#Daniel Di Biase
deadsetobsessions · 9 months
AU List
Hello! Welcome! This is my attempt at keeping the AU's boiuncing around in my head in order. They should be mostly in chronological order.
Some of them are getting turned into full length fics! The list (and it's open to suggestions) can be found here: Fic List
A couple of things:
Please feel free to write your own fics based on any of these! No need to ask, simply link it so I can also read it <3
If you have any specific scenarios you have an idea for and would like me to write- my asks/prompts are always open! I can't guarantee quality as I do most of my writing at like, 3 AM but I'll try my best!
I don't condone racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.. I do not welcome it here. I acknowledge that I have biases that I've yet to unlearn. If there's something that makes you feel unwelcome in the things I write, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
I write these mostly on little to no sleep (that’s when I get creative I guess?) so good luck.
Update: Apparently you can have too many links on one post (which was news to me) so the links are in the titles lol
Squatter!Danny Phantom Raises Tim
Tim 'self-preservation instinct of a wet paper bag' finds Danny Phantom squatting in his house as an injured vigilante and they immediately adopt each other.
Ghost King and the Justice League
Different scenarios where the Justice League (and extensions) deal with a Ghost King Danny Phantom, who generally just wants to get some sleep and avoid his paperwork like he avoids his problems- actively and indiscriminately.
Alcoholic! Danny Adopts Jason Todd (Fic)
Danny Phantom, a struggling alcoholic, finds his way into Gotham where he adopts a young Jason Todd... after accidentally making a name for himself, again.
Spider in Gotham (Fic)
Peter Parker found himself unceremoniously dumped into Gotham and merged with his younger, formerly dead, alternate self.
Gotham! Danny and His Bats
Different scenarios wherein which Danny Phantom is Gotham's city spirit and the task of wrangling Gotham's vigilante and villainous population is laid at his feet.
Danny in Gotham
Somehow, somewhen, Danny finds himself moving to Gotham. Other than the aesthetics, Danny finds it to be pretty similar to Amity Park's insanity.
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom cleans beaches in his off time. One day, he has to pick Batman (and his plane that was littered all over the ocean floor) out of the sea.
Danny Gets Yeeted (Yoted?) Into Gotham
Danny Phantom dented the Batmobile and got an adoption, vigilante siblings, and a gang of kids following him for his troubles/
Danielle "Dani/Ellie" Phantom
Danielle Phantom travelled to Gotham. Gotham encounters a wild Danny amidst its tall towers.
Timothy Drake-Centric
When Tim Drake is set on something, very little can stop him, With sub catergories : Reincarnated as Gamer! Timmy Drake (fem Tim)(Fic) and New Tim-line, Who Dis?
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne's Older Sister
Based on a nightmare, an OC finds themself reincarnated as Damian Wayne's older sister. She does not have a good time.
Prompts Found
A collection of prompts found and filled. Includes Triplet Tim and Reverse Trope Prompt.
Misc. ficlets and thoughts
My brain vs. whatever errant thoughts and ideas that decided to pop up when I'm trying to sleep.
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Okay this maybe biased as devils minion die hard but I just know 100% that's Daniel is the only one Armand has ever spared from Louis. Which is also why he is the only one who could do the interview whereas others who tried died.
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gayregina · 1 month
Amadeo by gayregina
Basically the painting scene of 2*04 but make it devil’s minion in the 70s-80s (and generally a little devil’s minion around that time). This is small but enjoy;)
He was surprised when he witnessed the apathy settle in. It appeared his boy had grown used to him. No longer afraid, no longer running. Long were the nights he chased after him, looking for the spark that set him apart from the rest, the one that had intrigued Louis into picking him among the norm. And he had found it at last. The restless dark hours of following him around and making him jump at every turn were fun but limiting. The days he would wake the human from his slumber were better. The way he would caress his damp curls, trail his fingers across the soft skin and kiss the lines of his body. His lips that he refused to touch even through the fever of lust that defined most of their nights together. Instead they found his neck and the rich blood flowed into his mouth. The low moan of agreement and his boy’s hands grasping his arms or his back or his hair desperately. The times Armand’s hands wandered lower on the human’s body, pleasuring what ached for him the most. That was strictly the days Daniel refused the high of the drugs, when he chose the vampire’s blood above all else. His demanding lips on his wrist, the blood trailing down his mouth. The desire in his eyes and the little gasp he would let out when he would feel Armand’s breath on his neck. Anticipation and trust being the only words hanging in the air around them, the horrors of their past rendezvous long forgotten. Now he was enamored only by his beauty and his charm and the way he would melt into every embrace they shared. That was what set him apart from everyone else. That was the very reason why at times he couldn’t predict his own words as they were flowing out of his mouth with profound ease.
There was a specific night that felt different even before it had begun. Daniel had promised to follow him wherever he went. They talked and they laughed as their feet were moving in sync through the streets of Paris and Daniel’s fingers even dared to brush against his in the dark corners of the alleys. It was a sober night and Armand had learnt those were the most dangerous. He lead him through the bustling crowds and away where the silence in the familiar museum welcomed them and mocked the vampire for his scheme. Daniel’s eyes were a reflection of curiosity and bewilderment and they fell on the painting as Armand stopped next to it. The boy reached out his hand and his fingers grazed Amadeo’s face gently, no one around them to prevent him. No words of explanation were exchanged because they were never needed between them. Only a surprised chuckle was heard across the room and the young boy just watched, admiring the sight.
“I was seventeen years old then, I think. The only one to ever capture my humanity. My maker was the one that thought of it and brought it to life. I served him with all my heart but not for what he was. I never asked for the dark gift. What good is eternal life if you do not know who you are? When you live so long you forget your origins and the faces of those who once cherished you and protected you and loathed you and betrayed you. There is no longer truth amongst your memories, only biased perceptions of half-forgotten stories that feel so distant as if they were once myths. I would have rather died of the illness that plagued me than endure all that have followed. But my maker couldn’t bear the thought of losing me and so he cursed me.” He looked over to Daniel and he was watching him with restlessness and concentration. Was it empathy he was looking for? Someone to comfort him? He did not know.
“It felt as though I was thrown overboard and I didn’t know how to swim. I struggled and it was endless. The question of whether I could float or inevitably drown was pounding in my nauseous mind. I wished and I prayed that the sea would swallow me whole. But it didn’t hear any of my pleadings and I was washed ashore. A meaningless existence followed, all my potential companion to everything that flourishes at the bottom of the ocean; always out of reach with the treacherous possibility of greatness. Only loneliness remained and it wrecked the rest. My own body felt foreign and the sun was my enemy and my temptation for a long time. I almost surrendered to it until I no longer could. My power was too strong and somehow still useless. I was never capable enough to get rid of all I despised because somehow I was still myself.” Bloody tears were rolling down his cheeks. “I never learnt how to float. I never walked along the sand, Daniel. I am still drowning.” He felt Daniel’s touch on his cheeks, how he wiped away his tears, similar to what had occurred between him and Amadeo a few moments ago. His violet eyes were apologetic and sorrowful and he offered him a bitter smile. He guided him in his arms for the first time and Armamd thought he understood now the safety of a life vest and the calmness it spread in him. And when he pulled him closer and pressed his lips gently against his, Armand felt like a boy again and suddenly he had no regrets and he forgot all about the grief and the pain. And as he hugged Daniel’s waist and brought him closer, he considered that maybe his boy didn’t reach for him despite his demons and his edges but because of them. Through the innocent gaze of Amadeo, the boy smiled at him in agreement.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you!
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 11 months
by Rinat Harash
In over three weeks of extensive coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, National Public Radio (NPR) has managed to commit an impressive amount of journalistic wrongdoings, misleading tens of millions of devoted listeners across America.
Since the atrocious Hamas massacre on October 7, NPR has been overwhelmingly focused on the victimization of Palestinians, while interviewing biased individuals, omitting critical facts, and including outright distortions.
One of NPR’s most egregious reports from this period, which includes all of the above, is Daniel Estrin’s “Examining who carried out the brutal violence in Israel three weeks ago.”
In this despicable attempt to humanize the perpetrators of the deadly carnage, rape and kidnapping, listeners need to suffer through empathy-inducing descriptions such as this:
On October 8, a militant returned to Gaza with Mohammed’s cellphone and personal effects and told Mohammed’s family what happened. He said Mohammed had made it a mile or two inside Israel, and an Israeli aircraft shot him — five bullets to the chest, one near the neck. Mohammed recited a prayer before he died. The neighbor told us Mohammed had led a pretty ordinary life. He didn’t finish his high school matriculation exam. He worked as a taxi driver. He got married, had lots of friends and family at his wedding, started a business selling food products. But everyone in the family and neighborhood knew he belonged to the militant wing of the Iranian-aligned Islamic Jihad.
NPR’s Estrin then turns to interview Mkhaimar Abusada, whom he introduces as “a political analyst” in Gaza.
In fact, Abusada is also Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, who has called for violence against Israelis. Surely, this is a relevant piece of information to mention when NPR gives him the platform to say: “Hating the Jews or hating Israel as an occupier … that probably explain the brutality that took place on the 7th of October”.
At the end of the report, Estrin includes an edited version of a phone call from a terrorist to his parents in Gaza on October 7. The full recording of the call, released by Israel on October 25, clearly includes the terrorist’s father congratulating him after the son boasts of killing ten Jews.
NPR’s version — through Estrin’s narration — omits this. Instead, it makes it look like the family wanted the son to return home and never supported his actions. It even goes as far as evoking empathy for their plight under Israeli bombardment.
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ninadove · 20 days
Hello Nina!
another Shadow of the Wind related ask (sorry 🥲), but what are your opinions on how Zafón portrays women? I have found that especially in his last book, they all tend to fall into the usual ruthless femme fatale/pure tragic Madonna ends of the spectrum.
That’s a tough one! I read The Prisoner of Heaven and The Angel’s Game a looong time ago, but they didn’t hook me as much as The Shadow of the Wind did, so I honestly don’t remember much… which is a shame, because Daniel’s mum was central to one of them I believe, and would have made a very interesting comparison point.
It’s true that the women in TSoTW tend to be reduced to their narrative role: Jacinta as the nurse, Bernarda as Fermín’s girlfriend, Sophie as Julián’s plot device mum, Clara as the temptress who is ultimately punished through the loss of her beauty. The most notable example is of course Penélope, whose voice is symbolically ripped away from her via her imprisonment and the concealment of her letter. She’s meant to haunt the narrative and she does it beautifully, but I wouldn’t be able to tell you what exactly Julián liked in her apart from the obvious spoilery thing.
But at the same time… you have Bea and Nuria. Complex characters who act out of love and selfishness, and force the main characters to face the consequences of their actions. Nuria died because Daniel couldn’t let go of Julián’s story, while Bea forced them both to break free from the narrative. They’re excellent characters once you get past the, uh, interesting…? Smut scenes that involve breasts trembling from desire.
And that’s the thing: we need to consider the POV at play. In TSoTW, that’s Daniel’s 90% of the time, and Daniel is a horny teenager in a very sexist society, who grew up without a mother and learnt about romance through books and Fermín — so his perspective is obviously going to be biased. When he does get his come-to-Jesus moment at the end of the novel, he fully commits to the bit, and it nearly kills him.
I’d definitely need to read or re-read the rest of the series to form a stronger opinion. I did cringe a few times re-reading TSoTW, but it didn’t really hinder my experience all things considered!
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adamwatchesmovies · 25 days
Anatomy of a Fall (2023)
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Of all the legal thrillers I’ve seen, Anatomy of a Fall feels the most genuine and relatable. While there are big revelations about the people involved and technically, they come suddenly, this isn’t a story of accidental confessions, surprise witnesses, or even earth-shattering pieces of evidence. Something happened while there were no witnesses present. The court must decide whether a crime was committed or not based on the evidence. That's it. In the process, the film peels back layers to reveal the truth and half-truths that comprise relationships.
Sandra Voyter (Sandra Hüller) is woken from a nap by her son, Daniel (Milo Machado-Graner). Her husband (his father), Samuel Maleski (Samuel Theis), has fallen from their roof and died. She insists it must have been an accident - he was working on the roof when she went to sleep. The authorities are not convinced and she is indicted on charges of murder.
There’s a particular line in the film that summarizes what a nightmare this situation is. It's something like “What you hear, it’s just a small part of the whole”. As we're presented with testimonies from experts and people who knew Samuel, as more evidence is brought forth, we're given a version of Sandra and Samuel's relationship. In a way, it’s not even Sandra who’s on trial; it’s her marriage. If she and her husband fought a lot, if someone was unfaithful, if someone was planning on leaving, then it probably means Sandra killed him. It’s not even if the whole relationship was bad; it’s if it was bad recently. We're not talking about "a rough patch" or something they could've overcome. This fragment is now the whole.
In a way, the trial is a matter of life and death. The jury is deliberating whether Sandra killed her husband. It’s also about an intimate subject you could call mundane in the grand scheme of things: two people’s marriage. Drawing a conclusion from the snippets presented is an unfair way to judge their relationship but it’s also the best way to see what it was like because you get the “highlight reel”. By the time this film is over, you feel like you know these people so well that they're no longer characters in a film. Then, you remember that quote from earlier and you second-guess everything. Do you really know? That sentiment is amplified by the revelations that come up during the trial. They’re not the sort of bombshells you’re used to seeing in these legal dramas, but they’re just as earth-shattering and revelatory.
The film is as absorbing as it is because of the excellent script by Justine Triet (who also directs) and Arthur Harari and the performances. There are so many character moments in Anatomy of a Fall that I see it as the kind of film you would come back to in the future, despite so much of the suspense coming from the uncertainty of the final verdict. Even some of the minor characters I keep thinking back to, like the two forensic analysts who bring to the stand completely different interpretations of three drops of blood found outside. It makes you wonder if they - despite having no investment in this narrative whatsoever - somehow made up their minds about the case anyway and brought in their biases. Why else would they be so combative? Many characters are deliberately unlikable, but not in a way that makes them villains. Wait. Did I dislike them because of who they really are, or because of the way I perceived them based on the evidence presented? hmm.
Anatomy of a Fall is a film of complex emotions. There are so many details in the case, the way the characters behave or relate to each other that you forget everything else around you. The performances are excellent, as is the script. You've never been put on trial for murder before but you'll know what it must feel like once the end credits roll. (March 27, 2024)
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jellybellyblimp · 2 years
I don’t know what’s not clicking with people that this all from LOUIS’ perspective, and therefore all colored by his perception of events. Like I know he explains to Daniel that “this is the more nuanced portrait” of Lestat, but it still is very clearly biased by Louis’ own emotions. This is far from an accurate portrayal of events “it’s an admitted performance” and there are several very clear examples of Louis misinterpreting Lestat’s actions.
The most clear example to me is the opera scene, where Louis is forced to act as Lestat’s valet in public. Louis interprets that moment STILL IN 2022 as manipulation. He sees Lestat expressing his loneliness and desire to be with Louis forever as Lestat preying upon Louis’ emotional weakness at being forced to act below his partner. BUT Sam Reid’s acting in that scene makes in clear that was exactly the opposite of what was happening. Lestat was attempting to comfort Louis. He was attempting to express that he saw them as equal, he was sorry that was happening, he loved him, and they had forever to not always be trapped by these racist social conventions. He wasn’t manipulating Louis, he was expressing his own feelings in an attempt at comfort, but Louis’ own tumultuous emotional states causes him to view that moment as uncharitably as possible. And it’s interesting and sad that even 50 years after the original interview, and having clearly reevaluated much of their initial relationship to try to see Lestat’s perspective of it, he still views moments like that as manipulative.
This isn’t a defense of Lestat necessarily, but this show has gone to great lengths to express, what always should have been obvious, THAT THIS IS NOT AN ACCURATE RETELLING OF EVENTS. This is Louis’ version of the story and we have no way of knowing Lestat’s version of events.
And I think people need to carry this with them as they continue on with the story. Because as much as we joke about Lestat “Baby trapping” Louis, when I initially read the book it was my view that that had never been Lestat’s true motive. Lestat hadn’t turned Claudia to trap Louis or even to have a child, it was because he knew Louis would never be able to live with himself if Claudia had died. Lestat would only lose Louis even more than he had already. It was his version of making the best out of a bad situation. It was still selfish and fucked, but Louis was just as complicit in her fate as Lestat was. It’s only Louis’ recollection that colors Lestat as more villainous. And I know people are going to disagree here, but seriously I am begging you to remember that all of the original Interview with the Vampire Novel is the uncharitable, bitter recollections of LOUIS. And that the more we see of Lestat in the rest of the books, the more obvious it becomes that IWTV was inaccurate portrait.
We already know the Claudia story has been altered. And I know speculation is predicting that Lestat will become violent, and that will prompt Claudia and Louis “killing” him and fleeing to Europe. I’m not personally fond of that if that’s what will happen, but I’m willing to suspend judgment because I was skeptical of some of the other changes and so far have been in love with every one of them. I think aging up Claudia changes her story, but also opens up a lot of new avenues of exploration. And frankly given how well they’ve handled the changes so far, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
So barring it being clear cut domestic abuse. I think we all need to remember that this is Louis’ perspective, and in the novels Claudia was canonically manipulative, (admittedly I feel understandably). Claudia intentionally worsened the wedge between Louis and Lestat. It’s absolutely possible Louis is interpreting any given moment as uncharitably as possible and his perspective of Lestat’s motivations have been skewed.
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amorhedera6 · 1 year
as someone who watched and loved season 1 of flash, and someone who watched tolerated all the way up to season 5 and half of season 6, i decided to sit down and watch the flash finale. and boy do i have thoughts.
most of them are what the fuck is going on.
i watched all of once upon a time, so i’ve been burned by shows losing steam and obsessing over the main ship instead of the interesting plot before. when i saw the signs in the flash, i pulled back. i didn’t wanna go through it again. honestly i should’ve before i did, but i have a crippling crush on grant gustin.
1) khione
i like dc comics, but it spans infinitely and there are lots of things i don’t know, so correct me if i’m wrong. but i did a little research and it doesn’t seem to me that khione was a character in the comics. so (if danielle panabaker was staying on the show) why not just let her be caitlin? have they just decided against the character they have been writing since season one? khiones plot of understanding her powers, of of coming to terms with who/what she was all could have easily transferred to caitlin. it got her well when they first began to integrate killer frost into her story! they could have continued, once frost died, by having caitlin regain some of frost’s powers. while having her mourn her sister, she adapts to having powers again and how to be herself with them and not frost. an echo of the plot that she was already going through when the writers decided to just jeckyll/hyde her. it would have worked incredibly well! plus, it would give caitlin a fulfilling end to the question she’s been asking since season one: who is she on her own? in season one, it was without ronnie, in season two she was battling discovering these powers, and by season three she was battling becoming the super villain she knew her doppelgänger was. making her another new character with the same plot that caitlin, then frost had just defeats caitlin’s purpose. when the original core characters of your show keep leaving (cisco, joe, any version of wells) why kill of another just to replace her with such a similar character played by the same actress?? it truly baffles me.
2) the time wraiths
i’m sure i’m not the first one to say this, but why introduce the time wraiths if you want to have barry keep time traveling to and fro. “but they’re creatures of the speed force, so obviously wouldn’t attack the avatar!” okay fine. NORA IS NOT THE AVATAR. WHY DOES SHE NEVER FACE CONSEQUENCES FOR HER TIME TRAVELS. SHE HELD HERSELF. AS A BABY. THAT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED.
i may be biased bc i don’t like nora.
3) bart
i know he wasn’t really mentioned much in the finale, but i wanted to understand things i’d missed/forgot so i looked into him for this. why did they make bart a part of the show. i understand he’s a big character in the comics, but if they wanted to have another child for barry and iris be introduced, why not use the tornado twins? why use his grandson and just change it? any create nora at all?? (again i’m probably just biased against nora, but still)
it just doesn’t make any sense to me to take an established character and change their lore just bc you like it better than using the established characters, since that conflicts with your original characters. JUST FOLLOW THE SOURCE MATERIAL ITS NOT THAT HARD.
4) eddie
bringing back eddie thawne, when his sacrifice already didn’t achieve its purpose, completely cheapens the finale of season one. especially by making him an uncle villain who wants to destroy the timeline because his fiancée (who he knew was destined to be with barry in the future) denied him because she already had a husband and family.
eddie didn’t like barry in season one. he rightly thought that he was into iris and came in between the two of them. but he tried to be his friend because he was friends with joe and he loved iris. he was a good guy and he wanted good for the people in his life. he loved iris, and if it truly made her happier to be with barry than him, he would have stepped to the side, the finale completely changes his character for the wills of the plot, making him hate barry for “stealing his life” when he sacrificed himself so iris could continue to live her life happily.
5) iris’ labor
for two and a half of the four episodes of the finale, iris is in labor. and because they’re being attacked by the negative speed force, everyone rallies together to fight, and she is left alone in the hospital in labor.
i get he has jenna to look after or whatever, but that’s his daughter, she’s in labor, the father of the baby he also calls his son, and yeah it’s weird, but we don’t talk about that. his daughter is in labor, all alone, worried about wether or not barry will survive, and no one thinks that he would be helpful to the situation at all. so fucking stupid. i understand if maybe the actor didn’t want to come back for it, but he was already in the finale episodes anyway!! he was a major point in the first episode, and he was there when she finally had the baby in the end!! why couldn’t he just be there for a little bit longer??
6) cisco
okay, carlos valdez has said that he had scheduling conflicts, and that it was heartbreaking for him not to be able to return for the finale. i understand that. i am not at all criticizing that.
they couldn’t even name drop cisco? be like, ciscos picking up the cake at the party scene? have caitlin be in the phone with him instead of her mother at the end? they were best friends, you’re saying when she came back from the dead she didn’t even call him? or say i called cisco, he has blah blah blah going on so he can’t come help buuuut he gave us this vital piece of information!!
come one people. throw us a bone.
7) chester
i did get to chester in the original series, but it was like right as i was losing interest in it, so i didn’t care to research him at all, but i did for this! why did they make him diet cisco?? internet he comics, because he has a vortex inside of him, chester is fat. why was he played by a skinny guy? why did they not utilize his character to its full extent instead of just being a replacement once they found out carlos was leaving the show??
okay that’s all i have, i wanted to complain bc it made me angry. i liked the flash originally, i think it had a lot of good potential, but like so many shows, it was dredged on too long, got convoluted, the writing prowess diminished instead of flourishing, and it ended after too many seasons. sorry to the flash, you could’ve been so good.
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scarletsaphire · 1 year
Weapons Training: Dannymay 2023 Day 7
Maddie's sweet, darling Daniel died the day the portal opened. The thing that took his place told her so. She would not let her chance at vengeance get away from her.
TRIGGER WARNING: Body horror, non consensual body modification, torture, brainwashing, dissection, dismemberment
Maddie’s baby, her beautiful son, died two weeks ago, when the portal first turned on. Her Danny had been the sweetest, kindest, most caring boy. She knew this for a fact. He had been so sweet that even the thing impersonating him couldn’t keep it a secret. It had told her that Danny had died, and tried to convince her that it was Danny. She knew too much about ghosts, spent too long studying them, to be fooled by this imposter.
She had given him the acceptance he had asked for, until he had gone to bed (not to sleep. The creatures didn’t need sleep.) The fact that she had managed to put a cage together in less than 12 hours, one that could hold a ghost, was nothing short of a miracle. Her and Jack had spent the entire day working on it. She drugged it while it lay there, dragged it down to the cage, and locked it. She started taking samples. She would need them, if she wanted to avenge her son. And she would most certainly avenge him.
When the thing woke up, it was groggy and confused, slurring its words together. Maddie couldn’t understand most of it, didn’t want to understand it; it was using Danny’s voice, and she wanted her last memory of his voice to be his, and not some creature impersonating it. When it was able to talk properly, it pleaded with Danny’s voice, begged with Danny’s hands, bargained with Danny’s memories. “Please, mom,” it said, grasping the bars to the cage tight. “It’s me. I can prove it. Do you remember that time when…” it never got a chance to finish, because Maddie had grabbed its jaw and squeezed hard enough to bruise. (If he had been her son, he would have bruised. It did not.)
“Don’t you dare call me mother,” she hissed, nails digging into too cold flesh. “You killed my son. You took his place. And you have the audacity to continue to pretend!” Maddie saw red. When her vision cleared, her arms were scraped by clinging nails, a mass of flesh in her hands. The thing was bleeding from a tongueless mouth, red blood dripping down his cheeks and onto his chest. It cried tears with Danny’s eyes. She took those too.
The red concerned her. When she looked at it, it was blood. Danny’s blood. Was the thing piloting her son’s corpse? Had it not only stolen his soul, his image, but his flesh and blood too. If she was made of weaker stuff, she would have vomited. If she was made of weaker stuff, she would not have been able to see her child’s bleeding, mutilated face, eye sockets staring blankly, rocking itself back and forth in a cage in the basement. Maddie Fenton was anything but weak.
When she woke up the next morning, the thing had grown them back. It did not call her mother again, just repeated the mumbled phrase “please” over and over again. She could have ignored it, if she tried. She took his tongue out anyway.
She found Jazz down there that night, whispering to the thing. Jazz had tried to defend it, say that if she just listened, just put aside her biases for one minute, she would see that Danny was here. Different, but here. “Lies,” Maddie spit out. “It has forced lies into your brain. We’ve spent so long teaching you about ghosts, only for one with a familiar face to replace a lifetime of lessons?” Maddie pulled Jazz out of the basement with more force than she intended to. The basement door stayed locked from then on, the only key kept around Maddie’s neck.
Ghosts started to come through and cause problems. Ghosts besides the one that spent its days cowering in a cage, covered in blood and ectoplasm.This was a blessing in disguise. Sure, people were getting hurt, things were getting destroyed, people were leaving Amity in droves. But every time a ghost was spotted, it was Jack and Maddie that were called. It was the only time Maddie left the lab, to gather the ghosts that would wander the streets. The destruction would start after they’d arrived, but they’d always get the ghost, no matter the cost. She kept all of them. She would need them, for what she wanted to do.
Jack and Jazz left at the same time that the thing stopped bleeding red, and stayed in…she couldn’t call it its own body. It was still Danny, just with white hair and green eyes and the hazmat suit they had built together. The three of them had gotten into an argument the previous day. Jazz had insisted that she was a monster, for torturing her own son like that. Maddie had, of course, denied that it was her son. It wasn’t. It had killed her son and taken his body, his memories, his shape. It was the monster, not her.
She had expected Jack to back her up. He always did. Always in her corner, always on her team. It was one of the things she loved about him. But this time, he took Jazz’s side. “Even if you are right, dear,” he said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. “I can’t keep seeing my son like that. Let the ghost go. Let Danny rest.”
Maddie couldn’t remember her response, only that it was fully of fury and grief and ended with her storming back down to the lab to continue to try and rip Danny’s form away from the thing. Whatever it was was that she said, it was enough that there was a note on the kitchen counters when she next left the lab.
“You’re scaring me, Mads. I’m taking Jazz to safety. When you’re yourself again, call. - Jack” There was a phone number at the bottom of the note. She didn’t bother reading it before tossing it in the trash.
The creature had stopped trying to talk or cry altogether. It was learning, which is more than she expected from a ghost. It was a pleasant surprise, even if it was replaced with the endless scratching of its nails against the stone floor. She let it go until his nails bled green, and it began to write words on the ground. Most of them were just begging for her to kill it already. She took its hands instead. All the thing did while she sawed through its wrists was whimper. For that, she took its tongue. She added them to the pile of body parts she had cut off that she didn’t have a use for.
It took two weeks of splashing the creature with an ectoplasm based acid for it to begin to fully lose Danny’s shape. Instead it didn’t take any shape, just a mass of not quite solid glowing green gunk. Occasionally, a limb would appear at the edges, before being sucked back into the amalgamation. Maddie smiled. She could begin the training, now. She started with the blob ghosts. She had amassed quite the collection of the weak things, storing them in thermoses that lined the walls of the lab and had started to climb the stairs to the ground floor. She opened the thermos and dumped its contents into the cage. “You know what to do.”
The blob ghost didn’t move. The blob of limbs didn’t either, for the first minute. Then it snatched the creature up in an impossible combination of fingers and feet and teeth. No hands. No tongue. No eyes. It had learned well. She did not reward the thing for its kill. Not melting it back down to nothing was reward enough.
The howling started that night. Howling didn’t quite describe it accurately, but Maddie doesn’t think anything really could. It wasn’t the sound of an animal or a person, and it seemed to carry throughout the house, throughout her body, no matter where she went or what she did. She had tried to douse the thing in acid again, demanded it be quiet, but the howling hadn’t stopped even as the thing wriggled in pain. She thought the pile of tongues was moving too. She left the lab for the first time in weeks.
The howling made her lose even more sleep, barely getting an hour every day. That was ok. Whenever she closed her eyes, she saw her son's face mutilated by her own hands, heard his voice pleading with her to stop.
The thing got stronger as she gave it more and more ghosts to tear apart. It hesitated less, until she barely had to uncap the thermos before it was pouncing at whatever thing resided inside. The humanoid ones had tried to run. They had been devoured by the amalgamation. Maddie smiled. She was getting close.
The ghosts had killed her son, and left this creature to kill her, she was sure of it. But Maddie Fenton was not weak. She would take the weapon they had planted for her, and she would use it against him. She would avenge Danny with the same force that had taken him from her, and then destroy it altogether. Her precious baby boy would not go forgotten.
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
I feel like if they include that scene only to later say it was fake it would be cheap, like the audience would’ve waited like a whole year already thinking it’s real. It’s kind of the same reason I don’t think they should be retconning anything between seasons it makes the audience feel cheated.
to be honest, my desire to see that scene far outweighs any fucks I give about the ~implications~ it will have on the rest of the narrative. the people who read IWTV when it came out in 1976 went nine whole years thinking Louis' version of events was objective fact until Lestat gave his own version in 1985, I think the audience of the show can wait just one to get conflicting information
also, is it cheap if it's a reflection of how deep Louis' trauma and unresolved feelings about Lestat still are? that he imagined so strongly that they had the chance to meet and talk one last time that he eventually believed it actually happened? or that he knows it isn't, but desperately wants it to be true so he tells Daniel to put it on the record anyway, so at least in this version of their story he got some measure of closure before he died??
idk, I just feel like there comes a point where expecting a story that's told through extremely biased recollections (and I'm including Lestat in this) to only ever show you the unadulterated truth is an exercise in futility and we should just embrace it for what it is
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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Ralph Yarl was on his way to get his brothers. The 16-year-old headed to pick up the twin boys from their friend’s home, accidentally mixed up the address, ending up at a house on Northeast 115 Street instead of Northeast 115th Terrace—an honest mistake anyone could have made. This one nearly cost him his life.
Ralph rang the doorbell, prepared to greet his brother and make their way home. He instead was met by 84-year-old Andrew Lester, who shot Ralph in the head through the glass door. Lester then shot Ralph again in the arm after Ralph fell. Despite his injuries, Ralph somehow made it to not one, not two but three neighbor’s homes, one of which Ralph to get down on the ground with his hands up. A different neighbor finally came valiantly to Ralph’s aid.
Ralph would end up spending days in a hospital recovering from his wounds—for knocking on the wrong door.
Andrew Lester, who shot Ralph, later told investigators he was “scared to death” by Ralph’s size and his own potential inability to defend himself. As much as people would like to believe Ralph Yarl’s story is an outlier, unfortunately, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened to a Black child.
In April of 2018, then-14-year-old Brennan Walker did what many kids have accidentally done— missed his school bus. He stopped by a home that looked safe, one bearing a sign that said “Neighborhood Watch,” to ask for directions. The home belonged to Jeffery Zeigler. Instead of giving the teen directions to his school, Zeigler ended up shooting at Brennan, who ran for his life. Zeigler's wife screamed at the teen and called the police, saying that a Black male was trying to break into her house and her husband chased after him into the yard.
Luckily Brennan escaped, physically unharmed.
Not all kids are so lucky. In June of 2021, Coby Daniel, then 6 years old, left his bike in front of his neighbor’s home while playing outside with his friends. The neighbor, Ryan Le-Nguyen, threatened the child with a sledgehammer, then when back into his own house and fired at Coby, hitting him in his arm. 
In May of 2012, 13-year-old Darius Simmons watched his mother, Patricia Larry be confronted by their neighbor, John Henry Spooner, who accused Darius and his older brother, of stealing his shotguns. When she attempted to verbally defend her sons, Spooner drew his 9mm at her. Darius, who was at school at the time Spooner’s guns were stolen, denied he stole the weapons. Spooner shot Darius close range in the chest. He later died. 
Note the similarities: Zeiglar’s wife assumed that a Black boy who was knocking on her door was attempting to break into their home, Spooner assumed the Black kids in his neighborhood had robbed him, and Lester said he was “scared to death” by Yarl’s size. These are not random wacky misconceptions but are, too often, the biased views neighbors hold about Black children—that they are delinquent, deceptive, and dangerous.
Black children are “adultified” or viewed and treated as adults and even punished like them. Adultification is a legacy of enslavement and results in Black children receiving harsher punishments in school, being 18 times more likely to be criminally sentenced as adults than white children their same age1.
One study found that Black teen boys, in particular, are viewed as “less innocent” and therefore less in need of protection or care, while a separate study found that perceptions around Black teen boys, in particular, viewed them as “adultlike,” bigger, and more formidable.
This misconception of formidability and the absence of innocence leads to fear and suspicion. But fear or suspicion too often leads to Black kids’ harm or worse, their deaths. 
Thirteen-year-old Sinzae Reed was sitting outside of an apartment building. Fifteen-year-old Jordan Edwards was riding in a car leaving a party. Twelve-year-old Tamir Rice was playing in the park with a toy gun. Seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin was walking home after school in the rain. Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till was spending the summer with his cousins, and with the death of Carolyn Bryant, no one has been held accountable for his gruesome murder to date. 
These were all Black boys who were perceived as community threats. They should've been able to play outside or ask for directions or show up at the wrong door without fear of losing their lives.
These Black boys deserved to be seen and treated as children.
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msfbgraves · 11 months
In Knights and Pawns, would Daniel have been better off and happier with Kumiko over Terry? I guess I am biased, as I am obviously a Silverusso fan (yes, even when Terry is at his worst) and a Damanda and Danzen fan…so reading about Daniel still having a thing for Kumiko rubs me the wrong way since I always found her annoying. (That’s just a personal hot take—I am a fan of your fic!!) But from reading the fic, Daniel seems to come across as sometimes never having gotten over her, and almost liking her more than Terry. Or maybe it’s because he and Terry are in a bad spot at the moment? Do you think that Daniel would have preferred to be a father to Kumiko’s puppies vs. being mama to Terry’s? Would Daniel, given the choice, choose Kumiko over Terry? Or would he still choose Terry, regardless of pups or not? Sometimes it feels—so ironically—that Terry, despite his truly heinous actions, loves Daniel more than Daniel loves him.
I think Daniel would be hurt by your observations, Nonnie, if you're not completely wrong. Consider, though. He poured everything he had into Terry. A man who he's never not feared, at least a little, a man who made him his against his will. Yes, he chose this to save his people's lives, most of all his siblings, and given how much the death of even one sibling still resonates with Terry, how it influenced his family, I am asking the readers not to forget what that means. Daniel is one on one the reason why Louie and Nessa are even alive, why Lucille hasn't had more loss, why his Pop has two more beautiful grandpups by Louie and Anoush. And now, he's helping Michael get married to Appollonia. If Daniel hated Terry's guts for all eternity, he would still be a hero in my book. But don't you think that would make a young man dream about another, freer, more innocent kind of love? Would it have been better, two omegas alone? No it would have been excruciatingly hard in a different way and Kumiko decided against it. But that's not the feeling Daniel remembers, he remembers passion in a safe cocoon, remembers love for its own sake. Terry is competing with a memory, a symbol of freedom.
And yet: "I've never loved like that again", of course not! I always laugh a little at the line: "Nobody will love you like I do." Everyone is unique. Every love is unique. He can't love Kumiko like he loves Terry, like he would have come to love Chozen if he'd formed a throuple with Kumiko. Daniel can have 27 types of love next to each other and it wouldn't matter to him. He'd love, and be warmed by it, and love in return. Terry is, in true Alpha fashion, the obsessive one. Terry's love is extremely focused. And Daniel's love isn't shallow. He's in there, he loves him. Amanda being so much like Terry makes him love her nearly as hard! He loves her for being like Terry, for loving Terry, she hasn't hurt him, which is a plus. She's family and he loves her. Also, the bit about how he's crying with how much he misses Terry? That's not an act.
Kumiko is one love and it hasn't gone away. Terry is another and he loves him so much it hurts. It's a very sharp love they share, or it can be. And Terry is the one making it hard. And Daniel would be a mess if Terry left, he's grown around him so much, he's his rock. But he's dangerous. Kumiko wasn't dangerous. But Daniel would even be a mess if Michael died and he's always feared him.
Daniel is simply a person who cannot understand why, if you feel love for one person, you should not feel another kind of love for another person. He can't fathom why they should have to compete. Does Terry love him more than Daniel loves him back? Maybe? No? Daniel would be a mess with Terry gone. He is a mess. He could move in with Kumiko and Chozen this second and he'd ache for him. It's not a competition. Mix in the fact that he misses his babies like air and he hasn't seen his sister in two years and can we please give this sweetheart a break he's nearly imploding.
Would that he loved everyone a little less!
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geneeste · 11 months
Genie's SG-1 Rewatch: Singularity
Season 1, Episode 15. In which I have a VERY unexpected reaction to the setup to this episode, and then cry.
6:42 THIS IS WHY YOU DON’T PUT A LITERAL WELCOME SIGN ON A PLANET ANNOUNCING YOUR PRESENCE JFC “Dear Bad Guys, the SGC has an outpost here on this defenseless planet, please come kill everyone in it and send a doomsday device in the chest of a cute, traumatized little girl to destroy the SGC and all the stuff in a several-mile radius, kthxbai”
6:46 And now I’m getting upset that I don’t think they ever deal with the fact that it’s essentially their fault Hanka showed up on the Goa’uld radar at all And not in a “sometimes our presence has unintended, unforeseeable consequences” kind of way but in a “We were homicidally negligent in our treatment of this planet” way
5:10 Yay Singularity A nice palette cleanser after Hathor, ugh Lol Daniel “it’s black and it’s a hole” This man is a PhD
5:11 I love Sam’s spiraling hand gestures describing the matter entering the black hole Very cute, if dangerous
5:12 “Actually, it’s called the accretion disc” That’s my man, Jack Not just a pretty face
5:14 HEH Daniel’s slow on the uptake there Again, this man is a PhD
5:15 HEE Sam backing Jack’s knowledge up I loooooove it And I love them Sassy squared “Not initially” ew jack
5:17 Okay, hold up though — is this the first (and I’m pretty sure the last?) time we get this like road sign for a planet?
5:18 I am very confused by this thing, because I don’t think you’d want to advertise the SGC’s presence on this planet (HI GOAULD, WELCOME TO HANKA, ENJOY YOUR STAY!) And people from the SGC would certainly know who FROM THE SGC would be there
5:19 What is exactly the point of this highway sign aside from memorializing whoever Douglas McLean is (of blessed memory, I’m sure, not trying to be mean to this person)
5:20 What a weird ass thing to put here
5:22 Teal’c spidey sense is tingling Oh no poor guy I’m glad that they’ve put Daniel through at least some basic emergency protocols He springs right into action there
5:24 So one of the things that Mr Genie and I talk a lot about is that the US military would not send just 4 people through through an alien device to unknown territory
5:26 And I also have trouble suspending disbelief a little with remote bases on other planets because it’s veeeeerrrrry unlikely there’d be just a handful of people in these places ever So like SG1 showing up and wondering where everyone is...is just not something I think would actually happen
5:30 (Another random aside: I also sometimes wonder why they picked the Air Force as the managing service for the Stargate and not, say, the Army — I get it’s the most technology-oriented of the services and I am definitely biased toward them, but the USAF doesn’t really do infantry. I would have expected to see them either hand field operations over to the Army or see Joint Operations established waaaaaay earlier)
5:32 PM Oof they’re all dead I knew that was coming, but still, that sucks
5:33 WHY IS JANET’S HAIR DOWN AND WHY IS IT DOWN OFF WORLD The military doesn’t care if you’re pretty! JFC
5:34 Although yes, damn Janet is pretty Don’t distract me, you’re out of uniform!
5:36 Ugh is that a kid? I hate that (I mean I know other kids must have died but of course it upsets me to see it) 5:37 Do we ever find out if Cassie has any siblings? I wish we’d gotten more of her backstory
5:38 I feel like the story of her life before Sam and Janet was pretty thin considering this calamitous thing that happened hahaha Teal’c is making that face!
5:40 (I always thought it was RDA that said this, but apparently it was Michael Shanks who once took Chris Judge aside and was like, “you’re a handsome guy, why are you always doing that thing with your face???”) TEAL’C IS SO GENTLE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH My heeeeeeaaaaaart 5:41 Oh Sam, please stop telling the little girl who’s entire world was basically just murdered that everything’s okay
5:43 I like that Sam gets to be soft in this episode So often characters like hers don’t get to be soft without being punished in some way for it 5:45 Okay, so here’s the thing though I get why Sam would feel that SGC died for nothing if they didn’t study the black hole BUT I don’t understand the argument she’s trying to make about the rest of HANKA At this point there’s no reason to believe their deaths have anything to do with the phenomena so her curiosity comes across as really callous and selfish
5:49 That was a good bit of camera work, seeing the gate room from Cassie’s perspective It came across as pretty daunting
5:50 Oh my god Sam, why in the world would you think leaving a little girl whose WHOLE WORLD HAS JUST DIED in a concrete room on an unfamiliar planet by herself?
5:51 This isn’t even “never been a parent before” stuff, this is BASIC HUMAN DECENCY STUFF
5:52 why is Janet’s hair STILL DOWN It is way past her collar I don’t know why this is bugging me BUT IT IS REALLY BUGGING ME
5:54 Sam drawing herself into Cassie’s picture so she knows she’s not alone kills me every. time.
5:55 Y’all ever think about Cassie was trapped by herself on a planet surrounded by the corpses of everyone she ever knew
5:57 I hate that we didn’t see the real consequences from that in the show
5:57 PM sighs forever at this shows ongoing inability to handle real fallout on screen like 99% of the time
5:58 PM The scene with Jack explaining black holes to Teal’c is very funny but totally pointless Couldn’t we have skipped this and dealt with emotional stakes instead Did we just need to remind everyone that Jack and Teal’c are still on the planet? Lol
6:01 I love that silly grabby hands thing Sam does to Cassie in the infirmary Very much something I might do to make my kids laugh
6:02 Oh Cassie
6:03 “What? What do I do?” Aaaaahhhh Sam I feel ya honey, it’s the worst
6:04 Why are they doing CPR though? Is she not breathing? They didn’t say Cassie wasn’t breathing I’m confused Okay, so now she’s intubated that was fast Not sure what’s actually wrong here but it sucks all around
6:06 There’s...nothing attached to the breathing tube Why is it there Did they mean to place an airway? I AM VERY CONFUSED BY THIS DRAMATIC MEDICAL SCENE 6:13 Okay, not for nothing, but: if the show had chosen to pivot to Janet and Sam: Adoptive Moms/Life Partners Who Solve Mysteries, they would have had at least one viewer That viewer would have been me
6:14 I know this is a serious moment but this shot with that blue lighting is very flattering to Janet, Sam, and Daniel
6:15 Okay, I’m sorry, hold up again How exactly are they visualizing or trying to remove (or whatever it is they’re doing) Cassie’s chest bomb thing? Did they cut her open??? Is it minimally invasive surgery? What exactly is happening here 6:18 Are we saying it’s an intelligent tumor/bomb I never got this part of the story 6:20 This is a really sweet moment between Sam and Daniel Daniel is actually being kind and supportive and I love him for it Good job, Daniel
6:21 I love that Jack is enthusiastic about studying the black hole But I am a little annoyed that they let him enjoy this without making fun of him for it And that he gets to be proud of his knowledge of astronomy While Sam is so often set up and then mocked for her expertise/belittled for enjoying nerdy things  BUT WHATEVER I’M NOT BITTER
6:42 THIS IS WHY YOU DON’T PUT A LITERAL WELCOME SIGN ON A PLANET ANNOUNCING YOUR PRESENCE JFC “Dear Bad Guys, the SGC has an outpost here on this defenseless planet, please come kill everyone in it and send a doomsday device in the chest of a cute, traumatized little girl to destroy the SGC and all the stuff in a several-mile radius, kthxbai”
6:46 And now I’m getting upset that I don’t think they ever deal with the fact that it’s essentially their fault Hanka showed up on the Goa’uld radar at all And not in a “sometimes our presence has unintended, unforeseeable consequences” kind of way but in a “We were homicidally negligent in our treatment of this planet” way Like, I am kind of appalled now because I can’t unsee it Did they never talk to Cassie about this? Jesus Like holy shit this is several levels of terrible that I never thought about before
6:56 That is some amazing resolution on that telescope (not satellite, lol)  (Apologies, I’m pretty salty tonight)
7:00 And now I’m feeling very conflicted about using this little girl’s trauma as drama fodder for Sam Damn, I am looking at this ep in a whole new way (And also. I don’t buy Sam’s ‘military’ excuse for having to be detached. that doesn’t make sense to me at all)
7:02 Stepping back from the hella problematic setup of this storyline (and HOO BOY IS IT A BIG ONE), lots of potential Sam/Daniel shippyness in this ep I see solid friendship here but I totally get why someone would see a ship instead
7:05 Oh, so now you’re okay with sending additional backup to defend against one little girl but a few guys to protect an entire planet and probably a million dollar’s worth of equipment after you’ve broadcast your location to your deadliest enemy is fine Got it (Man. I am genuinely surprised by my reaction to this ep. Oof.) 7:10 I am begrudgingly acknowledging that this is a good shot of SG-1 I want it on the record that I am lodging this note on their attractiveness under protest 7:11 Heh “What about the abandoned nuclear facility at—“ “Right!” I suspect that bit of dialogue was inspired by military PA’s standard response to questions about nuclear weapons facilities: “I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons at ____________.” @sharim28, 7:13 Hahaha yes convenient cut off Very smooth @geneeste, 7:14 So smooth Sam holding Cassie while she sleeps in the back of the truck is legit heartbreaking stahp I don’t want to feel things while I’m mad at you, show 7:16 Aahhhh Sam already knows she won’t be coming back up when Jack offers to take Cassie You can see it in her face That is some great acting by AT and MY HEART And I swear Jack has an inkling too It’s why he’s so insistent about the time 7:17 And that eye contact between her and Jack as the elevator doors close GAH Stupid show.
7:18 “Please, go back to sleep.” STOP IT I MEAN IT
7:19 This really is difficult to watch Poor Sam. Poor Cassie. Poor everybody.
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7:21 Ahhhh Sam DON’T CRY SAM 7:22 That Jack switches from Captain Carter to Sam is just chefskiss.gif
7:23 So I love both the fact that Jack is desperately ordering Sam to come back up AND that Sam is desperately ignoring him Also perfection 7:24 (Don’t think I’ve forgotten the shitty thing you did show I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN I’M JUST TAKING A BREAK) Jack’s not leaving MY HEART 7:25 And also I love SG1 but of course Jack wouldn’t leave Cassie’s “I love you” really does feel earned here and that’s hard to do in such a short amount of time A testament to AT’s acting chops because I’m not feeling particularly charitable toward the writing right now 7:26 More great camerawork on Daniel and Teal’c I wonder who directed this ep
7:30 Mario Azzopardi — he hasn’t done much I recognize now. Peter Woeste on cinematography. Good work sirs. More good camera work on the guys 7:31 “We could have been wrong about the time.” “We could have been wrong about what would happen.” I love the drama but I’m mad about it 7:32 He switched to Sam again! I can’t wait to listen to this podcast ep of Chevrons Locked 7:34 PM Yes Daniel’s celebratory slap at Teal’c HA I love it 7:35 Why are we insisting on putting Sam in mom clothes Although I’m loving Teal’c's fashion
7:36 “A mother’s instinct, perhaps.” “Subtle, but no.” That is such a great little moment between Teal’c and Sam
7:38 Jack not so subtlety ushering the dog and the guys away
7:38 So sweet Big old softy Pretty sure that dog is walking Jack, but whatever
7:40 Sweet ending
7:41 I will never look at this episode or the whole storyline leading up to Cassie’s appearance the same way again, though Phew. That was an unexpected ride
7:42 Um. I just looked it up. Katie Stuart (Cassie) is a year older than me. Wut. the actress is frozen in my brain at 13 so this is very weird to discover
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Rainbows and Rage - A History of the Pride Flag (Part 2):
In this part, I will be talking about the Progress Flag, its inspiration and some of its more interesting variations.
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The Philadelphia is possibly one of the most used variations of the rainbow flag, aside from the Progress Flag, and may have possibly been an inspiration for the progress flag.
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It added black and brown to highlight racism in the LGBTQ+ community and was designed as part of a collaboration between Philadelphia's Office of LGBT Affairs and the company Tierney. It was the first change to the rainbow flag to be "officially" recognised, but was also contraversial.
In my opinion, it is a great flag to highlight the importance of intersectionallity within the queer community, but it should not be used in any way to replace the original rainbow. Doing that would imply that BIPIOC were not originally represented by the rainbow and need to be added on seperately. This is absolutely not true and as a community the last thing we should be doing is dividing ourselves up. The idea of the rainbow was that everyone of all different genders, races and identities were united as one powerful community, and we should be continuing that sentiment forward.
Additionally, the "officialness" of these changes really contrasts to the creation of the original flag, and I believe that symbols are best created from within a community rather than introduced by someone who is "in charge".
However, I need to mention that I am white, which means that my opinion will never be as valuable as opinions from people who are meant to be represented by this flag. I have usedvarious opinions from BIPOC, to inform my conclusion, but there does not seem to be any clear consensus about this flag and my opinion may be influenced by my unconcious biases.
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The Progress Flag, created in 2018 by Daniel Quasar is arguably the most popular and contraversial iteration of the rainbow pride flag.
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The aim of the flag was to emphasis that there is still progress which needs to be made with LGBTQ+ rights, especially within marginalised communities. The chevron pointing right is meant to represent the idea of forward progress and the colours of it represent marginalised communities within the LGBTQ+ community: white, pink and blue from the trans flag, and black and brown inspired by the Philadelphia flag to symbolise BIPOC. The black also represesnts people who have died from/are living with HIV/AIDS.
My views on this are similar to the Philedelphia Flag: it is good and the message behind it is good, but it should not replace the original rainbow. The only difference with this is that it is also not at all aesthetically pleasing.
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In 2021, the flag was updated by Valentino Vecchietti to include intersex people:
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This addition is fascinating to me, because it so clearly reveals one of the Progress Flag's main issues, and rather than solving it, it contributed to the problem. The Progress Flag aims to highlight trans BIPOC experiences, but when it is used as a replacement for the original rainbow, that automatically excludes anyone else. This soon turns into a competition of who is the "most oppressed" and who deserves a special place on the flag. Clearly this is unproductive and divides the community with pointless discource. This flag proposed that intersex people were one these "most oppressed" groups and added them to the flag, which makes the question: why aren't [minority identity] group of people on the flag?, a reasonable one to ask.
(Ohio Flag Meme)
Additionally, the main use of this flag is by corporations, because it makes them seem "inclusive", but this is a performative sentiment, and does not help the LGBTQ+ community at all.
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However, one version of the flag that does seem to have good intentions AND a good record of use is the New Pride Flag by Julia Feliz:
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I don't think I can do this flag's explanation justice, so I highly encourage you to read about it on its website: The New Pride Flag.
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This had been part 2 of my series of posts on the rainbow flag and I have a lot more that I am excited to cover... If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them! I would also encourage you to approach my opinions cautiously and do some more research before you form you own about these specific flags, because there is a lot more nuance than I can fit into one post :)
Whichever flag you love: fly it with rage, rainbows and most importantly PRIDE!!! :)
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georgierre · 2 years
as a big 4 student here r my thoughts
guanyu & lewis at benilde (their outfits. they would fit in 100% they’re all so artsy and estetik)
danny ric at ust (big go uste vibes & can see him make tambay at dapitan)
charles also at ust (we have a great arki program n the buildings r very cool so charles would appreciate that)
lance at la salle (lawrence deffo donated a library cough cough)
max at iscp (major in automotive engineering minor in racis
george at either asia pacific or enderun (pero they weren't his first choice i think he wanted to go to up pero hindi siya nakapass sa upcat)
lando at ateneo business school /derogatory
alex at southville (but just like george he wanted to get into up but it was not meant to be
pls reply with your thoughts ive been sitting on these thoughts for 3 months now
I WILL RESPOND TO THESE BULLET POINT BY BULLET POINT, but i wanna mention that a lot of ur brainrot is similar to my friend @schumaclerc 's brainrot which i think is funny
guanyu & lewis @ benilde
to me lewis is either an arts student at UP but 100% fashion designer at benilde. same with guanyu, BUT since i am Biased (ONE BIG FIGHT WOOOO) and since guanyu designs a lot of his helmets' layouts, i argue he'd be an atenean under info design >:)
daniel & charles @ ust
kitang kita ko yung kay daniel + dagdagin din natin si pierre kasi Vibes. riel and i are still believers in charles being UP 4 Life :P
lance @ lasalle
YEP HIS DAD 100% PAID FOR A BUILDING. sali din si nicky dyan lol
max @ iscp
HOY BWISET LOL PERO TAMA NAMAN???? may nagpost nga si iscp sa fb abt the "major in racism" course and the picture is verstappens car so 🥴🥴🥴🥴
george & alex @ u&ap/enderan/southville (di nakapasa sa upcat)
HOY. HOHYYMHOTHO6. THIS IS THE EXACT HC MY BARKADA SHARES BC IT WOULD SO GEORGE RUSSELL TO NOT PASS UPCAT. pero no slander sa u&ap ha they are doing their best so george would 100% be poleco sa u&ap, then pursue law w a scholarship from ateneo. alex would stay in u&ap i think and finish masters there too :P
sebastian @ UP
100% LIKE NO BUTS OR IF'S UP YAN. SYA YUNG GUMAGAWA NG STUDENT PROTESTS ++ bonus kapag nag oblation run sya na nakahubad LMFAO
lando @ ateneo
+ to add, here's my other verdicts: mick @ UP, yuki @ benilde, nando @ UP, carlos @ lasalle/ateneo, val & kev di ko pa sure, este @ lasalle, checo @ ust/UP
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dailyrugbytoday · 5 months
Junior Wallabies vs Argentina - Rugby Championship U20s
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The Daily Rugby
Junior Wallabies vs Argentina - Rugby Championship U20s
Junior Wallabies vs Argentina Rugby Championship U20s have named their teams for Round 1 of the TRC U20. Nathan Grey has chosen a 23-man playing group to face Argentina in Thursday’s U20 Rugby Championship opener. Lock Toby Macpherson captains the team, with vice-captain Ronan Leahy playing inside center.
Jack Barrett, who recently made his Super Rugby Pacific debut, tops a front row that includes Bryn Edwards and Tevita Alatini, with Harvey Cordukes joining Macpherson in the engine room.
Aden Ekanayake, an Australian Sevens prospect, joins Reds flanker Joe Liddy and Brumbies number eight Jack Harley in the back row.
Junior Wallabies vs Argentina – Rugby Championship U20s
Australia will face Argentina on Thursday 2 May at Sunshine Coast Stadium (7pm kick off).
The Junior Wallabies vs Argentina U20 rugby match will be shown live and exclusive on Stan Sport.
Time Thu, May 2, 2024, 3:00 PM
Location Sunshine Coast Stadium
Junior Wallabies vs Argentina – Rugby Championship U20s Predictions
Australia performed admirably in the 2023 U20 Rugby World Cup, despite a difficult draw against England and Ireland. Argentina, on the other hand, had a more favorable draw, but faced inconsistent sides in Italy and South Africa.
It could be another tight finish, but I believe Australia will break away late in the game to win by ten or more points.
Australia finished seventh in the 2023 U20 Rugby World Cup.
Australia has won its last two matches, against New Zealand and Wales.
Argentina finished ninth in the 2023 U20 Rugby World Cup.
Argentina won the final two matches of the 2023 U20 Rugby World Cup.
Argentina Pumitas versus Australia:
CORREA , Diego (Club Atlético Estudiantes) 2. VIVAS, Juan Manuel (Los Tordos) 3. RAPETTI, Tomás (Alumni) 4. GARCÍA IANDOLINO, Álvaro (Los Tordos) 5. EFRAÍN, Elías (Jockey Club of Córdoba) 6. PENOUCOS, Juan (Belgrano Athletic) 7. FERNÁNDEZ DE OLIVEIRA, Santos (SIC) 8. BERNASCONI, Juan Pedro (La Plata RC) 9. DI BIASE, Tomás (Deportiva Francaise) 10. DI LUCCA, Santino (La Plata RC) 11. SOLER FILOTY, Valentín (Tala RC) 12. BOCCO, Tomás (Córdoba Athletic) 13. SÁNCHEZ VALAROLO, Faustino (Palermo Bajo) 14. ROSSETTO, Franco (Club Atlético Estudiantes) 15. ELIZALDE, Benjamín (Deportiva Francesa / Tigres RC)
Relacements:  16. CAMERLINCKX, Marcos (Bella Vista Regattas), 17. GARGALLO BAZÁN, Gonzalo (Córdoba Athletic), 18. GALVÁN, Gael (Pucará), 19. ASEVEDO, Luciano (Liceo RC), 20. ROSSI, Julián (RC High School), 21. PODESTÁ, Genaro (Marist RC), 22. FOSSATI, Mateo (Belgrano Athletic), 23. SILVA, Timothy (SIC)
Read more about U20 Rugby Championship Australia U20 vs Argentina U20
Australia U20 team versus Argentina:
1. Jack Barrett (Waratahs)
2. Bryn Edwards (Waratahs)
3. Tevita Alatini (Brumbies)
4. Toby Macpherson (Brumbies – captain)
5. Harvey Cordukes (Brumbies)
6. Aden Ekanayake (Waratahs)
7. Joe Liddy (Reds)
8. Jack Harley (Brumbies)
9. Doug Philipson (Force)
10. Joey Fowler (Rebels)
11. Xavier Rubens (Reds)
12. Ronan Leahy (Force – vice captain)
13. Jarrah McLeod (Brumbies)
14. Will McCulloch (Reds)
15. Shane Wilcox (Brumbies)
Replacements: 16. Nathaniel Tiitii (Waratahs), 17. Tavi Tuipulotu (Rebels), 18. Nick Bloomfield (Reds), 19. Ben Daniels (Reds), 20. Ben Di Staso (Waratahs), 21. Hwi Sharples (Waratahs), 22. Cullen Gray (Brumbies), 23. Angus Staniforth (Brumbies)
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