#Diwali Gift for Husband
greypottery23 · 11 months
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hum-suffer · 11 months
We'll see each other again (nevermind the chasm between us) 10
Amar has known Gauri since before they were even born. They shared the same blood, the same parents and the same womb. The nursemaids gossiped about their birth to this day, whispering about how close they are, how Bahu didn't stop crying until he was laid next to Gauri, how Gauri didn't breathe until she was next to Bahu.
They share a bond, profound— beyond anyone's understanding. He feels what she feels and knows it even before she has identified her emotions. He knows what she's thinking and he knows how it's all gonna end in her emotions bubbling. Gauri feels a lot and sometimes, she can't contain her emotions. He's there to hold her together when she cracks with all the untamed emotions inside her.
He's on an excursion, with Bhalla and Gauri, their guards trailing behind them at an unassuming distance. They're disguised, Bhalla having somehow convinced Maa to let him go out to see the Diwali market. She's angry, Amar can tell that even without being her twin.
Her jaw is set— as she's learnt from Amar himself. Her hair is pulled by in a style she rarely favours and he knows an amateur would assume that is a reason of her irritation but Amar knows his sister and knows something as trivial as that wouldn't even hold her attention beyond a couple of minutes. She's wearing an orange saree, complete with red highlights that match her alta— and he knows she hates this combination beyond relief, she's complained about the saree before.
(It was a gift from some lord, an attempt to win Maa's favour. Obviously, a failed attempt.)
"What is the matter with you?" Bhalla asks her finally, when Gauri has stayed silent for the whole of the excursion and is now still silent on the way back. He's easy to anger, but Bhalla has always had the tact of his father— he's never understood women.
(He was different when they were younger. Bhalla used to know everything that made Gauri happy and everything that made her furious. Amar feels an ache in his chest at losing that but he knows that Bhalla feels pressure to do the best among them as he's the eldest. He doesn't have time to tolerate tantrums, in uncle Bijjaldev's words, and he has a lot of responsibilities.
And anyways, who is ever guaranteed to be the same this day and the next? Time changes even the nature of mother earth, what is the nature of man in front of that?)
Amar won't claim to understand anyone he's never met, but he knows his sister to her very bones and soul. It's his one consistency and he's proud of it. I will understand her today and I will understand her when we're both old and frail, he thinks with pride and humility in the same amount. Thank you, Mahadev, for giving me a sister.
Gauri sighs loudly in irritation. "I am fine, Bhalla. Nothing is wrong."
Gauri has always been a good liar. To anyone but Amar and Bhalla. Sometimes, even Maa can't read her lies as well as the brothers do.
Bhalla obviously knows she's lying too. "Do not insult me with lies. Remain petulant if you must, but do not lie to me, Gauri."
Amar sees the minute wince Gauri suppresses and he wants to punch Bhalla for being so impatient with her. He reaches for her hand and gives her wrist a squeeze that is hopefully reassuring. She doesn't show any response to it.
"Gauri." He knows she'll listen to him and sometimes it breaks his heart to have such power over her. He wishes she didn't love him so wholly, he thinks of the day she will marry and move away to whatever place her husband would be in and his heart burns. He will never be able to live in a world where he's away from his sister. "Please, talk to us."
She side eyes Bhalla as she speaks,"Uncle Bijjaldev and his dearest friend, the Kulpurohit, want me to not join in on the Diwali's Lakshmi Pujan."
Amar sees the way Bhalla stiffens. "And why not?"
"Because it will be only a couple of days after I finish my periods," she says, uncaring of the narrowed looks she receives as people overhear her talking about periods to boys. "Apparently, I will be too impure."
Bhalla doesn't speak anything else but looks away at the main objective of the issue being her periods. Amar frowns. "That's absolutely ridiculous, there's nothing impure about you. There can never be anything impure about you!"
"Thank you!" She exclaims, "That's what I've been trying to tell them! Maa asked to meet me today to discuss the same thing and she is seriously considering banning me from the puja because she believes the Rajpurohit."
Amar hears Bhalla groan. "I understand why you're angry, Gauri, but seriously, who can go against the Rajpurohit?"
Something akin to dread trickles down his spine and Amar thinks and oh. No. No. No.
He thinks of Gauri, excluded from the puja and confined to her rooms. Gauri, alone, only with Bhairav and some guards to protect her. Gauri, who already has had an assassination attempt on her. Gauri, who could be killed so goddamn easily away from their eyes. Gauri, who could die. Cease to exist. Amar doesn't think he can imagine a world without her. His sister, half of his heart, his twin, dying. He can't think of the possibility, he can't. Gauri can't die. They can't serve his sister to the assassin on a silver platter, no.
Fuck their notion of made up impurity.
Amar will never lose his sister, not at any cost.
"You don't understand anything, Bhalla," she says heatedly,"Your presence in any ritual hasn't been brought to a question because of your bodily functions! And Rajpurohit is making this up, I know it, there's no way periods are impure, they're the reason people are born!"
"The religious texts do say that women should not get involved in activities during their...problem." Bhalla says, sounding so disinterested that Amar knows he's contradicting Gauri only to distract her from her anger and not because he actually believes the bullshit he's spouting.
Gauri's ears turn red in her anger. "I agree periods are inconvenient enough to be a problem, but saying the word won't make you faint, brother! And the religious texts say that because women need rest in their periods. Do you even know how much my legs, back, stomach and head are aching at this moment? Do you know how nauseous I felt after breakfast today? Do you know my whole body is aching right now and I have these irritating breakouts on my face? The texts say women should not perform stressful tasks, not that they mustn't perform any tasks of import. Yagnas and pujas are stressful because we have to sit in the same position for hours, and because women's bodies are more receptive to energies in their periods and hence also soak up any and all kinds of energies, especially in yagnas, which are literally based on positive and negative energy and enforcement."
"Breathe, you annoyance," Bhalla says, sighing heavily and pulling Gauri closer to hug her sideways. "I understand your perspective and I'm sorry for assuming anything otherwise. Now, do you want a piggyback ride as repayment?"
Gauri thinks about it for a moment but Amar knows she's going to say yes. She hesitates a lot in her path to happiness but she loves the beloved treatment she gets, being their only sister.
She nods finally and all three of them stop in sync. Amar instinctually knows Mama, Bhairavrath and Advaita, their guards, are instantly suspicious. Bhalla hunches down and Gauri hands Amar the money pouch she'd been carrying before hopping onto his back. Amar smiles at the two of them, their grins big and eyes filled with merriment as Gauri winds her dhoti clad legs around Bhalla's waist and laughs loudly, in Bhalla's ear.
"I will throw you off," Bhalla threatens her playfully. They all know he'd never hurt either of them.
He looks at Amar,"What's gotten into you now?"
Amar shakes his head, still thinking about his sister, dead in a room they used to share, blood staining her purple bedsheet.
From Bhalla's back, Gauri raises her eyebrows comically and despite not wanting to, Amar snorts. "Let's go before Mama tells us about how inappropriate behaviour this is."
He doesn't have to, Amar can feel all the questioning stares burning onto the three of them already.
Bhalla begins to speedwalk instantly and Amar chuckles. Gauri looks over her shoulder at Amar, who's a couple paces behind them.
'I love you.' He mouths to her.
'I love you more.' She mouths back, grinning.
He doesn't argue, he knows it's true. No one will ever love him like Gauri does. His heart gets heavier, the thought of parting from her in any way will kill him one day.
But he won't let her die, not as long as lives. As long as Amrendra Bahubali lives, so shall Gauraangi Devi.
He finds Maa on a swing in the west wing of the palace. He knows she favours the spot, for it is silent and peaceful here. The moon looks wonderful and the stars shine so beautifully that he sometimes doesn't move from this very spot for hours.
"Am I allowed to intrude?" He asks playfully.
Maa turns back to him with a smile that brightens her face and beckons him forward. "Bahu, of course, come. Sit beside me, here." She moves to make space for him and slows the swing down to let him sit.
"Gauri was furious today," he says after a long silence. Maa hums. "Do you believe women in their periods are impure?"
Maa shakes her head. "Never, son. Women are part of Shakti, the reason for the universe, they cannot be impure unless it is in regards to their own karma. However, the council isn't made of men as understanding as you and Bhalla."
"But why are Gauri's periods known to them in the first place?" He asks, miffed at the break in the privacy of his sister,"She has her right to privacy and autonomy."
Maa nods regretfully. "That she does. But Gauri has excruciating periods, like your grandmother. She pretty much cannot do anything for at the very least the first two days of her periods. Her absence makes it obvious."
Amar purses his lips. He will find out the names of these over-interested councilmen later and have a talk with them about just what the hierarchy between the princess and the council is.
"You must let her come to the Puja, Maa. You know how much she likes Diwali. It's her favourite time of the year!"
Maa looks down at her lap, clearly saddened too. "And I want to. But people here are too orthodox and I don't want an unnecessary political fight to ensue with my daughter being at the centre of it. She's bright and mature, but I won't expose her to any kind of backlash, if I can help it."
Wonder fills Amar's heart. Here is Maa, thinking of never letting Gauri face backlash even if she is held as a culprit in Gauri's eyes. And there is Gauri, thinking of never letting Maa face backlash, even if she has to risk her life. Women love so deeply, he thinks, for a moment drowning in the sheer love they carry in their hearts.
But he knows what is the bigger necessity and he doesn't care about orthodox people, he cares to not leave his sister's life to fate and chance.
"Tell them, Maa, if they won't let my sister attend the puja, I won't be there either." His heart is beating wildly in his chest but he knows he will hold his ground. He will never compromise Gauri for anything.
Maa's eyes widen and he feels regret for a moment for causing her strife but it is soon replaced by his love for Gauri.
"Bahu, don't be stubborn. You don't know the things she will hear if she comes to the Puja. I cannot throw every person who slanders her in the dungeons, son and I won't have my daughter crying in Diwali."
"And I won't have my sister feeling ostracised in Diwali, Maa. If they don't want the daughter of their previous King, they won't get the son of their previous King. I mean no disrespect to you, Maa, but I will not leave my sister at any cost." Anxiety flutters in his chest.
(He remembers once choosing Maa about Gauri once, when they were being given separate rooms. He remembers Gauri crying and he acutely knows how unloved she must have felt. He's never going to let her feel so again. Even if there wasn't a threat hanging over her, Amar is never going to leave his sister to misery again. Never again.)
Maa sighs and she suddenly looks so tired, Amar wants to curl up beside her and offer her any comfort he can. But he holds his ground.
Maa shakes her head. A smile slowly blooms on her face. "You are your mother's son." She looks down again, before looking up at him,"You must also realise that I would never let my daughter be isolated from her own rights and family in any condition, Bahu."
"So, Gauri is allowed to attend the puja?"
Maa chuckles as if he said something endearingly amusing. "Yes, Bahu."
Realisation dawns on him.
"You deliberately took their side to see what I would respond with!" Maa shrugs, unashamed of her ploy. Amar shakes his head at her and laughs, throwing his arms around her. "Don't scare me like that again! I don't like fighting with you."
"It's a lesson, Bahu," she says, caressing his hair,"Your Maa or the world around you won't always be correct. But stand your ground. Stay with the truth. Do not ever stray from your duty." He nods dutifully.
When he's finally getting up to leave for his room, Amar looks back at Maa. "Don't worry, Maa. You can't throw everyone who slanders her into the dungeons. But I will cut the tongues of any man who badmouths my sister." Even my uncle. Especially Even the Rajpurohit.
Amar has a simple idea of life: Gauri before everything else.
If his uncle can't accept that truth, he will have to learn to live a bitter life.
Maa gives him a smile that he can't decipher beyond pride and he doesn't care to. He wishes her a good night and leaves, wanting to be the first one to tell Gauri the good news.
An empty home is never fulfilling.
Bhairav has spent the past years trying to live the way his sister would have wanted him to but it's difficult to keep living when all the goodness of his life is dead.
He hates that he locks the door behind him when he leaves, but as soon as he's back on duty to the palace, all the thoughts of melancholy are locked away. He needs to be at his best if he's ever going to be good enough to protect the princess of Mahishamati and wallowing in unresolved grief really isn't the best way to go about doing that.
Yamuna, the guard who takes the night shift to guard the princess' door gives him a curt nod before leaving. He's given up trying to make conversation with the girl, he knows she doesn't like fruitless conversations.
It's almost an hour later that the princess steps out of the room, dressed in a saree as beautiful as the blue sky and her hair tied in a braid, resting on her shoulder, adorned with pearls.
"Bhairav." She greets him with a slight nod and a smile as they begin walking towards the east wing of the palace, where the princess and the princes have their lessons.
(And isn't that new? Who called him with a nickname last time? How many years has it been? He knows exactly how many years, even days, it's been since someone said his name so tenderly and with affection. The soldier that Katappa made him often peels back like a mask and all he can remember is the child who cursed how powerless he truly was.
"You are my protector and sword, thus, I will be your defender and shield. You shall face no stigma under my service. So I've sworn, and may Mahadev strike me dead if I stray from my oath."
The words echo in his ears and he feels the power thrumming through his veins.)
"My princess." He greets her back, forcing himself to be more alert as they pass the silent hallways. He's even more suspicious of people these days, since the day the princess has revealed that she thinks someone tried to assassinate her.
Katappa would have his head if he said it out loud, but Bhairav already has his suspicions on why anyone would want to kill the princess that is so obviously beloved by the general public.
Since swearing to be her sword, Bhairav has accompanied her to all the donations she has done, to all the temple visits (may they be at midnight), to all the blessings she has received from the common people. He has witnessed it all.
He walks behind her, knows she doesn't particularly like it but he also knows his limits. He's a servant, his place is behind his mistress.
She walks with the power of a Queen.
Bhairav can't help but lament the fact that Mahishamati isn't a Queendom. If it were, Gauraangi Devi would be the best thing that would happen for the state. It's a treacherous idea, but he has enough idea of the characters of this generation of royals to know how emotional Prince Bhallaldev is, how trusting Prince Bahubali is and how loving Princess Gauri is. She is the most immune option of them all.
Most days, Bhairav can't even fathom the trust his princess shows in him.
They're sitting in a room, him, and the royal twins. Bahubali is undoubtedly displeased by his presence but has accepted it because he knows Bhairav will slit his own throat rather than betray his princess.
"I knew I'd heard of this Satyaveer somewhere," Bahubali said. "He served as a chamber servant to Uncle Bijjaldev, he was the one who was instructed to make my current room liveable when we first separated from the original room."
It's a controversial topic, as far as Bhairav is aware. Everyone knows the storm the princess kicked up when she felt that her bond with her brother was threatened. People often laugh about it, calling it a little girl's tantrum.
(But Bhairav knows how much he craves for such vehement demands. Because no one loves him enough to fight for him. No one knows him enough. No one wants him enough. Anyone who did is dead. Maa, Jijaji, Didi—
(How he wishes someone loved him. Loved him enough to fight for him. Demand for him.)
"If I may, your highness," he says, pulling himself out of his thoughts,"I followed Satyaveer on the days that my princess was ill. He seems to have an affinity for secret passages."
The Princess looks at him sharply. "Which secret passages, exactly, Bhairav?"
"The one beside the statue of Indra dev on the second floor of the west wing, my princess." He's noted down everything about this. He can't even think of failing his princess, she deserves the best to protect her and guard her and Bhairav will not break her trust by letting some cowardly bitch kill her.
The twins share a look. There's a set to the princess' jaw that foretells horror.
"That passage leads to the floor that has a royal suite, used by Uncle Bijjaldev and Maa and the room reserved for the Kulpurohit." Bahubali says. Bhairav narrows his eyes. Rajmata Shivagami Devi would never want the princess dead, that's beyond ridiculous. The woman loves the twins like her own children, she would never let anyone else harm them, let alone plan their assassination.
The Princess sucks in a breath. Bahubali shakes his head,"That's ridiculous! Neither Maa nor Uncle would want you dead. The Kulpurohit..?"
The Princess purses her lips. "Uncle wants Bhalla to be the next King. The Kulpurohit has hated me since I first demanded an apology from him for not letting me enter the study rooms on my periods."
"Leave, Bhairavrath." Bahubali says. Bhairav looks at the princess for a moment and she nods at him.
He leaves the room immediately. It's treacherous to think so, but Bhairav thinks his suspicions are only proving correct.
Bijjaldev wanted to be the King but wasn't made one. He wants his blood on the throne. The Princess may not be a contender for the throne but she is the sole power of Bahubali. Without her, Bahubali won't have the same power. He will be loved and liked and adored, he will be courageous and daring and strong, but the power behind the throne won't be wholly his. He wouldn't be able to wield it to his full potential without her.
Hell, from what Bhairav has seen, without the princess, Bahubali would probably give up materialistic things in life. They're both too entangled in their bond to ever survive the death of the other.
Kill one, and the other will instantly be dead.
He keeps his thoughts to himself. Heads have rolled for less.
What do we think?????
Tagging: @vijayasena @alhad-si-simran @o-merebholebalam
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
5 Interesting facts about Diwali
Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, is one of the most widely celebrated religious occasions across the world. Here are some of the most surprising facts about Diwali that you probably didn’t know.
1. The day Lakshmi visits her devotees
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Goddess Lakshmi visits her devotees and bestows gifts and blessings upon each of them. To welcome the Goddess, devotees clean their houses, decorate them with finery and lights, and prepare sweet treats and delicacies as offerings. Devotees believe the happier Lakshmi is with the visit, the more she blesses the family with health and wealth.
2. Different Diwali stories
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Many see Diwali honouring the return of the lord Rama, his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana from exile, as told in the ancient Hindu epic called the Ramayana. To some, Diwali marks the return of Pandavas after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas in the other ancient Hindu epic called the Mahabharata. Many other Hindus believe Diwali is linked to the celebration of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, and wife of deity Vishnu. The five day festival of Diwali begins on the day Lakshmi was born from the churning of cosmic ocean of milk during the tug of war between the forces of good and forces of evil; the night of Diwali is the day Lakshmi chose Vishnu as her husband and then married him. Some Hindus offer pujas to additional or alternate deities such as Kali, Ganesha, Saraswati, and Kubera. Other Hindus believe that Diwali is the day Vishnu came back to Lakshmi and their abode in the Vaikuntha; so those who worship Lakshmi receive the benefit of her good mood, and therefore are blessed with mental, physical and material well-being during the year ahead. But mostly the festival is considered the return of the Lord Rama and Sita after completing fourteen years in exile.
3. On the day of Diwali, Lord Mahavira attained his Moksha
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In Jainism, Diwali commemorates the anniversary of Lord Mahavir‘s attainment of moksha, or freedom from the cycle of reincarnation, in 527 B.C.E. Lord Mahavir was the 24th and last Thirtankar of Jainism and revitalized the religion as it is today. First referred to in Jain scriptures as dipalikaya, or light leaving the body, it is said that the earth and the heavens were illuminated with lamps to mark the occasion of Lord Mahavir’s enlightenment.
4. Sikhs commonly called Diwali Bandi Chhor Divas
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Diwali, for Sikhs, marks the Bandi Chhor Divas, when Guru Har Gobind Ji freed himself and Hindu Kings, from Fort Gwalior, from the prison of Islamic ruler Jahangir, and arrived at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Ever since then, Sikhs celebrate Bandi Choor Divas, with the annual lighting up of Golden Temple, fireworks and other festivities.
5. It is a national holiday in India, Trinidad & Tobago, Myanmar, Nepal, Mauritius,  Guyana,  Singapore, Suriname, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Fiji. And is an optional holiday in Pakistan.
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Diwali is celebrated around the world, particularly in countries with significant populations of Hindu, Jain and Sikh origin. These include Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Mauritius, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom,United Arab Emirates, and the United States. With more understanding of Indian culture and global migration of people of Indian origin, the number of countries where Diwali/Deepavali is celebrated has been gradually increasing. While in some countries it is celebrated mainly by Indian expatriates, in others it is becoming part of the general local culture. In most of these countries Diwali is celebrated on the same lines as described in this article with some minor variations. Some important variations are worth mentioning.
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Understanding Arnav Singh Raizada
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(Navigate the Blog)
About Arnav & His Emotions
Arnav, a ladies man?
Arnav & Jealousy
What is Arnav Singh Raizada’s monthly salary?
Why did Arnav date other women pre Khushi if he wasn’t in love?
Why did Arnav fall for Khushi?
Does Arnav love being Khushi’s husband?
Is Arnav’s emotions the deciding factor of his and Khushi’s relationship? (Diwali, post kidnapping, etc)
Arnav feeling complete after Khushi coming into his life
When does Arnav feel he has a ‘haq’ on her and what trait is it?
Arnav was an abusive partner
What I feel about Arnav’s reasons for not confronting Khushi with Shyam’s accusations.
Is Arnav the kind of husband to give gifts and outfit suggestions?
Does Arnav ever think to himself that Khushi could have been happier with another man, or anyone else could have kept Khushi happier than him?
How does Arnav deal with his attraction for Khushi?
Did Arnav imagine what a married life with Khushi would be?
Why does Arnav never confide in anyone—not even Nani—about Shyam?
Inability to watch Arnav’s cruel streak
Does Arnav hire sex workers (considering his meanness to middle classed Khushi)?
Regarding Arnav & Anjali
How are Arnav and Anjali similar?
Regarding Khushi's Emotions
When does Arnav realize Khushi has feelz for him?
When does Arnav realize Khushi has feelings for him?
Arnav’s hurt at Khushi believing the worst of him, and that Khushi won’t stop loving him.
Does Arnav understand that Khushi uses a happy facade and drama to deal with things?
Arnav's Relationship With Khushi
Arnav’s intellectual attraction to Khushi
Why does Arnav want Khushi’s attention & children?
Why did Arnav find Khushi attractive?
Arnav’s belief that Khushi is the first woman he ever loved
What are Arnav’s expectations from a relationship pre Khushi and how different were they after?
Did Arnav ever end up apologising to Khushi about Shyam?
When exactly does Arnav start believing Khushi's pov? Was it when Shyam was being exposed or did he start trusting her earlier?
Why does Arnav like troubling Khushi?
Does Arnav get scared of Khushi, even though he screams at her but is he ever scared of her reaction towards him like the tea thing or in any other way?
What do you think about Arnav pulling Khushi's dupatta? Why do you think he does that/ likes to do that?
What do you think about ASR’s looks post marriage compared to the initial episodes of the show?
Why do people want to believe in Arnav’s virginity?
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missrown · 2 years
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It's the start of the auspicious week of The festival of Light or Diwali or Deepavali.
A festival celebrated with family and friends and loved ones.
Diwali is the most thrilling and unique holiday in the world. It is one of the times when all family members gather to celebrate the holiday with appreciation, unity, generosity, and compassion.
Diwali, the most renowned and spectacular light festival in the world, is held to commemorate the triumph of good over evil.
Everyone loves this festival. From food to gifts, from young to old.
Do you want to experience atleast one day of this auspicious festival with your loved one?
Coming Soon in October or November 2023
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Day 1 - Dhanteras or Dhanatrayodashi with Shiba Taiju
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Dhanteras is the first day in five days. Many people believe that the Goddess of Wealth and Fortune, Mata Lakshmi was born on this day. To welcome her, we purchase gold, silver, kitchenware or a gadget or important things for everyday life.
Day 2 - Narak Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali with Sano Shinichiro
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Festivities start on this day. You wake up before sunrise. Take a good bath. Wear new clothes. But the most distinctive thing you do on this day is to make rangolis in front of the door to ward of evil and embrace happiness.
Day 3 - Lakshmi Poojan with Sano Manjiro
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This is the major day in all week. This is the day where The Festival Of Light truly shines bright. You would see Diyas, Kandil and Colorful Lights everywhere. Families assemble to worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh in order to welcome money, success, and prosperity into their house.
We give sweets to the neighbors and vice versa. Children would be looking forward to light fireworks, and to get gifts from parents.
Day 4 - Bali Pratipada or Padwa with Kurokawa Izana
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The fourth day of Diwali is also celebrated as 'Padva' by many. This is a celebration of togetherness of husband and wife and love shared by them. To mark the occasion wife does 'aukshan' of her husband and husband gives a special gift to his spouse.
Day 5 - Bhai Dooj or Bhau Beej with Hanma Shuuji
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This is the last day and the day for brothers and sisters. Sister prays for her brother to let him live a long, happy fulfilling life. While the Brother swear to protect and defend his sister. Giving gifts strengthens the bond between the two.
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"It's the festival of Joy! Smile."
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mallu2005 · 1 month
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Traditional Lakshmi Devi Jewellery Set
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Perfect for couples with both his and her included: Give a meaningful and luxurious gift for valentines day .
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amritmaurya01 · 1 year
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idolmaker135 · 2 years
Type of Material- The Religious Krishna statue online is made with Polyresin and is long-lasting in mentioned look. It's fluently cleanable with Sot cotton cloth.
Beneficial Impact As per Vastu methodology religious Krishna statue online is Placed in North East direction of Pooja, Living, and drawing room, Krishna statue online  brings health, wealth, Peace, and happiness to home members like Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter and Friend.
if For- Radha Krishna Cow god icons, Religious icons, God statuettes, God showpiece, God statue, God icons for home, God icons for gift, God statue for Pooja room gleeful occasion like Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, GrahPravesh.Uses This embellished hero or murti can be used as Pooja Mandir interior decoration or Table décor particulars or Showpiece Decoration
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negirahul9090 · 2 years
Uttarakhand, a state in northern India, is known for its rich cultural heritage and traditional festivals. Here are some of the major festivals celebrated in Uttarakhand:
Kumbh Mela: One of the largest religious gatherings in the world, Kumbh Mela is celebrated in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, once every 12 years. Millions of Hindu pilgrims take a dip in the holy Ganges river to wash away their sins and attain salvation.
Holi: The festival of colors, Holi is celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm throughout Uttarakhand. People smear each other with colored powder and water, dance to the beats of dhol and sing Holi songs.
Diwali: The festival of lights, Diwali is celebrated in Uttarakhand with the lighting of lamps, bursting of firecrackers, and sharing of sweets and gifts.
Nanda Devi Raj Jat Yatra: A major pilgrimage festival, Nanda Devi Raj Jat Yatra is held once every 12 years in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. Thousands of devotees undertake a strenuous trek to the Nanda Devi temple in the Himalayas to seek blessings from the goddess.
Ganga Dussehra: Celebrated on the 10th day of the waxing moon in the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, Ganga Dussehra is dedicated to the worship of the river Ganges. Devotees take a dip in the holy river and offer prayers to Goddess Ganga.
Teej: A festival celebrated by married women, Teej is dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati. Women dress up in colorful traditional attire, apply mehndi on their hands, and fast for the long life and prosperity of their husbands.
Makar Sankranti: A harvest festival celebrated in January,Makar Sankranti marks the transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. People take a dip in the holy rivers, fly kites, and prepare traditional sweets made of sesame seeds and jaggery.
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goldiers1 · 2 years
Walmart Vriddhi Program: Unlocking Indian Entrepreneurial Potential!
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  Walmart’s Vriddhi program is focused on helping Indian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) expand their domestic capabilities. That’s not quite as easy to do as it is to write. One entrepreneur who understands that truth intimately is Chanda Sharma. She’s the owner of the Delhi Gift House in Delhi, where she sells gifts for special holidays and occasions. Her story, and her success, are triumphs. But not without tragedy. Chanda started her business alongside her husband in 2018 just after the pair welcomed their first child. They were a team. Chanda handled the marketing, photography and product listings. Her husband interfaced with vendors and ensured the supply chain stayed well-oiled. In 2021, during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chanda lost her husband to the virus. She admits to fearing for her future: She was alone in the midst of a global pandemic, facing the demands of motherhood, a crippled economy and vendors who lacked confidence in the capacity of a woman to operate a business. Then she got a call.  
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Shop in India. Walmart Vriddhi program.  
“I got a call from the Walmart Vriddhi program in June of 2021, and they asked me a simple question: ‘How is your business doing?’” Chanda remembers. “And I responded, ‘My business is inactive… and it’s been that way for three months now.” Undaunted by the inactivity, the team at Vriddhi offered Chanda something she wasn’t expecting: support. Then things started to change. “The team first suggested that I should consider clearing dead inventory and get some cash in hand,” Chanda said. “I reviewed my situation and decided to list combo packs of the items in my inventory on the marketplaces. After that, I really started to see some traction.”  
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Increased revenue from training. Photo by Walmart.  
By connecting entrepreneurs to the community, learning and the Flipkart marketplace, Vriddhi opens doors to opportunity. With each learning module she completed through Vriddhi’s business course offerings, Chanda’s confidence grew. “I felt motivated after every training session I attended,” Chanda said. “After Diwali, I cleared all my loans and backed trust from my vendors. Now, I’m in the third year of singlehandedly managing my business — and my little one.”  
For Chanda, growth has meant progress. Her hard work, dedication to the process, and willingness to learn have all paid off. She’s thriving. And she’s not slowing down. “Since joining the Walmart Vriddhi team, my business has grown 10 times over,” Chanda said. “When I look back and think about how I reached this level, I have Walmart Vriddhi to thank.” Looking to the future, Chanda wants to invest in a small factory so she can own the means of production. Her goal is to create her own product line – and to employ more women in India. With Vriddhi’s backing, she thinks it’s possible. “In my family, women weren’t allowed to work, and I didn’t come from a family with a business background,” Chanda said. “If I start my own unit, I can employ more women and generate employment in my community. I can offer opportunities for artisans and weavers.” At its core, Chanda’s greatest goal is to inspire – to build a better future for her child and her community. And she’s well on her way. “No matter what you’re doing, give it your best. Only then can you grow,” Chanda said, “It can take time to understand, but once you do, there’s no going back.”  
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Indian Small Business woman at her checkout till. Photo by Walmart.  
About the Walmart Vriddhi program
Walmart is a multinational retail company operating in 27 countries across the world. Founded in 1950, Walmart has grown to become one of the largest retailers in the world with over 10,500 stores. In October 2020, they launched the Vriddhi program to increase access to development opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses. The Walmart Vriddhi program provides support and access to resources such as technology, credit and capacity building. This helps small business owners develop their enterprises more effectively and efficiently. The program also serves as a platform for entrepreneurs to network with other business owners and learn from each other's experiences. Additionally, it provides support through mentorship programs where experienced mentors guide small business owners in setting up their businesses, managing operations and expanding sales channels.  
Program Review and Instructions
  Sources: THX News, YouTube & Walmart. Read the full article
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The three E in gifteee represents Emotions, Expressions & Experiences. All three E requires personalized representation and can be very personal different from one to another. Hence, when it comes to gifting something with any of three Es, we need truly or intensely customized gifts. Gifteee's purpose is to help people share their Emotions, Expressions & Experiences/Memories with their loved ones with unique and intensely customized gifts. You can Surprise your close friend, wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, mom, dad, sister, or anyone very special to you with this acrylic printed Spotify plaque. The artistic effect of image and the song that can reflect or reveal your emotions, expressions or memories for that person, all can happen over 6X9 inches Spotify plaque. Beautifully designed and quality printing with the song of your choice makes this product look more premium. Unique and extraordinary gifts for special occasions like Happy Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine's day, or any memorable day. Directly high-quality UV-printed photos and messages on a plaque. Material: Acrylic With UV Coating & Thread Hanging Support. UV coating makes this product highly durable and can remain as it is in any temperature. The Hanging Available Is Bigger Thread Than the Usual Selling Which Can Easily Hang in Your Car or Any Place of Your Choice Car Hanging Accessories are an ideal personalized/customized birthday gift, anniversary gift, marriage gift, new car purchase,father’s day, mother’s day, valentine day, Diwali, New Year, Christmas, Eid, or a special and unique gift. Size of this plaque is 3 X 3 Inches and shape is Square. [ad_2]
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indiagiftsonline · 2 years
Online Gifts | Cakes for your Friend | Flower for girl friend
Online send gifts for you loved and husband, girl friend, his, him, flower, Birthday gift, Cakes, Diwali Gift, Rakhi gift, Mothers day, fathers day, hamper etc.. for more information: https://in.pinterest.com/indiagiftsonlinegift/
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krishnastatue · 2 years
krishna idols are Placed in North East Direction it brings  Peace & Happiness
Use these krishna idols ornamental murti can be used as pooja mandir innards decoration accessories table scenery particulars or show decoration for home and office.
POSITIVE IMPACT As per VASATU Methodology krishna idols are Placed in North East Direction of Drawing Living & Pooja Room, bringing Wealth, Health, Peace & Happiness Among Home Members Like Mother, Father, Husband, Wife, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter & Friend
A PERFECT GIFT krishna idols  Stylish Gift for Marriage Anniversary, Parents, maters day, marriage Return Gift, Birthday, House warming, Office/ Shop Inaugration, gleeful occasions Like Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, Grah pravesh and Commercial Gifts
krishna idols are Made of POLYRSEIN with Durable & Long Lasting colors.
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sylviwatches · 2 years
How to select Sylvi men's watch for a valentines day gift
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If you're planning to buy a Sylvi men's watch as a Valentine's Day gift for husband, here are a few things you may want to consider:
Consider the recipient's personal style: Think about what kind of watch the recipient would like based on their personal style and preferences. Do they prefer a classic, traditional look, or do they prefer something more modern and trendy?
Choose a watch that fits their lifestyle: Consider the recipient's activities and choose a watch that is suitable for their lifestyle. For example, if they are an active person, you might consider a sports watch with features like a chronograph and water resistance.
Consider the materials: Sylvi watches are made from a variety of materials, including leather, stainless steel, and silicone. Think about what materials the recipient would prefer in a watch.
Look for features that the recipient will appreciate: Sylvi watches offer a range of features, such as calendars, chronographs, and alarm functions. Consider which features the recipient would find most useful or appealing.
Think about the price: Determine your budget and look for a Sylvi watch that fits within it. Don't forget to consider any additional costs, such as taxes and shipping.
Check the warranty: Make sure to check the warranty offered by Sylvi for the watch you are considering. A longer warranty period can give you peace of mind and protection in case of any issues with the watch.
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ashtok1 · 2 years
Buy Return Gifts for Ladies, Birthdays, Marriages, Diwali, House Warming Ceremonies at Ashtok
Giving return gifts to the guests who’ve attended your happy events is about showing your appreciation to those who took the time to celebrate your special moments with you. By sending them a return gift, you’re letting them know that you appreciate their presence and their good wishes during the happiest moments of your life. Whether it’s return gifts for a wedding, an anniversary celebration, or a birthday party, gift cards are your best option.
 Buy return gifts for ladies, birthdays, marriages, Diwali, and housewarming ceremonies at the best price. Ashtok provides a huge selection of best return gifts in a variety of categories, such as useful return gifts, corporate gifts wholesale online. Get your order with free shipping.
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mallu2005 · 1 month
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Traditional Long Necklace Jewellery With Earrings
Great Jewellery Chain set to share between husband and wife, girlfriend and boyfriend.
A favourite gift choice, each blue shine and excellent gift choice for birthdays, wedding anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Mother's Day, Diwali, Christmas and all your special occasions.
Perfect for couples with both his and her included: Give a meaningful and luxurious gift for valentines day .
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