#Get outta here Usa
beachytablecloth · 4 months
every time trevor opens his stupid mouth i lose at least ten brain cells
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polarized-here · 1 month
no but actually youre so based for that [referring to those tags]
Grahhh SANKU Pookie. I just needed to scream about it and yeah. Hmmnfjdjb just ignore my small ramble under the cut sjshskdhndn
Having took apush & currently taking ap gov.
I wish I can articulate how much I hate voting for the lesser of the two evils. And how our system directly works slower to never allow one sort of group any sort of rampant control of the entire system (checks & balances) & how the average voter doesn’t even have that much power on an individual scale (esp since we don’t even elect presidents based on our like. Popular vote. There’s been numerous examples where that didn’t occur!!!!)
But how voting is still so important, especially if you’re in a flip flop state—where your decision impacts the decision of the electoral college (The Electoral College is not a physical place. It is a process which includes the: Selection of electors, Meeting of electors who cast votes for the president and vice president, Counting of the electors’ votes by Congress—people that determine the state’s decisions, etc etc etc. it’s from a huge compromise and it’s a small hassle to explain).
and no matter what, whatever party you have & whatever candidate you pick, they will support Israel (it’s US policy to do so) but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t discuss the problems with whatever candidates.
Kamala, for example, hasn’t discussed shit about her policies and is trying to form an image for herself (based on recent news reports) which is more likely to attract the average American voter, unfortunately, but. Still. Like, she’s made mistakes and has the whole colonialism mindset of ‘listen to me, I’m smarter and know what’s best for you, and going against me means you’re wrong.’ Or her comments ensuing ‘if you question my policies in the Middle East you’re wrong or should vote for trump.’ LIKE??? Goodness. Gosh dang…
Goodness. It’s tiring. But we have to keep going. We have to keep trying, we have to keep pushing forward. To give up or let whomever we want move forward. We ‘lose’ (loosing is subjective in cases like politics and I’d rather not get some asshat swarming my inbox)
But still. Don’t ask me for political advice, or for anything of that sort. I’m just a random guy learning about the shitty game that is American politics and trying to grasp it. I’m not even pursuing political sciences/government (I’m not altruistic enough & the mere idea of trying to pursue something where I’m in charge of others is inherently sus on me. Why I’m always so sus of any candidate, but I digress. There are nice people out there.)
Anyways. Have a lovely day. And thank you for the comment about my notes <3333 I love yapping and having conversations. I love even learning from my friends and mistakes (so long as it isn’t a thinly veiled excuse to call me stupid lmfaoo) so yeah!!! <333 love ya Pookie <333
I need to work on ap gov hmwk rn and stop procrastinating,,,,
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looselaundering · 3 months
Aaron leaving the villa??????
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 2 months
i hate this dumbass country 😭
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phil-id-center · 1 year
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navysealt4t · 1 year
i should start researching like. different countries and colleges and shit
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futfemfantasies · 1 year
I Need You \\ alexia putellas x morgan!reader
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July 2022
International break wasn’t your favourite time. Since you and Alexia play for different national teams, you are competing in different competitions over the summer. You’re playing in the CONCACAF championship and Alexia in the Euros. Of course you text, call and facetime each other but on some days it’s just not enough. 
You are currently at breakfast sitting at the table containing Alex, Charlie, Kelley, Mal, Sonnett and Kristie. You all somehow got onto the topic of everyone’s partners and the girls are teasing you about Alexia.
“Auntie Y/N/N, where’s Aunt Lex?” Your niece Charlie questions as she climbs onto your lap, visibly upset.
“She plays for Spain remember bubba. She’s in England for the Euros”
“Oh” Charlie frowns as you tighten your arms around the 2 year old. 
“But you are going to visit her soon okay?” Charlie nods and cuddles into you more. 
You get back to eating breakfast, with Charlie stealing some of your toast when your phone rings from next to you. Charlie looks down and gets excited because she sees Alexia’s face on the contact photo. You move away to the side of the room, away from your teammates so you can hear Alexia. 
“Bebé? I need you here. It hurts” Alexia pleads, almost sounding like she’s been crying.
“What hurts Ale? What happened” You start to panic and start pacing in the converted dining hall, which some of your teammates become worried as you are speaking Spanish fast.
“My knee. I did my ACL. I’ve been waiting for this for years and now it’s out the window” Tears start forming in your eyes and you blink them away.
“I’ll talk to Vlatko and he should let me come home, seeing as it is a family emergency. If not, it’ll be after the first game. I’m so sorry hermosa” You sit down against a wall, slightly away from your table.
Vlatko looks over at the mention of his name. You wave him off and he nods in consideration. You talk to Alexia for a few more minutes until she says Mapi is there. You tell Alexia to put Mapi on the phone.
“Maps you take care of her until I get there. I don’t care what you do but stay with her please” You beg your best friend.
“Sí, I’ll do everything I can Y/N/N, you know that. We’ll see you soon. Ale wants to say something” You hear some mumbling then your loving fiancés voice again.
“Please hurry mi amor. I really need you” Alexia begs you. 
You’ve never heard her voice like that in the whole 5 years of being together. You know in that moment, you need to get to her. And you need to get to her fast. You turn around to see Alex gesturing that they need you back.  
“I’ll be there as soon as I can baby. Te amo mucho hermosa and I’ll see you soon” You say as you walk back to the table. You throw your phone down and rest your head on your arms. 
“Everything okay?” Alex whispers as she leans into you and Charlie attempts to climb back on your lap. 
“Lex tore her ACL. Mapi texted me while I was speaking to her, she hasn’t even cried yet”
“Let’s listen to the staff so you can get outta here”
After the short meeting, Vlatko pulls you aside and says you can go to Alexia. He says you can come back and play when you’re ready, if you’re ready. You thank him and Vlatko gets everyones attention so you can make the announcement. 
“Can I have everyone’s attention? I just want to say how proud I am of everyone here. As your co-captain I really hate to do this to you all but I have no choice. I know that you all will succeed and listen to Becky. I am leaving camp because Alexia has been injured very badly about 3 hours ago. She will most likely need surgery so I am leaving to hopefully be there by the time she wakes up. I’m not sure if I’ll come back for any games, but ultimately it will decide on how Alexia is doing”
You say your goodbyes to everyone before racing up to your room and gathering your things together. You book a flight to London and get the hotel name off of Mapi. You get changed out of your USA gear and order an uber. You wheel your luggage to the foyer of the hotel when you hear a little voice call your name.
“Aunt Y/N/N!” You turn around and see Charlie running as fast as she can towards you. What you don’t see is the entire team at the entrance of the conference room watching on. You bend down and scoop the nearly 3 year old in your arms. 
“Where you going?” Charlie inquires. 
“Auntie Ale hurt her knee baby so I have to go make sure she’s okay” You explain.
“Okay, give Auntie Ale this?” Charlie holds her toy you both got her when she was born.
“Mr Monkey will help her knee gets better!” The team laughs at Charlie and you put it in your backpack. 
“He’s all safe in here. I’ll see you soon okay?”
You say goodbye to your sister before getting in an Uber to the airport. On the way to the airport, you text Alexia for a while and she only replies with one or two word answers, this is worse than you thought. You called Alexia’s sister Alba and she explains what’s going to happen with the surgery and what hospital. You ask Alba to text you any updates while you’re travelling and she replies with ‘of course I will y/n/n 😊’. 
After the usual airport routine of bag drops and long security and custom lines, you finally sit in the seat you’ll be in for the next 12 hours. You quickly text Alba to let her know you’re on your way. The plane lands 12 hours later, you arrive in a gloomy London. After collecting your bags, you into hop into the closest taxi and give the driver the hotel name. When you arrive, you ask the taxi man to stay as you’ll only be a few minutes. Thankfully he agrees and you make a mental note to left a big tip for him later. You check into the hotel and left your bags behind the desk. You remember to get Mr Monkey out of your backpack before going back to the taxi. You tell the taxi driver the hospital and watch the scenery as it passes by. The taxi driver pulls up to an entrance and you give him all your cash before running inside. You look around and can’t seem to find the desk. After what feels like turning a million and one corners, you are met with the in patients desk.
“Hi, my wife Alexia Putellas came in. Where is she?”
“Ah yes, let me search that for you...she’s just gotten out of surgery a few hours ago so you can wait in the family area just around the corner”
You thank the nurse and take a deep breath before going to the family area. Palms sweaty and slightly out of breath, you turn the corner and see Alba and Eli. You walk quickly and sit across from them. Eli looks up at you with a relieved look on her face.
“Thank goodness you’re here sweetheart. She won’t let any of us in until she sees you first” Eli tells you and you frown at the comment. You are confused at the same time because Alexia is really close with her mom and sister.
You get the room number from Eli and start to make your way to Alexia’s room. You count down the room numbers until you reach room 1411. You take a deep breath before softly knock on the door. You open it slowly to see Alexia looking out the window, not bothering to see who’s coming in.
“Mi amor” Alexia’s head whips around and her eyes soften. Like she’s relieved that you’re there with her and not another nurse or doctor.
You walk around to her good side to give her a tight hug. After a few minutes, you try to pull away but Alexia doesn’t let go. Eventually, she lets you go and attempts to move over in her bed so you can stay as close to her as possible.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you” Alexia nods and you give her a kiss on her forehead before carefully manoeuvring yourself in her bed.
“I’m sorry I took so long. The plane was delayed then there was a stor-”
“You’re here now, that’s all that matters. I’m sorry I pulled you away from your team” Alexia frowns after she realises what happened.
“Baby, you are more important than anyone or any soccer tournament. If you’re hurting, I’m going to be on the first plane out” Alexia cuddles into you more and you kiss her forehead.
“Have you seen Eli or Alba yet?” You feel Alexia shake her head and you ask if she wants to see them. You give Alexia a soft kiss before going to get her mom and sister.
A few hours later, after conversations on Alexia’s rehab and you going back to Mexico, Alba reaches behind you and holds Mr Monkey, looking confused.
“What’s this?” You look at Alexia and she slightly smiles as she knows exactly who it came from.
“When I was leaving, Charlie asked where I was going and I said I need to see Aunt Ale, she hurt her knee. Charlie said Mr Monkey can help her knee get better” Alba gives it to Alexia and she tucks it under her arm. You take a sneaky photo and send it to Alex to show Alexia. 
A nurse comes in and says visiting hours are over but mentions you can stay due to being Alexia’s partner. Eli and Alba bid their goodbyes to you both and promise to visit first thing tomorrow. As soon as Alba and Eli leave, Alexia breaks down in tears. She tightens her arm around you and you do the same around her. You just hold Alexia and kiss her forehead while whispering sweet nothings to her. 
“Let it all out babe. Let it all out” You say trying to comfort Alexia. 
After a while, she lifts her head and sees the massive tear stain on your grey hoodie.
“I’m sorry mi amor” Alexia apologies after seeing your hoodie.
“It’ll dry Ale. More importantly, are you okay?” You asked worriedly. 
“I am now. I just needed to let it all out. Thank you hermosa. Te amo mucho” Alexia expresses before kissing you softly. 
“I love you too Ale. We will get through this together” You hold Alexia tight until you both falling asleep.
February 2023 (lets pretend its not the World Cup year)
7 months later and Alexia and you are finally coming back to training together. You park your newly bought Cupra in the Barca car park and you look over at Alexia. She was staring at the training fields in front and is frozen in place, only blinking and breathing. Your hand on her thigh makes Alexia jump and look at you with anxiety filled eyes.
“What’s wrong Ale?” You ask softly, turning in your seat, facing Alexia fully. 
“I’m scared. What if it happens again?” Alexia replies looking.
“Mi amor look at me” Alexia looks up and you cup her cheeks gently.
“You are Alexia Putellas Segura. You will kick trainings arse today. I am so proud of you mi amor” Alexia leans forward and kisses you before you hear knocking on both sides of the car. 
You both pull away to see Mapi and Ingrid laughing to themselves. You and Alexia get out and you quickly grab both of your bags. 
“Bebé, I’m not on crutches anymore. I can get my own bag”
“Just because you can baby, doesn’t mean you should” As you walk away, Alexia’s heart skips a beat at the gesture. 
You all walk into the locker room and the girls in there cheer at their captain walking through the door for the first time in a while. She tells them to quit it and they stop immediately, with you trying to hide your giggle at your cubby. Everyone gets changed and walks out to the field where now all the staff are clapping her out. Alexia turns to you and hides in your neck. 
“Embrace it mi amor, la reina is back” You whisper to her before kissing her head.
Alexia participates in a few light drills with the team before going over for her 1v1 training. She gives you a kiss on the cheek before starting to jog around the field. You and the other girls start scrimmage and Jonotan puts you, Kiera, Mapi, Ingrid and Cata as one team and Lucy, Oshoala, Pina, Rolfö and Panos on the other. 
The scrimmage was going well until you went to pivot around Lucy and that’s when it all went wrong. Lucy catches you as you go down and you instantly felt pain and you screamed as you went down. Alexia stops her drills as she looks over and see you on the ground. She apologises to the staff and runs over to you as quickly as she can. You couldn’t stop holding your right knee with one hand and banging your fist one the ground with the other. The medics tell you to turn over and you block out the sun with your hands but also wipe your tears away subtly. You feel familiar hands on your back and you look to see Alexia. The medics and a few of your teammates lift you on the stretcher that takes you straight to the hospital. Alexia gives one look to Jonotan and he nods at her to say ‘forget training and go with her’. Alexia runs into the training room and grabs her phone and a little something special that will cheer you up later on that she hides in her hoodie. 
After countless hours in the hospital, it came to the conclusion that you torn your ACL. You are exactly how Alexia was, closed off and not speaking to anyone except each other. You rest your head on Alexia’s chest and cuddle up to her the best you can, when you both hear a soft knock on the door. You look towards it and see Lucy, Keira, Mapi and Ingrid. You wave them in and balloons, teddy bears and flowers decorated your view. 
“What did they say?” Lucy asks.
“ACL” All 4 of your closest friends winced at the three letters then instantly got a sad look on their faces.
You all converse until a nurse comes in to tell you that visiting hours are over. All the girls hug you tightly and say they’ll visit after the game tomorrow. Alexia leans down and gives you a sweet kiss.  
“We will get through this together mi amor. Te amo mucho”
“Te amo Ale” They all start to walk out of the room, then Alexia remembered something.
“Oh bebé, so your knee is all better” 
Alexia places Mr Monkey with your phone next to you. You smile at Ale and decide to send your sister photos of your condition.
Lex 👯‍♀️❤️:  
(selfie of you and Mr Monkey, photo of your leg propped up)
couples who get ACL injuries together, stay together ✌️🥲
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3liza · 2 months
anime club, dude, just rep your work we like a super-sayan stuffed in a checkered shirt all you motherfuckers wanna try and test the verse? listen up -- here them players that'll get ya hurt GLOMP ME! yo, i'm chillin' here with mah friendses got that driftwood chain and transition lenses straight shinin', ya'll, forehead gots to gleam all them TLO cats call me 'oxyclean' well, i'm Baby Fillipe, girls call me "Surprise" cuz when I'm layin' pipe, lasers come outta my eyes known to flip like Freeza when i'm enraged got a level 20 half-orc fire mage Mr. Casual Khakis -- Sweaters-From-Moms got a rap attack that blasts cats better than bombs i'm all history and learnin', not them sports n' crap check out my basement! i'm workin' on a torture rack! (in a deep voice ala that annoying fucker from jurassic 5) Big Red in the back with so much soul Make snacks and operate the remote control Ya'll ain't gotta hate on the way I roll If you wanna pick the movie, just vote in the poll ay yo - fuck the system; The Man is ghey gonna smoke five blunts and watch anime Skeez, the TLO hook-up, ya'll bitches jock me Keep it locked down, slangin' that wet n' pocky step back, boys, i roll with the TLO so think twice 'fore you roll up and say hello Margaret, ya'll, my steez keep 'em duckin' for cover deviantart style -- animes fuckin' each other call me Celph-Satisfyde, i'm the mastermind mix up your manga titles and your ass is mine frontin' on me? that's a crime when i'm in the room with bitches, yo, it's sexual harassment time FRANKLIN -- here i come, devastatin' the track drankin' a forty, got a dozen shorties waitin' in back hey, ya'll! there's some empty seats near da TV i got a six of Dew, ya'll can watch Akira with me (beatbox solo) PHOOOM doom PHWAAAACK ka (heee-uh hee-uh) PHWAAACK eeeeer-wicka-a-a-ANIME CLUB who the heck are these people? haven't asked 'em yet i guess i joined an anime club by accident i'ma slide out the door 'fore these dudes assume they're legit cuz there's a real asian in the room yeah, nine mc's and one dj we be gettin' down with no delay fuck you, mom and dad, we're here to say:
japan is better than the USA
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And you want her to walk out on him when he clearly needs her the most because she was offered THE EXACT SAME ROLE elsewhere by someone we don't know for sure if is better than Carm or even worse, and neither does she, btw, and Carmy is what? NOT PRINCE CHARMING and FUCKED UP? Get out of my kitchen, chef!
Not only will she stay, she has to and he can only get out of the hole he is in with her help and his own will, which he will definitely lose if he loses her. He will be beyond redemption if Syd leaves. That can't happen plot-wise because Carm is the plot, he has to redeem himself, and the whole series is his redemption arc FFS!
She should scare him shitless. The conversation SHE HAS BEEN AVOIDING has to be had ASAP. My preference is in the hallway post-panic attack as S4 opening act and I want all Sydcarmy action from then on throughout the whole season. Throw Sydluca in the mix too, bring back Claire if you want to, IDGAF, I want it all, I want jelly Carmy and Syd finally letting herself feel what she really feels for Carm and not approving of it at first but eventually giving in and Luca, who already said that will be staying in USA for only a few months can go back to Noma or where the fuck he wants after that, his purpose will be served.
I want Claire to even fucking beg Carmy to fuck Syd because she finally comes to her fucking senses and realizes he's an emotional cheater and calls him out on his shit and for once she doesn't tell him the most unfuckingbelievable line ever thrown on TV: "Never apologize", she actually forgives him even if he can't apologize to her for feeling what he feels for Syd, especially after the conversation Sydcarmy had in her hallway that resulted in her declining Shapiro's offer and staying with at The Bear.
So Carmy humors Claire and decides to finally grow a pair and now with Luca outta the pic and Claire too, he goes for it and finally Syd, after all this is said and done, lets him in. No more fumble on either side → "If it's not perfect, it doesn't go out."
That is what is marinating here in the potential realm, that is one of the menus Storer can serve next season with the ingredients he prepped in S3.
I don't wanna see anything else unless Storer surprises me with something even better, which would be a full-on Sydcarmy main dish all the way, but I won't hold my breath for that one.
I'm not saying all of this will happen to the T, I'm saying that the story is at that point exactly. All of the aforementioned can very well unravel in 04x01 and go from there in this order, with these characters without disrupting their respective arcs.
Richie will be an ally, and the Faks will come around or not, who the fuck cares? And Nat will be happy that Syd signed the agreement and when she finds out about a potential Sydcarmy relationship she will play Cupid. But she will also be too busy being a first-time mom and mending the relationship with her own mother, who along with uncle Lee can come in and save the restaurant when Cicero pulls the plug after The Bear got its ass served by The Chicago Tribune and then or in the middle of all this: either the JB award or the Michelin Star or both can happen. And then:
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sinner-sunflower · 2 months
SPN Sinister AU
You guys know the Sinister movies? With the entity that takes children, possesses them, and makes them kill their family?
I just got an idea for that but with the Winchesters.
It could be them settling down for a while in this house where a family was killed. It was abandoned and no one was there for miles so John thought it would be a good temp base for a few months.
They've been following a trail of a creature who is killing families and abducting a child from each family. John decides to take this hunt because he thinks it might be a demon and related to Mary's death. They've finally caught up to the killings to this no name town in the middle of bumfuck, USA. He enrols Sam and Dean to school and takes a part time job as a mechanic for the time being.
While left alone at the house, Sam finds a box of films in the attic, each with their own seemingly innocent titles.
Logically, he knows he should tell Dean or his dad about this, but next thing he knows, he's putting it in the projector and watching the first film.
It's disturbing and terrifying but he couldn't turn it off. He almost vomited twice before it finished.
He's not stupid. This has got to be related to the thing his dad is hunting. He needs to show this to Dad. He can save people with this.
Dean and Dad came home, the box stayed in the attic. (And he keeps watching the rest of the tapes)
Sam gets nightmares and constant night terrors. Dean is beyond worried and John has a bad feeling.
Sam gets moody. He snaps at Dad but that's normal, but then he also snaps at Dean. He says stuff to Dean like the urge to hurt the annoying squirrel in the backyard. Dean sticks to him like glue because he has a sinking feeling.
Sam won't eat, drink, sleep. He scribbles concerning signs and symbols on the walls and looks a little too long at their arsenal.
They still haven't got a clue on what this creature is but there's not doubt in their minds that it's what's messing with Sam.
It gets so bad that John decided to abandon this hunt and let someone else take care of it for the safety of his son.
They leave first thing in the morning.
Settling down on one of Rufus' many cabins across the country, Sam begins to show signs of health again.
Dean is beyond relieved and John is just tired.
One night, he's in his room, head in hands and documents all over the desk. Dean and Sam are in the living room watching a movie. He was taking a sip of his coffee when his phone rang.
He picks up to a frantic Bobby and the roar of an engine.
"It's Bughuul! Babylonian pagan ancient deity, like really ancient! It consumes souls of children!"
"Figured as much Bobby. Took the boys outta there as soon as I found out."
"You don't understand, John! That's the problem. You moved!"
"The patterns! Each of the families experienced shit in the previous victims' homes but the killings only happened when they moved! I'm almost there but you didn't save them John! You moved up the timeline!"
Suddenly John felt a wave of dizziness. He looks at his coffee and finds a strange liquid in it. He shoots up, staggering out of the room to where his sons were.
He finds Dean passed out on the floor, movie still playing, but no Sam?
He falls to the ground and sees his youngest's bare feed and pajamas in front of him. Then nothing.
John wakes bound by ropes. He's laying on his back to something hard, wood?
He looks around and sees Dean in the same position, awake and freaking out.
"Dad! What the fuck is going on?!"
Now that he can see Dean fully, he knows now in what kind of position they are.
'A Hunter's funeral pyre.'
"Dad! Where's Sammy??!"
"Dean, it's the thing we were hunting. It got Sammy possessed. We need to get out of here now before he kills us."
"It got Sam?! What- before who kills us?!"
Sam then comes out pointing camera at them, Bughuul behind him looking at them menacingly.
Dean is shouting for Sam but his brother is under the creature's control. They're both flailing now and John only hopes Bobby arrives on time and finds them.
Sam puts down the camera to pour gasoline of their pyres.
"Sam! Sammy please snap out of it!"
Sam lights a match.
But before he could throw it to set them aflame, Bobby arrives and hit him in the head, making him fall unconscious to the ground.
Not really sure how this will end cos the movies never killed Bughuul. But this is Bobby so he might find an obscure exorcism or smth and expels the hold on Sam.
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Hi hey hello!!
You can call me Mer, I'm a 22 year old butch dyke from northeast USA. I go by he/it pronouns, but you can call me anything with the right attitude ;) This is my blog for literally anything including NSFT media, so minors get outta here!! If I've interacted with a minor please let me know so I can (with the kindest intentions) block them.
DMs and asks are welcome but I'm awful at responding to them. Feel free to spam, send me videos/pics/posts, just act like we're acquaintances already :)
Moon Knight
My Chemical Romance & more rock music
Musical Theatre
Indie books/zines/art
Plane travel
Public transportation
Web 1.0 - 2.0
Crafting (especially embroidery and mending!)
Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Sims 4
SFW age regression blogs (but i love you, have a wonderful day)
Cishet male dom/tops (ur boring 🥱)
People who would look down on me for stealing a pumpkin at walmart
All of the below are FANTASY unless simulated by consenting adults with safety precautions in place.
(BDSM test results:)
== Results from bdsmtest.org: ==
100% Masochist
100% Switch
96% Experimentalist
96% Sadist
95% Voyeur
95% Non-monogamist
94% Exhibitionist
90% Brat
85% Submissive
85% Degradee
84% Rigger
83% Rope bunny
81% Degrader
69% Brat tamer
67% Dominant
58% Owner
53% Primal (Prey)
49% Pet
48% Primal (Hunter)
45% Master/Mistress
42% Vanilla
27% Daddy/Mommy
23% Little
13% Slave
4% Ageplayer
R@pe play/ CNC
Medical scenes
Sploshing / messy scenes
Race "play" (side eyeing y'all)
I only reblog or repost with full credit, if there's no credit the media is mine!
I have one partner who I live with and will reference often 🥰 but my body count is: 5 🫣
💭🌱😵‍💫🛫👨‍🦽��🐛🐇🍃🌿🍀🪴🍄‍🟫🌷⭐️🌮🧋🍷🍹🎬🎧🎮🚃🛸🚁 i like these emojis they are very much like me
If you're still reading this send me something fun :)
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judyfromfinance · 1 year
The Homelander/Reader
Nymphology by Melanie Martinez
Summary: He was fucked in the head. You knew that.
You were fucked in the head. He knew that now.
God, you were perfect for each other.
Warnings: Homelander being kinda outta character, he’s more “I’ll kill for you” Yandere than a “I’ll kill you” Yandere. So the reader will not get hurt in this, at least not by Homelander. Violence, Shouting, Swearing. Death. Lying. Manipulation. NSFW themes. (If there’s anything I’m missing please let me know and I’ll add it, thank you)
Look, imma be straight up… I’ve never seen the show. Nor have I read the comics. I don’t know what’s happening or going on. I don’t really know the plot. Everything I know is second hand that I’ve read through the 20 fics I’ve read so far of this man. So take that into consideration when reading my fic. Out of character moments and plot points being misused, forgotten or just totally made up in my mind will happen. And if that’s something you don’t like that’s ok and I understand.
I blame tumblr for suggesting a fic by @blindmagdalena This man wasn’t even on my radar and then I read her fic Say It, chapters 1,2 and 3. Boy howdy, did that fic change my psyche forever. Like I don’t plan to watch the show at all, yet here I am consuming (and now producing) content for this man that truly doesn’t deserve it because he’s awful.
Also, the lyrics from the song I am using will not be in order. I cherry picked the ones I wanted to use for this fic. Now with everything off my chest. Let’s go.
Everything was different now. You were different now. Moving to New York from California was a risky move. But you wanted to take that risk. You wanted a better life. No more fear. No more anguish. Well, the universe had other plans and gave it all right back to you and then some. And it was packaged in bright patriotic colors. He flew into your life the same way he flew through the air, elegantly but fast.
You were never one to blindly idolize supes. You didn’t hate them either. You just… you treated them like you treated every other celebrity in your radar. You thanked them for their service of either saving you or entertaining you and then you went on your merry way. That’s how you met. That’s what got his attention. You being so normal. So unremarkable, it made you remarkable in his eyes. How that works, you’ll never know. But it’s not like you can question it now. You’re trapped within his prickly vines. You move an inch out of place and you’ll get stabbed by his thorns. And he does it all while he looks at you with the utmost love in his oceanic eyes. The rose. The National flower of the USA. Symbolizing love and devotion. Beauty and eternity. But for you, it only symbolized death and destruction. But you must’ve forgotten that death can also mean change. A new beginning. Were you changing for the better?
Or for the worst?
~Damaged oddity, bought by Sotheby’s
Auctioned to a selfish man who thinks that he’s the prophecy~
“You can’t wear that.” John said, his back to you as you hear him fix his gloves. The squeak of the leather irritating to your ears.
“Why not?” You asked as he turns around. You smooth out the black expanse of your dress. You don’t understand why he wouldn’t like it. He’s the one that bought it.
“Because it doesn’t match my suit.” He said it so matter factly that it almost made you feel stupid for not putting on something else. Almost. You shook your head in disbelief.
“Nothing really goes with your suit.” You back track. “Because it’s so unique, ya know? How am I supposed to find a dress that matches?” He smiles that pearly white smile. Every time he opens his mouth you’re shocked to not find blood staining his teeth. He lifts a glove up before pointing towards you.
“You should have just asked me hun? I have just the thing.” He then briskly turns to his side of the closet and pulls out a black box you haven’t seen before. His cape bristles behind him, almost as if it’s trying to escape. You tried that before. It didn’t end well. You feel for the cape, you truly do. He hands you the box before ushering you to the bathroom.
“Go on. It was specially made by Vought’s finest tailors. Obviously to complement yours truly.” Ah, Vought. What wouldn’t those selfish pricks do for their golden goose? You nod along as you enter the bathroom. You know he’s watching you through the walls. You don’t care anymore. He’s seen everything there is to see when it comes to you. Inside and out. He likes to pretend you guys are a normal couple. When he tells you to change in the bathroom, like he’s a gentleman. When in fact he’s everything but. You lift the dress out of the box. It’s the same shade of navy blue as his suit with slight red highlights on the v-neck of the dress. It’s a mix of sexy and modest. Showcasing just a bit of your chest but a lot of your back. The heels were a matching red. Same as his boots. And underneath it all were golden accessories. Earrings, a necklace and a bracelet. To match his golden eagle shoulder applications. You put everything on as you fixed your slightly tousled hair from changing. You turned in the mirror and examined yourself. You didn’t look half bad. You run your hands over your body before finally leaving the bathroom.
“Is this better?” Before he could even ask you did a slow twirl in front of him so he could see it all. His shark like smile softens as he sees you parading around in his colors. And no, the colors didn’t belong to America. They belonged to him. He opened his palm towards you and you took it. He brought you in as close as he could, his breath brushing past your ear.
“You look perfect.” You can feel yourself start to flush at the compliment. Little tiny butterflies banging around your stomach. Threatening to eat you from the inside out. You don’t know when a bug laid eggs in your brain or when those said eggs hatched into the destructive, carnivorous butterflies that they were. But you don’t seem to mind it much. In fact, it feels kind of nice.
“Now everyone will be able to see that you belong to me.”
~Call me your muse
A sprite or an elf you cry to, then use~
Bright lights. Bright people. Shining words that mean nothing to the speaker but everything to the audience. False hope. False promises. Spilled from the lips of the people that you were supposed to trust with your life, like milk from a toddlers lips. Messy. Uncouth. But only behind the scenes. In front of the cameras, they were nothing but America’s little darlings. And if they weren’t, if they happened to slip? Vought would clean up their mess like the good mother it was.
You sat on the sidelines as each Supe went up to say something into the mic that’ll help boost their image. You sat quietly. You sat gracefully. The man next to you however, wasn’t supposed to be there. But you didn’t know that. Your back was to the table, eyes on Starlight as she spun golden promises to the media hounds. Your drink sat quietly behind you. Your drink sat gracefully as it bubbled with whatever drug that the man sitting next you put into it, before finally stilling. Appearing as nothing more than normal champagne. You turned to grab your drink. A quite excuse me leaving your lips before taking a few sips. Homelander would be coming up next.
He said he had planned his entire speech around you. It was his idea but one that Vought approved of. Telling people of his beautiful none-supe girlfriend. Spinning a tale similar to that of Superman and Louis Lane. You were his muse. You were his everything. Plainly and simply, you were his. And the world needed to know. Because the world was also his. He wanted you there for his speech because after all was said and done, he’d pull you up on the stage with him and show you off as his one and only darling.
You started to feel queasy. At first you thought it might be stage fright. The fear of so many eyes on you. Always watching. Watching you forever and ever until the day that you die. If you die. If he lets you die. You’re not sure if he’s capable of letting you go. But then your heart rate picked up. Pounding in your ears to the point that you didn’t hear the familiar clack of boots that you know oh so well. Sweat started to pour from your face as you started to shake. What the hell was wrong with you? You tried to get up to go to the restroom but your legs gave out before you could fully stand up. Luckily you were caught by arms that held the strength of a god within them. Your eyesight started to blur as your hearing came back tenfold. You could hear every minuscule little sound in the room. It brought on a terrible headache.
Homelander’s eyes scanned your vitals and can see what was wrong with you immediately. You begged him to take you home as you cried. You apologized for ruining his speech. For ruining his night. As you sputtered out apology after apology you didn’t notice the blood that started to ooze from your nose and your mouth. He grabbed you face as he told you to kindly “Shut up.” He noticed some of your organs on the brink of starting to fail as he rushed you behind the curtains. He barked for Vought security to take you back to the tower. His penthouse as he called some of the best Vought paid physicians. He warned them that if they weren’t there before you were they’d have to answer to him. Sadly he couldn’t go with you. This was an important event and if he left now, not only would it damage his numbers but it would make the company look bad. Honestly, he was going to be angry at you for being stupid enough to be drugged at an event filled to the brim with Superhero’s and high level security. He would have gripped your face till you offered up a real apology. He would have, if it wasn’t for the fact that you finally… finally referred to his penthouse as your home.
Your home. He immediately felt a surge of pride fill his entire being. His penthouse was an extension of himself. It was home. He was home. He immediately felt himself stiffen in his pants as he almost creamed them. But he held it off. His cum was only for you. Plus, you were dying, so he supposed he could wait to fuck your brains out till you weren’t. And once the doctors gave him the all clear, you’re fucked. But until then he can play the thoughtful boyfriend, only caring about his girl’s safety.
~You’re in a spell and it worked, and I’m returning the hurt
Cut you off, watch you die, just a fairy with a knife~
As you were rushed into an all black car your vision returned. Your hearing also went back to normal but you can still feel your body dying. Everything in you was twisting and turning in ways that it shouldn’t. Or at least that’s what it felt like. Your mind was going, going, then gone. Paranoia started to creep in on the sides. It’s shriveled hands gripping your heart and refusing to let go. Who did this to you? Were they trying to kill you to get to Homelander? And why… why did you care? Why was one of your first thoughts about him and not about yourself? The car came to an abrupt stop as 2 men and 1 woman immediately pulled you out. They shoved you onto a cot as they made a beeline for the elevator. You assumed they were doctors despite them not wearing anything remotely professional. They talked back and forth as they poked and prodded at you. The elevator ticked closer, up and up. You tried to answer their questions to the best of your abilities.
Sadly they were limited on what they could do since they didn’t dare take you to the medical ward in the tower. Homelander gave them specific instructions and they will follow them to the letter. One doctor was constantly making trips back and forth, bringing all of their materials to them. They eventually made a makeshift hospital room in the living area. They flushed the drugs out of your system as well as they could. The EKG hooked up to you was showcasing good results. You could be better but you weren’t going to die. Which is what they were tasked to do. An air of relief resided in the atmosphere amongst the doctors. They asked if you needed anything before making their leave. John probably didn’t want them in here longer than they needed to be.
Your body felt sluggish. Like every time you tried to move you felt like you were in water. So cold and dark. Your mind was at war. You knew you were safe now but you felt in your heart that you weren’t. What kind of drugs were pumped into you? It was having a field day with your mind and you body. Like a caged animal finally let loose. You guessed that the only thing you could do was fall asleep, let your mind and body rest and heal while you wait for John to get back home. Hopefully he wasn’t upset. You close your eyes and try to even your breathing. In. Out. You shift to get more comfortable. In. Out. In. Out. Your breathing became slower and slower until you heard footsteps come from the bedroom. You opened your eyes and stared at the hallway waiting for the hero to walk in. He never did. Was this a test? Was he mad?
“John? John is that you?” You got up out of the bed, still in your dress minus the shoes and accessories. You grabbed the IV drip connected to your arm as you continue to walk forward. Maybe he was waiting on you to get to him. You try to call his name once more before your cut off by a hand around your mouth and an arm around your throat. You swing the heavy duty pole around in hopes to dissuade your attacker. This wasn’t John. There was no squeaky obnoxious leather. No smell of iron that permeated from the palm of his hand. This was not your John. You hit him and he lets go of you with a small yelp.
“You fucking bitch.” He grips the IV pole and you struggle to keep a hold on it. Your weak as he jostles it out of your grip and you tumble to the floor. The needles in your arms being pulled out by the force of it all. You stumble to your feet as you head to kitchen through the living room. The heavy footsteps follow you as the unknown man tackles you to the floor. Your nose banging against the cool tile of the kitchen. A sharp pang radiates from your nose as blood gushes down and out. The irony taste in your mouth is spat back out as you scream in terror and in anger. The burly man flips you over and you finally get a good look at him. He’s heavy set. Unruly scruff covering his chin and cheeks. Brown eyes stared at you in anger as he held you down with his body weight. You don’t know him. But you’ve seen him before.
Yeah. You’ve seen him before. That day you tried to leave. It didn’t end well. And not just for you but for a lot of others as well. You remember holding onto John for dear life as he forced you to watch first hand as he lasered the building down that you were hiding in. Including everyone in it. Their screams of pain and terror. Begging for someone, anyone… for Homelander to save them. No one would come. You saw as people tried to drag their loved ones out of the debris. They looked like tiny ants scattering away as a mean kid knocked down their hill. You thought you’d remember those cries of agony forever but they’ve gotten quieter over the past few months. Why is that? You’re brought back to the present as you’re slapped harshly across the face. The blood from your nose spreading droplets across the bottom of the kitchen counters.
“You useless fucking bitch.” His spit flying everywhere as he tried to contain all the hatred in his body. He was shaking as badly as you were earlier last night. But unlike you, he was shaking from pure unadulterated anger.
“You think you’re above everyone else? Huh?! Even if you aren’t a fucking supe! You’re just like them. Helping them cover up their fucking crimes!” You tried to wiggle out of his grip but he kneed you in the gut. You gasped for air as you tried not spill your stomach contents onto the floor.
“Stop squirming. You deserve everything that’s gonna happen tonight.” He straddles your legs to keep them from moving as he sits up. He looks down at you in disgust.
“He took something from me. So I’ll take something from him. This is for Marie.” Before he could say or do anything else you use your entire body weight to knock him off balance. His head ricocheted off the marble counter as you scrambled away to the knife block. You grab the biggest one you could find before turning around. He was gone. You spin around and try to locate the intruder. You walk around the center island, your breath coming out short and staggered.
“Where the fuck are you?” You mumble to yourself. The question wasn’t only meant for the man in your home. But the man you were waiting on to come home. The Gala should be over by now. How has no one heard you struggling yet? Was the building really that empty? Or maybe it was John’s penthouse specifically that was sound proof? You could believe that. You walk closer to your makeshift hospital bed as you keep your eyes wide open. The scruffy man pops up out of nowhere as he pushes your cot over and knocks you down, your knife skittering away. He hops on top of you and you see blood pouring from a cut on his head. His hands are around your throat as he presses down.
“I hope you know just how much I’m enjoying this.” He squeezes tighter as you arms start to flail.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna kill you just yet. I need you in order to get to him. You’re my leverage.” What a fucking dumb piece of shit. Did he really think he could take on Homelander. Your fucking John. He could see the questioning look in your eyes. He kept one hand around your throat threateningly as his other found it’s way into his coat pocket. A syringe was pulled out. You struggled but all he did was click his tongue.
“It’s not for you dumbass. It’s for me. A few buddies of mine helped me get this uh, this shit called Compound V. Heard it’s very useful.” He smiles down at you. A sickly deranged smile. And although you knew that there was no one like Homelander. No one that could even think of beating him. Your heart started to race in fear. Not just for your safety but for his as well. Why? He pinched your broken nose as you screamed in pain.
“Don’t fucking move this time.” He rolls up his sleeve as he gets ready to inject himself. With all the strength that’s left in your body, which isn’t much, you grab at the handle of the knife and aim straight for his head. The wet squelch of flesh and the sick crunch of bone was all you could hear. The man above you gasped as he slowly brought his hands up to his head. The syringe laying forgotten on the ground. You push him onto his back as you grab the knife out of his head. Blood pooling on the pristine rug. You lift the blade up as you plunged it back down into his chest. Over and over and over and over and over and… you didn’t stop. You kept going. His chest. His face. You were covered in blood. As red as the roses that John gave you on your supposed first date. If he could see you now, he’d think you were beautiful. You just know it. You eventually slowed down. Leaving the man underneath you nothing more than ground meat. You dropped the knife in shock as you stood on shaky legs. You threw up all over the decimated body before you. A mixture of the drugs leaving your system and just pure utter disgust at what you’ve just done. You ran out onto the balcony as you screamed into the night, begging for him to get home.
~Call me your nymph
Praise me for martyr, praise me for sin~
Homelander was finally flying home to his girl. The doctors called him a couple of hours ago telling him everything in detail about what was wrong with you and how they fixed it. You were doing fine now. Safe and secure in your shared home. He didn’t thank them as he hung up the phone, he sadly had some more shmoozing to do amongst the fucking filthy pigsty that they called a ballroom. But that was all behind him now. He could head home. Maybe get a few kisses from you for saving your life. He’s not even halfway towards the tower before he hears a blood curdling scream in the night. If it was just a random person, he wouldn’t have stopped. Well… maybe, just to satiate his curiosity before he up and left. But he could tell by the sweet lilt in their voice that it wasn’t some fucking rando on the street. It was you. You were screaming his name.
In just a few seconds flat he was back in his penthouse. Everything was fucking destroyed. He stepped in a pool of blood before he quietly listened for your heartbeat. He let out a sigh of relief as he heard your distinctive heart. Beating only for him.
“(Y/n). Where are you? Come on out, I’m here now.” He rounded the corner of his couch and stood over a disgusting mangled corpse. Did you do all that? Wow. Who knew you had that in you? He stood in the blood and guts and waited for you to come to him.
You opened the terrace doors. John’s voice a soothing balm for your wounded mind. You entered the bloody crime scene but refused to look at anything other than his smile. So devastatingly handsome. You ignored to the best of you abilities the blood and flesh on the floor as ran to him for comfort. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed, a small gesture to let you know that he’s here now. Your hero is here. You sobbed as you told him about the dumb cocksucker that you killed. He just nodded his head and rubbed your back. He picked you up and cradled you in his arms, not caring about the blood smearing all over his suit. You finally open your eyes to notice that you were in the bathroom. John starts to get a bath going.
“Come on. Strip. You reek of blood.” You do as he says.
“Will you stay with me?” He looks towards you and chuckles.
“You’re covered in blood hun. You want me to stay in the bathroom and watch you wash up?” He shakes his head before he checks the temperature of the water. You don’t understand where this confidence came from but you don’t question it as you walk closer to him and start to help him undress as well. He looks down towards you in confusion.
“You’re staying with me. You’re not leaving me.” You stare back up into his eyes and he can tell that there’s no room for questioning you. So he doesn’t. He undressed and hops into the tub first. It was huge, so it was perfect for this. You follow after him. He helps wash the blood and brain matter out of your hair as you just gaze a hole into the wall. Usually he’d be complaining that you should be doing this for him, but he’ll let it slide. After all, you were such a good girl today. As he finishes washing out your hair he moves onto your body. He turns you around towards him, wash cloth in hand as he gently swipes the blood off your face. The water around you two growing murkier and murkier.
“You know it’s fine right? You’re not gonna get into any trouble.” You look up into his eyes as he continues.
“That fucker was going to kill you. You had no other choice.” You slowly start to shake your head as your eyebrows furrow.
“No?” He questions.
“No. He wasn’t. He was gonna keep me alive till you got home. He wanted to get to you through me. And I…” you look down at your hands. The ones you used to kill for him. The man you’re sitting in the lap of.
“I know that he had no chance of even touching you.” You brought your hand up, scrubbing at your eye in desperation. You look back up towards John. A fire in your eyes he hasn’t seen before.
“I know you’re stronger than anything on this fucking planet but I just got so…” you clench and unclench your fists. Heavy, laden breaths escaping you.
“I just got so fucking angry. You know? I didn’t… I just… All I was thinking about was you.” You laugh a little. Feeling hysteria building within you. You wanted to cry. You wanted to laugh. You wanted to scream. And you wanted to do it all for the man in front of you. John just looked at you as he felt a wave a pure love wash over him. You did that for him. You killed the piece of shit for him. And he wanted to prove that he’d do the same for you. A whole block of civilians meant nothing to him. He sits up straighter as he grabs your sides and pulls you closer. His lips hovering over yours. Petal soft lips brush his.
“I fucking love you.” And for the first time in this tumultuous relationship that you both had, you finally said the words that he’s wanted to hear his whole goddamn life.
“I love you too.” You both kiss as the moonlight filters in through the window. Groping and touching as you rip your souls out of each other, as if to say yours is mine and mine is yours. Your mind briefly flickers to the syringe of Compound V that was hidden underneath the couch before the love of your life enters you and your whole world shatters away, and all you can think about is him. But don’t worry, all he’s thinking about is you too.
~I won’t be ashamed, yeah
For lovin’ you so honestly~
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
God of what? - L. Tucker
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Very bantery and wordy, pnv!sex, Baby daddy!Lance, chubby Lance, we love dad bods, both are self absorbed as hell, Maggie is still an Angel, teasing, switching, humiliation, creampie, afab!reader
Taglist: @borikenlove @lovelykhaleesiii ;)
Lance Tucker. Gold medalist. Major dickface. Baby daddy. You were one of the team coordinators for USA gymnastics and had to check in on his gym and girls. Which you had no clue how the bastard wasn’t banned for knocking up the Townsend girl but she said it was consensual and they were very much in love.
But Lance did get knocked down a peg. His gym was relocated to Northern California. What you would call Sasquatch weed farm land. An educated guess would be this is where the prick was from. He never married Maggie Townsend but they ‘co-parented’ from what you could see on social media. You wished you were sent to Hope Ann’s gym, atleast she was entertaining.
You got out of the uber and glanced at the gym. It looked nice, very eco-friendly in appearance. Of course his name was plastered in big ass letters on the sign. You remembered him at the Olympics, but he was on his way out and you were sixteen. You won gold on bars and floor that year. Then gold on bars and floor the next Olympics. He wouldn’t back you into a damn corner.
You entered through the doors, silently dipping to the side, hoping to not garner any attention. You leaned against a half-wall and surveyed the scene. Maggie was working with girls on the vault, smiley and vapid as usual. Lance hollered at two older gymnasts on floor exercises. You raised a brow at the state of the former team coordinator.
The motherfucker had on his usual tracksuit, but equipped with a baby backpack, the child just shaking around with Lance’s annoyed arm movements. You snickered quietly, holding a hand over your mouth. Parenting had taken its toll on the former Olympian, Tucker was definitely sporting a ‘dad bod’. His thick waist and what you guessed was a belly had that zip-up straining. Still clean shaven but you could spot the pouch under his chin, the softening of a jawline.
Hm. How the mighty have fallen. You couldn’t say he didn’t look cute with the baby daddy fluff but once he opened his mouth all attraction flew to Antarctica. Blue eyes flickered over your way, once, twice, and his mouth clamped shut.
You could hear him from afar, “Go get some water and your heads outta your ass, coordinator’s here.”
He stalked over, baby bouncing and laughing eagerly. You eyed the team USA patch and the embroidery on the backpack. Future Olympian - Tucker Jr. Did his arrogance know no bounds? Apparently not. Lance approached and asked, “Why did they send you here? My two girls are fine.”
You shrugged, “Had to make sure you weren’t impregnating more up and comers, Tuck. Just a routine check, loosen up that tracksuit huh?”
His full cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment. Lance grumbled, “Yeah fuck you, come and watch then.” Maggie had bounded over, gushing over you adorably. Poor thing had no brain cells but was cute as a button. She cooed, “Oh my god! I can’t believe it’s you! You were my hero growing up, I modeled my first floor routine after you!”
You grinned and gave her a hug, warmly replying, “Thank you, that’s an honor I could inspire you.”
She looked at Lance and pointed toward you, “Can you believe it? It’s like one of the best USA gymnasts ever!” He frowned deeply. “Yes Margaret. I won my gold when she was still in juniors.” Maggie babbled on, “But she has four golds.” Lance gritted his jaw, you watching his eye twitch from even multiple feet away.
“Yep. Great. Please go back to the girls.”
Maggie waved at you again with a bright smile, Lance face palming dramatically. You eyed his reddened face with a smirk. The brunette cursed, “She’s a fucking idiot.” You asked, “What’s that make you Lance? Don’t fuck stupid then.” He waved you off with a snarl, gathering his protégés up to run through their routines.
You watched with crossed arms as they warmed up. Lance had unbuckled his baby and handed the pack over to Maggie with a kiss to the child’s head. That was cute. No. You eyed him stride back over, still holding that confident swagger. He grinned at you and said, “My girls will definitely be qualifying.” You shrugged and replied, “We’ll see, yeah?”
“You’re a bitch.”
“I know. Suck in.”
Lance blushed and straightened up, embarrassed and now curling in under his arms. He scrabbled for his phone to press play for the first girl’s floor routine. She was good, you watching silently. Quietly you said, “Needs to make sure she’s not landing with her head forward like that.”
“Yes sir!,” she yelped while doing a split.
This would be a long day.
Later on while watching bars you noted Tucker being uncharacteristically quiet. Towards you of course. He was barking at the gymnasts every other swing. You offered, “How’s the dad life going for you?” Affronted blue eyes jerked towards you. His jaw clicked open and shut. Lance replied smoothly, “Good. It’s not hard once you get routines down.”
“You changing diapers?,” you snickered.
He made a disgusted face and replied, “Maggie does that. I can do everything else just fine. Waiting for him to start walking so we can start training.” You raised a brow, holding back a guffaw. He snapped, “What? He’s got good gymnast blood!” You held your hands up and apologized, “Yeah, yeah, gotta keep the Tucker name alive.”
The conversation ended. He gave some more advice to the two girls. You hummed, “Want to get dinner after this?” Lance straightened up, eyeing you suspiciously, “Sure. I’ll drive, Coach.” You poked him in his fluffy side, “I bet you’re hungry huh?”
“Fuck you!”
“Sorry, soft spot I see.”
Lance gritted his jaw, holding back another tirade. His temper was still hot but not blazing like it used to be. You cooed, enjoying the poking of ‘papa bear’, “No need to be so tetchy Tucker, you look good rocking the dad bod! Probably hard to stay in shape with Junior!”
His hands flew up as your fellow coach snarked, “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up! Tucker got fucking fat, ha ha! Go eat a cock.” Lance’s eyes rolled aggressively as he walked over to the girls for the final talk of the day. You waited by the door as they closed up the gym, checking your phone.
Lance strode past you and called, “Let’s go.”
You rolled your eyes. “Such a gentleman!”
Following the surly coach to his Beamer you almost broke out into laughter again. You couldn’t take him very seriously, not a bit, it was endearing. Climbing into the passenger side you looked back at the car seat and smiled. Lance muttered, “I’m on a diet, y’know.”
You replied, “I’m just fucking with you, calm down Tuck.”
He backed the car up while grumbling, “The amount of pussy I get is down to zero now. Shit fucking blows.”
You raised a brow, kicking your legs up on the dash, earning a sharp glare. Looking out the window you stated, “Hate to be the bitch again but you don’t have the best reputation, especially now buddy.”
“Not your fuckin’ buddy,” he pouted, “Maggie goes on dates all the damn time.”
“Maggie’s not an asshole.”
You really wanted Tucker to blow his top. See that famous temper in action. Out of curiosity of course, not some desire to tame him. Yes. Totally.
But he gritted his jaw and jerked down a road to a little downtown area and parking in front of a row of shops and restaurants. He sighed and unbuckled his seatbelt, glaring at his tummy like it might disappear. You did the same, inquiring, “Where are we eating? Since you’re on a diet and all.” Lance snapped, “Vegan joint.”
You smirked and patted his cheek, “How healthy.”
Lance gave you a snarky grin, anger radiating off his entire being. Good. You poked him in the side again for good measure, hopping out the BMW before receiving an earful of angry dad. The elder gymnast cornered you quicker than you could step on the sidewalk, big arms crossed. He jerked his jaw. “What’s your fucking deal? I barely know you. We trained together once.”
Now it was your turn to be bashful. You didn’t really know why you were fucking with him. Originally it was out of spite but now? You weren’t sure. He jeered, “I’m waiting? Not so mouthy now huh?” Mouth agape you stood in front of his bigger frame, stuck. You pushed past him and entered the restaurant, the other laughing haughtily.
Several drinks later.
Lance offered to walk you back to your hotel down the street, considering dinner went okay. There was that stagnant energy looming over you both. But you distracted the idiot by letting him brag the entire dinner. He needed it anyways, you’d been riding his ass all day. Guys like him needed their little ego boost.
He walked beside you inside the lobby, not stopping even as you pressed the elevator button. You stared blatantly. “You think you’re getting lucky or something?” Lance closed into your space again, hand on the wall as he grinned, minty breath hitting your face. He crooned, “Obviously. I got you figured out now.”
Ding. The elevator doors opened. He followed you in. You pushed him roughly against the wall, hand blindly pressing the button to your floor. You growled, “Shut the fuck up,” and kissed him. Big hands groped your ass while you fought against Lance’s mouth— teeth and tongue intertwined. His nose brushed against yours, you pressed into his soft body harder. The pair of you looked like some horny damn teens.
He lifted you up easily, you wrapping your legs around his hips. Lance hotly murmured against your lips, “So you had the hots for me? That’s what’s got your panties in a twist, huh?” You slapped him across the cheek lightly, swearing, “I wanted to fuck you when you won pommel horse gold that first time you stupid prick.” His eyes rolled back, a grin splitting across pink lips.
You kissed Lance again, both hands cradled in his soft hair. He pulled away groaning, “Where- the room- fuck!” More smacking of lips filled the hallway. You panted, “Last- oh Goddammit- one on the right.” In an awkward flurry of limbs Tucker had managed to grapple your keycard and open the door.
He nipped at your swelling upper lip, laughing, “You were a fucking twig then, I mean Hope Ann had more ass.” You narrowed your eyes at him, hopping down and shoving Lance across your bed. He propped up on an elbow with a smirk. Climbing onto thick thighs you replied, “You were skinnier then too— if I remember correctly.” Grabbing a handful of his soft belly emphasized the point.
Watching his brows furrow and lips pout up was priceless. Lance retorted petulantly, “Bring it up again and I’m gonna start thinking you like it.” You shrugged and started pulling at his tight red pullover, the brunette grunting at the sudden stretch. “Easy!,” Lance yelped. The undershirt didn’t last long either, you were goddamn going nuts.
He pawed at your jacket, unzipping the white fabric, shrugging you out of it. He sucked in a breath when you unhooked your bra in a swift motion, hands groping your tits, mouth finding it’s way between. Yanking his hair you hissed, “That’s it, use your mouth for something other than talking about yourself, fuck, Tucker.”
He lapped around a nipple, moaning softly. You rutted down into his lap, grinding against his cock with an aborted mewl. You got plenty of dick. So how you were rolling around with Lance Tucker, gone to seed God of Gymnastics, was purely lust motivated. He lazily moved to your other tit, suddenly going too slow for your liking.
“Hurry your fat ass up- hah- what is this? Soft core hour?”
He nipped rudely, causing you to squeak and yank dark hair again. Lance pulled off your tit, lips obscenely swollen. His pupils were blown wide, eyes lidded seductively. He cocked his head and hummed, “Someone’s needy.”
“Fuck you!”
“Trying to, spitfire.” Good one. Your old nickname.
You hobbled off of his thighs to yank down your leggings and underwear, glaring. Lance copied your actions, albeit he struggled a bit more. You zeroed in on his pretty cock but then the tattoo registered. Lance’s smug face fell when you started laughing. He yanked the lamp off.
You giggled, pawing at him in the dark. “Oh my god, you can’t be serious right now, turn the damn lamp back on!” He protested, “No! It doesn’t look right in this state!” You fell against his soft chest, guffawing now, “Oh my god you aren’t even embarrassed about the tattoo itself?”
You flicked the lamp back on with a sharp grin, the light illuminating his unimpressed face. Nipping at his soft chin you ran hands down soft flesh, wrapping around Lance’s heated cock. He gasped softly, arching ever so into you. Cooing gently against hard and fast strokes, “I’m just playing with you again Tuck. S’that feel good?”
He exhaled out a shaky moan, eyes fluttering shut. You kissed downwards, making a wet line to that beautiful cock of his, heavy and curved. Lance babbled when you wrapped your lips around the thick tip, “Oh fucking Christ- you’re a little freak you know that? Hopping your way around the coaches this year? ” You squeezed his balls in warning, Lance moaning again with a grin.
You bobbed your head a couple of times, drooling heavily on the flushed member. Pulling off you rasped, “No, just the ones who are stupid, self-absorbed, and named Lance.” His inevitable retort turned into a whine when you flicked your tongue across his weeping slit. One of his hands fisted into your hair, pulling you forcefully up and off his cock with a lewd noise.
Lance rumbled, “Enough of this shit.” You moaned in surprise feeling him manhandle you under his bulk, trapped efficiently. The brunette was settled between your thighs, cock readied at your entrance. He purred into your ear, “Pussy’s just wet for me then? Fuckin’ hell spitfire.”
“Yeah, yeah, c’mon and fuck me, you’re right Lance, no more shit!”
“I’m always fucking right,” he grunted while sliding into your pussy. The pair of you cried out in unison, panting into each other’s mouth while adjusting. Your legs wrapped back up around Lance’s softened waist, whimpering at the stretch. He fared no better, lips barely touching your own as he groaned out, “Baby- baby, sh-shit!”
There were a couple of tentative thrusts before Lance eased into a rhythm. His arms were still strong as ever. One was braced next to your head and the other held your waist as he fucked into you. You felt up whatever muscle or softness you could grab on the Olympian, moaning his name in a desperate litany. Lance was back to nonsensically talking, switching between praising your body to extolling his virtues.
You wanted him to talk about you more.
Squeezing your inner walls down on Lance made the man stutter on his thrust, moaning sluttily. You used the pause to flip him onto his back with an ‘oof’. Smirking down at him you bounced up and down roughly, hands pulling at your nipples. “You’re soo lucky Tuck, guess Mags doesn’t, ah, put out for you anymore?”
Lance gripped at your hips rough enough to leave a bruise, smacking his hips into your own. It sounded like a serious porno in the room with all the wet noises, whining, and smacking. He gritted out, “Guess you weren’t getting much either huh? Sure there’s plenty of fish in the sea that can deal with your attitude.” He got a slap again, making those pretty blues roll up.
You shoved your lips against his, Lance sitting upright to wrap around you, one of those calloused hands snaking it’s way around. His belly was soft against your own, making you moan into his mouth. He jerked up into your pussy, you meeting him shamefully with rough bounces. His cock was rubbing against your sweet spot, pushing ‘ah ah ahs’ out of your mouth.
Your were beginning to shake down to your thighs, scratching at his muscular back. Lance growled against your lips, “Taking my cock so good yeah? Sucking me down like a good slut! Fuck, yes!” You threw your head back and shouted eagerly. In a guttural rasp you replied, “Yeah yeah- fucking hell- you’re a good lay I’ll give you that, daddy.”
Lance’s eyes blew black and he slapped your ass, choking on a groan. The pair of you bickered and panted, writhing into eachother. The noises reached a fever pitch, you whining in pleasure, Lance babbling nonsensically. Your pussy tightened and twitched.
“F-fuck, Tucker, gonna cum, harder!”
He swore, “Fucking slut, god!” He pushed you onto your back, hands holding your hips as he jackhammered into your pulsing cunt. You cried and squirmed, going rigid and cumming hard, eyes rolling up. Lance choked your name out, whimpering softly, growing sloppy with his thrusts. He rasped brokenly, “God fucking damn baby, oh god!”
“Fill me up, fill me up,” you chanted.
Lance dug deep a final time, mouthing into your neck as he spilled into you, grunting and moaning. He collapsed flat on top of you with broken little noises, face smushed into your neck still. You sighed in content, lazily rubbing his back in content. His cock began to soften, seed dribbling out between your thighs.
“Hmm, see you again in Paris, Tucker?”
“Uh-huh, maybe some more before that,” he looked up to stare at you, “I need some…hm, help?”
“You? Asking for help?,” you laughed.
He rolled his eyes and laid his head back down, groaning in annoyance.
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glittergroovy · 1 year
Post Directory: Lana Del Rey Unreleased / other
1949 / Afraid / All Smiles / Angels Forever / Architecture / Axl Rose Husband /
Baby Blue Love / Back To The Basics / Backfire / Bad Boy / BBM Baby / Be My Daddy / Beautiful Player / Because Of You / Behind Closed Doors / Ben / Bentley / Big Bad Wolf / Big Eyes / Big Spender / Blizzard / Boarding School / Bollywood Hawaii / Break My Fall / Breaking My Heart / Buddy’s Rendezvous / Butterflies / Butterflies (Part 2) /
C U L8R Alligator / Catch & Release / Caught You Boy / Children Of The Bad Revolution /Come When You Call Me America / Criminals Run The World / Crooked Cop /
Damn You / Dance For Money / Dangerous Girl / Daytona Meth / Delicious / Disco / Dragonslayer / Dreamgirl / Drive / Driving In Cars With Boys / Dum Dum / Dynamite /
Earthquakes / Elvis (Demo) / End Of The World / Every Man Gets His Wish /
Fake Diamond / Find My Own Way / Fine China / For You / Fordham Road / Freak Like Me / French Restaurant /
Gangsta Boy / Get Drunk / Ghetto Baby / Girl That Got Away / Go Go Dancer / Golden Grill / Goodbye Kiss / Greenwich /
Hangin’ Around / Hawaiian Tropic / Heavy Hitter / Hey Blue Baby / Hey You / Hit And Run / Hollywood / Hollywood’s Dead / Hot Hot Hot / Hundred Dollar Bill /
I Can Fly / I Don’t Wanna Go / I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy / I Still Love Him / I Talk To Jesus / I Want It All / I Was In A Bad Way / If I Die Young / In The Sun / In Wendy / Is It Wrong? /
Jealous Girl / Jesus Is My Boyfriend / JFK / Jimmy Gnecco /
Kinda Outta Luck /
Lake Placid / Last Girl On Earth / Let My Hair Down / Life Is Beautiful / Lift Your Eyes / Live Or Die / Looking For America /
Maha Maha / Making Out / Match Made In Heaven / Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight / Melancholia / Methamphetamines / Midnite Dancer Girlfriend / Moi Je Joue / Money Hunny / More Mountains / Motel 6 / My Best Days / My Song 57 /
Never Let Me Go / Noir / On Our Way /
Ooh Baby /
Paradise / Paris / Party Girl (St. Tropez) / Pin-Up Galore / Pink Champagne / Playground / Playing Dangerous / Prom Song (Gone Wrong) / Puppy Love / Push Me Down / Put The Radio On / Put Your Lips Together /
Queen Of Disaster /
Resistance / Roses / Run Motorcycle /
Scarface / Serene Queen / Serial Killer / She’s Not Me / So Good (Summer Bummer Demo) / So Legit / Some Things Last A Long Time / Starry Eyed / Stoplight De-Lite / Strange Love / Summer Of Sam / Super Movie /
Teenage Wasteland / Television Heaven / The Happiest Girl In The Whole USA / The Man I Love / There’s Nothing To Be Sorry About / Tired Of Singing The Blues / Trash (Miss America) / Trash Magic / True Love On The Side / TV In Black And White /
Unidentified Flying Bill / Us Against The World /
Velvet Crowbar /
Wait / Watercolor Eyes / Wayamaya / Westbound / What’s A Girl To Do / Wild One /
Yes To Heaven / You & Me / You Can Be The Boss / You Must Love Me / You’re Gonna Love Me / You, Mister / Young And Beautiful / Your Band Is All The Rage / Your Girl
SEE HERE for directory of her released music
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nikkiiiscute · 7 months
Howdy Pillar Character Analysis !TW! If you are an immigrant, This might bring up some bad memories and I'm sorry.
You wanna know what's back? CAnalysises and Motivation!! Atleast I won a game of COD. Anyways, blabber McJabber outta the way so lez goo
Aside time!!! - Howdy is sadly neglected in the Art Department, with only TWO or so pieces of Artwork. He is depicted almost always in his Bodega, only getting out for Holidays and deliveries to Poppy's Barn. The Guy is an Enigma, a Ghost prolly, just like is Halloween Costume lmao
He's a Bodeguero - Y'all already know that Howdy is the average 7 / 11 employee- I mean a bodega owner. But get this, He's a Bodeguero meaning Bodega Boy in Spanish, Hmmm is he spanish / hispanic??? BTW, What is going on in the back of his counter??
Tumblr media
Is that Alcohol??? It might be another drink but, Is that Cigarettes aswell??? WHO SMOKES HERE???!!!
Mental Health Analysis!!! - Nothing wrong here, He's all good!
HOLD THE PHONE!!! - It's actually confirmed to be easy to make Howdy laugh, I feel like he'll laugh at anything even if it snot an actual joke. "BAAAAAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA" "I only said that you had good stuff!" "hehehehehe GOOD STUFF HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I CAN'T!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA" "Motherfu-"
Ethnicity Analysis Time!!! - So Howdy is Hispanic, Not only that he's a bodeguero but he got the Shit ton of cousins / siblings stereotype as we can know this from the 12 - 14 hb vid. Not to mention, It seems like his family was immigrants during the time (Hardship of Scarcity) where it was hard for immigrants to live through normal conditions and Bodegueros were men who would work overtime atleast getting something, Even so Howdy is charitable
Howard's story - Howard Pilar was born on 1939 and although he was a literal baby, his family moved to the USA, Buuuutttt that was during the Hardship of Scarcity meaning that as immigrants, the Pilars had to live in hard conditions that they made a store, A bodega. Howard worked there till his adulthood as what made him never giving up was his crush- i mean #1 customer, Barnabus Benedict. He heard of this Playfellow Workshop and this Dorelaine fella from the local marites- I mean girlboss Byeol Cheoleom aka Sally and left the Bodega leaving with the #1 baker Poppy Perdiz and long story short, He's fucking dead- And that the end of the story
He do like maeth
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radioisnotdead · 5 months
So does hell have any holidays down there?
I ask since we kinda just celebrated mother's days in the USA so I'm curious....... On second thoughts I probably shouldn't be talking about mothers day with you guys since well none of your mom's are probably down here my bad..oops
(happy belated mothers day to all anyone in the USA!)
Hm, I quite agree.
Wait do I even have a mother
Mine was down here but I beat the shit outta her a while ago so.. maybe she's here, maybe not? Depends on if anyone found her I guess. I mean at least she's not in heaven.
This would be somewhat amusing if he wasn't also referring to me...
I have a sister in heaven does that count
You're not a part of this conversation.
okay well fuck you too???
ANYWAY SHUT UP ALASTOR BACK TO THE ORIGINAL ASK. There aren't really holidays? There are traditions that some sinners learn from Earth and still follow in Hell, but not many do. Doesn't get them outta their jobs, so why should they care? Up till the whole war, the extermination was kinda like a holiday, but everyone was in a shit ton of danger so it wasn't really treated like one. Technically when I was created and when I made Hell is treated as Christmas and Thanksgiving, but no one really gives a fuck about it.
we're changing that with the hotel though! candy apples everywhere for dads birthday :D
awhwwe thats so sweetttttt thanks char <3
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