#Games Sonic
one-half-guy · 10 months
Archie Sonic: I don't wanna brag, but I will... I was in the Freedom Fighters.
Games Sonic: The Freedom Fighters?! Great!! ... What's that?
Archie Sonic: ???
Boom Sonic: Is that a band? You were part of a band too?!
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
can’t stop thinking how sad the idea of Sonic being the only one who remembers the Freedom Fighters is
literally all I can focus on
he misses all his friends so fucking much and he can’t miss them with anyone else because as far as they’re concerned they never existed 
he’s looked for evidence, some remnant that might suggest they’re still around somewhere, scoured the oceans and quasi-artic climates for walrus families, the plains and forests for coyotes and rabbits and squirrels, followed that tugging in his chest that says safety-hideout-refuge trying to find a secret entrance to the old burrow that should be there
and he came up empty. it’s so much to keep to himself, so many lives and stories and people whose only proof of life is his memory and he has to carry that entirely on his own, knowing there’s no way he can tell anyone else
because even if he could convince Tails or Amy or Knuckles that there’s all this lost history from their lives, he won’t because it only amounts to sorrow and heartbreak for all involved 
the whole village that loved and raised Tails and helped shape him into a fledging-turned-full-hero that he is at Sonic’s side, most of their fucking family
all the friends and cherished memories that Amy fought alongside and on behalf of, those relationships she treasured and just forgot 
the whole hidden society of Knuckles’ people, those who assigned him the task of guarding the island and the Master Emerald in the first place
Sonic’s love of his friends puts a millisecond stutter in his step every time he calls on his Super transformation, a hammer to the gut that steals his breath as memories hit him like a freight train all-at-once, yet he puts it all to the back of his mind with the first thunderclap of super speed because he loves his friends and he can’t let anyone else disappear
just feeling a lot about that
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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indigonite · 8 months
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There’s a lot you can learn about it, trust me
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raspberryflo · 8 months
There's no fucking way they just named their new sonic game "Sonic X Shadow". They're literally making me type "sonic x shadow" into the steam search bar to see this game I literally can't even comprehend this. Mom can I get the new sonic game for christmas sure little timmy whats it called? Okay let me just type "sonic x shadow" into the google search- . . . timmy . . .
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prokopetz · 3 months
The funny thing about Dr. Robotnik being called Dr. Robotnik in the English localisation is that "Robotnik" is a real surname, but the localisers apparently had no idea – they just took the English word "robot" and stuck a vaguely Russian-sounding suffix on it because it was the Cold War and "vaguely Russian" was shorthand for "evil" in American popular culture. Dudes tried to lazily come up with a name that evokes "evil robot guy" and accidentally made him Polish.
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ohposhers · 3 months
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i think as a society we do not appreciate how epic vector is enough
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owldart · 9 months
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They figured he was an angsty TEEN not an angsty THIRD GRADER
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verocitea · 3 months
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Behold, the truth.
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yourkidding · 9 months
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shadow is an olympic sore loser
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tailschannel · 3 months
A preview of the Sonic X Shadow Generations animation, unveiled at the 2024 Anime Expo panel. ⁠
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superscourge · 2 months
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ref for amy's updated new game design :)
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
Wrote up a little ficlet around this headcanon of mine.
V. short. little angsty. a cathartic sort of ouch.
Everyone assumes there’s no downside to going Super.
Sonic once said it himself.
That’s not exactly true anymore. Hasn’t been for a while.
He likes the look; gold and red are always cool.
Invincibility’s a great perk.
And he loves going fast.
That first hit of Chaos energy always gets him, though.
Visions of places that’ve vanished off the map.
He knows. He’s looked.
He’s followed that tug in his chest that should lead him to safety-hideout-refuge, the instinct that says it’s right there, in the forest, if he just finds the right entrance, plunges a little deeper…
He came up empty. More than once.
Flashes of battles only he remembers fighting, adventures only he recalls having.
Oh, he still deals with the occasional unruly god and a few zealots. None who claim they’ve had their right to a throne robbed, though; none who’ve ascended multiple times only to opt for playing a vindictive long game.
Glimpses of those he’d protected, fought for…
those he’d fought with…
those he loved.
It’s not that he forgets–he could never forget–when he lets the emeralds go; it just gets him at that threshold of transforming, strikes like a sucker punch harder than any of Knuckles’ haymakers and faster than even he can run, all-at-once, even though he knows it’s coming. He doesn’t know why, but the emeralds are some kind of conduit; a constant through all times that call on history that isn’t unique to him, yet only he remembers. Often as he uses them, he’s not an expert on the gems.
And asking the one expert he knows is out of the question.
Asking the smartest guy he knows about it is another hard pass.
Telling anyone is a flat-out no-go.
Amy cares so deeply about her friends, cherishes so fiercely and tenderly. What would she even do with knowing that the better part of them had just disappeared, and she didn’t even realize it?
How do you tell your kid brother that your family is only half what it used to be? That no, they’re not just gone, but as far as most are concerned, never existed? That they once had a home they all built and protected together? How did he even begin to describe all the ways Tails had been loved? The long hours spent in a workshop with an even bigger engineering wizard than him; being carted off to bed as a kit by a sister whose southern drawl guaranteed a soothing slumber; her husband one of the most thoroughly decent and bravest dudes to ever walk Mobius, however clumsy; their fierce leader drilling situational awareness into his head and the first to give him a reassuring nuzzle.
And Knuckles.
Hell, Knuckles.
The guy dedicates his everything to protecting his home and the Master Emerald; all because it’s an assignment from his people, regardless of whether he’s ever met them. He’s the last of his kind.
Except there were years when he wasn’t. He had a girlfriend, mentors, a whole family and parents; relations sometimes came off as… strained, but at least he had a place among them, however nebulous it sometimes felt.
He wasn’t alone.
And now he just… is again.
Where does Sonic even start with something like that?
“We could really use some Super firepower right now!” Amy shouts, heaving another swing of her hammer.
“I’m on it!” Sonic barks, snatching the emeralds before anyone else can speak up.
There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell he’s letting that lost history blindside any of his friends.
Amy’s heart would shatter.
It’d drive Tails to tears.
Tough as he is, Knuckles might just break.
Sonic will carry the burden; that’s nothing new anyway. If the day comes that he can see the Freedom Fighters again, he’ll come clean with everyone.
If not. Well, he just has to make sure no one else disappears.
“All the glory for yourself, huh?” Knuckles jabs, grunting with the effort of another follow-through with his namesake.
Sonic chuckles, keeping up the banter; diverting suspicion before it even starts.
“What glory? You guys got the hard job!”
He races off for more open space under sheets of pouring down rain, calling on the outstanding power in the palm of his hand.
Sonic doesn’t mind going Super.
He likes the look; gold and red are almost as cool as blue.
Invincibility’s a great perk.
And he loves going fast.
But that first hit is always bittersweet.
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glitchedcosmos · 8 months
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A learning opportunity
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53v3nfrn5 · 9 months
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Animals from Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)
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exclusonic · 8 months
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