nerineaart · 6 years
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For #febuqueery prompt 2) Gender Non-Conforming, the favourite transmasculine butch from Awakening - Sully. I finally got around drawing her. Used this opportunity to do some nude study as well - see my NSFW Twitter for the result. 
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riotcakes · 6 years
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#Febuqueery Day 5: Rainbow / Flag
For today we could either do something rainbow related or something relating to our pride flag, so I chose to depict queer icon and all around amazing person Janelle Monáe for this one as her rainbow dress is just so stunning! I simplified it a little for the alcohol markers I had available. Aside from the red border this is all traditional, with a gold edding marker for the shimmering gold background element. Hope you like it! 
[Image description: A traditional drawing done with alcohol markers of Janelle Monáe, who is wearing a dress with a dark grey bodice and a long flowy rainbow bottom half. Behind her is a golden square.]
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keepitdreamin · 6 years
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Febuqueery Day 4: Holding hands
Are they going to a fancy event or to the grocery store? You decide.
[Image description: A pencil drawing that shows Taako and Kravitz holding hands from behind. Kravitz is slightly taller and has dreads that are arranged in an updo. He’s wearing an Alexander McQueen lace paneled suit jacket, which looks like a regular suit on the upper back and arms, but has the midriff cut out in lace that joins with regular suit material again on his hips. It also has lace extending down in the back like a skirt that almost reaches his knees. 
Taako’s outfit is the only colored part of the picture. His head is entirely obscured by a large green witch hat with a large purple bow. His shirt is light blue and cropped; the sleeves and bottom have an orange beaded fringe. He’s wearing pink sweatpants that have “Horny” written on the back. 
A caption underneath has an Adventure Zone quote, “Our capacity for love increases with each person we cross paths with throughout our lives and with each moment we spend with these people.” End description.]
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john-in-london · 6 years
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Febuqueery day 5: Last year, my brother Jemmy ran away from home and spend a week in NYC with me. Alex decided to take him to the Pride parade with us...
If I could take away the last hour of it all, it would be one of the best weeks in my life.
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cantstopcreation · 6 years
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Questioning (febuqueery, day 11)
I'm really proud of this one lmao. Also I'll be doing a few febuqueery prompts throughout the month so look forward to that I guess??
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ragecandyfics · 6 years
Fandom: Fire Emblem (Blazing Sword) Characters: Hector, Eliwood, Uther Pairings: Eliwood/Hector, Hector & Uther Summary: This is the first of 28 EliHec drabbles I’ll be doing daily throughout the month of January, because I am just THAT hyped for Eliwood winning CYL3. I’ll be taking prompts from a variety of prompt lists because I’m indecisive. Day 1: First Crush (prompt taken from the Febuqueery list). Uther gets to tease his little brother. Notes: This is extremely self-indulgent. @caelin-ismycity
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nsmama · 6 years
Febuqueery 12, Aging Queers
It’s not up to the art standards I’ve seen around here but I had fun. 
 P.S. That's not Miles Edgeworth; that is my son cosplaying. Which is why the jabot is made of my grandmother's jacquard-woven napkins.
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flower-finn · 6 years
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First drawing for #febuqueery : ) Day 5’s theme is rainbow/flag, soooo I decided to go with something colourful! This was sorta rushed but meh.
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ohheyheyitsjj · 6 years
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Febuqueery Day 26 - Gender Euphoria
For this one, I wrote about a very gender euphoric night I had in college. That outfit is the first thing I think of when I think of gender euphoria, and it’s mainly because of @invigoraide‘s comment, so thank you ily <3
Also I love using gender-neutral bathrooms, it’s so affirming.
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starswordartblog · 6 years
Magic, Roles and Trust
Quick author note: so, I wrote this for the #Febuqueery event. It was originally made for the day 1 prompt, First Crush, but the fantasy part of it became so pronounced that I decided it would fit day 15 better. It got me out of a writing block and I loved every second of writing it so I hope everyone enjoys it too.
“Sylvia! Look, look, I've found some funny looking bushes over here too!”
The girl jumped through the forest, hair in twin tails bouncing all around with her energetic movements. Sylvia, who walked in a calmer pace behind her, watched her with an amused smile and concerned eyes.
“Please be careful, Isabella,” she said gently, “some plants in this forest are poisonous, and you may get gross bugs climbing up your hand if you touch everything like that.”
“Got it, got it,” Isabella nodded, crouching down to lightly touch the bushes of bright colored leaves that had caught her attention. “I just never thought the forest had so many pretty things! I had read about some plants of course, but it's like there's no end their variety, and the bugs are cute too, and the chirping of the birds is so loud I feel it will be ringing in my ears forever!”
Her face was beaming as she said all that, spinning around to check out more things in the forest. Sylvia smiled awkwardly. Isabella looked so childish sometimes, but who could blame her? She had been raised secretly in a hideout all her life, everything was new to her. Besides, it was actually enviable. Sylvia had never been that exuberant, even as a child.
“But it's really great that you're here with me, Sylvia,” Isabella said, breaking Sylvia out of her thoughts, “with all this variety I have no idea how to find what we're looking for! And as you said there are poisonous things and I'm no good at detecting poison yet so...” she grimaced, side-eying the colorful plants.
She ran to Sylvia and pulled her into a hug. “Say, don't you have some awesome protection spells to put on us? That way we wouldn't have to worry about anything and just have fun!”
“You can't abuse magic that much, Isabella,” Sylvia answered, a bit embarrassed. She used to be more flustered at being hugged out of the blue like that, but Isabella liked hugs so much, she couldn't help but get used to it, little by little. They were warm, soft, and made Isabella's joy fell contagious. “Besides, I don't have a spell like that, I'm sorry. My healing magic might be able to treat the symptoms, though.”
“Aw, really?” Isabella pouted, but then grinned. “Well, then we can learn it together, right?”
“Ah, yes!” Sylvia answered without even thinking, and Isabella hugged her tighter in response before letting go.
“So uh, what are we picking up here anyway?” she asked. “I forgot.”
“Oh, umm...” Sylvia's mind floundered for a moment, stumbling over a dozen nice thoughts on Isabella and her hugs before getting back on track. “Mushrooms. Mom wants to cook some mushrooms from here for a change. The mountains don't have much on food, after all.”
“Oh right, mushrooms. Let's look around then.” She paced around, looking at the ground while mumbling, “mushroom, mushrooms, mushrooming...”
In no moment did she remember to grab one of the baskets Sylvia was carrying to put the mushrooms in, but that was fine. She never found the mushrooms anyway. Only Sylvia, used to the task and to the forest's layout, found them with ease. And she did so with a big smile all the way. Since when were chores so fun, so refreshing? It made no sense, but hanging out with Isabella was good no matter what.
Even though her mother had asked her to keep an eye on the girl, Sylvia doubted she could find it in herself to lift a finger against her if needed.
How naive. How dangerous.
“Isabella, I think we have enough.”
“Aw, really? Even though I couldn't find a single one...” Isabella pouted, circling around Sylvia's full baskets. “You're so good at this, Sylvia.”
“That's because mom taught me since I was little, and our magic is good for detecting stuff. I don't know if yours can do it too, but I can try teaching you if you come with me next time.” Never before had Sylvia wanted someone to accept an invitation so badly. Come to think of it, had she ever invited someone to anything before? She was the meek girl who had always just followed the adults' orders to fulfill her role and live up to her magic.
But to Isabella there were no roles to fulfill. They would teach each other and learn with each other and always enjoy each other's company whenever they met. Equals despite their differences, happy despite the hardships. It was everything Sylvia had given up on having by that point.
She desperately hoped she could keep that bond, unlike so many others she had lost before.
The forest shook with a howl and heavy steps, and she was yanked back to the present moment.
“Why is a beast this far...!” she knew strong beasts lived in the depths of forest and had avoided going too far for that exact reason. Why did it sound like this one was rushing straight in their direction?
At her side, she could see Isabella getting in a battle ready position. But she didn't want Isabella to have to fight. Ever since they met, all she wanted was for Isabella to find something in her magic besides destruction.
For that reason, she quickly summoned her staff and jumped to the front, greeting the rampaging beast with her strongest defensive spell, a shield of magical power coupled with a fierce gust of wind to push the enemy back.
It worked. The beast collided with the shield already too slowed down for any real impact. But it hadn't given up yet and swiped at Sylvia with its long claws. Her spell already weakened, she jumped back clumsily to avoid the attack, but it still brushed her leg, knocking her down.
Then someone viciously struck its arm before it could do anything else. It recoiled, and Sylvia noticed the strands of smoke coming from the attacker, Isabella, whose gloves and boots were torn revealing the rust-like skin of her hands and feet, from where a sinister energy could be felt seeping to the air.
Created by a secret cult of mages who sought the concept of destruction itself as a power, a magic meant to curse, corrode, rot, and ultimately destroy anything. That was Isabella.
And no one should be just that.
The beast growled, glaring at them warily. The arm Isabella had hit would stay cursed and hurt for a long time, but while it had backed down it still looked ready to attack at any moment. It would be better for Sylvia to blast it off before Isabella went overboard. Her magic was too unstable.
“If you won't run away then I won't back down either!” Isabella boasted when the beast readied itself for another attack. Her magic flared as she traced an arc in the ground with her foot, likely preparing a spell.
“Isabella...” Sylvia wasn't liking the way things were going at all, but she did nothing besides weakly crying out her name like that.
Mages were an untrustworthy bunch. They would get corrupted by their powers and lost control, obsess over their own strength, and hurt others for their greater purposes. She had seen plenty who would stand tall and proud as Isabella was doing and boast all the pain they caused as an accomplishment.
Sylvia wouldn't lift a finger against the girl because part of her desperately wanted proof that she could trust her. That she wanted more than to delight in her power, that she wouldn't put the burden on others to mind her ego.
Isabella traced another arc with her other foot, chanting a spell in a peppy tone that did not fit the act at all, “To cross the path of a rising goddess, learn your mistake...”
“...And kneel!”
And she jumped back as her magic overflowed the ground and made it collapse under the beast. A few trees fell in that new made hole, making it even harder for it to get up and climb.
“I did it!” Isabella cheered, then turned to Sylvia. “Hey Sylvia, you're not too hurt, are you? Can you get up?”
“Oh, sorry, I should have dealt with this already,” she answered, taking a deep breath and blowing it out, as part of her healing spell. “I'm okay, my leg wasn't hurt too badly.” She got up just fine to prove it.
“Ah, that's great! Anything else? I've trained to restrict my magic as much as I could but I feared you could still get caught on it!”
“No, I'm fine.” Even though the thought made her anxiety spike. She observed carefully the effects of the spell. The ground below her was fine, unlike the terrain in front of her, that had been broken and eroded thoroughly to the point where it barely resembled the forest's soil anymore. Any plants on it had withered or broken down, including the fallen trees, and even trees that weren't within the area of the hole. The effect didn't seem to have spread far though.
“You did well, Isabella,” she said warmly. The fact Isabella had put so much effort into her control was enough. “Normally your magic leaks so much into the air that it gets full of smoke and it's awful, but now there's so little of it too,” as she said that she pointed at a thin strand of smoke floating, barely visible. It landed on a blade of grass and killed it, but nothing else was harmed.
“I know right, I didn't want to hurt you anymore like that,” she said with a short laugh that didn't reach her eyes. “I, I better stop the rest of it though, let's get going so we don't have to deal with the beast getting up.” She started walking back rubbing her wrists as if it would help stop the smoke seeping out. Maybe it would. Magic control was not an exact science.
Sylvia quickly joined her, picking up the baskets of mushrooms she had thrown back before the fight. “Looks like they're all fine too.”
“I know, I know,” Isabella was sounding hurried all of a sudden, “so let's go back quick. If I'm doing this well then there's something I want to check out back there!”
“Huh? What is it?”
“You'll see, you'll see,” she laughed, “So, before that. Give me a score for this one.”
“Huuh? What's a score?”
“Back at the hideout the teachers used to give a bunch of tests for my magic and grave them with a score of 0 to 100. It was fun! Your mom started doing it too when I told her, so I'd like to get scores from you too!”
“Really? Well, that does sounds like something mom would enjoy... But I don't know, Isabella, what kind of number would be a 'well done'?”
“Heey, seriously? It wasn't that bad, I controlled the area of effect just fine!” Isabella protested, pointing her spoon accusingly at the older woman. “I want a breakdown of that score!”
They had returned to Sylvia's home in the mountains, where Sylvia's mom had cooked them a nice dinner with the mushrooms as promised, and now listened about their exploits with her typical, eternally smug attitude.
Yes, Sylvia was right, of course she would be all into the grading thing. That woman was known for two things: being proud of her immense power and knowledge, and teasing those close to her endlessly.
“Break it down, hmm? Then let's see:” she said calmly between spoonfuls of her meal, “for going from fully contained to battle-ready in a moment without problems, 45 points; for minimizing the area of effect although still having no control over the intensity, 30 points; for not realizing the beasts would be more agitated with two powerful mages around than with just one, I'm taking away 10 points. And more -15 for not helping Sylvia carry the baskets.”
“Aah, I didn't think there would be that many subjects...”
“One of these things is my fault though...” Sylvia added.
“I didn't think you'd like to play this, but if you want then you can get those points too, Sylvia.”
“So my score would be just -10?”
“No way, my teachers never gave negative scores...” Wow. They were mathematically proving her mother was worse than a cult. Numbers were amazing. “Hey wait, no way those numbers make up 49. It should be 50, shouldn't it?”
“Should it? Then there may be some other work you did that was worth an extra point.”
Isabella's face lightened up at that, and the woman nodded in return.
“Yay! I knew it had worked at least once! Sylvia, come on, I wanna show it, come, come!” and the girl rushed somewhere.
“Goodness, finish your food first,” Sylvia's mom chastised to no use, and then laughed softly to herself.
Sylvia wasn't amused at all the secrecy. “Mom, what's going on?”, she cried.
“Dear, don't worry, it's nothing bad. Isabella has been training hard lately and wanted to make a surprise about it. As you can see she's really eager about it, so you should hear what she has to say. And, maybe remind her of her food while you're at it.”
Sylvia followed Isabella through a path around the mountain. The whole mountain was her mother's territory and she had lived there for most of her life, but she couldn't remember this particular area being used for anything special. It was mostly just rubble. But looking more closely, she could now also see ashes, and broken pieces of ceramic and other materials not naturally from the mountain. Was mom using this place to dispose of  trash?
Isabella had stopped next to a pile of similar rubbish, searching for something. Sylvia hesitated to get close as the smell of ash overwhelmed her, but thankfully, the other girl eventually came back to her after an exclamation of joy.
“There it is, look!”
“A vase?” What Isabella was showing was a small ceramic vase, where a small green and pink plant grew. It looked like it had been through rough times, with some stems hanging low and other cut. “Uh, were all these broken things around vases, too?”
“Yeah. One out of a hundred, this survived.” She held the vase close to her chest, almost hugging it. “Uh, all this time I kinda tried to get inspiration from you whenever I trained my magic, but well, there's no way I can do shield spells, and trying to make gusts of wind would just end terribly, right?” She laughed dryly. “I thought I had no chance on healing spells either, but, your mom said I could do it! It's gonna be really really hard, but if I get my control right I could destroy something's affliction without destroying the thing itself. Wouldn't work for wounds, but, well, we were talking about poison earlier, weren't we?”
“So I've been training, with these sick plants we gathered. And failing a lot,” she added, laughing at the rubbish behind her. “And this one survived this far. It should totally be dead by now, it looked so bad, but now it's actually pretty, isn't it?”
Sylvia took a moment to answer, trying to absorb all of that.
“I love it,” she said, lightly passing a finger on the delicate little thing.
“See? I knew you'd like it! Sorry to keep it a secret, but you're so hardworking and so responsible, Sylvia, I guess I wanted a head start so I could impress you for once. From now on we can train together, right?”
For the first time, Sylvia was the one to start a hug. And oh did she put all of her love on it.
She had asked for someone trustworthy, and what she got was the kindest, loveliest girl, who also put so much trust on her. Isabella was the truly hardworking one here, and if there was one role Sylvia wanted to fulfill, it was to be there supporting her, always.
“Aw, no fair, you know I love hugs, but we can't hurt the little plant here!”
“Ah! Sorry!” she jumped back. So much for being the responsible one. But Isabella just laughed, and they walked back home with the new plant to take care of.
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aquilacalvitium · 6 years
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Prompt: Rainbow/flag
I wanted to do drawings for @riotcakes‘ Febuqueery tag but I only have the time to do one so I chose this one!
No, they’re not a couple, they’re just me two gay bois. I wanted to draw Ginger in too, as she’s lesbian, but I could just fit the Rett and Preston in so a third character would have been more difficult and taken SO MUCH LONGER to render. This took hours as it is. But I like how it came out!
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riotcakes · 6 years
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#Febuqueery Day 7: History⠀
It was really tough coming up with something for history. Like a lot of LGBTQ* folks I was taught nothing about our history and have only been able to learn a smidge of it on my own. Because I struggled so much with finding a connection to the past I tried to go at it differently and found a brilliant photo of Sigourney Weaver "in drag" while searching for references for Day 8 "queer dynamics". This is my representation of the photo, which spoke to me not just in a *fans self* kinda way but also in a way that fascinated me as a (soft) butch aligned person. Alternatively some overlap exists between butch and trans history which is too complicated to get into, but I wanted to capture the feelings I got when I saw this photo in my drawing. Hope you like it!⠀ ⠀ I'm a bit behind on drawings for #Febuqueery, but I have quite a few sketches and lineart done for some days, so I can hopefully catch up on those soon. Also this picture was a fun values study! Without the quick sketch this only took around 90mins to do which I'm quite proud of if I may say so myself!
⠀ [Image description: Black and white digital drawing of Sigourney Weaver looking very masculine in a slick short haircut and suit.]⠀
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keepitdreamin · 6 years
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Febuqueery Day 12: Aging Queers
I took a while off because Life, but I’m catching up on this art. For “Aging Queers” I’ve drawn everyone’s favorite “Everyone Lives AU” where Thorin and Bilbo live happily ever after in Hobbiton and raise Frodo together. (I know the caption is way too small, I didn’t have it chosen before I drew the box, but it’s written out in the ID)
[Image description: A pencil drawing of Thorin and Bilbo smiling at each other while Bilbo kneads dough and Thorin hugs him from behind. They both have visible age lines, matching braids behind their ears, and matching golden clasps on necklaces. A caption underneath has a quote from Lemony Snicket, “I will love you as we grow older, which has just happened, and has happened again, and happened several days ago, continuously, and then several years before that, and will continue to happen as the spinning hands of every clock and the flipping pages of every calendar mark the passage of time.” End description]
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john-in-london · 6 years
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Hi, the author here! I’ve decided to do the Febuqueery challenge as backstory for this AU.
Day 1: First crush
My first crush? Probably mr. William Wilberforce from UN. I have seen him at TV the day my sister was born. I cant remember what he was talking about, but he looked like some kind of hero, not a boring politician.
My dad didnt like him.
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cantstopcreation · 6 years
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Febuqueery day 15, Fantasy & sci-fi
Alternatively, when u love your gfs dragon that much
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bloggingbisexually · 6 years
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I'm deciding to participate in Febuqueery! I'm decidedly not a very good artist but I'm hoping this will help me get better. I'm going to base as many of my drawing off my two characters Alannah and Melissa. This is Melissa meeting Alannah for the first time and getting an instant crush.
[Image description: pencil drawing of a girl with curly hair in a bun hugging a book to her chest. Text at the bottom reads "Febuqueery, #1 First Crush, Melissa meeting Alannah"
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