#French Bourbons
microcosme11 · 1 year
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Henri d’Artois, Comte de Chambord and last descendant of Louis XV (1820-1883). He was the grandson of Charles X. His father, the Duc de Berry, was assassinated in 1820.
Little Henri reviewing troops in 1830 right before Louis-Philippe took over:
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fullcravings · 5 months
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Brown Butter Bourbon Madeleines with Dark Chocolate Ganache and Pecans
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alaiis · 3 months
Despite my cry of victory earlier, I'm still a bit worried.
The far right made its biggest score in parliament. They have at least 150 seats when they only had ~80 before.
Macron's first priority will be the auto-destruction of the NFP. He'll be courting the PS like ever. He'll be antagonising everybody against LFI. He has every advantage in breaking down the coalition.
To be honest, I'm placing bets on whether the NFP dissolves before or after everyone in government has been named.
We'll have to put so much pressure in the street guys. The fight is just beginning.
If we don't do it right, 2027 will be a slaughter.
Deputies of the left, I'm watching you. Don't fuck this up. Don't fuckin fuck this up.
Give us what we deserve.
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queenfredegund · 6 months
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Women in History Month (insp) | Week 4: Dynastic Daughters
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fattributes · 1 month
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Bourbon Vanilla French Toast
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tiny-librarian · 2 months
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On this day in history, August 2nd, in 1830, Marie Therese Charlotte, the daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, may have briefly been Queen of France.
Charles X abdicated the throne in favour of his son, Louis Antoine, who was Marie Therese’s husband. In the twenty minutes between the time Charles reluctantly abdicated, and the time his son equally reluctantly did the same in favour of his young nephew, they could be considered King and Queen of France.
There is some debate if they were technically King and Queen, as the abdication document with his and his fathers' signatures was released at the same time, and he's only referred to by his given name of Louis Antoine and as the Dauphin. His "reign" such as it was, if one considers it legitimate, would be the shortest reign in recorded history.
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she-wolf09231982 · 23 days
Chapter 1-Black Penny
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Summary: You grew up in the hustle and bustle of a city most of your life, so you packed your few belongings and headed straight to New Orleans. You hoped to live a simpler, quieter life on the Historic French Quarter. By day during the week, you helped manage Marie Laveau’s House of Voodoo Shop and by nightfall you tended bar at Black Penny on the weekends.
You were aware mutants existed, and believed them to be just as ordinary as you but only with extraordinary abilities. After living a few years in NOLA, you had a knack of picking them out in a crowd and treated them no differently than you’d treat anyone else. You had many run in’s with mutants on Bourbon Street, but none as impactful as the day you ran into Remy LeBeau.
A/N: Character Intro, She/Her Pronouns, GambitX!FemaleReader, GambitX!NonMutant, RemyLeBeauX!FemaleReader, Mutants, Post Deadpool and Wolverine, Post Void, New Orleans, Alcohol, Pining, Creole/French to English Translation
(c) - Creole
(f)- French
*I just want to disclose I am not a comic expert. Gambit/Remy LeBeau is very new to me and I’m doing my best to stay genuine to what I’ve researched online or from what I’ve seen in the D&W movie. I’m aware there was a HUGE controversy over his heavy accent/dialect and over his eye color in the movie, so I tried to incorporate both versions of each in my stories to satisfy everyone’s preferred Gambit/Remy style. (Personally, I loved Channing Tatum’s accent in the movie ☺️) I’m also cognizant that Gambit and Rogue are an item in the comics, but for sanity sake, Rogue will be a pastime only mentioned in passing if absolutely necessary so I don’t have to study in depth another character I’m unfamiliar with. (I need some brain space for real life stuff, too 😅) Anyway, I’m doing my maximum effort over here writing for Gambit/Remy, so when I do post my developing Gambit story, please, if you have comments or criticisms that don’t benefit anyone else’s appreciation of these fanfics, keep them to yourself and let the rest of us enjoy it. Thanks so much*
It was a particularly busy night at Black Penny. As live bounce music and jazz blared from the stage, patrons dance and socialize carelessly with each other while you hotfoot from one end of the bar to the other serving up shots and beers.
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You approach a man waiting patiently, his face downward hovering over a stack of playing cards.
“What can I getchya?” You ask him.
He began twirling an ace of spades between his fingers.
“(c) Kisa mwen ka jwenn pou ou?” You repeat.
The man lifted his gaze to meet yours with a mischievous grin stretching across his face. An eerie magenta glow softly radiated from his irises causing your jaw to drop. Your stunned reaction spurred him, causing his smile to widen and his eyes to glow brighter as the whites of his eyes began to blacken.
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“….woah.” You say under your breath.
The man chuckled, “(c) Ou dwe padone Gambit, cheri (You must pardon Gambit). When his eyes see somethin’ so (f)dulcet (beautiful), it be hard to hide it.”
You shook your head to refocus, “No need to apologize. This is a safe space for everyone. Just caught me off guard is all.”
You flash him a smile and a wink as he returned one to you, the whites of his eyes returning to ‘human’ version of normal and his irises became a shade of icy green.
“Nobody be lookin’ at me like dat wit’out runnin’ off. You weren’t scared?”
“Of course not. Takes a lot more than a pair of flashy eyes on a handsome face to scare me away.” You state.
He laughed as he adjusted in his seat.
“Dats good, dats good.” He said as he leaned forward on the surface of the bar.
“What are you drinking, Gambit?” You ask again.
“Sazerac. (c) Mèsi, cheri. (Thank you, darling).”
You bring the gentleman a rocks glass fixed neat with the amber-red reserve bourbon. He gingerly raised the glass to his nose, inhaling the oak wood barrel scent with hints of cherry, caramel, apples, and tobacco.
He hummed with satisfaction, “(c) Manyifik (Magnificent).”
You nod, then turn to walk away.
“Remy.” You hear him call to you.
“Pardon?” You say as you turn back to him.
“The name’s Remy LaBeau.” He reiterated cooly after taking a sip from his glass.
He averted his eyes to you, awaiting your name. You grin back.
“(c) Kontan rankontre ou, Y/F/N (Pleased to meet you).”
You feel your face go red as you laugh nervously.
“Same.” You managed to say before scurrying to the other end of the bar to wait on other customers.
Remy sat quietly in his spot at the bar the entire evening, only ever looking up from his deck of Mavericks to catch a glance of you as you pass him. The crowd started to thin out as last call was announced.
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“One for the road, Remy?”
He beamed at you, “Oui, cheri. If you join me for one.”
You smile coyly, “I gotta close up, chief. How about this; I’ll bring you another Sazerac on the house, and I’ll take a rain check?”
You see the magenta glimmer in his eyes again.
“I like the soun’ of dat, cheri.”
You smile and nod then turn to the counter behind you to prepare his drink. You set it in front of him as he placed a $100 in front of you.
“You only had two. That’s too much.”
“(c) Pran li (Take it). For your generosity an’ da company.” Remy insisted.
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You beam at him, “(c) Ou twò janti (You’re too kind).”
He stood up from his stool, and fixed his collar on his leather trench.
“Until next time, mon cher.” He said smiling while standing tall opposite you.
“Orevwa, Remy. I’ll see you around.” You reply sweetly as you feel your cheeks heat up again.
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“(c) Mwen pwomèt ou pral (I promise you will).” He purred in his heavy honeyed Cajun accent.
He bowed, then turned on his heel to exit the bar. You released a deep exhale as if you hadn’t taken a breath since having met him that night.
*I know this was a short one and I plan on a chapter 2. I’m just dipping my toe in the water here to see what feedback I get* 🥰
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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Woman with a Hat by  Amélie Bourbon
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emaadsidiki · 2 months
Bourbon Palace (French Parliament)
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illustratus · 5 months
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"Hereafter follows the two Dukes of Brittany and Bourbon on horseback armed and with crests as if they were at the tourney."
by Barthélemy d'Eyck from Le Livre des tournois (Traicte de la Forme de Devis d'un Tournoi) or King René's Tournament Book
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Sophie of France by Lie Louis Perin-Salbreux, 1770-1774.
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microcosme11 · 1 year
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Charles-Ferdinand d'Artois, duc de Berry by Francois Gerard. The son of Charles X, he was assassinated by a Bonapartist in 1820. His son was the last descendant of Louis XV.
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peaceinthestorm · 9 months
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Robert Lefèvre (1755-1830, French) ~ Portrait of the Duchess of Berry, 1826
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tiaramania · 11 days
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TIARA ALERT: Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Parma wore the Bourbon Parma Meander Tiara for her wedding to Xavier Denis at Saint Aubin Church in Tourouvre-au-Perche, France on 6 July 2024.
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empirearchives · 4 months
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The descent of the statue of Napoleon I from the top of the Vendôme column during the Bourbon Restoration, 8 April 1814
George Emmanuel Opiz
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tiny-librarian · 9 months
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During the alarm for the life of the Queen, regret at not possessing an heir to the throne was not even thought of. The King himself was wholly occupied with the care of preserving an adored wife.
The Memoirs of Madame Campan
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