#Ezekiel & flynn
eve-baird · 8 months
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 3 months
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"Wow. What a bunch of crap!"
The Librarians S03E06 And the Trial of the Triangle.
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ageofthegeekdotcon · 2 months
Saw this and IMMEDIATELY thought of them😿😿🎀🎀
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queenofglassbeliever · 7 months
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+ bonus
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to-be-a-dreamer · 4 months
Just finished The Librarians and, loved it, truly, such a good show and I will be obsessing over all the characters for the foreseeable future and watching the sequel series when it comes out but I have a Bone To Pick with that season 4 finale because WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY TIME TRAVELED THE ENTIRE SEASON OUT OF EXISTANCE???
The LiTs don't meet Ezekiel's mother and go on the most sibling-coded mission of their entire lives???
The team doesn't see Flynn actively choose his family over the library, even when his literal hero is telling him to do otherwise???
They never go to the team building camp???
Cassandra never goes to that "safest town in America" place and leads an entire community to face their fear???
Stone and Ezekiel don't get possessed by the spirits of two brothers whose love for each other ended a decades-long feud in the middle of a war specifically because the brothers knew they loved each other enough to make the same choice???
Like yeah, Eve and Flynn remember and I guess they could have told them all but you're telling me none of the other characters remember the entire SEASON??? This is like when they memory wiped Ezekiel's time loop character development away but on crack I am distraught.
Also I'm actually fascinated by Christian Kane being the only confirmed reprisal how the hell are they planning on explaining everyone else being gone and Stone only being a reoccurring character I'm so afraid
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softboiledwonderland · 7 months
Love how Jenkins acts as if the LITs and co. were vermin he has unwittingly acquired in the Annex. Like you don’t want them to die because they’re living beings but also they’re a bit gross and in your way and can they go be living beings somewhere else? And then a couple of episodes later it’s like “these bugs are my children. still gross, but I love them“
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straight friend groups be like: *blonde girl* *chad* *the funny one* *kyle* *brunette girl* *frat boy*
gay friend groups be like: *audhd librarian* *ex military and accidental mom of three full grown adults* *thief who only cares about five people* *bi cowboy who has daddy issues and loves art* *sapphic genius* *immortal knight of the round table who loves tea*
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pollsforpondering · 4 months
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justreckin · 11 months
Y'know, if Flynn and Eve swapped which Librarian they were going to collect in the pilot Flynn's meeting with Jake would've gone about the same as it did in the show except with more explanatory dialogue in the middle of fighting. Whereas Eve and Ezekiel's would've been about all of 5 seconds.
Ezekiel: Why is that guard holding a knife?
Eve: Not a guard. Assassin hired to kill you.
Ezekiel: Okay, well watch my back for a min--gack
Eve: *grabbing him by the scruff* Nope. Time to go.
Ezekiel: But my knife!
Eve: People are trying to kill you. We are leaving!
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pro-crastinate17 · 10 months
ok so my apple of discord thoughts
"worst version of yourself" is kind of an overstatement bc its less that it makes you worse and more that it takes away the parts that are good, if that makes sense? it doesnt make anything, it just warps and takes from whats already there.
so with jake, he thinks those things about art and being the only one who understands/appreciates it, but hes too kind to act on those thoughts yknow? and the apple took away the kindness that kept him from acting.
with cassandra, shes interested in those practical applications with fatal outcomes, but she would never act on them, again bc of compassion and self control. the apple took that barrier away.
eve and flynn see themselves as above the others bc of their various experiences and powers, but they dont act on it bc humility and caring for their teammates, being able to recognize their skills are necessary. humility specifically in flynns case. again the apple took that away.
my theory is that it did affect ezekiel. it took something away. not sure exactly what, but im thinking something along the lines of kindness again, maybe his care for others - the thing that makes him steal for charity rather than personal gain. the reason it doesnt outwardly affect him is he already hides that part of himself. the others cant see a change, they cant see whats been taken away, bc he hides it so deep down that they cant tell its been stolen.
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eve-baird · 6 months
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 3 months
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"This is a clue she left for me."
The Librarians S03E08 And the Eternal Question.
Bonus Jake close-up:
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leveragedlibrarians · 10 months
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Character looks in And the Trial of the Triangle
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super-gates-blog · 11 months
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purehatredandshame · 2 years
so instead of sleeping or doing my school work like a functional human being i decided to make completely unoriginal librarian memes.
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