purplepuggy · 6 months
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kmem1issa · 6 years
The Last Stroke
This is my submission to the Dan and Phil Games Flash Fic Fest, I hope you like it!
Word count: 990
“Watch this!” Dan exclaimed with a smirk on his face. Dan gave the black ball a hard putt, sending it flying across the hard ramp. The ball then landed on the flat ground, using it’s extra momentum to push it forward into the dip where the hole was waiting for it. It landed straight into the hole, leaving Dan to laugh in delight.
“Hole in one!” Dan shouted at the raven-haired boy beside him. Phil shouted “showoff!” at Dan in response. He reluctantly stepped to his bright, blue-green ball, and looked at his surroundings.
‘Okay, so if I can get the ball around the corner there’ He pointed to the corner in front of him. ‘And get the geometry right, I should be fine.’
Phil got to the ball’s side, and looking at where he wanted the ball to go, took a big swing. However, instead of going around the corner as he expected, the ball knocked into the rim of the turn, sending the ball basically back where he started. Phil cursed and groaned at himself, leaving Dan to tease him mockingly.
“Ooo, we’re even steven!” Phil smuggingly looked at Dan at the eye. They both gave each other a menacing glare, challenging each other as they walked to the last hole.
“Uhm, Phil?”
Dan pointed at the final hole. It looks long and complicated. He eyed the flag where the hole is, his eyes widened at the fact that it’s INSIDE AN OCTOPUS HEAD!
The octopus arms smacked on the course, making both boys slightly shake in fear.
Dan, with his eagerness to beat Phil, placed his ball on the ground. His golf hat swung from the movement, making the small ball on his head swish slightly. He made his first putt, sending his black ball towards the first set of slamming octopus arms. Unfortunately for him, the third octopus arm managed to stop the ball from it’s movement, ending his turn.
Phil made his turn effortlessly, deciding to go the long, safer route. Dan gulped but shook it off, he had to beat Phil in this game. He walked to the straight path that was blocked by slamming tentacles, but before he got to the first tentacle…
“HELP!” Dan shouted in fear. Phil looked up at him from a distance. Dan was shaking from side to side, with the tentacle wrapped across his torso. Phil looked at him and walked away, shrugging. He continued dealing with his own ball, sending it closer and closer to the octopus’ mouth.
“Phil! Phil, what are you doing? Phil!” Dan’s voice echoed behind him.
The octopus’ eyes were of pure anger that sent the familiar feeling of dread at Phil. He gulped at the sight of the octopus’ sharp teeth, coming up and down at him as the mouth opens and closes. The flag was so scarily close to him, stood on a suspended platform at the middle of the ramp. He was about to take his stroke when he realized…
He has one stroke left.
Phil only has one stroke to get the ball perfectly in the hole. Gaining confidence in himself, he stood next to the ball, holding his club in his hands.
“Phil! Don’t be a twat and help me!” Dan shouted, barely even forming proper sentences with the state he’s in.
“Why should I help you?” Phil spat. “You have been the twat this entire game!” He gave his friend a mean glare, and turned his back against him.
“I-I’m sorry, Phil!”
Phil froze, but didn’t give in.
“Why should I listen to you?”
Dan huffed. The octopus moved away from the course, moving Dan along with it. Before he knew it, he was already inches away from it’s menacing mouth.
“It’s just a fucking game, for fuck’s sake! Your real best friend is in fucking danger right now!” Dan exclaimed, and from the looks of it, the octopus was about to let go of him.
Phil got his gameface on and grabbed the club. He eyed the flag, then at Dan. His body then faced the flag, and he got ready to strike the ball.
Phil hit the ball with all of his strength. The blue ball zoomed towards the sea, straight up smacking the octopus in the eye. The octopus cried in pain, dropping Dan to the sea, swimming for his life. The octopus fled the course, leaving Phil to save Dan.
“Dan! I’m coming!” Phil stripped himself to his boxers and dove into the sea, both boys swimming toward each other as quickly as they could.
Phil finally got to Dan and they both swam to shore. They both laid on the ground in relief, soaking wet and panting.
“Phil, your last stroke.”
“I know. You win, Howell. Congratulations.”
Dan smiled in victory, but is winning even worth it anymore? His face frowned at the thought, as he looked at Phil.
Dan got up to finish what he started. He picked up the club he dropped when the octopus got him, and got to the ball with a smile, no longer having to worry about banging, slamming octopus tentacles.
Once he got to the ramp where the hole was, he was left with three strokes. He could just putt the ball into the hole for an easy win, but Dan had other plans.
The ball launched at a slow pace, away from the flag. Dan walked over to it and did two small strokes with his club.
Phil watched, his mouth agape.
“There. Now we’re still even steven!” Dan smiled at Phil. Phil’s mouth formed a big smile that reached his ears, and chuckled at Dan. Dan chuckled back in delight, and held Phil’s hand, smiling at each other’s company.
“So, whaddya say? Another round? And let’s pick a course that doesn’t have scary octopi and swinging axes, alright?” Dan asked Phil, still smiling.
“Of course.”
So, uh. That's it! I know, it's probably terrible but I had fun sooo no judge
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