aernx · 1 year
new theme is so gorg js like u
learnt it from u baby
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waterbottlqueen · 1 year
lidl garou
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acrux-jr · 1 year
Okay Im rusty with my writing, and ive only seen like 512 episodes of one piece, but I do know some of the spoliers pls go easy on me 😭
Aokiji has been on my mind lately. ngl mans is fine as hell. The characters are not as canon as I would like, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am working on a 2nd chapter pls lmk if you guys want it.
Not beta read- hope you enjoy!
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You sighed as the man you love started to freeze you. The past memories came back.
You started off as his subordinate. On your first meeting with the rest of your crew that was transferred, he waved and left to take a nap. He infuriated you. To you he was lazy.
Somehow that same day you bumped into you falling as the 7ft man towered over you.
"Arara, my bad Miss …"
You glared at him and started to pick up the paperwork, "Last name is _ Admiral Aokiji." He hummed and picked up 2 documents by his feet.
He handed them to you and gave a quick wave. By the grace of god you were promoted to Vice Admiral. Picking up his slack, which was almost always.
The relationship between you turned teasing somehow. It started with sarcastic remarks under your breath and him smirking when he heard them.
He would sleep at his desk while you did his paperwork, something that was the normal routine for the two of you.
Kizaru always jokes when he invites you for a night cap, that there was more between you two, which you would laugh off. "The thought couldn't be more unfathomable." Was your reply. He shrugged and muttered to himself, "Wouldn't be surprising." His wife and him would share a look but left it at that.
Kuzan would be little more in your presence when he caught wind every time you went to Kizaru. Clingy in a way but you never thought much of it.
"So Dove let's go have a nightcap together." Oh that infuriating nickname got on your nerves but you kept calm. Moreover you were shocked, but nodded yes.
Well Kizaru wasn't wrong about that there was something more you felt you never would have imagined that Kuzan liked you back.
Aokiji was lazy, a smartass, and so fucking hot. His sarcastic remarks and playful banter, when he would have energy, made you fall for him a little more. When he had a shit eating grin leaving his work to you to leave and nap made you tingle.
"Arara you're so wet for me already F/N." He looked you over with lust filled eyes. You bit your lip and looked away with your cheeks stained. He grabbed your chin and kissed you. He kissed your neck and trailed down. He cooled tongue and battled against your heat slicked pussy. You groaned and bucked your hips.
"Ad- Admiral-"
"None of that now, no need for titles in bed Dove."
"Aokiji! Please."
"Hmm Kuzan my little dove. You're so desperate to have my cock inside you huh?" You nodded feverishly.
"I want you to fuck me Kuzan."
"Arara there's the spitfire I know. So demanding."
You gave a grin at that. He picked you up easily and leaned on the headboard. "I want you to work for it."
You rolled your eyes, "You're just too lazy to continue." He huffed out a laugh.
You slowly eased on his cock. He watched you hungrily as you inch by inch took him. He groaned once you bottomed out. "Fuck tight." Was all he was able to utter and you rose up and slammed down. You fucked yourself on his dick, feeling the the pressure in you lower stomach. Your pace quickened but he held you still.
"So impatient F/N. Enjoy the ride a little more." You looked down at him through half lidded eyes.
"Please Kuzan, make me cum. Then fill me up with yours." In the moment Aokiji wanted to have you face down and ass up as he rearranged your guts. He kept cool though, his dick twitched inside you.
"Hmm you sure know how to make a man weak." You gigled.
The time you two fought after fighting with the white beard. Unbeknownst to him, you had encountered the strawhats before him, letting them go but you were close to one particular straw hat before joining the marines.
"It was wrong!" You hissed.
"It is my job."
"Your job is to help maintain justice! Not make up rules of what you think is justice."
"You should know better than anyone that that is what we do."
"Like killing your best friend for trying to save a child? Or killing an entire island because of ancient text reading abilities?"
He froze, his aloofness gone. "How do you know that?"
You turned away. "The fight was gruesome and all the casualties were unnecessary. And you wanted it to continue to catch straw hat."
You had agreed with Coby, it was too much death and the "justice" was out of control.
"I'm an Admiral L/N." You stiffen at the usage of your last name.
"Of course, your duty comes before actual justice." With that you slammed the door of his office and left, to hell with the rest of work. What were they gonna do? Demote you? Good riddance.
Your relationship was tense after that. It started to thaw and blossom again until the fight with Admiral Akuinu. When he awoke you cried in relief. That night he wanted you to ride him in his hospital bed. You were, of course, appalled but complied nonetheless when everyone went home.
The week after that he was gone. He left a letter saying he couldn't do it anymore, your relationship, the new fleet Admiral, and his wayward justice.
Kizaru was there to help you pick up the pieces. Him and his wife would check on you on your days off, she would constantly fuzz over you. You and Kizaru had a friendship of silence and understanding.
Coby was there for you too. He was a sweet boy who would do great things. You hoped that his sense of justice and understanding never changed.
When you gave birth 9 months later you gave birth to a beautiful little girl. She has light brown skin and light brown curly hair. She was perfect.
You requested more time off and raised her, with the help of Kizaru's wife and Kizaru of course. Coby was her uncle. And Robin knew who her father was upon seeing her. But she did not cast her fathers sins upon her. You had helped Robin as a young girl running. Giving her a place to stay and eat before she got up and left again, it was too dangerous.
By some miracle you met again again as a rookie in the marines. You were off duty. You talked and talked. It was nice to hear she was alive.
By that time you kept in frequent touch.
You were appointed to the new world for a mission. It was quick, to get intel and after that it would be your last mission.
Smoker called you into his office. "Kuzan will be the enemy for this mission F/N. He saved me during the Doflamingo incident, he's still alive and with the Black Beard pirates." Your heart stopped.
You were silent. But nodded your head.
"Be careful please. Kiki still needs at least one parent."
"I have the calm calm fruit. I'll be quick and silent. Not engaging Smoker." He nodded. You two grew closer in the past months.
"Be careful F/N."
You gave a small smile and left.
"You shouldn't have come."
"You got this Aokiji?" Black beard laughed. He nodded and his "crew" started to leave. "Hurry up, we'll be on the ship."
The two of you were left on the snowy island.
"Her name is Kiki." He slowed down the ice. He saw the tears streaming down. "Goodbye Aokiji Kuzan." She accepted her fate. And the ice fully enclosed her.
He cursed. He got her transponder snail. "Smoker."
"I have F/N here frozen. She took too many injuries so I froze her to stop the bleeding. Thaw her out and have a doctor on stand by."
The responder clicked. He left it on her shoulder and froze it. He replayed one of last words. 'Kiki. Well fuck.'
You gasped as you woke up. "F/N." Koby was there with Kiki who was fast asleep. Koby's yelling did nothing to wake her. Your head was pounding and your body ached. You fell right back to an unconscious state.
After a month-long recovery, you resigned. You had enough money saved since you were just taking care of yourself till recently. All you did was save.
You went and bought a home for you and your daughter. Kizaru and his wife Takako would often come on by, as well as Koby, and Smoker, with Tashigi every now and then.
Two years had passed after. Kuzan spotted the light blue house on the shore. There were blue salvias around the house, kind of like a fence.
He saw a little girl running outside with her doll. He slowly walked up the hill. The little girl had her into 2 little puffs. She looked up at the man walking on the road towards their house.
She furrowed her eyebrows and ran inside. "Mama ! There's a man on the road to the house!"
She ran up to you, who was on the phone with Kizaru.
She faintly heard him say "time."
"I gotta go Kizaru, you and Takako can come visit whenever."
You rushed to Kili, "Stay here sweetie. I'll be back." The three year old nodded. You rushed to the door, only to be met with the man that broke your heart, the father of your child, your former Admiral, Aokiji Kuzan.
You activated your bubble. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
He rubbed the back of his neck. "You think after making me fall in love with you, breaking my heart and leaving me, breaking my heart again and almost KILLING ME you get to waltz over here as if it didn't happen?"
He hung his head. You were fuming. Upon looking at him you noticed he had a black eye and his arm was in a cast. You furrowed your eyebrows, who was strong enough to kick his ass?
"F/n. I know. I am sorry. I left to protect you. I had to do this mission my own way with my own sense of justice, and in order for me to do that I had to leave everything, in-including you, the person I loved."
Your eyes watered but you didn't want to waste anymore tears on this man.
"So that makes it okay?"
"No, of course not."
"Why are you here?"
"To apologize. To see our daughter."
"Our daughter? The one you left before she was born?"
"I didn't know she existed Dove."
"Oh don't you fucking call me that Aokiji." You said his name mockingly. He winced, wrong move.
"F/n. Please, I didn't-I know I fucked up. But I came to you to beg for forgiveness. You are the love of my life and we made a child together. I needed to do this, to keep you safe."
You felt like you were shaking with anger, you probably were. "Aokiji Kuzan you are a heartless man incapable of loving. You left me and then you almost killed me. I will not let you near my child. You have shown your goals were more important and I will not have my daughter be second to a fucking construct. Leave."
"Excuse me?"
"I am not going to leave a second time."
The bubble around you started to harden. Kuzan stepped back to be met to the end of your bubble. You stepped back and the bubble let you out. Kuzan on the other hand was stuck.
He tried to freeze the bubble to break it, but it seemed like that just made it more durable.
You went and picked up the responder snail. "Mama who is that?" You stiffened. You scooped her up and took her to her bedroom.
"Stay right here little Dovey I'll be right back. That's mamas old friend."
"Okay mama."
You gave her a kiss on her head. And walked down to the end of the stairs. You sat on them and you realized Kuzan gave up and was laying down.
Fucking typical.
"Moshi moshi!"
"Why the fucking is Kuzan at my door step?"
Kuzan winced, he gave a weak chuckle. "While after I broke the arm that he used to freeze you with and then after Smoker suckered punch him. We um gave him your address."
You could hear his shrug,"He wanted to apologize, and with him weakened by us we knew he wouldn't try anything. Plus Smoker is on your island just in case." You went to the window and saw him and someone else on the shore.
"So you broke his arm for me?"
"Of course. I would've broken the other one too but the man is also down a leg if you haven't noticed so…"
You huffed out an inappropriate laugh. "Well thanks, I'll call you later. Oh and I'm calling Takako to kill you." You heard the groan and hung up. You sighed.
The bubble popped and Kuzan fell on his back. He hit it with a soft thud and grunted.
"Okay you've apologized can you leave." You've made the bubble again.
"Oh you stubborn, lazy, jackass!" He wanted to grin, you riled up was always so cute and sexy. But he knew if he did you would somehow kill him.
"I know."
"Oh you know? And yet here you are still lazy, stubborn, and a spoiled pain in my ass!"
He just nodded. "Ugh say something you asshat!"
He huffed out a laugh, "Asshat?"
You gave him a blank stare. "Sorry, never heard it like that. It was quite funny "
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah I'm quite the fucking comedian."
Okay, this could go either 2 ways for Kuzan. Him on the floor dead or him on the floor close to death as you ride him and suxk the life out of him.
He was jack shit wrong, but he could dream.
"Did you finish whatever goal that was so important to leave everything and everyone behind?"
You hummed.
"How old is she?"
"3 years and 3 months."
"What's her favorite color?"
You glared at him, "Blue."
"Does-does she know about me?"
"Yes. You have your glasses and a different bandanna so it didn't register to her since she's only seen pictures."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sure you are."
You grabbed the responder snail again. "F/n."
"You and Tashigi can leave now Smokes. I'm fine."
"Are you sure you want him around? Say the word F/n, and Tashigi and I will kill him for you."
A laugh came out of you as Tashigi agreed. "Thank you for that generosity but I'm fine."
"Okay just checking. Call us when you want us over with Barsalino and Takako."
"Will do."
Silence hung in the bubble before you heard a soft knocking to your left. Kiki was there. It finally clicked for her. "I'm going to keep you in the bubble." Before he could protest, you stepped out of the bubble.
She signaled up. Which you obliged. "Is that him?" She whispered.
You smiled as she still had a hard time understanding your devil fruit. "Yes, that's him."
"Can I meet him?"
"Do you want to?"
Kiki stared into Kuzans eyes,and slowly nodded her head. You let the bubble burst. You stood in front of Kuzan.
"Kuzan, this is our daughter Kiki. Kiki, this is your father."
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manjiroro · 3 years
Hiii! May I request a draken , baji, and hakkai with a harley Quinn!fem reader who’s crazy but not as crazy as Harley if not the can she be a inosuke!fem reader? And can it be a enemyish, friends to lover trope please
crush who is like harley quinn
characters: draken, baji, hakkai
content: fluff, fem reader, enemies + friends to lovers, slight cursing
part 2
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helloo!! thank you for requesting! i tried mixing harley quinn's and inosuke's personality for this, but idk if i managed to execute it well but i hope you'll like it hehe, i decided to make this a drabble i hope youre okay with it :3
i apologise for any mistakes and i hope you enjoy~~
d r a k e n
Draken doesn't know why and how he started having a crush on you. It could be because of how open you were or maybe how feisty you were. But then again, you would always get on his nerves, you were always scheming something and you’re very direct most of the time.
"Draken... why did you pick the name Draken? It's tacky."
An irk mark was visible on his forehead, first you had barged into the place he lived at, complaining that you were bored, then you started making a ruckus, disturbing clients and the ladies working. Draken then decided to bring you on a walk in the park since he was afraid of what you might do if he brought you to the shopping district. The last time he brought you there, you got into a fight with some random lady because she had taken the last piece of clothing you wanted. And now, you're talking shit about him to him.
"Also, your hair looks weird."
Draken was this close to abandoning you at the park, but he couldn't bring himself to do it since he was such a nice person. He closed his eyes to calm himself down and when he opened them, you were nowhere to be found. Draken couldn't help but feel a little bit panicked, he was worried that you might get in trouble or get hurt. So, he sped walked along the path to look for you, while calling out your name.
That was when he heard muffled gigling, he looked around but saw no one until he heard rustles in the leaves above him. Looking up, he saw you sitting on a tree branch, looking down at him. Draken couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.
"Oi, get down, it's dangerous."
"Hmmmmmm..... nope~"
His eye slightly twitched as he watched you hang upside down from the tree branch, legs hooking onto it, making yourself at eye level with the slightly pissed male. You giggle at his reaction while cupping his cheeks. He was taken back and he could feel his face heating up. You did not help him cool down either when you decided to place a quick kiss on his nose.
"Hehe, you're kinda cute when you're mad~"
You said, before straightening up and climbing down the tree. You dust the dirt off your clothes before skipping away, leaving a stunned Draken behind.
"O-oi, w-what was that for?"
You turned to look at him and he swore you looked even prettier then.
"Hmm, maybe.. because I like you?"
You smiled at him and skipped away. Draken's mouth dropped, did.. you just confess? Why did you do it like it was nothing? Draken shook his head, trying to clear his mind before running towards you and grabbing your hand.
"I... like you too."
"I know, after all, I am the best~"
You interlaced your fingers with his.
"Great! We're a couple now! Let's go, I'm hungry and you're treating."
You stuck your tongue out at him, making him bonk your head as he led you out the park. He wasn't expecting a confession like that but he was thankful for it nonetheless <3
b a j i
Baji believed that he hated you, he hates how you always thought you were better than him at everything he does. But, part of him couldn’t deny how your unique and outgoing personality attracted him. 
Baji was walking back from school and as he was about to turn the corner, he heard some groaning and shouting.
Baji turned the corner to see a bunch of guys laying on the ground, beaten and bruised and as he looked further, he saw you standing in the center, having one leg propped up onto what looked like the leader’s head. You stuck your tongue out at the guy laying at your feet, stepping off of him before kicking his head one last time. You had a small smirk on your face while trying to fix your uniform. That was when you saw Baji, his mouth was hung open, he was impressed but he felt a tinge of jealousy running through his veins.
“Hey! You look familiar~”
You went up close to him, your face being a few centimeters away from his face. Your lips pursed as you studied is features, focusing on identifying him.
“AH! You’re Baji Kesuke~ The kid who got held back.”
Baji slowly nodded, still in awe over you.
“Heh~ Well, judging from your expression, you’ve probably haven’t heard of me, I’m y/n, I’m in the class beside yours~ Welp see you tomorrow Baji~”
You pat his shoulder and skipped away, Baji turned to look at your figure slowly disappearing. And that was how he met you.
Soon after that, he had heard rumors on how you managed to defeat a whole gang on your own which made him scoff, he can do that too, in fact he can probably do it better and quicker than you can. It also didn’t help the fact that whenever he was in the middle of a fight, you would always appear and start helping him out. Baji was mildly annoyed at you but he couldn’t deny how attractive you looked when beating someone up.
You would always come look for him whether be it during or after school, which did not help him one bit since you’re annoying him even more. You would drag him away when he was in the middle of something or with Chifuyu and an argument would usually happen between the both of you.
“The fuck? I was in the middle of something.”
“Aw c’mon, you were sitting in class doing shit”
“Shut up, I was doing work.”
“Since when did you do work.”
“Shut up. Where are we going anyways.”
“The roof. The sky is pretty today and I wanna have lunch while looking at the clouds.”
“That’s lame”
“You’re lame.”
As the both of you reached the roof, your eyes sparkled as you looked at the blue sky decorated with fluffy clouds. You dragged him to the center of the roof and sat down, taking out your lunch as you admired the pretty sky, while Baji couldn’t help but to admire your pretty face.
“Oh, by the way, let’s-”
You turned to face him but before you even managed to finish your sentence, you were cut off by Baji kissing you. Baji seemed to have been taken back by his actions as well.
“Aww, I knew you liked me~!”
Baji turned away, trying to shield his flushed face from you.
“Does that mean we’re together now~?”
“Hah? I didn’t say that.”
“Yeah, but you kissed me, so that means you like me right~?”
Baji’s eyes twitched, unable to handle the embarrassment.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I like you too.”
You said as you wrapped your arms around Baji, he hesitantly wrapped his arm around you too, bringing you into a hug and burying his red face in your neck. As much as Baji didn’t want to admit how much he actually likes you, he can’t help but to think that you’re absolutely adorable. <3
h a k k a i
You and Hakkai are opposites, while he was more quiet and reserved, you were loud and more open with your actions. That was what made Hakkai afraid of you, you were too different from him that he felt intimidated by your presence. But, he can’t deny that your different personality intrigued him and he can’t help but to develop feelings for you.
You and Hakkai knew each other because of his sister, Yuzuha. You and Yuzuha got along very well and while the both of you were hanging out, she would bring Hakkai along. Yuzuha knows about the love hate relationship the both of you had for each other and made it her goal to make the both of you confess your feelings. So, one day, when the three of you were supposed to go out together, Yuzuha backed out last minute, saying she had important things to do regarding school, so it was just you and Hakkai.
You were fine with it, being your usual self but for Hakkai, he was feeling nervous because one, he was shy around girls, two, you scared him and three, he had feelings for you. 
The both of you were walking along the shopping district. The initial plan was that Yuzuha wanted to bring you guys to a newly opened cafe, but the problem was that Yuzuha was the one who knew where the cafe was. So, you and Hakkai were walking around, trying to look for it, you were walking in front while he walked behind you. He told himself that he was being nice for looking out for you when really, he was just nervous.
He jumped upon hearing you suddenly calling out his name. 
“I’m not gonna bite y’know. You can walk beside me.”
You turned to him and he could feel his face heat up and as he slowly nodded his head, going up to walk beside you. You smiled gleefully at him, holding onto his hand.
You yelled as you started skipping forward, hand still holding onto his. The both of you continued walking forward for what felt like hours, but the both of you ended up in an unfamiliar place with little to know people walking around. That was when you realised that you were lost, Hakkai was understandably feeling even more anxious while you remained calm, looking for people to ask for directions. 
“Hello~ Excuse me~”
You went up to group of middle aged men who looked extremely sketchy but you didn’t seem to notice, you were just fixated on getting directions to the cafe. Hakkai noticed though and tried pulling you back, but you insisted, making him gape at you, how are you so calm with this?
“The fuck do you want.”
One of the men gruffly said, you simply smiled at him.
“We just need directions~ we’re kinda lost right now, mind helping us~?”
The group of men laughed before looking straight at you.
“And why the fuck would we want to help you kids huh? Move along before things get bad alright?”
Hakkai’s hold on your hands tightened. All fear in his body was replaced with anger as he watched the man snarl at the both of you.
“Look bud, you just have to give us directions and we’ll go.”
You said, still having the same smile plastered on your face.
“Hah, then what do we get in return huh? Ya can’t just demand something from us without giving us anything, you lil bi-”
Before he could even finish his sentence, he was knocked out by Hakkai. 
“Don’t call her that.”
The other men were shocked but were soon pissed at the both of you and started charging at the both of you. A few minutes passed and all the men were beaten to the ground, unconscious by you and Hakkai.
“That was fun~! We should beat people up together more often, Hakkai~!”
You smiled at him, while you jumped excitedly. Hakkai sighed but he couldn’t help the smile forming on his face, he then held your hand as he led you away from the men.
“Aw~ How cute~ You’re holding my hand!”
Hakkai blushed.
“Hah, I like you too~”
You said, intertwining your fingers with his. You didn’t need to hear his confession to know how much he liked you, the way he squeezed your hand lightly was enough <3
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❥ masterlist
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 4 years
No future with a boy like this - F.W
Summary: Fred disappoints you more than once, giving you no other choice, you had to let him go.
Warnings: ANGSTY, cursing, implied sex very briefly, FLUFF AT THE END
A/N: my firsts time writing angst and I really don’t know if i was overdramatic or not enough dramatic lol please give feedback
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April- 1996 - Hogwarts
Y/n was waiting on the tribune next to the quidditch field. It was already getting darker now. An orange glow spreading over the field. The sun was going down already. She was sitting there for two hours now.
She promised herself she would stop waiting after an hour but here she was, still hoping he would show up.
It was her birthday, it was her fucking birthday. And this wasn't the first time. It started with little dates, he forgot them sometimes but y/n didn't mind, he made it up every time.
He hurt her by forgetting those things all the time. But it was Fred Weasley after all. You knew this was coming when he became your boyfriend. You even got used to it. He was always busy. That's just how Fred is.
And here she was again. Trying to not let the tears of disappointment fall down on her cheeks. She felt miserable and decided to finally call it a night, going back to her dorm. She was exhausted.
Walking down the corridors, she saw Fred. He was just sitting there, laughing with George. That's when it was clear, he wasn't even late, he just forgot.
He saw her and smiled, walking her way, but she turned on her heals immediately. "Y/n!" he screamed confused. He followed her and his long legs made it easy to catch up.
She didn't answer, finding it much harder to hold back her tears now. "Y/n? Hey? What's wrong?" he asked.
Y/n stopped abruptly. "You really don't know?" she hissed.
A confused look formed on his face. "What do you mean"? he stammered. A tear fell down her cheek and his face was full of guilt now, without even knowing what he did.
"You forgot", you snapped, "again!"
He was thinking for one minute. It really took him one minute. What was wrong with that boy?!
Suddenly a wave of realization hit him. "Fuck." he squealed.
Y/n didn't need this shit right now, and ran away before he could say something. Making him run after her. "NO y/n wait! I'm so sorry, I won't forget next time, I promise, I'm so sorry" he begged while grabbing her arm, pulling her closer to him.
"You say that every time Fred" she sighed, another tear fell down.
It broke Fred's heart. It really did. He didn't mean to forget this things, he didn't want to hurt you. His mind was just so full all the time. So many things were going on in those brains of his.
"I mean it, I'm sorry, I love you y/n" he assured.
And she fell for it, like she always did. It happened every time. Fred said things that made her melt, and she forgave him. It was nothing new. Because how could she not? The sweet boy didn't mean to hurt her, she knew that, everyone knew that.
But still, her friends warned her. There was no future with a boy like this. It couldn't stay like this. So she swore to herself this was the last time. She made that clear to Fred too.
Because what if he's the love of her life? Her future? This was her last year after all, y/n’s future was right in front of her. What if Fred was her future? You both couldn't give that up.
May- 1996 - Hogwarts
Everything was alright.
They were okay.
And Fred hasn’t been late for a whole month, sounds like nothing special but to him and her it was.
This weekend y/n was going home, and not just home, but with Fred.
After a year it was time for him to meet her parents. Fred claimed he was the perfect son in law, so he didn’t hesitate to agree. Y/n was nervous and excited at the same time.
Ready in her dorm, with a portkey, she had her favourite sundress on. She was waiting for Fred but he didn’t show up. Okay it was only 15 minutes now, but with their little history it made her nervous. She was absolutely sure Fred wouldn’t forget this. He can’t forget this.
20 minutes later she was still waiting.
No. This couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be.
And then, she found a note under her potionsbook. After reading only one word, she was already furious, a growing heat filling her cheeks.
Dear y/n, love
I remembered. I swear. But I just won’t make it. I’m not feeling okay and I think I might have a fever or something. I don’t want to make you or your parents sick, so I’m staying in my dorm.
I love you, kisses Fred x
She didn’t really know what to think. She was so disappointed, again.
But she could’t blame her boyfriend for feeling sick. Although she had her doubts, what if this wasn’t true, maybe he lied because he did forget it?
No, no, she had to trust him. Fred wouldn’t lie to her. So she grabbed the portkey and went to visit her parents.
When she traveled back to Hogwarts it was late already, past midnight. Y/n hoped Umbridge wouldn’t catch her.
The corridors were empty, completely silent. This was not unusual. Most of the students were already asleep this late on a Sunday.
Unexpectedly, she heard gigles and laughs coming from around the corner. Did it come from the library? It couldn’t be. Not at almost 1 am.
She went closer to listen. Y/n placed her ear on the door. Was it... Was it...? No. No.
Did she hear Fred’s voice?
She really hoped she was just imagining this. Maybe she should trust Fred more.
But just checking won’t hurt right?
So she tried to open the door. It was locked.
“Alohamora” she whispered.
What she saw broke her heart into a million pieces.
Angelina sat on a table, with Fred extremely close to her, giggling. George and Lee were there too.
She couldn’t believe her own eyes. Looking silently in Fred’s shocked ones.
“Fuck” he sighed. “Y/n-“ he tried.
But she cut him off before he could say anything. “No, I don’t wanna hear another silly explanation from you, it’s enough, I don’t want to see you ever again” she screamed with tears in her eyes, making her vision blurry.
Y/n ran away, faster than ever so Fred couldn’t catch up this time.
“Stop!! Stop!” she heard him scream behind her.
She ran and ran, not even knowing were to.
“Let me explain” another scream followed.
That’s when she ended up in a corridor she didn’t know. A dead end. Ofcourse.
She gave up and stopped. Fred ended in front of her, breathing loudly, trying to catch his breath.
“Baby I-“ he tried
“Don’t call me baby, this is over” y/n cut him off.
Fred was speachless, for the first time in history. He didn’t realise this truly happened. He knew what he did wasn’t okay, but he never expected her to actually broke up with him. It just didn’t occur in his mind this was a possibility.
“But.. but...” he stuttered. “I swear, I can explain, what you’ve just seen, it wasn’t what you think it is. I’ve told you about the shoppe George and I want to open, right? It’s actually going to happen. We’re leaving hogwarts. That’s what we were doing, we were planning things. Tomorrow we’re going to blow up Umbridge, no not literally blow up, but with lots of firework! And then we’re going to open the shoppe together. It’s my dream y/n!” he rambled excited.
Y/n sighed. Understanding why he did this, but it didn’t change a thing.
“That actually makes things worse Fred. I’m happy your dream will come true. But you’re leaving and I’m finishing my year. When are you going to have time for me if you run a shop? You didn’t even have time for me now.” she cried.
Both of them were crying now. Knowing the break up was really going to happen. Fred wanted to keep fighting. But he knew she might be right.
A little sob left his mouth, something he never did before. She was right. He truly loved her but he couldn’t give her the happy future she deserved. He wasn’t right for her, he didn’t treat her the way she should’ve been treated. And the idea broke him. And that’s when she walked away.
They didn’t see each other again afterwards.
The next day, y/n laid in her bed when she heard fireworks, knowing what happened. She couldn’t go outside and watch...
Happy screams and laughs filled the castle. And that’s when she realised Fred and George were gone now. It was reality now. They won’t come back. Although a little part of her hoped they would stay. A little part of her thought Fred would come to her, begging her to stay with him. But she guessed he just didn’t love her enough.
After all the times Fred broke her heart, she was kind off used to it. But those heartbreaks couldn’t ever overcome this one.
August - 1996 - Diagon Alley
The summer was almost over, y/n graduated two months ago. The heartbreak still hurted but she was better now. She still didn’t know what to do now that she’s graduated.
Hermione decided you two had to go shopping. “It’ll make you happier” she stated like it was an actual fact. Y/n couldn’t say no of course.
Y/n’s breath hitched. A big clone of Fred’s face right in front of her (or George). This had to be their joke shoppe. God, it was more impressive than she expected. Guess you should never underestimate the twins.
“Let’s go inside y/n!” Hermione announced excited, grabbing her arm trying to puch her inside.
“Oh no no no no no, I don’t think that’s a great idea” she hesitated.
“Don’t worry, it’s so busy, Fred won’t see you” she promised her. Y/n sighed. She really didn’t want to go inside. She’d love to see the shoppe, but seeing Fred...
Whatever, it was true. It was so busy so Fred won’t ever notice her.
They entered, y/n was surprised, it was wonderful. Fred and George must have worked so hard to get to this point. God, she loved the place.
It brought back memories. All those joke products, most of them were used on her, she remembered. Fred thought it was hilarious to prank her literally all the time, being proud because it was something he invented himself. She couldn’t be mad about it, it made him so happy.
The place even smelled like him.
Y/n took a deep breath trying to gather all of the smell, in hope it would stay in her nose, so she could remember it back home.
She closed her eyes and imagined how it could be, if they didn’t broke up. How she would probably come here everyday to say hi, how she would watch Fred all day doing his job.
And then... she saw him. In his uniform, he stood there proudly on the stairs above her. Smiling happily, seeing all those laughing people because if his work.
He was happy. Fred missed y/n but he was happy. He thought a lot of all the things he did wrong. Although he didn’t really have time to worry.
Y/n sighed, it’s been months. Her heart was glowing inside her chest. She didn’t even feel sad any more. This was what her boyfriend always dreamt of. Her ex-boyfriend.
She turned around deciding it was not smart to look at the beautiful boy, the boy who still made her knees go weak.
Fred’s smell was more vibrant than before now. Almost like he was right in front of me.
Ow, love potions, of course.
Of course she still smelled Fred in it.
“I smell honey, flowers and vanilla soap” she heard a familiar voice whispering in her ear, almost making her jump.
“F-fred, hey” she stuttered, in shock by the fact he’s standing right in front of her.
“You look great, changed your hair” he smiled. It was true, y/n cut her hair a little shorter and decided to give it a lighter colour for the summer. The typical breakup haircut.
“Fred do you want to... talk... please?” she asked, knowing it wasn’t a great idea. She wanted to just run away after she realized what she said.
“We could go upstairs, talk in my appartment”
October- 1996 - Diagon Alley
“Come on darling, George opened up already!” Fred screamed running through his kitchen while jumping, trying to get his pants on. He grabbed an apple as breakfast.
Y/n ran to the kitchen too. “I thought you changed the being late thing” y/n joked, yes they joked about it now.
“You were the one holding me up this time” he smiled adding a wink. “You just can’t resist me in the bedroom” y/n answered daring.
She grabbed him by his collar, pressing a kiss on his lips. “I have no choice with the sexiest girlfriend in the word” Fred grinned, pressing kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
“Baby, you’re wearing your uniform backwards” he laughed.
Y/n worked at the shoppe now too.
When she asked Fred to talk, they actually talked for hours. They talked about what went wrong in their relationship, about what they had been doing in those months they broke up, talked about how they still had feelings,...
And after two hours they made up. Both being happier than ever, deciding they learned from their break up.
Fred asked her to come live in his apartment and work in their shop too. Y/n didn’t hesitate for a moment. She designed their boxes or packages and talked to costumers. But most of all she distracted Fred by rolling her uniforme skirt up and bowing down to ‘grab’ something. Sometimes he took her back to the appartment because he couldn’t hold back anymore.
Y/n now knew, the breakup was necessary. You both learned. And now you’re happier than ever.
Because after all, Fred was your future.
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doyumacy · 3 years
ʀɪᴅᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ - 3
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ʏᴜᴛᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴍᴀʀᴋ ʟᴇᴇ
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ꜱᴍᴜᴛ, ᴅʀᴀᴍᴀ, ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴅʀᴜɢꜱ, ꜱᴍᴜᴛ (ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ꜱᴇx) ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ ᴄᴏɴꜱᴜᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 4k
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“come on, y/n. it will be so much fun!”
you look at jaehyun. of course jaehyun wants to do this. underground parties are his type of scene.
hollywood hills always throw the best underground and illegal parties throughout los angeles. no one really knows who’s behind them, but it’s probably the mafia leaders so they can sell their best drugs and make tons of money.
“okay,” you say.
it’s a full-on club experience. a d.j is at one end of the room on a raised platform and on your left a makeshift bar is set up where bartenders hand out drinks. the neon lights are everywhere and the colors change to a different each second. the space has four corridors that branch off from each corner of the room and you notice couples disappearing down them, hands grasping and lips locking on to any inch of bare skin.
“here’s the winner,” a tall man with pushed black hair back approaches you. “glad you made it.”
“we wouldn’t have missed it,” you say.
“well, enjoy the party,” he smiles. “everything you need just ask for it.”
you nod. “thanks.”
jaehyun comes back holding two drinks. he didn't get to see the man’s face. “who was that?”
“no idea. i guess he’s the host,” you take the red cup jaehyun hands you.
“johnny and taeyong are on their way,” he checks his phone.
“cool,” you reply. “i’m gonna go to the restroom. can you watch my drink?”
you hand him your red cup and make your way to the crowded room, looking for the restroom. you finally find it and after you’re done with your needs, you wash your hands and exit the bathroom.
someone grabs your arm and takes you to one of the rooms. you’re pushed against the door once it is shut down and you recognize mark through the purple neon lights. you smile sideways, resting your head against the door. “you’re so obsessed with me, mark.”
his hands go down to your hips and push you even more against the door. “i want my shirt back.”
you pout. “i’m not wearing it now.”
“but your man is,” he stares at your lips. “wondering what he’s gonna do when he finds out the shirt he’s wearing belongs to the man who ate his girl nights ago.” he tilts his head.
you scoff. “i wonder what your red haired will think about his boyfriend getting his dick sucked in the middle of the street?”
he frowns. “yves? she ain’t my girl.”
“jaehyun ain’t my man either, dumbass,” you push him away.
“this makes things even better,” he locks you again, pressing his palms on the door and his arms next to your head. “i’ve been thinking of you. so much.”
you smirk playfully. “i got that effect.”
he rests a knee between your thighs. “i want to fuck your mouth again.”
you slightly moan and lock the door behind you. “we can do something about it,” you say, your hands traveling to his belt, undoing it.
mark smiles looking at you and cups your jaw, making you look at him. his lips reach yours and he nips at your lower lip, never ending the eye contact with you. it’s so hot. you kiss him and he tries to pull away, you grab his shirt with your fist and then, you encircle your arms around his neck and kiss him more. you hear nothing but the loud music outside.
you take off his shit, not leaving his lips.
careful not to bump on anything, he walks backwards, his arms wrapping your waist and once he reaches the bed, he turns and pushes you on it. he hovers on top of you and pulls away from the kiss. “i can fuck your mouth other day, right now i want to be inside of you.”
his hands find the hem of your shirt and take it off. he gently kisses your shoulders down to your clothed breast. he helps you to get off your bralette and he throws it somewhere in the lilac room and goes back to your breast, licking and kneading it.
with kisses trails all over your body, mark kissing your hard nipples making them even harder. “i like your nipples,” he whispers in between biting and licking your breast. all you can do is moan and run your fingers through his soft black hair.
you feel him coming down slowly between your legs, leaving soft kisses on your abdomen and playing with your black lacy panties. teasing your clothed entrance. he removes the underwear slowly leaving you fully naked under him.
“on the scale of 1-10, how drunk or high are you?” he asks and waits for you to answer.
“0,” you answer. “fuck me senseless now.”
he lets out a small giggle. he looks straight at you in the eye while his fingers make you feel good.
he spreads your legs even wider and plays with your slit more before he removes his pants. you notice his calvin klein underwear and bite your lip. mark is so hot.
“y/n, you’re staring,” he snaps out of you.
you gasp as you remember your legs are wide open in front of him, trying to close them but he stops you. “nothing i hadn’t seen before.” he grabs your legs and drags you down, leaving your legs dangling on the side of the bed. he’s between your opened legs, you come close to him. mark makes you touch his body. you look into his eyes when your hand makes its way to his growing crotch. he’s hard.
you kiss his abdomen playing with his black calvin klein underwear before removing it. his dick sptungs free and you lick it for the meantime leaving mark weak. you feel him trembling already but he takes your shoulders, pushing you away. “not tonight, gorgeous.”
you groan and he pushes you back to the bed, he kisses your neck and hands all over your body. kissing your lips again wilder than ever, he bites your nipples making you moan with a soft “ouch.”
you can feel his cock hard again poking your thigh, you hum stroking and teasing it again. “can’t get enough of my cock, baby?” he whispers, leaving wet kisses on your neck.
“mark,” you whine. “please.”
“please what, princess,” he kisses your abdomen.
“fuck me,” you beg.
he smiles and his hand goes between your bodies and you feel him stroke his cock, teasing your entrance. “oh wait,” you stop for a second. “condom?”
he groans and puts his forehead on your chest. “i don’t have one.”
you sigh. “i’m clean. are you clean?”
“yeah,” he looks at you.
“okay. continue.”
you bite his lip following by kissing it with your tongue. checking your slit, he lines his cock to your pussy and slams right in without any waning.
“ah, fuck,” you scream, scratching his back.
he groans. “why are you so fucking tight?”
fucking you slowly, mark kisses your neck. you moan. “do you want me to spread my legs more?” and all he does is kiss you more hungrily  as a form of answer.
his right hand is on your left thigh, making you spread even wider and stopping your legs from closing at the same time. his other hand is all over your body like it has a life on its own, making you suck his thumb and puts it on your clit.
your hands are encircled around his neck, making him focus on you. looking him in the eye while he thrusts hard and deep and your boobs bouncing up and down beneath him.
searching for more feeling, you make him suck your right thumb while looking into your eyes, he gave you a wink and suddenly you feel your lower abdomen tighten, your eyes roll back and your body arches. he gigles and he pulls out. when you’re about to protest, he grabs your hips and roll you on your stomach. “ass up, baby.”
you do as he asks and bury your head on the sheets. he enters you again, this time balls deep and you moan loudly. “fuck, mark.”
“shit, you feel so nice,” he clenches his jaw, accelerating his pace.
he pounds you deep, your skin's clapping and your moans. he groans and takes your hair in a fist. “i’m close,” he says.
“shit, so am i,” you whine, gripping at the sheets.
mark fucks you now through your orgasm, not letting go and his thrust get harder and sharper.
“mark!” you moan his name.
he turns you around again, leaving you on your back and spreads your legs even wider. wanting to see his face, you rank your fingers to his hair scratching his forehead accidentally.
“am i going to be alive after this?” you laugh but it turns out to be a loud moan, he’s now kissing and biting your nipples again as he picks up his pace.
you grip on his back because of the changed pace. he bites the skin of your left boob a little too hard. you grab his face and kiss him, and just a glance to his perfect fucked up face makes you cum again trembling and shivering under him, moaning his name telling him to stop, but of course he doesn’t, chasing his own orgasm and cums right after you, spilling his warm white liquid inside of you.
“oh y/n,” he moans, almost sounds like he’s about to cry.
he rests on top of you, both of you panting, trying to recover but you feel too weak.
after a minute of just hearing the music blasting outside, you get up with trembling legs collecting your clothes and putting them on again. mark looks for his underwear, and wears it again.
you turn and you notice the scratch on his face. “shit. i’m sorry, mark.”
“what? why are you apologising?” he asks.
“the scratch on your forehead?” you approach him. he’s sitting on the edge of the bed.
he smiles, little do you know he enjoys rough sex. you’re still not fully dressed and mark pulls you by the hems of your panties. you groan. “what are you doing?”
“you’re so hot,” he murmurs. “wanna go again?”
you stare at him. “my friends and brother are probably looking for me.”
he hums, rubbing your thighs with his palms and looks at you. “another time then?”
“yeah,” you bite your lip.
“you know where to find me, baby,” he kisses your crotch, making you sigh.
you leave the room fixing your hair, acting as if mark didn’t rearrange your guts just minutes ago and join jaehyun, johnny and taeyong. jaehyun hands you your red cup and he sniffles. “you smell like sex.”
you turn to him. “what?”
“you smell like sex,” he repeats and has a sip of his drink. “was it good?”
you nod. “so fucking good.”
jaehyun smiles. “i’m always up for a threesome. tell your guy.”
you look at him. “i’ll think about it.”
he winks at you.
mark meets with his friends again and donghyuck frowns when he spots the scratch on his forehead. “dude, what happened?”
“huh?” he touches his forehead as if he didnt know, “i hit a door, i didn’t know i got this.”
“you’re so dumb,” jeno mocks him.
yves stares at him for a couple of seconds and notices something the other two guys didn't: a hickey next to the mole in his neck.
“was the name of that door y/n?” yves has a sip of her drink.
mark looks at her and grins. “who i fuck is none of your business.”
jeno and donghyuck whistle, raising their eyebrows. yves grins at him back. “of course it is my business because you keep sticking your dick inside me. like last night for example.”
jeno gives them a disgusted face and donghyuck frowns. “you two keep fucking? i thought you were done.”
“we are done,” mark states. “it’s just casual sex.”
“yeah,” yves stares at him. “i thought we had a deal.”
“you made that deal,” mark cocks an eyebrow to her.
“i really hope y/n is clean, or it’s going to be so much fun seeing your dick rotting.”
“let me worry about that, beautiful,” he waves her off.
“and this is why you should not fuck your ex,” jeno mutters.
later that same night, you make sure you don’t get drunk since you’re driving back and it’s a long way. you lean against the led bar where the bartenders are and as you are about to order something to drink, a black haired man wearing a silk blue shirt and black pants stands next to you. “whiskey on the rocks for me and for the miss just a coke. thank you.”
you cock an eyebrow to him. “excuse me?”
he turns to you and smiles. “i didn’t introduce myself, did i? i’m kim doyoung.” he extends his hand.
you stare at his hand and take it, shaking it slightly. “y/n.”
“i know,” he says. “i’ve been watching you.”
“watching me?” you look at him.
“during the drift and here,” he hands you your glass with coke. “you’re fascinating. i might think i’m in love.”
you roll your eyes. “what do you want?”
“why do you think i want something?” he tilts his head.
“you tell me, doyoung.” you smile.
“smart,” he has a sip of his whiskey. “i like that.”
“i want you to drift for me,” he offers.
you scoff. “sorry. i don’t need a sponsor.”
“i don’t want to be your sponsor, y/n,” he replies. “i want you to drift for me just one ocassion. i pay very well.”
“i don’t rob or kidnap people either,” you stare at him.
he laughs. “not that kind of job either. i just want you to drift against someone who’s been a pain in my ass.”
“and what makes you think me winning will stop from being a pain in your ass?” you tilt your head, cocking an eyebrow.
“well, we made a deal: if he loses he stops drifting and no one has been really good to beat him,” he rests an elbow on the bar. “but i bet you can.”
“who is he?” you inquire.
“no one really knows his name,” he runs his hand through his hair.”but some people call him ‘jwi.’”
you frown. “i have never heard of him.”
“how could you?” he looks at you, playfully. “you just came back.”
you smile sideways. “so you gossip, doyoung.”
“i hear things,” he smirks. “so, will you help me?”
you sigh. “yeah why not. but i want cash in advance.”
“sure thing. i’ll give you the half tomorrow and the rest when he’s out,” he smiles at you. “do we have a deal?”
doyoung extends his hand.
“それをしないでください。 あなたはこれより賢いです。” (sore o shinaide kudasai. Anata wa kore yori kashikoidesu) (don’t do it. you’re smarter than this) yuta whispers from the second floor, staring at you having a conversation with doyoung.
you stare at doyoung and then at his hand. “deal.” you shake his hand.
“くそ” (kuso) (fuck) yuta groans.
“i’ll see you tomorrow then,” doyoung finishes his drink. “enjoy the rest of the party, y/n.”
doyoung walks away and you sigh. you return to where johnny, taeyong and jaehyun are and you regret the decision immediately. your brother almost sucking someone’s life and taeyong and jaehyun dancing with two busty blondes.
jaehyun winks at you and you laugh shaking your head. you approach him and speak to his ear. “i’m gonna go home.”
“i’m going with you,” he replies loudly.
you shake your head in disagreement. “you stay and enjoy the party. make sure taeyong doesn’t get high.”
he nods and kisses your cheek. “call me when you get home.”
you leave the party and walk to your car. as you’re about to get the freeway, you stop at a red light and a black car lines next to you. you can’t see who’s inside since the windows are too dark, then you hear some music coming out from the car and you recognise the song.
it’s 千客万来 (senkyakubanrai) by miyavi and daoko.
yuta loved that song. it was one of his favourite songs.
you frown. is someone messing with you? it’s cruel.
the light changes to green and the car speeds up, leaving you behind. now you’re mad. you speed up as well.
coming at speed behind it. luckily, the freeway is somehow empty. you follow closely behind another car, similar to the one yuta had when you met him.
yuta tries to keep his eyes on the road, but he keeps glancing at the rearview mirror. he grins. he should’ve known you’re too good at driving. and he knows he should feel worried, but he’s actually enjoying it.
he misses you so much and it feels like the old times.
taking a deep breath, you can feel your leg pressing on the gas pedal automatically.  you speed through the freeway making a turn to an emptier road.
you see the car changing lines until he exits the freeway and you're going too fast you miss the exit. you curse under your breath. "fuck."
whoever is behind the sick joke you hoped they get what they deserve for doing such a thing.
“not gonna lie, i’m looking forward to the day you sit on my face,” you hear mark behind you.
you are bent over against a car, the hood open. wearing denim shorts.
it’s sunday and you would normally won’t work, but since you don’t have anything better to do, you think working on your car is a good idea.
you turn around, your ass cheeks now resting against the hood. you cross your arms on your chest. “you’re gross, mark.”
he smiles. “what are you working on?”
“it’s a secret,” you reply.
he hums. “fine. don’t tell me.”
“what are you doing here?”
“i actually came to see your brother,” he answers. “but i think he’s still asleep. he won’t pick up the phone.”
you nod. “he came home pretty late last night.”
“and you?” he walks to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “i saw you leaving and you didn’t say goodbye.”
you roll your eyes, placing your palms on his arms. “you were busy with your friend.”
“yves,” he smirks at you. “are you jealous, y/n?”
you scoff, pushing him away. “i am certainly not. just don't be so shameless and don't flirt with others when you've just fucked me.”
“did i hurt your feelings?” he pouts, mockingly. the same you did when you met him.
you squint your eyes at him. “whatever. it’s not like it’s happening again.”
he frowns. “why not? you clearly had a great time.”
“i did,” you admit. “but you’re doing business or whatever with my brother and the last thing i want is things to turn awkward.”
“and they won’t because we’re both adults,” he wraps his arms around your waist again, this time pulling you closer. “i can fuck you and still doing business with your brother. and of course, racing against you.”
“please give up, you will never beat me,” you cock an eyebrow to him.
“don't count your chickens yet, gorgeous,” he rubs your bottom lip and looks at you. “you still haven’t seen my best movements.”
you smirk. “you're all bark and no bite.”
he groans. “get in the car.”
“no. i’m busy.”
“y/n…” he warns.
“mark…” you imitate his tone.
he sighs heavily. “wait till i’m done with johnny. “
“i’ll be in my bedroom. maybe the door’s unlocked,” you wink at him.
mark pulls his lips away, towering over you with glinting eyes as he raises an eyebrow. “what was that?”
he doesn’t remove his fingers, continuing to draw small circles on your clit as you silently squirm. you bite down on your lip, pushing out another breath.
“gotta be.. quiet..” you say, sucking in a breath as mark runs his finger down between the lips and back up again, slowly. mark chuckles softly.
“ah..” mark laughs softly, smirking. “so… this?”
he begins to tease your entryway, which makes you arch your back slightly and let out another soft gasp. mark laughs again.
“this is gonna be fun.” pressing his lips back to your skin again, he continues to tease, using all his fingers to make you wetter and wetter, trying to force a noise out of you. yet you refuse, enjoying the pleasure through muted moans, soft gasps, and occasionally a very tiny hum. mark doesn’t relent, as his lips travel further and further down your body, making sure to take his time. soon, his mouth replaces his fingers. your back starts to arch again with every movement of his tongue against you.
mark sneaked into your room when johnny had to use the bathroom and jisung locked himself in his bedroom. but unfortunately, your bedroom is between your brothers' bedroom.
each flick of his tongue against you makes you gasp slightly louder, but not loud enough to be heard outside the room. mark continues to make you squirm, laughing softly again as he pulls his lips away from you. he moves a hand up to catch your attention, and you look down at him, his lips glistening.
“still no noise?” he asks, and you shake your head, gasping again as he moves himself back into position. you snake your hands to his hair, wrapping your fingers around the strands as you arch your back again as he expertly moves. humming again, he moves his lips away, looking over at you again.
“ready?” he asks, as he lowers his sweats.
he positions himself over you, pushing your hips up, he slides inside of you slowly and, knowing that something is coming, instinctively grabs one of the pillows behind your head. handing it to you with a smile, you quickly take it and bite down hard, releasing a muffled moan. mark lets out a laugh, beginning to move inside of you now that you had something to muffle the noise. it's still not screaming, mind, but it's slightly louder than what you were doing before.
mark starts sucking on your skin again, littering kisses along your collarbone. “hmm..” he mutters against your skin, peeling himself out slowly before pushing back in quickly, making you push out another muffled moan as you arched your back slightly. “should have gone to my place instead.”
you can feel yourself getting closer to climax, as mark gripped the back of your thighs, digging his nails in softly. your muffled noises are rising in pitch, as you move the dampened pillow and his name slips through your lips in the softest whine. mark hums, slowing down in his tempo as you hold on as long as you can. then, as the climax hits, you let out a soft groan that suddenly gets quite loud.
mark lets out a laugh and presses a kiss to your forehead. he comes inside of you soon after, pulling himself out after a few seconds. he lays next to you and looks at you, smiling.
"i hate you so much," you groan, putting your palm on his face.
he giggles. "i should go now."
"you better before I slap you," you smile at him.
"you're very kinky," he says, standing up and looking for his clothes.
you give him your middle finger and he laughs. he approaches the bed and kisses your finger. "later, gorgeous."
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leboutique-lily · 4 years
Hey I just read a fic and omg. I'd like to request a Jungkook smut. a virgin going through all the bases nervously but excited and obviously very horny and wet. he fingers her and then when he feels how wet she is he just has to taste her. he makes her squirt eating her out and then he fucks her with his big cock 🥵 and she's so small, but takes it and just about cries and begs to cum again and then he finds out her daddy kink and makes her squirt as she screams Daddy and then aftercare pls🌸
A thousand years later, here I'm. I'm so sorry sweet anon, life carried me away... but here I am, hopping that somehow you find this 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Here it is ❤
° Boyfriend!Jungkook》female!reader
° Smut, Fluff, Jungkook (cause he's a warning)
° Kissing, nudity, one little bite, orgasm control, oral (female receive), hand job, light dirty talk, daddy kink, squirting, penetration, fingering, loss of virginity, sweet sweet jungkook, than teasing jungkook, then sweet jungkook, nice reader I like her, so much blushing.
• This is unedited in a level that I can't even comprehend. I'm sorry!
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A burning feeling spreading across your checks, the carmine color tinting the soft skin and bringing amusement to your beloved.
The sweet boy seated beside you, gigling from your flustered state - one that he brought upon you, for a fact - too happy with himself for being the one able to make you melt like an ice cream on the Saara desert.
He love the red dust on your face, going down your neck, the way you can't keep eye contact or talk without stutter and tumble on your words. This are the moments that he lives for. You on the other hand just want to dig a whole to the other side of the world and dive on it.
The reason why you're at this state? Well this time, a movie.
You guys were watching some good old action movie, then it went from punches and dynamite (yeah) to other explosive actions.
The couple on the screen started a heated make out session that move on to a very... hot as hell fuck. There was legs and arms and skin everywhere, but what cough your attention was the dominance that the male oozed, soft but present.
Jungkook is a very observant young man, he can catch every nuance and every flick of reaction from you. You were there, certain that you were keeping your cool, a nice and blanted face to a normal thing such as a hot steamy sex, kind of loud too.
But, girl... you were so wrong. He could read you like an open book and he couldn't resist to tease you. He loves teasing you.
"Are you okay there, baby?"
That sly smirk and amused tone that he failed to hide getting on your nerves.
"Yes. I'm totally fine, why wouldn't I?"
You know when you try to sound light and confident but instead end it up like what despair would sound like? Yup, that was you right now and you know why? Because you know once your little shit of a boyfriend catch that, you wouldn't hear the end of it. And that my friends, was what happened.
"Oh... I don't know baby. You seem a little... tense? You know? Is there something that is making you blush like this?"
"B-Blush? No, no I'm not blushing Kookie! Pfh... blushing.. " a very fake laugh coming along with the disastrous sentences you've just spilled.
His smile just growth more, he was leading you exactly where he wanted.
"Oh but you are baby... aaaaall the way down here" he said with his finger suddenly tracing a line from your cheeck to you cleavage. Your skin awakening with a shiver from his touch.
With your eyes closed in concentration you forced the words out.
"It's.. it's the warm weather Kookie. It's hot in hear."
"Well, that's strange baby, cuz you see... we have the AC on and like... 15 minutes ago you said you were freezing."
His bunny like smile and big eyes shining in his little victory.
"I.. I don't.." and that my friend is all that left those pretty lips of yours, just mumbling words with no sense, making your boyfriend hold you in his arms cooing at how adorable you looked flustered.
"Cute" his giggle following the little statement.
Later that night you couldn't take that damn scene from your head and maybe imagining how Jungkook's hands would feel against your skin in that way wasn't helping that much.
He was in the shower, putting that majestic voice to good use and all you could think about was how much you wanted to hear your name in a raspy tone falling from your boyfriend's lips. Listen to me here... girl, that monument of a man hovering over you, with hunger eyes and a huge- Oh, okay... calm down.
One would look at this scenario and think of one simple solution, have sex. But things were not that simple... it could be actually, but your overthinking mind wouldn't allow you the pleasure of the peace of mind.
You never done this before, the sex part. Hot make out sessions (Oh yes), the heavy breathing and his hands grabbing the supple flash of your ass was definitely one of the best things in the world. But everytime things got a little bit "too hot" he would sense your nerves and stop without you even have to say so. That was Jungkook, always attentive of the details. But tonight something shifted, you feel this need almost like a itching that you can't reach. But he can.
You're so lost in your thoughts that you don't see Jungkook getting out the bathroom drying his hair with a towel while a bigger one is wrapped securely around his waist. Damn. You startle from your thoughts and automatically start to stare at his figure, the little drops of water that escaped the towel running down his torso, his gorgeous abs, down to the hem of the towel reaching his... oh it must be pretty.
Stop, what are you thinking?!
"Baby..?" He's looking at you with curiosity all over his face.
"Hm?" You eyes never leaving his crotch area.
He chuckled at your unmoving eyes, a dumb face. But so cute. He was dying to test something and now seemed a really good time.
"Babygirl." He said in a lower voice. Your body reacted instantly, eyes shooting up at him. His face at least.
A small smirk taking place on his lips at the way your checks started to get rosy again. God he loved that adorable pink shade on your skin...
"There's something on that beautiful mind of yours. Would you care to share with me baby?"
"Oh. Hm... n-nothing Kookie, I was just... it's nothing really"
Don't get me wrong, you're confident. But when it comes to anything to do with Jungkook all your resolve seems to crumble. Fast. He was starting to get worried, so he approached you and took a seat facing you. The fresh and light smell of his soup and his shampoo enveloping your senses like a drug.
"What's wrong baby?" His doe eyes searching any sign of distress on yours.
He waited for your answer but you couldn't formulate any word. You wanted to say that you were ready, but without melting down on the mattress.
"Y/N you know you can tell me anything, right? I'm here for you" his voice so gentle that you felt guilty for getting him so worried over you.
"I know Kookie, you don't need to worrie... I just - I want to tell you something but I don't know how or apparently don't have the courage to do it now." You laugh trying to light it up the mood.
"Its okay baby, take your time. There's no rush" he takes your hand in his. The ink decorating his skin marvelling you, you feel that he might not be rushing you, but you need to spit it out.
"I think... Jungkook, I'm ready." You say in one breath.
He looks at you as if trying to figure it out what you mean by that and you can see in his expression when he understand. His eyes go wide and he let out a quiet "oh" from his rounded lips. 'That's why she's so nervous' he thought.
"Oh baby, are you sure? You don't need to do anything you don't want to, I can wait, for as much as you need." You interrupt him before he keeps going.
"Jungkook, I'm sure, really. I want you..."
The last part barely a whisper, but his ears catch it. His eyes darkened at your words, shy and small, but he can feel the truth behind it.
Shifting closer to you, you feel the warmth from his body - he's always so warm- his smell surrounding you and his hand holding your chin to make you look at him.
"Say it again. Louder." His voice is more assertive but still sweet. His stare makes your stomic seem to be full of butterflies, a shiver runs down your body.
"I want you Jungkook..." you muster all the voice that you can find in that moment.
You barely finish talking and his lips are on yours in a passionate kiss. Sweet but passionate, just like him.
His hands finding solace on your waist, pulling you closer and taking you in his lap. Like magnets your fingers go straight to his fluffy hair, the soft long locks in a deep brown making pretty waves between your digits. His hands on a much more feverish manner, descend to grip the flesh of your hips and tights, up your back on your neck and repeating everything as if trying to cover all your body with his touch at the same time. As if this was the only chance that he would ever get to have you like this, even knowing that the thought if far from the truth.
When he pulls your hips closer, you can feel his hardening cock covered by the towel, pressing on your clit lightly but enough to send little shocks of pleasure through your body. You gasp in his mouth, hands tightening on his hair earning a groaning sound to fall from his red lips.
He slowly turned your body and laid you down on the soft sheets, his body hovering over yours. The atmosphere seemed to change a bit, his eyes tender locking you in place, hypnotizing you while his hands were delivering sweet touches on your checks, it felt like he was trying to memorize everything, everything detail of you, of this moment.
His lips sealed the dulcet feeling that was in the air, slowly and sensuously. It felt... so good...
Kisses trailing down your jaw, behind your ear and down your neck, the feeling of his hair against your skin, his warm tongue coming out to lick little blooming flowers on your clavicle. 
His hands find the hem of your pajama shirt while his eyes asked for permission. Your nod was enough for him right now, and soon you were half top naked. Your first reaction was to cover yourself, your arms trying to hide your hardening nipples from your boyfriend's eyes.
He was not going to allow it, you're to beautiful for him...
"No baby, don't hide from me. You're so beautiful... so perfect for me."
He said moving your arms from your breasts, laying your hands down.
His eyes scanning ever piece of skin exposed to him, he wanted to devour you whole. Every little piece... but he had to be patient today, above all days. There would be plenty of time to ruin you in the future.
He lowered his chest to yours to whisper in your ear
"I've waited so long to see you like this and I would've waited much more... but I'm so happy to finally have you, all of you.. "
His low voice sending shivers down your spine making you whine quietly at his words.
He's lips were on one nipple before you could notice him moving, catching you of guard gasping in surprise, while his fingers played with the other one.
The warm and wet feeling from his mouth addicting you immediately, his tongue lavishing the taut bud sucking it in waves, such a amazing sensation.
Your hands grabbing on his strong arms for support, you were panting already and all he did was kiss you and play with your nipples. Kind scared if you were going to survive this.
"You like this baby? Hmm? It feels good?"
As you're going to answer him, he sucked the other nipple in his hot mouth making you moan instead of speak.
"So sensitive.."
"Answer me babygirl, you like the feeling of my tongue? My mouth sucking this pretty nipple raw..."
""Y-yes, Kookie it feels so good" you somehow managed to answer him.
'Let's see what else she's gonna call me until the end of night' he tough. Eager to confirm his suspicions.
With a pop he released the sore bud and trailed his fingers down your belly, one hand firm, holding your waist in place and supporting your arched back.
His fingers meet the hem of your panties, tracing the line of elastic on the cotton, you tights pressed together in anxiety and in seek of some relief. Then he trace a line down your pantie covered center, feeling your slit below de fabric, the soft wet patch forming there from how wet you were getting.
The little electric waves that his light touch was providing you already got you hooked.
"Can you open your legs for me baby?" Your legs were still shut providing him almost no space to work, so you opted to let them part instead of saying anything because seriously, you're in no condition. Slowly he moved aside to give you room and put one of your tights on top of his leg, keeping you open.
"You've soaked through babygirl... is this all for me? Hm?" Your mind had already succumbed to his touch, his words were just an addition to the trap he lured you in, but that didn't stop the blush from coming.
He loved how you looked right now, so small with those big eyes looking up at him and your pussy all wet. It was his dream coming true.
Without waiting anymore he got your panties off and back to his position, you felt his fingers parting your lips, messing with your slick. The moan you let out at the feeling made his cock twitch, you sounded so fucking good.
Your sensitivity was his favorite thing, how every little thing he did got you squirming.
You could feel the wetness dripping down your cheekbums, his breathing on your ear showing that he was not doing better than you.
The tight circles on your clit driving you wild "you're so fucking wet, holy shit baby... can you hear it? How delicious you sound.."
"Kookie... it's so good"
"I know baby... you feel so good too." Then he pressed one finger in slowly, the intrusion surprisingly good. "There you go... such a good girl" He was going as slow so he could to give you time. To help you relax, he wanted you to feel good, in your time. No matter how much his cock felt like it would explode, this was about you, his words whipered to you, making you whimper in pleasure, thrusting in you entrance,  once he felt you relax he add another finger making the strech bigger. Your head was thrown back, hands gripping his arm and the sheets, moans thrown to the wind in bliss.
"I need to taste you" He said in a frenzy, desperate to feel you on his tongue. The sounds of your wet pussy were gonna hunt him every night and his mouth on your cunt too.
His soft lips made a bee line to your bellybutton, changing for a straight path down to your navel. He looks up at you, those doe eyes now vivid in a dark almost black color. Keeping his eyes on you, he planted a soft kiss on your mound, and kiss after kiss down to the center of your pussy.  The only moment he closes his eyes is when he gets right at your entrance and a fresh wave of you scent hits his nostrils, awakening his hunger even more.
"I can smell you... - already anticipating your reaction, he holds your legs apart - you smell so good baby." He delivers a long lick to your folds "And you taste even better.."
You whimper at his crude words, they are bold but he says it in such a sweet manner. He seems to be in the perfect balance, dirty and sweet. Rought and delicate. Firm but gentle in every gesture.
"May I taste you, baby? Please... I'm dying to feel you on my tongue for so long."
You nod you head so fast that gets you slightly dizzy. The eagerness overpowering the timidness.
He chuckles at you reaction, how can you be so cute and so fucking hot at the same time?
His eyes unwavering on yours, as if trapping you on his spell. You only notice how he maneuvered your body when you feel the skin of your tights meeting your torso. Then you realise how exposed you are.
"Jungk - " before you could knowledge your shock, he gives a long warm lick from bottom to top on your sex. His eyes never leaving yours. He thrives in the gasp you let out and the way your eyes close in pleasure. Your taste dancing on his tongue like Ambrosia, he decided that this is how he wants to spend his days, buried between your legs.
"So sweet. I knew you would taste so sweet baby..." he's lost in his own world. The bubble he created that consisted on him and your pretty pussy. He fucking loves it.
He dives in for more, holding your legs firmly to your chest, face buried in your pussy and eyes gauging every reaction that he gets out of you.
The feeling of his tongue tasting every corner, every crevice... the firm point of it driving you mad with kitten licks on your swollen clit. Your hands are the picture of despair, grabbing the sheets, his hair, his arms, your hair. Everything he does elicits a shock of pleasure, you feel so warm and so needy. You need more.
"Kookie, please... "
He keeps working you on, slurping on your juices. Hands grabbing the soft meet of your tights, preventing you from running from him.
You feel so warm, so wet and so soft. He loves the way you move for him, how sweet your moans sound on his ears, how you clench around nothing, gushing more of your delectable taste just for him, then he feels your hand tugging his hair a little more forcefully.
He is pulled from his trance, to see your exasperated eyes begging him. You look so pretty...
Glassy eyes, swollen lips and red checks... your hair a little wet from the drops of sweat on your forehead and your breath completely uneven. All because of him.
It downs to you that he really enjoys that, to have your taste on his mouth.
He keeps you on the edge, trading his tongue for his fingers, playing with your clit slowly. Enought to keep you going, but far from give you what you want.
"Please..." you reaped. You can feel the pressure of his fingers keeping you there, making you drip for him. He circles your entrance, feeling your wetness seeping out. It's to much and not enough.
He enters you again nuckle deep, searching for something.
"Please, what baby? Tell me what you want"
Oh great. He wants you to speak, to actually formulate sentences right now, with his fingers deep inside.
"Tell me or I'll linger this to my hearts content babygirl."
Fuck. What is this?
"Please!" You gasp way.
"Although I love it when you beg me babygirl, I know you can do better" then you feel a bite on your inner tight, followed by an soothing tongue right after.
You jump in surprise and moan at the feeling, making your boyfriend smirk between your legs.
"I need to cum, just make me cum please.. " you say defeated, your hands urging him back.
"See, was not that hard... " he says but you don't register. He pressed an area that reduced you to a mumbling mess while the other hand took care of your pulsating clit.
Your head was throwed back while your hands squeezed the sheet bellow you.
A long moan formed on your throat,  meeting your boyfriend's eager ears.
"That's it... good girl" - his eyes looking back from your pussy swolloing his digit and to your face for any sign of discomfort.
He saw only pleasure, your legs widening by themselves to receive more - "you're so wet baby, so tight... " he was delivering sweet kisses to your tights, his nose caressing your skin.
His finger felt so good... your hips moving on their on, seeking something.
Then he started moving it faster, harder, with his entire arm, in and out in.
"It feels so good Kookie, I want more baby!"
You wanted him, inside. Right now.
"I know baby, I'll give you everything you want... but I need to strech you out first. So be a good girl for me and cum like this."
He went back to your clit with a ferocious tongue, flicking it, licking and sucking with all he got while his fingers fastened their pace inside you. The wet sound of his fingers plunging inside of you loud in the room.
"Listen baby, how fucking wet you are" his breath right on your clit, sending shivers up your body.
You moaned at the vibration of his voice, making him moan back to you repeating the waves again.
The pleasure burning, ready to burst.
"Come one... let go baby. Cum for me babygirl." The strech of a third finger pushed you off the edge, making your body shake from the force of your release. Jungkook moaned as he could feel your walls tightening like a vice in his fingers as you gushed your juices on his tongue, his fingers never stopping, he changed the angle and fastened his pace eliciting a loud gasp from you.
"Found it" his eyes gaining a determined look.
"Found what? Oh fuck! What..?" This feeling. This feeling was fucking fantastic, a kind of euphoria that took your breath way, made you mind haze, your hips move at their own accord searching something that you don't even know.
Your moan getting louder, Jungkook hitting a spot inside of you over and over again with precision making tears run down your checks from pure pleasure, your moans turning to screams.
He was mesmerized by your beauty, your eyes screwed shut and mouth agape, tears wetting your pretty face making him proud of how good he was making you feel. Then he saw, the splash of cum wetting everything, his hand soaked and his tights too, the bed printed by the drops of it.
"Holy shit... fuck babygirl you squirted... so fucking pretty " his fingers never stopping, the waves of pleasure becoming to much, your body trembling at the first shocks of overstimulation
"Jungkook, too much...  baby!"
Taking mercy of you, delicately slowing down and retrieving his fingers, sucking it, humming at your taste.
"So good baby... so fucking good"
You were embarrassed and so so horny and tired as fuck, hiding your face on his neck.
"Oh no no... no baby, that was amazing. I can't even express in words how much I want to ruin you right now, make you do it over and over again"
He mouth was on your you in a flash, the kiss slow and sensual, his towel forgotten on the floor now. Pulling you back to the lascivious feeling of his body on top of yours, the weight of him, the warmth, the smell, the feeling of his skin on yours. You loved every bit of it.
You felt so loved and protected with him, his hands on your head, gently combing through your hair while his lips took your breath away.
Kisses trailing down your chin to your neck, you could feel his cock against your tight, hot and heavy waiting for release. He was taking his time with you, but it was time for him to feel good too, so you moved your hand south, brushing the tip of your finger on his rock hard cock and his body shivered instantly, a breathy moan leaving his red lips. He's big... maybe a little too big, long and with a good girth and a pretty shade of pink . How's it gonna fit? He's gonna kill you, for sure. But it's going to be such a sweet death...
You took courage in his reaction, his moan making you want to hear more, so with a firmer touch you hold his shaft and give a long stroke from the bottom to top. His forehead rests now on your shoulder and his breath tickles your skin. You want to hear him, to make him lose control too, so you fasten lightly the pace on his cock, feeling him squirm above you. Your hand up and down, up and down while the other rest on the small of his back... giving a little twist on the head, running your finger on the sensitive spot just below the tip and you feel him tremble to hold himself, so you fasten even more, making him moan in the croak of you neck.
"Baby... slow down " his broken voice making you even wetter, his hips now thrusting into your hand, following your rhythm. It's like he's head is saying one thing and his body is doing the opposite. Your hand feel so small, but so soft and so fucking good on his cock, he's ruined for anyone else for sure!
"Ugh.. fuck stop y/N, I'm gonna cum" he's groaning now hand squeezing your waist leaving a mark behind for tomorrow.
You won't stop, not with him looking and sounding like this. And you're just making him feel good to, right? What could he do?
Well here's your answer.
You felt his teeth sink in your neck as a warning, then he took hold of your wrists and pinned them above your head while he took deep breaths to calm himself down. Once he open his eyes something shifted, they're hooded and darker.
"So my babygirl is a stubborn one." His voice is low, vibrating through your body. His hips settled between your legs with his heavy cock pressed on your pussy, his weight keeping you in place. His lips descend to your ear "Let's see how much."
Before you could process he has turned you on your stomic, pushing your legs open with his tights and one arm looped around your waist his other hand went straight to your soaked pussy making you jump at the sudden contact.
You realize that you can't move in this position, but he can.
His fingers unceremoniously play on your clit, fishing some wetness from your entrance time to time to make it everything messier.
He brings you ridiculously fast to your high, your hips trying to push back on his touch. When you feel the firsts tremors of your high he pulls his hand from you, his tights preventing you from closing your legs, he's basically mounting you at this point.
You whine immediately at the lost, searching any contact to releave the frustration.
"Why?! Jungkook..." your whines are sweet music to his ears.
"Just a little lesson baby..." his smirk evident in his voice. That smug tone that you want so badly to wipe off... if only you could reach for his cock...
Who would though, from really nervous to desperate for his cock on you in less than one hour. That's the Jungkook effect.
His hand was back on you, dexterous fingers working you up expertly again.
You wish you could hold back but you don't even know how, the pleasure from his actions to good to run away from.
Again you're close and each time he pulls back you get closer and closer faster.
After the third time your forearms give up and your upper half falls to the bed tired, frustrated. Your boyfriend's hand holding your hips up in place, while he cups you pussy with his entire hand to help subside de clenching from your walls.
He looks down at your form, exhausted. He wanted to make it sweet and slow but he couldn't hold back at the deviance in your eyes.
He's heart took pity on your whines and moans of his name and decided it was time to end your misery. Even if caused by him, but it was a good one... it was a lesson but helped to build up your pleasure too. You're gonna cum so hard.. His body is agitated just at the thought of it.
His hand came down to caress your back, trading circles on your skin.
"Please... p-please " that was your mantra on the past minutes.
"Shhhh... it's okay babygirl."  He would bring it out of you...
"You're my good babygirl, aren't you baby?" His voice saccharine on your ears, full of love.
"I'm- yes I'm.. " you words tumbling on each other.
"That's it... are you ready my love?" Your body reacted before your mind could process, getting him closer.
"Not like this baby, I want to see you"
He turned you back, facing him again and after a kiss on your forehead he riches for the condom on the night stand, ripping the foil with his teeth and putting in on himself.
Even thought you're tired and frustrated and sweaty and so wet that the bed has a pull of you right now, you can't deny how gorgeous Jungkook is. He's marvelous, so beautiful...
His hair falling in tiny ringlets from the exertion and the remains of water still there mixed with his sweat, his toned body, his light honey skin, those sweet lips and freaking pretty eyes... eyes now that are looking at you in adoration.
He lowers himself down to your body again, one hand holding your tight to his waist while the other caress your hair softly.
"I love you" simple, deep and sincere.
"I love you too, so much" you respond with all your heart.
"Ready..?" He whispers to you, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere right now.
"More than ready" and with that you feel his hand touching your pussy and gathering some wetness to lub his cock, then he start to run his member on your pussy, parting your lips and accommodating his length in the warm skin. He rubs his nose on yours and then you feel it, his bulbous head parting you extremely slowly, but the strech is there. Burning like hell fire, cuz you're small and he is big big.
Your wetness helps to easy the friction but the strech is way more present than you thought. He senses your tension and stop moving.
"Hey... hey look at me. You're okay, what are feeling?" His eyes concerned and attentive.
"Its just... it burns. How is it gonna fit? You're too b- aaah.." your own moviment, trying to get more comfortable make his length move up a little more, his hand immediately holding your hips down to prevent any more discomfort for you.
"Baby, stop moving. Take a deep breath... it's okay" Suddenly a smile appears on his lips and you question why.
"I'm big baby? Is that what you were going to say?" The playfull energy lighting the mood.
"Jungkook, don't " your blushing checks making a triunfal return to the scene, for Jungkook's content.
"There it is... my pretty blushing checks"
He gives you a tender kiss on you lips "Relax for me, I'm gonna take care of you" a cute skimo kiss taking place "And I'll fit all right, babygirl"
Your mouth gaping at the sudden bold words, your pussy clenching around the tip of his cock, making him hiss at the tightness. Feeling another gush of your juices around him, he presses a little further in, his eyes on your face.
The inicial burn is still there, but hes being so attentive and going so slow that it must be torture for him, but he does it for you. Half way in he stops, checking your expressions.
"It feels better, strange but better... please keep going Kookie"
How could he deny anything from you, he would give you the world if you wanted.
"Are you feeling good baby? How does it feel?"
He says pushing further and further, almost there... You're so warm and dripping wet and so fucking tight. How can you be so tight? He's doing everything in his power not to explode inside of you.
"Full, it feels so full... You're so deep" you say timidly.
"It's gonna feel even deeper baby, just a bit more to go"
More? Oh my fucking...
With a kiss on your lips he bottoms out making you moan loud for him, trapped in his lips.
"Shit! Oh fuck..  Jungkook" you shout out at the feeling of him so deep that you don't even comprehend how far up he is, the sensation new and so so so good. He stays still enjoying your warmth and giving you time to adjust.
"You did so good baby, so good... that's my good girl, are you okay?"
"I'm..  I'm good. I need you to move"
Move he would, carefully at the beginning. Letting you feel him and him feel you. The praises falling from his lips like drops of honey. Making your body relax and receive him like a piece of a puzzle. He's pleasure was not far too, but he needed you to cum first.
So his fingers were back to your clit pushing you off the cliff into a see of pure bliss. Your moans turning to almost screams now from how sensitive you are, your high not as strong as the other ones but still making you shake. At the throws of the moment you let out an almost inaudible word... but your boyfriend's catches, he always does.
"Louder, tell me. You're daddy's babygirl,  come on. What's my name baby?" So you let it out for him...
"Daddy!" He groans at the way you say it, how the word rolls from your lips sounding so sweet and so dirty at the same time...
"Fuck yes. Just a little more babygirl, a little more... almost there..."
You clenched your walls hard and he convulsed on top of you, his thrusts irregular and fast trying to prolong his deserved high. The hot feeling of him releasing his load inside the condom making everything a little more warmer.
"Fuck I love you, so much"
"I love you too"
Two breathless confessions on your soaked sheets. After a while, he was still inside of you, you see a mischievous smile appear again, oh here we go.. what now?
"The sheets are soaked babygirl..."
Don't blush, don't blush.
Oh shit.
"There it is..."
"Hey! You have to stop doing this, its not fair!" You little angry face makes him laught, long and true and then you forget why you were angry."Okay..." he says before kissing you to distract you from him pulling out. He gets up and trying to detangle himself from you, who's attached to his arms like a life saver.
"I'll be right back, just a minute baby" his giggles are the most pretty thing on earth, oh my God you just want to squish him so hard. Kind of a violent love you have, but all in name of his cuteness. No harm, fellas. You hear a ruffling and some water, then he's back with a boxer, one of his t-shirts and towel.
"Okay lady... come here" he's beside you, spreading you tights and then you get it that hes intending to clean you up.
"What? No baby.. no I can do it" you say as you try to grab the warm towel.
"Baby, let me. You're tired and all sore." You don't miss the almost imperceptible smirk on his face. He's proud, that little shit.
"And besides... I've already seen every little piece of you"
The gasp you let out, oh girl... sucked the air of the room.
"And kissed..." that damn smile of his.
"And touched..." one cute kiss on your knee.
"And licked" his eyes piercing on yours.
"Oh my God, stop! JUNGKOOK!"
He's laughing and smooching you like a baby now "Annnnnngh you're so cute baby"
After some little kisses, he manages to clean you, put his shirt on you and its immediately spooning you into his warm body, sleep pulling you in, but you can hear in the distance...
"I love you..."
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iraniq · 5 years
The Call of the North
! ! A. N.: I was suppised to post this last year... I didn't I am posting it now, you can see it's old info. Was about the meeting between Nightwish and Mars, that I hoped for, but didn't happen... Since the MAESTRO is having a birthday today... I am sharing my little baby ! !
- Hey... Babs!
  - Yes... Yes... Summer? - ypu yelled.
  - Yes summer!
  - No you are summer!
  - You have my last name, you are Summer too.
  - Ugh... I am Summer's... You are the... Nevermind. I would like to make a call.
  - ...
  - J! - you childishly tapped with yoir food on the floor.
  - What? How am I stopping you?
  - You have his number.
  - Oh... You wanna call the Maestro!
  - It's his birthday! - you smiled. - That's the law.
He gigled and gave you his phone.
Beginning of October
  - Hey... Hey... This place is huge, I I'll loose you all! - you slowly walked your 1'55m existance in the big reception hall of the hotel.
  - Hope so! - Kyle said, crossing his fingers.
  - The only thing saving you is your hair! 
  - Hahaha imagine if he cuts it off! - Kennon laughed.
  - No, my girl's gonna kill me! Get lost, both of you! - Kyle laughed. - Samuel, come here, OK may need photo proof of what may follow. Nice shirt too.
  - Thanks! - ypu waved a hand, looking away.
  - Where is this? - Kennon turned me around to see.
  - The birth places of 2 gods.
  - We kinda got that from the front. - Matty pointed smirking.
  - Photos only after you pay me.
  - We? To pay you... - Matty and Samuel both said.
  - Yes... As I recall pretty misses are paid.
  - Hell of a woman dude! - Kyle said looking somewhere behind you. 
  - Why? - I leaned closer.
  - She is tall.
  - Aha... 
You all proceed talking, got ourselves drinks and headed to the garden. You heard men laughing and someone spoke in broken English.
  - Nice shirt - a man's soft voice said.
  - How can you tell it's nice since you have no idea what's on it. - you drank of your juice, not bothering to look back, sassing, since Kyle, Matty and Samuel got on your nerves.
  - I know my Birthplace, it's not that's uncommon knowledge where I come from.
You felt your heart stopped and you chocked on your drink. He and his company laughed.
  - Hey, don't be rude! - a familiar voice said walking towards you.
You fast turn around and saw your brother. He had lightly hugged you, still half asleep from the jet lag.
  - Shush! - you quietly hissed. - Do you know who this is?
  - I don't care who he is, he can't talk to you like this.
  - He didn't say anything... Bad.
  - Hello. - Summer appeard out of nowhere.
  - Wow, two genius people togwther. - a woman's voice announced. 
The others looks at the corner, noticing a long haired man and the big woman Kyle admired.
  - Fucking shit... That's Nightwish! - your dorky fangirled and the rest went to say "hi". 
Eventually all moved to the couchesnearby. You slowlu walked there, Shannon was right behind you. Kyle was taking wild selfies with Floor Marco was explaining Jared how to grow a beard like his... Tuomas... He was just sitting there, alone... You tried not to stare, at least not to obvious.
  - I really like your shirt. - he suddenly spoke. He wasn't a man of many words, but every one was perfectly picked for the needed occusation. 
  - Thanks... - you mumbled. Shannon pinched you. 
  - What inspired you to make this.
You laughed a little bit uncomfortable, and accidentally got all the people's attention.
  - Am... - you looked at the shirt, it said 'Gods are born on 25th & 26th of December'. - Well since... - you were already freaking out, how were you supposed to explain this. You looked at J, he nod his head and you felt Shannon's hand massaging your back. - Since my husband is a god, or at least that's what his fans say...
  - Thank you! - Jared got up and did a bow, and everyone clapped. People think he is being attention whore, but he know you and Shannon were uncomfortable with a lot of attention on yourself, so he was there for you.
  - ... Well, since also you are born on that kind of date as well, and Nightwish were one of the 1st bands I listened and I like you like super much and I admire you and...  On and on... I decided to make it look this, and quite a lot of people miss... The obvious info.
  - What's the obvious info? - Floor asked. 
Shannon spoon you around and pointed at the back of your shirt where the cordinates were.
  - So why is he a god? - Emppu asked. 
  - Have you listens to their songs? - Johanna appeared from the nothing. 
You muffed a scream and jumped, turning to J.
  - I stalked them to see when they will get married so they can adopt me! - she laughed and then you realized you said this out loud. Jared shrugged, Shannon tapped your shoulder and when you looked at Tuomas he was holding his face in his hands laughing. - Ops... I didn't meet to say this out loud. - Mind the fact non of the band members, especially Tuomas liked the fans looking them like objects and that's exactly what you did.
  - Lovely! - Johanna looked the shirt closelt, theb turned to Jared. - You look like Him anyway, I can work with this. - she laughed and said  something in their language, then they all laughed.
  - So I miss what your shirt said. - Floor asked. 
  - These are the coordinates of their birth places. - Shannon turned you back around. - The 1st - he showed - is the birth place of the Maestro. - Shannon pointed at Tuomas and Marco cheered. - Kitee. The 2nd one, is Bossier, Louisiana. The birthplace of her husband... - Shannon pointed at his brother. - Also to my brother and me! - then Shannon pointed at himself. - All laughed. - Turned out geographical coordinates of birth cities are not that uncommon info. - he looed at you and frowned.
- Well where I come from they are... - you were about to rang, then you alk heared a loud voice coming towards you.
  - Oh... Shannon! - someone yelled. 
  - Jukka! - you squeezed his arm.
  - Leto, I can't believe I see you! - Jukka offered a hand to shake and Shannon accepted. They brwafly hugged - Will you come to our show tomorrow?
  - I am flattered, but we will be performing tomorrow night as well.
  - One boulevard away and like 30min earlier - you shoot the words and made an innocent grimace when the two men looked at you.
  - I am a... Fan of yours, Leto.
  - Oh my God... - you sat on the arm of the couch where J was sitting - Jukka is a fan if my brother... Summer, pinch me, I must be dead. - you breathed out and almost fell of.
Everyone suddenly was in a heated conversation with everyone
  - Fire, isn't she. - Johanna whispered to Jared.
- You have no ides! - J pretened whined. Tuomas tapped his shoulder and laugher.
End of December!
  - Yes? 
  - Hello birthday boy.
  - Oh, the Autumn lady! - Thomas laughed in the other side of the phone line.
  - Hyvää Syntymäpäivää! /happy birthday/ - you made a clumsy attempt to say it in Finnish, but failed. He corrected you and you had a small talk, he spoke to Jared too.
  - I am flattered, you called. 
  - Always! You are my eidos love
  He laughed.
  - OK, I wasn't supposed to say this either... I am sorry, it's disrespectful.
  - No, I am honored I am one of the people you look up to. - someone spoke to him - I will send your love to your eidos mom, I have to go. 
He hang up. 
  - So Mrs. Leto, are you happy now.
  - Yes! - you hugged J and kissed his nose - The potatoes are almost ready!
  - Oh... Potatoes again... - J sighed.
- Joseph! They are Finnish recepie.
@diyunho @nikkitasevoli @sougie @rhina988 @lovermrjokerr @pandaliciouz @itsmeauntie @echelongaga @darthjokerisyourfather
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ch4nb4ng · 6 years
Changbin’s Thigh Harness
Tumblr media
Words: 4733
WARNING: all the warning damn, oral, intercourse, dom/sub
Pairing: Changbin x reader
A/N: I don’t even know what to say, enjoy reading bc I kinda got carried away with this one
You were waiting with your other 7 members backstage at the Jeju Hallyu Music Festival. Rehearsals had just finished for all groups and the live performances were starting in an hour. There was a large open space where members from all different groups could hang out, play games and more.
“Do you guys wanna go in the hangout area?” You asked your members, who smirked at you in reply,
“Okay, we will go with you so you can see your boyfriend,
y/n,” They all gigled to each other, leaving your face nothing but a deep shade of red. You hit Ivy lightly on the arm,
“Oh my god, shut up Ivy! I do not… okay maybe a little, but he probably won’t even be there. They are a rookie group and because they are so hard-working, they are probably resting.”
You smiled idiotically at the thought of Changbin being in the hang out room arose in your mind. Your group debuted recently too, and you had promoted at the same time twice, so the two times you spoke to Stray kids, and more specifically, Seo Changbin, you felt a connection to him, because you guys were in the same position of the hard times associated with being a rookie group and debuting.
Ivy quickly snapped you out of your thoughts,
“I’m just messing with you! I wanna play some games anyway,” she smiles at you, but then quickly moves closer to you to whisper in your ear,
“I think Lexi wants to see Felix too, the crush she has on him is massive, because he smiled and winked at her at music bank last week. And you never know, Park Jihoon might be there,” You laugh together and proceed to leave your dressing room and head towards the hangout space.
At first, all three of you are disappointed, because there is no sight of Stray Kids, causing a relatively large sigh to escape you and Lexi’s mouth simultaneously. Ivy quickly rolls her eyes before dragging your arm over to the claw machine. You stand and watch Ivy unsuccessfully win anything.
“Do you need help with that?” You turn around to see an old friend with a large smile plastered on his face,
“Park Jihoon! Uh yes please, Ivy sucks at this,” you bow towards him as Ivy shoots you a death glare before smiling at Jihoon, followed by her bowing towards him. You see a sparkle in his eye as he makes eye contact with Ivy, moving towards the machine.
“Ivy is there any toy you want in particular?” You see Jihoon give you a small look, signalling for you to go away. You nod in response,
“Oh um, I’m gonna go and see what Lexi is doing.” Ivy looks at you wide eyed, you wink at her. Her and Jihoon laugh together nervously before moving back towards the claw machine.
You see Lexi playing a game with a controller. You begin to walk towards her when you freeze in the middle of your strut. One after the other, each member of Stray Kids walks in, causing your heart rate to slightly accelerate. Changbin was the last member to walk in, and damn, did he look good. He had a white shirt on, black pants that fit his legs all to well, and… a thigh harness? You weren’t exactly sure of what was on his legs, but god, did it turn you on. You quickly decide to walk back in the other direction and sit on the couch, in hopes of him not seeing you. You didn’t know what it was, but out of all the male idols you saw, he made you the most excited. You were constantly surrounded by attractive males, however, he had a unique effect on you. In fact so unique, the more you stared at him, the stronger the dull ache between your legs became. He just looked so good, you couldn’t help yourself.
You pretended to look out the window, hoping that he would come over and talk you. However, he stayed with Chan and Jisung as they spoke to Seungwoo and Park Woojin. Your heart sank a little, but you remained positive. You were happy for Lexi though, because as soon as they walked in, Felix had stuck to her side like glue. You smiled to yourself, before leaning your head against the arm of the couch, checking your phone.
“Hey y/n, how are you today?” You looked up with hope hearing a male voice ask you, but you were slightly disappointed to Lee Minho smiling at you, before sitting right next you.
“Hi Lee Know.” You smile uncomfortable as he scoots closer to you, pretty much pressing his legs against yours,
“Please, call me Minho.”
You nod and face the front again to see Changbin still talking to the other boys, causing nothing but your sadness grow.
“You know, Changbin probably wants to kill me right now?” You become anxious at the mention of his name,
“Oh haha really? Why?” You nervously chuckle, tucking a hair behind your ear.
“Isn’t it obvious y/n? He has literally not shut up about you since our groups met for the first time. He likes you! But is wayyyy too nervous to come up and start a convo with you. And I wouldn’t be saying this to you if I knew you didn’t feel the same way,” you cough and put a hand over Minho’s mouth.
“Shut up! Okay be quiet, I don’t want anyone to hear you talking nonsense!” whispering to Minho, in which he laughs out loud, causing everyone to turn over and looks at you two, even Changbin. He smiles and waves at you, in which you nod and do a small wave back, butterflies flutter in your stomach for a small moment.
“y/n, I know you. You haven't stopped looking at him the whole time we have sat here. He even told me how hot you looked when we walked in here.”
A small blush crept onto your face.
“Now, he didn’t tell me to come over here to help him out, You know, talk him up, tell you how great he is, but there is no need because you already know this. What I will do though, is find a way to make him come over here to talk to you, because it’s what all three, actually all 10 of us want.” You laugh in agreeance with him.
“Okay Lee Minho. If you are so smart, how do you plan to do that?” You sarcastically remarked.
“By making him jealous.”
You spat out laughing,
“What?” You questioned him. You had no idea what he was trying to do.
“Just follow my lead.” You nodded reluctantly, but for some reason trusted him.
He moved closer to you, putting a hand on the top of your thigh, other placed in the middle of your back.
“Move closer to me and put a hand on my chest, while pretending to laugh at something I said.”
“What?!” You exclaimed in shock.
“Just do it!” He whisper shouted, and you followed his instructions, laughing as loud as you could. You felt a shiver descend down you could feel his stare out the corner of your eye,  Changbin’ head snapping around to see you and Minho together. Chan and Jisung laughed as they knew EXACTLY what Minho was trying to do. Therefore, they egged Changbin on to go and speak to you.
“Changbin, better watch out, the Mr. sexy Minho is becoming Mr. Steal your girl!” Chan cries as all the boys chuckle a little, followed by Chan wincing in pain from the heavy punch that Changbin laid on his right shoulder.
“Shut the fuck up Chan, she is not my girl, I don’t care.” Changbin lied through his teeth, causing even Park Woojin and Seungwoo to laugh in disbelief.
You proceeded to move closer to Minho, following his instructions until your faces were millimetres apart.
“Is he looking, is he looking?” You repetitively ask Minho, who can do nothing but giggle at your eagerness to talk to Chagbin.
“Yes y/n, he has been looking the whole time. And I think it has worked because I can see him coming over. Now, don’t panic. Just keep looking at me and pretending he isn’t coming until he says hi. Got it?” You nod in response.
You see him, Changbin, walk over slowly, causing your heart to skip a beat. You continue to face Minho and smile at him, until he finally approaches.
“Hey y/n, He smiles at you,  before lowering his voice and head at Minho, showing him the biggest death glare you had ever seen,
“Hey Changbin, *cough bc nervous af* how are you?” Your voice breaks at the end of your sentence, causing you to look down at the floor to prevent Changbin from seeing the dark shade of red appear on your face.
Without saying anything, Minho shits his pants and quickly leaves you before getting his ass whooped. Changbin replaces his spot, but doesnt sit as close to you, which makes you slightly relieved but also a little upset. His thigh harness however, was dangerously closer to you, forcing you to look no where but his….. Crotch region.
“Oh shit, Taryn, I’m so sorry, I left my phone in the change room. Would you be able to come and get it with me?” Changbin pretends to scratch his head.
“Uh sure,” You reply nervously as you both leave the couch and follow him to his change room. However, you notice that his phone is in his pocket when you get up. You ignore this, as he grabs your wrist gently.
Once you are out of sight from anyone and everyone in sight, Changbin pushes you against the wall, pressing his body, and that fucking harness, right up against you. At first, fear came over you, but was quickly replaced with arousal as he pressed his already hardened member against your thigh, a sharp inhale escaping your mouth.
“Changbin, what are you doing?” You groan, as he begins to rub his member up and down your core, hitting your clothed clit.
“You thought you were so funny, teasing me with Minho? Huh? I was dying on the inside. Y/n, you are so sexy and I can’t stop thing about you. It drives me crazy. Seeing you with Minho pissed me the fuck off. We can’t have that here princess, can we? I might have to punish you later for being such a bad girl,” Changbin grunted before pushing the hair covering your collarbone to the side, leaving him to sharply suck on the skin covering your collarbone. You whimper as you grab his arms, feeling the texture of his large and ripped biceps.
“I’m sorry Changbin baby, but I just wanted you to talk to me, I need you, I want you so bad. That harness looks, really good on you, daddy” Changbin groans at the mention of you calling him daddy.
“Look, I have to go on stage now, but put your number in my phone and I’ll text you after.” You nod and quickly proceed to punch your number in his phone.
You walked away, turning around and winking at Changbin before proceeding back to your change room. You sat in there for the next 30 minutes trying to process what had just happened. Changbin was, jealous? He wanted you? You were so confused, but excited at the same time, anticipating the possible events that may occur later on in the night.
You group was the first to perform. You loved performing on stage. You had so much passion and ambition to get all the dance moves right and rapping on beat. Getting on stage was such a thrill for you, but today it was different. You could barely focus. The memory of Changbin pressing himself up against you replayed over and over in your head. You always thought that he was cute, however, that changed. The only thought you had of him was him inside of you, thrusting back and forth, with you screaming his name. You almost forgot your lines, because of how sexy Changbin was. You couldn’t help but smile on stage,thinking about what had just happened 15 minutes ago.
You sighed in relief when you finished your stage. You flashed the camera a quick smile and ran off as fast as you could. With fast determination to get back to the dressing room, you were stopped when you felt a shoulder bump into you, causing you to fall over. However, you were quickly back to your feet when a rather large had helped you back to your feet. You began to sweat a little when you realised who it was. Before the other members came, he pulled you close again,
“Watch your step, baby girl,” Changbin whispered, before giving you a quick ass squeeze proceeding to the stage. You nodded quickly before running back to your dressing room. You sat on your phone in the corner quietly, ignoring all of the members who might have possibly saw your…. encounter with Changbin. You thought you were going to go crazy. He was so god damn sexy, and he wanted you, he wanted you bad. As much as you wanted him.
The night was almost over, and you had had no communication with Changbin. You also knew, that if you didn’t see him here again, you would lose your chance, because it’s not like you could go to his dorm, the media would be all over it. You sighed in despair as you gathered around with your members and watched Wanna One, the last group to perform on stage.
“Hey y/n, what’s wrong?” Ivy nudged your shoulder in concern. She could tell that you were disappointed about something. She was the member you were the closet with, so she knew you better than you knew yourself.
“Oh noth-” you were interrupted with a notification from your phone, from an UNKNOWN number. You eyes lit up when a wave of realisation hit you. It was Changbin. You went to reply to the text, when you almost dropped your phone out of fear as the loud noise that was your ringtone began to play.
“Hello?” you purred, knowing the exact effect you wanted to have on him.
“Hey baby girl, what are you up to,” Changbin replied with a husky tone, followed by a deep moan, “do you know how long I’ve been waiting to touch you for? Wanting to make you scream my name in ecstasy princess?” You gulped as you quickly got up and took your phone call outside.
“Changbin, have you, already started without me?” You ask innocently,
“I’m sorry baby don’t be mad, I couldn't help myself. Thinking about you on stage was driving me insane. Why don’t you come over and help me out?” Changbin strangled out as he continued to play with himself.
“Where are you, daddy?” You confidently asked, causing him to throw his head back and moan in response.
“Daddy’s in the bathroom just next to our first encounter, do you think you can manage to, you know, meet me and help me out with my problem?”
“Oh, I sure can, princess is on her way right now.” You squealed in excitement, but quickly control your emotions as you speed walked towards your destination.
You had arrived at your destination after what felt like forever. You took a deep breath, before slowly opening the door. You were surprised and confused when you saw no one in there. Before you knew it, you were frightened when you felt someone pull you into the corner and push you up against the wall.  You smiled and laughed simultaneously. He moved closer to you, and pushed your hair behind you ear to give him more access.
“Hey” Changbin whisper, causing you to giggle again.
“He-” you begin to reply, before being interrupted with Changbin’s lips being smashed against yours. You moan against his lips as the kiss quickly escalated with passion. You press your tongue against his lips as you beg him for access, which he gladly gave. Your bodies begin to move together as your tongues wrestle in sync. Changbin, the person to break to kiss, lets go of you, sucking on your lip before completely detaching himself from you. He begins to press soft, light kisses along the side of your face down your neck, until he reaches the edge of your collarbone. He begins to lightly suck, causing you to inhale sharply. His tongue felt so nice as it cooled you down from the heat the began to build up, especially at you core, like before
You quickly push him off of you as your ripped his shirt off, buttons flying everywhere.
“Put your hands up” Changbin panted as he tried to catch his breath. You complied quickly lifting your arms up as he pulled your dress over you heard, leaving you in nothing but your matching lingerie. You gave yourself a small pat on the back for wearing that, as Changbin’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor. You tried to take his pants off, but THAT harness was in the way.
“Wait baby, I have an idea,” Changbin unclickle the harness from his legs and moves behind you, tying you wrists with it so they were behind your back. You had never tried something like this before, “does that hurt baby, are you uncomfortable?” Changbin whispers, hands lightly kneading your nipples, causing you to groan in pleasure.
“I’m fine daddy.” You whisper back.
Changbin presses his lips to your quickly again, before, once again, continuing a trial of kisses down, past your collarbone this time and all the way down to you chest, where he took in one of your breasts in his mouth, continuing to knead the other with a hand. You rolled your head,a loud thump against the wall. However, you are in too much pleasure to care.
“Oh Changbin baby, that feels so good.” You moan out, causing him to smile against you. He detaches himself from your breasts and continues his trail down until he is on his knees, face in line with your core. He presses kisses right above your center, frustration beginning to build up in you. You should have known from earlier in the day, how much of a tease he was. You begin to thrust your hips up so it forces him to move down, but he is stubborn. He continues in his spot and chuckles against you as he sees the evident frustration on your face and in your actions.
“You are so impatient, baby. If you really want it that bad, tell me.” Changbin hisses.
“Please daddy, I want it so bad, I want you to touch me so good like I know you can. Punish me, I have been a bad girl. I need to be taught a lesson,” you whined as your desparaton grew more and more by the second.
“Damn right you need to be,” Changbin snaps, giving you a quick glance, eyes full of lust and desire for you.
Before you could say anything else, Changbin dives into you, licking a stripe up from your slit to your clit. You scream at the sudden contact. Changbin looks up at you, maintaining eye contact and he continues to flick his tongues back in forth and circular motions.
“Oh Changbin baby, you feel so fucking good on me, don’t fucking stop.” you struggle to get out, leaving Changbin to hum against you, sending vibrations through you, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“You taste so good too baby, daddy is very happy.” Changbin says as he slips two fingers inside of you. You lift your arms, interlocking your finger tips in his hair, pulling slightly. You body slightly tense at the immense pleasure you feel, leaning back on the wall for support.
“Daddy I want you, I need you.” You whimper, causing a flip to switch in Changbin. He withdraws his tongue from your folds and stands up, leaving you annoyed with the loss of contact before reaching your satisfying point . He flips you around so your front is pressed against the wall. He gives himself a few strokes before finding your entrance.
“Oh baby girl, you feel so good,” he murmurs, moving his tip up and down your folds, sending bolts of pleasure through you, “but you have been a bad bad girl, y/n, do you think daddy’s gonna let you come that easy?” He smirks before slapping your ass so hard, it left a red mark of his elongated fingers spread across your left cheek.
“Of course not baby, I’m so sorry, how could I repay you?” You ask innocently, rubbing your ass against his member, eliciting a frustrated groan from him. He removes the harness from around your arms and uses it to put over your head and motion you towards him.
“Let me touch you daddy please.” You beg, in which he nods. You proceed to move down onto your knees, so you become in line with him.  You give it a couple of slow strokes while circling your tongue around his tip, causing him to shudder.
“Oh s-shit, y/n,” he moans.
You decided to stop teasing him and slowly, but surely, take all of him on your mouth. He picks up his harness, deciding to use as a guide to continue to bop your head up and down on him. Changbin threw his head back, eyes shut in euphoria as you began to quicken your pace on him. He completely melted when he opened his eyes and looked back down at you, your eyes looking straight back into him, refusing to break eye contact. You move off of him and gasp to try and catch your breath back, using you hand as a substitute to continue the pleasure you were giving him.
“Ugh baby girl, your mouth feels so fucking good.” Changbin groans, moving two fingers up and down in your mouth. You happily suck his fingers, circling your tongue, around his elongated fingertips. You lightly begin to suck on them, loud noises echoing around the room. You move away from Changbin’s fingers and return to his dick, once again, taking all of it in your mouth, resulting in him grabbing your hair for support. The pleasure was becoming unbearable for him. He twitched a couple of times. You to hum against him, knowing he was close. The vibrations move through his whole body. You were about to let him release, but, he had other plans in mins suddenly pushing you off of him.
You sat there, confused as hell, but quickly pulled out of that state as you were being pushed up against the wall once again. Facing forward, leaning the side of your face and breasts against the cool tile of the wall. It added to the pleasure as it cooled you down. Changbin moved one arm around his torso, the other moving your hair behind your back as he began to suck harshly just underneath your ear, causing your whole being to quiver underneath him. He used the arm around your torso to move down to your core, leaving him to press small circles against your now extremely sensitive  clit. You were forced to hold on the wall, you knees definitely giving way if you didn't do so. onto the wall for support. His fingers has the perfect texture as you could hardly stand. He used his other hand to knead your ass.
“Tell me y/n, what do you want?” Changbin whispered in your ear, slowly slipping two fingers inside of you, at an EXTREMELY slow pace. You struggled to get any words out,
“I want your big cock inside of me daddy, I, want, you, so, bad” You managed to get out. An immense pit of pleasure building in the pit of your stomach. Changbin roughly ejects his fingers inside if you, leaving you to whine at such sudden loss of contact. He gives himself a few pumps, before running the tip of his dick up and down against his folds, leaving you to whimper at the little, but tremendous satisfaction you are feeling. He quits being a tease, slowly plunging himself into you. You gives you a small amount of time for you to adjust to him, before he begins ramming himself into you, causing you to cry out in indulgence as his thick length pushed into you so forcibly. He grabbed your arms to use for support and balance, refusing to slow down his extremely fast and even quickening pace he has going.
“Oh fuck daddy, you fuck me so good, give it to me.” You growl, causing Changbin to thrust even harder into you. At that moment, you knew for sure that you would not be able to walk straight for the next day or two, but you did not care. No one had ever fucked you so good before.
“Stop,” you speak firmly. Changbin freezes, nervous that he had done something wrong, making you uncomfortable. Instead, to increase the satisfaction you were both feeling, you stopped him and began moving up and down on him, causing you to simultaneously throw your heads back, you leaning on his glistening shoulder for support.
“Oh fuck baby keep going, I’m so close,” Changbin groans, followed by him repeatedly moaning your name, tangled with a bunch of cuss words.
“Me too daddy, your cock feels so good on me. Make me cum, I want to cum so hard, please daddy,” You whine, beginning to clench your walls around him, resulting in the familiar twitch of his cock. He performs a few more organised thrusts, before they become sloppy, releasing his load inside of you. At the same time, your whole body shudders as the most powerful orgasm you had ever had hits you. You scream his name as the most intense wave of pleasure comes over you. You lean all of your weight on him, Changbin effortlessly catching you, losing all of your strength, looking up at the wall to see a large array of stars debilitating your vision.
“Changbin, I can’t walk, can you help me sit down and get my clothes.” You speak quietly to him, embarrassed by your weakness.
“Oh, uh yeah sure,” he smiles at you before following your instructions.
You begin redressing yourself, looking in the mirror and fixing your hair to how it looked before the disheveled state it was now in. You make eye contact with Changbin, resulting in your bursting out in laughter at each other.
“Changbin hyung!” You both hear someone yell outside of the bathroom. You both freeze as you realise it’s one of the members of Stray Kids.
“Yeah!” Changbin yells back. You slap him hard in response causing him to hiss at you,
“What was that for?”
“You idiot, this is the male toilet!” You snap back. Changbin’s eyes widen as he realises what he had just done.
Seconds later, the door bursts open to reveal his members Hyunjin, Bang Chan and Felix.
“Ah Changbin, we have been looking for you. We are about to l-” Chan stops as he sees you hiding in the corner. At first they are all puzzled, but then, their jaws drop to the floor as they realise what had just occurred. You face turns a bright red as they fall on the floor in a roar of laughter. They smack the floor and throw their heads back while pointing at Changbin.
“*cough* ahem, do you guys mind, y/n is really embarrassed right now, and you are making her feel worse.” Changbin snaps at his members, even Bang Chan, causing them quickly stand up and stop laughing, noticing the intense shade of red staying on your face.
“Sorry y/n, we didn't mean to disrespect you at all.” Felix bows his head in guilt as you smile at him.
“It’s okay, I’m fine. But, could someone help me try and walk straight.” You look up to all of the boys, joining them in laughter as they put one arm each around you, acting as crutches, carrying you out of the bathroom.
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hollyhomburg · 7 years
Don’t Worry Love
(Jung Hoseok x Reader) (TW: Anorexia) 
You thought you had your bad habit under control- but when you wake up in a hospital room your boyfriend: Jung Hoseok confronts you- rightfully angry that you nearly starved yourself to death. 
Words: 2.1k
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Tags: ANOREXIA, ANGST, ANXIETY, HURT/COMFORT, angry!Hoseok, eventual fluff. mention of recovered anorexic!Jimin, yoonmin if you squint hard enough. best friend!Seokjin
a/n: I'm honestly sorry if this triggers anyone because this is definitely graphic and emotional but to be honest, I couldn't make myself eat today- and I wrote this as a form of catharsis. 
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“I'm too anxious to eat.” You say to yourself, And that’s when everything starts to go downhill.
At first, it was just the easier alternative. Your busy work schedule didn’t allow you to have time to work out- and not eating and not exercising freed up time in your schedule for other things. Anorexia kept you skinny when you didn't have time to do it the healthy way. That and (though You hated to admit it) not eating also gave you the slightest feeling of control in your life- just enough that you felt less anxious.
You didn’t feel guilty about it- not really, the only thing that gave you slightest pause was your boyfriend Hoseok, whom you had been dating for almost 3 years. He was an idol, and busy with a comeback when your bad habit first started to get out of hand. You didn’t blame him for not noticing- you were good at hiding it. You were rarely intimate when he was this busy and he was hardly around enough to realize that the only thing you really consume was water.
He did comment on the nights when he got early enough for you to be awake. You had taken to wearing the baggiest clothes you could find; mostly his old thick joggers and fluffy sweaters. But those comments on your baggy attire where easily diffused with careful excuses of the approaching winter and excuses of comfiness and missing him; which wasn't a lie. 
You did miss him; you could barely bring yourself to drink water on the days you knew you wouldn't see him. But you didn't want to bother him; So when he pulled you close at night you let him think that you were fine, thick layers of clothing covering your rapidly vanishing body. 
Everything was going perfectly- you couldn't remember the last time you ate- and you were just waiting on the couch for him to get back from a performance when you decided to get up to get a glass of water. 
The next thing you knew you were waking up slowly- an unfamiliar and uncomfortable bed underneath your small frame. The iv in your arm stung terribly. The only sound in the room the steady drip of fluids being pumped into you and the slow tick of the heart monitor. The beeping of the heart monitor picked up when you realized where you were- you don’t open your eyes yet but you feel a familiar hand enclosing around yours. Rough callouses rub gently against your palm as you finally open your eyes. 
At the sight of you waking, Hoseok breathes a shaky sigh of relief.
Awake at last- now he could talk to you about this. All he had been able to think about the last few hours was what would happen if you died. What if he never had a chance to talk to you- his best friend and lover again? the thought made him want to never smile or dance again. 
He let out a relived choking whine as your eyes meet his. Relief made his heart beat quickly But it also brought other emotions; shame for not realizing sooner, sadness that someone who he held so dearly was suffering, and surprisingly;
As you watch him the heart rate monitor picks up again as panic grips you. There is no more hiding from this here in your hospital room. No more shoving it down and lying to him. You've lost track of how many times you’ve lied and told him that you had eaten already or that you weren’t hungry.
“Hey.” He says. And you can’t help but feel guilty at the bags that have gathered under his eyes- or the fact that his clothes look slept in.
“H-hey.” You say back weakly. Wincing at the way your voice breaks- how many hours have you been here? Silence eats away at both of you until it’s Hoseok that cracks- finally letting some of his leashed anger through with a tight voice and bitter accusation.
“Are you not even going to say you're sorry?”
“I don't understand what you mean” you reply refusing to meet his accusatory gaze. You look at your hands, finding them shaking slightly- or maybe it's more of a shiver. The hospital room is cold, but Hoseok in his thin black t-shirt and joggers doesn't look bothered. Your words somehow manage to make him angrier. 
“Oh, I don't know! that you're sorry for lying to me? for all those times you told me you’d already eaten? All of the times you told me that you were taking care of yourself when you weren't when you didn’t get me when you needed me? Aren’t you going to apologize for all of those times you lied to my face and told me that you were fine?”
You swallow thickly “I am fine Hoseok.”
he barks out a laugh- flinging the covers off of you and then dragging up your shirt to reveal your ribs, he could count every one of them. Your stomach looked taught- almost painfully flat. You shoved at him but your arms had long since lost any ounce of muscle- and the action makes both of you realize how weak you had gotten. 
Hoseok could remember a trip you took in the summertime to the beach with the boys. You had dragged him into the waves gigling and had held him there even when he shrieked as the cold water hit his stomach.
Hoseok’s tears hit your stomach- and you stop weekly pushing at him. He balances- his hands on either side of you careful not to put any of his weight on you. You look so breakable underneath him like if he put his hands on you- even to just hug you-you would snap in two. 
You looked like years of sadness and anxiety had eaten their way through you. 
To Hoseok- you looked like the shadow of someone he had loved. He hadn’t realized that you hadn’t been eating- that you had been starving yourself. he should have realized something was wrong when he realized you where cold- not emotionally too him, but now he could remember your cold hands touching his arms and his cheeks weeks ago. 
Why wasn’t he a better boyfriend to you? why wasn’t he around more for you like you deserved- if he had just made time for you- had taken you out on maybe just a lunch date maybe he would have seen you suffering before you had gotten to this point. Self-loathing tamped down on him- and he knew it would be a long while before he would forgive himself for neglecting you. 
But he would have dropped everything if you had just told him- and you knew that. 
Walking in on you last night had been his worse nightmare- and the start of the hardest day of his life.
His hands still shook from the way he had picked you up from the floor- and the way his hands slid over your sharp shoulders and hips- so different from the way that you used to feel. Had it really only been a few months since you had been full- and not on the verge of death?
“You are not fine y/n,” he says finally, the venom in his voice diluted by his tears. Tears start to drift down your cheeks slowly too, and then you whimper, full-blown sobs threatening to escape. He carefully takes his weight off of you and sits back in his chair. Ignoring the fact that he won't stop shaking or crying. 
“Why are you so mad?” you ask him- because honestly, you don’t know- you thought he'd be at least a little happy to have a skinny doll-like girlfriend.
“Why am I angry?” He laughed bitterly through the tears running his fingers through his hair “You’re hurting yourself for shit's sake! You broke my trust. How am I supposed to trust you when you’ve been lying to me for so long? How am I supposed to forgive you for almost taking the person I love away from me?”
Sobs rack your small frame and you only had to look up at him to see your anguish reflected. “Was I really that close?”
“The doctors say you would have died within the week if you didn’t at least get fluids into you.” 
“But I made sure to drink plenty of water- I was careful- I...” you trail off when you catch his gaze- he’s watching you like they’res someone putting a gun to your head. When he watches you like that you can see how much you’ve hurt him. Your actions have broken his heart.
“I'm sorry” you sob out. His fingers are soft and barely there when he brushes your tears away. You never wanted to hurt anyone-least of all him. You never wanted to break his heart- and at this point, you would do anything to mend it.   “Could you ever forgive me? Can you?” Hoseok swallows and pulls himself back into bed next to you. He hands an arm around your shoulders wordlessly and you find yourself leaning into his warmth.
“I’ll forgive you, but only if you promise to start eating again.”
You swallow again- but there are no liquids in your mouth- nothing to wet your lips. He’s watching you again and you can see relief in his eyes as you nod slowly.
 And its heartbreaking- because you’ve done this too him and you’ve done this too yourself, and maybe you couldn’t stop on your own- but you owe it to him to try. He presses a gentle kiss to your lips- and it’s a kiss that is pregnant with emotion: relief, love, anger, sadness, and a tiny bit of hope. 
You reach up delicately and wipe away a single tear that’s leaked out of the side of his eye. And he smiles at you softly. Leaning over to press a blue button.
“What’s that,” you ask. 
He smiles at you softly. “I’m not going to let you hurt yourself anymore. Today is day one of your recovery, and I'm going to be with you every step of the way. and-” he says, interrupted by the arrival of a nurse guiding every one of your friends. “They want to help too.” 
You smile at them hesitantly- a little uneasy at your deepest secret being laid out for all of them to see- but based on the looks of them, they already know; 
Dried tear tracks have carved lines on both Taehyung’s and Jungkook’s faces.  Namjoon looks like he about to walk into a minefield- and is smiling with something akin to pity. Jimin looks afraid- like looking at you will shatter him. But Yoongi is close by, and he watches both of you like a hawk- but he bites his tongue- not talking but looking about as angry as Hoseok. 
Above it, all your best friend Seokjin looks unbothered and unruffled- a freshly baked dish in his hands- smiling down at you.
 All of them are holding food- Taehyung and Junkook hold enought McDonalds to feed a small army. Namjoon has enough of your favorite fried food to make you sick. And Jimin and Yoongi hold more ice cream in between the two of them then you could find in most supermarkets. 
“Ah y/n!” Jin exclaims sitting down against the end of your bed. “I finally perfected this recipe you just have to try it.” without a word about your condition- without a second of scolding- the 7 of them start taking out plastic silverware and divvy the food up between everyone. 
“Come on hyung- everyone knows she wants McDonald's first” Jungkook offers with a sly smile.
 “Nah she deserves ice cream before dinner tonight,” Yoongi grumbles quietly.
“if you give her too much right off the bat she’ll just vomit it all up,” Jimin says, a little exasperated and a little angry.  the crack of his voice makes everyone go silent. He doesn't have to say that he knows from experience. Yoongi’s hands tighten around a carton of rocky road. 
“I’ll eat what I can,” you say, meeting his eyes. 
You accept an overstuffed paper plate of food with shaking hands. Your eyes meet Jimin’s again and in that moment you know that you two are going to sit down and have a long talk. Maybe after this family dinner and maybe after you get out of the hospital. But. You. Will. Talk. To. Him. You need to know how he got through this so you can too. You're done hurting the people you love with your unhealthy behavior. 
The people around you smile slightly but look at you with apprehension, waiting for you to shove the food away like they know you want to. you pick up a fork carefully. “Who wants to go bite for bite and see who explodes first?” you say to lighten the mood. Your friends laugh- and besides you, Hoseok rubs comforting circles into your arm, encouraging you to eat more.
You force yourself to swallow Jin’s cooking- not that it doesn't taste good- it does, but the feeling of love settling into your stomach is a kind of strange and wholesome fury. 
The food lights a fire in you-you will not let yourself starve again. But even if- by some mistake- you slip up, you know you have people to catch you if you slip into old bad habits.  
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