#For future reference I don't require tone indicators
muined · 2 months
I NEED maleria moments, muined… drop the archive NOW 😡😡😡😡 /lh
Well, here's a sneak preview, at least! The following is from Beria's son Sergo's memoir - hence "my father" here refers to Lavrenti P. Beria:
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There's so much I love in this paragraph. Beria and Malenkov teasing each other about their national allegiances; Beria playing on the theme of Malenkov's masculinity or lack thereof with the ironic reference to Spartacus; and finally, Sergo's claim that Beria controlled Malenkov with blackmail.
(Disclaimer: reliability of these sources not guaranteed. Just havin' a little fun here, folks.)
Françoise Thom's footnotes to this translation of Beria, My Father cite a claim made by Zhukov in his own trial to corroborate the blackmail:
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This claim comes up frequently in historiography. From Stalin's Loyal Executioner, Petrov & Jansen:
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In Khrushchev's memoirs, Beria's explanation of why and how he keeps Malenkov around seem to support this idea:
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Then again, as Khrushchev tells us, Malenkov wouldn't have it any other way:
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The overall outline I have for this is: primary documents (i.e. letters), memoir, fake memoir(!), historiography/commentary, documentaries, then prose fiction, then comics, then TV and film - perhaps with a special bonus category for fanworks? Here's a question for you, Anon: how would you prefer to see this published? On Ao3? As a Google Doc I link from here? Etc.?
Another question: what about this pairing appeals to you? What do you like about 'em? I'd love to hear from a fellow shipper.
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