#Gdog90 from DeviantArt
This is Gdog90. Hope everyone has a merry Christmas!
And Happy Holidays to all!
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wendip-week · 5 years
It’s me: the anon formerly known as Wolf90. I made an account recently on Deviantart and I was wondering if it’s cool that I post some of my work from this site on my account in the near future. Obviously, I’ll be sure to mention this page. Is that alright? Oh, and the account’s name is Gdog90.
Of course! Let this post be the testament of this fact. though, of course, the even better thing would be to make your own tumblr…
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This is Gdog90 again. I just finished the first 5 episodes of Hamster and Gretel. I’m just speculating at the moment, but I’m 60% sure we’re going to see Bradley Nicholson eventually. Only... he’s either going to be a superhero or supervillain. (I’m leaning on the latter). He’s got a plant arm and an origin-story. In this show, that seems more than sufficient. Any thoughts on this potentiality, anyone?
Oh! I've seen the first 5 eps of HnG, too!
And uh, yeah that makes sense. But I'm a little afraid of what they'll do with a crossover, you know what I'm saying? I want them to prioritize the story they're telling right now rather than prioritizing roping in viewers by using previous shows.
It could be cool if Bradley was a villain, but we'll see!
So far I'm really liking Hamster and Gretel.
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Another update on my theory about the three timelines for MML/PnF. I think I've got it figured out (for the most part): Quantum Boogaloo essentially created three timelines for the series. We've got the first timeline, what we'll call the Future-Candace timeline, untouched and surviving despite her and her brothers' meddling (but mostly hers). Doof and Perry are old and playing checkers. Got that so far? Now, Future-Candace corrected her mistake by going back to the pilot-episode. (Next)
When she did, she made Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella aware of future-events (which they agreed to play out anyway). This led to a separate-timeline, despite their attempts to maintain the status-quo. Thirdly, Isabella borrowed the time machine to stop Phineas and Ferb from meddling in the first-place, leaving them with no knowledge of the events in question. Another timeline. Now, here's where it gets tricky. What events led to where? To recap, there are three versions of Doof.
We've got him as a high-school teacher (Doof 101), an agent of OWCA (The OWCA Files), and the time-traveling hero (The Phineas and Ferb Effect). To start, which is the old man playing checkers with Perry? I found a clue to that. His building still has the word "Evil". However, the teacher and the time-traveler both changed their logos. This leads me to believe that the Future Candace timeline is where The OWCA Files takes place. The others are trickier, but I have an inkling.
After Isabella stops Phineas and Ferb from messing going to the future, they agree to postpone their time-travel shenanigans. Although, Ferb does suggest they might try again later. Later, time-travel becomes a really big deal in Milo Murphy's Law, where their paths tie in with Milo and all his time-travel-related companions. This leads me to believe that the Professor Time timeline is the branch caused by Isabella stopping Quantum Boogaloo from happening.
Lastly, we have the one with the boys, Isabella, and Candace aware of the future. Of course, knowing about it is going to create some ripples, one way or another. In this case: we've got Doof as a mellow science teacher content to live a peaceful, if not humdrum, life as the main-cast prepare for college and a presumably positive future (in some capacity). And there you have it. What do you all think? - Gdog90
Fascinating theory.
I think it all checks out and would love to see others’ interpretations.
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Gdog90 here. I’m glad you like the Pistachion world idea. Thanks. I actually hadn’t thought about expanding upon it much, but a blog? I’m... actually sort of intrigued by the idea (if I can find the time). As it stands, I sort of have two ideas for them. One’s a total victory: the Pistachions successfully captured and Mulched the remaining heroes and the rest of Danville, then expanding across the globe. In the other idea, some of humanity escaped and went into hiding. (Next)
Most could be found in places, inhospitable, undesirable, or unreachable to the dominating plants: Antarctica, Greenland, and “that country in Africa where all superheroes seem to hide every couple of years”. Here, the Pistachions’ biggest concern is RWCA: the Resistance Without A Cool Acronym. Among their ranks is Agent Michael Murphy (the Half-Pistachion). Considering the PnF/MML series has time-travel and a multiverse, I think this is viable. Any thoughts?
Sounds awesome! I think the hiding-out story sounds great, but total domination could also be fun. Either way, a blog would be so cool to see! If you make it on tumblr I'll be sure to share! Let us know when you do something with it!
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Hello again, this is Gdog90. Thanks for the responses. I guess I should clarify my clarification regarding Pistachion Candace. (Sorry, I forgot about potential confusion). So, I previously mentioned Pistachion Candace would try to destroy the Talking Zebra, along with Olga and Chicago Joe. I was merely clarifying that I knew the two bugs were real. Lloyd, Napoleon, and Wendell are the talking insects from a few PnF episodes who want to reveal the world of insects to humanity. (Next)
(I just used that insect trio to emphasize the realness of the other insects). As for Candace’s “Nutter” page, it was supposed to be a nut-themed pun and parody of Twitter. You know, in the hypothetical scenario where the Pistachions won. (Again, sorry about the confusion there.)
I am familiar with Lloyd, Napoleon, and Wendell. (I wish I wasn't) Oh, okay so, this is all relevant to a reality where the Pistachions won. That makes sense, okay.
I haven't thought a great deal about a world where the Pistachions won. (I believe we are discussing the second Pistachion wave, yes?) There's so many cool ideas that can exist in such a world.
Someone should really make a blog for that universe. Maybe you should consider making one, Gdog90. I would love to see what you come up with. (Nutter is a good pun.)
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Gdog90 here. So, you’ve all probably noticed that a lot of my MML posts are related to the Pistachions. I thought I’d explain why. First, there’s the whole “you’ll never be rid of me” trope (often associated with time-travel). Over the years, it’s become a fun plot element for me (Grant Ward, Reverse-Flash, etc.). As I’ve mentioned before, the Pistachions have yet to be completely wiped from history. Milo and the gang may yet face them again. Then, there’s the time-travel shenanigans. (Next)
We’ve got time-loops, paradoxes, that sort of thing connected with them. Plus, there’s the similarity to the Orcs from Lord of the Rings I previously mentioned. (It’s fun). But what sold them being a favorite (albeit niche) villain for me was the designs of the Mulched Pistachions. There was just the right amount of scary and grotesque without going into material like Pennywise; all while maintaining the characters’ individual-profiles. Plus, there’s the speculative elements. What do you think?
I mean, I certainly want to see more of the Pistachions.
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Gdog90 here with another headcanon. While everyone was generally glad the Mulched Pistachion became human again, Ginger is/was slightly disappointed, too. While relieved that the world is safe and that her family wasn’t transformed (probably), Baljeet isn’t a Pistachion anymore. Yeah, her Fireside-buddies might pine for werewolves and vampires; she found a new monster to obsess over. Hope you all have a happy New Year!
What a cool idea!
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This is Gdog90. Just a quick update: the finale to Adventures, -Inators, and Accents is finally on my Deviantart page.
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents Chapter 1
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents Chapter 2
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents Chapter 3
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents Chapter 4
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents Chapter 5
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents Chapter 6
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents Finale
Happy reading, everyone!
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Gdog90 here. I guess it’s time I mention my ship in Milo Murphy’s Law. For those of you who probably haven’t guessed already, I’m a Milo x Melissa shipper. I know that a lot of fans are more for Zack x Melissa and Milo x Amanda, and I respect both. (Granted, I don’t see the chemistry on the former, but I digress). There’s something about these two best friends who’ve been together for half their lives. They make their own fun. They’re always there for each other. (Next)
There have been a few other humorous or cute scenes, such as the Llama Incident, or Melissa’s Doe Eyes or “Secret Room”. They’ve got quite a chemistry all their own. While it certainly works platonically, I definitely see Milo and Melissa as romantically-compatible at the very least. But what do you all think?
Okay so, I'm a big Trust Triangle shipper. Milo, Melissa, and Zack give me big polycule energy. So like, I'm 100% with you on the MiloMelissa thing. There's something there. That being said I'm also 100% on board with the MiloZack train.
I think MelissaZack is fine and MiloAmanda is very cute, but I trust in the vibes. The vibes guide me.
All shipping is good, though. We're all out here in our little boats and the water is great!
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Gdog90 here. So, remember my mentioning of Pistachion Candace eradicating a certain zebra in her nutty-brain? Shortly after, I imagine she removes another nuisance: Olga and Chicago Joe.
Fair enough, but I thought those were two real people in Lights, Candace, Action!
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I’m back, and I’ve got another MML theory here. In The Phineas and Ferb Effect, I think Doof may have unwittingly saved the day. And I don’t just mean the soda-idea or calling in Professor Time. Remember how he botched the plan to ambush Derek (the intern). The plan was to catch Derek by surprise. The problem is that he had henchmen; more than there were heroes. Plus, they didn’t have a surefire weapon (that they knew of). Even if they defeated him, another would’ve taken his place. (Next)
Worst-case-scenario, they’d have lost. All the other masked “staff” would’ve taken them by surprise, as well. So yeah, Doof wrecking the plan might have prevented a suicide mission in the end. What do you all think?
Hello! I'm assuming this is Gdog90 from Deviantart?
Accidentally saving the day is a thing Dr. D. does so this seems in-character for him.
I think it's a solid theory.
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My MML-Fanfiction
Here are some links to my Milo Murphy’s Law fanfics. (Thank you for allowing me to submit them). Note: the ones purely MML are still works in progress. However, the crossover pieces (and the sequel fanfic) are complete for now.
This is my latest work, part of a story-trade for a friend.
Cuteness Corruption Cautionary (Part 1) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt 
Cuteness Corruption Cautionary (Part 2) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Cuteness Corruption Cautionary (Part 3) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
This is something I started on a while back. (I should really write the last chapter).
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents (Chapter 1) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents (Chapter 2) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents (Chapter 3) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents (Part 4) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents (Part 5) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Adventures, -Inators, and Accents (Part 6) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
This is technically a series of dialogues that are basically a crossover between MML and Gravity Falls. Apart from the sequel, these were part of my work for Wendip Week a couple of years ago.
Typical Pines Luck by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Hey, I guess we’re both freaks. by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Wendy, you’re the coolest person I know. by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Hey guys, notice anything different about me? by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Epilogue (or The Silver-Lining) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
These fanfics are a sequel to this crossover, eventually leading to a future-series I am considering. (No guarantees). 
Of Masks and Men (Part 1) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Of Masks and Men (Part 2) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Of Masks and Men (Part 3) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Of Masks and Men (Part 4) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
These are profiles for the character-roster of the above. It, too, may be continued in the future.
Abel Wood (Gravity Falls OC) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Dana Wood (Gravity Falls OC) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Mason Pines (GF: The Next-Next Generation) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Wendy Pines (GF: The Next-Next Generation) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Danny and Arctica Pines (GF: NNG) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
May and Chaz Valentino (GF: NNG) by Gdog90 on DeviantArt
Hope you all enjoy!
Gdog90 from Deviantart
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In the recent PnF movie, Baljeet tried to sacrifice Buford, right? Didn’t Buford also try to sacrifice Baljeet in MML (which was chronologically after the movie)? That’s hilarious; Buford was totally getting back him! What do you think? - Gdog90 from Deviantart
i personally think it’s super funny… if you don’t try to sacrifice each other to evil forces then are you even frenemies? -mod elliot
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I’m calling it: when Doof starts experimenting with time-travel, one of the first things he’s going to do is retrieve his little wooden head (from back when he was controlling those termites). Doof: “Waitgobackweforgotmylittlewoodenhead!!!” XD - Gdog90 (from Deviantart)
That would be adorable. Also, a great fanfic concept. (Somebody write that.) 
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So, I have a theory about Doofenshmirtz and Charlene. Now, it’s been said that they’re divorced, right? I wonder about that. See, Tales From Across the 2nd Dimension established that the alternate-Doof was divorced, or rather, staged a divorce to protect his wife (nice musical-number!). Now, it’s established that the 2nd Dimension isn’t a world of opposites; most of the characters are actually pretty similar to their main-universe counterparts. They just had different circumstances. (Next)
Now, here’s what I wonder: are Doof and Charlene from the main-universe actually divorced, or did they stage theirs, as well? Are those two the type to date just to maintain their cover? I wouldn’t put it past our favorite-pharmacist to do something that convoluted. *Shrugs* What do you all think? - Gdog90 from Deviantart 
It’s a fascinating theory and it seems fairly in-line with canon, however personally I kinda doubt it. 
What do you guys think? Reblog with your thoughts.
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