#Dark Spirit Market Demand
dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Martyrs and Kings - Chapter 10
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Do I Know You?
Rating: Mature/18+/Minors DNI
Pairing: Kix x archivist/historian OFC
Wordcount: 3.8k
Warnings: fluff; suggestive dialogue; angst; Star Wars politics; Bad Batch Season 2 spoilers
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Maree was profoundly grateful for her high neckline the next morning. Kix had been thorough in his attentions, with the result that her chest, shoulders, and thighs were covered with small marks and bruises. In fairness, Maree had given as good as she’d gotten, and Kix’s torso was similarly adorned. Luckily, all evidence of their rough night was hidden from the disapproving eyes of the Neimoidian administrator who checked them into the Imperial Military Records Archive.
“We don’t often receive visitors from the general population,” he said. “This is highly irregular.”
“Uncommon, perhaps, but hardly irregular,” Maree replied. “You’ll find that the paperwork is all in order. My assistant is extremely conscientious.”
“Hmmph,” said the Neimoidian, shooting a suspicious glare at Kix. “You look familiar. Have we met before?”
“I doubt it,” Kix said mildly. 
Whatever darkness had plagued him the night before seemed to have receded for the moment, and Kix was in notably better spirits today. This was possibly due to the three more times they’d had sex after reaching her hotel room. Maree, on the other hand, was feeling the effects of the lack of sleep, and her patience was dangling by its final thread.
“Is there a problem with our credentials?” Maree asked. “I’m sure the NRGL Archive would be happy to corroborate my identity.”
“That won’t be necessary,” the administrator sniffed. “You are quite well-known to us, Dr. Finnall. It’s your guest whose credentials are in question.”
Maree suppressed her irritation. “I understood that he had already passed the mandatory background check when we received approval for his visit. Is there some further requirement that we were not informed of?”
“No,” the Neimoidian said begrudgingly. “But you will need to sign this waiver accepting full responsibility for any damage or wrongdoing he may perpetrate in the IMRA.”
Maree signed the document without hesitation, and at last, the administrator waved them through. Next, they were scanned for weapons and other contraband, and finally, they passed through a row of New Republic Defense Force peacekeepers.
“Heavy security for a bunch of dusty old relics,” Kix commented.
Maree nodded cordially at the guards. “There’s more in the IMRA than just personnel files. This archive contains weapons schematics, documentation on banned research, and other sensitive information that is in high demand on the black market. I have security clearance for my work, but even I can’t access some of the classified records.”
They passed through the entrance into a vast chamber with towering ceilings. Data terminals lined the walls, and numerous researchers milled about. This section of the IMRA was accessible to researchers and students without security clearance, but in order to access the restricted records, Maree had reserved a private office for their work, and she led Kix quickly through the echoing hall.
“Why do you need security clearance?” Kix asked curiously.
“I am a senior research faculty member, so the scope of my responsibilities is quite extensive. While I am available to assist individual citizens like you, I spend a significant amount of my time supporting the New Republic Judiciary in their efforts to prosecute Imperial war criminals.”
Kix looked surprised. “I had no idea. Are there many war criminals left from the early Empire?”
“Not so many. Most of them have died of old age, if they haven’t already been apprehended. But it’s often helpful to have a team of researchers whose specialties span the full history of the Empire. It provides important context, and given the Empire’s penchant for nepotism, it can help us trace connections between early Imperials and those who came later.”
“That sounds like important work,” Kix said thoughtfully.
“It is,” Maree said. “Though I sometimes am frustrated to see all of our effort go to waste when the New Republic offers an Imperial amnesty in exchange for giving up a few secrets.”
Kix drew a breath to respond, but before he could, a voice called, “Dr. Finnall!” 
She turned to see an unfamiliar young Mirialan man hurrying towards them. 
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“It is you!” he puffed. “I recognized you from your keynote address at the Galactic Military History conference last cycle. My name is Orys Brenko. I’m a graduate student at the University of Coruscant.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Brenko,” Maree replied mechanically. Could the man not see that she was occupied?
“The honor is mine, Dr. Finnall,” he said. “Your book on the battle of Scipio inspired me to study military history. The description of Commander Thorn’s last stand was so vivid. Before I read it, I never knew how compelling history could be. I was reading it on the hovertrain, and I was so caught up that I actually missed my stop!”
Kix merely stood and observed in impassive silence, his gaze flicking between Maree and Brenko.
“That is very kind of you to say, Mr. Brenko,” Maree said with a geniality she was far from feeling. She itched to get started on Kix’s project, but she couldn’t bring herself to snub the enthusiastic young man. “Are you studying the Clone Wars?”
“Er, no,” Brenko said, abashed. “My focus is the High Republic era.”
Of course. She didn’t roll her eyes, but it was a near miss.
“A fascinating period,” she said diplomatically. “I would love to stay and chat, but I’m afraid I have a prior engagement. Good luck in your studies.”
“Oh, yes, of course!” Brenko stammered. “B-but, before you go, would you mind signing my datapad? I have it loaded with all of your publications, and it would mean so much to me.”
Maree blinked. This was a first. She’d never been asked for an autograph before. In spite of the gaucheness of Brenko’s request, Maree was impressed with the young man’s dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. When she’d been a graduate student, she hadn’t had the bandwidth to read anything other than her assigned coursework. She was surprised Brenko had made time in between his studies to read her extensive body of work, especially since their areas of study had very little overlap.
“I don’t have a stylus, sorry,” she said. “Out of curiosity, why did you choose to concentrate on the High Republic era when you are so obviously interested in the Clone Wars? We could use more passionate researchers who focus on that era.”
The young man’s face flushed a dark green under his tattoos. “My parents would only agree to pay for my schooling if I chose a marketable course of study. As you know, the Clone Wars are…”
“Not exactly marketable,” Maree finished. “A pity. Well, if you ever happen to be on Hosnian Prime, please feel free to stop by my office at the Archive, and I’ll sign your datapad. But be warned, I’ll probably try to poach you for my own research team.”
Brenko’s mouth dropped open and his datapad clattered to the floor. “Th-thank you, Dr. Finnall! I will!”
Maree excused herself as Brenko stooped to retrieve the pad, and she and Kix resumed their walk. Brenko stood back and watched them with an awestruck expression.
“I had no idea I was sleeping with a celebrity,” Kix murmured under his breath. 
“Shove it,” she whispered. “It was much more awkward for me than it was for you.”
“Do you have an official fan club I can join?” he asked with a perfectly straight face.
“Maybe you should talk to Brenko about setting one up. You’d have two whole members,” she retorted.
They reached the office and closed the door behind them. Kix immediately crowded Maree up against the desk, burying his face against her neck and trailing kisses toward her ear.
“Dr. Finnall, would you sign my ass? I was so inspired by the way you wrapped your legs around it while I was pounding into you last night,” he teased.
“Dick,” she laughed, swatting the back of his head.
“You’d rather sign my dick? That’s fine, too.”
“Mmm, there’s certainly enough room,” she said, stroking him through his trousers with a languid sigh. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small blinking red dot. “Dank farrik, Kix, there are security holocams in here. Behave yourself.”
“Sorry, Doc, I couldn’t help myself,” he said, fluttering his eyelashes. “You’re just so inspiring.”
She laughed again, pressed her lips against his and dipped her tongue into his mouth, then pushed him firmly away. They had work to do, and she had a sinking feeling that Kix’s cheerful mood wouldn’t last long once they got started.
“Stop distracting me,” she said as she powered up the holoprojector.
Kix frowned. “Wait, I thought these records are classified. What about the security holocams? Do the guards have clearance?”
“The system has an override built in. If a classified record is being displayed, the holocam feeds are turned off automatically.”
“Good to know,” Kix said with a smirk. “Just in case I’m feeling inspired later.”
“Incorrigible,” Maree muttered.
She spent some time searching the archive inventory for the troopers on Kix’s list. It took longer than she expected, but at last she crowed in victory as she located the records for the Republic Star Destroyer Tribunal. As they waited for an IMRA droid to retrieve and deliver the data chips Maree requested, Kix’s stomach rumbled. Maree checked the chronometer on the wall and realized it was already mid-afternoon.
“Should I order lunch to be delivered from the cafeteria?” she offered. “Or if you’d prefer, we can walk over. It’s inside the Archive, so we won’t have to go through security again.”
“Aren’t you afraid of being mobbed by your legions of adoring fans?” he asked.
“I think you mean ‘fan,’ singular,” she said. “But that is a fair point. We’ll get delivery.”
She pulled up the menu on the holoprojector, and they made their selections. When Maree apologized that she couldn’t offer him anything better than cafeteria food, Kix merely shrugged.
“I’m used to it. It’s probably better than what I’m used to, actually.”
He shifted and put his feet up on the chair across from him. The office was austere, and it lacked any of the comforts with which she had filled her own workspace. The hard plastech chairs were making Maree’s legs fall asleep, so she stood up to stretch and walk around the joyless room. Kix watched from his own seat.
“So,” he said conversationally, “come here often?”
She snorted. “More often than I’d like.”
“Not a fan of Coruscant?” he asked.
She shook her head. “I went to university here. That was long enough for a lifetime.”
“So not your vacation destination of choice, then.”
She shook her head. “Work. Always work. It seems like that’s all I ever do lately.”
“Doesn’t the New Republic offer vacation leave?” Kix asked.
“Who has the time for that?”
“Too busy saving the galaxy from war criminals?”
“Ah yes, the glamorous, exciting life of a professional nerd,” she said. “How could anything else compare?”
“You could always run away and become a pirate,” Kix joked.
Maree laughed. “My mother would kill me.”
“The Ranger?” he asked. 
“She retired last year,” Maree said. “Spends all her time tormenting Eema. Honestly, Baba might enjoy the challenge of hunting down my hypothetical pirate crew. I think she misses the action.”
The door chimed, and a service droid entered with their food delivery. They divvied up the food and started to eat.
“It must be hard to transition to civilian life after she spent so many years fighting,” Kix said.
“Was the transition hard for you?” Maree asked.
“I suppose you could say that,” Kix said quietly.
“I bet you’d get along well with Baba,” Maree said. Kix looked startled, and Maree cursed her clumsiness. “If you ever met, I mean. Which you probably wouldn’t. Because she and Eema live on Adelphi, and I’m guessing you don’t get out that way much. But if you did, I bet they’d like you.”
Ugh. Stop talking, you idiot!
Kix blinked, and a slow smile crept across his face. “You want me to meet your moms?”
“No!” Maree said, feeling the heat rush to her cheeks. “Not unless you wanted to.”
He poked around in his food, probably hoping to find a bite with flavor. “I never had a mother,” he mused. “It must have been nice to have two.”
His voice was stark with longing, and Maree’s heart twisted.
“It was,” Maree said softly. “It is. They’re pretty amazing.”
“They sound pretty amazing. No surprise they raised an amazing daughter,” Kix said. “I hope I do get to meet them someday. If I ever make it to Adelphi.”
Oh. This man is dangerous, Maree realized. 
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The data chips were delivered just after Kix and Maree finished eating lunch, and they got to work immediately. Maree loaded the chips into the holoprojector and began sorting through them, organizing the information in some way that made the most sense to her. Kix took a moment to admire her focus, even as he braced himself to uncover the final few pieces of the puzzle they’d been constructing over the past weeks. She was supremely competent, and he felt a stab of guilt that he’d monopolized so much of her time when she was accustomed to doing far more valuable work for the New Republic. She hadn’t said a word of complaint; in fact, he suspected she never would have mentioned her service to the Judiciary if he hadn’t asked.
Once she had the information laid out to her satisfaction, she began reviewing the files with him. They worked through several individual troopers and units—Kix’s closest brothers; members of the 501st, the 212th, the 104th. Many of them survived into the Imperial era. A surprising number went AWOL after Order 66. Kix was horrified to learn that one of his close friends had had a mental breakdown and executed his entire squad within days of the order. After that, he requested a short break, ostensibly to stretch his legs.
He went into the refresher and splashed his face with cold water, then dried himself carefully, making sure no telltale droplets remained in his hair or beard. When he looked in the mirror, every one of his brothers stared back at him. Kix could feel the tide of panic rising in his chest. He closed his eyes and stood silently for a few moments, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth until his heart rate stabilized.
When he returned to the office, Maree was waiting with two bottles of water she’d procured from some unknown source. He smiled, remembering the other times she had offered him water when he was clinging to the ragged edges of his control. She seemed to sense his distress even when he thought he was hiding it well, and he felt a small pang in his chest as he realized that her first instinct was always to take care of him. It was an unfamiliar experience, and it made him want to curl up in her lap and bask in the attention like a pampered tooka. She watched to make sure he drank some of the water, and then she rubbed her hand between his shoulders comfortingly. He leaned into the contact with a sigh.
“I’m ready to keep going, if you are,” he said.
“I’m not in a hurry,” she said. “We can take as long as you need.”
“Thanks, but I can handle it,” he replied.
“All right." She patted his back one last time and returned to her seat at the desk. "In that case, the next entry on the list is the experimental unit you requested, Clone Force 99. It looks as though four of the members defected immediately after Order 66.” She paused, and her eyebrows snapped together in surprise. “That’s unusual. Most of the mass clone defections didn’t happen for some time after the Empire took power. Scholars have theorized that the inhibitor chips were either designed to have a limited duration, or that the energy required to control the clones’ actions simply fried the chips over time.”
“Why do you suppose these clones defected so early?” Kix asked.
“It’s difficult to say. They were experimental, so it’s possible that their physiology was different enough from regular clones that the chips were incompatible with them. Though at least one of the squad members seems to have been affected. CT-9904, Crosshair, did not defect with the rest of his squad.”
“Is there any record of them afterward?”
Maree frowned. “Yes. The four squad members who defected were taken into custody on Kamino several months later. They were reported to have been killed when Tipoca City was destroyed.”
Kix’s mouth went dry. What the kriff? When did that happen? How had he not known about Tipoca City?
Maree was still speaking. “... unconfirmed accounts that the team was still active for some time after. At least one member was claimed to have been killed on Eriadu, which certainly throws doubt on the validity of the original report.”
Licking his lips, he tried to keep his voice steady as he asked, “What—what about Crosshair?”
Maree scrolled further. “Ah, here it is. Crosshair was promoted to the rank of Commander and continued to serve the Empire until—oh.”
Kix leaned forward. “What is it?”
“He killed his commanding officer on a mission,” she said. “He was arrested and sent to a military prison compound. That’s the end of his file, I’m afraid.”
Kix nodded absently, his eyes unfocused. Truth be told, he hadn’t much cared for the churlish sniper, but Kix knew what a military prison compound meant for clones, and he would not wish such a fate on any of his brothers. Something she’d said nagged at him.
“Did you say four squad members defected?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said. “Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Echo fled Kamino after kidnapping a young child. My gods, this squad is incredible! How have I never heard of them before now?”
So Echo stayed with the Bad Batch even after the war. Kix was glad to know the ARC trooper had found a place to belong after everything he’d been through. It was a strange detail about the child, though.
“What child?” he asked.
“It doesn’t say,” Maree said. “But at least I know what thread my research is going to follow for the next few months.”
Her eyes were sparkling with curiosity and excitement, and for a moment, Kix simply watched her work. She tapped a few quick notes into her datapad before returning her attention to the holorecord and scrolling a little further. Her nose scrunched up slightly as she read.
“Fascinating,” she whispered.
Exactly the word I was searching for, he thought. Fascinating. Enchanting. Bewitching. Enticing. Adorable. Irresistible.
She noticed him staring and abruptly stopped scrolling with a self-deprecating laugh.
“Sorry,” she said. “Sometimes I get lost in the zone.”
“Not at all,” he said. “You really care about all this, don’t you?”
“I do,” she replied simply. 
Kix glanced at the security holocam and noted that the red light was no longer blinking. Impulsively, he stood and strode around the desk. Maree automatically rose out of her chair as he approached, and he reached for her, drawing her close to him as his lips crashed down on hers. He kissed her deeply, holding her face in his hands. He never wanted this moment to end. At last, their lips parted, and he rested his forehead against hers as she took a deep, stuttering inhale. She looked at him with dazed eyes.
“What was that for?” she whispered.
“I felt inspired,” he said, hiding the truth behind a cocky grin.
Her eyes crinkled as she laughed quietly. Suddenly, he didn’t want to know anything else. He didn’t want to be in this stuffy, miserable hole of an office learning about tragedies that unfolded half a century before. He just wanted to take Maree back to her hotel room and spend the rest of his artificially shortened life making love to her. She smelled like tea and honey and spiced biscuits and home, and he wanted to sink into her and disappear forever.
“Only one more data chip to go,” she said. “Shall we finish up and head back to the hotel?”
Kix buried his face in her hair and breathed deeply. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.”
He pressed one more kiss onto the top of her head, then returned to his seat as Maree pulled up the contents of the remaining data chip. Unfortunately, Maree had unknowingly saved the worst for the last: the final report of the 332nd Division.
“The 332nd never completed their mission to deliver Maul to Coruscant after the siege of Mandalore,” Maree said. 
Kix gritted his teeth, and his fingernails bit painfully into his palms. “What happened?”
“Several years after the end of the war, Imperial forces located the wreckage of the Star Destroyer Tribunal on a remote moon,” Maree said. “Most on board were killed; however, military records indicate that there must have been some survivors, as the clones had been given proper burials. As we know from our earlier research, Commander Rex survived, and it seems likely that he was the one who buried the fallen. We also know from later history that Maul survived. Given his track record, it is probable that he was responsible for the crash.”
“Is there a list of those who were killed?” he asked.
“Due to the amount of time that had passed by the time the crash was discovered, and the impossibility of genetic testing to tell the clones apart, all aboard were listed as killed in action.”
He felt sick. He nodded his acknowledgement, unable to speak. Jesse really was gone. He’d known it was true, of course. Jesse would have died decades earlier, even if he’d survived the war. The clones’ accelerated aging would have seen to that. But somehow, knowing exactly how his brother had died made it so much worse, so much more real. Once again, the crushing weight of helplessness and grief smothered him. He was only dimly aware of Maree loading the data chips into a secure case to be returned to the archive. 
Soon, he felt the pressure of her hand on his as she guided him out of the building and into the half-light of a Coruscant dusk. Maree hailed an air taxi and nudged him into it, sliding in beside him. She murmured directions to the driver—Kix didn’t hear what she said. The lights of Coruscant rushed by in dizzying streaks as they flew toward their destination. Maree was silent next to him, but she slipped her hand into his and interlaced their fingers comfortingly. Kix tightened his grip on her, clinging desperately to the steady contact that felt like the only solid thing in the chaotic galaxy around him.
Chapter 11
Tagging: @blueink-bluesoul @secondaryrealm @spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @goblininawig @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
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warabidakihime · 1 year
From Setback to Comeback
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Characters: Kageyama Tobio x Reader (a/n: honestly, i'm still thinking about this but now my heart's leaning towards kageyama the most, so-) Premise: Oshi no Ko/Mushoku Tensei-esque plot. | Reincarnation | Feel good fic with a DASH of angst | Eventual Smut | Happy Ending Synopsis: They were like puzzle pieces, intricately shaped to fit each other's broken edges, completing a picture that spoke of healing, understanding, and well, love. Chapters: 1/?
Dark clouds hung low in the sky as rain poured relentlessly, casting a gloomy atmosphere over the city.
The rhythm of droplets hitting the windows echoed the weight you carried on your shoulders. A young woman in her mid-20s, you were weathered by the storms of life, but despite the hardships you endured, there was an indomitable spirit within you—a flicker of resilience that refused to be extinguished.
Your journey had been anything but easy. From a young age, you faced adversity head-on, growing up in a tumultuous environment. As you grew older, your teenage years were overshadowed by mental health struggles. The weight of darkness threatened to consume you, but somehow you managed to prevail.
Through sheer determination and the support of a few cherished friends, you found a glimmer of hope that carried you through the darkest nights. You also found solace in the pages of books and the embrace of fictional worlds and other hobbies that kept you occupied and entertained.
In the present, you worked as a marketing executive, navigating the corporate world with a resilience that had become your armor. Despite the demands and pressures of the office, you held your ground, a force to be reckoned with. You poured your creative energy into campaigns and projects, finding purpose in each successful endeavor.
And as you embarked on your daily commute, you fetched your phone from your bag, eager to make the most of the long bus ride ahead. With a quick swipe and a pair of earphones, you immersed yourself in the latest Haikyuu episode, determined to make the most of your time despite the rain and the distance to your destination.
Season 1, Episode 20, played on the screen, with the familiar characters you had grown to love coming to life before your eyes. Hinata's infectious energy filled the air as he spiked the ball with determination, while Kageyama's precision and strategic genius mesmerized you with every toss. The intensity of the match between Karasuno and Aoba Johsai sent chills down your spine, and you found yourself rooting for your beloved team with all your heart. A soft smile tugged at your lips as you immersed yourself in the volleyball battles and camaraderie, finding inspiration in their unwavering determination.
As the bus journeyed through the storm, the world outside blurred, and the soft glow of your phone screen became the only anchor in the swirling chaos. Lost in the captivating scenes, you reveled in the anticipation of what lay ahead for the characters you admired.
But fate had other plans in store for you.
The bus skidded violently, its tires losing traction on the slick road. Panic erupted among the passengers as the vehicle careened out of control. The world around you spun into chaos, and within moments, the crash consumed everything.
Your vision blurred, and suddenly everything faded to black.
When you next opened your eyes, you were greeted by the sight of two unfamiliar faces. A woman with kind eyes smiled down at you, her voice filled with warmth. "Akane," she said softly, giving you a name that felt both strange and familiar. Confusion filled your thoughts as you tried to respond, only to find that your voice had been replaced by the innocent babbling of a baby.
The woman turned to the other person in the room, her eyes shimmering with tears. "Our daughter is so pretty," she whispered, her voice quivering with emotion. The realization slowly dawned on you—a reincarnation had taken place. You had been granted a second chance at life—a new beginning in this unfamiliar world.
And so, for the next few months of your newfound life, a montage of precious moments unfolded with your new family. The initial shock of being in an environment so vastly different from your previous life washed over you, but it was a pleasant surprise.
As someone who had endured hardships, the warmth and love that surrounded you felt like a dream come true. The tender love of your new parents enveloped you as they embraced the role of guardians with unwavering dedication. You watched with wide eyes as your two older siblings showered you with affection, guiding you through your first steps, words, and birthdays. The way they doted on you and included you in their games was a stark contrast to the solitude you had known. Laughter filled the air as your siblings guided you through playful adventures, introducing you to a world of joy and camaraderie you had longed for.
Your joy overflowed when you discovered the truth—you had been reborn in the Haikyuu universe. And how did you find out? Well, it turns out that your grandfather is none other than Washijo Tanji, the head coach of the Shiratorizawa Academy boys' volleyball team. The revelation caught you completely off guard, leaving you in a state of disbelief. You never imagined that the stern and grumpy coach could have such a soft spot for his youngest grandchild. As you observed him closely, you couldn't help but notice that he appeared significantly younger than he does in the actual series. This revelation filled you with excitement because it might meant that you had been reincarnated before the events of the series had even begun. You couldn't contain your joy at the thought of being the same age as some of the beloved characters from the show. You fervently prayed that you would find yourself in the same age group as the first years, or perhaps even the second years.
The realization manifested in the form of giggles and delighted shouts, leaving your family smitten by your adorable excitement during dinner time.
With each passing day, the gravity of your second chance became more apparent. The lost years of your previous life seemed to fade into the background as you embraced this new chapter. Challenges awaited, but armed with determination, you were ready to relive the moments you had missed and forge a new path towards happiness.
And so, as the sun continued to shine outside, you gazed into the future with hope in your heart. This was the beginning of your second chance, a journey of self-discovery, friendship, and perhaps even a touch of destiny. The pages of your new life awaited, ready to be filled with tales of triumph and growth.
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glorianahq · 3 months
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{abigail cowen, 26, she, she/her} we are so glad to see you safe, PRINCESS AMALIA HATZFELD of GERMANY! it’s dangerous out in the world these days, but i hear that you are INTUITIVE and POISED enough to handle it. just don’t let your QUIXOTIC bring you down! stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU OCCASIONALLY ADOPT A SECRET IDENTITY TO MOVE AMONG THE COMMON PEOPLE {elisa, 27, est, she/her}
Full Name: Amalia Hatzfeld
Title: Princess of Germany
Age: 26
Gender: CisFemale
Pronouns: She/Her
Step outside Time to step outside Early Life
Princess Amalia Hatzfeld was born into the illustrious Hatzfeld family as the youngest of four children. From the moment she entered the world, the expectations placed upon her were immense. Her early childhood was steeped in the grandeur and tradition of the German royal court, with every aspect of her life meticulously planned and executed.
Amalia's education began at an early age, and it was both comprehensive and demanding. Tutors were selected from among the finest scholars in the kingdom, and they provided her with a rigorous academic foundation. She studied languages, mathematics, history, and the arts, alongside the more specialized subjects of royal protocol and governance. Amalia demonstrated an early aptitude for learning, absorbing knowledge with a keen intellect and a genuine curiosity.
Despite the demands of her formal education, Amalia was always drawn to the world of literature. She found solace in the pages of books, which offered her a glimpse into worlds beyond the palace walls.
Dark as night Let the lightning guide you Family Dynamics:
House on fire Leave it all behind you A Spirit of Adventure
Even in her early years, Amalia's quixotic nature was evident. She was a dreamer, often lost in thoughts of how she could make a difference in the world. Her idealism sometimes led her into trouble, as she struggled to reconcile her lofty aspirations with the realities of her privileged existence. Yet, it was this very idealism that fueled her desire to understand and connect with the people of her kingdom.
Amalia's adventurous spirit often clashed with the confines of palace life. She yearned for freedom and exploration, chafing against the restrictions imposed upon her. It was this yearning that eventually led her to adopt a secret identity, allowing her to venture beyond the palace walls and experience the world as an ordinary citizen.
Living life, feeding appetites Stayed through every hard stop, every go
One of the most formative experiences of Amalia's childhood was her clandestine visits to the nearby towns and villages. Disguised in simple clothing and adopting a false name, she would explore the bustling markets, listen to the stories of the common folk, and immerse herself in their daily lives. These excursions were fraught with risk, but they were also profoundly enlightening. They provided her with a firsthand understanding of the challenges and joys of her subjects, deepening her empathy and informing her perspective as a future leader.
Step outside, time to step outside Time to step out Aspirations and Challenges:
Princess Amalia aspires to be a modern woman who forges her own path, makes her own way, and travels the world without feeling tied down. She longs to break free from the traditional confines of royalty, embracing independence and having a voice in her destiny. Amalia dreams of pursuing her passions, whether in the arts, academia, or humanitarian efforts, and wishes to be recognized for her own merits rather than her title. Her deep-seated desire to explore the world drives her to experience different cultures, learn new languages, and understand diverse perspectives beyond her kingdom's borders.
However, Amalia faces significant challenges. The expectations of her family and the royal court are immense, demanding adherence to tradition and the fulfillment of her duties. Balancing these expectations with her modern aspirations requires diplomacy, resilience, and sometimes compromise. Her clandestine excursions among the common people carry the risk of exposure, which could lead to scandal and jeopardize her reputation and safety. As the youngest Hatzfeld child, she feels pressure to live up to her families' accomplishments while asserting her own identity.
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marvelousgeeks · 4 months
There are so many things about Barbie that work—things that bring people joy, laughter, and a whole bunch of sadness, too. But take one thing away from the film, and so much of the relatability is lost. Billie Eilish’s “What Was I Made For” doesn’t play throughout the movie, but it’s the song that holds the entire film together. It’s the track that reaches into so many of our hearts and tugs and pulls because we understand the depth on an indescribable level. 
The pandemic changed us. The 2016 elections broke us. The world is a dark and scary place, and despite the progress we’ve made, we’re still struggling. We’re still behind. Part of the reason Barbie hits some people as hard as it does is because they’re watching it at a time when they aren’t sure of their purpose. That’s what happened to me. I love writing. I know I’m meant to do it forever. But what happens when you’re fighting against an industry that values robots more than human emotions? What happens when the job market is bleak? What happens when you’re tired and you can’t take a break because capitalism demands to suck the life out of you. What happens when you’re fighting against an algorithm that demands consistency? 
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justhannigramfics · 1 year
10, 11, 22, 40, 45, 52, 61, 67, 74, 76, 78, 83, 88,
Who else would I be if I didn't send you a long list of what I wanna know desperately cause 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 I'm greedy~
*sigh* the things I do for you~
10: Hannibal is an antique doll, which Will finds at a yardsale as a child. He soon becomes Will's closest, and sometimes only, friend. Little does Will's father know, the doll is actually haunted, possessed by the soul of the actual Hannibal, who is possessive of Will and more than a little aggressive when he feels Will has been threatened in any way. As Will grows older, he learns to cohabitate with the spirit, but Hannibal is not satisfied with their simple existence and relationship.
11: Hannibal gets lost in the woods. He hasn't ever really gotten lost in the woods before, and no matter what he does, he can't find his way out, despite knowing it was only a small copse of trees he had wandered into. Soon, he meets a strange being in the woods, who calls himself Will, and claims to own the woods Hannibal is trapped in. Mind games, starvation, and much more.
22: Hannibal is a symbiote. Think Venom. He hitches a ride out of the lab on a reporter who wasn't supposed to be there, and finds someone interesting as he's looking through her thoughts. Freddie Lounds must take him to Will Graham. Will Graham, who then refuses to believe any of what he is seeing or experiencing is real.
40: Hannibal hears about a store where you can purchase something that you need. What that is depends entirely on you, and you won't know it until you see it. When he walks in, he's amazed by the man he finds, and the way he immediately identifies the object that is meant for Hannibal amongst the clutter of the shop. When he gets the item home, Hannibal experiences something he can't exactly explain, so he returns to the shop to demand answers of Will Graham.
45: So, sorta based on Anastasia. Hear me out. So Will was a prince, and Hannibal was a servant boy who spent almost all his time with the young royal. A war breaks out, and the two become separated, and Will forgets everything about his past. Years later, Hannibal manages to track him down, but has to help Will get his memories back before he can confess he's been in love with him since before they were separated.
52: Mostly just a concept without a plot at this point. Will is albino, but he manages to hide it. Hannibal figures it out. Things happen from there. I dunno. It's a work in progress.
61: This one actually is about Will having synesthesia, as I mentioned in one of my previous answers having to do with Hannibal having synesthesia. As I mentioned in that one, it's been a difficult idea to get going, but I still think I'll get it written eventually.
67: There was a prophecy that Will would kill the monster in the woods. The woods that no one dares walk through after dark, and try to avoid during the day as much as possible. All except Will, who goes there to avoid all the attention his supposed destiny brings to his door. He has never seen the monster in the woods, but one day he met a strange man who doesn't fear the woods, or the monster. Hannibal Lecter is kind, and doesn't seem to care that Will is destined to be a hero. He listens. When is a monster not a monster?
74: Hannibal is given charge of a young man who has been marked. This particular mark is there to signify that the bearer is someone who will bite. Someone who uses their teeth as a weapon, like an animal. Hannibal finds Will interesting and intelligent, but with a fire that he can't help but be drawn to.
76: This is actually two fics, but inspired by one movie. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. Because the ghost in that movie is just so Will coded, but also so Hannibal coded. A captain of a ship who doesn't want anyone in his house? Will. A man who is particular about what a new tenant does with his things? Hannibal. So I've split it into two fics, and they each have the same premise. There's a haunted house on the market, and one determined ghost who is about to meet a stubborn man who won't go back on their decision to live there.
78: I've been working on this idea for a long time, but it's taking a lot of research because I don't want to be disrespectful or misrepresentative. Will is deaf. He has a cochlear implant, and he can usually keep it from being noticed because of his hair, and doing whatever he can to not draw attention to it.
83: Will died. He didn't realize he'd died until he met his caseworker, who laid it all out for him. He's stuck haunting his house, and no one can see or hear him. His dogs know he's there, and he's glad of that. When the new owners of his house show up and start messing everything up, he calls on Hannibal, a demon who promises he can help. Think Beetlejuice.
88: There's this really cool thing I learned about. It's not technically legal in most states right now, but in my fics I can do whatever I want. Hannibal turns bodies into food for forest animals. It's completely Eco-friendly and cool. Will Graham decides to utilize his services as a body-disposal plan. Hannibal wants desperately to learn more about the man who brings him bodies so frequently, but Will is a very private person. Hannibal has to get creative.
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vector-art-bundles · 12 days
Add a Playful Touch to Halloween with the Ghost Puppy Vector Design
Halloween is a time for creativity, fun, and festive decorations that capture the spooky magic of the season. While many people gravitate towards eerie and frightening visuals, there's also a growing demand for playful designs that bring joy to the holiday. The Ghost Puppy Vector is a perfect example of how you can introduce a whimsical, lighthearted element into your Halloween projects without losing the festive spirit. In this article, we’ll explore the unique aspects of this design and how it can be used to enhance your Halloween-themed creations.
Whimsical Halloween Art – A Growing Trend
In recent years, playful Halloween designs have gained popularity. Families, businesses, and event organizers are increasingly seeking creative artwork that’s not too scary, but still festive. The Ghost Puppy Vector perfectly fits this trend, featuring a cheerful puppy ghost soaring over a spooky cemetery with glowing pumpkins and mysterious crosses. It strikes a balance between classic Halloween imagery and a fun, adorable twist, making it suitable for all ages.
Key Features of the Ghost Puppy Vector Pack
This vector design stands out not just for its cute and charming style, but also for its versatility. Here’s why the Ghost Puppy Halloween Vector Pack is the perfect choice for your next Halloween project:
Multiple File Formats: The pack includes a variety of file formats—SVG, AI, EPS, PNG, JPEG, and PDF—so you can easily use it in both digital and print projects. Whether you need it for web graphics or high-resolution prints, this vector is ready for any platform.
Unique Design: Unlike typical spooky Halloween art, this vector features an adorable ghost puppy flying joyfully through a cemetery filled with pumpkins and crosses. It adds a cheerful vibe while still embracing the Halloween theme.
High-Quality and Scalable: Vector graphics like this one are perfect for projects that require resizing without losing quality. From small stickers to large wall murals, the design maintains crisp details at any scale.
Creative Applications for the Ghost Puppy Vector The Ghost Puppy Vector is more than just a cute Halloween design; it’s a versatile tool for creating memorable projects. Here are some ideas for how you can incorporate this artwork into your Halloween festivities:
Halloween Party Invitations: Create eye-catching invitations for your Halloween party by incorporating the ghost puppy into the design. It adds a friendly and welcoming tone, making it ideal for family-oriented gatherings.
Custom Merchandise: Design custom t-shirts, mugs, or bags with the ghost puppy vector. Whether you’re selling Halloween merchandise or creating unique party favors, this design is sure to be a hit.
Decorations and Murals: Turn your space into a festive Halloween wonderland with wall decals, banners, or murals featuring the ghost puppy. The playful design appeals to kids and adults alike, making it perfect for homes, schools, or businesses.
Digital Marketing Content: If you run a business that thrives during the Halloween season, this vector is a fantastic asset for your social media, email newsletters, or website graphics. It adds a fun, festive flair to your digital presence and draws attention to your brand.
Why Choose Playful Over Spooky for Halloween?
While eerie and dark designs have their place in Halloween traditions, whimsical artwork like the Ghost Puppy Vector offers a fresh perspective. It’s inclusive, appealing to a wide range of audiences, including families with young children or businesses that want to keep things lighthearted. Playful designs are more versatile, too—perfect for everything from children’s events to retail environments that want to maintain a friendly atmosphere during the holiday.
Additionally, playful Halloween designs are great for community-focused events. Schools, libraries, and family-friendly venues can benefit from the cheerful tone of these graphics. The Ghost Puppy Vector is just the right blend of festive and fun to fit these environments, offering a seasonal touch without the fear factor.
This Halloween, why not go for something a little different? The Ghost Puppy Vector is a unique and charming design that brings a lighthearted twist to the spooky season. With its versatility, multiple file formats, and adorable yet festive style, it’s an ideal choice for a variety of projects—whether you’re crafting custom merchandise, decorating a party space, or creating digital content. Add a dash of whimsy to your Halloween with the playful Ghost Puppy Vector and make your designs stand out this season!
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anyahansley · 23 days
Kanye West Net Worth Analysis: Music to Business Ventures
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Kanye West, now legally known as Ye, is one of the most influential figures in modern entertainment and business. His journey from a groundbreaking music producer to a cultural icon and billionaire is a testament to his innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit. This blog explores how Kanye West net worth. Diving deep into his music career, Fashion Empire, business ventures, and investments contributing to his substantial net worth.
Kanye West's Rise to Stardom: The Foundation of His Wealth
Kanye's Early Life and Music Career Beginnings
Kanye West was exposed to a wide range of musical influences during his upbringing in Chicago, Illinois, after being born in Atlanta, Georgia. Early on, Kanye was captivated to hip-hop and started making beats for local musicians. Eventually, his unique sound began to garner attention. His big break came in 2001 when he produced songs for Jay-Z's highly regarded album, The Blueprint.
Kanye's talent as a producer was undeniable, but he aspired to be more than just a behind-the-scenes figure. His debut album, The College Dropout (2004), marked the beginning of his rap career, blending soul samples with socially conscious lyrics. This album catapulted him into the limelight, laying the foundation for Kanye West's net worth to grow significantly.
Kanye's Success in Music and Grammy Wins
Kanye West has put out a number of highly regarded albums throughout the years, including Graduation (2007), 808s & Heartbreak (2008), Late Registration (2005), and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010). His artistic development was evident on each album, which pushed hip-hop's limits and had an impact on the music business. His capacity to creatively reinvent himself was essential to his continued success both commercially and critically.
Kanye West is one of the most distinguished performers in the business as of 2024, having received 24 Grammy Awards. These honors increased Kanye West's marketability and the demand for his music, which raised his profile and greatly increased his net worth.
Expanding Beyond Music: Kanye West's Business Ventures
The Birth of Yeezy: Kanye's Fashion Empire
While music was the initial driving force behind Kanye West's net worth, his ventures in the fashion industry propelled him to billionaire status. In 2009, Kanye collaborated with Nike to launch the Air Yeezy sneaker, quickly becoming a cultural phenomenon. However, Kanye had bigger ambitions. Dissatisfied with his deal at Nike, he boldly partnered with Adidas in 2013 to create the now-iconic Yeezy brand.
Yeezy sneakers became an instant hit, and they are known for their unique design and exclusivity. The Yeezy Boost 350, 500, and 700 models sold out within minutes of release, creating massive demand in the resale market. Kanye's partnership with Adidas proved to be a financial goldmine, with the Yeezy brand reportedly generating over $1 billion in annual revenue.
In 2020, Kanye West's net worth surged dramatically when he was officially declared a billionaire by Forbes, mainly due to the valuation of the Yeezy brand. Kanye holds full ownership of the brand, while Adidas handles the production and distribution, making it one of the most lucrative deals in fashion history.
Expanding into Apparel: Yeezy Clothing Line
Beyond sneakers, Kanye West expanded Yeezy into apparel, launching collections that include high-end streetwear, jackets, and accessories. While the Yeezy clothing line has received mixed reviews from fashion critics, it has maintained a strong presence in the industry, further contributing to Kanye West's net worth.
Kanye West's Partnership with Gap
In 2020, Kanye took another bold step by announcing a 10-year partnership with Gap to make Yeezy more accessible to the masses. The Yeezy Gap line, which includes hoodies, jackets, and other essentials, was expected to generate billions in revenue.
This collaboration significantly expanded Kanye West's influence in the fashion industry, further diversifying his income streams and elevating Kanye West's net worth.
Kanye West's Investments and Business Ventures
Real Estate Holdings
Kanye West has also invested heavily in real estate, further boosting his financial portfolio. His real estate empire includes multiple properties across the United States, from his sprawling Wyoming ranches to his luxurious homes in California.
In 2020, Kanye purchased two massive ranches in Wyoming, spanning thousands of acres, where he has expressed plans to create his community and creative hub.
These investments in land and property have added a significant layer to Kanye West's net worth 2024, as real estate typically appreciates over time. Additionally, his ranches serve as a retreat for his creative projects, allowing him to experiment with new music and fashion ideas away from the public eye.
Kanye's Foray into Technology: DONDA
Kanye West's entrepreneurial spirit extends beyond fashion and music. He founded DONDA, a creative content company named after his late mother, Donda West.
Initially envisioned as a design firm, DONDA has worked on various projects; including album cover designs, concert visuals, and fashion. The company has been involved in some of Kanye West's most iconic visual work, solidifying his position as a cultural influence.
While DONDA has not been a primary driver of Kanye West's net worth, it represents his dedication to innovation and creativity. Through DONDA, Kanye has collaborated with renowned artists, designers, and brands, further establishing himself as a visionary in multiple industries.
Kanye's Involvement in Politics and Philanthropy
Apart from his commercial endeavors, Kanye West has also experimented with politics and philanthropy. He entered the 2020 presidential election, but his candidacy was mostly symbolic and failed to garner any support. But his political ambitions show that he wants to have an effect on society that goes beyond design and music.
On the philanthropic side, Kanye has been involved in various charitable efforts, particularly in his hometown of Chicago. He has donated to education, mental health, and social justice organizations. While these efforts are not directly linked to Kanye West's net worth, they highlight his commitment to giving back to the community.
Kanye West's journey from a young producer in Chicago to a billionaire mogul is a remarkable story of perseverance, creativity, and business acumen. His ability to reinvent himself musically and in the business world has allowed him to build a diverse and robust financial portfolio.
Kanye's ventures into fashion, real estate, and technology have expanded his influence beyond the music industry, making him one of modern entertainment's most iconic and wealthy figures.
1. How did Kanye West become a billionaire?
Kanye West became a billionaire primarily through his fashion empire, particularly his Yeezy brand in partnership with Adidas. The Yeezy sneakers generated billions in revenue, contributing significantly to Kanye West's net worth.
2. What is Kanye West's most successful business venture?
Kanye West's most successful business venture is the Yeezy brand, which includes footwear and apparel. His collaboration with Adidas has been a significant financial success, making Yeezy one of the most valuable brands in the fashion industry.
3. How much is Kanye West's music catalog worth?
Kanye West's music catalog is estimated to be worth around $200 million. This includes his albums, production work, and songwriting credits, which continue to generate revenue through streaming and sales.
4. What role did Kanye West's marriage to Kim Kardashian play in his net worth?
While Kanye West's marriage to Kim Kardashian attracted significant media attention, it did not directly impact his net worth. Both Kanye and Kim are independently wealthy, and their divorce did not involve major financial disputes.
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silvertoyshop · 25 days
Funko Batman: The Ultimate Collectible for Fans of the Dark Knight
Few things in the pop culture collectibles market have as won over fans' hearts as Funko Pop! figures. The Funko Batman figures are recognisable depictions of the adored Dark Knight among the wide variety of personalities and designs. For both ardent Batman fans and casual collectors, Funko Batman figures have become essential possessions because of their distinctive combination of style, intricacy, and affordability. This article will explore why Funko Batman is such a cherished collectible and what makes it standout in the world of pop culture memorabilia.
The Appeal of Funko Batman
For many years, the Batman franchise has been a mainstay of popular culture thanks to its menacing protagonist, recognisable villains, and intricate narrative. Funko, which is well-known for its unique vinyl characters, has created a collection of Funko Batman figures that flawlessly encapsulate the spirit of Batman. Fans are drawn to these characters for a variety of reasons. Collectors of all ages are drawn to their stylised yet easily recognisable design, to start. The oversized characteristics, like Batman's cowl and powerful build, are endearing and authentic to the character.
In addition, Funko Batman figures come in a variety of designs, ranging from those inspired by the numerous film adaptations to vintage comic book renditions. Due to this variety, fans of both the classic Adam West Batman from the 1960s and the gritty, contemporary version from the Christopher Nolan movie can choose a Funko Batman figure that resonates with their connection to the character.
A Collectible for All Fans
Funko Batman is highly intriguing due to its accessibility. Funko Batman figurines are reasonably priced, which makes them available to a broad spectrum of collectors, in contrast to other luxury collectibles that carry a high price tag. But quality is not sacrificed for this affordability. Every Funko Batman figure is meticulously sculpted, meaning that even the slightest details, like as the utility belt around his waist or the Bat symbol on his chest, are accurately recreated.
The fact that Funko Batman figures come in a variety of shapes and sizes contributes to their allure. Funko has options to meet every collector's demand, whether you are searching for a larger 10-inch figure to become the focal point of your collection or a conventional 3.75-inch figure to display on your desk. Furthermore, Funko frequently produces unique and limited-edition Batman figures, which ups the thrill and rarity factor of collecting.
For fans of the Dark Knight, Funko Batman figures have solidified their status as must-have collectibles. Whether you are a lifelong Batman fan or brand-new to the Funko world, they have something for every fan with their distinct blend of charm, detail, and affordability. Collecting Funko Batman figurines is more than just a hobby—it is a way to celebrate the heritage of one of the greatest superheroes of all time and foster a sense of connection with him. For everyone who enjoys the world of Gotham City, Funko Batman is a must-have, whether you are starting or adding to an already-existing collection.
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photomanipulation1 · 26 days
Spooky Creations: Halloween and Horror Photo Manipulations
Halloween photo manipulation is a fun and creative way to get into the spirit of the season. By using Photoshop, you can transform ordinary photos into spooky and eerie images that capture the essence of Halloween. This technique is perfect for creating unique Halloween-themed content. It allows you to experiment with dark and surreal elements. Engaging in this practice can significantly enhance your artistic skills.
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Creating horror photo manipulation��involves various techniques, including layering, blending, and adding special effects. These techniques help in creating eerie atmospheres and chilling visuals. Understanding these techniques is essential for anyone looking to create convincing horror images. By mastering these techniques, you can produce images that truly captivate and frighten. Experimenting with horror themes can push your creative boundaries.
Enhancing Creativity
Halloween and horror themes provide endless opportunities for creativity. From haunted houses to ghostly apparitions, the possibilities are limitless. By experimenting with different concepts and effects, you can create truly unique and spine-chilling images. This creative exploration can lead to innovative art that stands out. Pushing the limits of your creativity can result in groundbreaking work.
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Halloween photo manipulation and horror is not just for fun; it has practical applications, too. These skills are valuable in fields such as film production, advertising, and event promotion. By mastering these techniques, you can work on exciting projects that require spooky visuals. These skills can also be used to create themed content for social media. The demand for unique and captivating visuals makes these skills highly marketable.
How to Create Your Own Style
As an artist, you have your own style, and scary and Halloween themes let you show it. You can find your own unique style as an artist in the world of digital art by trying out different methods and ideas. This can help your work stand out by making it special. Your unique style can become a part of who you are as a creative person. Accepting who you are is important for artistic growth.
In conclusion
Get ready for the scary season by learning how to edit Halloween and scary photos. Visit photomanipulation.com for more how-tos and tips. To get good at these skills, you need to keep trying new things and practicing them. You will get better at what you do as you do more things.
Blog Source URL :- https://photomanipulationblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/spooky-creations-halloween-and-horror.html
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insearchofthesuns · 1 month
On Demons
Demonkind, or as they refer to themselves: The Enlightened, are one of the universal constants of The Evernight. In previous ages Demons could be found in individual instances as tempters, bargainers, and sorcerous allies, granting strange and terrible sorceries in exchange for ironclad pacts. These historical demons claimed souls, demanded blood sacrifice, or formed cults of adulation in exchange for their services, and in return, Mankind considered them “The Great Enemy.”
The Imperial Church once fielded elite squads of Exorcists, an order dedicated to hunting down and eradicating any Demons that dared to interact with Humanity. Of course, we know now that no Exorcist ever succeeded in more than annoying a Demon, for The Enlightened are immortal in all ways that matter. When slain, their essence is freed to return to The Pit, their dark point of origin, where it reforms over time. This reformation is, according to what reports the Department of Ecto-Biology can gather, quite slow and painful. Demons that return through the process of reformation retain their memories and experiences, but often find their physical forms changed in ways many Demons find uncomfortable and infuriating. Serrated fangs might be replaced with flat molars, impressive horns might give way to delicate spines, subtle honey colored skin might reform an upsettingly livid blue. This possibility for total physical change has led to many Demons having a reputation for self-preservation that seems at odds with their immortality.
Socially, Demonkind have experienced a monumental shift with the advent of The Evernight and the growth of the Great Rift. Their ancestral home, once deep and buried, now sits at the surface of The Rift, still miles deep, but far more accessible than ever before. Gone are the days of individual Demons slipping to the surface to make underhanded bargains in back alleys. Modern Enlightened own palatial estates, embassies, and markets where they can sell their profane gifts to any with the coin to afford them, free of fear that an Imperial Exorcist will come barging in and inconvenience them.
This does not mean that Demons are accepted however, at least by everyone. Their presence is tolerated because it is understood that no one has power enough to stand directly against them. The Imperial Church still preaches that working with them is a grievous sin however, and every effort is made by the People’s Parliament to mitigate the power of Demons to hold civic authority, vote in elections, possess warrants of trade, or operate large scale mercantile interests of their own. The average person is generally wary of a Demon offering them anything, and The Enlightened are well aware of this fact, and so work quite singularly to establish amongst their neighbors the feeling that they are wrongfully maligned in the hopes of creating a social movement to favor their citizenship.
Of course, there is much to be said about the sentiment behind such a move. Demons are individuals, and belong to many diverse social groups largely demarcated by their “type” or as they prefer, Kith. To some groups, the desire to join with society is largely a largely genuine effort to rehabilitate their image. To others, it is a long game manufactured to convince society to let its guard down and trust them. Some Kiths in fact have little interest in the social games of their peers, and are guided by other more esoteric goals and desires. 
The most common of the Kiths are the Novus. They form the most recognizable core of what it means to be “Demonic” in the eyes of other people. Novus are roughly the size of average Humans, but are differentiated by their impressive horns and vibrant jewel-toned flesh. Many Novus possess leathery wings, though there seems to be no true pattern to the trait, and the child of two winged parents is not guaranteed to possess wings of their own. Most Novus are loathe to engage in the trade of spirits and bargains that their kind are known for, instead preferring to take up mundane jobs where they might eventually be recognized as perfectly normal citizens. Novus are the least likely Enlightened to consider their Kith significant, and the most likely to assimilate to outside cultures instead of clinging to any specific unified Pit culture.
Of the Amantis much is speculated. Commonly called “Seducers,” the Amantis are by far the most Human of The Enlightened. Delicately built and fine boned, Amantis typically do not reach beyond six feet in height, and even that is rare. They have much more subtle and delicate horns than Novus, and typically can only be differentiated from Humanity by the soft shades of their jewel-like flesh. Amantis typically operate pillow houses, honey dens, opera houses, or other pleasure venues, and have a reputation for being kindly in the extreme. Some worry that their kind demeanor and seemingly altruistic desire to bring joy and pleasure to others is a facade hiding more malicious motives, but no evidence of such a belief has yet materialized. Certainly the occasional Amantis is malicious or exploitative, but on the whole they seem to shun any who would poison the pursuit of pleasure.
The Fames are largely considered outcasts amongst even their own kind. Growing to around seven feet in height with thick leathery flesh that typically appears in shades of ash, charcoal, olive, or maroon, the Fames are impressively malicious in appearance as well as nature. Most have skeletal faces with lipless mouths filled with razor sharp teeth, spindly emaciated bodies, and huge leathery wings. Fames are beings of immense hunger, subsisting on carcasses, blood, and whatever living prey is stupid enough to pass within reach of their claws. This is not to say that Fames aren’t intelligent, on the contrary, they’re incredibly cunning creatures who play a relatively important (if unpleasant) role in society. Fames find work in slaughterhouses, as vermin catchers, and as disposal agents for the remains of those who cannot afford formalized arrangements.
The Oru are some of the most visually impressive of the Kith, with beautiful burnished skin of copper, gold, or bronze and tall, four armed bodies that often reach nearly nine feet in height. All Oru are marked by a flaming glyph that hovers just above the crown of their heads, a Demonic glyph of great significance that they use as a seal on all their correspondence but resist speaking in any detail about. A matriarchal culture, Female Oru operate banks, counting houses, and merchant collectives, and are often seen traveling in ornate retinues marked by the jangling of fine golden chains. Male Oru are more delicately built, rarely growing past seven feet, and are kept always veiled or otherwise hidden. Male Oru do not operate businesses, and rarely interact at all with outsiders, though the few that have been recorded have seemingly been treated as treasures more precious than gold by the matriarchs.
The Sonnu occupy the role of generational aristocracy in Demonkind’s hierarchy. Appearing remarkably similarly to the Novus, The Sonnu are only distinguished by always lacking wings, and their pallid, monochromatic flesh. Sonnu often become dilettantes, randomly flitting between interests for brief windows of time before giving up once the venture becomes more difficult than it is entertaining. Sonnu often reside within elaborate family estates surrounded by minions and servants, and partake in society only when it interests them, leading to a reputation for reclusiveness. They often take great pride in their lineages, and have a reputation for requiring any potential allies or social guests recite their entire (often several page long,) name before being willing to give them the time of night. This has led to, as one might imagine, a distinct lack of social engagements.
Ruttora are the least humanoid of the Enlightened by far, but this does not discourage them from a persistent interaction with society. Appearing as large chimera of chitinous arachnids and sleek humanoids, Ruttora are roughly seven feet tall, and possess the spiny abdomen and thorax of a spider (often appearing in a vast array of saturated colors,) with a human torso growing out of said thorax. They possess six sharp legs attached to their thorax and two human arms at the top of their torso, and are marked by having six smaller auxiliary eyes in addition to their typical human ocular structure. Ruttora are venomous, and their webs are mildly acidic, enough to seriously irritate flesh, but not enough to cause permanent harm. They are widely seen as excitable, overstimulated, high strung, oversexed, and hard to keep on topic. However Ruttora are jovial and loyal companions (if overbearing,) and make fast friends amongst Nondemons when given the chance.
Cercans watch, and Cercans remember. Cercans, also known as Watcher Demons, appear to be tall human men and women with delicate bones and large, looping horns. They often have flesh in a myriad of cold shades of blues and purples and, rarely, greens. Cercans curiously do not possess eyes of any kind, or any ocular organs to speak of. They lack fully the capacity for traditional sight and often “see” through their incredible sense of smell, inhumanly strong hearing, and arcane talents. In the interests of ensuring other beings comfort, they often wear veils, masks, or hoods to cover their upper faces, lending them a distinctly sinister air. Cercans are avid brokers in bargains and deals, and are quite adept at sorcery. They often conjure sorcerous scrying orbs to grant them “sight,” in the form of hovering haloes of distressingly realistic eyes. Distinctly off putting, and with a propensity to hover on cushions of arcane frost, many peoples go out of their way to avoid Cercans, but criminal kingpins, savvy nobles, and political agents of all stripes are often quick to bring a Cercan spymaster into their payroll.
The Regnu are the true ruling Kith of Demonkind. Broad and handsome, all Regnu regardless of gender are quite large, typically standing around eight feet in height, often augmented by their tall horns and the softly flaming coronets they manifest above their heads. Regnu never possess wings, but can be found in any of the myriad jewel-like colors of their Novus kin. They do not rest easily on their natural beauty and physical strength however. Regnu have no time for idle status. They spend much of their eternal lives gathering authority and power, whether in the form of political status, wealth, favors owed, or even advantageous marriages. They are quite gifted in any skill they put their minds to, but each family unit (comprising one Regnant and many Subordinate Regnu regardless of gender, and all children of these couplings,) often specializes in a single area of excellence, such as scholarship, warfare, artistry, or politics.
It is speculated that the Sovereign Demons are their own specialized Kith, comprising a single exemplar of each of the lesser Kiths, who set the overall societal direction of their kind, but University scholars have never managed to secure an interview with one of these reclusive regents.
More on Demons will be revealed when the Department of Quasi-Divinity completes their Survey of the Enlightened Orders, but one should always remember that regardless of Kith, or the teachings of the Imperial Church, Demons are manifestly People, and thus worthy of respect. Judge them not by reputation alone, to do so is a dangerous folly.
Until the pages next turn…
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healthspansecrets · 2 months
Five Secrets to Staying Stunning at 56: Rhiannon Coles’ Journey
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Rhiannon Coles is a vibrant 56-year-old who looks like she's made a lifetime pact with youth. With her radiant smile and toned physique, it's hard to believe she's experiencing the challenges that come with menopause. In this article, we'll explore five secrets that have allowed Rhiannon to defy the odds and maintain her youthful glow.
1. A Healthy, Balanced Diet
Rhiannon’s first secret to staying stunning at 56 is focusing on a healthy, balanced diet. She emphasizes the profound impact of diet on our lives and the importance of being mindful of what we put into our bodies.
"Eighty percent is your diet," she says. "You need to sit down and pay attention to what's on your plate and be mindful of what you're putting in your body."
Rhiannon talks about how important it is to nourish your body with the right nutrients, especially as you grow older. She allows herself the occasional indulgence, like dark chocolate but understands that a balanced approach to diet is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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2. Staying Active with Diverse Workouts
Rhiannon’s second secret is staying active and challenging her body with diverse workouts. From strength training to cardio, she keeps her routine varied and engaging. In her beach workouts, Rhiannon goes through exercises targeting multiple muscle groups, including knee drives, reverse lunges, cross jabs, high knees, squats, and burpees.
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She constantly changes her workouts to keep her body guessing and prevent plateaus. This varied approach helps her maintain a high level of fitness and keeps her workouts exciting.
3. Surrounding Yourself with Supportive People
Rhiannon’s third secret is surrounding herself with supportive people who hold her accountable. At one point, she lost focus on her online coaching business. A friend's tough love reminded her of the impact she had on the lives of her clients, inspiring her to recommit to her passion for helping others.
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4. Prioritizing Mental and Emotional Well-being
Rhiannon’s fourth secret to staying stunning at 56 is prioritizing her mental and emotional well-being. She takes care of her mind just as much as her body. Rhiannon openly discusses
the benefits of therapy and coaching, saying, "Seeking help isn't just for when something's wrong. It's a powerful tool for personal growth."
She finds peace and gratitude in simple things, like walking her dog and appreciating the beauty of each day. These practices help her maintain a positive outlook on life.
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5. Embracing Resistance Training
Rhiannon’s fifth secret is embracing the power of resistance training, especially for women over 50. She highlights the need to build and maintain muscle mass to support overall health and prevent age-related issues like osteoporosis. In her gym workouts, Rhiannon demonstrates the importance of strength training for women in their 50s, focusing on proper form and mobility work to avoid injury.
Rhiannon isn't afraid to challenge herself with new and demanding exercises, such as sled pushes and pulls. She encourages women to step out of their comfort zones and try new things to progress and see changes in their bodies continually.
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A Lifelong Passion for Fitness
Rhiannon’s love for movement and fitness began at a young age, with a background in dance laying the foundation for her lifelong passion. Her early exposure to various forms of exercise instilled the importance of continually challenging her body and trying new things.
Embracing New Challenges
During the pandemic, Rhiannon’s entrepreneurial spirit led her to explore online coaching. She invested in herself by enrolling in a marketing course, determined to learn the skills necessary to help even more women on their fitness journeys. Her commitment to health and fitness inspires the women she coaches, as she leads by example and shares her knowledge and experience.
Nutrition and Self-Care
Rhiannon knows that nutrition is vital in maintaining optimal health. She ensures she eats a well-balanced diet and supplements with essential nutrients to support her body's needs. She believes that age is just a number, and with the right mindset, a consistent approach to exercise and nutrition, and self-care, it’s possible to look and feel your best at any stage of life.
Rhiannon Coles is proof of what can happen when you prioritize your health and well-being. Her approach to fitness and nutrition is holistic, involving physical and mental well-being. By
following her principles of balance, self-compassion, nourishment, and care, you too can unlock the secrets to staying stunning and vibrant, no matter your age.
If you found value in Rhiannon’s inspiring story and secrets to staying stunning at 56, be sure to share this article, leave a comment with your thoughts, and stay tuned for more content designed to help you live your best life at any age.
For the full episode, packed with expert tips and transformative advice, click the link : https://youtu.be/cr0u2MVyrpg?si=xksEI2vR-_2NMCZV
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writer59january13 · 2 months
I (a youthsome, wholesome, jokesome, handsome,...
gamesome, chucklesome, bothersome, and awesome modest fellow)... does not deliberately court immortalization, and wonders what criteria confer elevation, exaltation, glorification, hero worship, idolization, veneration, or worship. I go about a daily humdrum routine me, a twenty first century baby boomer, who considers himself passé and senses with sensibility he would have been more at home during the early nineteen hundreds. At threescore and six years under my out of this world Kuiper belt, this wannabe joker here makes the most of figurative cards I got dealt despite most every day of my life felt accursed with mental health issues, stunted physical growth, and a split uvula - submucous cleft palate on very rare occasions, I (once a slip of a lad
and light as a feather) got lifted off the ground
and tossed in air by classmates momentarily suspended as a Great Dane helt in high regard remembering those happy days analogous to Reelin’ In the Years being like a little fish in a big pond poignant adventures going out with weathered mariners actually Norwegian bachelor farmers tricked out seamen thru and thru prematurely ejaculating with joie de vivre while whipping the rod hoping hook, line and sinker snags jacksmelt. Nothing about my person screams shine the kleiglights (an intense carbon arc lamp, especially used in filmmaking) on me, one foo fighting fool on the hill nowhere man, who hopes to be reincarnated into the ideal of acuity, bankability, creativity, divinity, ethicality, fidelity, generosity, humility, integrity, jocundity, knowledgeability, likability, magnanimity, nobility, originality, perspicacity, luck quiddity, respectability, sagacity, tranquility, unconventionality, versatility, and winnability. Now just let me get these grubby hands on well preserved brains of freshly deceased, and tinker ala Victor Frankenstein. Yes quite a tall order, but methinks I can master genetic engineering (with both eyes closed - and both hands tied behind my back), and thwart (once and for all) the nasty demise of mortality and promise fail safe solution to vanquish what people used to consider the quaint inevitable and unavoidable courtesy visit by the grim reaper -
depicted as wearing a dark hooded cloak and wielding a scythe also known as Hel, Thanatos - formerly known as Azrael, and better known as the Grim Reaper the personification, embodiment, and spirit of Death (known throughout the cosmos for appearing soon after someone died to deliver their soul to the afterlife),
Psychopomp, or Shinigami  "la Parca" ("The Robe"), - a common term for the personification of death across Latin America forcing humanity to rethink and reboot the concept of dying and meeting the maker essentially making process of death obsolete unleashing in this lifetime of mine the solution to upend the demise of corporeal entity
plus doing away with attendant emotional and financial toll final expense insurance policies generate - whereby unabated longevity no longer a worry of the past, but another padding to "nest egg" recouping set aside monies to cover the costs incurred by the death of a loved one, whether that person
gets buried in a cemetery or cremated to be become forever vanquished courtesy creating a untapped market for twenty blank nth century when speciality to become a B certified and verified by B Lab of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability, which demand to churn out one after another doctors named Victor Frankenstein
bringing to life "creature", "fiend",
"spectre", "dæmon", "wretch",
"devil", "thing", "being", and "ogre," which high paying specialists must meet high standards, whereby the newly hatched mad scientist receives an bone a fide education of corpse, whose appreciation acknowledged by the grateful dead souls their learning involves combining,
involving artificial intelligence, reproductive biology and robotics
discovering solutions to synthesize the best western qualities and as a dissertation presenting the most poignant tragicomic live unrehearsed drama showcasing the denouement of humanity trumpeting Homo sapiens bumbling, fumbling, and tabling
after teasing out the box of Pandora mysteries of development building neural network describing linkedin thinking computer systems deoxyribonucleic acid, and branches of engineering and computer science that involve the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots unwittingly as a cautionary tale whereat smart machines outwit
and then control their creators with decency, humanity, leniency.... no, not spelling the gloom and doom
of man/womankind, but rather capitalists freed from labor boon yet silver lining allows, enables, and provides old fashioned option to party hardy, or read all the books in the world which upside being that human beings can alway choose exit - stage door left
videre licet euthanasia (voluntary and pain free suicide), returning to the closed feedback loop molecules and atoms constituting and declaring each unique personhood ready and willing to give up the ghost and buzzfeeding, jump/kick starting and replenishing the biosphere.
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sophiagrace3344 · 4 months
Dark Spirits Market 2024-2032: Comprehensive Analysis, Growth Forecast, and Key Insights
The global dark spirits market size attained a value of nearly USD 98.69 billion in 2023. This market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period of 2024-2032, reaching approximately USD 173.93 billion by 2032. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the dark spirits market, covering market outlook, report overview, market size, dynamics, drivers, challenges, segmentation, recent developments, component insights, end-user insights, regional insights, key players, market trends, industry news, application insights, and answers to six frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Market Outlook
The dark spirits market is expected to witness significant growth in the coming years, driven by increasing consumer demand for premium alcoholic beverages, rising disposable incomes, and evolving lifestyle trends. The market's expansion is also influenced by the growing popularity of craft spirits and the diversification of product portfolios by major players.
Report Overview
This comprehensive report provides detailed insights into the global dark spirits market, including market size, growth trends, key drivers, challenges, segmentation, and the competitive landscape. The study also offers insights into key components, end-user applications, regional dynamics, and recent developments in the market.
Market Size
The global dark spirits market was valued at approximately USD 98.69 billion in 2023. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2024 to 2032, reaching an estimated value of USD 173.93 billion by 2032. This growth is driven by increasing consumer demand for premium and craft spirits.
Market Dynamics
Market Drivers
Rising Consumer Demand for Premium Spirits: Consumers are increasingly opting for high-quality, premium dark spirits, driving market growth.
Increasing Disposable Incomes: Higher disposable incomes, particularly in emerging markets, are enabling consumers to spend more on premium alcoholic beverages.
Evolving Lifestyle Trends: Changing consumer preferences and lifestyle trends are boosting the demand for dark spirits, especially among younger demographics.
Growth of Craft Spirits: The rising popularity of craft spirits, known for their unique flavors and artisanal production methods, is contributing to market growth.
Innovative Marketing Strategies: Effective marketing strategies and branding efforts by key players are enhancing product visibility and consumer engagement.
Key Market Challenges
Regulatory Constraints: Stringent regulations on alcohol production and sales can pose challenges for market growth.
Health Concerns: Growing awareness of the health risks associated with alcohol consumption may hinder market expansion.
High Production Costs: The production of premium and craft spirits often involves high costs, which can impact profitability.
The global dark spirits market can be segmented based on type, distribution channel, and region.
By Type
Whiskey: Includes Scotch, Bourbon, and others.
Rum: Includes light, dark, and spiced rum.
Brandy: Includes Cognac and Armagnac.
Tequila: Dark variants such as Añejo and Extra Añejo.
By Distribution Channel
Off-Trade: Supermarkets, hypermarkets, and liquor stores.
On-Trade: Bars, restaurants, and nightclubs.
Online: E-commerce platforms.
By Region
North America: Significant market due to high consumption of dark spirits.
Europe: Presence of major dark spirit-producing countries.
Asia-Pacific: Rapidly growing market due to increasing disposable incomes and changing consumer preferences.
Latin America: Growing market driven by rising demand for premium spirits.
Middle East & Africa: Increasing consumer base and demand for premium alcoholic beverages.
Recent Developments
Recent developments in the dark spirits market include product innovations, strategic partnerships, and acquisitions by major players. Companies are focusing on expanding their product portfolios, enhancing production capabilities, and adopting sustainable practices.
Component Insights
Whiskey: Dominates the dark spirits market, driven by its wide variety and high consumer preference. Key subtypes include Scotch, Bourbon, and Irish whiskey.
Rum: Popular due to its versatility in cocktails and growing interest in premium and spiced rums.
Brandy: Known for its rich flavor profile, with Cognac and Armagnac being the most sought-after variants.
Tequila: Dark variants like Añejo and Extra Añejo are gaining popularity for their smooth taste and premium appeal.
End-User Insights
The primary end-users of dark spirits include bars, restaurants, nightclubs, and individual consumers. The on-trade segment (bars, restaurants, and nightclubs) accounts for a significant share of the market due to the social nature of dark spirit consumption.
Regional Insights
North America: A key market for dark spirits, with the United States being a major consumer. The region's demand is driven by a strong preference for whiskey and rum.
Europe: Home to several renowned dark spirit producers, including Scotland (whiskey) and France (brandy). The region's rich tradition in dark spirit production drives market growth.
Asia-Pacific: Expected to witness significant growth due to rising disposable incomes and increasing consumer interest in premium spirits. Countries like India and China are key markets.
Latin America: Growing demand for premium and craft spirits, driven by a rising middle class and increasing disposable incomes.
Middle East & Africa: The market is expanding due to a growing consumer base and increasing demand for premium alcoholic beverages.
Key Players
Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV: A major player in the dark spirits market, known for its extensive product portfolio and strong market presence.
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.: Renowned for its high-quality dark spirits and innovative marketing strategies.
Kirin Brewery Company, Limited: Offers a wide range of dark spirits, focusing on premium and craft variants.
Suntory Holdings Limited: Known for its premium whiskey and brandy offerings, with a strong presence in both domestic and international markets.
Diageo Plc: A leading global producer of dark spirits, with a diverse portfolio including some of the world's most famous brands.
Market Trends
Premiumization: Increasing consumer preference for premium and high-quality dark spirits is driving market growth.
Craft Spirits: The rising popularity of craft spirits, with their unique flavors and artisanal production methods, is a significant trend in the market.
Sustainability: Growing focus on sustainable production practices and eco-friendly packaging is influencing market dynamics.
Innovative Marketing: Effective marketing strategies, including digital marketing and social media campaigns, are enhancing product visibility and consumer engagement.
Industry News
The dark spirits market is witnessing several noteworthy developments, including product launches, strategic partnerships, and acquisitions. Companies are focusing on expanding their product portfolios, enhancing production capabilities, and adopting sustainable practices to meet the evolving demands of consumers.
Application Insights
Dark spirits are widely consumed in various forms, including neat, on the rocks, and as key ingredients in cocktails. Whiskey, rum, brandy, and dark tequila are popular choices for both individual consumers and the hospitality industry. The versatility of dark spirits makes them a favorite in bars, restaurants, and nightclubs.
What are dark spirits?
Dark spirits are alcoholic beverages that are aged in barrels, giving them a dark color and rich flavor. Common types include whiskey, rum, brandy, and dark tequila.
What drives the growth of the dark spirits market?
The market growth is driven by rising consumer demand for premium spirits, increasing disposable incomes, evolving lifestyle trends, and the growth of craft spirits.
What are the key challenges in the dark spirits market?
Key challenges include regulatory constraints, health concerns, and high production costs.
Which regions are expected to witness significant market growth?
North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific are expected to witness significant market growth due to high consumption of dark spirits and increasing consumer interest in premium beverages.
Who are the major players in the dark spirits market?
Major players include Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd., Kirin Brewery Company, Limited, Suntory Holdings Limited, and Diageo Plc.
What are the applications of dark spirits?
Dark spirits are consumed neat, on the rocks, or as key ingredients in cocktails. They are popular in bars, restaurants, nightclubs, and among individual consumers.
News on Indonesia Waterproofing Market
The Indonesia waterproofing market is witnessing significant growth due to rapid urbanization, increasing construction activities, and the rising need for durable infrastructure. Key players in the market are focusing on innovative products and sustainable solutions to meet the growing demand. The market is also benefiting from government initiatives aimed at improving infrastructure and promoting sustainable construction practices. With the construction sector expected to continue its growth trajectory, the waterproofing market in Indonesia is poised for robust expansion in the coming years.
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fortunetoyota · 4 months
Fully loaded, the New GX(O) grade boasts of 10+ advance technology and comfort features based on customer demand
Price starts at Rs 20,99,000/- (ex-showroom)
Hyderabad, 15th April 2024: – In line with its ‘customer-first’ culture and responding to their requirements, Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) today announced the introduction of a new grade in the Innova HyCross the GX (O) petrol variant. The latest addition to the Innova HyCross line-up, boasts of over 10 advanced comfort and technology features thus raising the bar of the value proposition for customers who are seeking for more. Bookings of the Innova HyCross the GX (O) grade is already open with deliveries expected to commence from April 15, 2024.
Key highlights of Innova HyCross petrol GX (O) petrol variant are as follows:
Reenergised Exterior – Front LED Fog lamps, Front & Rear Parking sensors, Rear Defogger
Superior Comfort – Chestnut Themed Interiors, Soft touch materials in Dashboard & Door Panels, Mid-Grade Fabric Seats & Rear Sunshade*
Refined Convenience – Auto AC, 10.1″ infotainment system*, Wireless Apple Carplay, Panoramic View Monitor
Offered in 7- and 8-seater options, the GX (O) grade is available in seven dynamic colours – Blackish Ageha Glass Flake, Platinum White Pearl, Attitude Black Mica, Sparkling Black Pearl Crystal Shine, Silver Metallic, Super White and Avant Garde Bronze Metallic.
Commenting on the new introduction, Mr. Sabari Manohar – Vice President, Sales-Service-Used Car Business, Toyota Kirloskar Motor said, “At TKM, we are constantly listening to the market needs thus ensuring that every vehicle we offer aligns with the evolving needs of our customers. The New Innova HyCross petrol GX (O) grade is a testament to this philosophy which offers enhanced comfort and advanced technology carefully blending the spirit of luxury and efficiency. While the performance remains top-class, the 10+ features is expected to strongly resonate with customers who are looking for a fully loaded petrol version with an attractive proposition aimed at meeting their evolving lifestyle requirements.
Furthermore, we express our gratitude to our customers for their overwhelming acceptance, not only of the Innova HyCross but also of our entire product portfolio. Our commitment to a customer-first approach will continue to drive us, inspiring the creation of innovative products and services in the future.”
Details of the ex-showroom Prices (grade-wise), are as follows:
Ex Showroom Price (W.E.F 15th Apr 2024)
Hycross Petrol GX (O) – 8-Seater
Rs 20,99,000
Hycross Petrol GX (O) – 7-Seater
Rs 21,13,000
Robust performance:
Innova Hycross is powered by a 2L TNGA Gasoline Engine, delivering output of 128 kW (174 PS) and 205 Nm of torque, complemented by a Direct Shift CVT with launch gear mechanism and 10 speed sequential shift for smooth and responsive acceleration along with best-in-class leading Fuel Economy of 16.13 kmpl.
Tough Exterior:
On the exterior, the new grade impresses with a bold and muscular SUV-like stance, enhanced by 16-inch silver Alloy wheels, a Roof End Spoiler with LED Stop lamp, and ORVMs with Auto fold, Electric adjust, and Turn indicators.
Luxurious and comfortable Interiors:
The Innova HyCross GX (O) provides improved cabin aesthetics, with dark chestnut quilted leather seats along with soft-touch leather and metallic decorations lining the cabin. The cockpit is modelled in horizontal tones to give a sense of space, while vertical tones are used for the central cluster and door decor to mirror the powerful exterior.
Advanced safety offerings:
The Innova Hycross masterfully combines comprehensive safety features—including Electric Parking Brake with Auto-hold, all-wheel disc brakes, six SRS airbags, and ISOFIX anchors—with unparalleled comfort, offering captain seats for personalized luxury, fold-flat 3rd row for increased boot space, and reclining 3rd row seats to ensure every journey is enjoyable for all passengers.
Value Added Services:
The New GX (O) Grade is complemented by an array of value-added services such as five years of complimentary Road-Side Assistance, standard warranty of three years or 1,00,000 kilometres, personalized extended warranty program, tailored to meet individual needs and preferences along with Certified Exchange program.
Launched in November 2022, the Innova Hycross built on Toyota’s globally recognized Quality, Durability and Reliability philosophy has won immense love and widespread market acceptance. With sales surpassing 50,000 units, the Innova HyCross is being lauded for its versatility, attributed to its glamorous appeal, advanced technology, comfort, and comprehensive safety features.
In addition to petrol variant, the Innova HyCross is also available in the Hybrid variant powered by 5th Generation Self-Charging Strong Hybrid Electric System. Being a Self-Charging Strong Hybrid Electric Vehicle (SHEV), the Innova HyCross is capable of running 40% of the distance and 60% of the time in electric (EV) or zero emission mode.***.
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dropsofjupitcr · 5 months
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NAME: Benjamín Cárdenas NICKNAMES: Benji, Ben, Benny BIRTHDAY: September 4th AGE: 30 ZODIAC: Virgo PLACE OF Birth: San Diego, California CURRENT LOCATION: San Diego, California OCCUPATION: marketing executive SPECIES: human EYE COLOR: brown HAIR COLOR: info here HEIGHT: 6′ 0″ WEIGHT: 175 PRONOUNS: he/him/his MOTHER: Isabela (Núñez) Cárdenas FATHER: Javier Cárdenas BROTHER(s): Older Brother: Mateo Cárdenas SISTER(s): Younger Sister: Lucía Cárdenas EXTENDED FAMILY: Paternal Grandfather: Ernesto Cárdenas, Paternal Grandmother: Alicia (Gutiérrez) Cárdenas, Maternal Grandfather: Tomás Núñez, Maternal Grandmother: Rosario (Morales) Núñez, Paternal Uncle:Alejandro Cárdenas, Paternal Aunt: Marisa (Cárdenas) Ramos, Maternal Uncle: Carlos Núñez, Maternal Aunt: Ana (Núñez) Diaz, Marcos and Elena Ramos (Marisa's kids), Liam Núñez (Carlos' son), Sofia and Miguel Diaz (Ana's kids) SEXUAL ORIENTATION: info here RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single WHOM: forever PAST RELATIONSHIP(s): College Girlfriend - Natalia Rodriguez Benji's first serious girlfriend from his UCLA days. A fellow Mexican-American student, Natalia was warm, fun-loving and drawn to Benji's charm and adventurous spirit. Though they were crazy about each other at first, their relationship ultimately fell victim to Benji's inability to settle down. After graduating, Natalia got a job across the country and they drifted apart. She's now happily married with kids. Post-College Fling - Sienna Campbell In his mid-20s, Benji had a months-long casual fling with Sienna, an Australian model and actress he met through mutual friends. Their passion was as intense as it was short-lived. Sienna's free-spirited lifestyle initially captivated Benji, but he eventually realized her flightiness and commitment issues matched his own. They parted amicably. Office Romance - Daniela Torres A couple years ago, Benji had a secret inter-office romance with Daniela, a married co-worker at the marketing firm. Their electric chemistry and flirtatious banter around the office ultimately led to an affair. Though brief, it caused drama before Daniela broke it off, unwilling to leave her husband. Benji learned his lesson about workplace entanglements. Recent Ex - Sofia Reyes Benji's most recent serious relationship was with Sofia, a beautiful, intelligent artist he dated for over a year. Raised in a family with traditional values, Sofia was initially drawn to Benji's charisma but hoped to settle him down. Ultimately, Benji's wandering spirit re-emerged, leading to a painful breakup that left Sofia feeling he'd never be ready for true commitment.
So while Benji has had meaningful connections, his inability to fully commit long-term has led a trail of broken hearts in his wake as he enters his 30s.
Benjamín Cárdenas is a 30-year-old man with an undeniable charisma and magnetic presence. With his tall, athletic build, olive skin, and striking features – including a chiseled jawline, piercing dark eyes, and a warm, dimpled smile – Benjamín cuts an unforgettable figure wherever he goes. Born and raised in San Diego, California to Mexican-American parents, Benjamín's upbringing instilled in him a strong work ethic and deep pride in his cultural heritage. After excelling academically and athletically in high school, he attended UCLA on an academic scholarship, graduating with honors with a degree in business administration.
Since then, Benjamín has carved out a successful career as a marketing executive for a major sports apparel company based in Los Angeles. His natural ability to connect with people from all walks of life, combined with his creative vision and business acumen, have made him an invaluable asset.
Despite the demands of his high-powered job, Benjamín makes time to nurture the important relationships in his life – especially with his large, tightly-knit family back in San Diego. He remains close with his parents and siblings, making frequent visits home when he can.
In his free time, Benjamín is an avid surfer, taking advantage of the Southern California coastline to indulge his passion for catching waves. He also loves outdoor adventures like hiking and camping to escape the city grind. Though driven and successful in his career, at his core Benjamín is a down-to-earth, family-oriented man deeply rooted in his Mexican heritage. His easy confidence, warm personality, and dazzling looks make him a heart-breaker, though he has yet to find that.
Benji has an easygoing, charismatic personality that naturally draws people to him. He exudes an aura of cool confidence without coming across as arrogant or full of himself. Benji is incredibly charming and has a knack for making others feel at ease with his warm smile and ability to inject humor into any situation. At his core, Benji is a fun-loving, adventurous free spirit. He has an insatiable sense of wanderlust and desire to explore new places and experiences. Benji embraces life with unbridled enthusiasm and lives very much in the moment, savoring every experience to the fullest. Despite his laidback, go-with-the-flow demeanor, Benji is also driven and ambitious, with a strong work ethic instilled by his parents. He takes great pride in his career success as a marketing executive while still finding ways to pursue his passions like surfing.
Loyalty to his family and heritage is extremely important to Benji. He stays closely connected to his Mexican-American roots in San Diego and is a devoted son, brother, and uncle. Family will always come first for him. Underneath his cool exterior, Benji has a caring, sensitive side that he reserves for those closest to him. He's a nurturing partner who isn't afraid to be vulnerable and open up emotionally. However, his natural confidence and wandering spirit can sometimes make him come across as a bit of a free-spirited commitment-phobe. Overall, Benji is an intriguing mix of breezy, carefree charm and driven ambition. His magnetic personality and ability to live life to the fullest draws people to him, even if his roaming ways keep him from settling down fully.
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waricoffee · 7 months
Exploring Peru's Rich Coffee Culture: Toasted Coffee for Wari Coffee Enthusiasts
Peru, a country famed for its breathtaking landscapes, ancient ruins, and vibrant culture, holds a secret that ignites the senses and captivates the soul – its remarkable coffee culture. Nestled amidst the Andes Mountains, Peru boasts a diverse range of coffee varieties, each telling a unique story of tradition, passion, and flavor. Among these treasures is the prized toasted coffee, a specialty that has gained recognition among coffee enthusiasts worldwide. In this exploration, we delve into the depths of Peru's coffee heritage, uncovering the allure of toasted coffee and its connection to Wari Coffee – a beacon of excellence in the Peruvian coffee industry.
Peruvian coffee cultivation dates back centuries, with indigenous communities cherishing coffee as a sacred crop long before it gained global recognition. The rich volcanic soil, high altitude, and ideal climate of regions like Chanchamayo, Cajamarca, and Amazonas provide the perfect conditions for cultivating exceptional coffee beans. Among the myriad of varieties cultivated in Peru, one stands out for its distinctive flavor profile and meticulous processing – toasted coffee.
Toasted coffee, also known as "cafe tostado," undergoes a unique roasting process that sets it apart from traditional coffee roasts. Unlike the common medium or dark roasts, toasted coffee is roasted to a specific temperature that enhances its natural flavors while preserving its delicate aroma. This meticulous approach yields a cup of coffee characterized by a balanced acidity, smooth body, and a subtle sweetness, making it a delight for discerning palates.
At the heart of Peru's toasted coffee movement is Wari Coffee, a pioneering brand dedicated to preserving the country's coffee heritage while embracing innovation. Named after the ancient Wari civilization that once thrived in the Andean region, Wari Coffee embodies the spirit of excellence and craftsmanship. By collaborating with local farmers, Wari Coffee ensures a sustainable supply chain that prioritizes quality, fairness, and environmental stewardship.
The journey of Wari Coffee begins in the lush coffee plantations of Peru, where farmers handpick only the ripest cherries, ensuring optimal flavor development. These cherries are then carefully processed using traditional methods, including sun-drying and hand-sorting, to maintain their integrity. What sets Wari Coffee apart is its commitment to the art of toasting – a skill passed down through generations of Peruvian coffee artisans.
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The toasting process at Wari Coffee is a labor of love, where master roasters meticulously control every aspect of the roast to unlock the full potential of each bean. By blending modern technology with time-honored techniques, Wari Coffee achieves a perfect balance of flavor, aroma, and complexity in every batch of toasted coffee. The result is a transcendent coffee experience that transports the drinker to the misty slopes of the Andes with every sip.
Beyond its exceptional taste, toasted coffee holds a deeper significance in Peruvian culture, serving as a symbol of unity and pride. For centuries, coffee has played a central role in social gatherings, celebrations, and rituals across Peru, fostering connections and strengthening communities. Today, as the global demand for specialty coffee grows, Peru's toasted coffee stands as a testament to the country's rich cultural heritage and unwavering dedication to quality.
In a world where mass-produced coffee dominates the market, discovering gems like toasted coffee from Peru is a revelation. Its nuanced flavors, artisanal craftsmanship, and profound connection to the land make it a treasure worth savoring. Whether enjoyed in a bustling cafe in Lima or savored in the tranquility of the Andean countryside, toasted coffee offers a glimpse into the soul of Peru – a land of boundless beauty, rich history, and unparalleled coffee culture.
As we raise our cups to toast the wonders of Peru's coffee heritage, let us also celebrate the passion, ingenuity, and dedication of those who bring this extraordinary brew to life. With every sip of toasted coffee, we honor the centuries-old tradition of Peruvian coffee craftsmanship and embark on a journey of discovery that transcends borders and connects us to the heart of the Andes.
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