#Dont judge my cat name
zzombiegrrrl · 4 months
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this is my new baby! My town was having a free adoption day, and he was the one who caught our eye! bringing him home was a very big event, which resulted in hinlm getting stuck under the dishwasher!!!! he is safe in his bed now, (thank god) and has had many treats for being such a brave boy.
his goopy eye still needs to get checked out by a vet, and he still have a lot of new places to explore!
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sunlitsparks · 1 year
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He's so photogenic heehee
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pebbles-scatter · 2 years
btw. in case y'all didn't know. i got a kitty cat.
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her name is smokey (via the neighbors who used to take care of her before they had to move suddenly) and she's a bit of a bitch but also a sweetie
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 5 months
My waiting room <3
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@norumis @coquettebratzdoll
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THEME: cottage-core
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A fridge full of my favorite food
Big comfy bed
A laptop: I can script that I have access to every movie and show ever and watch it there.
Phone: Script that I have good wifi, (for fame dr shifters, script that you can watch edits of yourself)
A mirror where I can change my appearance (like diff colors of hair, eyes, etc)
A book with the answers to my questions, any questions.
A book with the opinions people have on ME (personally id love to see that)
an appearance room where I can see what I look like in each dr
A photo album full of my dr friends
My golden retriever Misty, my black cat Willow and My caramel cat Sage
I have a movie room where I can watch interviews/Movies/Memories of myself in my dr's
any book I could possibly want/this is where I write (ideas come straight away)/books I’ve created in my dr
any game i could possibly want with all the mods I need
the locals from the town near my cottage/farm rarely see me and think of me a bit like a crypid/urban legend (i do pop in time to time)
I’m always a subject of gossip and mystery
known as the strange-little-farm girl
no one actually knows my name
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also please feel free to use any of these ideas and feel free to replog an add some extras <3
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bimobuddy · 7 months
Feeling Better
Hazbin TK fic
Lee!Alastor, Lers! Husk and Niffty
Everything in this fic is platonic
Soft and caring Husk :]
CW: Alastor in the bath, but everything is covered and nothing NSFW happens, angst as per usual in my fics at this point, mention of blood, mention of scars and past trauma (brief)
Summary: Alastor, while quite the dapper gentlemen, smells like swamp and deer carcass, as that is what his bedroom is. After some back and forth, his companions decide to take it upon themselves to take care of the issue (and take care of him)
Edit: I dont think this was my best work
It was no secret that Alastor wasn't the cleanest person. He turned his bedroom into a swamp to feel more at home, and often left blood stains from his meals on his suit, leaving it to rot and smell.
However, what many people didn't know, is that he also wasn't the best at keeping up with hygiene. Something that only Husk and Niffty knew about him was that he despised bathing. They didn't know why, they just knew that he did.
And they put up with it.. For as long as they could.
As Alastor sat at the bar, Husk found himself scrunching up his nose. To be polite, he made sure no one was listening first, then he turned to his boss, ears down. "Jesus, Al, when's the last time you bathed?" The radio host stared at Husk, trying to intimidate him, but for once, Husk wasn't budging. "I'm serious, Alastor. Not only does it reek, but I'm sure you don't feel good either. Right?"
This caught him off guard. He wasn't used to people other than Charlie showing him genuine concern. His smile remained as normal, but the folding of his ears seemed to give away how he was feeling. "I'll admit it has.. been a while."
Husk nodded and leaned against the counter. "Then maybe you should do something about it?" He asked, raising a brow. The other demon seemed to go quiet. Husk studied him, as if trying to read his mind. "Maybe... We can do something about it then? Niff and I?"
As if summoned by the mere mention of her name, Niffty appeared out of seemingly nowhere, hopping up onto the counter. "You know you can trust us, Alastor! I like cleaning!" She grinned.
"And you know I'm not going to judge or tell anyone." Husk said, looking him in the eye. Alastor thought it over for a moment. Niffty and Husk were two out of a small select group of people he genuinely trusted the most. "Fine." He shrugged, trying to make it appear as if there wasn't a growing sense of unease and anxiety sinking into his stomach.
Husk nodded. "Niffty, why don't you go ahead and go run the bath for Al. Use my room, I don't trust that he even has a tub in his." Niffty gave a quick salute then hopped down from the counter, running off.
Husk turned his attention back to Alastor, lowering his voice. "Is there a reason you don't like bathing, Al?" He asked, catching the demon off guard. "Why Husker, what makes you ask such a silly little-" "Don't think you can fool me, I saw the way you froze earlier. Al, you might own my soul, and you might scare the shit out of me sometimes, but I don't hate you," this surprised Alastor, "I'm only asking so I know how to go about this properly. If there's something about it that bothers you, I don't want to force you into it."
Alastor looked back at Husk for a solid minute, thinking it over. He stood suddenly and started to walk toward the hallway, where Husk's room was, signaling the other to follow, which he did. Once they were alone, Alastor finally spoke.
"What I'm about to tell you does not leave that silly little kitty mouth of yours, understood? If I find out that-" "You have my word, Alastor, you don't have to threaten it out of me." ".....Right. Well- Thank you.. Husk."
It wasn't often that Alastor used his actual name instead of 'Husker,' but when he did, the cat felt a sense of equality between them. No longer 'Owner of Soul and Servant,' but like they knew each other. All the more reason he decided to take this issue seriously, for Alastor.
"While I was alive, let's just say I've been through a lot. In my life, over many years, and many incidents, I acquired many scars. Reminders. Let's just say I do not enjoy them. I hated them, and hated looking at them. I assume that is why fate decided they would stick with me even in the afterlife." There was a moment of silence before Husk replied, "They make you feel vulnerable again. They remind you of those.. incidents.. Don't they?"
Alastor didn't verbally respond, but the glance he gave him confirmed to Husk that he may have been correct about this. Husk nodded. "You can trust us, Al."
As they stepped into Husk's room, they noticed just how much effort Niffty had put into this. She had drawn a bath, filled it with bubbles, already gotten a towel ready, and fresh new clothes for Alastor, folded neatly by the sink. As the Radio Host looked closer, he noticed some of the holes and tears had been mended.
"Wow, Niff, I'm impressed." Husk said, taking his hat off. Another sign that this wasn't between co-workers, but friends. His hair was slicked back as usual, though Alastor hadn't seen it like that since the day he won his soul.
When Husk looked back at Alastor, he noticed the look in his eye, his posture, everything. The look of 'I am trying very hard to be okay with this.'
Husk gave him a slight nod before turning to Niffty. "Why don't we give him some space real quick, alright?" He turned to Alastor. "Go ahead and get yourself ready in the bathroom, we'll be right out here." As he walked past the deer demon, he lowered his voice again, "We won't leave you."
Alastor stepped into the bathroom and shut the door, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He did deep down truly appreciate how supportive Husk and Niffty were being, it did help him feel less.. anxious about everything. Though he also no longer felt like an overlord. He felt like a kid again. The constant reassurance, the sudden comfort and concern he was being shown.. It reminded him of his mother. It was hard to describe, but if he had to, he would have said he felt 'weak, but in a way that was okay with him.'
He got himself ready and sat himself in the bath, the heat of the water somehow immediately helping him relax more than he thought it would. He was grateful for the bubbles as well, not only did it cover him, but he wasn't able to see his scars that much.
There was a gentle knock, then Husk's voice. "Al?" Wanting to at least pretend he still had control, he replied, "Enter."
Husk opened the door and before he even got a full step in, Niffty darted in, grabbed Alastor's discarded clothes and then ran back out, fussing about the blood stains under her breath.
"... Alright, well while she goes and does whatever it is she's decided she's going to do, I'll get started, if that's okay with you." Husk said, shutting the door behind him. Alastor nodded. It did feel odd to him to have someone elss in the room, but he reminded himself that he could trust the bartender.
As Husk stepped closer, he did catch a glimpse of a couple scars, littered across his skin. He didn't mention them, instead grabbing a rag nearby that Niffty had left out. "I know you don't like being touched, so I'm warning you beforehand that I'm about to, so you don't kill me. Satan knows Niffty would fuss at you over the mess." He said, trying to lighten the mood a little. Though Alastor didn't laugh, his grin did widen slightly, indicating that it had worked.
Husk dampened the cloth and got started, touching it to Alastor's back. As the radio demon jumped a little and suddenly gripped the sides of the tub, he paused, gave him time to calm back down, and continued. He knew he could have laughed at him, teased him for being such a powerful demon scared of something as small as a bath, but he didn't. He wouldn't. Because he understood. Sure, he was a feared overlord, rivaling with the King of Hell himself, but before that, he was a person.
A person that, surprisingly, he had come to understand and even care about. As Alastor suddenly jolted again, letting out a sudden ring of static, Husk thought it was due to him being anxious again, only to see his shoulders shaking a little bit.
At first, he worried that Alastor either was in pain or had started crying (a thought that really concerned him), but as he looked down, he noticed he had the rag placed on the back of his ribs, and that Alastor was arching away from the touch. Now this was something he could tease him about.
"Ticklish, kid?" He grinned, making a point to wiggle his fingers through the rag, making Alastor do the radio feedback noise again. "I-I'm oholder thahan you, you ahabsolute-" "Yeah but you died younger than I did, I'm more of an adult than you are."
Alastor opened his mouth to argue, but Husk had already slipped the rag under his right arm, wiggling his claws through the thin fabric. The radio demon slammed his arm down, trying hard to keep it together. He shook with contained laughter, his grin wide and wobbly, ears pinned back. He was doing quite well until Husk suddenly skittered his claws along the back of his neck.
He scrunched his nose up and broke, giggling hysterically, reflexively kicking a leg out, causing a bit of water to splash over the side. "Hey," Husk playfully scolded, "Keep it together down there, you know Niffty is gonna chastise you about that later." "My floor!"
Husk and Alastor jumped, the latter accidentally letting out more mic feedback, as both startled at the sudden sound of Niffty. Neither had seen or heard her enter the bathroom. She huffed, hands on her hips. "You boys. Always giving me more work." She shook her head, hopping up on a stool left by the tub so she could reach Alastor.
"I swear she appears whenever her name is mentioned, did you do that when you got her soul?" Husk whispered. Alastor shook his head, his eyes showing he was just as freaked out as Husk was.
Niffty ignored them, filling a cup with water. "Ears," was all the warning she gave before she dumped it over the deer's head, giving him a split second to fold his ears back to protect them from the water. Husk had to bite back a chuckle as Alastor's hair fell into his face, covering his eyes. He almost resembled a grumpy, wet dog. He reached up and pushed his hair from his eyes, looking slightly annoyed, but Husk knew he had all the patience in the world when it came to Niffty. She could get away with anything.
Even when she started to work in the shampoo, scritching behind his ears. Alastor visibly tensed up, his cheeks turning pink (something Husk had never seen him do). The cat grinned at him, leaning on the edge of the tub. "Your ears are ticklish too?" He chuckled.
As muffled, staticky snickers bubbled out of the overlord, Niffty just smiled. "Husk, dont tease him when you're worse." This shut him up quickly, Husk pinning his own ears back grumbling. Alastor would have laughed at him, had he not already been fighting it back so hard.
When Niffty started to gently scritch at the base of his ears, he started to crack more, giggling louder, yet it was clear he was trying to sit still for her. "Pff- Hmph.. M-Mhmhmhmhm- hahahaha nohoho!" His eyes flew open to glare at Husk, who had picked the rag up to start at the other side of his ribs now, under his left arm.
Alastor's ears were flicking from Niffty's tickling, as he gripped Husk's wrist, more just to have something to ground himself rather than to push him away.
Husk gently scrubbed lower down his side, earning higher giggles before Alastor gasped and flinched away. He hadn't been hurt, but Husk knew it more him trying to avoid getting hurt before it actually happened. The slash he had gotten from Adam was still healing. "Relax, Bucky, I'm not gonna hit it." Husk said.
"Don't call me Bu-hahahaha!" He had gotten cut off when Husk simply switched to his other side.
"Ears." Niffty warned before immediately pouring water over his head again. Alastor coughed a little before lifting his bangs again. "Careful, Niff, don't drown him." Husk chuckled, giving him a break to catch his breath.
As Niffty hopped down off the stool, Husk tossed the rag to Alastor for him to get his own legs, making a joke about how 'I know neither of us want me reaching down there.'
Husk took a seat on the stool as Niffty ran back in with a jar. "What's that?" Husk questioned. "Hoof polish!" She grinned. Alastor let a quiet growl escape his throat, though it was more out of embarrassment than anger, making the cat laugh a little. "As funny as that would be Niffty, I don't think we need it. I'm not pampering his spoiled ass more than I have to." She nodded and ran back out of the room.
"I couldn't help but notice," Husk started, "That you didn't try very hard to get away from the ticklin', especially around your ears." He smirked. Alastor just threw a soft glare his way and didnt confirm nor deny anything.
Once Alastor was done, Husk turned his head away and handed him a towel, before leaving the bathroom to leave him to it.
Alone once again, Alastor took a moment to take in just how much better he felt. Not only physically, but mentally. In the past, bathing would drain him of his energy, leaving him mentally exhausted. But this time he felt better than ever. He looked over at his newly mended suit, patched up by Niffty.
She didn't have to do that.. But she did. Because she looked up to Alastor and cared for him. And Husk didn't have to sit with him the entire time and help him. But he did. Because he saw him as a friend.
He got dressed and left the bathroom, meeting Husk again in his bedroom. Husk's ear flicked as he heard the door open, and he looked up at Alastor. "Feeling better?" He asked.
Alastor walked past him, quickly scritching behind the cat's ears as he passed, earning a loud snort as his hand was batted away. "Much." He smiled, and headed back out to the lobby.
It may not have been a verbal 'thank you,' but Husk had gotten the message anyway.
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yunxi-11085 · 1 year
"recklessness leads to reckless situations."
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˚ · . pairs ¡ platonic(?) blade x gn!reader, platonic kafka x gn!reader, platonic silver wolf x gn!reader
˚ · . sypnosis ¡ "You are a stellaron hunter currently on a mission when you— somehow being the curious cat you are, opened a box and something sprayed in your face. and your previous experiences were a great reminder that you shouldn't randomly open shady boxes that look like treasure chests.
now here you are, being dragged away with a burning sensation in your face and a not-so-pleased blade. he was glaring at your back the entire time that you felt like he could drill holes through you by now.
TLDR; you turned into a cat, now you have 3— 4(?) caretakers. “
₊˚ପ⊹ tw ¡¿ : (none) just fluff and you turn into a cat (no use of y/n or name)
·˚ ༘ tags //
@ send me an ask if you want to be tagged in my stories!! (please also specify if you want only the continuation of the series or all!)
You are a stellaron hunter currently on a mission when you— somehow being the curious cat you are, opened a box and something sprayed in your face. and your previous experiences were a great reminder that you shouldn't randomly open shady boxes that look like treasure chests.
now here you are, being dragged away with a burning sensation in your face and a not-so-pleased blade. he was glaring at your back the entire time that you felt like he could drill holes through you by now.
and then you go poof!, it seems the effect of whatever sprayed in your face started working.
now you feel like you've gotten reallllllyyy small, and theres a long heavy thing you feel just right below your back. it moves on its own?!!
you stare up, and a pair of red frowning eyes looked back at you.
"maybe i should've let kafka or silverwolf go on this mission..." you frown but it just looks like you are trying to sleep, to him it seems. he grabs you by your neck rude and as you see familiar doors he immediately drops you on the couch and leaves.
you wanted to scream at him but all that comes out was just a loud meow.
you go dumbfounded.
you walk, with four legs because you felt like you couldnt raise your 2 legs up. you almost fainted when you saw yourself
you are.... now a cat.
you stare blankly at the tall mirror, a white cat stares back at you. you tilt your head, it does the same.
the door creaked and you flinch at the sound, maybe because you were now a grimalkin your ears became really sensitive.
"oh my, i wonder why blade left such an adorable animal here.." its kafka! your instincts moved you and you almost tackled the lady, on the legs of course. "it seems so excited to see me?"
"that must be your weird thoughts, it looks like it is trying to tell you something" silver wolf said, looking at you with knowing and judging eyes. it seems she saw you transform through the cameras.
the cheeky hacker she is.
"hm~ then i wonder what it is trying to say" kafka knelt down and started rubbing your head.
"meowww" you leaned into the touch and stared at her magenta eyes.
"so adorable, it reminds me of them. dont you think? silver wolf?" silver wolf didnt give any answer and pressed something on her phone. a ding! sound came up and she showed kafka something.
"oh my~ it seems like it really is our little darling~" kakfa looked at you and smiled, though it sent shivers down your spine once you interpreted her expression. she picked you up and held you with both arms, “what did I tell you about going through suspicious boxes and chests?” she poked your nose and continued, “if you wanted treasures so much, we could give you everything you know?”
you avoided her eyes and looked at silver wolf with pleading eyes, she who just stared back at you with an expression that asked ‘are you stupid?’
i mean!! that treasure chest looking thingy was glowing! you couldn’t help but give in to your deep desires y’know?
you pouted, but as a cat it looked like you were puffing your chubby cheeks. which leads to the lady holding you to pinch your chubby cheeks and smile at you.
“it’s fine though~ this cutie over here can do as many mischiefs as they want” she rubbed at your ears and started giving you belly rubs. the cat body you were in reacted immediately and started purring
well you have to admit, being a cat has its perks too.
kafka gave you a plate of tuna which you reluctantly ate because you were a cat, and when she whipped out a cat toy. you didn’t know how, when, or why but your body moved in instinct.
after a long, tiring afternoon of playing. you slump down on the couch ready to sleep. you feel someone sitting next to you and you snuggle closer, wanting more of the warmth.
the person flinched but slowly put their hands on your back and started patting you. you give a light purr and fall deep asleep.
well all you know is that you woke up back in your normal body, head laying comfortably on— blade’s lap?! you jump up and you hear click!
you look at the source of the sound to see kafka and silver wolf holding their phones out and taking pictures of you and blade next to each other.
blade slowly wakes up and frowns at the bright light to see a red faced you, and two people pointing cameras at you.
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end note ¡ welcome to my second hsr fic!! i originally planned to write blade x reader smut but i just wanted to write fluff today y'know??? so cat reader it is. i really wanted to add more but i think i would make it cringy to read so i went against it lmfaooo
just imagine bladie warming up to reader and they actually start interacting now lol
i wanna write dan heng or jing yuan w/ cat reader so bad!!!
crossposted on AO3 ¡ here
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dogtoling · 2 years
What kinds of jobs would Inkling society have that humans wouldn't? Besides the obvious ones (Grizz Co, etc.)
i feel like i've thought about this before or even made a post before but it might've just been in my brain? The possibilities are literally endless and I haven't thought very much into it but I might as well throw some in - except I will include jobs that we also have, but that would be notably different.
Turf War related jobs:
Stage construction: constructing ink battling stages and modifying them for rotations in different modes - changing the layouts and setting up towers, clam baskets, etc.
Cleanup crew: cleaning up special weapon and sub weapon shells and other junk after Turf Wars, lost-and-found
Lobby reception: and whatever else jobs you would have in Lobbies. if only we knew the full process of getting into a turf war.
Turf War judge: I REFUSE to believe that a freaking cat and his cloned son are the only turf war judges in existence when theres like 237489236423 turf wars happening at any given moment. Anyway, this job handles timing, watching and judging results for ink battles and includes making sure no rules are broken.
Turf War commentator: mostly for tournaments, but may be paired with the above entry
Ink Battle Coach: we have football coaches, same thing. etc
Weapon repairer/modifier: The turf weapon repair scene NEEDS more competition....
Jobs that we also have, but are very different:
Healthcare jobs: you need specialists for EVERY SPECIES.
Dentists, but for the cephalopodan beak and radula. Different dentists for crab mouthparts. And then, of course LITERAL dentists, for the fish and sharks and other creatures that DO have actual teeth.
Hairdresser, but in the Mollusc Era most people have hair that is literally meat to at least some extinct, and feels pain. Specialized mainly between fin stylist and tentacle stylist, probably
Fisherman, in the traditional sense - most food is probably definitely seafood, from the ocean. But given the implication of terrestrial wild fish, there's like... probably land fishermen. Which would most likely just be hunters.
Street food. Most Mollusc Era street food aimed at Cephalings is some variation of fried shrimp, crab, deep fried Thing or takoyaki (that might not have octopus in it, at least hopefully, but it also may.)
Probably unique jobs:
Fryer. Given that Fred Crumbs literally got himself fried head to toe for fashion, there's... well, "frying" is likely a body mod that you can learn to do. It might not require a job if it's something like solarium in execution?
Shell tattooist for all the shelled species - could be hardy paint.
Like every turf war job I listed above.
i was going to include something about childbirth and nurses but given we have very little information about anything and i dont want to think about how on earth that even works for species with eggs, OR species with 100 eggs at once, we're skipping this. use your imagination.
Kelp farmer (we may have this, but it's definitely not a common job.)
Respawn First Aid. For when people get splatted in the middle of the city and need ink quick. In hindsight, it may be a matter of there being an ink canister for this purpose in most public buildings and it can be broken out in an emergency situation. Like one of those red fire bottle foam things (i forgot the name).
Egg Hunter (Grizzco, but there must be others)
Zapfish Farmer
Symbiosis Counselor. like a marriage counselor, but for symbiote citizens and their hosts that struggle to get along.
That's all I can think of for now, but drop ideas in the replies I guess!
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puppy-wife · 4 months
💘💖Introduction Post 💖💘
⛓️⛓️ minors dni, my blog is 18+ ⛓️⛓️
hello!! you can call me Bunny! this is my blog for posting selfies, newds, hornyposting, and sometimes I post my works! here are some fun facts about me:
💘 Age/Zodiac: 31, Aries sun, Taurus moon, Scorpio rising
💖 Gender: gendertrash, trans femme enby, otherworldly slut
💘 Pronouns: she/it, but I also use neopronouns, ae/aer. no one really uses my neo pronouns, but if you did it'd make me happy!
💖 Sexuality: t4t, queer, demi, lesbian (I only date non-men, this does include nonbinary trans folk!)
💘 Relationship: polyamorous/ENM. I have one romantic nesting partner, @kitty-husband, and am potentially open to new (at least semi-local) connections 🤭
💖 Fursona Critters: wolf, dog, bunny, raccoon, kobold, robot/drone
💘 System: I am a Plural system, you can find the whole system @pluralpup!! Cece is @preydefiler, and Fidget is @fidgetyfamiliar
💖 Disabilities: PTSD, autism, ADHD, hearing loss, nerve damage in my hip/back
💘 Transitioning since: 11/2021
💖 Pets: I have a dog (Cupcake), and my NP has a cat and a tarantula
💘 Hobbies: ttrpgs, magic the gathering, Overwatch, reading, writing (more on that later)
💖 Main Fandoms: Kamen Rider, The Locked Tomb, Marvel/MCU (I know, dont judge me), LOTR
💘 Top/Bottom: I'm a switch, so I like both, but in most of my relationships, I tend to fill the dom top role. Don't get it twisted tho, I'm such a good girl good puppy sub 🥺
💖 K!nks: [Key: + means as a top, - means as a bottom, & means either or both!] musk-, cnc-, sadist+, impact&, petplay&, primal&, estim+, bondage&, disclipine&, monsterfucking&, intox&, marking/ownership/possession&, knifeplay&, rope-, goddess&, body worship&, group play&, cucking-, voyeurism-, being a brat-, humiliation-, light degradation-, droneification-, vore&, overstim&, blood&, hypno&, cutting+, objectification-, roleplay&, drool/spit&, tongues&, sensory dep-, cum play&, bruises&, praise&, wax+, chains&, face slapping&, outdoor sex&, mutual masturbation&, power exchange&, remote controlled toys, especially when used in semi public&, oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral oral&
💘 Pet Names: (from Dom to sub, left to right) Mistress, Mommy, Ma'am, Miss, Pup, Puppy, Good Girl, Good dog, slut, whore, bitch
💖 Hard Limits: yelling at me, and anything to do with poop or vom
💘 Anons: 🍄
💖 Writing: I've been writing for most of my life. A lot of my work is either poetry or short form fiction. I sometimes do spoken word performances. I am currently working on writing a book about a magical school, it's currently untitled but I have the plot planned out and am fleshing out character basics before I start the actual first draft. I also have a high fantasy d&d-style world which I have been writing for and playing ttrpgs in for almost 10 years now. ask me about it!! I will rant and ramble about it
💘 you can find me on Goodreads as well, also under puppy-wife!!
💘 Any other questions, please hit up my ask box 🥰🥰🥰
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AITA for 'avoiding' a face reveal?
I (24) met a guy (20) in an online game with voice chat about two to three years ago. We started hanging out on discord after some games and have been friends since, but i feel like im hiding a big secret from him. Im a trans guy but basically pre-everything. when we played the first game i just assumed hed think im a girl anyways and never said anything about it but he heard another player call me by my chosen name during it and thought i was a guy? which blew my mind, kinda. anyways, fast forward he eventually asks about pronouns bc he wasnt sure and i just went "he/they, anything thats not she" and he didn't question it either. When we eventually revealed ages to each other he was surprised i was older bc of my voice but still didnt seem to assume anything but a cis guy with a kinda high vc voice.
Every now and then he brought up the convo of "haha imagine if we suddenly face revealed in vc" but never forced it. i kept kinda going "yeah haha eventually" and he'd let the convo drop for another few months.
Inbetween those he found out i was queer (saw a gay flag on my wall in the back of a cat pic) and asked about it. By his way of questioning and reacting to it i could tell he usually doesn't hang out with people like me and he even did the "i used to have a gay friend once before! but he fell in love with me haha but im not gay though. but i dont judge you" kinda message. overall i dont mind it. my usual friend circles are all some kind of queer so having one separate friendship where im treated as "one of the guys" is really nice too, since i never pass irl or often immediately tell people im trans on discord.
As i mentioned, he sometimes brings up the "imagine face reveal haha" thing every now and then and i always kinda ignore it and turn it down, partly definitely because i fear that seeing my face would clue him in on me just being trans and affecting our friendship or his view of me, since i dont think he has any other connections to queer people in his life currently.
But I also feel bad for constantly ignoring it or going "well eventually :)" and keeping him unaware. AITA for this?
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silly-lil-scribbles · 6 months
Introduction post!!
status: doing stuff
lyrics that fit the current vibe: forget bored stiff, i got rigor mortis, call it morbid curiosity how i cannot commit to reality
current chance of a response if you dm me*: 49%
* does not apply to mousie cuz its my emotional support friend
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- My name is Finn! You can also call me scribbles, soup, or really any dumb nickname will do. it/he <3
woah look at that.. its me.. on another website!! slight flash warning for spacehey btw ^^
if you havent read this in a while, i would suggest reading again cuz i update it a lot <3
- faggy but in the most aroace way possible
- as far as gender, boy-ish
- I MADE A JAIL ACCOUNT SO IF IM JAILED I MIGHT BE OVER THERE ‼️ @soup-has-been-imprisoned-noooooo
- I post about the magnus archives/protocol and my chem frequently, though I also just reblog a ton of random shit. may be nsfw but never anything explicit. Also I forget to tag for spoilers a lot so just know that there are magpod spoilers in general on my blog.
- Music artists I like: Cavetown, MCR, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Dazey and the Scouts, FOB, Nova Twins, p!atd, Noahfinnce, qbomb, Gum Disease, Sparkbird, Mischief Brew, Poppy, Be Your Own Pet, Pierce the Veil, Chloe moriondo, Faetooth, IDKHOW, the mechs, rabbitology, madalyn mei, scene queen, MARINA, she/her/hers, femtanyl, leathermouth, baby queen, pansy division, the spook school, specimen, egg, the crane wives, and of monsters and men
- Shows/Podcasts/Other Media that I like! DANGER DAYSS, Malevolent, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, Welcome to Nightvale (though I haven’t finished it yet), the Osemanverse, Nimona, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, ATLA, LOK, It, Hilda, Camp Here and There, Radio Rental, warrior cats, the silt verses,,,, there’s probably more but my memory is shit
- my blog is super messy so all of my art is under the tag #scribbles draws a thing and my original text posts (not the short personal ones typically, just the one i actually want people to see) are under #scribbles says shit.
- my body hates me very much (in other words im physically disabled)
- surprise, my brain also hates me very much! And yes also undiagnosed!
- tone tags are appreciated <3
boundaries n stuff:
- not ok with sexual or romantic comments
- platonic flirting is ok if we’re moots
- sex averse, feelings on romance fluctuate a lot but usually indifferent
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- my feeling are really fucking wonky so 80% of the time i dont/barely feel emotions. please be patient and if i sound like i dont mean what im saying, i promise you that i do. but since i know how i would feel if i could, but i still cant feel anything, im trying my best to react accordingly so it may seem like its not genuine but it is. like. imagine youre writing. youre writing your characters reactions to everything, despite not actually being able to feel it. but since you know your character, you can judge hiw they feel in the situation you make them react accordingly even though you arent actually experiencing it yourself. now replace the character with you, thats kinda how i feel. sorry i know that probably didnt make sense but trying my best here lol
- i have a tmagp fic i just starting writing! If you wanna know more, posts related to that are under #electric desires have unraveled all my wires :(
- I have 4 cats and a dog, also a gecko
- i have a queerplatonic partner!! hes awesome and swaggy and writes so much. so. much writing. wow. not saying wow in a bad way im just genuinely impressed. chou if ur reading this i love you <3
- i also have a lovely best friend named zero whos super fun and cool and pathetic /vpos. my favorite excitable soggy cardboard box ilysm <3
- coyotekin therian !!
- My favorite colors are purple, cyan, neon green, and red
- I love interacting with mutuals and getting asks! plspls send me random shit in asks im begging
- I’m creating an animated series called Catlantis (still in progress)
- I have a love hate relationship with writing but i do it anyways so oh well
- Frogs.
other tags i use a lot are:
#soup poorly draws gay people out of obligation; my series of promised dyhard drawings.
#soup gets pathetic abouut friendship; me when im a sappy bitch about my friends or partner
#objectives list; save file for when i say im gonna do something so i dont forget about it
#catlantis save; hoarding info for catlantis
#insomnia induced rambles; i cant sleep and im making it your problem
#our lady of sorrows; not the song, my mcr inspired goddess i made up for my dnd character to worship
#scribbles asks; asks
#info save; good to know
#scribbles liveblogging tmagp; exactly what it sounds like
#art save; resources for doing art
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r0s3m4ry-mp3 · 1 year
Some random creepypasta headcanons because i feel like it and haven't posted a actual post in awhile!!😭
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All the creeps dont live in a mansion obviously
Most live on their own by stealing their victims cash/getting a job or live in abandoned buildings/warehouses
Supernatural?ghost or Like demon or whatever type creeps live in their own dimensions (lj,jason,candypop,etc)
They come back to earth when they need to kill
Some live with their gf/bfs like judge angels and nurse ann(girlbosses!!!)
The proxies (toby,masky,hoodie,kate,etc) live in a proxy cabin in the woods
Most haven't even met each other before or have just heard of eachother from the news
Like for example puppeteer and helen probably don't even know esch other how are y'all hc them as friends??☠☠
Most of them probably have lice😭
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Toby drools because of his gash in his mouth
It also will never heal bc this mf bites his cheek when hes nervous without realizing
So does jeffs like smile but he keeps recutting it bc he likes looking edgy😭
Jeff is absolutely batshit gross
He probably smells like a schoolbus,sweat,cigarettes and weed☠(hes still my bbg tbh)
When helen is on a walk or smth he carrys cat treats with him for the stray cats
Bro loves cats sm
He will literally pick them up and cuddle them
He has a huge soft spot for them(as he should 😞❗❗)
He absolutely hates childern though
Liu doesn't have did and he actually went ro therapy after the incident and stuff
He also isnt a killer
He now works as a cop and hates jeff with all his heart
He kinda misses him though
They haven't seen eachother in more than 20 years
Sally is permently looks 12 but is mentally like 38 and hates when people act like shes a baby or smth
Like why do you all baby her sm
Shes not a toddler shes literally like 12 😭
Toby has a happy trail(bbg!!!😻😻)
Clockwork and toby used to date when he like just became a proxy but then she realized she was a lesbian
They're cool now though
Shes dating nina♡
Slenderman has been around for WAYYYY longer then every other entity type supernatural creep
Puppeteer lives in this creepy ass abandoned mansion
Lj listens to icp religiously 😞❗❗
Him and jeff would be yhe type to ask you to name 3 songs when you wear a band tee
Jeff has adhd
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Sometimes I forget just how clueless the average person is at IDing birds. I follow the r/whatsthisbird cause its a fun game for me, and these two posts just remind me that most people dont see much other than "predator bird", "duck", "parrot" and "treebird"
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Like I can tell hawk from owl from falcon like you can tell a cat from a dog from a horse and so the first one is like someone taking a photo of a hyena and saying "my friend thinks its a domestic short hair, but I think its a wolf or a cheetah"
Like Im not GENUINELY judging because I was there before too and its a huge learning curve, but from my lens I am like "WHAT THATS A REDTAILED HAWK"
The second looks like "Is this a great white shark" when taking a photo of catfish. (Its a common nighthawk (which despite the name is a very very very different type of bird)
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delcakoo · 2 years
im obsessed with hybrid aus i wish there were more ☹️☹️
what do you think hybrid!rikis or hybrid!taehyuns (either of them i rlly dont mind) would be when they found out they were getting adopted 😁
OOOO i decided to go w riki to continue my hybrid riki agenda !! consider it a warmup for the longer fic i have in the work for him 🫶 also i was thinking of picking up my pokemon riki fic since it was literally a scene from being done 🧌 sigh so many riki thoughts
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3:41PM — “so, what kind of companion would you be looking for in a hybrid?”
you give the adoption centre employee a nervous smile, “um, i’m actually not too sure yet,” you confess. “sorry, i should’ve came more prepared.”
the boy with a nametag reading ‘mark’ giggles, leading you to the back where you assume the hybrids are located. “nah, we get customers like you a lot, don’t worry. just follow me and let me know if anyone catches your eye.”
with an appreciative nod, you follow him into what you assume is the bunny hybrid area judging by the long, droopy ears atop each hybrid’s head. one bunny with shining blue hair watches as you walk by with big, boba eyes, and you hastily lift a hand to wave in his direction. you grin when he shyly waves back, taking note of the name ‘soobin’ on his pen.
mark speaks up, vocalizing just what you’d been thinking. “these are our bunnies, the most common species of hybrid right before dogs and cats. they’re definitely nice if you want a cuddly and affectionate match, but if you decide on one, you’ll have to bunny-proof your whole house before taking them home,” he notifies.
you tilt your head, “what does that mean?”
“well just like real bunnies, they have a habit of chewing everything, especially if their owner isn’t giving them enough attention. i’m sure you can guess what that means for your furniture and well.. everything else in your house.”
you gulp, glancing back at soobin who’s now busy chewing on small carrot slices. “… i think i’ll keep looking.”
after getting through the rowdy enclosure of dog hybrids and silently independent cat hybrids, you sigh. mark’s brows furrow, sending you a sympathetic gaze, “still nobody?”
instea of replying you glance around the room, eyes locking onto a seperate grey door reading ‘enter with caution’. without a moment’s hesitation, you rush over in big, curious strides. mark’s footsteps quickly follow, grabbing the handle first right as you reach out for it. “hey, uh- ma’am, i dont really think there’s anyone in there suited for you,” he laughs awkwardly.
you give him a polite smile, and you can tell it scares the male a bit by the drop in his expression. “i’ll decide that for myself, please.” the boy swallows, pulling the door open for you hesitantly and trailing close behind.
some hisses and other strange sounds were heard as you walk in and gasp, taking in the sight of all sorts of unique looking hybrids. “these are our.. other hybrid options. all quite rare species, and of course way more expensive and challenging to look after,” he reminds.
you slowly walk by cage after cage, mark introducing you to a meek-looking deer girl, a giddy, cheerful penguin, and even one buff tiger hybrid along the way. most of them were either scared or curious at the sight of you, though the tiger seemed more determined to intimidate you than earn your ownership.
however, a moving figure near the back of one enclosure catches your eye before you can mention anything. you watch intriguingly as a pitch black tail swishes side to side under the dim lighting, gaze drifting up to meet the face of a tall, pouty-lipped black cat boy. unlike the other hybrids that rushed up to see you or pounced away in fear, he only sits there in silence, studying you curiously.
“oh, that’s riki,” mark informs from behind you. “he’s a panther hybrid, and he doesn’t care for humans much from what we’ve seen so i wouldn’t really recommend him.”
riki’s ears drop at the male’s words, but he doesn’t say anything. you inhale, “can i go inside the enclosure then?”
“uh.. yeah, i guess so. but ma’am, i really think there are better matches for you back at..”
mark’s words fade into the background as you focus on opening riki’s cage, slowly stepping inside until you were only a few feet from him. he makes no reaction to escape or attack; merely staring up at you with no emotion.
you clear your throat, abruptly feeling nervous as you tap your foot. the panther quickly notices your anxious movements, a tiny smirk growing onto his plush lips. “hi i’m y/n. it’s nice to meet you, riki. do you like it here?”
the panther blinks calmly, “i get free food and shelter, so it’s okay i guess.” his deep voice visibly startles you, and riki giggles breathily as he watches your eyes widen and lips stutter. he thinks you’re cute.
“well then uh- what would you think about coming home with me?”
you watch worriedly as the cat boy glances at mark, clearly weighing his options while his tail swishes animatedly behind him. “i wouldn’t mind.”
at his shocking response, you snap your head over to the employee for confirmation, yet he simply shrugs in reply. “alright then, i’ll go get you the paperwork.”
by the time you’ve slowly turned back to face him, ready to begin some basic small talk, your jaw nearly falls from your face. the hybrid - technically your hybrid now — has risen to his feet, realising in horror that he towers over you ridiculously. you estimate he’s around 6’2, and his cute, fluffy ears only make you look that extra inch shorter.
you choke at the smug, amused smirk now plastered across riki’s lips. “is something wrong, owner?” he asks slyly.
only a few minutes past your introduction, and you were already starting to question who was owning who in this relationship.
this wasn’t supposed to be that long why do i always do this 💔 other hybrid riki drabble heree
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thecoolest69 · 2 months
♡︎❀About me❀♡︎
Erm my name is Brooklyn I'm 14 and I'm bi (feminine) idfk I'm autistic and just a silly little goofy goober😖
I'm a ambivert so silly ik 😖
I really like music usually am wearing my headphones all the time (not at school or with friends)
Sadly I'm a lonely child and have no siblings well that I have met 🤠
My father left with the milk uwu so preppy 😖 so if I make jokes and you get offended I don't care you can leave I'm not forcing you to read this shit and like fucked up family ig if you dont like it deal with it scroll away♡︎
What I post silly thoughts and fandom shit and just music stuff idfk yet maybe just my thoughts
I like the case study of vanitas it's so silly and sigma I ❤️ vanitas lil bro is so silly
My pronouns are she/her, but i dont mind they/them
Dni if you are queerphobic, racist, abelist, support Israel, Zoophile, misogynist,pedophile,just a bitch if you are kys🥰
I sometimes vent cause I can so yeah I'd you don't like too fucking bad 😜
If you don't like me just don't interact with me I don't need your negativity even if I'm negative (such a hypocrite, ik)💀
Don't try anything with me I'm underage and im 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚 and will fight you😠
I like reading depression like idk if it has angst then it's a good book my opinion (no longer human is good)
I also like reading anything that has like an adventure like that's interesting cause my adhd is bad and I can't focus on boring shit
Oooh I like demon slayer I'm still sad douma had to die he was pookie
I also love Angels of death cause eeeeee it's so sigma
My pookie is @homoashell she is so 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚❀
Another pookie is @thecoolest68 she is also pookie
My fav color is 💜 and ❤️
My fav words are ooooh or sigma or homosexual and pookie😩😖
I'm in the Helluva boss fandom same with hazbin hotel (they are pretty good)
Also, I'm obsessed with Bungo stray dogs, my fav fandom (Dazai and chuuya and nikolai are the biggest hotties dazai specifically 😖 Mori from bsd should kill himself💀)
Youtube=Johnnie Gilbert, Jake Webber, Flamingo, BENOFTHEWEEK, Danny Motta, Billyhan_ ,Nick Wilkins, Tarayummy, and Clawed_Beauty101
My fav animal is cats I have one her name is ginger and she's do cute I will post about her a lot cause she's sigma I also have a dog he looks goofy he's a Yorkie/Silky and he's goofy looking I don't like him that much my cats better
Also magic and mystery or Coil (ao3 dont fucking judge its really well written ok)
I also like the class of 09 (Jecka and Emily and Nicole are 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚)
I like the Heathers the musical it's a pretty good musical and honestly was pretty fun to watch (dont say you haven't watched the movie your nit a true fan BITCH you dont know my situation leave me alone)
Erm I like music like MARINA (Marina and the diamonds), Melanie Martinez, GRLwood, Asesha Erotica, TV girl, 6arelyhuman, mother mother, radiohead, Rio Romeo, alex g, insane clown posse, Benson Boone, Ashnikko,Mindless Self Indulgences, Olivia Rodrigo ,Mitski(dont judge thats just me ok you can like what you like my Genre of music is very random also i like more just like too lazy to write all of them😜😜😜)
I like art but I'm not very good at it but I try and that's all that matters ♡︎
I like ice skating it's very fun, and I'm pretty good at it ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
I really like harry potter and the books and movies I hate J.K Rowling she is a terrible person and I don't support her or what she dose
Black butler is also a great fandom I like the angst I know that's bad but OMFG ITS SO GOOD
I like the Heather's it's a good play I watched it on YouTube and it's really sigma
I like the hunger games I haven't read the books but I'm going to ♡︎
A great fandom is the metal family it's on YouTube and glams past and chives past god damnnnnn 😖
Ooooh a great fandom is the case study of vanitas (totally not cause they all fucking hotties)
Probably have more fandoms but I'm not writing them all down will write them down when i remember since i have the memory of an a great grandpa with severe dementia👴🏻💀😜
My anxiety and depression is bad so sometimes I might not post since I physically can do shit or don't know what to write also I do sh but like whatever guys I'm just silly like that I might vent sometimes cause I'm just that silly
I'm very blunt so if you don't like that then whatever your problem but ur missing out 😩💅✨️
That's pretty much it feel free to ask any questions I might answer them ❀
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brokndollie · 4 months
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🦷 𝓦elcome to my blog lovelies ᠀𓏲
α вιт αвσυт мє: my name is Lily. 17. my pronouns are she/her. im strictly straight. i have an 3D. my alter egos: bunny/doll/angel/dollie/fae/fairy/faeri. (u can adress me using any of these)
◌ 𝒱. ainilla ⊹ ˚ ୭ 🥛
𝓜y messages are open if you want to be friends/mutuals idm. 𝓟ls dont ask 4 nvdes or pics of me. 𝓝o offense but if ur a girl tryna yk.. im not lesb, we can be besties babe. 𝓓ni: minors, thnnsp𖹭 haters/reporters, men over 30 years old, racists & homophobes
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶⠀🐾⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶
ℓιкєѕ: 𝓐ngelcore, whitecore, dollcore, & coquette aesthetics, 𝓒innamon girls, lana del rey, thnnsp𖹭 blogs/content, i like some nsfw blogs, 𝓡ibbons, makeup, kpop, anything pink, goth girlies, babies, dogs, cats, 𝓑ears, subliminals, manifestation, loa, oldr men/dilfs, emo boys, 𝓓addydxms, & yanderes lol.
◌ 𝒱. ainilla ⊹ ˚ ୭ 🗝
dislikes: 𝓑rainless overly sxxual creeps (like chill), racists, 𝓗omophobes, ppl who support Isreal, ppl who judge others just because 𝓣hey feel they can, 𝓜inors, elon musk 💀, ppl who body shame, nd a bunch of 𝓞ther shi.
◌ 𝒱. ainilla ⊹ ˚ ୭ 🦷
𝓜y SW: 60keygz. CW: 48keygz. GW: 40keygz.
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porcelainslvt · 4 months
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🦷 𝓦elcome to my blog lovelies ᠀𓏲
α вιт αвσυт мє: my name is Lily. 17. my pronouns are she/her. im strictly straight. i have an 3D. my alter egos: bunny/doll/angel/dollie/fae/fairy/faeri. (u can adress me using any of these)
◌ 𝒱. ainilla ⊹ ˚ ୭ 🥛
𝓜y messages are open if you want to be friends/mutuals idm. 𝓟ls dont ask 4 nvdes or pics of me. 𝓝o offense but if ur a girl tryna yk.. im not lesb, we can be besties babe. 𝓓ni: minors, thnnsp𖹭 haters/reporters, men over 30 years old, racists & homophobes
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶⠀🐾⠀︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶︶
ℓιкєѕ: 𝓐ngelcore, whitecore, dollcore, & coquette aesthetics, 𝓒innamon girls, lana del rey, thnnsp𖹭 blogs/content, i like some nsfw blogs, 𝓡ibbons, makeup, kpop, anything pink, goth girlies, babies, dogs, cats, 𝓑ears, subliminals, manifestation, loa, oldr men/dilfs, emo boys, 𝓓addydxms, & yanderes lol.
◌ 𝒱. ainilla ⊹ ˚ ୭ 🗝
dislikes: 𝓑rainless overly sxxual creeps (like chill), racists, 𝓗omophobes, ppl who support Isreal, ppl who judge others just because 𝓣hey feel they can, 𝓜inors, elon musk 💀, ppl who body shame, nd a bunch of 𝓞ther shi.
◌ 𝒱. ainilla ⊹ ˚ ୭ 🦷
𝓜y SW: 60keygz. CW: 48keygz. GW: 40keygz.
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