pinkys-plan · 7 months
This episode has at least 3 plots, possibly more depending on how you count them. That's... So many. Possibly too many.
In other news, Lana's back in a (so far) non Clana invoking format, which is a big ol' yippee from me!
EDIT BEFORE I EVEN FUCKING POST: false alarm, Lana showed up at the wedding just as Clark and Lois were about to kiss so I guess I'll just die then. The slowburn Clois will continue to burn slowly. Whatever. Not like I cared anyway (lie)
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14thgalerie · 1 year
dreamin' of him
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• pairing: theodore nott x reader
• now playing: a little death by the neighbourhood / fuck it i love you by lana del rey
• word count: 5.7k
• genre: fluff
— a part of this is inspired by this scenario i saw on tiktok, can't exactly remember it which vid it was. anyways enjoy this little random scenario that i'm pretty sure is horrible because i didn't bother to proofread it again.
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You shot right up from your sleep, limbs tangled in the sheets that had been strewn about haphazardly. The room is still as dark as it had been when you fell asleep with only the faint light of the full moon serving as your guiding light.
You drop your head onto your hands that sit on your folded knees, pressing the heels of your palm into your eyes until you can only see white. Ignoring the pain only so that you can be rid of the images that keep flashing in your mind.
It was excruciating, it played like a broken VHS record on your parents’ television back home. Every millisecond, a frame of you in such a vulnerable embrace with–
No. Y/N, stop it.
You were grappling with your sanity, feeling yourself incredulous at how such an idea came to fruition in your mind. Several nights’ on the end of this senseless, out-of-the-world dream that popped out of nowhere. The both of you hardly spoke with one another, for Merlin’s sake.
Throwing your head back, giving up on forcing the images out of your thoughts. Your head was spinning. Slamming your temple against the solid, wooden headboard behind you until you hear a ring resonating through your ears.
How did you let yourself get into this? What happened that you are being haunted— if that’s what you would even call it — by these dreams?
It’s been days of sleepless nights and you are plain tired. He must have cursed you. There was no other reason for this, right? He could be annoying when he wanted to be.
With your back resting on the headboard, you see that your dorm mates haven’t gotten back yet. Still, you remain seated as you wonder where they are, staring at the open window to your right.
“You’re the only one that can do this to me, Y/N…”
You gasp and sit straight, slapping your forehead with your open palm, trying to chase the image away. Throwing a glance at your watch that sits on the bedside table, you see that it’s only an hour and a half before you are supposed to wake up.
Exhaling loudly, you shove the blankets away from your body, feeling a warmth creep up on you. Maybe a good, cold, and long shower will distract you for good.
Grabbing a change of clothes, you head straight for the bathroom in your dorm. Now’s one of the few times you are glad that the dorms at Hogwarts have their own showers. 
Looking at the small, worn mirror above the sink, you chuckle humorlessly at how disheveled your appearance is. Anyone who sees you right now might think that your dreams are last night’s reality.
Stepping under the painful cold water, your body unconsciously jolts at the shock. 
Thinking about it makes your heart race. It gives you jitters, too. The feeling wasn't much to your liking. It was distracting. Not to mention it made you feel so... vulnerable. A shiver ran up your spine. You paused for a breath to calm your heightened nerves.
This has to end soon. You couldn’t stand another night spent thinking of him, of all people.  
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“I uh- I need to go.” You cough, clearing your throat, hands shaking slightly as you move to stand up. “I still have this essay for Potions.” 
“What- Hey wait, Y/N!” Harry reaches out, nearly missing your arms. 
“Why are you suddenly running off? It’s not due until next week?” Giving you a worried look. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, Harry. I feel extraordinarily perfect, I just- I wanna go back to my room right now.” You sigh, looking up at him. Your body remains tense under his tight grip. “So please let me go.”
Harry tries to not look disappointed, giving a quick glance back at your two other friends who watch you in silence. “Alright then, but if you need anything, you know where to find us.”
Giving him a small nod before pivoting in your heel, you walked straight to the Great Hall's large entryway. You ignored the way your skin burned with the intensity of the searing eyes that had locked onto you since its entry. 
“Why did you leave in such a hurry?” A cool voice asks from behind you. 
You freeze.
“Pardon?” You conjure up a reply, bluntly.
“Ok- what’s got your knickers in a twist?” 
“Nothing!” You reply defensively. Wanting nothing more than to be back within the confines of your dorm room.
“Alright, alright. I got it.” The cool, calm voice waves off an erratic rhythm to your heart. You continue to stare forward along the corridor, paying no mind as he circles around until there is a face attached to the voice. “I was just wondering why you skittered out of the Hall faster than when you were caught by Filch with the Weasley twins.”
Tilting your chin towards your chest, “What do you want, Nott?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged, “I was just curious, that is all.”
You scoff at the mockery clear in his tone. “Seriously, what is it? Because if you’re only here to be an annoying twat, I have better places to be.” 
You purposely bump into his shoulder as you make your way past him. Not in the mood to play along with him right now. Not when that stupid smirk of his is reeling images that you have been tirelessly trying to be rid of. Images that are the cause of your cranky attitude in the mornings.
From the corner of your eyes, you see him cock his head slightly to the right. Another thing you hate. He becomes more incessantly annoying when you are visibly annoyed by him.
“Nott.” You warn.
“What?“ He asks, amusement clear in his tone. “Am I not allowed to walk the same grounds that you do now?”
“Walk elsewhere. I am quite sure that you know of other paths from here to wherever you are to go. With your many endeavors, it’ll be stupid if you didn’t.” You murmur the latter under your breath.
“What was that?” He catches up to you, walking leisurely with his long legs. “Didn’t quite hear that last part properly.”
Before you could reply, a shout from the courtyard called both of your attention. A redhead girl from Ravenclaw was waving in your direction. You turn to look at Theodore who has now turned his sight back to you.
“I think she’s waiting for you.” You swiftly walk towards your house tower, making haste before he follows you again.
Unbeknownst to you, his stare remains fixated on you until your figure disappears around the corner. Only then does he wave back at the girl and make a quick return to the Hall where he left his friends mid-conversation. 
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 It wasn’t the last that you see of Theodore after, nor was it the last morning when you woke up groggy and irritated at the lack of sleep. It seems that since then, the both of you find yourselves orbiting each other much more often than before.
Not that you found it all disappointing. 
There were times that he was a good companion to have around— forget the hooded eyes that left you conscious every time. When he isn’t being an annoying twat, he knew how to hold a conversation with you; your lack of similarities is a good point as you were able to share things that the other didn’t know of.
But in truth, Theodore searched for you. In the boisterous chatters of students in the corridors, between the towering bookshelves of the library, through the window of the dimly lit Potions classroom where he has a clear view of Hagrid’s hut where you and your friends frequent.
He looks for you in all places, unable to help himself from an attempt to have a glimpse of you.
He did give his best efforts to tuck away his inexplainable attraction to you recently, and he wouldn’t dare admit that there is even a chance that he does. His denial was a fortress but cracks appeared within its walls with each time he talks to you.
“She’s at the Hospital Wing.” Blaise hesitatingly brings up. 
He almost jerks up from his comfortable position on the couch where he and Blaise are observers of their other friend’s drunken endeavors. But he manages to grab a hold of himself before the other notices.
“Why bother telling me?” His forced indifference is not as apathetic as he wished it to be. “I don’t care.”
“Oh shut up, Theo. I have never seen you so utterly fond of another girl like you do with her.” Blaise retracts back to what he was gonna say, “Anyways, I hear she will be a volunteer ahead of the Quidditch match this Sunday.”
He doesn’t reply, letting the words of his friend slip from one ear to another. You were interesting. He was unsure how, in the many years you’ve known one another, that you caught his eye now.
“She’s nice, not unlike some of her friends at Gryffindor.” Blaise continues with his taunting, eager to see a reaction from Theo. “Even managed to convince me to be her partner for Herbology.”
Theo makes a noise in a mix between a scoff and a chuckle. “From the sound of how you speak of her, it’s like you’re the one that has caught butterflies.”
Blaise simply hums, nodding to himself. “Maybe.”
Not another word slips from him again. The silence of his relinquishment makes Theo’s heart skip a nervous beat. Blaise never gives up that easily.  
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“Hello there.” A voice makes you look up from your book which you have been drowned in since hours ago. To your surprise, it was Blaise. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask. Curious why he had so suddenly appeared beside you while you were studying. You scour your brain, trying to remember if you had a project with him that ultimately passed by you.
“Go to Hogsmeade with me later.” Blaise blurts out while you gather your books that are scattered along the table. 
“Huh?” You look up at him with wide eyes. You give out a confused laugh. Maybe you didn’t understand him, right? “Did I hear you right? Hogsmeade? The two of us?”
“Well, don’t make it sound like it’s such an atrocious thing.” He makes a sound of mock offense; even making the choice to put a hand above his chest. To which you vehemently shake your head.
“Gosh no! It’s just-“ You trail off. “Why all of a sudden?”
“Nothing at all…” He shrugs, but that look on his face tells you entirely different. The mischievous expression that is ever so slightly slipping through. “Just wanted to hang out with a good friend of mine.”
You look at him with a confused frown, unsure of what he’s doing. “Since when were we good friends? Last I checked we only talked every now and then and it was really only just for projects.”
“Just come with me, will you?” 
“No.” You shake your head to further make your point. “Tell me why first and maybe I’ll consider.”
Blaise sighs, giving up. He had expected that you would not be giving in so easily to his request, after all, you weren’t really that close. But he still thought that it was worth the try, he is tired of Theo acting like he’s better than his emotions. He decides to tell you.
Well… somewhat.
“Alright, lady. I want to make a friend of mine jealous.” You hummed, listening intently. Wondering why he chose you to do it. “Also, because you’re the only person that I genuinely enjoy hanging with from other houses.”
“Will you tell me who’s the friend?” You ask.
“No.” He quickly replies, “But Y/N…I’ll treat you with anything you want at the Three Broomsticks or wherever else. Just please.” He draws out the please, adding hints or really a dump load of sweetness to it to charm you.
You think for a second more before finally giving him a nod. “Ok, but you’ll have to come with me to Honeydukes. Payback for doing whatever it is you’re planning.”
“You can have whatever you want. I’ll wait for you by the Fat Lady.” Blaise tells you before walking off with a huge grin on his face. 
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And when you turned your head, a surprised Blaize looked at you with a smile, apparently he had just been in mid-conversation with a fellow Slytherin as he hung about the entrance.
He whistled as he wasted no time approaching you, waving a curt goodbye to his previous companion. 
“Remind me why you never wear clothes other than your uniform?” He asks, his eyes unabashedly trailing over you. Though not in a predatory way that leaves you uncomfortable.
“Because it’s a hassle having to think of an outfit when I could just put a uniform on and call it a day.”
He hums, nodding as he thought about it.
“Well you look good in your non-school clothes, you should wear them more often.” He suggests, although he quickly amends it. “Not that I’m saying you don’t look great normally, it’s just nice to see how you would personally choose the clothes you wear. It kind of reflects a lot of your personality more.”
The two of you make no rush as you travel to Hogsmeade along with the other students, chuckling at the eager third-years who are freely roaming around. Engaging in small talk all the way. 
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“What’s got you in such a sour mood?” You rolled your eyes at Theo, who has done nothing but glare at Blaise who sits beside you with such harsh blinding venom. “If all you plan to do here is to murder Blaise in a million ways inside your mind, then please do it some other time.”
The man beside you couldn’t help the amused choke that escapes him as he sips his glass of Butterbeer.
Theo finally breaks his lone stare down and shifts his attention to you. “Since when did you two hang about by yourselves?”
“We always have-“ Blaise starts to explain but he is cut off by a kick to his shin that makes his knee jerk up and hit the table. 
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
His eyes remained fixated on you still, a medley of emotions behind them that you couldn’t exactly pinpoint. 
“Well, Y/N? I’m waiting for you here.” He impatiently asks. “Are you two on a date?”
“Theo, if you think that we are, then why did you even come here?” You roll your eyes at whatever antics that the both of them are trying. Not realising that you called him by his nickname, usually reserved for his close friends.
“Well-“ He stammered, unable to explain why exactly did he approach you all of a sudden. “Blaise doesn’t have that good of a reputation with girls and I wanted to make sure he’s not trying anything with you.”
Blaise clears his throat in an attempt to remind his friend that he is still sitting at the table, clearly within earshot of whatever slander he’s being put to.
“I can hardly think of a reason why you would if he does, but we were just having a conversation as friends, Theo.” You finally answer. “Is it that much of a surprise that I tolerate one of you?”
“He wants it to be him.” The man beside you mutters under his breath which you ignore, thinking it is only a jab.
Theo once again kicks Blaise under the table, making the latter swear under his breath.
While the two of them bicker like they are some man-child, you spot Hermione and the rest of your friends coming in through a tiny door and sitting at a table by the staircase. You scoot over until you are out of the seat, glad that you chose to sit at the open end of the table, without making a noise.
You make quick haste to transfer to your friends' table without garnering attention from the two Slytherin boys.
“Hide me.” You drop your heavy body on the seat beside Harry, trying your best to hunch over his relatively short upper body. 
The three instead laugh at your obvious demise, Ron not even trying to hide his amusement with such a burst of boisterous laughter. Unlike you, the three had noticed how Theodore Nott had been seen beside you much more often than necessary. At first, it was nothing that they really paid attention to, but when you told them of your otherwise eventful dreams…they began to have other thoughts.
It was clear that both of you were attracted to one another except for yourselves. And it’s been a hilarious sight to be an audience to but they are beginning to tire of your constant zoning off when the other is in your peripheral.
“What even is with you and Blaise coming to Hogsmeade together?” Ron asks. “I thought you liked Nott.”
You exhaled in exasperation, “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like him.” Gritting your teeth and clenching your jaw at the blatant teasing. “I am seriously beginning to regret telling you about my dreams.”
You watch as Harry stands to grab drinks for the rest of you guys, trying to explain why you came here. Not forgetting to mention how Theo had suddenly the conversation you’ve been having with Blaise. 
You were shocked to find that the both of you actually shared a lot of the same interests in various aspects; books, music, values, name it all. So despite your previous disinclination to agree with his idea that you would get along well, you thoroughly enjoyed the short time that you spent alone. 
His genuine interest in the many muggle creations that you’ve mentioned has made you all giddy. Telling him of all and everything that he must try, making a mental note to give him some things that you have in your dorm.
On the other end, Blaise shared a few of his interests with you— though it was only very few, given that the wizarding world does not really pay much attention to those kinds of things, especially the purebloods. 
“So just because he bribed you with anything you want from Honeydukes, you agreed? Y/N!” Hermione exclaims, to which you only answer her with wide eyes. 
“What?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows at the bewildered expression on her face. 
“You’ve been to Hogwarts for how many years now and yet you have no idea what going to Hogsmeade with only one person insinuates?”
“Uh- What?”
“That you two are going on a date of course?” She practically scolds you. Maybe you shouldn’t laugh at Ron anymore when she becomes like this. It's no joke that it feels like you could be the stupidest person on the planet.
“We’re only friends, for Merlin’s sake! Well, we became friends today.” You roll your eyes. “It’s not my fault that is what might people think.”
Harry and Ron look at each other with more than amused grins on their faces.
“I think I finally know why Nott was practically making the snow melt under his feet earlier,” Ron remarks. To which you give him a confused look, unsure what he meant.
“Well, before we came in here, we saw Nott almost stomp his way to here. I swear that I actually saw steam coming out of his ears.” Ron exaggeratingly shares, taking a sip out of his pint glass. “I thought he was about to burn this place down to ashes with how he looked so mad.”
That explains why he’s being more moody than usual.
“What’s that got to do with Blaise and I?” You finally ask the question that’s been brewing in you since he mentioned it.
But the only response you get is a look of disbelief from all three of them. Each one just about screaming “Are you being serious?” without saying anything.
“Are you truly that dense Y/N?” Harry asks, his hand reaching out to pat you on the shoulder.
You push him off, glaring at him. “No, but seriously what do you mean?���
“Even Harry and Ron, oblivious as they come, recognise that Nott has some kind of interest in you.” Hermione explains, “I don’t even know if he realised it himself but the two of you are oozing love hearts everywhere you go. It’s torture to see how you both ignore it.”
You're left dumbfounded, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment at the mere suggestion. Your thoughts racing as you consider Hermione's words. Theodore Nott, the mysterious and enigmatic Slytherin, having an interest in you? It was a revelation that sent your mind reeling, and you couldn't help but wonder if you had been completely oblivious to his feelings all along.
No. That’s just… wrong. This had to be another one of their pranks again. Ever since you confided in them of your dreams, they’ve been ceaselessly teasing you with Theo. Yeah, this must be it.
You chose to respond in a haughty tone, in an attempt to mask her flustered feelings. “Gosh, if this is what spurs in your minds when I tell you about my struggles at night, then I’d rather just keep them to myself from now on. Find something else to speculate about.” 
Unbeknownst to you, while you were so flustered trying to deny anything and everything they say of you and Theo, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had mentally orchestrated a plan. Harry subtly made a signal to the other two to play along as he saw Theo stand up from his heated conversation with Blaise to approach you four.
With sly smiles quickly masked, they leaned in closer to you and feigned curiosity. 
“Alright then,” Ron begins, “But I heard from Hermione that you had another dream last night. Is it as juicy as last time?” 
Harry chimed in, his eyebrows raised suggestively. “Yes, please spill the details. We’re all ears.”
Caught off guard by their sudden and out-of-place interest.  “I said that I’m never telling you of anything again. And it's not juicy! Please don't ever use that word ever again.” You never wanted to divulge anything related to your rather steamy dreams again to your friends. 
“This is the last time, we promise! And we promise to not annoy you any more with Nott.” Hermione exclaims though you reach out to slap her on her arm at how loudly she said it. Looking around the bustling crowd to see if anyone heard it, confused when you see Blaise sitting with somebody else now, probably some friends from Slytherin, Theo nowhere in sight.
Little did she know that Theo had indeed overheard their conversation and as he was slowly nearing their table, curiosity piqued as he heard his name. He slowed in his steps, waiting to hear more.
Your face turned an even deeper shade of crimson as you think back to last night, a bit different— a whole lot different. The dream had left you truly confused because it was nothing like the otherwise steamy ones you had. It was unsettlingly normal, and it has left you with a sense of unease that left you unable to sleep properly, terrified at what this means.
 You cleared your throat, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. "Well, it was just a, you know, like the ones I told you. Nothing too different. I still hate it."
Hermione's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in, feigning innocence. "From the look on your face, it seems to be different. Tell us about it, pretty please."
You hesitated but then began to describe the dream in the most vague and unassuming way possible, but you knew no matter what you said, they would use this to tease you endlessly. "Alright, alright. So, in the dream, I was in the Black Lake, and there was a gentle, warm breeze. I was walking with someone, and it was peaceful. It was like…everything is normal. No war, no problems, no animosity, just us walking like any normal person.”
Harry and Ron exchanged knowing glances, while Hermione continued to prod gently. "And who were you walking with, Y/N?"
Your gaze darted around the table, avoiding eye contact. Not seeing how their eyes slightly shifted behind you. "Well, it was just someone... you know, a dream version of someone I know. Like you don’t know already."
Hermione shook her head, “Yeah but this is different, so it must be somebody else right?”
“Hermione…It’s Theo, who else.” 
"Y/N…" You hear a voice behind you call out in a low tone, with a thread of voice. 
Your eyes widen, filled to the brim with alertness and humiliation. Your mother was right, one day this mouth will get you in trouble— not that it hasn’t been proven countless times before— but now nothing made you want to become more one with the ground than this moment.
You swallow hard and turn around, instantly the mortification in your features becomes tenfold. There it is— the stupid, bloody smirk that is always present on his stupid, pretty face when he has caught you red-handed. 
“Don’t.” You warn.
He leans his entire weight back on the wooden post behind him, staring down at you with a look of satisfaction, unapologetically reveling in your obvious embarrassment.
“Oh, but I must.” He drawls, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
Your frustration surges as you fold your arms, attempting to salvage a shred of dignity in this awkward moment. You give him a glare before turning back front facing to the table.
“You are truly insufferable, you know that?”
Without even being able to see it, you already know that his grin widens at your reply. “Guilty, I’m afraid.”
Theo pushed himself off the wooden post and sauntered closer to where you were sitting, making your heart stutter. The playful glint in his eyes brings forth an image that you would rather not see right now.
"But what's the fun in letting you off the hook so easily? It’s not every day that I find out somebody has been kept awake all night because of me."
You could only continue to cast a withering look at him as you shook your head. "You just love tormenting me, don't you?"
He sits down on the seat next to you, ignoring the other occupants who have reserved to remain quiet. Truly enjoying the show that you, unfortunately, are the star of. He inches closer to you until you can almost feel your eyelashes flutter at his breath.
“Only because I quite enjoy how flustered you can be.” He admits softly, and in that moment the playful teasing in his voice gives way to something else.
A different kind of tension. 
Not one that you would like to be a part of.
“Well, that would be the last of it.” 
Theo and your friends are left bewildered when you suddenly stand and disappear among the group of rowdy students.
His eyebrows furrow and his gleaming expression turns into one of confusion and a hint of hurt and disappointment. “What just happened?”
When he finally turns to look at your friends, all they do is share uneasy glances with each other. They were unsure of how to respond to Theo’s question when they could hardly comprehend what had only occurred.
Hermione opens her mouth to say something but closes it once more when the words in her mind are a jumble.
“Astronomy Tower.” He hears someone say. His cerulean blue eyes that somehow turned grey shifted to the bespectacled boy sitting a chair away from him. “Go.” 
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“Why did you run off?” You ignore the voice that shatters the silence. The bristles of the wind brush against your clothes. Your head thrumming as the sound of your shoes clicking against the concrete permeates into the air. 
He calls you by your name with a gentleness that sends tingles down your spine. But yet again, you ignore him. Choosing to stare intently at the rust that forms by the railing in front of you, the complex chemical reaction is seemingly more interesting to you now. 
“Y/N please…I don't know what’s going on your mind right now but we need to talk.” He moves to stand next to you, placing his arms on the barrier. “I will say it, no matter if you want to listen or not. We clearly have feelings for each other.”
You want to say that you are surprised that he is being so straightforward right now, but it’s evident that someone had to stop whatever dance the both of you had been playing at for the past month already. 
 “And that’s confirmed by what I heard earlier.” He chuckles in an attempt to lighten up the mood. “Gods, I hate you so much.”
“Your dreams say otherwise.” He continues with his teasing.
“Stop it. As if you’re any better with how you acted with Blaise earlier.” You hit him back. “Blaise is an annoying ass who meddles in my business way more often than necessary. But I guess he did one thing right.”
“What?” You ask, turning your body to lean on the railing, facing him.
“He kept bothering me about you, and I guess he got tired and decided to make a move leading us to this moment.” 
“He can be pretty persuasive when he wants to be." You agree. Silence befalling after.
“Gods, I don’t know what happened but it’s you.” He breathes heavily.  
A laugh escapes your chest, “If somebody came to us two months ago and told us that we’d be acting like this, I would think they’re mental.”
Theo grins at you, making you giggle to see the little fang on the corner of his mouth. He places his hands on your cheeks and cradles your face, making a move to press his forehead to yours as he nears.
The vivid, flashing images of Theo from your dreams doesn’t hold a candle to the real thing. The skin under his touch tingled and it made you itch to reach out with your fingertips, feeling as if you would crumble beneath his hands.
You pull away to stare up at him. The cold that typically veils over his eyes are gone as they reciprocate your stare with an even warmer touch. Every nerve ends in you lighting up with a golden electricity.
Theo opened his mouth, closed it again, opened it once more, and then shut it, apparently struggling to remember how to talk.
So, he decided that actions seem to be your thing anyways, as the two of you are quite horrible at talking.
Carefully, almost as if he’s never done it before, Theo leans forward and presses his lips against yours so gently. All you can think about is him even as you respond to his kiss, melting against the touch. 
He pressed himself into you, attempting to tangle your bodies together. He wants to feel every inch of you against his skin, willing the gods to let you be one. Hell, he wanted to climb into your ribcage and possibly live out the rest of his days inside your heart.
You gasp as his hands creep under your shirt and trail along your lower back, though he doesn’t wander. He takes this as an opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth, exploring eagerly.
You tilt forward, answering his devotion with an equal eagerness. In your distraction, your hands slide from their hold on his shirt and travel until your fingertips meet behind his nape.
This goes for a while before a sudden splash from the waters below you makes you jump apart, though still very much physically attached. His arms were still tightly wound around your waist.
“I think that’s a sign we should stop for now.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
Laughter met in the air between you—sweet, short, intertwined. Although you would like to have another one of your dreams to come true, you want to take it slow. The idea that he thought of you as you did to him has still not truly sunk into your mind.
Even now as he leans his face slightly towards yours again and begins to leave soft, tender kisses all over your cheek, making butterflies appear in your stomach.
“Gods, I just realised something.” You laugh all of a sudden, making him stand up straight to look at you curiously. “What is it?”
“I just made Ron win a bet for the first time since we all became friends.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, he was the first person to tease me about these stupid dreams–”
“Excuse me, I rather think it’s not.” He interrupts playfully raising an eyebrow. “Shush.”
“Anyways,” You continue, “Harry and Hermione initially thought it was nothing and that it probably would stop after a while— obviously not. So Ron set a bet that I’ll end up having feelings for you or we’ll end up together.”
He chuckles, his eyes glinting with amusement. “I’m still surprised they didn’t hate the idea. With us being in literal houses that hate each other.”  
“They’re only annoyed at some of you, honestly. The ones that perpetuate the ‘Slytherin’ motto too much.” 
"Plus," he continued, the joking tone in his voice fading a bit, "even if they did have complaints, I would have ignored every single one and still pursued you."
“As if! You stormed to Hogsmeade just to interrupt our ‘date’ and you wouldn’t even admit it. If it weren’t for what our friends did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.”
“Let me pretend, for goodness’ sake woman!”
His playful exasperation brought a genuine smile to your face, and for a moment, the world around you seemed to fade as you got lost in the playful banter you're used to with him.
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evolnoomym · 1 month
I’ll Make You Love Me💋
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Bfd!Joel Miller x f!reader
Main Masterlist | Joel Miller Masterlist
Summary: In Joel’s eyes you are an unpleasant person. Yet he has to pretend as if he would not want to get rid of you for Sarah’s sake, she loves you so much you are her best friend. Well Joel also feels terrible for the rather unethical thoughts he has of you.
Rating: 18+ mature content mdni !!!!!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: no y/n, introducing “Lucky”, female oc character, Sarah is 18, Lucky is 21, Joel’s age is not mentioned but he’s at least double Lucky’s age, degradation, humiliation, Dark, Joel is mean, he calls you Bitch/Slut/Junkie, spanking, dub-con, Daddy Kink, Manspreading hehe 😉, pervy!Joel, tears, Joel enjoys her tears, manhandling, hair pulling, weed consumption, alcohol consumption, a tiny fluffy moment, alludes to BJ, Joel can also be nice,
If I missed anything please let me know 🙏🏻
Authors note: this is for @toxicanonymity ‘s manspreading olympics. ❤️‍🔥
Shoutout to @cafekitsune and @saradika-graphics for the dividers ❤️
Big thank you to @jennaispunk and @joelmillerisapunk for beta reading ❤️‍🔥🌙
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so if you come across mistakes it might be due to that. I’m totally here for constructive criticism or feedback on how to improve. In general I appreciate comments, likes and reblogs greatly 💋
Songs I listened to while writing:
What You Do by James Gillespie
Bad Girls by M.I.A
Maneater by Nelly Furtado
Salvatore by Lana Del Rey
Sad Girl by Lana Del Rey
Waiting Game by BANKS
Into It by Chase Atlantic
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You should feel bad for thinking of him in such a peculiar way. You should be ashamed for even considering him an option. He is totally off limits considering he’s much older, a busy mature man and most importantly Sarah’s Dad. Sarah the sweet girl that has been your Bestfriend for over 2 years.
It excited you in the beginning how much Joel hated your presence in his daughter’s life. He didn’t approve of this friendship ever since Sarah at 16 years old first brought you, her 19 year old friend, over for the first time.
In front of Sarah he tried his hardest to appear polite but you could see right through his facade from the beginning. And one evening when Sarah was already fast asleep you gave Joel a piece of your mind in the kitchen.
“Mister Miller let’s stop these silly games we both know what’s going on…you don’t like me and I couldn’t fucking care less.” You scoff and get off the counter, slowly drawing closer to Joel “You hate me so much but Sarah loves me soooooo much and imagine how upset she’d be to know that her Daddy doesn’t want her to be happy. Wouldn’t that be a shame,huh?” You question with an enticing head tilt.
Now you’re right in front of him, toe to toe with big bad imposing Joel Miller. You can feel the pulling in your lower belly from being so close and most importantly smelling his manly musky scent. You remind yourself that you gotta stay focused if you want to win this game.
You get even closer until your able to place your hands on his warm broad chest sliding them slightly upwards his shoulders. “What the hell r ya doin?” Joel hisses.
You lean up to whisper in his ear “Nothing, just letting you know that I eat guys like you for breakfast, I chew you up and spit you out. You’re not a threat to me, old man.” You pull back and give him a sinister sickly smile.
The wickedness in your tone causes goosebumps to prickle on his flesh.
You feed off of seeing him scared. You enjoy knowing what kinda effect you have on this usually so collected man.
“Goodnight Mister Miller, better start sleeping with one eye open from now on.” You giggle while skipping up the stairs.
That was the start of it all.
Now 2 years later with Sarah just having turned 18, Joel realizes that you two are gonna keep him on his toes even more than already.
The 18th birthday celebration was already a disaster, what Joel assumed would be a relaxed family gathering turned into you crashing the party and taking Sarah out, of course Sarah was excited so how could Joel say no.
Well when you two didn’t return at 12 pm like promised he admittedly got worried, but he wanted to trust Sarah so he tried to stay calm.
At 3 am he hears the screeching tires from some show off guys car and loud drunkish giggling. The princesses have officially arrived back home from their trip, almost 4 hours too late.
When Joel opens the front door he sees you and Sarah practically half draped over your shoulder stubbling up the starirs in sloppy drunk steps. You two are giggling and mumbling at each other in a language Joel does not understand, it certainly can’t be English.
You immediately glock his disgruntled face, the alcohol cursing through your system emboldens you so you haphazardly shove him out of the way. You sigh loudly and obviously annoyed at his antics all while herding Sarah up the stairs.
Joel cannot believe that after dragging Sarah off, taking her to god knows where, letting her drink and god forbid smoke… you still have the audacity to behave so entitled.
You put Sarah in danger and don’t feel an ounce of remorse. Joel hates your guts, in his eyes you are an entitled little brat that desperately needs to be put in her place.
Even though Joel hates you, he at the same time cannot keep his head clear of dirty images of your young and tight body. He thinks about the pool day where you showed up in the tiniest bikini he could think of.
Prancing around all while he had to resist the urge to just tear it off. You knew he was looking and he knew that you enjoyed his eyes flitting all over your enticing figure.
The both of you were tethering on a dangerous line, that could cause big trouble. How would Sarah feel knowing this is happening behind her back.
You constantly antagonize him like that wearing short skirts and tight shirts with no bra because apparently it’s too warm for that. Running into him, pressing your perky tits against his bicep in passing, coincidentally bending over in front of him. Joel was quickly approaching a breaking point, his resolve crumbling more and more with each time that he had to tug at his throbbing length all while thinking about you.
Joel clearly underestimated how much you’d play him and how much better at it you are. At this rate you’ll win this game. He however has a plan, that might even after everything still save him the success.
Joel only has to wait for the right time to attack, catch you off guard and use that to his advantage.
He gets pulled from his thoughts when he hears something that confuses him, you are singing and it sounds beautiful.
Joel creeps up the stairs as quietly as possible to not alert either of you.
The closer he gets to Sarah's door the clearer it becomes. Joel pushes the bedroom door open by only a few inches to get a look at the situation and it makes his heart roar. You sit on the side of the bed we’re Sarah is nicely tucked in, your body facing Joel but your eyes locked on Sarah’s face. Softly singing a lullaby in a language foreign to him while gently stroking over her cheeks, smoothing the hair out of her face, almost like a mother would with her baby. Something Sarah never got to experience in childhood since her mother left so early on.
Joel realizes that despite the rough exterior you put up there’s more to you than just a cold hearted homewrecker, you care for Sarah, you take care of her and watch over her wherever you two run off to. Joel feels gratitude for someone he admittedly doesn’t know a whole lot about.
Joel has seen enough and retreats back downstairs.
When you stumble into the living room to bid your goodbyes Joel looks like he’s deep in thoughts.
So you announce “Sarah is sleeping, make sure she drinks lotssssssss of water when she wakes up and takes more aspirin if needed. I’m out.”
You turn to walk off when Joel gets up “Hey ya sure bout walkin home now? I can drive ya.” He offers but you decline “Nah it’s alright Mr. Miller I can protect myself, I’ve always done it. Besides, why do you suddenly care,huh?“ you sarcastically laugh while slipping out of the house.
When you’ve turned away from him the snarky smile falls right off your face.
Joel actually felt somewhat sorry that night for the way he treated you all those times before.
That lasted until you decided to smoke weed with Sarah in his lil work shed that was situated in the back of his garden.
Joel would’ve realized either way if not by the smells wafting up his nostrils the moment he entered the shed later in the evening, then surely by Sarah’s unstoppable giggling, her slow mumbled speech or by the food flash she got.
When the two of you begged him to let you sleep over he eagerly agreed. Chalk it up to the weed that numbs your brain that this quick reaction didn’t seem suspicious.
Joel knows you will find him, you’ll see the open back door and walk right into his trap. You never sleep the night through when you spend it over at the Millers, he can hear you getting up and wandering around the house. Sarah on the other hand has got to be blessed with an extremely deep sleep.
The thought of overpowering you makes him smile giddily into the darkness of the shed.
As usual you wake up in the middle of the night, ever since being a little child the sleeping became a struggle and nothing works except tiring yourself out.
You get up out of Sarah’s huge plush bed, slip out into the hallway and down the stairs. There you immediately catch the wide open back door leading to the garden. Odd, Mister Miller would never in a million years leave that open.
You walk up to the sliding doors and when you stand in the threshold staring into the dark backyard you see that the shed is left open too.
Out of stupid curiosity you decide to investigate, not the smartest to perhaps walk right into a burglar who has a weapon but you don’t really care.
So you pat the way across the cold grass, it tickles the sole of your bare feet and the fresh midnight breeze actually feels awfully pleasant on your heated skin. Halfway you stop and glance upward at the beautiful full moon shining down on you.
After taking a deep breath you continue onward towards the shed.
When you reach the opening of the shed there’s really nothing you can see or hear. So you step further into it, carefully putting one foot in front of the other.
You feel like someone is watching you but you are unable to pinpoint where it’s coming from. It’s unsettling so you do something considerably stupid “Hello, hello is there anyone? Mister Miller are you in here?” You call out with a shaking voice.
No response.
A light flickering in the center of the room catches you off guard and now you can see him, the one that watched you.
Mr.Miller is sitting on a bar chair behind him is his working table, he leans his back against the edge of the table.
Your eyes immediately go to his slightly sweaty face -the Texas heat is unrelenting even in the middle of the night- he looks gorgeous illuminated by the tiny lamp glowing behind his shoulder on the cupboard. He’s smirking sinisterly at you.
You let your eyes wander over his broad shoulders that are clad in a green flannel. Inevitably your eyes slip down to his wide spread jeans covered thighs, they look so big and muscular.
He catches your staring and drops a hand on his thigh that slowly starts stroking up and down. Making you gulp audibly.
“M..M-..Mister M..Miller what are you doing here?” You stammer out.
“I was waitin for ya to come find me.” He huffs gruffly.
He continues “Close the door behind ya Lucky.”
You feel somewhat hypnotized by his slow calculated words as you, out of pure reflex, reach for the handle behind you.
As you shut the door, effectively trapping yourself with him he murmurs “That’s a good girl. Ya do know how to listen Lucky Girl.”
Hearing Joel call you a good girl in his signature dark molasses like voice had you squeezing your thighs together.
“Hmm ya like that baby, huh?” He inquires
“N..no, that would be fuckin weird.” You try sounding sincere but to no avail Joel has seen through you a long time ago.
“Lucky you are liar, a slut, a junkie..-“
You hiss “What did you just say?” While stepping closer to where he sits.
“Ya heard me right Lucky, you are a fuckin junkie, smoking weed in my shed with Sarah. Are ya outta your mind?” He throws back
“You gotta be kidding me, right? Big Bad Mr Miller is shitting his pants cuz of a bit of weed.” You wheeze.
“That’s enough.” He decides, getting up in one swift imposing movement. Suddenly he’s the one towering over you and he looks pissed.
He’s on you in the blink of an eye threading his hand through your hair grabbing a decent amount by which he pulls you with him.
“Ouch…ouch what the fuck let me go.” You huff while trying to get his hands out of your hair. But he doesn’t appreciate the disobedience and starts pulling even harder, which brings you to tears from the pain.
“Ohhh poor baby Lucky, look at those tears, ya not havin’ fun huh? That’s too bad darlin’ but I don’t care.”
He sits back down on the chair and in one swift motion pulls you over his thighs. Your belly rests on his crotch and your whole world is turned upside down.
“Clearly no one has ever taught ya a lesson, that’s why ya always behave like a bratty bitch.”
His free hand flits to your sleeping shorts and practically tears them off of you. At the ripping sound you yelp.
“Hmm look at that plump ass and those sweet lacy panties…ya always wear this slutty underwear when ya have a sleepover?” All while he’s groping you.
“What the hell are you doing Joel?”
“Aw is it not Mr.Miller anymore? Have we lost our manners lil girl? Or is there a better name for me, hmm?” He inquires.
For some reason you know exactly what he wants to hear but you're not inclined to give in. Yet.
“It’s fine baby ya don’t need to say it now, I’ll make you scream that goddamn name you fucking slut.” He pulls on your hair “Ya hear me bitch.?”
All you manage is a meak nod before he lets go off your face.
You can feel his warm and calloused hand on your cheek squeezing, stroking and poking. Then his hand is gone but not for long. You can’t even react. He's that fast in delivering the first smack to your behind.
“Ya gonna take what i give ya and behave cuz you wanna be a good girl, right? Ya wanna be my good girl,hmm?”
“Y..y-yes I do Mr.Miller.” You say defeated.
“Atta Girl. I think 10 should do it, for now, until ya feel like acting up again..”
He is unrelenting when it comes to punishing you, each time the impact is harder and more unexpected than the previous. You have to bite your lip in order to suppress a moan, even though it hurts it’s incredible. You can feel yourself becoming wet, with each time that his hand collides with your behind more slick gushes out of your pussy. At this point there must be a wet patch visible.
His bulge pressing against your stomach tells you how much this is affecting him too.
“Lucky I know ya try to hide it but I can smell how she’s leaking and if I check I’m sure I’ll find that cunt all sloppy for me, right?”
“That’s what i thought.” And with that he continues the assault on your cheeks.
And it may be only ten but he makes them count, the blows are measured and hard. You guess your cheeks must be glowing at this point.
When he finally reaches 10 it feels like hours have passed since you decided to go wander around. He’s massaging your bruised ass. You finally feel like you’re getting a moment of peace but that couldn’t be further from the truth, because Joel threads his hand back into your hair and yanks you to face him.
He’s just staring at you, accessing you and then he kisses you.
It’s rough, teeth clashing, tongues swirling around, his hands urgently grabbing your face, your fingers tangled in his graying curls.
Though the kissing is over before it can escalate too far, Joel is once again pulling you by your hair, this time he’s more gentle, he pulls you off of his knees and pushes you down on them in the space between his spread thighs. You’re at eye level with his crotch now that looks painfully hard.
As you peek up at him through your lashes you muse “Looks like you got a problem, a big problem…Daddy. You want me to help you?” All while innocently tilting your head at him.
He grabs your face roughly “Shut up Lucky and put ya smart mouth to better use.”
“Don’t underestimate me Daddy. I’ll make you love me.” You say while giving him a cheeky wink.
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Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI, thank you 🙏🏻
Npt: @toxicanonymity @aurorawritestoescape @milla-frenchy @joelmillerisapunk @joelslegalwhre @joelsdagger @tonysopranosrobe @luxurychristmaspudding @mountainsandmayhem @moonlitbirdie @joelalorian @sawymredfox @thundermartini @ace-turned-confused @almostfoxglove @pedropeach @joelsgreys @joelstummy @ovaryacted @iamasaddie @wintrwinchestr @littlemisspascal
223 notes · View notes
hrtbreakanniversary · 2 years
love me low | neteyam sully
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Baby, I just wanna kiss you Stay until the day is done You don't even know just how much I need you Baby, I just wanna keep you
summary: y/n is in love with her best friend's brother but he's in love with her sister.
pairing: neteyam sully x f!omatikaya reader
word count: 10k
playlist: love me low - ai bendr, yes to heaven - lana del rey, umaasa- calein, xo - beyonce, cloud 9 - beach bunny, i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys, about you - the 1975, here with me - d4vd, can i - alina baraz & galimatias, moment - lildeath
warnings: aged up (neteyam and kiri are 18 whilst lo'ak and y/n are 17), misunderstanding trope!, jealously, protectiveness, talks of marriage, unhealthy family dynamic, assault, y/n is super hard on herself and cares about others more, blood, war, profanity, suggestive
She knew this was a bad idea from the get go. Despite the Olo'eyktan warnings to not wander out after dark for the sake of safety, his own son had come to her as the orange hue of the horizon seeped through the cave's openings to speak of a new area he found in the forest.
Trying to reject the younger Sully never really worked for Lo'ak was always persistent to take his best friend on whatever not so bright idea he had planned in his head.
Additionally, she would do anything to get out of her home. The constant berating from her mother and calling her every second to do something because her sister's precious hands couldn't bear to get rough from using them.
At first, nothing was wrong. Like always, she would follow the male and the human (a term she learned from Kiri because calling him an alien was far too mean), Spider, as he ran and swung through the trees before they stopped at a place she has never seen before. Vines that hung from the tree branches above. A question formed on her tongue but Lo'ak was already climbing up the trunk, his eyes set on a thick branch that stuck out high off the ground.
It was already too late to back out so she followed, having no idea what the male Na'vi was planning to do but she always knew that no matter what, he was going to shove off his skills as if he were performing for a circus. She didn't know what a circus was but she would always hear Olo'eyktan mumbling under his breath of how much of a complete circus it was whenever something didn't go to plan specifically because of his middle child.
At first, it was all fun and games. Despite the suspense, the fun he spent all night talking was about swinging on the extravagant amount of vines. Screams and laughs filled the air as the three took turns going back and forth on the long vine, the momentum allowing them to go from tree to tree.
They were having a lot of fun.
So she couldn't blame Lo'ak for how she ended up with her head being seconds away from becoming a meal for baby palulukans. While the other two tied the vines around their waist, she decided to be different and tie the rope to her ankle instead. Cheers filled the air once again as she spread her arms out to the refreshing wind. She swung back and forth at least three times. In the corner of her eye, she saw the herd coming from afar that prompted her to stiffen her posture. That would lead to her failure as gravity would take it's course, causing her to be hanging upside down.
Trying to untie the vine from her ankle took a lot of upper body strength that she was struggling to pull out at the moment. The two males atop of the tree too were struggling to pull up her up because of the many factors: how the long rope, gravity, and mind her language… fucking weak they are.
A scream, now out of fear, came out when she felt the snap of thanator jump through the air but missed by a couple of feet as she was still a bit off the ground.
Although there was only a handful of these little creatures here at the moment, she knew she was seconds away from the number of them multiplying by the seconds.
"Hey, hey! Help me up!” Y/N kept doing sit ups midair to avoid losing body parts from her heads. She could hear the bickering of the two from above and the vine budging at every attempt they had to try to pull her up. “You two have 10 fingers each. Use them, skxawngs!"
"I'd be nicer to the ones saving your life!" She didn’t know who did said that but that was the least of her worries since the vine did not shorten, it got longer. The snaps of the animals getting closer to her head. The probability of them taking off her head at 90% possibility now.
She heard their shouts of fear but a hum rang through her ears, cloudiness blurring her eyes as the blood rushed to her head.
In the moment of losing her consciousness, the herd had ran off in the other direction for who knows what reason before another blurred figure jumped into her view. They stepped down and stood in front of her, their face merely centimeters away from hers. Features familiar to the one of the fools that was still struggling to pull her back up.
It was when he sighed when she realized who it was. Neteyam.
From both trying to readjust how she looked while also trying to get her foot out of the stupid vine, she looked even more ridiculous when she fell into the field of grass below her from the vine cutting cut from above. Her legs and arms flared out in awkward positions.
Neteyam ran to her side, pushing back the hair that fell in front of her face and kept his hand on her cheek, “Are you okay?” His other hand quick to adjust her loincloth that went out of place.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Her cheeks feeling hot as she melted into his touch before her head flew to the side from him shoving her head.
“Now, what were you thinking?” Always too good to be true. She didn’t fight back when he helped her up from the ground.
Lo’ak and Spider came down from the tree, running over, “Brother, what a surprise to see you out here!” His shoulders folding back to mock Neteyam’s straight posture, “I see we all had the same idea of taking a late night walk.”
“Are you three insane? Are you asking for a death wish?”
All joking subsided, “We had it all handled. We’re just trying to have fun.”
“Have fun? Have fun?” Neteyam scoffed," This is what you call having fun? Somebody almost died." Lo'ak waved him off which only prompted the older male to continue," You both need to grow up. You're almost 18 and you're going to have to start acting like adults."
Lo'ak rolled his eyes," Then ask yourself why you followed us out here. Surely, you didn't think that Y/N was going to have a near death experience so why are you here, bro? What is that saying that the sawtute always say? FOMO? Fun out when more out?"
"It's fear of missing out." Y/N and Spider whispered to not interrupt the brothers' daily quarrel, eyeing one another in amusement.
Neteyam looked away in defeat that made Lo'ak proud," And we did have it handled. You came right when we had it." And although he said it with such confidence, his eyes diverted away because he knew he was wrong and he walked away before anyone could say anything.
"Handled, he says", Spider elbowed Y/N's side," The only thing that would be handled is there would be no horrendous singing on the way back."
She threw herself forward to jump on Spider but a hand grabbed her back, Spider sticking his tongue out at her before he caught up to Lo'ak. Her heart quickened again. Her eyes wandering from her arm to his hand, up his arm, and to his face.
"He's not wrong. How do you think I managed to find you? I followed where it seemed Eywa was covering her ears." Quick to act as if she wasn't staring at him when he looked down at her, Y/N shoved at his chest that moved up and down from laughter with her free hand with a roll of her eyes. Though he didn't budge, instead moving his hand away to wrap his arm around her shoulder.
She knew the way he touched her meant it no other way than platonic. Talks about the girls who also had eyes for him about how he is not affectionate towards others unless they are apart of his direct family. Y/N has been in this family for longer than she hasn't. Growing up with all of them had put her farther than what could be considered the friend zone but into the family zone.
She also knew that what she felt for him was different. There wasn't a time that she could pinpoint where she started to see him in a different light but it felt like she has forever. That she has loved him since forever.
As he talked to Lo'ak and Spider, her eyes had a mind of her own as she looked back up at him. Watching as the night sky illuminated his freckles.
The ride back was short but felt long. Despite Lo’ak not caring about Neteyam’s lectures, all of them dreaded Jake’s scoldings.
Y/N had to admit that he was intimidating but she knew his rough attitude was for ensuring the safety of all of them even if he tends to go a little too hard on Lo'ak. She was used to it all too. Constant lectures of how she should act and getting in trouble for the most smallest of things. At least him yelling at them was from the good of his heart.
At the moment, all she could do was simply enjoy how her arms were wrapped tightly around Neteyam's torso. Just as she was about to lay her head on his back, he angled his body so she could hear him over the wind that blew through them,"So where's my thank you for saving your life?"
Y/N squinted," Has Lo'ak misspoke? Did you have a need to fill your urge to be such a knight in shining amour?"
All the air escaped her lungs when he leaned back, "Only for you.". Arching his head back, the skin of their cheek skimming each other," I like the look on your face when I do."
"Whatever." She pushed his body back into a straight up position to hide her flusteredness. But the warm feeling had faded when she saw the rest of the family awaiting their arrivals at the entrance of High Camp.
Without a word, the four diverted their eyes away to the ground as they stepped off the ikrans. After Neteyam had helped her down, Lo'ak and him stepped in front of her to block her from the death stare their father help onto them. Of course, Spider had made his way to the front and tried to convince Olo'eyktan that it was his idea but he was quickly hushed by Kiri who was quick to pull him away with Tuk from the high tension area.
Using the boy's heights to her advantage, Y/N tiptoed to the side to try to make an escape and delay the consequences of her actions but a deep clear of Jake’s throat made her stop immediately in the steps.
"I expected better from you", Although he didn't state a name, it was clear who it was directed to. "All this time that you have to be training and finding a mate, you're instead messing around and not taking anything seriously."
"Sir." Y/N finally looked up from her feet but felt instant regret when both Olo'eyktan and Tsakarem had put their attention on her. “It was my doing. I wanted Lo’ak to show me what he’s been raving about and Neteyam only followed to make sure we were safe.”
Lo’ak shook his head, “ I actually really wanted to show Y/N and Spider this place I found so it was my idea to go out into the forest.”
Olo’eyktan sighed, “ I don’t care whose fault it is.” He pointed between the two, “ You both need to grow up. Somehow when there’s something on, it’s always you two and I’m tired of having to say the same thing over and over again especially to you.” He pointed at Lo’ak. He opened his mouth as if he had more to say but Neytiri cleared her throat and it only came out as a huff, “Don’t make me find out you’re out there after dark again. I don’t even want to look at you two right anymore, dismissed.”
It wasn't until they heard their footsteps of the couple stray far away did they look up at one another. Despite the nerves that racked their body when getting yelled at, they could help but snicker at each other's inconvenience.
"Come on, guys!" Spider waved from hut they were huddled in. It wasn't until they raced to the group did Y/N feel the sharp pain on her ankle, kneeling over next to Kiri and clasping onto the raw skin. The vine must've dug into her skin when she was struggling but she didn’t want to make too big of a deal out of it. It’d heal over time.
“What did Father go on a rant about this time? And does it even matter? He says the same thing yet Lo’ak is still going to do it.”, Kiri earned a high five from Spider on the side.
"It's so unfair. All they do is yell at me and when they look at you, they go "Y/N, Y/N, you mustn't spend such time with a delinquent.", Lo'ak mocked his father's brooding tone.
"You are a bad influence." Y/N avoided his swing through the air, making a face at him but also because the movement made her lean down against the wound.
A smirk replaced her pained look as Kiri listed out the multiple occasions in which Lo’ak did not listen to their father and how many times he was always caught.
“Y/N, are you okay?”, Tuk asked from behind, leaning up against Y/N’s back. Oh, ever the so observant. Y/N couldn’t help but affectionally rub her head but the little girl paid no attention to the cooing as she hovered over to the hand covering her ankle, lifting up Y/N’s hand, “ Oh my gosh, you’re hurt!” The girl's eyes widened, Y/N holding a finger up to her lips to shush her. Luckily, Lo’ak moved the topic from complaining about the consequences of his own actions to tease Neteyam who was quietly sitting on the window sill behind all the girls.
“Dad's all like " Neteyam, you've got to find your mate."". He teased, hoping over everyone to poke him on the arm, " Little does he know that all the girls in the village have been lining up for him and yet he doesn't care one bit."
Spider stood on the other side of Neteyam, holding his chest," Maybe he isn't into that crowd."
"Either way, we'll help you out, bro. It must be hard to juggle picking a mate while also being the best son."
"Oh shut up the both of you. And Lo'ak, you said it, not me.", He swatted at them with the cloth he had in his hand. " Besides I've already chosen."
"You've already chosen?" Kiri and Tuk gasped.
"When did you choose? How did you choose so quick?" Y/N propped hers on her knees, Tuk's body falling onto her lap.
"I guess I always knew." He shrugged," Just finding the right moment and way to tell her first. I don't want to tell my parents yet in case they make her promised to me against her will."
"Oh ~ so romantic." Lo'ak wiggled his fingers, Neteyam swatting the cloth at him again.
Y/N noticed that even though his annoying little brother was mocking him with a deep voice and making their other siblings laugh, he was staring out into the air and not even defending himself like his mind was elsewhere. She couldn't help the ache that came with the realization. He must really like this girl if he is hoping not to mess up with her.
I wish you would look at me.
As if he could hear her thoughts, he looked in her direction and she locked eyes with his. Her breath hitching as he smiled down at her instead of looking away,"What?" He mouthed.
She tilted her head and mouthed back," Who is it?"
He playfully shrugged, earning a scowl in return. Right as he was about to get up and walk over to her, Lo'ak stood in front of him with Spider. Their hands were clasped together and they looked out into the distance with starry eyes, "Oh how I love you, Neyetam." Spider spoke in a high pitched tone while Lo'ak deepened his already deep voice," Come with me as we venture into each other's bodies-"
"Lo'ak, Tuk is here." Kiri growled under her breath and rolled her eyes when she heard Tuk asking Y/N what does venturing into another person's body means. "Besides, I wouldn't make fun of him so much. He's managed to find his in a short time while who knows how long you'll take when the time comes." Kiri pointed out which Lo'ak matter of factly responded, " I don't have to worry about that. I've got Y/N. Mates for life."
"As if!" Y/N threw a pillow that Tuk handed to her to hit the male square in the face that erupted the whole hut into laugher again.
The laughter faded when a figure appeared at the opening that caused everyone to stop what they were doing.
Y/N followed their eyes and she felt as a needle had poked her balloon that was her mood, deflating it.
"Jeez, you guys are acting as if I'm a monster." Her older sister, Eyota, stood up. Her braids falling behind her back like waves when she brushed it back. Y/N knew the quietness wasn't because that they didn't like Eyota. It was farther than that. Everyone adored Eyota like how they adored Y/N. Though it was different. While they wanted to be her friend, they wanted to be Eyota's other. She knew Lo'ak's sayings were a joke because the boy has talked about how pretty her older sister is to her face and not that she cared for Lo'ak's opinion, he has never called her pretty and instead resorted to comparing her to a fish he caught the other day.
“Hi Yam." Eyota’s words slurred, making Kiri and Y/N side eye one another.
"Did she really nickname him after a vegetable?" Kiri whispered.
"Hello, Eyota." Neteyam leaned back into his previous position, cropping his leg up onto the frame.
"Hey, Eyota." Lo'ak leaned up against a pillar, attempting to cross his leg over the other but it only resulted it in him losing balance.
"What do you need?" Y/N asked, Eyota looking away from the older Sully brother and pointed with her head towards their own hut," Mother's calling for you."
"You're an embarrassment."
Y/N watched as her mother placed scoops of Teylu on Eyota's leaf, chewing on the outside of the salty seed.
"The Olo'eyktan." Her mother seethed," The Toruk Makto."
Reaching over to grab a handful of teylu from the middle of the table, her mother slapped it away.
"In front of the whole village, he addressed you." She grabbed away the leaf in Y/N's hand before she could retract it away," And you still sit here with no shame as you eat away all of your father's earnings."
"My love, it's okay-"
"It's not okay. She thinks she can run around with that demon and drag along the Sully boys into her troubles. Then doesn't even bother to come home after the Olo'eyktan scolds her." Her face scrunched up into one of frustration, disgust dripping from her tongue," It's because you spoil her that she's turned out like this."
The table remained silent, the sound of the crunching and chewing echoing in the air before her mother asked Eyota how she was doing on finding a mate.
She hated how gushy they sounded and how Eyota is praised for the bare minimum. Call it jealously. Call it envy. Y/N didn't care, she simply wanted to be treated with respect for once.
"I've had a lot of suitors but there's one that I'm planning to take a step further with."
"Whose the lucky boy?", Father butted in.
"Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan."
"Ah the Sully boy?" Mother clapped. Father's eyes widening as he spoke with his mouth full," The future Olo'eyktan?
For the first time the whole night, Mother turned to Y/N and spoke in a civil and sweet tone," Would you help your sister? Your friendship with the children will benefit her greatly."
Hate was a strong word, Y/N loved her older sister unconditionally. Y/N would never feel that way for Eyota but it was hard not to resent the older girl when she was never defending her from their mother and was now planning to court someone that Y/N has always loved.
Unable to breathe, Y/N abruptly stood from the table and sat in the corner with her back towards her family.
"Not even excusing herself from dinner and not answering a simple question. What an ignorant child." Each word poking more and more into the facade she was trying to keep up that she didn't care anymore. Opening a book that was found during one of the raids, the crummy pages of words and pictures serving as an escape for her as her mother continued to ask Eyota about what her plans were.
She didn't know when she fell asleep but the book was laid out flat on her lap and the hut was now quiet as everyone else had tucked themselves away for the night.
The ache in the back of her neck reminding her of the position she slept in. Noticing that everything from tonight's dinner was still left out, she mentally noted to herself to clean up after stretching. Careful to not step on anything or anyone, she pushed past the drapes. Once the night air hit against her skin, her body convulsed into stretches, raising her arms above her head.
A rustle made her crotch her arms down into defense mode and turn to where the noise came from.
There Neteyam stood with a bowl of an unknown substance and the same cloth he was holding a few hours ago.
"Teyam, you scared me." She set her arms down and crossed them over each other to warm herself from the cold. "What are you doing out here so late?"
He held up the materials in his hand and looked down at her ankle that she had completely forgotten about. But now that it was mentioned again, she started to feel the pain searing up her leg. "Oh this thing? It'll heal."
"When? After it gets infected? Go ahead and sit down." He jumped down so he was on a lower level, Y/N sitting down on the wooden ledge. Her body betraying her again as her heart began to race from his touch. However, it was replaced when the cold ointment met with the gash. Hand reaching out to squeeze his shoulder as she hissed in pain.
"Drama queen." He nudged," You know it's kind of crazy you came out right as I was coming."
"I have a sense of when idiocy comes around."
"It must go so crazy when you look at yourself."
He caught her ankle when she moved it out to try to kick him. She kicked again in efforts to get out of his grip but gave up after a while, allowing him to finish cleaning and put Mo'at’s medicine on.
A comfortable silence blanketing over them with the exception of some hisses from pain. An unknown amount of time had passed before the cloth was wrapped around her ankle, Neteyam’s thumb running along the closing to ensure that it was secure before he began to massage the area.
“Did you like the book?”
“It was good. A bit hard to get through because there’s a lot more words than there are pictures but I like it a lot more than the other ones you brought back.”
“Wasn’t my favorite ending.”
"Really? I liked it."
"Is that right?" He took the spot besides her, sitting close enough that their thighs touched, her heart beating once again beating harder than it should be, "Care to explain?"
"I mean sure, I wished the couple should've stayed with each other till the end. But it was extremely realistic that they didn't. Sometimes happy endings are meant to be."
"I beg to disagree."
"Oh, is that right?" She mocked his previous tone," Would you care to explain?"
Neteyam scooted closer than they were before, leaning his arm behind her," I believe that even if the world is against two lovers being together, there's always one path that brings them to a happy ending."
Is there a way for them to be together? Even if her parents were going to be against it because her sister had verbally stated her want for him first. Even if she was considered to be family by his and isn't mostly likely not seen as anything more by him? Will she have the happy ending he speaks of if she were to voice her feelings to him?
"Teyam, who are you planning to court?" She held her hand up in defense," If you don't mind me asking."
"I'd like to keep it as a surprise." He nudged her side," In fact I think you'd like her. You'd probably know her the best out of everyone."
"Interesting. Is she cute?"
"So cute."
"Even cuter than me?"
He cupped her cheeks with both of his hands and squished them together, making her lips pucker out," Now who could ever be as cute as you?"
Scrunching her nose in an attempt to shake off the jittery feeling. It didn't help that when she looked at him all she was was flowers and a bright light that illuminated around him. She didn't know it was her pure imagination or Eywa was working to create a show for him.
He then lowered his tone and slid his hands down onto her shoulders, "Now that we're on this subject somewhat. What does your sister think of me?"
And it was as if someone reached in and squeezed her heart. The tightness in her chest overwhelming every sense in her body. Why did it have to be her? Why does it always have to be her?
The signs were so clear in front of her. The special nickname she had for him and how quick she was to choose him. The fact that she knew her sister the best out of everyone and how he would get quiet like Lo'ak would in case he would say something embarrassing that would ruin her perception of him. Neteyam too cared about Eyota's opinion.
When she hoped he was talking about her, he was talking about her.
It’s been a week since that night. Her father had stepped out and interrupted the conversation so she didn't have to go on a spiel of how Eyota liked him as well because that would have honestly taken away all of her digniity. Managing to escape the question, she bid Neteyam a good night without looking back and had a sleepless night.
Neteyam's bullshit interpretation of the book was not about her and him clearly. The two main characters are Eyota and him. For she was only a side character to their love story.
If the question wasn't obvious enough to fix her narrative, when returning back with the buckets of water that her mother had requested, Neteyam stood with Eyota in front of their hut with flowers in his hand. Talks that she's heard when she spends time with other girls in the clan about how flowers tend to be the first part of the courting phase.
Now she wasn’t going a downhill spiral where she was going to let herself fall claws of depression. No, she couldn't sit around and mope about it. If the two wanted each other, she couldn't stop because in the end like Neteyam said, if two lovers are meant to be together, they are mean't to be.
But that didn’t mean it didn’t pain her to have to talk to him, knowing that he does not return the same feelings to her and having to watch him court her sister.
At first, it was as simple as trying to be as touchy as before. Refusing to ride on his ikran together or walking with Kiri and Tuk when she ventured out into the forest. But all failed the day they went out for a swim and Neteyam had beat Lo'ak to offering her hand back onto the solid grand, his arm wrapped around her to spare some of his warmth on the way back home.
For the past two weeks, she’s been walking out of any area he walks in before he approaches her after a specific amount to not make it obvious. Thought it’s been enough times so for it to be. She’s been declining Lo’ak offers to go out into the forest because she knew in the end that Neteyam would be there. She only went when she knew Neteyam would be going with his father on another raid.
It was dumb but she had to do it to protect her heart.
There had been a time when she came close to ending whatever she was doing but when she walked towards the Sully’s hut, Eyota’s hand was running up and down Neyetam’s arm and he wasn’t budging to move it, leaning against the hut as they engaged in conversation. That pinch in her chest reminding her of why she needed to take this time to heal.
She did occasionally make her rounds around the Sully's hut but not as often as she used to, finding things to occupy her time.
She was able to avoid interacting with Neteyam easily that didn't garner much questions from anybody except for maybe Lo'ak who was used to the girl dropping everything to be able to spend time with them.
Neytiri had offered to her to come over to learn how to make this dish that Y/N had previously stated a loving for. As the two sat crouched over several cut up ingredients, Neteyam had walked in to grab a cover for Tuk which was an excuse to come in and invite Y/N to chat outside. Unintentionally, Y/N made eye contact with him. His hand coming up to wave at her but Y/N turned away and asked Neytiri what kind of plant she held. A frown formed on the boy, bundling up the cover in his hands. He stood for a good second to see if Y/N would look back up but he walked out in defeat when she didn't.
Unknowingly to them both, Neytiri had saw it all and looked over at Jake, widening her eyes as if she was questioning the interaction but he could only shrug.
The morning after, Y/N decided it was time for her to learn how to make baskets as the ones her family has were starting to wear out from use. Though it sucked when her fingers were quite cooperating, "No, 'evenge, you must go under and then over." Mo'at grabbed the straw basket out of her hands and fixed the uneven pattern that Y/N had created.
"Sorry, Mo'at." She beamed at the older woman who only humphed. Propping herself onto her knees to watch her do correctly, she hadn't noticed the two other beings surrounding them.
It wasn't until the air in Spider's mask exposed the two did Y/N looked over in annoyance," Can I help you?"
"Want to go hunting?"
"I'm busy."
"Please." Lo'ak clasped his hands together.
"No." Mo'at handed the basket back to her with the correct pattern and tightened one.
"Pretty please."
“Kiri is going." Spider included but it didn't help much since Y/N shook her head again.
"Well that's one too many for you to bother now."
She successfully folded in a one and proudly held it up for Mo’at to look at who only shook her head and fixed it again.
“Why don’t you want to go?”
“I’m too lazy.”
Lo’ak groaned and began to go on a whole rant about how even if he says that he’s tired, he still has to go. He shut up after Mo’at sent him a stare. It didn’t stop his pleas for her to go, Spider joining in. Though they sounded like whiney babies, it was all white noise to her as she tried again to weave the same pattern but instead failed.
Mo’at grumbled and snatched the basket away from her, “ Go. You are not helping and these two are hurting my ears.” She shooed them away with a wave of her hands and didn’t stop until they were out of sight.
“Cmon, Y/N.” Both of their arms wrapped around her shoulder with Spider falting off her a bit because of his shorter height, Lo’ak joked,“You’d never be a lady if you tried.”.
Just as he said that, she saw Neteyam and Eyota together besides an ikran, the comment striking harder than she usually let it. Huffing out a deep breath, she crossed her arms together with a frown as they made their way to their own ikrans.
The large group gathered around their instructor. Much to some people’s annoyance, specifically the ones with the same last name as the teacher, their instructor today is Jake.
The group gets divided into two with one in the ground and the other in the sky to cover as much area as they can. It's done with a team leader picking out who they want in their groups but with Jake, he tended to put his family with him and several others in his group and then the remaining in the other. He knew he could trust the others to do their job but with all of his family sans Tuk participating, he'd rather keep a close eye.
"As last time, we'll be-"
Y/N rose her hand, bowing to apologize for suddenly interrupting," May I be excused from the sky team today and stay on the ground today? I'm not feeling all that well.". The reality was that she rode with Neteyam last time and she was feeling sick at the thought of being in such close proximity to him. She couldn't be feeling those butterflies when he was going to be betrothed to her sister.
Kiri was surprised, nudging her on the side. "There's no way you're leaving me with those losers."
"That's fine, Y/N. Make sure to stay close to the group in case something goes wrong."
With a close lipped smile, she stepped back and Jake continued to state his plan, most of the group's attention and ears on him except Lo'ak and Spider that were groaning and whining to Y/N on switching teams which ended with Kiri telling them to shut up and leave her alone even though she mumbled under her breath that it'd be no fun with only boys. Y/N giggled out a "sorry" that didn't at all sound sincere, missing Neteyam's hard stare on her.
“Has Y/N been acting strange at all to you?”, Spider asked.
“Yeah, kind of.” Lo’ak twirled a stick in his hand, “Like she stills spends time with us but she also doesn’t. I don’t know… she’s been kind of distant.”
Kiri scoffed out a laugh, “Maybe she found out she can do better than hang out with you all day.”
“You know the "you" includes you as well, right?”
“Did you forget that Y/N and I are girls which means we have a different connection which means … we talk amongst ourselves… especially about you all."
While the two boys pestered Kiri about what kind of gossip the girls do, Neteyam took front and moved large branches and leaves out of the way for an easier walkway. Though on the outside, it seemed that he could care less about the topic at hand and was simply alert on his surroundings. His mind was else where like it's been for the the past month, no, for the past two years.
His thought were interrupted when he heard a familiar giggle come from below. Rushing to the source, he leaned over the ledge and saw Y/N. Not alone though but with another boy, Zakum, that he always found a bother because of immature he is and now he was 10 times annoying when Neyetam saw how his hands were placed on her waist and the other on her arm as to position her to aim the arrow towards the stream.
The others had joined him and watched as the arrow was wasted into the water, missing the fish. Y/N pouted back at Zakum, Zakum patting her head affectionally before they both returned back into the prior position to try again.
“Isn’t Y/N a perfect shot?” Spider frowned.
Neteyam nodded. He knew because he was the one who taught her. He was the one who had his arms around her to get a perfect stance and the one who taught her the secrets of having perfect aim.
“See what I mean? There's something wrong because if she can easily get her target, why did she miss?” As if lightbulb had switched on above his head, “Oooh.”
They then all collectively placed it together with Lo’ak and Kiri ooo’d teasingly in spite of their friend knowing how to flirt but stopped when they looked towards Neteyam, his face stoic and his jaw clenched.
The voice of their father caught their attentions through the throat microphone that they were getting off track, the regrouping for the flyers occurring a while ago.
“Let’s go.” Neteyam threw himself up from the ground and refused to look at anyone, roughly pushing away anything in his way.
After a successful hunt, all the members of the clan gathered around to celebrate the winnings of the day. The meat of the strumbeest and fish grilling over the fire, families happily with one another as they fed each other. Some engaging in some indecent behaviors that involved kava and its disastrous effects.
Y/N held onto Tuk's hands as the little girl guided her around the dance line. Now instead of following the traditional dance, Tuk was making her own moves and moving her feet in a different way that made Y/N trip over her own feet when she attempted to follow her.
Tuk groaned out of frustration," Y/N, you've got to get yourself together before you fall on me."
"Come on, Tuk Tuk, slow down then! You're a much better dancer than I am."
She stuck her tongue out," I know that." She proudly grinned. She dragged Y/N around the fire to follow the others in the dance line. Even though Tuk did take the dancing quite seriously, the child would never miss out on the chance to be lifted up in the air. Y/N twirling her around in the air before the both of them got dizzy.
Stumbling to an empty spot, they both fell back onto the soft cushion of the ground. Tuk rolled over to lay on her side, her head laying on Y/N's arm.
"Y/N, I'm glad that Neteyam chose-"
A small shadow that stood over them, Tuk quickly sitting up and regaining her composure. Y/N lifted her head to find a little boy holding his hand out for Tuk to take. The blue of Tuk's ears fading into a light blue. Tuk's hand reached out for the boys but quickly retracted it when she realized that Y/N was besides her. Her eyes looking over for permission.
"Go ahead. I'm all worn out."
Tuk didn't think twice before running off with the boy.
Damn, even Tuk was having a better love life than her. She scoffed to herself. Maybe she can wallow in her self pity now. As she was in the process of laying back down, something caught her off guard that made her sit right back into position.
Eyota's legs over another person, her lips close to his ears to whisper unspeakable things. And that other person was someone that surely was not Neteyam.
Fury burned within her. She didn't think twice about her actions and if anyone was going to stare at her, the trail to her older sister almost leaving behind smoke if she had faster than she did. "What the hell are you doing?"
Eyota widened her eyes and immediately stood up, the male besides her obviously intoxicated by the way he missed her arm when he reached out to pull her back down.
"What is that language? Is that what you learn when you-"
"Shut up." Eyota and Y/N both equally stunned but Y/N continued on," Why are you being touchy with another boy? Aren't you close to having a secure mate? Like Neteyam."
"Ughh." Eyota's scowl returned, "I never confirmed that I wanted him. The whole point of finding a mate is to explore and why would I stay put with one?"
"You told Mother that Neteyam was the one you wanted to take a step further with. Isn't it working out, why are you-"
"Y/N, can I not interested in another people too? Sure, he's cute and a good warrior but I'm young, let me have fun. And when have you ever been so interested in my life? Is it because yours is so disappointing?"
Y/N brushed away the last comments, "Neteyam is my friend, you shouldn't treat him like he's some kind of toy." Y/N felt her body shaking from such anger.
"Ach! Then you can have your friend! All he does is talk about you anyways. It's insufferable."
He talked about her? Y/N's face softening at the thought, unaware that Eyota was staring at her little sister weirdly, stepping back to sit back to sit with the drunk Na'Vi.
A hum ringing through her ears as if time stopped, eyes trailing around the crowds before her eyes landed on him. His gear still on from today but paint decorated his face. He talked amongst his friends, his hands motioning a ikran flying through the air. As if he could feel her stare on him, he momently looked up and then back up, interlocking his eyes with hers. The sound of her heartbeat thumped in her ears when he didn't break it.
"Y/N!" Zakum appeared from thin air, his arms wrapping around her. A tug to pull her in the direction of everyone else. "Dance."
"No, I'm okay." Looking back in the direction Neyetam previously stood, he was no longer there.
"Cmon! It's tradition. It is the way. Dance!"
"Zakum, I am quite busy." Trying to squeeze her body out of his grip but he only kept a tighter hold.
"For a quick second, I promise and then you can go on as you please."
"Go with the boy, Y/N!" Eyota claimed, tossing her head back to take another large gulp of kava.
Seeing as there was no way out of this, she stopped struggling and let him lead her to the large crowd, his hands on her hips so tightly that she could move in the other direction if she wanted to. As everyone stood in a line, Zakum faced her and mirrored the others in line.
Typically Y/N is able to keep up but her mind wandered else where, unable to concentrate. The sound of everyone's voices and the hot air of the fire being all too much for her at the moment. All she wanted to do at the moment was talk to Neteyam about what Eyota said last.
Zakum's hot breath radiated down her neck, his skin clammy against hers. His hands running from where their hands were linked to his hips. Lower and lower he went until-
"Don't touch me like that." She pushed him away, a face full of disgust clear on her face. A stunned look on Zakum's face as he tumbled back. Taking this as an opportunity to walk and finding a breath of fresh air in an empty space away from everyone, she felt herself being pulled back around to him by her arm. Both of his hands now holding a tight grip on her.
"Where's the Y/N from earlier today? The one who was practically begging me to touch her."
The Y/N earlier only acted in that way to prove Lo'ak and Spider wrong that indeed she could be seen as a woman even though it was down in a way that didn't make her feel comfortable whatsoever. When she heard the group that hide behind the bushes rushing away, she moved out of Zakum's touch immediately. Apparently Zakum didn't get a hint that she wasn't interested when she was extremely annoyed by his flirtatious ways before and after the act.
"Get off of me."
"Come on, you wanted me earlier. Change of heart?"
A pain felt in her wrists when his grip on her grew tighter and tighter each time she budged. He used his tall height as a advantage to push her back until she felt the stabs of scratchy bark of the tree.
"You think you have better options? I'm the best you have. I can prove it to you right here. Nobody's around."
Disgust ran through her veins and clung to her skin, bile rising up her throat. Frustration causing tears to brim at the corners of her eyes. Though, she didn't stop her fight against him. Spreading her firsts to push with her palms at his chest. "Leave me alone, you perv."
"Stop fighting." He gritted through his teeth, pushing both of her arms against her chest. The pressure making it hard for her to move and breathe.
Y/N shut her eyes tight. Wishing constantly in her head that he'd magically go away and hoping that a good idea would appear into her head.
His sweaty palms being replaced by a familiar warm embrace, the beaded bracelet pressing against her skin confirming exactly who it was. Her vision blurry at first when her eyes fluttered open, leaning into Kiri's arm.
She saw silhouettes of the two men in front of her, one pushing back the other.
"Neteyam, leave him. Let's get Y/N home."
Though he didn’t listen. Everything happened so quick but in the moment, it felt as if it was in slo-mo.
The way Neteyam threw his arm back to land a punch square in the middle of Zakum's face, the blood trickling down from his nose. Zakum threw himself toward’s Neteyam’s torso to push him on the floor but Neteyam held his place, placing another hit to his face. Zakum returned the hit with one to Neteyam's side that fell weak against Neyetam's move to knee Zakum's stomach. The blow making him fall to the ground, Neteyam hovering over him. How he kept going back in, his knuckles landing each time on the other boy's face.
The two were split up suddenly by a taller male. "Stand down.", Jake's strong voice ringing through the air, his body sandwiched between the two to hold his son back from the other. Neither of them had even seen him approach the commotion, Lo'ak clearly out of breath from trying to get his father in time before the fight escalated any further.
Neteyam didn't care though. A spine chilling look in his eyes. An emotion none of them had seen before. Sure, she's seen him annoyed and upset but this was rage. A look clear and evident that he wasn't done with Zakum.
"Can't even fight his own fights without Daddy stepping in." Zakum spat, Neteyam stepped forward with his fist up but Jake blocked him.
"You best shut your mouth before you find yourself in more trouble than you already are." Jake glared at Zakum before turning back to the others in the area. "Kiri, take your brother..." His eyes softening at the sight of the blue skin of Y/N's wrist turning a light purple. As if he was starting to get a clear understanding of what had occurred not more than five or so minutes ago," and Y/N to get their injuries checked."
Not wasting a second to avoid Jake's scolding of another member of the clan, they were quick to walk away from the scene. The last thing Y/N had saw when she looked back was Zakum's parents standing, their forehead creased from their frowns and the sound of yelling being loud for them to hear from where they were.
No words were exchanged. She knew purely from the way her mother was refusing to look at her that she had messed up tonight.
Her father helping her apply the medicine Mo'at had given to her before she was pulled away by her family to their own hut. She did want to stay with them to assure that everything was okay especially since she was the one that was at fault and caused this commotion to happen.
"Did he..." Her father's eyes watering, his body completely shutting down and refusing to even finish the sentence. Y/N placed her hands over his and shook her head. Cries racked through his body as he with his forehead pressed down to her hands.
Towards the side of the room, her sister was sound asleep underneath a blanket, the smell of the liquor she drank radiating off of her. Their mother hovered over her, a hand reaching out to smooth out the older daughter's hair.
Oddly, Y/N didn't feel the green envy that she typically felt when she saw her mother caring more for her sister. Despite what had happened to her, her mother still repelled any sense of worry to her and only cared for the simply drunk sibling. So it wasn't worth feeling.
Maybe it didn't matter what she did. It didn't matter how much she cared for her family. It didn't matter that she sacrificed her heart for her sister in hopes that her mother would be proud of accomplishing such a task. Nothing worked.
Maybe if she realized this long before, she wouldn't have gone through this effort to distance herself from Neteyam and potentially ruined the friendship they had.
The chance to talk to him seemed to pass her every time. After having breakfast with her family and taking care of the aftermath of what the kava had done to her sister who woke up with a shooting headache and had projected vomited everywhere, she was stopped by Zakum who was accompanied by his father to apologize for how he acted last night.
Quick to forgive with her mind only focusing on what Eyota had told her last night about how all Neteyam had done was talk about her. She had made to their hut but she was a few minutes off as both Lo'ak and Neteyam had gone with the war party. She used that time to apologize for the events that occurred last night but Neytiri was quick to tell the girl that it wasn't her fault while Kiri reproached her for even considering that she was.
It wasn't until later that that day when night had fallen did the opening of her family's hut swished open, the youngest Sully standing in the opening. All four pairs of eyes startled and all watched as Tuk ran over to Y/N to pull at her arm, her chest heaving up and down from what seem like she had ran here.
"Tuk Tuk, what's wrong?"
"You have to come." Urgency dripping off from her tongue," It's important." She didn't look at anyone else in the room except for Y/N, her small hands barely wrapped around the circumference of her arm. Tears streaming down her face, using all of her weight to try to pull Y/N up.
"Tuk, wait. What's wrong? You have to calm down and explain to me what is going on."
"The sky people attacked." Her words jumbled as snot and tears ran down into her mouth. "I don't know what's wrong with Neteyam. Norm took him and I didn't even see him. He was bleeding so much, Y/N."
Not only Y/N but everyone in that hut stood and ran with the child to where people were returning back. It wasn't an exaggeration to say this was the worst they have seen so far. Usually people would return with as much as a scratch but the skin of several people that were being lifted past her were almost close to falling off. Bubbles littered several other people's skin, Mo'at handing off medicine to others to be able to care for as much of the injured as she can. Several people huddled together as cries were heard among the chaos hinting that there were losses this time or they had gone missing.
Her eyes surfed the crowd to find Lo'ak and his father stood towards the opening. From their posture and the veins that popped out from Jake's throat, he was yelling at Lo'ak. That she would question later but she could get a sense that Lo'ak may have been partly to blame for what had happened today.
A breath of relief to see them both standing, she was quick on her feet and followed Tuk to them. Colliding her body to Lo'ak's, not caring if he wasn't finished getting berated. Lo'ak's returning the embrace as he wrapped his arms around her torso quickly. Hearing him whispering reassurances that he was okay, she remembered that one person was missing and circumstances Tuk had told her.
"Lo'ak, how's Neteyam?" An obvious strain in her voice as she thought of the worst.
Lo'ak's heavy sigh and the look in Jake's eyes making her heart drop to her stomach, her hand coming up to cover her mouth as tears immediately came streaming out.
"Y/N!", Kiri called for her just as her knees were about to give out from underneath her. Neytiri trailing behind as they ran over to Y/N. "He's refusing help." Neytiri spoke through dry heaves. "Norm was able to take the bullet out but he's not letting anyone touch him to clean his wounds or look at any other. There's still a lot of blood."
"He's asking for Y/N." Kiri pointed. "He keeps saying he wants her and chanting her name like she's going to appear."
So he is alive. Resisting the urge to hit Lo'ak in the stomach for scaring her but she figured he knew as much as she did about what was going on.
She quickly wiped her ears as Neytiri walked over to her and placed a hand onto her shoulder. Plead in her eyes,"Y/N, sweetie. I don't know what's going on between the two of you but I beg you to forgive him or forgive yourself."
Y/N immediately agreed, finding no strength to say no to Neytiri who bowed her head as a thank you. The two guided her the box that was full of pods for avatars, all the metals in the room shining in her eyes. Kiri handed her a mask to help her get better control of her breathing from the toxins from the air inside. Her feet feeling cold against the floors and her body full of nerves as she inched towards the closed door at the end of the hall.
Silently she entered the room with medicine that Kiri claimed would sting less compared to what Mo'at was giving everyone else, the boy hunched over with his body facing the wall. She could tell he knew he was in the room by the way his ears perked up at the sound of the door opening. A white bandage was wrapped around his upper torso but the rest of his body still full of open wounds. 
She walked around and stood in front of him, eyeing the large blood spot where the bullet had entered. Cautiously she brought her hand up and placed it carefully on the gauze. Feeling his stare on the side of her face, she refused to look up in fear of how her calm facade would drop and instead moved her hand down to the much gnarly scratches that littered the open skin. 
With still no words spoken between them, she set aside the bowl and instead grabbed a discarded towel that she believed was being used to clean his cuts before he became troublesome and everyone had given up.
Right as she was placed the towel onto a bloody wound, Neteyam hissed in pain. She tried to go slower and dab it instead of rubbing but he continued to groan. verbally letting out grunts of "ows.". 
Deciding there was no way to ease the pain, she continued to clean off the blood less carefully and pressed down on one that was still leaking out. 
His hand shot up to grab at her arm, making her finally look up at him to see that he was crying. 
"Wow, I didn't know you were such a baby."
He obviously didn't find that funny as he blinked away the water that gathered at the linings of his eyes, his eyes rolling when he wiped them away with the back of his hand.
"You try getting blown up and shot at and not cry." 
"I'd rather not." 
Usually they'd laugh but the tension that filled the room stunted their chance to, only resorting back to the static silence. Y/N looked back down at the seeping wound and began to dab at it again.
"You know you're all I could think about."
She stopped. Only for a moment before she continued to clean the cut as if she didn't hear him. Not because she wanted to avoid confrontation but she refused to believe what he said was real.
"When I felt the bullet go through me, all I could think about was you. Wondering what the hell I did to make you to so upset that you couldn't even have talked to me. And I got so scared because I thought I was going to die out there without finding out what I did wrong and how you refuse to even look at me in the eye" He grabbed at her arm again but this time by her wrist and pulled it away from she was doing, her attention as well. Goosebumps running up her arm when he inched her closer to him, peering down at her even though he was seated," Especially when you have always told me to be honest about my feelings so why is that when I am, you're upset with me? Remember thinking, is what I did so bad? If I had known you would've acted this, I wouldn't have done so."
"That’s not the point, Teyam. You say that now but you would’ve resented and I couldn’t bear have you be upset with me.” Y/N pushed his arms away from her, cautious to not be too rough. "Teyam, I just needed time to get over it."
"All you had to do with me was be honest with me. Because I wouldn't have cared. I could never risk not having you in my life."
He wouldn't have cared. It felt as if everything had shifted two steps back when they were moving one step forward.
"Then what’s the point?” She threw the towel to the side. The fury ran strong through her veins, not expecting him to be this cold about how she felt for her. “ You’re such a fucking asshole.”
"Excuse me?"
"You wouldn't have cared? Well guess what, Neteyam, people have feelings and while you couldn't care, I'd still have to sit there with my feelings for you and watch you be all lovey dovey with my own sister. And I know my worth and I'm not going to sit there and act like I’m happy for you two and watch you try to make her yours."
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion," Wait what? Your sister? What does Eyota have to do with this?"
"Gosh if I had known how bad you are with girls, I would've have gone for Lo'ak. But of course I'm one of the many fools that has to be in love with you" She scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. "First of all, skxawng, if you like Eyota, why would you talk about me so much? That's why she's moved on from you so fast. "
A offended look on his face appeared on his face,"I'm bad with girls? I'm far from being bad with girls. If anything, I've tried every- Wait... you're in love with me?" A smirk replacing the grimace on his face.
"Yeah. Not that'd you care or anything." She huffed," I swear, Neteyam, get that look off your face before I smack you because you're really hurting my feelings."
"Oh I'm hurting your feelings? Y/N, I've been waiting for a response from you for what seems like forever. I was wondering when you would flat out reject me."
Now it was her turn to be confused," But I saw you giving her flowers. And you asked that night before what she thought of you."
"I was giving her flowers for you. Fucks sake, they even were your favorite ones. Your mother was there as well. And I asked her what she thought of me because I was going to be courting her sister so I had to make that she saw me in a good light. And before you get confused, you. I wanted her approval so that I could pursue you."
Though the picture was perfectly drawn for her and the tie of the knot becoming unraveling and untangled, she couldn't believe it. Not when her whole life, Eyota was always first choice. She couldn't accept this reality because it simply couldn't be true, " No." She shook her head. "No, there's no way you could be choosing me. Because everyone likes Eyota more. I'm the friend and you're confused but we all know that-"
"I do not want Eyota."
"You say that because she decided she didn't want you. Because you messed up your chance with her.”
A soft pair of lips cut off her rambling, Neteyam's arm wrapping around her to place his hand on the small of her back to push her closer. His other hands brushing against her cheek. Their bodies pressed against one another like two puzzles pieces fitted together.
It took needing a breath out of their masks to break them apart, her lips parted in shock.
“What does that tell you?”
“Nobody ever sees me-"
They buzzed when he leaned back in and pressed a swift peck on her lips, using his thumb to press down on the middle of her bottom lip.
“Do you get it now?”
“Maybe just one more.”
Neteyam exhaled out a laugh, standing up and picking up Y/N by the waist with no struggle. Except a grunt of pain when she hit his shoulder and warned him of his injury. He sat her down onto the edge on the bed and leaned down again to connect their lips together for a quick second, "Oel ngati kameie, Y/N. Always and only you."
She could feel her cheeks getting hot, getting embarrassed when she knew that her face had to be all purple. Everything was so overwhelming, her mind forcing her to look at other parts of the room. What deemed as impossible of happening was happening.
He brought her back when a thumb softly pushed her chin back down, forcing her to make direct eye contact with him. His eyes so full of love and a plea that hoped that she returned his feeling and it was in that moment that she knew he was being sincere. That what he was saying was true to his heart.
"Oel ngati kameie, Neteyam."
⋆*̣̥☆·͙̥‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥˟͙˟͙‧̩̥·‧•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥•̥̩̥͙‧·‧̩̥‧·͙̥̣☆*̣̥ ⋆
a/n: omg thank you so much for reading this. i kind of struggled to finish bc idk i dont like how i've been writing cuz repetivity and also writers block. but my love for neteyam pulled thru hehehe. hope you liked it and plzzz give me criticism bc i shall learn from it!
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huggybearhughes43 · 7 months
omg can you write like a jeremy swayman smut pls there isn’t enough for this fine ass man 😞
You asked him?!
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Jeremy Swayman x Fem! Reader
Warnings- enemies to lovers (ur not human if you hate this man idc), smut smut smut smut, PnV, anal penetration🤫, love bites, cursing, creampie, lmk if there’s anything else
Summary- Since the day you started working as the bruins management the goalie had it out for you. Nothing in particular set him off but now you two couldn’t go a day without arguing. Your best friend told you to forget your resent argument but you couldn’t. So you showed up to his apartment to ask what he meant by what he said.
Word count- 1.7k
Ever since the very first day of working for the Bruins, Jeremy and I had it out for each other. Nothing happened, but the second our eyes met we hated each other. Every bitchy remark or roll of the eyes had me closer and closer to slapping him everyday.
Soft chatter filled the air of the hallway to the locker room. The boys had just finished with their game and were on their way home. After every practice, it’s my job to close up the rink, which includes making everyone is out. I sigh as the last of the group walks out, or what I thought was the last.
I rub my eyes and make my way into the humid (probably from the showers) locker room. It was mere silent as I walked in. Looking down at my phone I run face first into a firm chest. I look up, so ready to apologize. My worried expression faded to an annoyed one when my eyes meet Jeremy’s.
“Could you take any longer? I have a job to do and an apartment to get back to.” I huff and put my phone in my pocket before crossing my arms.
He rolls his eyes and steps out of the way for me to enter. His hair was dripping wet with sweat and his eyes droopy, sad even. The team had just lost against the kraken. I rub my neck as I walk in, guilt hanging in the air.
“Look- I’m sorry, I-“ I begin but he cuts me off.
“I don’t need pity from some girl who knows nothing about hockey.” He chucks his bag over his shoulder.
I scoff, my arms never leaving the crossed position on my chest. “I was literally trying to be nice!”
“Shocker.” I bite my lip, trying to hold back a bitchy remark that was so close to slipping out.
“Fuck you.” I say, trying my best to not say something that I’d ultimately feel bad about later that night.
He smirks and rubs his eyes. “Word is you want to.” He shrugs and walks out of the locker room, leaving me stunned.
I do my job quickly and get out of the arena. Stepping into the apartment I’m met with the stare of my roommate, also my best friend. I’m slightly taken aback, “what?”
She breaks the stare with a blink. “Nothing, you just look like you’ve seen a ghost.” “Oh,” I tsk and set my purse and keys down on the coffee table before sitting on the love seat we had in our living room. “Jeremy.” I shrug.
Lana, my best friend, groans and spins dramatically before looking back at me. “Just slap him already, please, for the sake of your mental health, I’m begging you”
I smile lightly and look at her. “I wish” I start, “he said ‘the word’ was I wanted to fuck him.” Lana huffs “he wishes” “I just wanna know who told him that. Because let me tell you, that’s the furthest thing from the truth.” I pause, “you know what, I’m gonna ask him.”
Lana furrows her brows. “Like… now?” “He lives a few roads down,I won’t be able to sleep until I know.” I grab my keys again and leave Lana in the dust as I storm outside and back into my car. It’s five minutes in the car before I’m parked in his driveway. I contemplate for a moment then get out of my car.
I knock hastily on his door, not stopping until he answered. The bright sun setting casting a purple-pink haze on the sky. He opened the door with his brows furrowed, his eyes drop down to mine before his expression softens but only an amount I would notice.
“What the hell are you doing?” His hair was dripping wet with water this time, his chest shirtless, he was only wearing a grey pair of sweatpants.
“I wanna know what you meant, when you said ‘the word is you want to’” I cross my arms bitterly and a smile cracks on his face.
He steps to the side to let me in. I gladly take the offer, not wanting to stand in the cold Boston air anymore. He closes the door as I turn around, our eyes meeting again.
“You’re telling me you came all this way to my house because you wanted to know why I said you wanted to fuck me?” He crosses his arms, his muscles flexing. I curse myself under my breath for staring. “Is that not supposed to confirm my suspicions?”
My jaw drops with a gasp. “What?! No! I don’t wanna fuck you!”. Jeremy tilts his head with a cheeky smirk, “yeah?” He takes steps closer until he was so close I could feel his breath fanning across my face. “Y-yeah.” I clear my throat. “Then tell me to stop” “wha-“ my words are cut off by his lips attaching to my neck. Soft nips every now and then between the kisses made my breath hitch and involuntary moans leave my throat.
“Jeremy- this isn’t a good idea…” his teeth pull at my skin as he moves his head to be level with mine, a smirk playing on his now plump lips. “Why? You don’t like the idea of actually liking me?” The sun was now fully gone, the only light illuminating the room was the light coming from the lamp in the corner of his entryway.
I contemplate for a moment, liking him for a change does sound nice. I sigh and move up a millimeter, connecting our lips in a harsh, hungry kiss. I felt his shit eating grin against my lips, not caring anymore I force my tongue into his mouth.
“If you think you’re in control here, you’re crazy.” He loops his hands around me onto my ass. “Jump” he whispers breathlessly. I do as he says, my legs wrapping around his waist as he hoists me up. He smirks, “good girl.” He kisses me again as he walks us to his bedroom.
He lays me on his bed softly before crawling on top of me, our lips connecting again. I moan softly into the kiss, my fingers fumbling with the waistband of his sweatpants. He tsks “I wanna see you first.” He pulls away and lifts my sweater over my head, my black Lacey bra on full display for him. He mumbles a low ‘fuck’ and places a kiss on both of my breasts before looping his fingers around the waistband of my jeans, pulling them down. I was now only left in my matching Lacey set.
His obvious bulge shown through his sweatpants. He looks up at me as he presses a kiss to my stomach before coming back up, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. “And you said you didn’t wanna get fucked, huh?” My face flushes with a pink hue “it’s comfortable-“ “mhm” he kneels between my legs, kissing soft kisses before kissing my cunt through my panties. My breath hitches again as I squirm from the sensation.
He smirks and connects our eyes as he softly bites my panties before pulling them down with his teeth. “Jere- fuck” I moan as the cool air hits my wet pussy. He hooks his arms around me and undoes my bra, pulling it off. I was now left completely naked, squirming on his bed. “Jeremy” I whine as I tug on his waistband again. “Dirty girl” he whispers then pulls off the sweatpants that I had grown to hate.
My eyes slightly widen as my eyes drift down to his enlarged hard cock. “Flip over for me, yeah?” I nod and flip over for him, pushing my ass in the air for him. “Good girl” he runs a finger through my already wet cunt, forcing a moan from me. “Already so wet? Don’t even think I need to get you ready.” He squeezes my ass then I feel him press his dick against my entrance.
“Please~ I need you- I-“ my words are cut off by him easing into me. I gasp and moan out as I feel the sting of the stretch. He lets out a throaty groan as I squeeze around him. He bottoms out and the sting soon fades to pleasure. “Please move, Jere” he smirks at the nickname and retracts before slamming into me. I moan out loudly as I arch my back, my ass pressing into his pelvis.
Jeremy lolls his head back in pleasure, pinching his eyes shut as he pounds into me. I could think of anything but him and his cock as he fucked me dumb. I press my face into the pillows on his bed, muffling the moans. My head turns to the side, I gasp out quiet sobs of pleasure, feeling a calloused thumb prod at my tight asshole.
“Jeremy m’gonna cum” I manage to gasp out, my cunt clenching around his thick shaft. “Cum for me, pretty girl.” I cry out as I cum around his cock, breathing hard to catch my breath. He leans down to kiss my shoulder softly. “Where do you want it?” “In me Jere, I’m on the pill” I hear his light chuckle turned in a groan as he fills me up with his warm ropes. He pulls out slowly before collapsing beside me.
“We should’ve done that way sooner, baby.” He moves a hair out of my face. Still on my stomach, I smile softly. “I don’t think I can ever hate you again.” We share a laugh as he gets up. “Be right back.” Moments later he comes back with a warm cloth and a glass of water. He sits the water down on the side table as he moves to hover me again, pressing a kiss to my lips before cleaning me up with the cloth.
He lays next to me once again, pulling the covers over both of us. I nestle into him in a cuddle and drift to sleep.
After soft morning kisses and protests I insisted that I needed to get home to get ready for work. Jeremy pouting when I remind him I’d see him in a hour at work.
I was met with a judgmental stare from Lana as I walked through my front door. “You asked him?! And what did that get you?” I smile sheepishly.
“The best fuck of my life?”
Me when I got this request:
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If Jeremy Swayman has no fans I’m DEAD
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toomuchracket · 1 year
and america likes me (politician!matty x reader smut)
i don't even know what to say about this. it's 3.5k words of matty if he was US president, and it's so filthy i feel like the shame nun from game of thrones is going to start following me around. like... there's butt stuff in here lmfao. that said, there's also fluff. idk. blame lana del rey for this, and enjoy <3
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"matty, slow down, for fuck's sake, these heels are too high for me to run in!"
your husband scoffs and comes to an abrupt halt, releasing your hand from his own. before you can say anything, he scoops you into his arms and keeps moving down the marble-floored corridor, albeit more slowly than before, kissing you quickly to muffle the involuntary shriek you let out as you're flung into the air. "honestly, baby, i don't even know why you persist in wearing heels to these events - it's kinda inevitable that we'll run off somewhere we won't be interrupted, yeah?"
he's right. the two of you have been sneaking out of dinners and dances and drinks receptions together for the better part of twenty years, in search of lockable rooms where dresses can be hoisted up and underwear yanked down with nobody else finding out. but this isn't a university ball. it isn't a charity gala. it isn't a congressional dinner. christ, it isn't even your wedding. 
you press a gentle kiss to the underside of matty's jaw, savouring his little hum of contentment that follows. "well, i thought my husband being sworn in as president was an event that deserved six inches of stiletto."
"i can think of something else that deserves six in-"
"i swear to god, matthew, if you finish that sentence i'm turning around and going back to the party without you."
matty laughs and kisses your nose. "we both know you're not going to do that, sweetheart."
"oh, do we, now?" you ask, raising a brow. "and what evidence do we have of that, mr. president?"
a smirk, the same one that's weakened any and all resolve of yours since you were eighteen. "because i'm ridiculously hot, that's why."
you roll your eyes as matty laughs, but - once again - he's right. he is ridiculously hot, especially in this moment: the moonlight streaming through the big windows catches the grey hairs threaded through his dark curls, his slightly stubbled jaw and cheekbones sharpened by the shadows it casts. the tie he was wearing earlier got lost somewhere between your first official dance as president and first lady and now, the top few buttons of his dress shirt coming undone in solidarity with it. speaking of the shirt - despite its expensive price, the white fabric is still sheer enough for the black ink on matty's sternum to be visible. although, you wonder, the transparency of the shirt might have less to do with fabric thickness and more to do with the fact it's being slightly stretched over your husband's muscle-wrapped chest, and the strong arms currently tucked under your legs. either way, it's really working for him. and you, as a result.
"mmm, i concur," you smile. "i think the evidence is quite satisfactory."
matty's turn to raise a brow. "quite?"
"well," you say, trailing a manicured nail down his neck and chest, stopping as you reach the first closed button. "i've only had a partial look. i think you need to be a bit more… uncovered."
"oh, believe me, sweetheart, that'll be happening. for both of us, actually," matty grins. "as much as i love this dress on you, i do in fact need to get you out of it as soon as possible."
"i'm cool with that."
"excellent. in that case, hang on tight."
you do as asked, and matty runs down the rest of the corridor, stopping when he reaches an imposing oak door. he gently puts you back on the ground, giggling with you and holding your hand as you readjust to standing on stilettos; he brings it to his lips quickly, before pushing open the door and beckoning you to step inside.
as you enter the warmly-lit entryway, a young man dressed in black leaps up from his seat behind a desk. "evening, ma'am, mr. president, sir."
matty gestures for the man to sit down. "evening, sam. i take it they radioed to tell you we were coming down here for a bit of peace and quiet?"
"yes, sir."
you squint at him. "you look pale, sam. have you had any dinner? or any sort of break, at all?"
"well… no, ma'am," sam replies, hesitantly. "i've been here since noon."
"almost twelve hours? that won't do at all," you gasp. "i really think you should get something to eat. and some coffee. the sooner, the better, because you look dead on your feet. no offence."
"none taken, ma'am. but i can't leave the vicinity of the office here until the shift change at 2."
"you don't have to," matty pipes up. "there's cake and coffee in the chief of staff's kitchen. and chairs that are much more comfortable than the one you have here - i'll sort that out for you tomorrow, actually. go, have a bit of a rest for an hour or so."
sam still looks hesitant. "are you sure, sir?"
matty nods, smiling. "that's a direct order. we'll ring you if we need anything."
"thank you, sir. oh, and speaking of the chief of staff," sam replies, pulling out a bottle of champagne from under his desk. "he left this for the two of you."
"ah, adam. always so kind," you grin, taking the bottle. "thank you, sam. have a good night."
"thank you," sam nods, making his way to a plain side door as you and matty make yours towards another imposing one in the opposite direction. "and you too, ma'am, mr. president. congratulations again."
"much appreciated, sam, thanks. see you tomorrow," matty waves, before gently pulling you through the second door and closing it behind you. "finally. alone at last."
you lay the champagne on a nearby sideboard and pull your husband into a tight hug. his arms find home around your waist, while your head buries itself in the crook of his neck. "alone at last, in the oval office. which i am very excited about decorating, by the way. this room is going to look beautiful once i'm through with it."
matty laughs, pulling back to look at you and caressing your face softly with his thumb. "it already looks more beautiful with you standing in it, darling, in your pretty dress and all your jewels." 
as he speaks, he lightly brushes his fingers over said jewels adorning your hair and earlobes and neck and wrists and fingers. you smirk, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "you forgot one."
matty's head drops onto your shoulder, and he trails kisses along into your neck. one of his hands begins to knead your asscheek, while the other slips down the small of your back and past your tailbone and presses - gently, but still enough to send a rush of heat to your core. "i can assure you i did not, dirty girl."
"your dirty girl," you say, pulling matty in for a kiss. he eagerly accepts, tongue immediately slipping into your mouth; matty always kisses like he's trying to completely consume you. as if he hasn't already - your heart, your thoughts, your dreams… they're all devoted to him. and you want to demonstrate that devotion now. "who's about to get on her knees for you in the middle of the oval office."
matty moans into your mouth, but shakes his head. "nah," he says, pulling back, breathless and wild-eyed. "s'not what i want right now."
you pout. your husband laughs. "later, sweetheart, i promise. but for now - will you go and sit behind the desk for me?"
a rush of excitement passes through you. unlike matty, a political career has never been your dream, but the thought of getting to sit at the presidential desk in the oval office and experience the illusion of having that much power is undeniably thrilling. so you oblige, looking up at a smiling matty from your place on the butter-soft leather. "what exactly are you planning on doing, baby?"
another kiss, then matty speaks against your lips. "pledging my allegiance."
before you have time to react, matty's on his knees in front of you, unclasping your heels and carefully lifting your feet from them. then, sliding a hand up the expanse of your leg visible through the slit in your skirt, he gently lifts the top section of fabric away and spreads your legs as much as the dress allows. his pretty eyes light up at the sight of your lacy white panties; you whimper as he runs a finger down them, to which he responds with a "so responsive for me, fuck".
"take them off," you whine. "please, need you."
"and you'll get me, darling, whatever you want," matty coos. he slides the damp lace down your legs and places it on the desk - a disgustingly erotic sight, it has to be said - before placing a thigh on each of his shoulders and leaning in. 
with a flat tongue, and with those dark eyes locked on your own, matty slowly licks upwards from your entrance; you moan in relief as he meets the wetness he coaxed out of your body by nothing more than just being. but relief is short-lived - his tongue points and swirls as it meets your clit for the briefest of moments, before matty takes the sensitive bud between his lips and just sucks.
pleasure shoots through your nervous system, releasing a wail from your throat, sending your hand straight into matty's hair, and forcing your hips to jerk upward. matty tries to stop the latter by pressing a hand on your stomach; combined with the way he's practically making out with your cunt and the way he moans into it when your fingers wrap themselves around his curls, though, it has the opposite effect. 
but your husband doesn't seem to mind your hips writhing, your stomach clenching under his hand, your cunt grinding against his face. in fact, he seems to fucking love it - the way he's palming himself through his dress trousers with his free hand certainly corroborates that. when the realisation of what his arm movement is breaks through your sex-addled brain, a heady mixture of pride and more pleasure courses through your body. one of the most powerful men in the world is on his knees before you, as you're perched on the literal seat of his power, eating you out like a man starved and enjoying himself so much he can't help but get off to it like a horny teenage boy.
the thought alone would be enough to make you cum. and in conjunction with the actual feeling of matty fervently mouthing at your cunt, you're imminently heading that way. "matty, i'm - oh, fuck, that feels good - m'gonna cum, baby. please, please, make me cum, fuck, oh my god."
matty's eyes roll back in his head at your words. he abandons his self-pleasuring to wrap both arms around your thighs and tug you even closer to his mouth; you don't quite understand how that's possible, given how enthusiastically he's been tongue-fucking you for god knows how long, but, somehow, he manages it, burying the deft muscle up to the hilt inside you and bringing a calloused thumb to your clit. you let out a choked sob, digging your nails into the arms of your/his/the federal government's chair as your hips continue jerking and the elastic band of ecstasy grows ever more taut in the pit of your stomach. with a final suck of your clit, it snaps, spilling whines of your husband's name from your lips and warm liquid from your core onto his waiting face and tongue. he gently laps it up so it doesn't spill onto your pretty dress, cooing praises and reassurances in the moments in between when he comes up to catch his breath.
once he's satisfied with how clean you are, matty releases his vice grip on your thighs and rests his head on the left one. he's just as breathless as you, and probably just as fucked-out-looking, but you've never found him more beautiful, all messy and bright-eyed and covered in you. smiling, you run a shaky hand through his curls and watch him close his eyes in contentment; when he reopens them, he presses a kiss on your inner thigh and looks up at you. "hi."
"hi," you reply, smiling sweetly. "i love you."
"i love you too."
you grin cheekily. "the way you just went down on me suggested that, yes."
matty laughs. "honestly, baby, i think that was the most fun i'm ever going to have in this office."
"nah," you say, sitting up and leaning down to kiss him. the tang of yourself on his tongue sends another burst of heat between your legs. "i'm about to return the favour."
"jesus christ," matty groans, squishing his face into your thigh. he inhales, then looks back up at you apologetically. "as much as i'd love that, sweetheart - and i really, really would - i think if i'm not inside you in the next two minutes i might actually pass out."
you giggle, stroking his cheek. "noted. can i ride you, then? at least for a little bit, and then you can take me however you'd like."
"fuck, yeah. but i need to get you out of that dress first, need to see your tits. that alright with you?"
"mhmm," you nod. "can i get you naked, too, baby?"
"'course," matty smiles, pulling himself up to stand and helping you up onto your shaky legs. "turn around for me, gorgeous." 
when you obey, he presses little kisses across the back of your bare shoulders, while simultaneously working on undoing the little buttons lining your spine. your dress falls to the ground once the final button is undone, leaving you bare save the jewels dotted around your body; swearing under his breath, matty brushes the one only he and you know about. "some day, i'm going to fuck you there, in this room."
gleeful, you spin around to face him,  shoving his suit jacket off and beginning to undo the buttons on his shirt. "that better be a promise."
"oh, you beautiful, filthy girl," matty coos. he takes your face in his hands and kisses you, as your fingers move to unfastening his trousers. breaking the kiss, matty kicks his shoes off as you rid him of his shirt and attach your lips to the tattoo of your first initial on his ribs. "of course it's a promise. but first, i need to fuck that tight little pussy of yours, alright?"
"i can see that," you tease, as you yank down matty's trousers and boxers in one fell swoop and see his presumably achingly hard dick for the first time that evening. "take a seat, mr. president. let me make you feel good."
matty does as you ask, settling down in the chair and holding his hands out to help you climb on too. it's a big chair, the seat wide enough for you to comfortably kneel on either side of his hips, but matty doesn't look small in it by any means; he's assured, powerful, imposing… and sexy. you tell him as much, and his cheeks go pink as he shakes his head. "enough flattery, more fucking, please, sweetheart."
you smirk. "whatever you want, sir." with that, you slowly sink down onto matty's dick, both of your jaws dropping in tandem as more and more of him slides inside you. as he bottoms out, you blink dazedly, already slightly overwhelmed from how full you feel.
matty notices, and brings a hand to cup your jaw. "you alright, darling?"
"yeah, just full," you reply breathily, smiling sweetly at your husband. "feels good."
a smile in return. "feels amazing, baby. d'you want a hand moving?"
in response, you rise up on your knees and sink slowly back down, eliciting a moan from matty and a grin from yourself. "i've got it."
matty watches as you continue to bounce on him, your pace increasing with every meeting of your bodies. as you speed up, your tits begin their own bouncing; with a groan of your name, your husband takes one in each hand and squeezes gently, making you whine when he rolls your nipples between finger and thumb. "too fucking right you've got it, babe."
the praise shoots straight to your head, egging you on enough that you speed up your bouncing even more, as best you can. matty can't tear his hooded-with-pleasure eyes away from your tits, but even in his fucked-out haze he still manages to bring his thumb to your clit and lightly circle it; you whine and clench around him as soon as he makes contact, which rips a throaty groan from his lips. "shit, baby, just like that. so fucking tight around me, so fucking perfect, christ, feels like you were fucking made for me."
"love the way you feel inside me," you whine. "want you - fuck - everywhere."
matty closes his eyes for a second as if to compose himself - when they reopen, the beautiful brown is almost completely gone, replaced by the dilated black of lust. the hand not already preoccupied with your clit sneaks across your hip, deft fingers quickly meeting the jewel decorating your peachy ass. "oh, baby, i want that too. can't tonight, though, because we don't have everything we need. but we can still play a little bit…"
keeping his eyes on your face the whole time, matty slowly starts to pull the jewel out of you, just enough that the ring of muscle is stretched ever so slightly by the thickest part of the glass, before working it back in and repeating the motion. your breath catches in your throat at the feeling, the third level of simultaneous stimulation driving you deeper into your already sex-addled state, and your voice shakes as you whimper. "oh my fucking god."
despite being just as sex-addled as you, matty's cheeks lift into the most smug, most shit-eating grin you've ever seen him wear. "you like that, baby?"
you can't answer, your brain too hazy to send the signals for speech to your voicebox. but it's alright - matty's doing one of his telltale rhetorical 'orgasm is imminent' monologues: "yeah, i know you fuckin' do, shit, clenching around me like that. fucking love it when you do that, fucking love you, my girl, my favourite girl. such a good girl for me, fuck, just so perfect. you're getting close again, aren't you, sweetheart?"
still riding, despite your burning thighs, you nod. the elastic in your stomach is tightening again, far quicker than it did before your previous orgasm; your ability to talk hasn't quite returned, so you settle for burying your head into the crook of matty's neck and digging your nails into his back, tethering yourself to him in a wordless attempt to tell him you're about to cum. 
luckily, your husband knows you and your body so well that he understands instantly, shuffling underneath you so he can fuck up into you and get you both off. "need you to cum for me, darling," matty murmurs into your hair. "need to feel you cum all over me. please, sweetheart."
it's the plea that does it. on top of the clitoral stimulation, and the attention on both holes, and the dirty talk, and the previous orgasm, and the sheer fact that it's matty underneath and inside you… it's his desperation that knocks you off the precipice. the elastic band doesn't so much snap as it completely shatters, sending a wave of total pleasure throughout your body that's so strong you actually black out for a second, after managing to finally croak out your husband's name.
you're brought back to earth by said husband whining directly into your ear. "oh fuck, babe, m'so close, m'so fucking close - shit, where do you want me to cum?"
"inside me, please," you reply, still panting from the aftershocks of orgasm.
"fuck, you want me to fill you up? i'll fucking do it, sweetheart," matty groans, hips beginning to stutter as he nears his climax. his speech, though, still flows out unencumbered. "might even put a baby in you, if we're lucky. you like that idea, darling, a picture-perfect little presidential family?"
you hum contentedly, too tired to do anything but nod into matty's neck. against your temple, you feel him smile. "then i'll fucking give it to you - shit, m'gonna cum. gonna fuckin' fill you up, give you what you want. give you anything you want, whenever you want it, my wife, my perfect girl - oh, fuck, i'm there. fuuuuuuuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."
matty wraps his arms around your waist and pushes down slightly with his shoulders, keeping your bodies flush as he pulses heat into you. he keeps his arms there even after orgasm wears off, and yours stay loosely wrapped around his neck; for a few minutes, you stay just like that, the room silent aside from the tandem heavy breathing. you're first to break it, pulling back from matty's neck to look at him. "hi."
"hi," matty giggles, leaning up to give you a peck on your pouty lips. "so… we just absolutely desecrated the oval office."
you giggle too. "indeed we did. worth it, though."
"absolutely," matty brushes a stray strand of hair - still miraculously mostly intact, despite it all - from your forehead. "you feeling alright, baby? you need anything?"
"honestly? a drink would be nice."
matty throws his head back against the leather and laughs, before looking back at you and stroking your cheek. "give me a minute to recover, sweetheart, and then we can crack open that champagne from adam and toast the incredible sex we just had, yeah?"
"absolutely, mr. president."
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sammeth · 2 years
since you mentioned wanting to write smut, what do you think Gareth's kinks are?
starts singing the national anthem
the one by lana, fuck ‘merica
for the sake of the girlies (and anyone else) who see gareth as a dom (cough. not me), I’ll include a sub and dom version. i write for AFAB readers! I’m super sorry if this makes you uncomfortable!
warnings: NSFW, 18+ !! also, this is JUST OPINIONATED! my opinion only ! yours can be different !!
k1nk warnings (don’t read if you don’t want spoilers!): breeding, spit, spanking, praise and degradation, oral fixation, fingering, somno, dumbification, overstim, etc.
- definitely dirty talking, specifically degradation: loves talking about how good you look around him, underneath him, etc. loves embarrassing you with words and making you look into his eyes while he calls you names. it makes him feel sort of in control of the situation, like he has some sort of power over you.
- fingering: you start off (your first times together) with you sucking him off and him fingering you. he takes it very slow at first since he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he loves the way you feel around him. he loves knowing he can make you feel this good. he couldn’t fucking wait to get inside of you, no pun intended. he loves the effect that his hands have on you. how he makes you fold and whine and cry with just two or three of them.
oral: he loooooves eating you out. this boy will eat pussy like it’s his last meal fr. practically making out with you down there. saliva covering your cunt and his mouth, muffled groans against your insides, tongue-fucking you as hard as he possibly can, and sucking your clit until it physically hurts. he also doesn’t mind being on the receiving end of this. he likes when you get him off with your mouth. he definitely likes when you swallow his cum too, he sees it as a kind of obedience.
spit: this one started out as heat of the moment. he couldn’t help but make you open your mouth so he could spit into it and make you swallow it while he was just pounding away with you folded into a mating press beneath him. it turned a little more permanent once he realized how degrading it was.
humiliation: likes making you feel embarrassed and ashamed to the point of tears. kind of goes along with degradation, he’ll call you names and tell you how dirty you are all the time to get you going.
breeding: most people agree with this one. he’ll mouth on and on about filling you up so good with his cum, making you carry his babies, how swollen and pretty your tummy’s gonna be by the time he’s done with you, how everyone’s gonna know what he does to you behind closed doors, etc. it’s his absolute favorite fantasy. of course, he doesn’t actually get you pregnant, no worries, but he loooves talking about it over and over. “gonna cum inside your pretty cunt—gonna breed you so good. can’t wait to see you all big and full of my babies.” all. the. time.
overstim: he begs you to force him into orgasm after orgasm back to back, but once it’s actually happening he’s sobbing and begging for you to stop. he never safe words though, so you keep going. he’ll cry and whine and shake, but he just keeps getting hard again and providing more cum, so you keep milking him. he has to tap out around his 3rd orgasm or when his legs start shaking so bad he can’t walk.
praise: on the other hand, he loves being praised. loves being told what a good boy he is and what a good job he’s doing for you. loves being called pretty and sweet names. his favorites are “baby, sweet boy, prince, handsome,” and a couple others. he gets blushy and hard as soon as you call him pretty for sure.
spanking: this boy will bend over backwards (LITERALLY BEND OVER) if it means you’ll take a few minutes out of your day to have him over your knees and spank him. it’s not like a punishment for him, he genuinely loves it. he won’t admit it, but he could cum untouched from being spanked over and over again.
oral: “good boys get their cocks sucked” not sure where I heard that but IT STUCK WITH ME. this boy will beg, plead, whine and whimper and do anything he’s told if it means you’ll suck him off. loves the way your mouth makes him feel, he loves cumming down your throat and watching you lick him clean.
tiddies: GARETH EMERSON IS A TIDDY GUY. he could suck on them for DAYS on end. for comfort, to get off, just to relax, whatever. he begs to lie on your chest and suck on your tits until he cums in his jeans. sometimes you’ll reach down and jerk him off, sometimes he’ll just dry-hump your thighs until he finishes untouched. you’ll knead your hands through his hair and he’ll be moaning and whining against your chest, cheeks dusted a dark pink and eyes closed tightly.
dumbification/pussy drunk: as said before, he needs multiple orgasms, one after the other back to back. he’ll beg you to go and go until he’s physically foggy-brained. until he can’t speak. until he’s just babbling away and clutching your hips for dear life. until he goes crosse eyed and can’t form coherent words. until all he can do is whine and whimper and beg for you to make him cum just one more time.
hope you enjoyed el oh el. 😍
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belovedtylerr · 2 years
He needs me. (Stuilly oneshot)
Summary: Stu is basically the other man ig (lana del ray ref) and envys sidney from afar.
Warning: heavy angst, jealousy, arguing, yelling, Homophobia, mentions of slurs, idk what im doing 😔, gas lighting
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He needs me. Stu thought to himself for what seems to be the millionth time. He knows what Billy would do if he figured out that Stu had started to feel attraction. Hell, he probably already knew. Yet here he was, by Billys side for the billionth time. Stu couldn't bring himself to leave Billy. Billy was his 'lover' his partner in crime, the ying to his yang, etc. Right now, Billy had showed up unannounced. Didn't suprise him, and Stu knew better than to ask 'dumb' questions. He let the shorter boy into his home, his parents seemed to have vanished, which didn't suprise Billy.
Billy sat on the couch, his hair was wet from the rain that was pouring outside. Stu sat beside him. "Soo... How 'bout a movie?" Stu gave him that same old smile, as Billy simply nodded. The two of them had previously killed Casey, yet Stu couldn't bring himself to feel guilty. For all he could feel was love. Maybe lust, but maybe a little bit of love. After killing his own ex partner, he felt a rush of lust. Took everything to hold back from making out with Billy right there and then. Though he knew Billy would leave him. Stu turned on the movie, classic Halloween.
Billy set his eyes on the screen, as Stu attempted to do the same. Few minutes went by, his eyes glued onto billy. The way he sat, how his dark brown eyes stared at the glowing TV. How a small smile would appear during the kill scenes. In Stu's eyes, he was perfect. Billy soon noticed Stu's staring. "Stop bein' such a homo Stu." Billy glared at him. Stu frowned before scratching his head. "Im not a homo Billy-" Billy rolled his eyes in response.
The following day, he sat with the group, as he watched Billy toy with Sidney. He couldn't help but feel pure jealousy. He didn't understand the point of even being with her, when he could be with him. Yet, he had to stick to the plan, for Billys sake. At many times, he'd find himself dreaming about killing Sidney himself, getting her out of the picture. All he wanted was Billy to himself. He would shoot Sidney glares when Billy wasn't looking, the kind of glare that'd make her shiver and question Tatum about it. Always, her answer would be "He probably did it on accident Sidney."
Tonight was the night Billy would stay over, planning on what to do next. Stu thought it would be perfect to confess, if only he could see the terrible choice he made. Stu sat with billy on his bed, taking notes, discussing, etc. Once things got a little quiet, Stu broke the silence. "Hey, Billy." his voice shook, as Billy looked up curiously. "I know you might be weirded out and stuff, but I love you. And I certainly would love you being my boyfriend.." Billys eyebrows furrowed. He looked at Stu with pure rage. "What the fuck?? Stu what the hell is wrong with you! You just have to fuck up everything!! You absolute fag! I should've known. Why the hell am I working with a homo, why are you even my best friend?!" He snarled, ready to punch Stu. "Billy, please I know just please think about thi-" he was cut off by Billys fist, straight in the face. Stu groaned, as he held his face. "I don't ever want to be around a fag like you." Stus heart sunk, if only he could prevent the way he felt. "What about you're slutty little girlfriends? Bet you fucking thought of me while screwing them you fag." Stu stayed silent, a first time in forever.
Billy looked as mad as ever, as he scoffed. "Im praying this is just a phase, Stu. Get over yourself because we have a fucking job to do." Billy stormed out the door. Once Stu thought he was gone, he started to sob. Although he started to gaslight himself again. 'He needs you Stu.' 'Maybe he took it the wrong way' 'Its sidneys fault' he continued to cry for plenty of minutes. He walked up to his room with shame, as he layed in bed, dried tears stained his cheeks, bruises all over his face. 'He needs me. I know he does, its Sidneys fault. Once Sidney is gone, he'll finally love me, I know it.' he chose to live in his delusions, than face reality.
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ophelia-jones · 1 year
It was well past dark and the lost boys were still going strong. Negan and Verity were sitting on the floor beneath the intact window, their backs against the wall.
Negan had broken the silence hours ago, making idle, random small talk for the sake of passing the time. He had never been good at sitting in silence, and the crowd of rowdy young men and the walkers they were hunting were making too much noise to notice them speaking softly on the floor above them.
"You ever been married?" He asked now, the dark closing in around them making the mood more intimate. He also withdrew a protein bar from his bag and split it in half, handing her the bigger piece.
Verity accepted the food gratefully, her stomach had been rumbling hungrily. Perhaps Negan had heard it, or perhaps he was just generally being thoughtful. She wasn't sure, she was still struggling to understand him. He was more complex than any other man she had ever known.
"No." She took a bite and shook her head. After she chewed and swallowed, she added, "I was engaged once. When I was in the academy."
"Another cop?" Negan asked, wiping his hands together as he finished the too small meal.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"What happened? Why didn't you get married?" He pressed to continue the conversation.
"He was killed on the job. Six months in, he uh, he was on a traffic stop on a two-lane highway and hit by a distracted driver." She told him, tiredly. It seemed as if she had told the story so many times it was just reading a newspaper.
"I'm sorry," Negan told her honestly.
"Yeah. Everyone was. Then they weren't. My friends and family were quick to point out that he knew the risks when he chose his job. Then to start pushing me to find someone else." She said bitterly. "But, I never got too attached after that. I fell in love with my job, and dedicated myself to that."
The silence returned for a moment or two, then Verity asked a question of her own.
"What are you doing with Lana and Etta?" She asked, and he smiled playfully at her.
"You want like, positions?" He teased, and even in the dark he could see her roll her eyes.
"I love those girls, but I mean… you know what, forget I asked. I guess I just overthink things."
"No, no, I know what you meant, I'm just being a prick." He sighed and ran a hand over his face as he chose his words carefully.
"They're just lonely young women, you know? They don't give two shits who they're getting it from, they just want attention, a little affection. And you know, fucking is fun, people like sex." He told her coyly. After a long pause, he asked "Don't you get lonely?"
"Of course I do." She replied sharply.
"Let me ask you a question then. Why have you never come knocking on my door, because, see I already know you and I would enjoy ourselves. Enjoy EACH OTHER ifyouknowhwatImean." He said, giving her a playfully suggestive face and a little wink."
"Oh for fuck sake, get over yourself." Verity scoffed. Negan feigned offense, his expressive face making Verity fight a smile as he teased.
"How long has it been, Officer Salvatore? Since you locked legs and swapped gravy? Hmm? Rode the baloney pony? Had a hot beef injection?" He leaned in a little closer with every euphemism for sex he added until their shoulders were pressed against one another and he was doing that damned thing where he was looking down his nose at her with that know-it-all smirk.
"Because, if you need your pink palace invaded, I have something in my arsenal that's gonna get the job DONE!" He grinned, backing away from her to give her space. He was being playful, not trying to intimidate her.
"Oh, I see! So you are just providing a service to all the lonely women of Haven. Here you are being all selfless and I was wrongly assuming you were just getting your jollies." She teased back. Negan chuckled at her, his eyes dancing with amusement at the back and forth between them. This was his favorite thing about Verity. She didn't take shit from him without giving it right back.
"It is absolutely a service. I would be happy to clean the cobwebs from the womb room and for you? No charge!" He grinned and was rewarded when she couldn't fight the smile that he brought to her face any longer.
"Glaze the old donut?" She suggested.
"Butter your biscuit." He added gleefully.
"Get your twinkie stinky." She giggled.
"Get up in them guts!" He returned enthusiastically.
"Do some squat thrusts in the cucumber patch." She added, and Negan's face twisted up in such genuine amusement, she felt her face flush at his reaction.
"What?!?!" He laughed. "Can you believe I have never heard that one? That's good, I'm stealing that one."
They fell back into a companionable silence for a bit, before Negan spoke again, more seriously this time.
"You want to know the truth? Yeah, maybe I should turn them away when they come knocking. Hell, I shouldn't even open the damned door. But I do. Every damned time, because a piece of me - some ridiculous, delusional piece deep down inside of me, says 'What if it's her? What if it's finally her?" He said, quietly gazing down at Verity. She managed to swallow, somehow, over the lump in her throat.
"And now I know it's not because you don't want it just as bad as I do, because we both know you creamed your jeans for me earlier. So what is stopping you?"
"I don't know. I guess, first trust. I needed to figure out if I could trust you." She replied quietly.
"OK, fair. And now? Don't you trust me yet?" He asked, reaching down and taking one of her hands in both of his and holding it, tracing the lines of her palm with his fingers.
"For some unknown reason, I think I do trust you." She replied. "I…" she sighed. "I guess, for me - with you - I think I'm afraid that having you, like that, but knowing I was just one of many would make me lonelier than just staying back." She admitted.
Negan leaned back slightly and gazed down at her, his lips slightly parted in surprise at her candor.
"Verity, if I had you? I wouldn't want anyone else." He told her, as if surprised she didn't already know this to be the truth. Verity blinked up at him, trying to discern if he was talking shit or being sincere. She saw a vulnerability in his eyes which suggested he was not playing this time.
"Don't. Don't play with me. I've been through that shit too many times…" she said, and he smiled sadly at her.
"No game. I didn't see it coming, but you wiggled your way into my head and set up camp. I got a soft spot for you a mile wide." He said, the leaned in with his devilish smile, "and a hard one a mile long." She rolled her eyes again, then closed them and rested her forehead against his.
"This is probably not a good idea." She said, though whether to him or herself, it was hard to say.
"Or the best idea ever." He quipped, reading her body language and going in to seal the deal with another of those slow, smoldering kisses. His hands slid up along the back of her hair and released it from the bun she'd wrapped it in, his thumb caressing her cheek as he released a sigh of pleasure and picked up where he had left off earlier. He dipped his head down to kiss her neck, and when he scraped his teeth over the spot he had discovered earlier, he felt her nails dig into his back through his t-shirt.
"Fuck." He breathed against her skin before biting down harder and receiving the same response only deeper. He sucked the pain away and drew a desperate whimper from her. It was no longer a slow smoldering heat they felt between them but had just burst into flames of need. She reached down to grasp the length of him pressed up against his jeans and felt his cock twitch and grow at her touch. He growled against her throat and released his mouth's claim on the now bruised skin there.
He didn't pause this time but grasped the hem of her shirt and pulled it quickly, gracelessly over her head, releasing the front clasp on her bra with one hand before her arms were even lowered. Her breasts bounced free and he caught them greedily with both hands, his mouth devouring first one and then the other, his teeth brushing the nipples until they were painfully, deliciously hard, he flicked them with his thumbs and kissed the curve of them up to her clavicle, finally straightening up to claim her mouth again. His tongue was no longer gentle but demanding, invading, crushing into her, and leading a battle against her tongue. A battle that she was quickly losing.
She reciprocated his enthusiasm. Her hand tugged at his t-shirt until he immediately leaned back, reached over his shoulder with one hand, and pulled it off over his head. Her hands splayed out on his chest, pinkie finger brushing a nipple and making him groan as he returned to his erotic assault on her mouth. He had already removed the batting gloves, and now he was slipping his boots off in a rush. Verity followed suit and when she was done, Negan stood and lifted her with him, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he pressed her against the wall.
He ground his erection against her, the seam of her jeans pressing down on her clit and making her gasp and widen her legs for more. Negan released her long enough to undo the zipper on her jeans and yank them down forcefully, squatting to pull them off quickly and toss them behind himself on the floor. He wrapped one of her legs over his shoulder and leaned up to run the tip of his tongue so lightly along the exposed pink flesh of her pussy that it was hard to tell if he was touching at all or if it was only his breath sending shivers of sensation through her. She moaned at the rush of arousal he brought out and he crushed his mouth against her now, lapping at the reaction as if she tasted of honey. The intensity of this made her knee buckle, but Negans hands held her firmly under her ass, and her leg on his shoulder kept her in place. He hummed his pleasure at the taste of her and the vibration against her most sensitive skin made her whimper and grasp at his hair.
"Let me have it, Verity. I want all of it." He whispered before flicking the tip of his tongue in feather-light circles around her aching clit she could feel her stomach knotting, her cunt tightening until finally it was too much and she groaned loudly, guttural, and sank against his face, his beard scraping against the slippery, sensitive skin felt like having an itch scratched, but magnified by 10,000x. As she spasmed in wave after wave of release she heard him sloppily lapping at her drawing it out until her thighs were trembling violently.
She was desperately gasping for air, delirious and unable to so much as focus her eyes when she heard the sound of his belt buckle and zipper. He wiggled his hips and slid the jeans down his legs, kicking them away and grasping the length of his cock, giving it a stroke as he looked at her slippery, swollen cunt and moaned to himself, biting his lower lip as he guided the tip of his surprisingly wide cock into her. His breath was released in quick desperate blasts as he tried to keep from losing it too soon. He clenched his teeth and watched as he pressed into her, slowly as she adjusted to the way he stretched her, filled her - he watched until he was buried and then withdrew and watched as he plunged in again, this time in one solid thrust.
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"Negan!" Verity moaned and whimpered his name as if desperately looking for him, lost in the darkness. Finally satisfied with the long, slow, deep strokes. He crushed his weight against her, pinning her tightly to the wall, one leg still pressed up over his shoulder. The depth of his penetration was almost painful as he slammed into her cervix, grinding his hips in a circle and making her gush. The power behind this orgasm was like fireworks - an explosion at her core where their bodies met, sparks and vibrations from it spreading out to every inch of her, lighting her up like the Vegas strip. She couldn't breathe, her mouth hung open desperately and her throat tried to cry out but there was no noise.
Negan growled against her throat.
"Oh. My. God, darlin…! Jesus, baby you … oh, God, oh fuck you're.. " and he thrust once more and the noise coming from his chest and throat made up for her silence - it was a roar of pleasure, a cry of conquest, a bestial bellow against the skin on her shoulder. He held her there, their bodies pressed tightly to each other, the only movement from their bodies the trembling in both of their legs and the desperate gasps for oxygen.
When their hearts had stabilized and their breathing slowed, Negan lowered her leg from his shoulder and slowly pulled back to allow her to get used to her legs again, the void left between her legs when he pulled out making her sigh.
"We made a bit of a mess." He whispered in her ear with a grin. He wasn't wrong, her thighs were slick and sticky with their combined releases. She swallowed hard and blinked her eyes as she tried to get her thoughts in line.
"I'm going to go get a towel." He kissed her first softly on the mouth and then on the forehead, smirking at her over his shoulder as he slipped out the bedroom door in search of something to clean them both up with.
Verity felt high, happy and fuzzy, and slightly delirious. She found herself first grinning like an idiot and then giggling with shock at what had just transpired. Happiness like this was a long-forgotten feeling and it nearly brought tears to her eyes. She sighed happily and leaned back against the wall waiting. She admired his long, lanky form as he returned with an old towel from the bathroom and began to wipe her thighs gently. He pressed the towel to her tender sex and she shivered. He smiled at her, but it wasn't his familiar smug grin or playful smirk. There was something tender about the way he looked at her and she returned his gaze, mystified at all the emotion inside his eyes. Inside her heart. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.
"I'm all yours if you'll have me." And she wrapped her arms around his neck. Before she could respond, their attention was drawn outside as the lost boys began to laugh and yell in amusement, but it was the noise running underneath their amusement which made them both hurry to the window.
One angry male voice, cursing and threatening the others, and the sounds of young women begging to be released, crying in fear.
Voices they recognized.
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screampied · 19 days
hello my sweet pumpkin pie, cutie pookie.
so happy you enjoy our long chats because i really like talking and talking with you, and it’s just a perfect blend for disaster.
i don’t play games, because if i download anything other than the sims on my computer, poor old sport is going to burst on my face. but!! i did watched my favorite streamer playing it, and other games, including the others from RE. i’m not one for actually playing, i’m more of a watcher. that said, i’m contemplating downloading on my tablet love and deep space because.. well, no need to explain, sylus is just there, just look at him.
ok, so yes you did, and i’m thinking if you follow me before october 1st i’m just going to have to send a non-anonymous ask with “busted” and DO NOT POST THAT PLEASE I HAVE A REPUTATION CHEIDHDKDNKS
omg yes, the mask stays on. you know another one i think is super sexy? jason. ugh, i’m always a slut for hockey players, but killer buffy guy with a nhl mask? oh yeah, me like that. i think once more toji could take that spot, idk man he just fixes the masked killer vibe so much, so sexy.
i have so many ideas for halloween, it’s not even funny, and i can’t start writing it for the life of me. but that’s okay, i’ll just say i got food poisoning and my brain is melting, people will feel sad for me and will let the poor writing slide.
talking about ideas, last night i had an idea for sukuna rider, and i kinda want to show myself earlier just so i can post it and gush about it with you. like imagine something along the lines of being his prize for winning a race… imma just let that there, and the car’s backseat, of course.
i always prefer books over movies, but it’s been a long time, i read most of the books (i think only the two first) in middle school, but the movies i keep rewatching every year. my favorite is the second because, well, finnick. self explanatory.
LEGALLY BLONDE!!! you have such a good taste. can you believe i’ve never watched it until three years ago? it was an instant regret to have never seen it before, fucks sake. my poor girly and academic self was devastated, but that was on me, i’m very cautious with seeing new movies, i like to keep rewatching the same.
and your music taste!!! perfection as well. i was much more into indie before, and my favorite famous singer was only one, mrs lana del rey, that was in middle school and only me and another girl in school knew her, it was like discovering water in a desert. now i’m growing found of sabrina. the thing is i relate so much to the being fucking horny all the time, having a thing for older guys and accepting i’m a flawed human being. well, i think it fixes it.
i’m not really a fan of anything else. i mean, i like grrm as my favorite author, and i used to spend my free time on twitter swearing at him all the time (affectionately. sometimes).
ok, questions of today will be what’s your favorite food from your country (which is lovely by the way, if it wasn’t for my enormous fears of tsunami, i would be going. oh, yeah, and the money.) and a country you would like to visit and one you wouldn’t at all.
nut anon
NUTTY NUT ANON 👹🫵 my bad b i meant to reply yesterday but i was soooo fucking tired. i got like twelve hours of sleep after work and IMSO ENGERGIZED
of course, eye feel like we both match each other’s energy’s so well 🫂. just two sillies chatting together heh. real, i play sims too. i used to be so addicted actually until it stopped working on my FUCKING PC. like wdym no storage what.
WHAT STREAMERS DO U WATCH TELL ME. same, i watch people play and play it for myself sometimes bc why not yk. DOWNLOADDD LADS RN u won’t regret it. i’ve been playing since august and i loveeeee it. it’s a new banner soon eheh. and right, sylus is so 🤭🤭. the only bad thing is that love and deepspace takes up SO much storage. like im not evenjoking its ridiculous ✋🏽✋🏽 but its worth it bc sexy men haha
LMAO “BUSTED” pls that’d be so funny 🌞 let me see if i can find out just who you are heheh
stop jason is so sexy goodbye. yeah he’s kinda smelly under all that gunk but yoh……. DO U SEE HOW BIG HE IS, SHIT. idk mask killers are just >>>>> i love friday the 13th, jason takes manhattan will always be my favvvvv ughhh. A NHL MASK I WOULD SCREAAAAAM. real toji def gives me psycho killer vibes yum
ILOOVEEEE LEGALLY BLOND. omg nutty i actually had an idea about making a fic about it. it would be about satoru and i thought about calling it “legally platinum blonde” get it bc his hair it white 🤒✋🏽. LMAOO ITS SO STUPID. it was supposed to be a crack smut fic, maybe an au where satoru’s a virgin and he loses a bet with suguru that he can take reader out but he eventually falls in love. WHATDO YOU THINK. but omg ty 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i love cheesy romcom movies, me n legally blonde, mean girls, and clueless are like this 🤞🏽🤞🏽. ur real, i rewatch so many movies myself
YAAAAH i also like rock, glam rock specially like queen. i used to have the biggest queen phase in quarantine. i pretty much like any genre besides country, i just …. no. don’t get me wrong tho, the only country song i can stand is before he cheats by carrie underwood NOW IVE NEVER BEEN CHEATED ON BUT ILL SCREAM THAT SONG BAR FOR BAR UNTIL MY THROAT HURTS omg sorry idk what came over me ehm 🙆‍♀️💓🎀. ooh i love lana, favorite album? i still remember when summertime sadness/video games came out, my entire life changed
sabrina >>>> YES. her new album is a cultural reset like UGHHHHH. literally no skips (i haven’t even finished it haha) i’ve only listened to bed chem, espresso, juno, don’t smile, taste and please please please but ohmmyyygod i love the retro 80s vibe she’s giving. you r so right ab older men and constantly being horny, i fear we’re the same person
my favorite food from my country !!!!!!!! probably pepperpot or our bajan fried fish. SO GOOD. hehe thank yew, and yeah 💔💔💔💔 i live like right next door to the fawking sea so we have to deal with hurricanes n tsunamis but thankful we haven’t had tsunamis for like decades. the last hurricane we had was in july, hurricane beryl but thankfully me n my family was on vacation during that time 🧎‍♀️a country i wanna visit issssss brazil !!!!! or the bahamas. one i don’t wanna visit, i don’t think i have one. i wanna visit everywhere in the caribbean one day 🙆‍♀️
0 notes
pinkpicket · 2 years
What is the best and worst quality of your future spouse? A TAROT READING
Okay uglies im back with another reading. Hope u enjoy.
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Pile 1
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Best quality: constantly on the road traveling so ver adventurous and spontaneous. Like u know how some people never settle somewhere? Ya they're that it's like they left their hometown and ever since they never stopped. Tbh im getting vibes of being on tour like someone sorta famous ( idk if u know the song ride by lana del rey but it beautifully captures the life of ur future spouse but in a more negative light so no worries the song doesn't exactly show how they feel emotionally) so verrry wild and untamable
Worst quality: someone overly emotional that tend to ignore all the red flags just for the sake of love so very naive. It could also mean not being emotionally stable like overly emotional but also not emotionally available. It's a very weird combo.
Pile 2
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Best quality: they're very happy with what they have, it might not be the best possible and most beautiful thing in the world but they're very happy with it. So it's like whatever or whoever im stuck with im very happy with even tho others might not seem it as worthy. They truly seem like someone that's very grateful for everything they have I actually can hear them say " so what if u r not the most beautiful person to them? So what if we're not filthy rich or extra fucking happy?? I love you that's all that matters. Our thing might be little and forgetful to others but to me it's all i ever wanted. You're all i ever wanted and I don't care if there's better people out there bc at the end of the day you are all i want" wow okay listen I'll be honest with you, out of all the piles only urs is true love. Unconditional love. That's one fucking loyal spouse let me tell you. And they'll be very fucking proud of the way u r and won't ask you to change a thing about urself bc what u r is already perfect to them. Truly beautiful.
Worst quality: honestly their wosrst quality is not something they can ever control it's like life loves to fuck with this person and that's actually the reason they learned to appreciate and love little things. They weren't just born grateful no they learned to be grateful. So it's almost like life ever game them the chance to ever truly bloom to their full potential almost like setback after setback. They were never given once in a lifetime chance. They're also kinda shy which makes sense for someone that's not used to be in the light or the centre of attention. Honestly this makes me so sad bc none of this was ever their fault, they were a victim of circumstance.
You really got the longest reading lmaooo.
Pile 3
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Ohhh lot's of air energy.
Best quality: they're veryyy humble and down to earth. U would never see them bragging even they are the most successful person. Truly a rare quality to have nowadays.
Worst quality: ok shit um soo... they might not always have the best intentions like they do certain good deeds just to get something in return. They're not exactly the knight with the shining armor that does everything to save the princess just out of the goodness of his heart, rather im-going-to-save-the-princess-bc-the-king-wil-give-me-something-in-return type of knight.
Pile 4
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Best quality: they're the winner lmaoo and everyone is either jealous of them or they wanna be them. They're constantly celebrated for their achievements and they know their fucking worth too. They're proud of themselves.
Worst quality: oohhh we got the master planner. See now that can be a good thing but in this case it's not. U might be wondering why? Well... they don't care they'll play dirty if it means for them to win. They would sit their asses down and have a whole plan to ruin someone's life just so they can celebrate another win for 5 min. Very dangerous so don't fuvk with them unless u wanna get fucked over.
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ncssian · 3 years
A Favor: Part Twenty-Eight
Nessian Modern AU
a/n: the beginning of the end :,) if u made it this far i think ur cool
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” Lana asks.
Nesta closes her eyes, letting the picture swirl and take shape in her mind.
This time last year, she would have imagined nothing. Nothing but a desk in a busy law office, and maybe a nice apartment if she was lucky. That would be it. But now she sees…
“Somewhere with good food and good music,” she muses. “Maybe a sea breeze.” The sun-faded buildings of Portofino fade into the foreground of her imagination. “There are lots of people with me,” she hears the sound of children shrieking and Cassian’s rumbling laughter, “but it’s okay, because I love every one of them.” Her eyes open. “Is that a good answer?”
A near invisible smile tugs at the corners of Lana’s lips. “You tell me, Nesta. Do you like what you see?”
“It’s a little too cinematic if you ask me,” Nesta says nonchalantly, picking up her bag from the ground, “but I suppose all dreams are that way.”
“It’s a good dream,” Lana says. “A worthy dream, and one you deserve to chase.”
Nesta shrugs lightly, not too worried about the burden of the future for once. “Maybe I will.”
“In that case, congratulations on completing your final therapy session,” Lana says, setting her notebook aside. “You’ve made some amazing progress this year.”
Nesta gives her therapist her signature what’s-wrong-with-you look. “I’m going on vacation, not firing you for good. I’ll see you again in two months.”
“Two months can be enough to lose all your progress, if you forget everything you went through to get here.”
Nesta isn’t stupid. She knows that she isn’t suddenly desperate to make babies or be maid of honor at her sisters’ weddings or some bullshit. She knows that the image she just dreamed up, with Cassian and kids and her unburdened heart, is likely more than five years away. If it happens at all, it could be ten, even twenty years of hard work away.
She’s not nearly finished growing yet. “I’ll see you in two months, Lana,” she repeats.
Lana smiles at her fully this time. “Enjoy your summer, Nesta.”
The air is different in the Smokies.
Nesta rolls the truck windows down so she can inhale it, relish it. Wind whips her hair every which way as they drive down the winding freeway cutting through the lush mountains, and something about the look on her face makes Cassian chuckle and press down on the accelerator.
Nesta watches the red needle on the speedometer cross ninety, then one hundred. She can barely feel the June heat with how fast they’re going.
In the end, it was Feyre and Elain that reached out and invited her to the Tennessee summer home. Cassian had made it obvious that he wouldn’t push her to go if she didn’t want to, and at first she really didn’t want to. But Feyre had looked so hopeful when she asked Nesta to come with them, and even Elain had revealed a glimmer of eagerness that Nesta would say yes.
So against all odds, she agreed to go.
Exchanging one mountain home for another isn’t much of a getaway, but Nesta can’t help but be excited. Even with the unhappy memories of her childhood, she loves these hills more than any other.
The pure exhilaration of being back in Tennessee overcomes her at some point during the drive, knocking her out in the passenger seat where she sits. In her drowsy state, she distantly hears the windows being rolled up, before feeling Cassian’s hand guide her head to rest against the glass. The rest of the drive is warm and sunny, enough to lull her into a deep sleep.
The next thing Nesta’s aware of is the crunch of gravel and the feeling of the truck tires slowing to a stop. Fingers brush against her heated cheek, and then Cassian is murmuring at her to wake up.
Blinking her eyes open, Nesta twists around to see their destination.
For a moment, she thinks she’s still dreaming.
“Welcome to Holly House,” Cassian says with a grin. The house in question is quaint and sprawling at the same time, the way most upper class Southerners like their houses. The whole thing gleams with a fresh coat of white paint under the afternoon sun, complemented by a sky blue wraparound porch. Colonial style windows and proud columns decorating the facade of the building makes it look like the setting of a fairy tale.
Beyond it, Nesta can see cherry blossoms. Pink, fluttering cherry blossoms that fly off their branches and swirl through the air, some of them disappearing into the thick woods behind the house. Woods that Nesta has walked countless times before.
“The rest of the guys won’t get here until tomorrow afternoon,” Cassian is saying to her, “so we have the whole place to our—”
Nesta isn’t listening anymore. She unbuckles her seatbelt and shoves open the truck door, hobbling outside on unsteady feet to make sure she isn’t hallucinating things. But no, this is…
“Cherrywood,” she breathes, eyes wide in disbelief.
Cassian gets out of the truck, coming up beside Nesta to slip his hand into her shorts pocket. “What’s wrong? You okay?”
“This is Rhysand’s summer home?” Nesta points at the house. “This place?”
Cassian looks around at the building grounds in confusion. “Has been for the last two decades, yeah.”
It’s been eleven years since she last stepped foot on these grounds.
With wonderment in her voice, she utters to Cassian, “I’ve been here before.”
At his puzzled look, she explains, “I lived just on the other side of those woods.” She points to the trees. “There’s an old cracked road that hasn’t been maintained since it was first paved, and you can follow it straight to the poor side of town. Whenever I wanted to get away, I would come down that road and trek through the woods, and I’d end up here. I stopped coming because…” she trails off.
Because she got caught that one time.
Cassian seems to realize it at the same moment as her. His hand slips out of her pocket. “You…”
Nesta remembers a tall boy with shocked eyes and shaggy hair, and she shakes her head slowly in forceful denial. It can’t be true. It’s too much of a coincidence.
But he points at her, then her feet. “You—with the size six Converse,” he sputters. “It was you.”
Before Nesta can confirm or deny it, he grabs her by the wrist and starts tugging her along, up the porch stairs and inside the house.
Even with Rhysand and Feyre’s renovations, it looks undeniably the same as all those years ago. The living room is to her right and the farmhouse style kitchen and dining area is to the left, though she speeds by it all as Cassian pulls her farther inside the house, to the closet beneath the curving stairs.
He lets go of her hand to search the small closet, muttering, “I know they were here somewhere.” But the closet looks like it was stripped empty for renovations, with only bolts in the walls indicating that shoe racks used to hang there.
Cassian turns and heads for the stairs, and Nesta blindly follows him. She also wants to go upstairs, wants to see if the bay window looking out onto the garden has stayed the same.
Like he read her mind, he leads her straight to the room she used to spend hours reading in. It’s smaller than all the other bedrooms in the house, but it’s always been her favorite because of the view.
As Cassian keeps looking for whatever it is he’s looking for, upturning boxes and checking beneath furniture, Nesta drifts toward the bay window. She looks from the cherry blossom trees outside, to the full-sized bed, to Cassian, and a weight drops even heavier in her gut. She has to reach out and grip the edge of the dresser for support.
Finally, Cassian pops out of the closet victorious. In his hand are a pair of ragged shoes that Nesta hasn’t worn in a long, long time.
He comes over and drops them with a thud at her feet.
“Whose room is this?” she asks with a rough voice, still staring down at the shoes.
“Mine,” he answers simply.
“Oh.” She met him before. She met him before.
When Nesta dares to look up and meet Cassian’s eyes, what she finds there nearly robs her of breath: wonder, astonishment, and unwavering fealty. He breaks into sudden wholehearted laughter, which dazes her even more.
“What’s so funny?” she demands.
Cassian gets out between laughs, “What was it Rhysand said about Feyre? When they found out they were close to crossing paths when they were younger?”
Nesta’s earth-tilting shock slowly slips away, replaced by a stern look. “Don’t say it.”
He pretends to remember. “I think it was fate.” A wicked smirk pulls at his lips at Nesta’s resigned sigh. “But I have another word for it, too.”
“Don’t say that, either.” She pleadingly holds up her hands, only for Cassian to snatch one out of the air and intertwine his fingers with hers.
“Soulmate,” he says quietly, now less amused.
Nesta swallows thickly, not having any words for him. All she knows is that he is never going to let her live this down.
“Imagine if we’d gone to the same high school,” Cassian says to her later that afternoon as they lounge in his old room. “Fuck, I could’ve saved myself so much time with all those random girls.” They’ve been swapping childhood stories for the past hour, as if they might find more instances in their history of a red string tying them together.
Nesta doesn’t need coincidences or fateful run-ins to know that a string has always been wrapped around her ring finger, pulling her to Colorado and to that cabin. But for Cassian’s sake, she’ll gladly amuse him. “I would have been a freshman while you were a senior,” she says matter-of-factly. “It never could have happened.”
He hums in thought, head propped up in his hand, elbow propped up against the bay window seat. “Maybe if you were older. You would have been the smart, quiet girl, and I’d have been the player jock, and as soon as we locked eyes in math class, I’d be head over heels in love with you.”
Nesta cackles from where she sits in the window seat above him. “Now you’re just writing fanfiction.”
Cassian grins up at her but doesn’t send a rebuttal her way. The conversation falls into a lull, until Nesta has to reach out and ask, “What are you thinking?”
His smile turns a little sad. “That I wish we weren’t doing this right before I leave for another country.”
Right. That’s what’s been hanging over them the entire trip to Tennessee: that as soon as they get back to Colorado, Cassian is going to be on a plane to Milan.
Getting Keith O’Connell to quit—how exactly Cassian went about accomplishing it, he still won’t tell Nesta—left Rhysand at square one with his search for a team leader for his overseas venture.
When Cassian brought up the idea of taking the job to Nesta, he sounded like he hoped she would shoot him down, talk him out of it. He both wanted to go and was reluctant to leave, like his very soul was glued to his home and he didn’t want to unstick himself.
So Nesta, being his home, had to do the unsticking for him. She nearly accepted the year-long Milan position herself for Cassian’s sake, and it took weeks of coaxing and convincing to put him at ease about the whole thing.
“But we promised to go together for the first time,” he kept saying.
“We’ll still go together one day, and it’ll still be our first time there with each other,” she reassured him.
Eventually, he relented to her and Rhysand’s pressures with a single condition. “I’ll do six months. Not a year.”
Only Nesta knows deep down how much Cassian needs this opportunity. Though Cassian must know it a little bit too, because he wouldn’t have taken the job if he didn’t.
Nesta might have needed him in order to come out of her shell, but now he needs to get away from her in order to find his own shell. Something he can call his own, unburdened by his loyalties to the people he loves. So he can find who he wants to be for himself, without always being attached to her hip.
Rising to her feet, Nesta raises her arms in the air in a full body stretch. Her back and legs ache with being curled up in that window seat for so long without movement.
Dropping her arms, she holds out a hand to Cassian still sitting on the floor. “Come on,” she urges him. “Let’s go outside. I haven’t seen a Smoky sunset in years.”
“But it’s not evening yet,” he argues while taking her hand.
Outside, they explore the garden that leads into the woods while waiting for the sun to slink down the sky. Cherry blossoms ride the summer breeze wherever it takes them, resulting in Cassian sniffling and scratching at his neck as they walk hand in hand.
“Rhysand wanted to take these trees down and replace them with a flower garden for Elain,” he tells Nesta as they walk. His sinuses sound clogged, but he’s refused to go back inside until he’s explained every inch of the land to Nesta. “I convinced him not to because it would ruin the view from my bedroom window. Didn’t I make the right choice?” He throws a grin in her direction.
Nesta’s swallow is tight at that grin. “The view from your room was always my favorite part about the entire place. So yes, you did good.”
His eyes widen at that tidbit of information, and she can almost see him tucking it away as more Soulmate Evidence.
They stroll through the woods for a while, and Nesta points out the path she would take to get to Cherrywood—she still insists on calling it Cherrywood, even when Cassian argues that the house’s original name has been around since the sixties.
“Show me the rest of the way?” Cassian asks her, face lit up in boyish hope. “Show me where you ran away to that day I found you.”
Nesta almost expects the memory of the rundown apartment complex she grew up in to feel like being shoved into sludge: dirty, cold, and slimy. Instead, she finds she has no problem with looking back at her old home, no matter how many ugly memories she holds from there.
However, the dappled sunlight streaming in through the trees overhead has turned from yellow to dark gold, and she shakes her head in apology to Cassian. “Another day,” she promises him. “It’s almost sunset.”
They walk back to the house, rounding it until they reach the front. At the bottom of the hill that the house is perched on stands a pier that leads all the way out to the lake. Green mountains frame the lake from both sides, creating the perfect cradle for the sun to sink into.
They go all the way out to the edge of the pier, as if they’re trying to get as close to the sunset as physically possible. Dragonflies lazily swoop by as the lake is gradually painted in a hundred different colors.
Once there’s more darkness than light in the sky, Cassian nudges Nesta with one of the arms he has around her. “Look.” He points.
Along the shoreline of the lake, little dots of light have lit up to welcome the evening, their blinking glow so small that Nesta almost doesn’t catch it. Fireflies.
Nesta watches the insects flit in and out of the long grasses of the lake shore, getting tangled in the weeds and wildflowers. In that moment, she remembers something Cassian once confessed to her not long after his birthday.
I want to see more beautiful places with you.
Nesta ticks this beautiful place off the long list in her head—the first place out of many that she plans to see with Cassian.
More beautiful than the scene before her is the man in her arms. The man who was kind enough to understand a woman who barely understood herself, and to be her friend when she had none. The man who is extending his kindness right now by not having made any breaking-and-entering jokes about Nesta so far, though she’s sure he’ll pull them out eventually.
Discovering that she once found Cassian, just to let him slip by running away from him, only to find him again over a decade later—it comforts the tiny part of her that’s loath to say goodbye to him in two weeks.
Like Cassian is thinking the same thing, he murmurs into the dark, “I can’t wait to come back to you.”
Nesta huffs in amusement. “You haven’t even left yet.”
“I know.” After a moment, he adds in a low voice that not even the fireflies can hear, “Thank you for convincing me to go.”
She reaches up to squeeze his bicep. “Always.” And then she adds what she really wants him to hear: “Don’t come back until you find what you’re looking for.”
“I better find it quick then,” he jokes. Still, he nods in promise against the side of her head.
The only sound after that is the chirp of cicadas and the occasional lap of water meeting the pier beams. Nesta and Cassian stay outside in the June heat long after the sky turns ink blue.
a/n: next chapter is just some ic bullshit so take all ur bittersweet sentimentality here and go
tagging: @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @valkyriewarriors @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @swankii-art-teacher @wannawriteyouabook @arinbelle @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01 @verypaleninja @maastrash @bow-dawn @perseusannabeth @dead-on-the-inside666 @jlinez @hungryreadingaddict @anidealiveson @planet-faerie @shallowhighwaters @ghostlyrose2 @chosenfamily-valkyriequeens @rarephloxes @readiajin @nessiantrashh @live-the-fangirl-life @ifinallygavein @xoblivisci @sjmships @jungtaekwoonie-is-life @lysandra-tiara @lanyjoy-13 @post-it-notes33 @loosingdreams @fromthelibraryofemilyj @18moneytoad @dontgetsalmonella @champanheandluxxury @togreblog @ladygabrielli1997 @meridainthedisneyland @moodymelanist @pixieelea @teagoddess99 @mystic-bibliophile
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
karate kid: “because of you” ₊˚ ⸝  johnny x reader
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❝but it can all get a lil’ crazy, unless there’s something to hold onto. for me, that was true love.❞
gif credit: n/a song: lana del rey - because of you
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pairings: johnny lawrence (1984) x reader
warnings: angst, language, mentions of sex, themes of depression, the overuse of the word ‘baby’ lmfaooo
summary: despite johnny’s reputation, you still weren’t expecting him, your first and only, to be unfaithful. but you were only a blind fool in love, after all.
“.. What the hell is going on here?”
You stood back on the beach overlook with your friend, watching the scene unravel before your eyes.
Below you, there Johnny was, along with his little Cobra Kai gang. The small crowd of teenagers around him shouted and cheered as he brawled with a smaller kid in a red sweater, who was obviously getting his ass beat. 
“Dammit, Johnny, stop!” 
A familiar high pitched, girlish scream caught your attention. Your eyes scanned the crowd until they stopped on Ali, who you knew to be Johnny’s old flame. Despite them being over for a while now, you knew Johnny still had feelings for her. But it was something you buried in the back of your mind. You were too in love with Johnny to acknowledge or care about the fact that he hasn’t moved on. 
Now, watching what was happening, you didn’t know what to think or how to feel. You’ve barely talked to Johnny at all over the week, and now you find him here?
Instead of intervening and chasing after Johnny, you gestured for your friend to follow you back to the car and head elsewhere. She didn’t protest and based on the heartbroken expression on your face, she knew better than to question you. Now was not the time to talk it through. 
Since that night, things were not the same. You explained your situation to your parents who were aware of your relationship, or now former relationship with Johnny. Johnny would call a few times a day, but you never bothered to pick up. His calls started to get more and more frequent, so you ended up blocking his number. Because of this, you started to fall out with the Cobra Kais, who you made good friends with because of your relationship with Johnny. So knowing you’d run into them at school, you stopped attending and would spend the days locked up in your room, only going out to use the bathroom or get something from the kitchen. By now, Johnny knew something was up, and went as far as to pick a fight with your dad whenever he’d drop by your house, asking to see you.
“Come on! I just wanna see Y/N, dammit!”
“She’s none of your business anymore, young man. Now get the hell off my property!”
“Man, fuck you! Let me see her! I need to talk to her!”
“You have three seconds, Mr Lawrence!”
“Y/N, I know you’re in there! I know you can hear me!”
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The days became gloomier and gloomier. Weeks had passed and you hadn’t talked to anybody. You shut everyone out and would spend the days alone in your bed, wallowing in your own self pity.
How could you be so foolish?
To think you could be the one to fix Johnny. 
To think he loved you as much as you loved him.
To think he would want a future with you as much as he wanted your clothes off.
But the reality hit you; you were just a rebound. And you let him use you. It was all your fault. 
An overwhelming feeling of nausea and anxiety overtook you. You jumped off your bed and ran to the bathroom, pushing open the toilet lid and vomiting. You flushed the contents down and got to your feet to straighten yourself up. You looked at yourself in the mirror, your eyes widening in disbelief. You didn’t even recognize your reflection.. The person looking back at you was a stranger.
You lifted your hand up to touch your face as you analyzed your appearance. You had dark bags under your bloodshot eyes, your hair disheveled, skin pale and dry. 
“That’s just great.”
Sighing, you stooped down to the sink to rinse your mouth out and splash water on your face. As soon as you were finished, you flicked the light switch and trailed back to your room. However, you were stopped in your tracks by the sound of your father’s voice. 
“Y/N..? Oh, wow.. Wow, girl, I haven’t seen you in days.. How are you feeling now?” He stared down at you, searching your empty face for answers. You avoided his gaze, crossing his arms and looking down at your feet. He sighed, “The school called. You need to return by this Monday.”
You felt your heart sink. You looked up at him, opening your mouth to speak until he cut you off.
“I know you’re still healing but... This isn’t good for you. When you get back to school, you’ll at least get to hang out with your friends again, right?” You weakly shrugged, causing him to let out another heavy sigh. He patted your shoulder. “It’ll get better and soon, you’ll be back to your normal self!”
“What day is it?” you asked.
“It’s Sunday..”
You groaned, “Oh, gosh.” 
“Hey, hey, hey, you’ll be fine.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, definitely. I’ll run into my ex and his little posse, who I ghosted, and then have to explain to my friends why I look and feel like shit. Great. Thanks dad,” you scoffed sarcastically, and stormed off into your room, slamming it shut.
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Today was the today. Exasperatingly, you dragged yourself out of bed, showered, brushed your teeth, and tied up your hair into a long braid that cascaded down your back. You figured you’d put on a bit of concealer to hide your dark circles, and topped that off by applying dark red lipstick. You dressed yourself in a white shirt, the collar sticking out of the green sweater you layered on top of it. You matched that with a white pleated skirt that stopped mid thigh, and slipped on a pair of black knee high socks. 
Finished with your look, you shrugged on your backpack and headed downstairs, putting on your Mary Janes before pulling open the front door. You ignored your mom’s calls and ran out to the driveway, about to get into your vehicle to head to school. However, the plans seemed to change when a familiar red car idling on your street caught your attention. 
Your heart began to thump loudly in your chest when you met Johnny’s burning gaze as he waited for you in the car. Knowing how stubborn and persistent he was, you immediately gave up and got into the car, slamming the door shut. 
“All right, so you gonna explain where the hell you’ve been?” Anger and rancor dripped off his voice. You knew this would happen.
Turning to look him in the eye, you treated him with the same attitude. “Oh, that’s just golden! Where have I been? No, Johnny, where the hell have you been? I was trying to reach you for over a week until I found you at the beach with Ali.. Not to mention you were picking on that poor kid.”
As soon as you mentioned Ali, Johnny’s demeanor changed. He laid back into his seat, his jaw clenched. He was caught. 
“Did you seriously think I wouldn’t find out?”
When he wouldn’t reply, you broke the silence. “I don’t wanna argue with you right now, let alone talk to you. Now just drive me to school or I’ll be late.”
He scoffed. “Since when did you care about being late? You were absent for more than a week!”
“Jeez, wonder why,” you retorted. “You know what? This was a mistake.” You pushed open the car door, about to step out, when Johnny gripped your wrist, pulling you back. 
“Wait, don’t go,” he said softly, begging you to stay. Worry filled his big baby blue eyes as he waited on your decision. “Please, Y/N.” You could never say no to him, especially when he was giving you that look. You got back into the car and shut the door, but faced away from Johnny. You swatted away his hand, causing him to recoil and put both hands on the wheel. 
“If we’re gonna talk, let’s not do it here,” you said.
After that, you both stayed silent as he started the car, driving off to wherever. As you drew nearer to your destination, the surroundings started to look more and more familiar. It hit you; this is where you and Johnny had your first kiss, and maybe a little more than just that.. You found yourself smiling at the memories. Then again, maybe some things are just better as memories. 
You were laid beside Johnny on his car, watching the sunset. When the sun went down, instead of heading back home, you ended up stargazing together. You both entirely forgot about your surroundings and the time, getting lost in conversation. Conversation turned into kissing, which eventually lead to something much more heated. 
“You’re so damn beautiful, baby. I can’t believe you’re all mine,” Johnny hummed, beaming and grinning widely. You giggled, continuing to pepper his pretty face with kisses.
“Well, you better believe it then, babe,” you said in between kisses. “Cause I’m not going anywhere.” 
Johnny sighed in satisfaction, pulling you closer to him. “Good, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Johnny managed to catch your lips, capturing you in a deep, passionate and loving kiss. He held you tightly against him as you straddled his lap like his life depended on it. 
Johnny pulled over, snapping you back into reality. You overlooked the city as he shut off the car engine with a heavy sigh, preparing himself for whatever was to come out of this conversation.
“So? You got anything to say for yourself, Lawrence?”
He took a moment to think, before opening his mouth to speak. 
“Y/N.. I’m sorry. I fucked up big time.” You scoffed at that, rolling your eyes and looking away from Johnny. “I’m sorry! I really am! I know I shouldn’t have gone after Ali when I had you.”
“Had,” you pointed out, chuckling.
“Oh, just listen to me, will ya? I told you I’m sorry and I admit to my mistakes!”
“And lemme guess; you’re telling me all this just now because Ali once again rejected you?” Johnny stayed silent, a sheepish and guilty look on his face. You groaned, “For fucks sake, Johnny. Do you ever mean the things you say? This was a complete waste of my time.”
“I didn’t wanna lose you, Y/N.”
“If you’re still loving Ali, then you’ve already lost me.”
“Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious. You ghosted me! At least I tried to make things right between us instead of running away!”
“You really are an awful person, Johnny Lawrence. My friends were right about you-” you blurted out. Your throat ached as you tried to keep yourself together. “You’re really nothing but a player! There is no ‘us’. You don’t give a damn about me. You never did. So just drop the act and take me to school,” you whispered the last part, not wanting Johnny to hear your voice break. But he could easily see through your anger and sense the sadness in your voice.
You faced the opposite direction from Johnny. 
“Please look at me,” Johnny said after a while. You refused to glance his way, your eyes fixed on your fingers as you anxiously twiddled them together. The rage built up inside of you and the thoughts fueled by heartbreak, you kept to yourself. You wanted to be strong. You didn’t want to show Johnny how much he truly hurt you. But all that was gone when tears began to stream down your face. 
“Oh, Y/N, please don’t cry. I’m sorry, I-” Johnny trailed off, his voice cracking. He felt so lost. He had never been faced with a situation like this, even with Ali. And he’s never seen you cry before. You were always tough and strong in front of him, and to see you bawl like this, he thought it really must be that bad. 
“Don’t apologize unless you really mean it,” you sniffled. “Don’t make it worse than it already is.”
“Then I’m gonna keep apologizing because I mean it! With all my heart, Y/N, I’m sorry. I never wanted to make you cry. I can’t stand seeing you like this because of me.”
You turned your face slightly towards Johnny’s direction, curiosity and hope sparking inside of you. 
“I was told that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. And even if you leave after this, I’m not gonna hide the way I feel, Y/N. I’ve never felt this way about a girl. Even with Ali. That’s why I was confused at first, but I knew I wanted to make it work with you.” Johnny squeezes your hand in his significantly bigger ones. “I hated to admit it at first, but I was and am smitten with you. You cross my mind everyday, and every song reminds me of you. And- And even if you shut me out after this.. If you go, I’ll stay. Even when you fall out of love, I just want you to know I’ll always have feelings for you.”
You didn’t know what to say after Johnny’s confession. You had all these emotions; betrayal, heartbreak, anger, confusion. They clouded your mind. You didn’t know how to properly react. 
“Do you really mean that?”
Johnny chuckles sadly, “I may be a douche, but I’m not a liar.”
You leaned back into your seat, replaying everything that just happened in your head. Johnny’s confessions, his declaration of love for you. You knew Johnny had a rough life and wasn’t one to be open about his feelings. And you also knew you loved that boy, even after the pain he caused you. Did you really wanna risk it and be with him? 
After being silent for a while, the uncomfortable stillness in the air prompted Johnny to speak up. 
“You- I- I’ll just.. I can take you home. Wherever-”
“No! Wait, don’t,” you placed your hand over Johnny’s before he got the chance to start the car. You locked eyes with him, your heart beat beginning to speed up suddenly. You were stuck on what to do at that moment. 
“Oh, fuck it,” you thought to yourself, and cupped Johnny’s face, bringing him closer to you. Now without the support of your hands, you were caught off balance and ended up stumbling atop Johnny. And in the heat of the moment, you crashed your lips to his. Okay, that was totally intentional. 
Johnny didn’t waste a second and immediately kissed you back, holding you steady above him. You really didn’t want to, but you had to break the kiss for air, giving Johnny the chance to let out breathy words.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you so much, baby.”
You pressed your forehead to his and wrapped your arms around his shoulders while you tangled your fingers in his hair. He cupped your face, placing gentle little kisses on your nose.
“Nothing bad is gonna happen to us, baby, I promise.”
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segsforbreaky · 4 years
Nolan Patrick x Reader for @chicagoblackhawkslover96
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Prompts; 14. “And there were two beds, but no one cared”. 38. “Just kiss already”. 39. “Everyone is having sex.”
Warnings: nsfw (sex, kissing, alcohol, cuss words, all that jazz.)
Summary: Y/n is TKs best friend and gets introduced to Nolan after a winning game, little did Travis know...
You didn’t know what to expect as you walked to the Flyers locker room with your girl best friend, Lana. Your other best friend was one of the Flyers best known forwards, Travis Konecny. Not by choice sadly. They had just won a game in Chicago against the blackhawks 4-2.
As you and Lana knocked on the door to the locker room, your face went red as The Flyers pretty boy opened the door, Nolan Patrick. His hair was glazed in a shiny coat, as he just hopped out of the locker room showers, a towel hung lowly on his hips. You cleared your throat as you looked away before speaking. “Travis wanted me to meet him in the locker room- after the game.” You had to take a breath between your words.
Lana had noticed and smirked, “but obviously he is busy, do you think you could show us around?” Lana asked with a devious smile as you glared at her. She had this way of knowing, and you despised that sometimes. Most of the time.
Nolans brows were raised in a bit of confusion? Intimidation? Who knew how Lana made the poor boy feel. He simply nodded, his roses cheeks a little rosier, you noticed as you walked in. You deterred your eyes from all the half naked teammates you’ve met many times before , not finding the upmost sense in wanting to see what you considered your older brothers pretty much naked.
Travis found you a few minutes later, greeting Lana with a hug, which you didn’t think too much of. He then ruffled your hair with his wet hand. He didn’t even bother to dry off before finding you. His mess of hair covering his eyes. “Ok shaggy I get it, your happy, now what did you want me to meet you here for again?” You asked as you crossed your arms, popping your hip.
Travis rolled his eyes playfully. “Ok Ms. ‘don’t be happy for your best friend that Just scored a goal’ “ he exaggerated. He chuckled before looking over and whistling to Nolan, who walked over, now having a pair of grey sweat pants with a yellow T-shirt. Nolan had a confused look, still having not spoken to you yet. You started to blush as he came over but hid it as you looked at Travis and him standing in front of you. “Y/n this is Nolan. Patty this is my best friend y/n”. Travis spoke with the most shit eating grin ever. He knew you’ve had a crush on Nolan since you first saw him in the draft.
Your jaw wanted to come unhinged. Was your brother really stupid enough to believe you didn’t know who the gorgeous, roses cheeked, long haired man in front
Of you was? You realized you had gone into shock as Lana had nudged you to bring you back to present day. You shook your head. “Um hi?,” you spoke. ‘Nice I so just blew it’ you thought to yourself as you saw Nolan uncomfortably move next to Travis.
Lana piped up beside you, “sorry about her, she’s grouchy, she didn’t have her margarita today yet.” She said with a small laugh, trying to make the uncomfortable smog go away.
Before you could reply, Nolan started speaking. “Well if that’s the case why don’t we change that,” he spoke as if he’d knew you since you were a kid. You were shocked. “She’d love to!” Your best friend answered as you stumbled to get your words out. The blood rushing to your cheeks as you nodded, “that would be nice- great! That sounds great..” you chuckled nervously as you moved a strand of your hair behind your ear.
Nolan had a smile sneaking into his face as he looked at you, “then it’s a plan, I’ll pick you up at 8.” He said. No. Told. He told you. There was no question. Travis had a smirk on his face when you looked back at your sneering best friend . Oh he was so dead when you got home.
“Bye Travis!,” Lana yelled as she dragged you back to her rental Jeep. Heading to the hotel you two were staying in to get you ready for your little outing with the Nolan Patrick. You were going to be sick.
“Lana I can’t do this, he’s my brothers teammate! He’s practically my brother!” You argued as she forced you into a slim fitting outfit. A pair of slim fitting ‘ripped in the right places’ jeans. That’s what Lana said anyway, and a low v-neck top with a pair of simple black boots to finish it off. She even did your makeup. “Ugh would you stop overthinking y/n! He obviously likes you, he asked you on a date for fucks sake!” She argued back.
After about an hour of you and your best friend arguing to eachother, you realized you were dressed and there was knock at the door. You gulped as you glanced at Lana, “what if-“ she had cut you off immediately. “Ah ah I don’t want to hear it, you’ll be fine, just be yourself, but don’t do anything I would do” she winked at you. You smiled at your best friend. “You so owe me a tub of cookie dough after today,” you relied. After a few last touched and making sure your wedgie wasn’t showing, you walked down stairs.
When you got to the door, you took a deep breath before you opened it with a smile seeing Nolan dressed in a button up, with a casual blue jeans and dress shoes. “hey-“ Nolan spoke before looking you up and down, “wow” he mumbled under his breath. Oh boy you were so falling. You smiled at him. “I hope I’m not to over dressed,” you said quietly. Nolan shook his head in disagreement, “are you kidding, no wonder TK never told us about you.” He chuckled. You blushed at the comment, had your best friend really not mentioned you for that reason? Oh well. Lana was spying from the stairs, texting Travis the whole time of what was happening. She decided to pop in “Oh would you just kiss already!” You sore you couldn’t ran right back up those stairs and tacked her at that moment, but you fight back the gasp that was fighting to escape your lips. Clearing your throat you apologized for your friend as you closed the door behind you. You realized he was blushing...
The car ride to the bar was relatively small talk, about Travis, hockey, Nolan’s hair and how it was perfectly styled. When you got to the bar he even opened your door for you, holding his hand around the low of your back as you walked into the bar. It wasn’t like any bar you had ever been taken to, it was gorgeous.
You two had sat down, he ordered his beer of choice as you ordered your favorite margarita. Nolan smiled as your eyes lit up as the taste hit your tongue. You covered your mouth with your hand “oh my gosh how have I never been here,” you said as you took bother sip, wiping the little residue off your lip with your thumb, looking up to see Nolan looking at you with hooded eyes. You grinned, you were going to enjoy tonight.
The rest of your time at the bar consisted of drinking way too much alcohol and having to order and Uber back to the hotel the team was staying at for the few nights they were here in Chicago. It was a beautiful city, you and Nolan sitting almost close enough to smell the beer off each other’s breath. You were pointing out the pretty lights against the Chicago night sky. Nolan looked at you with a smile, a needy one.
You got to the hotel, stumbling into the elevator you held yourself up again the Flyers forward. “You’re pretty,” you slurred slightly, almost to the point of blackout drunk. But if there was any night you wanted to remember when you woke up, it was tis one. Nolan chuckled at your complement, petting your head with a kind stroke of his hand. As the elevator dinged, he helped you to his room. Unlocking the door to see Travis... and Lana in bed together. Together!
Lana squealed as she hid herself under the white sheets. Travis wide eyed but laughing. You face palmed. “Oh whatever,” you said as you had Nolan in tow to the bed on the other side of the room. You kicked your shoes off before pulling your shirt over your head, retailing the black and orange lace bra you wore ‘just in case’ . Nolan’s jaw dropped as he stood there like a golden doodle drilling at a treat. You finished undressing before sliding under the sheets.
Your two best friends were drunk enough they forgot you were there, already back to their *buisness*. You snapped your fingers as you pointed to the spit next to you, “I will fall asleep if you aren’t beside me in five seconds Patrick.” Yup said as you took your hair out of the lose bun it was in.
Before you knew it, your skin was cold, the sheets having been pulled off of you for Nolan to get into the bed and make his way over top of you. You gasped at the sudden contact against your lips, the soft, yet rough sensation sending chills down your bare body. Nolan pulled away and shushed you quietly, nodding over to where your best friends had finished their love session and had fallen asleep. You nodded, understanding he wanted you to be quiet.
“You don’t want them hearing you now do you?” He whispered in your ear as he kissed down the skin of your neck to your collar bin, slipping the orange and black lace down your shoulders as his other hand had made it’s way behind your back and unclamped the lace from your body. He smirked as it slipped off your skin. You instinctively tried covering yourself. Nolan shook his head, gently pulling your arms away from yourself and putting them above your head. “Let me show you how beautiful you are,” he spoke as he finished undressing you and himself.
Needles to say, it wasn’t your first time, but boy were you nervous. Nolan was by far the most attractive man you’ve ever laid your eyes on, let alone been in bed with.
Nolan had magic hand on and off the ice, you were learning this very quickly. He had latched his mouth onto your little pink nipple, sucking and tugging gently, causing an eruption of feelings coarse through your body. You were enjoying every second of this, almost forgetting your best friends were to the right of you as a soft moan escaped your lips. The sound causing Nolan to hum against your sensitive skin, the vibrations almost pulling another sound out of you.
He had made his way between your folds, the warmth of your wetness engulfing his fingers as he dive into you, relentlessly. The rhythm he set drove you insane with euphoria, loving every second. The sudden stop caused you to whine, rolling your hips to try and find friction. “That needy are we,” he said in a raspy, now sex ridden voice. He smirked as he met your soft lips with his chapped ones. You heard Travis mumble and a soft moan from your best friend “Great, everyone is having sex,” you said breathlessly against Nolan’s lips, hearing subtle chuckles from Lana, the last you heard of her through the night.
You thrived against Nolan’s roughness, not ever thinking you would be squirming under number 19.
While distracted by the pace set by his mouth you tensed as you felt him push into you, hot and heavy, his cock no where near what you’ve had before. Reaching places you didn’t know were there before. You had to bite your lip as your eyes squeezed shut as you adjusted to the sheer size of this man. After a few minutes of him marking you up, leaving bruises with his mouth along your neck and boobs, your hips started to move, trying to feel every inch of him. He got the idea and started pounding in and out of you, you both knew neither of you were going to last long, not with how many drinks were in you and the sexual tension that had been pent up all night.
He sat up as he pulled out of you and flipped you over onto your stomach, pushing back into you and he twisted his hand into your hair, pulling you up just to where you could barley hold your self up. The bed was betraying your promise of being quiet. Nolan was rough, and you loved it, smacking your ass as his other hand pulled your hips against his. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he grunted as his thrust started getting faster and sloppier. Your hands fisted into the Sheetz as your mascara had ran down your face. You felt yourself clench around him before he pulled out, bellowing a hushed moan as he came across your back, breathing heavily. He took a second, before getting up and sneaking to the bathroom as you laid there in your own sweat and mascara, motionless. God forbid you had to fly back to Phili tomorrow..
Nolan returned with a warm cloth, cleaning you up and slipping his t shirt over your head, him already having his boxers on. He wiped your running mascara from your face, leaving kisses where he wiped. You were asleep by the time he got back to the bed after throwing the wipe away.
All four of you woke up Late in the morning, hungover and still smelling like sex. No one even bothered speaking a word of last night, except the team. “What happened to you guys-“ Claude Giroux asked with a confused look. “There were only two beds!,” Travis complained. “And no one cared.” Nolan added with a shrug.
You and Lana looked at eachother with red faces, laughing as you got onto the team bus. Til next time Chicago...
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irisofpurple · 4 years
Summary: Ethan after seeing MC for the first time after his return from Amazon.
Pairing: Ethan×MC (Lana Stevens)
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Pixelberry.
Warnings: NSFW content, Swearing, Angst.
A/N: This is my first fanfic work for the Open Heart series. It's set in Chapter 1 of Book 2, the night when Ethan sees MC again after 2 months at Amazon. I am sort of obsessed with OH and came up with this at random. Hope you enjoy! I'd love to know what you think. :)
Ethan was staring up at the ceiling blankly, his eyes unblinking. Sleep refused to come to him in spite of the fact that he was thoroughly exhausted. He wished he could just switch off his brain, stop thinking about her.
But he couldn't forget those gorgeous green eyes. And the hurt that he saw in them tonight when she kissed him and he didn't kiss her back. It had killed him to watch her go and every fibre of his being begged to follow her.
I love her enough to let her go. It's better this way.
Ethan knew that being with him couldn't be good for her. If word got out about them, which he was sure it eventually would if they kept seeing each other, her reputation would be destroyed and her career would be compromised. He couldn't let that happen. He was her mentor first, and he'd be damned if her professional development was jeopardized because of him. He couldn't bring himself to be that selfish. She was already a brilliant doctor and he knew it in his bones that she had potential to make it big someday.
Nobody would care that she won the spot on the diagnostics team fair and square if they found out she was sleeping with Ethan Ramsey.
She might be upset now but she'd understand one day. Plus he couldn't stand the idea of being resented by her if, no when, this blew up in her face.
Yes. This is for the best. I need to protect her, even from me.
That was what he told himself when he left for Amazon to be gone for two months without even saying so much as goodbye. He thought that some time apart would be good for them both, help these feelings go away, make it easier to work together again. It had been hard to leave like that but seeing her again at the bar tonight was much harder. He hadn't anticipated his feelings to come rushing back, stronger than ever. The pull towards her somehow even more magnetic. But he'd fought it and managed to keep his feelings and hands to himself.
I did the right thing. This is the only way it can ever be.
If only he could stop thinking about her now. Stop imagining how he took her right here in his bed that fateful night. How great it felt to taste her, to sink into her wet heat, to suck on those luscious lips and pert nipples.
He closed his eyes hoping it would stop the erotic images of her from flashing before him. No such luck. It only became more vivid. He snapped them back open and sat up, his member now painfully hard. He groaned. Why was this his life?
Maybe he needed a distraction. Maybe doing someone else would help him get over her for good. But then a dark thought occurred to him. She could do the same. That surgical resident Lahela and the paramedic Aveiro seemed to be all over her. They'd happily give it to her if she asked for it. They were closer to her age too and came with a lot less burden compared to him.
He clenched his fists, his knuckles whitening at the thought of someone else touching her the way he had, of making her make those blissful sounds he imagined she only made for him, of putting that satisfied look on her face after she came apart in his arms.
No. She is MINE.
But she isn't, said another voice in him, Weren't you the one to tell her that you can't be together? Is she supposed to wait around for you now? Get over yourself Ramsey!
He hung his head in defeat. He wanted her to be happy beyond anything but was he really selfless enough to let someone else do that? To watch them give her what he could never give?
He pulled the sheets and got out of bed.
I need a drink.
Crossing the living room, he padded into his kitchen and reached for a bottle of scotch from his well stocked bar. He poured a couple fingers of the amber liquid into his fancy tumbler and took a long sip.
Sighing, he slumped down on the barstool with the drink in his hand, his thoughts inevitably wandering back to her again. This had to stop. He'd never been this miserable over a woman before. What was wrong with him? He'd always been laser focused on his profession, never stopped to have a real relationship. Didn't even ever feel the need to.
Then he met Lana Stevens. His rookie. She was beautiful and he was obviously attracted to her from the get go. Initially, he'd just be brushing it off, thinking of it as a rather irrational inconvenience. But the more he got to know her, the more irresistible she seemed to become. There was so much more to her than just her pretty face and incredible physique. She had a kind heart and strong determination. She was smart and hardworking. She actually reminded him a lot of his younger self, only she was a much better person than he was.
Her looks were really just the cherry on an already delectable cake. A cherry he liked very much. His lips crept up in a rueful smile. A cherry he was dying to taste again.
Oh for fuck's sake!
Now he had a raging hard on. Again. I did it again. He ran his hand down the front of his face and blew out a breath.
I need a cold shower.
Yes that would help. He downed the rest of his drink and wandered into the master bathroom. Turning on the shower, he stepped into the cubicle and let the cold water shock his senses but it didn't do shit to calm his furious arousal.
There was only one thing to do now. He started stroking himself, closing his eyes and letting memories of her overtake him as the water dripped down his back and onto the floor. He moved his fist harder and faster, chasing his own pleasure and bracing himself for support with one hand on the wall. Finally he blew out his load with a cry, her name escaping his lips.
This has got to do it.
Satisfied but not quite, he stepped out of the shower and dried himself up with a towel, putting on a fresh pair of sweatpants. Hopefully he'd get some sleep now.
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domesticblisss · 4 years
Summer is Almost Gone
Timothy Thatcher x Female Reader Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1565 Warnings: Angst, fluff. Some cursing, I guess. Just exes bumping into each other and some nostalgia. Summary: Reader finds Tim where she least expected. A/N: Another Lana Del Rey inspired one, but mostly because of the feeling of nostalgia “White Dress” gives. Tried to not make it super sad. Hope you guys like it.
→ “You’re coming, right?” ← “Yeah, I’m going, Marcel. It’s just us, right?” → “Just you and I and Fabian and a couple of our friends.” ← “Cool, I’ll be there in 10.”
She did arrive there in ten. But what was supposed to be a get together between her, Marcel and a few friends turned out to be a full blown house party. Some rapper that she has heard Marcel listening to before was blasting on the speakers, people were already intoxicated, couple were making out, and dancing bodies were tightly pressed together crowded his living room that it took her almost five minutes to make her way from the front door to Marcel’s kitchen.
She finds Fabian sitting on the counter, drowning in a beer and talking to Shotzi. “Oh my god, you came!” Shotzi exclaims, hugging her.
“Ugh, I did. Missed you much, girlie.” she hugs Shotzi back, before turning to Fabian. “Dude, what’s going on? Marcel said it was going to be just us.”
“You know how he is, this was just a ploy to invite that new girl he is head over heels for.”
“Ah, of course. Did she actually come?”
“Yeah...” Fabian answered with a slight embarrassed tone to his voice, raising his eyebrows and scratching the back of his head.
“Ok, that face tells me he’s somewhere with her already. Anyways, love you guys but I’m going to head out a bit. It’s way too crowded here.”
“See ya later, babe.” Shotzi yelled over and got a blown kiss in return.
She made her way to the backyard, hoping the swing set she helped Marcel build was still free. It was a typical end of summer night. The days got darker earlier, the hot day air slowly turning to a chilly night breeze. To her surprise, the backyard was empty besides one figure sitting on the left bench of the swing set.
They haven’t seen nor talked to each other in four years, after she signed with WWE and things ended in a rocky path for the both of them.
He sat in her favourite bench, the one Marcel made sure to paint purple and write her name on.
Tim had his head bowed down, but from the little she could see, he looked older, the same tired expression he always had, hair cut short, beard full like she always asked him to let it grow. He was sporting his navy-blue dickies and the long sleeved Black Flag shirt she loved so much. He looked beautiful. Taking in the sight in front of her, she couldn’t help but think about how much she missed him, how much she still loved him.
As he raised his head to take another swig of his beer, he saw her standing there with a tiny amused smiled on her face.
“Dove, hey!” his strong voice boomed and he instantly regretted calling her by the pet name he used during their relationship. “I’m sorry, force of habit.”
“It’s fine, Tim. You know I don’t mind.” she told him as he got up to greet her, torn between a handshake or a hug. They ended up hugging, a little awkwardly in the beginning, but quickly getting used to the other’s touch once again.
“Why is your name written in the swing?” Tim asked, laughing.
“Marcel and I were talking about our childhood one day and we found out we both had this obsession with swings. He decided to get one and I helped him build it. So, he painted it and wrote my name on it so, and I quote, ‘everyone knows this place is mine’.” she smiled at the memory.
“So, I think it’s only fitting for you to sit here, ma’am.”
They sat side by side, engulfed by awkward silence, nervously drinking their beers. Tim decided to break the silence.
“How’s everything going?”
“It’s fine.”
“Dove, c’mon. We haven’t talked to each other in four years. You have nothing new to tell me?” Tim pressed on.
When she looked at him, he had the same look of adoration in his eyes he always had when he asked her to talk about her day, or when she watched an interesting movie and decided to tell him its plot. That brought her back the safe feeling she had whenever they were together. So, she told him, told him how the transition was, how much she learned on NXT, the plans they had for her to hold the championship and how her life was going in general.
Tim couldn’t do anything besides stare at her. He took in her figure, thinking about how the years apart did her wonders, thinking about how she was always the most beautiful woman in the world to him and how she looks even more beautiful now. He thought about how he missed the way she would move her hands while she talked excitedly about a subject, or how she would bite her bottom lip when she needed to concentrate or remember a word, or the way she would scrunch her nose when she made a crappy joke. He couldn’t stop thinking about how much he missed her, how much he missed these little things that she did, and how even after so long, they hadn’t changed. He couldn’t stop thinking about how stupid he was to break things up so abruptly. He got back to the real world after hearing her call his name.
“So, you finally accepted it and gave in to the dark side, right Tim?”
“Well, I’m old and I needed to at least end my career in a good place, so why not?” he answered, knowing what was coming.
“Oh for fuck sake, Timothy. You’re not old, sto–“
“I miss you, dove. I miss you so much” he interrupted her.
It caught her off guard, the feelings she suppressed for years rising up once again. She battled with herself for a few seconds but allowed herself to show her vulnerable side to him.
“I miss you too, you have no idea how these four felt like to me.” her voice was quiet, soft, almost a whisper.
“I am so, so sorry for being such a prick to you and ending things how I did. Just know that I was always happy for you and that your dreams came true.”
“I know.” she nodded, holding herself together so the tears that was at bay wouldn’t spill.
“Come here.” he took her hand and pulled her to his lap. Tim held her tight, as close as he could, almost making themselves one. He sensed the tears coming and kissed her. Kissed her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, and her lips, one by one, begging her not to cry. Apologising for all the hurt he made her go through.
“I know,” she sobbed, “you have no idea how many times I thought about this, about seeing you again.”
“Me too, dove. I dreamed about coming back to you countless times.”
He kept holding her as she laid her head on his shoulder, her nose touching the crook of his neck. They enjoyed their presences in silence, the only noises heard were the distant sound of the party and the squeaking of the swing as Tim rocked them both back and forth.
She lifted her hand, scratching his head the way she knew he liked and kissed his neck. Breaking their little moment, she asked “What are you doing here, anyway? You hate these things.”
“Marcel said he was having a little dinner get together with me and three other people. I haven’t been around for a while, so I thought ‘why not?’”
She started laughing and Tim looked at her confused.
“Marcel is a fucking idiot. He did all of this because he wanted to ask this girl out. He probably told her he was throwing a party and needed an excuse for us to come.”
“He didn’t change one bit, huh?
“Have you even seen him after you arrived?” Tim asked.
“Not really, I met Fabian and Shotzi and Fabian said he disappeared with the girl. I texted him saying I had arrived and came out here because I’m not in the mood to deal with whatever is going on inside.”
“Me too.”
“Tim, you are never in the mood for these.”
“Wow.” he looked at her with a fake shocked face. “You’re right as always.”
They looked at each other, lose smiles on both of their faces.
“I still love you, you know that. Right, doll?”
“I still love you too. Very, very much.” she told him between pecks on his lips, to which he grabbed the opportunity to turn into a kiss. A slow but powerful kiss, that was filled with missing, with four years of unresolved feelings, filled with regret but also filled with hope for new beginnings. Tim pecked her lips several times after the kiss ended, making her smile once again.
“Sooo...” he began
“Do you wanna get out of here? There is this lebanese place near my apartment that I think you would like.”
“Oh god, yes! I’m starving.”
And they left, hand in hand, in a silent agreement that this time nothing was getting on their way.
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