divine-knight · 2 years
The Novamas Baby (Closed Starter)
Wintertime had reached Dream Land- and not in any small amount, either! Large piles of snow coated the ground, hiding the grass and coating trees with thick amounts of the powdery substance. Even the nearby Castle Dedede had a considerable dusting atop its roofs! The chilly air hung about, with only the faintest of breezes occasionally stirring what loose snowflakes laid on the ground.
The only object not coated in the fine substance was a gray door standing unattached to any building, somewhere a ways away outside of the castle.
... Wait a minute, that wasn’t there, before-
The door opened, and out stepped a blue-eyed, pink-haired human dressed up in a light blue coat with white fur trim around the collar and sleeves. She glanced at the castle and frowned, looking rather annoyed.
“Of all the places he could’ve ended up at,” she muttered to herself, shaking her head briefly as she looked down at one of her gloved hands.
Her worried gaze trailed to the pair of bracelets hanging from her palm, before shifting her focus to a device in her other hand. Without missing a beat, she closed the door behind her, and it vanished without a trace! She ignored the disappearing door, however, focused on something more concerning that had her crunching through the snow.
“Lafi!” she called out, cupping a hand around her mouth as her voice echoed through the otherwise-quiet area. “Lafi, where are you!? LAFI!?”
In her panic, she barely noticed anyone else that might have been nearby, her mind consumed by only one thing: her missing son.
( @smashingsire )
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