#Do not pet random dogs during full moon
parsleyartist · 11 months
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Inktober Day 28 — Moon
The moon isn't something really relevant to vampires as it is to the werewolves.
<<day 26 | day 29 >>
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lovelaughsimp · 7 months
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Suguru literally deserve all the love in this world. Head empty with wanting to go on a picnic date with him, making him a flower crown, feeding him food when he's working, going on a festival eating at random shops, stopping at different places if we see something beautiful and cute, petting a cat with him, feeding stray dogs, making origami together, writing handwritten letters to him even though we stay together, making breakfast together, exchanging our perfumes when we are apart from each other to feel his presence and scent, sharing house chores but always trying to do the other one's work, going to a park together, using a swing, taking alot of photos and videos of each other, waking up before him to look at his face cause he's just so beautiful, helping wash each other's hair, wearing matching bracelets, having a movie night wearing cute and funny costumes, making funny videos, sending each other funny photos of each other, sweet and tight hugs during cold weather, on rainy days making delicious food and enjoying it together, writing poetry for each other, making a diary about him writing the reasons why i love him, showering his face with pecks when he's drowsy from sleep cause baby looks so adorable, doing skin care together, going to orphanage to play with the children, going on shopping together, buying cute and silly things as gifts, going to countryside and farming there with him, looking at the moon together, basking in sun together, tying his hair in braids cause he's a babygirl, playing silly games, trying art sometimes together drawing silly faces, making a Pinterest board with him, meditating together, doing yoga together, trying to eat healthy but end up eating Street food, designing our home together full of love and affection.
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mattsdae · 1 year
I didn’t know how much I needed “loup-garou” in my life so I thank you for that! -But now I need more of it…
i’m also need more werewolf!matt work in my life so here’s some headcanons i like
- first of all, it doesn’t really affect his daily life (unless it’s around the full moon)
- he has some little habits that he gets from his breed, but nothing too noticable
- like he loves running/jogging and even though he says it’s to stay in shape, you know it’s because it gets his hunting needs out of his system
- he also has a really bad staring problem because of his need to stalk. once again, nothing too crazy, but he still loves to watch you do random things
- after transforming, you kinda let him do what he needs. sometimes he gnaws on furniture legs, sometimes he stalks and hunts you, but usually he just howls and rolls around in the mud
- which he kinda hates bc when he comes out of it, he feels super gross. you’ve tried to give him a bath before he went back to normal but he bit you pretty hard so you just let him be
- the worst is when he starts trying to mark his territory so you have to get onto him for it (he looks at you with scared little puppy dog eyes bc you never yell at him)
- loves a good cuddle. big spoon, little spoon, doesn’t matter much to him, he just loves being close to you.
- generally a sweet little guy that just happens to turn into a feral beast that destroys your house once a month
- loves having his hair played with. actually, pets in general are good for him. he just loves when you ruffle his hair or scratches his back.
- oral fixation to the max. always has something in his mouth and usually sleeps with a chew toy bc if he doesn’t, he grinds his teeth really bad
- speaking of oral fixation, loves having you in his mouth. fingers, pussy, ass, doesn’t matter. as long as something from your body is in his mouth, he’s happy
- he’s a switch with no real preference
- like he loves pinning you and marking you up, but he also likes taking orders and doing whatever you want him to do
- very obedient when he is sub, very eagar to please
- has a real bad breeding kink, especially close to his transformation. cumming inside is a requirement and he does get genuinely frustrated when he can’t.
- has a habit of growling during sex. just gritting his teeth and snarling while fucking you or while getting fucked
- biting.. always has his teeth sunk into you. shoulder, neck, thighs, anywhere he has access to will be bitten
- has the sweetest little puppy dog eyes while sub. looks like a dog begging for scraps and will whine like one too.
- very drooly. just a slobbering mess without trying. would have literal drops of spit leaking from him while panting above you and practically begging for some type of praise
- oh yeah, he’s also loves praise no matter what. telling him ‘good boy’ would leave him trembling no matter the context
ok that’s all i can think of add more if you want bc i love this shit
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smallmxgic · 1 year
nathan rhys
FULL NAME: jonathan sebastian rhys NICKNAME(S): nathan, nate (only by his aunt & uncle), johnny (only (rarely) by shannon) AGE: 25 DATE OF BIRTH: june 1st ZODIAC SIGN: gemini PLACE OF BIRTH: seattle, washington ETHNICITY: white NATIONALITY: american GENDER: cis male SEXUAL ORIENTATION: asexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic RELIGION: neopagan OCCUPATION: self-employed tech consultant LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, german ACCENT: western american
FACE CLAIM: reilly dolman HAIR COLOR: blonde EYE COLOR: blue HEIGHT: 5'11" WEIGHT: 175 lbs BUILD: bulky, but not muscular or overweight TATTOOS: two stars on his left shoulder, lion on back of right calf, sun/moon/star triangle on the inside of his right wrist [x] PIERCINGS: left nostril, both earlobes, right industrial DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: tattoos
POSITIVES: friendly, curious, intelligent, focused NEGATIVES: indecisive, hesitant, bouts of energy, a bit of a perfectionist LIKES: computers, dogs, tea, sushi, anything fantasy DISLIKES: being in the middle of big crowds, coffee, being interrupted, most board games, being called ‘jonathan/john’
FATHER: unknown MOTHER: mia rhys AUNT: stephanie huber (legal guardian) UNCLE: andreas huber (legal guardian) SIBLING(S): none PET(S): a rottweiler named hans FINANCIAL STATUS: upper middle class
tw: drug abuse/addiction mentions nathan’s mother was a heroin addict, his father just some random john– nothing more than a sperm donor as far as he or his aunt & uncle are concerned. because of his mother’s drug use, nathan was born addicted to heroin, just like she was. unlike Mia, however, he escaped that life immediately; kept at the hospital for nearly four months after his birth to detox & become healthy. during that time, mia disappeared– probably went back to her old habits– & her sister stepped in to take care of her newborn nephew. stephanie, along with her husband andreas (a german immigrant), raised nathan as if he were their own son. he was raised knowing they were his aunt & uncle, his mother flitting in & out of his life. (it turns out, after she disappeared from the hospital, she was in & out of rehab centers all around northern washington, always trying, but never succeeding, in overcoming her addiction. in time, though, she does eventually beat it for good, allowing nathan to start building a relationship with his mom.) one thing nathan was known for growing up was fidgeting. he always needed something to do with his hands. his aunt & uncle tried dozens of different things to help hone in that extra energy, & nothing seemed to work. until they stuck nathan in front of a computer with his uncle (who works with computers & code) one day & the pre-teen was enthralled. in what seemed like no time nathan picked up everything there is to know about computers– software & hardware. in an obvious move, nathan kept with it & now has his own tech consultant business that he runs with mike, contracting out their skills to whoever needs it.
v;; when tech & magic cooperate (witch)
as a kid, the trio discover their innate abilities to hone & use magic. unsurprising to anyone, nathan’s strengths lie in the manipulation of technology, & there is very little he can’t do to or with anything that has a circuit board.
v;; computer extraordinaire (human)
all the same, just without the magic
v;; clan nelson (mcu)
instead of being a rhys in seattle, nathan & his mother are nelsons, a small part of a large, family-oriented clan in new york city. after his birth & mia’s disappearance, nurses reached out to one of her many relatives in the city & it wasn’t long before a hoard of family members showed up at the hospital to take care of the newest member of the nelson clan. growing up surrounded by cousins, there is one in particular that nathan gravitates towards: franklin. being nine years older, nathan looks up to him & they certainly grow close as he gets older. with so much support & growing up in hell’s kitchen, nathan is much more outgoing, more sure of himself, still full of sunshine & radiating happiness, & finds his love for computers thanks to one of his teachers. after graduating from m.i.t., nathan lands a job at rand industries as a computer technician, though he can be found doing side jobs for anyone & everyone that needs it. (& if he happens to show up at his cousin’s law firm to help fix a computer once in a while or to grab lunch, so be it.)
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spirits-n-giggles · 4 years
I thought he turned back because he liked her petting his snout and he didn’t want to do anything to give that away. Or he was surprised he liked her touching his fur. Not gonna lie that sneeze threw me. Why did he sneeze? Side out: I know he’s a dog not cat, but does he make any purring noises? Like a dogs pur sound kind of? Some wolves can purr. Inquiring mind here 😉
Okay! FINE! I give up! 
Here you go! 😍
Fully fledged, and with art at the end to boot.
The First Time Rin Met Doggy!Sesshy
So, you want to know about the first time Rin ever saw Sesshomaru in full Doggy!Sesshy form, eh?
Hmm.... It would have to be at some point during the original series, yeah? So Rin would still have to be what demons would call a tiny human. It would happen in the evening, after the night would fall. The camping party of misfits would consist of Lord Sesshomaru, Jaken, Ah and Un, and the tiny human, Rin. They would all lay at their own leisure in a safe area to camp, complete with shade to stay hidden in the large bushes and trees.
They would have sat for a while, whilst the toad demon and the tiny human would feast upon the catch they would have made earlier on in the day. With bellies filled, it wouldn’t be long before Rin would finally find herself in a sleeping state. This would be a queue for Sesshomaru to go and hunt for his own food, as he would order Jaken to stay behind and keep guard over the camp. He would only travel as far as he needed to in order to obtain his food, but that would vary depending on how far away camp would be from his preferred diet.
What does he eat?
Use your imagination.
That’s not what this oneshot is about. :)
Something would happen while Sesshomaru would hunt, and it would most likely be a huge giant big-headed demon of some kind that would have smelled the dwindling campfire from not too far away. Careful to guard itself with its own personal demonic energy, this pathetic waste of space would cleverly hide its scent as it would happen upon the camp while the moon hung high in the sky. This stupid demon would believe Sesshomaru to be rather small compared to it’s large stature, and unfortunately for this idiotic demon, it would soon find out what happens when one assumes.
This filler episode demon would have waited until all was clear to attack the camp so he wouldn’t have to try very hard for his own dinner. With the larger demon long gone, this moron would emerge from the trees in the night and spot the sleeping girl and pathetic goblin-looking toad and see them as nothing more than a nice midnight snack. This causes Rin to release a blood-curdling scream. All this stupid demon would know was that the bigger demon was gone so these little tiny nothings be ripe for the picking. Sure there was still a dragon but surely he could handle one and be done with his business before the bigger demon would return, right?
As Sesshomaru would make his one and only kill to eat, he would immediately hear the cry of Rin. It would take naught but a hop and a jump for him to get to her, only to see that she would be lifted into some giant’s mouth. Ah and Un could only do so much while muzzled, and stupid Jaken would get himself caught, again. Sesshoamru would arrive to see the size of such a spectacle, and figures that it would just be easier to settle this the old fashioned way.
He would sigh at such a pathetic excuse of a demon, and he wouldn’t even have have to think as he would suddenly -- *- BAMF -* -- transform into full Doggy!Sesshy. Doggy!Sesshy would be a big vicious beasty, and poor Rin wouldn’t have even been able to see the transformation since she’d be too busy with almost being eaten, and all that.
The dumb demon would have had no time to react to the sudden giant-ass dog demon that would suddenly come lunging towards him. Doggy!Sesshy would swiftly kill the vermin, with little to show for it since his blood would taste absolutely disgusting to the Demon Lord. After mere seconds, both of the demon’s arms would separate from the rest of its body (cause duh) , and Sesshomaru would catch Rin (and Jaken) on the safety of his back to guide them down to safety.
It would take a few moments for the damsels to come back to their senses. “W-what happened?” Rin’s voice would speak as she’d subconsciously hold onto whatever she had landed on. She would look up to see that she’d be in the sky, flying as if she were on the back of Ah and Un, but she would see her two-headed friend as he would anxiously await her back on the ground. She would then look down to see white fur under her as they would glide in the air, and the fur would feel somewhat familiar, but not enough for her to directly understand what had just happened.
"Lord Sesshomaru!" She would scream for his attention. She would know that he’d sometimes leave the camp to eat, but a demon was just killed by another in front of her. "Lord Sesshomaru where are you?" He would usually hear her cry. It wouldn’t be like him not to show up to a fight like this.
She would be eager to get off this random.... demon and search for her lord.
"You fool!” Rin would hear Jaken’s voice from behind her. She would look to see her friend desperately trying to hold on to any kind of fur under him. This IS Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken would berate the tiny human and her ignorance while holding on for dear life.
“Hold on Jaken! I’ve got you!” She would be close enough to be able to pull him up to safety by his unique looking staff.
Jaken would be thankful, though he wouldn’t want to be. “Meddlesome girl. I could have made it on my own.”
“What do you mean that this is Lord Sesshomaru?” How would she have known? This would be her first experience seeing him this way, after all. Doggy!Sesshy would take this time to slow them down and eventually come to a smooth landing.
“Don’t you know anything?” Jaken would screech as he would jump off of his Lord’s back. “Lord Sesshomaru is a Dog Demon. This is his true form! The look of a human is an optional one, but it does keep his true form rested and at bay so he doesn’t go crazy and kill the entire world with his vicious power and anger!” Jaken would cower at the very idea of the story.  Rin would follow and slide off of Sesshomaru’s side, but he would stand there for a moment in full form. Rin would be shy about her movements, but she would be careful as she would slowly come to see the front of his dog-like face.
This would be the face of a great beast. He would be large and white. His snout would be pointed and vicious, and his sneer would hold a look of what most would consider to be pure evil. He would growl as he would refrain from releasing any of his poison around her, and such a sound would resonate within her ears. He would be fully aware, watching her intently, waiting for her every move. He would only imagine what his horrid form would look to her. ‘Surely, she must be frozen in terror. Look at how still she stands.’ He would believe it to be fear that he’d see in her eyes.
Nothing about his true form would be recognizable to her, except the familiar markings on his face. His two stripes on each of his human-like cheeks would morph into one jagged one on each in this form. The moon in the center of his head would make Rin wonder if the moon somehow helped his power in some way. Her disposition would calm as she would eventually be able to see him through his demonic form. "Lord Sesshomaru?" She would ask, looking into one very large red eye.
It would seem to be him after all, as he would shortly transform back to his usual form- the form that she'd be most familiar with. She would shield her eyes of the wind that would flow out of him.
He would stand, calm and emotionless, as per usual, but he would carry a disposition that would somehow be more quiet and standoff-ish. There would be no voice from Jaken, this time, and Ah and Un would always prefer to be the silent contenders in these situations. Sesshomaru would be waiting for Rin to scream and run from him in terror after what she had just seen. He would have just transformed into a vicious beast and murdered in cold blood right in front of her. In a way, he’d be no different than the one that just tried to kill her, so she must be terrified...
Right? ‘I really am a monster.’
Rin would not notice the trepidation in his movements. “Wow...” She’d whisper. Her eyes would grow wide with a smile to match. "Can you do that again?" She'd suddenly ask with hopeful eyes.
Sesshomaru’s eyes would widen at her sudden request... and for just a moment, Sesshomaru’s voice would be caught. ‘...What?’
"HOW DARE YOU REQUEST SUCH A THING." Jaken‘s voice would screech in her ear, scurrying over to the tiny human. "Lord Sesshomaru does not waste such valuable demonic energy to entertain the witless demands of a pathetic little human like you."
"Silence." Sesshomaru's voice would only have to utter a single word to get the demon toad to quiet himself.
“Y-yes milord.” The servant would do as he was told, sheepishly hiding behind the tiny human Rin in the process.
Sesshomaru would be the Great Demon Lord of the West. It would take naught but little energy for him to do something as simple as transform into his full self for a second time. The air around him would start to pulsate once again, as would the echo of his heartbeat. The wind would ripple through the tall grass and the leaves in the trees. Rin's eyes would grow in awe as she would watch his hair start to freely dance with the wind. Before she’d know it, a dangerous red color of his demonic eyes would return as the usual soft amber color of his eyes would fade away. His gaze would land directly on her.
Rin would stand completely still, wanting to see the entire transformation. There would be a certain something inside of her that would never want to look away. Rin would be an empathic human being, and this power could be very valuable in the future, should she desire to continue down the path of divinity. But for this moment in time, it would be able to help her see the beauty in such an extremely wild and dangerous moment as showing one’s true demon form like this. This would speak to her heart, though her mind would still need to develop a little more before she would be able to fully understand this power. For now, she would just be able to enjoy this moment.
Oh, what magic this would be to her- but Jaken would be smart to grab her arm as he would run from the blast that he knew would come. The human would watch in awe as Sesshomaru’s human-like being would become wrapped in the fur that would usually stay at his side, right before fully transforming in size with the power of his demonic light.
Clad in his full beast form, Sesshomaru would stand tall and mighty. The hiss in his growl would even scare away the sleeping birds that nest high in the trees, but Rin would pull herself away from Jaken's hiding spot and make her way towards this new Demon Lord Sesshomaru. This full transformation would be the raw and natural state of a creature that would call himself the Demon Lord of the West, and this would intrigue Rin to no end, no matter what age she might be.
He would actually be a... dog.
Her eyes would be directly on him as he would gently turn to see her with one very large and perhaps a little bit of a timid eye, as well. She would take her time making her way towards him, but she wouldn't hesitate to take the first step as soon as possible. His growl would come from deep within his throat, as if warning her not to get too close. This would be a recurring theme in Sesshomaru’s character, whether he’d notice it or not. This would just be another way for him to push her away, and to remind her that he is not good, he is not kind, and he is definitely not nice.
He is a monster, and he would always be a monster.
She would pause, but she would not be afraid. He would be in a defensive stance, but his body language would eventually simmer down to a calmer state, as she would grow even closer. Her mind would only be on Sesshomaru with youthful eyes of her own, but not with fear of him hurting her, but with fear of him being frightened of her footsteps.
The closer she would get, the more his growl would dim. Jaken's eyes would be large, as he would observe Rin’s courage. Even he wouldn’t dare to get so close to such danger. His jaw would seem to hit the ground.
Sesshomaru would then lower his snout down to Rin’s gaze. He would only be able to see her with one eye, but one would be enough. Rin would eventually be close enough to gently, yet gradually feel the familiar fur at the side of his nose. She would know the soothing familiarly of his fur, for it would be thickened with his wild nature, and warm to the touch. Here she would come to the understanding that his Moko-moko would be a part of him somehow. as she would continue petting the bridge of his nose.
This gentle action of hers would cause his eyes to gently come to a close. He would feel her kind touch, and it would be a foreign feeling. It would almost seem as though he... might... actually....
His eyes would suddenly pop open wide, and he would yank his face away from her, which would frighten the poor girl and she would end up falling back with a small scream. Her fear ridden voice would cause him to immediately transform back to normal as if nothing happened.
After a moment of defining silence between the small camp of beings, none would dare make a sound. They would watch Sesshomaru as he would slowly, but surely raise his (only) arm (at the time) . The silence would remain until the smallest ... *sneeze*...? would suddenly come from their Demon Lord of the West.
Did... Did Rin just make Lord Sesshomaru... sneeze?
"Let's go." Sesshomaru says as he turns away from the camp. "Since you're all awake, we might as well travel on."
She did! Rin made Lord Sesshomaru sneeze...
Well...Sort of.
He had to think of something, didn’t he? She was PETTING him like a DOG. That was unacceptable... right?
A-and it’s not like he actually enjoyed it or anything... right?
That would be considered affection.
What is that?
Unfortunately, he would have absolutely no idea of what affection would be, so he wouldn’t understand why he would feel something ... positive in her gentle touch to his demonic form. And he definitely didn’t use the excuse of a fake sneeze so he could..... touch... the spot that she touched in his own state of shock.
This Sesshomaru? Have feelings?
Rin would scurry on up as everyone would continue on. ‘Lord Sesshomaru....’ she would think to herself. ‘You truly are beautiful. Inside and out.’ She would smile a smile that would be felt by the entire group.
‘I am a monster,’ he would think to himself, ‘but... perhaps I can be a decent one.’ Lord Sesshomaru, too, would hide a vague grin as they would venture on with their adventure.
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Art and story by: Me :)
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kabootarandishaan · 4 years
Summary: The reader has taken in a stray dog and always takes it to the riverbed for walks, one day they see a random purple haired boy and things happen.
 One-shot/Series: Based on how I feel who knows?
Pairing: Jonathan Joestar/ Female reader
A/N: Jonathan deserved better in my opinion so here's something not so short and sweet for a boy who’s also not so short but definitely sweet. Let me know what y’all think!
Warnings: Mention of animal death.
You found Nila under a bridge in a basket. Your first thought was, “How could someone abandon such a precious little one .” You carried her back to your home and had to find a way to convince your father to allow you to keep the poor thing. You did not think it would be too hard considering after the death of your mother the house seemed very empty, maybe father would appreciate a little liveliness. Just as you thought despite his attempt at being stern you saw his eyes soften after you pulled back the small blanket covering the puppy. “I will allow you to keep her under the condition you take full responsibility for her.” You hugged your father with as much force as you could. He only laughed and patted your back before you both parted.
That was four years ago, Nila had grown into a beautiful young dog since then. Despite being a mutt, she could have easily been mistaken for a high end dog. You managed to do exactly as your father had asked and had practically raised her. You would take odd jobs here and there just to buy her food and other things. Your father had even taken the initiative to turn the old shed behind your cottage to a small place for her. She barely ever used it though, most nights she would cuddle up alongside you and fall asleep. You had developed a routine with Nila, you would wake up at the crack of dawn and help out your father before he was off to the shop. Your father had owned a little shop in the town and you would come down to help in the afternoons leaving you to spend your mornings however you wished with Nila. After some breakfast and doing your general chores you would take Nila on your daily path down along the river. You loved sitting along the edge as you watched Nila play in the shallows it gave you a feeling of serenity. It was usually just you and Nila on these walks seeing as no one seemed to have any business by the river so early and you enjoyed that. 
The town had been growing economically and socially for some time now and this meant good things for you and your father as he was able to maintain his business. But seeing as the growth continued it meant your father had been busier leading to him needing you around the shop more often. Fortunately, you were able to take Nila but she was confined to a space behind the store that you had managed to turn into a makeshift play area and you had to stop your early morning walks. You had decided to change them into later in the evening after the shop closed. After dinner you would go out with Nila in tow. At first your father was hesitant, seeing as he was worried about you running into any ruffians. Later after assuring him you would take a dagger for your safety and the fact that you had Nila he allowed you to continue. 
The late night walks were not too different from your previous scheduled ones. The river seemed to be even more deserted during this time and you seemed to enjoy the moonlit water a little more than the early mist. It was on one of these walks where you first saw him. Well, it was actually Nila who met him first. Instead of immediately going for the shallows she sniffed and began leading you a bit farther down the riverbed. She abruptly stopped and started running catching you off guard. “Nila! Stop!” You tried your best to keep up with her seeing as you only had the moon and the distant gleam of a few streetlights allowing you to see. You stopped and gripped your dagger when you heard the voice of someone. You could see a man, the moonlight accenting his plum colored hair. He was sitting by the edge of the riverbed he could not have been much older than yourself and when he spoke you could hear a youthful soft-spokenness in it. You noticed his clothes and thought he might have come from a noble family. 
Nila, who otherwise was very reserved and selective of people, seemed to be very fond of him as she sniffed and licked his hand. You heard him let out a sound of surprise before he laughed and began petting Nila. “Well aren’t you quite friendly. What are you doing out here all alone, little one?” He continued petting her and you could not help but feel a warmth in your chest. You hastily called out to your dog. "Nila leave that man alone where are your manners!" You eventually caught up to where she was. "I'm sorry about that Sir, she usually never runs off like that." You had tucked your dagger away behind you at this point and simply stood slightly flustered as he looked up at you, his eyes glowing and he smiled before responding. "No worries, ma’am. I quite enjoyed her company. I used to have a dog myself.” He seems to zone out and looks towards the running river. 
You look at him intrigued and not knowing what came over yourself you sat down next to him leaving a reasonable amount of space between the two of you. “What happened?” He looked at you in confusion. “You said you used to have a dog. What happened to them?” Nila had proceeded to play in the water at this point leaving you and this strange man alone. “Ahh, well Danny died some time ago in an accident it was quite unfortunate.” You could hear the strain in his voice as he said the last part. Your heart broke a little for him. You could not even fathom how you would cope to losing Nila. She had become an essential part of your and your fathers lives. “I apologize. It seems I have not even properly introduced myself. My name is Jonathan Joestar and seeing as I have introduced myself I see it only fitting to know the name of the lady who’s dog made my night.” Your eyes widened slightly. Jonathan Joestar son of the wealthy trader George Joestar. Here he was by the riverbed talking to you, the daughter of some shop owner asking your name. You tried your best to control your nervousness and proceeded to speak. 
“Y/N, and my dog, who you have met, her name is Nila.” You looked towards her and smiled. “That is quite a beautiful name.” You caught his gaze and you could feel the warmth spread across your cheeks. “Thank you.” You looked down towards your feet hoping he did not notice your embarrassment. “Do you come out here often? I do not think I have seen you before.” He asked. “I used to take Nila on walks here in the morning. My father owns a shop in town and he needed more of my help and I could no longer bring her out in the mornings. I decided to change the morning walks to later in the evening. Do you come by here every night?” You felt a little more relaxed and he seemed nice. Considering most of your time was spent between Nila, the shop, and trying to study on your own it was nice to speak to someone around your age. “I do. Maybe I could…” His sentence was cut short by the chime of a clock. 
You gasped and turned to Jonathan. “Oh my! I have to get home! Nila we need to go! It was very nice to meet you see you tomorrow Mr.Joestar.” You called Nila before making off. “ Lady Y/N!” You heard him call after you but you had already stayed much later than your usual walk time your father was probably pacing the floor and you were dreading the lecture you were to hear the minute you came home. It was not all bad though, you had befriended a handsome man in the process thanks to Nila. You were looking forward to meeting him once again. “Nila your little detour better have been worth the scolding we’ll receive from father.” You grumbled at her.
Jonathan could only watch as you made you ran away farther from the riverbed. He held the dagger which had fallen from you as you tried to hastily make your way home. “Smart girl.” He smiled and tucked the dagger away and headed on his own way home. He did not understand why but he was excited to see you again.
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nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 2
Needless to say, I kept the jock with me for the night.
We had dinner at my place (Mom was very surprised to see me hanging out with a guy from the football team. We had to make up something about being together for a project and befriending each other) and I tried to examine Dave’s behavior as much as I could.
How many persons can say that they had dinner with a werewolf? 
He seemed to eat like a bodybuilder in a bulk while training for a tournament (I’m sort of interested in those topics, so I know what I’m talking about).
We just did some casual chat with my mom, until we finished and went back to my room. I closed the door and looked at the jock on the center of the room. “Hey” He said with a smile.
“Got a few more questions about the… werewolf thing” I went straight ahead to the interesting topic.
“You sure it’s safe to talk about it here?” He said, looking over my shoulder, probably checking if the door was closed.
“Yeah, the walls are good” I said. Mom wouldn’t hear anything unless the door was opened, which wasn’t. “So tell me, are your parents werewolves too?”
He nodded. I walked over to the bed and sat down again as he explained “Yeah. I’m a purebred, both dad and mom are werewolves” He said, quite proudly.
“But don’t you guys have to find your soulmate?” It didn’t really make sense.
“Well, yes and no. It’s kinda a random thing? Like, some of us don’t really have a soulmate to give themselves to, so they chose to be together on their own” Ouch, that sounded like he didn’t really want to be with me. He noticed and quickly retracted though. “Meanwhile, I want to give myself in mind and body to you, for some reason. And I’m loving it, bro!”
It wasn’t as complicated as I thought it was. But I still had some questions.
“What about full moon? Do you have to… chain yourself or something?”
He laughed “Movies don’t really do me justice, huh?” I raised an eyebrow and waited for more explanation. “I just change to my werewolf form, nothing painful or anything. Just a pain in the ass if you want to fuck your girl at that night but they can’t know about your nature”
I opened my eyes, a bit surprised “Can I see your werewolf form?”
He nodded, happily “Yeah, bro! But you may want to lock your door, just in case”
I went and locked it from the inside. This was going to be really epic and mom couldn’t know about this.
Dave looked over at me and took a deep breath “Wait, bro. May I take off my clothes first? I really like this shirt”
“Uh… Sure?” Were his clothes going to be ripped apart if he changed to his werewolf form while dressed?
He took off his letterman jacket and his shirt, revealing his sculpted body. He was hairy, but that wasn’t a surprise. His torso had a small amount of hair. He probably tried to keep himself smooth, but couldn’t? God, I had so many questions.
He kept undressing, until he dropped his underwear. I noticed he was hard. I remember he said he enjoyed obeying me, and that it made him happy. Never thought it would make him this happy.
I whistled a bit at his looks. He blushed and gave me a sincere smile. “Like what you see, bro?”
“Can’t lie, I really do” I said, returning the smile.
He chuckled, but his expression turned a bit sad “Please, don’t be afraid of me, bro. I won’t be able to handle seeing my love afraid of me”
“I’ve asked you to transform, so don’t worry” I wanted to sound brave, but it was actually unnerving.
Dave remained still for a few seconds, when I noticed his corporal hair started to grow. His head also changed, the lower part resembling more and more to a wolf snout rather than a normal human head. With where his human nose used to be morphing into a dark brown spot.
The snout was brown while his body got light brown hair all over it. It didn’t seem painful at all, like he just concentrated and zoned out while his body morphed. Maybe it was magic?
His ears got pointy, like that of a Hylian, from Zelda. His brows grew thicker, and his eyes grew a bit too, they also remained blue. His short hair got a bit longer too, and messier.
Shoulders grew wider. His body was now completely covered in fur, ranging from lighter brown tones at the front to darker tones at the side and back of the wolf-jock.
His hands got those paw pads, and his nails turned into claws.
Needless to say, his cock also grew a few inches, and surprisingly that zone had shorter to no hair.
That’s a good wolfie.
A tail appeared at the start of his butt cheeks, which made me chuckle a bit. He didn’t even notice; he was like in a trance during his whole morphing process. He didn’t look THAT menacing either. It was like some kind of… humanoid wolf. Or a furry, if you prefer that way.
He looked cute.
When it was over, he smiled. Or what seemed like a smile. Four fangs where visible on his mouth, and just like I said before, I found it cute.
“Well?” He asked “How do I look?” His voice sounded a bit deeper and rougher than before.
I walked up to him and hugged him. He was like a human (really tall human) sized plushy bear and I loved it.
He hugged me back, I could feel the nervousness fading from him as he pressed me tighter. “You’re really cute” I told him after breaking the hug.
“That wasn’t… what I expected, but thanks bro. I’m so happy you don’t mind me being…” He pointed at his body “…Like this”
I admired his body frame a bit more before returning to my senses. “D-did… Did it hurt? It seemed like you zoned out while you transformed”
He shook his head, like it was the most usual topic in the world “Uh, no. It only hurts for those who have killed off another person. It’s a kind of punishment, you break the rules and you pay for your entire life”
I nodded. A bit dark, not exactly what I was expecting but still, it made sense.
I looked at the discarded clothes on the floor “Did you get naked to avoid ripping your clothes?”
He looked at the clothing at the ground and proceeded to grab it all “Uh… Kinda. I can wear clothes, but I’m afraid to rip them off when my body grows to the werewolf form” He put on his letterman jacket, but left it unbuttoned.
You could still see his ripped abs and pecs. I passed a hand over them and noticed him smiling.
“You’re cute too, bro” Then he snorted “Thought it would be weird. Saying that to another guy, but it feels right when I’m with you”
I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I don’t think we could make out if he had a wolf snout. May try someday, but not today.
Just then, I noticed his cock was still hard. The foreskin was the same color than the light brown hair at the front of the guy, meanwhile the actual cock contrasted with a strong red-pink.
“Hey, touch me if you want. I belong to you, remember? In mind and body”
Seeing Dave, the star quarterback from high school, telling me that he wanted to be played with was amazing.
I’m a virgin, and I don’t think I’m ready to be with another guy yet. I would like to wait some time, but… a hand job doesn’t count, right?
I gave his cock a few strokes, and noticed he started panting. Tongue lolling out again and eyes unfocused.
“You like that, don’t you big boy?” Would he like being talked to like a dog? I mean, he acted like one already.
“Yeah bro… keep going…” he panted, in pleasure.
“You want to be a good puppy boy, isn’t that right?”
“Yeah… a good puppy boy…”
I let go of his cock. I had an idea.
I went over to my closet as he returned to his senses, snapping out of what seemed to be a relaxed state. “Did I say something wrong, bro?” He asked, with a sad tone.
“No! You were perfect! But…” Got it!
Inside a box in my closet, I had stuff from when I was little. One of those things was my old dog’s collar. His name was Donut (Rest in peace).
A red collar with a little tag. I removed the tag and showed the collar to Dave. It didn’t fit his style at all… We’ll go buy some puppy stuff tomorrow.
He was a bit confused, but stood still as I put the collar around his neck and buckled it in a way that would be comfortable to him and would also stay in place.
“And… done” I mumbled. I looked up at him. “Comfortable?”
He moved his neck for a few seconds before nodding “Yeah, pretty cool. Is it a gift? From the love of my life?” He asked, excitedly.
“Unfortunately, no. It’s from my old dog, but I’ll buy you one tomorrow if you want a gift.”
He immediately gave me a hug “I want to kiss you but I can’t”
I laughed “Easy puppy, sit down”
He let go of the hug and sat down on the floor, looking up at me.
I petted him “Good boy, now human time!” He nodded and stood still as the morphing started again, but this time in reverse.
His snout went back in as his head returned to the normal Dave. His fur… vanished? It started to grow shorter until it was just like before. Dave’s shoulders got reduced too.
The pads at his hands disappeared, and the claws turned back into normal human nails.
He was again the human, naked jock, with an open letterman jacket showing off his pecs and abs and a dog collar around his neck.
As soon as his morph finished, he got up and leaned towards me, grabbing my face and pulling me into a warm make out session.
His hard cock was still leaking pre. Again, he noticed me looking and said “I’m okay if you want to have sex. Done it a lotta times and I would focus on making ya feel good, bro”
I shook my head “Not ready yet” Grabbed his underwear and passed it to him. He took the message and wore it back on. I assumed he was a bit disappointed because of the lack of sex.
“Did you tell your parents you’re staying the night? I’m worried that they’ll think someone caught you or anything” I was mostly scared about a possible couple of werewolves tracking me down because of their son.
“Did back at the dinner, also thought about breaking up with Leslie but…” he shrugged “I would be a real asshole if I broke with her via message”
I nodded, turned off the light and got on the bed.
He just stood there, then laid down on the floor. His dog manners were a mix of cute and weird, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.
“What are you doing? Get on the bed, Dave” I told him.
He got up immediately with a big smile and climbed the bed, laying down next to me. (He was actually bigger than me and pressed me against the wall. It was warm, though).
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, I’ll make up for it, bro” He pulled me closer to him and I laid my head in the space between his shoulder and his pec. “I love you”
I still didn’t know how I felt about the jock. I mean, yeah. He is hot, and we’re supposed to be soulmates but… “Sleep” I said.
Just like if I pressed some kind of shut down button, he gave me a last smile before falling asleep, complete with an almost silent snoring and everything.
I didn’t know how I felt about this whole situation.
To summarize, and see if I got everything correctly. One of my classmates, and one of the hottest guys around school, is a werewolf. Not only that, but he has to do everything I say, without any limits at all. He’ll also do it in complete bliss because he’s my soulmate…
Does that mean he’s the only love I’ll be able to have, or something like that?
I remember him being really asshole-ish to everyone, a guy who wouldn’t hesitate about beating up a nerd who didn’t comply to what he said, or a gay dude just for being gay.
He never got to me, luckily, I just heard rumors.
But he wasn’t lying, and this seemed real enough. I even saw him transforming in front of me, twice.
A lot to process, I guess. Maybe this is all a dream? It couldn’t be, as I said I just watched him transform in front of me.
I hope things get clearer tomorrow, for now I just want to sleep.
I closed my eyes and cuddled with the jock, quickly drifting off.
Next morning, I noticed Dave was hugging me as we cuddled together.
Good thing that it’s Saturday, I still haven’t figured out how things are going to be at school. Having some time to think was really nice.
I opened my eyes and found the guy staring at the ceiling. I bopped his cheek and he turned his face to me.
“Oh, you’re awake bro” He smiled “Morning”
I yawned “Good… morning. How long have you been awake?” I said, as I tried to stretch, but the werewolf apparently wasn’t going to get his arms off me. “And could you give me a bit of space?”
He nodded, and he got up from the bed. That wasn’t what I meant but it was still appreciated. “Uh... I don’t know, bro. A while?” He scratched his head. I noticed he still had the dog collar on and it made me smile.
Just like yesterday, his cock seemed to be hard again. Was this going to be a normal thing? I heard jocks are horny all the time, so maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with him being a werewolf?
“Can you turn your morning wood off? It’s sort of making me nervous” I said.
Surprisingly, his cock got soft almost immediately. I looked up at him his eyes were a bit unfocused again, with his trademarked idiot smile on his face.
Great, I can also control his hard-ons. “There’s really no limit to my control over you, right?”
Dave snapped out of his… whatever that was, and looked down at me. “You’ve seen it yourself, bro” He started, as I sat on the bed. “You have complete control over me, as my lovely soulmate”
I rubbed my eyes for a bit. This was really happening; it wasn’t just a weird dream.
The almost naked werewolf jock was really standing in front of me, talking normally about me being his soulmate and controlling his mind and body. “Am I making you uncomfortable, bro?” He asked again, with the same sad tone from last night.
“Why do you think that?”
“You don’t seem happy to have me around” He got on his knees in front of me, giving me puppy eyes. He looked so cute. “I’m serious, bro. I love you, but if you want me to stop bothering you…” He looked at the door for a second before looking back at me with his sad gaze.
I sighed and scratched behind his ear again. It was the sweet spot, his eyes unfocused again and his tongue lolled out. I don’t know if he was voluntarily acting like a dog, but I liked it.
After I stopped scratching, he returned to his senses and I told him “Don’t worry about that. Just… forget about it, alright?”
His eyes got glassy for a few seconds, then he answered “What were we talking about?”
Wow. That was actually scary and amazing. I think I should really think my words before speaking to him.
“Breakfast” I lied “We should go down and get some” I looked at the watch on my wrist and noticed it was quite early, 9 am. We had a lot of time for the shenanigans I could try with my new werewolf pet.
He nodded and headed for the door, but I stopped him. “Wait!” I said, reaching out to him. I unbuckled the red dog necklace around his neck. “There, and put on some clothes before going downstairs”
I knew mom would go to work in a few hours, but in the meantime, I had to follow the rules of not going downstairs almost naked.
He stared at the necklace until I placed it back on the box where I grabbed it from, like he grew to like it the few hours he had it on.
Or maybe he just liked being treated like a dog by his soulmate?
He put his pants back on, and his tee, before we both walked downstairs and to the kitchen.
He offered to cook something for me, but I refused. I could use having him around more often to do my tasks, but I still wanted to process everything I learned so far.
Besides, he’s not my… servant, of sorts. He’s my classmate, and he has feelings. Even if he gives me full control of his whole self, I still choose to respect him.
I wondered if he needed to eat like a beast, but since I didn’t want him to cook for me, he settled for cereal as breakfast.
“So, I don’t want to head home yet” He said, before taking a spoonful of cereal with milk. “What would you like to do, bro? Just say it and we’ll do it”
I thought about it, and I think I should buy him a real gift after not giving him Donut’s collar last night.
We walked through the shopping street. Dave drove us here after finishing with breakfast.
I liked this place, it was crowded yeah, but it had a lot of interesting stuff to do. The arcade was my favorite place. Pizza and videogames, I felt like a little child in there.
But it’s not what I’ve came here for.
Dave put his arm around my shoulder, causing me to shiver a bit and almost fall to the floor because of the weight. 
Still not used to his werewolf strength, and he mumbled a "Sorry, I'm too excited, bro" after controlling himself.
We went to the local pet shop and were greeted by a nice guy, who seemed my age. I hoped he didn’t attend my school, this was a big town, after all. What are the chances?
I told him we just wanted to look around, because I wanted to buy some stuff for my new dog at home.
Dave smiled and caressed my shoulder a bit when I said that, but remained calm.
We went through the store’s shelves, looking for cool stuff for my new friend. 
I noticed a bowser collar (A black, leather collar with little spikes around it) and decided to grab one, after checking the measures. 
Mostly because the guy just shown to be pretty big heavy and almost crushed me by putting his arm around my shoulders? Yeah.
I also got a leash. I don’t think I would be able to use it, since a high school student taking one of his classmates out for a walk wouldn’t be well seen around the neighborhood. But we could probably make up something on my room, after I opened up a bit more.
Dave offered to pay for the stuff, but I decided to not be a jerk and pay for it myself. We walked outside with a bag, and Dave couldn’t hold himself back.
He grabbed me and gave me a tight hug, leaving me almost breathless.
“Thank you so much, bro! You’re the best soulmate I could’ve ever imagined to have!” He said after releasing me from the hug.
I tried to breathe a bit, before answering “But I just bought dog stuff to you, don’t you care that I’m treating you like some kind of dog?”
He shook his head, still smiling “Of course not! I live to serve my soulmate! If you want me to wear dog stuff, I’m alright with that, bro!”
He lifted his hand for a high five, but my reflexes made me take a step back. He noticed this, and said “Bro?”
I got back to my senses and high fived with him, making him smile again.
“I love you, bro” He said, giving a little kiss to my head as we walked back to his car.
Chapter 3 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 1 Episode 14: Witch Trap
Just from the title I am both worried and excited because my villainous gals will clearly feature heavily but that is usually not great for my favourite protagonists
Oh my god why must Bloom always be first just don't go in alphabetical order ONE TIME COME ON. You have magic but you can't get a random name generator? Bullshittttt
Okay this looks like the MOST FUN TEST
Oh damn she failed :(
Brandon resting his head on both hands oh my god this boy is SMITTEN
"Cloud tower is way too dangerous" cut to Cloud Tower where the first years are getting a WAY EASIER AND LESS DANGEROUS TEST WTF ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS SAY THEIR FAVE SPELL??? Not even perform it just TELL THE HEADMISTRESS WHAT IT IS
Oh no red haired first year baby just said her fave spell is a "friends forever" spell that brings you a best friend BABYYYY
I think her name is Mirta? I love her please can everyone stop being mean
She failed too :(((
This himbo is really going to break into Cloud Tower because Bloom was sad oh my god
Witches are super powerful during a full moon, which happens to be tonight. Huh
Surely, my beloved himbo, Brandon, wouldn't break into the witch's home when they're at their most powerful
Riven fuck off
Why is his codename 'puppy dog' Darcy you've made so many choices
Darcy's evil villain chuckle tho
Lucy don't be a bitch Mirta just wanted a friend
You can tell Mirta is baby and Lucy isn't because of how their face shapes were drawn but I'm STILL OFFENDED THAT LUCY CALLED HER A LOSER FUCK OFFFFFF
Can Mirta join the Winx Club please she just wants friends :(
Oh that's not gonna end well babe everyone knows the trio hates everyone outside the trio
Oh tea Icy has a PLAN
Maybe stop yelling Brandon you're in the MIDDLE OF CLOUD TOWER
Oh so Bloom's powers come from witches. And she's gonna trust this info isn't she. This clearly sus info that was almost certainly planted by my gals
Oh Bloom baby no
Brandon don't back away from her you little bitch she is CRYING
Stella would never treat her like this
8-9 is Stella's hair hour what a babe
...sleeping in a pile of leaves
"Can't scare her off!" Mirta you're such a baby oh my god please switch schools
Bloom this is CLEARLY a baby please trust her I mean did you SEE her little wave? Adorable
Stormy why the FUCK did you set a tree on fire literally what?? "Stupid tree" IT WASN'T EVEN NEAR YOU BITCH????
Omg he's trying to be evil oh nooo
Darcy just refered to the duck as their pet do you know what that is? Growth
Also Darcy why is your ideal pet a flying fire python wtf that'd be so inconveniant
Oh wow Darcy is literally only concerned for her new shoes
Prediction: Icy is gonna tell these two to shut tf up in like .2 seconds
"I was trying to hit the disrespectful duck" YOU SAY THAT LIKE IT'S NORMAL STORMY WTF
Oop there's Icy telling then to shut up what an icon
They just had the ultimate faces of "oh shit she mad" icons
Flora I love you but you just stood on the edge of the forest y'all know Bloom's in and made a flower arrow pointing into the forest... like yes we know she's in that direction sweetheart but you're trying your best
Musa and Techna should date
Stella is GLOWING
Mirta told Bloom the truth!! F r i e n d s h i p
Icy please stop calling Mirta a Wicca Wannabe it's mean :(
Bloom defending Mirta!!!
Stormy fell for the illusion lmao
Icy looked so offended
Stella's like "get tf away from my gf"
Just yeeted Bloom yikes
Aww Mirta's worried
Oh shit Mirta's pissed
"She tricked you again!" "Would you pay attention Stormy!" Guys I hate to break it to you but you two were scared as well like... lads
Icy I swear if you turn her into a pumpkin
Oh Bloom's gonna kill ya for that one
Stella babe
Techna cradling Bloom <3
Aww Flora ♡♡♡
Mirta's at Alfea! Not the best rn but I'm assuming she'll get un-pumkined
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artemishphm · 4 years
Name: Artemis Luna Grey
Nicknames: Temis, Art, Artie, Mis, Moonie, Pip, Honey, Lunetta
Gender: Female
Age: 11 - 17 (in-game, 1984-1991); 47 (present day 2020)
Birth Date: 31st August 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-blood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Nationality: Half Italian, Half British
Residence: London, England
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ENFJ-A
1st Wand: Acacia, Unicorn Hair, 12 inches, pliable
Garrick Ollivander found that wands made from Acacia were difficult to match with a wizard. Acacia wands generally refused to produce magic for anyone but their owners, but conversely, seemed to withhold their full power from all but the most gifted wizards.Owners of Acacia wands were generally subtle wizards, as wands made from this wood were generally unsuitable for what Ollivander termed "bangs-and-smells magic".             
Wands with unicorn hair cores produced the most consistent magic, were least subject to fluctuations and blockages, were most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts, and were the most faithful of wands. However, they do not make the most powerful of wands (unless the wand wood compensates) and are prone to melancholy if mishandled.
2nd Wand: Laurel, Phoenix feather, 12 inches
A laurel wand cannot perform a dishonourable act, although in the quest for glory (a not uncommon goal for those best suited to these wands), laurel wands have been known to perform powerful and sometimes lethal magic. Laurel wands are sometimes called fickle, but this is unfair; the laurel wand is unable to tolerate laziness in a possessor, and it is in such conditions that it is most easily and willingly won away. Otherwise, it will cleave happily to its first match forever, and indeed has the unusual and engaging attribute of issuing a spontaneous lightning strike if another witch or wizard attempts to steal it.
The Phoenix feather his is one of the rarest core types. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn hair or dragon heartstring cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike.Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won.
Animagus: American Staffordshire Terrier
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(Real footage of Barnaby playing with Artemis, Rowan rec)
Misc Magical Abilities: 
Just like her brother Jacob, Artemis is a Parselmouth. She realized she was one when learning about Vipera Evanesca in her fifth year, a snake told her all about his life and she talked with him about her friends.
Artemis can see the future with her inner eye. She rembers giving prophecies since she was born and how she cried when she couldn’t see her brother’s future anymore, she can’t also see her own future. Artemis hates having prophecies at the most random times (example: when Barnaby was about to kiss her for the first time).
Artemis can switch to a dog. She learned to do it with Talbott, even though they aren’t really close. She is not registered in the ministry.
Artemis was born with the ability to read other people’s minds.
Wandless and nonverbal magic
Artemis learned to cast nonverbal and windless magic with Rowan during their second year while they got bored during one of their sleepovers.
Boggart Form: Rowan’s dead body waking up and telling Artemis that it was her fault that she was dead.
Riddikulus Form: Rowan laughing with the fun that she bought with with Artemis 
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Rain, Cookies, Vanilla and Fire
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Snow, Shepherd’s pie, Fresh Laundry and a hint of sandalwood
Patronus: Unicorn
Patronus Memory: 
Dancing her heart out at the end of the fourth year with all of her friends in the courtyard thanks to a muggle stereo Jae had managed to smuggle in the castle
Mirror of Erised:
She sees her whole family just being there with her smiling, telling her how much they love her.
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Arresto Momentum
Faceclaim: Amanda Arcuri
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Game Appearance:
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Height: 5′5 (169 cm)
Weight: 110 lbs
Physique: Slim
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour:  Natural: brown, but she changes it every two weeks
Skin Tone: Ivory
Body Modifications: 
Her mother pierced her ears when she was born. During her years at Hogwarts she got a lot of other piercings on her ears.
She got a septum when she was 15
She also has a small sun stick & poke on her wrist. She got it with Rowan when they were 13 & bored. Rowan has a moon in the same place.
She has small scars on her fingers due to failed spells
She also had a scar on her lower belly but she doesn’t remember how she got it.
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?)
Popcorn (”you always have to be ready to watch Merula fail at duels”), her mother’s necklace, candy, eye-liner, one of Barnaby’s rings and a dugbomb (”just in case”)
Converse are a must, she’s always wearing them (even when she shouldn’t). During the weekdays when she is not wearing her uniform you can find her sporting an old hoodie and some sweats around the castle. When she’s outside or on special occasion she has a 90s style,
I’ll link her Pinterest style board here once I do it.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Affiliations/Organizations: The Grey family, The circle of Khanna, House of Gryffindor, British Ministry of Magic, Order of the Phoenix
Gryffindor prefect (1988-1991)
Auror (1992-present day)
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding
DADA: Outstanding
Flying: Exceeds Expectations
Herbology: Outstanding
History of Magic: Outstanding
Potions: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Outstanding
Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding
Divination: Outstanding
Muggle Studies: Acceptable
Quidditch: TBD
Extra Curricular:
-Duelling Club
Favourite Professors:
Minerva McGonagall
Severus Snape
Sybilla Trelawney
Silwanus Kettleburn
Least Favourite Professors:
Patricia Rakepick
Jacob Apollo Grey
He used to be Artemis’ best friend, but after his disappearance she couldn’t help but think that their bond would never be the same
Xavier Grey
Xavier left when Artemis was 3. He never came back.
Jennifer Bane
A very cold woman, she never know how to show her love to Artemis. After Jacob left she became verbally abusive towards her daughter.
Love Interest:
Barnaby Lee
Penny Haywood (one-sided love, 1985)
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna
Jae Kim
Nymphadora Tonks
Tulip Karasu
Penny Haywood
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Andre Egwu (friendly bc of quidditch)
Patricia Rakepick
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?)
Rowan Khanna
Skye Parkin
Barnaby Lee (when he doesn’t get caught, sneaked in)
Niffler named Plato
Abraxan named Achilles
Fairy named Roger
Closest Canon Friends:
Badeea Ali
Charlie Weasley
Bill Weasley
Liz Tuttle
Skye Parkin
Murphy McNully
Closest MC Friends:
Lizzie Parker ( @lizzieparkerhphm​)
Luna Powell (currently 2nd year, one of my MCs)
If u wanna be friends with Artemis just dm me! I’d love to!
Artemis is kind, loyal and funny. She’s a bit bossy sometimes but she always everyone’s best interests at heart. She would literally do anything for her friends. She’s really impulsive and that often puts her in very dangerous situations. She’s also really smart.
Artemis started dying her hair during her second year, after Tonks pulled prank on her and put dye in her shampoo. She loved so much her green hair that she decided to always change her hair color (Colovaria helped, a lot too)
None’s ever seen Artemis with the same hair color for more that three weeks. Her friends often don’t recognize her from behind when she has a new dye
Artemis and Tulip throw the best parties. They got caught only once.
There’s an unwritten rule at Hogwarts, what happens at their parties stays in their parties.
Artemis loves muggle music, especially Queen and David Bowie.
Even though Snape is always pretty harsh, he’s one of her favorite professors (and deep down he has a soft spot for her).
Rowan and Skye found her during OWLs week at three am crying her heart while singing “love of my life” to a piece of paper where she had written “outstanding OWLs” and a bowl of ice-cream, probably stolen from the kitchen. They never talked about it.
Artemis is in love with the moon. She doesn’t know why, but she’s always felt connected to it. That’s why you can often find her in the astronomy tower just staring at the moon.
She ofter sneaks Barnaby in her room because the feeling of his arms around her helps her ease her nightmares and, when she has her visions, he’s able to calm her down almost instantly.
When Rowan died, he slept with her for two months. None of the professors said nothing.
Thanks to @hogwartsmystory​for the template <3
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goldenpctals · 4 years
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TRUTH BOOTH, elodie edition
1. Please state your full name: My name is Elodie Yoon-ah Gwan 2. Does your name(s) have any kind of meaning? If so, what is it? Not completely sure? I know Elodie is some kind of flower and Yoon-ah means ‘light of god’ 3. Do you have any nicknames? Sometimes people call be El or Ellie  4. Where were you born? And in which country? I was born in Seoul, South-Korea 5. What is your date of birth? January 4 in year 1996  6. Of course, the following question; what is your Zodiac sign? I’m a Capricorn 7. Do you believe in Zodiac signs? Sometimes? I like to think so?  8. Where do you live? I live in Violet Springs, in Violet Heights to be exact 9. What is your home situation like? (ex. do you live with your family? Your partner etc.?) I live with my two dads, Edwin and Jonah and with my sister, Ruby 10. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have two sisters. Ruby and Issy Rosini 11. Do you have any kind of allergies? Not that I know of 12. Do you own any pets? If so, what kind of pets are they? Ruby has the most dogs in the house. However, I have a white cocker spaniel. His name is Baloo and he’s the cutest 13. Why did you apply to St Jude’s? Because I love performing, singing and music 14. Did you had to go through a lot audition rounds? A few. My English wasn’t really that good at the time. I still struggle with it every now and then  15. What is the current course you’re following? I study to course Music 16. If you can switch courses, which one would you switch to and why? If I had to switch, I’d probably pick dancing. It’s one of my greatest loves 17. What is your proudest project you’ve done? So far? My song named Solo. I heard it reached millions of views which is crazy 18. What is the proudest project that someone’s else has done? There are a couple. If I keep going I’ll be talking for a couple of days 19. Do you like FanCons? Yes. I love them!  20. What do you like about FanCons? Getting to meet my fans. I didn’t know I had so many people who care about me and my music. It’s a nice feeling 21. What don’t you like about FanCons? It can be overwhelming at times 22. A fan memory that always stuck with you? Can be positive or negative. A fan gave me a painting and it still hanging above my bed. I just love the vibe of it 23. Your favorite event so far? Hm.. Any kind of charity event 24. What kind of event would you like to see in the future? I think this is done before, but St Judes vs. other universities  25. Would you recommend St Jude’s to friends, family. etc? I would. I think this is the perfect place to chase your dreams 
26. What are your positive traits? I’d like to say that I’m realistic, patient and hard-working 27. What are you negative traits? Probably that I tend to look shy, I’m very cautious and I don’t trust people so easily 28. What would other people describe you as? A shy and awkwar bean 29. What are your pet peeves? Slow walking... 30. What makes you happy? Music makes me happy. Being with friends and family. Just be around good energy  31. What makes you upset? Seeing anyone I care about upset 32. What is something you love? The universe. I’m obsessed with the moon and the stars  33. What is something you dislike? Anger. I don’t really know why people get so angry or caught up over something 34. What are you strengths? My patience 35. What are you weaknesses? I have quite a few, so I’ll PASS this one 36. A misconception people often think of you? I don’t think I’m here long enough? But if I had to say something, probably that .. I have no idea 37. Do you have any fears? Yes  38. What scares you the most? Losing myself again 39. What do you do to entertain yourself? I make songs and go to the studio  40. What is your MBTI? I think it was ISFP 41. How do you deal with stress? This is something I struggle a lot with. I usually sit on a rooftop and I write down how I feel in lyrics.. I just tend to look at the moon a lot too 42. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person? Determind 43. Do you consider yourself selfish? No, I think I put people’s feelings over mine 44. Would you like to be different? I wish I was stronger, mentally  45. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)? Introvert
46. What is your sexual orientation? I consider myself heterosexual 47. Current relationship status? Single 48. When was your first kiss? It was a couple of months ago 49. Do you remember your first date? If so, with who was it? What did you do? I don’t think I’ve ever been asked out on a proper date so..  50. Have you ever experienced heart-break? Unfortunately, yes. But no because of romance 51. Have you ever been in love? (If yes, skip to question 53) No 52. If no, how so? There’s.. this.. like, wall that’s up pretty high? I’ve been through a lot and I refuse to get hurt again. I think I’m just really scared to fall in love with someone. I have experienced crushes.. Now I have a small one on someone I know I can never be with 53. How do you know when you’re in love? n/a 54. What would be your ideal date? My ideal date would be somewhere nice and quiet, maybe like at a lake or beach and a picnic to get to know each other 55. What is your perspective on marriage? When the right person comes, I’ll be open to it. But for now? I’m way too young to get married 56. (only for non-virgins) Are you a sub, dom or switch? n/a 57. What do you think of relationships? I think it’s beautiful how you can share your love with one another  58. What do you think of one-night stands? I’m not someone to do this. I’d rather get to know someone first before I do anything else. Plus, I want to be super comfortable first and even then, I’d only be intimate when I would be in a relationship 59. Are you still a virgin? Yes, I am 60. Most attractive trait in a different person? Loyalty and caring  61. What matters most to you when it comes to a relationship? Being truthful with one another. And also, be patient with one another  62. Are you comfortable with PDA? Or would you be comfortable with PDA? I’m not completely sure. I don’t really like when someone is extreme. I think I’d prefer just holding hands or a hug?  63. Are you more of a type to be asked out or the type to ask the other out? The type to be asked out, I guess?  64. How do you express love to the other? I think I express my love to others by making sure they’re okay? I don’t really know how to answer this  65. Who is your celebrity crush? Ji Chang-Wook.... He’s so so so dreamy
66. Do you regret anything? Yes 67. Is there something you woule like to re-do? So, start all over again? I’m so grateful for where I am now. However, my past is really hurtful but even though, life goes the way it’s supposed to go.. right?  68. What is something you would never share with anyone? There are so many things that people don’t know about me or my past. Ruby knows a lot.. but she doesn’t know everything yet and I don’t think I can ever share my memories with someone 69. When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? Just a couple of days ago. I suddenly felt overwhelmed after Felix’s birthday party. Probably a lot of, held back emotions at once 70. Most memorable event that happened in your time in St Judes? This could be anything: Solo being accepted by so many people. It’s still a miracle to me 71. One thing you wish you could do all over? Nothing 72. Someone you miss? There isn’t anyone that I currently miss 73. Something you wish you could forget? My past 74. Who has the biggest impact on you? Ruby 75. What is your perspective on love? Is it beautiful? Does it scare you? I think it can be beautiful in ways but it’s so scary, though? Love can be so hurtful. I’m not totally against it, I love to love, but --- it’s pretty unpredictable  76. What has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? Anything that I went through the age of 17 until I was adopted by Edwin and Jonah 77. What is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? Something I gained? A family. Something you’ve lost? Myself. But I’m doing very well in finding myself again. Something I let go of? Not much. My mind is still full of things that I wish I could forget  78. Have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? Not really?  79. Do you have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? I have panick attacks at certain events or scenarious? (OOC: She has PTSD and has 2 triggers, however, this hasn’t been diagnosed yet) 80. If you could meet your 16 year old self, what would tell them? You’re happy and you’re doing well. However, in a bout a year or so, someone is going to take you away from your family and you’re going through the worst pain in your life. Someone will introduce themselves as some kind of angel to you, but they will turn out to be your worst nightmare. You will go through a lot. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. This may seem to go on for forever, but you are so strong that you are going to get through this. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you....
81. Summer or Winter? Summer 82. Cats or dogs? Dogs  83. Beach or mountains? Beaches 84. Phone calls or texting? Phone calls 85. Have you ever skipped class? Only when I was dealing with mental health or sickness
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
Property of the Pirate King
 Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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READ THE TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains abuse, abusive relationships, threats, violence, major character death, kidnap, human slavery, emotional manipulation, disturbing sexual themes, and profanity. The behaviors and relationships depicted below are abusive and unhealthy. These are not examples of healthy relationships, it’s actually the opposite. This is meant to imagine the members of Ateez in a popular anime trope and it in no way represents their real-life personalities and characters. Real-life ATEEZ are actually known for being some of the kindest, most respectful idols in the industry. It’s fiction, it’s for fun, PLEASE DON’T READ IT IF YOU KNOW YOU WON’T LIKE IT OR THIS KIND OF STUFF DISTURBS YOU!
Author’s Note: @zafira-profundis​ Thanks so much for requesting and liking my work, you’re my second ever request and I love you :3 I didn’t feel qualified to make the reader fully blind, because I’m not and I don’t know enough about it. So I compromised and gave them really bad eyesight, but it doesn’t come up much in the story. I’m not particularly happy with this, but I really tried my best and I hope everything else is in line with your request and you enjoy the story!
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 3.1K+
You are in: The Golden Wasteland Star System 
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Every second that you spent at Lord Yang’s side was like agony to San.
He hated the way he would touch you. Hated the way he put his disgusting mouth on you and give you sloppy, wet kisses full of tongue that you obviously didn’t want but were unable to refuse.
Ever since Lord Yang bought you two years ago from a group of sketchy, no-name traders on the eastern border of his sand land, all San wanted to do was lock you up and have you for himself.
Like him, you were born a slave. Beaten and weary from everyone who’d ever owned you and all the people who’d tried to take advantage of your impaired eyesight. San was trained to kill and fight for his master since before he could walk while you were a personal slave, bound to serve the needs of your master, whatever they may be.
The desert lands that you were born into were scorching, exhausting, and ripe with death, evil, and danger, things that San was well familiar with.
But you...you were like the moon to him. Like a cool oasis in the nighttime. Just seeing you calmed him down and gave him the strength to survive another day.
You never talked to him. There were few words you ever said and few people you ever spoke to. And somehow, you still managed to be the object of San’s obsessions. The thing he’d chosen to latch onto in his mind’s last-ditch effort to stay sane in these hellish sand-dunes.
San stands ram-rod straight, a posture that was beaten into him long ago, in the doorway of one of Lord Yang’s many parlor rooms while you sit in Lord Yang’s lap, both of you bored and stiff after so long of hearing the old men converse with one another on various sordid business affairs.
Your eyes are glassy and far away as you try to ignore your master’s fingers rubbing slow, sickening circles onto the bone of your hip.
San stares at you out of his peripheral vision, something he’s gotten very good at in the last two years.
It’s any other day: hot, stifling, and miserable until San hears the words fall from his master’s lips.
“Gentlemen, I’ve come to a decision that it would benefit me to sell some of my pets. As a token of my respect to our close business relationship, I’m offering you first pick.”
You showed no movement. You’d been sold many times before and you were used to owners growing bored of their playthings and exchanging them for newer, more amusing ones until the cycle would repeat itself again.
San, however, was very on-edge.
He’d feared these words since the day his master bought you. But you’d been here for two years. Longer than any of his other slaves.
He’d just assumed that, like him, you were there to stay.
Surely, Lord Yang couldn’t mean that he was selling you?
Oblivious to the dilemma of the killer in the corner of the room, the five other men hummed appreciatively. “Which ones are you looking to get rid of?”
It was rare for you and San to ever make eye-contact, but it happened at that moment. You both knew. You could feel it in your bones.
“Ah, the older ones. Momo, Aisha, Yunho, Y/N, and a couple of others.”
With those few words, San could feel his heart sink to the pit of his stomach. If it hadn’t been for his years of training in mastering his facial expressions and body language, he would have crumpled to the floor and cried.
You were leaving him. You were being sold and you would leave him.
“They’re still young, very pretty. They’d fetch a fine price. They’ve just been with me for too long. I’ve grown tired of them.”
San decided right then and there that he’d kill every single man in this room.
No one would ever buy you again.
He’d kill them all and take you with him.
He couldn’t be without you, he just couldn’t.
Without his oasis, he’d die. He’d burn to death from the inside out in this wretched, wicked wasteland.
San had always been Lord Yang’s favorite. He was faithful and loyal. His duality amused him, his normally smiley disposition masking a hidden dark persona that was released when he fought and sometimes at random throughout the day. Plus, the boy had grown up by Lord Yang’s side, learning to protect his master and guard his life before he could even speak.
San was simultaneously like his favorite dog and the son he’d never had.
And San savored the look of betrayal in his eyes when they shot open in the middle of the night, right after San had taken his blade to his throat.
The same blade that had been the demise of so many at his master’s bidding, was now his undoing.
The night air was cooler, the sand still warm under your feet from the heat of the day as you trailed behind San.
You didn’t know how he’d managed to do it. To kill not only your master, but five other powerful men without any of their bodyguards being alerted and still find time to steal water, provisions, and equipment for the long journey ahead.
San’s first priority was you and he knew he might not be able to sneak you out if he tried to wake and free every single slave. So he settled for freeing you, Yunho, Mina, and Aisha.
Mina and Aisha went in separate directions at the beginning. They, like Yunho, were stolen and were not born slaves. They had families to return to and mouths to feed.
Yunho trailed alongside you and San for about an hour before he, too, had to diverge his path from yours.
Yunho had been a slave for three years and you hoped with all your heart that he reunited with his mother and younger brother, Jongho, even after so long.
You and San were the only ones with no home to return to.
You didn’t know where he was taking you and you hadn’t asked, but you suspected he was trying to escape the desert.
Few people had ever made it that far, but there were plenty of tales to tempt them. Tales of lands with an abundance of water and plants. Where there were no sand lords like the late Lord Yang and people were free, without being slaves.
You doubted that there even was anything beyond the sand lands, but you were willing to try. You had a better chance of surviving with San than you did by yourself, and it’s not like you had anywhere else to be.
Days passed with the consistent cycle of sleeping during the day and traveling at night with meals and water in between.
It was tough getting used to San being so close to you. You were used to his bright smile and bubbly disposition and random fits of anger and silence from two years of serving the same master, but it was different experiencing it up close.
You were the only ones you had to talk to now and San’s chatter never ceased, you didn’t even know what he had to talk about, you were both in the desert for god’s sake.
But as annoying as he could get, you much preferred this San to the one that would make an appearance sometimes. That rarer San was quieter, yes, but he stared at you with the hunger of a predator, licking his lips like you were something to eat.
As the days dragged on, you were beginning to think you were right.
You and San passed sand land after sand land, not seeming to be any closer to getting out of this scorching hell-hole.
But the more towns you passed and the more black and white flags with orange stripes that you two saw, you were beginning to have other things on your minds. There wasn’t a single person in any part of this desert that didn’t have their blood turn cold at the sight of those flags.
They’re the mark of Ateez and the Pirate King.
If there was anyone’s territory you didn’t want to be caught in, it was the Pirate King’s.
“It’s ok,” San said one day as you both laid in a sand cave to get some rest. You were too far from a sand land to find an inn and even though you were very exposed like this, there was no other option. This was better than getting second-degree burns under the hot sun.
“I’ll protect you,” he told you with a bright smile and a giggle before turning over.
You weren’t so convinced, lying awake for at least a couple of hours before you finally managed to fall into a restless slumber.
There was a bounty on San’s head for the six important men he killed, and most likely one on yours too for running off with him. If the Pirate King decided to turn you both in for the money, you didn’t stand much of a chance.
San was an outstanding fighter, but he was still just one man. Every man has their limitations.
San, as you would come to find, did not know his.
“How many kids do you think we’ll have?” he asked one day at one of the rare oases you’d been able to find.
You paused from where you were washing off some of the sand and grime that was quick to build upon your skin.
Had you just heard him correctly?
“I....I don’t want kids,” you said quietly. Not here, in this cruel desert wasteland. You’d never bring a child here to have them ripped away from you and sold off, as so many were. And you certainly wouldn’t have one with San.
The minute the words escaped your mouth, you could tell that his entire demeanor changed, even without being able to really see much more than the blurry blob of his frame at this distance.
His eyes seemed to be darker and his movements a bit jerkier as he looked at you blankly before a smirk slowly spread across his lips.
“We’ll have three. Yeah, three’s a good number. And the first son will be named after me.”
You said nothing as San switched modes again, voice soft and melodious once more as he went back to washing his hair.
You knew that whenever you two reached your destination, you had to find a way to get away from him.
The longer you stayed with him, the more delusional he seemed to become.
The first time you see the Pirate King’s face is a few days later when you wake up and see him leaning over you with a smirk.
It’s hard to make out any of the details of his face when you pair your fear with your strained and impaired eyesight, but the one thing you so recognize is his hair. It’s an intense blue, the color of the ocean it’s rumored he sailed on from the island of his birth.
“Hello kitten,” he drawled.
You looked frantically around the sand cave that you and San had decided to camp out in for the night.
He was nowhere to be seen.
And neither was the cave. Or the clothes you’d been in.
You were in a lavish room, your body decked out in fine silks and sparkling jewelry. Things you’d wear when you were in the presence of your slave owner.
How long had you been asleep? How had he done all this without you noticing? What had he done to San?
“S-San,” you sputtered out to him, unable to see the way his expression darkened at the name. “Where’s San?”
“Don’t worry about him, love,” he said, the underlying tone of malice and warning in his voice made you tremble.
“I’ve been watching you for the past couple of days. I know who he is and what he’s done. If I left you with him, you’d be running in circles the rest of your life, sleeping in caves and wondering where your next meal was going to come from as you tried to avoid the bounty hunters that want to bring the sand lords San’s head on a silver platter.”
He was closer now, so close you actually see how dark his eyes were as he caressed your cheek.
“You deserve more than that, kitten. Now that you’re mine, you’ll have everything that you could ever want.”
Everything but being away from you, you whispered in your mind, not daring to speak the words aloud.
Being a sand lord’s slave was one thing, but the Pirate King...You’d heard of the things this man has done, the atrocities he’s committed. The Pirate King is a monster.
His world was a lawless, bloody web of death, chaos, and misery that you could never escape from.
You thought escaping from Lord Yang was a good thing, but if this was where it landed you then you desperately wished you could take it all back.
And what of your traveling companion?
He was a mad man but he’d risked his life protecting you on multiple occasions and you were scared of what would happen if you were left along with the man in front of you for even a second longer.
“I want to see San,” you whispered with all the courage you had welled inside of you, eyes squeezed shut and already flinching away from Hongjoong’s reaction.
It was silent for a beat before he scoffed, ignoring your yelp of shock as he hauled you to your feet.
“OK, kitten. Let’s go see San.” he laughed, a cruel sound that made you feel like hail beating against your ears.
You were halfway out of the door when a force suddenly slammed you against the doorway. It was Hongjoong, eyes glaring at you, dark and cold and furious. His hand was locked around your throat, cutting off your oxygen supply, his grip so tight that you felt your feet start to lift from the ground.
His voice was sugary sweet, words far too slow for the rate at which your lungs were starting to burn.
“I’ll let you have this one thing, kitten. You don’t know me and I haven’t trained you yet, so it’s ok.”
Your nails dug into his skin, a fruitless attempt to get him off of you but he just kept going like he didn’t feel it. The sweetness was gone from his voice now. It was cold and monotoned as he slammed you against the wall, your body going limp for a moment at the pain that exploded in your skull.
“I’m your owner. You do what I tell you, understand? From now on, you only want what I say you can want. Do you understand me, kitten?”
You nodded frantically and he let you go, looking at you in disgust as you collapsed in a heap on the floor, gasping for air and whimpering at the pain in your head.
Hongjoong just nudged you impatiently with his foot.
“Get up. You wanted to go see San, remember?”
Hongjoong made you hold his hand as you walked down the many corridors of his palace and you obliged out of fear of both him and all the vile, suspicious characters he seemed to have lurking around his otherwise immaculate architecture.
Minutes passed before you and Hongjoong entered a courtyard in the center of the palace. It was dark and cool, a dome of black glass overhead shielding you from the beaming sun and plants even grew here.
But you didn’t like the way everyone leered at you, whispering about Hongjoong’s new Pirate Queen as he marched you both up to a stone dais where an immaculate golden throne sat on the far side.
It was only once the Pirate King had seated you on his lap and you looked around a little that you realized San lay in chains on the other end of the dais.
Instantly, the thought struck you that the man before you, probably about to be killed, was undoubtedly the one you were better off with.
San knew it too. You couldn’t really see his face, not at this distance, but you could just tell in the way his dark-clad blurry figure moved.
He chuckled darkly as Hongjoong’s guards shuffled him toward the center of the dais. The silhouettes of the tons of people in the room were moving wildly, your ears ringing with cheers as people clapped for the most action they had seen in a while.
They didn’t care that a man was about to die. Death seemed to be the status quo under Hongjoon’s rule, not only an everyday occurrence but a pleasure.
“I love you!” San cackled wildly.
No, you don’t, you wanted to say as tears streamed down your cheeks. You don’t know how to love anything. But you don’t know hate either and that’s why I’m scared for you to leave me here with him. You’re the lesser of two evils.
But nothing would come out.
You were acutely aware of the man whose lap you sat on. You knew he was watching you and you knew you would be already be punished for shedding tears for another man.
As the cheers rose, you were infinitely glad for your terrible vision. You already wished you couldn’t hear, not because of the crowds but because of San’s terrifying laughter as he was pushed onto his knees and surrounding by jeers for his death.
You’d never heard a laugh that sounded so little like a symptom of happiness. San’s laughter was something that could bring the end of days and for a moment you wished it did.
And then it was over.
Not really, they hadn’t killed San yet. It seemed like they were planning on drawing this out as long as possible.
No, the laughter was over. San was crying now. Sobbing. Begging.
“Y/N, I don’t want to leave you!”
“Please help me, it hurts!”
“Don’t let them hurt me, you’re supposed to love me!”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe as you heard his voice, so soft and sweet and sad. So different to the bone-chilling laughter that had just escaped him moments before. He almost sounded like a child. Like someone that even the most cold-hearted of people should never be able to hurt.
But Hongjoong can. And he will.
You didn’t love San and you never had, but he was about to be killed because of Hongjoong’s obsession for you and he was begging you to save him and you just can’t.
“No, no, kitten,” Hongjoong’s hands are rough and not gentle at all as he snaps your head back into position, forcing you to look at the blurry sights of a tall man standing over San’s hunched, chained figure with something long and and shiny.
“You’ll see every detail of his death that you’re able to. After this, you’ll really be mine. The property of the Pirate King.”
The Golden Wasteland Star System 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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mischiefandmystics · 5 years
LFRP: Sun’ra Zhawn
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B A S I C S .
FULL NAME: Śūn'ra Yatā PRONUNCIATION: SHoon-ra Ya-ta ALIAS: Sun’ra Zhawn NICKNAME(S): Blu, Sun, various epithets from various people AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon ETHNIC GROUP: Miqo’te/Keeper of the Moon NATIONALITY: Meracydian LANGUAGE(S): Common, Huntspeak, some sign language  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Maril Hawker, but still a ho HOME TOWN/AREA: An island off the coast of the main Meracydian continent CURRENT HOME:  N/A, wanders and has several hideouts throughout Eorzea PROFESSION: Bandit, Street Pharmacist, Chef, Back Alley Surgeon
P H Y S I C A L .
HAIR: Cotton candy blue and pink, thick, coarse, and with the slightest of waves EYES: Bright, intense, and vivid violet in color. Almond shaped and often with constricted pupils FACE: Sharp, symmetrical, and expressive with a round, wide nose LIPS: Full, soft, and usually smirking COMPLEXION: Deep russet brown BLEMISHES: N/A SCARS: Rare, faded, but heavy around the hands and knuckles. There are none of any particular note or story. TATTOOS: Clan markings on his face HEIGHT: 5′8 WEIGHT: 162 BUILD: Muscular, athletic, compact, and broad shouldered. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Clan markings, hair color, intense stare, facial and ear piercings ALLERGIES: N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE: Cut short or chin length at most, no particular style, left to do what it wills. USUAL FACE LOOK: Prone to sharp toothed grins, teasing or taunting glances, and focused, unblinking stares. USUAL CLOTHING: Fitted leather and cloth, or loose linen pieces in either black or bright and vibrant colors. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Black choker, fingerless gloves, gold bracelets, and gold sunglasses(if during the day)
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P S Y C H O L O G Y .
FEAR(S): Dying ASPIRATION(S): Longevity in banditry, general hedonism, and to grow and synthesize the most potent drugs with the cleanest highs. POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, Truthful, Diligent, Loyal, Creative, Patient, Astute NEGATIVE TRAITS: Unabashedly Evil, Excessively Violent, Cunningly Manipulative, Largely Unpredictable  MBTI: ENFJ-A  ZODIAC: Sagittarius TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine-Choleric  SOUL TYPE(S): The Warrior & The Sage ANIMAL(S): The Wolf & The Crocodile VICE HABIT(S): Murder, Fogweed, Sensation Seeking FAITH: Agnostic GHOSTS?: Unsure AFTERLIFE?: Unsure REINCARNATION?: Unsure ALIENS?: Yes POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Vaguely anarchist leaning, but otherwise unconcerned. EDUCATION LEVEL:  Homeschooled and private tutelage while young, various forms of apprenticeship after leaving home, and continues to study and practice his trade and interests as an adult.
F A M I L Y .
FATHER: Zai’zi Routak; Alive MOTHERS: Śūn Yatā; Alive SIBLINGS: 14 sisters and 4 brothers EXTENDED FAMILY: Various aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. PETS: A nutkin named Chip, a mameshiba named Bombo, and a war panther named Jean-Baptiste Sevigny. NAME MEANING(S): Fifth son of Śūn Yatā   HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: N/A.
F A V O R I T E S .
BOOK: The medical journals pertaining to anatomy and physiology from Maril’s library.  DEITY: Sophia HOLIDAY: Valentione's Day  MONTH: July SEASON: Summer PLACE:  Mor Dhona WEATHER: Sunshower SOUND(S): The cacophony of active voices in a crowded room, the rhythmic breaking of waves against the shore, and the sharp, surprised, intake of breath by a person once stabbed. SCENT(S): Petrichor, blood, medicinal herbs, and burning wood. TASTE(S): Sharp, hot, and spicy peppers, bitter and sour tastes like lemons, and the savory and rich flavor of spiced cinnamon. FEEL(S): Textures that are sticky or tacky like blood, or gritty like sand, or rough like calloused hands. ANIMAL(S): Coeurls, Nutkins, Dogs NUMBER(S): 16 COLOR(S): Red, Blue, Pink, Purple, and Yellow
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E X T R A .
TALENT(S): Cooking, mathematics, sleight of hand, hand-eye coordination BAD AT:  Drawing, hiding emotions, magic TURN ONS: Competence, violence, passion, assertiveness, risk-taking, vulnerability TURN OFFS: Spinelessness, arrogance, dishonesty HOBBIES: Botany, singing and songwriting, playing guitar, stalking people, exploring ruins TROPES:  It Amused Me, Sadist, Pragmatic Villainy, No-Nonsense Nemesis, Because I’m Good At It, Machiavelli Was Wrong, Even Evil Can Be Loved, Even Evil Has Loved Ones QUOTE(S): N/A
T R A I T S .
extroverted / in between / introverted disorganized / in between / organized close minded / in between / open-minded  calm / in between / anxious disagreeable / in between / agreeable cautious / in between / reckless patient / in between / impatient outspoken / in between / reserved leader / in between / follower empathetic / in between / apathetic optimistic / in between / pessimistic traditional / in between / modern hard-working / in between / lazy cultured / in between / uncultured  loyal / in between/ disloyal faithful / in between/ unfaithful
P O S S I B L E   H O O K S .
Drug Dealer: Śūn’ra is a drug dealer, and a fairly good one at that. He has his own distinct wares to offer, but will also make the effort to procure whatever a client desires beyond his normal fare. This is however, with the exception of Somnus as he refuses to deal with that particular substance in any capacity. Still, if one is looking for a quick fix, or a reliable long term supplier, he is always happy to provide.
Banditry: What Śūn’ra considers as his main “job”, is the thing he’s been doing the longest, and what he finds himself to be really good at. He has been known to take advantage of the Ala Mhigan refugees outside of Ul’dah, the Doman refugees who once made their temporary home around Mor Dhona, the various downtrodden in Gyr Abania, and generally any random, lightly armored person or persons on a dark road in and around the various housing districts. If you want to be a victim, a hero, a like-minded individual, or simply heard curious, ominous rumors of people being robbed and/or murdered in the dark, feel free to explore the possibility.
Hired Hand: As he’s generally always on the search for or considering the potential of the next thrill, Śūn’ra tends to keep his ear to the underground when it comes to offerings of various “unsavory” jobs. Whether you need an assassin, a torturer, a kidnapper, or someone to shake down those indebted to you, he’s generally up for the task. Additionally, while the Keeper himself has no grandiose plans for mass destruction, conquest, or the like, he’s more than happy to help those who do - for a price, and for as long as going along with his employer’s ambitions is more thrilling than the escapades of those attempting to put a stop to them... 
Dungeon-Diving: Śūn’ra has found that he rather enjoys heading into various dungeons and ruins in search of relics to either keep for himself or to sell for overinflated prices. The threat of monsters, voidsent, and other ne'er-do-wells amuses and excites him. It is possible to run into him alone, scoping out a location for possible treasures, or to convince him to join your own expedition.
General Evil-doing: In simplest terms, Śūn’ra finds evil things to just generally be more fun than good things. He’d like to meet others of a similar mindset, and isn’t shy about tracking such individuals down if he catches wind of them.
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L O O K I N G   F O R .
I am looking for both short and long term RP with villainous contacts, friends, and business collaborators for various dubious plotlines, one shots, and experimental campaigns. Ideally something long term, with characters willing to get their hands dirty and not prone to passivity. 
Rivals, enemies, and people to thwart and be thwarted by. It’s not fun if he always wins or gets his way. People who are able to stand up to him and hold their own are wanted too. Doesn’t have to be long running as I am open to heroic one shots as well.
Pretty much anything. There’s a wide world of RP out there to be had, and various types of plotlines. I’m always open to hear things out, and even if I’m not super into something, we can shape it into something that works well for the both of us. Śūn'ra as a character has a wide variety of interests and hobbies, and not everything has to be about violence or mayhem(though that is the main focus), so please, if you have an idea, let me know!
C O N T A C T .
Here! On Tumblr!
In game via: Sun’ra Zhawn@balmung
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xstick-noodlesx · 4 years
My sister and I talked about weird things in the wizarding world (1/?)
-the castle is way too big
-the stairs keep moving and I bet every student was late because of that at least once
-candles everywhere are a fire hazard, especially floating ones
-all the dangerous things that Dumbledore keeps should NOT be kept in a school for children or the surrounding woods (eg. trolls, three-headed dogs, giant fuck-off snakes, giant spiders, the stone, …)
-Dumbledore is an irresponsible principal
-he just hires teachers that he likes without any background checks
-he hires Remus and doesn’t check whether or not he goes somewhere safe or takes his potion during full moons
-kids can participate in deadly tournaments
-the “treasures” are literally other children that were basically taken and put on the bottom of a lake
-one of the teachers bullies children to the point that one child’s biggest fear is literally that teacher
-instead of sending kids to normal detention, he has them walk around the dangerous, beast filled forest in the middle of the night
-someone is petrifying students and Dumbledore doesn’t think of sending the students home
-kids could literally fall from the moving staircases if they move while the kids are on them
-talking pictures are creepy and you can’t convince me not at least one of the pictures creeps on the kids
-when Hogwarts presumes Sirius is looking for Harry, they just go along with their day and don’t try to give him extra protection at all
-no phones, sending important messages through owls would take way too long
-the whole Sirius situation proves how incompetent the ministry is and no one – not even Dumbledore – thought twice of locking someone up without proper trial
-they have literal house elve slaves
-the Black family is literally abusing their kids and no one thinks twice about it and why? because they're an old wizard family
-travelling through toilets
-Dumbledore's first instinct after finding little Harry with his parents dead is to give him to his aunt and uncle who he knows hate wizards
-why can’t Harry just bring a gun or a knife or smth to a fight
-why do they have to use feathers and not pens – just the thought of writing my A-Levels with a feather instead of a pen physically pains me
-they don’t use ANY muggle technology like lamps, telephones, etc.
-the only muggle technology they use are like toilets and before that, they literally shat on the floor
-the only prison we ever hear of is Azkaban but imagine going to Azkaban and being in the cell next door to a murderer for stealing an owl
-also, the fact that Azkaban is supposed to be high security and literally every other person breaks out
-are there any people working at Azkaban or do the Dementors cook the meals for the prisoners??
-the only thing the Dementors really do is inconvenience and nearly kill children
-why isn’t time travel used more like if you’re careful it should be fine
-care for magical creatures is way too dangerous for children, it’s like us interacting with wild bears
-the fact that Dobby could block the entrance to the platform 9 ¾  without any problems so that two students couldn’t get to school is “dumb as shit” (quote, my sister); it’s like some random dude coming up to your school, locking the door and keeping you out and no one does anything about it
-why send first years across a lake at night in little boats with only the groundskeeper to supervise them; safety hazard
-they have not enough teachers I feel
-are there only like ten beds for each year for each house? what if there’s one student more?
-the fact that they have to use a password to get into their house
-the fact that the Ravenclaws have to solve a riddle to get into their house so what if someone else just happens to solve the riddle???
-they use the same old hat to sort every student and what if one of the students have lice then every first year after that student will have lice
-how much food gets thrown away every day at Hogwarts???
-are there more wizarding schools than the four we know of? like is there one in Germany? Or Poland? Or Iceland? Or South America? Imagine being an eleven-year-old German child and being sent to Hogwarts and knowing little to no English because, well, you’re an eleven-year-old child
-is there sex ed in Hogwarts??
-Gryffindor wins everything; you can tell they are Dumbledore’s favourites
-the wizarding world basically has the death penalty or the soul-sucking penalty which is just as bad
-prisoners are basically abused and/or neglected when in Azkaban
-they had one detention where a student has to sign autographs late at night with his teacher
-the only competent defence against dark arts teacher gets fired because he transformed into a werewolf on school grounds which is something that Dumbledore should have been able to prevent
-Snape isn’t only bullying children, he also bullies his colleagues and NO ONE gives a frick
-the fact that a little girl died on the school grounds and another student was framed and convicted; none of the teachers faced repercussions because of the negligence
-the fact that that little girl is now a ghost and peeping on other students on the toilets
-the fact that there are no safety measures taken during quidditch?? what if a student falls from their broom??? What if someone gets a bludger to the face???
-why is there a restricted section in the school library??? If the books are dangerous why are they in a school library???
-why does harry get to keep the invisibility cloak??
-don’t they have PE for like the students that don’t want to play a dangerous broom flying sport??
-why is there a literal roller coaster with a dragon down in the bank basement??? Why is it such an inconvenience to get some money from the bank???
-the houses themselves make no sense?? Like personalities can change??
-some student died during the tournament and there are no repercussions?? No one is sued??? No one is angry at Dumbledore or the other headmasters???
-what if you need to talk to Dumbledore but don’t know his stupid office password??
-why do they have one book that just screams at you when you open it???
-or a book that tries to eat you as soon as you open it??? And you need to like pet it to open it
-why is everyone angry that one of the teachers is a werewolf but no one cares about giant squids, murderous mermaids in the lake, giant spiders, giant snakes, etc??
-if I was a parent and my child would be bullied by Snape you can bet your butt that I’d have him fired
-Dumbledore is constantly encouraging Harry’s reckless behaviour
-the fact that you have to get parental permission to go to Hogsmeade
-how is a cat or a toad supposed to bring you your mail??
-why can every student bring a pet?? That seems like such a mess to me. What if I’m allergic to cat hair and my roommate has a cat?? What if his cat murders my owl??
-why are the Weasleys allowed to bring a rat?
-why is no one talking about how Peter Pettigrew was literally sleeping in the same bed as an eleven-year-old boy as a rat??
-the owls are in little cages??
-the fact that students get to turn their animals into objects should count as animal abuse
-why are there so many cats but not a single litter box?
-did the other cats try to get with McGonaggal??
-why did the school allow the Ministry to literally slaughter Buckbeak on school property?
-there was a cell at the ready for Sirius at Hogwarts and they talk about dungeons under the school? Why? it’s a school for children
-has a student ever walked in on McGonaggal while she was licking her own butthole?
-did she take part in the cats movie? And was she part of the butthole cut??
-am I allowed to bring Mr Mistoffelees, a magical cat, to school with me?
-the fact that Madame Hooch left all the kids alone with their brooms to take care of Neville
-how can a giant squid survive in a literal lake?
-were they planning on basically executing Sirius on school grounds?
-do they have a police force that takes care of minor crimes like shoplifting?
-do they have wheelchair ramps at Hogwarts? Do people get to bring their seeing-eye dog
-the long staircases to the towers
-why is the Slytherin house literally underground? Like no sunlight?
-Having houses only encourages bullying
-can I get a normal job or university place with my Hogwarts degree?
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thecorteztwins · 5 years
Werewolf Shinobi @esteicy-blog! Also tagging @acaprioglino @shattered-catalyst @sammysdewysensitiveeyes because I think you’ll enjoy it, as it has your chaotic dumbass boy! Shinobi Shaw was not a good werewolf. The first time he transformed, he didn’t rampage, or attack livestock, or eat people. He just had a really hard time adjusting to having four legs and tottered around the house falling all over his own paws, then barked at the mirror for two hours. He then had proceeded to just hide under his blanket with his nose poking out. His next few full moons had not gone any better. And worst of all, got sprayed by a skunk. His human form was just as embarrassing. He got distracted by squirrels mid-flirtation. He was starting to get really into sniffing people at parties. He attempted to run after cars, but still wasn’t in good enough shape for it so he just got worn out and started wheezing and whining and begging anyone he was with to carry him. And while making out with a guy at his apartment, the man’s cat had walked in. Immediately, Shinobi had jumped down to all fours to chase it...only for the cat to beat him up. Needless to say, his pack leaders were not pleased. He was before them now in his wolf form, which looked more like a coyote-sized black fox that anything, slim and silver-ticked with white paws. His tail was tucked, his ears were drooping, and his amber eyes were upturned in supplication towards the trio passing judgement on him from the rocks above that served as their thrones. Emma Frost. Erik Lehnsherr. And Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi’s own father. The representatives of the three most powerful werewolf clans in the territory, and the sternest, hardest-hearted, scariest people that Shinobi had ever met...with his father being the worst in all three categories. It wasn’t just that he was mean, or yelled, or told Shinobi he was a worthless idiot every time he saw him. It was the fact he hit him in human form, and bit him around the neck as a wolf, every time Shinobi disappointed or failed him. Which was often. Shinobi was trying not to cry.
Luckily, it was Emma who spoke, otherwise he might have lost that battle, and no one wanted to see a wolf weep. ”Shinobi Shaw, three times you have been granted the opportunity to prove yourself worthy as a werewolf of the Hell’s Fire Pack. Three times you have failed---and in rather spectacular fashion, I might add.” It had indeed been spectacular. The first time had involved a lake, the second a tanker truck, and the third time....a grand but accidental fireworks display that had frightened off every prey in the area during a hunt. Shinobi still wasn’t sure how any of it happened, but he suspected that the “liquid courage” he had consumed beforehand to “calm his nerves” might have had something to do with it. ”Three chances is traditionally all one gets,” Emma continues, “And it is typically MORE than one ever needs.” His ears drooped lower and he slumped. ”However...” His ears perked up. ”When the three of us assumed leadership of Hell’s Fire, part of the mandate that united us was the belief that some traditions must be torn down or at the very least modified to better suit the modern age and to best serve the pups of this generation. Lone wolves are a risk not only to themselves, but our species as a whole, and we would prefer for such a fate only to be earned by malicious action, not mere incompetence. Thus, for the time being...you are permitted to remain here, though you are still counted not counted as having any rank or truly belonging to the pack. But you are also not counted as a cub either. You are...your own category. Until we figure out what to do next with you.” His own category? He looked up. He was unique! He was special! He was so clever and amazing they had to make a new category just for him! As delusional as that was, it was either that or face the sense of crushing failure that was weighing down on his slim canine shoulders, so he embraced it...and avoided the stony GLARE of his father from on high, silent at Emma’s side, opposite of the other male, Erik. He had a feeling that his father probably had NOT been the one to vote to let him stay. But he would show him! He would show them all! He was just having a rough start, but he would be the best wolf ever! The best wolf the Hell’s Fire pack had ever seen in HISTORY! Bounding off into the woods after his dismissal, ignoring the laughs and taunts of packmates, his slender chest filled with determination, with confidence, with courage! He was going to--- He stopped in his tracks, kicking up quite a few leaves from the forest floor, as he realized, fuck, he didn’t know what to do. How could he prove himself? Let’s see...he had failed three attempts at the Rite of Passage, in which a young werewolf was given a task to prove himself worthy... Aha! That was the problem! The challenges were wrong! He would just have to make his own! And to do that, he needed inspiration! And for inspiration, he needed...BOOZE! So he trotted down to town and went into the nearest bar....and was promptly chased out with a broom by the screaming bartender. Oh, right, he was still in wolf form. He shapeshifted into his human state, and went back in...only to get chased out again, this time because he was naked. Man, some people were so uptight! After procuring some proper attire---meaning he swung by the designer boutique up the street where he had a personal account, rather than just go back to his penthouse to get clothes he already owned---he returned to the bar, told them they had made a huge mistake and he would now take his business elsewhere, and asked if anyone could lend him a $20 for an Uber. No one did. Then he remembered he had a driver he could just call. So he asked if anyone could lend him their cell phone. Wolves really needed to develop pockets in their coats. Eventually, he did manage to get to the upscale club he had in mind, though only by taking public transport like a SAVAGE. But he’d felt unsafe on the subway was a beautiful and affluent-looking human, so he’d shifted back into his wolf form for the trip... Meaning that someone was on a subway car with a wolf that was wearing fabulous sunglasses (at night) and a big fuzzy brilliantly purple haute couture coat. He was probably responsible for a WHOLE lot of people thinking they were either on drugs, or needed to quit them. He shifted back, got into the club, and... That was the last thing he remembered before waking up in the dog pound, in his wolf form again and without his new clothes. Oh, well, no big, this had happened before, he would just--- ”Hello there.” A WOMAN IN A LAB COAT was looking down at him. Something about her reminded him of Emma Frost, and not just because she was an attractive blonde. His tailed wagged and he hoped for pats. ”Don’t play puppy with me, wolf,” she said in a smirking tone, and his eyes went wide. She knew! ”Yes, I know what you are,” she continued, as though she had read his mind, ”Just stay in your current form, and everything will be fine. I’m getting you out of here.” Oh wow, he had found an ally! The pack would be so proud of him! She had on the white coat so she must be a doctor, maybe a vet! That was great! They needed people like her! After she had filled out his adoption paperwork, she walked him back to her car on a leash, something he enjoyed IMMENSELY. Once he was in the passenger seat, he turned into his human state again, to let her see just what a gorgeous specimen she had procured for herself. ”Hey there babe. I’m Shinobi Shaw, and I’m all ready to be your new pet. Or should I say---” ”Oh, shut up,” was the last thing he heard as she sprayed a can of knock out gas at him and he collapsed. When he regained consciousness, he was in a cage once again. A lab this time. Even he could recognize that, with all the beakers and test tubes around with unpleasant looking fluids in them, not to mention the other animals and people---people!---in cages there too. Many of the animals were squeaking or crying in pain, but the people...they didn’t move. And they didn’t look good either. Their naked skin had strange green patches, almost like they were growing algae from their flesh. Skin tags the size of plums drooped at random places. Liver spots were swollen and growing small horns. Teeth were sticking out of places that were NOT there mouths. And some of them were...kinda oozing. It had the antiseptic smell of a hospital...mixed, paradoxically and disturbingly with the smell of rot. Rot, and radiation. What kind of crazy medical kink play had he gotten into?! ”Oh hey babe---or should I say Mistress? Doctor, maybe?” he posed in as sexy a position as he could in the cramped cage as the blonde woman entered the lab. A hush fell over it, the animals too scared to continue their howls and squawks, the people too far gone to speak. As soon as he tells me everything I need to know, I’m wiring his jaws shut and excising his tongue, thought Dr. June Covington. Out of all the supernatural creatures she was studying, she’d expected werewolves to be the most taciturn, thinking they would be more like animals than people....although, in a way, she was right, this guy WAS an animal. And a dumb one at that. “Shut up,” she said simply, just as she had in the car. She unlocked the cage, grabbed him by the neck, and hauled him out. As she expected, he went willingly; it was why she hadn’t used anesthetic on him as she usually did with such creatures. She’d thought that his enthusiasm might wane as the experiments began, and yet, it did not. He clearly enjoyed them, writing around and making kinky innuendo throughout. She finally muzzled him, and he just clearly enjoyed that. She began considering anesthetizing him just so she wouldn’t have to put up with this shit, but she went through a LOT of sedatives, it was unwise to waste it on him if she didn’t have to. She’d hate to find herself facing down a PROPER werewolf without enough sedatives on hand when she needed it. This proved to be a fatal mistake. When she turned him over to insert the thermometer meant to check the temperature changes involved in shapeshifting, that was when things went to hell. Oh, he didn’t resist it, quite the opposite, he was clearly HAPPY about it. Too happy. Though still in human form, his tail sprouted, and he began wagging it. Hard. Very hard. So much so, he knocked over a VERY precious combination of chemicals.... “No!” was all that Dr. June Covington had time to get out before the place EXPLODED. The next thing that Shinobi remembered, he was waking up in one of the caves that the pack used in their meeting place in the wolves, surrounded by the concerned faces of packmates. “He’s coming to!” said one of the healers. “He’s awake!” “He’s going to be alright!”
And then...they started cheering. Shinobi was very confused. More than usual, that is. In a daze, his packmates walked him to the clearing that was overlooked by the rocks on which the leaders perched. He was expecting a scolding, or worse, exile. Instead, what Emma said was, “Shinobi Shaw, you have proven yourself three times over and then some. You discovered, infiltrated, and destroyed one of our deadliest enemies. Dr. June Covington has kidnapped and vivisected thousands of our kind in her foul experiments, but you put an end to it---and for that, you have the gratitude of this pack, and all lycanthropes, all magical creatures, forever.” Shinobi stood there, stunned.
And he realized the best thing about this. It was a good excuse for a PARTY!
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💍 +][Pascal and Rhys][
send me 💍 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they get married
I'm,,,,very soft at Pascal shyly suggesting his old church because fuck it, he wants to make new memories. Better ones where he can look at the building he grew up in and...be happy.
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
Mid May! Rhys calls it his early birthday present and welp...he isn't wrong. They get married in the late afternoon since it's a good time for Rhys and Pascal's powers.
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
They don't have any traditions since the boys want something for them! Something new!
what their wedding cake looks like
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Funfetti flavour since these boys absolutely just picked one at random and both of them are delighted by a cake that has FUN in it.
….who smashes cake into whose face
Rhys absolutely does but Pascal moves out of the way and smashes it into Rhys's. Full bastard mode.
who proposed to who first
I definitely think Pascal whips out something incredibly sweet, like getting the dogs to have little messages attached to their collars in braille and then having Korra with the marriage one on or Pascal having romantic night of loving Rhys and then proposing after weaving a prophecy he worked on for a few days.
,,,,or Rhys sleep deprives Pascal to surprise purpose him but mostly I think its Pascal who does it.
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
100% I'm using this to toss in the very unlikely chance that Pascal sees his sister again so!! Cassandra walks Pascal down the aisle because "I might as well be your dad with the shitty decisions you always take". Pascal is offended but fair.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
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Rhys absolutely gets a beautiful outfit like this and honestly it could be black or a dress pants but I loved the stars and the big star on the chest on it while Pascal plays up the holy look and looks like he's walked out of heaven to hit that marriage up.
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
O hh I like the idea of them having them a woody theme? Nice gold and black against wood and they absolutely play up the sun and moon theme.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
They have begonias, morning glories and red sunflowers since I definitely imagine they would have sunset themed flowers!
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
Rhys ends up giving a sweet speech about how things are worth going through and suffering to be here with someone you love. That Pascal is special to him and worth more than anyone he's ever met and he would go through anything to be with him (but absolutely gives a more...possessive version of those vows later that night to Pascal).
Pascal talks about how he had always assumed that people would be happy before him. He would live a life devoted to too many and alone from the one person who understood him. But things are better with Rhys and Pascal wants to be by his side, devoted to him and him alone. That Rhys was something Pascal could never dream of predicting (that gets a groan out of everyone).
if anyone’s late to the wedding
Cassandra is and that's because she got wrapped up in one of her visions of Rhys and Pascal,,,Does Rhys want to know???
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
Rhys gets his own dog and there's a small fight about Korra but they agree to share while Pascal gets Cassandra and some of his work friends. Zuko gets a special matching outfit as usual while Korra gets little dress herself.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
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Cassandra demands a dress where her eyes can be fully out while the boys MELT over their kids all dressed up for their parents wedding.
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
Some of Pascal's co-workers give talks of seeing Rhys and Pascal with the dogs and then Cassandra just whams everyone by talking about how Rhys and Pascal could be pirates, vampires, humans or magic; the men before her are the first to marry and the first to tie their fates together for good (Rhys is S O smug at his other universe self that he got there first,,,,but a witch you say 👀👀)
who catches the bouquet( s )
Korra funs after it and the boys love her for it.
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
So many of Rhys emotionally rolling his eyes at Pascal telling an awful joke and a lot more of them kissing and holding each other's hand while beaming so happily. A rather good one of Rhys whispering something to Pascal while Pascal chugs out smoke too.
what sort of food they have at the reception
Honestly Pascal wants anything that's got taste so they get homemade burgers and chips along with salads because Pacsal demands that Rhys eats healthy even on his wedding.
who cries first during the ceremony
Rhys does and Pascal cries emotionally because he refuses to do that gross hitching nosies.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
I don't think it would since Pascal burns though alcohol quicker and Rhys doesn't want to forget a single moment of this night outside of being gently tipsy. But Cassandra challenges Pascal to a dance off and oh god they're both awful its exactly like B99 of Amy vs her brother.
what their rings are like
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200% Rhys will have a sun ring and Pascal a moon ring they both agreed to go all in with the celestial theme or not at all.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
They get personalised collars for the pets (and Cass gives one that's human sized??? Cappie whose meant to wear- oh.) And some special Japanese style bath house tickets! (Pascal sweats when he releases that it's a bath,,,,that Rhys can go naked in,,with him,,,,oh god).
where they go for their honeymoon
Probably to that Japanese bath house!! Rhys is a gremlin who needs to take FULL advantage of two weeks with a giant bath, man who can not into alter reality with predictions but,,,his corny husband who sweats when he sees thay Rhys packed the crop and lingerie.
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
Pascal slow dances with Korra and everyone gets into an argument about the best breed of dog. Cassandra also tells Rhys that he's been murdered by Pascal in a universe but haha what are the chances of that happening....unless??? (Pacsal reassures Rhys thay she isn't lying and that it's a joke that...he and Cass used to do a lot to people in the cult)
who officiates the ceremony
Cassandra does since she technically has some form of legal power as a cult leader and used in the Dragonfly Corporation for years now.
what song their first dance is to
My funny valentine
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
Cassandra gives Pascal away and Korra gives Rhys!
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forfuchssake · 4 years
Raiju Against the Machine || Bri & Luce
TIMING: May 24th, 2020 PARTIES: @divineluce & @honeybugbearbri SUMMARY: Bri finds Luce making magical fire in the woods. A raiju that Bri dubs Sparky joins them. Luce is definitely amused. 
Thunderstorms had always been one of Bri’s favorite things. More often than not, one could find an inexperienced hiker or camper that was scared for their life. They always smelled so delicious and she loved the ambient noise a good storm provided to her meals. She’d been wandering aimlessly through the forest when she first saw it. Blue flames were licking at one of the trees off in the distance. It was strange to see in the rain, but she supposed a random lightning strike could have caused it. Either way, she had to see for herself. Fire screamed danger and there was nothing quite as appealing to someone who survived on the fear of others. She stopped a few feet out, entranced to see a woman who seemed to be wielding the flames. There was something incredibly beautiful about the scene before her and it wasn’t just the woman. Anyone who could harness fire in such a controlled manner was someone who should be feared and nothing could be more enticing. She watched for a few moments, the pattern of the flames and the combination of steam and smoke that rose from them would look captivating in her own illusions. As the flames seemed to die down, she made her presence known. “Please, don’t stop on my account. I was quite enjoying the show,” she announced plainly.
Ever since… that day, Luce had thrown herself into her magic. The pain, the grief, the loss. It clung to her, like smoke to her clothes, cloying and overpowering. And, when it all became too much-- when the grief threatened to overwhelm her, she ran. She ran from the house, she ran from the town, and she ran to the woods. Unlike all the other times she’d been out, testing her magical limits in the eye of a storm, she was unprepared. Her backpack was left inside her room. Her hiking shoes were replaced with normal sneakers. And Luce didn’t care. She flung herself into the woods and lost herself to the magic, immersed herself in it. Let the flames dance and coil and burn as hot and as blue as she could muster. Not red. Red was Bea’s color. Red was Nell’s color, their family’s color. Blue. Only blue. At the edge of her vision, she was aware of someone stepping into the clearing and-- for a moment, Luce didn’t care. She didn’t care that someone saw her wielding her magic. She didn’t give a fuck about anything. But, as she turned and took in the woman who had stepped forward, Luce lowered her hands to her side, the blue flames receding. “It’s not a show.” She said, the words tasting like ash in her mouth. Like Bea’s shows. “If you know what’s good for you, you’d get out of here.” She growled, her fingers igniting with harsh blue flames.
There was a wry grin on her face as she watched the flames on the other woman’s fingertips. If anything, the threat only made her more inclined to stay. A lesser animal might have scurried away in fear, but not Brianne. In fact, the thought of more fire only filled her with delight. The blue flames were a nice touch. Maybe she’d include that imagery during her next shift at Misery Manor. “I’m quite content where I am, thank you,” she retorted playfully. As much could potentially ignite the woman’s flames further, but she’d take her chances. Her eyes had been watching the magic woman when something flickering in the distance caught her attention. Bri looked past Luce to see some sort of weird wolf that looked almost electric. Was this some sort of werewolf variation? It wasn’t the full moon, but she was delighted. “It looks like we have a friend,” she cooed gleefully, “Here, doggy doggy.” She extended her hand, calling the beast over to her. A new friend. What could possibly be better?
When the woman didn’t back off, didn’t seem the slightest bit bothered by the flames around her hand, Luce barely cared. She didn’t give a fuck. None of this mattered. Nothing mattered now that her sister was gone. Anger, without much weight behind it, flared within her. This woman wasn’t taking her seriously. She would show her that she meant business, show her what it meant to interrupt a witch-- but, before the flames could grow in her palm, Luce was startled when she looked past her. The slight shock made the flames in her hand lower slightly, but her fist remained ablaze. A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky above them as Luce locked eyes with the strange creature that was staring back at them, hatred and malice gleaming in its odd blue eyes. “That’s not a fucking dog and it’s not your friend either.” She called out, warning the woman. The creature bared its teeth at her and for a moment, Luce wondered if she was going insane. It’s fur seemed to bristle with electricity. Normally, such a sight would fill her with cold dread. Instead, she felt nothing. Nothing more than mild curiosity. What was the worst that it could do? Kill her?
The wolf, who Bri had officially dubbed Sparky in her mind, didn’t seem like the most friendly of the forest’s creatures. She watched the other woman, curious for her reaction. Most showed fear when faced with a creature who appeared ready to attack yet she smelled no fear on the other woman. It was uncanny, not even the slightest amount of fear was there. Her eyes narrowed as she looked Luce over. “You’re not afraid,” she stated in an even tone. It was curious, she recognized the threat, but didn’t seem to care about it. “Monsters are always friends,” she said, simply pulling jerky out of her pocket and throwing pieces pass the electric wolf. “There you go now,” she told Sparky who only seemed mildly interested in the jerky. The electric spines on its back still seemed to be standing on edge. She supposed transforming into a bear could always frighten the already scared wolf away, but she was too entranced with the fire woman and how she was reacting to this whole situation.
When the woman stared at her and boldly informed her of what she already knew, Luce frowned, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion. How’d she know that? “No, I’m not.” She replied, not bothering to question how she could tell. Maybe it was just because most people would be running away in terror. Or because she hadn’t reacted at all. Which also meant. “Neither are you. Hey--” She started, moving towards the stranger when she pulled out a piece of jerky and tossed it to the monster. “You shouldn’t do that.” Luce cautioned, the flames around her fist still glowing. The creature seemed uninterested in the meat-- instead, it’s eyes went to the fire of her fist before the crackling hackles of its face pulled back. With a snarl of her own, Luce’s already short fuse snapped. She’d come out here to train her magic, not to have it interrupted by some weird hiker and a fucked up electricity monster. Extending her hand, a ball of fire soared from her palm, igniting the ground in front of the creature.
The furrow forming in the fire lady’s brow indicated confusion, but she still could not smell the fear. Sparky smelled more of fear than Luce had. Bri looked at her seriously and deadpanned, “I fear nothing.” Especially not a wolf that looked like it would make a wonderful house pet. She frowned as she saw the fire building around the other woman’s fists again. Poor Sparky didn’t deserve such a fate. The electric wolf was simply out here in its natural habitat trying to live its life. Before she knew it, the flames were dancing in front of Sparky and he came flying toward her to attack since she’d been standing closer. While she had no fear, she wasn’t suicidal. She sighed before consciously making the shift into a bear. The fire had already frightened Sparky, so a large bear may be enough to do the trick. It felt natural, growing bigger and feeling the claws extend from her hands. Bri stared Sparky in the eyes, almost challenging him to come forward as she let out a booming roar. The wolf scampered back a little bit, seemingly not wanting to go face to face with a bear and the fire the woman next to her could wield. The smell of fear from the wolf was becoming stronger, they could likely scare it away without causing any harm.
“Sure you don’t--” Luce’s words were cut off as she watched the woman began to shift and transform and suddenly… there was a fucking bear. A giant, snarling, massive fucking bear. Startled, she took a step back on instinct, a slight jolt of fear running through her as the bear reared and bellowed at the equally confused creature that stood before them. But, as sudden as the flash of fear appeared, it was gone in an instant. This wasn’t a bear-- it was a woman. Or at least, the woman was still there, still inside. Maybe she would turn around and slash her with those claws, maybe she would rip her throat out, maybe she’d do… whatever. Luce’s hands remained at her side, the flames unwavering. The blue flames in front of the creature continued to burn despite the rain and Luce’s lips curled in a humorless smile. With a wave of her hand, she urged the flames to rise higher, creating a column of blue flame between the bear and the monster. She could feel the heat from here, but barely registered the intensity of the inferno. “Burn.” She mumbled, not sure who she was directing it at. The flames, the creature, or the bear-woman that stood before her.
Bri didn’t have time to relish in the brief moment of fear that went through the other woman as there were flames directly in front of her, separating her from her new forest friend. She growled in protest. Poor Sparky, she was going to scare him away or worse. The bear looked at Luce angrily, huffing in her direction before slowly backing away from the glaring heat of the blue flames before her. The wolf seemed to be doing the same much to her disappointment. She still enjoyed the smell of its fear. She supposed this woman wasn’t all bad. Perhaps she couldn’t scare her, but she seemed good enough at dishing out fear herself with her majestic blue flames. Sparky seemed to be scurrying backwards, trying to avoid the flames that threatened to light him ablaze.
The bear-woman turned to snort and growl and huff at her, as though she was annoyed-- Luce’s attention was focused on the fire. Even the flames that had spread away from her column, the tongues that eagerly consumed pine needles and twigs from the forest floor, they burned blue. Flicking her fingers lightly, she redirected the magical energy with ease. The flames spread from the column and began to encircle the monster. The strange creature let out a yapping bark that sounded like a crack of thunder, its eyes full of hate and fear. It didn’t matter. None of this mattered. She didn’t care, she didn’t give a single fuck. She wanted her sister back. And she was never coming back. What did one more dead monster matter?
When it was clear there was no saving Sparky, Bri shifted back into her human form and was ready to give this witch a piece of her mind. Poor Sparky was just out here in his habitat trying to enjoy the storm though she had to admit the amount of fear the witch could elicit was enticing. She weighed her options and crossed her arms haughtily over her bare chest. “I don’t think that was entirely necessary,” she grumbled. Her entire body still felt entirely too warm from being so close to the blue flames, so she released her arms, letting the cool rainwater provide some comfort as she watched the flames continue to burn. Perhaps, she could take home the carcass if anything remained.
When the bear shifted and the woman took its place, the sudden transformation broke Luce’s concentration. Just enough for the flames to flicker under the weight of the rain, and for the creature to tear away, yelping in panic and pain. Its feet were burned by the fire that danced around it, but it ran away all the same. Watching it run off into the woods, Luce let the flames die down. The rain pelted the fire, sizzling at first, until the sheer downpour won out and extinguished the blaze. Letting out a breath, Luce felt the toll of being out in the wilderness, of using her magic, and of not sleeping bear down upon her. Exhaustion, without the hope of sleep, was a heavy burden. “Well. Worked out for the monster thing, didn’t it?” She said gesturing at the woods to where the creature had run away. “What are you, exactly?” Luce asked, her tone just as impassive and emotionless as the woman’s. “Some kind of… werebear?”
Seeing the monster run off brought a sense of joy to Brianne. It would live to terrify unsuspecting hikers another day. Just as the flame woman would. She looked at her curiously, arms falling from her chest. “It did,” she noted, “It had already been afraid, but no harm done.” The next words that came from the witch’s mouth were fair. It was likely not every day people transformed into a bear before her eyes and it had been the one part of their whole encounter that brought even a moment of fear to her. “As much as Iove the werewolves, I’m not a werebear. The full moon has no power over me outside of the fact I happen to enjoy it. I’m a bugbear,” she answered without showing much in the way of emotion. With an air of curiosity, she added, “I take it you’re some kind of witch?”
Listening to the woman without really focusing on the words, Luce nodded. “It had every reason to be afraid.” Between a lady who shifted into a bear and her own flames, she couldn’t blame the creature for turning tail and running. It only made sense. Huh. Now that was a rich thought. Nothing had made sense to her over these last few days, none of it made any sense. But fear and seeing a monster run in terror from her? That made sense. Running a hand across her face, Luce wiped some of the rainwater away and glanced over at the woman. “Bugbear. You turn into a beetle too or something?” She asked. A shapeshifting bugbear lady who didn’t seem all that bothered by the blue flames that had come from her hands. “No, I’m part flamethrower.” Luce said, the joke falling flat without the help of her usual teasing tone. “Yeah. I’m a witch.”
While it wasn’t the most off base question, Brianne had heard it plenty of times before. She wasn’t quite sure where the bug part of bugbear came from, but she was friendly with bugs. It was why she had opted to become a beekeeper. “No, just a bear. I do keep bees, though,” she answered in an even tone. She cocked her head slightly at the other women’s joke, lips just shy of a grin. Witches were a source of great fear among humans. Enough so that lesser men put them on trial, though she doubted the real witches were ever the ones truly exposed to their punishment. Just another example of weak men lashing out at things they weren’t able to control. “A witch. I like your fire. I’m Bri.”
“Bri, huh? Guess that makes you the Bri-keeper.” Luce said blithely. Why was she trying to joke? To hide the pain? To patch the void that filled her? Either way, it didn’t work. Nothing she’d tried had worked to help her. Drinking, fighting, gambling, sex-- all of her normal vices were nothing compared to the overwhelming grief that had consumed her life. Even art, her greatest escape, held nothing for her. She hadn’t been able to pick up a pencil in days. “I’m Luce.” She said with a nod. Overhead a fresh peel of thunder rang out through the forest and a flash of lightning streaked across the sky. As much as she wanted to continue her magic out here, now that she knew someone was lurking in the woods… she didn’t really want any observers. “I like your… bear shtick. It’s cool. But…” She gestured offhandedly to the rain that was now pouring down even harder than ever. “I got shit to do. Places to be. Monsters to burn.”
“It does, my stand at the market is called Honey Bri,” Brianne quipped though her voice remained monotonous. This Luce was a curious character that she was fascinated with, but she’d give her her space to continue throwing her flames. Perhaps she could find Sparky again, watch him run around the forest. Or find some unsuspecting hiker who was already afraid from the unexpected storm. The possibilities were endless. “Luce, I enjoy your work. The blue flames are a nice touch.” She meant as much. She had no doubt Luce could instill fear in others around her. With a nod, she figured she’d leave the witch to fuel her flames as she wished. “As you will. If you ever need a bear, you know where to find me.” Except she didn’t, but Bri shifted back into a bear and took off into the woods anyway.
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