#Dj Bash and ex wife news
djedukenya · 2 years
DJ Bash blames baby mama for his unstable mental state, admits he is drowning in depression
DJ Bash blames baby mama for his unstable mental state, admits he is drowning in depression
DJ Bash has been making news for the wrong reason and it all started after he stormed a certain popular night club demanding his payments after they’d allegedly delayed him for a while. After the stunt, KoT called hun him out for his anger issues reminding him to act like an adult next time something of the sort happens. However there are those who couldn’t help but tell there was more to his…
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misslilli · 3 years
Whelp, with yesterday we're back at school. Teaching first grade is hard, man 😂 Thank you guys, again, for going on this adventure with me :)
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 17 - The Mulder Boys's Birthday Bash
[ DS ]
The Saturday of the Mulder Boys’s Birthday Bash, I find myself standing in front of my closet with the girls, frowning at my selection of dresses. “What about this one?” Holly fingers a yellow sundress.
“Nah, it’s pretty but she looks like she’s going to church in that one.” Sarah tugs on a dress with a daisy print on it.
“Are you joking? That one’s even more Virgin Mary than the yellow one!”
Alex reaches into my closet and pulls out a navy two-piece dress I bought on a whim a few years back, but have never worn since then. “How about this one?”
“A, that’s perfect! It’s classy, yet sexy, just what we’re going for!” Sarah shoves me towards my bathroom. “Go try it on, D! And wear those nude heels with it.” I take the dress out of Alex’s arms and the shoes from Sarah and change into the outfit quickly. The straps drape across my arms just below my shoulders and it’s low cut just enough for my comfort. My cross necklace gleams against my skin and I decide to keep it on for tonight. Since it’s a two-piece, there’s just a sliver of skin visible between the top and the skirt, which flares out and swishes around my knees.
Slipping on my heels I step outside and the girls gasp in unison. “Yes, that’s the one! How does it feel D?” Holly pulls me over and I twirl in front of the full-length mirror, smiling as the skirt billows out around my legs.
“It’s beautiful, I love it. Thanks, girls!”
“The Mulder boys won’t know what hit ‘em when you show up wearing that!” Sarah winks at me suggestively and I roll my eyes at her.
“You know exactly that that’s not why I’m wearing it!”
Now it’s Sarah’s turn to roll her eyes. “Yeah sure, just keep telling yourself that…”
“Come on guys, we’re already unfashionably late. I’ll just call us a cab, are you ready?”
I grab a shawl against the cold and my purse before we make our way downstairs to wait for the cab. When we arrive at the house, we can already hear faint party noises from the backyard and my heart’s beating hard against my chest when we walk up the front walkway to ring the doorbell. My gaze wanders around the front of the house, the glass veranda on the right catching my eye. It’s completely different from our beach house, but it’s beautiful all the same.
The door opens to reveal Principal Skinner with a glass of whiskey in his hand and he holds the door open for us. “Hello ladies, come on in! You look extraordinarily beautiful tonight! Follow me, the party’s out back in the yard.”
He leads us through the house and I notice that it’s got polished hardwood floors and is furnished with antiques, giving it a cozy feel. We walk past the glass veranda which houses the dining room on the right and the living room with a massive couch to the left, which opens into the kitchen. The wooden staircase to the first floor is tucked away in the back. Skinner points us to the bathroom as we walk past it before we step outside onto the back porch and my breath catches in my chest.
They really went all out on this party, there’s string lights twinkling all around the hedge and in the trees, catered food and a bar in one corner, round tables in the middle and a massive dancefloor with a DJ in the other corner. Holly whistles through her teeth. “Man, they sure know how to live it up. Why are our parties never this nice? Jesus, I think they invited half the town for this.”
“Well, that’s on me I guess, they don’t know many people around here yet so I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to make new acquaintances,” Principal Skinner admits but I’m only half listening because my eyes are too busy scanning the crowd. Sarah nudges my hip and tilts her head over to the bar and I’m embarrassed that she knows exactly who I was looking for. There he is, deep in conversation with Skinner’s wife, laughing at something she said.
He’s wearing a dark blue suit with a white dress shirt and a crimson tie and while the sight of him in a plain t-shirt with jeans are enough to make my heart skip a beat, him in that suit is going to give me a heart attack.
“Would you look at that D, you color coordinated, matchsiiiesss.” Holly whispers in my ear and I give her a pointed look.
“Shut up, Holly!” I hiss at her.
Just then, he looks over at us standing on the elevated porch and I can practically feel the slight burn his eyes leave as they travel up and down my body, giving me the once over. I hope he has a defibrillator. He flashes us a smile and raises his hand in a small wave, then continues his conversation with Arlene Skinner.
“Come on, girls, let’s put the presents on the gift table and get something to eat and drink.” ‘Eat, drink and be merry for today you may die.’
At the bar we sidestep the wine for now, since we haven’t eaten yet and I don’t want to embarrass myself by getting tipsy and stumbling over my heels. With my luck, I’ll just faceplant at a certain someone’s feet. ‘Huh, maybe he’ll catch me in those strong arms of his, though, if you’re really lucky…‘
When he spots our little circle, Felix comes over to us wearing a boy version of his dad’s suit, only with short dress pants and sneakers better suited for running around with the other kids. He’s tugging a tall woman along, with wavy brown hair and a kind face that seems somewhat familiar, but I’m not sure where to place her. His face is flushed and he beams at us happily.
“You came!”
“Of course we came, happy birthday Felix!” Sarah raises her glass to him and we all chime in with our Happy birthdays. The woman he came over with also raises her glass and ruffles his hair affectionately.
“This is my teacher Miss Anderson, and Miss Carter and Miss Spencer and Miss Scully,” he introduces us while the woman takes her turn shaking our hands. She regards me curiously and her lips curve into a smile.
“I’m Sam, Fox’s sister and Felix’s favorite aunt!” His sister, that’s why her face seemed so familiar. “So you’re the enigmatic Miss Scully I’ve heard so much about. It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She notices the surprised look on my face. “Only good things, I promise. Felix won’t shut up about you when we talk on the phone.” I laugh, mostly because of the exasperated look Felix gives his aunt at revealing his secret.
“Glad to hear it, we’re having a lot of fun with him during recess! Nice to meet you, Sam. I really like your dress, did you get it around here?”
“Thanks, but no, I got it back in LA, I’m only visiting for a couple of days, I just couldn’t miss my two handsome boys’s birthday bash!”
“Handsome, huh? You spoil me sis!” Her brother has snuck up behind her, throwing his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side and planting a kiss on her cheek. “Hi ladies, thanks for coming, you look very lovely today!” We raise our glasses to him as well, wishing him a happy birthday and my drink spills over a little in my shaky hand. I pray that no one notices.
“Sam I’m so sorry to drag you away, but can you help me out and check if everything’s alright with the caterers?” They excuse themselves and we decide it’s time for us to check out what said caterers have prepared, our stomachs already rumbling. Hopefully, the butterflies in my stomach will make room.
[ Sam ]
After checking with the caterers inside, I return to the party, standing on the back porch to watch everyone have a good time and I’m secretly a little proud of myself. Planning the party from all the way across the country had been stressful to say the least, but it turned out great. My gaze wanders around the tables and it catches on the tiny red-head and her three friends, who seem to be having a great time, laughing and chatting at their table.
I’ve heard many stories from Felix over the last few weeks but what surprised me the most was the way my brother looks at her. When I saw the way his whole face lit up when she walked in, I realized that Felix was not the only one taken with Miss Scully. She’s not his usual type - not that she’s not pretty, she is, very much so - but she’s actually nice. A vast improvement from the piece of work that’s his ex-wife, let me tell you. I wonder if he’s thought about asking her out yet.
[ DS ]
After dinner, we’re treated to another visit from the little Mulder, who’s breathless from the game of tag with his friends. “Hey Felix! Are you having a good time?” He nods enthusiastically, trying hard to catch his breath.
“Yeah, auntie Sam did a really good job! I can’t wait for my cake, she said it’s really huuuge! And the DJ is playing aaaall my favorite songs, too!”
Suddenly shy, he shuffles his feet a bit and then, gathering all his courage, he looks up at me and holds out a tiny hand. “Miss Scully, will you dance with me?”
“Of course, birthday boy, come on.”
[ Sam ]
Once I’m finished making another round of checking that everything’s running smoothly, I spot my brother standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching the party. Stopping on the last step, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his shoulder. “Great party, huh?”
“Yeah, you did a pretty good job sis. And Skinner’s managed to gather up quite a crowd. Almost everyone’s here tonight!”
“You know what I think? You’d be just as happy if it were only you and one other special guest here tonight.” He turns his head a little, frowning.
“What?” I motion my head to the woman who’s currently talking to Felix at her table. “Aah. Is it that obvious?” I snort derisively
“Are you kidding me, bro? I’ve known you all my life, I can see the hearts in your eyes from a mile down the road. Have you asked her out yet?”
“No… I’m so nervous around her I can barely string more than a few coherent words together. She probably thinks I’m a huge idiot. I asked her if she believes in aliens, Sam!” We watch as Felix holds his hand out to her, asking her to dance with him. He’s so cute I can barely stand it.
“I’m sure that’s not true. You should take a page out of your son’s book though, boy’s got game!” My brother laughs as the somewhat mismatched pair sways on the dancefloor.
I release him from my embrace, an idea popping into my head. “You should go and cut in.” Now he fully turns to me and looks at me like I’m crazy.
“What? No…” He’s making his panic face.
“What yes! Carpe diem, right now!” I give him a gentle shove in the direction of the dancefloor. “Go! I’ll handle the music.”
[ DS ]
Of course, I can’t say no to the little charmer and we make our way to the dancefloor and I sway with Felix in time to the music, twirling him around until he giggles.
“You look really handsome tonight, Felix!”
He smiles shyly and narrowly avoids stepping on my shoes. “Thank you! You look really beautiful too.”
“You’re absolutely right, son. Mind if I cut in?” A tingle shoots up my spine at the sound of his voice and Felix nods, stepping back. His dad holds out his hand to me. “A dance for the other birthday boy?”
“Well technically, it’s not your birthday for a few days.” I tease him, but I slip my hand into his and he spins me against him, wrapping his right arm around my waist, clasping my left hand in his tightly. The DJ fades into a new song and I groan inwardly as Sonny and Cher’s “I got you babe!” starts droning from the speakers. We sway for a few beats before he whips me across the dancefloor in a quick waltz. Over his shoulder I can see countless pairs of eyes following us but for once, tonight, I don’t care because all I can feel is the burn of his fingers resting on the sliver of exposed skin of my waist and the tickle of the hair at the back of his neck against my hand. God, this guy can waltz.
On the last few notes, he twirls me out with a grin on his face, tugging on my hand to bring me back in and then he dips me back for the grand finale. Dips me. The move takes me by surprise and I laugh, breathless when he brings me upright again.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to dip your lady in a waltz!” I realize my Freudian slip a fraction of a second too late. ‘Your lady? What the heck, Dana.’
He just shrugs nonchalantly, still grinning. “If I fancy to dip my lady, I will dip my lady! Thank you for this dance, Miss Scully!” He bows his head and I chuckle, curtsying. “The pleasure was all mine, Mr. Mulder!” ‘Who ARE you?’
We step off the dancefloor and I return to our table, sitting down still a little bit out of breath, only to be met with three incredulous stares. ‘Here we go, 3, 2, 1…’
“What was that, D?” Holly.
“Oh my God, the two of you on the dancefloor!” Sarah.
“That was incredible!” Alex.
I shrug, picking up my glass, but I can’t hide the blush on my face and smile around my straw. “Mr. Mulder can waltz.” I’ll never live this down.
Sometime after the birthday cakes came out, Felix appears at my side again and leans against me heavily. I can tell he’s coming down from his sugar-high. “Miss Scully, remember how I told you about the encyclopedia on butterflies?”
“Yeah I do, what about it?”
“Would you like to see it?” He looks up at me hopefully and I agree, glad to get away from the action for a while.
“Okay, come on!” Together we climb the steps to the back porch and he tugs me inside into the living room where we sit down on the couch. I can finally slip off my heels while Felix runs to get the encyclopedia and after returning, places it on my lap curling up into my side. He opens the heavy book and shows me his favorite butterflies, explaining in great detail what’s so special about it.
His voice gets more and more quiet with each new butterfly until he stops talking altogether and looking down I realize that he fell asleep, completely wiped. Coming off my own sugar high, I scoot down lower into the cushions and lean my head back against the back, closing my eyes. Just for a second.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, November 23
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jeff Bridges opens up about the fight of his life 
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Lori Loughlin’s life behind bars -- Lori’s been having a hard time adjusting to her new reality
Page 6: The holiday season will look a little different for Prince Harry this year -- originally the plan was for Harry to travel to England around Christmastime and Meghan Markle reluctantly agreed though she was far from happy with the idea but now with new travel restrictions in place due to Covid-19 she’s told him there’s no way they’re leaving California which is crushing for Harry who was looking forward to spending the holidays with the royals especially since he missed out last year and he’s been horribly homesick these last few months and he misses the holiday traditions he grew up with even though he loves his life in America with Meghan and son Archie 
Page 7: Newly single Kelly Clarkson has been swooning over country crooner Brett Eldredge her collaborator on the flirty new Christmas tune Under the Mistletoe -- they spent lots of time together in the studio and on the phone and really bonded while they were cutting this sexy song, Brad Pitt’s most recent ex-girlfriend Nicole Poturalski has started talking to friends about what happened between them in detail and it’s an embarrassing mess for Brad who prides himself on privacy, after 16 seasons as colleagues and sparring BFFs on The Voice Adam Levine and Blake Shelton are besties no more because there was a lot of talk between them about keeping in touch and hanging out after Adam left the show but amid lingering tensions neither has made an effort and Adam may not even be invited when Blake marries Gwen Stefani
Page 8: Ever since Sofia Richie split for good from Scott Disick she’s been out every night with some really shady types to the dismay of her dad Lionel Richie who is not liking what he’s hearing about her partying and dating habits -- Sofia has already jumped into a new relationship with Cha Cha Matcha founder Matthew Morton and is hanging nonstop with his crew -- Lionel thought breaking free from Scott would mean a calmer life but it just sees like she’s gone off the rails, Betty White is already gearing up to celebrate her 99th birthday in January with a low-key yet reverent bash, she’s been linked to several Hollywood hunks of late but Lily James just wants her old beau back and she’s regretting breaking off her five-year relationship with Matt Smith -- since the split she’s been linked to Dominic West and Armie Hammer and Chris Evans and the onslaught has only made her miss Matt more -- Matt’s always had her back and Lily knows she made a mistake letting him go but Matt feels duped regarding all the rumors about her and other guys but she swears nothing happened and that she misses him
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars wow in romantic ruffled gowns -- Keke Palmer, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kirsten Dunst 
Page 11: Lupita Nyong’o, Halsey 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Renee Bargh vs. Alessandra Ambrosio
Page 14: News In Photos -- Paris Jackson posed for a portrait in Beverly Hills days before releasing her debut solo album 
Page 15: Adam Brody with his newborn son in Malibu, pregnant Jinger Duggar stepped out in Venice with husband Jeremy Vuolo and their daughter Felicity for lunch, Lady Gaga on stage at a drive-in concert in Pittsburgh 
Page 16: Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell headed out for brunch with one of their twin daughters in Encino, Camila Cabello held on tight to one of her three pups while chasing another one who escaped from his leash in Miami, Pierce Brosnan playing golf in Hawaii 
Page 18: DJ Diplo took a dip in the ocean in Miami, John Legend took his Ford Mustang out for a spin with wife Chrissy Teigen and one of their dogs in Beverly Hills 
Page 19: Bella Thorne and boyfriend Benjamin Mascolo in Rome, Scott Disick was Ace Ventura for Halloween in L.A. 
Page 20: Ruff Life -- stars show love for their canine companions -- Ariel Winter and her latest rescue Cobey, Jamie Chung and her dog, soccer star Alex Morgan with her dogs Kona and Blue 
Page 21: Nev Schulman cuddled up with Dancing With the Stars partner Jenna Johnson’s dog Ziggy, PLEASE ADOPT, DON’T SHOP  
Page 22: Shawn Mendes on a walk in Miami, Kate Mara stopped by Target with her daughter, Ellen DeGeneres dressed up as a nurse who is her favorite superhero 
Page 24: Skai Jackson headed to rehearsals for Dancing With the Stars, Elizabeth Lyn Vargas of Real Housewives of Orange County gave a tour of her home, Joe Jonas strolling daughter Willa around the neighborhood 
Page 25: Thomas Brodie-Sangster attended the premiere of Stardust a biopic about David Bowie in London, Donnie Wahlberg and Steve Schirripa filmed a scene for Blue Bloods in Brooklyn 
Page 26: Taking over duties from Prince Harry his stepmother Duchess Camilla arrived at the Field of Remembrance to commemorate those who lost their lives in the armed forces in London, Amber Heard enjoyed a hike with her dog in L.A., Renee Elisa Goldsberry and Sara Bareilles and Paula Pell and Busy Philipps filmed a scene for Tina Fey’s upcoming series Girls5Eva in NYC 
Page 27: Offset delivered free food to voters waiting in line on Election Day, Ciara in Seattle 
Page 28: Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have finally become husband and wife in a low-key ceremony in the backyard of their L.A. home with just a handful of family and close friends like Steve Carell and Emma Stone were in attendance -- Ryan wore jeans with a button-down shirt while Eva wore a red dress from her own collection -- now that the party’s over Eva and Ryan have been talking about having a third child
Page 29: Reality hit Love Is Blind hooked viewers with its OMG premise but the show’s married cohosts Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey were decidedly less riveting and their presenting style was laughably wooden and stiff and while the duo is slated to return for the show’s second season Nick and Vanessa have been put on notice to spice it up, Tori Spelling is freaking out at the prospect of her husband Dean McDermott spending six months alone in Toronto which is the same town where he cheated on her seven years ago -- Dean has signed on to star in Canadian TV show Lady Dicks and while Tori should be thrilled that that he’ll be bringing in some income for their often-struggling family of seven she is preparing for the worst 
Page 30: While it appears Nina Dobrev and Shaun White have spent 2020 in hardcore flirt mode Nina’s friends have cautioned that this is a dead-end romance because Shaun shows up and posts pictures of them on social media but the fact is they’ve barely spent any time together and they hook up and then he goes back to his own place -- Shaun rarely invites Nina to either of his two Hollywood Hills pads and is proving his flaky reputation is legit, things are looking up for parents-to-be Kit Harington and Rose Leslie after a rocky start to their marriage the two are finally in a happy place -- Kit has stopped boozing and this baby has put a fire under him to be more accommodating and besides helping update and baby-proof the couple’s 15th century countryside manor Kit’s been more attentive to Rose in every way, Love Bites -- Erika Jayne and Tom Girardi split, Maya Erskine and Michael Angarano are engaged and expecting, Ashlee Simpson welcomed her second child with husband Evan Ross 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Jeff Bridges: I’m not giving up -- how the beloved star is coping during his brave health battle 
Page 36: Katherine Heigl why she disappeared -- the reason Katherine walked away from the spotlight ad how she found her way back 
Page 38: Home Alone turns 30 -- in honor of the holiday classic’s milestone anniversary secrets and trivia about the movie and its stars 
Page 40: Feel the Burn -- fitness fanatic Morgan Coleman is here to take your home workout up a notch 
Page 42: Healthy Holidays -- how stars stay fit and feeling their best during the festive season 
Page 46: Style Week -- Olivia Culpo has teamed up with her siblings on an exclusive collection for Macy’s 
Page 48: What’s Hot Right Now -- Madewell wants you to Make Weekends Longer with its new sustainable MWL collection 
Page 49: Steal Her Style -- Drew Barrymore 
Page 50: Dress the Halls -- festive pieces to rock through the holidays even if you’re celebrating at home -- AnnaSophia Robb 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A -- Jake Tyson
Page 58: Buzz -- Just weeks after Kim Kardashian West was slammed over her 40th birthday bash Kendall Jenner received similar criticism for throwing a jam-packed soiree for her 25th birthday 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Cameron Diaz on having a baby at 47, Conan O’Brien on the props that were stolen from his late-night set, Sacha Baron Cohen joking that he and his wife Isla Fisher are not A-listers, Anne Hathaway on the embarrassing ways she handled the lockdown 
Page 61: Florence Pugh on her close relationship with her Black Widow costar Scarlett Johansson, Christine Quinn on not being bothered by negative comments, Chelsea Handler on crushing on New York governor Andrew Cuomo 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Lisa Bonet turned 53 on November 16 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Colin Jost
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truemedian · 4 years
Jennifer Lopez strips off to her bra at Alex Rodriguez daughter's birthday bash in Miami
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are showing considerable ingenuity and gall when it comes to throwing parties during a pandemic. On Tuesday, the engaged couple ambitiously pulled off a twelfth birthday party for his daughter Ella Alexander Rodriguez in Miami, while trying their best to abide by strict social distancing policies.  The bash was also attended by Ella's mother Cynthia Scurtis, 47, - Alex's ex-wife whom he was married to from 2002 to 2008 - who appeared to be helping out with the festivities alongside Jennifer, 50.  At one point, there appeared to be an awkward moment between the pair as J-Lo stripped off in the heat, revealing her lacy bra.  Stripping off: Jennifer Lopez appeared to be struggling in the Miami heat on Tuesday, as she took off her top reveal a lacy bra while attending Alex Rodriguez daughter's 12th birthday bash in Miami  Also present was Ella's sister Natasha Rodriguez, 15, and J-Lo's twelve-year-old twins Max and Emme, from her marriage to Marc Anthony, 51, as well as other young family members.  Although it seemed that guests were encouraged to just drive-by the area with birthday wishes, there did appear to be a number of people involved in the celebrations - including someone who appeared to be a videographer capturing the special day. The couple are just some of many celebrities who have been urging the public to stay home to help fight the spread of COVID-19.   Awkward! Alex's ex-wife Cynthia, who he divorced in 2008, which pictured just a few feet away from his fiance Jennifer as she stripped down to a lacy bra  On The Floor: Jennifer Lopez, 50, showed off her lacy bra as she was seen at Alex Rodriguez daughter's 12th birthday bash in Miami on Tuesday ....also attended by his ex-wife Cynthia Taking a break: Engaged couple Jennifer and Alex were seen having a breather from the festivities sitting out on the lawn in Miami Playing ball: Jennifer was first seen with Alex's ex-wife Cynthia at Natasha Rodriguez's graduation in May last year proving there is no animosity  Family affair: (L-R) Cynthia Scurtiz, Alex Rodriguez, Natasha Rodriguez, Ella Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez Captured on camera: There appeared to be a videographer in attendance, holding a camera with a microphone attached  In an Instagram video earlier this month the singer said: "Hey everyone. We want you to please stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19 is to stay home." "We're staying home those on the front lines - the doctors, nurses and technicians that are working so hard to keep everyone safe." J-Lo and Alex, 44, - who were tagged by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo - then nominated Jimmy Fallon to do his part and #StopTheSpread. A few days later, Jen was spotted attending a VIP gym in Miami for a work-out with Alex, though it was unclear if this was a private session.    Jen and the ex: The pair were pictured hanging out together at the birthday bash on Tuesday Good sports: The family made sure to abide by social distancing guidelines for the party  Friendly: Jen and Cynthia appeared to be in good spirits at the birthday bash together Getting stuck in: Cynthia was seen serving the three-tiered cake with the birthday girl's name written across it.  Feeling the heat: J-Lo adjusts her outfit amid festivities for Ella Rodriguez's 12th birthday party 
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Birthday gang: Alex, Jen, and Cynthia are seen with their children and family members for Ella's special day However, it seemed that most guests at the party were restricted to 'drive-by' happy birthday wishes to the teenager, creating a procession with banners. One SUV was seen with a 'happy birthday Ella' poster plastered to the trunk.  Meanwhile, Jennifer went round in a golf buggy with her kids, to oversee everything including a three-tiered cake with 'Ella' written on it, balloon displays and birthday banners.   Weather in Miami has been in the mid 80s fahrenheit, and it appeared that the Jenny From The Block singer had got a little hot, removing the top of her all-white ensemble.  Looking good: Jen showed off her incredible physique as she walked around in an all-white ensemble Modern family: Jen was seen with the birthday girl Ella (right) and her own daughter Emme (left)  Party on the lawn: Jen and Alex appeared be throwing quite the spectacle, despite social distancing guidelines Big arrival: Ella's sister Natasha is seen driving on a gold buggy with a woman helping keep the birthday cake upright  Spectacle: There appeared to be a gathering among those coming to wish Ella a happy birthday Crew: Jen's twins Max and Emma are seen with Ella wearing a birthday girl sash Alex, Jennifer and Cynthia were first seen all together last May at daughter Natasha's graduation from middle school.   "How is my beautiful angel going to be a freshman in High School?! Congrats Tashi, we love you!" Alex captioned the group picture. The show of friendship was unusual as the year before there were reports that Cynthia was angry that Alex wanted to lower her child support and alimony payments.  Alex had been embroiled in $115k a month spousal support row with his ex, which began in 2018, ten years after their bitter divorce. Birthday drive-by! To ensure they were not having a 'mass gathering' for the party, guests were encouraged to drive by to wish Ella a happy birthday  Well-wishes: Friends of the birthday girl made their wishes known by holding up banners Are you SURE you're social distancing? A group of people are seen leaving gifts near a lap top that has been set up in relation to the birthday party  Grouped together: Alex Rodriguez is seen standing in a group by a pile of gifts and a lap top set-up that looks like it could be used for a DJ set  Party time: An array of balloons were seen tied to a gate as guests drove by to say happy birthday Lining up: Friends of the birthday girl were seen poking their heads through sunroofs to shout happy birthday Coming together: It appears Jen and Cynthia have a friendly relationship as they walked alongside each other at the bash Cute: Jen's daughter Emme also looked to be enjoying time with birthday girl Ella  In 2018, it was reported that the former Yankees player requested to pay less child support, as he was no longer receiving his $30 million per year salary anymore. Alex was reportedly willing to pay $20,000 a month for his daughters, while Cynthia allegedly wanted the figure to be closer to $50,000 a month. The amount was to go towards school tuition, with their expenses reported to be somewhere between $7,000 and $12,000 a month. A day to remember: Jen was seen capturing the birthday bash on her iPhone Fun all round: Emme was seen kicking a ball about outside during the celebrations Keeping a distance? Alex and Jen have been urging fans to stay home during the current pandemic Good one! Jen and Alex give the classic parental 'thumbs up' as their children play Tip top: Jen was pictured recently visiting a VIP gym in Miami where she has been exercising  Reuniting: Alex, fiancée Jen and his ex-wife Cynthia all gathered to celebrate his and Scurtis’ 15-year-old daughter, Natasha, graduating from middle school last May alongside Jen's twins, Max and Emme. At the time, Cynthia gave a rare public interview to the New York Post saying: "All I can tell you, there’s been a shift, and I’m not sure what to attribute it to." "Alex has dated some wonderful women since our divorce, many of whom have had positive relationships with our children. Alex and I have worked well trying to create a stable environment for our daughters and there has never been an issue. Until now." However, judging by these pictures, it seems Alex and his ex-wife may have come to some sort of mutual agreement.  Abiding by the rules? The singer has been urging fans to stay at home during the pandemic  Taking it in her stride: J-Lo appears to be finding ways to enjoy herself despite being on lockdown Mulling things over: The engaged couple are yet to announce a date for their wedding  Sporty: The singer was dressed the part to indulge in some light activity Read More Read the full article
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
THE GAME HAS BEEN ELEVATED! Roc Nation’s Annual Brunch Is The Black Billionaires Link Up Everyone Wishes They Could Attend
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Roc Nation hosted its annual pre-Grammy brunch – an event everyone wishes they can attend. Go inside the bomb event to see flicks of your faves Beyonce, Jay-Z, Rihnna, T.I., Kelly Rowland, Nispey Hussle’s soulmate Lauren London and more having fun…
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Roc Nation returned to host its annual pre-Grammy brunch where the Who’s Who in music gather together at a bomb mountaintop estate in Brentwood to mix and mingle while celebrating another year of #BlackExcellence.
It's 2020 and the vision for black culture is clear. It's all about elevating and motivating. Hip Hop mogul Diddy made a toast to #BlackExcellence with his homies, spreading positive vibes to kick off the new year:
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 4:50pm PST
  We'll toast to that!
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Roc Nation founder Jay-Z and his Queen Beyonce (who was fashionably late) looked like two fab bags of money in their pastel ‘fits perfect for the outdoor brunch event. It looks like they reversed the colors they wore for their collaboration video "Apesh*t."
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Mrs. Carter looked fierce in a blue-gray Francesco Murano dress, styled by Zerina Akers.
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#BlackLove on steroids.
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                  Caught him! Ha! #Beyonce #RocNationBrunch
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 5:01pm PST
He's lucky Hov didn't catch him do this. We all saw how Jay snatched a phone from someone's hand who tried to secretly record Bey dancing during Diddy's 50th birthday party last month.
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Hov rolled into the event in a pink suit.
"It's mauve, bro!," Jay said when someone complimented him on his "pink" suit.
The Hip Hop icon kept it dapper in a mauve FRÈRE suit, styled by June Ambrose.
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                  When the king and queen exit the function.... #Beyoncé #JayZ #ItsMauve #RocNationBrunch
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 7:26pm PST
By the way, "mauve" was trending on Twitter after this clip surfaced online.
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Gold on gold! Rihanna stopped for a photo-op with T.I. before linking up with DJ Khaled.
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 5:23pm PST
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  Khaled - who recently welcomed his 2nd son - rolled up on the scene in a baby blue 5001 Flavors Clothing suit.
Hov & Diddy were seen congratulating Khaled on his new bundle of joy:
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                  Celebrating my new blessing a healthy beautiful baby boy ! #ROCNATIONBRUNCH
A post shared by DJ KHALED (@djkhaled) on Jan 25, 2020 at 6:26pm PST
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  Kelly Rowland was a breath of fresh air in a Sebastian Gunawan 'fit.
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                  Real is Rare We brought our Southside ways West ..... #RocNationBrunch .....
A post shared by Monica (@monicadenise) on Jan 25, 2020 at 8:57pm PST
  The Fabletics ambassador caught up with singer Monica, Nipsey Hussle's soulmate Lauren London & Nipsey's sister Samantha Smith during the soiree. A photo of Lauren & Nip from last year’s brunch was hung up during this year’s event. Also, people are saying their look from last year inspired this year’s theme.
Producer Jermaine Dupri made his way to the brunch, posing it up alongside Monica in Off-White.
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 26, 2020 at 7:20am PST
  RIP Nip!
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  Grammy Award winning artist Ne-Yo and comedians Dave Chappelle and Kevin Hart were in the mix. The Night School actor also made a toast during the event: 
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 7:24pm PST
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  Rapper 21 Savage was also in attendance.
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After his explosive run-in with his ex-Nicki Minaj and her husband Kennth Petty, rapper Meek Mill hit the event where he was spotted chopping it up with Patriots owner Robert Kraft.
Further fueling dating rumors, Meek color coordinated with pregnant fashion designer Milan Harris of Milano Di Rouge (rocking House of CB):
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                  Pregnant fashion designer #MilanoRouge - #MeekMill’s rumored boo - was at the #RocNation brunch with Meek.
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 7:11pm PST
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                      A post shared by Gifted Talents (@giftedtalents) on Jan 25, 2020 at 8:29pm PST
  They look happy. 
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R&B crooner Usher came out to party.
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Megan Thee Stallion - who just dropped a new single titled "B.I.T.C.H." - looked bomb in an orange Versace suit. She snapped it up with singer Ella Mai:
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A post shared by Hot Girl Meg (@theestallion) on Jan 25, 2020 at 8:12pm PST
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  Reunited couple Jhene Aiko & Big Sean were posted up in their bold colored suits.
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Singer Miguel and his wife Nazanin Mandi were goals at the event.
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 5:20pm PST
  Rap couple Quavo & Saweetie also brought the coupledom vibes.
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Jay-Z's right hand man/Roc Nation co-founder Tyran 'Tata' Smith linked up with supermodel Winnie Harlow. 
Sis glowed in a two-toned yellow Pyer Moss concoction.
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Get Out actor Lil Rel Howery got all dressed up for the event.
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Music exec Clarence Avant aka The Black Godfather, his son Alex Avant and singer John Legend nabbed a flick with Hov & Diddy.
By the way, Diddy & Hov were vibing out to Michael Jackson's Off The Wall on the way there: 
  Jay Z and Diddy listening to off the wall TASTE pic.twitter.com/GHL1Oj3RoK
— (@smilexmj) January 26, 2020
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 7:24pm PST
  Parkwood's Chloe x Halle - who stars on "Grown-ish" - flexed in Beyonce's Ivy Park x Adiads 'fits.
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 4:58pm PST
  "Power" star LaLa Anthony - who'll be starring in the new season of "The Chi" - hit up the brunch in a diamond crochet Sally LaPointe dress paired with René Caovilla heels and a Marzook clutch.
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                  Say cheese #thebrunch
A post shared by Terrence J (@terrencej) on Jan 25, 2020 at 6:07pm PST
  TV personality Terrence J got fresh in a Richfresh suit all smiles alongside Megan Thee Stallion and LaLa Anthony.
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                      A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Jan 25, 2020 at 5:41pm PST
  Rapper Moneybagg Yo (Megan Thee Stallion's ex) brought his new girlfriend Ari Fletcher along as his date.
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                  Ain't no way around this shit... #FromNothingToAbundance @moneybaggyo @jimjonescapo @yogotti
A post shared by TIP (@troubleman31) on Jan 25, 2020 at 10:32pm PST
  Rappers Jim Jones & Yo Gotti linked up with Tip & Moneybagg Yo.
On the carpet...
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Singer Tinashe, Los Angeles Rams running back Todd Gurley, and "Love & Hip Hop" creator Mona Scott Young posed it up on the carpet before making their way inside the bash.
Photos: Getty/Slate PR/Instagram
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/26/the-game-has-been-elevated-roc-nation%E2%80%99s-annual-brunch-is-the-black-billionaires-link-up-e
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kosa12-blog · 7 years
Coachella 2017 All Access: Go Inside This Year's Star-Studded Music Festival
Bust out the flower crowns and inflatable swans: Coachella 2017 is finally here! Thousands upon thousands of music lovers are headed to Indio, Calif., to experience two weekends of nonstop tunes from a variety of artists. Lady Gaga, Radiohead, Kendrick Lamar, Lorde and Future are just some of the famous faces performing live to a sea full of people. For those who are unable to head out and experience the fun in person, there's always the Coachella livesteam. In addition, E! News is hooking you up with all the surprise guests, A-list parties and star sightings. Take a look at our All-Access guide updating throughout both weekends below. Coachella 2017: Star Sightings Weekend 1, Day 3: Sunday, April 16, 2017  Louis Tomlinson and girlfriend Eleanor Calder were spotted hanging out at the Revolve Festival party at the Merv Griffin estate in Indio, Calif. An insider told us they sat at a cabana by the pool, pouring themselves a CIROC and Red Bull drink. The former One Direction singer donned green flannel pants and a black shirt, while his on-again, off-again girlfriend opted for a plaid black and white button down and denim shorts. Though the couple didn't show too much PDA, they did spend a bit of time chatting together by themselves. Sofia Richie, Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, and DNCE also attended the event. Nick was spotted smoking a cigar and holding a goblet of Moët champagne in his private cabana beside Tomlinson. He donned a head-to-toe army fatigue outfit and a tan baseball cap. Joe and Sophie sipped on fruity drinks and chatted with friends. Kendall Jenner also just attended the Revolve Festival party, sitting in a private cabana with Hailey Baldwin and a group of friends. We're told they stayed for about an hour, eating popsicles and playing with the mini squirt guns at the table. Kendall dressed casual in a statement sleeve shirt with jean shorts and a hat. They stayed for Migos' performance before heading out. Katy Perry and her stylist Johnny Wujek hosted the Katy Perry Footwear Collection Easter Day "Recovery Brunch" on Sunday, which came complete with a fluid IV drip station, neck massages and a make-your-own Bloody Mary bar. The singer hosted this party to promote her new shoe line, which she designed with Wujek. Katy looked ethereal in a white mesh midi-dress and a white two-piece bathing suit underneath, rocking her bleached blonde pixie cut and accessorizing with a stuffed, white Easter bunny purse. A source told us she arrived to the party around 3 p.m. and was surprised by a "drunk" Easter bunny who was stumbling around the party holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. She spent a majority of the time mingling with guests and taking photos. Stars like DJ Khaled, Kehlani, G-Eazy and Lorde all performed before Kendrick Lamar took the stage late Sunday night. The rapper brought out Future as a surprise guest to perform their collaboration "Mask Off."  During the performance, many stars were spotted in the crowd jiving to the music. Selena Gomez and The Weeknd watched the show together in the front of the artist guest viewing section. The "Starboy" singer wore a mask around his mouth, likely to protect his vocal chords from the dust, but at one point an onlooker tells us he moved it down to give SelGo some kisses. They kept their arms around each other all night, staying "very affectionate" as they sang along to Kendrick's songs. Selena Gomez's Best Looks Lana Del Rey and G-Eazy—who spent the entire weekend together, a source told E! News—were also spotted in the same area as SelGo and The Weeknd during Kendrick's show. We're told they came in the same group, but stood a couple yards apart as the rapper performed. An onlooker explained how Del Rey "danced like no one was watching" and sang every one of Kendrick's songs. We're also told she would occasionally look back and smile at G-Eazy before turning her attention back to the stage. Aaron Paul and his wife Lauren Paul also attended the concert with friends, "slowly trudging" out of the festival grounds after it ended. It was, indeed, a long weekend! Earlier in the evening, Katy Perry attended Lorde's performance and sat in the artist guest section. She was spotted "going crazy" during the "Royal" singer's final song. Weekend 1, Day 2: Saturday, April 15, 2017 Lady Gaga debuted a new song, "The Cure," during her headlining set. Katy Perry arrived about 10 minutes before the show started, with two friends. The singer watched the show while standing on a railing and was seen singing and dancing to all the songs. Wiz Khalifa was also in the special artist guest section and had his arm around a woman. They attended the show with friends. Lady Gaga's One-of-a-Kind Street Style Arrow star Stephen Amell and his wife stopped by Rachel Zoe's Zoeasis party, where Casamigos Tequila was enjoyed by festival-goers. "They are super cute together and said this was their first music festival," a source shared with E! News. "He's so in love with her, it's cute."  Victoria Justice, Olivia Culpo, Yara Shahidi and more stars were spotted at POPSUGAR's CFDA brunch and cabana club pool party. Guests enjoyed a performance from Daya and swag provided by Nordstrom, Ulta Beauty and Three Olives Vodka.  Leonardo DiCaprio, Orlando Bloom, Tobey Maguire and 50 of their closest friends arrived to the Revolve Festival party at the Merv Griffin Estate after 5:30 pm. The A-listers snuck in through the back, fooling the crowd of partygoers in the front. They were all smiles while sipping on CÎROC, Moet and Heineken with Russell Simmons at their private poolside cabana. Pac Sun and Chevy put on a Coachella party at the Bootsy Bellows Estate that featured Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin and Ryan Phillippe.Ariel Winter, who also stopped by H&M's Coachella party, and Levi Meaden were also in attendance and displayed plenty of PDA.  During Future's set, the rapper decided to surprise the audience by bringing Drake on to the stage. According to an eyewitness, Orlando was super excited with the surprise and couldn't stop dancing and hugging his guy friends.  Katy, Orlando's ex, also watched Future's performance but the two did not appear together, a source told E! News. Both Rihanna and Lana Del Rey were also seen near Katy Perry in the same artist guest viewing section. Wiz and the same woman were also present, as was his ex Amber Rose, who stood behind them with friends, E! News has learned. Chris Pine was spotted ordering a whole pizza at a VIP food area. Also spotted there: Josh Hutcherson and a guy friend. Musicians Performing Live on Stage Leonardo, Orlando, Toby, Drake, Selena Gomez and The Weeknd, Amber Rose and French Montana were all spotted at the Neon Carnival party presented by Levi's Brand and Don Julio late Saturday night. Selena and The Weeknd walked hand-in-hand on their way to the portable toilets and he was extremely protective of her when a photographer tried to take a photo of them. The two were later spotted in a booth by the dance floor and left the bash around 4 a.m. Holding hands again, they made their way into an SUV, where The Weeknd helped Selena inside. Leonardo, who wore a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes, as well as a hoodie, hung out with Orlando, who sported sunglasses and a hoodie, and Toby at a VIP booth and danced with fellow guests. Both Leonardo and Orlando was also seen talking to blond women. Chantel Jeffries and Alessandra Ambrosio were also spotted in the area. James Francowas seen walking with a tall bleached blond woman to one of the carnival rides. They were also accompanied by a group of people. Drake arrived with an entourage of at least 15 people and partied until just before 4 a.m. Amber, who wore a colorful body suit, also attended the bash with a large group. According to a source, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell (among others) hit up the Jeremy Scott Moschino party on Saturday night following the festival.   After the party, the bad gal headed to Neon Carnival where she avoided both Drake and Leonardo. Earlier in the day, also was spotted watching Gucci Mane in a special viewing section at the Sahara tent and dressed in a head-to-toe glittery Gucci bodysuit—so, yes, Rih wore Gucci to Gucci Mane (because she's that bad). Weekend 1, Day 1: Friday April 14, 2017 After traveling through private planes, Uber rides and even a helicopter (we see you Sofia Richie), dozens of celebrities kicked off a jam-packed weekend. Tyga partied separately from Kylie Jenner throughout the weekend. On Friday, he hit up one of the parties put on by Velocity Black x 1 OAK, which kicked off its annual Coachella soirees with an epic mega-day bash called the Up & Down Desert Beach Party featuring cocktails by Absolut Elyx, D'usse, Red Bull and Budweiser. Paris Hilton, Rita Ora, Chanel Iman and Shay Mitchell were just some of the "curated" crowd that was treated to Zeel App massages, beats spun by Odd Future's DJ Taco and food by Catch LA. Poppy Delevingne, Jordyn Woods, Brooklyn Beckham and Russell Simmons made sure to stop by the day party as well. Selena and The Weeknd couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other throughout the day. The two watched performances by The Head and The Heart and Travis Scott.  Nicole Richie was able to enjoy brunch early in the afternoon while also celebrating the House of Harlow 1960 X REVOVLE Spring 2017 collection. Instead of hanging out with Tyga, Kylie hit up the PrettyLittleThing x Paper Magazine's party sporting a neon green hairstyle.  Later that night, Kendall played part-time DJ with Daniel Chetrit when the duo spun a set as Pizza Boys at Velocity Black x 1 OAK's second bash, this one being a late-night party Supermodels Jourdan Dunn, Hailey Baldwin, Jasmine Tookes and Georgia Fowler danced it out under the stars. Muse's Matt Bellamy, Jayden Smith, Odell Beckham, Nav and French Montana were also treated to Kendall's DJ set. The vibe was so hot even exes Rihanna and Drake both attended. However, a party-goer tells E! News they did not run into each other. "Rihanna arrived a little after midnight with a few friends. She and Drake arrived about an hour or so apart and did not chat at all," the source said. The Weeknd and Selena continued their PDA-filled Day 1 at the jam-packed party, too. 10 Music Festival Items That Will Make Your Coachella Instagrams Pop Before the sun went down, Hailee Steinfeld performed three songs at the Republic Records Hyde Away party including a cover of Ed Sheeran's smash-hit single "Shape of You." An eyewitness told E! News that the singer's rumored boyfriend Cameron Smoller was standing up front the entire time and singing along during the show. After the sun set on the first night at the NYLON Midnight Garden Party, an inseparable Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner looked very affectionate and had their hands all over each other, according to an eyewitness. The happy couple stood by the bar for a while waiting for their drinks yet block the way while they held each other and talked closely, sneaking in kisses. Nick Jonas, Shay Mitchell, Richie and Amber also attended. More to come all weekend long!  For complete coverage of Coachella 2017, watch E! News Monday at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.  (Originally published Friday, April 14, 2017 at 8:45 p.m. PST)
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jdrespling · 4 years
Watch Ex-SEPULTURA Drummer IGOR CAVALERA Bash Away At The Kit
New video of former SEPULTURA and current CAVALERA CONSPIRACY drummer Igor “Iggor” Cavalera practicing new beats at what appears to be his London rehearsal studio can be seen below. For more than a decade, Igor has been part of the MIXHELL DJ/hip-hop/electro project with his wife Laima Leyton. Now living in London, Laima and Igorhave been producing and performing together since 2004 and have…
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: 'Fleabag', renovada por fin
Renovaciones de series
Netflix ha renovado Friends from College por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Stranger Things por una tercera temporada
Channel 4 ha renovado Friday Night Dinner por una quinta temporada
Epix ha renovado Get Shorty por una segunda temporada
Amazon ha renovado Transparent por una quinta temporada
HBO ha renovado Room 104 por una segunda temporada
Sky1 ha renovado Stan Lee's Lucky Man por una tercera temporada
BBC Three ha renovado Fleabag por una segunda temporada
Cancelaciones de series
E4 ha cancelado Chewing Gum tras su segunda temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings) protagonizará Carnival Row. Será un inspector que lo arriesga todo para resolver el asesinato de un hada showgirl.
Ben Whishaw (London Spy, Suffragette) será Norman Scott, el examante de Jeremy Thorpe (Hugh Grant), en A Very English Scandal.
Ivana Milicevic (Banshee, Gotham) será recurrente en la quinta temporada de The 100 como Charmaine Diyoza, una de los misteriosos criminales.
Reid Scott (Veep, The Big C) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Great News como Jeremy, reportero del The New York Times y nuevo interés amoroso de Katie (Briga Heelan).
Stephen Dorff (Deuces Wild, Blade) será el padre de Star Davis (Jude Demorest) en la segunda temporada de Star.
Diane Guerrero (Orange Is the New Black, Jane the Virgin) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Superior Donuts. Será Sofia, una joven que aparca su food truck frente a la tienda de donuts.
Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica, Longmire) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de The Flash como la villana Amunet Black AKA Blacksmith.
Rachelle Lefevre (Under the Dome, Twilight) se une como regular a Mary Kills People. Será Olivia Bloom, una mujer del pasado de Mary (Caroline Dhavernas) que reaparece con una petición. Ian Lake (Bitten) también se une como regular interpretando a Travis, el marido de Olivia.
Melina Kanakaredes (CSI: NY, Providence) se une como regular a The Resident. Será la doctora Lane Hunter, la mejor oncóloga del estado de Georgia.
Timothy Hutton (American Crime, Leverage) completa la familia Crane en The Haunting of Hill House. Carla Gugino podría interpretar a su esposa, mientras que Kate Siegel, Elizabeth Reaser y Michiel Huisman serían sus hijos. Oliver Jackson-Cohen (Emerald City, Man in an Orange Shirt) también participa.
Los protagonistas de la cuarta temporada de Black Mirror son:
Rosemarie Dewitt (The Last Tycoon, United States of Tara), Brenna Harding (A Place to Call Home, Puberty Blues) y Owen Teague (Bloodline) en el episodio 'Arkangel', dirigido por Jodie Foster (Orange Is the New Black, Money Monster).
Douglas Hodge (Penny Dreadful, The Night Manager), Letitia Wright (Humans, Cucumber) y Babs Olusanmokun (The Defenders, Roots) en el episodio 'Black Museum'.
Andrea Riseborough (Bloodline, National Treasure), Andrew Gower (Outlander) y Kiran Sonia Sawar (Legends, Murdered by My Father) en el episodio 'Crocodile'.
Georgina Campbell (Broadchurch, Flowers), Joe Cole (Peaky Blinders) y George Blagden (Versailles, Vikings) en el episodio 'Hang the DJ'.
Maxine Peake (Silk, Three Girls), Jake Davies (The Missing, Cyberbully) y Clint Dyer (Mine, Unknown) en el episodio 'Metalhead'.
Jesse Plemmons (Fargo, Breaking Bad), Cristin Milioti (How I Met Your Mother, A to Z), Michaela Coel (Chewing Gum, The Aliens) y Jimmi Simpson (Westworld, House of Cards) en el episodio 'USS Callister'.
Mouna Traoré (Murdoch Mysteries) y Ellen Wong (GLOW) se unen a Condor. Serán Iris Lorimer, la esposa de un agente de la CIA, y Sarah Tan, una de las mejores amigas de Joe (Max Irons).
Marque Richardson (Reggie Green) ha sido ascendido a regular para la segunda temporada de Dear White People.
Brittany S. Hall (Amber) ha sido ascendido a regular para la cuarta temporada de Ballers.
Michael Irby (Taken, True Detective), Jay Hayden (The Catch) y Alona Tal (Hand of God, Supernatural) se unen como recurrentes a SEAL Team.
Anna Diop (24: Legacy) y Teagan Croft serán Starfire y Raven, personajes regulares, en Titans.
Shohreh Aghdashloo (The Expanse, House of Sand and Fog) se une como recurrente a The Punisher. Será Farah Madani, la madre de la agente de Homeland Security Dinah Madani (Amber Rose Revah).
Ramon Rodriguez (The Defenders, Iron Fist) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de The Affair como Ben, un marine veterano que ahora trabaja para la Administración sanitaria de veteranos.
Jocelyn Hudon (The Strain) sustituye a Chloe East en el papel de Willow Green en la segunda temporada de Ice. Será personaje regular. Ashley Thomas (24: Legacy, Beowulf), Laura Vandervoort (Bitten, Supergirl), Amy Madigan (Gone Baby Gone) y D.B. Sweeney (Two and a Half Men) se unen como recurrentes. Thomas y Madigan interpretarán al hijo de Cam (Ray Winstone) y a la madre de Ava (Audrey Marie Anderson).
Richard Flood (Red Rock, Crossing Lines) será recurrente en la octava temporada de Shameless como Ford, un graduado en arquitectura por Yale, fotógrafo de guerra y exseminarista.
Merit Leighton (Sofia the First) será recurrente en Alexa & Katie como Hannah, amiga de las protagonistas.
Sonya Cassidy (Humans, Vera), David Pasquesi (Veep, Boss), Eric Allan Kramer (Good Luck Charlie), Brent Jennings y Linda Emond protagonizarán Lodge 49 junto a Wyatt Russell.
Sonoya Mizuno (Ex Machina) será regular en Maniac como la doctora Fujita. Julia Garner (Ozark, The Americans) será recurrente.
Pósters de series
          Nuevas series
Channel 4 ha encargado seis episodios de Jerusalem, drama de época creado y escrito por Bash Doran (Masters of Sex, Boardwalk Empire). En 1945, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una ambiciosa veinteañera se une al Servicio Civil y acepta espiar a su propio gobierno para los americanos.
BBC One encarga tres episodios de The Barking Murders, la historia real de Stephen Port, conocido como el asesino del Grindr por violar y matar a cuatro hombres entre 2014 y 2015, desde el punto de vista de las familias de las víctimas. Escrito por Jeff Pope (Philomena, The Widower).
BBC One encarga cuatro episodios de The Cry, adaptación de la novela de Helen FitzGerald sobre el colapso de un matrimonio tras la desaparición de su bebé en un pueblo costero de Australia. Escrito por Jacquelin Perske (Will, Little Fish).
BBC One encarga cuatro episodios de The Victim, thriller legal sobre una mujer acusada de desvelar en Internet la nueva identidad y el paradero del hombre que asesinó a su hijo adolescente hace veinte años y conspirar para matarlo. Escrita por Rob Williams.
BBC Three encarga cuatro episodios de Man Like Mobeen, comedia creada, escrita y protagonizada por Guz Khan (Zapped) sobre un hombre peludo de veintiocho años, a quien abandonaron sus padres, que solo quiere seguir su fe, llevar una buena vida y encargarse de mantener a su hermana pequeña en Birmingham con el apoyo de sus dos mejores amigos, que le acercan cada día más a una crisis nerviosa.
Sky1 ha encargado A Discovery of Witches, basada en la novela de Deborah Harkness, sobre el floreciente romance entre una historiadora y un genetista - que resultan ser también una bruja que reniega de su linaje y un vampiro - mientras intentan entender los secretos de un antiguo manuscrito de la Biblioteca Bodleiana de Oxford y la paz entre demonios y humanos pende de un hilo. Protagonizan Teresa Palmer (Warm Bodies, Hacksaw Ridge) y Matthew Goode (The Imitation Game, The Good Wife).
Sky1 ha encargado Bulletproof, llena de comedia, drama y acción, sobre dos agentes de policía y amigos unidos por el mismo código moral a pesar de tener vidas completamente distintas - son el hijo del primer comisario negro, siempre esperando cumplir lo que se esperaba de él, y un joven que ha crecido de familia de acogida en familia de acogida. Protagonizan Ashley Walters (Top Boy, Cuffs) y Noel Clarke (Doctor Who, The Level). Creada por ellos mismos juntos a Nick Love.
Channel 4 encarga seis episodios de Dead Pixels, comedia parte acción real y parte animación por ordenador que sigue a Meg, Nicky y Usman y su obsesión por el juego de rol Kingdom Scrolls. Escrita por Jon Brown.
Channel 4 encarga seis episodios de Hang Ups, la adaptación británica de Web Therapy, sobre un terapeuta que decide abandonar el método habitual y desarrollar sesiones cortas a través de la webcam. Protagonizada y creada por Stephen Mangan (Episodes, Houdini and Doyle).
Pop ha adquirido Let's Get Physical (8 episodios), comedia de Connor Pritchard (Workaholics) y Dan Newmark (Gigi Does It) sobre Joe (Matt Jones, Breaking Bad), el vago cantante de una cover band que hereda el gimnasio de su padre, una leyenda del fitness, tras su inesperado fallecimiento y debe competir contra su archienemigo Barry (Chris Diamantopoulos, Silicon Valley) en el Campeonato Nacional de Aerobic para conseguir el dinero y las propiedades. AnnaLynne McCord (90210) interpreta a Claudia, exnovia de Joe y mujer de Barry.
Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot) desarrolla junto a Julian Simpson (Doctor Who) la serie Jumper, la adaptación de la película sobre un adolescente que puede teletransportarse. Bell podría repetir el papel de la película.
Hulu ha encargado diez episodios de la comedia All Night, creada por Jason Ubaldi y dirigida por Brian Dannelly (Girlfiiend's Guide to Divorce). Se centra en una fiesta de graduación en la que los estudiantes harán lo que sea necesario para cumplir sus últimos sueños de instituto. Protagonizan Chris Avila, Brec Bassinger, Chanel Celaya, Ty Doran (American Crime), Teala Dunn, Allie Grant, Caleb Ray, Eva Gutowski, Tetona Jackson, Gus Kamp, Tom Maden, Jenn McAllister, Austin North, Tequan Richmond, Chester Rushing, Jake Short, Chance Sutton, Noureen DeWulf (Anger Management), Kate Flannery y Dawan Owens.
Fechas de series
La segunda temporada de Doctor Foster se estrena en BBC One el 5 de septiembre
La séptima temporada de Cold Feet llega a ITV el 8 de septiembre
La segunda temporada de Channel Zero, titulada No-End House, llega a Syfy el 20 de septiembre
La cuarta temporada de Z Nation se estrena en Syfy el 29 de septiembre
La tercera temporada de Club de Cuervos se estrena en Netflix el 29 de septiembre
La segunda temporada de Van Helsing se estrena en Syfy el 5 de octubre
Ghost Wars llega a Syfy el 5 de octubre
Superstition llega a Syfy el 6 de octubre
La segunda temporada de The Shannara Chronicles se estrena en Spike el 11 de octubre
Godless llega a Netflix el 22 de noviembre
Happy! llega a Syfy el 29 de noviembre
Otras imágenes
Diana Rigg en Victoria
Tráilers de series
American Horror Story: Cult
Black Mirror - Temporada 4
Channel Zero: No-End House
Dirk Gently - Temporada 2
The Alienist
BoJack Horseman - Temporada 4
The Shannara Chronicles - Temporada 2
Strike - The Cuckoo's Calling
The Punisher
Vuelve TGIT
DC en The CW
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demitgibbs · 7 years
Hot List: Top 10
1) Musical- “Aida” brought to you by Slow Burn Company at the Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center is Elton John and Tim Rice’s Grammy and Tony award musical. Playing from April 20-27. Tickets start at $47. 2) YouTuber- Todrick Hall, internet sensation and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” judge makes his triumphant return to South Florida for a command performance of “Straight Outta Oz” at Parker Playhouse on Aril 22. Tickets start at $27.50 3) Theater – Matilda- with four Tony Awards, is the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. Broward Center from April 25-May 7. Tickets start at $33. 4) Concert – King of Salsa- Gilberto Santa Rosa is one of the most celebrated Latin music vocalists in the world for his musical elegance and style and will play at the Broward Center on April 20. Tickets start at $45. 5) Theater – “Kinky Boots”- makes its Kravis Center debut and is Broadway’s huge hearted, high heeled hit with songs by Grammy and Tony winning Cyndi Lauper. “Kinky Booys” plays through April 23 with tickets starting at $27. 6) Music – Miami Bash 17’- DJs Alex Sensation and “Jammin” Johnny Caride will play their legendary mixes alongside a star-studded lineup on April 23. Tickets start at $49 at Ticketmaster.com
7) Icon – Neil Diamond- the Grammy Award winner and Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame member will celebrate his unparalleled career spanning 50 years at BB&T center on April 26. Tickets start at $20 at Ticketmaster.com
8) Movies – “Unforgettable”- hits theaters on April 21 and is about a woman who sets out to make life hell for her ex-husband’s new wife and stars Rosario Dawson, Katherine Heigl, Geoff Stults and Whitney Cummings.
9) Benefit – Andrea Bocelli- Headlines Enchanting Evening Under The Stars For The Children Of Haiti on April 25 from 6-10 p.m. at the Residences by Armani/Casa Design Center. For more info call 305-663-3543.
10) Acting – Improv Scene work – The seven-week introductory class focuses on learning the techniques to improvise dynamic scenes & characters and concludes with a student performance. Starts on April 24 at Just the Funny. For more info call 305-693-8669
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/04/19/hot-list-top-10-6/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/159747133105
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years
Hot List: Top 10
1) Musical- “Aida” brought to you by Slow Burn Company at the Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center is Elton John and Tim Rice’s Grammy and Tony award musical. Playing from April 20-27. Tickets start at $47. 2) YouTuber- Todrick Hall, internet sensation and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” judge makes his triumphant return to South Florida for a command performance of “Straight Outta Oz” at Parker Playhouse on Aril 22. Tickets start at $27.50 3) Theater – Matilda- with four Tony Awards, is the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. Broward Center from April 25-May 7. Tickets start at $33. 4) Concert – King of Salsa- Gilberto Santa Rosa is one of the most celebrated Latin music vocalists in the world for his musical elegance and style and will play at the Broward Center on April 20. Tickets start at $45. 5) Theater – “Kinky Boots”- makes its Kravis Center debut and is Broadway’s huge hearted, high heeled hit with songs by Grammy and Tony winning Cyndi Lauper. “Kinky Booys” plays through April 23 with tickets starting at $27. 6) Music – Miami Bash 17’- DJs Alex Sensation and “Jammin” Johnny Caride will play their legendary mixes alongside a star-studded lineup on April 23. Tickets start at $49 at Ticketmaster.com
7) Icon – Neil Diamond- the Grammy Award winner and Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame member will celebrate his unparalleled career spanning 50 years at BB&T center on April 26. Tickets start at $20 at Ticketmaster.com
8) Movies – “Unforgettable”- hits theaters on April 21 and is about a woman who sets out to make life hell for her ex-husband’s new wife and stars Rosario Dawson, Katherine Heigl, Geoff Stults and Whitney Cummings.
9) Benefit – Andrea Bocelli- Headlines Enchanting Evening Under The Stars For The Children Of Haiti on April 25 from 6-10 p.m. at the Residences by Armani/Casa Design Center. For more info call 305-663-3543.
10) Acting – Improv Scene work – The seven-week introductory class focuses on learning the techniques to improvise dynamic scenes & characters and concludes with a student performance. Starts on April 24 at Just the Funny. For more info call 305-693-8669
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/04/19/hot-list-top-10-6/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/04/hot-list-top-10_19.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
Hot List: Top 10
1) Musical- “Aida” brought to you by Slow Burn Company at the Amaturo Theater at the Broward Center is Elton John and Tim Rice’s Grammy and Tony award musical. Playing from April 20-27. Tickets start at $47. 2) YouTuber- Todrick Hall, internet sensation and “RuPaul’s Drag Race” judge makes his triumphant return to South Florida for a command performance of “Straight Outta Oz” at Parker Playhouse on Aril 22. Tickets start at $27.50 3) Theater – Matilda- with four Tony Awards, is the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny. Broward Center from April 25-May 7. Tickets start at $33. 4) Concert – King of Salsa- Gilberto Santa Rosa is one of the most celebrated Latin music vocalists in the world for his musical elegance and style and will play at the Broward Center on April 20. Tickets start at $45. 5) Theater – “Kinky Boots”- makes its Kravis Center debut and is Broadway’s huge hearted, high heeled hit with songs by Grammy and Tony winning Cyndi Lauper. “Kinky Booys” plays through April 23 with tickets starting at $27. 6) Music – Miami Bash 17’- DJs Alex Sensation and “Jammin” Johnny Caride will play their legendary mixes alongside a star-studded lineup on April 23. Tickets start at $49 at Ticketmaster.com
7) Icon – Neil Diamond- the Grammy Award winner and Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame member will celebrate his unparalleled career spanning 50 years at BB&T center on April 26. Tickets start at $20 at Ticketmaster.com
8) Movies – “Unforgettable”- hits theaters on April 21 and is about a woman who sets out to make life hell for her ex-husband’s new wife and stars Rosario Dawson, Katherine Heigl, Geoff Stults and Whitney Cummings.
9) Benefit – Andrea Bocelli- Headlines Enchanting Evening Under The Stars For The Children Of Haiti on April 25 from 6-10 p.m. at the Residences by Armani/Casa Design Center. For more info call 305-663-3543.
10) Acting – Improv Scene work – The seven-week introductory class focuses on learning the techniques to improvise dynamic scenes & characters and concludes with a student performance. Starts on April 24 at Just the Funny. For more info call 305-693-8669
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/04/19/hot-list-top-10-6/
0 notes
tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, July 22
Cover -- 3 Jennifer Weddings and a Baby -- Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Lawrence 
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Page 1: New fears for scary skinny Celine Dion 
Page 2: Contents, Katy Perry 
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Page 4: Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston can’t revive their chemistry from two decades ago when Reese guest-starred on Friends and Reese has found the on-set connection she craves with fellow mom Kerry Washington 
Page 5: Kaley Cuoco feels more comfortable in yoga pants and t-shirts but she was warned she’d never be taken seriously that way so she has glammed up for her new project The Flight Attendant, Heather Locklear’s daughter Ava has had enough of Heather’s failed attempts at sobriety, Dakota Johnson has gone back to her regular workout routine and healthy living since her breakup with Chris Martin 
Page 6: Robert Pattinson is upset over only making $7 million for Batman when Chris Evans got twice that for Captain America, Rebecca Gayheart is looking for a regular guy to treat her well after her divorce from Eric Dane, Spot the Stars -- Jamie Foxx and DJ Khaled, Susan Sarandon, Iman Shumpert, Betty Who, Indya Moore and Mj Rodriguez and Billy Porter, Jonathan Van Ness 
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Page 8: Star Shots -- Cyndi Lauper, Rihanna 
Page 9: Miranda Lambert and husband Brendan McLoughlin, Antonio Banderas, Christian Bale and wife Sibi Blazic and son Joseph 
Page 10: Jenna Dewan and daughter Everly, Ashlee Simpson Ross and Evan Ross, Selena Gomez 
Page 11: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Strangers Things’ Gaten Matarazzo and Caleb McLaughlin and Millie Bobby Brown and Sadie Sink and Finn Wolfhard and Noah Schnapp 
Page 12: Sofia Vergara, Matthew McConaughey
Page 13: Corey Hawkins and Leslie Grace and Jimmy Smits on the set of In the Heights, Lady Gaga 
Page 14: Vivica A. Fox, Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff, Charlize Theron 
Page 16: Ellie Kemper and Tituss Burgess, Adam Lambert, Sarah Jessica Parker 
Page 18: Mandy Moore, Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma and daughter Banks, Terry Crews 
Page 19: Zendaya 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Jeff Goldblum and wife Emilie Livingston, Zoe Saldana 
Page 21: Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev, Shia LaBeouf, Chris Pine 
Page 22: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- pink -- Nicole Kidman, Issa Rae 
Page 23: Marisa Tomei, Rihanna 
Page 26: Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas -- inside their big day 
Page 27: Katharine McPhee and David Foster’s heavenly honeymoon 
Page 28: Khloe Kardashian wants Tristan Thompson to take her back, Christina Milian and Matt Pokora happier than ever, Love Bites -- Holly Madison is dating Zak Bagans of Ghost Adventures, Allison Williams and Ricky Van Veen separate, Sara Haines and Max Shifrin welcomed son Caleb, Shay Mitchell is pregnant, Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright tied the knot 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Lawrence are jumping on the bride bandwagon this summer 
Page 31: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez’s blowout bash 
Page 32: Jennifer Garner and John Miller -- keeping it small and simple and maybe a baby 
Page 33: Jennifer Lawrence and Cooke Maroney -- Sweet day with a sour note as JLaw invites all her exes like Darren Aronofsky and Chris Martin and Nicholas Hoult but disinvites her parents 
Page 34: Meghan Markle wants to publish a book filled with her travel, cooking, style, etiquette and design tips she’s learned since joining the royal family -- unless the Queen and the palace foil her plans 
Page 36: Kendall Jenner lonely and desperate 
Page 38: Baby bumps -- Blake Lively, Krysten Ritter, Gretchen Rossi 
Page 39: Miranda Kerr, Keira Knightley, Lauren Conrad 
Page 40: Where Are They Now? Hottest Stars of the ‘90s -- David Faustino, Dustin Diamond 
Page 41: Elizabeth Berkley, Neve Campbell, Jennifer Love Hewitt 
Page 42: Joey Lawrence, Christine Elise 
Page 43: Grant Show, Heather Locklear, Calista Flockhart 
Page 44: Double Takes -- Kristin Cavallari vs. Kate Beckinsale 
Page 45: Nina Dobrev vs. Emmanuelle Chriqui 
Page 46: Beauty -- watermelon -- Candice Swanepoel 
Page 48: Fashion -- gym bag essentials -- Brooke Burke 
Page 50: Entertainment 
Page 52: Q&A with Michelle Collins 
Page 60: Parting Shot -- Heidi Klum at Disneyland Paris
4 notes · View notes
wellmeaningshutin · 8 years
Short Story #39: Traffic.
Written: 2/7/2017
The problem with his car’s air conditioner was that when it was at a full stop, even if the engine was running, it hardly even worked, so longer stops would let the car fill up with heat. If he was driving, it would blast cool air and he would be in heaven, even on the hottest days of the year. He could be driving around in Death Valley in the middle of the day and he would have to wear a jacket. However, days like these when he became stuck in a static river of cars, only moving an inch every minute, unable to see what’s causing the jam, unable to back out because there’s another endless line of cars behind him, well, its like sitting in hell.
Most of the time he was a well tempered man, and even though his inner monologue might be labeled-by some-as psychotic, he was able to keep it away from his surface, buried under layers and layers of manners, smiles, and a general, faked attitude of a boy scout. There were only two conditions where his-
Honking his horn several times, he yelled at the cars in front of him, “What the fuck is the hold up? Get moving or I’ll go up there and make you move myself!” Rubbing his temple with his right hand, he could feel sweat starting to form a thick layer on his forehead. It felt disgusting, it made him feel disgusting, and it made him start to hate himself for being so disgusting, then he started to hate the traffic jam for putting him in this heat, then he hated his car for not working in this one scenario, and he hated himself for never getting this fixed, etc. This flowing of shifting hate happened within the first  three seconds after he felt the cold sweat on his hand, and started to feel his hair getting wet. Clenching the sweaty hand into a fist, he started to punch the horn repeatedly, to vent his anger and to make that anger audible enough for the people in traffic to hear. “God fucking damn it.”
He wasn’t very eloquent, but he spoke from the heart.
“Sons of bitches making me wait in this god damned heat, I’m going to melt before we go anywhere. Motherfucking lousy pieces of human-”
There were only two conditions where his outer self would reflect the inner, and these were: liquor and heat. Liquor straight up made him stop caring about putting on any heirs, and he just became an aggressive asshole, which has cost him two marriages, three promising careers, $17,867 in legal fees, the tip of his left pinkie, and his prized firebird that he bought with saved up paychecks from his first job. After all this, he had decided to quit drinking, and became a regular in AA. It has also given him a reason, on the inside, to feel moral superiority towards people, because he had overcome the obstacles in his life, paid the price, and was now a well-functioning and well-meaning member of society who often helped the commun-
"-foot down your lousy throats until all that’s left is the dust from your fucking teeth.” A small gap formed in front of him and he inched forwards, but it wasn’t enough to cool him down a little bit. Beads of sweat were now starting to drip down his face, his underwear was soaked and mushy enough to make him fell like he shit himself, his hands got to the point of shaking but he couldn’t grip the steering wheel to calm them since it had become way too hot, and his tongue became dry enough for him to routinely lick the sweat from his upper lips. More than anything, he needed a distraction from the heat to keep himself in check, a lot of people in nearby cars were either shooting him worried looks or refusing to look at him, and having to keep his windows rolled down didn’t help muffle the sounds of his outbursts. Figuring it was the best he could do, he switched the radio on, closed his eyes, and tried to get lost in the sound of the music. Normally he hated the song that was playing, it was just some mass manufactured song about an image of love that didn’t exist (in reality it was a very realistic and honest song, he just had very little understanding of what love actually was, and was like this with basically every human feeling other than anger), but on that day it was a life saver.
-community by organizing and helping fund raisers, community projects, volunteering at old folks homes, clinics, pounds, etc. Most people, due not only to his charitable spirit and refusal to drink or swear, but also to his looks, would often mistake him as being Mormon. He would have to correct them a lot, but even family members and close friends would often forget that he wasn’t. If you saw him on the street, and somebody pointed at you, asked you to describe him, there is a 95% chance that you would, at some point in the description, use the word Mormon. He only started to give off that vibe after his 10 year drinking binge, after he cut off most of his hair, adopting a clean shaven face and a short, neat hairstyle, and mainly wore short sleeved button ups. It never really bothered him, though, because people just naturally thought that he would be a good person, and it made pretending even easier.
The song slowly faded out, and then several air horns blasted, ushering in the arrival of the radio’s DJ, some guy with a forgettable name and a voice that sounded like every other radio DJ out there. “Man, its a hot one out there isn’t it folks? I swear, we haven’t had heat like this since our basketball team played Miami.” He quickly switched the radio off, not just because the mention of heat had brought him out of his neutral state, but because of that lazy joke. He was too on edge to have to suffer through bullshit like that.
He could feel his hairline start to feel very damp, beads of sweat started to roll down his face, he ran his left hand through his hair and it was all soaking wet. Traffic had still not done very much to move, and he started to get a headache. “The fucks going on, get moving you god damned retards!” His whole body shook as he said that, and it may have been a little excessive, could’ve been described as a tantrum, but it was tranquil compared to what was happening on the inside, which was starting to work its way up and out.
On the inside, he was thinking: I should just fucking gas it and hit this mother fucker in front of me, and if I drive over his car good, hopefully the fucker gets crushed, but if I can’t then its good to fuck up his bumper anyhow. I should just fuckin keep driving back and forth, fuck everyone’s cars up. Why is that kid fucking staring at me? I should give that cock sucker something to stare at, punch through the window and drag him out of that shit heap, bash his face into the asphalt until all that’s left is a pool of blood, teeth, and whatever used to be his face. Tell his parents over there, “Looks like your going to have to get a new one. Next time get one that will actually become an adult instead of dying like a fucking pussy.” You know who the real pussy is, that husband with his fucking glasses, the way he keeps trying to tell his kid to not stare back at me. I should pull him out, put his head under the tire of my car, then drive baby drive, show him the weight of a real man. Show his wife the weight of a real man, I’d show her- (here it gets really disgusting, so lets skip ahead a bit) -and after her her mascara is running, and she can’t talk with all of that glass in her mouth, but she keeps trying to beg to let her go, I’ll drag her over to that puddle of her kids face and force her head down, let that bitch drown- Oh, we’re moving again, about fucking time. Its so fucking hot in here I need to take this piece of shit to the mechanic, tell that motherfucker- and so on.
His clothes started to cling to him, they were way too damp, and he wanted to strip out of those disgusting clothes when he got home, but he didn’t know when that would be. The worst part about all of the sweat was it made him focus on the heat, every move, or even just when he sat still, there was now no way to ignore it. There was still no sign of an end to the traffic jam, and plenty of cars were beginning to rapidly honk their horns, showing a communal anger. It was hard for him to not join in on this, and when he finally gave in he was pissed by how hot the wheel had been, the metal logo on the center almost burned him.
Since he couldn’t stop wondering what the cause of the jam was, and he couldn’t stop saying random swear words every 3 seconds, leaving him to sit in the car, twitching, saying “Piss. Fuck. Ass. Bitch. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Damn”, etc, he finally got the bright idea to check his phone, see what the cause was, and hopefully clear his mind. The best facial expression he could maintain was a scowl, and not one that said “I’m reasonably annoyed at these circumstances”, instead it said something along the lines of “Make eye contact with me and I’ll snap”. This expression only got worse when a news feed finally showed him the source of the hold up: a celebrity, some actor he never heard about, signing autographs in front of the mall, causing some drivers to leave their cars so they could score quick signatures. He couldn’t believe it. It didn’t make any sense. It was irrational.
Since it was an irrational situation, he could find no reason to maintain any sense of faked rationality.
Three images flashed in his mind:
1. The view he had when his firebird was overturned, and he was sitting upside down, belted in, with one eye unable to open. At this moment he was close to being black out drunk, but since he was still conscious he considered himself in the “safe zone”. He was looking at the passenger seat, and could see his wife (now ex-wife) grabbing at her throat, frantic, trying to stop the bleeding caused by, what he later found out to be, a beer bottle that had smashed when they fell into the ditch. The moonlight that poured in was actually beautiful, and gave an unreal quality to the scene.
2. Him standing in front of the AA, all of the alcoholics watching him, accepting his two-year chip, even though he had relapsed three times within that timespan. Lies aside, that moment gave him the most confidence he ever had.
3. A dog he had, golden retriever, running through a sunny field, chasing after a stick he had thrown for it. He wasn’t aware that this was actually a scene from a movie that he saw, years ago, and confused this as a moment of his childhood innocence, a simpler world that didn’t exist anymore, and was the opposite of this hellish place he currently inhabited.
Quickly, he reached to the side of his seat and pulled a lever to pop open his trunk. He quickly his car, walked around to the back, and found the little league equipment that he had stored in there. Before he grabbed anything, he had to peel his shirt off of him, he couldn’t stand the feel of sweat any longer, and he threw it behind him, directed at the long line of traffic, no specific car in mind. His phone started to vibrate, he was getting a call, and he disposed of it in the same fashion. Looking at the equipment in front of him, he decided to pull out an aluminum bat, didn’t bother to close the trunk, and then started to wander around the rows of cars, daring somebody to piss him off.
First, he went to the car of that family that he fantasized about, but none of them would even look in his direction. He deemed them too boring to rough up. This became a pattern with any of the cars that he approached, and he realized that these people had all seen his furious outbursts, and were probably already scared of him, none of them daring to pick a fight or cause trouble. So, naturally, he stepped onto the car in front of him, walked over it, and kept walking down the endless line of cars, hoping that somebody would make the mistake of yelling at him, honking their horns, or even making eye contact. It was a long walk before anybody gave him a reason, and he had almost gotten until the mall, seeing the end of traffic ahead of him.
He started to believe that nobody was going to bother to make trouble with him, their cars were all probably air conditioned and some didn’t notice. His main plan, after two miles, was to just fuck up the celebrity who was causing this situation in the first place, but as he was about to step onto the roof of a navy blue convertible a man quickly got out of the car, some older guy wearing a polo that matched the car’s color, black slacks, sunglasses, and had short and well groomed, salt and pepper hair, tried to convince him not to step on the roof of his car, since it wouldn’t hold up under his weight. This guy wasn’t able to talk for long until before the bat was able to shut him up, and his attacker almost felt bad for the old guy, almost, because of how easily it was to break his glasses, have the man fall to the ground, a couple teeth landing before him, and to send him into unconsciousness.
It was also a little disappointing because he wanted the guy to put up a fight, he wanted to give a couple more swings, but it was over so quickly.
In search of a better way to vent his anger, he continued down the line of cars, or at least that was his plan. When he stepped onto the roof of the convertible his legs almost immediately fell through, and he was stuck. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get himself free, so he stood there, wiggling, screaming, baking in the sun, for almost an hour. Somebody tried to help the unconscious man, but when they approached they were almost hit by the bat, so they decided it wasn’t worth it, went back to their car, and decided to call an ambulance, which was unable to arrive due to the traffic. Most people didn’t know how to react to the situation, so they just ignored it, didn’t look at it, and continued to go on with their little activities they did to stave off the boredom of waiting in traffic.
“Fucking god.. Mother. AHAH. NO NO AHAAAHAH… GOD FUCKING PANSY AHHAHA!!” This was the basic gist of what the man screamed as he tried to break free, his skin slowly burning, turning a dark red that started to enhance his anger, both inside and out.
A couple cars down, a college aged kid got onto the roof of his car and started to mimic the trapped man, successfully getting a couple of laughs, and this only further enraged the burning Mormon. Not only because he was being mocked while in an enraged state, but also because he couldn’t attack the guy, or even turn around to see him. He wanted to throw his bat, but he decided to clutch onto it just in case anybody decided to come by, so he could take a swing at him.
At one point the guy was able to find the steering wheel with his right foot, and was able to honk the horn by kicking it, trying to use this to enhance his cries, hoping it would make him more intimidating. Nobody cared, the guy mimicking him eventually got bored and ceased, and his foot became tired from repeated kicking and heat exhaustion. He started to cry from the anger. As the tears kept coming, he stopped thrashing, relaxed, and just became a sobbing mess. He was so focused on crying that he didn’t even notice when he started to pass out.
Waking up in a hospital bed, handcuffed to the metal railing at the side, was confusing for him, but even though it hurt like hell to move an inch, he now felt pretty relaxed. He tried turning his head to look around the room, but it hurt too much, so he just stared at the wall in front of him. Since the pain forced him to stay still, he was able to remain calm and force his inner thoughts back to where they belonged, and by the time a nurse came in to check on him he was his old, fake, smiling self.
The nurse explained that the handcuffs were just a safety precaution, since he’d gone mad from the heat, and she asked if he could remember anything before leaving his car.
He wasn’t aware until much later of the officer in the room, who was the actual person talking, the nurse was just the only person he could see.
He lied and said he didn’t.
Somebody put his bat on his lap, and he put enough effort to look down at it to see that somebody had autographed it, but he didn’t know who.
0 notes
kosa12-blog · 7 years
Coachella 2017 All Access: Go Inside This Year's Star-Studded Music Festival
Bust out the flower crowns and inflatable swans: Coachella 2017 is finally here! Thousands upon thousands of music lovers are headed to Indio, Calif., to experience two weekends of nonstop tunes from a variety of artists. Lady Gaga, Radiohead, Kendrick Lamar, Lorde and Future are just some of the famous faces performing live to a sea full of people. For those who are unable to head out and experience the fun in person, there's always the Coachella livesteam. In addition, E! News is hooking you up with all the surprise guests, A-list parties and star sightings. Take a look at our All-Access guide updating throughout both weekends below. Coachella 2017: Star Sightings Weekend 1, Day 3: Sunday, April 16, 2017  Louis Tomlinson and girlfriend Eleanor Calder were spotted hanging out at the Revolve Festival party at the Merv Griffin estate in Indio, Calif. An insider told us they sat at a cabana by the pool, pouring themselves a CIROC and Red Bull drink. The former One Direction singer donned green flannel pants and a black shirt, while his on-again, off-again girlfriend opted for a plaid black and white button down and denim shorts. Though the couple didn't show too much PDA, they did spend a bit of time chatting together by themselves. Sofia Richie, Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, and DNCE also attended the event. Nick was spotted smoking a cigar and holding a goblet of Moët champagne in his private cabana beside Tomlinson. He donned a head-to-toe army fatigue outfit and a tan baseball cap. Joe and Sophie sipped on fruity drinks and chatted with friends. Kendall Jenner also just attended the Revolve Festival party, sitting in a private cabana with Hailey Baldwin and a group of friends. We're told they stayed for about an hour, eating popsicles and playing with the mini squirt guns at the table. Kendall dressed casual in a statement sleeve shirt with jean shorts and a hat. They stayed for Migos' performance before heading out. Katy Perry and her stylist Johnny Wujek hosted the Katy Perry Footwear Collection Easter Day "Recovery Brunch" on Sunday, which came complete with a fluid IV drip station, neck massages and a make-your-own Bloody Mary bar. The singer hosted this party to promote her new shoe line, which she designed with Wujek. Katy looked ethereal in a white mesh midi-dress and a white two-piece bathing suit underneath, rocking her bleached blonde pixie cut and accessorizing with a stuffed, white Easter bunny purse. A source told us she arrived to the party around 3 p.m. and was surprised by a "drunk" Easter bunny who was stumbling around the party holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. She spent a majority of the time mingling with guests and taking photos. Stars like DJ Khaled, Kehlani, G-Eazy and Lorde all performed before Kendrick Lamar took the stage late Sunday night. The rapper brought out Future as a surprise guest to perform their collaboration "Mask Off."  During the performance, many stars were spotted in the crowd jiving to the music. Selena Gomez and The Weeknd watched the show together in the front of the artist guest viewing section. The "Starboy" singer wore a mask around his mouth, likely to protect his vocal chords from the dust, but at one point an onlooker tells us he moved it down to give SelGo some kisses. They kept their arms around each other all night, staying "very affectionate" as they sang along to Kendrick's songs. Selena Gomez's Best Looks Lana Del Rey and G-Eazy—who spent the entire weekend together, a source told E! News—were also spotted in the same area as SelGo and The Weeknd during Kendrick's show. We're told they came in the same group, but stood a couple yards apart as the rapper performed. An onlooker explained how Del Rey "danced like no one was watching" and sang every one of Kendrick's songs. We're also told she would occasionally look back and smile at G-Eazy before turning her attention back to the stage. Aaron Paul and his wife Lauren Paul also attended the concert with friends, "slowly trudging" out of the festival grounds after it ended. It was, indeed, a long weekend! Earlier in the evening, Katy Perry attended Lorde's performance and sat in the artist guest section. She was spotted "going crazy" during the "Royal" singer's final song. Weekend 1, Day 2: Saturday, April 15, 2017 Lady Gaga debuted a new song, "The Cure," during her headlining set. Katy Perry arrived about 10 minutes before the show started, with two friends. The singer watched the show while standing on a railing and was seen singing and dancing to all the songs. Wiz Khalifa was also in the special artist guest section and had his arm around a woman. They attended the show with friends. Lady Gaga's One-of-a-Kind Street Style Arrow star Stephen Amell and his wife stopped by Rachel Zoe's Zoeasis party, where Casamigos Tequila was enjoyed by festival-goers. "They are super cute together and said this was their first music festival," a source shared with E! News. "He's so in love with her, it's cute."  Victoria Justice, Olivia Culpo, Yara Shahidi and more stars were spotted at POPSUGAR's CFDA brunch and cabana club pool party. Guests enjoyed a performance from Daya and swag provided by Nordstrom, Ulta Beauty and Three Olives Vodka.  Leonardo DiCaprio, Orlando Bloom, Tobey Maguire and 50 of their closest friends arrived to the Revolve Festival party at the Merv Griffin Estate after 5:30 pm. The A-listers snuck in through the back, fooling the crowd of partygoers in the front. They were all smiles while sipping on CÎROC, Moet and Heineken with Russell Simmons at their private poolside cabana. Pac Sun and Chevy put on a Coachella party at the Bootsy Bellows Estate that featured Kendall Jenner, Hailey Baldwin and Ryan Phillippe.Ariel Winter, who also stopped by H&M's Coachella party, and Levi Meaden were also in attendance and displayed plenty of PDA.  During Future's set, the rapper decided to surprise the audience by bringing Drake on to the stage. According to an eyewitness, Orlando was super excited with the surprise and couldn't stop dancing and hugging his guy friends.  Katy, Orlando's ex, also watched Future's performance but the two did not appear together, a source told E! News. Both Rihanna and Lana Del Rey were also seen near Katy Perry in the same artist guest viewing section. Wiz and the same woman were also present, as was his ex Amber Rose, who stood behind them with friends, E! News has learned. Chris Pine was spotted ordering a whole pizza at a VIP food area. Also spotted there: Josh Hutcherson and a guy friend. Musicians Performing Live on Stage Leonardo, Orlando, Toby, Drake, Selena Gomez and The Weeknd, Amber Rose and French Montana were all spotted at the Neon Carnival party presented by Levi's Brand and Don Julio late Saturday night. Selena and The Weeknd walked hand-in-hand on their way to the portable toilets and he was extremely protective of her when a photographer tried to take a photo of them. The two were later spotted in a booth by the dance floor and left the bash around 4 a.m. Holding hands again, they made their way into an SUV, where The Weeknd helped Selena inside. Leonardo, who wore a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes, as well as a hoodie, hung out with Orlando, who sported sunglasses and a hoodie, and Toby at a VIP booth and danced with fellow guests. Both Leonardo and Orlando was also seen talking to blond women. Chantel Jeffries and Alessandra Ambrosio were also spotted in the area. James Francowas seen walking with a tall bleached blond woman to one of the carnival rides. They were also accompanied by a group of people. Drake arrived with an entourage of at least 15 people and partied until just before 4 a.m. Amber, who wore a colorful body suit, also attended the bash with a large group. According to a source, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Kristen Stewart and Stella Maxwell (among others) hit up the Jeremy Scott Moschino party on Saturday night following the festival.   After the party, the bad gal headed to Neon Carnival where she avoided both Drake and Leonardo. Earlier in the day, also was spotted watching Gucci Mane in a special viewing section at the Sahara tent and dressed in a head-to-toe glittery Gucci bodysuit—so, yes, Rih wore Gucci to Gucci Mane (because she's that bad). Weekend 1, Day 1: Friday April 14, 2017 After traveling through private planes, Uber rides and even a helicopter (we see you Sofia Richie), dozens of celebrities kicked off a jam-packed weekend. Tyga partied separately from Kylie Jenner throughout the weekend. On Friday, he hit up one of the parties put on by Velocity Black x 1 OAK, which kicked off its annual Coachella soirees with an epic mega-day bash called the Up & Down Desert Beach Party featuring cocktails by Absolut Elyx, D'usse, Red Bull and Budweiser. Paris Hilton, Rita Ora, Chanel Iman and Shay Mitchell were just some of the "curated" crowd that was treated to Zeel App massages, beats spun by Odd Future's DJ Taco and food by Catch LA. Poppy Delevingne, Jordyn Woods, Brooklyn Beckham and Russell Simmons made sure to stop by the day party as well. Selena and The Weeknd couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other throughout the day. The two watched performances by The Head and The Heart and Travis Scott.  Nicole Richie was able to enjoy brunch early in the afternoon while also celebrating the House of Harlow 1960 X REVOVLE Spring 2017 collection. Instead of hanging out with Tyga, Kylie hit up the PrettyLittleThing x Paper Magazine's party sporting a neon green hairstyle.  Later that night, Kendall played part-time DJ with Daniel Chetrit when the duo spun a set as Pizza Boys at Velocity Black x 1 OAK's second bash, this one being a late-night party Supermodels Jourdan Dunn, Hailey Baldwin, Jasmine Tookes and Georgia Fowler danced it out under the stars. Muse's Matt Bellamy, Jayden Smith, Odell Beckham, Nav and French Montana were also treated to Kendall's DJ set. The vibe was so hot even exes Rihanna and Drake both attended. However, a party-goer tells E! News they did not run into each other. "Rihanna arrived a little after midnight with a few friends. She and Drake arrived about an hour or so apart and did not chat at all," the source said. The Weeknd and Selena continued their PDA-filled Day 1 at the jam-packed party, too. 10 Music Festival Items That Will Make Your Coachella Instagrams Pop Before the sun went down, Hailee Steinfeld performed three songs at the Republic Records Hyde Away party including a cover of Ed Sheeran's smash-hit single "Shape of You." An eyewitness told E! News that the singer's rumored boyfriend Cameron Smoller was standing up front the entire time and singing along during the show. After the sun set on the first night at the NYLON Midnight Garden Party, an inseparable Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner looked very affectionate and had their hands all over each other, according to an eyewitness. The happy couple stood by the bar for a while waiting for their drinks yet block the way while they held each other and talked closely, sneaking in kisses. Nick Jonas, Shay Mitchell, Richie and Amber also attended. More to come all weekend long!  For complete coverage of Coachella 2017, watch E! News Monday at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.  (Originally published Friday, April 14, 2017 at 8:45 p.m. PST)
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