#Donald Duck: Sora you cant break the Prime Directive!
Kingdom Hearts Lore is So Funny a.k.a. Uh-Oh Sisters I Looked At the Kingdom Hearts Tag For A Milisecond and Caught the Brain Rot Again
Imagine many hundreds of thousands of years ago you wake up bright and early in your undersea kingdom. It is another sunshiny day for you, King Triton, ruler of the vast oceans of the Land of Fairytales. You gain word as you sit down for breakfast that there’s a civil war breaking out somewhere on the overlands. 
Ah, yes, those silly mortals on that one island with the giant key-things and the tower. Whatever they’re quarreling over, you’re sure it has nothing to do with your territories. You resume your kingly duties. It’s a fine, effective day- Kelp productivity rates are up. Seashell imports are happening as scheduled...
A shadow sets in over the castle, and you frown and look up. Odd?... The sun doesn’t set for another three hours, and there’s no eclipse scheduled. It becomes obvious that this is not some regular lunar eclipse when a GIANT HEART-SHAPED MOON appears way above the waves in a blood-red sky. This is about when the shaking starts.
By the end of this crisis, your vast kingdom of oceans will have been cut down to the size of a Super Mario Galaxy planet, and about 1/20th of the country of Denmark. Beyond that is the vast empty darkness of space. What in the absolute fucking Poseidon just happened?
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