#Even though she was the only cat who got ZERO votes in the favorite cat poll
echoes-in-echoclan · 8 months
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JUMBLEPAW IS A WARRIOR NOW!! She's Jumbledew now!!
And this moon is a two-parter! A lot happens this moon ;)
Moon 0 
Moon 25 - Moon 26.2
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infected-bc-au · 4 years
Patient Zero and Initial Casualties
So, thing about Pandemics is that there is always a Patient Zero, aka the first individual infected, in any pandemic. 
For this AU, this individual is Bramblestar, Leader of Thunderclan, as you have already seen.
Now, before I continue on with the initial ‘How did the Rabies infection spread to each Clan’ aspect I do need to discuss how I choose who got infected when and how they died.
Now, as I mentioned in my previous post, the AU has three parts. I already know who dies when due to pre-planning and due to a specific mechanic inorder to ensure I didn’t keep a character alive simply because they were a favorite of mine or that a character died because I hated them. 
I made it randomized like this in order to keep an un-biased and fair view of how this kind of thing would play out.
Now on the the method:
I am being quite literal here. 
I used a 1D8 Dice with Bramblestar, Harestar, Leafstar, and Tigerstar. Why Bramblestar and not Mistystar? I’ll get to that in the Starting Point section of this. 
Now, each number represents a Life of the Leader. For each skirmish the leader is in that they could get infected or killed I rolled the Dice. If the number was higher or equal to the Lives they had at the Start of The Silent Thaw then they lost a life or were infected based on the situation (more on this below, as I said).
However, if the Number was 1, they died immediately. 
For everyone else I roled a 1D20. I would have used a 1D4 until I kept rolling a specific number which made things kind of BS to me, so a higher number it was. 
Now, 1-6 meant the character was killed immediately, 7-12  meant they were infected but didn’t die immediately, 13-18 meant they were killed by something outside the Rabies Virus (as outside threats still exist), and 19-20 is the Trigger for the Twoleg Factor, which I will get to further down.
I rolled the 1D20 for every character that wasn’t a Leader at the start when the infection spread. If it hit 1-6 and 13-29 they were fine in the initial spread of the infection. 
Now, for how Rabies spread out of Thunderclan:
The easiest way actually presented itself to me immediately: Jayfeather and Squirrelflight rolled a 10 and 7 respectively, meaning they were immediately infected by Bramblestar, which also makes sense since they would naturally be the cats closest to him upon revival (being his Medicine Cat and Deputy/Mate respectively). 
From there, I rolled for the Medicine Cats of Shadowclan, Skyclan, Riverclan, and Windclan. More specifically I rolled a 1D10. Even numbers and they went to Thunderclan to help Alderheart with this strange new illness, Odd numbers they stayed in their own clans. 
Pebbleshine, Kestrelflight, and Mothwing all rolled Even, and thus went to Thunderclan.
Now, for each ‘Arc’ in each ‘Part’ I rolled for each character to see who died and lived. This included Leaders, as being Infected does not mean they would immediately Die. 
Now, On to the actual Story Portion, as I’m sure you are curious as to how it spread and got every, including Skyclan since it didn’t go to Ground Zero:
How the Virus Spread:
The Events of Lost Stars still happen, but instead of Bramblestar being possessed he would wake up confused, feverish, drooling, and aggitated. By this point the cats with him would be Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, and Alderheart. When Jayfeather would attempt to examine him, Bramblestar would attack and immediately kill him while he woudl bite and harm Squirrelflight when she tried to intervene. Alderheart would call for the warriors to help pin Bramblestar down where they would then barracade him into the Leader’s Den while Alderheart tended to Squirrelflight’s bite wound. She would be sent to the Medicine Cat’s Den to rest for the night while Alderheart called for a meeting with the Senior Warriors to figure out what to do. No one was bit while subduing Bramblestar.
The next morning Cinderheart would go to visit Squirrelflight while Alderheart is checking on Bramblestar. Cinderheart would be bit by Squirrelflight, who is killed accidentally by Mousewhisker. Mousewhisker is bit during the fight and Alderheart would realize he is out of his depth and would send warriors to each clan asking for help for this strange behavior while tending to Cinderheart and Mousewhisker. 
Of the cats, Mothwing, Kestrelflight, and Pebbleshine go. Willowshine, Shadowsight, Frecklewish, and Fidgetflake stay in their clans for various reasons. The medicine cats attempt to examine Bramblestar with the help of Thunderclan Warriors, during which all three are bit. Unable to help, they basically tell Thunderclan they are on their own and go home. 
By the next day Cinderheart and Mousewhisker are turned and Mousewhisker bites Daisy when she visits him. Alderheart has begun to realize something seems to be spreading though he isn’t sure exactly how yet. He expressed his thinking that something about the cats is spreading to each one, making them lose their minds, and thinks their injuries may be part of the cause. Because of this, Thunderclan begins using methods to cage up infected cats at the Abandon Twoleg nest and keeping watch. 
At this point Cinderheart, Mousewhisker, and Bramblestar are fully infected and Daisy, Cherryfall, Finleap, Alderheart, Spotfur, and Thriftpaw are all infected. Bramblestar also escapes and takes off into the Forest. 
The cats put it to a temporary vote that Lionblaze and Thornclaw lead Thunderclan as Temporary Leader/Deputy until they can actually dedicate time to the issue.
In Shadowclan, Pebbleshine bites and infects Tigerstar and Cloverfoot after Pebbleshine killed Stonewing. By day 2, Tigerstar and Cloverfoot are fully gone and infect Scorchfur, Grassheart, Pouncestep, Hollowstream, and Oakfur. Tawnypelt is elected temporary Leader after they subdue and quarantine Tigerstar and Cloverfoot, owing to her having been Deputy Before, and she immediately elects to have many of the senior warriors help her with decisions. Shadowsight works to treat some of the injured cats and gets infected by Grassheart that night. Shadowclan refused to leave the area around it’s camp unless it is to get food. 
In Riverclan, Mothwing infects Willowshine and Mistystar. Mistystar is almost immediately killed by the virus and Willowshine manages to infect Lizardtail, Breezeheart, Havenpelt, and Podlight. 
With so many injured cats and no medicine cat, Reedwhisker sends Warriors to their neighboring Shadowclan and Skyclan for help. Shadowclan refused to answer, but Frecklewish goes to Riverclan where they are bit by Havenpelt. Fogkit is then infected. 
Frecklewish flees Riverclan back to Skyclan where they are treated by Fidgetflake. They infect Leafstar the next day and Hawkwing. By the next day Hawkwing is dead, and the infected count rises to include Palesky, Nettlesplash, Turtlepaw, Plumwillow, Violetshine, and Needlekit. 
Harrybrook steps up as temporary Leader to keep his clan from despair. 
In Windclan Kestralflight infects Harestar. Crowfeather gets Warriors to help him subdue Kestrelflight leading to Brindlewing, Sedgewhisker, and Crowfeather himself getting infected. By Day 2 the amount of times Harestar has acted up results in Harestar’s permament death, the death of Fernstripe and Whistlekit, and the infection of Woodkit and Gorsetail. By Day 3 all the infected cats but Woodkit is dead, and Woodkit is fully infected and has infected Featherpelt.
With the clan ready to bolt, Nightcloud steps up as temporary leader.
After Patient Zero, Leaders, and the Twoleg Factor
 Now, after this comes the real hard part for the clans. As you can tell by Day 4 at the lasted no clan has an official Leader, Deputy, or Medicine Cat to help guide them and only Thunderclan has any ideas on what might be happening.
From here the clans would be focusing on how to stop the spread in their own ways with the little information they have until they start reaching out again. Leadership will also change as various cats learn various things and tensions start to run high. 
Now, on to the other parts of this. First will be Leaders.
As you can tell, Brambestar and Tigerstar still live after the first 4 days of infection. After this, I roll dice and depending on the number they get into an altercation with their clanmates that can result in the loss of a life, more infection, and potential final death for each leader. Mistystar I had decided to just kill off immediately due to her advanced age and the fact we never learn how many lives she has. Harestar (who I keep mistyping as Hootstar for some reason), just got really, really, really shitty roles. This goes into Act 2, which also introduces a new Element:
The Twoleg Factor. 
Now, I have actually volunteered in a Shelter, so I can tell you a few minor things from that time. Wild, Feral cats are actually very rarely rehomed unless they are still tiny kittens. The reason is because Feral Cats are near impossible to accept Home Life. Most places will treat the cat, Neuter/Spay them, then release the cat back to wherever it was taken from (or put them down). Same with all cats capable of being adopted (except they go to humans instead of the wild).
Cats infected with Rabies are immediately put down. Immediately. Then Animal Control is often called to investigate the nearby areas to find any other potential infected animals.
Also, almost every cat owned by a human, but especially all cats from a shelter, get a Rabies Vaccine that can last 1-3 years before needing a booster depending on the cat’s age. (The younger the cat, the longer you can wait).
Now, Humans don’t like Rabies. It is fatal, even for them, so when a Rabies outbreak happens they quickly get in and get rid of it. The clan territories lie on a large lake that gets a LOT of Human Activity in the Spring/Summer. 
The Twoleg Factor has two parts:
First, I roll a dice for an infected character or one that could be injured as I mentioned above. If it goes on that 19-20 number at this point the cat is found and taken by a Twoleg. If the cat is infected, this means Twolegs become involved in finding and getting rid of all the infected cats. Hence why I made this particular roll such a small margin since depending on when it happens it is an instant Game Over for the Clans. 
The Second part of this has to due with the Vaccine. More specifically, the amount of former Kittypets in the clans, and some cats that had been in shelters. 
Specifically, Stormcloud of Thunderclan and Nightcloud of Windclan would, theoretically, be completely immune to Rabies at this time. 
By Part 1, Act 3 Stormcloud would no longer be Immune due to age and not getting a Booster, but thanks to the events of Crowfeather’s Trial it is reasonable to assume that Nightcloud could still go another full year or two before needing a booster so she wouldn’t be at risk of infection at any point in this AU. 
That will be important later. 
This is just my ideas on how it would start, my next posts will detail more in depth of the full Part 1 in each Clan, followed by how they realize to beat the Spread leading into Part 2. 
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loreweaver-universe · 4 years
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And that’s...the show.
What a clever way to get Lake off the train.  On multiple levels!  Not only was it clever in-character, but her escape came from her accepting her nature at long last--which was what would have brought her own number down to zero.  That’s such an excellent way to end her journey--truly, she was the same as a passenger the whole time.
That was a good finale.  Not the action-packed ending that season 1 got, but it didn’t need to be, really.  It was different from Tulip’s journey in ways where a bigger action sequence than what we got wouldn’t have been appropriate.  In fact, the fight with Sieve feels kind of like an afterthought--it wasn’t obviously, it tied off an important loose end and gave Alan Dracula something to do in the final two episodes, but it didn’t really feel like a proper focus of the episode.
Showing off One-One’s weird blue-and-orange morality system was really cool.  Watching him actually get trapped in logic loops was fascinating, and I think he was used VERY well here.
Alan Dracula was a fun sideshow character, but often felt like he was just there for the animators and writers to play around with, rather than an essential part of the team like Atticus and One-One were in season 1.
Jesse was a good deuteragonist!  Shut up, Tumblr spellcheck, that’s a word.  Jesse’s journey was simple--come to terms with the fact that he and his friends were bullies, and it was very deftly done.  The fact that the train reorders its cars and constructs them for individual passengers’ journeys makes it interesting that his final obstacle was confronting the Apex--the train even works other passengers into its plans.  Which, ironically, makes the Apex more denizen than passenger.  Anyways, Jesse’s journey was simple and well-handled, which is good because he wasn’t actually who the story was about.
That would be Lake.  Mirror Tulip.  Horseradish, as I’ve been tagging her since season 1.  The Chrome Car was my second-favorite episode of season 1, due to excellent character drama, excellent horror, and excellent writing all around.  I remember wishing very much that Lake had joined Tulip on her journey--clearly, the people writing the show wanted to keep telling her story, too, because we got a whole season of it.  Lake’s journey of self-discovery and self-actualization was a really fascinating one.  Watching her slowly come out of her prickly shell until she was finally ready to accept herself for who she was was an excellent journey.  I really do think it’s SUCH good writing that she basically got her own number down to zero right when she got One-One to let her off the train.
Mace and Sieve turned out to be excellent villains, as well--Mace more than Sieve, really, but Mace got more focus and had more presence, and rightfully so.  My favorite episode of the season focuses on him and Tulip, after all.  What an excellent bastard.
All in all, a good season, but not quite as strong as the first one.  That’s not a low bar to fail, though.  Excellent work all around, and I’m delighted with the ending.
The final episode just wasn’t as strong an ending as season one’s though, and wasn’t the best episode in season 2 by a couple places.  The Tape Car was creepier and focused on horror, which I liked a lot, and The Wasteland was just fantastic.  It also has to compete with some VERY strong episodes in season 1--which, again, is not a low bar to fail.  All in all, I’d place The Number Car at my new #3 for season 2, between The Lucky Cat Car (which was very funny, but didn’t have the emotional or dramatic stuff The Number Car did) and The Tape Car (which I’ve already covered), as well as my new #7 overall, between The Lucky Cat Car and The Cat’s Car, which did drama and horror VERY well.
That’s it for Infinity Train, at least until we maybe get a third season!  In a couple days, I’m going to make a post on my Patreon asking for show suggestions for what to replace Infinity Train with in the main slots, and then we’ll have the poll to replace it a few days after that.  I’ll keep you posted as to what the results of that are!  In the meantime, up next is going to be this month’s Patron Picks--as usual, I’ll be doing Paranoia Agent, Baccano, and then A Place Further Than the Universe.  After that, we’ll be getting back to She-Ra for a solid while--I’ll be starting Season 2, so stay tuned for that!
Streamwise, I streamed the first part of my blind playthrough of Transistor yesterday (which you can view here) and will be starting what I think will be the rest of the game shortly.  If you want to tune into that live, head on over to my Twitch channel and give me a follow!  That should be happening within the hour.
As always, thank you all for tuning in, and thank you very much to the 62 patrons who make it possible for me to do this for a living!  I’ll see you next time!
I recently completed my blind playthrough of Transistor!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my playthrough of Final Fantasy VII Remake!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my playthrough of the second story campaign in Fire Emblem: Three Houses!   You can view all the streams of the Golden Deer and Black Eagles routes I have done by clicking here!
If you’d like to help me pay my rent, buy me some food, or help with my bills and medicine, please use my direct donation link!  If you’d like to support me per liveblog completed every month, please pledge to my Patreon! Becoming a patron not only allows you to vote on what shows I do whenever I choose a new one, but also grants access to the community Minecraft server to $5 patrons or higher!
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon–our Discord server maintenance tech, creator of Rubybot, and community Minecraft server overlord deserves far more than I can afford to pledge to him by myself.
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My Episode Lists master page, where you can find every show and liveblog I’ve done!
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It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last five years!   I linked to a bunch individually for a few wrap-ups, but honestly, this end-slate is already eight billion miles long, so I’m just gonna link to my links page.  Click here if you want recommendations of other livebloggers, or other neat people, or webcomics and podcasts that I recommend.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by vintagekid
Name:  Robyn.
Happy with it? I am now, but I certainly wasn’t as a kid. Other kids were cruel and would tease me solely for my name, which made it hard for me to socialize. I got the same bad Batman jokes too many times and I also got called a boy. These seem petty now, but as a kindergartener adjusting to life in school, it had been traumatizing and made me wonder if my classmates were going to remain the way they were for the long run which no 4-year-old should be mulling about, really.
Do you wear stilettos? When I get the chance, which isn’t very often at all. But I do love stilettos.
How important are looks to you? I find this question very vague, but generally looks matter to me to a certain extent, like how I’d want to look nice and proper for a job interview or for formal occasions such as weddings. Relationship-wise, I also think I have to feel a level of physical attraction towards someone for me to consider seeing them.
How often do you download music? I don’t anymore. I stream all my music.
Can you name a philosopher? Socrates.
What would you do if two unicorns tried to whisk you off to candy mountain? I just looked this up and this is apparently in reference to an ancient viral video, like it was around before viral videos were even a universally-acknowledged concept. That said, I don’t have a clue how to respond to this lmao.
You became the deciding vote in an election, which party would you go for? I don’t base my voting decisions on parties because the party system in my country is a tragically broken shitstorm in which every single party rallies the same values and principles, just executed in their own – and usually poor and unsustainable – ways. I do my research on each candidate, see how they answer in debates, look at laws they’ve authored, see which marginalized groups they proactively support (if they do), and decide from there.
Do you have a bzoink account? I don’t but I’ve been a semi-regular visitor since like 2009.
How many phone calls do you typically make in a day? Zero. People usually call me.
What song are you listening to? Tell Me It’s Okay by, surprise surprise, Paramore.
Do you understand things others your age do not? I don’t know. Maybe. Everyone’s bound to understand some things better than others.
Do you hate people that label themselves? Why would I hate that? And why would their chosen label be my business?
How many windows do you have open? None. There’s plenty of mosquitoes at night, so even though the cold evening air would been pleasant to have we have to keep the windows closed by nighttime.
How superstitious are you? Not at all.
If you were in Harry Potter, which house would you be in? I’ve been told either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.
Which comedian can always crack you up? It’s not a habit of mine to watch comedians.
Are you nagged about being on the computer too much? Not since I was a teenager. Since college I’ve been doing most of my work, if not all of it, through my laptop, and I think my parents understand that I have to use it all the time.
Do you feel bad about anything you've done lately? Nothing comes to mind, no.
What's your texting bill typically like? My SIM is prepaid, so it works the other way around. I put load credits in it only if I know I’ll have to call/text/surf regularly.
What song did you/do you want played at your wedding? Turning Page by Sleeping At Last.
Do you have a lot or hardly any lines on your palms? Idk, a decent amount I guess? I don’t think it hits either extreme.
What's your favourite word? Poignant.
Are you allowed to swear in front of your parents? Yeah. They’ll shoot me a glare sometimes, but I’m in my 20s and...they know they can’t really do anything about it anymore lol.
Do you eat apples? No.
What are your addictions? Coffee, I suppose.
What are some words you use in daily life? I use intensifiers often, like very, really, super, absolutely, etc. I’m also big on expressions hahaha like oh my god, seriously, for real, and ugh.
Do you look things up on Google constantly? Yes.
Where do you get your music from? Spotify. Sometimes YouTube if I wanna look for a leak.
What do you think of people with afros? That they are people with afros...? I don’t really know what you’re looking for me to say, lmfao.
survey by charey-chas
Do you like getting your picture taken? Not for the most part. My body instantly gets all frozen and awkward when a camera’s placed in front of me, which I hate because I do wish I could have more photos of myself around. Is your phone anywhere near you? It is not, actually. It feels great and I really should start making it a habit to keep it away from me entirely on weekends. Do you ever enjoy going to school? In my first school, I enjoyed going mainly (and probably only) for my friends; but Catholic school was predominantly a torturous experience. The rigidity isn’t something I look back fondly on, and it felt like being kept on a tight leash for 14 years. College was a lot more enjoyable in every way possible. I liked going to (most of) my classes and learning as much as I loved the vibrant org culture and the general freedom that comes with university life. Have you ever gone on a road trip? Lots. The Philippines is a relatively small country and unless you want to jump to a different island altogether, there are many provinces you can readily travel to by car.  Who do you get along with best in your family?  Nina, my sister. Then my dad. I clash a lot with my mom and I don’t talk to my brother. Based on your personality, what animal do you think you'd be? Cats and I don’t get along very well hahaha but I think I’m similar to them. Would you ever buy anything from an infomercial? Maybe once, just to be able to say that I have. Have you ever made a snow angel? No, because I’ve never seen snow before. Have you stayed in a hotel in the last month? No. We had a brief getaway in Tagaytay but we switched things up and went to rent a condo, instead of book a hotel room, for a weekend. What's your most comfortable outfit? If I want to go for comfortable, I usually go for my rompers or jumpsuits. Do you text or IM more? IM these days. Would you rather listen to music or play it? Listen. I have no music-playing skills whatsoever. Have you ever been in a hot tub? Sure. Do you like pizza? LOVE IT Are you sleeping in your own bed tonight? Yes. If not here, the couch. But most likely it will my bed tonight. Are any of your friends having a sleepover right now? I doubt it. Angela and Hans had an overnight stay in Batangas a few days ago for their Valentine’s shenanigans though, which I guess kinda counts as a sleepover. Have you ever been to a house party? I don’t think so. That’s something I missed out on in my college days, but I don’t mind. Do you listen to your iPod or the radio when you're in the car? I think I keep a good balance. If my phone’s battery is not very high I’ll rely on the radio; and sometimes I’ll sync my phone’s Spotify to the car as well.
survey by charey-chas
What song is stuck in your head at the moment? RAVI’s BUM. What's your fathers' middle name? He doesn’t have a second name, but I’m not sharing his legal middle name on here either. How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? On work days, I’d say 8-10 hours. On weekends, maybe a little slightly less than that since I do like getting off the laptop sometimes to rest my eyes. Could you live without the internet? People from the past managed to live without it, so I know I can. It would just be extremely inconvenient; and having been dependent on it for such a long time now, I would likely be clueless on how to navigate most activities. What's something you're really into? Learning about cultural differences!! That’s why reading survey answers has always been fascinating to me. I would love a website that dives into the various everyday behavior people observe in other countries, but the ones that do exist use like 20- or 30-year-old sources, so they aren’t even relevant at all anymore. What's the last movie you saw in theaters? Knives Out. Have you ever seen a movie in 3D or in an IMAX theater? Just once. It was Denise and Leigh’s 18th birthday treat and they brought us to watch Doctor Strange in 3D. Do you prefer skirts, shorts, or skorts? Shorts. Have you ever vandalized? Just a few school chairs in grade school, but otherwise I’m too paranoid for vandalism lol. What's the longest you've stayed up? Maybe a little longer than 24 hours. Who'd you have a sleepover with last? Gabie. When's the last time you baked something? Nearly a decade ago. Our oven was new at the time and I wanted to try baking cookies. Do you like to dance? When I’m alone. Do you scratch mosquito bites, even though you're not supposed to? Yup. Are you afaid of spiders or do you like them? I mean I’m not fond of them, but I also don’t scream and run away when I see them. I just don’t care for them for the most part. What's a pet you've always wanted? I’ve only ever wanted dogs, and now I’ve got two of them. Do you like mice? Not really. Would you ever get a tattoo? Sure. I’ve been considering it for a while now; it’s just a matter of being able to save up for one. Do you prefer to walk in the street or on the sidewalk? Street, if it’s bare and safe enough. Otherwise if I’m in a busy city with regulations and all I’d obviously rather be on the sidewalk. What's your favorite t-shirt? My CM Punk Best in the World merch. Who did you last think about? I remembered Deina when I was thinking about the tattoo question. She got a pawprint tattoo on her wrist shortly before her senior dog passed away and ever since learning about it I’ve also been thinking about getting the same tattoo. Do you like giving hugs? I love giving hugs and it’s an automatic response for me whenever I see someone I love, which is why Covid is such a torture for me. Do you prefer hardwood flooring or carpeting? Hardwood. Did you/will you get a car for your 16th birthday? No. I got a car when I was 17, around six months before I started college. Have you ever eaten a worm? No but I’d be willing to try.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 5 years
2019 Retrospective Survey
Once upon a time, in the wayback ancient days of yesteryear, aka 2006 or so, people would fill out little self-important surveys about themselves almost every night on Myspace. These surveys were then posted to your profile via a “bulletin” and could be perused by your friends at their leisure. 
Eventually, this phenomena evolved into what we now know as “ask games” - people taking these surveys and, instead of just filling them out, reblogging them in the hopes that their followers might grow curious enough to send in some numbers.
Well, to that evolution of this tradition, I say - pah! I’ll answer all these questions and you’ll like it!!
Or you’ll skip it, which is probably the reasonable thing to do. This is mostly for me, so I have some vague record of this year to look back on, which I’ve been bad about the past several years.
1. First things first, did you have a good year?
It’s kind of tough for me to discern what is good and bad, anymore, especially when it comes to my life experiences. Things kind of just “are.” I think I had a pretty good year overall, though, if I step back and look at it, and ignore my mental health and those other niggling little details.
2. How old did you turn this year?
Twenty-eight. Getting up there. I’ve been doing some version of these surveys since I was like, fourteen. That’s fourteen years of random, unnecessary internet void-shouting.
3. Do you feel your age?
Not really. When I was younger, I definitely thought 28-year-olds always had their shit together, automatically, just because of the age. Like it feels like an age where I really should’ve outgrown a lot of things. But I haven’t yet, not at all, and I have zero interest in conventional adulthood.
Did your appearance change in anyway?
I got new glasses, because I lost my old ones in Hawaii.
Post your favorite selfie.
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I rarely like selfies where I smile, so even though this one is clearly some goofy cheesin’, I still consider it kinda special.
If you traveled, where did you go?
I went to a place called Monroe, in Utah, which has some amazing hot springs. Slept overnight in a converted hippie bus. It was freezing (if you weren’t in the springs), but really fun!
I also went to Maui, Hawai’i. It was beautiful and I do see why people love it there, but it was very much so not for me. Also flying while fat fucking suuuuucks aaaaass, hugely.
Which fashion trends did you love?
Eye makeup got really fun and weird this year - I love the new shapes and crazy colors.
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Here’s a decent example on Halsey. The way her top lid has a line above the lid and under the brow - I’ve never seen that before this year. Really fun and new kinda twist on makeup.
Which fashion trends did you hate?
Chunky dad shoes, the popularity of Crocs (and I fucking love Crocs, don’t get me wrong,) and other seemingly-ironic “comfortable chic” styles. It’s super cute on most skinny girls but the moment a fat girl tries to rock that style, it’s “sloppy” or “lazy.” On the other hand, it was good to see some women reject more revealing or extravagant styles in favor of being comfortable. It’s just tough for a fat woman like me to pull off.
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible?
I pretty much lived in black sweatpants and baggy t-shirts this year.
What song sums up this year for you?
“I Think I’m OKAY” by Machine Gun Kelly feat. Yungblud
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then?
I listened to a ton of “thank u, next” and “when we all fall asleep, where do we go?” this past year.
What was your favorite movie of the year?
I haven’t seen any movies from 2019 yet. I watched one film this year: “Slow West” - it was pretty good!
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year?
The entire casts of Legacies and Runaways.
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Favorite new TV show?
Probably Legacies! Really surprised me, but it’s a fun show!
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears?
Cheleanor stole my heart this year, from The Good Place. I, of course, spent way too much time thinking and talking about The 100. Gotta give another shoutout to Legacies and Runaways. Special nod to #deanoru and #hosie, respectively.
What food did you try for the first time?
I tried dragonfruit and papaya for the first time while in Hawai’i. It was also the first time I’d ever tried and enjoyed mango. All the other mango I’d had was never sweet enough and always reminded me a lil bit of cat pee, but a fresh tropical mango is fuckin’ heaven.
Did you make any big permanent changes this year?
Not really “permanent”, but semi-permanent - I moved out of one place and into a new one. We definitely won’t be here forever, though. Maybe a year or two.
What was one nice thing you did for someone else?
I do a lot of little nice things for my husband every day, it’s kinda tough to list them all.
What was one nice thing you did for yourself?
I reached out to an old friend that I had been fighting with and made amends, and we’re friends again.
Did you develop a new obsession?
I always move from TV show to TV show obsessively - lots have already been mentioned. I think I got more into The Try Guys this past year than I have before. I also played a lot more management sims than I ever expected to - games like Dead in Vinland, Banished, Frostpunk, Weedcraft Inc, and This War of Mine.
Did you vote?
Shoulda - didn’t.
Did you move?
Yup! Moved out of my old roommate’s house and into my own apartment.
Did you get a job?
In a sense - I drive for DoorDash. It’s definitely work, but not a conventional job.
Did you get a pet?
No. :( In fact, I kinda lost some - I loved the shit out of my roommate’s dogs, I got way too attached to them. I miss them too much.
Do you regret not doing anything?
Not really.
Do you regret doing something?
Yeah, I let a friend down in July. Wish I hadn’t done that, but. I’m not a very good friend to have, and I’m okay with that. The people who get it stick around through the tough stuff.
Have you done anything that scared you?
I always think it’s a little scary to get on a plane. That’s probably it.
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days?
God, yes. Too many things. Still angry at my old roommate for being such an asshole about cleaning and for threatening to kick us out. That’s the one that happened this year, lol. But I’m still angry about things that happened years ago. I can hold a hell of a grudge.
Did you lose anyone close to you?
Not this year. Got lucky. Guess the universe decided to give me a little break.
Did you fall in love?
Nah, but I stayed in love with a coupla people. ;)
Did you fall out of love?
Did you start a new relationship?
Nah. My husband and I have been together for 8 years.
Did you go through a break up?
See above!
Did you have to cut ties to someone?
Kinda. Had one or two people who wanted to be my friend. Made the mistake of being approachable and shit. But they figured out I’m a flakey asshole soon enough. :)
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year?
I made amends with my friend, Tracie, this year. She was always important to me. But I was pretending that she wasn’t, last year.
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year?
I can’t really think of anyone. I guess my husband’s best friend - she moved out of our old house first, and I stopped talking to her as often. Prior to that we’d been pretty close. Proximity-based closeness is a trip, y’all.
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it?
Nah. I made it through. That’s all that counts.
What was the best moment of the year for you?
Seeing my friend get married. It was a really, really lovely ceremony.
What was the worst?
Probably when I tried out a new form of self-harm - aka banging my head as hard as possible against the bathroom sink. Gave myself a mild concussion. 0/5 would not recommend.
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t?
Going to Hawai’i. I don’t know why I thought it would change me - it just seems like one of those “life-changing” destinations, y’know? But it wasn’t. It was beautiful and otherworldly, and also full of a weird and uncomfortable mixture of white wealth and brown poverty. If anything, that only affirmed my beliefs more.
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Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did?
It’s tough to answer these sometimes, because I just don’t really know who I am “as a person.” I don’t think there was anything I didn’t expect. Not this year.
What are you most proud of accomplishing?
I got out and worked a lot. I pushed through some really tough times and experienced some nice things on the other side. I was able to care for my husband during his down moments, the way he’s cared for me. I fuckin’ survived, which is always an accomplishment for someone whose brain is frequently shouting at them to end it all.
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior?
I’m more resilient emotionally than I thought I was. I’m less resilient physically than I used to be.
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better?
I feel warmer and closer to my mother-in-law than ever before.
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse?
My sister continues to find new ways to disappoint me, but that isn’t exclusive to 2019. My former roommate went from being, in my mind, a mostly-okay guy, to potentially one of the worst people I’ve ever met. And that’s really saying something. Duplicity and lack of awareness go a long way in making someone shitty, though.
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year?
Nah, pahaha. I was supposed to go outside and also journal every day. Didn’t do that. I mostly kept up with it, but there are a lot of gaps. I definitely spent a week or two consecutively indoors, at least twice.
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year?
Probably gonna keep trying with the old ones, tbh.
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?
I would go pick up Cami and head north, for Alaska. Find someone beautiful and peaceful to see the aurora borealis. Drink cream liqueur and hot cocoa with scarves and hats and gloves on. Look up at the endless stars. Have a long, sleepless road trip back, screaming our favorite songs at the top of our lungs, stopping at interesting places when we can.
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What do you wish for others for the coming year?
I just hope things get better, dude. Stabler. Less scary.
What do you wish for yourself?
Same as the above, but on a micro scale. I’m heading into my 30s in this next decade. I gotta find something else to do besides just surviving.
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
My brother’s name starts with D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around.  Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal.  And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. ______________________________________________________________
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach snapple iced tea is theee best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast.  I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit.
My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last make up I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone. ______________________________________________________________
What I have…
Purse/bag Notepad | Altoids | Advil | Wallet | Book | Pencil pouch | Gloves | Earphones | Camera film | Eraser | Pens | Trash | Button | Spare change | Ticket stubs | Tea bag | Plastic spoon
Closet Cardigans | Sweaters | Jackets | T-shirts | Coats | Tank tops | Button-up shirts | Shoe hanger/caddy | Vans | Hiking shoes/boots | Oxfords | Heels | Shoeboxes with misc. things | Nail polish | Keepsakes | Costume stuff from previous Halloweens | Yarn | Looms for knitting | Backpack for backpacking | School backpacks | Old computer | Photo prints | Video games | Stuff I need to sell | Oil heater
Bedside Drawer Pills | Coins | Jewelry | Diary | Hairbands | Hair clips | Bobby pins | Comb | Notepads | Chargers | Lighters | Book marks | Light bulbs | Pencils | A pack of playing cards | Pencil lead | An old birthday card | Earphones | Passport | Miscellaneous screws
DVD Shelf (I have torrents, so I’ll base this off of that.) 28 Days Later | Amélie | Blade Runner | Catch Me If You Can | A Clockwork Orange | The Darjeeling Limited | District 9 | Doctor Zhivago | Donnie Darko | Ed Wood | Edward Scissorhands | Everything is Illuminated | Fright Night | Full Metal Jacket | The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly | The Harry Potter series | In Bruges | Inception |Jurassic Park | The King’s Speech | Lolita | The Nightmare Before Christmas | Run Fatboy Run | Snatch | Sweeney Todd | The Truman Show | Wall-E | Doctor Who | Pushing Daisies | True Blood
Yard A sad, sad lawn | My car | Shed | Flower pots | Garden | Barbecue | Chicken pen (with chickens) | Wood shed | Trees | Rose bushes | Dandelions | Daffodils | Tractor | Gravel | Pathways | Bed for my kitty | An old truck | Bushes
iTunes AC/DC | ADELE | Amy Winehouse | Arcade Fire | Arctic Monkeys | The Beatles | Beck| Beyoncé | Billy Idol | The Black Keys | Canned Heat | Cyndi Lauper | Daft Punk | The Dead Weather | Dropkick Murphys | Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes | Ellie Goulding | Feist | Fiona Apple | Fleetwood Mac | Imagine Dragons | Jack White | Jimi Hendrix | The Kills | Lady Gaga | Lily Allen | Macklemore | Marina & The Diamonds | Mew | Nirvana | Pink Floyd | Portugal. The Man | Queen | Rage Against the Machine | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Rihanna | Sea Wolf | Simon & Garfunkel | St. Vincent | Tears for Fears | Tegan & Sara | Tool | Vampire Weekend | Weezer | The White Stripes | Yeah Yeah Yeahs | ZZ Top
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100 Questions!
Tagged by the wonderful @janes-mike, @caseyk112, and @el-and-hop! Thank you!!
1. What is your nickname? People call me Kat and Kath usually! The Kath originally was just an online nickname but then my boyfriend’s coworker called me it this weekend so it’s an official one now! I just let people decide if they want to use a nickname I always go by my full name otherwise
2. How old are you? 23! I turn 24 in less than a month though yikes
3. What is your birth month? July!
4. What is your zodiac sign? sun sign: cancer, moon sign: aries
5. What is your favorite color? black
6. What’s your lucky number? eh I don't really have one
7. Do you have any pets? sadly no, but my parents have a cat and a dog back home!
8. Where are you from? Idaho
9. How tall are you? 5' 6"
10. What shoe size are you? 9
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I don't even know it's a lot lol
12. Are you random? I am such a creature of habit it's actually absurd
13. Last person you texted? my parents!
14. Are you psychic in any way? the closest I've gotten was having a dream about my teeth rotting only to go to the dentist to find out I was having issues with my gums
15. Last TV show watched? idk if I watched TV this past week? probably Altered Carbon or the 100
16. Favorite movie? IMPOSSIBLE. Potential answers are Mad Max: Fury Road or Gone Girl
17. Favorite show from your childhood? Idk the name of it but there was a show hosted by Michelle Trachtenberg where she talked about haunted places? or one called "Endurance"
18. Do you want children? yes! probably no more than two though
19. Do you want a church wedding? ehhhhh not sure. Not really but also it seems stressful to get married outside. Maybe I'll say fuck it and elope at the Taco Bell Cantina in Vegas where you can get married.
20. What is your religion? theistic agnostic with interest in wicca (and witchcraft but I know that’s not considered a religion usually but more of a spirituality?)
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? not since being born!
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? closest I got was running a stop sign in college but I just got a warning
23. How is life? life is good right now!! really thankful
24. Baths or showers? showers but only because I live in an apartment. My bath tub is tiny af
25. What color socks are you wearing? I'm wearing those footie sock thingies for when you wear slides so like a tan color
26. Have you ever been famous? I guess getting voted to homecoming court in high school counts? pretty sure it was a fluke though I didn't like many people hahah
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? only for the money but so much else of it suckkkkss
28. What type of music do you like? everything pretty much? I suppose I don't listen to country music much but as a whole I listen to a wide variety
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope not really my thing
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? I have four on my bed but usually use two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my side
32. How big is your house? my apartment is a pretty good size I think for being in the city, it’s a two bedroom/two bath condo 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? a protein bar or toast!
34. Have you ever left the country? yes!
35. Have you ever tried archery? I might have at church camp once but I don’t really remember if I was good at it, I’d love to do it at a renaissance fair sometime!
36. Do you like anyone? I do and luckily he likes me too! three years and strong
37. Favorite swear word? fuck, it works for so many things. ass clown. bastards.
38. When do you fall asleep? usually around 11-11:30, I’d love to make that earlier
39. Do you have any scars? a couple leftover from the chicken pox!
40. Sexual orientation? straight
41. Are you a good liar? depends on what I’m trying to lie about
42. What languages would you like to learn? I used to be able to speak German so I’d love to get back into that! And then Spanish since I think that’s important as a person in the United States and I hate how bad I am at it
44. Do you like your country? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Yes and no. Currently our worst aspects are hella on display and I hate a lot of it. But I also enjoy living here since it’s where I’ve grown up and I’m interested in helping improve it. But obviously thanks to current politics I’m pretty angry about the state of things.
45. Do you have friends from the web? Oh man I’ve made so many friends on Tumblr in the last year! so yes I do!
46. What is your personality type? creative, type A
47. Hogwarts House? Slytherin
48. Can you curl your tongue? yep! just the hot dog style though not the clover thing
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? Hermione Granger 100%
50. Left or right handed? right, though I can sorta write with my left hand since I tried to train myself how to do it in high school
51. Are you scared of spiders? oh my god yes
52. Favorite food? ahhhhh. Maybe BBQ (South Carolina style) or Tex-Mex
53. Favorite foreign food? Probably Italian followed by German
54. Are you a clean or messy person? v messy but I’m really really really trying to get better
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? go out at night and not be afraid. enjoy having pockets.
56. What color underwear? uhh blue? I think?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? if it’s a normal morning, Usually an hour. I’ll start showering around 7:30ish and then I’m usually dressed and ready by 8:30-40ish.
58. Do you have much of an ego? In some regards yes, in some no. I’m extremely confident in my work and what I put out there, but when it comes to myself as a person I have zero ego hahaha. Very far from it.
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I wait to bite until it’s nearly gone!
60. Do you talk to yourself? I mean internally yeah? but that’s just thinking right? so yes?
61. Do you sing to yourself? mmm not really. I’ll drunkenly sing but not a lot no
62. Are you a good singer? NOPE LOLOLOLOL
63. Biggest Fears? failure, not accomplishing my goals
64. Are you a gossip? I try not to be but I’m susceptible to it
65. Are you a grammar nazi? I used to be a lot worse but for the most part I’ve relaxed, unless it’s at work
66. Do you have long or short hair? I have medium length hair on the shorter end!
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? it took me ages to find a quiz that didn’t have a map with it but I was able to get 41/50 from memory in 4 minutes!
68. Favorite school subject? always was Art and English which has worked out pretty well!
69. Extrovert or Introvert? extrovert! to the fullest of the definition 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? nope! probably won’t because that shit sounds terrifying to me
71. What makes you nervous? the idea of failing, disappointing people I love
72. Are you scared of the dark? kinda? a bit of the unknown aspect of it
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? yessssss 
74. Are you ticklish? terribly so but I’ve found the older you get the less people try to tickle you THANK GOD I will fight anyone that touches me
75. Have you ever started a rumor? not to my knowledge
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? yes!
77. Have you ever drank underage? Yep! though only a year or so off from the legal age
78. Have you ever done drugs? nope! I don’t think briefly smoking a cigarette, cigar, and hookah thing once each really count. Smoking is even a dramatic way to described it. Puffed a couple times and passed it off because meh.
79. What do you fantasize about? having enough money to be able to live in the place I want and have it furnished like I want, be able to travel everywhere, pay back my parents for everything they’ve helped me with, spoil the shit out of people, being able to donate to as many charities and creators that I can
80. How many piercings do you have? none! closed up my earlobes in middle school
81. Can you roll your R’s? I’m so hilariously bad at this it’s impossible for me
82. How fast can you type? I think last time I tested myself I did 90 wpm and 76 if I was typing on my phone
83. How fast can you run? not fast at all but I’m working on it
84. What color is your hair? brown
85. What color are your eyes? brown
86. What are you allergic to? nothing! unless it’s bullshit
87. Do you keep a journal? Tumblr count? otherwise nope
88. Are you depressed about anything? If I think too long about how we’re not doing anything about this planet, the lack of interest in gun control from our legislators, or the deaths in the Middle East that are at the fault of the US (intentionally or by us ignoring those who need help) I feel really helpless and sad. But nah not really. 
89. Do you like your age? 23 is... chill. I think I’ve got until 25 to panic.
90. What makes you angry? EVERYTHING. Incompetent coworkers who don’t respect my job or process. Republicans across the board and a shit ton of establishment Democrats. That our Earth is dying. How people in this city don’t hold doors open for anyone. Wars that we support or won’t get out of or turn our cheeks to (as a nation). My inability to actually take care of myself/my laziness.
91. Do you like your own name? Yeah it’s cool! I like it more now I think. I also like old-fashioned sounding names.
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? I can’t speak for my very younger self but not that I can remember
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I’d be fine with either! I’d have to scramble if I had only boys though I have infinitely more “girl” names that I like
94. What talents do you have? graphic design, art, writing, photography, badass houses in the sims (jk I’m okay at it), terrible puns
95. Sun or moon? MOON always
96. How did you get your name? it’s my late grandmother’s name!
97. Are you religious? Not massively, I grew up Lutheran and then went to a couple of different churches. Went through a hard atheist phase in middle school. Now I’m most comfortable identifying with the term agnostic theistic since long story short I’m not against the concept of a higher being, I believe things happen for a reason, I’ve always believed in energies, which can be connected to meditation and praying. I’m currently researching wicca and witchcraft though I’m probably far off from identifying with either of those. Oops that was long I have a lot of thoughts.
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I haven’t actually, though considered one in high school for a brief amount of time.
99. Color of your bedspread? white with black flowers and green petals!
100. Color of your room? white walls since I’m renting
Tagging: @thezoomermax, @dustinhendrsn, @jane-el-hopper, @littledancersun, @sweet-sugar-sunsets, and @the-most-beautiful-broom!
15 notes · View notes
My brother’s name starts with D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. ______________________________________________________________
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach snapple iced tea is theee best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit.
My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last make up I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend wife is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone. ______________________________________________________________
What I have…
Notepad | Altoids | Advil | Wallet | Book | Pencil pouch | Gloves | Earphones | Camera film | Eraser | Pens | Trash | Button | Spare change | Ticket stubs | Tea bag | Plastic spoon
Cardigans | Sweaters | Jackets | T-shirts | Coats | Tank tops | Button-up shirts | Shoe hanger/caddy | Vans | Hiking shoes/boots | Oxfords | Heels | Shoeboxes with misc. things | Nail polish | Keepsakes | Costume stuff from previous Halloweens | Yarn | Looms for knitting | Backpack for backpacking | School backpacks | Old computer | Photo prints | Video games | Stuff I need to sell | Oil heater
Bedside Drawer
Pills | Coins | Jewelry | Diary | Hairbands | Hair clips | Bobby pins | Comb | Notepads | Chargers | Lighters | Book marks | Light bulbs | Pencils | A pack of playing cards | Pencil lead | An old birthday card | Earphones | Passport | Miscellaneous screws
DVD Shelf
28 Days Later | Amélie | Blade Runner | Catch Me If You Can | A Clockwork Orange | The Darjeeling Limited | District 9 | Doctor Zhivago | Donnie Darko | Ed Wood | Edward Scissorhands | Everything is Illuminated | Fright Night | Full Metal Jacket | The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly | The Harry Potter series | In Bruges | Inception |Jurassic Park | The King’s Speech | Lolita | The Nightmare Before Christmas | Run Fatboy Run | Snatch | Sweeney Todd | The Truman Show | Wall-E | Doctor Who | Pushing Daisies | True Blood
A sad, sad lawn | My car | Shed | Flower pots | Garden | Barbecue | Chicken pen (with chickens) | Wood shed | Trees | Rose bushes | Dandelions | Daffodils | Tractor | Gravel | Pathways | Bed for my kitty | An old truck | Bushes
iTunes (I’ll say my phone since I don’t have an iPhone)
AC/DC | ADELE | Amy Winehouse | Arcade Fire | Arctic Monkeys | The Beatles | Beck| Beyoncé | Billy Idol | The Black Keys | Canned Heat | Cyndi Lauper | Daft Punk | The Dead Weather | Dropkick Murphys | Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes | Ellie Goulding | Feist | Fiona Apple | Fleetwood Mac | Imagine Dragons | Jack White | Jimi Hendrix | The Kills | Lady Gaga | Lily Allen | Macklemore | Marina & The Diamonds | Mew | Nirvana | Pink Floyd | Portugal. The Man | Queen | Rage Against the Machine | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Rihanna | Sea Wolf | Simon & Garfunkel | St. Vincent | Tears for Fears | Tegan & Sara | Tool | Vampire Weekend | Weezer | The White Stripes | Yeah Yeah Yeahs | ZZ Top
0 notes
nostalgiaispeace · 5 years
Bold Survey
My brother’s name starts with D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. ______________________________________________________________
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach snapple iced tea is theee best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit.
My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last make up I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone. ______________________________________________________________
What I have…
Purse/bag Notepad | Altoids | Advil | Wallet | Book | Pencil pouch | Gloves | Earphones | Camera film | Eraser | Pens | Trash | Button | Spare change | Ticket stubs | Tea bag | Plastic spoon
Closet Cardigans | Sweaters | Jackets | T-shirts | Coats | Tank tops | Button-up shirts | Shoe hanger/caddy | Vans | Hiking shoes/boots | Oxfords | Heels | Shoeboxes with misc. things | Nail polish | Keepsakes | Costume stuff from previous Halloweens | Yarn | Looms for knitting | Backpack for backpacking | School backpacks | Old computer | Photo prints | Video games | Stuff I need to sell | Oil heater
Bedside Drawer Pills | Coins | Jewelry | Diary | Hairbands | Hair clips | Bobby pins | Comb | Notepads | Chargers | Lighters | Book marks | Light bulbs | Pencils | A pack of playing cards | Pencil lead | An old birthday card | Earphones | Passport | Miscellaneous screws
DVD Shelf 28 Days Later | Amélie | Blade Runner | Catch Me If You Can | A Clockwork Orange | The Darjeeling Limited | District 9 | Doctor Zhivago | Donnie Darko | Ed Wood | Edward Scissorhands | Everything is Illuminated | Fright Night | Full Metal Jacket | The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly | The Harry Potter series | In Bruges | Inception |Jurassic Park | The King’s Speech | Lolita | The Nightmare Before Christmas | Run Fatboy Run | Snatch | Sweeney Todd | The Truman Show | Wall-E | Doctor Who | Pushing Daisies | True Blood
Yard A sad, sad lawn | My car | Shed | Flower pots | Garden | Barbecue | Chicken pen (with chickens) | Wood shed | Trees | Rose bushes | Dandelions | Daffodils | Tractor | Gravel | Pathways | Bed for my kitty | An old truck | Bushes
iTunes AC/DC | ADELE | Amy Winehouse | Arcade Fire | Arctic Monkeys | The Beatles | Beck| Beyoncé | Billy Idol | The Black Keys | Canned Heat | Cyndi Lauper | Daft Punk | The Dead Weather | Dropkick Murphys | Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes | Ellie Goulding | Feist | Fiona Apple | Fleetwood Mac | Imagine Dragons | Jack White | Jimi Hendrix | The Kills | Lady Gaga | Lily Allen | Macklemore | Marina & The Diamonds | Mew | Nirvana | Pink Floyd | Portugal. The Man | Queen | Rage Against the Machine | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Rihanna | Sea Wolf | Simon & Garfunkel | St. Vincent | Tears for Fears | Tegan & Sara | Tool | Vampire Weekend | Weezer | The White Stripes | Yeah Yeah Yeahs | ZZ Top
0 notes
My brother’s name starts with D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. ______________________________________________________________
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach snapple iced tea is theee best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit.
My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last make up I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone. ______________________________________________________________
What I have…
Purse/bag Notepad | Altoids | Advil | Wallet | Book | Pencil pouch | Gloves | Earphones | Camera film | Eraser | Pens | Trash | Button | Spare change | Ticket stubs | Tea bag | Plastic spoon
Closet Cardigans | Sweaters | Jackets | T-shirts | Coats | Tank tops | Button-up shirts | Shoe hanger/caddy | Vans | Hiking shoes/boots | Oxfords | Heels | Shoeboxes with misc. things | Nail polish | Keepsakes | Costume stuff from previous Halloweens | Yarn | Looms for knitting | Backpack for backpacking | School backpacks | Old computer | Photo prints | Video games | Stuff I need to sell | Oil heater
Bedside Drawer Pills | Coins | Jewelry | Diary | Hairbands | Hair clips | Bobby pins | Comb | Notepads | Chargers | Lighters | Book marks | Light bulbs | Pencils | A pack of playing cards | Pencil lead | An old birthday card | Earphones | Passport | Miscellaneous screws
DVD Shelf (I have torrents, so I’ll base this off of that.) 28 Days Later | Amélie | Blade Runner | Catch Me If You Can | A Clockwork Orange | The Darjeeling Limited | District 9 | Doctor Zhivago | Donnie Darko | Ed Wood | Edward Scissorhands | Everything is Illuminated | Fright Night | Full Metal Jacket | The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly | The Harry Potter series | In Bruges | Inception |Jurassic Park | The King’s Speech | Lolita | The Nightmare Before Christmas | Run Fatboy Run | Snatch | Sweeney Todd | The Truman Show | Wall-E | Doctor Who | Pushing Daisies | True Blood
Yard A sad, sad lawn | My car | Shed | Flower pots | Garden | Barbecue | Chicken pen (with chickens) | Wood shed | Trees | Rose bushes | Dandelions | Daffodils | Tractor | Gravel | Pathways | Bed for my kitty | An old truck | Bushes
iTunes AC/DC | ADELE | Amy Winehouse | Arcade Fire | Arctic Monkeys | The Beatles | Beck| Beyoncé | Billy Idol | The Black Keys | Canned Heat | Cyndi Lauper | Daft Punk | The Dead Weather | Dropkick Murphys | Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes | Ellie Goulding | Feist | Fiona Apple | Fleetwood Mac | Imagine Dragons | Jack White | Jimi Hendrix | The Kills | Lady Gaga | Lily Allen | Macklemore | Marina & The Diamonds | Mew | Nirvana | Pink Floyd | Portugal. The Man | Queen | Rage Against the Machine | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Rihanna | Sea Wolf | Simon & Garfunkel | St. Vincent | Tears for Fears | Tegan & Sara | Tool | Vampire Weekend | Weezer | The White Stripes | Yeah Yeah Yeahs | ZZ Top
0 notes
kimsaysthings · 7 years
2017 in review
[Not my idea, just filling it out; questions by ablogwithaview]
1. What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
No one specific thing, but I’m ending the year feeling fully like an adult for the first time. So I guess the answer is appreciated my parents love and support but didn’t need them this year.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I kept a few! I resolved to put up with exactly zero intolerant behaviors and opinions; I spoke my mind every time I heard BS, particularly amongst people I know. I resolved to consume more feminist media; I read a few books, watched only TV shows that didn’t piss me off with their portrayal of women, and was especially pleased with the films I watched this year (Suffragette, Hidden Figures, Frida, All About Eve, Wonder Woman, and Last Jedi in particular). I’m going to keep up both of those resolutions and also start working on my backlog of photography from the last few years, among other things.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not this year, but there are a few pregnancies in progress.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Unfortunately, yes. My Nana died. She was my maternal grandmother and the grandparent I was closest to. Her loss was not unexpected but nevertheless devastating for my family.
5. What countries did you visit?
Just the US this year. Might make it up to Canada in 2018.
6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
A job and an apartment.
7. What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
January 20- The Inauguration from hell.
January 21- The global Women’s March filled me with righteous lady power and hope for the growing political resistance.
October 23- That’s the day my Nana died.
In general, I had some memorable moments with my friends. I will never forget the MeToo movement.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I learned how to shoot and edit in RAW. This changes the quality of my photos significantly. There’s always more to learn, but this feels like a big step.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Another year has passed and I still live at home with my parents. It is both a personal failure and out of my control at the same time.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
A lot of back pain and trips to the chiropractor this year. For good reason and things that were unavoidable. Next year should be a better back health year.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I surrounded myself with a lot of Star Wars things this year and I love them all.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Everyone who has turned out for a protest this year. The small army of lawyers who fought for immigrants at airports and detention centers. The Democratic governors and mayors and attorney generals and senators and state representatives who fought tooth and nail against injustice this year. Every single woman who came forward during MeToo, especially those brave enough to name their high-profile abusers. People of color, LGBTQIA+, and other marginalized people who are saving this country from white people one vote at a time.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The fucking president. The damn GOP, especially in Congress. The state of Alabama. Everyone named during MeToo, but especially John Lasseter and Matt Lauer whom I had personally loved for many years.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Books, Disneyland vacations, and in-app purchases.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My Disneyland vacations (both were sorely needed) and The Last Jedi.
16. What song will always remind you of 2017?
There was far less music in my life this year, but Spotify tells me I listened to Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros the most.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c ) richer or poorer?
I am a) happier, which is weird because I don’t feel like I should be but I really, really am; b) fatter, by a lot, and it’s something I want to work on in the new year; c) richer, but also kind of not. It’s weird being unemployed.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Road trips. Exercise. Outdoor activities. I feel like I’ve been inside all year.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Yelling. I lost my cool a lot this year.
20. How did you spend Christmas?
Quiet day with my parents. It was pleasant but a little melancholy.
21. Did you fall in love in 2017?
Not in a romantic sense, but I’m even more in love with my friends than I was in 2016.
22. What was your favorite TV program?
For broadcast, I loved Timeless, Hawaii 5-0, and The Good Doctor. For cable, I loved Good Behavior. I also enjoyed a lot of one-off miniseries, especially My Mother and Other Strangers, Genius, and Feud: Bette and Joan. This was also the year I got Netflix and I’ve been enjoying binging The West Wing, Jane the Virgin, and Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce.
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Hate is a strong word, but yeah. Not in my personal life though.
24. What was the best book you read?
I actually read books this year! My favorite was Dream Work by Mary Oliver, my first time reading poetry for pleasure instead of school. Everyone look up “The Journey.” It sums up where I am in my life right now.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
It was a fairly silent year for me, but this was the year I discovered Stan Rogers sea shanties, The Pogues, and Phat Cat Swinger.
26. What did you want and get?
I wanted to improve at my photography- I can now shoot and edit in RAW, I’m getting a strong grasp on how to effectively use spot metering, and I’m working towards aperture priority mode. As far as physical items, I’m blessed to be ending the year happy with everything I wanted and needed.
27. What did you want and not get?
A job, an apartment, a life of my own. Some personal projects remain unfinished as well.
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
Wonder Woman- perfection.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 28 but had a shitty, shitty day because of Nana’s recent death. It’s okay; it’s just a day. I think it’s going to be a good year.
30. What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
There were some people I hadn’t seen in two full years. They’re a hugely important part of my life, but I’m just a blip in theirs. Seeing them again and having them instantly recognize me and be happy to see me literally made my year. They still care.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
I wore some clothes.
32. What kept you sane?
Humor- late night comedians picking apart this insane world, funny internet videos, the weird shit on this site. I desperately needed it this year.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Oscar Isaac remains at the top of the list, the whole pretty cast of Star Wars. But I’m super super in love with Gal Gadot too.
34. Who did you miss?
My friend who just moved to Germany with her military husband. My California friends, always. And in a deeper, aching way, my Nana.
35. Who was the best new person you met?
Some awesome Tumblr folks, some fun new Disneyland friends.
36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017.
This was definitely the year of ‘pick your battles.’ It was physically exhausting to try to care about everything at the beginning of year. Sometimes you just have to know when someone else needs to handle a problem or when a problem is not fixable.
37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
How bout a little Joni Mitchell:
“But now old friends they’re acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I’ve changed
Well something’s lost, but something’s gained
In living every day.”
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newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                            AUGUST  2017
 *****Bill Murray and the rest of the Murray brothers are opening a Caddyshack themed restaurant in the Plaza hotel in Rosemont, Il. They opened a similar eatery in Florida in 2001.** Bill Murray also got the ESPY for Chicago cubs best moment. Michelle Obama honored Eunice Kennedy Shriver at the ESPY’s for the Special Olympics.
***** Tarantino is doing the next Manson movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*****Dec. 2017: Psych the movie. YES!
*****Some republicans are working on introducing a bill that would force future Presidents to release their tax returns.
*****Alice Cooper discovered he had a Warhol, “little electric chair”, 40 years after the fact. The find was rolled up in a tube in a storage locker.
*****It is so funny how Kelly Ripa looks so happy and bright when Anderson Cooper is on but not so much when that boar Seacrest is next to her.
*****Days alert: Sami will be back in the fall and look for her and Nicole to clash. We will see more of Xander but Dario is headed out of our lives. Chad and Gabby are over and look for Chad and Abigail to reunite if she survives. Is Ben Weston back in town or just in Abby’s mind? Did she see him the night of Deimos’ murder? Could she be the killer and could Chad be protecting her as she has been protecting him?
*****Another victim of John Wayne Gacy was recently identified as Jimmy Haakenson, a Minnesota runaway.
*****The Rockford Peaches are being celebrated .  July 27 brought hundreds of girls and women to Beyer stadium in Rockford to play. Some of the 40’s and 50’s peaches were in the movie “A League of Their own” ,that sparked a resurgence in interest. Also in the works just across the street is The International Women’s Baseball Center.
***** Did you ever notice how often Kroger products are used on television? I am forever seeing their store brand in scenes across many networks in many scenes. I think it is because they have a very generic look.
*****It sounds like the Richard Pryor story will come to the screen. It should be exciting with Tracy Morgan as Redd Foxx and Oprah as Pryor’s Grandmother.
*****CBS and the BBC are joining forces in the tradition of Edward R. Morrow who used to report from the BBC.
*****Two topless women jumped on stage in Germany to protest Woody Allen as he played clarinet. The women read a letter Dylan Farrow once wrote to her father that alleged sexual abuse. Security guards took them away amid boo’s from the audience. Allen called the incident “stupid.”
*****Steve Martin and the Steep canyon rangers have a new album, ‘The long awaited album.’
*****Bill Brady is the newest state senator in Illinois. Is there finally an end to the budget crisis in the state? Several states have these issues but Illinois has been at the bottom of the heap, rated junk. Now that a few republicans have crossed the line to come to an agreement, can they start to pay all the bills they owe?**Chris Christie has helped to lead New Jersey to the bottom as well.  They closed parks and beaches due to financial constraints. He used a beach that had been closed to the rest of the state for his 4th of July celebrating. He basically told the people that if they were Mayor, they could use the mayoral house to do it themselves but they aren’t.  The only good it seemed to do was the fallout helped him reach a decision about the budget so things could reopen.
*****Jawara Mcintosh, son of Peter Tosh, is in a coma after being beaten in a New Jersey jail.
*****OMG: Does everyone know that the NRA lobbied to be sure that there is no central electronic database for gun records? When police are requesting registration on a gun after an incident, the centers 50 employees must search thru microfilm or boxes of paperwork. How do they sneak this stuff in without alarms being raised? We must pay attention!! Let’s change this for the cats at the ATF tracing center.
*****Germany has legalized same sex marriage.
*****VP Pence tells us: “Under President Trump, American security will be as dominant in the heavens as we are here on earth.”
*****Hobby lobby owners are putting together a Bible museum. They were caught smuggling black market antiquities out of ISIS territory. They claim stupidity but were warned before they even started this venture. Luckily, the artifacts were intercepted by the government and returned.
*****Hooray for Ronan Farrow and others who are working hard on the voter ID mess. Conservative politicians need to quit targeting minorities and the poor and just let us all vote.  Let’s just keep things fair, is that too much to ask?
*****I am intrigued by the ads for the new show Guest Book on TBS.** People of Earth is back!!
*****The Government ethics director, Walter Shaub resigned. He claims there were many conflicts of interest and the White house fought him every step of the way. He has seen nothing like it in any republican or democrat administration.
*****HBO’s tour de Pharmacy was funny and had so many famous faces. The faux doc included references from Arby’s to a small misshapen penis and was narrated by Jon Hamm. The cast includes Mike Tyson, Will Forte, Orlando Bloom, Kevin Bacon, Maya Rudolph,  Jeff Goldblum, Danny Glover, Freddie Highmore and Julia Ormand. I was a bit uncomfortable at the Lance Armstrong stuff. He was worth a chuckle at first but it got old. I admit that he is not my favorite person. I guess you gotta take the $ where you can.
*****The History channel ran a doc about Amelia Earhart. The claim was that there was a pic that may be Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan after she disappeared.  This leads one to believe that they were taken prisoner by the Japanese. A history blogger disagrees , saying that the photo is from a book published 2 years before they were lost in 1937.
*****The impeachment marches seemed to get zero coverage. There were a few small mentions a couple of days later but for the most part they were ignored.  I am so glad I was there. The people are speaking. The media needs to stop bending over backwards not to poke the bear and let us speak! I am glad the media is making us aware of all the lies going on in the White house. It would be refreshing to get away from the talking heads once in a while and take it to the grass roots resistance growing. Hasn’t this been part of the problem all along? Isn’t this what everyone bitched about right after the election?
*****Volvo will go totally electric or hybrid starting 2019.
***** The Emmy noms have been announced with some surprises. The biggest travesty is no nod for Michael Mckean for Better Call Saul. Some nominations were well deserved  though. Lead actress drama should go to Keri Russell but Elisabeth Moss and Viola Davis are awesome as well. Some of my other faves were Bob Odenkirk and Matthew Rhys for actor in a drama. Big little lies brought 2 lead actress picks for Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon but Feud has to win for either Jessica Lange or Susan Sarandon or both. Feud is loaded with noms for costumes, director, music, hair, and supporting actor for Stanley Tucci, Alfred Molina, Judy Davis and Jackie Hoffman. Rupaul is the only thing going in the reality category. In comedy there is Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as well Julia Louis Dreyfuss and a lot more for Veep and Atlanta. Jeffrey Tambor, Zack Galifinakis and Donald Glover are my tops for comedy acting.  The best in drama are Better Call Saul, Stranger Things , The Americans and The Handmaids tale. Variety is a tough category with Full Frontal, Kimmel, the Late Show, the late late show, Last week tonight and Real Time. The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks and Dolly’s Christmas movie are both up for a vote. Voice animation has Kevin Kline, Kristen Schaal and Nancy Cartwright. Animated shows include Archer, Bob’s Burgers and the Simpson’s. Bill Nye saves the world, Drunk History , SNL and Portlandia are up for production design. American Horror Story: Roanoke only got a couple for hairstyling, sound editing and prostetic makeup. Supporting acting comedy is hard to pick with Louie Anderson, Tony Hale and Alec Baldwin for the men and Vanessa Bayer, Leslie Jones, Kate Mckinnon, Judith Light, Kathryn Hahn and Anna Chlumsky for the women. What? Another travesty, o love for Keenan Thompson?  Guest actor include Carrie Fisher, Melissa McCarthy, Wanda Sykes, Tom Hanks, Dave Chappelle and Matthew Rhys.I am all the way with Alison Wright for guest acting in drama. The host category has Snoop and Martha, Alec Baldwin , Rupaul and W. Kamau Bell. Variety specials and sketch shows are filled with genius like Louis C.K., Sarah Silverman, Colbert’s election night and Documentary now! In the documentary category there is The Beatles :8 days a week from Ron Howard. Informational specials Inside the actors studio, Leah Remini: scientology and star talk: Neil deGrasse Tyson are nominated. Good luck to all!
*****Ken Burns is bringing us The Vietnam war in September which took 10 years to make.
*****Kid Rock has announced a senate run.
*****Jimmy Carter is out of the hospital after he suffered from dehydration. He was working on a house in Canada for habitat for humanity.
*****Word is that the ratings for the new Kelly and Ryan show are not too good, the same with Megyn Kelly’s new NBC show.
*****Sturgis is back on August 4 in South Dakota.
*****HBO is bringing us a doc on Steven Spielberg that is narrated by the man himself. Susan Lacy is director and producer of the project.
*****If you haven’t seen the funny or die with Al Franken and David Letterman, you must check it out. Look up years of living dangerously: Boiling the frog.
*****Fox likes to pretend that scary clown is more of a leader than he really is. They kept running a scroll across the bottom as the G-20 was going on that ‘Trump presses Putin on meddling.’ Did he really? We will never really know and if he did, it was just for show because he is adamant that he just wants to move on.  Putin tells us that Trump accepted his version of events. This is really no surprise since scary clown attacked his own intelligence community on foreign soil and said that he was honored to meet Putin. The man is SO Putin’s bitch.**After Trump tweeted that he and the Russian President had talked of a joint impenetrable cyber security unit, he got much backlash. John McCain and Kyle Griffin both stated that Putin should be good at that since he is the one doing the hacking. The President talked a lot about faith in his speech in Poland. As he gets older does he think more about these things as age can make you do or does he shield himself with it? **Ivanka sat in for her Father at some of the summit.  It did not seem that the other leaders were too big on seeing him anyway. I don’t think Trump has the confidence to talk with the big timers anyway. He seems to be more of a one on one guy which was what he was doing.**Of course we then learn that there was a second private meeting and who knows what that was about.**On June 25th the House backed a new package of sanctions against Moscow, North Korea and Iran. The bill prohibits scary clown from waiving penalties.** Russia has already retaliated by seizing American diplomatic properties and ordering the U.S. embassy to reduce staff.
*****Don Jr. has now been caught in multiple lies about the Russian lawyer they met with on trying to find dirt on Hillary. How many times will this family and their team lie to us?? There were more people there than they originally told us including a lobbyist that was ex counter intelligence. They claim that candidate Trump had no idea of the situation. Do they think we will believe that? We are in fact now hearing that he orchestrated his son’s response. Is Trump that stupid or does he just play an idiot on tv? Will he sacrifice his own son? Why is it that Manafort and Kushner are never far away from the trouble?  The team tries to act like this Russian mess is something anyone would do. They are so far removed from honor and decency that they do not seem to know any better. They have no idea how real people operate.** We have soldiers on the Russian border that are protecting people from Russia and these yahoos think it is perfectly fine to work with them to fuck up our democracy.** BTW, The President can’t pardon someone on state or foreign charges but he can pardon on federal charges . Could all of the liars get away it? ** How long will the “we are stupid and know what we do” excuse work for these Trump voters? Who can still support a family that just keeps lining their own pockets with their clout? ** The Don Jr. legal fees are being paid in part by the 2020 Trump campaign funds. The President wants the RNC to pay the rest. ** Kushner has now been speaking casually with the feds. He came out to make a small speech after the first day that told us how innocent he was. Scary clown and his fam seem to love the country waiting for their every move.
*****Saw this on a site and wanted to share:
                               Parable of the talents by, Octavia E. Butler
Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought
To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.
To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.
To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.
To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies.
To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery.
*****Teen birth rates have declined 9%, the lowest ever.** About 3 ,000 women from other states come to Illinois each year for abortions.
*****Jodie Whittaker will be the first female Dr. Who as she becomes the 13th Doc.
*****I hear that the packet received when someone takes the oath to become an American citizen still has a letter from Obama.  I guess the new administration hasn’t had time to think about welcoming new Americans.
*****The hit show, Insecure is back for another season.
*****PBS has a new season of Finding your Roots. They have already revealed that Larry David finds out that Bernie Sanders is his distant cousin.
*****Employees in a Ford plant in Ohio found a mil in weed from cars that were assembled in Mexico.
*****A show on the History channel is trying to answer the questions that have come up in recent years about H.H. Holmes being Jack the Ripper. The grandson of America’s first serial killer is leading the charge and he seems a bit disappointed whenever they hit a wall. I guess if you already know that your Grandfather was a killer, what’s a few more? The program drags everything out as these History channel shows tend to do as they repeat themselves over and over. Sometimes when they get some info, I wonder why they only follow part of it. For instance, they tested the DNA which MIGHT have belonged to a victim. The DNA did not match the grandson but did they put their findings in a database to see if there is some familial match elsewhere? They could possibly find out this way if the scarf was indeed at the crime or if the DNA belonged to later handlers of the scarf.
*****Joel Clement, former director of the office of policy analysis and the U.S. interior has been moved to the advisory office of natural resources revenue.  He is one of fifty who this administration moved on June 15. He is a scientist who helps endangered Alaskan communities. Joel speaks out publically about climate change and believes this is an open and deliberate effort to silence scientists and eliminate employees that disagree with them. He is now officially a whistle blower.** It seems to me that having Trump as President is like having a really shitty Father.  The family just has to go out and find their own way and we must keep trying to get him out. Until then, the Governors, the Mayors and the rest of us have to figure out our own ways to save the planet and help others in spite of him. We must counteract all the damage he is causing. Think of the children that will be scarred with all this chaos by these ‘children’ that are trying to run the country.
*****So, again there have been alleged shady police doings. Every time a cop plants evidence or does not turn on a bodycam we lose faith. Law enforcement has such a hard job and we want to believe they will be there for us.  They are supposed to be taking care of us and I am sure most officers are people we can look up to but these bad seeds must be made to pay.
*****It is so strange that John McCain is fighting for his life as we are tackling this whole health care mess. He has great health care and we all wish him well. Do he and his Republican cohorts want us to have the same? Why don’t we all deserve the same chance? A perfect example is right in front of them and they should all pay attention. I think most of them believe in God. Could this have been sent as an example?  The ACA has worked wonders, let’s fix what isn’t working and quit obsessing over repeal and replace. Many Democratic senators are trying to get to infrastructure and other bills. It is unbelievable that we pay these people and give them awesome insurance while they have been obsessed with this health care subject and losers in it for all these years. Who keeps voting them in??** Before they all get their long August vacations , our lawmakers voted to begin debate for repeal and replace. In the end all their votes failed and McCain cast the decisive ‘no.!’ We must not forget to thank Collins and Murkowski who were in there all the way.  If it somehow hurts their manhood to call something that may be a good thing, ’Obamacare,’  then call it the ACA. History will give Obama credit even if they don’t want to and I don’t think he will care what it is called now as long as it helps people.** Word is coming out that Republicans used tax payer funds to denigrate Obama’s health care bill.
*****People of Earth is back from Conaco on TBS.
*****The podcast ‘You must remember this” is concentrating on Jean Seberg and Jane Fonda this season and their similar lives. It is a fascinating look at the beautiful and talented actresses.
*****Norm Macdonald’s podcast recently featured a great interview with Letterman.
*****The Borg/McEnroe movie starring Shia LaBeouf will open the Toronto film fest.
*****The new obsession for Trump is the incompetence of Jeff Sessions.
*****Do you ever think about the fate of the many extras/actors that we’ve seen a thousand times in the opening credits of famous shows?  How about the nurses running in M*A*S*H or the people on the streets of Chicago on The Bob Newhart show? We see them again and again from the singing and dancing on The Drew Carey show to the photos on Law and Order. We do not know these people but they are a part of our life? Hats off to them!
*****American Horror Story : CULT will premiere on Sept. 5. Season 7 will add Billy Eichner, Billie Lourd and Lena Dunham along with regulars Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson, Mare Winningham and Frances Conroy. Twisty the clown is back in a story inspired by the 2016 election.  The first teaser was fab and a bit Pink Floyd: the Wallish and is set in Michigan.
*****Kevin Spacey will play Gore Vidal.
*****People have been talking a lot about the recent viral videos of a woman killing her sister and the boys who let a man drown while making fun of him. These things have been around forever with “entertainment” like Faces of Death and snuff films. Things have become more main stream with social media but one can’t help but think of the final Seinfeld episode. The prosecution of the Seinfeld four when they laughed at the fat man getting robbed was like seeing the future.
*****A lot of military personnel are claiming there is a lot of extra training going on. Is something big being planned as we argue about the other stuff in front of us? ** Scary clown tweeted to us all about how transgender military personnel have no business being there. He talked with his Generals but he did not say they agreed with him. He complained of the “tremendous” medical costs but studies show that 5 times as much is spent on Viagra.
*****OJ Simpson was moved to a more secure part of the prison after he learned he would be set free later this year. Rumors are spreading that he will tour with his former victim that spoke at his hearing.
*****Sean Spicer resigned after Anthony Scaramucci (who some call a cartoon Guido) was named communications director. Ivanka and Trump met with ‘the Mucc’ for an hour and a half and then Trump called him many time before this all came down. Sara Huckabee Sanders is the new press secretary. A friend said that if Melissa McCarthy took on Spicer on SNL then it makes sense that a man should do Sara. BTW, what was with Scaramucci giving Sara hair and makeup advice? WTF? Word is that Preibus fought it all the way but he is kissing ass all over the place now. The whole affair got us our first on air briefing in 22 days. I can’t help but wonder how Spicer feels to be a lil’ blip of a joke in history. **Scaramucci deleted many old tweets he had praising Hillary and supporting stronger gun laws as well as putting down Trump and climate deniers. He is also kissing his new Messiahs bottom all over the place. The new guy acts just like his boss with an expletive filled interview that puts down everyone around him.  I don’t feel a bit sorry for Priebus or Sessions, they knew what they were in for. These tactics make the loyal evangelicals look like the mob. They will sell their soul and put up with this crap to get rid of the transgender soldiers and Planned Parenthood. Trump seems to like an opportunist and is probably happy to have a new hate buddy.** This month in the circular firing squad, part of Trump’s legal team , Mark Corallo was out then Sr. asst. press secretary Michael Short was out, then Reince Preibus was out . General john Kelly is the new White House chief of staff after Preibus served the shortest term I history. Kelly was first offered the position in May.** As I post this, we have learned that Scaramucci is out.
*****Some Scary clown supporters are crowing about low gas prices and low unemployment numbers but who do they think set all that in motion. Some would argue that Presidents don’t often have much to do with gas prices. But I wish they would say what we all know , that Obama was the one who sorted out the last Republican fallout. ** And right wing pundits.. Could I ask you to please stop calling the middle of the country ‘Trump country?’ We are smarter and more diverse than you think.** BTW, heard a great line this week which is essentially the meaning of the word bully. “Trump acts like a weak man thinks a strong man should act.” I thought that hit the nail on the head.
*****They say Trump is looking into the pardon process and exactly what his limits might be in other areas as President. The conclusions of Ken Starr’s office about Presidential prosecution say, “It is proper, constitutional and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting President for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to the President’s official duties. In this country no one is above the law.” Noting the constitution’s speech or debate clause: “If the framers of our constitution wanted to create a special immunity for the President they would have written the relevant clause.”
*****Dhani Harrison will release a solo album on Oct. 6.
*****Mick Jagger turned 74 with the release of 2 new songs, Gotta get a grip and England lost. He needed to get out his own anxieties about the new world we are all living in.** Publisher John Blake claims he has an 80’s memoir written by Mick but that he is not allowed to publish it.
*****Sarah Silverman is bringing ‘I love you America’ to Hulu on Oct. 12.
*****Scary Clown 45 promised to bomb the shit out of ISIS. He has been doing a lot of air attacks which are not much talked about. In these attacks almost as many civilian deaths have occurred as in all of Obama’s time in office.** We are only 5% of the world population, quit acting like we own the fuckin’ universe!
*****American white supremacists are funding Europe’s white nationalists to try to take over border control themselves. A ship was chartered called the C-star by a group calling themselves Generation Identity. The group claims they want to deliver Muslim immigrants from the Mediterranean back to the Middle East. Beginning in France, the group has spread to Italy, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany. They say they want to defend Europe and Davis Duke has tweeted out a link to their fund raising page. They are using maritime law as an excuse to come to the “aid” of the immigrant boats.
*****How creepy was this whole Boy Scout jamboree speech? It does not get more wrong than that.
*****NBC Sports has signed Dale Jr. as a commentator.
*****Paris Jackson and Macauley Culkin got matching tattoos the other day.
*****2018 will bring us new comics of Nightmare before Christmas.
*****R.I.P Loren James, John Blackwell Jr., Nelsan Ellis, Sheila Michaels, Theresa Poehlman, Fresh Kid Ice, Maryam Mirzak Hani, Neil Welch, George Romero, Martin Landau,  Chester Bennington,  Liu Xiaobo, Irina Ratushinskaya , Michael Johnson, Leonard Landy, June Foray, Barbara Sinatra, Stubbs the cat (Mayor of Talkeetna, Ala.), Jeanne Moreau, Sam Shepard and John Heard.
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EPISODE 1 (Part 1) - “I'll be sharpening my knife just in case” - Eddie
im gay
The Cheshire Cat is back again
Ok it is only like 15 minutes into the game so I don't have anything to say but I love you Jay! So I am making a confessional <3
Im y'all putting me on a tribe with Jaiden who I have not talked to for months and who is in general probably the messiest org player you will find on the planet. I'm in vermont right now in at an inn with shitty service so I'm definitely ready to be booted out of this thing pretty quickly. But I'll be sharpening my knife just in case I can somehow make it a swap.
This season I'm going to write actually decent confessionals. At least I hope! This tribe is pretty lit and the people are so nice!  I obviously haven't had a lot of time  to get to know everyone but I cant wait! I really think this is going to be a great season!
I'm actually pretty content with the tribe I got placed on, because I only know Eddie. I could probably use that to my advantage but I don't know if he likes me so... good luck to me. I like playing in games where I know very few people but I am definitely a little worried about Keyonjay being on the other tribe because he will probably go out before I ever swap onto the same tribe as him, and that lowkey sucks. I'm also SUPER concerned about Ting Ting because I hear she's a huge threat and she and Seamus are like, dating IRL or something so hmm. Gonna keep that on my radar.
Five minutes in and I already hate my tribe, there isn't really anyone I can put my trust in, we better not lose the first immunity challenge, I'm not leaving first again...
um I hope i am okay in this game idk these people too well and I just hope i can stay a while I fucking hate not knowing the cast before but whatever can i just say I love Jay and that is all.
Our tribe is really talkative... which is horrible for me bc im not asdfghjkl. Oh well we have a lot of comp beasts on out tribe so we should be good.
I've never done this in a game before but let me do a little cast assessment. First let's start with my tribe, Namtso! Jared and I have a lil history in games where I always always always get him out somehow someway. Who knows if he'll trust me! I LOVE KENDALL, nuff said. I have no idea who all the others are but I hope I can make friends with them and have them not vote me off n stuff. In Kailash, I already have Carson added but idk them that well. I love Chrissa and I hope we both make merge or swap on a tribe together and be besties. Dani can go! I love Elena I hope we can acc work together earlier this time than I did in Pompeii. I'm not sure about Seb, he literally just evicted me as hoh in another game rofl. Everyone else idk but I hate that I know more ppl on this tribe than my own tribe. I guess I gotta get talking huh? The last tribe with the unreadable buff has Matt and Trysten. Matt's my fellow furry and Trysten is also semi-furry so I hope they can survive. As for Jaiden, FUCK him I hope he gets out before I even have to deal with his ass. And again idk everyone else.
Two confessionals in one night? Not surprising. I was really excited to have a non-messy tribe but for some reason, I'm put with two fellow normal people and four confirmed freaks. I don't even know who Johnny is yet but he's literally looped in with those weirdos until further notice. Let's do a quick cast assessment of my tribe, which I forgot its name already because ? flops only. EDDIE - Y'all really did this to me, huh? Eddie hasn't spoken to me since BEFORE October because that's the furthest our chat history even goes. It's me sending messages and him not responding and it's literally the most disappointing thing ever because now I have to work with him in order to exterminate the furries and dildo freaks of this tribe. He's a nice guy and I will only allow him to stick around premerge because he is also a huge threat and a bigger backstabber than I am. JAIDEN - flop JOHNNY - He is not here yet but I think he'll be cool to talk to later on I guess, because we're the same age but he seems more "put together" and like he has legitimate goals in his life. But he's also a college student so I don't expect him to be around much, so I just want to work with him until there is no more need for him if he truly is an inactive person. JULIA - Honestly? She's fucking annoying already lmao SORRY IF UR READING THIS but she talks about dildos and getting fucked in the ass by furries and it's just like... calm down. It's day one and she's already said about 500 things and it's 500 things too much. Definitely bottom of the tribe so far lmao. MATT - He IS loud and cocky and I think he's going to try really really hard to be the Tyson-esque villain this season, so he's also my least favorite because he is not going to be genuine or good at this game. He could go. TING TING -  She's sweet so far but she's really hard to talk to because her answers are so short and they can end a conversation in a second. I feel like she's the only person I like at the moment and that sucks so much because damn, she's not easy to talk to. I'm hoping that we have to go to tribal council first though and pump some of those strategic juices into the tribe because I feel like she'll open right up if that's the case. TRYSTEN - Okay I immediately want him to be first boot because he's the most annoying but in subtle ways. He's like "SOMEONE ALREADY THINKS IM AN ALT" and like well, maybe because you're so adamant that you aren't??? Like shut up. And he's saying that Dani is his sister or something in his cast intro and literally no one cares, but you're just a freak thats putting a huge target on their back for no reason. Anyways...enjoy being the only person to get 21st place in this series :o FLOP! So yeah, there's my cast assessment for this tribe. Hopefully I can fall into an alliance and not get first boot from this horrific tribe, but it could probably be worse on the other side. Wish me luck, and tell the VL to suck my left nut! xoxo
I really like my tribe a lot. I have a really good feeling about Nicholas, that he could be a strong ally down the road. Kendall is hilarious, I'm vibing with her pretty well. I've had a short conversation with Amanda. Ace is a fucking amazing artist, and newlyf is cool even though I don't even know their real first name and they haven't messaged me back lol. I like everybody so far and I'm making a conscious effort to get to know everybody unlike in my other games where I would wait for people to come to me. Maybe it's the power of the meesh avatar, but I really hope my social game is better this time around. Y'all wrong for making this the first challenge tho @hosts.
So I just wanna make a SHORT rant on how I feel about my tribemates. Eddie: Eddie my fellow Gorlley. You're cool and I hope we do get to work together moving forward here. Jaiden: Bruh, you're funny and you also seem cool af. Let's pray my opinion on you doesn't change Johnny: Why u no active? Julia: I really feel like you might become one of my best friends here. You're really cool to talk to Matt: You sexy monster you. *winks* Ting Ting: Just like Julia, you really might become one of my best friends here. Trysten: Stop lying about being an angel, I can see right into your soul.
So I really wasn't gonna do the day one alliance thing, but Kendall proposed we go into an alliance and ofc I'm gonna say yes. haha. I do actually like her a lot so that's good. She pulled in Ace, and I wanted to pull in Nicholas because I feel like me and him gel pretty well. Hopefully people see Kendall as the figurehead because my whole strategy was to fly UTR but things change like that in this game. Basically, I just wanna make friends with everybody so I'm not the target regardless, do well in the challenges, and not overthink things like I usually do.
I'm talking to Ally in PC and I swear I'm getting Mega vibes from her. I swear if Ally is Mega....
Hello. It's me. I've been wondering after all these years, if you'd like to me. To go over everything.... Yeah that's all I know, I mean sure I could look up the lyrics on Google but I am far too lazy. No wait I also know HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It has been ten billion years since my last confessional/game, which may seem mathematically impossible because I've only played survivor for one year but shut up because this is my confessional... bitch. Any who, I am back with two percent more evil and one percent more effectiveness. No longer will I be a drifter, just sort of hanging back and waiting for anyone to pick me up and drag me along, I will be the leader!!!!!!!! Despite having about zero charisma and even less interpersonal skills. But my mommy says I am special so there. Anyway I have made an alliance with people. Ew gross I know. But it has to be done. I've made a group of people who were speficially selected because of their incompetence in some areas. Ace the Squabit:  I've played with Ace in Pompeii, we aligned for a short period of time before Drew voted him out. He is incredibly intelligent but he isn't particularly social. Creating a bond with him shouldn't be too difficult because of this fact. Keyonjay Dixon: Aside from having a bitchin' name, Keyonjay has one of the rare characteristics of getting my sense of humor. He isn't very connected to the community so I don't have to worry about any pregame alliances he may have made. In a previous game, he stated to have "played for someone else," time will tell if he will repeat this mistake. And last but not least we have, Nicholas: I don't know him very well and I don't have as much control over him as I do the others. Which frightens me... but I think we get along just fine. I've recommended Survivor seasons to him because he hasn't seen the show so maybe that will bring a bond of some sort. As for the other tribe members, Amanda seems pretty chill and Newlyf is fucking hilarious. I'd like to avoid getting them out if I can. Jared on the other hand... I don't particularly care. He is so boring and has terrible spelling, two of the worst qualities. He called me a psycho in a PM to Ace, which is mildly amusing because I don't think he knows how far it really goes. He doesn't trust Ace, he doesn't like me, he was barely on for the first half of the game. Jared serves no use to me or anyone in my cult... sorry alliance lol auto correct. Anyway I will update when I get more information but until then... HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I really wanna trust these people, but I really cant. I literally have one ally and it's already almost day 2. Well, one ally is better than none I guess. I just really wanna win immunity. I'm not taking the risk of going to tribal council.
Basically Ting Ting is a queen and I'm  planning on making her my Sam of this game and I've pretty much let her know that. Although idk if she finds it sketchy that after once hour I said that but I honestly don't have as much time as a thought as I would so I need to leech myself to a strategically gifted iconic queen that will carry me through the beginning stages of the game into the merge. I honestly haven't decided if I'm going to stay loyal to Ting or not. But if I do vote her out it wouldn't be until the final 5 which is about the time that I probably should've cut Sam in bangladesh but I didn't cause I'm an emotionally human being. By that time though I'll probably have become way too close with Ting to cut her and I will probably make the same mistake I did in Bangladesh which is not taking out the clear jury threat and the person who will obviously win the game at the end. But that won't matter to me as long as I get to have fun bathing in the blood from all the other people who's demise I will cause. I'm going to busy these first rounds of the game but once things slow down and I settle into my city life I should be able to really get into it. I don't need other people knowing that though. Right now I'm just gonna play the sort of active, sort of inactive number for who ever is running the tribe (which will probably be ting which is why I decided to leech myself onto her). I believe Jaiden will try to run the tribe but he and I mean... he can think he is. But I will make sure Ting Ting knows all about his ruthless gameplay and the erratic and messy way he plays. She can do all the work rope in the numbers and I'll just be her little yes man. Whatever gets me to the swap tbh. Either way, I want to keep Jaiden on the outs while making him believe he's the leader. If I have it my he will be first boot, but if not I will coddle him and make him feel like I'm close with him right until I put the knife in his back which I'm hoping will he sooner rather than later, especially on a tribe with such small numbers. Idk how well that will work but it's worth a shot. I also have been talking to Roxy a bit and also matt. Im gonna go to them tomorrow on my drive home from vermont and be like "hey guys!!! Im a busy man!!!! Sorry couldn't talk to you last night!!!! And then talk to them all the way on the ride home and build up some type of bond or whatever.... Jaiden not being around tomorrow should make it even worse on him? Either way, I'm going to do a faceplant into Ting Tings ass. I have no shame in kissing someones ass just to get myself further in this game. That's what this is all about amiright? I'm honestly ready to be first boot, but if I'm not this should be fun.
I should be scared of the Pokemon Camp Community but I'm not really. Its true they are a force and nobody could stand against them if they are all together but I doubt half of them would make merge. Kendall and I are already planning on taking out Jared if we ever lose cuz he said he doesnt trust me and called Kendall a psycho (which is true in a good way~) Dani and Trysten might seem like a threat to others in tribe stage due to Trystan's bio I guess? I dunno. As for Seb idk why yall casted him cuz he's probably most likely 75% chance going to strike out and be removed anyway so nobody should worry about him.
So. It's been a day and someone has already asked to work with me. #Dani. I dont know where this is going to go i know I'm not committing myself to anything this drastic on day one. I guess it's nice to know I have one option! Dani seems really nice! So who knows
If we don't win this fucking reward challenge I will be PISSED, I busted my ass in that stupid ass unicorn game and pretended to enjoy that shit so other people would do it.
Honestly, I feel like I did good on this first challenge. I still trying to figure out who on my tribe would be the best for me to make an alliance with. In a sense, I am somewhat apprehensive because of Lazio and its endless tribe swaps....eh, time to snoop around.
0 notes