet, low groan against the back of your neck. It feels like sin, and you almost want to cry, that this is all you’ll get, that you’re such a pervert you’ve resorted to this.
You’re so caught up in it, the feeling of his cock pressed against you, the thought of more with him, that you barely notice when he goes still behind you, your hips still rocking back lazily. You do notice, however, the sharp breath he takes, and the quiet curse he lets out. The drawn out fuuuuck in a voice heavy with sleep is intoxicating, and you whimper before you can register that you should be pretending to sleep, pretending you’re not- not this kind of creep.
Wilbur is still behind you, and you think he’s even stopped breathing with how quiet he’s gone. You can feel tears of embarrassment pricking at your eyes, making you squeeze them shut, biting your lip at the thought of the conversation you’ll be having. Your mind is running, spiraling into anxiety and worst case scenarios, images of Wilbur calling you names, demanding you move out.
Then, his hands are tight on your hips, and he’s rolling his hips deliberately into yours once, twice, experimental and hard. The sudden stimulation makes you choke, half gasp and half whine of his name. You barely have time to process how you’ve given yourself away, because he’s groaning, loud and needy, and then his face is buried in your neck, pressing soft kisses over your pulse point.
“You’re- god- you’re awake, fuck… You want this, don’t you sweetheart?” 
Your gasping reply is a needy whine of his name, a shy please as you tilt your head to give him better access to your throat, a squeak as he groans and nips at your skin. His hands slip up under your shirt, skimming over your stomach and up to grope your chest with greedy fingers. The way he squeezes your tits, pinching and rolling your nipples gently, has you squirming against him, torn between pressing back into him more and arching your chest into his hands.
You can barely think past your own desperation, barely comprehend the words Wil is saying, the steady stream of desperate filth spilling from his lips between harsh bites and soft kisses. All you know is he’s wanted this for ages and you have no idea why he’s not inside you already. When you voice this, he goes still for a moment. Then, you’re being flipped onto your back, his hands sturdy and firm as he squeezes your thighs, settling between them and thrusting against you, only a few layers of cloth keeping you apart. 
He stays like that for what feels like eternity, languidly grinding against you and listening to you whine, before he finally pulls away, just far enough to strip you down, abandoning your bottoms to the ocean of blankets but only shoving your shirt up enough to expose your chest. 
You’re half expecting him to fuck into you right away, desperation making both your hands shake, but instead he tucks his face into your neck to mouth at your skin as he slides a finger, then two inside you. You tangle your hands in his hair, accidentally pulling as he curls his fingers up and makes you moan, loud and pleading. He preps you methodically, working you into a soaking, needy mess as he does, compliments moaned into your ear the whole time.
When he finally presses the head of his cock against you, you nearly sob. You didn’t know you could get this wet, but when he pushes in it’s effortless, filling you so perfectly your mind shorts out. He bottoms out and you’re in nirvana, in heaven, in every form of paradise all at once. You’re so full and he’s so deep inside you, he’s everywhere, cold hands smoothing over your hips and his mouth on your chest, pressing wet kisses down towards your ribs.
He rocks into you, gentle and sweet, and god, if it isn’t everything you’ve ever needed. His breath is shaky, moans slipping out through his stuttered praise, and it’s so clear he’s trying to hold back, trying to be good for you, and it’s so sweet you could almost cry.
Instead, you hook your legs behind his back and beg him to fucking ruin you.
He sobs on a moan, and obliges you, quickly shifting the pace until he’s pounding into you, making you wail. He pushes you over the edge so fast, and when you come it’s to a snarled chorus of mine, mine, mine. 
He fucks into you almost mercilessly, lost in pleasure, and all you can do is cling, squeezing tight around him, and when he finally chokes on a final moan and comes, it’s to your needy plea for him to come inside, Wil- please!
He presses his forehead to yours as he comes down from the high, collapsing on top of you, only to roll to the side so you’re held by him again, and you nuzzle into his neck as you breathe. 
You’ll have to talk, in the morning when you can both be clear headed adults, but for now you sink into his hold and savor the touch. He feels warm, a rarity for him, and you can feel his cum hot on your thigh as it leaks out of you. It’ll be gross later, but for now it just feels like another mark that proves you’re his.
You slip back into sleep quickly, but before you do, you could almost swear you hear a murmur of I love you.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— You’re an avid listener to NSFW ASMR artist Hawks. It’s just your luck that he’s offered to have phone sex with you.
pairing: takami keigo (hawks) x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, slight abuse of power/influence, phone sex, masturbation, degradation, praise, nsfw asmr artist!hawks
word count: 5,018
a/n: my keyboard is broken and i could actually cry. but hey, hawks do be sexy even tho I would never trust him with my life. also LOL this might be a call out to a lot of us, do not be offended or I will cry.
kinktober day 14 main kink: phone sex | kinktober masterlist
Fantasizing about being in relationships with fictional characters was entirely healthy and normal.
That was something you believed to the core. It was fictional; thus, no one but you were to be hurt at the end of the day. The character, being fake, could never have an opinion because you must be real in order to have an opinion. So when you were between boyfriends, you discovered a new anime, and before you could stop yourself, you fell hard for a character.
It started as a mild obsession.
You had looked up fanart via google images, your heart warming when you saw the plethora of different fanart. The anime itself had been in circulation for a few years now, the manga for much longer, so the content was endless. Then google images wasn’t enough, and you began crossing into Twitter and Tumblr.
The fanart became better, more engrossing, and definitely much more NSFW. And then, one night during your endless rabbit hole down Tumblr after your daily search on Twitter, you stilled when seeing a new type of content.
⇒ grey fullbuster x reader
The obsession grew worse.
So much so that you had followed nearly five hundred self insert writers and artists on Tumblr, and maybe seven hundred artists, meta writers, and thread makers on twitter. But three months into consuming all the content you could find, you came across a new name that made you tilt your head.
Hawks Fierce Wings
It was a name that was being repeated and heavily talked about on both sites. It was an ASMR artist, apparently, and you frowned at the thought. You didn’t have anything against ASMR videos, but you weren’t exactly sure how to handle an anime ASMR artist. Were they cosplaying while making all those weird ASMR sounds? You really didn’t have any idea, but due to the immense boredom of your lazy day in, you decided to hell with it and tried out his most popular video.
It was simply entitled: Hawks is Jealous.
Did you have any idea as to who Hawks was? God, no, you didn’t. But if it was just some random cosplay he was going to do, you didn’t think it was going to matter. So as the only slightly educated ASMR listener, you never truly became invested when it was a thing; you slipped on your earbuds and pressed play.
The introduction screen faded into an illustrated picture of a slightly handsome man, and some calming yet tense music played in the background. You shifted, eyebrows drew as you waited for the ASMR session to begin, and when it did, you were not ready.
“I saw you walking around with that asshole today,” a voice practically growled in your ear, and you froze.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, no!
For almost an entire hour, you sat glued to your sofa, your fingers digging into your lap as the jealous, spiteful words of this man named Hawks poured bitterly in your ear. His words were a near aggravated assault on you and definitely something you were beyond uncomfortable hearing from a stranger, but there was something about his voice that kept you there. Maybe it was the tenor of his tone or the way there was this sly, cunning scent to his words that he seemed to hide deep within his throat, but there was something that kept you there.
The second the passionate, heated kissing noises and heavy moans began to spill from his lips, you screeched, slamming your laptop closed as your cheeks pounded heavily.
Oh my god?!
It took a bit, but eventually, you were able to finish the audio and quickly figured out why he was an NSFW artist. You had never, ever heard a man eat a pussy fake or real as eagerly or vigorously as he did. Your hands were gripping the pants of your leggings, and your chest heaved.
Oh, motherfucking shit.
Finding out there were almost seventy other videos for you to still experience sent you scrambling for more, and eventually, you had to confess you were obsessed. Despite the anime fandoms you had discovered him for, Hawks seemed to be more famous for the content he created as himself. His real name was unknown by the looks of it, and he was only addressed as Hawks by his audience, something you caught on to quickly. So only after creating a new profile for his Youtube account, you made quick work of liking and commenting on every single of his already published seventy-eight nearly one hour and thirty-minute videos. 
Each one was different.
Each one filled with various roadmaps on how Hawks' scenarios would play out for you — the listener. When he used his own persona, he called the listener his little dove or his chicken nugget, sometimes his KFC thigh, or his shish kabob. 
You were glad at the very least he didn’t call you by any of those nicknames when pretending to fuck you at a speed only a “porn-is-my-only-education-on-porn” virgin teenage boy. You knew it wasn’t ideal, usually, but for some reason, it just worked. You commented on everything, read his summaries and thoughts on each video. Eventually, when you found yourself on his final, most recent video, you were ready to go a step further.
The Patreon app on your phone seemed jarringly out of place as you opened the app and subscribed yourself to Hawks' highest tiered option for the price of twenty USD.
And when you got your access to his page, you were immersed in more heavier, better content.
It was a goldmine in a sea of fools gold, and you absolutely went insane.
You weren’t sure if you were insane, needy, or just straight-up idiotic for scrolling to the very first Patreon post and indulging in the content Hawks created. 
There was a stark difference between the warnings alone between the Youtube videos and the Patreon posts. While the porn was readily accessible on Youtube, the kinkiest thing that ever happened in a video was a slight implication that Hawks had left the listener on a vibrator and fuckmachine as he went to go talk to the visiting neighbors.
It was a slight, tiny zone out and miss a detail, but one you had clung onto like an obsessed psycho and even commented on in your comment on the post. Of course, Hawks hadn’t responded, not that you had ever expected him to because all things considered, a video that was eight months old and hadn’t done that well, to begin with, didn’t seem like anything he would remember: notifications and all. 
But Patreon? Oh good, sweet, ravishing Patreon.
The very first video was of the following:
Stepbrother!Hawks fucks Stepsister!Listener in the stairwell during Christmas Dinner.
After praying and swearing to all the deities of the world that you were merely a person with a voice kink for this man and not, in fact, a perverted pseudo-incest worshiper, you clicked on it and began. It was downright sinful.
There were active voices whispered in the background as Hawks laughed about how fucking slutty you were for letting your brother fuck you like this. In the hallway, like a dog, where anyone in your joint family could walk out into. He laughed that you probably wanted it, how your wet ass pussy was greedily sucking him in, so how could you even begin to deny your lust for your brother.
You had to take a break five times during that audio.
Eventually, you do end up catching up.
Each video he had ever posted to your disposal, and most likely due to the different tier levels, you always commented on the videos. Even if it made you feel awkward for lusting over things months old, even if there were no other comments on the videos, which was much more common than you thought, you always commented and liked. It wasn’t anything ever crazy, you had seen the rarest comments bring a whole essay of analysis on why they loved it or the hating words, but you kept it simple.
Just something to keep Hawks spirits high without draining you even further of energy.
A simple: holy shit, that was hot as fucking hell!!!! you never disappoint me!!!
You never expected anything out of it; as a matter of fact, you had merely thought that you were doing the least by merely appreciating his creations when, one night, a few hours after you had gotten home. Your phone chimed with an alert.
Your mouth formed an ‘o’ in surprise; you hadn’t realized there was going to be a new release after he had just updated four days ago. Still, you popped in your earbuds and began the audio with a simple title.
i fuk ur stupid lil pus until u cri
He wasn’t precisely putting much effort into his titles these days, but his tags were definitely accurate and entirely explicit in what was to come. And in this newest video, the prominent tag was degradation.
You weren’t entirely into degradation, but still, you did what you had to do because you weren’t turned off by it. With the beginning sounds of the music playing in the background, you warped into the situation Hawks carefully carved.
But, oh?
Your face simmered with heat as Hawks dirty words dripped from the earbuds, the wet, squelching noise of your cunt and throat being fucked like some inanimate object made you soak through your panties as his disparaging words burned against your spine like a hot brand. After the thirty-minute audio was finished. Your body trembling with the aftershocks of an orgasm that had come despite the lack of actual stimulation of your clit, and you panted on your bed.
Opening your phone once again, you quickly liked the new audio and typed out your comment.
listen, i know i always comment about how fucking hot this shit is, but i have /never/ fucking soaked through my panties… you just did that and i expect a full refund for these panties 💦
You pressed send and, without so much of a second thought, continued your night. You had dinner, talked with friends, and ended the night curled back on the couch with a wine glass in your hand and a simple sit-com playing on the TV. The familiar sound of the Patreon alert rang in your ear, and you frowned, confused.
Grabbing your phone, you opened up the device and nearly shrieked at the sight of the information the notification that said:
Hawks F.W.: lets see those panties before i refund anything
A chill ran down your spine as you quickly put together the indications of this message, and you smirked, despite your quivering hands. 
Me: I have a seven inch dick requirement before seeing any of the goods — yes, that includes my panties
And from that very moment, you began a strange arrangement between you and the NSFW ASMR artist Hawks.
Working was the worst part of your life, you would say.
At work, you would sit in your small 4x4 cubicle, your shelves stacked with plenty of papers and items you needed, not to mention the computer that took up the majority of your desk. You weren’t quite sure what your job here was, you sort of sat at your desk and did meaningless assignments when assigned, but you did nothing for the most part. 
Before becoming an active Hawks stan, you would spend your time doing nothing playing video games. You had somehow managed to install a VPN onto your hard drive so that your employers wouldn’t be able to see what was on your screen outside of the home screen. They couldn’t trace what you did all day, but they could care less, given you got all your work completed on time and done in an over exceptional way.
But lately, since you had dropped into this… engrossed whore like relationship with Hawks, things changed. 
To be honest, it still shocks you to no end when he tells you that he had always been aware of you. Well, with your consistent, ever appearing comments on his posts and overall enthusiasm for everything he posted, it was hard to not be aware. The mental image of your soaked through panties after a long day at his own work had sent him over the edge, and he finally messaged you.
Through the DM’s in Patreon, the two of you grew to become quite the friends with benefits. He would send you countless personalized audio files because you had quickly confessed to your voice kink and how his voice sent your stomach into hormonal knots. In return, you’d send the picture of an occasional soaked panty, and if he was lucky, an audio clip of your pathetic whines back to his audios.
You couldn’t complain about this arrangement.
But as the number of his patrons doubled, and he wanted to entice his subscribers with paying him even more money, Hawks began to offer a bimonthly personalized five minute audios for his $20 tier. The fans poured into that spot, and Hawks and proudly sent you the new number of adoring fans he was getting. On account of growing platforms such as Tiktok, the number of new listeners he got was nearly exponential, as he currently passed one million followers last week. 
The cheeky bastard was also making enough money to stop working his regular work hours anymore. Choosing to transition slowly into his Patreon career while recording.
Hawks, however, seemed to have other ideas for your eventual personalized voice audio.
Hawks had simply asked if, by any chance, you were going to be working tomorrow the night before. Groaning loudly in recognition of your work schedule, you had texted him back that you were going to be working. Snidely including the fact that you weren’t rich like him, you needed the tedious old nine to five job.
Hawks: how utterly boring anyway u can b free around 2?
Me: Eh… probably not. Busy girl w busy schedule, ill be back from lunch so no break Why?
Hawks: well, u knw tht uve been amzing & th bst follower so i wanted 2 give u smthing better then the personalized audio
Me: Oh? Well, what is it?’
Hawks: pick up tmrw n find out
He had changed the subject immediately afterward by dodging all of your questions with ease. So you dropped it, and the two of you resumed a night of flirting. But now, sitting in your small cubicle, your eyes flashing to the clock that read 1:57 p.m., sweat began to build on your palm.
You peered down to your phone as you waited for something, anything from Hawks to show up. The fucker was too cheeky, evasive, and quick for his own good. You felt like pouting as you glared at the phone, waiting for the screen to light up.
And you stilled when finally, at precisely 1:59 p.m., your phone gleamed with light. You couldn’t abandon your computer mouse quicker than you did as you grabbed your phone, unlocking it, and reading the message from Hawks.
Hawks: do u have earbuds?
Me: Yes?
Hawks: good put them on n pick up
The moment you had read the first message, you were already pulling out your earbuds, synching them up to your phone, and placing them into your ear. But your jaw dropped when, for the first time, the call feature highlighted onto the screen, the time immediately changing to that of 2:00 p.m. The decline or accept button had never looked as daunting as it did right now.
Despite the call trying to go through, you still saw his follow up.
Hawks: if u dont pick up u wont get shit
You felt your heart hammering in your chest as both fear, apprehension, and excitement boiled through your veins, the hammering blood pounding in your ears as you waited for some sort of noise on the opposite side of the line.
“Little dove?” Hawks' voices filled your ears, and despite yourself, you smiled softly. The naturalness of his voice sends warm thumps down your spine.
“Hi, Hawks,” you whisper breathlessly, your head already checking to make sure your neighboring cubicle mates didn’t try to look over the divisions to stare at you. For the most part, the office building was quiet except for the phone calls, the clanking of computer keys, and the monotonous music playing softly on the speaker's head. 
“Whatcha doing?” he drawled, and you felt your skin heat up when you heard the all too familiar sound of his shoes hitting the top of his desk, the soft whine of his chair as he leaned back onto it. “Are you really at work?”
“What do you mean, am I really at work?” you squeaked, half horrified at the way the lazy, warm heat of lust was infiltrating your body at the sound of his voice, and the annoyance that he thought you had been lying? “Of course I am; it’s two p.m. on a Wednesday!”
“Ah, so little dove-chan is a raging pervert who engages in phone sex to bypass her long hours at work?” Hawks sighed his tone that of understanding and dismissal. You splutter. “You never fail to surprise me.”
“I do not do… that!” you stammer, your face feeling like hot cinders, your fingers and eyes double-checking to make sure that the audio was going to your earbuds and your earbuds only. You also couldn’t help the way your eyes swept around you, trying to make sure you hadn’t accidentally invited unwanted attention. “I said I was busy!”
“But, you picked up my call?”
“You said, or else!”
“Mmm, okay, I think I see,” Hawks tutted, and although you had never seen what you supposed to be his handsome face, you could imagine a lazy, toothy smirk on his face. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind using your little cubicle to talk you into fucking yourself good for me.”
Your jaw drops.
It hits the desk, and the muffled shriek of utter humiliation is only silenced because you bit onto your tongue like a rabid animal.
“Aw, you sound so excited for me already, little dove. I bet you want to know what I’m going to do to you, don’t you? I just know that I’m going to make you feel so... good…”
“Hawks!” you plea in a hushed whisper, your heart hammering where you sat frozen like a deer in headlights. Sure, you had definitely played his audios before to pass the time, but never before in your existence had you had actual phone sex. This was riskier than just listening to his audios; his audios always had a pattern, a way to escape from the madness of his voice when people were closer than you’d like. But this? No, there was no escape. “I’m at work! I c-can’t!”
“But, fuck, I want you so bad,” Hawks' voice dipped into a gravely tone, his voice just perfectly scratchy enough that your shoulders trembled in unspoken, untouched want. “I want to feel your cunt around my cock, baby, your pussy is so hot and I want to be the fucking lucky bastard that gets to fuck you through your bed.”
“O-Oh my god…”
“I’ve been thinking of what your tits look like,” Hawks continues on, his voice continuing in the style you liked the most. It was raw, heavy, and deep. No character impersonations, just him, pure Hawks. “I hope they bounce the way they do when I imagine you riding me. I want to see you moan when I kiss the underside of your tit, I want to see your face when you realize that you’re my girl, nobody's else's, but mine.”
Heat floods your panties at his words, your shallow breaths making him chuckle on the other end. 
“You’d be so lucky to be just mine, wouldn’t you, little dove?” Hawks snaps, his voice demanding a response, and you heave.
You look around, no one is near, and you croak out: “I’d be so lucky.”
“I’d be so lucky.”
“Mm, there we go,” Hawks laughs, and your ears prickle for any noise that may indicate that someone was listening in. “What? Are you getting nervous that your needy ass will be heard by your coworkers right now? Answer me.”
“Mhmm,” you hum loudly, your cunt pulsing with more incredible heat and your hands shaking with a slight fear of being caught.
“Aww, don’t worry, little dove. I’m sure your boss will understand that you’re my newest fucktoy and will let me continue. Maybe they’ll want to join in?”
You whimper softly, shifting in your seat at that thought. You didn’t really want your boss coming anywhere near you, he was old and gross for one, and nothing could take the place of this beautiful man's voice in your ear right now.
“Oh, was that a no? You don’t want other people fucking you, do you, y/n? I bet you only want to have my cock in your tight little pussy, bet you want to watch the way that greedy little thing sucks me in, begging for my seed. Would you want me to cum deep inside you? You would like that little dove; you’d like to be full of my cum.”
“H-Hawks,” you keen as quietly as you can, your hips shifting uncomfortably in your seat, your heart hammering in your throat. The pressing heat in your cunt is growing, your panties growing with wet slick as Hawks' voice whispers down your ear, filling every empty and void space in your brain until you were having trouble focusing on the very much public spot you were in.
Hawks let out a soft, guttural moan, and you froze, face entirely combusting into an inferno as the familiar slick slapping of his fapping cock filled your ear. Immediately, you forgot everything.
“A-Are you—?!” you splutter, unable to find the words or the energy to come up with a way to ask if he was masturbating right now. Your eyes spun, your mind in a complete haze as soft, raunchy moans spilled from his lips, striking against your nerves and soul with each successive sound.
“I’m only trying to help you out here, dove,” Hawks growled, undoubtedly in effect to a rather loud smack of his fist colliding with his thrusting hip. “You’re the little office slut who picked up a phone call to entice in phone sex. I bet you knew exactly what I was going to do, and your pathetic, needy whore self caved to my instructions.”
Your fingers curled into the armrest of your chair.
“I bet this makes your boring ass job tolerable, the perfect distraction to a shit job, then imagining a few minutes of fucking yourself against my hard cock.”
“That’s not true!”
“No?” Hawks laughed, not believing you any more than you did. “So you wouldn’t hate it if I showed up and fucked you into the wall of your cubicle? You wouldn’t mind if I claimed your sweet-smelling pussy against your desk for everyone to hear? I know you can scream like a bitch in heat. I know that pretty little cunt of yours would milk my cock dry. Oh, I just know you would look so fucking sexy with your back arched, eyes closed, and you begging for hours just to cum. You wouldn’t cum without my permission, right?”
You gasped, heart fluttering, hammering in your chest as you shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak.
“I need a verbal answer, little dove.”
The heat in your core was blistering, your thighs shaking with your unadulterated lust and need as you ground into the cushion of your chair. All logic and moral long gone as he snarled and moaned your name in your ear, the slick of his fapping cock echoing like a great bell in your ear. You wanted to hear him cum, wanted to listen to the pithering sound of his echoing moans as he spilled the contents of his balls onto his hand — and how you wished it was your womb.
“I won’t cum w-without your permission!” you whispered, your skin shivering with your fear of being caught. 
“God, you sound like such a dirty fucking bitch. I bet your pussy is fucking soaked already. Bet you really want to run that slutty embarrassed finger against your clit but don’t want to be caught by your perverted coworkers,” Hawks hissed, his breaths turning into steady, heavy hot pants. You mewl softly, confirming his spoken thoughts, and he huffs out a laugh. “How many fingers do you normally shove up that pretty cunt of yours, little dove?”
“T-Three!” you gasp, your forehead pressing to the cool of your desk, your eyes glazed over and looking at the entrance of your cubicle, fervently wishing that no one tries to check on you as you grind against your stable chair. “O-Only three fit.”
“Fuck, you really do have a tight cunt, don’t you,” Hawks snaps, the wet sounds of his fisting hand around his cock a beautiful melody in your ear that makes you whine at the back of your throat. “Bet you can’t even fit cocks up your cunt without lube, huh. You gotta stay on top, or else you’ll get hurt with how thick and long my cock will be up that baby pussy of yours.”
“H-Hawks!” you grit out, the friction of grinding on the seat no longer working.
“Go to the bathroom, now,” Hawks commands, the small gasps on his voice from his approaching orgasm more than enough ammo for you to do as told.
You sprint to the bathroom, the slick of your cunt hot, and evident to you as you sped to the bathroom. Your phone clenched in your hand as you locked the door behind you, glad the room was empty. Barely managing to get yourself into the stall, the toilet paper placed on the seat as you raised your legs up, already prepared. The skirt you wore was bunched above your ass, and the panties you wore, stretching out around your knees.
“Sounds like you’re ready to start fucking that pussy for me,” Hawks laughs, but there's no humor, just bite. “Put in three fingers, now.”
Without even arguing or caring, three fingers slip into your cunt, and you cry at the feeling of your fingers completely stretching you out. The smell of sex and slick filling your nose as your fingers slick up, fucking your tight cunt as you moan louder and louder for Hawks. 
“God, your fucking pussy is so fucking wet, I can hear it from here!” Hawks moans, the frantic sound of his drilling hips gaining speed and momentum. 
“I want it to be you!” you moan, your face burning in your humiliation. “I want it to be you fucking my pussy, claiming me in this bathroom. I need you, Hawks, I want your cock so badly!”
“Fuck,” Hawks gasps, something tumbling in the background. “Such sweet words for a fucking dirty ass cumslut,” he growls, and your legs shake, your clit and cunt thrumming with your increasing arousal and pit of tightness in your core. 
“HAWKS, FUCK!” you sob as your hips try to start a merciless speed against your fingers, your body trying to match the speed in which Hawks was fucking his own hand.
“Keep screaming my name, whore.” Hawks gasps, his noises of pleasure beginning to grow louder and louder, your eyes crossing in satisfaction. “Screaming my name like the fucking slutty mess you are. All this shit just to get me to fuck you? God, you’re so fucking pathetic y/n. Begging for me, begging for more? I think you’re my favorite little dove ever, gonna make you mine whenever I get to fuck that pussy.”
“Hawks!” you wail his name again, your arms and pussy throbbing with the energy it takes to keep up with his inhumane speeds. Your vision seeing stars as you tremble more and more, your legs slipping from the toilet seat, yet. “I am your whore, your little dove. Please let me come, please! You fuck me so well, fucking hell, please, I needa cum, I needa cum!”
“Cum with me,” he snaps, his voice so deep, so dangerously smooth. It was precisely what you needed, the voice kink you had for his tenor exactly fulfilled entirely with that simple, last command. And just like that, your jaw slackens, head slamming backward, and pleasurable waves crash through you.
Your fingers still rock at your clit, and your vice gripped walls, your toes curling within your shoes as you soundlessly scream. Hawks, on the other end, is practically snarling, voice deep and altogether dangerous as grunt after grunt leaves him, and you can imagine the milk-white cum splattered all over his chest and hand. A beautiful, perfect sight that you wish you could see for yourself.
Exhaustion settles in your bones as you sit on the toilet, still entirely exhausted as you heave for air. 
“I think that was the best fucking orgasm I ever had,” you mumble, your eyes closed, not ready to stand up and move. “Thank you.”
“I’m good at what I… at what I do,” Hawks stumbles, husky exhaustion ringing in his own voice. “Now, little dove, finish up work, and I promise there’ll be a surprise waiting for you when you’re done.”
Not entirely agreeing, but not disagreeing with his command to go finish you last… two and a half hours at work, you begrudgingly said goodbye to Hawks before washing your hands and exiting the bathroom.
When five o’clock came, you watched as your phone screen lit up, and your face flushed as you read the DM from Hawks.
Hawks: this is my fav audio now ↳ hawks_littledove.mp3 but you surprised me today, so in case u ever want to have more fun sometime  call me 03-9183-2495 ;)
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Do it - Tom Holland/Jake Gyllenhaal/Reader smut
The one where Tom, your boyfriend, has a cuckold kink and Jake has shown interest in you.
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, cursing, cuckold kink, creampie, oral (f), kind of a sharing kink again?, cum eating
A/N: This... just might be the kinkiest thing I’ve ever written, but I think I did a pretty good job with it? Kinktober day 16, prompts were cuckold kink and “Tell me how much you like me, tell me how good I make you feel. Also, no P.O.V. changes on this one because I was trying something new. Basically the first part which is sort of a flashback is written as “you”, and the actual smut is in first person.
You could still remember the moment this situation came into question. The way Tom’s skin was flushed pink as he admitted his deepest secret, his desire to fuck you knowing you had went out to fuck someone else. You’d been beyond surprised, of course - you’d known what cuckold meant, but only in the environment of bar jokes and silly conversations. You never actually considered having a sexual relationship that entailed that.
But you loved Tom. You wanted to make him happy, and you think you’d been doing a great job at being his girlfriend. It’d taken you months to carefully build the trust that he needed to admit his kink to you. What kind of a partner would you be if you didn’t at least try to fulfill his desires?
And, of course, there was the way Jake looked at you. You’d noticed the very first time you were introduced to each other, how he ran his hazel eyes over your body with undeniable desire poorly hidden on the brow hues, and the fact that he was so unashamed about the way he licked his lips in front of your boyfriend as he accepted your handshake made your body feel hotter than it should.
He’d wanted you since then. You’d known it, but had chosen to ignore it because what could you do? Entertain the idea of feeling attracted to the much older man when you had a perfect boyfriend who you were also extremely attracted to? It just didn’t make any sense.
“Tell me what he did, love,” Tom’s words were hot over my face as his hands roamed almost desperately over my practically naked body, until he managed to unwrap my dress and let the light fabric flow down to the floor. “Tell me where he touched you, I want to hear it,” he insisted, his hands taking notice of the bruises left on my skin, the clear signs of another man’s possession on what was once only his.
“Everywhere,” I admitted, barely over a whisper, and I saw his cock twitching under his boxers. I witnessed his mouth falling open, his tongue coming out to wet his lips before he delved to lick on my collarbones, where I knew there was a litany of lovebites coloring them.
“Tell me more,” he begged. “Tell me how it felt.” What could I say about the evening I’d just spent with one of my boyfriend’s best friends? A shiver went through my spine as I suddenly remembered what Jake had whispered in my ear before sending me back home to Tom, just as my boyfriend’s talented mouth reached my throat.
“He asked me to tell you that he sent you a gift,” I breathed out, my words sounding raspy after spending a better part of the night being throatfucked. Tom just hummed against my skin, now reaching my jaw as I turned my face to give him more room to work. “I have his cum inside of me.”
That had Tom’s head snapping up to look me in the eyes, and for a second I was afraid Jake and I had taken this too far, that my boyfriend had realized all the implications of what we’d done and that now he was disgusted with me. 
But then he lunged himself at me, throwing me in the bed behind us, his huge hands immediately prying my thighs open so I was sprawled for his gaze to take. “Show me,” he begged, and after only a moment of hesitation, I clenched my pussy, expelling the milky substance Jake had directed me to keep it inside after we were done. “He’ll love it,” he had assured me, “Just like you loved to take me in your pretty little hole. Didn’t you?”
He’d been right, I realized as soon as Tom plunged his tongue deep inside my cunt, scooping up the release of his friend. “Fuck, this is everything I wanted,” he confessed, and I felt a new wave of wetness flow through me at the knowledge that this absolutely depraved activity was bringing my boyfriend exactly what he needed.
“I’m glad.” I ran my fingers through his locks, pulling slightly as he feasted on my used pussy. It was still sensitive from how thoroughly Jake’d been, and if I closed my eyes, I could still feel his weight on top of me, his big muscles locking me under his control.
“What else did he say?” Tom asked, his pretty pink lips sucking my clit on his mouth, making me cry out loud over the sensitiveness. I could barely speak, too fucked out and somehow also too horny to remember something as simple as words, but I knew this would all have been for nothing if I didn’t tell my boyfriend about what I'd done before coming home to him.
“He…” I started, stopping only to moan out loud as Tom’s fingers came into play, exploring the same place Jake had so brutally fucked only one hour before. “He said he never had a better pussy in his life. And that he’d fucked a lot of women, so I should better believe him.”
Tom chuckled against my cunt, making me cry out as the feeling reverberated through me, prompting a mini-orgasm that made my thighs quiver. “He wasn’t lying, sweetheart. I can attest to the fact that he’s had a lot of flings. I can also confirm…” He continued, finally pulling away from my cunt to rub his cock on my clit, teasing me. I didn’t know how he found the control to do so, his cock was visibly throbbing on his fist, the red tip leaking precum all over me. “That there’s no better pussy in the world than this one right here.”
I loved having Tom inside of me. He filled me in a way that felt more than physical, it was almost like a spiritual experience. But today, something felt different, like our connection had been taken to another level, somehow.
“Tell me, my love… Was he… Was he gentle?” He was panting now, desperately searching for his release as he thrusted in and out of me. “Or was he rough? Did he pound your little pussy like I do when you’re being a bad girl? Did he make you scream his name as you came around his cock?”
God, Tom’s dirty talk was getting to me. I was trembling in his hands now, clawing at his back as I begged him to speed up his movements. The desire broke my inhibitions, finally loosening my tongue as I gave my boyfriend what he so desperately asked me for. “He… He was rough, so rough, Tommy. He fucked me like a whore.”
Tom’s strangled moan echoed around our room, and I managed to find the strength to turn us over, so I could ride him. Seeing just how much he was enjoying me was giving me the courage to keep on telling the details of my night with Jake. “What else?”
“He asked me to tell me how much I liked him, how good I made him feel.”
“And did you?” I watched as Tom licked his lips, his eyes following the trail of lovebites Jake had left over my stomach and chest, until he found my eyes, nodding to signal me to keep going.
“Yes…” It came out as a long moan, as I kept on grinding my body against his, his cock filling me up. “I told him how hot he was, how great his big cock felt inside of me.” Just talking about it reminded me of how Jake had felt inside of me, which made me moan out loud, speeding up my movements.
“Was he bigger than me? Did he stretch you out, baby?” We’d talked about this previously, so I didn’t feel all that bad about saying, “Yes. He was so big, baby, so thick. He had to make me cum three times and open me up with his fingers so I could accept his cock inside of me.”
Stopping for a bit only to swallow a bit of saliva on my dry throat, I realized what I could say to make Tom cum. “He wanted to fuck my ass, Tommy. But he said it’d take too much time to get his dick inside of me, and he was too horny to wait that long before cumming inside of me.”
Just as I expected, my words made Tom finally reach his release, spilling inside of me and prompting another orgasm that drained my body of all its energy. The last thing I remembered hearing before I drifted off to sleep was his passionate thanks for giving him the best sex of his life.
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little-diable · 4 years
Kinktober Day 12 - Tom Hiddleston
Feedback is very welcomed, my asks are always open. Enjoy my loves. xxx
He’s a uni prof, so before you come at me, the reader is of age, of course she is. (Probably one of my favorite imagines) 
2k+ words, sorry, my imagination got the best of me and my dreams 
Day 12 - Professor 
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His voice made goosebumps appear on her skin, she was hanging onto his every word, eyes not leaving Professor Hiddlestons frame once, (y/n) was completely done for him. She had been visiting his class for a few weeks by now, but from the first moment she had laid her eyes upon him, (y/n)’s heart would skip a few beats, sweaty palms pressed against her jeans, losing all her focus. 
The dark blue suit he was wearing perfectly clung to his frame, bright eyes wandering through the body of students, trying to explain his subject as precise as possible. A smile was tugging on his lips, totally pulled into his monologue, hoping that the students were at least half as thrilled about it as he was. 
As much as he tried to avoid it, he’d always find her in the middle of the crowd, eyes hooked on his, eagerly writing down his words, not missing one single breath. Tom didn’t even know her name, it wouldn’t take long for him to dig a bit deeper and find some information about her, but he wouldn’t let himself do it, he couldn’t, she was his student after all. 
(Y/n) would try to find any way to approach him, late at night she’d think of any questions she could ask, things she could discuss with him, but as soon as his name would pop up in her mind she’d loose her train of thoughts. The sight of his locks, slightly gelled backwards, was burned into her mind, oh, the things she’d do, to only comb her fingers through his hair once, just once. 
“Any questions?”, he closed the script in his hands, eyes wandering across the printed letters, ‘William Shakespeare‘. “Alright then, have a good week”, Tom smiled at the crowd, placing the pages down, watching the students hastily run out of the class, desperate for a small break. But she was still there, packing her bag with trembling fingers, eyebrows knitted together, “can I help you?”, his voice made her freeze. 
She slowly averted her eyes off her bag, finding his curious ones, “I’m sorry, I just can’t stop thinking about your theory, that somebody else wrote Shakespeares plays”, (y/n) cleared her throat, hating her voice for sounding that shaky. Tom couldn’t deny it, he loved to hear her voice, the bright sound made his limbs tingle. 
“I can understand, that it may sound off to you. But, there are many proves to it, there’re some pages I could recommend about this subject. If you want to, I could email them to you”, the words spilled out of his lips before he could stop himself. He shouldn’t contact her, shouldn’t even try to pull her into any form of conversation, outside of his classroom, but it was too alluring, too thrilling not to. 
Her cheeks were slightly flushed, (y/n) picked her bag up and walked down the stairs, towards his desk, “that would be amazing”, her fingers fumbled around with the sleeves of her sweater. Tom grasped a blank paper and a pen, “here, write down your email address for me, will you?”, he smiled at her, eyes following her every move, adoring her blushing state. 
It didn’t take the professor long to email her, (y/n) could barely bite down her smile as she read his words over and over again, “I’m looking forward to hear your opinion about this”. She had gone through those theses faster than lightning, desperate to email him back, to type out those words and hopefully impress him. 
Those little encounters didn’t seem to stop, she’d wait for him after class, discussing new thoughts and opinions, falling into an easy smalltalk with him. “Are you done for today?”, Tom strapped his bag, walking towards the door, “yes I am”, (y/n) smiled at him, looking forward to spend the rest of her day wrapped up in some blankets, watching her favorite movie. 
“There’s a new exhibition about Shakespeare, do you want to go see it with me?”, he gulped, already trying to come up with any words he could say, if she’d kindly negate, smiling at him with those gorgeous lips he found himself dreaming of. “I’d love that”, her heart was racing, not progressing the fact, that he had asked her to spend some time with him, oh god, she wasn’t prepared for something like this. 
She followed him down to his car, whispering a small “thank you” as he opened the door for her, admiring her from the corner of his eyes as he was driving towards the museum. Both couldn’t stop smiling as they walked through the exhibition, looking like a normal couple to those curious eyes, not one of them would ever guess, that she was his student. 
Tom was right behind her, front almost touching her back, (y/n) was reading the description of the painting out loud, not noticing how close he was standing. He couldn’t concentrate on her words, eyes wandering down her neck, oh, how he’d love to press a kiss to her skin, inhaling her sweet scent. “Mister Hiddleston?”, she giggled, ripping him out of his thoughts, “it’s Tom, please”, he shook his head, walking towards the next picture. 
Somewhere along the way (y/n) had laughed at one of his jokes, grasping his forearm as she was nearly tripping over from laughing that hard, he soon followed, chuckles rumbling through him as he stabilized her. With a newfound bravery (y/n) had interlaced her fingers with his, expecting him to let go of her, telling her off, but he simply smiled at her, squeezing her hand. 
“It’s so cliché”, (y/n) giggled, they were driving towards her apartment, making fun of Shakespeares ‘Romeo and Juliet’, “don’t lie to me, we both know, that you know the words by heart”, Tom pinched her knee, coaxing another squeal out of her. A somber feeling overcame her as he pulled into her street, time had gone by way too fast, she didn’t want to say goodbye just yet. 
Silence engulfed them as he parked his car, “uhm”, she breathed out, “thank you for today”, (y/n)s smile had an addicting affect to it, Tom leaned closer, fingers brushing over her cheek, “’m glad you said yes”, he chuckled, bright eyes piercing through her. Just as (y/n) was about to press a kiss to his cheek, Tom had slightly turned his head, lips meeting hers before one of them could even process what was happening. 
There was no awkward tension between them, no weird movements or sounds, both seemed to fall into place, lips perfectly moving in synch, relishing in finally living out their deepest desires. “I have more care to stay than will to go”, (y/n) mumbled against his lips, reciting Juliets words, his deep laugh made her giggle. “Do you want to come upstairs?”, she bit down on her lip, (y/e/c) eyes drowning in his, no words left him as Tom turned off the car, stepping out of it. 
His lips were on hers before she had even closed the door behind her, back pressed against the hard material, hands finally combing through those locks, admiring how soft his hair felt underneath her touch. Tom tried to stop himself, didn’t want to rush things, wanted to do this properly, but she clouded his senses, brought a blockade to his thoughts, his hands were wandering down to her behind, pulling her even closer. 
She was heavily breathing, pulling him down the hallway to her bedroom, fumbling around with his vest, desperate to lay her eyes onto his skin. “I got you”, Tom whispered, picking her up from the floor, legs wrapped around his middle, core pressed against the forming bulge in his trousers. He sat down on her bed, (y/n) was straddling his lap, “you’re so perfect”, Tom expertly unbuttoned her blouse, sucking on her collarbones. 
His hot breath made goosebumps rise on her skin, she felt her walls clenching around nothing, her clit was throbbing, mind wandering to those nights she had dreamt about being wrapped around him. (Y/n) couldn’t stop herself from grinding against him, his deep groan almost made her cum, the sound was by far more perfect than she had ever imagined. 
“Professor”, she panted, helping him out of his shirt, eyes dancing across his muscular abdomen, his eyes snapped towards her, smirking at the way she called him. 
Tom flipped them around, he was hovering above her, set on pleasuring her, he wanted to hear every moan, wanted to explore every inch of her, not stopping till he had seen the last of her. “Do you feel this?”, Tom pressed his bulge firmly against her core, coaxing a moan out of her swollen lips, “this is what you do to me”, he bit into her earlobe. Her needy whine echoed through the room, “I need you” (y/n) brushed her centre against his. 
“What a needy little girl you are for your professor”, he unzipped her skirt, pulling it down her thighs, giving himself enough room to touch the damp fabric of her panties. “Shit”, (y/n)s head fell back onto her pillow, nobody had ever touched her like this, she slightly jumped, his fingertips felt cold against her skin, thumb circling her clit, “can I?”, his eyes burned into hers, waiting for her approval, he desperately wanted to taste her. 
(Y/n) nodded her head “yes”, too far gone to properly answer his question, she arched her back, his tongue slipped through her folds, she had her fingers buried into his hair, “professor” (y/n) breathed out once again. He growled at the name, obsessed with the sound, he’d never be able to control his urges around her ever again, especially not when she’d call him ‘professor’. “I want you”, (y/n) tugged on his roots, drawing him away from her centre, Tom tugged his trousers down, boxers following right after. 
His impressive length made her gulp, “I’m on the pill”, she whispered as he reached for a condom, she wanted to feel all of him, nothing between them. Toms bright eyes wandered over her features for a moment, he pressed his lips against hers, tongues battling a war as he thrusted into her wetness, groaning as he felt her tightness. 
Toms heart was racing, almost just as fast as (y/n)s, he perfectly filled her, resting in between her hot walls, veins throbbing against her skin, nestling into her heat. He began to build a steady rhythm, Tom wanted it to last, he didn’t want to push both over the edge with a few, simple thrusts, not after admiring her for so long. 
“Please, faster, professor”, she added a change to his plans, as much as she wanted to appreciate every little detail about the encounter, she needed more, (y/n) was aching for him, she had dreamt about this moment for too long. “Oh god”, her jaw fell slack, his tip had gazed her g-spot, walls tightening even further, the sensation made him squeeze his eyes shut, “(y/n)”, he panted her name, catching her lips in a fierce kiss. 
The kiss swallowed most of their sounds, his hips fell against hers, with every thrust he seemed to bury himself deeper into her walls, exploring every possible inch of her gorgeous body. “I-”, (y/n) stuttered, nails piercing through his skin, “I can’t”, she sobbed, tumbling over the edge, the knot in belly exploded, the sensation overtook her body, limbs trembling, sweat pooled on her skin, moans getting mixed up with his groans. 
Tom kept watching her, bright eyes adoring the sight of her falling apart around him, walls swallowing his length, pulling him into her further, it didn’t take him long to fall right down into her embrace. He groaned into her neck, pace faltering, his release spilled out of him, right into her heat. “Shit”, Tom chuckled, taking a few breaths before he carefully pulled out of her. 
The darkness of her bedroom engulfed them, covering up their flushed cheeks, the drops of sweat, that were glistering on their bodies. The only source of light came from the lanterns on her street, throwing an orange shadow onto her wall. No words left any of them, both were processing the previous moments, not quite sure, if they’d wake from this dream any moment now. 
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Wedding Dress
Kinktober day 13: Cunnilingus
Pairing: Domestic!Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean is hiding under your wedding dress— he can have some fun while he's in there, right?
A/N: I'll admit that my mood isn't high today, and writing this one was kind hard at some point. So, @theicariantouch helped me a lot more than they usually already do and I'm so glad. Thank you, hon! This is co-written.
Warnings: oral sex (woman receiving), cute, kind public sex
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“You look beautiful!”
You rolled your eyes at your mom's obvious lie, although the look on her face told you that she truly believed that adjective could be used properly there. Perhaps that was the 'perfect child' syndrome again when mothers saw their newborns — the unfinished, strange little creatures as they were — as the cutest beings in the galaxy. No one would have the heart to tell them that their baby looked like an old knee, and neither did you about the clearly ugly clothing.
The inordinately puffy dress was more beige than white with a massive bow laced to crown at the small of your back, no cleavage, and sequins embossed with an opalescent gleam trailing along the waistline. It wasn’t in an elegant way like Cinderella’s, but in the most démodé, antiquated manner possible. You'd never wear it for any party, much less your marriage — plus, you just tried it on because you imagined it'd be funny to twirl and watch the skirt flutter, maybe feel like a princess for a hot minute. 
There was something those movies didn’t tell you about the dresses like this, and that was the fact they were heavy. You only wore it for a couple of minutes, and you already wanted to cut it open with scissors and walk around naked for the rest of the day.
After all, this wasn't really your color.
You replaced your wrinkled nose with a playful grimace followed by a shrug. “I guess I'll try another. The siren cut one is really pretty.”
“I'll ask for them to get it.” She nodded, getting up to summon Cecilia — the unfortunate worker that had fetched at least fifteen different dresses for you by now — and the third glass of champagne for herself. She quickly got lost in the lavender-scented castle of dresses, high-classed scenery marked with the quiet lull of Celine Dion playing in the background. You scoffed, turning around to meet the mirror again just to make sure this one was a definite no until your eyes found something way more interesting.
Dean Winchester — the man you made a home out of — was looking at you through the large glass window. It was so easy to spot the smile on his face while he observed you with a lionized intensity as if you were his favorite movie that he couldn’t get enough of watching. Dean's vivid green eyes were almost glossy with adoration and loyalty — because that was the only way this magnetic man knew how to love. And he loved you; oh, how much he loved you and the life he never thought he'd get with you. That marvelously dazed look on his face almost fooled you into thinking that this was the right dress.
Sweetened seconds of longing looks soon shifted, changing into a frown of yours as Dean stepped into the fancy boutique. You moved your body to glance at him, the skirted ends of the dress dancing around your legs as the subtle woosh of fabric echoed. Fortunately, it seemed to break Dean's focus as well, his eyes now sharpened on your confused expression.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was out for lunch with Sammy, so I decided to drop in.” He smirked, approaching you. You placed your hands on your hips and glanced at him. Your bridal instinct — which, funnily enough, sounded a lot like your mom — screamed for you to cover yourself up, but what was the point? He had already seen it, and that definitely wouldn't be your dress.
Nonetheless, you arched your eyebrows and wore an accusative tone as you spoke, “You aren't supposed to see me in a wedding dress before our marriage, Winchester.”
“I don't believe that.” Dean rolled his eyes and placed his hands on your hips.
God, that puffy beige abomination had enough cushiony material to suppress the sensation of Dean's hands on you. Yep, big no.
Childish joy was spreading across your face with a beam as you put your arms around his neck. “You, of all people, a skeptic?”
The Winchester pulled you closer donning that lopsided grin that often made you want to drag him to the nearest bed, but, before he could even speak, you heard your mother's voice nattering to Cecilia about shades of white steadily growing louder. 
She would kill you and Dean both if she saw him there.
“Hide, now!” You pushed his chest only to gain a confused look from the retired hunter. “My mom's coming. You know how crazy she is about matrimonial traditions and whatever! You need to go, now!”
Dean gulped as though just now noticing your mom's echoing voice and high heels clicking against the floor. How was that more threatening than the howls of the werewolves he used to kill?
“Dean!” you pleaded when he didn't move.
He glanced at you with desperate eyes, suddenly paralyzed with fear. “What? I can't go through the front door, she'll see me!”
“Are you afraid of my mom?” you say incredulously, a frown abruptly sharpening your painted features. 
Dean glared at you in exhaustion. “You aren't?” 
“That's not the point!” You groaned. Dean seemed to finally catch up to the idea, abruptly making a beeline to the dressing room encircled with thick velvet curtains the color of spilled wine. “What are you doing?”
He gestured wildly, clearly with only one goal in mind: hide. “Getting in the dressing room!”
“All the others besides mine are occupied!” you hiss sharply, because you’ve been trying on gowns of all shapes and sizes long enough now to know the drill. You pointed to the ostentatiously large gown you were wearing. “They’ll see you once I go back in to change out of this.” 
Dean looked you up and down, a completely inappropriate smirk growing on his lips when you were about thirty seconds away from getting caught violating the imagined laws of matrimony. “I wouldn't mind seeing you change this. I can even help you to-”
“Dean!” you hissed as an idea struck. What else could you do? You weren't signing up for a two-hour-long lecture about the importance of tradition for your own wedding, but there was no other place you could hide Dean in. Your mom's voice was progressively getting closer and closer. What you did next was a desperate yet necessary measure. “Get under me.”
Dean's brows knitted together incredulously. “What?”
“You heard me! This thing is so big it’ll hide you,” you exclaimed in a lower tone than your nervousness desired, denoting the excessively billowy dress. You lifted the smoothly flared skirt just enough not to show your panties and barked: “Get inside, now!”
Dean shot you a wink before dutifully doing what he was told. “That's what she said.”
You just rolled your eyes at his muffled retort, beginning to question why you had agreed to marry him in the first place. 
It didn't take longer than ten seconds for your mom and Cecilia to pop up. The latter held a bundle of dresses in diversified shades of white before settling them on the Victorian-esque marble top table, sighing in relief at the final release of her admittedly heavy burden. 
“Honey, we brought you five siren cuts!” Your mom, though, had an excited smile on, already grabbing one of the many dresses and pushing it into your arms. “Try this!”
Cecilia gave you a friendly smile, gesturing to the long, silken dress you’d just been given. “This one is from Mattel's new collection.”
Dean shifted under your gown, his spiked hair tickling your leg. He was a big man, so you knew this was difficult for him too. You gulped, heart pounding like a drum inside of your chest while you tried to come up with a request to keep them away long enough for you to get rid of Dean.
Glancing around the classy room, your eyes caught a myriad of vibrantly colorful dresses swaying on a rack next to the wall of mirrors. This was it. This was your out.
Your gaze landed back on the two women in front of you. The icy current from the air conditioner combing through your hair didn't help the blood running cold in your veins. You swallowed the lump in your throat and wore your best poker face. 
Was this how Dean felt when he had to lie for a job when he was a hunter? You didn't know, but what you knew for sure was how his greedy fingers felt pulling your panties to the side when he was hiding under your improbably enormous wedding dress in the middle of an ostentatious clothing store.
“They all look so pretty,” you said, suppressing your scoff as Dean pecked your thigh, “but I was thinking about red ones?”
Cecilia opened her mouth to respond, but your mom was quicker. With a shocked expression and her hand resting dramatically on chest, she said: “Red?! That's not a color for a ceremony in the church.”
You were ready to offer her a swift retort as this was your wedding, not hers, but Dean's kisses kept rising higher and higher. Son of a bitch! You’d kill him if it didn't feel so good. You were already wet, momentarily losing track of space and time. Everything with him felt like the comfortable warmth of afterglow.
That is, until your mother brought you back down to earth with an admonishingly chide tone: “Y/N!”
“I just want to see how it fits me. Please.” You knew he was purposely ignoring your pussy, kissing near it but never getting to the point. You placed you hand on the part of the dress that his head would be, pushing him a little closer. The next word wasn’t meant for your entourage, but it made sense anyway: “Please.”
Cecilia curved the corner of her lips in sympathy. “Of course. We just got a new package a few days ago. I think they will fit you perfectly!”
Dean's lips kissed your heat. You bit your bottom lip to control a moan, summoning a nod interlaced with a tight smile for Cecilia. You doubted you were able to come up with anything else more coherent than Dean and more right now.
“I'll make sure it isn't too red!” You mom huffed, following the worker as she turned away to grab what you asked for.
Dean's hand held onto your leg as he started to lick in slowly, savoring your taste. He had to be controlling himself carefully, staving down his own desire to go deep and eat you out hungrily like he usually did.
You watched the pair leave, impatience fraying your scattered thoughts. You clenched down tightly, trying to force his tongue out of you as you waited for your mother to leave. Unfortunately, she stopped in the middle of the aisle to abandon Cecilia in favor of another worker swathed in a collection of bridal veils. Too risky. Maybe pushing him to the door would be better long term than having Dean to go down on you right now, but it certainly wouldn’t be as pleasurable. 
You decided to consider this one of the little adventures pre-marriage: the eldest Winchester was now licking his way inside you, fingertips sinking into your skin as he pressed his mouth and tongue against your wetness.
God, you loved that man.
“Thought you'd like to see some options without your mom.” Cecilia's voice out of nowhere almost made you jump, but you were able to restrain yourself. The fear of getting caught suddenly putting your body in place again, but Dean wasn't having any of it. As soon as you forced a giggle out to answer her, his mouth was on your pussy again.
“Yeah, she can be a little controlling.” You coughed. At least you could use the subject to excuse your discomfort.
You could practically feel Dean's smile on your pussy as he sucked your clit, wriggling his finger inside you. You pressed the hand on the other side of the thick curtain of fabric of his head down harder — for anyone else, it would look like this gesture coupled with your heated expression meant that the dress was uncomfortably hot.
At least, Cecilia thought so. With an understanding, saleswoman grin, she asked: “Do you want help to take the dress off?”
“No!” you almost screamed. It felt good to actually expel the noises you were withholding, even if it was on accident. “I mean, no. No, thank you. I'll take it off myself and try this red one — Can you keep my mom distracted for a couple minutes? She wouldn't like to see me in this.”
Coming up with a lie while your fiancé was sucking your clit and fingering you, checked.
“All for the bride.” Cecilia winked at you and left.
It took a couple seconds for you to regain some self control. With every ounce of willpower you had, you forced yourself to lift your dress and push Dean away from your trembling legs.
“What are you doing?” you asked, glancing at his face. That idiot wore a cocky smile on and had the audacity to lick his lips.
“What? You can't tell me to get between your legs and not eat you out. I'm a good soon-to-be husband.” He winked.
“You're unbelievable.” You sighed, shaking your head. “Hurry up and make me come, and don't get the dress dirty. Cecilia might be able to keep my mom away for like, five minutes. Do a good job.”
Dean chuckled, not able to discern if he was confusing reality and porn again or if this was actually happening, but your taste on his lips was evidence enough to make it uncontestible. He gave you a loving gaze despite everything before coming back to finish what he started. This was it, that was his girl.
“I can't wait to marry you.”
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A Trip Through Memory Woods
human!reader x wolf-hybrid!Jaehyun ;; Kinktober Masterlist sub!female!reader
“Anon” Request
Summary: Your life-long friend and now boyfriend wants to celebrate your 3 year anniversary with a surprise. Remembering the old days, you decide to make new memories at the same time.
Word Count: 2371
Contains: long-term relationship!au, friends-to-lovers!au, outdoor sex, unprotected sex, mating, knotting, oral sex (female receiving), praise, lots of fluff
A/N: I am posting this one now because yesterday was the anniversary of me and the requester being mutuals for a year. Love you bby, enjoy ^^ also there’s one line that I hate because it’s lowkey meta but couldn’t bring myself to remove because it’s stupid funny to me
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As a child, you lived in an area where the only neighbors you had were the creatures that lived in the woods behind your house. Whenever you'd get bored, you would roam the woods and try to make friends with the animals you'd find. One evening, you stay later than usual, humming a tune as you sit on a tree stump and enjoy the scenery. You hear some rustling that draws your attention to a nearby bush, where you see a silver tail resting on the side.
Without thinking, you get off the stump and kneel on the ground, hoping the animal would come out of hiding. More rustling accompanies its movements as it peeks out from behind the bush. You're shocked when you see a human face emerge.
"Hello? I haven't seen you here before. Where are you from?" You ask as you stand up and slowly walk towards the stranger.
Immediately, they flee. You go back to that same spot every day for the next few weeks. When he shows up, he gradually moves closer each day, so long as you don't move from the tree. After a while, he sits next to the stump and bumps his head against you lightly to let you know that he feels safe enough to talk with you.
"Hi! I'm Y/N. Don't worry, I'm nice. Do you have a name?"
He stares up at you for a bit, and you can almost see the mental debate he has with himself.
"Jaehyun... I'm Jaehyun."
"Nice to meet you. Why do you have a tail, Jaehyun?"
He doesn't quite know how to respond, so you brush it off, and the two of you talk until your mom yells at you to go back inside. Over time, you become very close to Jaehyun, telling him about school and your parents. He takes an interest in school, asking you numerous questions and asking you to teach him how to read and write. You teach him four days a week, and, by your 14th birthday, he can read and write as well as anyone your age. 
As the years go by, you continue teaching him everything you learn, including giving him college applications. He asks where you're applying, only applying to those same schools. When you both receive acceptances, he keeps track of which ones you both get, and he follows you to the school you end up choosing.
Rather than living in the dorms, your mom pays for you to have an apartment nearby. Jaehyun moves in with you, and the two of you adjust to college and city life together for the first year. In the summer following that year, Jaehyun asks you to be his girlfriend. You accept, teasing that you thought he friend-zoned you since he waited so long to ask. Now, nearly three years later, you two are happier than ever.
"Y/N, do you think you can take Saturday off from work? There's something I'd like to do for our anniversary."
"Hm? Sure, I can try. Do I get to know, or is this one of your wacky surprises again?"
"I'm planning a trip, baby. It'll be fun." His innocent smile lights up the room as he says just enough to pique your interest without giving anything away.
When Saturday rolls around, your boyfriend wakes you up earlier than usual. He already loaded the car with a picnic basket and some blankets, so he tells you to dress comfortably and come to the kitchen for a quick breakfast before leaving. While you groan and complain about being awake, his boundless energy never falters. Once you're on the road, Jaehyun puts on a playlist of songs that came out the year you met. You compliment him on going all out, but the sleepiness takes over again, so you sleep for the second half of the trip and miss a good majority of the playlist.
He wakes you gently when you reach your destination, and you open your eyes to countless trees.
"Where are we? Did you take me to a forest to murder me? I knew this day would come. Damn, I wasn't prepared."
He flicks your forehead, "Quit joking, you idiot. Look." He points to the left, towards a cabin, "Recognize where we are yet?"
At first, you don't. When you look at the building for a bit longer, however, you realize he brought you back to where you lived when the two of you first met.
You turn to him, wide-eyed, "Oh god, you brought us home!"
His proud smile beams at you as he nods, "I contacted the people who bought it after your family moved out, and they said we could come over today and visit the area. They're out vacationing this week, but they left me the key if you wanna look inside."
You're already halfway out of the car when he finishes talking, but you don't really care to explore the house at all. Even though you lived there most of your life, the surrounding woods hold much more significance than the building itself. So, to Jaehyun's surprise, you walk past the house, trying to find the small clearing you used to sit in. Jaehyun follows you wordlessly until you stop at one particular tree stump, slowly lowering yourself onto it.
"It's here, isn't it? This is the spot we met. I remember it clearly. I'm so glad I eventually stopped hiding and went up to you." He sits down on the floor next to you, just like that first time when you were kids.
You tease him for taking forever to approach, just like he took forever to finally ask you out, but then a comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you both embrace the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of these woods. Neither of you would admit it, but you both missed this feeling while in the bustling, never-sleeping city.
When you stand up to break the silence, you question your boyfriend, "You said the owners won't be home today, right?"
"Uh huh. Why?"
"There's something I had a dream about a while ago that I wanna try out. Do you think you'd be down?"
"What do you have in mind, babe?"
"Well, if nobody is around... We could have some fun here. Make more memories for this spot."
"Oh~ I see what you mean." He stands up and puts his hands on the stump on either side of you, leaning his face close to yours and forcing you back to a seated position out of shock, "How do you wanna do this?"
Seeing his tail swaying behind him, you realize that you've forced him to adapt fully to human life, so you want to experience at least one thing from the other side of him, "How do wolves have sex? They mate, right? Wouldn't it be super special if we mate here? Mating right where we first met attaches another special first to this spot."
He moves one hand up to cover the embarrassment written clearly on his face, "Y-You know wolves mate for life, right? Asking to mate with me is a stronger pact than marriage."
You reach up and ruffle his hair, "As if I'd want anyone else. You're so oblivious sometimes, Jaehyun. I waited years for you to ask me out. I'll gladly be linked with you for life."
His hand and jaw drop at the same time as he looks at with the widest eyes you've seen on him. You can't help but laugh at him for not even suspecting you felt this way despite you being so obvious about it. You leave a quick peck on his nose to bring him back to reality, which results in him pulling you to his chest, hugging tightly. You can feel his body sway as his tail swings wildly from joy.
As he pulls away, he verifies with a bright smile, closely watching your eyes, "Should we mate here, then?"
You simply nod, smiling just as brightly back at him. Without wasting more time, he pushes his lips against yours. The kiss is rough, but not forceful. He reaches one hand behind your neck, supporting your head as his tongue parts your lips and dances with your tongue. Clearly, your boyfriend planned this moment in his head, as he works through the process just as a writer would describe the perfect make-out session. As his free hand lightly pushes you down until you're laying on the stump, he positions his body in between your legs.
With one hand now holding himself up, he pulls away from you to bring his free hand to your stomach. He hooks his thumb under the edge of your shirt, slowly lifting it to reveal your simple, black bra. He lifts the shirt over your head, and you quickly unhook the bra to help him out. He piles the clothes on the ground, throwing his shirt there as well. The cool air hits your hot skin, but he keeps removing clothes despite the cold.
He removes his pants first, then reaches for yours. He looks at your face to verify your consent and begins removing them only after you give him a nod. Soon enough, you're both naked in the middle of the woods as the sun begins to set. Jaehyun drops to his knees, deciding to give you some attention before the sex.
He starts with one big lick, then adds soft licks to your clit. He adds two fingers into your hole, slowly moving them in and out as he alternates between licking and sucking your clit. Your soft moans encourage him to continue, so he keeps it up as your moans get louder. When he hits the right spot inside you, a hand flies to his hair, and you let him know to aim for that same spot.
You feel the tension in your muscles as you get closer to your high. He never once lets up, even when you scream that you're about to cum. You buck your hips against him as you cum, riding out your high as all the tension releases. He pulls his fingers out, sucking the juices off them as he stands up again. He leans over you, smiling at the look on your face.
"That feel good, baby?" He asks as he brushes a stray hair out of your face.
"It felt amazing, Jaehyun." You watch his eyes as they follow his hand's caring movements around your hairline and jawline.
"God, you're so gorgeous."
He continues tracing parts of your body as he waits for you to recover from the orgasm. When he notices your breathing returns to normal, he stands up straight once again, asking if you're ready. You mumble out an agreement, so he lines himself up with your entry. He pushes in slowly, both of you holding your breath until he's fully in. You both exhale and stay there quietly for a bit, adjusting to each other's bodies. When Jaehyun begins moving, he starts slow. You feel everything he does; every little movement feels amplified due to the speed. You beg him to go faster, hoping to feel him hit the right spots. He listens to your request without hesitation, his breathing getting heavier as he does every movement in an attempt to please you.
When he starts losing control, he pulls out, cursing under his breath. You look at him, confused and slightly upset by the emptiness, but he motions for you to turn around. You stand up and turn, bending over the stump and using both hands to keep yourself steady. He holds onto your hips tightly as he pushes back inside you. With the curve of his dick, he immediately brushes against your soft spot, making your legs quiver.
"You alright, babygirl?" He freezes, worried he hurt you.
"Yes, babe. Please, keep going. It feels amazing."
He starts moving again, faster than before. The grip on your hips tightens, sure to leave bruises. After a few minutes, you scream about being close to orgasming again. He replies in between grunts, stating that he's close, too.
"Cum with me, babe." His voice sounds huskier than usual, and it pushes you over the edge.
He lets himself release as he feels your walls clench around him. The warm liquid fills you as he knots, keeping it all inside. His nails dig into your skin as it happens, but you barely notice during the seconds of bliss you experience.
He slumps slightly, resting his forehead on your back as he catches his breath and calms himself down. After pulling out, he takes a seat on the tree stump and pulls you into his lap, hugging you close. You cuddle into his chest and listen to his heartbeat. Your beat syncs with his as you begin drifting asleep in his embrace.
"Don't fall asleep yet, baby. Let's get cleaned up inside and get dressed. You can sleep when I drive us back." He pats your head to keep your attention.
You grumble, not wanting to get up, and mumble out an excuse to sleep now, "But then I'll miss the playlist you made again. I wanna hear it."
He stands up, carrying you in his arms, "It's a playlist, Y/N. You can listen to it whenever you want. Now, let's go, lazy butt."
You wiggle around until he puts you down, accepting your defeat. You grab the pile of clothes and follow Jaehyun into the cabin.
From the looks of it, the new owners haven't changed much at all, so walking inside feels very nostalgic. You sigh, relieved, as some part of you expected it to be entirely remodeled. Jaehyun sees your relief and smiles to himself, proud that he planned this trip. At this point, you take the lead since you know the house layout. You quickly rinse off with Jaehyun before getting dressed and heading back to the car. The water woke you up fully, so you stay awake as you both eat the food he packed and head home, singing to old favorites at the top of your lungs as the beautiful sights fly past the window in the night.
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
teach me (kinktober day 1) | sarah cameron x reader x kiara carrera
summary: sarah has a problem. you and kie are more than happy to help
warnings: smut, cursing
word count: 1.5k 
a/n: so sarah x reader x kie didn’t technically win for day 1, but they won in my heart. here’s some fun mutual masturbation for the first day of october! happy kinktober everyone ;)
If someone were to ask you who your best friend was, it would be Sarah and Kie. Both of them. Even if someone tried to make you pick one, it would be impossible, and the same would be said if one of them were asked the same question. The three of you were a package deal. You trusted each other with everything. Every secret, every event, every heartbreak, everything. So when Sarah came to you and Kie looking for advice, you were quick to help before you even knew what the problem was.
The three of you sit on Sarah’s bed. It’s girl’s night, an event that happens at least once a week. None of the boys were allowed, except for JJ that one time. But that was a very special occasion. Sarah is picking at her nails, refusing to make eye contact with you and Kie after sharing that she needed help with something.
“Sarah, what is it? You’re kinda freaking me out,” Kie says. You nod in agreement, sending the blonde a worried look.
“Um…okay, you guys have to promise not to laugh or judge or anything.”
“Of course we won’t! Please just tell us so we can help!” You say Her fingers move from picking at her nails to picking at a loose thread on the bedding. She mumbles something, you and Kie leaning forward trying to decipher it.
She mumbles again.
“Sarah you have to say it louder.”
“I don’t know how to masturbate!” She exclaims. A shocked silence falls over you. Kie and you share a look, then burst into laughter.
“That’s it? Really, Sarah, you scared the shit out of me. I thought it was something important.”
Sarah gave you a hurt look.
“It is important! Guys, I’ve never even had an orgasm.”
That shut you up real quick. You and Kie share another look, Kiara raising her eyes brows at you and giving you a suggestive smile. Hoping she was thinking the same as you, you smirked back. The two of you turn back to Sarah, your hand moving to rest on her thigh.
“Well, I guess we’ll have to show you how to take care of yourself,” You say. Sarah’s jaw drops, eyes suddenly glossing over as she watches you and Kie set yourselves up against the headboard. Giggling, you both unbutton your shorts and shimmy out of them, leaving you in your underwear and shirt.
“Follow our lead,” Kie says. Sarah takes her shorts off as well, moving a few pillows behind her back and making herself comfortable as she gazes at the two of you. You take your shirt off as well, the other two copying until you’re all stripped bare. A blush spreads across all of your cheeks, the excitement and newness of the situation rushing through your bodies.
Leaning back against the pillows, you start to trail your fingers up and down your body, teasing yourself as the tips of your digits barely ghost over your clit. Kie does the same, focusing more on her tits, fingers circling her nipples that are quickly becoming erect.
“Start off slow, explore your body. Figure out what feels good.”
Sarah’s eyes follow you and Kie’s movements, her own fingers starting to imitate the gestures. She gasps as she does as you did, fingers moving over her clit just barely. You can feel heat pooling in your stomach as you watch your gorgeous best friend explore herself, a sight you never thought about but is very welcome.
“Do you know where your clit is, Sarah?” Kie asks.
“I think so,” Sarah exhales. She traces down her stomach until she finds the sensitive nub, fingers pressing down on it forcing a hiss from her lips.
“Be gentle with it, at least for now. We’ll build up to it, just wanted to know if you knew where it was. Just start rubbing it softly. Little circles work best for me but do whatever feels good to you. Kie?”
“I like to go up and down, but circles work for me too,” Kie comments, her breath starting to pick up.
Sarah does as you say and the moan that leaves her lips is heavenly, spurring your moments to increase. The three of you spend a few minutes exploring, lewd moans filling the room. Sarah decided to follow Kie’s lead, the hand that wasn’t on her clit moving to play with her nipples and massage her breasts.
“Holy fuck this is amazing,” Sarah gasps. Kiara giggled, glancing over at Sarah, who’s eyes were squeezed shut as her body arched into her hands.
“Just wait, it gets better,” You say, “If you want, you can move down further, play with your pussy a little. Gather some of the wetness with your fingers, maybe push them inside a little - Oh!” As you spoke, you were doing exactly as you said, a moan interrupting your instructions as you push the tips of your fingers between your folds. Kie and Sarah do it as well and soon a chorus of moans is flooding the room. You pull your fingers out and return the now soaked digits to your clit, breath picking up as you rub it faster.
“If you’re feeling adventurous you can try and do both at the same time,” Kie says with a wink. You smirk at Sarah, who is looking at the two of you with a hesitant look. You give her a nod of encouragement and the hand on her boob slowly makes it’s way down to rub her clit as her fingers plunge deeper into her cunt.
“Oh my- Fuck!” Sarah exclaims and you moan, your mind starting to wander, imagining your fingers pumping in and out of Sarah’s beautiful pussy. You glance over at Kie, and from the way she’s looking at Sarah, you can tell she’s having the same thoughts. Feeling your gaze, she turns her head and meets your eyes. Similar darkness swirls within both of your irises, lust swimming beneath the surface as you both speed up your movements. The sound of wet squelching fills the room as the three of you start to become moaning messes.
You and Kie continue to give Sarah commands between moans, the blonde kook was more than happy to oblige as she gets closer and closer to the edge for the first time.
“Yeah, just like that baby. You’re touching yourself so well for us.”
“Can’t wait for you to cum, you’re probably so pretty when you cum.”
“Keep fucking that pussy for us. Don’t stop.”
Her moans and movements increase with every demand, curses falling from her honey lips. You and Kie are just as much of a mess, the adrenaline of having control over your beautiful best friend mixed with the pleasure your fingers gave you bringing you to the brink.
“Fuck! What does it feel like when you’re gonna cum?” Sarah questions.
“Kinda like you’re about to pee,” You reply.
“Or like there’s a tight rope inside of you that’s ready to break,” Kie adds. Sarah groans and lets out another curse.
“I think I’m almost there.”
You moan at the confession, pressing harder on your clit as you feel yourself coming close as well.
“Wait for us, Sarah,” Kie says.
“I don’t think I can!”
“If you don’t, you’re not leaving this room until you beg us to let you cum again,” You growl. The sinful scenario seems to echo throughout all of your minds. The thought of you and Kie edging Sarah until she begs for release sends you over the edge with a loud cry, signaling Kie to do the same.
“Cum for us, Sarah,” She says, the final sound of her words fading into a moan as she cums on her fingers.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Kie! Y/N!” She shouts your names as she cums, the words almost sending you over the edge again as you slow your movements on your clit, coming down from your high. The sound of moans is replaced by heavy pants, which soon fades into giggles as the three of you look at each other. The reality of the situation washes over you. You had all just masturbated together. More than that, you had spoken of doing sinful things to your best friend, and she didn’t seem to mind.
Sarah moves to snuggle between both of you at the top of the bed. Your hand moves to her hair, stroking the golden locks. She is grinning from ear to ear, almost painfully happy as she sighs in content.
“That was amazing,” She says.
“Glad we could help,” Kie says with a smile. Sarah glances between the two of you and bites her lip.
“So, we’re you serious?”
“About what?” You question.
“About making me beg for it,” She says with an innocent look that makes your already dripping pussy flood with more arousal. Another look is shared between you and Kie, the third one of the night, before looking back at Sarah.
“If you really want to, I’m not opposed.”
“Yeah, I’ve been dying to taste you this whole time,” Kie mutters against Sarah’s neck. She lets out a gasp and you chuckle, moving to straddle Sarah and kiss the other side of her neck.
“Let’s get started then. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
taglist/moots: @hoodpankow @toriswrites @httpstarkey @rae131415 @https-luna @solllaris @joshy-obx @kathleenmikaelson @marmar20089 @thedemonsimpofcamphalfblood @butgilinsky @rekrappeter @diverdcwn @rafecameron @prejudic3 @starlightstarkey @jjmayybank @bloodyheavcn @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @peachydrews @softstarkey @bricksatanakinswindow @mdlyncline @poguemackin @downbytheouterbanks @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @tempestuousjj @stargazingstarkey @anxietyandtacos @overly-b @pokerfacepankow @royalmerchant @stfukie @jellyfishbeansontoast
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lazysimp · 3 years
Kinktober Day 9 - Stockholm Syndrome feat. Shigaraki x Fem!Reader
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tags/warnings: Dubcon, fingering, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, reader gets called a whore, creampie, forced exhibitionism, She/her pronouns
word count: 1.5k
Kinktober Masterlist
summary: After another failed escape attempt Shigaraki has had enough and decides it's time for a new method to keep you from escaping.
“Why does it always come to this?” Shigaraki’s voice was harsh as he lifted you off the ground and into his arms.
You had tried again to escape while he was sleeping only to have your plans foiled when you could not get the last lock open in time. Now he had you in his grip once more, already using his quirk to decay away your clothes as he walked to his room.
You were unsure how long you had been under his thumb, one minute you were at work and the next you were surrounded by a swirling blue mist. When you finally came to you were greet with a pair of red eyes staring down at you.
Now those same red eyes trialed down your body taking in your trembling form before he tossed you onto the makeshift bed. “I give you everything you need, food, shelter, clothes.” He sneered, “And yet you still try and escape?”
He leans over the bed, placing his hands on either side of you, his mouth right next to your ear, “I am going to make sure you never try to leave me again.”
“W-What are you going to do?” You try to shimmy up the bed and put some distance between the two of you but he just follows you.
His fingers latched onto the side of your panties, his quirk easily stripping them from your body, “Oh you will find out soon enough, but for now don’t even think about disobeying me, I am already more than angry at you.”
You could hardly breathe as he drags one finger through your slick folds, inspecting your glistening juices on his fingers, enjoying the way you squirm beneath him, “At least your cunt knows who it belongs to.”
He uses his mouth to clean off his fingers, twirling his tongue around each digit. “You are lucky you taste so good, otherwise I would not bother keeping you around.”
He reaches over your head pulling the handcuffs attached to the headboard down to hook them around your wrists. When that was secured he lifted a small thin piece of cloth off of the bed, wrapping it around your head and cutting off your vision. Your chest started to rise and fall rapidly, now unable to see or react to what was going on around you.
“Like a lamb to the slaughter,” He laughed, dragging one finger up your midline, taking the time to swirl over one nipple before his hand rests over your neck, “I could kill you so easily and no one would even know you are gone.”
His four fingers tighten around your neck, “You would become dust under me in the blink of an eye before you could even cry out for mercy.”
Your shoulders begin to shake, maybe he had grown tired of you and decided you were not worth the trouble. “I am sorry Shigraki when I saw the open door I panicked and moved without thinking. I swear I will never do something like that again.”
He gives your neck an even tighter squeeze, “Oh I know you won’t try something like that again, I am going to make sure of that.”
You test your restaurants knowing it was useless, there was nothing for you to do but lie there and accept your punishment.
His hand leaves your neck and two fingers begin to circle at your entrance. He gives no warning before they plunge into you.
“Fuck,” You hiss, turning your head to the side as he starting to pump his fingers. He does not bother touching your clit, after all, he was just getting you ready for his cock. He scissors his fingers inside you, stretching the thin tissue to accept his girth, he did not like having to slow down because you were whining.
He brushes past the sweet spot onside you, teasing it with a few well-placed thrusts. He was glad you were blinded so he did not have to hide his smile as you whined, your hips now rising to meet his fingers.
No matter how much you wanted to resist him he always managed to drag you right back down next to him. You could not even bring yourself to hide the soft whines leaving your lips at his touch, god why did someone so terrible make you feel things no one else ever could.
He withdrew his soaked fingers and lined up the head of his cock at your entrance, spreading open your puffy lips with the head as his hips move forward. Your backed arched off the bed as he plunged inside, giving you no time to adjust to his thickness. You nearly sob as the burning pain of the stretch overwhelmed you.
Only when your hips prevented him from moving forward did he finally stop, giving you only a second to adjust to the intrusion before he withdrew, only the head of his cock sitting inside.
“Your cunt is so fucking tight around my cock.” He growled, thrusting his hips forward again, “You can try and escape me all you want, I will just drag you right back to this bed to fuck some sense into you.”
His fingers slip in between your folds, landing on your tender bud, “Only a few pumps of my cock and you are already about to cum. What a little whore, so fucking eager to receive pleasure from someone you despise.”
You could not even deny what he was saying because the more his cock filled you the less you cared about anything but the pleasure you felt.
The fingers on your clit begin to tingle, a side effect of his quirk creating a unique sensation in between a tingle and vibration. Your head starts to thrash from side to side, your chest growing tight. You did not bother to hold in your moans as his hips increased their speed, now slamming into you violently, only making you go higher.
“Are you going to cum around my cock like a good whore?” He laughs, flicking your clit with his fingers, “Already so close to the fucking edge. God, where is your dignity, don’t you care a mass murder is going to fill you with his cum?”
Only small mindless groans leave your lips as the ball of pleasure in your stomach begins to grow.
“You don’t care do you,” He grabs your throat, squeezing down, “You love getting fucked by a villain don’t you? You love my thick cock stretching you open and filling you up until everyone knows you are mine.”
“Shiggy,” You cry, bring your hips up to meet his thrusts.
“What, does the whore want to come?” He pinches your clit, “Then beg.”
You don’t even have it in you to hesitate, “Shiggy please make me cum.”
He slowed his thrusts, “Do you swear to never try a stunt like that again?”
“Yes! Yes, I swear to never try an escape again, please just let me cum,” You beg, your voice a broken mess. The tingle from his quirk began to grow even stronger, building the pleasure tenfold.
“I guess that will have to do,” He groans, his cock pulsing inside you.
With one flick of his fingers over your clit you were gone. Brutal waves of pleasure overtook every cell in your body, making you convulse. Your mouth was open in a silent scream as the pleasure filled your mind making it impossible to think about anything except his fingers working to drive you even higher, giving you no time to rest.
You could hardly breathe, only small gasps of air as before you could even come down from your last high another slammed into you, drowning you in ecstasy.
Shigaraki could not resist the clenching of your cunt around him and with a final thrust began to empty inside you, his cock pulsing with each spurt of cum. Only when every drop was inside you did he collapse on top of you, his hair tickling your cheeks.
His hand slips behind your head, untying the piece of cloth letting your see once more. As your eyes adjust you freeze, sitting right above you was his phone with the flash on.
Shigaraki pushes a button on the home screen, “Well, I think that will do. The look on your face is priceless, I will definitely have you watch this with me later.”
“Wait, what did you do,” Your voice trembles as your mind starts to piece together your punishment.
A crude smile spreads across his face, “Just took a little video of you cumming on my cock, don’t worry I won’t show anyone, well that is as long as you don’t try to escape me again.” He flips the phone around and hits play on the video, filling the room with the lewd sounds of sex.
“You would not want the world to see you like this would you?” he taunts already knowing the answer.
Your arms slump in defeat, even if you did escape your life would be ruined if that video was released, he effectively owns you now and judging by the look on his face he knew that too.
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on sharing it unless you try to leave me,” He drags his fingers through your messy cunt, “And you would never try something like that again would you?”
And with nothing left to do but agree you nod your head yes, sealing yourself the devil.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
my hero
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— Walking alone in the middle of the night isn’t the best of ideas, but that’s okay, you had a hero waiting to save you.
pairing: kirishima eijirou x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, pwp, exhibitionism, strangers fucking, dirty talk, praise, belly bulge, attempted kidnapping
word count: 5,197
a/n: and we’re back! sorry for the super late uploads, I hope you can forgive me. pls enjoy, I had fun writing it :D
kinktober day 18 main kink: exhibitionism | kinktober masterlist
You really needed to stop walking the streets so late at night.
It was a bad habit you’ve grown in the past few months. Your building anxiety and untouched, restless energy made you bounce around your apartment. But you didn’t go anywhere, couldn’t do anything but pace from corner to corner. 
The wood of your apartment floor must have been streaked with the dye of your socks, and you swore you could see the small indents from where you drag your feet to and fro your wall. The restless energy you had was untouchable, and your friends soon became worried about you. Eventually, after one night of taking a new 5,000 steps in the small living room of your apartment, your friend said to go for a run.
Sure, it was six in the evening, and yeah, maybe the spring night was cold, but Jesus fuck please, your pacing made them anxious. So, that’s how you began your journey of running at night because your once six pm runs evolved into eleven pm jogs. You had always been one to carry your pepper spray in your pocket and had a concealed sharp key in your fist as you ran. You were still prepared, even if you never ran into a situation that caused you to need either item.
But tonight was different as it always was.
You were dressed in your black joggers and a dark grey sweatshirt.
The slight chill of the fall night barely seeping into your skin that was hot with your exhaustion. It was late out, and as you went from a jogging pace and slowed into a stroll as you entered the park approximately two blocks away from your home, you stopped. 
Stretching your arms over your head, you stretched out your slightly sore limbs and took in the tranquility of the park at night.
The park was a beautiful one, in your opinion.
It was thick with trees; every ten steps you took, there was a new tree. Wooden benches and picnic tables littered the floor and winding concrete everywhere, showing just how great the place could be to enjoy while the sun was out. There was a playground by the entrance you came through and a basketball court at the gate you exit from.
Altogether, it was beautiful and simple.
But as you pressed the sleeve of your sweatshirt to your forehead, wiping the beaded sweat on your skin, you froze when you heard the sound of leaves crunching behind you. 
You froze as you turned around, your eyes wide and lips falling open when you saw a man stumbling toward you. There was no reason to panic, probably, you thought as he looked occupied on his own phone, his head down, his steps quick and focused. But there was no denying the small, almost horrible feeling that pooled into your stomach as you watched him approach nearer and nearer.
You grabbed the pepper spray that was in your pocket as a premature, ready to fight movement, your feet moving to get out of the path in case he tried to do anything. Your breathing was soft, not entirely too loud, but to you, It seemed to ring loudly in your ears as he got nearer and nearer.
He passed by you, his eyes not even trying to look your way as he went one step, two steps, three steps away from you. You wanted to sigh in relief about your stupid freak out; of course, it was nothing, it was always nothing, so there was no reason for you to freak out. But then he stopped, and you were too late to see the twitch in his shoulder, the way he spun around faster than you could scream and tackled you to the floor. 
His hands were all over you, grabbing you, shoving his dirty, grimey hand into your mouth to silence you, fisting into your mouth so that even your biting, snapping closed jaw was stupid weak against him. Tears welled in your eyes as his knee buried into the center of your lungs, shortening your breaths as you struggled to get the pepper spray from your pocket.
You found that you couldn't.
You couldn't grab the canister from inside your pocket as the man's smile grew wider, terribly cunning as you struggled to do all that you could to get him off you. 
Tears began to stream from your eyes, the fear that twisted and rotted in your stomach festering like a stench as you cried against his fisted hand. You wouldn't be heard, wouldn't be seen. You were being assaulted with no way of being saved because no one went out here this late at night. You cursed your inability to do anything on time, cried that your dumb anxiety only felt better after running for an hour, and your lungs burned with the slowly depleting oxygen coming to your veins.
But just as your eyes were beginning to close, your hope and ability to wish for the best outcome was simmering into nothing but ashes and smoke, something large, hard, and fast knocked onto the man on top of you. You gasped for air as you immediately turned onto your side, your hands and knees buried into the dirt floor as you gasped and choked for air. 
There, finally, was the sweet taste of grass and nature that filled your senses, but your watering eyes fell onto your attacker and the... the man?!
Your savior was another man.
His red hair still somehow easily discernible in the darkness of the night, and his large, strong muscled body absolutely punching and keeping your attacker down.
"What the fuck is your problem, man?!" your savior demanded, his hand grabbing the hair of your attacker and slamming his bruised and swollen face to the ground, the win most obviously won by your savior. You looked at the anger-fueled rage on your saviors’ face, the way his eyebrows were knitted together, and how his lips were pulled back into an angry snarl. The fight had been obviously won by your savior, and you couldn’t help but keep staring as the workout clothes clad savior took a few more deep, almost shaky breaths before he turned his gaze onto you. “H-Hey? Are you okay? Call the police, and I’ll keep on this bastard!”
“I-I’m fine!” your voice rasps, your hand rising shakily from the floor to softly rub your tender throat. “I’m fine, it’s okay! You can let him go!”
Your savior freezes, his eyes looking at you like you’re batshit crazy, and honestly, you probably are, but you don’t want to deal with writing up a police report or anything of that. It just wasn’t worth it since you ended up okay.
“You… do you want me to let him go?” your savior asks again, his eyebrows shot up, obviously not buying your words in the slightest.
You nod your head, you collapse down so that you’re sitting on your knees. Exhaustion is slamming into your body post the sudden demanding rush of adrenaline.
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” you smile weakly as your red-headed savior frowns. He sighs, obviously not in agreement with what you wanted to do, but he turned his attention back down to your attacker, who was still struggling against his weight and strength.
“You’re going to get the fuck out of here, or else I won’t hesitate to kick your ass and call the cops myself,” the man snapped, shoving the man further into the ground for good measure before climbing off of him. The red-headed angel walked in front of you. His considerable height incredibly intimidating to even you as the man on the floor wheezed before running off, his tail between his legs until the echo of his feet hitting the grass can no longer be heard.
“Wow, that was crazy,” he spoke softly to the wind, his hands resting on his hips before he turned his head to look at you, his eyes wide with concern. Even with the minimal light of the light post in the park and the moonlight that barely pierced through the canopy of tree leaves, you could see as clear as day that your savior was handsome. There was a scar over his right eye, and his red hair was styled and pushed back with a bandana. He had a windbreaker on and gym shorts but still looked ridiculously handsome. He turned to face you, crouching as he spoke, “Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you flush, your eyes dropping to your dirt-covered hands that rest on your lap. “I’m fine now, at least. That was pretty scary, I have to admit.”
“Fuck, I bet,” the man agreed, his head nodding as he drops onto his butt. “I’m glad I decided to come through the park to get to my car today. Typically I walk all the way around this park.”
Indeed seemed like fate, you thought, your smile spreading small and thin on your face. “I was running; it helps with my restless energy. But, this is the first time anything like that has happened.”
“I’m sorry that had to happen at all,” he frowned, his face full of genuine remorse and guilt. “That was entirely cowardly of that asshole to do; I’m glad you weren’t hurt, though.”
“Ah, I got thick skin,” you slightly joke, enjoying the way the sweet smile spread on his face. Remembering your manners, your eyes shut, your head shaking slightly at your rudeness. “Um, I’m y/l/n y/n, though. Thank you for saving me from whatever that could have become.”
“Kirishima Eijirou!” the man cheerfully introduced himself too. “And it was no problem; literally, any good person would have done what I did!”
Modesty was somehow disgustingly, hotly attractive on the large, muscular stranger, and you wet your lips as you stretched your body closer to his. “It wasn’t just ‘no problem,’ though,” you state, matter-of-factly. “You quite literally saved my life; you’re a hero. You’re my hero.”
Although you couldn’t see the color flushing against his skin, you were without a doubt that he was blushing as profoundly as his hair if the riddled embarrassment in his eyes and face had anything to say about it. 
“I-I, oh, aha, um, well, that’s very kind of you to say! I was just trying to be a manly guy, and really that was nothing?” Kirishima embarrassingly rambled, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as you found yourself drawing nearer and nearer to him. 
Your warm hand found itself pressing onto his strong knee, your upper body leaning even closer to his flustered state. His eyes were shifting everywhere, not quite looking at you, but would linger on your body as you drew nearer and nearer. For some reason, you couldn’t help the jarring sense of attraction you had for your hero before you, the way the familiar warmth in between your legs made your voice hum as you grew nearer.
You wanted to show him just how grateful you were to have had him saving your life.
“That was nothing? You saving my life was nothing?” you tease, your words slow and thick on your tongue as you find yourself by his side, mouth brushing teasingly soft against his jaw. 
“W-Well, of course not! It was a valuable life, don’t get me wrong! It’s just me doing that was nothing! I’m no hero!” Kirishima stammered, his voice in a soft whine as goosebumps flashed across his neck, where your breaths warmed his skin.
“Hm, that’s too bad,” you whisper, your tongue wetting your lips as you drew in closer. Your heart was hammering loudly in your ears, but you didn’t care, way too transfixed on the way the heat emitting from between your legs demanded Kirishima’s cock. “I like showing my gratitude to heroes in the world, ya know?”
His face finally turned to you, his wide eyes meeting your half-lidded ones in an electric gaze. No one spoke; only the softly chirping crickets and the wind brushing through the leaves made noises. 
“Y-Yeah?” he whimpered out, his voice weak and caused great pleasure to crawl down your spine. “How do ya’ suppose you show your gratitude?”
You hum, thinking about it, but as the adrenaline from your attack finally was replaced with the blatant, blistering want for the huge red-headed man before you. You find yourself straddling his lap, slowly sinking onto him. Your knees once more buried into the soft, dewy grass of the park.
Your arms wrap around his neck, his eyes wide and incredibly expressive as his large hand’s press to your waist. 
“Any way you crave me,” you speak with finality, placing the future of your actions into his hands. 
“Holy fuck,” Kirishima curses, and without a second more of hesitation, his lips and mouth are crashing against yours. 
There’s something unworldly attractive about making out with a practical stranger in the middle of a public park at nearly midnight. Your hands move possessively against his back, fingers digging into his fabric as he draws you nearer, your torso pushed tight against his. His lips move expertly against yours, the sharp points of his teeth dragging and biting into your bottom lip until he pulls away, your lip in his teeth, his eyes dark and full of lust. That lasts less than a few seconds as you’re back on him, mouth desperate against his, tongue curling into his mouth to move languidly, possessively against his. 
His body radiates heat, the warmth of his body quickly seeping past the sweaty thickness of your own sweatshirt as your hips begin to roll against his growing bulge. 
“S-Shit,” he gasps, your lips trailing down his hot neck, his throat muscles clenching as he gulps. Your smirk against his skin, sucking and nibbling on a concentrated spot as he helps you to roll your hips against his hot, thick length. “I-I don’t live nearby; it’ll be a bit of a drive.”
“I’m two blocks away,” you confess, pulling away from the dark purple and red bruise on his neck that makes you drunk with lust. “But I don’t think I can make it.”
Kirishima splutters, his hips instinctively bucking against your slowly throbbing core that sends your teeth biting into his thick skin again. “Do you wanna, fuckk… Are we gonna—?”
“Don’t tell me my hero is afraid to fuck in public?” you tease, your hands traveling down his tight, muscular torso. You admire the way you can feel his trembling abs against your hands, and you grin when his head dips backward when your fingers find their way against the waistband of his sweats, your weight shifting harshly against his cock as you tease along his upper crotch. “It’s late. No one’s around. I got a strong man to protect me. And I want him now,” you speak against his jaw, your lips pressing hot kisses between every sentence.
You notice that his eyes are red as your lips come up to brush against his, teasing the both of you as neither of you moves to seal your fates. Your position on the situation needs to be resolved, needing an answer from him.
“Whatcha gonna do, big guy?” you asked, lips ghosting against his, and at that moment, you shiver at the way his pupils expand to the edges of his iris.
His mouth is against yours in a renewed passion, lips pressing and pushing fervorously against yours, making you tremble in his arms, completely lust-taken. You kiss him back with equal force, hips rolling against his in your accepted need. 
“Fuck, you know what you’re doing, huh?” Kirishima gasps the moment you grind your increasingly wet cunt against his mountain bulge in a way that has his hips snapping up towards yours. You laugh, teeth pressing onto his lower lip and pulling away, eyes focused on his through the curtain of your lashes before you let go of his lip.
“I aim to please,” you bat your lashes, your hands working their way under the waistband of his shorts. “Now, you want me to suck your dick, or what?”
You had never seen a man’s face go through such wild, intense agreement. The blackened look in his eyes and the way a shiver so obviously tittered down his spine had you smiling like a champion.
Mouths came back together in a blazing, needing kiss; you shift up onto your knees, the kiss becoming a clash of sharp teeth and simmering tongues. Blindly, your hands come down to his shorts and assist him in getting his pants off. Shock and amusement rushing through you the second you feel the top of his cock slap the back of your ass. The heat emitting from the skin burning through your own layer of clothes.
With your lips sucking onto his tongue, your hand moves behind you, grasping and pushing the throbbing, thick cock between your ass cheeks. And for a moment, for a few painfully slow grinds, you press him to your ass as you grind against him. Kirishima moans loudly, his hands shifting all over your body, fingers rubbing your skin from the dips of your hips to your soaking wet cunt. 
The air is static, disgustingly hot that you swear with the heaving, panting breaths emitted from both of your mouths, you swear you can see the condensation.
“C’mon baby,” Kirishima rasps, his tongue finally permitted back into his mouth, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh of your throat. “I thought you were going to suck my dick?”
“What if I don’t want to anymore?” you gasp, your eyes fluttering closed, your thumb that is on his cock pressing onto the slit of his dripping cock. “What if I want you in me now?”
“Suck my dick with that pretty little mouth of yours, and I promise you — your hero promises you that I’ll fuck you better then any other fucker has,” Kirishima grunts into your skin, his biting kisses bruising your skin.
Well, you didn’t need to be told twice. 
You shift backward, the tip of his pre-cum leaking cockhead spreading his pre-cum all over your own leggings. But that doesn’t faze you, nor do you care enough as you finally get to see the near monstrosity of a cock Kirishima has.
Long, thick, veiny, and with curly soft black pubes.
“Not a natural redhead?” you tease, your body leaning down, making sure to accentuate your breasts as you begin to slowly stroke his thick length. Kirishima can only shake his head as your tongue pokes out to give his swollen head a kitten lick. “Mm, I bet you look hot with black hair too.”
There’s no room for a second opinion for your mouth sinks entirely onto his length, just enough to be the slightest bit uncomfortable, but the results were immediate. Kirishima’s head slammed to the wood of the tree, his hands gripping your head as you bobbed against his length. The musk and scent of his dick were strong yet pleasant. You found yourself sinking lower and lower onto his size, pleased with the way he was tearing into his bottom lip to keep his ringing moans from being heard, his fingers tugging at the roots of your hair as he meets your sinking mouth in sloppy, restrained thrusts.
Your tongue traced the bulging veins on his length, swirling and twisting around his girth, a desperate attempt to show that his size didn’t scare you, that you were taking him all in. But his lust clouded gaze on you thrilled you. The pure, unadulterated passion that settled on his eyes and gaze made you shiver; he was so responsive, moaning, and gasping for you in every right action you made. But you want to get bigger, bolder reactions out of him, and closing your jaw just the slightest bit, you let your lower teeth scrape just gently against his sensitive skin.
The result was immediate, and much wanted.
Despite the immediate relaxation of your jaw and throat, Kirishima burying his entire length down your throat made you choke, gagging as your nose buried into his pubes. He was entirely large, uncomfortably thick in your throat as your muscles flexed and fluttered around him.
“Take it, take me all in,” Kirishima gasps, his hips shifting into small, tiny thrusts to ram his cock further and further into your awaiting mouth. “That’s i-it, holy fuck, that’s it! You are so good at this shit, baby. F-Fuck… you’re amazing! So fucking perfect!”
The praise makes you whine, the drool that seeps from your mouth helpless and joined with the tears of discomfort from your eyes. But you continue to impress him, continue to let him fuck your mouth and throat wholeheartedly without restraint or worry.
Soon, the wet gagging noises fill the air, your throat feeling raw as Kirishima is unashamedly fucking into you with more significant, more powerful intent. He praises you without hesitation, the words curling warmly into your gut, making your cunt throb and demand attention as you hollow your cheeks. Kirishima nearly howls at the vacuum sensation, the lustful, long noise growing in his lust as you raise up to his cockhead, your tongue lashing around the salty pre-cum that is weeping from his swollen tip.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, wait!” Kirishima gasps, his hips bucking wildly, trying to go further into your mouth again. But your grip and commanding are more robust than he could ever be, and he can’t sink his cock further into the wet heat he so craves. “Wait, wait, wait! I want to cum in you, baby! Please let me cum in you!”
You’re off him immediately with a sharp, loud pop.
His eyes are unashamed in his request, and you think about the issues of an absolute stranger busting a nut inside of you. Your tongue dips out of your mouth to lick the pre-cum that’s dribbled onto your lower lip, and you whine at the back of your throat.
His response to your approval is immediate.
You shriek in slight fear when he tugs you up onto your feet, twisting you and shoving your back against the cold hardness of the tree he was resting upon. Your breathing is unsteady, heart absolutely pounding in your throat as his lips consume yours again. Just as you did before, you melt into his kiss, his touch as his hot, calloused fingers shove your shorts down your legs, exposing your throbbing, wet cunt to the cold air.
Hissing at the contact, you feel your voice being smothered by a wet moan that escapes your mouth. Kirishima has his cock rutting between your wet folds, his fingers leaving lasting bruises on your waist.
“Want you so badly, baby,” he grunts, his mouth swallowing your moans and pitched whines as you grind against him, shaking against his hold. “Want to see you take me all the way in.”
“Put it in,” you keen, hips bucking and thrusting faster and faster against his waiting cock, your actions pathetic and needy. “Put it in Kiri, I want you in me, fuck me already, please fuck me.”
In what you could only describe as being the strength of god, Kirishima lifts you up, hands shifting from your soft waist to the mounds of the flesh of your ass and pressing you into the tree. You squeak, embarrassed, and entirely self-conscious of your weight despite the lust haze clouding your mind. Your struggle in his arms is fruitless, his broad, thick chest pressing up against yours as you find your mind absolutely melting when his thick cockhead pushes against the clenching wet cavern of your cunt.
“P-Put me down,” you gasp, squirming despite the fire that burns in your core and cheeks. “I-I’m too—”
“I’m your hero,” Kirishima speaks calmly, his forehead pressing against yours, eyes locking on yours in such a way that was too intimate for strangers, too world-shifting for two unknowns. “I can carry you just easy, ya know. These muscles aren’t just for showing off.”
The grin on his face is childish, almost too boyish if it wasn’t for the fact that his eyes held that profound, pristine promise and want for you. So, in an action that has your back arching against the wood, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, your legs tightened firmly around his waist as he buried his cock into you.
Melodious moans echo between your mouths, horribly silenced by your crashing mouths because, dear god, you’re fucking in a public park. 
He kisses you with a passion and a soul that strips you bare, and his hips begin to fuck up and into you without hesitation, the full feeling in your core stretching and fluttering with every driving intent from him. In and out, his cock goes into you, up and down your hips grind against him.
It’s a synchronized dance, a coming of your bodies that sends your toes curling as he begins to fuck into you just a bit harder, just a tad faster. It makes you shiver, makes your fingernails bury into his skin as you moan and beg for his name.
Kirishima curses as you clench around him, his hand grabbing your wrist and slamming it onto the tree, holding it there as he fucks you with growing strength and speed. Every snap of his hips sends a burst of colors to the back of your eyelids, and every squelch of your meeting, sloppy wet sexes sends a blabbering, incoherent sentence from your lips.
“More, more, more,” you beg, the tree trunk absolutely uncomfortable against your skin, but you can’t feel it anymore; you don’t care about the pain. You crave it, you want it. “Give me more.”
The curve of his cock, the girth, and the veins that drag up and down your puffy velvet walls are driving you insane. He holds insane power with every admittance of his cock in your clenching cunt, and he buries his nose into the crook of your neck and nods his sweaty head.
“Can you take it? You gonna be able to take my cock fucking you entirely?” Kirishima gasps, almost as if he was afraid of hurting you, and for some reason, that makes your brain shut down.
Fingers buried into the dyed red hair at the nape of his neck, you tug his head back, your legs tightening around his waist so much that he can’t fuck you anymore. The both of you are there, staring at one another as you hold him, bottomed out in you, your stomach stretching just a bit from having him entirely within you.
“If you don’t fuck me with everything you have,” you breath, your nose brushing against his, lips avoiding his that seek yours out for contact. “I’ll scream.”
“You seem like a brat,” Kirishima teases, his hold shifting on your ass, pressing you even more uncomfortably onto the tree.
“I’m just a girl who knows what she wants,” you bite back, allowing him to shift your arms so that you were supporting part of your weight onto the tree, allowing for a better balance.
“Brat,” Kirishima enunciates, his lips spreading into a teasing, seductive smirk. 
But before you could fight back, before you could argue that you were, in fact, not a brat, Kirishima begins to fuck into you yet again. Your jaw drops immediately, the burning nearly exquisite pain-filled pleasure of his untapped strength fucking into you.
Your voice begins to scream out, the feeling of his vicious, thick cock snapping into you, shoving your shoulders further and further into the tree was sending your head spinning. Your body is convulsing as he fucks you with new vulgar need and strength. But before you could scream your praises, Kirishima’s fingers shove into your mouth, silencing your words and noises as he fucks you again and again and again.
“You’re so fucking loud, baby,” Kirishima chuckles, his voice strained with his exertion of energy, his hips slamming so powerfully into your clenching core that his balls were slapping against your soring ass with no restriction. “So fucking loud, but we’re not in the place for you to be wailing my name unless you want to be caught. Do you wanna be caught, is that what it is?”
You shake your head pathetically against his fingers, your tongue lazily swirling and inserting itself between his parting fingers as you moan. Your head is spinning, the overstimulation of his conquesting cock, the rising orgasm in you, and the thought of someone walking through the park and seeing the two of you fucking under the yellow light of the park light making your walls flutter. His cock twitches with the flutter, and the both of you moan inexplicably loud. 
“Such a good wet cunt,” Kirishima gasps, his fingers beginning to reciprocate the length and rhythm of his pounding cock in your throat, something you take without a second of hesitation or doubt. “I’m so glad I got to be your hero today, aren’t you so glad?”
“Mm-mhmm,” you gag around his fingers, your hips bucking with near madness as your vision swims with lust and need. You were so happy that he found you, so delighted he saved you, that he was your hero. 
But the building tightness and demanding need in your cunt was growing louder, hotter, completely undeniable. Your teeth sinking against his skin as you whimpered loudly, absolutely pathetically as you shifted faster, fucking against him harder.
“C-Close,” you manage to gag out, and a sharp escape of air comes from his nose.
Kirishima nods, removing his fingers from your mouth, the string of cold saliva dangerously cold against your blazing hot chin. “I want you to look at the way your belly bulges when I fuck you, I want you to watch it bulge as you cum, baby.”
You whimper, the strain in your neck almost insufferable as you peer down at your hastily exposed stomach, and you nearly faint at the pornographic, near-insane image of your stomach bulging with his hammering cock. And just like that, you come tumbling down from the heights of your building orgasm. White heat and light spread through your body, your jaw slacking as you moan loudly, screaming his name as you convulse against him, body entirely limp. Kirishima, who was barely hanging by a strand, completely loses it when your core clenches like a vice against him. 
Hot, thick ropes of cum spurt from his cock, his heavy, shaking gasps the only thing you can hear as he fucks into you once, twice more for good measure before the both of you sink to the grass. It’s hot, almost too hot as he lays on top of you, the sticky fluid of his cum radiating against your already blazing walls, and for a bit, there’s silence.
“So um,” you rasp after a moment, the silence warm and comfortable. “You gonna walk me home?”
“Depends,” Kirishima mutters into your sweaty neck.
“Will you give your hero your number?”
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
Kinktober Day 6: Intensity Exposed
Kinktober Day 6 Prompts: Exhibitionism (friends) ~ Cock worship ~ Slutty clothing (public) Fandom: Original [Auchendale Archives] Tags: exophilia, exhibitionism, cock worship, slutty clothing, deep throating, breath play, rough sex, public sex Pairing:  Orc(m)/Human(f), Darnok/Lia Word Count: 5857
[Authors Note: I hope you guys like this more pleasant slice of life scenario for Darnok and Lia, I hope it makes up for some of the angst and hurt, and please remember this when things get worse.]
Life in Auchendale was getting better for Lia. She had a new friend that was quickly becoming her best friend. The tension in her relationship with Darnok was easing up a bit now that they had been able to settle into a better routine. She had gotten a promotion at work which meant more pay, and a more flexible schedule. Overall Lia was doing great. She also had that island get away to look forward to and while it had taken some time to schedule, what with Darnok’s own schedule and hers already not meshing well. They were finally able to and both were showing the excitement from having something fun to look forward to.
After a few more public scenes with Darnok, and one with Ember, Lia had found herself quite popular at the club. Many doms had spoken to her and Darnok, inquiring if she was available for sharing or trade. So far Darnok had declined as the trying experience from the wager still weighed on both their minds, but they were still open to the idea in the future. Scening with other pairs or groups was becoming a favorite of Lia’s as she was learning so much from those experiences. 
Both her and Ember had found new kinks and fetishes to explore, and it only helped their friendship grow. While neither woman was overtly sexual with the other, casual flirting was always fun and Lia found herself loving the attention that she got when her and Ember flirted publicly. Through Ember Lia had made even more friends, though none of them held the same place. She was still getting used to them all but her social life had never been more vibrant.
It wasn’t just kink either. She went to other clubs and bars on occasion, was invited to parties, even some small groups like a book and wine club. Something she was enjoying a little more than she thought she would. The emptiness in her life that used to be so oppressive was slowly fading. She still did not see Darnok any more than she had before, the difference was that she had other people to help fill and enrich her life. 
Time at the club without Darnok was usually spent with Ember. However, Lia had begun to develop a closeness with both Lucien and Zane. While Lucien still made Lia a bit nervous, because there was just something about him that felt ancient and dangerous, he had never done anything to earn fear. If anything he was always kind, gentle, even protective of Lia. Most especially when Darnok was not around. All Lucien need do was step up behind Lia and place a hand on her shoulder, anyone bothering her would very quickly find a reason to be anywhere but near her. 
Zane, was like Ember, a switch. Lia found she was most comfortable with him and enjoyed his company. They had gone out many times to movies, coffee shops, book stores, and a couple of concerts. They went bowling exactly once and were invited by the owners to never come back. Lia didn’t know you could shot put a bowling ball and still get a strike, but apparently Zane could. There was still something about him that was vaguely off, but Lia was afraid to ask. If he wasn’t human, or if he was one of the more rare hybrids, it might be a sensitive subject and she worried about offending him.
Honestly, Lia wished that her and Darnok had the same kind of connection she had with Zane. She felt that if her heart did not already belong to Dar, that she could actually see Zane as more than a friend. As it was, she only wished that her relationship with Darnok was so easy, that they could be together like a couple, not just dom and sub. It was her most secret wish, one she never shared, not even with Ember. Plus her friendship with Zane was effortless and Lia wanted to keep it that way. It also helped that Zane showed no romantic or even sexual interest in her, at least nothing that did not read as harmless flirting or teasing. 
There were other club members that Lia was getting to know. Oddly enough there was another orc that she found to be almost as physically imposing as Darnok. They seemed to know each other, but were not terribly close. It seemed more of a casual acquaintance. Perhaps because they had both been at the club longer. More than any other Dom, Gorvaal had asked to scene with Lia. So far Darnok had only agreed once and it was one of the most intense experiences Lia had at the club so far. 
Taking one orc was a challenge, taking two was a feat that Lia did not think she could accomplish. She was glad for all the training she had with Dar, all the time he had put into helping her relax and stretch. Even her oral skills had improved to the point where she could almost deepthroat Darnok, something that shocked them both, and had made Gorvaal cum almost embarrassingly fast. Lia had been thrilled, over the moon really, with all the praise and care she received after that scene. Being doted on by Darnok always made her heart swell, but being practically worshiped by two orcs, it went to her head a little. 
Quicker than expected Lia had garnered the attention of the owners. Having been invited to a private soiree, something intimate and close knit. Darnok was, of course, invited as well, and it had been such a wonderful experience that Lia would cherish in her heart for all time it seemed. Like the gala, she attended as a sub and pushed her limits again. Being art was one thing, but acting as a serving platform had been another. Her ability to lay completely still, drifting deep into subspace, made her a perfect platter. 
Even the hands all over her body did not bother her, or cause her to move. Her performance was so well received the owners extended a standing invitation to her and Darnok for all their main events. They were added to a special list and found that even more benefits had been tacked on to their VIP access. Darnok had been so proud of Lia that night, back at the hotel, Lia swore he made love to her. Not fucked, not had a scene with, made love. He was intense, gentle, passionate, demanding, and praised her from beginning to end. His words washed over her heart and made it swell with even more care for him. 
Soon enough it was nearing time for the trip and Lia was practically vibrating with excitement. She had gone on a shopping spree with Ember to pick out a few things to surprise Darnok with. A few of the items Ember chose were things Lia would never have picked for herself, and absolutely would not have worn in public. They were far too revealing and suggestive, but this was a vacation and she was pretty sure only Dar would see her in them. She also got a few new swimsuits, a couple of cover ups, and some inexpensive lingerie that she would have no problem letting Darnok rip if he wanted to. 
Of course she packed some comfortable clothing, something nice to wear if they went out, and mostly dresses as she knew the temperatures would be high. She splurged on some new shoes to match her outfits. Mostly sandals and slip ons as she planned to spend most of the time barefoot on the beach or naked in a bed with her dominant orc lover. Lia had never had a vacation like this and was beyond excited. So much so she almost forgot to purchase any travel sized toiletries and other necessities. 
Even though Morwenna was the one footing the bill, Darnok had put a good amount of cash aside for them both for any extras she might not be willing to cover. Despite her offer of all expenses paid, she meant things like room, meals, and travel, not extras. Darnok mentioned that had he been the one footing the bill, Morwenna would have expected the extras. The both had a bit of a laugh about that and Lia simply could not contain her excitement, so much so she actually hugged Morwenna. 
The only downside was not being able to share this experience with her friends. Yes she was looking forward to that alone time with Darnok, but some things would have been more fun with a group than just as a couple. As eager as she was, there was only so much time they could really spend having sex if Lia was being completely honest. When looking at all the activities the island offered, diving, glass bottom boats, swimming with marine life, bonfires on the beach with music and feasting, and dozens of other things, it almost felt overwhelming trying to choose what they wanted to do and when to relax and just enjoy the island. Still Lia wasn’t going to let that little detail spoil her vacation.
Soon enough the day had arrived and they were off. The trip itself was rather uneventful, though flying first class was a new experience for Lia. It was so much better than regular flying, by a staggering margin if she was honest. She was a little tipsy when they landed as they kept bringing her drinks and she was too polite to refuse. Darnok was amused and had to help her a bit to get from the airport to where they were staying without incident.
The island was beautiful and Darnok had insisted on a private bungalow for them. It gave them a small area of beach that was all their own. Something Lia was looking forward to, even if Ember had pointed out that sex on an actual beach was less fun than it sounded. Sand got in places and it got painful. Still, nothing was going to dampen Lia’s spirits as she unpacked her bags, hiding her surprises from Darnok as she did. She really hoped he didn’t get nosy and ruin things. 
Because the trip itself had been so exhausting, Darnok and Lia settled on a light meal and then a walk up the beach to watch the sunset before turning in for the evening. Of course, they did not go straight to sleep and Lia found that so far from home, in this new place, being with Darnok felt like the first time again almost. There was so much passion. The foreplay alone drove her crazy, thinking it would never end. When he was finally, finally inside of her, Lia almost wept from the pleasure. It overwhelmed her and Darnok praised her, kissing her gently, stroking her hair, helping her ride wave after wave of release as one orgasm after another crested and crashed over her. By the time they finished, Lia wasn’t sure she could cum again even if she wanted to. Something Darnok took as a challenge and managed to coax just one more out of her, almost making her pass out. 
It wasn’t the first time Darnok had bathed her, but it was probably the longest. Since they weren’t pressed for time, they could linger, and the tub was big enough for them both. Lia fell asleep in the water against his strong chest and did not wake again until morning, feeling warm, clean and refreshed. 
Lia watched Darnok sleep for a few minutes before getting up and starting the coffee pot. Yes they could have had service bring them something, but Lia wanted to do it this morning. She dressed in a light sundress and waited for the scent of coffee to slowly rouse her sleeping partner. Lia was curled up in one of the soft chairs with a book she brought when Darnok finally got up. He walked over, leaning down, kissing the top of her head before moving to make his own cup of coffee. Sitting down in the opposite chair he smiled at her. 
“What did you want to do today. I left today open since I wasn’t sure how we would feel after the trip. I think we both slept in a bit. So food would be a good first option. We could explore the island, go to the shops, maybe pick a nice restaurant for dinner so I can make a reservation?” 
“Clothes probably should be first.” Lia’s eyes were roaming up and down Darnok’s muscular hairy form.
“Nope! I was going to test their nudity policy!” Darnok had the most serious expression on his face.
Lia froze for a moment before leaning into the back of the chair and giggling, her hand over her face as she set her book in her lap. “Darnok, really.” She was enjoying this moment. It felt almost domestic, and it warmed her heart. “I think everything you said was fine, but we wont get very far if you don’t put something on.”
Darnok smirked and waggled his eyebrows. “Oh? Is that a threat or a promise.” He flashed his tusks at her in a charming sort of smile and winked. 
Finishing his coffee Dar stood up and moved over to the closet where he stored his clothes. This was going to be a little different as Lia had only seen him in suits and BDSM gear. His more casual look might be a surprise and he hoped she wouldn’t laugh too much at him. Finding comfortable clothing in his size was sometimes a challenge, he was muscular and big, even for an orc. Most of his clothing was custom made. 
With an outfit selected Darnok pulled on his boxer briefs, his shorts, a tank top, and slid on some flip flops. For the first part of the day the plan was to be casual. “Ok, don’t laugh too hard.” Dar stood in front of Lia as he slipped on some shades and ran a hand through his messy mohawk. 
Lia was ready to climb him. How did he manage to make casual look so damn sexy. The tanktop hugged every curve and showed off his muscular body, even if he did have a bit of a stomach. His chest hair poking out of the top of the tank only made her want to nuzzle it. “You look great, don’t even pretend you do not know how sexy you are.”
Darnok pulled Lia up and swung her around kissing her, his arms encircling her smaller body. It felt nice and he was eager for more, but wanted to at least do something other than have sex. They had a whole week and he didn’t want to miss out on forming memories with her. “Come on, lets see what trouble you can get into that I will be forced to get you back out of.”
“You say that like I am the troublemaker here.” Lia huffed and followed Darnok out of the bungalow and up the walkway towards the resort. 
It was a small walk to get from their private  little slice of the island to the nearest service area. A vehicle was ready to take them wherever they wanted to go and Lia was starting to see dollar signs pop up in her head. She didn’t ask how much all of this cost, and now she really didn’t want to. 
The day was spent exploring, enjoying the food from street vendors, dipping into shops, and just having a nice time together. It was easy to forget their dynamic for a moment and Lia felt like her and Darnok were more of a couple now than they ever had been in the past. Darnok spoiled her, or tried to, any time she showed interest in anything he offered to buy it for her. He never looked at a single price tag, and that, more than anything, spoke volumes to the kind of money he had. Instead of enticing her, it made her uncomfortable, and Lia had to put her foot down. Though she was subtle about it and just said she didn’t want to carry anything around and they could buy stuff later. 
It was enough to distract him and helped Lia feel more at ease. As they were walking they ended up in an area that had the fancier shops and restaurants and Lia felt uncomfortable all over again. This time though she didn’t need a distraction as Dar simply wanted them to find a place to eat.
“You said you brought something nice? I was thinking one of these would be good but it looks like there is a dress code for a few of them.” Darnok was walking slowly, checking out each restaurant and the signs out front. 
“Yes, I brought a couple of options. I thought you might want to have a nice evening, and Ember said it was better to be prepared than not. I actually brought the dress you got me for the gala, since I never got to use it.”
“Perfect, I cannot wait to see you in it dear Lia.” 
Darnok stepped up to one of the restaurants and spoke to the host, securing a reservation for later that night. Heading back to Lia he spun her around and kissed her cheek before walking them back towards the shops. “We should do one of the tours. Just to get a better idea of what is around. I know that touristy stuff can be boring, but we could walk all day and never see everything.”
Lia nodded, hugging onto his arm as he flagged down a resort vehicle. They got suggestions from the driver and took one of the less popular tours. It allowed them a more personalized experience and let them see parts of the island that weren’t frequented by guests as much. Lia was transfixed by the beauty of it and by the time the tour was done, the only had barely enough time to get ready for dinner. 
When she stepped out of the bathroom Darnok audibly gasped. He had clearly forgotten how the dress looked on her, and for a moment it seemed they might not make it to dinner. Only Lia’s sheer force of will convinced him that it would be so much better if they had to wait. 
The restaurant was busy, but not so crowded that they couldn’t hear each other. It was obvious to Lia that she was a distraction. His eyes, that smouldering look, the tension in his jaw, the slight bulge in his pants, told Lia that his control was running a little thin. Some of how he chose to word things, let her know that this dress might not survive the evening. 
The food was amazing, and eventually Darnok relaxed enough that Lia felt safe teasing him just a bit. They shared wine, and a dessert, before calling it an evening and heading back to the bungalow. Lia was careful to slip out of the dress as soon as they got back. Not wanting to see it destroyed. 
Darnok was keyed up, painfully hard and wanting. He growled, stalking after Lia as she slipped away into the bathroom. He was waiting, naked, when she emerged and beckoned her over. “I need you, and I wont be gentle.” He snarled at her hesitation. “Lia, you are not being a good sub right now.”
“I want to try something. If you will let me?” 
A curious brow perked up a Darnok nodded. “Will I enjoy this?”
“I am pretty sure you will. I know you want me, but I had some surprises for you for later in the week. Right now though, I am feeling relaxed and I think I might be able to take all of you in my throat, if you have enough patience for it?”
Darnok’s eyes were wide. As desperate as he was for release, to feel her, to be inside her. This was something they had been working towards for a while and he was eager for it. It would be worth it, delaying his pleasure would be worth this. Moving to the chair, pillow in hand, Darnok sat down and put the pillow on the floor between his feet, giving Lia somewhere to kneel. His eyes were predatory as he watched her, kneeling, her hands on his thighs. 
Lia scooted close to the chair, stroking Darnok’s thighs until her hands cupped his balls. She massaged them, one hand sliding up the shaft, feeling it hard and throbbing for her. She knew how eager he was by how much precum he was already leaking. Slowly she licked from the base of the shaft to the tip, following the trail of clear fluid upwards. She was going to take it slow, ease him into the pleasure. She needed to be the one to control this or it might not work. Also, she loved his cock and she wanted to show him how much. 
Her tongue swirled slowly around the tip as her hands slid up and down his thick shaft. She wanted to touch every part of him, taste all of him, feel him release deep in her throat, but first she had to make him want it just as bad as she did. She wanted him begging and needy the way he always made her. She wanted to feel in control for a change, and watch as he lost his. 
Mouth opened over the head of his cock, she let him feel her hot breath as she licked and teased the tip, never taking it in, just watching as his hips thrust up as she backed away, letting him graze her lips. When his hand went to the back of her head she swatted it away and cast her eyes up to see him smile. He had figured out her game and seemed willing to allow it. For what she had promised, she felt he might allow a lot.
His slight thrusts made her smile as she lapped over the tip with the flat of her tongue, finally giving in and allowing to push just a little into her mouth, Lia sucked gently on the head, swirling her tongue in circles. Her hands braced the base of his shaft to help guide him further into her mouth as she slowly took more of him into her throat. She was about half way when she paused, bobbing her head slowly. Staying at this depth to get herself used to it. This was where she was most comfortable and it no longer required hardly any effort to even take him this far. Clearly they had trained her well as she could barely swallow a couple of inches of him the first time she tried. 
Ever so slowly Lia eased more of Darnok’s cock down her throat, taking slow deliberate breaths as she pushed to her current limits. It was pushing past them that would be the goal for the evening and that would take a little more time. Easing back Lia found a place between her comfort zone and the limit and stayed there, working his shaft with her hands as she bobbed her head. Drool leaking out over her fingers and coating him. She had to pause a few times when he got too worked up and use those moments to press and hold herself right at her limit, taking a little more each time. 
Soon Darnok was praising her in a gravelly voice, a bit of an edge to it as it was clear he was close to hitting his own limits of control. Words of encouragement fell from his lips, but soon were shifting to pleas as Lia moved ever closer to her goal of deepthroating him entirely. This almost reverent worship of his cock was clearly breaking Darnok a little bit, his usual tight control slipping like it did when they first met. 
Lia half expected Darnok to force her the rest of the way, losing the battle with his need and patience. Yet he did not, he allowed her to take it at her own pace. Though his begging did increase, not only in frequency but in volume. 
“Please Lia, you are so close, just, just take the rest. Please, I need to feel it, I need to feel all of you. I know you can do it my pet, my darling Lia.” Eyes shut tight as he begged, Darnok’s voice pitched up as Lia took just a little more into her tight throat.
Breathing was getting a little more difficult, but Lia stayed calm. She could still breathe through her nose and taking slow breaths helped. As long as she didn’t panic, it would be ok. Her goal was so close and while her eyes pricked with tears she wasn’t going to give up. There was a little pain, but more than that was the euphoria from being so close. The diminished air was also making her lightheaded and adding a bit to her pleasure. They had dabbled in breath play, but were always careful.
Lia could feel her arousal dripping down her own thighs as Darnok’s control slipped and his hips jerked slightly. His words of praise and encouragement, became desperate pleading for more. Taking a breath in Lia pushed, her nose pressing against him as she felt his balls against her chin. She had taken him in, and as an added tease, she pushed her tongue past her lips and licked his balls, just to prove that she could. 
In that moment, Darnok lost it and came hard in her throat. Holding her down, not letting her move until he was done. His cock swelled, pumping rope after rope deep into her throat. Her airway blocked even more as she became light headed to the point of almost passing out. Thankfully he pulled her up and off his cock, letting her breath as she coughed just a bit. His apologies sounded so far away as she felt his heavy form over her body, the bed soft beneath her. Folds slick as she felt his cock press against her. Lia hummed quietly, nodding, needing to let him know she wanted this, needed this. She was in a state of bliss beyond what she had felt and needed more. 
The rough penetration in her body, a single thrust, was all it took to send Lia over the edge with a scream. Her orgasm powerful, crashing over her, entire body tense as she gripped the blankets. The edges of her vision were dark as she eventually relaxed, drifting into a sated unconsciousness. 
She had woken up a couple hours after passing out feeling incredible, though Darnok looked worried. She soothed his fears and found herself under him again. This time he made love to her with a passionate sort of desperation she had never felt before. He spoke in orcish, saying things she could not understand. His tusks scraping at the scar he had left on her that first day they had met.
They wore each other out and then slept in more than intended. When morning came Lia’s throat was still sore. When morning came Lia’s throat was still sore, but any soreness was worth the experience from last night. She cuddled with Darnok and they spent the afternoon in bed, just relaxing together. No pressure, no rush, just soaking up each others presence.
The days seem to fly by as Lia was excited to do anything and everything the island had to offer. They met other couples while diving and exploring, one particular couple seemed to have booked many of the same activities at the same time as them, and they became vacation buddies. Joining each other for dinner, and actively choosing to spend time together. It was fun to double date and Lia felt more like Darnok’s girlfriend than sub, a feeling she wanted to cherish. 
It was the night of the bonfire and Lia wanted to break out her surprise. She had pulled out the outfit Ember had helped her pick and slipped into the bathroom to get ready. She toyed with the idea of lingerie as undergarments, but the top would show off anything she had under it. As it was, it barely covered her. It dipped low in the front, the back just a couple of decorative chains leaving only her breasts mostly covered. The skirt had lacing up the sides like a corset, showing off that she indeed was not wearing any undergarments. She chose a strappy sandal that wound up her calf to finish the look. Heels would not work since they would be on the beach. 
It was the absolute sluttiest thing that Lia had ever worn in her life, and a part of her loved it. She knew that people would stare. That they would see parts of her body she never publicly showed before. She knew their new vacation friends would be at the bonfire, that they would see her like this too. Lia also knew that Darnok, would have to look, but not touch, and the idea of making him just a little bit crazy thrilled her. 
Stepping out of the bathroom she saw Darnok in a more casual outfit. Dark form fitting jeans. A older dress shirt unbuttoned mid way, the sleeves rolled up, his muscular hairy chest on display, the jeans hugging his butt perfectly. Lia was no dom and she desperately wanted to spank Darnok’s ass. She watched as he turned and froze, eyes locked on her, something dangerous there that thrilled her.
“Lia... “ His tone was dark, predatory, with a slight edge. 
“Ember picked it out. What do you think?” Lia turned slowly, showing him every part of her the outfit didn’t cover. 
“I think, it will not survive the evening. I can’t decide if I want to keep you to myself, as I know others will look at you, or if I want to show you off, letting them know what they cannot have.” He stepped up, pulling her body close to his, a large powerful hand gripping her ass. “Never forget my dearest Lia, you are mine, you belong to me, everything you have on display is mine and mine alone.” 
It was the most possessive Darnok had been in a while and it made Lia curious. It also thrilled her. Not wanting to be distracted she pushed against him. “We will be late. We promised to be on time. I don’t want to miss anything Dar.”
His hand slipped into the shirt, grasping her breast, teasing her nipple. The fabric pushed aside so easily that Lia feared any wrong moves at the bonfire and her breasts would be exposed. When he lifted her and pulled her nipple into his mouth, Lia felt a thrill at the thought of something so private being seen. 
The bonfire was beautiful and Lia was glad she was able to pull away from Darnok long enough to talk sense into them both and get them moving. A car had driven them to the portion of the beach that had been section off. Some of the street nearby had been as well, there were vendors and shops still open. Outdoor seating for drinks and food. A dancefloor had been set up in the sand, the panels lighting up as people moved on them. 
Lia was overwhelmed and had forgotten how she was dressed. It took her awhile to notice the stares. It really wasn’t until she heard Darnok’s quiet growl that she even paid attention. If she didn’t know better, the possessive look in his eyes read almost like jealousy when gazes lingered too long on her body. It thrilled her, made her want more. Thankfully he eased up a bit and was able to have fun once she reassured him that he was who she wanted and they could look, but only he could touch, and touch he did, but he tried to be subtle about it.
That lasted only so long. They danced, they drank, they shared food with their new friends. Lia did not miss the looks the other couple was giving them and it was clear that they were biding their time to ask if swinging was a possibility. Something Lia wasn’t sure about, but might consider with some coaxing. As the night wore on they moved away from the bright lights and the food, and closer to the bonfire and the darkness. People were still dancing and singing, but more slowly.
Darnok’s hands began to wander, more boldly than before. Lia glanced over, seeing the open looks of desire she was getting from the people that could see them. Their friends watching with clear arousal as Darnok tease her nipples and slid a hand under her skirt for a moment. Lia wasn’t sure how far they could go, publicly like this, but she was willing to push those limits. 
Tugging her away from the bonfire, Darnok slipped into the nearby trees, darkness mostly cloaking them. He didn’t care that they had been followed. He lifted Lia up as he unzipped his pants, his cock springing out as he hooked her legs over his hips and pressed her back into a tree. Darnok knew they were being watched as he heard a small gasp when he thrust hard into Lia, and it wasn’t hers. She had cried out much louder than that gasp. 
He didn’t mind putting on a show as he fucked his sub against a tree, her shirt pushed aside showing her breasts, her skirt lifted, displaying her ass. Showing the slide of his cock into her wet heat, and wet she was. It appeared that Lia did like it when she was watched, at least this time she did and he planned to buy more outfits like this one, just to see what would happen. 
Lia came first, hard on his cock, arching with a cry as he continued to rut into her. After a few moments Darnok came with a snarl as his claws dug grooves into the tree. He was panting and still hard when he pulled out of Lia and turned her around, dropping to his knees in the sand and holding her up as he took her again from behind. This time they could watch the people watching them. Darnok holding up Lia’s face so that she could see, and that their audience could see her pleasure.
“Look Lia, they are watching you, seeing how beautiful you are in your pleasure. Let go my dearest. Let them see what only I can have.” He made sure he was loud enough to be heard. 
Darnok wanted to make one message clear. Looking was fine, but touching would come with a price, one most would not be willing to pay.
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eleanorbloom · 4 years
When You’re Ready Ch. 10
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x f! MC (Eleanor Bloom) x Ethan Ramsey.
Word Count: 5.3k (Sorry!!!)
Warning: Innuendos at the beginning, then, just angst and a bit of cursing.
A/N: Yes, I’m sorry. Today’s chapter is the longest I’ve done so far, but it’s worth it (at least to me) because is about my babyyyy. Things are going to get harder from now on, so I’m excited for the upcoming chapters!! I hope you enjoy the angst because there’s more to come. Hehe.
A/N2: I’m gonna post some One Shots for Kinktober, so I was wondering if anyone wants to be tagged? It will be BrycexEleanor and DrakexMC from The Royal Romance. I’ve never published anything for TRR but I’m planning to write something in the future. Meanwhile, I’ll exercise with some smut muahaha. So let me know if you wanna be tagged 😏
Taglist @utterlyinevitable @binny1985 @shanzay44 @choicesficwriterscreations @laiba-the-person @starrystarrytrouble @lahellacute @lucy-268​ @aylamreads @cinnamonspongecake @romewritingshop @angela8756
Chapter 10: Stay.
Funny you’re the broken one
But I’m the only one who needed saving.
 “Is that Raf?”—Eleanor raised her head from Bryce’s chest and stared at the ceiling, trying to prick up her ear.
At the distance, it was heard a deep voice in the middle of a mix of laughter.
“Yeah, that’s totally him.”
“What is he doing here so early?”
“Early?”—He chuckled—"It’s midday, babe.”
“Midday?!”—She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and checked. It was 12.10.—"And how we slept through all morning?”
“We stayed up late, don’t you remember? I think we got here like 3 am and then you just couldn’t shut up about how mad you were because Ramsey is being irrational about the influencer girl.”
“Oh, right. Drunken rant.”—Her cheeks blushed—“I’m sorry”
“Why are you sorry?”
“For making you hear all this crap when probably I ranted all night at Donahue’s about it.”
“Actually, you were just pissed off that Ramsey was mad at you, but when we got here you said the real stuff.”
“Like what?”
“Like you think that Ramsey is suspecting about your relationship with me and he’s taking it on you. He’s mad because you went behind his back with the Gwyneth thing, obviously, but he has contained his rage for weeks, and now he’s just… exploding.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re right, I did say that—She covered her face with both hands—"God, I’m so stupid.”
“Why? I think you’re right. He’s been acting like an ass with me this whole time too, he looks at me like I’m a piece of garbage or something.”
“But it’s really unprofessional that he is taking a work issue to an extreme just because he is what? Jealous? Mad that I’m getting over him? It’s very inconsistent of him.”
“Yes, it is. Are you going to do something about it?”
“Like what?”
“Like talk to him, tell him to stop,, that he shouldn’t take it on you at work just because he’s jealous.”
“I… I don’t know, I wouldn’t like to mix things, maybe I’m wrong.”
“You’re not wrong, Elle. You can’t let him be this ass with you, much less affect your work.”
Bryce saw how her head inside was spinning around, and her hands tensed over his rib cage.
“Just think about it.”—He added, stroking her hair comfortingly—"Don’t think for a second this is your fault, ‘cause it’s not. He made his choice in the first place.”
“I know…”
Eleanor leaned on her elbow to look at him in the eyes, smiling faintly at him.
“Thank you for being so understanding”
Bryce smiled back and then caressed her cheek while his eyes were expressing tenderness and protection.
She nuzzled into his soft chest losing herself into the sweet scent from his neck.
“Let’s focus on something less stressing and boring instead”—She whispered, lovingly.
“Like what?”—He asked tantalizingly roaming his hands through her back.
“Like the fact that I’m finally waking up with you.”
“Aw, you woke up really sugary today, uh?”
“Don’t you like it?”—She asked seriously.
“I have sweet tooth just because of you.”
“Awwww”—Eleanor encircled her arms around his neck pulling him down to her lips.—“You’re saying I’m sugary, but you just gave me a diabetic coma.”
“And I am having constipation ‘cause you, Eleanor Bloom, are being too cheesy.”
She burst out laughing, resonating in the whole apartment.
“Bryce! You’re impossible.”
“And you are impopsicle, babe.”—Before she could retort anything, he caught her lips into his, his hands travelling slowly down her bum. He deepened the kiss the moment she opened her mouth in a sigh.
“Do we have time for a quickie before getting ready for the concert?”
“Is it me or you’re doubting about your timing skills?”
“No, I’m just asking for consent.”
“We are wasting precious seconds, Dr. Lahela.”
Both chuckled before Eleanor pushed him against the bed and climbed on top of him, the sheets falling and pooling behind her, exposing her bare body.
“Sweet, sweet cowgirl ride me till the end of the world if you want”
Eleanor laughed hard again.
“Yeehaw!”—She joked between laughs.
This time it took like two minutes to make her stop. It would have been more if it weren’t for Bryce, who replaced her laughs for other more improper exclamations  that soon had to be hushed too.
By the time Bryce and Eleanor appeared in the living room, all their friends were ready for the Music Festival Eleanor had invited them, courtesy of her patient, Gwyneth Monroe. After a quick chat, they all headed to Cambridge, excited for the new adventure.
The group spent the afternoon eating, drinking, playing lawn games and, of course, enjoying the music. At some point, they split when Eleanor, Kyra, and Aurora decided to see an art exposition while Bryce, Elijah, and Jackie joined Sienna to see an indie band she had been fangirling all afternoon.
Once the group met again, an hour later, it didn’t take long for Bryce and Eleanor to get lost in the crowd, enjoying the music while savoring the moment alone in the open air.
The sun was about to set when Bryce felt his phone buzzing. As he pulled it out of his pocket the letters froze him. He ended the call and saw 10 missing calls and a lot of messages in the notification bar.
“Bryce, where are you?”
“I’m outside your apartment.”
“Bryce, please answer me! Are you at work?”
Eleanor stared at him worried, sensing his nervousness.
“Is everything alright?”
“I… I have to go.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Nothing, I just remembered tomorrow I have a really difficult surgery and I need to study up.”
“Okay.”—Her brows knitted, suspicious.
He kissed her quickly and turned to leave, but she caught his wrist before he could get lost in the crowd.
“What?”—He replied, trying to hide the fear that was invading him just right.
“If something wrong you can tell me, you know that, right?”
He smiled faintly and gave her one last kiss before walking out of the crowd.
He didn’t know how he reached the parking lot and got in the car, his hands were trembling and a knot of anxious had settled in his stomach. He pulled the phone out and called back.
“Bryce!”—He heard on the other end of the line—"God, I’ve been trying to reach you for hours, where are you?!”
“Keiki, what’s going on? How is that that you’re in Boston?”
“I’ll explain later, are you coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in forty.”
“Hurry up, I’m bored to death here.”
When he got to his floor, she found a tall girl in a red leather jacket sitting against his door, a backpack between her legs. He barely recognized her, even if he had seen dozens of pictures of her on her social networks. She was a teenager now, not the little girl that said goodbye to him with tears in her eyes when he left for college.
“Bryce”—She said getting up from the floor. He opened the door a few moments later and both got in.
“Can you explain to me now what you are doing here?”
“Hey, bro, I’m glad to see you too.”—She ironized—“Thanks for the kind welcoming.”
“Keiki, please.”
“I ran away from home, okay?”
“You what?”
“I don’t wanna live there anymore.”
“Keiki, you can’t do that”
“Why not? You did it.”
“I went for college…”—He replied, feeling the guilt sharpening inside him.
“Yes, and then you never came back because you couldn’t stand our parents. It’s the same with me.”
“That doesn’t excuse that you escaped from home and underage. Do you have a plan? Or you’ll just wait until they come here to take you back and maybe they will report me for child kidnap?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Bryce. They wouldn’t that.”
“Still this isn’t right, Keiki. It could’ve happened something to you on your way here.”
“Yeah, but it would have been worth it if it means not spend another second in Maui.”
Bryce looked at her, intrigued. He couldn’t understand how things were bad for her if she had everything she wanted back in Hawai. A room the size of his apartment, all the clothes she wanted, and millions of things to do. But that was enough? He knew well it wasn’t.
“Can I stay with you?”
“Of course, Keiki, but you’ll go back tomorrow. Call mom to know if she can buy you a ticket flight back, I’m not sure I have the money for that.”
“Don’t you understand? I’m not coming back there, Bryce. Period.”
He shook his head and sighed. It was impossible to reason with her, and he knew it wouldn’t get anything by pushing her even more.
“Call her to let her know you’re here, then.”
“I bet she already knows.”
She seated on the couch, looking at him defiantly. He just ignored her act.
“Have you eaten something?”
“Some Doritos I bought around the corner.”
“What do you want to eat? I’m calling a delivery.”
“You don’t cook? I want real food, Bryce.”
“I’m a surgeon, not a chef, Keiki”
“Either way, you should know how to feed yourself by now, how you have survived all these years?”
“Take out.”
Bryce didn’t know what to do. Maybe he could just watch a video on Youtube and cook something basic to save the day. Eleanor’s face popped in his mind, but he shook off the idea as soon as it emerged. Calling her would implicate to tell her the truth about his family and he wasn’t ready for that.
“Okay.”—He said after some deliberation—"I’ll go to the grocery store, so you have food for breakfast tomorrow and all that. Do you wanna go with me?”
“Nah, I’m tired, I think I’m gonna lay down a bit.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be back in a bit.”
The moment he was out of the apartment, Bryce rubbed his hand across his face in exasperation. He didn’t know what to do, how to deal with his sister, and with the mistake he had been making all those years.
He always knew he shouldn’t have left her sister just like he did; never go back to Maui; call her just once in a while to finally only for her birthday. The guilt that has been accompanying him for ten years was materializing now in one of his worst fears: face his sister and deal with the consequences of his abandonment, the rage and the loneliness she might be feeling, all without prior notice.
He tried to clear his mind. At that moment he needed to stay calm to give Keiki the stability she had come to look for with him. He was the adult there, so he couldn’t let the feelings overwhelm him and make Keiki feel worse than she already was. 
Once he regained calmness, Bryce made his way to the grocery store where he collected all the ingredients for a spaghetti recipe he read on the internet, plus some vegetables, fruits, bread, butter, bacon, eggs, cookies, Doritos, so Keiki would have something to have breakfast and eat while she was at his place.
When the doors of the elevator opened again on his floor, she found the silhouette of a woman with a black and golden dress on, talking to Keiki. He froze for a moment until both directed to him.
“Hi Bryce”—She looked at him surprised, while Keiki just eyed them, leaning in the door frame, arms crossed.—“What’s happening?”
“Let’s get inside and talk, okay?”
Keiki moved backwars to let Bryce and Eleanor in. He went straight to the kitchen and set the bags over the counter meticulously, like trying to gain some time before facing her. After a few moments, Bryce turned to Eleanor.  
“Elle, this is my sister Keiki. She arrived today from Maui. She’s visiting.”
“Like hell. I told you I’m not planning to go back there, Bryce.”—She barked while she was flopping on the couch with the remote control in her hand.
“Hi Keiki, I’m Eleanor, nice to meet you”—She replied, giving a smile, even if she wasn’t looking at her.
“Yeah”—The girl just said, her eyes not moving from the TV.
Bryce just sighed, making evident his frustration. Eleanor looked at him worried and then pulled him to the kitchen.
“Can you explain to me now what’s happening? Why your sister ran away from home? Hell, I didn’t even know you had a sister, Bryce.”
Even if he wasn’t ready to talk about it, Bryce knew it wasn’t fair Eleanor didn’t know he had a sister, while she had talked about her family countless times.
“Elle, I…”—Now another fear was materializing: telling the truth about his family to someone from Boston. To the woman he loved, no less.—“To make a long story short, my family was a big deal in Hawaii. When I was in high school my dad went to jail for insider trading, and my mom only got off by testifying against him even though she was right there helping him the whole time.”
Eleanor gazed thoughtfully at him until she realized.
“Oh my god, Bryce… Your parents are The Lahelas? As in property tycoons turned white collars criminals The Lahelas?”
“That’s my family, and Keiki lives with them back in Hawaii. Dad got paroled a while ago for good behavior.”
Bryce saw as she remained in silence, surprise in her eyes. He couldn’t help but wince, waiting for the disappointed look, the disgust, the judgment. But nothing of it came. She instead tried to understand why Keiki was running away from home, what could have triggered that. She tried to convince him that this was not a simple rebellion as he was thinking. There was no judgment in her eyes or words. She just focused on Keiki and how to help him to deal with her.
Once Bryce felt less tense, he asked Eleanor to help him with dinner, which she accepted gladly. Half an hour later, the three of them enjoyed a plate of pasta that felt tastier as it was a result of collaborative work. 
Even if Keiki was hesitant to talk at first, the food put her in such a good mood that Eleanor got her to chat a bit with her, Bryce observing the exchange with admiration. From the answers, Eleanor could tell Keiki was a smart girl and mature for her age; she had a hot temper but the same self-assurance Bryce had, even the same smirks and looks.
“Thanks for dinner, Eleanor. .”—Keiki said before going to sleep.—"Good to know I won’t starve to death my first night here.”
“You’re welcome. It was nice to meet you, Keiki.”
She smiled at her and then got to the room.
Eleanor and Bryce stood in silence for a bit, none of then sure who had to speak first.
“Bryce, why you never told me? This is big.”—Eleanor finally said, standing in front of him, concerned.
“I know… I just…I was afraid.”
“Afraid of what?”
“Of you judging me.”
“Judge you? How could I judge you, Bryce?”
“Because it has always been like this. People know me and it’s okay at first, but then, when they know that I’m the son of a criminal, they assure me it’s okay but they never look at me the same, never treat me the same. They look at me like I’m about to do something, or like I’m a professional liar and I’m trying to cheat on them.”
“Bryce..”—She whispered, cupping his cheeks, her eyes full of sadness.
“I wanted to start from scratch here, no one knowing about my parents, no one judging me for that, just focusing on what I am, on how hard I worked to be at Edenbrook and be known for that.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry this happened to you.”—She said as he took him in her arms, embracing him tightly.
They stayed in silence for a while.
“How could you ever think that I would judge you, that I would treat you like that? I would never, Bryce. Never.”
“I know but some part of me thought you would.”
“Now I understand why you always changed the topic when I asked you.”
He nodded.
“But now you know you can trust me, right? Whatever you need, I’ll have your back.”
“I know, but… it’s not that simple, Eleanor. Since high school, people have seen me as a disease the moment they know I’m a Lahela, so I’ve never had anyone to trust about what I felt or just tell…stuff… the stress, the sadness… the things friends share. I never needed anyone to deal with problems, I could do it on my own until… until I met you, but I’ve ignored the feeling because I don’t wanna hold on to you, I’m scared that you’ll go away and I’ll lose the one person I trusted.”
“Why would I go?”
“Because nothing’s settled between us. There’s still the possibility that you’ll go with Ramsey or simply break up with me because you don’t want me anymore.”
“Bryce, we’ve been together for two whole months, I’m not planning to go anywhere.”
“Yeah, that’s what you say now, but you still want our relationship to be a secret because you don’t want Ramsey to know and make it a reality, because some part of you don’t want it to be true.”
“How can you say that?”
“Don’t be hypocrite Eleanor, please. I’m not stupid.”—Bryce retorted, hurt. She had never seen him this serious and cold.
“It’s not like that. And I don’t get where you’re going with this.”
“My point is, Eleanor, that I want to trust you, I really do want to tell you what is happening inside my head, but I can’t if the one person I can trust maybe won’t be here with me in two months or in a year. It doesn’t work like that with me. I have to keep on my own as always.”
“Bryce, no matter what, I’ll always be here for you, even if things turn out different-”
“No, Eleanor”—He interrupted—“Please don’t do this. Don’t be this selfish, thinking that if we end up things, we could go back to what we were. If I hold on you, I don’t know how I’ll deal with losing you or be away from you while I heal.”
“Bryce… Don’t be afraid, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith…”
“Don’t you think I haven’t taken enough leaps, Eleanor? I showed my feelings for you, I told you I loved you even before we were dating. You’re the only person I’ve done that with, and yet there is always a possibility that you won’t feel the same ever. And what about you? Yeah, you took a leap when you started dating me, but you can’t take a leap in leaving Ramsey in the past, tell him the truth, scrub all over his face that you moved on, because your ego is terrified that you weren’t enough to heal him. So, don’t dare to tell me that I should take a leap.”
He turned around and sat on the couch, both hands over his hair.
Eleanor looked at him, seeing the real Bryce for the first time. The Bryce that feels in pain, angry, annoyed, frustrated. Vulnerable. Human. The side she had never seen in him and she always wanted to know.
She took a few steps towards him and squatted down to face him.
“I’m sorry. I’m not trying to push you —She murmured—”I just want you to know that I’m here for you if you need me, okay?”
“I know, but I don’t think I’m ready for this, Eleanor. This is too much, and I need to deal with this on my own, that’s how I know best.”
“I understand.—She said softly, while taking his hands on hers.
The moment he felt his touch, his eyes threatened with tears and a knot ached in his throat. He pulled away from her grip.
“I… uh… I need you to go, Eleanor. I want to be alone.”
“Of course”—She replied, standing up.  
Once she collected her things she went to the door.
“Whatever you decide, just remember that I want the best for you, Bryce. I know we are in a complicated situation right now, but I’m doing my best to end this hell soon.”
And she left.
Bryce stood unmoved on the couch recounting the events of the past hours as the tears streamed down his face.
His biggest fears had occurred, and now he was feeling the incessant need of trusting Eleanor, tell her all the pain that was buried in his heart, but he just couldn’t. Just like his issues about his parents,  he had been burying the thoughts about Eleanor not wanting to confront Ethan about their relationship. He knew she still loved him and couldn’t blame her for that, but it was hurting him more than he thought, and he had just ignored his feelings and not said anything to her because if he opened up to Eleanor, even for one single thing, it would be like to open the pandora box, and he wasn’t ready to let all go.
Things were difficult in the next days. Keiki was absolutely decided to stay with him, especially since his parents didn’t reach him or Keiki to make her come back to Maui, and he still didn’t know how to deal with Keiki, because at any try of conversation, they ended up fighting or she ignoring his tries to be friendly.
The frustration and guilty were getting bigger and bigger.
He didn’t speak to Eleanor, and barely spend time with the rest of his friends. He just locked in on himself, focusing on working hard, and go straight home to be with Keiki even if they didn’t say anything or just argued. She was alone all day so she needed some company, and he really wanted to understand her, bonding with her and be like they were before, o maybe not like before, but he wanted to be her brother again.
However, soon he realized that he had been too harsh with Eleanor. Even if she was still in love with Ethan and didn’t want to make it official, it was all within their agreement. And more importantly, she had always been very respectful of their relationship, because she had only eyes and time for Bryce, and even if she wasn’t ready to commit, to tell the truth to Ethan and stop loving him, she was all in the relationship with him. He was her priority, he sensed that. He knew it.  Because she had been refusing any contact with Ethan since he was back.  When Bryce assumed that Eleanor had kissed him the night she stayed at Donahue’s, the reality was different.  And Ethan’s behavior the past weeks was proof of that. So, he felt bad for reacting that way. She didn’t deserve it when she only wanted to help.
Bryce was walking by the fourth floor, expecting to find Eleanor there, when he heard heated voices inside an empty room.
“This anger you have against me is about something else and I won’t allow it, Ethan.”
“What do you mean by ‘something else’?”
“Not work-related. You have been an ass to me for weeks, and whatever might be your reason, you’re being unprofessional and you’re exactly what you wanted to avoid.”
Then, absolute silence.
If Bryce was right, Eleanor was confronting Ethan about his behavior in the past weeks. She didn’t address the problem openly, but it was clearly a step he thought she wouldn’t take so soon.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”—She said when she ran into him, not cathing it was him at first.—"Bryce? Hi”
“Eleanor”—They stared in silence for a moment—"I was looking for you. What time does your shift end?”
Bryce saw the brief moment Ethan passed behind Eleanor, his face impassive and cold as steel, ignoring their existence completely.
“Half an hour, I’m doing my final round. Why?”
“I need to speak to you, meet me in the atrium as always?”
“Okay, yeah.”—Her cheeks flushed and couldn’t help but look at him with hope.
“See ya later, then.”
He waited in their usual spot and finally, fifteen minutes later, she appeared.
“I’m so sorry, I had to run new tests for a patient, and it took me ages.”
“Don’t worry, I’m glad you’re here.”
“Let’s go to my car, we can talk there.”
Once both got in the car, they looked at each other until Bryce broke the silence.
“Elle, I want to apologize. I realized I was too unfair with you the other day. I know you were trying to help and I just took it on you, because I was frustrated with the situation and I didn’t know how to deal with it, let alone with another person offering help.”
“It’s okay, Bryce, it’s me who should apologize. I shouldn’t have pushed you like that.”
“No, you were trying to help me, and I thank you for that. But I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that about Ramsey. You have been very respectful to our relationship, I want you to know that. I really appreciate it, babe. It’s just that sometimes this is… hard.”
“Bryce, listen, you were right, you don’t have to apologize for telling me the truth. I am afraid, and sadly I still have feelings for Ethan and I don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t want to hurt you either, so it’s all so complicated.”
“I know, Elle, I know, that’s why I shouldn’t have been so rude. By no means you have been unfair or mean to me. It’s just that this is getting a bit hard for me, that’s all, especially now that I’m dealing with something big in my life and I want to hold on to you… But I’m terrified to do so.”
Eleanor rested her hands over his. 
“Look, I know I can’t promise you we will be together forever, but I want you to know that our relationship it’s the most important thing to me now, and I’ll do whatever I can to take care of us. We are still in this difficult process until things are clear inside my head, but right now I want to be here for you, I want to help you with your sister and with whatever you need. Just say the word, okay?”
He smiled thankfully and then nodded.
“Truce?”—She said, offering her hand.
“Truce”—He agreed, but instead of taking her hand, he kissed her sweetly in the lips.
Eleanor giggled against him.
“God, I missed you so much.”—He sighed, parting from her just a brief moment, to keep kissing her for another couple of seconds.
“Me too. These days have been a real nightmare without you. How are you dealing with Keiki?”
“Not so well, actually. That’s why I wanted to ask you if you would like to go home with me tonight. I haven’t been able to talk with Keiki, and if you there with me, maybe I’ll understand her better. I don’t wanna fight with her anymore.”
Eleanor smiled warmly at him.
“This means that you’re letting me in?”
Bryce had made his decision but couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous.
“Yes. I want you with me in all this, Elle.”
“You won’t regret it. I promise.”
When they get home a delicious smell invaded their nostrils. Keiki was in the kitchen apparently frying some beef.
“Hey Keiki”—They both greeted.
“Hey. Eleanor, I didn’t know you were coming. I hope I’m doing enough food for the three of us.”
“We’ll make it work”—Bryce said, hopeful.
“If not, Bryce, you can call a delivery just as you like.”
“Haha, always so loving, sis. Whatcha doing?”
“Mongolian beef, I found an easy recipe on Instagram and here I am.”
“You need any help?”
“Umh, maybe with the rice, I have to chop the scallions and then have an eye on the beef.”
They both washed their hands and then Eleanor taught Bryce how to cook rice while suggesting topics to talk. Some were delicate and Keiki reacted badly, but after every scowl Eleanor gave to Bryce, he tried to act more empathetic, listening to her before judging.
Once the dinner was served, the three seated with smiled on her faces.
“Keiki, this is great!”—Eleanor praised after giving the first taste to her plate.—“You had cooked before?”
“Yeah, a couple of times, but it’s not that I have the chance to do it often when you have people who cook for you”—She replied, a bit embarrassed.
“And what do you like to do? Reading? Singing? Playing an instrument? Skateboarding?”
“I like drawing, reading, and sometimes taking pictures.”
“That’s great. Boston has such beautiful places to do it.”
“Yeah, that’s true. I’ve took some really nice. ”
“You must show me them after dinner, okay?”
“ And what about your friends? You are not missing them now that you’re here?”
“Nah, I don’t have actual friends there, they all hate me.”
“Why they hate you?”—Bryce asked, brows furrowed.
That was the moment Bryce had been waiting since her sister got there, because with that question, Keiki let everything out. 
Bryce finally knew the motives that made her leave home and fly all over the Pacific Ocean and to the other side of the country to be with him, even if they hadn’t seen each other in ten years.
And it happened that her sister was living the same hell he lived. Her classmates hated her for what his parents did, and of course, they hadn’t done anything to protect her. They only cared about their reputation.
The mistake he kept making for ten years had led to this. Her sister suffering from loneliness, abandonment, bullying. Just like he did.
“Keiki I’m …. I’m sorry I didn’t call more. I should have been looking out for you.”—Bryce finally said.
“It’s not like you could have done anything from all the way over here.”
“I could, Keiki. I should have tried, I should have done better, I should have stood in front of mom and dad if you needed me to. And I didn’t. I let this happened. But I’m gonna do better, starting from today.”
Bryce got up from the chair and opened his arms, inviting her sister to do the same. After a few moments of staring at him, she finally stood up and threw herself into his arms.
“I’m sorry I was a jerk when I turned up. And like… every day since.”—She apologized, complete sincerity in her eyes.
“The only jerk here is me. You can stay with me for as long as you need, okay? We’ll figure it out.”
“Thanks, Bryce.”
“I’m sorry, Keiki. Truly.”
“Bryce, it’s okay. I’m happy that I can count on you.”
The three chatted on the couch until Eleanor started to feel sleepy. She and Bryce said goodnight to Keiki, who had given his bed back a couple days ago as she found out the couch really comfy and his brother needed proper rest more than her.  When they locked in the room, Bryce pulled Eleanor to his chest gently, resting his forehead into hers.
“Thank you for doing this.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“All the right questions, and all those scowls and deadly glares that meant ‘stop screwing it up, Bryce’ is doing nothing? Really?”
“Ah, well. It was minimal. You did the hard job here, you get your sister to talk, and you listened to her and empathized with her. You apologized. You were the support she was looking for. You did it amazing, Bryce. Not me.  I’m so proud of you.”
“This wouldn’t have been possible without you.”—He kissed her in the lips, giving her the sweetest smile she had even seen in him, it made her stomach flutter.
“Good things happen when you trust people, you see?”
“Only with you.”
“I know. And I won’t let you down.”
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