#Elvhen sentinel
dinrenan · 2 years
Dragon Age Promptober
@serenityfailss gave the prompts and I thought: Ok...I can try it. My only problem was time, since I couldn't work on a picture every day I decided to work just on SOME prompts and post them together.
Note- I use a lot of references while working, be it My Dragon Age Game Screenshots/Tutorials/references/3d poses.
Demons and Spirits
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4. Blood Magic
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7. Dreams and Nightmares
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16. Masks
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I saw a resin Mask somewhere while getting groceries and I did this before I saw the prompts, so here it is!
19. Vallaslin
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I had planned on doing more, but welp, this is all I got!.
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felassan · 3 months
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Dragon Age on Twitter with some Bellara lore, about her device: "This is actually a gauntlet! It was created to make manipulating magic easier. When the Veil Jumpers discovered it, Bellara realized it was exactly what she needed when working with the artifacts and constructs she finds in ancient elven ruins..." [source]
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
Arbor Wilds: Temple of Mythal - Part 1
Main Quest: What Pride Had Wrought
The Arbor Wilds is a thick forest located south of the Dales in Orlais. As most of the forest is uncharted and unexplored, many that daringly venture into this alien-like land never return. Some believe that dryads inhabit the area. In fact the "Sentinels"—Sentinel elves— guard the land against outsiders. Many ancient Elven ruins lay dormant and abandoned within the forest, rich with ancient elven artefacts and treasures, such as the Temple of Mythal.
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This post contains the following sections
The Forest
The Gates of the Temple of Mythal
[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore]
The forest
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With Morrigan’s advice, we head to the Temple of Myhtal, thinking that Corypheus wants an Eluvian to cross the in-between planes and access to the Fade physically. However, it’s never explained in the game why and how Corypheus would get “godhood” powers just by accessing the Fade.
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This dense forest is filled with elvhenan ruins and statues. Usually the archer statues are used to guide us to the entrance of the temple. We find the typical elven statues: Elven hart statue, Elven Archers, Howling Fen'Harel statue, Elven Owl statue and Sitting Fen'Harel statue. 
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It seems this forest had a lot more of structures that were reclaimed by nature. We can see the remaining ceilings of enormous chambers. I assume that, considering what we learn in Ancient Elven codices, Temple of Mythal, if we are reaching the Temple of Mythal, it is likely that a big set of buildings would have grown around it, as the cities used to do around the main temple. Probably the remnants of this city is what we see along the jungle. [The Temple of Mythal]
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We also find along the path Red Templar encampments which have little to offer.
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At some point we kill a sentinel, and the game brings our attention to their unique design: they don’t look Dalish. They are bulkier and bald. The armour of these elvhens can be seen in detail here. I find it curious how they pauldron and knee protectors are made in the shape of a face, iconography more typical of Orlais, because in Orlais’ case, it represents Andraste. Would this mean that for these elvhens, this face in their armour is a representation of Mythal?
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Hard to tell. Mythal’s face has never been seen in her iconography, not even in her concept art.
The Gates of the Temple of Mythal
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When we finally reach the entrance of the Temple, we notice it is surrounded by a lake, a configuration that may be considered similar to the Citadel du Corveau, in the Exalted Plains [main fortress surrounded by water].
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The entrance to the temple is flanked by two Dragon Myhtal statues that work like a defence system as we see when Corypheus tries to force his entrance to the temple. In the background we have some enormous Humanoid Mythal statues, and a bridge made of yellow/brown mosaics [typically found in elvhenan buildings, easily seen at the final chamber of the The Lost Temple of Dirthamen or in the Cradle of Sulevin].
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The temple lies on a circular platform surrounded by Elven hart statues.
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The entrance door has the typical dragon-like shape associated with the dragon form of Myhtal. As usual in Elvhenan design, the frame of this door is surrounded by typical elvhean patterns.
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The cinematics of Corypheus forcing his entrance while the sentinels defend the temple shows to us that after Corypheus is stricken by a deadly ray that comes from  Dragon Myhtal statues, and dies disintegrated, he is reborn in a Grey Warden [blighted creature]. This process is exactly the same that Archdemons have. This is a hint for us to suspect that Blight (magic?) allows a kind of effective immortality. 
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Then Corypheus' dragon appears and the whole group has to run across the bridge and close the door of the temple before it attacks, giving us access to the main section of the Temple: the rituals [aka puzzles]
Arbor Wilds: Temple of Myhtal - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Cut for thoughts on the DATV world state
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Shame. Real shame. I understand drawing a fine line with decisions that are localized in Southern Thedas - the [White] Divine, the future of Southern Mages and Templars, the future of Orlais, Ferelden and Orzammar, most companion decisions. But they're bringing back characters from older games, there's so much material to add flavor to the story in subtler ways.
The Inquisitor is returning and it won't matter whether they're potentially controlled by Solas who slurped up FleMythal's powers and near merged with her? Or did they quietly make the choice that Morrigan drank from The Well so she can be the superior exposition dump source?
Whether the Orlesian Wardens were subjugated or exiled to the North could also affect the obviously large Weisshaupt arc in some way. We've known for a while that Hawke/ a Warden might still be in the Fade and Rook might have means to search for them through the Crossroads, but that was announced as irrelevant to DATV a while ago.
In DAI alone, the Well of Sorrows situation generated a 2x2 state crossover with the OGB situation in DAO, and they pulled it off by adding flavor to the Flemeth encounter. In the world state where Kieran exists as the OGB, we got a cutscene that fleshed out the Morrigan/ Flemeth relationship dynamic after the years. That was neat. Now, they can't do the same for what, 4 permutations that affect 2 recurring characters in one shot?
Having an Inquisitor who spared the ancient elvhen sentinels and showed reverence in the Temple of Mythal should soften Solas, or bring back Abelas as his ally or critic.
What happened to Bartrand and the idol in DA 2 could ripple through Varric's recovery in the Lighthouse, alter the conversations, affect his regrets.
Of the 3 Inquisitor-related choices we get, the keep-disband one doesn't feel quite as story-relevant as the result of the Temple of Mythal quest. There might be reinforcements from the Inquisitor in the final battle, there might be some ambient reactivity, some cameos like Charter, or a mention in Harding's arc. I feel like the status of the Inquisition could be one of the things "left in the South" in favor of another choice that really inevitably comes back in the DATV story.
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tea42 · 2 years
Dragon Age Thoughts: the nature of the original Vallaslin and Fenris is a Spirit, a coalescence of my theories
This in a culmination of two other theories I have had and some other information I have recently processed.
My first theory can be read here. To summarized it, the Vallaslin are ‘blood writing’. The Dalish use their own blood to make it but lyrium is the blood of the titans and I think that was the original ‘blood’ referred to. That they are lyrium and with the multiple uses of the word ‘chains’ by Flemeth to Fenris in DA2 and with Solas made me believe they are not just markings or a source of power, but are meant to tie to the marked to one of the Evanuris.
I postulated that Fenris’s markings are an original Vallaslin and were to bind him to an Elvhen god. If it was to one that was locked away when they became unbound Fenris might become in their thrall,  but my favorite for this is Fen'Harel. That his markings are so unique supports this because Solas would have removed the markings for himself first and most easily. That ‘Fenris’ means ‘little wolf’ could be a joke on his markings being for ‘the Dread Wolf’ from Danarius.
See here in the Mural of Fen’Harel removing the original Vallaslin they are blue like lyrium, like Fenris’s markings.
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My other theory can be read here. This is probably the most upsetting thery I have in DA fandom. To summarize I think that the original Leto died in Danarius’s experiment and that the Markings actually bound a Spirit into mortal form in the same way that the Spirit that became Cole formed. The markings don’t actually give Fenris his unique powers. That was another lie from Danarius. He has his powers because he is like Cole.
In the Romance scene with Fenris he is overwelped with a return of his memories but then forgets them again. I think that was the same ability Cole has being exercised in a panic.
To add on to this, I think Danarius’s previous experiment may have failed for the following reasons:
1. The mortal subject was unwilling or flinched (not flinching is a enduring part of the Dalish rite)
2. The Spirit pulled was twisted from it’s purpose or went mad crossing the veil
Another source of information that makes me think the original Vallaslin was a way to make spirits/demons corporeal is Abelas. Even his name means ‘sorrow’ like a spirit/demon.
There is talk of him changing names in a codex:
‘I shed my name the day I began her service. I shed my new one again, now that she rests. I will only be known by the sorrow that cuts my heart’ 
Solas also says he hopes Abelas will find a new name.
The name of a Spirit is tied to it’s essence and/or purpose.  I think his name changing is a changing of his nature.
Also here is the concept art of Abelas/ the Sentinels of the Temple:
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The Vallaslin are blue, like lyrium, like Fenris’s markings.
I think that Fenris will be in DA dreadwolf and that his nature will be revealed to him. How he handles it and what Solas does with the information I think will be determined by our choices in the previous games.
I’m going to go be melancholy about this one for a bit.
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ladyofc · 1 year
Explaining the Veil and Spirits
Since Solas won't for a little while longer.
Common knowledge facts
Ancient Elves and The forbidden ones are spirits
Forbidden ones are elder spirits that are against the Evanuris' system, refused to take physical shape until forced to by the Veil's appearance.
Evanuris' are elder spirits that willingly took physical form before the Veil, normal spirits until corrupted by their own power and turned against their purpose.
Solas fits into both categories.
Either Virtue or Sin depending on perspective.
Examples of Virtue being Justice, Wisdom, Hope, Joy, Compassion, Valor, Courage, Command.
Examples of Sin; Pride, Rage, Desire, Sloth, Envy.
All creatures in Thedas have spirits, but Elves are special as they were the original spirits of this world. Elvhen made Lyrium Vessels from the Lyrium conquered from the Titans.
The Veil
The Veil's creation affected Elvhen creation, without the Titans (who now slumber) the constant supply of Lyrium is limited near the surface.
Spirits are split in two, which is why Solas views it as "a world of tranquil". It's why spirits appear in inquisition as floating torsos.
Abominations are created because spirits still seek entry into the world, but easily corrupted outside the fade even with a compatible vessel (ala Anders or Flemeth)
Anders and whoever Flemeth was originally did not hold spirits of justice originally when born. The only reason they do not appear like abominations is practiced control as mages, but there are still slips.
Spirits without the Veil with good virtues had wings. (Hints being floating islands with Eluvians, and Sentinel armor pauldrons having a subtle wing design, and when being resurrected the spirit returns to the body with wings).
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daitranscripts · 7 months
What Pride had Wrought Pt. 11
Petitioner's Chambers
What Pride had Wrought Masterpost First: Speaking With Morrigan First: Meeting Kieran Previous: The Ancient Crypts Previous: Hall of Shrines
The party enters a large room that looks empty. Morrigan turns as they walk.
Morrigan: ‘Tis not what I expected. What was this chamber used for… Hmm.
A number of Sentinel appear behind them in a flash of smoke.
PC: We’re being watched.
As they continue into the chamber, an elf walks out on the dias.
Abelas: Venavis. You… are unlike the other invaders.
Abelas (Solas in party): You stumble down our paths at the side of one of our own. Abelas (Sera in party): You stumble down our paths alongside elvhen, or at least those having our features. Abelas (Dalish PC): You have the features of those who call themselves elvhen.
Abelas: You bear the mark of magic which is… familiar. How has this come to pass? What is your connection to those who first disturbed our slumber?
Dialogue options:
General: They are my enemies. PC: They are my enemies, as well as yours. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
General: “Our slumber”? PC: I don’t understand the “slumber” bit. Who are you? ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
General: First tell me who you are. PC: I won’t be interrogated at sword point. Declare yourself.
Abelas: I am called Abelas. We are Sentinels, tasked with standing against those who trespass on sacred ground. We wake only to fight, to preserve this place. Our numbers diminish with each invasion. I know what you seek. Like all who have come before, you wish to drink from the vir’abelasan.
Morrigan: “The Place of the Way of Sorrows.” He speaks of the Well!
Abelas: It is not for you. It is not for any of you.
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: You’re actual ancient elves? [2]
Investigate: What is the Well? [3]
Special: Solas, talk to him. [4]
Special (Dalish PC): The elves need you! [5]
General: We mean you no harm. [6]
General: That Well could be useful. [7]
General: We came to stop Corypheus. [8]
2 - Investigate: You’re actual ancient elves? PC: So… you’re elves from ancient times? Before the Tevinter Imperium destroyed Arlathan?
Abelas (Dorian not in party): The shemlen did not destroy Arlathan. We elvhen warred upon ourselves. By the time the doors to this sanctuary closed, our time was over. We awaken only when called, and each time find the world more foreign than before. It is meaningless. We endure. The vir’abelasan must be preserved. [back to 1]
Abelas (Dorian in party): The shemlen did not destroy Arlathan. We elven warred upon ourselves. By the time the doors to this sanctuary closed, our time was over. Dorian: Wait… that’s not right. What are you saying? Abelas: You would not know truth. Shemlen history is as short as the pool of your years. Dorian: What did the Imperium do, then? Are you saying it wasn’t a war? Abelas: The “war” of carrion feasting upon a corpse, yes. We awaken only when called, and each time find the world more foreign than before. It is meaningless. We endure. The vir’abelasan must be preserved. [back to 1]
3 - Investigate: What is the Well? PC: What is this vir’abelasan, exactly? Abelas: It is a path, one walked only by those who toiled in Mythal’s favor. Morrigan: He speaks of priests, perhaps? Abelas: More than that you need not know. [back to 1]
4 - Special: Solas, talk to him. PC: Solas, perhaps he’ll listen to you. Solas: What shall I say, Inquisitor? Shall I sway him from a millennia of service by virtue of our shared blood? He clings to all that remains of his world, because he lacks the power to restore it. [back to 1]
5 - Special: The elves need you! PC: Our people have lost everything. They need you. They could learn from you! Abelas: “Our” people? The ones we see in the forest, shadows wearing vallaslin? You are not my people. And you have invaded our sanctum as readily as the shemlen. PC (completed rituals): We knew this place was sacred. We’ve respected it as best we could. Abelas: I believe you. PC (did not complete rituals): We came to stop them. Abelas: I do not believe you.
6 - General: We mean you no harm. PC: We did not come here to fight you, nor to steal from your temple. Abelas (completed rituals): I believe you. Abelas (did not complete rituals): I do not believe you.
7 - General: That Well could be useful. PC: If the Well of Sorrows is a source of power, now is when it’s needed. Abelas: It is not power. Not such as you could use, even if I permitted it. PC: Yet Corypheus’s minions are here to claim it. Unless you’ve defeated them already. Abelas (completed rituals): We have not. Abelas (did not complete rituals): We shall fight them as we shall fight you.
8 - General: We came to stop Corypheus. PC: We came to stop Corypheus. He’s here to take your well, not I. Abelas (completed rituals): I believe you. Abelas (did not complete rituals): I do not believe you.
9 - Scene continues.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Completed rituals [10]
Did not complete rituals [11]
10 - Completed rituals
Abelas: Trespassers you are, but you have followed rites of petition. You have shown respect to Mythal. If these others are enemies of yours, we will aid you in destroying them. When this is done, you shall be permitted to depart… and never return.
Party comments:
Solas: This is our goal, is it not? There is no reason to fight these Sentinels.
Sera: So they can stab us in the back afterwards? Stuff that.
Dorian: I’ll admit, the idea of fighting the last of their kind… does not thrill me.
Cassandra: I do not trust them. We know not what they’ll do once the battle is over.
Morrigan: Consider carefully. You must stop Corypheus, yes, but you may also need the Well for your own.
Dialogue options:
We will ally. (Accept the Sentinel elves’ bargain.) [12] + Solas Greatly Approves + Cole Greatly Approves - Sera Disapproves
I don’t trust them. (Refuse the Sentinel’s offer) [13]
We may need that well. (Refuse the Sentinel’s offer) [14]
12 - We will ally. PC: I accept your offer. Abelas: You will be guided to those you seek. As for the vir’abelasan… it shall not be despoiled, even if I must destroy it myself. [15]
13 - I don’t trust them. PC: I refuse. Abelas: As you wish. Our duty is clear. [11]
14 - We may need that well. PC: I refuse. Abelas: As you wish. Our duty is clear. [11]
15 - Scene continues.
Abelas leaves.
Morrigan: No!
Morrigan turns into a raven and gives chase to Abelas.
PC: Morrigan!
Party comments:
Dorian (if in party and asked about ancient elves): He said the elves destroyed themselves, before my countrymen came along. Could that be true? I can hardly believe it.
Dorian (if in party and didn’t ask about ancient elves): One stayed behind. Our guide, I suppose?
Varric: They left someone behind. A handy guide, maybe?
PC: This would be our guide?
Sentinel: Mythal’enaste.
PC: That’s helpful, since Morrigan chased off on her own.
Party comments:
Vivienne: Dear Morrigan left to use the Well herself, undoubtedly.
Solas: She seeks to protect the Well of Sorrows.
Cassandra: She’s worried about this Well, not Corypheus.
Cole: She turned into a bird!
They follow the guide down a twisting hallway into the vaults.
PC: This place looks untouched.
Party comments:
Iron Bull: You have any idea how much this place is worth? Solas: We did not come to cart off the last of elvhen glory. Iron Bull: I’m just saying! PC: Don’t let Solas hear you say that. Iron Bull: Admit it. You were wondering.
Cassandra: The entire temple must have looked like this long ago. How could the elves pour such devotion into this… nonsense? Solas: We can always ask our hosts. Cassandra: I will leave that to you.
Blackwall: I’ve seen Orlesian palaces with less gold. What did the ancient elves do here? Solas: Perhaps it was meant to kindle a sense of awe in visitors.
They continue through the halls.
Sentinel: Penshra! Ghilas vellathan!
Party comments:
Solas: I believe she would prefer that we remain close.
Varric: I think she wants us to go back?
Cassandra: She wants us to stay close.
PC: Just a quick look around.
They hear the sentinels fighting Venatori/red templars.
PC (sided templars): The Sentinels are holding against the Venatori. PC (sided mages): The Sentinels are holding off the red templars.
Party comments:
Solas: We should hurry. Their numbers are not endless.
Dorian: Count your blessings we’re not still fighting both at the same time.
Vivienne: How tragic. Our elven friends might exhaust themselves here.
Varric: Glad we’re not between them.
Sera: Good for something, I guess. If they keep it up.
Solas: Abelas gave us his word. Sera: Well, good for Dusty-Butt.
Cole: They’re dying. Faster than they wanted to.
The sentinel continues to guide them down hallways and up stairs.
Sentinel: Vir sumeil.
PC (Dalish): I’ve never heard that phrase. Can anyone translate? PC (non-Dalish): Can anyone translate?
Solas: “We are close.” Ma serannas, ghilan.
Sera (Solas not in party): I’ll try. (Clears her throat.) Can. You. Talk. Like. Us! Sentinel: Delltash! PC: Never mind.
The PC exits the vaults. Scene ends.
11 - Did not complete rituals: - Solas Greatly Disapproves - Cole Greatly Disapproves - Dorian Greatly Disapproves - Blackwall Disapproves - Sera Approves - Iron Bull Approves
Abelas: Our duty is clear. The vir’abelasan shall not be usurped… even if I must destroy it. Masal din’an.
Abelas leaves.
Morrigan: No!
Morrigan turns into a raven and gives chase to Abelas.
PC: Morrigan!
The Sentinels attack, and the party fights.
Party Comments:
Vivienne: Stop their mages!
Dorian: Watch out for the mages!
Solas: They have mages!
Cassandra: Careful! Their assassins disappear!
Iron Bull: Watch the assassins!
Blackwall: Careful! The have assassins!
Varric: Watch the archers!
Sera: Archers, yeah! Pointy shits!
Cole: Archers! Be careful!
Party comments:
Solas (if in party): That was unnecessary. A pointless waste of life.
Dialogue options:
General: I agree. [16]
General (completed rituals but did not ally): What else could we do? [17]
General: What else could we do? [18]
General: This was their fault. [19]
Don’t respond. [20]
16 - General: I agree. PC: Such a waste. To live through eternity, only to end up like that… Solas: Then perhaps you should have agreed to his deal. Solas: Then perhaps you should have done the rituals, instead of blundering after the magisters.
17 - General: What else could we do? PC: I should have trusted his so-called deal? Solas: Why not? Did he not seem honorable? PC: He’s a guardian, trying to eliminate one group of invaders before the next. Solas: You don’t know that. [21]
18 - General: What else could we do? PC: Were we supposed to lie down and die for those elves? Solas: If we’d completed the rituals, perhaps the Sentinels would have been open to discussion. PC: Would you risk our lives on it? Solas: (Sighs.) No. I would not. [21]
19 - General: This was their fault. PC: I didn’t make them attack, Solas. They’re the ones clinging to their pointless duty. Solas: Pointless, is it? This is their land, not yours. PC: We had to come to stop Corypheus. You followed me here! Solas: (Sighs.) Yes. So I did. [21]
20 - Don’t respond Solas: (Sighs.) I should have known. [21]
21 - Scene continues.
Party comments:
Dorian (if in party and asked about ancient elves): He said the elves destroyed themselves, before my countrymen came along. Could that be true? I can hardly believe it.
Dorian (if in party and didn’t ask about ancient elves): How many centuries have they guarded this place? Only to be gutted for no good reason.
Blackwall: I thought ancient beings were supposed to be wise.
Cole: Sleep, protect, serve. So little of them left, but still they were afraid to lose it.
Iron Bull: Apparently humans aren’t the only stubborn fools on this continent.
Sera: Pfft! How old could they be if they died so stupid? Right?
The party heads through the vaults, fighting sentinels and Venatori/red templars as they go.
PC: This place is like a maze.
Party comments:
Sera: Elfy-elves didn’t want normal people near their precious Well. Vivienne: Is is a maze. This Well of Sorrows was clearly not for the common man.
Varric: You surprised? This temple doesn’t exactly roll out welcome mats.
Cassandra: Be ready. These elven Sentinels will know every turn.
Iron Bull: There better be something good at the end of this.
Cole: Can you hear that ahead? People whispering?
Dorian: Let’s follow the sound of the fighting. That usually works for us.
The party exits the door at the end of the vault.
Next: Confronting Calpernia Next: Confronting Samson
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dreadwxlf · 16 days
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~ The trip to the Temple of Mythal had been...enlightening to say the least. They had stopped Corypheus from gaining another source of power, however, destroying the Well of Sorrows in the process. What that meant for the Inquisitor, whom had volunteered to absorb its knowledge, Solas couldn't say -- but it was nothing good. Most importantly, he had discovered that more of his people still lived. The majority of the Sentinels had decided to remain in the temple; however, one had requested to join the Inquisition -- Myndilon. ~
~ While the majority of Skyhold had retired for the evening, Myndilon was still sorting through the few possessions he had brought from the temple. ~
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~ " An'daran Atish'an, " Solas greeted with a polite bow. " The Inquisitor instructed that I show you to your quarters. I am called Solas -- we met briefly in the temple. " He glanced behind him -- the hall was completely deserted. ~
~ "...I was also hoping that we could speak privately on more...sensitive matters, " Solas continued in their native tongue. " It is a pleasure to speak with a fellow Elvhen...I am certain you have devised so already, but only a handful of us remain... ". ~
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in-arlathan · 2 years
The Rebel's Ascension, Ch. 30*
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» Read on AO3 » Start from the beginning
Pairing: Solas x Female Elvhen OC Rating: Explicit Tags: Angst, Drama, Intrigue, and lots of Elven Lore Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (Abuse, Torture), Explicit Sexual Content Word count: ~8,400 (~190,000 total) Status: Work In Progress
→ Full list of tags and warnings on AO3 → NSFW chapters will be marked with *
This chapter has it all: Intrigue, strategy, and some good old sugar-coated spice. Because I love Solas and Felani and they deserve some happiness. Let's go!!
Chapter 30: The Change to Come*
-3,700 Ancient
Solas woke to the sound of cawing.
The sun was not yet out and only the dim light of the lanterns that hung overhead illuminated the room. He blinked, pulling his mind from the depths of the Beyond, and looked around. There wasn’t much to make out in the faint light. The morrow was at least a few hours away and a thick blanket of clouds blocked most of the moonlight outside. Beyond the arched windows, shadows moved as smoothly and as swiftly as wisps of magic. He waited for a long moment, listening to the surrounding darkness, but only heard the howling wind down in the inner courtyard of the keep and the distant chatter of the sentinels keeping the night watch on the battlements. Perhaps the sound had been part of a dream he had forgotten upon waking…
Before he could determine what could have roused him from his dreams, Felani stirred in his arms. A quick glance told him she was still vast asleep, which was a good thing. She had been haunted by nightmares for the greater part of the night, so he was happy she had finally found some peace of mind.
They had spent much of the previous evening talking about the wrong turns their lives had taken and how they had both failed to see that the dream of Elvhenan had been twisted into a perverted version of itself by the rulings of the Evanuris. Felani had shed endless tears about her service to June and the things she had tried to do in his name and honor. Even with Solas’s assurance that she was not to blame for her master’s prerogative and that June had always enjoyed threatening and exercising full control over her mind and body, Felani wouldn’t let the matter go easily. She had practically tortured herself reliving all the painful memories that paved the path of her life.
» Keep reading on AO3
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felassan · 3 months
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This must be a Sentinel right? ^^ [source]. "demon-infested suits of mechanized armor" in Arlathan Forest. if it's ancient elvhen tech, makes sense why its helmet has the appearance of long pointed elven ears.
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
The Crossroads [DLC Trespasser]: Elven Mountain Ruins; Vine-covered Tower, Smoking Tower, and Silent Tower
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In the time of Elvhenan, this valley was a sanctuary created by Fen'Harel to give shelter to elven slaves. It was guarded by his people. He rejected the divine mantle himself and taught the refugees the truth about the Evanuris in the surrounding towers. In the Forgotten Sanctuary, Fen'Harel removed the vallaslin, giving the now free slaves the chance to join his army in order to fight back against the pretender gods.
[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore]
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Following the drops of blood found in the crossroads, we enter in the eluvian beside the Sun-head creature and find this valley, where we are going to investigate from where the dead qunari came from. Along our exploration of these ruins, we find more dead qunari, with wounds caused by magic or turned into stone, and we conclude that a mage has been attacking them. Only at the end of the game we will discover it has been Solas, wielding Flemeth’s power. I will keep repeating how curious is that Flemeth power petrifies with just a blink of an eye.
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The elven mountain Ruins is made of three towers and one central sanctuary. The main three towers are named as:
Vine-covered Tower, which displays an Elven Owl statue
Smoking Tower, which has a spherical Elven Tree on its top
Silent tower, which shows Elven Archers
and the Forgotten Sanctuary, in the middle of the lake
Since this whole place was created by Fen’Harel to give shelter to slaves of Evanuris and to teach them the truths about godhood, I feel it makes little sense to associate the towers with any Evanuris, and especially less with terrible ones such as Andruil or Falon’din [when we analyse the Forgotten Sanctuary I’m going to eat my words]. So, I have mixed feelings to relate the Tower with the archers to Andruil [specially when seeing that tower it’s related to fighting against the Evanuris, or in the Temple of Mythal, these archers were almost representations of Abelas’ sentinels; they seem to represent protection and fight] . However, the tower of the Elven Owl statue may be related to Dirthamen, which is very disconcerting, since owls can also be messengers of Andruil. But I cannot deny that this Valley presents the mosaics of some of the Evanuris and makes it immensely complicated to understand. Maybe this is as complicated as it has to be, because it is what Solas always told us: the evanuris and the spirits are more complex than what we want to believe.
But returning to these statues,  I think that the interpretation of the Elven Owl statue, the Elven Archer, and the Elven Tree Statue should be related to symbols that would encourage and heal slaves of the Evanuris. In general, we see these statues all over the places more as guides to paths than as representations of gods. It’s also true they seemed to be key in the puzzles of the entrance of the Temple of Mythal-Part 3, where the relationship with the gods associated with the puzzles tarnish any speculation: in those puzzles, the ritual of Elgar’nan had Archer statues, Dirthamen’s had owl and hart statues and Fen’Harel, the expected ones related to wolves.
Vine-covered Tower
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First thing we see when we enter to this tower is a golden halla, symbol that we have seen several times in the game and I talked a bit in Nation Art: Elvhen.  The golden halla has appeared all over Emerald Green. In Exalted Plains we also find many of these symbols, and It's not clear if it's propaganda to make elves follow a path to an unknown place [after all, we don't know truly what was the original function of this piece of land when Elvhenan had control of it] or it’s a symbol related to guiding elves towards freedom.
We also found it in ruins such as the Temple of Mythal, where there is a secret room protected by statues of Fen'Harel where a golden halla is hidden. In Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin, Elandrin’s Tomb, we find a similar room with this painting, apart from the main chamber, where a small loot can be taken.  I'm not sure what this exactly means, but the few common elements seem to point out to "special People", maybe chosen ones. The Dalish only know that the golden Halla will guide them away from problems.
However, what we can conclude about these murals, so present in all elven ruins, is that they were made by the slaves. Why? Because this art should not be here, in this sanctuary for the freed slaves, if it were art that were not reminding slaves their own history of pain. 
The design of the tower
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The top of the tower shows an Elven Owl statue, with the addition of a Golden Ring in its talons. This combination of statue and ring has been done in other places, and even though it's not clear what it means, it seems to be related to the elven orb and the slavery/control it can give [read Lower Archives for more details]
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The four sides of the tower depict,
At its front, a red-stained halla on top of the door. It’s the black halla that has a rudimentary glyph on it [Nation Art: Elvhen]
If we turn anti-clock-wise, we find a wall with a shifting halla [Nation Art: Elvhen] and a mosaic of Dirthamen,
At the back of the tower, there is a door similar to the ones inside of Dirthamen’s Temple, with a standard white banner of the Elvhen falling on it.
The last wall has no detail of relevance.
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A close-up of the second and third sides of the tower show the shifting Halla. This painting was tried to be analysed in the Nation Art: Elvhen and in the post of speculations about The Horror of Hormak . Since it's over a mosaic of Dirthamen--and I spoke a lot about potential bound processes that may have trapped Dirthamen to Falon'Din in Ancient Elven codices; The Lost Temple of Dirthamen--, I'm inclined to rethink this shifting Halla, not only as a symbol of a process that contaminates her and changes her shape, but also bound her to another creature. Curiously, in the first floor of  Din'an Hanin we find the typical mosaics of the Evanuris Dirthamen and Falon’Din, one beside the other, and a painting of a “shifted” / bounded halla along the stairs.
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In the back of the tower we see only a standard white banner of the elvhen, and an elven tile and door, both typically seen in Elvhen temples. The door reminds me of the many corridors of the Temple of Dirthamen. Of course this fence is an overused element in Orlesian environments as well.
Smoking Tower
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Smoking tower has several spirit defenders that were awakened by Solas to fight against the Qunari. The visual effect they display is different to the kind of effects we see of spirits in the Fade [usually in orange colour] or those big spirits bound to physical bodies [mate green like Hakkon]. These are similar to rogue-powers related to shadows. They also have some blue sparkles and cracklings around them, effect that resembles the blue colour of the power that glowed in Flemeth’s or Solas’ eyes.
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If the inquisitor drank from the Well, there is understanding among them, even though there is no translation available for the player.
As a personal colour note: the line that grabbed my attention strongly was “Revas vir-anaris”. Revas means freedom [The Last Flight is a book where you learn this immediately since it’s the name of the griffon of the mage Grey Warden we follow]. Vir is like a “way/path of”. We have the  Vir Tanadhal, path given by Andruil to the Dalish hunters [so they think], or with Abelas, we learnt about the Vir’Abelasan, which is the elvhen name for the Well of Sorrow, or better translated: the place of the way of sorrow.  There are several more examples in codices. Thing is… Vir anaris is interesting, because it can potentially be translated as “the way of Anaris”.
Anaris is an elvhen word that, so far, it never appeared in codices with the exception of the tale that Felassan told to Briala in the book The Masked Empire: Felassan and bits of lore. So, this line could be understood as “Freedom in the way of Anaris.” Anaris may be a word for an emotion, such as Abelas is sorrow and Solas is pride, we don’t know which one it is.
The only information we are given is that this was a secret greeting to recognise allies, making the Inquisitor and the characters in game realise that Fen’Harel and Mythal had had a relationship of allies in the past.
The design of the tower
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Its top depicts an Elven Tree Statue
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Its four walls show
The usual two elven soldiers, one naked and standing, and the other in the next wall, holding a shield and a sword.
Next wall contains the insectoid halla, 
The last wall shows the strange lizard man
I found these fours images to be related, design-wise, when I made some speculations in The Horror of Hormak. The four images share the palette of the previous figure, or it's a transition to the next palette.
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Here we find the first mosaic of Fen’Harel. Details and speculations about it in Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins.
Silent tower
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The Silent tower displays many Elven Archers. Due to the scene in the Temple of Mythal Part 4,, it seems reasonable to associate these statues to the elvhen sentinels [entities that protect]. If we see that scene, we will see the petitioning chamber surrounded by these archer statues at the same time that we see all the sentinels of Abelas in the same exact position aiming to the intruders. Visually speaking, it seems to be telling us they may be equivalent. So, in general, it seems safe to assume this statue as protectors, those who will defend the People. Maybe with this interpretation it makes more sense for its presence in this tower, which is decorated with combat and fighting scenes.
The design of the tower
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The four sides of the tower depict the same images: the armoured figure is on the walls of the main tower, repeated at the three sides of it. Bellow it, and repeated in similar fashion, we see a painting of the elves riding hallas and heading into battle, accompanied by the black dragon.
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Here we find the second mosaic which is related to battle.These warriors hold spears, not bows, but the sense of “joining the cause and fight” is undeniable. More analysis in Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins.
This tower, in general, seems to be thematically oriented to the battle aspect of rebellion: archers, mural of the armoured creature that seems to cause terror on the elven slaves around it, the battle, and the black dragon that seems to be helping the elves in this battle. [I would speculate that since Mythal is the only Evanuris we know 100% who can take the shape of a dragon, this mural may be a reminder of her actions. Who knows if these are representations of what Solas told us about Mythal rallying the gods to stop Falon’Din, and that armoured figure in black is a representation of him. Sadly, all this is speculation without any way to confirm it or debunk it completely.]
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Inside the tower we find more slave-zombie elves paintings, with the golden ring over them, and in front of that wall, the black armoured creature. This tower seems to suggest that this figure represents a terrible Evanuris.
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Beside the paintings, we find the third mosaic that speaks about understanding the Evanuris as creatures that can be defeated and not as untouchable gods. More details in Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins.
The room inside is a replica of the valley in miniature: it has three towers and the forgotten sanctuary replaced by a figure of Howling Fen'Harel statue [the forgotten sanctuary clearly is a very deep aspect of Fen’Harel according to this configuration]. The whole room is “defended” by several Elven Archer statues.
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An inverted Elven Tree Statue is over the forgotten sanctuary, displaying Fade energy, as if this place were fuelled by one of these trees. Maybe this detail represents the first mosaic in Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins, where we are informed that this place was made by Fen’Harel, and the mosaic shows a figure that can be interpreted as an Elven Tree. These trees appear in Trespasser, as well as in the Dead Hand puzzle, always associated with containing or gathering energy (power).  
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They could be representations of the orb itself since they have been used inside a Golden Ring, and we have seen similar configuration with an orb in the Lower Archives of the Shattered Library. There could be a connection to the codex Vir Dirthara: A Flowering Imago as well.
One of the walls of this room is decorated with the painting of the elves riding hallas and going into battle.
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There are many Elven Archers around this replica. I imagine, it’s a representation that means that this is a defended/guarded place. I remember that The Crossroads shown by Morrigan also had Elven Archers and Sitting Fen'Harel statues in the distance, which could also mean “protected place”. These spaces are also isolated from the Evanuris’ perception: we know thanks to the conversation we have with Flemeth in the Fade or at the Altar of Mythal, that she could not find Morrigan when she entered the crossroads.
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On the ground there is another big Golden Ring. 
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Each of the objects that represents the towers outside lays on a stone-cylinder written in ancient elvish. These stones have been seen in the Temple of Mythal-Part 2 and in the Dead Hand puzzle.
There is also a replica, in a different size, of the altar where we find the broken figure of Fen’Harel on the bridge towards the Forgotten Sanctuary: a big golden ring on the ground, an altar made of stone inside, and another small golden ring  over that stone, in middle of which there is an elvhen tile design where the statue lays.
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thequeendomhq · 5 months
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Your mother gave you everything and more. You did not have time to want before more was thrust in front of you. Leisure and luxury without a care or responsibility in the world, all these things were wrapped into one as you hailed as a Child of the Seven from Sinaria. The elvhen chose well with you, embedding their blighted heir into the body that was guarded around the clock - but this half became a sentinel all on their own. Hungry and wanting, you were handed much but they demanded more. The truth of this dual nature saw you sent away before any embarrassment on your native soil could be garnered. In the home of a wealthy relative, you were told to come into your own while the fortune of your family name hung over you still. Every slight your other half afforded was affordable and to appease the demon and keep you idle, a place in the Guild was carved out. You wanted attention, so attention you were given as things were strewn about, and people vanished with nothing but bits of meat where a person once was. The position was meant to help, but your mother didn’t dare place you in the public eye, not when half of you was so horrifically unpredictable, at best she hoped to placate the parts of you that were known to lash out. A smile for her child, an offering for the creature that had devoured a piece of your soul in the dead of night.
ABILITY: Amalgamation: The ability to absorb organic and inorganic matter into the user's body.
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dinrenan · 3 years
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"I have no idea as to why you keep on protecting the Inquisitor's dreams from me, I am no threat to her"
"No, you are not, but she has secrets...dangerous ones, and I know you are after them, Dread Wolf"
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crackinglamb · 4 years
Chapters: 16/28 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Lavellan/Solas, Fen'Harel | Solas/Female Lavellan, Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, Female Hawke/Varric Tethras, Cullen Rutherford/Original Female Character(s), Felassan (Dragon Age)/Original Character(s) Characters: Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi, Hawke's Mabari (Dragon Age), Abelas (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Modern Girl in Thedas, Established Relationship, Fluff-uary 2021, Tumblr Prompt, Fluff, Romance, Carly & the Ancient Elvhen Boyband, Explicit Sexual Content Series: Part 4 of Til It Squeaks: A Modern Girl's Take on Thedas Summary:
A multi-ship romp of fluffy prompts! Featuring Carly and Solas, Dorian and Iron Bull, Varric and Hawke and more. These all exist within the worldstate of Twist, an MGIT AU. Pairings will head each prompt in the author's notes.
NSFW will be marked with **.
As always, beta'd by Iron_Angel.
Chapter 16 - Banter
“They call you the Betrayer, you know,” she said suddenly.  He looked across the fire at her sharply, but saw no judgment in her gaze.  
“They have called him that too.”  Harellan.  A once innocuous word now twisted to revulsion.  And yet, Fen'Harel had taken it back, donned it as craftily as armor so that it had no power over him.  Felassan still admired his leader, even after everything.  “And I did betray him. Da'Fen is the only reason he forgave me for it.”
“You had reason, it appears.”  She was referencing the fact that he'd thought the people of this world were real, and therefore deserved a chance.  He knew many of his fellow Elvhen did not share that view, but it seemed perhaps Revanas did.  She said nothing more, but accepted her portion of dinner with a nod.
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raravo · 5 years
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Final piece for Fenris is Sentinel Elvhen Armor! ♥ It’s about time, whew...!
Based on a roleplay that unfortunately got put on hiatus before it could really begin, but I enjoyed writing nonetheless! ~~~ Maker, have mercy on me. 
 Footsteps. A slow stride, lighter metal percussing over the marbled Hawke Manor. Each would turn their head to have their eyes met with a copper gleam caught in the sun's rays peeping through barred windows, a flickering amber glow caught by candlelit halls. Soft, yet a clumsy shuffle and reluctant draw of the armored man's solleret steps. 
 "Now, I'm sure you all have..." His stern voice paused, verde eyes bashfully traced through the details of the rug, cobwebs in the corners. Anything to keep himself composed. He cleared his throat. "Questions." He finished lowly. 
 Maker, having allowed his eyes to just briefly lift their gaze back up, he immediately averted it to the crooked chandelier littered in fingerprint and candlewax strings long melted. A small, sheepish raise of his hand surrendered himself to the companionship--Some, lighter-meaning than others. And the classic scowl and brooding glare returned to his face. Rather rosy visage, it seemed, as the others' attention made itself to the ambered bronze details of an armor of ancient design. A charcoal-washed hood rested over his shoulders under copper pauldrons, a draconic-like chestplate strapped with leather, and... Fenris turned his face chastely. As he had heard Varric comment in the past of his lower half, "legs for days"--mailed limbs adorned with considerably lighter, lesser but curvacious leggings barely covering much of him there. A sight that could make the Saint Andraste Herself tinged in giggling pink. 
 Please, let this embarrassment be over with hastily...
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dreadwxlf · 11 months
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@luna-mxth liked for a starter
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~ " ...I am not certain how they will react to my proposition, " Solas stated as he gazed up at the temple entrance. He was not Mythal's murderer, as the Sentinels well knew, but he was still responsible for the destruction of their world. " ...I do not believe Abelas recognized me, but he knew I was Elvhen. " His gaze fell to Sontna, slight worry etched in his features. " Are you certain you feel well? " He knew Sontna was eager to get another look at the Well, but he did not want to put her or their unborn child in harm's way. " Perhaps you should wait here in case their reaction is...unpleasant. " ~
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