#Fezco x yn
stellisen · 2 years
drug deals going wrong
info: This oneshot is gonna be from the episode ‘trying to get to heaven before they close the door' 
y/n is ashtray’s twin in this and it’s during the drug deal/kidnapping thingy 
y/n pov:
I was in the car with Rue and my brothers Fez, and Ash. We were on our way to do some drug shit or something, honestly I don’t fucking know what I’m doing here but family business I guess. Plus, someone’s gotta make sure Ash doesn’t kill everyone. Rue was singing some 2pac song, I think it’s called Hit’ Em Up, and Ash was playing with his gun or somethin’.
The car stopped and I saw two people come out from the shadows, Fez stepped out of the car and walked up to them. I could hear him ask why the girl was there and the guy saying something about it bein’ his girl. Fezco walked back with the blonde girl right behind him. 
The blonde girl went to sit in the backseat, so I pushed Ash against the car door and took his seat. “The fuck is you doin’!” Ash complained when he hit his head in the car window. I just looked at him and grinned. 
Fezco just ignored us and said “Alright, no funny business you guys” he then nodded at Ashtray who opened the door and got pushed out by me. “What the fuck bro” he exclaimed from the ground and I just laughed at him. 
Rue and the blonde girl, who’s name was Faye, were doin’ some drugs or some shit in the back and I was just mindin’ my own fucking business when I felt someone grabbing me.
“Why’d the fuck did u bring two whores and a pair of twelve year-olds to a drug deal, bro?” some guy questioned.  “We’re 14 you bald bitch” I argued. And then he hit my head against the wall with a lot of force. I groaned in pain when my head hit the wall. 
Ash took a step forward, but got stopped by 2 guys pointing a gun at him. Meanwhile Fez yelled “Ay man, don’t fucking touch her” he raised his voice which was uncommon. 
I felt some liquid running down my neck, which was probably my blood, I think. Then the guy demanded us to undress and nobody reacted except for my dumb as twin. “I wasn’t talking about you idiot” the bald guy stated. “Put the children somewhere else” he told the other guy. And then me and Ash got dragged somewhere.
We got pushed into some small place, I’m not sure what it could’ve been but it was very small like we could barley move. I winced when my head hit the wall. “Shit, that doesn’t look very good bro” Ash started, “let me look at it” he finished in a not forcing way, more concerned way. “Nahhh it’s all good” I reassured him. 
“Bro, you got blood dripping on your clothes and shit” he argued back. I mean he was right but still. I could feel myself getting sleepy, like my eyes lids felt heavy. “Hey, you can’t fall asleep, that shit would be bad as fuck” Ash told me. I knew he was right but I was really struggling to keep my eyes open. 
Then suddenly the same guy who locked us in, whatever the fuck it was opened the door. 
We got dragged back into the place where we were before we got locked in that small space. Fez looked at me very concerned and I mouthed 'I’m fine’ to reassure him, I could see that he didn’t believe me but whatever. 
When we finally got back in the car, Ash told Fez to take me to the hospital. His voice sounded like it was very far away and I couldn’t really see shit. I heard Fez tell Rue to try to keep me awake, but she didn’t really do anything. She wanted to go to the new year’s party, that’s where we were supposed to be goin’. Fez dropped Rue off at the party, and then sped up and drove fast in the direction of the hospital. 
Ash hopped back and sat in the seat where Rue was sitting moments ago. He tried to talk to me, probably in a way to keep me conscious. But I couldn’t even make out the words that he was sayin’ anymore. And then everything went dark.
I felt my eyes opening to see very bright lights, which made my head hurt, I groaned in pain. Then I heard a familiar voice. “Y/n” I heard my older brother, Fezco exclaim.  “You’re finally awake, you had me all worried and shit” he continued in his usual calm tone. 
“Where’s Ash?” I asked Fez. “I’m here” I heard my twin, Ash answer. So he was also in the room, which I’m guessing was a hospital room. “Can someone turn those damn lights off, they’re fuckin’ killin’ me” I complained, as I rubbed my head. “I don’t know if we can do that shit Y/n, I can ask someone tho” I heard Fez answer. And then I heard the door open.
“The doctor said you had a concussion” Ashtray explained to me. “Damn, that explains why my head hurts so much” I realised. 
After a little bit of comfortable silence, I heard the door open and footsteps. Then I saw it getting darker in the room, and that shit helped to make my head hurt slightly less. I opened my eyes more and saw both my brothers and a nurse in the hospital room. 
“Hello sweetie, you’re allowed to go home when you feel ready to, you have a quite bad concussion” the nurse, I didn’t know the name for told me. “Okay, thank you” I answered, “You’re welcome” she said in a nice tone, and then she left the room.  “You ready to go?” Ash asked me. “I mean, yeah sure” I answered him. Fez then picked me up and helped me get dressed. And after getting dressed he carried me to our car, as Ash followed.
He put me in the backseat, and Ash went to sit beside me, it was very unusual for him to sit in the back of the car. Then Fez hopped in the driver seat. Ash told me to lay my head in his lap, to keep it from moving, and hurting more during the ride home. I looked up and smiled at him, and he smiled back at me. “Y/n, please don’t call some drug dealer, 'bald bitch’ again” Ash complained. “I can’t promise that, bro”
A/n: well that’s that oneshot please leave requests of what u want to see, or mby like a part 2 of this one idek just anything 😭 this is also from our Wattpad that u can find here
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Baby Daddy
Pairings: Fezco x black!reader
Warnings: swearing, sexual content, unprotected sex.
Word Count: 2.5k
this is from my old account too so if you see this and you're like "Hey this is familiar" its because its me babe
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"When are you going to start dating again?" Kay asked her friend. YN rolled her eyes and fed her 8-month-old child a spoonful of mashed sweet potatoes. "Sage can you tell your aunty I'll knock her right tooth to the left." The little girl oblivious to the conversation only whined for more food.
"Come on, look, you've been out of the dating pool since you got pregnant since you and... he who shall remain nameless-"
"Girl, just say Fez." 
"YN don't you miss having some fun, flirting with whoever just to get bored and ghost them in like a week?"
YN missed having fun in terms of going on dates with whoever she wanted to and accepting gifts from whoever gave them to her and on the occasion just having a drunken one-night stand but she was a mother now, things had been put into a different perspective. She wouldn't mind dating but she knew what it was like out there, not a lot of people were up to play step-parent or wait around until her child went to sleep.
"Or are you still hung up on you know who?"
YN's baby daddy was no stranger to being the topic of conversation, he was a steady fling— occasionally going on trips together, going to hotels, planning cute little dates, going on double dates, and he even met her parents. But something just prevented them from putting this title on things and as deep as she was falling for him she never let him know. Soon she was pregnant and they agreed to co-parent, it was all smooth sailing but watching him be a father made her yearn for a relationship with him. A solid one.
"No, I'm not still hung up on him," She lied. "Even if I was... could you blame me? I mean you saw the way he treated me as if I was his whole solar system and seeing him with Sage. It just makes everything deeper."
"You two are so complicated, you were the one who said you don't date-"
"Well, that was before I met him!" She shouted. YN took a deep breath. "Kay... you don't know how he makes me feel, gosh I mean when I was pregnant there was no hesitation he was so happy, he wanted me off my feet when I started showing, he put me on this pedestal that I don't know if anyone can make me experience again."
The doorbell rang cutting into their conversation, YN asked her friend to go answer and she did swinging the door open revealing the man of the hour as if they summoned him by accident.
"Hey, Fezco." She heard from the kitchen. "Speaking of the devil," YN muttered. Heavy footsteps trailed inside the kitchen. "Hey YN."
"Hi, Fez."
Sage instantly started to kick her feet when she saw her father come into view. "Hi, my happy baby." He cooed rubbing his nose against hers. "Well, I guess I will leave y'all alone, have some family time. I have some shopping to do."
YN wiped off her daughter's mouth and stood up leaving her with her father. "With who's money?" She asked. Kay shrugged. "Doesn't matter as long as it's not my own. See y'all later."
Kay left the house leaving YN in awkward silence. "So what are you doing here today?" She asked. "I was missing you guys, so I let Ashtray handle shit today." She took a sip of her coffee and sighed sitting around her kitchen island. "Did you eat yet?" He asked. She nodded but he stared at her longer. "Fine, no. But I'm not that hungry anyway."
"You have anything to cook?"
YN groaned. "Fez,"
"I don't want to hear it I'll make something."
There was no point in arguing with him really he would just turn around and do whatever he wanted anyway. The rest of the day was breezy, YN got to finish some work and take a nap while Fezco took care of their daughter. She sat in her playpen in front of the television watching some Bugs Bunny he had left on. YN rubbed the sleep out of her eye coming down the steps in a baggy shirt and some socks. She peeped over to see Sage engulfed in the old cartoon and decided to let her be.
She slid into the kitchen and crept behind Fez drawing a line down his back. "Hey." She smiled. "Hi, sleepyhead."
YN laughed. "Thank you for letting me have more than 15 minutes."
"Five hours should do you justice for the week." He joked. She rolled her eyes leaning on the counter to peek at what he was cooking. "You have no idea how much I appreciate this, I owe you."
He shook his head. "You're the mother of my child, carried my little girl for almost ten months, you've done everything for her. You don't owe me anything."
'Why do you have to be so nice?' She said to herself.
YN looked up at him wanting to ask something, maybe confess her feelings, but her doubt got the better of her and she only sheepishly smiled at him before heading to the living room and sitting in the large playpen with her child.
Holding up toys to her face and watching her little hands grab them only to toss them back on the floor. Florian poked his head around the corner grinning as he saw his two girls having their own fun, he tip-toed over. "Room for one more?"
"Of course."
Soon all three were in the playpen. YN felt his arm snake around her pulling her in closer to him, he kissed the top of her head. This was what she wanted, every night, with him and no one else honestly. "Dinner's ready if you're hungry."
"Mmm you know I'll never say no to food."
The three gathered around the table, Sage for her own small portion of the food. They said a little prayer before digging in. YN's eyes rolled to the back of her head. "I swear you make the best steak and potatoes oh my goodness."
"Thank you." He chuckled. The dinner was more a comfortable silence with the occasional random noise from the baby who was covered in mostly mashed potatoes. "Every time I look at her I fall more in love. She's perfect." YN mumbled.
Fez agreed. "We did a great job. Making her and raising her." YN lightly threw her napkin at him for the comment. "It's true, I know you remember." He winked taking a sip of his water. She remembered very well to the point where it would leave a heartbeat in more than one place.
Dinner was done, and Sage had been bathed and put to sleep. YN washed what dishes were left while Fez picked up the toys and packed away the playpen. It was 8 pm and though she didn't wake up too long ago she was ready to go back to sleep. "Well everything is cleaned up, guess that's my cue to go."
She frowned but kept it hidden. "Uh... okay, well thanks again for today I needed the little break."
He nodded. "No problem."
Neither wanted him to go just yet.
"I- um, what if you leave a little later... I have wine." YN felt herself becoming rosy she couldn't believe she was stumbling so much. Fez found it cute though. "Uh, I drove here."
"There's a couch... or an extra room." She flirted. He agreed to her offer setting his keys back down. His eyes were glued to her backside watching her bend down to one of the lower cabinets grabbing the liquor. "Hey there are some glasses somewhere up there can you-" She stood up catching him in the act, her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. "What?"
"Nothing." He shrugged. "Glasses right?" Fez didn't need much of a stretch to collect the glasses. "If we really wanna keep her sleeping we could go in the basement."
"Lead the way."
YN stepped downstairs hearing the door quietly close behind her, she stopped in her tracks seeing the tent made of blankets that she set up one night with Kay. "That's cute." He chuckled. Drinks were poured while they sat up in the tent. "Cheers to a parent's night in." She giggled. "I'll drink to that."
YN picked a movie and laid back against some pillows that were stacked but she felt herself being pulled once again into Fezco's hold, he rested his head on her thighs and she smiled lightly scratching his head with her acrylic nails knowing that was what he liked. As the movie played and more drinks were poured she started to feel the buzz, she couldn't handle liquor like she use to— tingles ran through every inch of her body as her temperature rose.
Fez was feeling the same way, his fingers running up and down her thighs. By this time they switched positions and were both laying down with her as the little spoon. She, not so subtly, pushed back against his crotch her eyes widening feeling his already hard member poking through. His hand moved from her thighs up her torso and under her shirt, his lips pressed against the back of her neck.
"I miss you." He mumbled. She shook her head at the drunken confession. "Mmm, you had too much wine." She hiccuped. "So? A drunk man's words... have... thoughts." YN fell into a fit of laughter. "What the hell was thaaat!?"
He only shook his head, his glossy eyes analyzed her every feature, the little dots of freckles spread across her skin, her full lips forming into a smile. "Fezzy..." She whispered.
"YN." He whispered back. Her low eyes fixated on his full beard. "Do you miss life before Sage?" She wondered. He disagreed. "I love her too much to turn back the clock you know?"
He closed his eyes. "I miss how close we were though. I miss taking you on dates and shit. I miss pretending like we were in a relationship." 
YN ran her thumb over his cheek. "I think you were the only one I wanted a real relationship with," She admitted. "Why do you think I trapped you?" 
"Shut up." He mumbled pulling her face closer until their lips touched for the first time in quite a long time and it was a feeling that was well overdue. Soon the movie was just background noise, clothes were coming off piece by piece, kisses filling in their places, and warm hands exploring their bodies like it was the first time they met. YN wrapped her legs around his hips, her nails digging into his soft flesh, her soft moans caressing his ear. 
He grunted burying his head in the crook between her neck and shoulder leaving kisses behind. "Oh my goodness... Fez." She breathlessly whispered while tapping his back. "Oh, baby I'm gonna cum." 
His tongue slithered against her warm neck tasting her salty skin, sweat coating both bodies. "Cum for me, please cum for me, baby." 
Yn felt her legs loosen their grip allowing him to thrust harder, she let out a long groan her nails sliding down his back leaving faint red trails. Her orgasm took over her whole body causing her to shake and shiver, to reach down between them in a weak attempt to push him off but he wasn't going anywhere he loved watching her mouth form that 'O' shape, his name repeatedly slipping from her, her perfect eyebrows coming closer together, the eye contact was the cherry on top of it all. 
"Shit." She giggled out of breath. "You okay?" He chuckled passing his thumb over her chin. "Yes." Her cheeks started to feel warm. 
Fez rolled over on his back letting out an exhausted sigh picking up the phone to check the time. "1 am, wow."  He put the phone down seeing Yn now on top of him her hands laying on his chest, her soaked pussy sliding against his shaft, she whimpered at her sensitive clit's contact with the vein he had poking out. She lifted her hips taking his dick into the palm of her hand so it stood straight up and slowly sank down on it. 
"Baby..." He moaned feeling engulfed in her warmth and slickness. "Can't take anymore?" She flirted rotating her hips. "Mmm don't start that, I always make you tap out." 
YN didn't answer only lifted back up to his tip and carefully back down, she repeated her actions until she was comfortable enough to go a bit faster. She rode that man like a horse, helped that he was hung like one too, his hands had a hard grip on her cheeks spanking them once in a while hard enough in the hopes to leave a print. She leaned down resting her upper body on his and still moving up and down on him. "Fuck it's so deep." She muttered. "Yeah?" Fez wrapped his arms around her waist holding her down, he began to match her motions. 
"Ouu I- mmm fuck I hate that." She giggled knowing she felt the complete opposite. Soon her body gave out letting Fez take over with his relentless pounding, she whimpered reaching back to push against his thighs but was denied when he collected her arm trapping it under his initiating the same on the other side. "Take that shit, I told you I always make you tap out." 
She really had no choice but to lay on his chest she wiggled her upper body as much as she could but there was no point. "Fezzz." She whined, her eyes falling to the back of her head. "I'm gonna cum YN." 
"Cum in me daddy, please." 
Fez felt her pulsing around him only for it to trigger his own orgasm, his thrusts became slow and sloppy as he emptied himself inside of her. He released his grip on her leaving her to lay lifelessly on her, out of breath, officially tapped out for the night. "You telling me to cum in you will never get old."
She smirked. "It won't be the last time either." 
The moment was interrupted by their original outcome from the last time she made that statement, baby cries over the monitor that YN had left in the basement because she always forgot the other one upstairs. "And there she goes." 
YN cleaned up from the sink nearby and stole Fezco's shirt to cover her body. "Really?" 
"Yuuup." She laughed running up the stairs to her daughter's room to see the infant kicking and wailing. "Okaaay mama I'm here." 
She sighed carrying her back to the master bedroom seeing Fez in his boxers laying on her sheets. "I don't think she's hungry, just fussy." He watched as she carefully laid down with the baby laying on her chest. He scooted over to get closer and kissed her cheek, he placed his hand on Sage's back as she slowly calmed down and was soon back to being quiet.  
"I love you guys." 
Yn looked over at him. "We love you too." 
don't we love when she posts on a random day in the week after saying she only does weekends? lol
New Rio fics dropping this weekend fr tho and if I don't do it shiiiiiit don't shoot the messenger
taking a break from Miss Ivy (but if you are a curious cat and would like to take a read come through) and diving back into my other boys
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, comments and reblogs help and are very appreciated each time (even tho tumblr wont let me respond to comments for some stupid reason.)
Be cool🤙🏾
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authenticmiya · 3 years
We Can’t Do This, Can We? - Fezco x Reader
Summary - Part 2 to Stress and Secrets! Your truth has been revealed, making you seem like such a hypocrite. Fezco thinks about how much he had hurt you and feels like a real idiot.
Words - 1.5k
Warnings - angst then fluff
A/N - Oh my fuck, so many of you requested a part two and when you ask, I aim to deliver! A lot of you also wanted to be tagged, and I’m so sorry I didn’t, there was just hundreds of you! Thankyou for the support!
Part 1 here Part 3 here
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Spinning around, Fez nearly fell on his ass when he heard those words come from his brothers mouth. Your mouth was suddenly dry. Fez grabbed the tests.
“Ion even know how to read these things, how the fuck did you?” Fez muttered.
“The box was in the bathroom trash can.” You wanted to smack yourself. The one thing you’d forgot to do, was hide the evidence.
“You’re being awfully quiet over there.” Both of their eyes were on you and quite honestly, it felt very intimidating.
“I um, I…” You stuttered on your words, the thought of trying to explain this one was a lot harder than you thought.
“You had a lot of words to say back there, so why don’t you start using them?” Fezco’s mood was really hard to tell. Was he still pissed off at you?
“Easy.” Ash warned his brother.
“You’re surprised that I didn’t tell you but look at how mean your mouth is tonight.” You spat.
“Ma look, ion know what to make of this situation right now, but please, tell me what’s going on.” Fez sighed.
“I was throwing up and I knew I wasn’t sick because it just felt different. I don’t know how to explain it. Something just didn’t sit right with me. On the off chance I went to the store and just picked some tests up-“ You were choking up.
“I tried to tell you I was sick but I couldn’t get a word in without you biting my ass back.” You said and neither of them really knew what to say.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I guess it makes me a hypocrite right? For asking you to communicate when I didn’t.” Fez put the tests down on the kitchen side.
“Ma, we can fight and argue like an old marry couple for as long as we want. Ain’t nothing gonna change about how much I care about you.” Your emotions were running wild already so it wasn’t a surprise when the waterworks were starting up again.
“Ayo baby, come on now, none of that.” He wrapped his arms around you. Ash made his way over to the couch and stayed in earshot of the conversation (not wanting to interrupt fully). Fez gently lifted you and sat you down on the counter, being mindful of his injured hand. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as he was in-between your legs with his hands on your waist.
“Are you angry at me? For real?” You asked timidly, not knowing exactly where the two of you stood.
“Y/N, that shit back there with Lexi Howard, ain’t none of that you gotta worry about. I’m sorry okay? You are the only girl I care about and that shit I pulled, it wasn’t good. As for the house living situation, I’m a fucking asshole for that. My girl don’t deserve that.” Fez admitted.
“Ion deserve a girl like you, you know that? Fuck you’ve been there for me and Ash since the good ole days.” Fez cuddled you once again.
“I love you too much to let you go over stupid shit you know that?” He questioned.
“I love you too.” Fezco’s eyes landed back on the pregnancy tests that were just a few centimetres away from where you were sat. He hasn’t said anything so you pulled away from the hug to see what he was looking at. Your heart dropped again.
“I know I’ve been an asshole, but that is one thing we should’ve gone through together.” Fez was absolutely shitting himself at the thought of being a dad? Not the fact he was young, but the thought of having to be a father figure to a little baby was definitely something he hadn’t thought about.
“We can’t have a baby can we? Not with the line of work we’re both in Fez. What if we argue all of the time? I can’t have that shit for our kid.” You admitted. Fez was at defeat and there was very few times he had ever felt that way.
“Y/N what are you tryna say?” Fez questioned.
“You really think we can raise a kid? Fez we got raided a few weeks ago. That’s only one of the little things we’ve been through without a baby being in the picture.” He couldn’t really believe these words were coming out of your mouth but all he knew, was that he had to be there for you.
“Do you rememeber that time we came home and Ash was a baby just lying in the middle of the hallway?” Fez questioned.
“I remember it clear as day.”
“You remember how we’d stay up till early hours of the morning tryna get him to sleep? How we took care of him all through his childhood? How we’re still doing it now?” Fez continued to ask.
“Ma listen, all I’m tryna say, is that we’re not incapable of being parents.” Fez was searching your face, trying to read the expression you were holding.
“It’s not that I don’t want a baby with you. Fuck Fez, I’ve wanted all of my firsts with you. It’s just, I’m nervous as fuck.” You frowned and his hands once again snaked around your waist.
“So am I baby, so am I. Ima respect your decision, regardless of what you’re thinking in that cute ass brain of yours.” You smiled lightly.
“You really think we can do it?” You questioned him further.
“I think it’s gonna be hard, but if we’ve got each-other, we’ve got nothing to lose.” He laced his fingers with yours.
“I love you, you know that?” You asked him.
“Of course I do, I love you too. We just gotta get over our rough patches right?” You nodded in agreement.
“Fuck man, we’re having a baby.” When Fez had said that out loud, he couldn’t quite believe it. Growing up without a father, made him think about how much of a good father he should be. He helped you hop down from the counter and pulled you in for a kiss.
“Yo Ash, get over here man.” Fez called for his brother, who was evidently tired considering he was headed to go to sleep hours ago.
“What are you thinking about?” Fez asked Ash.
“Well obviously you dumb fucks couldn’t keep it together and be safe.” He said sternly.
“Now there’s a baby on the way.” He continued, his eyes switching from looking at his older brother and back to you.
“Ima be a fucking uncle.” Ash hugged you. He rarely ever hugged anyone. In fact, he never hugged anyone. He wasn’t the kind of teenager to do that.
“You gon be a fucking uncle.” Fez patted his back as he pulled away from the hug.
“Listen Ash, you gotta baby proof the shit outta this place.” Fez told his younger brother, who had already been thinking about what he was gonna do to protect his niece/nephew.
“Lemme handle everything, you look after my sister.” Ash waved you both goodnight and headed towards his room.
“We gotta book appointments now you know that?” You asked Fez and he nodded, a timid smile appearing on his face.
“Me n my baby, be having a baby. This shit can’t be for real.” He was still in shock and quite frankly, so were you. He held your hand and guided you to your shared bedroom.
“First thing tomorrow we’ve gotta call up the hospital. Sometimes pregnancy tests can have false positives.” You told him while he grabbed some of his clothes for you to wear.
“Ain’t no way you got three positives and they all false.” Fez shook his head.
“Besides, yo coconuts have gotten a bit bigger.” He smirked. You looked down and surely enough, they had slightly grown.
“How the fuck did you notice that before me?” You questioned, changing out of your New Years outfit and into some sweats and a jumper.
“I’m practically inside of you every-“ He began and you threw a pillow at him.
“Could’ve mentioned it asshole.” You laughed. Laying down beside you, Fez threw his around around your waist.
“I gotta lot of thinkin’ to do now Ma, a lot of shit is gonna have to change for our baby.” Fez told you. Of course things had to change.
“I ain’t changing who I am and neither will Ash. You know that nothing can stop what we’ve grown up to do okay?” Fez asked you and you nodded.
“Tell me what you’re thinking.” Fez traced circles on your hip. You took a deep breath.
“I was never gonna ask you to change your ways Fez, it’s a big part of you. It’s how we make our money. Protecting this baby is gonna be one fucking hell of a ride.” You admitted to him and he sighed.
“I ain’t gon lie, things are gonna be hard. This lil baby is gonna have the best set of people around him, ima look after all of you, I promise.” He kissed your tummy despite their not being a bump.
“I la you ma, and my lil mini me. Now come over here so we can finally have our New Years kiss.”
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tchv · 3 years
so fuck the world, it's you and me
fezco x reader
— you and fezco break up, and your first time seeing him is at the new year's party... with lexi
warnings: angst, mentions of weed
pls enjoy!! fez has been on my mind rent free for like ever <3 comment and lmk ur thoughts!!
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“i’m tryna get fucked up tonight.” you mumbled. the laughter from the other three girls you were with caused you to peel your eyes away from the window. jules smiled sympathetically and patted your knee.
“honestly, you deserve it, babes.” kat said from the drivers seat.
“i’m with you, bitch. fuck boys, they’re fucking dumb.” maddy scoffed. you nodded along to her words. before you could say anything else, the muffled music from the party you were en route to hit your ears. your heart began to thump to the beat of the song. taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for all the chaos.
truthfully, you had no intention of going to this new years eve party. you were ready to spend the night wallowing in self pity and enjoying a tub of ice cream. your friends had other plans. maddy coerced you into girlboss-ing your way out of the heartbreak and that was compelling enough for you. deciding you had enough of wearing sweats, you slipped into an orange matching set; a mini skirt and a bell sleeved crop top that was tied together in the valley between your breasts. you’d been dying to wear that particular set on a date. but that was before fezco broke your heart.
“hey, let’s go forget this whole dumbass year.” jules grinned at you. you noticed the car wasn’t moving anymore. it was parked in front of a house with blaring music, smoke coming out from some windows, and a whole bunch of cups littering the front yard. thank god for highschool parties. you smiled back at jules. all four of you stumbled out of the car, squealing and laughing.
“c’mon, yn. if i don’t find a bathroom, i’ma spend new years with a fucking UTI.” maddy grumbled. she intertwined you fingers with hers. you let out a giggle and followed after her in search of a bathroom. jules and kat waved goodbye as they went straight to the kitchen to find something to drink.
“alright, but we have to find cassie after. bitch has my pink rolling papers.”
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there was no finding cassie. because after standing in the bathroom line with maddy, you got impatient and just wanted to get drunk. that’s the thing. you can’t say you were a big drinker. or smoker. in general, you were a clean girl. but after meeting fez, you were opened to a world of possibilities. you never did more than smoke weed; fez made sure to keep you away from any hard shit that he sold. he was strcit about that: he kept you away from his work. he would never be able to forgive himself if so much as a hair on your head was hurt because of his business.
you, on the other hand, cared less about his dealing. you didn’t like it, but who were you to make him stop? you just silently accepted it, despite knowing it would be his demise. as you went through your breakup, you found that part to be sick. that you were content with watching him ruin any future he could have, any future he and ash could have, all because you were in love with him. the happiness you felt when in his presence was blinding. it was love and it was sick.
your body was moving to the rhythm, the alcohol in your system making the music much more enjoyable. you were pressed against jules. at least it was jules the last time you checked. you opened your eyes to find yourself looking straight ahead. lexi was in your line of sight, sitting on a couch. lexi. cassie. rolling papers. a gasp came out of your mouth and you stumbled towards her.
“oops!” you giggled as you wobbled on your way to lexi. a hand, belonging to god knows who, reached out to help you gain your balance. “thanks.” you mumbled to whoever helped you. finally looking up, you saw that lexi wasn’t on the couch alone. your breath caught in your throat when you saw him. his green eyes met yours and they lit up, just like they used to. he felt an adoring smile take over his features unwillingly. god, it’d been so long since he last saw you and you looked like the personification of love. he missed you.
“oh. hey, there. you okay, yn?” lexi chuckled. she reached out her hand to you to help you stay steady. fez blinked and was taken out of his trance. his brows furrowed together at the realization that you were pretty fucked up, something that you rarely did.
“shit.” you breathed. a nervous hand went down to tug at your tiny skirt. having his eyes on you, made you feel naked. like he could see right through you. and for a second you felt ridiculous. you turned your attention to lexi. “is- um, is cassie here?” you struggled to find the words you wanted to say. fez wondered if he was making you nervous. before, when you were together, he liked that feeling. knowing he could get you all flustered made his heart swell. but this one, this wasn’t the same giddiness from before. this was uncertainty and he hated himself for being the one to cause those feelings.
“i really have no clue. we, like, got into it on the way here.. so.” lexi shrugged. it took a second for her words to process in your head. no cassie. which means.. fez looks pretty in his green knit sweater. nope. wrong. backtrack. no cassie.
“no rolling papers.” you said. lexi blinked in confusion. you shook your head and forced out a laugh. “sorry, i mean, um, let me know if you find her?”
“yeah, of course. will you let me know if you find her first?”
“i got you.” you reassured. there was a moment of awkward silence. you fought with yourself to say hi to fez or not. would it be weird? why would it be weird, though? you dated him for over six months, nothing should be weird. but then he broke up with you, so.. you lifted your eyes to dare look at him. he was watching you with unwavering eyes. you quickly looked away. “i should go. um, i hope you two enjoy your new year. um, together?”you felt your heart drop at the sound of the last word you spoke. well, questioned. you scolded yourself for imposing on something that was none of your business.
“nah, we not-”
“no! yn, i would never-”
“i’m so sorry! really, i don’t care. please, happy new year.” you rambled before quickly spinning on your heel to bail. you felt so embarrassed for having imposed like that. you needed a drink to wash away your sorrows. but fez wasn’t going to let you slip away from his hands. not again. especially if you thought he had moved on because god was he far from moving on. he jumped to his feet and grabbed your hand. “what? fez? what are you doing?”
“god damn it, shit.” he mumbled. he lead you into a surprisingly empty room. you had so many questions to ask him. you wanted to know why he brought you here, the room and to this heartbreak.
“what’s going on?” you whispered. you took your hand out of his. timidly, you pushed some hair behind your ear. fez looked down at his empty hand.
“for real? you see me with a girl and you don’t give a shit? what the fuck?” though his words sounded angry, that’s not how they came out at all. the anguish in his tone plucked tears in your eyes immedietly. fez saw the tears. he stepped forward and laid his hands on your hips. “c’mon now, don’t cry, ma. y’know that shit breaks my heart.”
“i literally don’t understand, fez. isn’t this what you wanted?” you blinked up at him. you didn’t find the strength to shy away from his touch. your words didn’t waver but your actions did. how could they not? his touch was warm and welcoming and caring. he lifted his thumb to caress your cheek and wipe away the tear that escaped. fez vowed a long time ago to never hurt you. he found it pathetic that he finds himself in the same position as the last time he saw you. you crying in his arms.
“ion fuckin’ know what i want.” he said. you knew fez wasn’t one for elaborate planning and scheming. he was simple in his way of living; protect his loved ones and provide for them. you found it hard to believe that he didn’t know what he wanted. he sensed your disappointment, knowing that was a shitty answer. “i’m not tryna lose you.”
“you broke up with me! what the fuck do you mean you don’t want to lose me? you already did! i’m not yours anymore.” you reached a full sob by the end of what you were saying.
“don’t say that. dont be sayin’ that ma. i fucked up. you’ll always be mine. right?” he leaned his forhead against yours and squeezed his eyes shut. fez slowly slid down onto his knees. he hugged the lower half of your body and pressed his head into your lower stomach. you’d seen many sides of him; the pretty and the ugly. this, having kneeling in front of you, in a context you’d never imgaine you two in, was a different kind of vulnerability. one that fezco only showed to you.
you kneeled down in front of him. there were many questions unanswered. you didn’t understand his actions, past and present. you did, however, understand his emotions. you stared into each other’s eyes; everything falling into place. you leaned in to kiss the freckles scattered all over his pretty face. his reveled in your affection. fezco spent your time apart worrying he wouldn’t get this exact feeling again. not with someone else, but with you. he didn’t want anyone else. nothing could compare to the comfort you gave him.
“i’m in love with you, fezco. i will always be yours.” a wave of relief washed over him and put out the fire burning inside of him. fez wasn’t sure if he deserved your forgiveness— your love— so fast. but he sure as hell was going to accept it and tend to it delicately.
“we shouldn’t be together. it’s too dangerous for you, pretty girl.” he thought out loud. you blinked at him. anxiety took over your body. you prayed to any god out there that he wouldn’t leave you again. “but i’ma take care of you. i’m not finna lose you again.” fez watched as your soft lips pulled into a gleaming smile. he wanted to hear your reaction, but in that moment he was blinded. all he wanted was to kiss you. “you look so pretty, ma. jus’ wanna hold you.”
“hold me and never let go.” you whispered against fez’s lips. i’ll try.
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botphobiaa · 2 years
• ft. ooc nate jacobs, fezco, ethan, and elliot.
• warnings. nothing really, just a short blurb
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FEZCO’s first moment is whenever he finally sees that you don’t judge him for the bad in his life. you care about him in a way that no one has, and this means the tiny imperfections that even he never seemed to embrace. it’s a quiet and sudden realization that he’s too afraid to voice, but he begins to look at you as his equal and his other half from this point on and forward. 
NATE’s moment is whenever you’re holding him. it’s whenever he realizes that home isn’t simply a place, as cheesy as it sounds, but instead is a feeling of safety. and as you run your hands through his brown locks, holding him close in your lap, he realizes that you are his home. and that he absolutely adores and cherishes every moment that he spends with you.  
ELLIOT realizes whenever you laugh with him. because your laugh serenades him, in a weird way. he realizes whenever you find yourself spending almost every moment together, and living like an old couple. it’s whenever he finally understands just how good you both are together. 
ETHAN’s absolutely blinded by love whenever he sees you waiting for him. whether it be whenever he’s coming off stage, standing in the crowd with a bouquet of roses because you’re hellbent that “men deserve more flowers then they’re given”. or whenever you’re waiting at his place whenever kat breaks up with him. it’s when he sees that he can always run to you, because you adores you. he realizes he always finds a way back to you. 
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Ride or Die
Okay so this is a book that I’m currently writing on Wattpad. I wanted to post it on here here because I haven’t been posting a I feel bad. This isn’t for Jack though this is for Fezco from Euphoria (Sorry if you don’t like him <3) I have some request for Urban and Jack that I can hopefully post tomorrow. please give me feedback for this and LET me know if your guys want the other chapters of this fix. THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU GUYS ❤️😭.Since the beginning of time, You and Fezco were always by each other sides.
Warnings: Cursing.. and that’s about it for now :))
Summary: In which Fezco would do anything to keep you safe.
When your family first moved into town your father used to sell drugs for Fezco's grandmother.
But as the years went on your mother did not want your father dealing anymore because it put your family in all kinds of danger.
But when he stopped dealing your relationship with Fez did not go away; you guys hung out whenever you had the time to.
With you being an only child, you grew attached to Fez but it was not a sibling kind of way.
His problems were your problems and together you would help solve them.
Your parents did notice how close you guys became over the years but they did not consider anything of it because you had a hard time making friends since you are more of an introvert.
That's what you loved about Fez though he was very patient with you and he loves and respects your decision on things and he overall really values you as a person.
Your relationship with Fezco did not change until you guys turned 16 that is when you both noticed that what you had was more than a friendship.
Fez did not like the idea of you with anyone else and you as well did not like such thoughts.
With you guys starting your relationship you wanted to try new things. New things, meaning sex. When you guys first started having sex you used protection each and took extra precautions so that nothing could happen.
Until one day you were horrified to find out you were pregnant after having been feeling out of place with your body for a couple of months.
Knowing this you had to tell your parents because you could not continue living without them knowing this. When you told them in the comfort of your brown little two stories house alone they were livid.
They have already advised you to stop hanging around with Fez because he had recently dropped out of high school at East Highland High School at 17 years old.
They kicked you out they gave you time to pack all your belongings, made you call Fezco to pick you up, and let you know that you were never to return to their house ever again.
When Fez came to pick you up he was very surprised he did not know you were pregnant and he did not know you were going to tell your parents alone but he made a vow that day to keep you, the baby, ashtray, and his grandma safe.
Everything was good but when you first moved in with him things started getting stressful when he picked up dealing again.
Despite you guys knowing each other you never knew how much he spent his time outside dealing.
This caused you to constantly worry about him and ash but he reassured you time and time again.
One day while you were stressing out with school and with fez always being out.
You had a miscarriage it was the worsed day of life and you felt like it was all of your fault because you were worrying about stupid things, like Fezco dealing even though that is something he had been doing for damn near his whole life.
When you did come to Fez about these concerns he assured you that it was not your fault and that he truly should have been around more.
He shared that he had been working so much because he did not want his family to worry about him too much.
His grandmother was in a hospital bed 24 hours of the day, he already felt like a terrible person for dragging a kid with him in this game of drug dealing and street life, and then he had you and your child and he did not want to put you and baby though what he had to go through a child.
With hearing all this you were not happy that you were not having a baby anymore but you did feel like you and Fezco had a lot of things to figure out before you guys brought another life into this world but one clear thing is that you and Fez had a lot of love for each other and nothing and no one was going to get in the way of that.
Now you are 18 and you are starting your senior year at East Highland High School in a couple of days.
Since I had y’all waiting so long here is chapter 1!
“Baby" you felt yourself being shaken from your peaceful rest "Baby, wake up" you heard the love of your life plead.
"Why?" You said annoyed that your beauty sleep was being interrupted. "Yo, I told you we were getting your school supplies today, now you either get your ass up or I'm going to drag you out of this bed. Your Pick" (fez don't play about your education).
You widened your eyes shocked by his words "Bro, it's too early for this," you said while smirking knowing that he hated you calling him that "Y/N, I'm not about to play with you hurry up now" you start getting up because you didn't want to start annoying him this early in the morning.
You slip out of your shared bed and start looking for an outfit for the day. You feel someone strong arms around your waist and hear a raspy voice speak into your ear.
"Make sure you wear something you're going to want to wear all day, were going to open the store when we're finished getting your supplies" you turned around and wrap your arm's around his neck and say "Okay, thank you for letting me know Coco" you called him by his nickname you made for him.
"No problem Ma go get your cute ass ready so we can go" he said while walking out of your bedroom ''Okay" you responded.
You took a shower and put on your outfit (a/n: the outfit is in media and remember this is a euphoria story so the main character outfits are never going to be basic).
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You put on your bath body works lotion and perfume you made sure to do a soft glam look for the day and put on some earrings and your gold  𝒇𝒆𝒛𝒄𝒐 neckless.
You walk out of the room and pass Ashtray sitting on the couch you stop and turn around "You coming with Ash?" you asked softly he looked at you and replied "Nah I'm going to be watching grandma while yall are gone but I'll be at the store later though" you sighed "Oh okay, well stay safe I'll see you later" he smiled "Will do, Fez is already in the car waiting for you" you heard this and started walking out the door "Thank you for letting know I'll see you later" you said as you closed the door behind you.
As you descend down the stairs you see the Fez in the car so you lightly jog into it and sit down "Put your seatbelt on" he said as he put his hand on your thigh while you turn around putting the seatbelt on.
As you ride you listen to Drip by Caplow playing from Fez's Bluetooth. The ride slowed to a stop as you guys parked in front of Target.
Fez jumps out of the car, does a little basketball jog over to your door, and opens it.  You grab his hand and grab onto his arm as you guys walk into the target.
Fezco grabs a cart and starts pushing it towards the school supply section, "You come and get anything you need, don't worry about no prices just get whatever you think you gone need" you nodded as you started grabbing notebooks, different colored ink pens,  colored markers, and mechanical pencils.
You both make your way to the aisle as you put the stuff you had in your hands into the cart, you spot a pink fuzzy binder and dump that in the basket then continue looking for supplies as Fezco puts whiteout and erasers in the cart.
Satisfied, you turn around and stop the cart and walk you up to the ginger in front of you "Coco, I think I got everything I need" you stated while looking into the cart seeing if you forgot to get anything he look at you and responds "You sure you don't need a backpack or nothing" you shake your head in response "No I want to use the bag I had last year" you explain. "Ight, let's go checkout then" you grab on his arm again as you guys walk to the self-checkout line.
Fez bags all of your stuff in bags and intertwines your fingers making your way to the car. He puts your stuff in the trunk opens your door for you, walks to the driver's side of the car gets in, and puts his seatbelt on.
He looks at you to make sure you have your seatbelt on as well and starts driving towards the store. When you guys arrive you see ash in the back and go the greet him "Were you able to get here okay?" He looked up from counting money and replied "Yeah it wasn't too bad" you nod your head while saying "That's good" you walk out from the back and enter the store.
Fezco walks to you "Baby I literally just saw someone come up through here that looked like she would be great friends with Rue."
You tilted your head at him and asked what made him think that and he answered saying "She like one of those girls from that anime you used to watch." You start smiling and asked "Sailer Moon?" he started nodding enthusiastically "Yeah that show" he confirmed.
He looks around him and lets you know that since the store is not busy he was going to take a little break outside as he didn't like to smoke around you that much.
You walked behind the register to let him know that you would have everything under control while he had his little break outside. He leans over the counter to press a soft kiss against your lips then walks outside to the front of the store and sits down on his chair.
You were stocking the chips you hear Fezco call out to you "Babe come out here look who just came back from rehab".
Here we go let me know if you want me to stop or continuing posting these chapters from my book. Request are open so send some :)
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heartshapedwords · 2 years
I want your midnights
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>> Pairing: Fezco x Female Reader
>> Plot: Fez meets a girl at the boxing club. There’s immediate attraction. Both are a little bit of a mess. 
>> Warnings: Mention of food and Euphoria typical themes. Mention of violence and blood. Mentions of sex but no actual smut.
>> A/N: Sorry I was gone for a while, work was really stressful the last two weeks. This was written during my lunch breaks. It’s spellchecked but I didn’t proofread. Hope you enjoy it anyway ♥ English is not my first language so cut me some slack ;) All likes, reblogs and comments are much appreciated ♥
The first time grandma took Fez to a deal with Marco he hated it. The place smelled like blood and sweat and loud metal music blasted from the speakers as guys with bloated muscles kept punching bags of sand and leather.
It wasn't that he didn't like the whole scene itself. Boxing was kinda cool and he wouldn't have minded taking some lessons himself. But it was just after the accident, the cold metal of the crowbar smashing against his head still fresh on his mind. And it was so loud. That place was loud and hectic and the air was thick and heavy. It made him anxious and it overwhelmed him.
Marco was nice enough but that didn't change the fact that all of Fez's senses went into overdrive as soon as he stepped foot into the place.
And then the thing with grandma happened and everything was forever changed.
He had to grow up. Immediately. While he never really got to be a kid, a little spark of the boy he used to be was still there. When he had to take over the business, that spark died.
It was on him to make sure Ash had a roof over his head and that there was enough food in the fridge. It was on him to take care of grandma and keep the shop and the drug business going. It was all on him.
And there was no room for mistakes. No room for fear or anxiety or hesitation.
Marco was one of the few that kept taking him seriously even without Marie by his side. Maybe, Fez thinks, he felt bad for him. Just a fucking kid carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Or maybe he was just super into blow and Fez was the cheapest seller.
In the end, it don't really make a difference.
He likes to come by early in the morning when the boxing club is fairly deserted still. The music isn't so loud, the air not as thick.
"Yo, Marco. I'm here."
Fez usually calls before he enters the building. Sometimes, when there's too many people around, he wants to do business outside or in the backroom.
"Shit, Fez. I totally forgot you was comin' today man. I only remembered like 30 minutes ago but I'm already on the road. Getting some new equipment for the place. Sorry, man. But I told (Y/N) you were coming around. She can handle it. "
There's very few things Fez hates more than people wasting his time with their misplaced irresponsibility. This is his fucking business, his livelihood. He's particular and careful about who he's making bigger deals with. Handling the drop-off with some girl he doesn't know? That fucking sucks.
"Man, you know I hate doing shit with people I don't know."
"She's cool, Fez. Trust me. Basically raised the kid until her mama went all crazy bitch on me and found some new dude to smooch off on. Still got a soft spot for the girl. "
"So she's family? You trust her?"
"Yeah for sure. She's family. "
"Alright man, but if she causes trouble..."
"That girl is all trouble but she'll be able to handle this. Promise you, man. I'll pay extra next time for the inconvenience."
Extra pay. Now that sounds like something Fez could be on board with. And yet, a bad feeling settles in the pit of his stomach. Like when you're watching a horror movie and you know something's about to jump out and scare you.
Only it's not a monster or a serial killer greeting him as he enters the building. It's a girl in basketball shorts and a sports bra kicking and punching a punching bag with a fury as if the inanimate object has personally insulted her mother or something.
She's hot though. He can admit that much. There's hardly room or time for a girl in his life but he isn't blind. That girl looks like trouble in all the best and most delicious ways.
"You (Y/N)?" Fez calls out to her which makes her whip around, eye focused on him like an animal considering whether to run or to fight.
"Depends. Who's asking?"
She's out of breath, sweat pearls down her face.
"I'm Fez, was supposed to see Marco but -"
" Oh, you're the guy!" She exclaims and it seems for the first time since he stepped foot into the place she relaxes a bit. A smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she grabs the towel hanging around her neck and dabs the sweat off her skin.
"Guess so," Fez replies and shrugs his shoulder in agreement. "The guy". It ain't the worst he's ever been referred to. Sometimes it's quite shocking how little respect people show him. As if he's not a human being just trying to get by and provide for his family but a personal substances ATM dealing out addictions with malice and bad intentions. Being "the guy" really ain't so bad.
" Didn’t expect you to be so — “
“ So? “
“ Young. You’re like my age. I thought drug dealers were mean and scary and — old. “
He’s also heard this quite a few times before, less so now, but back when he first took over, people didn’t take him seriously at all. To be fair, he can’t blame them. They learned fast though, that he can do business just as well as people twice his age. Some people might not see it as something to be proud of but grandma always told him to find pride in what he does. Making money. Providing for his family.
“ Yeah, well you got a problem with that? “ he asks, eyebrows raised in question. He really doesn’t have time for this bullshit.
“ No I — sorry I didn’t mean it like that. I’m pleasantly surprised actually. Didn’t expect you to be this cute. Uh anyway, let’s go to Marco’s office, that’s where he left the money. “
Cute? Now that’s a new one. Sure, there’s always at least one drunk girl at a party trying to get a discount by offering him — something in return. But they are drunk and horny and out for a price cut. It ain’t serious. Fez isn’t blind. He knows he’s not the kind of guy girls usually go for. Not compared to pretty-faced cover boys like Nate Jacobs.
He wonders if this girl is blind, crazy, or just trying to play him for a fool. Either way, he hates that it makes him blush.
“ Yeah alright, lead the way. “
She untangled the red boxing wraps from around her fists exposing the colorful bruised knuckles of her right hand.
"Fuck, man. That's some bruises you got there."
She shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly as she curls and uncurls her fingers into a fist and back. She winces slightly before quickly making the expression with a fake smile.
Fez is good at reading people. It's part of his job. Every move. Every little expression or gesture, he notices. He analyzes.
"Oh, it's not so bad. You should see the other guy," she jokes before a serious expression takes over her features " but don't tell Marco you saw me boxing. He wants me to take it easy. "
"Then why don't you?"
" 'cause he's just being ridiculous. It's really not that bad." She exclaims as she plops down onto the dingy fake leather rolling chair with the stuffing coming out that sits in the middle of Marco's office.
Fez's eyes travel back down towards her hand. The bruise has all the colors of the rainbow. Blue and purple and red and green and yellow. It's a kaleidoscope of pain.
"Ice that shit," he said and nods towards her hand as she gently hands him the roll of dollar bills.
"Okay dad, I will. You sound like Marco."
Fez can't help but let a small smirk pull the corner of his lips upward as he drops the plastic bag on the desk.
"You mind if I check?" He asks her, waving the roll of bills. "You can check too."
"I wouldn't even know what to check for. I might've taken over a lot of Marco's vices but drugs ain't one of them."
" 's just weed and coke. He doesn't want anything else at his club."
She chuckles slightly as she grabs the bag and stores it in one of the lockable desk drawers. "Yeah, he doesn't want his guys to do any drugs. Meanwhile, he's snorting lines in his office. Always such a do as I say, not as I do kinda dude."
She says it not with malice but with unwavering fondness. The way you talk about an old friend. One whose faults and shortcomings you know like your own but you accept them because they are what makes them, well - them.
"He said you're family," Fez mentions as he counts the money.
" Yah. He dated my mom for a few years. Was the best of her boyfriends. Taught me how to stand up for myself and not take shit from no one. Made sure we always had food and everything. He's the closest to a dad I ever had."
Dads, Fez thinks, are fucking overrated anyway. His sure as hell didn't even deserve being called a dad. Never showed up when he was needed. Wrapped his love in a fist. Bruised cheeks where there should've been kisses.
He tries to be better. Do better. He's no dad but he's the only man Ash has in his life. He hopes he can be worthy.
"So you my age, how come I never saw you before?"
"Was in juvie for a while."
At that, his eyes snap up to meet hers. "Word?"
"Nah, I was a fucking nerd in high school and I got offered a scholarship to study abroad for 2 years at a gifted program. Then afterward I went to university but I fucking hated it. Now I'm back and working here for Marco. I want to start working with teens. Think it helped me stay on a good path, maybe I can help someone else."
"You any good?" Fez asks, a laugh swinging along with his words.
"Yeah dude, I'm real good."
"Your knuckles say otherwise."
"That's - a different story. Didn't use my head in that fight. "
He wants to know more. Wants to know what happened. Something about this girl has him mesmerized.
"Used your knuckles though. I can see that."
The money is all good. He's counted twice now. He could leave but he doesn't really want to. Something keeps him here. Something about her makes him want to stay around.
"Guess you could say that."
"So, you comin' to the party tonight?"
The words are out of his mouth before his brain really comprehends them. Sometimes his lips are so much faster than his head.
"There's a party."
"There's always a party. 'specially on new years eve."
"Are you gonna be there?"
There's a twinkle in her eyes. A challenge. A request. A glimmer of hope. Excitement maybe.
" Mmh. For sure. Gotta work."
"At the party?"
"Well yeah, I -"
"Oh shit, I forgot. Sorry, stupid question."
She seems almost shy as she realizes what his work at the party entails. He thinks she's so fucking cute.
"Nah, you good. You gonna be there?"
She bites her lip in consideration. Red and flushed. He wants to taste them, taste her. So fucking badly. Get yourself together, man. What are you? A horny 14-year-old?
(Y/N) grabs her phone from the desk and holds it out towards him. " Here, text yourself so you have my number. Then you can let me know where and when tonight."
And when she smiles at him he thinks maybe this will be the first time in a long time that he goes to a party not just for business but for pleasure.
He texts himself a smiley face.
" 'ight. Here you go. Guess I'll be seeing you tonight."
"Guess you will."
When she says those words, she underlines them by biting her lip. He's not sure if it's meant to be suggestive. He likes it either way.
Heavy steps take him out of the office and towards the gate leading out into the open and just before his hand meets the door handle to push open the heavy iron door, she calls out his name.
It’s quiet, music playing so low it hardly floods the entire boxing club, making her voice echo through the halls and sound even louder.
“ Yeah? “ he asks, eyebrows raised in confusion. Ain’t nothing wrong with the product, he counted and weighed and packed it himself. He knows that for certain. There’s not a lot that Fez is proud of and quite honestly he doesn’t know if this one counts, but he’s good at his job, meticulous, and attentive. He wants to take pride in that even if a lot of people might disagree. “ Something wrong with the merch?"
"Merch is fine. I'm gonna go take a shower, thought maybe you want to join me?"
He's not sure how long he's standing there, not saying anything. His dick for sure is screaming at him to fucking go for it. His brain though has some kind of short circuit or something. Pretty girls like her don't go around asking boys like him questions like this one.
And then she lets a giggle fall from her lips and breaks the spell.
"You can close your mouth, babe. It was just a joke. I'll see you tonight, okay?"
He just nods and leaves through the front door, the midday sun smacking his face and pulling him back down to earth.
What the actual fuck was that?
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The moment she walks in, eyes latch onto her and follow her around as she pushes through the crowd of sweaty, drunk teenagers.
She's wearing ripped Jean's, heeled boots, and a sparkly top partially covered by a jacket. She looks like she could break and heal you all at the same time. And Fez is sure he wouldn't fucking mind her doing either of those things to him.
"Wassup, million-dollar baby. How you doin'?"
She grants him a radiating smile before dropping down on the couch next to him and wiggling her plastic cup in the air.
"Pretty good. They got some expensive ass vodka here. How about you, Heisenberg?"
He smirks at the nickname. There's something about this girl that makes him feel like they've been friends for years.
"Yeah I'm good," he replies, holding out his smoke to her which she declines with a little shake of her head.
"You don't smoke?"
"I do sometimes. Just not feeling it right now."
"Alright Rocky, just lemme know when you change your mind."
She laughs at the nickname then agrees.
"Okay will do. Now tell me about your friends here."
As she gestures around the room, Fez regards the crowd. He knows a lot of these people and he knows even more about these people, whether they want him to know or not. People tell him all kinds of shit about everyone and everything. Does he care? No, not really. But people seem to lose any kind of filter they had when they come to buy their shit at his store and rope him into a conversation he doesn't fucking care for.
"None of them are really my friends. Except for Lexi and Rue but I don't see them around right now."
"Who's the tall guy?" She asks, nodding her head towards Nate Jacobs who's leaning against the kitchen counter in a heated argument with Maddy, as always.
"His name is Nate. Don't get caught up in his mess though."
"Why? He that bad?"
"He's a fucking asshole."
Fez can feel the red hot anger bubble up inside of him again. The feeling of dread and anxiety he felt when they got raided. The constant worry about Rue and her friends. All thanks to this bitch who calls himself a man. Pathetic.
His hands are twitching with the images of what's to come. He ain't here solely for work and play. He's also here to settle a score. Pay back some.
"Oh no, don't worry. He's too tall for my taste and I'm not looking to get with any High Schoolers anyway. And he seems pretty locked up to me. That girl he's arguing with, she's his girlfriend, isn't she?"
Fez exhales through his nose at her question. There's something comical about Nate and Maddy, if the whole thing wasn't so sad and toxic.
"Who knows. Sometimes she is. Sometimes she's not.  I 'ont keep up with them. But between us, she the only one at this whole party that scares me. Girl is ruthless."
"Maybe she's just frustrated with the way he's treating her. Boy looks like he demands a blowjob every time they fuck and then doesn't kiss her afterward because he's disgusted."
"Yooo, who does that."
Her laughter is half-hidden by her plastic cup as she takes a sip from her drink. "Oh, you'd be surprised."
"You know guys like that?"
"I've blown guys like that."
"Yo, you hanging out with the wrong kinda men then."
He rests his head on the back of the couch and turns slowly towards her only to be greeted by her eyes already on him. A small smile is playing on her lips and fuuuck, he wants to kiss her so badly.
"Mmh. I'm trying to change that."
Her words are low and breathy, almost whispers but not quite. And for a second it feels like they are the only two people at this god damn party.
"That one of your resolutions for the new year?"
"Maybe. You got some?"
"A few," he shrugs.
"Which are?"
"Now, if I tell you they won't be coming true."
"They're resolutions Fez, not wishes."
He likes making her laugh, he decides right then. Maybe that can be added to his list of resolutions. Make her laugh more often.
"Okay but if I tell you and I don't stick to 'em, you can call me out on it. If I keep 'em a secret, I only have to answer to myself."
She's quiet for a moment. Contemplating.
"Hmm. Yeah, that makes sense in a weird way."
As they're about to fall back into conversation, a girl steps up to stand by the couch. She has her hair intricately braided around her head and she's wearing some kind of polka dot print shirt. She looks like a fairy, (Y/N) thinks. Though her demeanor doesn't give any sign of joy. Her arms are crossed, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. She reminds her a little of Tinkerbell when she's angry.
"Have you guys seen Cassie?"
Her words come out frantic and quick. Like a plea. "We got in a fight and she got out of the car and  now I can't find her."
"Nah, sorry Lexi. Haven't seen her all night. Didn't come around to buy nothin'." Fez replies in his signature slow drawl.
"I don't even know who Cassie is. What's she look like?" (Y/N) asks the worried pixie-like girl.
"Blond. Short blue dress."
Sadly shaking her head (Y/N) has to disappoint. "Don't think I've seen her. But I'll keep an eye out. Promise"
With a rushed "thank you" Lexi excused herself from the conversation leaving Fez and (Y/N) in their shared comfort once again.
"So that was Lexi. You said she's your friend!"
"She is. She's cool."
Her eyes wander towards the rip in her jeans that she's nervously picking at as the next words fall from her lips.
"She like a friend friend — or a girlfriend?"
Fez lets out a soft chuckle as the air around the fills with the smoke escaping his lips.
"She a friend friend. Why you care? If you wanna know if I'm single or something, you can just ask me."
"Are you?"
There's a challenge in her eyes and while he usually doesn't really care all too much about the chase, there's something about this girl that makes him question everything he ever thought he knew about himself.
"Why you askin'? You interested?"
"Just like to make sure I'm not flirting with a man who's taken."
His heart does a little flutter when she says that and for a second he feels 12 years old again, like having his first-ever crush. Ridiculous.
"You flirting with me?"
"My guy, I've been flirting with you since you stepped into the boxing hall."
He smiles around the blunt, smile escaping from between his lips. He likes girls who go for what they want, who tell him outright. He's never been one for games and hanging out at high school parties just made it even more clear to him that those are not the kind of toxic and manipulative relationships he wants to maintain.
"That's good to know.'
"Mmmh. Hey, it's almost midnight. You got anyone in mind to share a new years kiss with?"
He wants to kiss her. Everything inside him screams at him to abandon the plan. To say fuck it and kiss her instead.
Then he catches eight of Ash as he maneuvers his way through the crowd, doing his part. Doing what Fez told him to do. It would be a huge asshole move to let him hanging and not stick to his own side of the plan. And for a girl too.
Fez's eyes survey the room before stopping on exactly the face he's been looking for. Nate leans against the half wall separating the kitchen and the vast living room. He's got a cup in hand and that damn smirk on his face that makes Fez's hand curl into a fist. This has been a long fucking time coming
"Yo, (Y/N). Listen, I don't want tonight to end yet but I gotta do some shit. Shit that ain't nice. My bro is waiting in our car outside, you feel like hanging out at my place after I deal with — business?"
She looks at him with eyes bursting with curiosity.
"You want me to come home with you?"
"If you wanna."
She thinks for a moment before a smirk takes over her lips "sure."
He can't help but reciprocate the smile. There's something about this girl that makes his stomach do weird tingly things. He's not sure if it's something more or if he's just really horny. Maybe both.
After he explained which car is his and what to tell Ash, she grabs her stuff and turns back to face him. In a move that makes Fez's inside implode with all kinds of joy and goodness, she tangles her fingers in his sweater and pulls him closer.
Her lips are so close to his ear, he can feel her breath against his skin, and god, he wishes they were this close in a completely different situation.
"Aim for the temple if you're after a quick knockout. The nose if you want him to suffer a bit longer."
Then she kisses his cheek and vanishes into the crowd leaving Fez dumbfounded and enchanted all at once.
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"Was the bottle necessary?"
A stinging pain rushes through his hand as (Y/N) stitches up the cut. She tries to be as gentle as possible, biting her lip in concentration.
The way she stands between his legs as Fez is sitting comfortably on the kitchen table sends a shudder of electricity through him. Having her there feels good. It feels right.
"I got a flair for the dramatics," he murmurs, eyes trained on her face. On the way her eyebrows furrow when she focuses on the task at hand. On the tip of her tongue that peeks out from between her lips every once in a while. On the care and the warmth that's gleaming in her eyes.
He feels fidgety, nervous and excited, and overwhelmed.
"Yo, you gotta hold still for me to stitch you up," she scolds him slightly.
"Sorry. Just — feel like I gotta do shit, ya know?"
"I get it. That's the adrenaline still running through your system. Makes you wanna punch someone," she explains and lets his stitched-up hand go. Her arms wrap around his neck instead and, as if working on autopilot, Fez's hands find their place on her hips. Fuck, she's killing him.
"Or fuck someone."
The spark of mischief is back in her eyes and it feels magnetic. Addicting.
She gently takes his hand that's resting on her hip and moves it lower, placing it right on the soft curves of her gorgeous ass. Fez thinks he might be dying.
"Yo, you fucking bold. Ain't no beating around the bush, huh?"
It's not a judgment from his side, it's just an observation. He's not judging at all, if anything, he's fucking thrilled.
"Just trying to start the new year sticking to my resolution. Spend my time with nicer men."
She looks at him as if he's the best thing she's seen in all her life. He doesn't think he's deserving of that look. He takes it anyway.
"You think I'm a nice man?"
"The nicest man!"
And when she nuzzles her nose against his, he feels like someone grabbed him and pulled him into a cheesy rom-com or some pop love song. His gut feels tingly and his heart is beating twice as fast.
"I'm not in high school anymore, Fez. I don't wanna play games. I like you, and I think you're hot so I'm telling you what I want. If you just wanna hang out and watch a movie, that's fine too. Just letting you know. Ball's in your court … or corner if we wanna stay with the boxing terminology."
He lets out a breathy chuckle "how you so hot and then say shit like that?"
"I'm a woman of many talents."
"Yeah," he says and pulls away just enough to look into her eyes. "You wanna show 'em to me?"
She tastes like liquor and some kind of artificial honey chapstick. He thinks she tastes like heaven.
Her lips are soft and warm and when she lets her tongue touch his he thinks he might explode. With hunger and thirst for her. Body and soul.
"Yo, what the hell. Not on the kitchen table, c'mon guys."
As Ash's complaint echoes through the kitchen, they pull away, just slightly. Just enough to see the longing in each other's eyes.
"Yeah alright. Calm down, bro. We'll go to my room. Just — keep them headphones on full volume."
Her giggle sounds through the halls as Fez sweeps her up into his arms and Carrie's her towards his room. Just before he pushes the door closed with his foot, they both hear an aggravated "gross" being called out to them, making them both laugh against each other's lips.
This wasn't his first time, but Fez really wasn't as much of a ladies' man as some people might believe him to be.
Yeah, his job comes with a lot of opportunities to be just that but it also comes with a horrible side effect of not being able to really trust anyone. And Fez really isn't out there looking to fuck girls he can't even trust.
The few times he's had sex were more out of curiosity and frustration than anything else.
It was a way to scratch an itch. To work off some energy. To get his mind off of things for a while. It was good, sure, but it was never like this.
Playful and silly and awkward and soft.
She gets tangled up in her own top as he tries to pull it over her head, leaving her with messed-up hair and the biggest grin on her face.
"Oh shit, ma. I'm sorry."
"No," she giggles and lets her forehead rest against his shoulder as she straddles him. " No, you good."
They're laughing and smiling and Fez has genuine fun even in the moments leading up to the actual sex. Something is different. Maybe this time it's because he's all in.
Body & Head & Heart.
And it's scary. To give all of you to a person you just met. But she makes him feel things. Things he can't explain. Things he doesn't know and doesn't understand fully.
Maybe, he thinks, maybe it's time to let himself feel this way though. For once he deserves something that is entirely his because he chose it. He chose to let himself feel. He chose her.
And she chose him back.
Not for any reason of guilt or responsibility or anything like that.
Just for who he is.
The nicest man.
He's not sure that's true. Quite honestly he doesn't think he's all that mice when he leaves hickeys and little bites all along her collarbone. When he kisses the soft flesh of her boobs. When he sucks her nipples between his lips.
It's definitely not a nice thing to literally rip her panties off of her body. But then when he kisses that spot behind her ears, thrusts into her with all the passion his body has to give, and she makes those sounds, he thinks maybe he is being a little nice.
His name falls from her lips like a hymn, like a motherfucking prayer.
And she looks so ethereal when he flips them over.  When she's underneath him.
She looks like a goddess but she ain't. She's just a girl in the way he is just a boy.
Not the nicest of the best. No superlatives. Just a boy. Just Fez. And he thinks that might just be all he has to be for her.
She looks almost glowing in post-orgasmic bliss. Sweat is clinging to their bodies as she rests in his arms. She seems to fit perfectly.
Her fingers draw shapes on his skin, first his shoulder, then the side of his head.
"What happened?" She asks, her voice laced with concern as she trails her finger along the scar that runs across his head.
He has no problem talking about it, people are usually just afraid to ask. And if they do, they're usually not people worth sharing the story with.
Her eyes grow wide in surprise. "For real"
"Yeah, was an accident though. Wrong place, wrong time kinda thing."
"That's rough, my guy." She says and places a kiss on his head, right above his scar. Maybe sometimes scars aren't meant to remind us of our wrongdoings. Maybe sometimes they're meant to be kissed.
He takes her hands from his head and kisses her bruised knuckles, gently and carefully.
"What happened?"
She considers her words for a moment, he can almost see the images flash behind her eyes. It's not a nice memory that much is for sure.
"One of mom's ex-boyfriends came by the house. Bad guy, very shitty guy. He used to push her around. Slap her sometimes. He's the reason Marco took me under his wing and taught me how to fight. I never had to stand up to him but this time I couldn't watch anymore. So I used all that I have learned. "
"Did he learn his lesson?"
"I broke his nose and gave him a gushing wound above his eyebrow so, I hope he did."
For a moment they linger in peaceful silence. Just let themselves be. Quiet and soft and comfortable.
"We all kinds of messed up."
She laughs at his words. "You tell me."
"Maybe we can be messed up together. Cancel each other's messes out, ya know."
She kisses his head again. He could get used to this.
"Hey uh — I've been meaning to ask you. I know we started this thing all backwards but uh — would you like to go out with me sometimes. Like, I don't know, for dinner or something."
Her voice is timid, shy, almost unrecognizable and it makes him fall even harder.
It also makes him laugh
"Yo, you telling me you're all fine and shit when I rip your panties off and touch your whole body but asking me out to dinner is making you shy? "
"Stop laughing," she replies and slightly pushes against his shoulder though her words are laced with amusement.
"Sex is easy. This is hard. Being vulnerable and all that. Scares me a little."
Fez pulls her closer again, cradles her face in his hand, and kisses her lips. Once. Twice. Three times.
"Shit me too. But maybe it ain't so scary if we do it together, ya know. Got no idea about this kind of thing but I'm willing to try and I'm happy to learn. That sound good?"
She thinks for a moment then smiles.
"I guess I can try to be brave if you want to have me and I get to have you. Messes and all."
"For sure. I'm in your corner, baby. Messes and all."
The first time grandma took Fez to a deal with Marco he hated it. The place smelled like blood and sweat and loud metal music blasted from the speakers as guys with bloated muscles kept punching bags of sand and leather.
Fez never believed much in fate though as he gets lost in (Y/N)'s sweet kisses, he thinks that he will be forever grateful to whatever higher power led him here. Made him step into that boxing gym for the first time. God or Karma or just his Grandma.
Whatever it was it brought him to exactly where he was always supposed to be. 
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bratmeout · 2 years
summary: maddy heard about you bad talking her so she decides to confront you at the school’s basketball game.
warnings: fingering, oral (reader receiving), dirty talking.
pairings: dom!maddy perez x sub!fem!reader.
angie’s note to her angels: i’m down bad for miss demie but a slut for maddy. first fic and of course it’s dirty, would put a word count but i’m writing on my phone. hope this makes all my readers wetter than dasani.
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You always knew your mouth was gonna get you in trouble—and sure enough, it did. You’re not sure how it happened exactly, but Maddy Perez found out that you were talking shit about her.
And instead of beating your ass like she normally would, the dark haired girl told you she had something ‘better’ in mind.
“Look at you—soaked from just my fingers,” Maddy teases in your ear. Never in a million years did you think you’d be fingered underneath the bleachers…especially by her.
You could barely talk, words replaced by whimpers as Maddy’s small sum of digits assaulted your dripping cunt, occasionally gliding her thumb softly against your clit.
“Not such a big mouth are you, Y/N?” She snickers pulling her fingers out. You whimper at the lost contact, chest heaving up and down from all the heavy breathing you’ve been doing. Maddy lowers herself between your legs harshly pushing them apart.
“You better fucking cum before we get caught and before this game is over.” She hisses, her dark eyes boring into yours like lasers. You quickly nod and watch as she dips her head down into your soaked pussy.
Her lips find your clit with ease, sucking harshly on the swollen bud. It takes everything in you not let out the slightest moan. The thought of one of your classmates, friends—or even the other students catching you two fills you up with thrill.
You throw your head back as Maddy’s soft lips clamp around your clit harshly, her tongue flicking against it wildly. A gasp leaves your swollen lips and you feel her enter two fingers into your dripping hole. The heat in your stomach rises letting you know what’s next to come.
“I-I’m so close Maddy!” You whimper, grabbing the girls hair. “So close, I don’t think I can—“
And just like that, the rush of pleasure washes over your body causing small suffocated whimpers to leave your mouth. Maddy smirks as she laps up your juices and quickly wipes her mouth afterwards.
“I’m so not done with you, you just wait until after school.” the girl grins swatting your thigh.
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faeaura · 3 years
girl next door au with euphoria?
small note: absolutely in loveeee with this. i don’t think anyone in the show fits this stereotype either! makes writing this a lil’ more significant.
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girl next door au — euphoria.
being the girl next door in the whimsical world of euphoria. the girl that parents love and teachers adore. always helping the elderly couple across the street with their daily errands. volunteering at the soup kitchen on weekends, first one to arrive at ballet practice on tuesdays. senior girl scout, always flexing your badges. the wall above your bed decorated with cute pictures of you and your friends on vacation, the family portrait you drew when you were six at your grandma’s house, and a pretty pink shelf—holding all your ribbons and trophies from past and current accomplishments.
definitely a straight a student. hands in assignments a day early. you’re quick to do an extra credit assignment even when you don’t really need the bonus points. other than the girls you met at the dance studio, you don’t really have that many friends at school. people still know who you are though, rue bennett being one of them. she often finds herself being attracted to your warm nature. your friendliness is very alluring to her.
you met her friend once. it was at a sleepover at maddy perez’s house. a nice girl, but you know better than to get on her bad side. you met lexi, rue’s childhood best friend. you got along with her very well. the two of you bonded over books, music, and poetry. when she gave you her number, you saved it quickly. it’s taking you some time to get used to the other girls, you’re not sure if you fit in with them well. it’s worth a try, though.
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ttheriddlerr · 3 years
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summary : in which, maybe running away from your problems isn’t always bad !
warning : not proofread !
pairing : fezco x reader (again sorry <\3)
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“so you have been lying to me? you arent fucking clean [name]? maybe sheila was right to ask for this test-“
“so this was SHEILA’S idea? oh go fuck yourself sheila” your eyes looked into sheila’s while she held her little smirk
“im just trying to look out for your father! you have put him through enough!” she yelled at you, who did this bitch think she was?
your mother wasn’t a piece in your life so you lived with your father. you guys never had a great relationship as you basically raised yourself. since he was too busy putting his girlfriends and wives before you.
before your brain thought your fist did first, and before you knew it you punched sheila square in the jaw.
“WHAT THE FUCK [NAME]” your dad yelled as sheila started crying
she’d be fine she’s being dramatic you thought, you simply walked out the house while he was busy taking care of her.
you texted jules letting her know you were coming over, you never really wanted her before hand when you came but that didn’t matter. you both were very good friends and from time to time you’d just pop up at each other’s houses.
she replied with a yes, which got you to take off on your bike down her way. it didn’t take you long as you guys only lived about five blocks away from each other.
once you arrived mr.vaughn opened the door and you greeted him, by the look on your face he kinda knew what happened so he didn’t ask.
you walked up to jules room to find rue, elliot and jules just talking about random shit.
“you got caught didnt you?” rue asked as you sat on the floor next to elliot
“sadly yes, because of that bitch sheila. i punched her and my dad acted like it was the end of the world” you laughed resting your head on elliot’s shoulder
you and him had became very good friends ever since he moved, he liked how you weren’t afraid to express yourself differently from everyone else. whether it be how you dress, talk, act or do your hair he liked it all.
a laughter erupted within the group and jules chimed up and said
“yeah girl his world ended!” which made them laughter louder
“do you guys have any plans for tonight?” you asked looking around the room, you really wanted to go out somewhere.
“we got invited to a party but we don’t know” elliot said shaking his head slightly
“omg guys let’s go!!” you exclaimed lifting your head from his shoulder, him missing the warmth from your cheeks against his shoulder.
“you don’t even have anything to wear…” commented rue, she must not know you and jules have been planning for something like this
“oh yeah i do! i always keep spare clothes at jules” you said rushing to jules closet, you pulled out a black dress that was way shorter than expected
“okay everyone close your eyes and don’t be pervs” you said jokingly as your took off your shirt
you didn’t really care for them seeing you naked because that have already. weeks before you all went skinny dipping together in some random persons yard.
you pulled your sweat pants off and slipped the dress on, it hugged your figure nicely making you smile.
“alright everyone find something to wear we are going!” you looked yourself in the mirror before picking up your phone and snapping a picture.
it was just of you in the dress and the rest of them in the background, you did in fact post it on your story. captioning it as “it’s game time slowpokes.” jokingly of course.
as the rest of them tore apart jules closet to help her you were looking at your story viewers and you seen a new one. his name was fezco, he wasn’t unfamiliar to you but he didn’t follow you so it was kinda weird to say the least.
“rue can you hook me up with fez? please help your poor cousin.” you pouted playfully as you whined
“no [name] im not cupid” to that you frowned you helped her with jules why couldn’t she help you.
once jules was ready we had to go to rues and then elliot’s do they could get ready real quick.
once reaching rues house her mother let us in and rue rushed to get changed. elliot was acting weirder than usual and when you questioned it he just didn’t answer, weird.
once rue was done getting ready we started our journey to elliot’s house.
elliot getting ready wasn’t really a hassle as he could easily pick two things and look nice.
so when you all arrived at the party it was already lit, the music blared from inside the house to outside, people out front smoking and making out. the perfect party for the four of your guys!
you all entered the house and you instantly dragged them to the kitchen for drinks.
you had a shot as a pre-game then filled your cup with vodka and strawberry juice. literally the best combination in your opinion.
you weren’t paying much attention to what everyone else got to drink. you felt rue nudge your elbow and signaled for you to follow her.
so you did because you knew where this was going. she wanted you to buy for you and her from fez, and you did because you simply wanted to.
you bought some ecstasy for yourself that you probably wouldn’t end up taking and something for rue.
the party was going smoothly, you hadn’t taken the ecstasy that you bought and ended up giving it to cassie because you knew she did that type stuff.
you only drank and danced by yourself or with the people you came with. when you got tired you sat down on a chair outside the house trying to get air from the cramped up house.
to your surprise fez sat next to you smoking something, he hadn’t noticed you sit down. you relaxed into the breeze and closed your eyes, the alcohol in your system helped you relaxing.
“ayo ain’t you uh, rues cousin? or am i trippin’?” he questioned looking over to you
“yeah yeah thats me.” you said grabbing your hair and attempting to put it in a pony tail but your curls had puffed up from the moisture in the house.
“you sober right now?” he asked, why did he care you thought.
“yeah i didnt take anything, why?” you looked over to him and he was now sitting up
“you’re like the only sober one here. lowkey proud of you for not givin’ in.” he said taking another long drag from his joint
“thanks, means a lot.” you said with a small smile
“that dress is cute ma’ if i wasn’t here i’d be taking you on a date” he laughed and eyed you up and down
“oh shut up fez, you don’t mean that” you said laughing along with him
“why would i lie ma’ you looking good, since the last time i seen you at least.” you cringed not wanting to remember the first day you had seen him after rehab a couple months ago.
“im leaving here soon with uh ash, if you want you can come along. we can chill or whatever.” he smiled slightly toward you
“yeah- uh yeah i’d like that” you smiled a smile wide enough to strain your cheeks for a good thirty minutes.
let’s just say, after you all left you had the best night ever. a night filled with laughter and happiness.
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cecethinks · 3 years
Fezco’s and Y/n social media
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| rue_benny Gorgeous😫😍
| Fezco.s back off kid😡
| Y.n/l/n dw I’m all yours <3
| Y/n.l/n Stop girl ur making me blush!
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Comments turned off
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botphobiaa · 3 years
your instagram posts if you were dating fezco.
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notes: so sorry for not updating! I’ve been sick with covid for most of the break I took, but hopefully I’ll start writing again soon! Here’s something small as a token of my appreciation for everything you guys have been doing! 
also, if you guys are interested in posts like these for more of your favorite characters, please let me know in my ask box :).
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liked by juless and 132 others
yourinstagram my favorite boys :)
view all 32 comments 
ruebennett you saying these my drug dealers? 
➥ fezco @ruebennet find new ones
asshtray u said u wouldn’t show no one
➥ yourusername @asshtray you didn’t explain what bitcoin was to me asshole.
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liked by ruebennett and 230 others
yourusername i think he was more excited to see spider-man than he was to see me
view all 132 comments
lexihoward you guys are so cute together!!
➥ yourusername @lexihoward we know 😊.
fezco anything but that ma
➥ yourusername @fezco let’s go watch it again
ruebennett spider-man seems familiar
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liked by asshtray and 198 others
yourusername happy birthday to my favorite person in the entire world. i hope you many more years to come and i love you so much. you deserve so much <33
view all 178 comments
fezco ty my pretty girl <3
➥ yourusername @fezco anything for the loml
ruebennett throwing up and crying ??
juless happy birthday fez!!
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Fez x sister reader x maddy when they meet on New Years and maddy bugs fez about yn and she can’t stop talking about yn fluff
life’s too short — Maddy Perez x fez x OCSister!
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A|N: always pictured writing for a problematic bad bitch like Maddy but felt like I couldn’t do her any justice. Yet here we are! 😂 switched it up a little bit to set the scene better. Had to make my own little moodboard since tumblr is being annoying by blocking every Maddy gif there is! Also switched POV’s too since I’m so used to writing in 2nd POV. It’s a short one so I hope you like it! Also I used a farsi term in here so if I have any Farsi speaking readers please let me know if the term is incorrect!
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Maddy didn’t care how it looked.
When she did ever when it came to things that she did? Regardless of anything, Maddy Perez was going to do what she wanted and would shit on anybody that watched or had something negative to say.
Here she was dancing on some corny dude named Travis and when Kat mouthed near by, “who is that?” It only egged Maddy on more as swayed her hips, a smile plastered on her glossed lips.
She didn’t even see you come in from the back, but of course you noticed her right away. However it didn’t bother you, this was just Maddy and she did her thing. You made your way through the bodies, greeting some faces that you knew of before stopping in front of fez and Lexi.
Fez was all grins at the sight of you as he pushed off the couch to bring you into his chest with his arms tossed across your shoulders. Rocking from side to side you placed a free hand on top of fez’s head just like you previously did to ash outside by the pool before you stepped back.
“What’s the vibe?” You asked, before you briefly took a seat next to Lexi, who smiled sweetly at you.
Lexi sighed, “I dunno typical party, people attempting to live ‘differently’ just to do the same exact shit for the next 365 days. And Cassie’s disappeared.”
You frowned, “wait what? Do I need to make a call?” You questioned, eyes shifting to Fez who lifted his shoulders unsure.
“I’m sure she’s fine. She’s just not answering her phone, she pissed me off on the way here and jumped out the car like a total maniac.” Lexi rambled while you nodded your head from side to side, getting it.
That’s siblings for you but you wouldn’t leave ash or fez on the side of the road if they hopped out though. You might have ran them over and tossed them in the trunk…but you wouldn’t have left them. Hey, every sibling dynamic is different.
You didn’t judge…much but you sure did have a mind of your own.
The three of you fell into small chatter until you picked up that fez was sending signals that he wanted to chat with Lexi alone some more. You caught the hint and sat for another five minutes just to annoy him a little bit, before you told the two you’d see them later as you left to go mingle with other guests.
It wasn’t until Jules and Kat brought it to Maddy’s attention that you were back, that made the dark haired girl turn this party into a safari scene.
“Are you shitting me? Where did you see her?” Maddy eyes scanned over the multiple faces in the house.
Jules and kat sent each other knowing looks.
“I don’t know, it was awhile ago.” Kat answered, amusement on her red lips.
Jules added before taking a sip from her red cup, “you should ask fez, he should know. Although he didn’t know much about rue but…maybe he knows more about Valli—
Maddy didn’t wait for anything more to be said as she strutted over to fez and Lexi not caring what they were talking about. “Fezco!”
“Wassup?” Fez asked, not sure what this girl was on—based on her tone.
“Valli here?”
Fez dipped his head, “yeah.” Was all he said.
Maddy snapped her fingers, “okay…so where is she?”
“I don’t know bro, there’s a lot people in here. She could be anywhere.” He drawled on bringing his blunt back to his lips.
Maddy rolled her eyes, “well what is she wearing? How long ago did she stop talking to you two?”
“Damn Maddy,” Lexi laughed, “maybe she’ll show up around the same time as Cassie?”
Maddy groaned, “thank you two for being completely useless! If you see her before I do, let her know that I’m looking for her. Matter of fact never mind, l’ll just call her.”
Lexi was wide eyed at Maddy’s dramatics and shared a glance with Fez who just chuckled to himself. He knew it was only a matter of time before y’all were back in each other’s faces, he was sure he’d hear about it later…depending on how this night went.
It felt like forever with Maddy trying to track you down, in her mind she was slicing everybody out of her way to get to you and that was a whole lot of people to put down. However Maddy was unfazed as she asked multiple people if they’ve seen you, most of them didn’t until one group said they saw you not too long ago heading to the bathroom.
They didn’t say which one, which frustrated Maddy even further. It had to be a solid half hour before she found you in one of the bedrooms that faced the pool with…McKay.
“Bitch.” Maddy called out, stomping over.
There Valli sat beside McKay, shoulder to shoulder as she pulled a heart-shaped lollipop from her nude glossed lips as the pair were focused on the screen of a turquoise Nintendo switch.
Before a full smile could break out onto Valli’s lips, Maddy was on her ass, jumping over McKay who was utterly confused as she straddled the Persian girl. Maddy’s acrylics dug into Valli’s bare bronzed shoulders as she sat on top of Valli who shifted the lollipop with her tongue staring up at the girl.
“Hey.” Valli started with her raspy voice.
Maddy sucked her teeth, “bitch you come back from overseas and don’t let me know? You don’t even pick up your phone when I’ve called you after I knew you were here? You can’t say hi?”
“Well..” Valli went to push up on her elbows but Maddy shoved her back down, “You were preoccupied with Travis, Maddy mads.”
“Who?” Maddy blinked.
McKay cut in after pausing the game, “the cowardly lion lookin’ ass dude you were giving the bratz choreo to, you don’t remember Maddy?”
Maddy rolled her eyes as she gave McKay the side eye, “I don’t need your input, McKay.”
“Damn my fault,” McKay placed his hand on his chest before going back to the game, “I was just trying to help jog your memory.“
Maddy scoffed, not being a big fan of the boy as she turned her attention back to Valli who was now staring up at the ceiling. Maddy reached forward with one hand and snatched the lollipop from her mouth to fling across the room.
“Hello?! Do you not see me here?”
“It’s kinda hard not too with your claws digging into me like this.” Valli laughed, “can I sit up now and talk or are you still holding me hostage?”
Maddy rolled her neck, “I’ll think about it.”
The Persian girl shrugged her shoulders, getting comfortable against the carpet and let Maddy stare her down but she knew Maddy also had a soft spot for her too.
“Do y’all want me to leave?”
“Yes.” Maddy answered.
Just for Valli to add, “no, we’re all chilling.”
McKay shifted his eyes back and forth between the two before he messed around with the Nintendo switch some more. He then placed it beside Valli’s mini purse that rested on the edge of the bed and pushed up into a standing position.
“Yeah…I think imma head out. Grab me another drink and give y’all some space.” McKay sighed with a shake of his head as Valli sent a wave his way and Maddy didn’t even spare him a glance.
Valli raised her thick brows, “so are you done pretending to be mad at me?”
“No I’m not,” Maddy growled, “would it of been so hard to let me know the last time we talked— which was yesterday actually! that you were back from the fucking Netherlands?”
“Surprise!” Valli gave Jazz hands but of course Maddy wasn’t having that as she gathered her hands into a tight grip of her own, “wow, you missed me that much?”
“Duh,” Maddy said as if it was obvious, “I’m no longer with Nate, who definitely shitted in one of the bathrooms here. So we can spend as much time together as possible now without him in the way.”
This time Maddy watched as Valli pulled herself up as if she were doing a crunch, thanks to the fact that she was now trapping Valli’s hands in her own. She almost lost her breath at how effortlessly Valli did that, which brought a smirk to her plump lips.
“Oh, so you’re ready to be with me?” Valli brushed her nose against Maddy’s.
Maddy scoffed but Valli didn’t miss how her eyes shifted to her lips, “whatever, shut up.” She slowly intertwined your fingers, a single dimple appearing on her cheek at the image.
“Well since you’re finally done being busy with your own version of California’s modern day american psycho…when are we hanging out?”
Maddy hummed as she flicked her hair back, pretending to think about it before she moved to lock her arms around Valli’s shoulders, “I’m starting this new babysitting job, unfortunately after school but whenever I guess.”
“I’ll check in with you then so you don’t have to chase me down, huh?”
“Let’s get this straight, I don’t chase anybody. People chase me.” Maddy shifted her head at each word making the girl laugh in her face.
“Were you not the one going crazy around this party trying to find me?”
“How do you know that, Valerie?” Maddy gave the luscious long haired girl a hard stare.
Locking her hands around the back of Maddy’s waist, “I have my ways, Madeleine.”
“Ugh, you’re so Irritating!”
“I can go back to the Netherlands if you want?”
“No!” Maddy pulled Valerie into a hug which she returned with pride.
It felt like forever since Maddy felt Valli here in her arms and sure it was tricky situation. On Maddy’s part really. Maybe not but she kept that shit to herself or rather pushed it down since Nate was always in the picture. When Valli left to another country for winter break, Maddy was pissed because she became dependent on Valli. Maddy believed she has plenty soulmates in this lifetime but only two of them seemed to matter right now, what she felt or feels? for Nate was not what she felt for the girl in her arms.
She loved Nate.
With Valli, Maddy saw what the next possible years could look like. And maybe that said a lot, she hinted at it when she had long conversations with Cassie when she couldn’t reach Valli due to time differences—that really fucked Maddy up by the way but Maddy tended to put her all in when it came to love. She wasn’t sure if she loved Valli but she adored her and knew she would always hold her down, which she’s proven as she stood by while Nate treated Maddy like pure shit.
Maybe that was enough.
Maddy was sure she even asked Valli drunkenly or half asleep countless of nights before to take Nate out and Valli was oh so tempted. Turns out Maddy was just talking. However Valli would do anything for Maddy Perez. She would have committed a crime but Fez was the only one to talk some sense into her. Valli was never scared to pull off what some might call “disturbing,” —she didn’t have many limits when it came to protecting those in her life.
To hear that Maddy and Nate were done felt nice but Valli knew this wouldn’t last long. Valli witnessed how much of a fool Maddy was for Nate and she knew not too far deep down that it was a only a matter time before something brought them back together. At what cost?
Only time would tell.
“Life’s too short you know, Aziz-e delam.” (Translation: Sweetheart) Valli purred, “I know what I want and I know you want to be with me.“
Maddy pulled back and tilted her head to the side a small smile on her lips, “girl, it sounds like you’re proposing to me right now.”
“Should this be a proposal?”
Maddy shook her head, “uh uh, you can’t be serious? Not in this fucking Brady brunch ass house.”
“I’m surprised you even know of that show.” Valli didn’t bother to correct her.
“You’re the one who put me onto these old ass shows. You got me hooked onto that weird shit like the twilight zone. Which I didn’t finish by the way.” Maddy commented, “you’re like my own personal Ariana grande.”
Valli volunteered at a lot of old folks homes, which would catch those that knew her off guard…since she was kinda into gore… she was commonly the one to clean up the mess when needed. Let’s just say not much made her queasy. Other sources called her to be the disposal, sometimes she would be the one to inflict the torture. She had a attachment to old folks home thanks to her own grandmother who fell ill with Alzheimer’s in her mid-fifties, it was written in her will for a woman named Kitty (Marie) to take care of Valli once she passed since Valli no longer had any family here in the states to take care of her. And then Kitty had a brain aneurysm so that left Valli, Fez, and Ash pretty much fucked to fend for themselves.
“Would you?”
“Consider marrying me, Aziz-e delam?” Valli slipped her hand through Maddy’s hair cupping her head as Maddy leaned into her touch.
Maddy smiled, that cute dimple appearing again as she stared at Valli’s lips, “I don’t know…would you be a good wife?”
“I think you already know the answer to that.”
“Ooo okay, miss. Confident.” Maddy laughed, “Maybe if you kiss me on New Years…so I know this is real and what else this commitment is made of.”
Valli shrugged, “done no problem, that’s easy work.” She reached for her purse to check the time on her Nintendo since her phone was ready to die, “we have thirty minutes.”
“Let’s dance.” Maddy climbed off Valli, pulling her dress down as she stood leaving Valli to get up on her own, who also pulled her skirt down.
Placing her bag on her wrist, Valli clasped hands with Maddy as the two girls made their way through the house back to the dance floor.
Wanna know what it's like (Like)
Every seemed to move in slow motion with one hand in the air, Maddy’s back was pressed to Valli’s front swaying, one her hand on Maddy’s waist as she followed her sways.
Baby, show me what it's like (Like)
Cassie eventually showed up with Maddy pulling her into her front but Valli could tell Cassie seemed stressed. However, Valli would dwell on that later as midnight was approaching. It was time to live in the moment and the countdown was starting, Valli was down for new beginnings she just wasn’t sure Maddy was.
The hand that rested on Maddy’s hip shifted upwards to grasp her jaw and tilt her face towards Valli’s. Valli could feel that perfect dimple against her fingertip and the music seemed to become background noise along with the countdown.
Maddy was willing as it was her idea but the sound of something breaking along with some screams prevented Valli to seal their lips with a kiss. Disappointment washed over Valli’s frame as everyone seemed to turn to Valli’s brother, beating the everlasting shit out of Nate Jacobs.
“What the fuck?” Maddy yelled, briefly looking at Valli who simply folded her arms, analyzing Fez’s approach.
Maddy gave the girl a look before she nudged for Cassie to help her, who seemed to snap out of whatever daze she was in. Valli tilted her head watching Fez beat the fuck out of Nate, blood was starting to splatter around.
Usually fez was the last one to result to violence out of Ash and Valli but when he did, Valli knew it was for good reason. It wasn’t until McKay got involved that Fez seemed to ease up some, anger was still etched onto his face as he stalked off quickly afterwards.
It was instant with Valli as she pulled her mini bag up on her shoulder, her heels clacking as she got a good lookat Nate on her way out.
“And you call him a psycho? Look at your fucking brother!” Maddy yelled.
Valli just stepped over Nate before Maddy and Cassie could bend to his aid, “somebody had to do it at some point, babe. You’re lucky it was just fez. I would’ve done way worse. I gotta go but I’ll catch you later? Happy new year though.”
Maddy just stared at the girl in disbelief as Valli seemed to let out one last laugh, head thrown back after getting another look at Nate. Her hair bounced with her as she walked off hoping to catch a ride home with her brothers.
Yeah…Valli was definitely on Maddy’s shit list and would be getting the cold shoulder from the girl when they get back to school on Monday.
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heartshapedwords · 2 years
86 - 90 degrees II Fezco x Pie Girl
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>> Pairing: Fezco x Female Reader >> Plot: Pie girl and Fez deal with the aftermath of “the question”. >> Part 1 II Part 2 II Part 3 >> Warnings: Slight mention of Euphoria typical themes. Mention of alcohol, drugs and food. Angst with happy ending. >> A/N: English is not my first language so cut me some slack ;) Comments, reblogs and likes are much appreciated ♥
"There's some weird-ass energy in this room, not gonna lie. You all good?"
Nothing gets by Ash. The boy is as perceptive as a person can be.
Fez and (Y/N) look up from their bowls of cereal.
"No, we're all good. Right?"
Her question is not directed towards him, it is directed toward Fez.
He looks up with the fakest and least believable smile Ash has ever seen in his whole life.
"Yeah, sweets. We all good."
They're not. If fact this is the furthest from good he has seen them since they started their relationship. And while Ash cares deeply about his brother's wellbeing, he sure as fuck is not gonna get involved in some relationship drama. He's just gonna sit on the sidelines and observe and hope that they'll figure it out on their own. If not, he'll find a way to fix it for them.
"Alright, whatever you say."
They both nod in silence, eyes back looking for answers in the colored milk of their soggy fruit loops.
When the silence gets too thick, too heavy, (Y/N) places her bowl in the sink before announcing with a strained voice.
"Alright, I'm off. I'll see you tonight?"
There's a hopeful glimmer in her eyes, but also pleading and — fear?
Ash has no idea what she could be scared of but he doesn't like this new dynamic at all. What the fuck happened last night that has them both acting so weird around each other.
"Yeah, I'll see you tonight. Have a good day sweets."
At Fezco's reply, Ash can see her visibly relax. What the fuck is going on?
The two adults share a small kiss goodbye and when Fez closes the door behind her, he rests his back against it and runs his hands across his face in frustration.
"You sure you good?" Ash inquires again.
"Fucking peachy. Let's go, store won't stock itself."
Well, something clearly ain't fucking right.
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It's a gloomy, rainy night when Fez picks her up from her place the next weekend.
She shields herself from the thundering drops and closes the door behind her with a huff of relief as the car shelters her, finally.  
And Fezco? He laughs. It’s not a smile or a chuckle. It’s a full-on belly laugh.
And though the sound sends waves of warmth and comfort through her, like the first rays of warm summer sun, it also makes a feeling of unease bubble up in her stomach.
“ Why are you laughing?  “ She asks as she plops down onto the passenger seat of his car and buckles the seatbelt. Her voice is soft and timid, bracing herself for the fall.
“ You just so damn cute, is all. “
“ No, that’s not it. Tell me! “
For a moment Fez leaves her wondering, there’s nothing but the radio softly playing some hip-hop song she doesn’t recognize and the rain as it pours from the clouds, hammering against the hood of Fez’s car.
And then he reaches over, places a hand on her thigh, and gives it a little squeeze. There’s something about his touch that puts her at ease. It lets her know he’s there. By her side. Always close. It makes her feel safe. It makes her feel protected. It makes her feel — wanted.
“ Just, why you bringing brownies to a party? “
“ Because I’m meeting your friends and I thought that it would be a nice thing to do. Also, I was stressed about meeting them and you know what happens when I’m stressed. I bake. Had a little bit of a mental breakdown, started baking, there you go. “
“ They’re not really my friends, sweets. Just Rue. And you know her already so you got no reason to be nervous. “
She scoffs at that statement before turning her face towards the window, watching fat raindrops race each other down the glass. Like big tears. Like pearls.
“ I can always come up with at least 12 reasons to be nervous. It’s how my brain works, Fez. “
“Well, “ he says as his thumb starts rubbing gentle circles into the exposed skin of her leg “ I’m gonna be with you all night so whenever your brain starts telling you bullshit, lemme know so I can remind you there ain’t no reason to be nervous. I gottchu.”
(Y/N) is fairly sure her heart is beating so fast and so hard as those words leave his lips, it might just bust open her chest. Fez has this way of saying something so fundamentally sweet, so absolutely romantic, with such sincerity, and yet not even notice. It’s just who he is. The most loving person she has ever met. He doesn’t say those things to cause a reaction in her. He says those things because he means them. Always.
Last week had been a bit strained. After the question.
After the answer.
But he understands. At least he seems to. He's joking and loving again. Things are good again. Right?
“ You think it’s stupid that I’m bringing baked goods to a house party? “ she asks while she slips her hand into his as it rests on her thigh which prompts Fez to lift their interlocked fingers up to his lips and place several sweet kisses on her skin.
“ Nah, I think it’s nice. I think you too good for ‘em. But I think it’s nice. “
A beat passes, then two, and from the corner of her eyes, (Y/N) can see an amused smirk pulling at the corner of Fez’s lips.
“ What? “
“ You’re showing up to a party, with me and a tray of brownies. You do know they’ll think it’s pot brownies, right? “
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The place is packed with teenagers and young adults clutching plastic cups and moving their bodies to the beat of some 90s RnB.
The scent of alcohol and sweat and perfume permeates the air as Fez and (Y/N) navigate their way through the crowd and towards the kitchen only to be greeted by a smiling Rue and Jules.
"You brought food?" Jules asks as she throws her arms around (Y/N)'s neck in a friendly yet over-enthusiastic gesture. There's a certain comfort that Jules exudes as if they'd been friends for a long long time when in reality they've only met a handful of times.
"I made brownies."
"Oh, her brownies are to die for!" Rue exclaims and pulls the aluminum foil off of the tray, immediately digging into one of the chocolatey treats.
"Are they - special?" Jules questions, raising her eyebrow in a teasing question which makes Fez let out a chuckle around his newly lit joint.
"Nah, Jewel. They are fucking addicting though."
At first, (Y/N) thought that it was just some nickname of his for Jules though by now she's realized that Fez genuinely thinks the girl's name is Jewel. She could tell him, sure. Set him straight. But damn if it isn't extremely endearing.
"Well thanks, (Y/N). That's so sweet of you!" Jules says and grabs one of the brownies for herself.
"Yo, imma go sit on the couch. You wanna come or you wanna stay here with the ladies?" Fez questions, nodding his head towards where she assumes is the living room.
While she likes Jules and Rue, and while she enjoys hanging out with them, she's here for Fez and as long as he wants her around, she's gonna stay. With how things had been this week, she just wants him close. As close as possible.
"I'll stick with you if that's okay?"
His blue eyes are twinkling at her with something she can't quite place.  It's a warm feeling, a comforting one. As if everything is right in the world for just one tiny moment.
Fez isn't the most affectionate when they're in public and she understands. She is well aware that he has an image to maintain, that this is his workplace. She also knows that Fez has not always been loved in the way he should've been, in the way he deserved it. He hasn't outright said it, but (Y/N) thinks there's a voice in his head telling him lies. Telling him that being in love and affectionate and sweet leads to being vulnerable which leads to getting hurt.
And while he actively fights that voice when they're alone, it's just too loud in a room full of people.
So she takes what she gets. A soft brush of his hand against hers. A nudge of his leg as they sit close together on the couch. A glimmer in his beautiful blue eyes that lets her know all the things he doesn't say out loud.
"Sounds good to me, come on."
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Fezco is in high demand that evening. Not 2 minutes go by without someone walking up and asking for some weed, pills, or powder.
It's a bit sad, (Y/N) thinks. These people know Fez, some probably even went to school with him, and yet they cant extend a few nice words or even a "how are you" towards him. Fez doesn't care, this is business for him. But she can't help and wonder if all these people just see him as a human drug ATM.
"Wanna know something?" She asks him after the latest customer, a skinny boy with floppy hair, walks away, happily grinning about his recent purchase.
"What's that?"
"I think Nate Jacobs is too tall."
Of all the things she could've said, Fez did not expect it to be this. His eyes fall onto the guy in question as he leans against the kitchen counter, towering above his … girlfriend? Hell, Fez has stopped trying to keep up with those people's relationships a long while ago.
"No, but really, look at him! He's just so comically tall and every time he wants to kiss his girl he has to bend down. I'm glad you're not that tall. You're like, perfect kissing height."
Fez lets out a mix between a scoff and a laugh. He's never cared all that much about what other people think of his looks but he ain't blind. He knows that when it comes to being conventionally attractive, he and Nate aren't playing in the same league. Guys with scars and ginger beards usually are a league of their own, way off somewhere playing a whole different game.
To hear her compliment his looks, it means a whole lot more than he ever expected it. It sends an unfamiliar feeling of pride and confidence through him.
"He always looks so sad and angry. That dude gives me the heebie-jeebies. His dad too. Talked down on my parents and our diner. With that stupid ass grin of his. "
"No kidding, sweets. That family is all kinds of messed up. "
He doesn't go into detail, she's not sure she wants him to either. Fez knows a lot of things about a lot of people. Most of those things he's learned against his will. People just turn off their filter when they talk to him. It comes with the job.
"Hey," a cheery voice calls out to them as Lexi Howard drops onto the couch next to the couple, a friendly smile on her face. " How are you? Did you guys hear, someone brought pot brownies."
Fez hides his amused smile behind the blunt he's taking a hit from as (Y/N) throws her head back in annoyance and lets out a deep sigh. "They are normal brownies. I was just stress-baking."
"You made them?" Lexi asks, her big brown eyes wide in wonder. "Aw, man. I should've had one then. I heard your baking is phenomenal."
(Y/N) has only met Lexi a handful of times, if that. Usually in passing with Rue by her side. The girls aren't really friends by any means but Lexi Howard possesses a sense of infinite calmness and she seems so genuinely nice that you just want to be her friend even if you've only spoken a few words to her.
"Her baking is the best! I told her though, people was gonna think the brownies are special," Fez pipes up and looks around (Y/N) towards Lexi, greeting her with a friendly nod of his head. "Wassup Lexi Howard."
"Hey. Wait - am I interrupting something? Did you guys get here together? Oh my god, I didn't realize. Are you guys like together? Is this a date I'm crashing right now?"
Lexi's rambling is kind of like a music box that's winded up all the way. You can put your finger on it, stop it for a second, but as soon as you take it back it continues playing. It's kinda cute, actually.
(Y/N) waits for Fez to tell her it's alright. To tell her what they are to each other and that no, this isn't a date and she's not crashing anything but yes they did come here together.
One beat passes. Then two.
And he says none of that.
Instead, he takes another hit, shakes his head, and stutters out a "Yeah, Nah. She's my - like. She's …"
There's a room full of people. Yelling and singing and hollering. Loud. So loud. And yet all (Y/N) can hear at that moment is her heart dropping from her chest all the way down to the floor and shattering. Does he really not know what she is to him? What he is to her? Or is their relationship forever cursed to live in the halls of his apartment, her houses, the store, and the diner? A secret we don't talk about?
They've clearly voiced what they are to each other — to each other. In the most simple of terms, they defined it. Boyfriend and girlfriend. It's that easy. It's that simple.
Or maybe it isn't.
Maybe not for him after all.
"Hey Lexi, would you excuse me for a second. I'm gonna go get a drink while he figures out what the hell I am to him."
Before Fez even realizes what's going on the crowd has swallowed her like a tidal wave in a ruthless crashing ocean.
The kitchen counters are littered with booze though none of it seems enticing to (Y/N) right then. Rye whiskey, tequila, some sort of brightly colored wine cooler.
Sure, some of it might numb her heartache for now. But what good would it do?
She was really excited about tonight. Excited to forget about this shitty week, about exams and coursework and baking commissions and motherfucking pies. Just be a young adult, happy and alive and in love.
All that excitement vanished as the words tumbled from his lips. Now all she wants is to go home, bury herself underneath her blanket and watch some shitty reality tv.
Maybe bake a pie or two just for the hell of it.
"Yo, why'd you run off?"
His voice is soft, comforting and for a second all she wants to do is fall into his arms and forget about the last few minutes.
And then she looks up at him. His face showing no sign of understanding. Questioning and confused.
"Why did I run off? She asked you if we were together and you said no."
He has the audacity to sigh.
"That's not what I said."
"You said Yeah, Nah. Doesn't sound like an enthusiastic yes to me either."
"You know I didn't mean it like that. It's just none of anyone's business. Why you pissed anyway? You're the one who didn't wanna move in with me."
And there it is. The bomb. The explosion.
That damn dark cloud that has been hanging above them since that night a few days ago.
Like some comically sized cartoon anvil that was hanging on by merely a thread. Now it's come crashing down, burying them both underneath it.
"I told you my reasoning. You said you understand."
"Don't mean it doesn't hurt."
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. But I'm not gonna do this."
His eyes snap up to her face, staring with intensity and worry.
"Do what?"
"Fight with you in the middle of some stupid high school party. Call me when you wanna talk."
She pushes her way outside, bumping people left and right, tears gathering at her lash line, clouding her view.
It's still raining. Pouring actually. As soon as she steps into the open air she can feel the cold drops soaking through her clothes.
It doesn't matter though. Not right now All she feels is heartbreak and exhaustion and disappointment.
"Yo what the hell? Where you goin'?"
His voice cuts through the night like a siren song. Luring her back to a shore that always seemed so safe when maybe it's no shore at all.
"Home, Fez. Where else would I go?"
"It's dark and raining."
"Yeah well, the party is kinda ruined for me."
A crack of thunder sounds above them like big angry drum beats. The wind whips her hair around her face and the air just seems all around furious.
It doesn't compare to the storms raging inside their hearts though. Nothing ever will.
"I didn't mean to do that. I just — why you asking me to commit to this when you aren't doing the same?"
"What are you talking about? I tell everyone who asks that you're my boyfriend. You met my fucking dad, you think that's me not committing?"
"Still don't wanna move in with me. You said no."
The tears have long started falling both from rage and from sadness. It is a waterfall of emotion running down her cheeks.
"I said not now. Not yet. I told you I want to finish my classes first, want to get settled in my job. Why is that so hard for you to understand?"
" 'cause that's how it goes for me, aright? I wanna be with someone I want it all, all the time. Don't see no sense in waiting. "
"Well, I do. I know you had to grow up way faster than I did and you already have shit figured out to some extent. I don't, I'm just learning how to be an adult. I'm just getting to know myself. What if I move in and you see the parts of me I don't want anyone to see, huh? The really shitty parts that I don’t even like. Then you'll be stuck having to deal with that. Having to fix that. With my stupid loud brain that makes me worry all the time and my desperate need to prove myself to the world as if I owe it something for existing. What then?"
"I love you, (Y/N). I want to see those sides of you. They what make you you. Ain't nothing that needs to be fixed. You ever thought that maybe I'm afraid too? Like, what if I don't keep you close to me and one day you realize that you deserve way better? If we can start building our future now, then maybe it won't be so easy to leave me."
His words kill her in all and every which way there is. They make sense, knowing him and all he had to endure in his life. They don't make the situation any better.
"So your solution is to not admit to people that were a couple?"
"Didn't know if you wanted people to know. If you wanted to be so serious."
"Oh god, Fez is this how it's always going to be? We disagree on an aspect of our relationship and you start questioning the whole thing?"
He just shrugs.
"If you think our relationship is that fickle, if you have no trust or confidence in us, what are we even doing?"
She regrets the words as soon as they slip from her lips though what is even worse, is his reaction.
It's the light shrug of his shoulder. The "I don't know" mumbled into the night.
It's the way there are no words left inside her to turn this situation into anything else but an absolute train wreck. A disaster.
Heartbreak in the middle of the fucking suburbs.
"It's not supposed to be like this," she says, desperately trying to wipe the tears from her face though the rain keeps pouring down making it an impossible task. "We're not supposed to be fighting in the rain in front of some random kid's party. We're supposed to be kissing in the rain."
"You gotta stop that, (Y/N). I'm not some character from some movie. It's never gonna be like that. I want you, only you. But if that fairy tale shit is what you want, maybe we ain't supposed to be."
She shakes her head in defeat, feeling like all the energy, all the life has been sucked out of her, leaving her a ghost watching herself fall apart.
"Right now I just want to go home and sleep."
"Lemme drive you, it's dark and —"
"No, Fezco. I can't be in a car with you right now. I just — I can't."
Fez knows there's no fighting here on this. When she sets her mind to something, that's where it stays.
Doesn't mean he's gonna let her walk home by herself. Not in the middle of the night, not during a storm.
No matter what happens between them, he still feels like it's his duty to keep her safe. If anything were to happen to her, he could never forgive himself.
"What are you doing?" She asks as he starts following her a few steps behind.
"I know you said you don't wanna sit in a car with me, that's fine. I'm not gonna make you. There's no way I'll be leaving you walking by yourself though. No way. Look you don't gotta talk to me or nothing just — I need to know you're safe."
He can see that she wants to argue. Wants to fight him on this and tell him she's a  big girl who can take care of herself. Wants to tell him to leave her be, at least for tonight. She knows he won't though. That his head and his heart will not allow him to.
So she says nothing. Just nods and continues walking into the darkness and the storm.
Not a single word more falls from either of their lips all the way to her house. Though with every step, Fez's heart is growing heavier. Like a stone is wedged between his ribs where his heart is supposed to be.
This can't be the end. Why does this feel so awfully like the end?
He's standing by the little gate that leads onto her driveway as she opens the door. For a second there is nothing but the sound of the rain and the feeling of inevitably. And then she hesitates, takes a long breath, and looks at him over her shoulder.
"Your place is all the way at the other end of town, come inside you can have the guest bedroom."
"I don't know, I —." He wants to protest before he's immediately shut down.
"I let you walk me home. Now let me do something in return."
It's not a request. And so he doesn't argue, he follows her inside without another word.
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The bed is very soft and the fluffy pillows smell like fresh cotton and lavender.
Outside, the rain drums in a calming rhythm against the window.
It all should make it so easy to fall asleep. But Fez is wide awake. It all feels so final. Like this is the last night he gets to hold onto what they used to be.
Just as he is about to get up for a glass of water or — or just something to get his racing mind to focus on something else for just a second, the door creaks open just a tiny bit.
A sliver of light from that one little lamp in the hallway squeezes through the open door and illuminates the figure that stands in the doorway.
She looks like an angel. Like some fucking goddess.
And oh she looks so sad.
It kills him to know he put the sadness there.
"Can I come in?" She asks in a small timid voice.
"Yeah, sure. Come 'ere."
It's not even a second later that she slips under the covers and cuddles closer to him. So close he thinks she might become one with his body. As if she can't get close enough.
And then she's crying. Big wet drops fall onto his shoulder, soaking through the fabric of his shirt.
"Why you cryin' sweets?"
It's a dumb question. He knows why. Hell, he's been close to it himself.
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"Of losing you. I don't — I don't want to lose you. I'm not ready to move in with you, Fez. But it's not because I don't want to be with you. I want you above anything. Changes just freak me out. "
"Nah, sweets. Forget about it, I was outta line. I — sometimes I see and hear shit where it hasn't been said. Read too much into things. I shouldn't have made it seem like it was an all-or-nothing deal. Felt like if I kept you close you wouldn't realize there's better options out there. Better than me. —"
"Fez, that's —"
"I know it's stupid. Sometimes I am stupid. Not because I don't trust in you or our relationship. It's just about me. I made up scenarios in my head and hurt myself, s' why I said that to Lexi. I'm sorry I hurt you. I never wanted that."
She places a little kiss on his cheek.
"I'm sorry too. I didn't know I hurt you either. I genuinely thought we were okay. I was thinking maybe, if that's okay with you, you can give me a drawer for some of my stuff. So I can stay over for more than two days in a row. Like a part-time roommate."
"You for real?"
"Yeah. That sound good to you?"
"Baby, every moment I get to spend with you sounds good to me."
When she kisses him, it feels like his world has shifted back into place. Like things are right again, if a bit chaotic.
"Look at us being adults and talking about our feelings and our fears. And making compromises."
He only laughs and pulls her into another kiss.
"Hey, Fez?" She murmurs against his lips, words half-swallowed by another kiss.
"I love you too by the way."
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joonxcupid · 3 years
la muchacha chanel — fezco x fem!perez reader
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(narrated by rue)
when fezco first met yn, he choked on the smoke from his blunt.
it was some girl’s birthday party, someone close to maddy he supposed, as she was there and yn was too.
it was the first party he had gone to where they didn’t play loud hip hop music, but a nice beat to some latin genre. salsa, i think.
yn-maddy’s older sister who had moved to paris to study fashion-danced casino cubano with maddy. she was wearing six inch heels and a tight chanel set, yet she managed to dance perfectly.
i think that’s what fez liked physically most about yn. she would dance to any music, and look good doing it.
anyway, back to party
yn wasn’t tired whatsoever, but maddy was, the younger never really understood how her sister could just dance for hours without getting tired, so they sat in the big couch fez was sitting down in.
that’s when yn first noticed fez.
he had finished his blunt and was just doing his thing, being stoned as usual.
“do you wanna dance?”
it caught him off guard, it took him like five seconds to realize she was talking to him and he just nodded, not really knowing what she had said.
next thing he knew, yn was dancing with him to ‘yo también’ and all he could think about was the way she moved. her laugh sounding better than the music they were dancing to.
yn lead the dance the whole time, fez hasn’t danced casino in years and was somewhat rusty, meanwhile yn would break into dance whenever she was alone.
a couple of songs later yn found herself in fezcos car, going over to god knows where. she noticed the twelve year old driving, but kept to herself, she was more distracted with fez’s horrible attempt at speaking spanish.
“wait so you only speak english?” he nodded, a stupid smile forming on his lips. “what about you yn perez? how many do you speak?” she scooted closer to him, “spanish, english, italian, and french,” his eyes widened and even ash in the drivers seat was shocked. “it’s not that big of a deal, though i am semi fluent in japanese.” “damn yn, you smart smart”
anyway, after spending the night together, yn and fez stayed together for the three months that she had stayed there.
three days before she left they had spent the whole day together, fezco trying to convince her to stay, and her thinking about her dreams.
“ma, im not asking you to give up on your dreams, i would never do that, but isn’t there a way for you to do it here?”
so six months later, in the middle of the school year, maddy receives a call. “if you keep your mouth shut for what i’m going to tell you for at least five days, i’ll buy you every designer outfit you’ve ever wanted.”
and that’s how maddy managed to find her sister an apartment close to fez’s, and got five different chanel and ysl bags filled with everything she had ever wanted.
few months later yn and fez officially get together and she moves in with him and ash. and not even a year later, they got married in vegas and all that sweet shit.
i don’t really know how, but they made their whole her being a famous fashion designer and him being a drug dealer thing work.
anyway, back to fez.
“there’s some girl in town that i think you gonna be friends with”
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And you do a fez x reader when yn is ash mother figure and he accidentally call her mom and she hugs him 
Omg the fact that this is in my inbox is entirely my fault bc I forgot to put the link where y'all can request in my recent Fezco x female! reader Imagine. Here's the link where you can request, I do it specifically there bc it just makes it easier for my organization of this blog, but also for y'all to get exactly what you want when you request.
Thank you sm for your request!
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