#Emanuelle A Woman from a Hot Country
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Emanuelle - A Woman from a Hot Country (1978)
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The Real Story Behind Insidious (2010) And The 5 WEIRDEST Stories Of Astral Projection You Need To Know About feat. The Cold War
It's one of those horror films that just gets it right.
Yes, it wears all the trademarks of overworked tropes, and sure, it has yet to shed its transphobic skin. But the beast that emerged from James Wan's mind and slithered onto the cinema screen recaptured timeless traditions with a new sense of terror.
And yet somehow the rosy cheeks of the Lipstick-Faced Demon gleaming in his various jump scares aren't the scariest thing about this film.
You see, most of the horror movies that manage to scar me for life are allegedly based on real stories - James Wan (who also directed The Conjuring franchise) is no stranger to fleshing out his dark ideas with even more twisted truths. So it was only recently when I discovered how accurate Insidious (2010) was to real paranormal phenomena that young Dalton's venture into the Further became far more terrifying.
And I need to tell someone about it. From the supernatural to the Soviet Union, Insidious is grounded in far more than rumours of a haunted house.
Insidious is based on real historic events and real experiences.
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The first installment of one of horror’s most famous franchises, Insidious is already celebrating its 10th birthday. In fact, that’s how old Dalton was when he fell into a mysterious coma - and then stumbled into purgatory.
Instead of having anxiety dreams about not studying for the french exam like the rest of us, Dalton is falling asleep, separating his soul from his body, and having a gander ‘round an astral realm (like heaven or hell) called The Further. The Further is crammed full of dead people and they all want to possess the fresh young body that basically walked into the wrong room.
The first 2 films follow Dalton and his family as they navigate the all-American struggle of being followed by endless paranormal activity and various family members being stuck in purgatory.
After strange occurrences follow the family from house-to-house (which only seems to extend as far as hot-topic-goth-demons standing by the beds of Dalton and his younger siblings) a local psychic is summoned to figure out what in the f*ck is going on. Elise uses her spidey senses to determine that yep, there’s a demon and no, the house isn’t haunted.
It’s the boy, it’s Dalton.
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It then turns out that this ability is hereditary (*piano wire flashback*) and comes from Dalton’s father. Josh actually worked with Elise when he was a kid after his astral projecting resulted in a ‘parasitic spirit’ of an old woman following him the afterlife. Elise therefore sends Daddy-O into The Further to fetch Dalton and bring him home.
Daddy-O does the job, and Dalton returns to his body safely and wakes up. But Daddy-O ain’t Daddy-O. Josh’s body has been possessed by the female spirit that stalks him and his soul is stuck back in The Further. The next film follows up on this plot twist and deepens our exploration into the capabilities of astral projection - namely the potential for time travel. But Insidious 2: Papa Don’t Preach mainly revolves around the backstory of the female spirit that possesses Josh.
I’ve already dissected what Hollywood Horror gets wrong with transphobia. But I’ve yet to tumble into the world of astral projection - a world full of proof of the paranormal and political chaos, too. Dalton and his daddy issues are only the tip of the iceberg.
What Is Astral Projection?
Astral projection is an intentional out of body experience and is practised by those that follow esotericism (a religion which combines loads of different Western religious ideas) but it is present in many different belief systems. During projection the soul separates from the physical body.
The soul, or the astral body, is a body of light that links the rational soul to the physical body and is considered to be a silvery spine-like ‘cord’. The astral body travels to different astral planes which can be populated by all types of entities including angels, demons, and dead people. The Further represents one of these astral planes.
Each culture and each religion has a different take on projection, for example the Japanese believe those who are ill or comatose - like dear Dalton - are more prone to astral projection.
In Insidious we also see astral projection take a number of forms: there’s obviously the travel to different planes like The Further, but we see time travel, too. This chimes in with the different schools of thought regarding astral travel.
The history of this practice dates back to the Roman Empire, but only in the 18th century did discussion of astral projection take place when Emanuel Swedenborg wrote about his own out of body experiences. Interest in projection increased throughout the 20th century with many notable historic figures claiming they’ve ventured into other realms including noted American activist Helen Keller (she claimed she astral projected to Athens):
"I have been far away all this time, and I haven't left the room...It was clear to me that it was because I was a spirit that I had so vividly 'seen' and felt a place a thousand miles away. Space was nothing to spirit!"
Aside from being practised by historic figures, it took centre stage in a historic era, too. It was during the Cold War that the study and practice of projection took off and it became a political weapon. Beyond the cultural war, however, was a plethora of evidence suggesting the events we see in Insidious might be all too real.
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The Soviet Union & The Supernatural
Unclassified CIA documents are a staple amongst paranormal enthusiasts, especially those who have a habit of following mysterious lights in the sky. A top secret memo from 1974, proposed an experiment where Patrick Price, a former police officer, would use astral projection to gain information regarding a Soviet installation in the Ural Mountains. They wanted entry and exit points, they wanted floor plans, and they wanted operations details. This was a covert operation that used paranormal capabilities already being tested and trialled by their communist rivals.
In the 1970s the Cold War took a different turn: thanks to Soviet research into ordinary people’s supernatural abilities including astral projection, American intelligence agencies sought to do the same. Just as the atomic bomb was being built, scientists Seymon and Valentina Kirlian were developing technology that could capture one’s aura in a photograph. They were investigating energy fields, trying to mentally influence animal behaviour, and practicing telepathic communication.
Yogis and masters of ancient magic were even brought in in an attempt to harness the potential of paranormal forces.
“the major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetics, and bionics is said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB”
A Defense Intelligence Agency report
Throughout the 1960s a surge in parapsychological research centres took place as ordered by a Kremlin edict. As per the Cold War, the US swiftly did the same.
But it was when the US caught wind experiments using bioplasma they grew concerned. Bioplasmic connectors to human beings echoed claims of the silver cord which - as mentioned previously - was a key part of astral projection.
A Soviet agent could travel across realms, eras, and countries in spirit-form and be going through American filing cabinets. The Americans needed to make astral projection a weapon of their own. Dr Eugene Bernard was one of the many doctors who would pioneer research into projection and sought people willing to travel to these distant realms.
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Bernard was quickly caught up with the Soviet-supernatural-situ which included theories of an army of psychic spies.
Soon dozens of recruits would practice astral projection and recount their experiences including a woman called Beverly Chalker: she travelled in spirit from Dallas to a house in New Jersey and described in detail the things she saw. She saw a man asleep with a book on the floor, describing his pyjamas and the decor of the room. The team investigating her astral projection verified her claims.
She was right.
Similar stories soon leaked to the public and many ordinary Americans began to try their hand at exploring spiritual realms. Books, articles, and even a set of infamous tapes released in 1973 claimed to reveal how one could separate their soul from their body.
It used a rhythmic ticking noise to hypnotise those seeking new paranormal abilities - something we hear throughout Insidious. The tapes would be used by one Robert Antoszczyk, an infamous practitioner of projection who would mysteriously die in during a session. 6 weeks later, Patrick Price died, too. We will talk about Antoszczyk later.
Even security in the White House was allegedly amped up over reports the Russians were looking into giving their astral soldiers physical strength so they could become assassins. Interest in projection soon grew out of control, and by the 1980s the surge in serial killers was pinned on a vast number of them practicing it in prison.
(Many followed a range of extremist religious beliefs - practicing astral projection doesn’t make you a serial killer.)
Concerns also claimed some projectors could become ‘zombies’ if the soul got lost, just like Dalton was in Insidious. In fact, one practitioner demarcated several zones of astral travel with Zone C being the limbo where souls were trapped. According to some, The Further was real.
And Robert Antoszczyk was stuck there.
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5 Craziest Stories & Accounts Of Astral Projection
#1 - Robert Antoszczyk
Antoszczyk was one of the many Americans swept by the incoming tide of astral projection. He had been taught the practice by a yogi whilst in India, but unlike many other Americans who tumbled into amateur projection, he delved in head-first.
He then began to have dreams about a beautiful woman. Her exotic looks and compelling voice was calling to him from a different realm and he wanted to follow it.
On the 1st of June 1975, he told his roommate not to disturb him. He went into his bedroom, locked the door, and followed the method of astral projection as explained by those tapes released in 1973.
3 days passed. His roommate grew concerned. He broke down the door to discover that Robert was dead. His seemingly healthy roommate was lying on his bed and smiling. There was no signs of a struggle or a seizure or any other cause of death.
Medical experts could offer no answer as to how he died. A local astrologer, however, claimed the answer was obvious: he simply decided not to return to his body. His death would be blamed on his astral projection and it would make headlines across the states.
But some alleged that he was not fully at fault - he was drawn in by a beautiful female entity that would call out to many others with her enticing voice. The descriptions of the woman all related to Ammut, an ancient Egyptian female demonness. And according to the Ancient Egyptians, she existed in astral planes and consumed souls of those she came across.
Laverne Landis heard the same voice. It might have killed her, too.
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#2 - Laverne Landis
This mother of five was found dead in the woods in Minnesota by a construction worker in winter of 1982. She wasn’t a typical recruit for projection as a nurse working at a local hospital - but she had started hearing a voice.
The voice was from an astral spirit that promised her the power to heal the sick. So she quit her job, abandoned her children, and drove for 6 months with the voice of Ammut as her guide.
The voice grew stronger and she felt the voice vibrating in the wilderness around her. Her psychic group warned her against astral projection, claiming she might get stuck in limbo. She ignored them, and Landis and her boyfriend followed the voice to Loon Lake on a long trail road through the wilderness.
“We’ve got to stay here. They’re going to be in. I know it, I can feel it, they’re almost here.”
After Laverne passed away, probably from starvation or hypothermia, her boyfriend pulled himself through the snow and alerted a local.
Landis also reportedly was very interest in UFOs and was part of a UFO ‘cult’, and might have also gone to the woods to wait for a flying saucer to land. Either way, she was waiting for something out of this world.
#3 - Seton High School
In 1975 an entire class of students in a prep school in Cincinnati attempted astral projection. They were led in an experiment from which they would ‘travel’ home, report back what they saw, and phone calls home would prove travel via spirit was real.
(Unfortunately, this is all I can uncover on this case, but it is still creepy AF.)
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#4 - Robert Monroe
Robert Monroe was obsessed with astral projection. He had often practiced it during the 1970s, even becoming angry seeing a man sleeping next to his wife in bed - before realising it was him. He subjected himself to examination at a local hospital by a psychiatrist.
They verified his astral projection put him into a comatose state rather than a sleeping state.
Monroe then spent a huge fortune on an institute in Virginia to specialise in research into projection featuring an isolation chamber to provide optimal circumstances for projection. And on one occasion he even felt a ‘trunk’ in his back during projection, something he believes was the silver cord.
The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command investigated his techniques and used his claims to inform their desire to create an army of astral projectors.
#5 - Cadell Jeansen Raja
What do Charles Manson, Herbert Mullin, and David Berkowitz have in common? Yes, they are some of America’s most infamous serial killers. But they also all studied astral projection with a desire to harness paranormal abilities they believed would provide new tools to accompany their horrific acts.
(I don’t often make mention of serial killers on this blog, but the perplexing and evil acts committed by Cadell Jeansen Raja should be mentioned.)
In 2017, Raja killed each member of his family over several days. He constantly changed the motive for murder to mislead the police, but later admitted he harboured anger against his successful family members and was obsessed by the occult.
He experimented with the separation of the soul from the body and was living in a ‘virtual world’. He then claimed his family members were killed during their own astral projection.
Would you dare venture into The Further?
Let me know in a comment below!
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pcwpolwrestling · 5 years
9/27/2010-PCW Night of Champions: PCW Rewind
PCW Night of Champions PCW Hall Archbold, OH Monday September 27th, 2010 Host: Johnny Suave
Loud PCW chant as the show begins.  ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave welcomes everyone to PCW Night of Champions.
Johnny Suave and his life size cardboard cut-out of Shania Twain
*flute and clarinet flourish*
Two men come out and unroll a white carpet to the ring steps. Dancers then dance. Ballet dancers…ballet? Little children walk up the white carpet and drop rose petals. Someone lets loose some pigeons…not sure just how they’ll get out of the building.  The crowd stands as PCW CEO Barack Obama appears.  Behind Obama walks Joe Biden.
Obama and Biden climb into the ring accompanied by Hillary Clinton and Rahm-bo aka Rahm Emanuel.
Obama’s out because of the demands made by Axis of Evil leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
*ominous music plays*
Ahmadinejad, accompanied by Khalid-El, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez with Fernando Venezuela, and North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il with Byung Hyung Kang, walk to the ring to a chorus of boos.
Ahmadinejad and the rest of the AoE climb into the ring.  Ahmadinejad states he’s come to PCW to correct an injustice.  An injustice towards one of his wrestlers that he feels needs to be addressed.  Ahmadinejad complains that his wrestler, Khalid-El, is being passed over for a title shot in favor of a woman.  He holds up a photo of Jill-Berg and turns to Obama.  He calls it an outrage that this…woman…gets a shot at the PCW title instead of Khalid-El.   Ahmadinejad then adds that this is to be expected from a country hose government orchestrated the 9/11 attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime. The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree with this view.
At that point, Obama, Biden, HRC, and Emanuel leave the ring in protest as the crowd boos Ahmadinejad.
Ahmadinejad adds that the attack could have been the work of terrorists, supported by the U.S., which “took advantage of the situation” as more boos rain in.  He again demands justice for Khalid-El and a title shot and wants his answer now.  Then Ahmadinejad finally realizes that Obama et al have long since left the ring area and heads off to search for him.
Paige McGillicutty
Backstage, Paige McGillicutty talks with Triple R.  He, too, complains.  He doesn’t want to waste the time to wrestle Jill-Berg when it’s clear that he’ll wipe the ring up with her.
Kimber Marshall
Kimber Marshall introduces the first match of the night.
MATCH #1 FOR THE PCW TELEVISION TITLE Ken Worth- The American Trucker (I-American Heartland) (c) w/ Tequila Sheila vs. Doug ‘King Kong’ Kingman (R)
Summary Big PCW chant before the bell. Kingman and the American Trucker did some nice back and forth counter wrestling early. Kingman tried to use his power moves while Worth was effective in countering.  Worth armdragged Kingman to the floor. Worth whipped Kingman into the steel guardrail. Worth nailed a missile dropkick off the top. Kingman came back with a lariat. Worth came back with a spinning kick, which connected after Kingman ducked twice and Worth kept spin kicking.  Kingman went for a combination but was thwarted by Tequila Sheila and his steel blender.  Back in the ring, Worth hit a North Star Press for a two count.  Worth nailed a superkick but Kingman escaped a Jake Brake attempt.  Kingman nailed the Combination but Worth kicked up. Kingman went to the top and motioned for the elbow, then missed when Tequila Sheila came over and pushed him off.
Kingman then took control, working on Worth’s arm. Worth came back with a bulldog out of the corner. Kingman came back to choke him against the ropes. Kingman went to the ropes and came off but Worth tried to kick him. Kingman caught the boot and went for an elbow but Worth moved. They traded punches in the center. Worth came back with a flying forearm. Worth went for the Jake Brake but Kingman avoided it and hit the rolling Samoan Drop for a two count. Kingman missed the top rope swanton. Worth nailed the Jake Brake and scored the pin.
WINNER AND STILL PCW TELEVISION CHAMPION: Ken Worth- The American Trucker @ 15:20
Suave notes that the guile and experience of Ken Worth comes out on top of the brute power of Doug Kingman.
Paige McGillicutty has Jill-Berg with her.  Berg dismisses Ahmadinejad’s complaints about her.  McGillicutty asks if she has any concerns about the Axis of Evil interfering in the match.  Berg says no and brings out Daisy Cutter-Bomb.  Suave happily notes that DCB returns to PCW after a lengthy absence and mutters something about absence…or was it abstinence… making the heart fonder.  Berg says she’s confident that Daisy Cutter-Bomb will watch her back against Triple R.
MATCH #2 FOR THE PCW TAG TEAM TITLE The Kings of Old School: Ricky Michaels and Marty Lane (c) w/ ‘Rahm-Bo’ Rahm Emanuel (D) vs. The International Hit Squad: ‘Foul Pole’ Andy Golatta and Daniel-San w/ Mrs. Miyagi (I)
Suave states it’s the Democrats versus the true Independents in this battle as Golatta and Daniel-San have not joined a faction to date.
Summary Ricky Michaels took the mic before the match. Big “PCW” chant. Michaels said that “These people are ready.” He told Golatta and Daniel-San that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time because they were the most hardcore team in PCW.  He said that if there’s one thing that Kings of Old School does better than anyone else, it was giving their people what they want to see- the Democrats in the victory column.  Fans began chanting for Golatta and Daniel-San which pissed the Kings off.  Golatta and Daniel-San attacked them from behind. The Kings came back and tossed them to the floor. They brawled on the floor and the aisle. Fans chanted PCW.  Golatta took a camera from a cameraman and then shot Michaels as he was out on the floor. Golatta and Lane returned to the ring with Golatta drilling him with a back elbow. Lane came back with a swinging neckbreaker.
Daniel-San tagged in and cleaned house.  He teased a Cattle Mutilation after a backdrop but Lane dove out of the ring.  Daniel-San followed him and slammed Lane facefirst into the canvas.  Rahm Emanuel got involved and helped Lane cut off Daniel-San.   They returned to the ring and Lane reversed a whip and sent Daniel-San hard into the buckles, then drilled him into the mat.  Daniel-San was choked against the ropes with help from Emanuel.  Lane came off the ropes and dropped an elbow. Lane cinched in a side chinlock.  This time, Mrs. Miyagi intervened, distracting Lane while Daniel-San came back with a back kick.  Michaels now in the ring.  He grabs Mrs. Miyagi and tosses her out of the ring.   Lane with a forearm to Daniel-San and went back to the side chinlock.
Michaels tagged in with a slingshot senton.  The Kings of Old School worked Daniel-San over in their corner.  Golatta tagged in and cleaned house.  Golatta got a table and set it up as Lane returned to the ring.   Both teams brawled in the ring with cooking sheets and a trash can/lid.  Daniel-San got busted open.  Daniel-San played the face in peril as Michaels and Lane took turns beating on him in the corner.  Golatta finally got the hot tag in.  Golatta gets a two count and tags Daniel-San back in as Lane tags in Michaels. Daniel-San fires off some lightning kicks. Michaels locks in an armbar, but Daniel-San reaches the ropes for the break.  Daniel-San is able to lock in a single leg crab, but Marty Lane threatens to get in the ring and the breaks the hold. Lane charges in anyway and Golatta and Daniel-San set up a double tree of woe and finish off the FBI with a killer baseball slide drop kick!  The Kings attempt to regroup but Mrs. Miyagi goes up top and surprises everyone with an insane Asai Moonsault to Michaels and Lane outside of the ring!  Golatta gets back in the ring but Emanuel pulls him out. Golatta sucks up the strength to get back in the ring as Lane heads in for a two count on Golatta. Lane sets up Golatta in a camel clutch and Michaels dusts him off with a drop kick to the face. Daniel-San enters and kicks the crap out of Lane.  That sends him out the ring. Michaels gets a 2 count on Daniel-San who’s now legal.  The Kings tries to double team Daniel-San but he nails them with a reverse flying elbow.  Golatta enters the ring and he and Daniel-San set up a stereo sleeper submission hold.  Emanuel gets in the ring and Golatta and Daniel-San drop him with a twin drop kick.  Lane and Michaels capitalize and ambush Golatta and Daniel-San.  Golatta is sent out the ring over the ropes and into first row.  Lane and Michaels hit a double fisherman driver on Daniel-San and get the 3 count.
WINNER AND STILL PCW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Kings of Old School: Ricky Michaels and Marty Lane (D) @ 24:17
Post match, Emanuel drops an F-Bomb on Golatta while Lane and Michaels continue their beatdown of Daniel-San.
Mrs. Miyagi climbs to the top turnbuckle again and out of nowhere runs down the Leader of the PCW Competition Committee Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi tries to pull Mrs. Miyagi off the top rope.  Then…
The video screen goes to just outside a dressing room in the back. A police escort is waiting at the door. One of the policemen knocks on the door.
Policeman – Ms. Berg.   It’s time.
The door opens and four large male bodybuilding types walk out of the dressing room surrounding a petite woman, her male assistant, Jerry, and Daisy Cutter-Bomb.  Berg and Daisy run towards the ring.
The crowd chants “JILL-BERG…JILL-BERG…”
Jill runs up to Pelosi.  RED MIST IN THE EYES!  Jill-Berg with a buzzsaw kick and Pelosi is down.  Emanuel over…Daisy Cutter-Bomb cuts him off.  Kick to the balls…Daisy Cutter Powerbomb!
Here comes Triple R with a steel chair!  He goes after Jill-Berg.  Daisy punches the chair into Triple R’s face.  Jill-Berg with a buzzsaw kick into the chair.   Triple R down.  Daisy drags him up…DAISY CUTTER POWERBOMB ON THE FLOOR!  Suave thinks he’s dead.
Pelosi is trying to get the red mist out of her eyes as Daisy throws Triple R into the ring.
Daisy in the ring.  She picks up Triple R…SPEAR!  Daisy drags him up…JACKHAMMER SLAM!  She pulls him up…Jill Berg with another buzzsaw kick.  Cover…1…2…3!
WINNER: Jill Berg (R) @ :33
Pelosi finally clears her eyes and sees what just took place.  She cries out ‘NOOOOOOO!’ as Berg points at her.  Pelosi stomps up and down outside the ring.
Suave screeches ‘AXIS OF EVIL’ as Khalid-El delivers a vicious forearm shiver to Jill Berg’s back.  The big 7 footer Fernando Venezuela spins Daisy around and grabs her by the throat.  CHOKE SLAM!   Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, and Kim Jong-Il walk down with big smiles on their faces as Khalid-El, Venezuela, and Byung Hyung Kang stand over the fallen Berg and Daisy.
Backstage, Paige McGillicutty has rock star Katy Perry.  Perry plays the video of her duet with Sesame Street’s Elmo that the children’s show decided not to play due to the low-cut dress she was wearing.
Suave: “Yeah.  It’s because she’s got a big rack and it showed even though Perry was wearing a flesh colored cover underneath.
Suave: “Wait…I see what the problem is.  Elmo is naked!
Quick recap of the ‘One Man Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism’s (D) win over Kevin Scott (R) last week.
MATCH #4 FOR THE PCW TITLE ‘The One Man Hollywood A-List’ Stone Chism (D) vs. Yamamoto Tanaka (c) w/Reika Kisaurgi (D)
Chism took the mic and said it was great to be back in PCW with all of his fans.  The crowd, of course, booed him in return.  Chism told them you’re going to enjoy the best wrestler in the house and watch the referee count 1-2-3 for him.
Summary They locked up but Tanaka shoved Chism down to the mat. They locked up again but Tanaka kicked him in the gut and began beating on Chism.   Chism came back and tossed Tanaka to the floor. Chism did the flip off the apron to the floor. Chism tossed a bunch of weapons into the ring. He then took chairs from the front row and tossed them into the ring. Chism beat Tanaka with punches against the rail outside but Tanaka nailed him. Chism signalled for taking Tanaka out into the crowd but was picked up and crotched on the railing. Tanaka whipped him into the rail, then beat him with a chair. They battled back into the ring.   Tanaka wedged a chair in the corner but Chism nailed Tanaka several times with a trash can to the head. Tanaka finally punched the can into Chism and took him out.  Tanaka grabbed a broom and nailed Chism with it. Chism was busted open by this point. Tanaka trashed Chism with weapons to the head. Tanaka began cranking on Chism’s neck and wrenched it as Chism looked to the crowd for support. They rallied him but he was caught with a clothesline. Tanaka drilled Chism in the gut with a chair, then did it a second time.  Tanaka went to do the Earthquake splash but Chism crotched him on a chair.
Chism fired up on offense and nailed a high cross bodyblock for a two count. Chism nailed Tanaka with a chair. He whipped Tanaka into the corner but was caught and sent into the chair that was positioned there. Tanaka chokeslammed Chism for a two count.  Tanaka went to the top rope but was caught by Chism and tied upside down to the tree of woe.   Chism nailed him with a trash can. He went to the corner and hit a running dropkick into the corner.  Tanaka nailed the Choke Slam but only got a two count.  Tanaka went to the outside and poured thumbtacks across the mat.  Tanaka nailed Chism again and pulled him up.   He shoulderblocked Chism through the ropes, then powerbombed him into the tacks.  Chism screamed out in pain.  Tanaka took him back to the ring and climbed up the corner turnbuckle.  Chism tried to fight out but in the end…JAPANESE SUPERDESTROYER!  Tanaka rolled onto Chism and scored the pin.
WINNER AND STILL PCW CHAMPION: Yamamoto Tanaka (D) @ 18:50
Tanaka and Reika celebrated together in the ring as the show went off the air.
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damnrightshow · 3 years
14. Dec. ’21 Damn Right Show ~Tuesday Soul n’ Funk 2 Hours~
 Here is Tuesday Show play again on YouTube.
Enjoy 2 hours good for your relaxin' time with good soul music selection.
I just want you to know Damn Right Show plays Funk n' Soul music as usual on Mixcloud Live. 
Music for tea time or breakfast from Japan. 
Tomorrow, I'll do the show same time same address. Feel free to access ! See you tomorrow all !
"Walk On By" THE CAPRELLS (Bano)
"A Woman That's Waiting" TIMEBOX (Deram)
"Girl You Better Wake Up" LIBERTY (BASF)
"You Can Do It By Yourself" THE DYNAMOS (Dynamo)
"The People Want Music" THE CONTROLLERS (Juana)
"Watch Out" THE KOPESTETICS (Epsilon)
"Can't Get By Without You" THE MIGHTY POPE (Private Stock)
"Make Me A Winner" JIMMY RUFFIN (North Broad St)
"I Love You, I Want You, I Need You" THE MASQUERADERS (Bang)
"Closer To The Feeling" ZEBRA (Warwick)
"We Ain't Got No $$$" MR. WONDERFUL BAND (Cannonball)
"Get It Together" COLD FIRE INC. (Lightin')
"Just Us Together" JUS'US (Anthonette)
"Shake It Up" THE VIBRATIONS (Chess)
"Share Your Love" HERMAN KELLY & LIFE (RCA)
"Nowhere" HOKIS POKIS (Shield)
"You Really Got A Hold On Me" EMANUEL TAYLOR (Bernard)
"You Can Win" BILEO (M.T.U / Watts City)
"Someone Special" RIDEOUT (Hot Licks)
"You're The One" KINGS GO FORTH (Mr. C)
"Don't Go Kissin' My Baby" THE ESTIMATIONS (Kimberlite)
"The Best Is Yet To Come" MR. PRESIDENT (Favorite)
"Real Thing" WILLIE WRIGHT (Cannonball)
"I've Never Been In Love Before" ELUSION (Cotillion)
"I've Got Nothing But Time" DAVID RUFFIN (Motown)
"Just Having Your Love" THE MOMENTS (Stang)
"I Love Music" KELLEE PATTERSON (Shady Brook)
"Let Me In" EBONEY ESSENCE (Goodie Train)
"Just Want You To Know" GANGBUSTERS (North Country)
"When Joe Touches Me" PATTI LABELLE & THE BLUEBELLS (Soul 4 Real)
"Uh ! Uh! Boy, That's A No No" CANDADE LOVE (Aquarius)
"Love Scenario" MIKE JAMES KIRKLAND (Cannonball)
0 notes
ageloire · 6 years
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
There are a lot of things to be negative about on the internet today.
And between cyberbullying on Twitter, fake news on Facebook, and too many weight loss tea ads on Instagram, it's easy to feel jaded about social media in particular.
In fact, we surveyed more than 3,000 people around the world, and one-third responded that they feel "awful" after browsing social media -- with Facebook taking the crown for most awful feelings induced.
So, in an effort to combat these feelings of awfulness, we've compiled 30 of the funniest tweets about social media we could find. And with a healthy mix of snark, mockery, and memes, we think they sum up what it's like to be a social media user -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
1) On Optimism
Instagram: My life is a party. Snapchat: My life is a quirky tv show Facebook: My life turned out great! Twitter: We're all going to die.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) January 8, 2017
2) Life Imitates Twitter
"describe your Twitter feed" pic.twitter.com/ifp6izdVCz
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) September 28, 2016
3) Just Keep Mowing ...
how it feels to log off twitter in 2017 pic.twitter.com/PsGAAPI7GN
— Ziwe (@ziwe) June 5, 2017
4) Hot Dog Bae
A photographer took pictures of people before and after she called them beautiful pic.twitter.com/Ef5tLvFcd5
— Memes 😈 (@memesl0rd) July 8, 2017
5) Take the Good with the Bad
Twitter: your jokes suck Instagram: your face sucks Snapchat: your life sucks Facebook: your family misses you and is also racist
— Adrienne Airhart (@craydrienne) October 29, 2015
6) Social Media Gods Don't Give with Both Hands
it's super annoying to me when people are very good at twitter and also really good at instagram come on you can't have both
— Marissa Emanuele (@HiThisIsMarissa) April 25, 2017
7) You Had One Job
twitter users: let us edit tweets twitter: the stars are now hearts twitter users: an edit button please twitter: we made everything round
— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) June 15, 2017
8) On Twitter Expanding its Character Limit
This account has been asked to test Twitter's new 280 character limit, but as a 100-year-old brand, we believe our fans most enjoy traditional tweets with brevity, so we declined. We hope to continue to provide a fun, positive place to discuss MoonPies moving forward. Thank you.
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) September 27, 2017
9) Seriously, Though
I would love to start an interview series with random people from Instagram called “How Do You Afford Your Life?”
— Sam Lansky (@samlansky) September 25, 2017
10) Time to Check-In on Facebook
When you notice someone using your app and you watch closely to make sure everything works well pic.twitter.com/MWLWsvE4je
— Or Arbel (@orarbel) September 5, 2017
11) Please, Don't Auto-Play Videos with Sound
I want an app for each website I visit. And I want all of them to have loud videos that play automatically. This is my ideal user experience
— Shuja Haider (@shujaxhaider) August 28, 2017
12) Change Your Passwords, People
how i'll feel if my DMs ever leak pic.twitter.com/Re6UH60EtV
— corey kindberg (@coreykindberg) August 28, 2017
13) Personal Branding Is Everything
This is my Twitter brand. pic.twitter.com/I0D19IJ6EJ
— liz (@eedollmeyer) August 27, 2017
14) At Least They're Honest
I'm a: ⚪️ man ⚪️ woman 🔘 brand Seeking: ⚪️ men ⚪️ women 🔘 retweets and attention
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) August 23, 2017
15) Total Eclipse of the Tweet
it's a big day for circular foods pic.twitter.com/qMWfLs0dsS
— [halloween name] (@arb) August 21, 2017
16) We All Have One
my aunts running to the comment section every time I post a picture on Facebook pic.twitter.com/kdZLNG0SdM
— Makeup (@MakeupSuppIier) September 12, 2017
17) It's Important to Keep Things in Perspective
Facebook: Essential oils. Snapchat: I'm a bunny! Instagram: I ate a hamburger. Twitter: THIS COUNTRY IS BURNING TO THE GROUND.
— Jeanne Hulme (@jeannes_jargon) July 28, 2017
18) Short, Sweet, and To the Point (1/47)
The 280-character limit is a terrible idea. The whole beauty of Twitter is that it forces you to express your ideas concisely (1/47)
— James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) September 26, 2017
19) Seriously, Twitter Users Are Salty About This One
139 characters pic.twitter.com/WkfdXL8oLh
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) September 26, 2017
20) Caution: Parents on Facebook
Thanks for the clarification, Dad. pic.twitter.com/Y2ulMh7sJV
— Ray (@rayy_baybay) July 21, 2017
21) Hindsight Is 20/20
What was I smoking... pic.twitter.com/xZareCENLM
— Eric Peters (@EricPeters0) July 12, 2017
22) When You Gotta Tweet, You Gotta Tweet
[detective inspecting my body at the bottom of the grand canyon] looks like the victim was tweeting "more like the bland canyon" and fell in
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) July 7, 2017
23) Life Comes At You Fast
Me every morning v. me after five minutes on Twitter pic.twitter.com/KBEzzVZ9i6
— Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) June 21, 2017
24) In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind
Being on Twitter pic.twitter.com/sQbDWShv4i
— clicky but scary (@djclickbait) June 11, 2017
25) You're Amazing. Yes, You.
Me looking at my own snapchat stories, selfies and tweets after a long day, just reflecting on how great I am. pic.twitter.com/x6002kyihv
— MaKayla MaShelle (@MakaylaMashelle) June 8, 2017
26) I Wish I Knew How to Quit You
Me: I should do a three day social media detox Also me: I should ask Twitter what they think of that idea
— M. Keaney Anderson (@meghkeaney) June 3, 2017
27) We All Have Guilty Pleasures
me: twitter is a cesspool also me: twitter has provided 98% of my entertainment for the day
— keithlaw (@keithlaw) June 2, 2017
28) On Technical Difficulties
It's reassuring that even Mark Zuckerberg's crew can't overcome the awkward moments that linger while ending a Facebook Live pic.twitter.com/VVqRHKS9iv
— Brian Ries (@moneyries) September 21, 2017
29) Because I Miss Vine and These Are Hysterical
ok im gonna do a thread of vines tht made me actually lol here we go
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
30) See? I Told You
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
from Marketing https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/funniest-social-media-tweets
0 notes
jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
Coronavirus: Pharmacies struggle to meet demand amid supply shortages
Emanuel Simhayev, owner and pharmacist at Get Well Rx in Astoria, Queens, consults with a customer purchasing face masks. April 2, 2020
Emanuel Simhayev’s small pharmacy is short-staffed these days.
Most of his employees, worried about getting exposed to the coronavirus, are no longer coming to work. Simhayev, 33, and his technician Evelyn Quirindongo, 53, are now scrambling to meet the surging demand for medication and other essentials at Get Well Rx Pharmacy in Astoria, Queens. 
As tens of thousands of people test positive in New York City and many more show symptoms and are presumed to have the virus, communities are turning to their neighborhood pharmacies for prescription and over-the-counter medicines to alleviate their symptoms. 
The unprecedented demand created by the global pandemic is creating shortages for even basic over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol, as supply chains strain from the manufacturers that produce the medications to the wholesalers that deliver them to pharmacies, making it extraordinarily difficult to keep shelves fully stocked for key items in hot zones like New York. 
“I never thought a pharmacy in the 21st century can run out of essentials, the most basic medications,” Simhayev said. “When you face this hardship you cannot really help much. You do your best.”
‘Insatiable demand’
It’s not just Tylenol that’s hard to come by. The drug, made by Johnson & Johnson’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare, is on backorder until April 30 at Broadway Chemists on the Upper West Side. Sophia Liristis, the pharmacist in charge there, said most medications and medical devices used to combat the virus are currently on backorder or are rationed out by wholesalers in limited quantities.
When Liristis, 34, checked the system Tuesday,  thermometers, gloves and masks were not available until May. Pulse oximeters, used to monitor blood-oxygen levels, were unavailable until May 31. Ventolin inhalers, which can ease shortness of breath, were only available two units at a time. 
The two most talked about drugs, which have inspired some hope as possible treatments for the virus, are also in short supply. A study in France concluded that hydroxychloroquine, usually used to treat malaria and autoimmune diseases, was particularly effective in fighting the virus when used in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin, though those results have been disputed. New York state is now conducting its own clinical trials. 
Effective or not in the fight against COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine is on backorder, and azithromycin, often sold under the brand name Zithromax Z-pak, is in very limited supply and almost unavailable, according to Liristis’ records.
S Bros Pharmacy in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood filled its inventory with hydroxychloroquine and Z-paks when word spread the drugs were a possible treatment. But the pharmacy is now dispensing hydroxychloroquine only to patients who suffer from chronic autoimmune diseases to meet guidelines set by New York state, which limit the drug to FDA-approved therapies and COVID-19-positive patients participating in the state trials to ease shortages. 
Vlad Serebryanik and Rimma Kiryak consult with a customer at City Drug & Surgical in Washington Heights. March 26, 2020
Spencer Kimball | CNBC
S Bros’ shelves are also scarce in Tylenol while hand sanitizer, vitamin and zinc supplements and cleaning supplies like alcohol and peroxide are long gone. Staff was excited to receive a few cans of Lysol spray so they can disinfect the store more often than once a night.   
“There’s a shortage of everything — it’s never enough,” said Evangeline Frezoulis, 37, the pharmacy manager at S Bros. “The wholesalers are not able to supply as many pharmacies as needed.”
When Broadway Chemists doesn’t have an item in stock, Liristis tells customers to check with chain pharmacies, even though that hurts business for smaller, family-owned stores. 
“You’re just trying to help the patient get what they need,” Liristis said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s here or somewhere else — we’re just trying to work together.” 
Pharmacies are improvising when they can. City Drug & Surgical in Manhattan’s Washington Heights neighborhood has been making hand sanitizer since the brand names sold out about three weeks ago. Yelena Yoffe, the pharmacy owner, said it takes about 40 minutes to make a batch of 24 bottles. They sell out the same day.
AmerisourceBergen, a pharmaceutical wholesaler, said the pandemic is pinching supply chains worldwide. As the company places large orders to meet surging U.S. demand, manufacturers in countries like India, which is under  nationwide lockdown, are balancing those orders with obligations in regions like the European Union, which is also severely impacted.
“What we’re seeing in the supply chain today particularly from the pharmacy side is an insatiable demand for a limited amount of product,” said Heather Zenk, senior vice president of secure supply chain at AmerisourceBergen. “We are seeing manufacturers talk about things like historical inventory demands and historical product movement,” she said.  
In response, AmerisourceBergen is limiting how much pharmacies receive of certain drugs to ensure they get at least some product, a policy the company calls “fair allocation.”  
Cardinal Health, another major wholesaler, said it’s managing the distribution of more than 100,000 products considered critical inventory which are in unprecedented demand since the pandemic started to spread. “We are experiencing backorders and declining inventory levels at rates never experienced before,” the company said, in a website statement, warning that customers may only receive partial deliveries while other products are out of stock altogether.
‘An epidemic you never even imagined’
As the virus spreads, pharmacies are doing what they can to protect employees from exposure and enforce social distancing. At Get Well Rx in Queens, Simhayev has signs posted asking customers to wear masks and enter two at a time, but it’s tough to get everyone to notice and follow the rules. So, he keeps his door open to accommodate the line and create space so the store doesn’t become overcrowded. 
With horrible situations like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and Sandy, you knew there was an end at some point — there was finality to it. This is something where we just don’t know what’s going to happen.
Yitzy Engelberg
Pharmacist and owner, Best Five Star Pharmacy
Queens has been particularly hard hit by the virus with 34% of the more than 52,000 confirmed infections in the city as of Friday. In Simhayev’s area of Astoria, at least 144 people have tested positive, according to data released by the New York City Department of Health on Wednesday. The number of infections is likely higher as testing remains limited. 
Simhayev said a woman came to his pharmacy panicking earlier in the week and cut to the front of the line asking for medication to treat her husband’s cough and shortness of breath. Simhayev sent them to the doctor next door and an ambulance was ultimately called for the man, who is in his 40s and was presumed positive. 
“You have things like this happening, and you have a line of people waiting,” Simhayev said. “When you work in times like this, it’s an epidemic that you never even imagined was possible.” 
Some pharmacies are no longer open to foot traffic. Broadway Chemists shifted to delivery only to prevent the small store from overcrowding and keep employees safe from exposure. The pharmacy’s neighborhood has at least 204 confirmed cases of the virus, according to city data. 
“Small stores can’t afford to get infected,” Liristis said. “If one person gets infected, we’d have to shut our doors and not be able to accommodate the community.”
Frezoulis said S Bros has probably served hundreds of customers that have tested positive or are presumed positive. City data shows at least 601 confirmed cases in the neighborhood. She said that while the situation is frightening and each day brings uncertainty, the pharmacy staff maintains calm to reassure the public. 
“If we don’t stay calm, everyone will panic with us,” Frezoulis said.
At Best Five Star Pharmacy in the Corona neighborhood of Queens, employees lock the door to ensure only two customers enter the store at a time. Corona is one of the hardest hit neighborhoods in the city with at least 947 people testing positive, according to city data. Five Star is close to Elmhurst Hospital, where nurses and ER doctors are on the front line in the fight against the outbreak, grappling with a dramatic surge in seriously ill patients requiring intensive care.  
Yitzy Engelberg, pharmacist and owner of Five Star, said the store’s hours have been reduced to limit foot traffic, but the staff stays late to get prescriptions filled for the next day.
“The truth is we never close,” Engelberg said. “We close the doors, but we don’t close the work.”
Engelberg, 49, focuses on filling prescriptions and limits sales of over-the-counter products to reduce the amount of time people spend in the store. Customers are so far remaining calm under the circumstances and are understanding of the new rules and restrictions, he said. Like most pharmacies, he faces shortages.
“One of the biggest problems is the supply chain has been rather dubious at times,” Engelberg said. “I have a lot of wholesalers I deal with. It comes in, it comes out. You get them, you don’t get them.”
For the time being, Five Star has enough Z-paks in stock but there’s no hydroxychloroquine. The unknown duration of the crisis weighs on Engelberg.  
“With horrible situations like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina and Sandy, you knew there was an end at some point — there was finality to it,” Engelberg said. “This is something where we just don’t know what’s going to happen.”  
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/coronavirus-pharmacies-struggle-to-meet-demand-amid-supply-shortages/
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lindyhunt · 6 years
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
There are a lot of things to be negative about on the internet today.
And between cyberbullying on Twitter, fake news on Facebook, and too many weight loss tea ads on Instagram, it's easy to feel jaded about social media in particular.
In fact, we surveyed more than 3,000 people around the world, and one-third responded that they feel "awful" after browsing social media -- with Facebook taking the crown for most awful feelings induced.
So, in an effort to combat these feelings of awfulness, we've compiled 30 of the funniest tweets about social media we could find. And with a healthy mix of snark, mockery, and memes, we think they sum up what it's like to be a social media user -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
1) On Optimism
Instagram: My life is a party. Snapchat: My life is a quirky tv show Facebook: My life turned out great! Twitter: We're all going to die.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) January 8, 2017
2) Life Imitates Twitter
"describe your Twitter feed" pic.twitter.com/ifp6izdVCz
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) September 28, 2016
3) Just Keep Mowing ...
how it feels to log off twitter in 2017 pic.twitter.com/PsGAAPI7GN
— Ziwe (@ziwe) June 5, 2017
4) Hot Dog Bae
A photographer took pictures of people before and after she called them beautiful pic.twitter.com/Ef5tLvFcd5
— Memes 😈 (@memesl0rd) July 8, 2017
5) Take the Good with the Bad
Twitter: your jokes suck Instagram: your face sucks Snapchat: your life sucks Facebook: your family misses you and is also racist
— Adrienne Airhart (@craydrienne) October 29, 2015
6) Social Media Gods Don't Give with Both Hands
it's super annoying to me when people are very good at twitter and also really good at instagram come on you can't have both
— Marissa Emanuele (@HiThisIsMarissa) April 25, 2017
7) You Had One Job
twitter users: let us edit tweets twitter: the stars are now hearts twitter users: an edit button please twitter: we made everything round
— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) June 15, 2017
8) On Twitter Expanding its Character Limit
This account has been asked to test Twitter's new 280 character limit, but as a 100-year-old brand, we believe our fans most enjoy traditional tweets with brevity, so we declined. We hope to continue to provide a fun, positive place to discuss MoonPies moving forward. Thank you.
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) September 27, 2017
9) Seriously, Though
I would love to start an interview series with random people from Instagram called “How Do You Afford Your Life?”
— Sam Lansky (@samlansky) September 25, 2017
10) Time to Check-In on Facebook
When you notice someone using your app and you watch closely to make sure everything works well pic.twitter.com/MWLWsvE4je
— Or Arbel (@orarbel) September 5, 2017
11) Please, Don't Auto-Play Videos with Sound
I want an app for each website I visit. And I want all of them to have loud videos that play automatically. This is my ideal user experience
— Shuja Haider (@shujaxhaider) August 28, 2017
12) Change Your Passwords, People
how i'll feel if my DMs ever leak pic.twitter.com/Re6UH60EtV
— corey kindberg (@coreykindberg) August 28, 2017
13) Personal Branding Is Everything
This is my Twitter brand. pic.twitter.com/I0D19IJ6EJ
— liz (@eedollmeyer) August 27, 2017
14) At Least They're Honest
I'm a: ⚪️ man ⚪️ woman 🔘 brand Seeking: ⚪️ men ⚪️ women 🔘 retweets and attention
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) August 23, 2017
15) Total Eclipse of the Tweet
it's a big day for circular foods pic.twitter.com/qMWfLs0dsS
— [halloween name] (@arb) August 21, 2017
16) We All Have One
my aunts running to the comment section every time I post a picture on Facebook pic.twitter.com/kdZLNG0SdM
— Makeup (@MakeupSuppIier) September 12, 2017
17) It's Important to Keep Things in Perspective
Facebook: Essential oils. Snapchat: I'm a bunny! Instagram: I ate a hamburger. Twitter: THIS COUNTRY IS BURNING TO THE GROUND.
— Jeanne Hulme (@jeannes_jargon) July 28, 2017
18) Short, Sweet, and To the Point (1/47)
The 280-character limit is a terrible idea. The whole beauty of Twitter is that it forces you to express your ideas concisely (1/47)
— James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) September 26, 2017
19) Seriously, Twitter Users Are Salty About This One
139 characters pic.twitter.com/WkfdXL8oLh
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) September 26, 2017
20) Caution: Parents on Facebook
Thanks for the clarification, Dad. pic.twitter.com/Y2ulMh7sJV
— Ray (@rayy_baybay) July 21, 2017
21) Hindsight Is 20/20
What was I smoking... pic.twitter.com/xZareCENLM
— Eric Peters (@EricPeters0) July 12, 2017
22) When You Gotta Tweet, You Gotta Tweet
[detective inspecting my body at the bottom of the grand canyon] looks like the victim was tweeting "more like the bland canyon" and fell in
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) July 7, 2017
23) Life Comes At You Fast
Me every morning v. me after five minutes on Twitter pic.twitter.com/KBEzzVZ9i6
— Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) June 21, 2017
24) In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind
Being on Twitter pic.twitter.com/sQbDWShv4i
— clicky but scary (@djclickbait) June 11, 2017
25) You're Amazing. Yes, You.
Me looking at my own snapchat stories, selfies and tweets after a long day, just reflecting on how great I am. pic.twitter.com/x6002kyihv
— MaKayla MaShelle (@MakaylaMashelle) June 8, 2017
26) I Wish I Knew How to Quit You
Me: I should do a three day social media detox Also me: I should ask Twitter what they think of that idea
— M. Keaney Anderson (@meghkeaney) June 3, 2017
27) We All Have Guilty Pleasures
me: twitter is a cesspool also me: twitter has provided 98% of my entertainment for the day
— keithlaw (@keithlaw) June 2, 2017
28) On Technical Difficulties
It's reassuring that even Mark Zuckerberg's crew can't overcome the awkward moments that linger while ending a Facebook Live pic.twitter.com/VVqRHKS9iv
— Brian Ries (@moneyries) September 21, 2017
29) Because I Miss Vine and These Are Hysterical
ok im gonna do a thread of vines tht made me actually lol here we go
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
30) See? I Told You
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
0 notes
Having trouble viewing? View in Browser Monday, September 25, 2017 TOP OF THE MORNING It's Monday, Sept. 25, 2017 ... Welcome to Fox News First, your spot for all the news you need to start the day ... If you have friends who are looking for an early morning news fix, please spread the word: They can subscribe to Fox News First by clicking here. Here's your Fox News First 5 - the first five things you need to know today: The NFL braces for possible backlash after players across the league kneel during the national anthem, Trump defends his comments  Trump approves updated travel restrictions on eight countries, adding North Korea and Venezuela to the list The latest GOP health care bill appears to be on life support as Sens. Susan Collins and Ted Cruz voice opposition Sen. John McCain insists he did not vote against the GOP's ObamaCare repeal-and-replace bill to get back at Trump Authorities are searching for a motive and FBI has opened a civil rights investigation in Sunday's deadly Tenn. church shooting Let's do this...  THE LEAD STORY: The NFL is hoping it won't feel a backlash from fans in the ratings and game attendance after players across the league knelt during the national anthem, largely in protest of President Trump's comments ... A defiant Trump said Sunday that the outrage over NFL players kneeling during the national anthem "has nothing to do with race," but rather is about "respect for our country." The president touched off a firestorm Friday night at a political rally in Alabama when he said: "Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b---- off the field right now.'" Must-read related features on the Trump-NFL controversy on FoxNews.com: (1) Army veteran Alejandro Villanueva is sole Steelers player to stand outside for national anthem (2) NFL stars should get off their knees and lead a constructive conversation on race (3) NASCAR owners issue stern warning after NFL players kneel (4) WWII veteran, 97, kneels in support of protesting athletes ADD NORTH KOREA AND VENEZUELA TO TRAVEL BAN RESTRICTION LIST: President Trump signed off on updated travel restrictions that would limit entry for people coming to the U.S. from eight countries, as the existing travel ban is set to expire ... The new travel restrictions, set to take effect Oct. 18, would slow or limit entry from citizens of North Korea, Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. North Korea and Venezuela were not listed in the earlier ban. Why does this matter? -  The new policy could complicate the Supreme Court's review of Trump' travel restriction order. The high court is scheduled to hear arguments over its legality on October 10. IS THE GRAHAM-CASSIDY HEALTH CARE BILL D.O.A.? Republican opposition to the latest GOP Senate bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare are at near fatal numbers after Sens. Susan Collins and Ted Cruz both indicated they could not support it ... The White House, however, insists the bill isn't dead and a "vast majority of Americans" will benefit. The GOP-controlled chamber has until Sept. 30 to pass the legislation with a simple, 51-vote majority, under so-called budget reconciliation procedures. However, at most, 48 of the chamber’s 52 Republican senators appear to support the bill, which has no backing from Democrats. Sens. John McCain and Rand Paul have said they’ll vote no; Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins are a likely no. MCCAIN CLAIMS NO HARD FEELINGS AGAINST TRUMP: Sen. John McCain shrugged off any suggestion he voted against the GOP repeal-and-replace ObamaCare bill to get back at Trump for his past comments ... The Ariz. senator, who's battling brain cancer, told “60 Minutes” that "life is too short" to worry about everything someone has said to someone else. Trump said on the campaign trail in 2015 that McCain wasn't a war hero. McCain told "60 Minutes" that the president never apologized to him for the controversial comments.  From Fox News Opinion: McCain's defection on health care is inexcusable SUDANESE IMMIGRANT CHARGED WITH MURDER, MOTIVE SOUGHT IN DEADLY CHURCH SHOOTING: The FBI has confirmed it is opening a civil rights investigation into a Tennessee church shooting that left one woman dead and seven others injured ... The alleged gunman, identified as 25-year-old Emanuel Kidega Samson, immigrated from Sudan two decades ago, police said. He has been charged with murder and other charges are pending.   THE WEEKEND THAT WAS SACKING THE NFL: "Don't give me this crap that you guys want to support reform and stand up against social injustice. Shame on you. Shame on all of you. And shame on you too, Roger Goodell, for not showing you love this country as much as the president does." – Judge Jeanine Pirro, in her "Opening Statement" for "Justice with Judge Jeanine," blasting NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and NFL players kneeling in protest of the national anthem. WATCH MULTIMILLIONAIRES IN NEED OF THERAPY: "Don't impose on me your sense of somehow, you feel oppressed. If you're a multimillionaire who feels oppressed, you need a therapist [and] not a publicity stunt." – Newt Gingrich, sounding off on NFL players protesting the national anthem, on "Fox & Friends Weekend." WATCH EARTH TO ELLEN - TRUMP HAS A BIGGEST PLATFORM IN THE WORLD: "These Hollywood liberals, they're so elitist that [DeGeneres] thinks that by having the president of the United States on her show that she's giving him a platform. You're not giving him anything."  – Tomi Lahren, on "Watters' World," reflecting on Ellen DeGeneres saying she would not have "dangerous" President Trump on her show. WATCH   MINDING YOUR BUSINESS Walt Disney threatens to pull ESPN, ABC from Optimum ABB buys GE unit for $2.6B to boost North American business White House says proposed tax plan will help business, middle class Oil holds gains as producers say market rebalancing   NEW IN FOX NEWS OPINION Grover Norquist: Tax reform is a must win for Republicans (and it really could happen) The Trump Effect reaches Germany Why Trump's economic moves against North Korea may do more to tame Kim than any insult A drunk driver killed their daughters, but Lynn and Dan Wagner embody the awesome power of forgiveness   HOLLYWOOD SQUARED Kingsman: The Golden Circle dethrones It at box office Francia Raisa shows off scars at the gym after donating kidney to Selena Gomez George Clooney slams Hillary Clinton's failed campaign: "I never saw her elevate her game" Former President Clinton gets TV deal for upcoming White House "thriller"   DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THIS? Mystery of Great Pyramid may be solved, researchers say End of world still coming soon, Christian numerologists say -- it was just postponed Michelin-starred restaurant calls out blogger's shameless "vegan meal" request Woman at LongHorn Steakhouse bit several times by copperhead snake   STAY TUNED On Fox News: Fox & Friends, 6 a.m. ET: Guests include: Rep. Louie Gohmert will discuss Trump's new travel restrictions The Five moves back to 5 p.m. E.T.: Don't miss the panel debates you love as Trump vs. the NFL, Trump's new travel restrictions and more will be the hot topics of the day The Story with Martha MacCallum, 7 p.m. E.T.: Martha will interview both Sen. Luther Strange and former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore as both vie for Attorney General Jeff Session's senate seat in a tight race Tucker Carlson Tonight, 7 p.m. E.T.: Tucker will have a brand-new in-depth report on the notorious MS-13 gang Hannity moves to 9 p.m. E.T: Don't miss Sean's must-see interview with former Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon   On Fox Business: Mornings with Maria, 6 a.m. ET: Guests include House Chairman and Ways & Means Tax Policy subcommittee member Rep. Peter Roskam on the latest in the quest for tax reform; Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils CEO Scott O'Neil on Trump's battles with the NFL and NBA star Stephen Curry Cavuto: Coast to Coast, 12 noon ET: Guests include Art Laffer, former Reagan economic adviser, on the latest political hot topics of the day After the Bell, 4 p.m. ET: Guests include Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló discusses recovery efforts and the challenges ahead after Hurricane Maria's devastation On Fox News Radio: The Brian Kilmeade Show, 9 am to 12 noon E.T.: Guests will include New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin, who will discuss the Trump-NFL players kneeling during the national anthem controversy   #OnThisDay 2007: Warren Jeffs, the leader of a polygamous Mormon splinter group, is convicted in St. George, Utah, of being an accomplice to rape for performing a wedding between a 19-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl. (The conviction was later overturned by the Utah Supreme Court; prosecutors ended up dropping the charges, since Jeffs is serving a life sentence in Texas in a separate case.) 1997: President Bill Clinton pulls open the door of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, as he welcomed nine blacks who had faced hate-filled mobs 40 years earlier. 1981: Sandra Day O'Connor is sworn in as the first female justice on the Supreme Court. 1962: Sonny Liston knocks out Floyd Patterson in round one to win the world heavyweight title at Comiskey Park in Chicago. Thank you for joining us on Fox News First! Enjoy the day and see you in your inbox first thing tomorrow morning! Unsubscribe ©2017 Fox News Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10036. Privacy Policy.
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Emanuelle - A Woman from a Hot Country (1978)
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Emanuelle - A Woman from a Hot Country (1978)
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Laura Gemser in Emanuelle - A Woman from a Hot Country (1978)
189 notes · View notes